The Tetranychoid Mites of Okinawa Island (Acarina: Prostigmata) (With 52 Text-Figures)
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Title The Tetranychoid Mites of Okinawa Island (Acarina: Prostigmata) (With 52 Text-figures) Author(s) EHARA, Shôzô Citation 北海道大學理學部紀要, 16(1), 1-22 Issue Date 1966-12 Doc URL Type bulletin (article) File Information 16(1)_P1-22.pdf Instructions for use Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers : HUSCAP The Tetranychoid Mites of Okinawa Island (Acarina: Prostigmata)l) By Shozo Ehara I Zoological Institute, Hokkaido University J (With 52 Text-figures) Up to the present, there has been little information about tetranychoid mites from the Ryukyus (Kishida, 1959)_ Most of the materials on which this paper is based were collected from various plants in Okinawa Island in April of 1966 by the writer and the staff of the Ryukyu Agricultural Experiment Station, Naha. Some specimens taken in July of the same year by Mr. K. Tsudome of this Station were also employed in this study. Mter examination, the present materials have been determined to comprise the following eighteen species belonging to three families: Fam. Tenuipalpidae 1. Cenopalpus lineola (Canestrini et Fanzago) 2. Brevipalpus californicus (Banks) 3. Brevipalpus obovatus Donnadieu 4. Brevipalpus phoenicis (Geijskes) 5. Dolichotetranychus fioridanus (Banks) Fam. Tuckerellidae 6. Tuckerella pavoniformis (Ewing) Fam. Tetranychidae 7. Petrobia harti (Ewing) 8. Eotetranychus asiaticus n. sp. ~ 9. Eotetranychus suginamensis (Yokoyama) lO. Schizotetranychus celarius (Banks) ll. Oligonychus tsudomei n. sp. 1 12. Oligonychus honodoensis (Ehara) 13. Oligonychus orthius Rimando 14. Oligonychus uruma n. sp. 15. Oligonychus biharensis (Hirst) 16. Tetranychus desertorum Banks 17. Tetranychus kanzawai Kishida 18. Tetranychus piercei McGregor 1) Contribution No. 760 from the Zoological Institute, Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan. Jour. Fac. Sci. Hokkaido Univ. Ser. VI, Zool. 16, 1966. 2 S. Ehara Among the species treated here, only Brevipalpus obovatus was recently recorded from Okinawa Island (Kishida, 1959). In this paper the synonymic list of each of the species so far known from Japan includes only the original reference and Japanese literature. The type specimens of the new species are preserved in the Zoological Institute, Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University. Superfamily TETRANYCHOIDEA Key to Families 1. Palpus with a claw on penultimate segment. .. 2 Palpus without a claw ............................. Tenuipalpidae (p. 2) I 2. Hysterosoma with 30 pairs of dorsal setae including caudal fiagelliform and foliaceous setae ............................ .. Tuckerellidae (p. 5) Hysterosoma with 9 to 12 pairs of dorsal setae, no caudal fiagelliform setae . .. Tetranychidae (p. 7) Family TENUIP ALPIDAE Key to Genera of Tenuipalpidae Found in Okinawa Island 1. Palpus with three segments. .. Dolichotetranychus Palpus with four segments . .. 2 2. Hysterosoma with one pair of dorsosublateral setae ............ Oenopalpus Hysterosoma without dorsosublateral setae .................... Brevipalpus Cenopalpus Pritchard et Baker CenopaZpU8 Pritchard & Baker, 1958, Univ. Calif. Publ. Ent. 14; 190. (1) Cenopalpus lineola (Canestrini et Fanzago) (Jap. Name: Matsu-himehadani) (Fig. 1) Tetranychus lineola Canestrini & Fanzago, 1876, Atti Ace. Sci. ven.-trent.-istr. 5: 105. Brevipalpus asyntactus Baker & Pritchard, 1952, Ann. Mag. Nat. Rist. (12) 5: 612, Figs. 3, 4. CenopaZpus lineola, Pritchard & Baker, 1958, Univ. Calif. Publ. Ent. 14: 191. I Female. Body elliptical, slightly convex laterally, widest (175 fl) at middle of opisthosoma; body length, including rostrum, 360 fl. Rostral shield deeply emargi nate, with small areolae on median processes. Dorsum of idiosoma coarsely striate; dorsal setae more or less serrate except for second and third dorsocentral hystero somal setae which are nearly nude and minute. Venter of idiosoma with medioventral propodosomal setae reaching middle of femur I; posterior medioventral metapodosomal setae much longer than anterior pair, reaching suture between propodosoma and hysterosoma. Rostrum reaching middle of femur I, with distal part very narrow and parallel-sided. Palpus with a dorsal seta on penultimate segment, and a sensory rod and two setae (one very small) on distal segment. Tetranychoid Mites of Okinawa 3 Dorsal setae of femora I to III strongly serrate, dorsomedial seta of femur I similar. Tarsi I and II each with a long, sensory seta on posterodistal tubercle. Specimens from Okinawa Island. Six ¥ ~, Haneji, 12-VII-1966 (K. Tsudome leg.), on Pinus luchuensis Mayr; 1 'f, Nakijin, 25-IV-1966 (S. Ehara, K. Tsudome and S. Higashihirati leg.), on Diospyros maritima Bl. Remarks. This mite has been recorded from the Philippines, Holland, Italy, Portugal, Poland, and Georgian S.S.R., on Pinus. / "',~ 1 Fig. 1. Cenopa/pus lineola, dorsum of female. Fig. 2. Brevipalpus phoenicis, dorsum of female. Brevipalpus Donnadieu Brevipalpus Donnadieu, 1775, Rech. servo Hist. Tetranych. p. 116. Key to Species of Brevipalpus in Okinawa Island (Females) 1. Hysterosoma with six pairs of dorsolateral setae .............. californicus Hysterosoma with five pairs of dorsolateral setae ...................... 2 2. Tarsus II with one sensory rod ................................ obovatus 4 S. Ehara Tarsus II with two sensory rods _.. _.......................... phoenicis (2) Brevipalpus californicus (Banks) Tenuipalpu8 califomicu8 Banks, 1904, Jour. N.Y. Ent. Soc. 12: 55, pI. 2, Fig. 2. Brevipalpu8 californicu8, Ehara, 1962, p. 107, Fig. 1. This mite is widely distributed in warm parts of the world, and has numerous plant hosts. From Japan it was discovered on Hibiscus and Alpinia in greenhouses in Hokkaido (Ehara, 1962). Specimens from Okinawa Island. One Cf, Naha (in greenhouse), 27-IV-1966 (K. Miyara, K. Tsudome, I. Tokashiki, S. Higashihirati, K. Uehara and S. Ehara leg.), on a palm. (3) Brevipalpus obovatus Donnadieu Brevipalpu8 obovatu8 Donnadieu, 1875, Rech. servo Rist. Tetranych. p. 116, pI. 5, Figs. 43-48; Ehara, 1958, Abstr. 2nd Symp. Jap. J. Appl. Ent. Zool. p. 45; Kishida, 1959, p. 382. Brevipalpu8 inomatu8, Ehara, 1956b, p. 508, :B'ig. 32. Brevipalpus obovatus is a cosmopolitan species, and is known to occur in Hok kaido (greenhouse), Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu, and also in Okinawa Island (Kishida, 1959). The host plants so far recorded for this mite are numerous; tea, mulberry and rhododendron are sometimes seriously affected in Japan proper. Specimens from Okinawa Island. Many Cf <]" Tomigusuku, 22-IV-1966 (K. Miyara et al. leg.), on Verbena oificinalis L., Ipomoea indica (Burm.) Merrill, and a composite plant; many Cf Cf, Nakijin, 25-IV-1966 (S. Ehara and K. Tsudome leg.), on Gerbera; many Cf Cf, Nago, 26-IV-1966 (S. Ehara, K. Tsudome and S. Higashihirati leg.), on tea; 2 Q Cf, Naha, 27-IV-1966 (K. Miyara et al. leg.), on Physalis pruinosa Bailey; many Cf Cf, Naha (in greenhouse), 27-IV-1966 (K. Miyara et al. leg.), on chrysanthemum. (4) Brevipalpus phoenicis (Geijskes) (Jap. Name: Minami-himehadani) (Fig. 2) Tenuipalpu8 phoenici8 Geijskes, 1939, Meded. Landb. Roogesch. Wageningen 42: 23, Fig. 7. Brevipalpu8 phoenici8, Sayed, 1946, Bull. Soc. Fouad 1 er Ent. 30: 99; Pritchard & Baker, 1952, p. 38, Figs. 38, 39. This species is a widespread mite, having a great number of host plants. In Asia it is known to occur in Taiwan, the Philippines, Malaya, and India. B. phoenicis, having several synonyms, is known to be highly variable among populations (Pritchard and Baker, 1952). In the present materials the dorsum of the propodosoma has few reticulations mediolaterally. Specimens from Okinawa Island. Two Cf Cf, Nakijin, 25-IV-1966 (S. Ehara, K. Tsudome and S. Higashihirati leg.), on citrus; 1 Cf, Nakijin, 25-IV-1966 (S. Ehara, Tetranychoid Mites oj OlcinaU'a 5 K. Tsudome and S. Higashihirati leg.), on Diospyros maritima Bl. Dolichotetranychus Sayed Dolichotetranychu8 Sayed, 1938, Bull. Mus. Rist. Nat. Paris (ser. 2), 10: 606. (5) Dolichotetranychus floridanus (Banks) (Jap. Name: Painappuru-himehadani) (Fig. 3) Stigmaeu8 jloridanus Banks, 1900, U.S. Dept. Agr. Div. Ent. Tech. Ser. 8: 77, Fig. 16. Dolichotetranychu8 floridanus, Sayed, 1938, Bull. Mus. Rist. nat. Paris (ser. 2), 10: 606, Figs. 8-12; Baker & Pritchard, 1956, p. 374, Figs. 10, 1l. Female. Body slender, concave laterally, widest (120,u) at or near the level of coxa III; body length, including rostrum, 370,u. Dorsum of idiosoma striated as figured. Dorsal propodosomal setae subequal in length; humeral setae and posterior three pairs of dorsolateral hysterosomal setae longer than dorsocentral hysterosomals and anterior two pairs of dorsolateral hysterosomals. Venter of propodosoma with longitudinal striae on anterior part, and transverse striae on posterior part; venter of hysterosoma with longitudinal striae except for anterior narrow, trans versely striated region. Anterior pair of medioventral metapodosomal setae much longer than posterior pair. Genital plate with longitudinal striae; two pairs of genital setae. Two pairs of anal setae. Palpus with a dorsal seta and a rod-like distal seta on last segment. Distal end of rostrum at the level just posterior to end of femur I; rostrum with a pair of setae ventrally. Tarsi I and II each with one rod-like sensory seta; tarsi III and IV each with extremely long, whip-like seta. Tarsal claw with a small hook. Femur II with a short dorsal seta. Specimens from Okinawa Island. Ten Cf Cf, Gogayama, 26-IV-1966 (S. Ehara, K. Tsudome and S. Higashihirati leg.), on pineapple. Remarks. This mite