Clinical Infectious Diseases CORRESPONDENCE
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Clinical Infectious Diseases CORRESPONDENCE Why Are Patients With Giardiasis Angel A. Escobedo,1,2 Pedro Almirall,3 important for both healthcare seeking 2,4 5 Not Treated Earlier? Two Sides of Alfonso J. Rodríguez-Morales, Sérgio Cimerman, and adherence to treatment and preven- 6 7 8 the Same Coin Yohana Salazar, Ivonne Ávila, and Susell Alvarez tive measures. 1Department of Parasitology, Academic Paediatric Hospital To the Editor—We read with great interest Concerning the healthcare system side, “Pedro Borrás,” La Habana, Cuba; 2Working Group on Zoonoses, International Society for Chemotherapy, Aberdeen, XX the article by Beer et al [1]. They character- 3 physicians are cited as the most credible United Kingdom; Municipal Centre of Hygiene, Epidemiology ized giardiasis diagnosis and treatment in source of health information by caregivers and Microbiology “Plaza,” La Habana, Cuba; 4Research Group XXXX the United States, pointing out differences and parents [4, 5]. Studies on giardiasis car- Public Health and Infection, Faculty of Health Sciences, Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira (UTP), Pereira, Risaralda, between pediatric and adult care and diag- ried out among physicians [6–9] showed Colombia; 5Institute of Infectious Diseases “Emilio Ribas,” 6 nosis processes and also considering their that they need to constantly update their São Paulo, Brazil; and Institute of Tropical Medicine “Pedro Kourí,” 7Academic Paediatric Hospital“Centro Habana,” and impact on public health responses for control. knowledge regarding this condition. 8Academic Hospital “Manuel Fajardo,” La Habana, Cuba In Cuba, where Giardia is the most prev- In one study [3], patients had several alent intestinal parasitic infection [2] and is contacts with a formal health service References diagnosed mainly by means of passive case before the final parasitological confirm- 1. Beer KD, Collier SA, Du F, Gargano JW. Giardiasis finding during visits to the general health- ation of infection, with a median time from diagnosis and treatment practices among commer- cially insured persons in the United States. Clin care network, as well as through active presentation to diagnosis (6 days; range, Infect Dis 2017; 64:1244–50. examination of those considered at high 1–25 days). Physicians in acute care facili- 2. Rojas L, Núñez FA, Aguiar PH, et al. Segunda encuesta nacional de infecciones parasitarias intestinales en risk (ie, intestinal parasite survey in daycare ties commonly failed to consider giardiasis Cuba, 2009. Rev Cubana Med Trop 2012; 64:15–21. centers), delays in giardiasis diagnosis occur when assessing patients with abdominal 3. Escobedo AA, Almirall P, Ávila I, Salazar Y, throughout the diagnostic pathway: patient, Alfonso M. Care-seeking behaviour and diagnos- pain and/or diarrhea. Giardiasis may be tic processes for symptomatic giardiasis in children primary care, and secondary care [3]. considered in a persistent or chronic con- attending an academic paediatric hospital. Pathog The clinical presentation of giardiasis text when other causes of gastrointesti- Glob Health 2014; 108:271–8. 4. Escobedo AA, Almirall P, Alfonso M, et al. Caregiver varies, and when signs and symptoms exist, nal manifestations have been ruled out. perspectives for the prevention, diagnosis and treat- they are not pathognomonic, so infected Requesting a fecal specimen or order- ment of childhood giardiasis in Havana City, Cuba: a qualitative study. Acta Trop 2011; 119:99–106. persons—or caregivers—may think they ing duodenal aspiration for microscopic 5. Almirall P, Escobedo AA, Salazar Y, et al. Parental are facing a disease other than giardia- examination during the first visit seemed perceptions of giardiasis: a study in an outpatient paediatric hospital setting in Havana, Cuba. ISRN sis. Focus group discussions showed that to be associated with correct diagnosis of Prev Med 2013; 2013:364647. even caregivers who suspect their children giardiasis (odds ratio, 3.84, 95% confidence 6. Fonte-Galindo L, Almannoni SA, Martín-Pupo were experiencing giardiasis might delay D, Monzote-López A, Sánchez-Valdés L, Sayas- interval, 1.57–9.40; P = .003) [3]. Berbes M. Conocimientos, percepciones y prác- STANDARD seeking care owing to a number of factors, In conclusion, putting these works in ticas en relación con giardiasis: resultados de una including concerns about the curability perspective [1, 3–9], the social patterning of encuesta aplicada a gastroenterólogos—Ciudad de la Habana. Rev Cubana Habanera de Ciencias of giardiasis [4]. Overall, caregivers and care of giardiasis may be seen to result from Médicas 2010; 9:107–15. parents need information about modes of 4 main factors: (1) adequate knowledge, 7. Fonte-Galindo L, Almannoni SA, Martín-Pupo D, et al. Conocimientos, percepciones y prácticas en rel- transmission, methods of prevention and attitudes, and behaviors concerning Giardia ación con giardiasis. Rev Cubana Med 2009; 48:4. diagnosis, likelihood of progression with infection, so that potential patients or car- 8. Martín-Pupo D, Monzote-López A, Almannoni SA, et al. Conocimientos, percepciones y prácticas or without treatment, and the infectivity egivers seek health services for advice and sobre giardiasis de médicos de familia de los muni- Giardia of to other persons [4, 5]. examination; (2) appropriate access to, and cipios Playa, La Lisa y Marianao. Rev Cubana Med In another study [3], the median num- General Integral 2010; 26:52–63. quality of, health services; (3) prompt, accur- 9. Fonte-Galindo L, Almannoni SA, Martín-Pupo D, ber of days from symptoms onset to the ate diagnosis so that appropriate measures Monzote-López A, Sánchez-Valdés L, Fabré-Ortiz first presentation in a health unit was 2 can be taken; and (4) assurance of correct D. Conocimientos, percepciones y prácticas sobre giardiasis de alergólogos de Ciudad de La Habana. days (range, 0–15 days) among children treatment and tailored preventive measures, Rev Cubana Hig Epidemiol 2010; 48:123–32. who experienced giardiasis. Among fac- adequate compliance, and patient follow-up. tors investigated, only knowing another person with giardiasis had a signifi- Note Correspondence: A. A. Escobedo, Calle F No. 616 Esquina 27, cant association with a mother’s ability Potential conflicts of interest. All authors: Plaza, La Habana, CP 10400, Cuba ([email protected]). to suspect giardiasis in her child (odds No reported conflicts of interest. All authors Clinical Infectious Diseases® 2018;XX(00):1–1 ratio, 29.8; 95% confidence interval, have submitted the ICMJE Form for Disclosure © The Author(s) 2018. Published by Oxford University Press for of Potential Conflicts of Interest. Conflicts that the Infectious Diseases Society of America. All rights reserved. 3.71–239.4; P = .001) [3]. Good general the editors consider relevant to the content of the For permissions, e-mail: [email protected]. lay knowledge of giardiasis also seemed manuscript have been disclosed. DOI: 10.1093/cid/ciy122 CORRESPONDENCE • CID 2018:XX (XX XXXX) • 1 Downloaded from by FAC.MED.RIB.PRETO-BIBL.CENTRAL-USP user on 04 April 2018.