The Planetary

The Planetary Rune Set consists of twelve runes with their own specific meanings, a male questioner, and a female questioner.

Here is a visual list of all the runes.

Rune Meanings

Here is a list of what each rune means.

Sun: Fire/ Passion

Mercury: Money/ Ego

Venus: Love/ Harmony

Earth: Home/ Tradition

Moon: Marriage/ Union

Mars: Conflict

Star: Gifts/ Talents

Jupiter: Confusion Saturn: Beneficial/ Gain

Uranus: Comfort/ Safety

Neptune: Change

Pluto: Negativity

Ceres: Female Questioner

Chiron: Male Questioner

Divination Cloth/ Casting Cloth

There are many different ways that the Planetary Runes can be read but they should always be cast on a divination cloth. The divination cloth serves as a carrying case for your rune set when they are not in use as well as a casting cloth for rune spreads and rune casts.

As you get better at casting runes, you can make your own divination cloth. The most important elements are typically included with the casting cloths that come bundled with most rune casting sets, but you can add your own casting cloth as you see fit.

Once you have mastered using the casting cloth that has come with a rune casting kit, or a casting cloth that has been given to you by someone else, it is recommended that you make your own. This can easily be done by taking a square, cloth napkin and drawing the directions and element affiliations on it with paint or a permanent marker. Another way for making a casting cloth is by sewing or embroidering the casting patterns into it. You can add other casting marks on it based on your personal preference and revelations received during rune casting sessions.

Traditional Casting Cloth

Here is a casting cloth design that is commonly used in rune casts and rune spreads. The interpretation of each section depicted on the cloth is listed below.

1.) Asgard: The realm of the Gods. Runes that fall here denote spiritual ambitions. 2.) Vanaheim: The realm of feelings. Runes that fall here denote pleasures, prosperity and feelings. 3.) Lightalfheim: The realm of the light alfar. Runes that fall here denote mental activities and creativity. 4.) Muspelheim: The realm of fire. Runes that fall here denote intuition. 5.) Nifelheim: The realm of mists and the dark side of the conscious. Runes that fall here reveal your darker side. 6.) Midgard: The realm of humanity. Runes that fall here denote the conscious self, the "I" or ego. 7.) Swartalfheim: The realm of the Inner Earth. Runes that fall here denote sensations and transformations. 8.) Jotunheim: The realm of the male aspect of the psyche. 9.) Hel: The realm of Hella, Goddess of death. This realm is associated with the female aspect of the psyche.

Instructions: Hold all the Runes in a cup or other suitable container, invoke the three Norns, and cast the Runes upon the cloth. Ignore any Runes that fall outside of the cloth, and interpret the Runes in the areas where they have fallen.

Modern Casting Cloth

Here is another example of a casting cloth that is used for rune casting and rune spreads. The marked sections are self-explanatory.

Rune Casting

There are two methods to casting runes.

Method One: Rune Spreads

To do a rune spread, unfold the casting cloth and place it in front of you. Draw the runes from a hidden area, preferably a bag, and place them on the casting cloth in a specific pattern to read. Make sure you do not get a look at the runes prior to pulling them from the hidden cache.

There are thirteen basic spreads that you should learn before moving onto more advanced rune casting.

Important Note on Rune Spreads

When doing Rune Spreads, determine the gender of the person you are doing the reading for, and put either a male identifier or female identifier on the side of the casting cloth to match the gender of the person you are reading.

This simple gesture adds accuracy to your rune spread. Do not put the opposite gender of the person on the casting cloth or put both genders out at the same time or you will not get an accurate reading.

Spread One: Celtic/ Cross

Unfold the casting cloth and set it out in front of you. Place the runes in the Runic Cross pattern shown below on top of the drawn casting image. Place either the male identifier or female identifier to the side of the casting image, making sure it matches the gender of the person for whom the runes are being cast.

1) The root of the problem. 2) Where you should direct your energy. 3) Problems you're facing now. 4) What will help you overcome the problems. 5) What are you still lacking? 6) Outcome of the situation.

Spread Two: Thor’s Hammer Spread

Unfold the casting cloth and set it out in front of you. Place the runes in the Runic Cross pattern shown below on top of the drawn casting image. Place either the male identifier or female identifier to the side of the casting image, making sure it matches the gender of the person for whom the runes are being cast.

1.) What mask do I show the world? 2.) What fears are within me? 3.) What am I seeking? 4.) How should I best approach this? 5.) What do I hope to become? 6.) What is stopping me? 7.) What is my destiny? 8.) What do I need to learn to find my true self? 9.) What is my true self?

Spread Three: The Field/ Five Rune Spread

Unfold the casting cloth and set it out in front of you. Place the runes in the Runic Cross pattern shown below on top of the drawn casting image. Place either the male identifier or female identifier to the side of the casting image, making sure it matches the gender of the person for whom the runes are being cast.

1. Overview of the current situation. 2. Challenge to overcome with this situation. 3. The course of action called for to manage this situation. 4. Sacrifice; what you will have to set aside or consider in order to handle the current situation. 5. New situation evolving and usually the outcome of the current situation.

Spread Four: Three Rune Spread

Unfold the casting cloth and set it out in front of you. Place the runes in the Runic Cross pattern shown below on top of the drawn casting image. Place either the male identifier or female identifier to the side of the casting image, making sure it matches the gender of the person for whom the runes are being cast.

1) Past, issues leading up to the current situation. 2) Present, issues currently affecting the situation. 3) Future, outcome of the current situation.

Spread Five: Quest for Truth

Unfold the casting cloth and set it out in front of you. Place the runes in the Runic Cross pattern shown below on top of the drawn casting image. Place either the male identifier or female identifier to the side of the casting image, making sure it matches the gender of the person for whom the runes are being cast.

1.) The bottom right Rune (drawn by the Runemaster/mistress) representing the Querent is known as the significator. 2.) The second Rune reveals the inner self and cast middle row right. 3.) The third Rune is cast top row right and deals with the goals or ideals of the Querent. 4.) The fourth Rune is cast top row middle to represent the past. 5.) The fifth Rune is cast at the center of the square and tells of family matters. 6.) The sixth Rune is cast bottom row middle and deals with the Querent's health. 7.) The seventh Rune is cast bottom row left and speaks of religious matters. 8.) The eighth Rune is cast middle row left and represents the Querent's friends. 9.) The final Rune is cast top row left and reveals the final outcome of the matter.

Spread Six: Three Lifetimes Spread

Unfold the casting cloth and set it out in front of you. Place the runes in the Runic Cross pattern shown below on top of the drawn casting image. Place either the male identifier or female identifier to the side of the casting image, making sure it matches the gender of the person for whom the runes are being cast.

1.) Birth and Childhood. 2.) The Present. 3.) Future in this Life. 4.) Past Incarnation. 5.) Future Incarnation.

Spread Seven: Circle Spread

Unfold the casting cloth and set it out in front of you. Place the runes in the Runic Cross pattern shown below on top of the drawn casting image. Place either the male identifier or female identifier to the side of the casting image, making sure it matches the gender of the person for whom the runes are being cast.

1 / 2) Problems you face. 3 / 4) Factors influencing from the past. 5 / 6) Advice you should take. 7) Result if you follow the advice.

Spread Eight: Four Elements Spread

Unfold the casting cloth and set it out in front of you. Place the runes in the Runic Cross pattern shown below on top of the drawn casting image. Place either the male identifier or female identifier to the side of the casting image, making sure it matches the gender of the person for whom the runes are being cast.

1) Earth. Physical lessons. 2) Water. Emotional lessons. 3) Fire. Unfolding destiny. 4) Air. Future wisdom.

Spread Nine: Seven Rune Spread

Unfold the casting cloth and set it out in front of you. Place the runes in the Runic Cross pattern shown below on top of the drawn casting image. Place either the male identifier or female identifier to the side of the casting image, making sure it matches the gender of the person for whom the runes are being cast.

Spread Ten: Futhark Layout

*Note: Only use this layout if you are familiar with the alphabet. This spread is for advanced rune casters.

1.) Fehu: Money matters. Psychic energies. 2.) Uruz: Physical health. Vital energies. 3.) Thurisaz: What opposed you (perhaps physical). 4.) Ansuz: Sources of inspiration and intellectual expression. 5.) Raidho: Travels; inner or outer. 6.) Kenaz: Creativity. Erotic relationships. 7.) Gebo: What will be given to you. 8.) Wunjo: Relationships, friends. What will give you happiness. 9.) Hagalaz: Area of possible crisis leading to transformation. 10.) Nauthiz: What resists you (psychically). Source of discontent. 11.) Isa: What is constraining you. 12.) Jera: Where rewards can be expected. Relationship with the natural environment. 13.) : Hidden influences, state of whole being. Relationship with the numinous environment. 14.) Perthro: How you will find joy. 15.) : Thing that needs attention. Way to the gods. 16.) Sowilo: What will guide you. 17.) Tiwaz: Cognitive state. Legal matters. Ideals. 18.) Berkano: What provides growth and beauty. 19.) : With what or whom you should work. Erotic relations. 20.) : Overall psychic state. Attitude toward death. 21.) Laguz: State of emotional Balance. What will test you. 22.) Ingwaz: What you should contemplate. 23.) Dagaz: Area of unexpected synchronicity. 24.) Othala: Greater family matters. National or community issues.

Casting Spreads in Airts

The last three spreads deal with casting the runes in Airts. An Airt is an eight-fold wheel which encompasses all of the subject matter that is casted in it. Place either the male identifier or female identifier to the side of the casting image, making sure it matches the gender of the person for whom the runes are being cast.

Spread Eleven: First Airt of Freya/The Eight-Fold Wheel of Freya

Unfold the casting cloth and set it out in front of you. Place the runes in the Runic Cross pattern shown below on top of the drawn casting image. Place either the male identifier or female identifier to the side of the casting image, making sure it matches the gender of the person for whom the runes are being cast.

1.) Fehu - Financial strength and prosperity of the present and near future. 2.) Uruz - Health matters. 3.) Thurisaz - Conflicts and complexities of an aggressive nature; psychological problems. 4.) Ansuz - Communications and transmissions; points things back to sources in the past. 5.) Raidho - What is right or not right; what move to make; decisions; returns. 6.) Kenaz - Opening up of new ways; opportunities; information. 7.) Gebo - All matters of an exchanging nature; contracts; personal relationships. 8.) Wunjo - Gain; accomplishments; that which is wished for.

Spread Twelve: The Second Airt of Hagalaz/The Eight-Fold Wheel of Hagalaz

Unfold the casting cloth and set it out in front of you. Place the runes in the Runic Cross pattern shown below on top of the drawn casting image. Place either the male identifier or female identifier to the side of the casting image, making sure it matches the gender of the person for whom the runes are being cast.

1.) Hagalaz - The uncontrolled forces in the unconscious, which are usually of a disruptive nature and which usually originate in the past. 2.) Nauthiz - Restrictive forces in the unconscious; fears, anxieties; feelings of guilt. 3.) Isa - Blocks; stultified conditions; grievances; anything that the individual is not prepared to let go of; the formation of the personality; conditioning. 4.) Jera - Hopes and expectations; turning points; gradual changes; results of earlier actions. 5.) Eihwaz - The driving forces in the unconscious; motivation; sense of purpose. 6.) Perthro - The deepest creative part of the unconscious; the hidden realm of higher material that is waiting to come to fruition and birth; hidden talents; occult or psychic abilities. 7.) Algiz - The strong protective side in the unconscious; the influence which will protect you; religious aspirations. 8.) Sowilo - Position of the higher self in relations to the unconscious; the direction in which you will be guided by the higher self; the ability to establish contact between the higher self and the unconscious.

Spread Thirteen: The Third Airt of Gebo/ The Eight-Fold Wheel of Gebo

Unfold the casting cloth and set it out in front of you. Place the runes in the Runic Cross pattern shown below on top of the drawn casting image. Place either the male identifier or female identifier to the side of the casting image, making sure it matches the gender of the person for whom the runes are being cast.

1.) Tiwaz - Creative energies in the martial sense; where your strengths lie; where to direct your energies in taking initiatives; honor and justice, leadership and authority. 2.) Berkano - Fertility; birth' rebirth; growth; maternity; family life; feminine mysteries. 3.) Ehwaz - Adaptability; relationships with others; joint efforts; cooperation; sexuality. 4.) Mannaz - People at large; attitude toward others; other people's attitudes towards you; legal matters, friends and enemies; intellect. 5.) Laguz - Emotions; stability; imagination; psychic matters; affections. 6.) Ingwaz - Integration; gestation; expectations; progeny. 7.) Dagaz - Transmission; opposites; position between light and darkness; initiation; balance between the worlds outside time and space; cosmic consciousness; change from one thing into its opposite; new beginnings. 8.) Othala - Home life; country; spiritual heritage; experience; foundation; fundamental values; establishing.

Method Two: Rune Casts

To do a Rune Cast, unfold the casting cloth and throw or drop the runes onto its surface so that they fall randomly on top of the drawn image. Read the displaced Planetary Runes according to their location on the casting cloth surface.

Unlike Rune Spreads, it is possible to use BOTH the male identifier and female identifier in a Rune Cast. The reason for this is because the male and female modifiers may be talking about other people than the recipient of the rune cast. You can also choose to read with just the female identifier or the male identifier if you want to do a specific reading on the person for whom the runes are cast.

I wouldn’t recommend doing this type of cast until you feel comfortable enough with using the runes. This is method is primarily for advanced users, but it is good to learn once all of the Rune Spreads have been practiced and memorized.

Combining Methods

Rune casting can be used in conjunction with tarot reading, pendulum work, mirror reading, I Ching, Zodiac Forecasts, Stick Pulling, Tea Stalk Reading, Star Reading, and other diving techniques. Just be sure to be familiar with the divining method you intend to utilize with rune casting before you overlap the methods.

Casting Journal/Notebook

When doing readings for yourself and other people, keep a journal of the outcomes received by each of the rune casts and run spreads. This helps keep all of your results in one place, in the event that one of your family members, friends, or clients would like a copy of the outcomes of their readings to share with others or to have a record of for their own personal use.

Other Notes

Runes should not be used to tell the long-term future with! They should only be used as a guide for self- improvement. Think of runes as a medieval form of therapy; your client asks you for a diagnosis and you give it to them. Using the runes to tell the long-term future with is dangerous because it robs a person of making their own destiny and there are dire consequences for it. So remember, always use the runes to diagnose a personality problem, NEVER to pull unwanted or unhappy futures into place!

But the ultimate rule of rune casting is to have fun! Runes have a long history and have been used to determine the possible destinies of famous Scandinavian rulers for thousands of years. Use your runes to give your family members, friends, and potential clients advice by asking the universe how each person can achieve enlightenment by overcoming a hidden obstacle within.