"Fathers and Daughters"
"Fathers and Daughters" Critic: James M. McGlathery Source: Fairy Tale Romance: The Grimms, Basile, and Perrault, pp. 87-112. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1991. [(essay date 1991) In the following essay, McGlathery explores the erotic implications of the father-daughter relationship in the romantic folktales of the Brothers Grimm, Giambattista Basile, and Charles Perrault, highlighting common plot scenarios.] As the stories discussed thus far show, emotional involvement between parents and children is a frequent object of portrayal in folktales. That this is especially true of the romantic tale should come as no surprise, for in love plots generally the requisite hindrance to the fulfillment of young desire often takes the form of parental objection or intervention. There are surprises to be found here, however. In particular, the romantic folktale offers the possibility of hinting, with seeming innocence, at erotically tinged undercurrents in the relationship between parent and child that do not lend themselves to tasteful direct portrayal. Fairy tale romance often depicts the child's first experience of leaving home and venturing out on its own, usually in connection with choosing a mate. In the stories of the brother and sister type, resistance to the taking of this step is reflected in a desire to return to the bosom of the family or, failing that, to retain the devoted company of one's siblings. Thus, we have seen how Hansel and Gretel, while prepared to survive together in the forest if need be are overjoyed at being able to live with their father, and how the sister in "The Seven Ravens" succeeds in restoring her brothers to human form and bringing them home with her.
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