Derry City and District Council

Minutes of the Meeting of Derry City and Strabane District Council held Remotely on Thursday 28 May 2020 at 4.00pm.

Present:- Councillor M Boyle (Mayor)(In the Chair); Aldermen Bresland, Devenney, Guy, Kerrigan, McClintock, McCready, McKane, Ramsey and Warke; Councillors J Barr, R Barr, J Boyle, Burke, Carr, Cooper, Cusack, Dobbins, Donnelly, Duffy, Durkan, Farrell, Ferguson, Fleming, Gallagher, Harkin, Jackson, Logue, McCann, McCloskey, McGuire, McHugh, McKinney, Mellon, Mooney, Reilly and Tierney.

In Attendance:- Chief Executive (Mr J Kelpie), Director of Business and Culture (Mr S Gillespie), Director of Health and Community (Mrs K McFarland), Director of Environment and Regeneration (Mrs K Phillips), Head of Environment (Mr C Canning), Lead Legal Services Officer (Mr P Kingston) Lead Democratic Services and Improvement Officer (Ms E Cavanagh) Democratic Services Officer (Mrs S Maxwell) and Committee Services Assistant (Mrs T Johnstone).


C124/20 Notice and Summons of Meeting

The Mayor read the Notice and Summons for the Meeting.

C125/20 Member Attendance and Apologies

The Mayor completed the roll call and recorded apologies from Councillors Kelly and McKeever.

C126/20 Statement on Remote Meetings

The Chief Executive read the Statement on Remote Meetings.

C127/20 Declaration of Members Interests

Councillor Reilly declared a non-pecuniary interest on the Notice of Motion – Care Homes and Domiciliary Care Services in , as he is a member of staff at the Alzheimer’s Society.

Open for Decision

Chairperson’s Business

C128/20 Captain Sir Thomas Moore


Alderman Warke referred to the recent incredible fundraising effort made by Captain Tom Moore in the run up to his 100th birthday during the Covid-19 pandemic. He stated that Captain Tom has raised over £32m for the National Health Service (NHS) with £112,000 raised being allocated to the Western Health and Social Care Trust (WHSCT). He proposed that Council write a letter to Captain Tom Moore to acknowledge such a tremendous achievement.

Members unanimously agreed and the Council

Resolved That Council write a letter to Captain Sir Thomas Moore to acknowledge his fundraising achievement during the Covid-19 pandemic.

C129/20 Confirmation of the Open Minutes of the Meeting of Derry City and Strabane District Council held in Thursday 27 February 2020

The Minutes of the Meeting of Derry City and Strabane District Council held on 27 February 2020 (C49/20-C92/20) were submitted.

Councillor Duffy Moved, Alderman Devenney Seconded and the Council.

Resolved that the above Minutes be adopted, as a true record of the Meeting

Matters Arising

C130/20 Emblems in the Workplace (C60/20)

In respect of a query from Councillor Cooper regarding external legal advice, the Chief Executive confirmed that he had been advised that morning that legal advice had been received and that he had arranged to meet with the Lead Legal Services Officer and the Lead Human Resources Officer early next week to review the advice. He stated that a report on the matter would be presented at a future Council meeting.

C131/20 Deputation: Invest NI (C71/20)

Councillor Cooper referred to the Deputation by Invest NI and the proposal to set up a North West Economic Task Force and requested an update on the matter.

In response, the Director of Business and Culture stated that a virtual meeting had taken place where the terms of reference for the group


had been developed and that progress was ongoing. He advised that a report on the matter would be presented to the Business and Culture Committee before Summer recess. He further advised that Invest NI would be invited to present to the September Business and Culture Committee meeting.

C132/20 Adoption of the Open Minutes of the Following Committees

The Mayor advised that matters within Committees contained within Agenda Number 8 had been dealt with at the virtual Council meeting on 26 March 2020.

C133/20 Monthly Governance and Strategic Planning Committee held on Tuesday 3 March 2020

The Minutes of the Governance and Strategic Planning Committee held on 3 March 2020 (GSP47/20-GSP64/20) were submitted.

With all Members in agreement, the Council

Resolved that the above minutes, be adopted as a true record of the meeting.

C134/20 Monthly Planning Committee held on Wednesday 4 March 2020

The Minutes of the Planning Committee held on 4 March 2020 (P41/20- P51/20) were submitted.

With all Members in agreement, the Council

Resolved that the above minutes be adopted as a true record of the Meeting

C135/20 Monthly Business and Culture Committee held on Tuesday 10 March 2020

The Minutes of the Business and Culture Committee held on Tuesday 10 March 2020 (BC50/20 – BC63/20) were submitted.

With all Members in agreement, the Council

Resolved that the above minutes, be adopted as a true record of the Meeting

C136/20 Monthly Environment and Regeneration Committee held on Wednesday 11 March 2020


The Minutes of the Environment and Regeneration Committee held on 11 March 2020 (ER56/20 – ER75/20) were submitted.

With all Members in agreement, the Council

Resolved that the above minutes be adopted, as a true record of the Meeting

C137/20 Monthly Health and Community Committee held on Thursday 12 March 2020

The Minutes of the Health and Community Committee held on Thursday 12 March 2020 (HC57/20-HC75/20) were submitted.

With all Members in agreement, the Council

Resolved that the above minutes be adopted as a true record of the Meeting.

C138/20 Protocol for Remote Council Meetings

The Mayor presented the above report, previously circulated to Members. She stated that the purpose of the report was to seek Members’ approval for the adoption for the Protocol for Remote Council Meetings (to complement Standing Orders) and an addendum to the Protocol for the Planning Committee.

Councillor Reilly proposed, Seconded by Councillor McKinney

That Members approve the adoption for the Protocol for Remote Council Meetings (to complement Standing Orders) and an addendum to the Protocol for the Planning Committee.

Notices of Motion

C139/20 Re-development of Templemore Sports Complex and Riversdale Leisure Centre

Councillor Mellon Moved, Seconded by Councillor Logue

That Derry City and Strabane District Council notes the public disappointment at the lack of progress to date to advance the construction and re-development of


Templemore Sports Complex and Riversdale Leisure Centre.

This motion calls on Council to prioritise the development of these long outstanding projects by bringing forward a report to the Council meeting in September to include the identification of all funding options available and a timetable towards completion so that the Council can consider its options.

Councillor Boyle Proposed an Amendment, Seconded by Councillor Tierney

That Derry City and Strabane District Council notes the public disappointment at the lack of progress to date to advance the construction and re-development of Templemore Sports Complex and Riversdale Leisure Centre.

This motion calls on Council to accelerate the development process of these long outstanding projects by bringing forward a report to the relevant committee in September to include the identification of all funding options available and a timetable towards completion so that the Council can consider its options.

Members were asked to vote and the result was as follows:

For:- 26; Against:- 10; Abstentions:- 0.

The Amendment was therefore Carried and became the Substantive Motion.

Members were then asked to vote on the Substantive Motion. The result was unanimous and the Council

Resolved That Derry City and Strabane District Council notes the public disappointment at the lack of progress to date to advance the construction and re-development of Templemore Sports Complex and Riversdale Leisure Centre.


This motion calls on Council to accelerate the development process of these long outstanding projects by bringing forward a report to the relevant committee in September to include the identification of all funding options available and a timetable towards completion so that the Council can consider its options.

C140/20 Community Crisis Intervention Service

Councillor Duffy Moved, Seconded by Councillor Mellon

That Derry City and Strabane District Council, express concern that the funding for the community crisis intervention service is due to finish at the end be of June, CCIS is a vital service for our citizens should they experience a mental health/ addiction crisis. Council therefore calls for an immediate intervention by the Health Minister, this service falls under the Protect Life 2 strategy and as such should be funded by the Department of Health.

Councillor Reilly Proposed an Amendment, Seconded by Councillor Tierney

That Derry City and Strabane District Council, express concern that the funding for the community crisis intervention service is due to finish at the end be of June, CCIS is a vital service for our citizens should they experience a mental health/ addiction crisis. Council therefore calls for an immediate intervention by the Health Minister, this service falls under the Protect Life 2 strategy and as such should be funded by the Department of Health and calls on the Northern Ireland Executive to ensure the Protect Life 2 Strategy is further resourced.

Members took a vote on the Amendment and the result was unanimous. The Amendment was therefore Carried and became the Substantive Motion.

Members were then asked to take a vote on the Substantive Motion and the result was unanimous and the Council


Resolved That Derry City and Strabane District Council, express concern that the funding for the community crisis intervention service is due to finish at the end be of June, CCIS is a vital service for our citizens should they experience a mental health/ addiction crisis. Council therefore calls for an immediate intervention by the Health Minister, this service falls under the Protect Life 2 strategy and as such should be funded by the Department of Health and calls on the Northern Ireland Executive to ensure the Protect Life 2 Strategy is further resourced.

C141/20 Care Homes and Domiciliary Care Services in Northern Ireland

Councillor McCann Moved, Seconded by Councillor Harkin

That Council believes that care homes and the organisation and operation of domiciliary care services across the North should be brought back into the public ownership as part of the National Health Service.

Members were asked to vote and the result was as follows: For:- 26; Against:- 6; Abstentions:- 1.

Councillor Reilly advised that he would not be voting due to a previously declared interest.

The Motion was therefore carried and the Council

Resolved That Council believes that care homes and the organisation and operation of domiciliary care services across the North should be brought back into the public ownership as part of the National Health Service.

C142/20 Call for an All-Ireland Public Health Strategy

Councillor Harkin Moved, Seconded by Councillor McCann

That The COVID-19 crisis presents an unprecedented threat to public health. The scale of the crisis clearly demonstrates the critical role of a fully funded and protected public health service.


Council agrees that two divergent public health strategies to deal with a pandemic on the island of Ireland, North and South, is irrational, impractical and dangerous. Council calls for a fully integrated all- Ireland public health strategy.

Council supports the campaign for an all-Ireland health service free at the point of delivery from the cradle to the grave.

Council agrees to invite representatives from the all- Ireland health service campaign to make a presentation to Council.

Members were asked to vote on the Motion and the result was as follows:

For:- 22; Against:-9; Abstentions:- 2.

The Motion was therefore carried and the Council

Resolved That the COVID-19 crisis presents an unprecedented threat to public health. The scale of the crisis clearly demonstrates the critical role of a fully funded and protected public health service.

Council agrees that two divergent public health strategies to deal with a pandemic on the island of Ireland, North and South, is irrational, impractical and dangerous. Council calls for a fully integrated all-Ireland public health strategy.

Council supports the campaign for an all- Ireland health service free at the point of delivery from the cradle to the grave.

Council agrees to invite representatives from the all-Ireland health service campaign to make a presentation to Council.


Open for Information

C143/20 Confirmation of the Open Minutes of an Inquorate Special Meeting of the Planning Committee held on Tuesday 24 March 2020

The Minutes of the Inquorate Special Meeting of the Planning Committee held on 24 March 2020 were submitted.

On a matter of accuracy, Councillor Jackson stated that the meeting had taken place with the minutes subsequently circulated to Members on 3 April. He stated that in his opinion, the statement contained within the inquorate meeting that the meeting did not take place was inaccurate and asked for clarification on the matter.

The Lead Legal Services Officer advised that the meeting was inquorate simply on the basis that it was a virtual meeting. He stated that under the legislation there was the requirement for Members to be physically present in the meeting venue and if not, the meeting was deemed to be inquorate. He acknowledged that a virtual meeting subsequently did take place.

Councillor Jackson thanked the Lead Legal Services for the clarification. He stated that it was his understanding that although it was a virtual meeting, decision making had taken place with the exception of planning applications. However, there was a significant part of that meeting where amending the terms of the scheme of delegation was discussed, voted and agreed upon. He stated that there was no indication that the meeting was inquorate, therefore Members were under the impression at that time that the meeting was quorate apart from the actual decision making in terms of planning applications.

In response, the Chief Executive concurred that a virtual meeting did take place on 24 March and an extensive set of minutes were recorded for that meeting. He advised that recommendations were made at the meeting and that once Members endorsed the minutes under Agenda Item 16, those minutes would be ratified where they had not already been dealt with under delegated authority.

The Lead Legal Services Officer in a response to a query by Councillor Duffy, clarified that the minutes were contained within Agenda Item 16 under appendices 14a and 14b.


Councillor Jackson referred to the wording of the inquorate minutes that ‘no members were present’ and questioned the accuracy of that statement as Members were present and a meeting did take place.

The Chief Executive stated that the record would be amended accordingly to clarify that a subsequent virtual meeting did take place.

In response to a query from Councillor Duffy regarding the legislation, the Lead Legal Services Officer advised that the legislation had had to be amended to allow virtual meetings to take place with decision making powers. He stated that whilst he appreciated that the matter could be confusing, the legislation required that physical meetings were recorded as being inquorate, with a record of those meetings produced.

Continuing, the Lead Legal Services Officer advised that it was necessary to reflect the fact that formal committee meetings with decision making powers could not take place virtually without amendment to the legislation. The legislation required to be amended to reflect that a Member who was virtually present at a meeting was legally present and that a meeting was open to the public by means such as live streaming. Those amendments had to be made to the Local Government Act (NI) 2014 to allow virtual meetings to take place.

The Chief Executive stated that a similar issue would apply to Agenda Items 13, 14 and 15. He advised that ‘a virtual meeting was subsequently held’ would be added to the inquorate meetings with the exception of the Assurance, Audit and Risk Committee meeting.

Councillor J Boyle Moved, Seconded by Councillor Jackson and the Council

Resolved that the above minutes be adopted, as amended, as a true record of the Meeting.

C144/20 Confirmation of the Open Minutes of an Inquorate Meeting of Derry City and Strabane District Council held on Thursday 26 March 2020

The Minutes of the Inquorate Meeting of Derry City and Strabane District Council held on 26 March 2020 were submitted

Councillor Tierney Moved, Seconded by Alderman Devenney and the Council


Resolved that the above minutes be adopted, as a true record of the Meeting.

C145/20 Inquorate Meeting of the Assurance, Audit and Risk Committee held on Thursday 19 March 2020

The Minutes of the Assurance, Audit and Risk Committee held on 19 March 2020 (AAR16/20-AAR17/20).

The Lead Legal Services Officer advised that as the meeting did not take place, a Proposer and Seconder was not required in this instance.

C146/20 Confirmation of the Open Minutes of an Inquorate Meeting of Derry City and Strabane District Council held on Thursday 30 April 2020

The Minutes of the Inquorate Meeting of Derry City and Strabane District Council held on 30 April 2020 were submitted

Councillor Tierney Moved, Seconded by Councillor Ferguson and the Council

Resolved that the above minutes be adopted, as a true record of the Meeting.

C147/20 Confirmation of the Open Minutes of an Inquorate Special Meeting of Derry City and Strabane District Council held on Thursday 7 May 2020

The Minutes of the Inquorate Special Meeting of Derry City and Strabane District Council held on 7 May 2020 were submitted

Councillor Tierney Moved, Seconded by Councillor Reilly and the Council

Resolved that the above minutes be adopted, as a true record of the Meeting.

C148/20 Covid-19 Briefings and Meetings Incorporating Decisions taken under Delegated Authority

The Chief Executive presented the above report, previously circulated to Members for information purposes. He stated that the purpose of the report was to update Members on all Members Covid 19 Briefings and


Virtual Council Meetings held between 31 March and 30 April 2020 and the associated decisions taken therein by the Chief Executive under delegated authority.

Alderman Devenney requested an update in relation to Household Recycling Centres throughout the Council area.

In response, the Head of Environment advised the following:  Recycling Centres at and would re- open on Monday 1 June 2020 with normal hours of operation  Staff to be deployed to Claudy and Strahan’s Road which have returned to normal operating hours  Sites will be open from 8am-8pm Monday to Friday; 8am-6pm Saturday  Sites at Pennyburn, Glendermott and Strahan’s road will open on 1pm-5pm Sunday  Eglinton, Park and would remain closed but under review and was hoped to re-open these sites in line with the guidelines issued by DAERA  Council is working towards implementing a temporary arrangement to provide additional waste service provision to those living in , Killen/ areas to enable people to dispose of their waste and would provide information to Members  From Monday 1 June, vans will be permitted in Strahan’s Road, Pennnyburn and Strathfoyle  Cars with trailers will have access to all sites at all times from Monday 1 June 2020.

The Chief Executive stated that the information provided by the Head of Environment would be issued as a press release after the meeting.

Alderman Devenney thanked the Head of Environment for the update. However, he expressed concern that people from outside the Council area were disposing waste at the Household Recycling Centre at Pennyburn. He stated that prior to the re-opening of the recycling centre, Members had been informed that signage would be erected to indicate that the site be used only by residents of Derry City and Strabane District Council area. He stated that although the signage had been erected, it had been removed soon after and he asked for clarification on the matter. He also expressed concern at the plans to recommence disposal of commercial waste and emphasised the


importance to protect staff and users during this time. He asked that the matter be reviewed on a regular basis.

In response, the Head of Environment stated that guidance was issued by the Department for Agriculture, the Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) on required signage for household recycling centres. He stated that discussions had taken place regarding what arrangements would be put in place and subsequently the signage was amended as agreed in those discussions. He stated that a report would be presented at the June meeting of the Environment and Regeneration Committee for Members to discuss and agree on the appropriate action to take on the matter.

Councillor McGuire referred to Phase 1 of the A5/A6 roads project and advised that the Minister for Infrastructure had stated that Phase 1 of the project would not commence until the Spring of 2021 due to financial pressures. He stated that the Department for Infrastructure had reported an overall pressure of £800m but had received £558m leaving a shortfall of £242m. He felt that as the DfI had received the largest capital spend in the history of that particular department, money was available for the project. However, it was at the Minister’s discretion on whether or not to prioritise Phase 1. He proposed that Council write to the Minister for Infrastructure to highlight the importance of the progression of the A5/A6 road projects. He further proposed that Council write to the Irish and British Governments asking them to consider projects to enhance and progress the North West region.

Councillor McGuire Proposed, Seconded by Councillor Reilly

That Council that write to the Minister for Infrastructure to highlight the importance of the progression of the A5/A6 road projects. He further proposed that Council write to Irish and British Governments asking them to consider projects to enhance and progress the North West region.

Members agreed unanimously and the Council

Resolved That Council that write to the Minister for Infrastructure to highlight the importance of the progression of the


A5/A6 road projects. He further proposed that Council write to Irish and British Governments asking them to consider projects to enhance and progress the North West region.

Councillor McGuire then referred to the recent announcement of a £25m funding package by the Minister of Finance to assist farmers affected by the Coronavirus pandemic. He informed Members that the average income for a beef and sheep farmer was below £12,000 per annum and that incomes had already decreased by 25 percent prior to the Covid-19 Pandemic. He stated that he had previously asked that a rural sub-committee be set up to deal with issues such as financial difficulties faced by the farming community.

Councillor McGuire Proposed, Seconded by Councillor J Barr

That Council write to the Minister for Finance to request that he prioritise the allocation of funding to beef and sheep farmers.

Members agreed unanimously and the Council

Resolved That Council write to the Minister for Finance to request that he prioritise the allocation of funding to beef and sheep farmers.

Councillor Reilly referred to the recent meeting with the Minister for Infrastructure and welcomed her commitment towards infrastructure and connectivity to the North West area. He stated that the Minister had highlighted the importance that projects such as the A5/A6 continued but also recognised that the department had a shortfall.

Councillor Duffy thanked the Minister for Infrastructure for meeting with Elected Members regarding plans for pedestrianisation works along the riverfront and city centre. She stated that whilst Sinn Féin wholeheartedly welcomed the scheme, it was important that stakeholders and the business community for the areas included in the redevelopment works be included in all discussions and negotiations.

Councillor McCloskey requested an update regarding the set-up of the City Deal Working Group. She expressed concern that Ulster University would receive approximately 40 percent of the City Deal match funding


allocation. She reminded Members that Ulster University was an institution that had already received a loan in the amount of £125m, not debated at Stormont, towards the new Belfast Campus. She stated that in her opinion, Council were gifting the university a substantial amount of the City Deal funding, therefore it was important to get the City Deal Working Group operational.

In response, the Chief Executive advised that Members agreed to the establishment of the City Deal Working Group at the meeting of the Governance and Strategic Planning Committee on 7 January 2020. He stated that due to the Coronavirus pandemic the first meeting of the working group had to be cancelled. He advised that the Annual Meeting of Council would take place on Monday 1 June 2020 and subsequently the Special Council meeting would take place on Monday 8 June. He stated that at those meetings, nominations would be made to the membership of committees, external/internal bodies and working groups. He advised that once membership of the City Deal Working Group had been confirmed, a meeting would be scheduled to take place soon after.

Councillor Gallagher stated that he had also attended the meeting with the Minister for Infrastructure which he described as extremely positive, particularly in regard to proposed projects in Strabane such as the Riverine and the footbridge projects within the town.

The Mayor stated that she concurred with the sentiments expressed by Councillor Gallagher and welcomed the investment that the Minister has committed to for the City and region.

Alderman McClintock and Councillor Reilly stated that they welcomed the positivity at that meeting regarding the Ministers’ commitment for this Council area. They welcomed that all Members were given the opportunity to air their views and particularly the willingness shown by the Minister to work with Elected Representatives.

Alderman Devenney Proposed – Councillor Duffy Seconded and Council

Resolved Members note the update on all Members Covid-19 Briefings and Virtual Council Meetings held between 12 March and 14 May 2020 and the associated decisions taken therein


by the Chief Executive under delegated authority.

C149/20 Street Naming and Property Numbering – Request for a Spelling Correction to an Existing Street Name

The Chief Executive presented the above report, a copy of which had been previously circulated to Members. The purpose of the report was to inform Members of the intention to rectify an administrative error with the spelling on an existing street nameplate in Strabane.

Members were asked to note the content of the report.

C150/20 Sealing List May 2020 Councillor Ferguson Moved, Alderman Devenney Seconded and the Council

Resolved that the seal of the Council be affixed to the following documents Sealing List May 2020

Documents Sealed 28 May 2020

Grant of Right of Burial in Ballyoan Cemetery

Mrs Naomi Wilson, 178 Hillcrest, L’derry, BT47 6YP. Mr Kenny Barton, 75 Canterbury Park, L’derry, BT47 6DU.

Grant of Right of Burial in City Cemetery

Mrs Deirdre O’Neill, 21 Sandbank Park, Derry, BT48 8FB Mrs Alice Brown, 3 Iniscarn Road, Creggan, Derry, BT48 9RN Mr Victor Kavanagh, 138 Westway, Creggan, Derry, BT48 9NX Mrs Caitlin Friel, 11 Marlborough Street, Derry, BT48 9AU Mrs Mary McGowan, 21 Upper Bennett Street, Derry, BT48 6TL Mr John , 41 Beechwood Avenue, Derry, BT48 9LR Mrs Teresa McCartney, 95 Carnhill, Derry, BT48 8BQ Mr Toby Duffy, 15 Blackthorn Manor, Waterside, Derry, BT47 5ST Ms Stephanie Ward, 93 Galliagh Park, Derry, BT48 8DE Mrs Leonie Leiper, 75 Stevenson Park, Derry, BT47 3QU Mr Liam Nicell, 79B Creggan Heights, Derry, BT48 9QT. Mrs Deirdre O’Hagan, 8 Glenbrae Gardens, Derry, BT48 0BE.


Mr Raymond Healy, 3 Drummond Park, Derry, BT48 8PH. Mrs Maura Ebbs, 30 Altcar Park, Derry, BT48 8HZ. Mrs Majella McDermott, 167 Lone Moor Road, Derry, BT48 9LA. Mr Daniel Reilly, 141 Birchill, Belt Road, Derry, BT47 2FJ. Mr Terence Don O’Donnell, 120 Circular Road, Derry, BT48 9QX. Mr Derek Gurney, 243 Victoria Road, Derry, BT47 2TQ. Mrs Patricia McNicholl, 11 Brickfield Court, Derry, BT48 9PW.

Grants of Right of Burial in Burial Ground David Meehan, 29 Listymore Park, , Castlederg, Co Tyrone, BT81 7LN

Grants of Right of Burial in Castlederg Burial Ground Olga Patterson, 18 Elmwood Green, Castlederg, Co Tyrone, BT81 7GY

Grants of Right of Burial in Strabane Burial Ground Kathryn Lynch, 13 Drumrallagh, Strabane, Co Tyrone, BT82 8JW Siobhan Monaghan, 5 Dernalebe Road, Strabane, Co Tyrone, BT82 8PF

C151/20 Local Government Act (Northern Ireland) 2014 – Confidential Business

Alderman Devenney Moved, Councillor Tierney Seconded and the Council

Resolved that in accordance with Section 42, Sub Sections (2) or (4) of the Local Government Act (Northern Ireland) 2014, the press and members of the public be asked to withdraw whilst the Council discuss the following matters: (a) Adoption of the Confidential Minutes of the Meeting of Derry City and Strabane District Council held on 27 February 2020;

(b) Adoption of the Confidential Minutes of the following Committees

(i) Monthly Governance and Strategic Planning Committee held on 3 March 2020 (ii) Monthly Planning Committee held on Wednesday 4 March 2020


(iii) Monthly Business and Culture Committee held on Tuesday 10 March 2020 (iv) Monthly Environment and (v) Regeneration Committee held on Wednesday 11 March 2020. (vi) Monthly Health and community Committee held on Thursday 12 March 2020.

The Meeting then went into Confidential Business.