DHWANI 2020( ONLINE INTER DEPARTMENTAL CULTURAL FEST) ST.THOMAS' COLLEGE.(AUTONOMOUS) THRISSUR Rules and Regulation SL Sub Email ID to which No Category Category RULES & the performance Event Name Name Name Event Type REGULATIONS shoulD be shared (A) Category 1 LITERARY 1)Maximum time OFF SINGLE cat1dhwani@gmail. 1 Speech English STAGE allotted for the com LITERARY item is 5 MIN Speech OFF SINGLE cat1dhwani@gmail. Topic will be 2 Malayalam STAGE given 10min com LITERARY OFF SINGLE before starting cat1dhwani@gmail. 3 Speech Hindi STAGE the competitions com OFF SINGLE 2)You are cat1dhwani@gmail. 4 Speech Tamil STAGE LITERARY allotted ONE com SINGLE HOUR + HALF AN cat1dhwani@gmail. HOUR grace time ,to taKe the video com of your presentation and to share it with respective program Coordinators 3)Videos should be UNEDITED and in a SINGLE TAKE Every 4)participants must wear their OFF chest cards while 5 Speech Arabic STAGE LITERARY performing. MUSIC SINGLE cat1dhwani@gmail. EVENT 1)Maximum time com allotted for the item is 5 MIN Pre recorded, UNEDITED, SINGLE TAKE Videos 2)Every Recitation participants must Malayalam/ wear their chest Kavithaparayan ON cards while 6 am STAGE performing. SL Sub Email ID to which No Category Category RULES & the performance Event Name Name Name Event Type REGULATIONS shoulD be shared (B) Category 2 FINEARTS SINGLE dhwani2020finearts+ OFF 1) All events pencildrawing@gmail 7 Pencil drawing STAGE will be .com FINEARTS SINGLE conducted dhwani2020finearts+ OFF
[email protected] live through 8 Watercolor STAGE om google meet. FINEARTS SINGLE dhwani2020finearts+ OFF 2) Participants acrylicpainting@gmail 9 Acrylic painting STAGE must join the .com FINEARTS SINGLE meet dhwani2020finearts+ OFF through the
[email protected] 10 Oil painting STAGE linK provided m FINEARTS SINGLE by the committee 3) Participants must utilise the given time limit to complete their work and 10 minutes will be given to send the image of the same to the provided gmail account’s drive.