bulletin newsletter from the eabh 01 2015 eabh (The European Association for Banking and Financial History e.V.) Contents Edtiorial 2 New research 3 Apostolides / Tanatar Baruh 3 Bonin 13 Depner 22 Batiz-Lazo 26 On the future of economic history 30 Tortella 30 Bonin 33 New members 41 Archives' news 43 Workshop reports 62 New books 77 eabh noticeboard 81 In memoriam 89 Front page illustration: Richard McBurney, Grand Creative, www.grand-creative.com ISSN 2219-0643 Key title: Bulletin (European Association Banking and Financial History) Editors: Damir Jelic, Carmen Hofmann Assistant Editor: Gabriella Massaglia Language Editor: Jonathan Ercanbrack eabh (The European Association for Banking and Financial History e.V.) Geleitsstrasse 14 D-60599 Frankfurt am Main Mail:
[email protected] Tel: +49 69 97 20 33 09 www.bankinghistory.org 1 On behalf of the board of management of eabh I would like to thank Damir Jelic for his commit- ment, continued support over the years and his Editorial personal contribution that made the bulletin a success. Dear members; though the editors changed and the cover is all new; rest assured that our intention did not change: the promotion of archi- val work lies at the heart of the Association and Dear colleagues and friends, its bulletin. Accurate and accessible records of past activities are the indispensable foundation The first edition of the eabh bulletin was pub- for a global financial system. eabh's main ob- lished in May 1999 in connection with the eabh jective is to strengthen the position of archives annual conference in Amsterdam. It contained within their institutions and to the ouside.