Role of Wnt11 in Kidney Ontogenesis and Development of Renal Organoid Based Models to Identify Candidate Oncogenes

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Role of Wnt11 in Kidney Ontogenesis and Development of Renal Organoid Based Models to Identify Candidate Oncogenes D 1463 OULU 2018 D 1463 UNIVERSITY OF OULU P.O. Box 8000 FI-90014 UNIVERSITY OF OULU FINLAND ACTA UNIVERSITATIS OULUENSIS ACTA UNIVERSITATIS OULUENSIS ACTA DMEDICA Qi Xu Qi Xu University Lecturer Tuomo Glumoff ROLE OF WNT11 IN KIDNEY University Lecturer Santeri Palviainen ONTOGENESIS AND DEVELOPMENT OF RENAL Postdoctoral research fellow Sanna Taskila ORGANOID BASED MODELS Professor Olli Vuolteenaho TO IDENTIFY CANDIDATE ONCOGENES University Lecturer Veli-Matti Ulvinen Planning Director Pertti Tikkanen Professor Jari Juga University Lecturer Anu Soikkeli Professor Olli Vuolteenaho UNIVERSITY OF OULU GRADUATE SCHOOL; UNIVERSITY OF OULU, FACULTY OF BIOCHEMISTRY AND MOLECULAR MEDICINE; Publications Editor Kirsti Nurkkala BIOCENTER OULU; INFOTECH OULU ISBN 978-952-62-1910-3 (Paperback) ISBN 978-952-62-1911-0 (PDF) ISSN 0355-3221 (Print) ISSN 1796-2234 (Online) ACTA UNIVERSITATIS OULUENSIS D Medica 1463 QI XU ROLE OF WNT11 IN KIDNEY ONTOGENESIS AND DEVELOPMENT OF RENAL ORGANOID BASED MODELS TO IDENTIFY CANDIDATE ONCOGENES Academic dissertation to be presented with the assent of the Doctoral Training Committee of Health and Biosciences of the University of Oulu for public defence in Auditorium F202 of the Faculty of Medicine (Aapistie 5 B), on 1 June 2018, at 12 noon UNIVERSITY OF OULU, OULU 2018 Copyright © 2018 Acta Univ. Oul. D 1463, 2018 Supervised by Professor Seppo Vainio Reviewed by Professor Panu Mikko Jaakkola Professor Matthias Nees Opponent Professor Jing Zhou ISBN 978-952-62-1910-3 (Paperback) ISBN 978-952-62-1911-0 (PDF) ISSN 0355-3221 (Printed) ISSN 1796-2234 (Online) Cover Design Raimo Ahonen JUVENES PRINT TAMPERE 2018 Xu, Qi, Role of Wnt11 in kidney ontogenesis and development of renal organoid based models to identify candidate oncogenes. University of Oulu Graduate School; University of Oulu, Faculty of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine; Biocenter Oulu; Infotech Oulu Acta Univ. Oul. D 1463, 2018 University of Oulu, P.O. Box 8000, FI-90014 University of Oulu, Finland Abstract In the kidney, Wnt is involved in ureteric bud branching and nephrogenesis. Wnt mutation may lead to specific developmental dysfunctions and diseases. As part of this thesis, I show that Wnt11 is expressed in the renal tubules, except for the ureteric epitheliums, and I examine the function of Wnt11 in renal tubule organization using the new C57Bl6 Wnt11-/- mouse model. Convoluted and dilated tubules were observed in the Wnt11 mutated kidneys that may cause glomerular cysts and kidney dysfunction. More specifically, a lack of Wnt11 in the kidney reduced Six2, Hoxd1, and Hox10 expression, which may have contributed to the anomalies in the kidney tubular system. Embryogenesis and carcinogenesis share molecular characteristics. Gene expression changes take place during development to meet the demands of the tissue formation, but ectopic expression of embryonic genes by deletion, SNPs, or epigenetic modification in adult may lead to cancer. The research carried out as part of this thesis identified genes that were differentially expressed in both induced metanephric mesenchymes (MM) and human ccRCC. Gene silencing of Bnip3, Gsn, Lgals3, Pax8, Cav1, Egfr, and Itgb2 mediated by siRNA inhibited the migration, viability and invasion capacity of Renca cells (RCC). Furthermore, by using the novel 3D in vitro MM-Renca co-culture setup, the result revealed that downregulation of Bnip3, Cav1 or Gsn in Renca cells partly rescued the RCC-mediated inhibition epithelial tubules formation during nephrogenesis. Altogether, the data demonstrates that renal ontogenesis control genes play a role both in normal kidney development and in kidney cancer. The 3D RCC-MM chimera organoids developed as part of the research may also serve as a novel model for kidney cancer study. Keywords: caveolin, gene expression, nephrogenesis, renal cell carcinoma, Wnt Xu, Qi, Wnt11-signaalin tehtävä munuaisen kehityksessä ja uusien munuais- syöpään osallistuvien geenien identifiointi kudosteknologisten mallien avulla. Oulun yliopiston tutkijakoulu; Oulun yliopisto, Biokemian ja molekyylilääketieteen tiedekunta; Biocenter Oulu; Infotech Oulu Acta Univ. Oul. D 1463, 2018 Oulun yliopisto, PL 8000, 90014 Oulun yliopisto Tiivistelmä Wnt-viestit ohjaavat munuaisen kehityksen yhteydessä sekä virtsanjohtimen että munuaiskerä- sen kasvua. Virhe Wnt-proteiinia tuottavassa geenissä johtaa puolestaan vakavaan kehityshäiri- öön ja syöpään, jos geeni aktivoituu aikuisvaiheessa. Tässä väitöskirjassa osoitetaan, että Wnt11- geeni osallistuu alkion munuaisen epiteeliputkiston kehityksen säätelyyn. Wnt11-signaalin tehtä- vää tutkittiin munuaisen putkiston rakenteen synnyssä poistogeenisen C57Bl6-hiirimallin avul- la. Wnt11-puutos häiritsi virtsan kokoojatiehyiden rakenteiden kehitystä. Tämä on mahdollinen syy siihen, että Wnt11-poistogeenisen hiiren munuaiseen kehittyy hiusverisuonikerästen laajen- tumia. Munuaisen toiminta on myös heikentynyt verrokkiin verrattuna. Munuaisen epiteeliputki- en kehitykseen osallistuvien geenien Six1, Hoxd1 ja Hox10 aktiivisuus oli niin ikään heikenty- nyt Wnt11-signaloinnin puutoksen vuoksi. Nämä seikat voivat olla puutoksen aiheuttamien kudosrakenteellisten muutosten taustalla. Solun kasvusäätely on keskeinen tekijä sekä alkion että syövän kehityksessä. Prosessien taus- talla ovat myös samankaltaiset molekyylit. Wnt-solusignaalit esimerkiksi säätelevät normaalin kehityksen aikana solujen itsesäätelyä, solujen jakautumista, solujen vaeltamista ja solujen invaasiota kudoksiin ja osallistuvat syövän syntyyn niiden viestinnän häiriintyessä. Kehitystä säätelevien geenien tuotteet ohjaavat solujen jakautumista, mikä on edellytys kudosrakenteen synnylle. Jos nämä geenit syystä tai toisesta aktivoituvat uudelleen aikuisvaiheen aikana, se voi johtaa syöpäkasvaimen syntyyn. Tässä työssä verrattiin keskenään munuaisen elinkehitykseen ja ihmisen syövän kasvuun osallistuvia geenejä. siRNA-välitteinen hiljennys geeneille Bnip3, Gsn, Lgals3, Pax8, Cav1, Egfr ja Itgb2 inhiboi Renca-solujen migraatiota, elinkykyä ja invaasiota. Lisäksi tulokset paljas- tivat, että käytettäessä uutta 3D in vitro MM Renca -kasvatusmenetelmää Bnip3-, Cav1- tai Gsn- geenien hiljennys Renca-soluissa osittain pelastaa RCC-välitteisen inhibition epiteeliputkissa nefrogeneesin aikana. Kaiken kaikkiaan työssä seulottiin uusin tavoin sekä ihmisen munuaissyöpään liittyviä gee- nejä että kehitettiin lisäksi uusia niin kutsuttuja kokeellisia funktionaalisia organoidimenetel- miä. Työn tulokset tarjoavat uuden strategian, jolla geenien osuutta munuaissyöpään voidaan tut- kia seikkaperäisesti yhdessä 3D-kasvatusmenetelmien kanssa Asiasanat: munuaissyöpä, nefrogeneesi, siRNA, tubulusmorfogeneesi, Wnt To my family 8 Acknowledgements This work was carried out at Biocenter Oulu, Faculty of Medical Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Oulu. It was financially supported by the Biocenter Oulu Doctoral Programme and the Academy of Finland. I sincerely express my gratitude to my supervisor, Professor Seppo Vainio for providing me the opportunity to start my scientific career in his research group, and for introducing me to the beautiful world of developmental biology and cancer research. I am also very grateful for my other supervisor, Dr. Jingdong Shan, who has especially guided me the molecular biology technics during the thesis work. I would like to thank Docent Anatoliy Samoylenko, another co-supervisor, with whom we discussed and started the kidney cancer studied together, and his excellent experience in cancer inspired me in the thesis work. I would like to thank the members of my PhD follow-up group Prof. Johanna Myllyharju, Docent Aki Manninen, and Dr. Joni Mäki. They spent precious time reviewing my doctoral training plan and annual report. Their inspiring and guiding during the study made it moving smoothly. Professor Matthias Nees and Panu Jaakkola are acknowledged for their careful revision and valuable comments on this thesis. I would like to acknowledge the former head of the Center of Excellence in Cell-EMC Research Professor Taina Pihlajaniemi, head of Biocenter Oulu Professor Johanna Myllyharju, the former dean of faculty Professor Kalervo Hiltunen and the present dean of faculty Professor Peppi Karppinen, and all the other group leaders in faculty and Biocenter Oulu for providing an excellent research infrastructure and encouraging atmosphere. I wish to express my special compliments to BCO Doctoral Programme Coordinator Docent Ritva Saastamoinen for helping and encouraging me from beginning to the end. I would like to express my gratitude to all my co-authors for their valuable contribution to my research projects. I would also want to express thanks to my colleagues, former and present SV-group members for the warm and fruitful working environment during these years. Special thanks to Paula Haipus, Hannele Härkman and Johanna Kekolahti-Liias for their technical assistance in the practical lab work of the thesis. I would like to express my gratefulness to all the members of the core facility and Dr. Veli-Pekka Ponkainen for his help with the imaging, Dr. Jarkko Koivunen for his help with Incucyte and Docent Virpi Glumoff for her help with FACS. 9 I am sincerely grateful to my friends in Oulu. You bring me warmness for the long darkness winter. I wish to thanks my parents for their supporting. Finally, thanks for my husband Yongfeng and our lovely son Hang, you bring me lots of happiness. Oulu, April 2018 Qi Xu 10 Abbreviations ADPDK Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease AKT Protein
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