Dutch Wadden Islands Energy Transition Energy Transition Dutch Wadden Islands

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Dutch Wadden Islands Energy Transition Energy Transition Dutch Wadden Islands Dutch Wadden islands Energy transition Energy transition Dutch Wadden islands • Joint opportunities and sustainability challenges Arnold Boon Taskforce member Sustainable Wadden for Texel Project coördinator Hydrogen Texel SolarSDE+ & is windaanjager subsidy van =groei accelator of renewable electricity AnnualPer halfjaar6 Billion wordtof ongeveerDurch goverment 6 miljardSDE+ subsidie Opex toegewezen,subsidy vooral aan zon en wind projecten. Solarpower on water basin golfcourse near Nature 2000 dune Area Renawble energy tranistion powered by islander entrepeneurs Bron: rvo.nl. Overzichtskaart juni 2018, grafieken 3 Sustainablenajaartourism 2017 & economy Bron: rvo.nl. Net congestion by accelaration of local renewable electricity 4 Stituation per 23 juli 2020 Energy transition chalenges • All in Unesco World Heritage Wadden sea • Up to 90% per island in Nature 2000 area • Each island has a specific grid situation • Highest grid priority on Vlieland (Liander) • Leassons learned Vlieland >> apply to orther islands (Liander) • Specific energy scenarios will be made on every island (Liander) • Actual grid situation • Indentification renewable developments • Pin point and solve future congestion and chalenges per area 5 Coordinated Joint approach • In general simualar grid situations • Existing grids only for (shore) supply • No storage capacity • By local renewable energy new high demans on existing grids • Bottle necks of island grid: • Shore cables 6 • Lenght of small end-cables , to/and on, islands Indentification of energy demand per island. Totale jaarlijkse energievraag waddeneilanden (TJ) Texel Vlieland Terschelling Ameland Schiermonnikoog Woningen 371 30 142 112 36 Bedrijven, horeca 529 81 192 215 58 Mobiliteit (excl veerboot) 305 3 70 61 21 Industrie 29 2 9 11 0 Land, bosbouw, visserij 35 0 6 6 5 Veerboot & visserij 299 33 218 53 31 Totaal 1568 116 419 405 120 In kWh's 435.555.000 32.222.200 116.390.000 112.500.000 33.330.000 7 To become self sufficient in energy supply based on ambitions. 1 windmilll (3 MW) 1 Ha solar-PV (1 delivers 36 TJ or MW) 10.000.000 kWh Delivers 3,4 TJ or 950.000 kWh Texel Vlieland Terschelling Ameland Schiermonnikoog Totaal kWh 435.555.000 32.222.200 116.390.000 112.500.000 33.330.000 aantal windmolens 3MW 44 3 12 11 3 Ha zon PV 458 34 123 118 35 8 Vlieland Energy transition Short overview 9 15-10-2020 15-10-2020 15-10-2020 15-10-2020 15-10-2020 Terschelling Energy transition Short overview 16 Overview Terschelling: • Solar PV on parking beach paal 8 • Possible aquathermy heat net West Terschelling • Solar Pv on social housing roofs • Energy neutral houses • Energy neutral chalets on camp sites, developing into off grid chalets • Electric public transport • Micro farm windmill pilot Texel Vlieland Terschelling Ameland Schiermonnikoog Totaal kWh 435.555.000 32.222.200 116.390.000 112.500.000 33.330.000 aantal windmolens 3MW 44 3 12 11 3 Ha zon PV 458 34 123 118 35 17 Schiermonnikoog Energy transition Short overview. 18 Overview Schiermonnikoog: • Solar PV at roof on several farms, companies and homes • Postcode roos community solar PV roof projects. • Zero emmission mobility • Islander envolvement and cooperation Texel Vlieland Terschelling Ameland Schiermonnikoog Totaal kWh 435.555.000 32.222.200 116.390.000 112.500.000 33.330.000 aantal windmolens 3MW 44 3 12 11 3 Ha zon PV 458 34 123 118 35 19 Energy transition Texel Short overview. 20 Overview Texel: • Solar PV on roofs municipality, houses, companies and farms. • Solar fields up to 2MWP, 17 MWP planned, • Several floating PV installations • Pilot with PV integrated in bike paths • "all electric" houses and holiday homes. • Wave energy pilot • Energy neutral water treatmentTexel installationVlielandover the wholeTerschellingisland Ameland Schiermonnikoog Totaal kWh 435.555.000 32.222.200 116.390.000 112.500.000 33.330.000 • Hydrogen project plan, aantal windmolens 3MW 44 3 12 11 3 Ha zon• Project PV Development Assistance,458 Fuel Cell and Hydrogen34 Joint123 Undertaking 118 35 21 GREEN HYDROGEN ISLAND VALUE CHAIN • Local renewable energy production of surplus Smart solar PV electricity. processing • Energy neutral sewage installation on Texel • GREEN H2 = BY-PRODUCT >> • 02>03>REMOVAL MICRO POLUTANTS IN ISLAND WASTEWATER • Clean water discharge into Unesco World heritage Wadden (Frisian) sea HYDROGEN TO DECARBONISE TEXEL • Zero Emission mobility: • Texelhopper • On-demand public transport • Heavy transport • Refuge collection • 4x4 Litter/maintenance pick-up truck • Maritime power generation Living Lab H2 Micro Powerplant • Prevent grid congestion Fuel Cell for electricity & heat • Electrolyser in energy system Texel Cooperation Wadden islands & partners • Programmatic & coordinated joint transition agenda • Sustainable Wadden joint program • Several innovative island energy pilots • Sharing “Best practices” • Share knowledge and project expertice • Test pilots on a island > copy to other islands • Islanders are committed to find solutions • Apply proven island concepts on mainland 24 Energy transition Ameland Presentation IANOS project 25.
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