The Interwar Period
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CONSEJERÍA DE EDUCACIÓN Dirección General de Participación e innovación Educativa Identificación del material AICLE TÍTULO The interwar period NIVEL LINGÜÍSTICO A.2.2. SEGÚN MCER IDIOMA Inglés ÁREA / MATERIA Ciencias Sociales (Geografía e Historia) NÚCLEO TEMÁTICO Historia del mundo contemporáneo La unidad analiza el período que va desde 1917 hasta 1939 contextualizando el tema en la Alemania de entreguerras. El recorrido se detiene especialmente en la Revolución Rusa, los felices años veinte, la crisis de 1929, y el auge de los GUIÓN TEMÁTICO fascismos en los años treinta. Se hace hincapié en la situación de las mujeres a lo largo del período, así como en la violación de de derechos humanos llevada a cabo en la Alemania nazi. FORMATO Material didáctico en formato PDF CORRESPONDENCIA 4º de Educación Secundaria CURRICULAR AUTORÍA Antonio Rus Martínez La unidad requiere, al menos, de 11 sesiones para llevarse a cabo en su to- talidad: Sesión 1: Análisis del collage de la portada, actividades iniciales de motivación y bibliografía de Hitler. TEMPORALIZACIÓN Sesiones 2 y 3: La Revolución Rusa. APROXIMADA Sesiones 4, 5 y 6: Los años 20. Sesiones 7 y 8: Los años 30. Sesiones9 y 10: Proyecto. Sesion 11: What I have learned y Final activities. - Competencia en comunicación lingüística (uso del lenguaje tanto hablado como escrito) - Competencia digital y tratamiento de la información (realización del proyecto), COMPETENCIAS - Competencia social y ciudadana (toma de conciencia de la importancia del BÁSICAS sistema democrático - Competencia para la autonomía e iniciativa personal (desarrollo de un criterio propio y de un espíritu crítico ante los totalitarismos). La unidad está pensada para trabajarla en su conjunto, pero también con la OBSERVACIONES opción de hacer cada parte de forma independiente. Material AICLE. 4º de ESO: The interwar period 3 Tabla de programación AICLE - Asumir responsablemente sus deberes, conocer y ejercer sus derechos en el respeto a los demás, practicar la tolerancia, la cooperación y la solidaridad entre las perso- nas y grupos, ejercitarse en el diálogo afianzando los derechos humanos como va- lores comunes de una sociedad plural y prepararse para el ejercicio de la ciudadanía OBJETIVOS democrática - Valorar y respetar la diferencia de sexos y la igualdad de derechos y oportunidades entre ellos - Desarrollar destrezas básicas en la utilización de las fuentes de información para, con sentido crítico, adquirir nuevos conocimientos - Bloque 2. Bases históricas de la sociedad actual CONTENIDOS DE - Grandes cambios y conflictos en la primera mitad del XX. Imperialismo, CURSO / CICLO guerra y revolución social - Adolph Hitler y la Alemania Nazi - La Revolución rusa - Los felices años 20 y el cambio en el rol de la mujer TEMA - La crisis de 1929 - El auge de los fascismos en los años 30 - La violación de derechos humanos en la Alemania nazi - Definir conceptos - Describir imágenes - Dar opiniones razonadas - Resumir textos MODELOS - Tomar notas tras un listening o una explicación DISCURSIVOS - Clasificar conceptos - Explicar las causas y las consecuencias de las tres revoluciones rusas y de la crisis de 1929 - Buscar la información sobre un personaje histórico para hacer su biografía - Exponer oralmente la información obtenida tras una búsqueda - Debate sobre el comunismo y sus aspectos positivos y negativos - Resumen de las ideas principales de un texto sobre los años 20 TAREAS - Toma de apuntes mientras el profesor explica - Eje cronológico a realizar sobre los años 20 y sobre los años 30 FUNCIONES: ESTRUCTURAS: LÉXICO: - Diálogo en equipo - Para el diálogo (Did you find Names, Jew, Tsar... para la realización __________?, Look, Adjectives de actividades. __________’s here.) Anti-Semitic... CONTENIDOS - Comentario y - Para la descripción del rostro Verbs LINGÜÍSTICOS descripción de im- de Hitler: To rise... ágenes y documen- -He has + (adjective) + (noun) Expresions tos históricos. -He is + adjective. “Coup de etat”... - Estructuración de - Para la estructuración de un Phrasal verbs un relato. relato (It follows, therefore, that) Took over... - Identificar las causas y consecuencias de hechos y procesos históricos significativos estableciendo conexiones entre ellas y reconociendo la causalidad múltiple que comportan los hechos sociales CRITERIOS DE - Caracterizar y situar en el tiempo y en el espacio las grandes transformaciones y EVALUACIÓN conflictos mundiales que han tenido lugar en el siglo XX y aplicar este conocimiento a la comprensión de algunos de los problemas internacionales más destacados de la actualidad 4 Material AICLE. 4º de ESO: The interwar period Observe and think! 1. What does the symbol on the left represent? How about the one on the right? 2. What do you think the picture in the middle represents? What happened in 1929? 3. What is the idea behind the collage? In this unit we are going to study the period between the two world wars. We will study it through the biography of the time period’s major figure, Adolf Hitler. Once we study the aspects that are most relevant of this fascinating time period, the class will then divide into groups to work on how the diverse events between the years 1917-1939 had an impact on the lives of other protagonists during this time period. 1. Adolph Hitler (1889 –1918) 2. The Russian Revolution 3. Adolph Hitler and the Zazis (1918-1930) 4. The 1920s 5. Adolph Hitler and the Nazis (1930-1939) 6. The 1930s 7. Adolph Hitler (1939-1945) 8. Project. 9. Final activities. 10. What I have learned. 11. Links and bibliographies. 12. Teacher version worksheet. Material AICLE. 4º de ESO: The interwar period 5 THINK!! "THEY CAME FIRST for the Reds, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Red. THEN THEY CAME for the Blues, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Blue. THEN THEY CAME for the Pinks, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Pink. THEN THEY CAME for the Yellows, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Yellow. THEN THEY CAME for the Greens, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Green. THEN THEY CAME for the Purples, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Purple. THEN THEY CAME for me and by that time no one was left to speak up." Inspired by "First they came ..." Pastor Martin Niemöller 6 Material AICLE. 4º de ESO: The interwar period Search for a picture of Adolph Hitler. You will see the appearance of one of the most destructive politician of the 20th century. DESCRIBE HIS PHYSICAL APPEARANCE - He has + (adjective) + (noun) - He is + adjective. - He has a ______ face, a ______ nose, he has ___________ eyes... eyebrows, mouth, lips..., he has _______________ hair, he’s got a _____________ figure - He looks… (Handsome, good- looking, ugly...) HOW WOULD YOU DESCRIBE HIS PERSONALITY? - He looks... (happy, sad, worried, dangerous, ...) - I think he was a __________________ person because... Some scientific studies say that one quarter of a second of visual. Exposure is sufficient for the apprehension of a person’s character. But, can the evil in Hitler actually be visualized? Was Hitler evil or just mentally ill? What do you think of the following description? “From the first moment on his eyes fascinated me. They were clear and big, calm and confidently fixed on me. But his gaze did not come from his eyeball, it came from much further in, I thought perhaps from infinity. One couldn’t read those eyes. But they spoke, they wanted to speak. They didn’t ask, they talked.” Otto Wagener, Adolf Hitler’s economic advisor Material AICLE. 4º de ESO: The interwar period 7 A BIOGRAPHY OF ADOLF HITLER (1889-1939) KEY VOCABULARY Look at these words bellow. Listen and repeat the pronunciation. Later, read the definitions. ADOLF HITLER (1889 –1918) Customs: Duties or taxes imposed on imported and exported goods. To follow in his Footsteps: To carry on the behavior, work, or tradition of… Tore (simple past for the verb “to tear”): to divide. Expelled: To force to leave. To reject: To refuse to accept. Homeless: Having no home. Charity soup-kitchens: A place where food and drink is served to the needy. ADOLPH HITLER (1918-1930 ) Jew: An adherent of Judaism as a religion or culture. Prophet: A person who speaks by divine inspiration. Anti-Semitic: Prejudiced against or hostile to Jews. Rose: Past tense of rise. Staged: To arrange and carry out. Coup de etat: is the sudden overthrow of a government usually by the military. Putsch: A sudden attempt by a group to overthrow a government. ADOLPH HITLER (1930-1939) The blame: To hold responsible. Banned (To ban): To prohibit especially by official decree. Took control (To take control): To assume control. Motorways: A main road for fast-moving traffic. Sacked (to sack): To direct or allow to leave. ADOLPH HITLER (1939-1945) Stepped up: Increased. Threat: One that is regarded as a possible danger. Legacy: An inheritance. Engraved (To engrave): To carve into a block or surface used for printing. 8 Material AICLE. 4º de ESO: The interwar period 1. ADOLF HITLER (1889 –1918) Adolf Hitler was born on April 20th 1889 in Braunau-am-Inn, Austria. The town is near to the Austro-German border, and his father, Alois, worked as a customs officer on the border crossing. Hitler was close to his mother, Klara, but had a troubled relationship with his authoritarian father, who frequently beat him. Alois wanted his son to follow in his footsteps as an Austrian customs official, but Adolf didn’t want to. Hitler as a baby After Alois' sudden death on 3 January 1903, Hitler's behaviour at the school became worse. He entered the Realschule (a type of secondary school) in 1904, but when he was going to complete his second year, he and his friends went out for a night of celebration and drinking, and an intoxicated Hitler tore his school certificate into four pieces and used it as toilet paper.