Confirmation of the Open Minutes of the Meeting of the Derry City And
Derry City and Strabane District Council Minutes of the Meeting of Derry City and Strabane District Council held Remotely on Thursday 28 May 2020 at 4.00pm. Present:- Councillor M Boyle (Mayor)(In the Chair); Aldermen Bresland, Devenney, Guy, Kerrigan, McClintock, McCready, McKane, Ramsey and Warke; Councillors J Barr, R Barr, J Boyle, Burke, Carr, Cooper, Cusack, Dobbins, Donnelly, Duffy, Durkan, Farrell, Ferguson, Fleming, Gallagher, Harkin, Jackson, Logue, McCann, McCloskey, McGuire, McHugh, McKinney, Mellon, Mooney, Reilly and Tierney. In Attendance:- Chief Executive (Mr J Kelpie), Director of Business and Culture (Mr S Gillespie), Director of Health and Community (Mrs K McFarland), Director of Environment and Regeneration (Mrs K Phillips), Head of Environment (Mr C Canning), Lead Legal Services Officer (Mr P Kingston) Lead Democratic Services and Improvement Officer (Ms E Cavanagh) Democratic Services Officer (Mrs S Maxwell) and Committee Services Assistant (Mrs T Johnstone). _________________ C124/20 Notice and Summons of Meeting The Mayor read the Notice and Summons for the Meeting. C125/20 Member Attendance and Apologies The Mayor completed the roll call and recorded apologies from Councillors Kelly and McKeever. C126/20 Statement on Remote Meetings The Chief Executive read the Statement on Remote Meetings. C127/20 Declaration of Members Interests Councillor Reilly declared a non-pecuniary interest on the Notice of Motion – Care Homes and Domiciliary Care Services in Northern Ireland, as he is a member of staff at the Alzheimer’s Society. Open for Decision Chairperson’s Business C128/20 Captain Sir Thomas Moore 1 Alderman Warke referred to the recent incredible fundraising effort made by Captain Tom Moore in the run up to his 100th birthday during the Covid-19 pandemic.
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