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Layanan Dukungan Firefox Cookies are stored on your computer by websites you visit and Lainnya Tindakan Bagaimana Cara contain information such as site preferences or login status. This Berkontribusi? article describes how to enable and disable cookies in Firefox. Sunting halaman ini Masuk log Alih bahasakan halaman ini

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Windows | Linux | Mac OS Cookies are enabled by default in Firefox. To check your settings: Firefox: 3.0 | 3.5/3.6 Artikel Terkait 1. At the top of the Firefox window, click on the Tools menu, and select Options....

2. Select the Privacy panel. Websites say cookies are blocked Blocking cookies 3. Set Firefox will: to Use custom settings for history. Cannot log in to websites

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4. Check mark Accept cookies from sites to enable Cookies, and uncheck it to disable them.

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5. Choose how long cookies are allowed to be stored: Community Add-ons Keep until: they expire: Each cookie will be removed when it reaches its expiration date, which is set by Bugz illa the site that sent the cookie. Mo z illa Develo per Center Keep until: I close Firefox: The cookies that are stored on your computer will be removed when Firefox is Mozilla Labs closed. Mozilla Messaging Mozilla.org Keep until: ask me every time: Displays an alert every time a website tries to send that asks whether you MozillaZine want to store it. Planet Mo z illa QMO SpreadFirefox 6. Click OK to close the Options window Support

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Halaman terakhir diubah pada Thursday 04 March 2010 23:26:15 PST.

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Kontributor halaman ini: Chris_Ilias , AliceW yman dan Bo .

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