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Provincial Library api 20

Vm. XTL CRESTON; B;£.O AY, APRIL 30, 1920 No. 9

•DUCK EGGB-^For setting, SI for 0 MILCH COW FOB SAM:—Just fresh­ SPRAY BARRELS FOB SAX-K—A few Local and eggs. C. Kelsey, Erickson. ened; 3. Sh&rwood, Creston. em pties. W. V. Jackson, Creston. A West Crestoii 5 Cow FOB SA-CE—-Giving nice flow of FOB SAL'B-rRoad cart and harness, FOB SALE—Limited quantity of FOR SALE—-Portable hen house 8x6 s?>!ik;' Se*; he? for' "Yourself-; Enibree's latter as jgobd* «6 new, cheap for cash. strawberry plants. Monrad Wigen, Get-Together feet. Mrs. Forward. Garage, Creston. Mawson Brob. Wynndei, B.C. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. French j-i Port- FOB SALE—Registered pedigree Jer­ The Mallandaine sawmill is shipping FOBD CAB FOB SALE—1917 model, in A new chapter in the history of the •h'll -were Sunday visitors with R. a quantity of the rough lumber output first-class shape: L. Hussack, Canyon Creston Valley was opened on Satur­ Qn.i-<) mrvtx-~m sey heifer, 18 mouthy oid, not bred. JIJ» i€*\.~ •»*» «*jr • $100. A. North. Shj-qar. to .IPerpie at, Dissent. City (Erickson P.O.) day when the residence of W- Wright Tbiniothy Seed at 25 cents a pound at Cora Creek was the scene of a re­ FOB SALE—TWO or three large Ho!- 85Q. * brooms at 65c. is one of the Just arrived a nice line of D & A r while it'lasts. Quantity is limited. union and social *- &fcherto*Qr of the steins, practically full blood, freshen eight ^specials Mawson Bros, are offer­ corsets. Ladies, come in and have me Mawson Bros., ** whole of the residents of West Crest­ in May,. Box 848, Cranbrook, B.C. ing for tomorrow. See adyt. fit you. Mrs. Brace, millinery. on. Messrs. Jim and Matt. Moores, WASTED TO BO»ROW—$3000 on Tom Midford, who has been at ECKSS FOB HATCHma---Rose Comb Attention is again called to clean-np with Mr. Meakin, furnished music in mortgage, good security. Apply Box vVenatchee, Wash., the past few Rhode Island R-eds, $1.50 for setting day at Creston cemetery—-on Wednes­ the shape of two violins and an organ, 20, Reyiew Office. months, returned on Tuesday, accom­ of IS ^ggs. W. V. Jackson, Creston. day afternoon next Plot owners and the accomplishment of these gentle­ LOST—two keys for safety deposit a11 others wU1 be made weleome men being a great surprise to those panied by his brother. ECKJS FOB HATCHINQ-Purebred Or-f - -compartment. Rewartt. Leave at who previously were unaware of their WANTED—School girl of reliable age pingtoos and Barred Rocks. $1.25 for CSAPPLKS WANTED—600 cases Jona­ Review .Office,. Creston. talents. With an interval for supper to take charge of two small children setting of 15. Forest Stream Orchards, than, domestic pack at $1.75; 300 cases / at midnight the dancing was prolong­ Arthur Pendry of Trail spent a few two or three afternoons a week. Apply Wynndel. Telephone alright. small Jonathans at $1.25; also Spitz ed nntil 4 a.m., when the residents de­ • days renewing acqua-ntances at Cres­ Mrs. F. E.* Loveday, Creston. FOB SALE*—Heavy work horse, and Wagners, domestic, at $1.75. parted for their various homes with ton the latter part of the week. Jack H Campbell Dow, who is with the weight 1700 now. fair condition, six - Snoeck, Hillcrest, Alta. many kindly expressions as to their The ice cream season opened this Bank of Commerce- at Ladysmith, ar­ years oid, intelligent, quiet, goo_. J. W. Dow. The Women's Institute library has o'clock to-morrow afternoon, May 1st. suming the nature of a banquet rather Inspector DeLong of paid received a very generous donation of There is no admission charge and all At the April meeting of the school than tbe usual supper provided at such the Creston high school an official seventeen books from Mrs. Downs are cordially inyited. board a grant of $10 was made the gatherings. However, the residents visit on Monday. The school has an this month, which brings the total of •agricultural society for a special prize The sale of the farm stock, etc., of of West Creston believe in doing a average attendance of about fifteen at this year's fair in connection with volumes available up tb 276. the late Mrs. Andy Miller on Tuesday scholars. y - - thing well, and with the able assist­ the school garden competition. A sale of hocsesi cattle ana farm im­ afternoon was quite well attended and ance of Mrs. C. C. French, Mrs. Dunn, .. -, 1„ ...2-. TiT'. '-. ——— —xx~rx Members of the ladies aid society of The Methodist Ladies' Aid have plements, the .property of Mrs. Geo. UU lilt; WIIU1C* Ituuiiiuucci' jivuaa reino ovxvr- Mrs. Frank Tompkins and Mrs. Sin­ the Creston Methodist church are re­ booked the afternoon of Saturday, Broderick, is announced for Saturday cessfui in getting good prices for the clair Smith and the Misses Dunn the minded of the annual meeting at the May 22nd, for a sale of home cooking. afternoon. May Sth, at the McCreath stuff offered; one of the cows going affair went off very successfully. Ow­ home of Mrs. Edmondson on Thursday Afternoon tea at 15c, will^ilso be serv­ barn, with J, F. Rose doing the auc­ over the $100 mark, ing to the limited dancing space only afternoon next at 3 o'clock. ed. Sale from 2 to 6 p.m. in**" Speers* tioneering. * , Tbe portable sawmill outfit with six -couples were able to engage the floor at one time, but by a system of Jack Lamont, who has been a visitor Hall. Creamery butter is now up to 85 traction engine power, wnieb F. V. rotation all were able to have a full in the Niagara district and other On- ""There will be morning service, with cents a pound in local stores—the Staples operated for a time on the old sba-re of dancing, and the morning tjttrio' centres for ths past few * months, celebration of Holy Communion at the hicrhesfc m-iee this class of dairy pro- Winlaw limits, was this week loaded S3—- ---&-•• ^ T rf ~ and shipped. to Eitchener where he light saw al! ths -d-Sucing people tsrsu arriyed back in Creston on Sunday for close, at Christ Church on Sunday at duct has ever, touched in ureston. s has taken a contract to saw a million but happy—each participant hoping a few d-iys' stay with old friends. 11. The Ladies' Guild are making Eggs are still at 50 cents a dozen but preparations for a bigger and better feet for Paulson, Mason, Ltd. the eyening would be but the firsto f The.. C.P.R. puts its summer time with the" supply falling off a raise in country fair in the Parish Hall on many more of a similar nature. "Dur­ ., table into effect oh Sunday. There is pi-ice is due shortly. May 24th. About fifty feet of heavy plank has ing the sapper interval business was uo change in the time of arrival of the Another real estate firm has opened been put in the walk iftidway between combined with pleasure by the discus­ *-V»£» ••» mx -E-a-i- * •> a * 4-&, nl ni -ti *a Vi /iii frA *-'-*-*% tri # UA D-Vrnvrnx. eastbound _train, but the train going, H. W. Mor-ffa-Bt inn charge of the for business in town nsuct t»»s «ru! tllM-G lUOUll'U'Ub VVUA\.|U\/-UI0V .-IM-mmm* >VUV -UACA" sion of the school question, -in which west will -come in five minutes later, Mutual Brokers interests at Calgary, name of Rose &T|mnions, with the cantile store this week, which makes the residents of West Creston^are 4.22 instead of 4.17 town time as at Alta., was a week-end visitor here, former in chat-gfe. •• They have taken the traveling along that ^stretch of vitally interested. It was decided to present. and was ""shown over the Vaiiey by tbe office near7 the Imperial Bank, sidewalk mueSi^safer/The o^i i-evere-ed ask the educational authorities to pro­ auto by R. B. Staples. Prairie deal- formerly .oc'*-mpl"e-4Jb^ as tw.o;5by-*four w*-dk there ..J made fdo^ vide a school for the disti-spt, and to "*.*,. Tbe :^.^)^..thiaLiy^k.: ..*e«pjm*encedr 7 •--•TV--**.--. •,.-•. ^Ifi^' sa • -, -*- .j^*!pro6:^ farmers Instiwi/'^&axt^ace," ;tsalu^ festyear for 1920 berries." spring weather, amiHinc^ Baled timothy has, how reached the Four new Spramotor power sprayers thatjt maytieaccessibleto enildren Rev. J.iJ. White, who has just ar­ things are deciefledly quiet about town. rather respectable price of $55 a tonr have been unloaded ab Creston within from all points. A central site would Sunday' was^ rparticiitarly warm, "the rived from Clinton, for a two-Sun«iay United States centres being. called the past few days.' D. Lear month is* also^sblve'tlie' difficulty of a -location mercury hitting as high as 70 in the pastorate of Creston Presbyterian upon to help supply the demand. It one of the buyers, an-4 the other three for a telephone which could be instal­ shade that afternoon. Church, had a large turnout at the is figured that almost 500 tons of hay are in the Erickson Section. It "ils fig­ led in the schoolhouse. These matters Sunday evening service—so large that ured that "Almost &) per cent, of tbe The local telephone company this have been brought into the Valley by will be taken up by the delegation chairs had to be pressed in into service Valley ranchers are iiow -directly or week giyes notice that commencing those in the feed business or buying appointed, as will also tho matter of to seat the unusually large crowd of part Owners of-power spra,yers. *" May 1st, a new schedule of charges for their own use. the , which has been so of ten re­ worshippers. paired that it is becoming unsafe to will become effective. The raise is There will be eyeiiih-g '•s'eryjlfcjei In operate. This is net satisfactory, and approximately $1 a month all round, On Saturday af ternon, May 8th, the Creston Methodist church on Sunday the residents of the west side along residence phones being $2.75 with no directors and a few of the members of at 7.80 p.m., a,rid also onthefond-w'in'g No Sweet Cherries with those on the east who use it are discount for prompt payment. Creston Women's Institute are giving Sunday eyening. May Oth. R^y, G-eVi. demanding of the responsible parties a 15-cent tea in Speers' Hall from 3 to Victoria, B.C., April 10, 1920. H. -{Hamilton lias been j$y'e*o two Mr. and Mrs. Fripp of Rampsham, 5.30. as a means of raising funds to weeks* le&ye from hospital "Ut" Vancou­ that a new ferry be installed, and the | W. K. BROWN. j*-! m-vr-r* rx-P Dorset, England, arrived recently and i-tX* 4*M*J*VUttt*blV»ll defray the expense of the forthcoming I Creston^ B.C. ver, which-he Will spend here, taking ' are acquiring a knowledge of fruit institute conference at Creston. Home Dear Sir,—Reference your spring the ' usual evening services while at farming on the ranch nf Chas. Moore, cooking will also be on sale. orders I regret having to inform you home.' Mr. Moore having erected a cottage that I shall be unable ti fill any of on the place for them. It is their in­ Creston .entertained a distinguished your orders for Sweet cherries. All Crfe"ston*s new restaurant opened for tention to go ranching for thcmselyes trio of Cranbrook citizens the latter my stock that had been transferred to business on Monday in the Grady the heeiing-in ground.*-, has been utterly The two months' old baby girl of later in the Valley. part of the week in ex-mayor Cam­ building on Fourth Street and the destroyed by the exceptional frosts Mr. and Mrs, Axel Bergren died on eron, Dr. Rutiedge and R. E. Beattie. that haye been experienced this past proprietor, T. ROBS, reports'trado very P. H. Pym of the forestry depart­ Cranbrook G.W.V.A. is having a mon­ fall. satisfactory. Meals soryed at the reg- Saturday und the funeral took place ment, Cranbrook, wan a visitor here ster celebration on May 24th this year, This is indeed regretted exceedingly ulur meal hours arc 50 cents, with a to Creston cemetry on Monday. Mr. early in the week, making a prelimin­ and arrangements are being made to on my part and in order to meet-your yery attractive menu to choose from. Bergren, who is working at Blainuoro, customers, who I know will be yery ary survey of 1020 operations in the take care of at least 5000 visitors that The ptemiscs are being nicely fitted up Alta., was suddenly called home for Sire warden's line. Jim Long will disappointed. I will supply them their day. orders in full this fall at the same and the new eating house is sure to fil the sad event. again be in charge of the lire protec­ Land clearing operations are hejiy- prices us quoted you for the present a need Creston has felt for some time. tion service in the Creston district, deliyery, no that they -will not, by Messrs. Bateman and Pepperdine of and has already commenced work. ier this spring than for at least five reason of delay, have to pay the very •Even standing room was at a pre­ Calgary, Alta., completed the deal for years back, the sound of blasting op­ high prices that now exist, mium at the Peekin on Monday night the purchase of ten-acre F. H. Jackson W. Ramsay, provincial district en­ erations beii.g heard in every direc­ The English Morello cherry that had for the showing of thc Tarzan of tlie ranch on Monday, nnd haye already tion. The. price of powder iH down not been brought to the heeling-in taken possession and gone to work. gineer, Nelson, was here on an official ground have survived and if any of Apes pictures, and it is safe to say that visit on Friday, chiefly in connection about $1 a case, and manager Lidgate your good clients so wish, I can supply none of the largo crowd went away The price, we hear, was in the neigh­ with construction work at the high of the Union's feed department states them. dissatisfied with the show. The pic­ borhood of $3500. thai abont 3T>& cub£t» of powder have With uincere regret;'. leyol bridge. If tlie flood waters in tures were of au exceptionally high Jack McRobb is home from Birch- been aold this yeai—more than was Yours very truly, the Goat holds off for another ten class throughout, and with the first- bank, where he has been for about six purchased in tSe whole of 1910. THE LAYRITZ NURSERIES. days there will be no difficulty in push­ viiiuH picture uiiichine Manager Rodg­ weeks, in order to complete some ing construction through to comple­ Those interested in Kootenay Val­ ers has at the Peekin it is unnecessary clearing and stumping operations on tion without delay. ley lands, secured at the government to say tho scenes were all splendidly his ranch be it-. sule about ten years ago. aro notified Telephone Rates shown. The prize list committee of Creston Mr. Witherhead has also been home by official notice in the B.C. Gazette, fall fail- in having the beat of -aiicces-i On Friday last the members of the from Jaffmy for a bboit time looking that bix months after the 1st of April in securing special prizes for tho 1020 Owing to tho increased -cost of Creston Valley Women's Institute after -sonic land clearing operations on the minister of lands proposes to cart­ exhibition and if tho response ia ua operation and maintenance, tho spont a yery pleasant afternoon at bin ranch property. good throughout as has been the case ed all agreements ot sale on crown Creston Powor, Light &, Telephone Speers' Hall, when one half oi the Mr. Twigg, tbe resident horticultur­ from thone already heard from certain­ lands or lots iu townsite subdivisions Company. Limited, aro inoroaainp; members wore entertained by the ist, WIUJ here on an official look over ly this year's fair will present a wholo unU'Bfi at least nil the oyerduc interest thoir rates "to the following sched­ other half in a most enjoyable manner. Canyon orchards thin week. He lot of attractive awards. AH noon as is paid and good evidence giyen that ule, to tako elfoot May 1, 1020. A sumptuous tea was handed round tho overdue principal will also -shortly A-xtor, tlmt overvwhere th" m,o'>»>t,ct IN all those who have been written to and «t intervals tlioxo pri'Hont were 04 - - be liquidated. Batiks $5.00 por month. have been heard from a liub of these t treated to violl'i HOIOH by Mrs. Lister, right for a fine apple crop. The local Hpecial contributors will be published. Hotels - COO who was accompanied by MI-H. Cromp­ orchards are being particularly well The April nession of the Mission Storcn 5.00 ll k ton; a KOUK and recitation by Mr*.). pruned and cultivated tbiw wprinjy. >% 4 •*. •%•* * *\ r* • 5 %•*• tm 1x4* i-\\t. •»•*•*#•.»>•*•*>•*•»••••«» *yf • ito •Rinnd of the Pfi «hvt/»r'im Clim-eh WIIH f* 4 OO it Downs, und liyely niusic on tbe piano < Vent on Valley Red Grot-tn Society on chiefly taken up with tho election of tl i'n*v iiuuu \vui •.*.-. i*ii(*nu*i.-i* ii.niibuy OfliooR 4.00 by Mr!). Linter, all ot which combined /Tuesday afternoon it wuu quite uiiaiii- oflicui-u, the following being choi.i-ii for tt of Ni'lM'il, WIIH l»i*r«* nt Un* vve-t-k-cliU ItcBidoncoH 2 75 to make the afternoon paw-i very for an iimp'Ctioii of the new bridge.'. inou'ily decided to dbibaud the orguni- the ent-ulng "year: Prenident, Kathe­ ImitullatioiiB- •- 3.00 '/.fition. Any funds that remain on rine* Moore; Vice-president, Freda rapidly and pleasantly. The viniilog Tint: framing of the :,pan it; practically band after the Uu musing hi I In areijuwit-s ; Secretary, Louise JJoyaii; 10% will bo added to thcfic raten ommberu thank their ho.itrur.e.-j for complete nnd it, will lie Ii,uile*e1 fi-om paid will lu: fumed our to tin* pro:*- Trenourer, Ilulh Sw*mi!ion. The bund if nob piad when clue. elToi t on thin occiiHion. and thanks iu»- Erickson and lb*- w«>rk of 'aiLliii*^ it in •.Uri'tiyu hospital or i*.««ni ot.lu-r good now brm n mejubcriiblip of twenty, /owl All proviono ratoH, privilogoH, also duo Principal RIM->WIH and tlie pluce comiiieiiced any tlay uow. Ac~ scbolar-J of Sirdar school who sent ••annc. The (-ln-sing feature wan the tho girls announce that they have re- coiiooiiflionfl, etc., aro hereby can- cortling to fon-nuin Camplx-ll in two -•.•U.-.l „ii„*,4 „ ivi-ll-iUli-il mini). Iniw of Vi'lleiW \.« >*Li, ! In f.il.n v.'.iiL. will dk- laiin r.i :>- . xxtxis.x-s,...... \t i 41**1. , 4 *t SI 1-tLM* f\-Kf n^vliriMt I l/ei>rii u*it-»- f I l|.il«-» ID. .. .xlj (.11 .*...: \.,HIJII.H.rl< 41. LJ VV .I.'J.ll>4l, UIVI I L • [ijMl ly'ii»! [it. ? iii' roomx HC. llll ,.l Uri.. tM 'l'--jill-A..'.t.k*x.rjS..-A i.lV)., i J I i >. I'::, which *.v:-.:' v.'oli »'

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Will Locate in B.C.

Iron and Steel industry On The Pac­ Eight Hundred Mites of Road to be ific Coast Built in Manitoba BOVRIL A powerful British iron and steel 1*.M • Tenders for grading about 800 miles i • . I.i) company will locate in British Colum­ M of roads will be called for ir. Mani­ Thft gr*eafc bia and establish a complete plant for toba within the next two months, ac­ turning out all products of the indus- food" that makes cording to information supplied by th" try, according to advice received at province. This work wi«» be let in ©Sfes? foods IH-Of® , B. C, from England. contracts of from two to 75 miles. Work on preliminaries connected with nourishing.* The work will be done under "The this firm's flotation for activity in m Good Roads Act," which has been in •western Canada has already been successful operation for the past sis started. This company will be capit- j year. Up to the present, about 1,200 alized at five million pounds sterling, miles of work has been graded and and will work in about 400 miles gravelled under the P. 1.9 J «.!. _ IW U>^MA,.j'is not confined to any one class of the with an established coal company hav-'^„ s anil me IT unu s wccu population of this and other countries ing rail and water connections. Nat­ It is manifest in all ranks of society. In addition to the road works it ive ores of British Columbia are to be During the war there was a tremen­ is expected that over 100 concrete Occasions arise when it becomes the utilized. dous urging of farmers to work early bridges will be constructed. The patriotic duty of every man, and wom­ and lateand increase food production, bridge work will include a steel bridge an too, to forget, neglect, even sacri­ and of all industrial workers to turn 650 feet long oyer the Red River; a fice, their own work and interests for out a maximum of goods. This same atlUUh -«SM »UA-Vr mmmmmmmm concrete arch 100 feet clear span over the general good of their country. incentive to effort was urged in con­ the La Salle River; several bridges of Such an occasion arose with the out­ Initbtnimt aetattifU* taterintntt hntm nection with the Victory Loan, Pat­ Once a mother has used Babv's concrete over the Assiniboinc. River, con IIH'MII DP -id that f o Bo ..v-ioflJin< break of the Great War. The happi­ PsSsr sf Bo-ril it /rales 10 io 2C riotic Fund, Red Cross, and other Own Tablets for h-r little ones she and a number of bridge from 30 to 50 iht amoaa. af BtetrU taken. ness and comfort of home, success i'n. w drives. It found general expressiow„n i.»n .ould use nothing else The Tablets |feet , ^p to date, 384 brid- business achievement, the general bet­ work, service, sacrifice, *» u A i give such results that the mother has. u -iZ A «T- %s relaxed tension there should come a m the basic principles on which civil- from my experience 1 would not be l percentage of this mileage is to be period of slackness, lessened produc- without them. I would urge ev.-ry gravelled, iz^tlo-ti rests, the ideals and indeoen- a box of the Tablets I EN'S HATS iion and luck of interest ni work. It mother to keep a dence of the nation itself, were jeop­ in the house." The Tablets _ are a is the same feeling which forces a %VSLL OUTWEAR ardized and their destruction threat­ mild but thorough laxative which re­ Minard's Liniment Cures .Bums, Etc. man after a period of tense applica­ ened. In these circumstances, one's gulate the bowels and sweeten the TWO HATS tion to take a holiday. The war saw stomach; drive out constipation and devotion to purely personal interests A new broom sweeps almost as _ OF ANY ian extreme of ..ork and sacrifice; indigestion; break up colds and simple became utterly selfish and unworthyf., , , fevers and make teething easy. They clean as a straight flush. ^•Sp^OTHER MAKE' Generally speaking, a man serve^•no w we are having an extreme of. sold by med;cinP dealers or by Mate in ttal, "** : slackness and selfishness, wherein ev-! niail at 25 cents a box from The. Dr. No woman can reform a husband AU- STYLES-ALL COLORS his country and the cause of human- j erybodv wants as much as possjbie WiTiams Medicine Co., Brockville, by continuous lecture process. SEE YOUR LOCAL DEALER ity ably and well when he devotes his : by giving Q~ payiag ag u,t!e „ poS£;_ Ont. best thought and energies to the ev- b*(e ery day work which calls for atten- ^^ along tWs path lies individuai Transaction of tion. providing the work m which lie|and national loss andf if persisted in, "SYRUP OF FIGS" T|ae $O\B.I of a. Piano Is ~*v~- ActSon ins-ist upon ia engaged is legitimate and worthy. ultimate disaster. If we all look upon National Importance It should not bc, of course, a selfish the worW as our orange to be squecz. CHILD'S LAXATIVE absorption m his own interests to the - ed drv> at a time when a desperate'• Sun Life- Assurance Co., Purchase exclusion of everything else. It "struggie is jn progress to rehabilitate! Block of United Grain Growers should norlot . boe 3a miserimiserlyv regarda tofor -^ the„ wo arft but hastening our ow" i Twenty Year Bonds Look at tongue! Remove poi­ persona! gain irrespective of the ef- disappointment and increasing our A financial transaction of national sons from little stomach, SOCK OH feet on others, and wholly neglectful _ DOG DISEASES loss Qn the other hand> the man or importance, but of especial interest to liver and bowels and .How to Peed P of the finer things in life and of com- refuses to let themselves Mailed Free to any an woman who the farmers and grain growers of thc munity and national interests. But,: Address by ths dowrii and who sticks to their job now West, has ju'St been completed be­ Author on the whole, the person who does his ' wiu find in a comparatively short time H. CLAY OT.OVER tween the United Grain Growers and rx— ~v.vd. 1 work faithfully and well is serving his i rendered real CSJ., nvv., it' that th have not on y jthe Sun Life Assurance Company of Araenca'a Pioneer (country and fellowmen at thc same TV— -Dmm-mA; — tl8 West 3lst.street, j service to their country and the j Canada, according to an announce vfs Ysrk. •fl S A. fe* Xi~r.rx t m. r-t ~0 0-x 0 - A. i-1, - 1. *-l» mm »-— Ir, mv mm 00. 00.»_ mm mm m~~m jr— « _ -. I _ _ . !?• XXXXXtr. ~r.~. t-rt. ivruuujwoiiu, UI.IL.uui, uiIUiuicnoirnousiUaSi>y- j| mcnt 0-Di;jinc(i by t;,j5 ne-jspj--. {-otn mi Am i'V This, let it be repeated, is true as a (advanced their own interests and plac-|Mr> E> A> Macnutt> treasurer of the general proposition, but it was never ed themselves in a strong position to i Sun Li|c# more universally true than it is at the meet and overcome any of the adver-* The remarkable - growth and the i:VS?0\-i^FEKiENlf rklNDS^C -^PE.* A^PLfe.V present time. The needs not only of sities which may yet have to be faced vast amount of good accomplished by I'.Yt**-CHERftY-';"*'.* BLACK-*** Canada, but of the whole world, thc before this old world is again estab- B* ELf\iR =Y-*i:v: S "X. RA*W' A*^VB B E-R-'R-Y*,'••,' E -R-'R-Y*,'.*,'• P- PE E A A C "C :H, H. the United Grain Growers in their -ORAM G E*. LF.M-Q N: -b E E R.* -T A M E.' needs of that civilization which was lished on a normal foundation. measures of co-operation in the mar­ vCUERRY,- APRIGOT; .•RV*lSPBERHYiAND* saved from destruction on the battle- i J';:;'; •.*•'."*'STRAW^ER-f^^CR keting of grain, etc., for the farming '.Hiiy tIVjfiri- •by-1Ke%Cft\Ioi\* froen"'y6'iir-DKale*. fields of the world during the historic •.»..«.*•*.-.«"a"»r.r»r.f. I0..t~t~tf •&•»•..•.*? community of Western Canada are years 1914-1918, call imperatively to ' " well known. The board of directors every Canadian to "be on the job" of the United Grain Growers intend doing his own particular work at this uous to branch out on a still larger scale, The Candid Volunteer time. j and has just authorized .an issue of An Australian who did clerical work There is no need for emphasizing two million dollars of six per cent, for his government during the war this fact because there is in evidence Accept "California" Syrup of Figs Quick! Get Liver and first mortgage twenty year gold on all sides of an inclination to "let only—look for the name California on tells how in going through a batch of bonds. the package, then you are sure your lc- up," to put less effort into one's work, Bowels Right with cnHstment forms one day anu CQcC Three quarters of a million of this child is having the best and most ... , xr. in a, word, to get through the day as m thc usual ! "Cascarets" issue has just been purchased by the harmless laxative or physic for'the S questions as to name, quickly a d easily as possible, and this \ I little stomach, liver and bowels. Chtl- age, address, occupation, and so on, Sun Life of Canada, and thc rcmaind- at a time when, because of the whole- dren love its delicious fruity taste, he came upon one dicidedly original Furred Tongue, Bad Taste, Indiges­ er of thc issue when needed by the Full directions for child's dose oni p|y Rale destruction of goods and wealth re The question, "State in which tion, Sallow Skin, and Miserable Grain Growers will bc offered to the | each bottle. Give it without fear. caused by the war, there is greater Headaches come from a torpid liver Mother1"* Yw^musTsay""^ was'answered by the assur- Sun Life. need than ever before for a maximum and sluggish bowels, which cause thi ma jance, strictly sober. of productive effort As has been stomach to become filled with undi- This is an instance of a Canadian - . , , - gestea foods, which sours and forni- life company which draws its resour­ pomted out over and „ver again, not £ms> form*tl|? ac;ds! cascs and pois0nS. ces in the way of premiums from the only do men insist upon easier work. Cascarets tonight will give your bil- public, directly assisting a co-opera­ nhorter hours of labor, move pny and ions liver and constipated bowels' a tive of a very important more of the good thing? of life, but thorough cleansing and straighten you section of the people. they become indignant if the price of out hy morning. Cascarets never sicken or inconvenience you like nas­ The bonds are secured on thc ele­ thes*-- goods goes ur>. Vet it must he ty Calomel, Salts, Oil, or griping pills. vators and real estate of the Grain apparent to ail intfllif."--u aiul re-.i:*.or- They work while you sleep. Growers spread ovcr thc provinces of abie men that it less is *,roriue-(-*d ard more is consumed sr.--.-.••• ity mist r<- Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba, Among many people sneezing is in­ and the Company is composed of •ult and a rise in prices becomes as terpreted as a sign of evil fortune. in'-vitable as tlie for re of grrivity. more than 30,000 shareholders who re­ By many it v/ar. once believed to be side in these western provinces and Tltis general relaxation :*••*, ILOWCVIT, lucky from noon to midnight and un­ .arc farmers and grain growers. a natural sequence of the -.v.-tr, and it lucky from midnight to noon. Thc head office of thc United Grain I Growers is in Winnipeg and the offi­ tazscCKr-yiwr-^-wnr*^**^ ^ cer-' are: president, lion. T. A. Crerar; 1st vice-president, C. Price Jones ; 2nd vaiion and Building Protection vice-president, j. Kennedy; .sec* eUuy, oJh.eprice of tea and coffee Every surface within nnfficc of the Sun Life is Senour'fi Floor Point The old reliable — who now enjoy in Montreal. it wear* nuej wcaru, MARTSN-SENOUR uiul weara. "*M-:i! Tor.-" PAINTS AND VARNISHES Minard'ti Liniment Relieves Neuralgia The aanitary w.i.slt- uble Flat Oil Paint are the niont effective: material protectom you IKSTAMXPOSTUM Food Shortage in Egypt for Interior Decor.i- can use for every hurfacc — wood, iron, trtecl, tionti. utucco, cement. Food shortage iu F.gypt ia being "WootM^ac" Stains When you choo-ie u Murtin-Senour product, •— a rich fuu~l>ouieu a..%l W"IVG1O~* set iou.siy fell in wheal 'j.ovi'iion*.. Ir.ipin-.'ci x'.rj.i yon nre rinre" of crettlniv* the? paint or varni'ih beat —renews the old. united to your purpone. KativtM are unable to obtain wheat "Marhle-ite" Itecaiwe of itu hi|di ciuivl- some beverage "with distmctivo flour. Discontent is increasing in con­ 'Hie one lierfect Ity einil i.eipnioi durabil­ ity, it will prove thea d~d^i-'{-"rxrx~.itUrtL~ •tt;*\r*f.Y* \r\%Ti sequence. flonr finlwh—-will not .-tm » •nnr or Kirntrli white, i.u-.:.t ecau-jailcta! for you -WWW MMMM i hi nl.iiiou to all iii.|>oilt» ok iooU Ullrlll U.ll scarcity in K|;yjit, it :•; writ u> ir«iit-»ii- two LouUa -•- Tov/u asid m\t' ~~~0xt^S^'l~\ *T»»*ill|lirilpit

...,-VTTT",rr--»^,rr'r|i.,»M,;..l..^^ w N. U. 1311

r.rdru^liUMI!Mlli«rr|>4^^ Abandon Control ef Newsprint ^~~-Q-~>*\~~< emancts Announcement Follows Decision Of enco iroops 1 Supreme Court in Price r , Bros. Case T Oil Ottawa.— The board of commerce announces that it will not henceforth ash ^With Mob claim to exercise any control what- ID ! -\ft 'WSB^Bl :ever over newsprint paper in Canada. n JL, naiui en- £\€3 The announcement follows the de­ laiiMts! H cision of the supreme court in the o- Price Brothers case that newsprint Ottawa.-—Development of Canada's Appeal for Funds paper was not a necessity of life Mayence.— Disturbances broke out natural resources arid establishment of within the meaning of that expression Germany Wonld Send in Frankfort today, but energetic in­ B more uniform system of experimen­ le League ! in the Combines and Fair Prices act * • •• tervention by thc French troops rc^ tal farms came up for discussion in {and that the powers exercised by thc HUBS io msii stored order. From German sources the house of commons. The first board of commerce as newsprint con­ it is learned that six Germans werQ God Help Our Children If League Is Report of Uprising on Easter Is Said question, that of natural resources, troller were without jurisdiction. The killed and 35 wounded. Allowed to Wither and Die To Have Been Confirmed was raised on a motion by Captain board points out that the effect of It is reported that the manifesta­ London,—Earl Grey. Premier Lloyd the supreme court's decision is to ren­ London. — Recent unconfirmed re­ tions which gave rise to these inci«l» Manion, Fort William and Rainy Riv- George, Admiral Beatty, former pre­ der inoperative the orders-in-council ports of a Sinn Fein plot for an armed ents were due to an order originating er; the second by Donald Sutherland, mier Asquith, Lord Robert Cecil, and constituting the board of commerce uprising in Ireland were based on fact, in Berlin. of South Oxford. Western members according to the Irish police. They John R. Clynes published an appeal in as controller of newsprint paper in "The first day of the occupation ol seized the opportunity again'to urge Canada, and for this reason the board state that they are in possession of Frankfort passed without incident; the London Times for 1,000,000 transfer, of western resources to the announces its intention of abandoning information not only indicating that the reception was by the populace waa provincial governments. Dr. Cowan, pounds sterling," to keep fresh in the the control of newsprint, unless the a rising was intended, but that certain most cordial," said General Degoutte, Regina, argued that had the western minds of the people of this country board is subsequently invested, if that Germans in Berlin had engaged to the French commander, on his return furnish war material. natural resources been in the hands of the spirit and ideals which underlie be legally possible, with competently- from a tour of inspection. the provincial governments, action to the covenant of the League of Na­ granted power. In this connection Thomas J. -• "Then suddenly, on orders from Loughlin, a Dublin business man and Berlin, a certain ferment seised the develop them would have been taken tions." The Board's announcement adds a member of the Sinn Fein, has been population. This ferment degener­ long ago. The present situation was The appeal points out what the that the supreme court's decision does arrested under the Defence of the ated into aggression and our sol-* League of Nations union has already I not invoive the general powers of the "impossible." Realm act. No definite charge has diets in self-defence were obliged to -mB CCluCcb-blOXt C.tmllXtJCXX.Jm^XX* ••-••• Doaro ot commerce, except in so iar "I myself heard Sir Robert Borden as yet been deferred against him. use their arms. So far 3*3 I know declare in 1911 that he would do ill**** *"* miI Iion poun£!S AT"".*! as it, to some extent, limits the inter­ ' souncis like a 1large sum but mai.n but the Irish police state that his ar­ we had no losses. in his power to see that th resources pretation which the board might place , --. .. - „ i, !the British people do not support the rest was effected after they had "The incident shows how we xa*.~~ on the expression, "necessity of life." learned that he was a party to a trea­ were turned over to the provinces,", , „ . . . „' .. - The general powers, it is added, will watch proceedings in Berlin, and tha* TT t~ J i J r x-t. tr League of Nations with all their ty with the Germans for arms and is why the events in the Ruhr de­ be pronounced upon by a subsequent ammunition. Dr.- Cowan declared further. He . f , ~, , decision of the court. mand my whole attention, you cannot r -iv t: c L. t t -u 'might and resources, the league tt- This decision will follow a rehear­ With Loughlin's name, the police consider what is going on in the Ruhr spoke of millions of feet of lumber ° .,, „ ' , j*. can. ing in the supreme court on May 4, link that of Baron Lewis Von Horst, and here, apart; there is a close re­ a former resident of the United , .... , ^ . -.. , . , ! self will assuredly wither and diwhice anhd next, of certain points in the recent lation between the events we are wit­ and millions of tons of the best coal*., . , ,, ,. ~. , , , argument heard in the court to test States, who is now in Berlin, with nessing today. The aggressions at . r- . , - -x\m '• ixx -i ftf the league shoul1 d die, God help our whom it is alleged Loughlin was ne­ Frankfort and events in the Ruhr ar-a isoon Canadan as possible, lying ,wit "brinh eighg tforwar milesd oaf i th, e., ,meres °t. trifle. . the powers of the board of commerce as a price-fixing tribunal. gotiating. attributable to the same military re­ polic.. y havin' g fo. r its objec, .t, th„ e devel­ children, for no human agency ""*> action. Of that we have absolute thopmene government-ownet of the naturad l railwayresource. s of , * , , . . ^ proof. Canada.... " .. r. T, • savSaye thesm Simfroms calamitieWas Indiscrees to t Farmers Want 'Toronto World* .. iHn e nispoks rnoiiOiie on, -oapticthc neen dJviar-icr for idevel urg-­ • ... Toronto, Ont. — Negotiations are Tried lo Destroy lines Australia Delays Action opin* x*-g mCanada' ^* s resources. *.Th eu gov­ thosRodmae onf Criticizeour late s waRear rwil Admiral appeal rFo ars under way for the United Farmers of ed that the government should, as ernment might take over development Publishing Confidential Ontario to purchase the Toronto Bolsheviki Troops Plundered Stores -The Daily Mail's Sydney And Fired at Inhabitants correspondent says that the Common­ itself, or assist private enterprise. Conversation World,, according io information in Capt. Manion did not stipulate that The Hague.—The Nieuwe Courant, wealth government is not taking ac­ .— Admiral Hugh Rod­ circles well infor-med of the farmers' the government should adopt any par­ plans. describing the plundering of Essen by tion regarding a larger navy until af­ ticular method, but he strongly ad­ man, commander-in-chief of the Paci­ the Reds before the occupation of the ter the Imperial conference. It adds vised immediate action. fic Fleet, told the senate investigating city by government troops, says: that Canada's decision to not enlarge _ committee today that Rear Admiral r>-.. Hn...i Tk.L' ;„ Xrm rmrnrn mm mm —~^m Am, d^ -0 m, rr m m ST *T Ji 1 mx «*-*--. I mt, W mm* dXi **rm,-9 Major Redman, Calgary, favored "Part of the retreating Red troops iXC-t Ht%\ y next. v.auauu ivwai ~-.xx-r%.».x~.+.ij scientific "research in "every possible Sims' letter to Secretary Daniels cri ror iineai i/euveries gathered during the morning in garding the care of the Pacific. •way and advocated establishment of ticizing the navy's part in the war. | Essen, captured all the arms which New Regulations On Deliveries Of a government bureau on natural re­ was "very indiscreet." they had delivered, plundered the sources similar to that of the United "Admiral Sims' indiscretions," he Wheat Promulgated By shops and finally left the town in au­ A&-€anadian Film Service States. 'There was plenty of coal in said; "lay very particularly in' his Board tomobiles, firing at, tbe inhabitants. Alberta if railway rates could be breach of confidence in making public Winnipeg. •*— The Canadian wheat The Red army commander ordered an intimate and confidential convers­ Legislation to Amend Moving Picture modified to compete for eastern trade. board has issued a regulation (95) for that the mines be blown up, but the ation, which should have been held Act in British Columbia the delivery of wheat by milling licen­ mine guards succeeding in repulsing secret." the Reds, although great damage was Planned Buy U. S. Securities ses, effective from this date inclusive, The witness referred to Sims' tes­ done to the mines." Victoria.—-Legislation to amend the London.—Thc British* treasury an­ which orders: British Columbia Moving Picture Ac*}-, timony that Admiral Benson, former Bottrop, in the Recklinghausen re­ nounces that after April 12, it will be 1.—Al! wheat purchased by the mil­ chief of naval operations, told him gion, is also in the hands of the gov­ designed to authorize the creation of prepared to offer prices for certain ling licensee of the board shall, on prior to his departure for London, ernment troops. machinery for the taking of pictures American dollar securities deposited demand, be delivered to the board. in British Columbia of an educational "not to let the British pull the wool The occupation of the Mayence dis­ with the Government. 2.—Until July 31, 1920, the board over your eyes; we would as soon trict also was a violation of the peace nature and for their exhibition in tha will purchase, or provide a purchaser fight them, as the Germans." treaty, says The Hague Vaderland, in "Movies" and amusement houses oi for all wheat grown in thc provinces Albania Recognized Admiral Rodman said the publica­ an article declaring that the German Canada, was introduced here by Hon. of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Al­ Rome.*—Official recognition of the tion of that statement by Admiral taction in the Ruhr district likewise J. W. Deb Farris, attorney-general. berta, delivered by any milling licen- | government and autonomous consti­ Sims, "no doubt has had its effects was contrary to thc treaty of Ver­ The amendment is interpreted to see of the board in store: tution of Albania has been extended upon thc cordial relations which here­ sailles. contemplate the inauguration of an by the Italian government according tofore existed between us and one of The Canadian government elevator all-Canadian film service in the mat­ at Calgary, Saskatoon or Moose Jaw. to the Epocha. our closest allies." Strike Leaders Are Nominated ter of purely educational and domes­ A public terminal elevator at fort Winnipeg.— R. B. Russell, George tic subjects peculiar to thc Dominion, William or Port Arthur. Armstrong, W. A. Pritchard and R. Other elevators in Ontario and J. Johns, four of the convicted strike Prance Consulted With Allies Quebec as specified. leaders, were nominated for scats in Paris.—A note by Premier Mille-r- Providing such milling licensee de­ thc provincial legislature at a meet­ and was read to the ambassadors to­ clares to thc board on or before July ing of the Winnipeg branch of the day and then delivered to the German 15, 1920, the quantity and grade of Socialist party of Canada tonight. As charge, Wilhelm Von Mayer, in which wheat intended to be delivered to thc Rev. William Ivens is on the tenta- the premier declared that France had board in store, the elevators herein tive slate of nominations made by the tal"" K^t care to inform and con- before designated and on production Dominion Labor party last week and sult with thc allies before occupying of thc proper documents of title, will the Rhino cities. payor cause to be paid to thc holder Alderman Queen will, it is understood of such documents of title, the cash bc the nominee of the Social Dem­ payment fixed by other regulations of ocrat party, six of the Gcven strike the board, basis in store at public ter­ leaders given jail terrhs, are likely to Says They Helped minal elevator at Fort William or figure in what will undoubtedly be the Port Arthur, for thc quaitity and most miique election in the history of Her Aching Back grade of wlicut represented by such Manitoba. documents of title, together with an MRS. ROBERT BAIRD TELLS OF HP HE reputation of assessment paid to thc board thereon, Newsprint Will Be Exhausted in 10 DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS •Xfm^mr. in accordance with thc regulations of A. -ymtXtd A the Silverplate ot Belmore Lady .-states that she wa» thc board. Cleveland. — Newspapers on this William Rogers nnd his continent will bc without paper at the weak and run down till she found 3.—-Until June 30, 1920, the board relief in Dodd's Kidney Pills. Son for high crafts­ end of ten ycars unless there is con­ will purchase or provide a purchaser Belmore, Ont., April 12th—*(special) servation of pulp, declared Jason Ro- manship and quality is for all wheat grown in the province 1 can assure you that Dodd'a Kid- ,.„..,-,...... , pera, publisher of the New York ney Pills helped my aching back a» widely spread through- M . «1 • • 4J* r- . of British Columbia delivered by any £•*•,.* ... , .1 r-i i i ,.P..m «»t,... n .,» vllt Ac* .,,. .. . ., . I-. Globe, at a meeting of the Cleveland .none otnci3 ever UiU or ever will uo. out tlie liuiuuaoii. *o» g L.iui> today, known and highly respected resident tb•mlh«c Canadiak htcuacn c governmenof thc boart d elevator:n ••'tore, ' ... I; P \\vz rtcbrrt !?r.irr» - vrW more than three gen­ Vancouver, provided such milling lic­ "Tim output of print paper is now here who makes this ntatemrnt. Sh* Z? i- ~ . . i Advertising Club today. ,i s "a n'• *enthusiasti —'*--"-c believe- • r in _ Dodd'.._»s erations this famous ensee declares to the board ou or be­ dwindling rapidly," hc said, "and the known outlook at thc pulp milta of Canada Kidney Pills as a remedy for weal! VJ~*XC h:ic heen fore June 15, 19?0r the qu:>nttty and •~,.xi a:?.: vio-.vt-. '.-.-Of.ien. at thc grade of wheat intended to bc deliv­ and United States wikl not in: ade­ "I was both weak and run down iis "The Best ered to the board iu store the »atd quate to meet thc demand, even if ail last summer," she states further. Price/ • A thc supply of flpruce timber holda "And before my baby was born I used elevator and on production of the oui." iJodd'i. Kidney PilU- . - Thc. y . iiriptd«.. ui.u • . , • . ••"•) Ill CUIJ *.>r.l^. X ...-.J ...... J .»«.«•-. \rlLJlJyl L.LlLlilttx. I. I .. \ t Ir..**.., **.'.il •*,'-»,) **J • boy tnlce lhrt>*i r> id tbry brnrntterd him cause to bc paid to thc holder of Rhine Republic b Likely greatly." nucli documents of title, the cash pay­ Paris. — The newspapers of Berlin Women who are weak and rnn *77i# Silverplate of ment fixed by other regulations of the say today that news received from all down fthould look first to thcir kid­ parta of the Rhine province* impaita ney*. No woman ran be strotiK and board, hfuiis in -store tin* Canadian healthy if her kidntyo are not doing William *Rogers and h$ Son government elevator, Vancouver, for the proclnninttou of n Rhine republic mr~xrv ,r-J\ f" ft* "• liirii Tul! *.-roiL of £.tu.u;;;•.{,••it: thtn e '.iii< the quantity and (trade of wheat re­ is imuun«»nt„ arrordinpf to Ae.r,\iatchr~ puritie; o-.it oi the blond. W«-r-W«*nVl kid­ «i««»«f*B**^. V/ic \iiesit atSAmm me mui tlim /u • «..•w* W presented by nucli documents oi title, from the German capital. neys are the caiife of nine-tenths of T~.i--ri.xl.:--. -**-.. WIW »*1_>*OU'<.» KIIAI. KJXJ^ tr.LJI tot-rtlur with any a.-.-icsMuciit:; paid to li'fllliril's «ii*»*e As!. V«rl*f lirilr llllOl'; li i . » , . . . , "•"<->. N..M Ir-rJU. Out. | the ooani iiit-icem in IUXOMUIIICC WIIH Doeici » rlielt-my i ii'.o do UO* -WlkUij . .- •••. "ii r \P- // I e. r . sr 1 -HI 1 , s...,*,s,„ I.*;,!„,....-•- mridlAmXtim.'J ;MM. • .-m..mt*.t,iAH,' *m»0ltltmmimi0m .Mr-MlMi Alt m —A \L\LL. Li-tA.?..:.i*ov.-. c* t*~c ILc.-.—. \4.

h-^rW*U***W---***'-''*-r-T-'--M*^ .I-.X&4-, -t ftij*SB»SS3ai^ msmmmmims

THE CBESTON EEVIEW days to make up any salary defir- Trail smelter management announ­ THE CRESTON REVIEW The Review expressed the hope ces that the firm will give dollar for cits that might be sustained from that with it would come also a dollar according, as tbe employees con Loyal Orange Lodge, No. 2095 a seemingly ample home3 mission tribute toward the erection of the sol­ Meets THIRD THURSDAY of Issued every Fridsey jit Creston, B.C. permanent memorial day, with a diers' memorial in that town. If the each month at Mercantile $iibs=cription : $2 a yeni* in advance. fund, and once a community was public ceremony in keeping with men give a day's pay each •montir— Hall. Visiting brethren cordi­ H2-50 t Thfi-tr-inc**; 111 fact, with all the I ities you made an error in reproduc- congregations of late they have ing tne ngures given i»y me as vu*s neu Under the competitive system, ^^^^/ V been kept going very largely by profits of the city waterworks. You one might almost term it, that ex­ had it $107? instead of $1207. the "company of the faithful few', isted with religious denomina-' A. T. GARLAND. as they are facetiously termed— tions when the western provinces CHEVROLET both as to giving and attendance. were rapidly opening up a church FARM TO EXCHANGE The financial obligation has. was to be had almost for the ask­ eight Delivery Wagon now got to a point where nothing Will exchange 320-acre improved ing. In order to get in on the farm in Saskatchewan for an improved short of conscription will save the ground floor pastors were sent in Creston Valley fruit ranch. Place is For town or- country Ube the Chevrolet Light Delivery i day for the church as we have it in one mile from station, 100 acres broke, to labor on fields with a very elas­ school on land, plenty of water. Wagon is equally efficient. It will carry full capacity Creston today. There may be those i tic salary guarantee, it being con­ Apply W. Oakley, owner, Box 343, loads—either passengers or merchandise—over any road who honestly, and many other lar­ Fernie, B.C. sidered good business in those a motor car could possibly negotiate with a speed and gely for convenience, believe that security that gives ample evidence of its staunch con­ the community will in due course struction and unfailing power. work out its own salvation in this If you are interested in economical haulage, you will OdA rC2k r***S. I want to inspect this Giievroiet. § regard, but in this direction The .Jfh.s. nm*\ The Review is not quite so optimistic. Chevrolet Light Delivery Wagon $1120 f.o.b. Creston. We quite agree with Adherent With Two Extra Seats $1165. Rdscn that conditions are like to be on worse before they take a turn for the better, unless those who have Spray Hose and L^3iiy ICV been "carrying on" in the res­ Extension Rods ACE pective denominations get to­ 8 and 10 ft. CRESTON gether. oring This is the day of co-operation. Pressure Guages If it can be successfully practis­ ed in week-day affairs, how much Relief Valves easier should it be to apply it in shaping our ends in the higher things of life. In the essentials You cannot buy we are at least agreed; why wor­ cheaper Your ry about the details. The united church is the remedy. Now is the Tires and Tubes Cables from the accepted time—and about the only than we carry of the European capitals, from means of salvation. same quality. Australasia, Asia, Africa and South America. Our Hardie Spray Machines Be on Hand have arrived. Telejn*aph dispatches fro-"-", the great cities, Creston Auto & Supply and fro iii every nook Next Wednesday •'•will bc clean­ We have also received a supply and corner of this con­ up day at the Creston cemetery R. S. BEVAN, Manager tinent where big news and the gentlemen directly inter­ of Hardie Spray parts. .j. *iuuiViuu Greston Fruit Growers Union penmnee as may be under pres­ Complete market re- UNITED nor Is. ent f*i .'cvimHtanccs. Announcement of elean-up day, The best mining page almost co-incident with word Effective SUNDAY, MAY 2nd 1 iriM-tmir-^tftiThillbTijjl in British Columbia. from (lie Sioldier.s' Memorial Com­ mittee thai, it is unable to secure TRANS-CANADA LIMITED, all In fa* t, all the ncvjH ;i suit;.hie site for the monument standard Bleeping ears. Trains TRAVELLERS' . .. . * ir <>) ttit!- (Out HI Itlin it) ifjtiri 1<> lliose fallen in the groat Avar, 7 and il botwern Monvreal, iiir.lrio.ti that the busy Toronto and Vancouver will bc lias been productive of the not man wants in puttlinked resumed, first train from Mon­ I.i, The Ncl.vm Daily niiluippy idea that the monument treal and Vancouver, May 2nd. Convenience, security' and economy are i ,-. ....,.,,1,1,} ;,, , •-/unnu-U'liii'^ locu­ secured by the use of Travellers' Cheques .W.Mr.-;, 1,11.1. Illl-Hi UU-.lr'J ; Tl M iOiSloi-'I'KA I NH at CUKfc-JTON )taper in Uu- interior of tion in lhe present burying ground issued by this Bank. Thcy enable the bear­ Kantbound, daily, 12.!"J5 p.m. I'ritixh Coh/mhia. If ehe memorial fund giuini.n- er to identify himself and are—readily Westbound, daily, IJ.22 !>•««. inr-. in*, ist noon the monument converted into the current coin of any MAIL yOUH .*••.( i I (*»<.'.*•-••-ir**-- iA* M )-1 J.K. • i 1' iv / .I'iAJ.'Jiri'jbi"""*. Yruint. : i-rie-iiii- i'l-iiif/ .wllwrcd to, and n ioreigii country4 '-"• •nor- TODAY 12 line I |*|, lie*l \vce\-a 4*1 silt- tins to IM; purchiise-d in th", L )l . Tiuil and Vancouver will lie romim- Oy M^il Wit. .4 Month; IF«- -it pds'iiblc locution, it. strikes cd, I'n-Hi, tin iti from iSt. .Paul T,'',.00 ,*, YOT TIJ<- Jt«"/i'-v.' t hiil. in view nf tin- May VMM li. Kinit train from THE CANADIAN BANK 1 I net I "iI funds avnilnl-ic tin; pini Vancouver. May J»0tb. v*- *», fl***!..*, m d.tm-fm OF COMMERCE he m'-morial in tlie --en I*"or further particular!* «'•*.*.•••»•>' Lo PAID-UP CAPITAL $ltJ,U0U,U0U te-ry will prove n very ;-at cd'nclorv ' any ticket a-j-cnt $15,000,000 nn r,OM, nc. way e|||i ui' it jiyilif.; ti i Hili leiii. , . ., . ,. .. . „.,. . . nil B ! CUKSTON BRANCH, C. G. Bennett, Manager. '•'"" "*_ »•••"•<•-"' *- '..'••.'!:;:.."*• , In.-.-* i«*i, ruM-.*iiKer AK«*»»1,

H l iUJ ' -*'-J 'mXil I;'I m'-iiioriiil '.v.,". first mooted | < "ulgary, Alta. r'T*|•f•*l^'*'*^^'^*'fr^"''^*''^'*"*''''''''^''''*'''' '''^'''' ''^•*•'' '

M4t*-<«r-MlHI->Uri>>lr>W^^ u • mum ItaLlmiiiH* -uMiiiiHliMttiiA wxmrm mm mmmmwm rnmm «W»SI**I'^ Wt%M$.iiimmtt,mit^:vsvivmKmA^'im-va» THE*''CJBJSSTCSk''' JUSYUS.Vr

Spring ploughing has started at Unless the asked-for increased rates are given the telephone company at -enraana Complete Home Grand Forks, but the men on the land state that the soil Is altogether too Cranbrook officials of the company BOYS' CHIEDKEN'S MEN'S Medicine Ches dry for this season of the year. state they will have to close tip shop. Cranbrook "will celebrate May 24th Trail annears to be the most ambi­ on an extensive scale. Children's tious of all B. C. towns in the matter of a soldiers' memorial. At present JBelow will be found the list of drugs sports, horse races, boxing contests and three dances at least are planned. the scheme is to build a two-story and appliances suggested by E. S. building, the basement to provide a Schofield, the St. John's Ambulance Cranbrook has abandoned its §20,- swimming pool and bowling alley, the Society lecturer, who was here early 000 park scheme for a soldier's mem­ first floor a gymnasium and the sec­ orial and will now be content with a ond floor.fitted up into rooms. The in March, as being requisit and neces­ cost may run to $75,000. sary fox- a complete home medicine tombstone erected in a miniature HURLBUTWELT CUSHION SOLE SHOE. The park area in the neighborhood of the ideal shoe for children, in button and lace. chest; Y.M.C.A. Alcohol, ~~\ ounces—Por sprains, RANCH PROPERTY FOR SALE SOLDIER BOY SHOES, made by J. Leckie &-Co., bruises, etc. Externally. The Review claims at least one at­ Aromatic spirits of ammonia (sal traction for Revelstoke in these dry Nearlv five acres first-class guaran­ from best of stock, for hard wear. volatile) 2 ounces. times. The city's water rate is the teed fruit land, partly improved, good Sal volatile is used as stimulant, a lowest of all towns in the interior. road and water, near Creston, part jy[EN'S SHOES at $6.50. We have quite a nice stock half to one teaspoon in half glass of Likewise its charge for electricity is cash. Apply Charles Moore, Creston. water. the third lowest. at this exceptionally favorable price. Oast'""1'*'-- c'l, two ounces—Half of one 300 mothers and daughters sat downi OAguffcU teaspoon for infants, and one desert at a ladies' banquet at Keveistoke one »njCH- pHnpfeKUfc-S run &ALE. There's as much dissimilar­ spoonful for child. night last week. A Mrs. Mclntyre ity in feet as there is in faces. Castor oil is also used for foreign occupied the head table accompanied 1. Forty acres, including about ten Lasts that are adapted to the bodies in the eye",'one or two drops. by her daughter, grand-daughter and acres of bearing orshard, two running Seidiitz powders (12 in box), consti­ a great-grand daughter. springs. An ideal dairy location. shape of your feet may be en­ pation and biliousness. tirely wrong for our next Price $7000. ' Mustard, 2 ounces—Emetic, one tea­ It is at least 100 days since the 2. Forty acres, including about 25 customer. spoon in glass of lukewarm water. train between Kaslo and Nakusp has acres bearing orchard, running spring, Syrup of ginger—2 ounces in -J tea­ We take a great deal of made the round trip, and there is as houses, barns, etc. Also good dairy spoon in water. Cramp in stomach. yet no announcement as to when the location. Price 512.000. Enquire pains in fitting feet. We want Syrup of Ipecac, 2 ounces—Emetic Review Office, Creston. for croup. service will be resumed. Mud and you to get shoes that will fit rock slides are responsible for the 7 5-grain Bismuth subnitrate tablets j our feet comfortably and (50 in bottle). tieup. correctly and not cause de­ Bismuth, four tablets, powdered. The high cost of material is not ser­ formities, pain or foot trouble. Safe remedy in diarrhoea. iously interfering with building opera­ Carbolated petroleum, one tube— tions at Penticton this year. For the All sizes and styles in the Exterally, burns. first three months of 1920 permits to­ best qualities in stock. Boaracic acid, one ounce, anticeptic tal ove*- $42,000. For all of 1919 not wash. Es'e wash, styes. more than $100,000 of permits were Chlorade of potash tablets, 25 in j -j^gued." bottle. Sore throats ' T!MBER SALE X 2355 Soda mint.tablets, 50 in bottle. In­ Employees of the smelter at ii'a-u, I ~t-ZZZi HZZi W^^r^ &czzi digestion. who have been with the firm six * Oil of cloves, one dram bottle, label­ months and over, are having iheir Sealed tenders will be received uy led poison. lives insured free of all cost to the the Ministateof .Lands not later than . Oil of cloves, one drop on cotton, in men, from $500 to $1500, according to noon on the 20th day of May, 1920, for GENERAL MERCHANT CRESTON cavity for toothache. the length of time they have been on the purchase of License S2355, to cut Antiseptic gauze, one package. the payroll. 1,800,000 feet of Tamarac, Fir and Pine^ Coyer- wounds. and 6,000 lineal feet of Poles, on Lots Talcum powder, one tin. Irritation The East Kootenay Telephone Com­ 3877 and 3878, near Creston, Kootenay of skin. pany claims it is losing money at the District. Absorbent cotton, quarter pound. rate of 2V2 per cent per annum on its One year will be alio wed-for the re­ Absorbent cotton is to place be­ investment on its phone business at moval of timber. tween gauze dressing and bandage Fernie, and is consequently not ser­ - Further particulars or the Chief For­ over wound, not on open wound. iously considering reducing rates $1 ester, Victoria, or District Forester, Used as swab, a month now 225 phones are in use. Cranbrook, B.C. Roller bandages, gauze, 1, 2, and 3- I,. inch. Penticton has finally come to earth Collodium, small bottle, with brush. in the matter of a soldiers' memorial, Sgnopsis of Collodium, paint on slight injuries and instead of a library and clubroom *-v to skin, slight wounds on head, after accounting for a matter of $25,000- cleaning. the peach belt metropolis will now go s Antiseptic tablets. Bichloride mer­ out after $4500 to put up a granite cury, 1-1000, labelled poison. abelisk with the names of the fallen Bichl. of mercury as antiseptic wash shown on a gunuielai tablet. Minimum price of first-class land in wounds, one tablet to pint of water. reduced to $5 an acre; second-class to Poison. $2.50 an acre. Sharp knife. Pre-emption now confined to sur­ Scissors. veyed lands only. Clinical thermometer, one-minute. Records will be granted covering only Pins—Common and safety. land suitable for agricultural purposes Rubber adhesive plaster. ButterfielcTs and which is non-timber land. Cainei's-hah- brush for foreign bodies but parties of not more than four may in the eye. arrange for adjacent pre-emptions n Hi-fi in SET with joint residence, but each making necessary improvements on respective f*jir«ir*i* • •r»r-»-»o uij~ oiijoylULi* a few whiffy of opium LJ • • L- 'er - t ono night last weok, and thoir unlaw­ i. LANDS. Finest Quality Provision nmelo for lnnnaiicei of ful enjoyment cost thorn $50 in tho Crown KnintH to Huli-purchnncni of polico court noxt day. Cooked Ham Crown "Lands, acquiring rights from now is the time to buy purchaser*' who railed to comptero "Rov. TT. Tlner of TCnnln, who bus Lunch Meat puri'hnwo. Invotvlnr forfeiture, on f-ii- boon archdoncon of tho Anglican dio- •i.lini'iit or conditions of purciuinn In­ terest nnd tnxeu. Where aub-purchan- COHO of Koolomiy for many yearn, has Bologna, &c. eni do not claim whole of original pa-,*, We have just unloaded a car roHlgi'od, and will dovoto much of his eel, purctuu-o price due and taxes mav of these at Creston lolnuro timo to finhinc. are always to bo had lie ell-.trMmte-l j*r«i*r.rtlor:atcly ovJt* h-Mi*. In iiii-atH nothing wholo urea. At>iili- ee|eiuli* '.Siuum')-:'-. Li-r-ur^ Ud -.x.LJ x, Lrmlj. :tri(l t-.owu in given Ilu- gov-.-.rum-'-uL product:-.. OrKAZlUU. traitlliriliir-ii'iitiMMi'i'.iiJ pi-oiuiiHm to feint a building, inutal a Grazing Act, VJVJ, for Hyittemat le* creamery and pay the waiges ol" a development of live- loch IneJij-.try piu- vldeie fe>r graj-lng dictrn-t:* anei rang*;- huttor-nmlter for ono year at Golden. nclmlntiet ration tnii:-. i*i;v f.,,- .:.•,•..,'>- 1 «e t .-• * ...... Penelnian h;ui •'«;nl'--iU! cii!*,. * <. f '•* I '•-- ••• •- ...... J .• y C,;;;yO:; City L;:::::3B: COii:;;?.;-'; polico at Fr-rnin. Owtiif*; to re-eluc, ion,* leu'io Aui-.CM'latloT-.i, feir i*iii*i;n iii'in.'* *.->•- in the force tho chief hnu moro work li-eiil. inc. or *;n Ually lie.*, ].i runt:* LIMITED to do than ho can .-.atliil'ae-.len ilv •*<••- & 00., Lid. for But tiers, cainiic-rfi or traveller*- up l'oyni. | •iliMiirtiJrr'"r"-J"i-1 iVy i'^iA^M^Um\'mm\m»^mmX-. ,\?mi-0.>\-'.'«l~. ~i •^•'-•iBiVa'"*pigy*^';>^L fW i -II*1?' tf-f'riTfff-i ffi

S»**8"i**-WWIM mtmsa nmimmaaBn

133® BEVIEW, CKESTOH9 %> &

the vague light, and as Ruggles grop- i And they started back along the ed his way onward, he grew more and dim-lit path. Settlers for Alberta more uneasy. He remembered his! "-— u scene with Roxana in Paris, and her CHAPTER XXII. Exchange Situation" is Bringing Much u assurance that although he might dis- j Miss Cha'.land, her salts in one hand Wealth To Southern pose of her hand as he thought best, a moist handkerchief in the other, and she would never love any other man , her prominent green eys glaring like Alberta than himself. Also he recalled the those of a cat, came into the study Fame of Alberta's irrigated districts- \m.-m% fact that Roxana alone of his wards where Kuggies was sitting with a pale, and the favorable exchange .situation gh&t olfi -sore or sfcfo disease of had not warmed to Ruth, and that tense face and closed the door benind in Canada for Americans is bringing yours breaks out again? It's fe©- recently both Miss Challand and Miss her. Thcy had got Ruth into the On Body and FaceB Red and Itchy. eause the remedies you have been Elliot had commented to him on her house unobserved and she was now in much wealth to .Southern Alberta says ©sing do not get to the root of th© distrait taciturnity, and had asked him b-d moving restlessly from side to a Lethbridge correspondent. Farmers Cried For Hours* Lasted •uisease, but remain on the surface. if he thought she was homesick or, side. in the United States who have made "A rash started al! ever say little =I Try Zam-Buk! It penetrates to ths possibly discontented with the pros--} "Well," said Miss Challand, "if the a comfortable pile are looking for girl's body, and she had soms ot. her § -underlying tissues, destroys aU pect of marrying Von Hertzfeid. poor child gets through it without land where they can get a sure crop face. It started in a pimple I germs and cures from the "root** Presently Ruggles discovered that brain fever, it'll be a wonder. I must every year, where they do not have that was full of water, -and 1 "ap. Henn© "sain-Buls curss. s?s he could not be far from the main says, though, she seems more angry it got -red and itchy. She \ laptiT-K*. All dealers. 60c. bos. road, for he heard at no great distance,than shocked or frightened — and to depend on wheat, and tor place essiedfor'bo'Qrs. "i'histrouble the snorting of a high-powered motor that's a jolly good thing. No sign of that will last and will not wear out. lasted a year. which appeared to have been that mo- that savage girl?'-' It is becoming well known through­ •"Then I started with a free menl started, for their came a sue- Ruggles shook his head, cample of Cuticura Soap cessive crash of gears as the driver "D,id vou telephone to Von Hertz- out the United States that the irri­ and Ointment. I bought more, and went into higher speeds. At the same feld?" gated lands in Southern Alberta, al­ I used four cakea of Soap and three § moment he came out upon a c'air- "Yes. They told me at the hotel though expensive are as good returns boxes of Ointmentwhich healed her." iere, or little opening in the pines, | that he received a message at dinner as the far famed wheat lands in their (Signed) ~rt . Dora Langly, 1032 where the pale moonlight shone down j and left in his car immediately, after Gertrude St, Verdun* Que., August own country. That more attention is upon the carpet of glistening pine- saying that he had been called to Lon- 11, 1918. needles. As he did this, his eye was I «on by a sudden illness m his family being paid to Southern ^Alberta's irri­ The Cuticura Toilet Tri-a caught by a white object upon its and would cross on the midnight boat gated lands is well shown during the Consisting of Soap, Ointment and Talcum is an indispensable adjunu H farther side and partly in the shadow from Calais. past few days, by two sales. Then there's nothing to do but e-f the daily toilet in maintaining 1 cf the overhanging boughs. A farmer from Wyoming has just wait for some news of Roxana," said -sT-tin purity and skin health. | H ti* St •***' I'i 'r GX^rttrftd oArrl: r.i- rTV-.X, *ff—2' Ruggles hurried towards it, andI as ; m Cha]lant want a paid 130 an acre for irrigated land at F s* lrt-o i>ttinp*ri eaeh cf Cst'esra Seas," men*** end Talcum address post-card: -"OauMze*, he drew near saw to his horror that. scanda, if , f th sake- f Coaldale, Alberta. No buildings or »-pt. A, Boston, .. fl. A." Sold etaytthxim. it was the body of a woman in even-' ,.-;.. „\v. „„./„t,„ „„„>«. „<.. tZ~ :*.\ J ing dress. She^as lying on her face, I S?eJL*±' ™$ t^V £*.£' ^ other improvements were contained no money and nothing to her back BT! her loosened hair tumbled about her in this consideration. In the other 1 but an evening dress. No doubt she'll j naked shouMers, from which the light HENRY G. ROWLAND come slinking in presently like an es­case, the purchaser sold his land in *( f j tulle of her gown had been torn away, caped leopardess crawling back to the Iowa for $450 an acre, exchanged his { i and as Ruggles, sick with dread, drop­ cage. She's mad." money into Canadian currency, winch SompSete Band Outfits 1 Copyrighted. Printed by special ped to the^ ground at her side, turning Miss Challand then went on to tell over the limp and senseless body, his gave him an added $54 an acre, came arrangement with Thos. Allen, Ruggles what she had learned from to Alberta and purchased irrigated Drams mnd DrusntTisrs* § Toronto. heart seemed to stop its beating, for Ruth. It apeared that, while talking the pale moonlight was reflected from with Roxana after dinner, the wild land at Coaldale for $100 an acre - Traps - Mi ****- Ruth's pallid face, Georgian girl lhad suggested that they This man has two sons. Complete information and suggest­ (Continued.) his head, laying" his * ear upon * her , £&"" When' RurtT "not' VeimSTl'his * H° h ? i'*- watch|n8 the d^Jf • ed constitution for newly-formed ment f the gated of h si "It's very odd, Mr.. Ruggles" said heart. There was a faint pulsation,; lfs\ ^dTtKnt-odl KTemur- . ° „ f" /"« ' - Bands, free on request vinc she, "but 1 cant imagine wuat has be- and as he took her head upon his j re(j Roxana had *=aid if she would go• P'*o e and has toured them. After come of. Roxana and Miss Downing." knee, he was struck aghast to find that ,witn ner for a fevi/ minute's'she would'.looking over several districts he was 9 "'What!" exclaimed Ruggles with a g ht an WaS tW1 tC t,ght show her the P. WILLIAMS liiflYi - curious presentiment of iii. ivtn r . !i° . ^ i L J *i S Circassian dance fori sure, that the irrigated land will grow about her throat and knotted there. It which Ruth had oftell asked ;n vaininow ;ust as much as Towa farm ia„d Winnipeg. Cttgsry, Montreal. Yeroato "They have disappeared," said Miss >Yas thtr, work_°*. an ,n.stan.t to Joo^njand which ^ Roxan.»^„.„„a , sai„„.d „ was more ef- now ,USt aS mUCh &S l0Wa farm land % ever grew, and it is only about one- -Aim. Pst Ntsrcst ~tau.~ Challand nervously. "The other girls it, and then, realizing that the girl was i feclive"m \he"*rm)^llght Whereupon are alt in the music-room. Bulbul and • nearly strangled, Ruggles. who had Roxana had insist- d on leaving the fourth the price. Rosa were singing, and Roxana and assisted at.one or two drowning accid- • grounds, not wishing, as she said, to , - , .vv s tyxvdL,,ivj.o, nui wiouiieg, aa -alii*; aceiu, IVJ Miss Downing were talking together ents ' J '— '---J •- -*»-- « - - - - - • ' ;, lowered her head to the ground.be observed from the house, as the TM& Nr&W riwnCn rxmrnitn M.. in a corner of the room when they and, taking both her wrists, began to • dance v/as not an entirely convention- presently got up and went out. I perform rhymthmic motions of artifi- al one, in its true interpretation. Ruth, asked them where they were going, j cial respiration. full of curiosity and the spirit of ad- -and Miss Downing said that Roxana j But Ruth was suffering from shock. JN$$9. had consented to saow her the Circas- j rather than from suffocation, though (To be continued) Doesn't hurt a bit and Freezone TMERAPIQNN.0.3 sian gesture dance, but that she would j this latter might have come iater. At costs oniy a few cents. Ho l for Bladder OatTrt No ~ for i-ioou & not do it before' the others. 1 thought the end of a minute or two, she gave Skia Diseas*- < No. 3 for Chronic V.-ealjassses. nothing of that, knowing that Roxana a shuddering sisjh, her lashes fluttered •OU&BYl.eA'-lNGCHF.yt'-.TS. |>VICF- IN FNCtAHD.3*. DR LECLKRcMed.Co.,HaverstockKd.,N W-SXcaadoo. is subject to such whims. Well, they un, and her dark eyes started at Rug­ The Great Burden Bearer SEI-*. TRADE MARKED WORD * THKRAP ON ' IS OH went out about half an hour ago aud gles unseeingly. BRIT GOVT STAMP APFIXFn TO CFNIIIKE FACXETS. haven't come back. I've been all over "What — what's the matter?" She Has Loaned Enormous Sums To Half the house and through the gardens, asked drowsily. A Dozen Countries Beautiful Women _ but can't hnd a sign 01 them." "Don't try to talk. Ruth," said Rug­ I of Society, durlngthepast 1 Ruggles was conscious of a most gles huskiiy. "Take a few long Great Britain would have little seventy years have relied I disagreeable hollow feeling at the pit breaths." trouble about exchange, if she had upon it for their distin-1 of ins stomach, and his moutn seemed Ruth obeyed, inhaling the sweet, borne only her own financial share gubhed appearance. ^**^\ suddenly to have gone Ury. fe had • gone ury. Jr«e ^'pine-scented night air in shuddering !jn the w ar instead of financing all of refined, pearly! noticed that koxcan.a , bad looked odd she struggTcd up ican*ng ag- •?„ "^ white complexion iti Think of this record: $2,800,- during dinner andi had wonderwi if she inst Ruggies> ^ho drew the scarf Europe renders instantly, were ill. . j about her bare throat -md shoulders O0O.G0O lent to Russia; $2,350,000,000 always the source "Have you said anything to any-* «0h—oh—" she gasped, to France; thc same to Italy; $350,- flattering comment. body:" he asked. Her h^ad fell against Ruggles chest 000.000 to Belgium, and about the "iNo," Miss Thailand answered and,. and she began to sob_ Ruggles heJd J^O'-U^^U^^iTi^ aasamlec to the Balkan States. If the glancing at Ruggle s tace, she went her close, soothing her as though she " ' ., „«„«„„«« irion su-uueuiy pale. "Why do you ip^k.. j,at:| t,een a child. Presently her sobs ; ey were repaid, say $8,000,000,000, jEliSMM® ^tGiirt^ that way? What do you think—" | ceased ------..th. c people of Great Britain could pay She looked around her wild- • VS:.' ,'ll.1r'lli|;7*Ji*. ,1 dear," said Ruggles. imports from that country and the any hard corn, soft corn, or corn be­ '"It's just one ol Roxana s freakish "T't's all right now" ideas, bhe probably took it into her! "Where is -she?"* whispered Ruth. pound would bc worth $4.86. Great tween the toes, and the hard skin calluses from bottom of feet. head that she'd like to dance out m j «0h, why did she—oh, I remember, Britain is still paying for thc freedom A tiny bottle of "Freezone" costs the moonlight. Don t say anytmng.! now# If was because of — of you—" of other countries. Britain is a nation little at any drug store; apply a few I'll run auu take a look around. 1 hey she thrust herself away from Rug- which take such duties for granted, niay Have just gone tor a little walk pi g her face into her drops upon the corn or callus. In­ SINCE 01870 (gleSi aTld drop n and some other countries take it for stantly it stops hurting, then shortly in the pines." j hands, sat sobbing with silent viol- i < you lift that bothersome corn or he hurued through the rear of the. -j -j abundant hair fell granted that Britain shall bear their ence whi c ier callus rig*ht off, root and all, without house aad out into the back garden, er neck and bosom. burdens. — Thc Vancouver Prov­ down to COV onc bit of pain or soreness. Truly! which was long and narrow, and witn I Ruggic-S slipped off his dinner coat ince. No humbug! 30 EKK COUGHS a sanded waik which ran straight; atu] buttoned il about her. Presently do*An cue ci-ntrc to a hinail iron door ; ^utj1 m-aiiage,] to control hcrsf-lf and in the wall. 1 ins opened upon a lit- letting fall her hands turned and look- Cause o£ Bolshevist Success . ... e 0 ,e Wlth the rcsult th thc ,r Bin tie winding pain which traversed the ed ;nto bis face. The fundamental cause of the Bol- P . » ' f L ,* * pi::c woods, a-id ai the distance of j "How—could—you?" said she, in a Another Epidemic sbevist success on all fronts lies in onty tyranny, which at first had un­ auout a quarter o: a mile fell upon a l vibrating voice ow tile action of thc Russian rcactionar-!doubtcdly been resented by the maj- Oro.'id thejrougluare which ran from "Ho OP THE J w could 1 what, Ruth?" 'Ruggles orlt cou a sm c the: c;-.i •no ana hkirted Paris l lage, to asked. He put his arm about her ics and moderates who repeated the , y.. ™ f " the character of a C'i;:.r i • --.:-. ;.)i.*ej*r! tlie- btjacl".. shoulders to draw_her to him again, SPANISH INFLUENZA mistake of the emigres of the French national leadership against attempt- ;'..•- ;-..*.:.- d nt v')*- C^", and for chc war, swaying as she Gat. Revolution in summoning foreign as- c*-1 foreien invasion.—Asia Magazine, :: a !i..-.'.c'i, stoojiod ie;i examine -rtri:-;:-.: sistance. In so doing, they enabled :::'.. i-. F.I.*owed lb.*-, fresh im- Ruth shrank away. "Don't," she said "Don'i. le-.uch me! I've got to think—" A great many authorities have pre­ *, u! .-.111.ill. lll|4il-!le.'cl- the Bolshevirt leaders to appeal to the Some people are kept busy minding l.r:-.:: oi I .-. u She was silent for several moments. dicted a return of that terrible plague r thc bolt of iiie gato, national sentiment of thc Russian other people's business. ed r. ho !.' -. Then Rju/glos, whose mind was work­ which swept Canada from one end to r--t night, had IK en a".ways i'lAr ing rapidly, as it was wont to do in the other not long ago and left so t-iej t far as ms lameness 'A'L-r.J. Uif I too awful. If you fexl able, try to many cases with some serious after­ *l.r.*l*|*lh; i'l" i i .:. It '.v;.:*. j'.ot dark, for walk back to the house. It's uot far,effect , such as weak heart, shattered ONLY TABLETS MARKED ttK: moo:; was nenrly full, but it.;*; and I'm afraid Miss Challand may nerves, impoverished blood and a ii;-ht v,ns paiily r.hre-.i-id'-I by a thin, raise an alarm, and you niusn't bc seen general weakened and exhausted con­ inidi M.-.vhaze: drifting '".\ from the dition of the system. - like this. We can slip in by the back :: i'Tiu n I-I. i ii' ie v..*-i, no ix <• vcr, no en- door, and yon can go right lip and go If •you are run down, heart net Jur.t "BAYER" ARE ASPIRIN liCiiliy in (ollo\vi:i£,; ;!i»: path, despite to bed. I'll telephone lo your aunt right, nerves a little shakv, take a ).!].*. dar hi.'*:*, of lhc ptt.e: v,'*,*vl :*, ;iti-1 t!i:»t tir.it b-'ve been taken ill aud v."- few boxes of Miiburn's Heart an-1 Uiif^dc ; f,ush'-d on, rallK-r expee-.ling ihink you'd belter spend the night." Nerve Pills and fortify thc system .-.-.»* tfi roio'* T,rc*- e*ntly iniein the* two fTii'l:*., Until sIrur-'-rjIed \o her frel before against this terrible plague. Not Aspirin ftt AU without tne -wayer ^ross Ve/heni tile*. ,st i line's.'-, of ill'*. ,)lae.(; '.VU*. Kuggh-s could offer his hand. She If you had the "Flu" before and distnib'-e! I*iv a distant j-xreaii). was a strong girl and courageous, and it left you with any bad after effect, It was not a hsiul .scream ane! it now that the firr.t shock had passed, Mi'burn'r, Heart and Nerve Pills will sounded choked oil, as theiu-jii tlio. violent anger was beginning to take bring you back to health and porson emit tin-.*-" it niitflit have dis­ possession of her, which perhaps was strength. covered its cause to ha |*. been Sfjriic- the best thing that could have hap­ Mrs. C. C. Palmer, Keppel, Saslc, thing to i/,ive no ai.uin. Lt i-. i I 11 r. i v. .1 spe n .-d. '.vnlC'-.: "I wlMi to inform voit of the it repeated, anel Un',*----!' ;, a'ti-r paii',- "Very well," r.aid she in a low voice, great flood Miiburn's Heart and intf an inst.inl ie> Kjc*. I.I rts el'o Ci ! io,«, 'I can walk. Don't touch me, please." Nerve Pillr, diel for tne. After a bad which soeinod directly on his path,' attack of the Spanish influenza mv hurried on, pe rsuaetin-.- iim-'e-li' that it "IK- heart and nerves were left in a verv inust nave nn-n ,-... ,i n,ei) *.•,,,,' -. ir*- : (,', i. I \Y.'J}. oon<>/! or rlret-lm . ei t ."-," r* v* r I h< !«• s ** . M-fA** -ML ttmhZ*~mU. W alway-j keep Heart and Nerve Pill.*. hr ceuh! not *.v- his inn*-*' t* ;•. hoK nt nil drnlrri orl Ji'or -t'oldii, i'ain, Ueu,iUciie, iMeUiiu- I) I I I' ,e - 1 ei *** - * IrMrir.'ii II ...... ii.i •0-001x4 t-xi-rd '-W"" -yl C'lil 'I'miir.'lUe^Ki, Kuru-c'iK*;, uViel for r«et5onH. Then you aw getting real be*rn unable to say of what. But it t| tm St-jjj-^ mailed direct ou receipt of price by lUtRumalinm. Lumbago, Helaticu, Nou- Aupiiin— tl»u '-^rmluo. Anpirln nre- hceiiicel to him a very e.,'-y e*;P»-i*»™ iPgfl m-m~r Thr T. Mill-urn Co., Limited, Tor­ •rltlH, take Anpirln murkeci with tho ncrlbod by pltyiiloianii for over nine­ Koxana should have left the f/rminds n onto, Out. »iu.m« "Bayer" or you aro not taking teen yearn. Now uiudo in Cmiaua. witii Until, firit l>'*i:.ui:.c -.he- wo.ili! 0>.mZ? "^gfrly Handy tin boxon contnlnbig 12 tab- Aui-ii in at all. know that -inch an act woulel b'* l«t*» cont hut a tew centii. Druufdutti Peddler.—Can't I sell you t. paper Av.ia-.pi. -uuly "Bayer TaM-fltn of • troitKly disapproved of by Miss (.hal- ABiiirUi" ui wi un'hr^Len "Baycx" I alr.o cell larger "Hayor" packuK«*i. tl^tWsmWSmm~\fln&l*%*r^^ of piuu today, lady? Lady. -— No ianil, Miss Klliot, anel iuuisrii, unei ii xuttrts ~. --sly ~-L~ Asx)»r!^.'"Sft-y-*r»'-y-ft* »mit -ay 'H~.V-*» •he* h;i'l \f.iiiteil to dan re in l\w moon- thanks, my liuuband bought a new bill) I V> '.!< llt.IV flldlr,-. 1 IvM-o-ntr- 4 >ilr-itv»it ll W le»nly of oppfiriunit v for such a per t*^^ x ^t-tfUriJL^J **h idm^^^^^^l^^^^^'^j^Lr^ m^^^^-A2f^ Amfr r 5ur*b» fti«S»la wfih tUrt/*««al Wftd* mark, XU. xtx-or *o.«.-. .xl 'l'lie piurn yjr.y, Uii«:ae-:i, iilnitciii)/ oil "e»r »*» Ir » . *XJ. fcrjli

li; i ituii' J, ^'kit^LHnWiy-P: tj-,i,^U^» ^ Wti .?CSitl:^ B. z-'-'p.. =3» f7= Dominion Growth It cannot be too clearly realized BAKU AND NAMAKA FARM PERCHERONS that the tremendous help which the ot Eaoia The largest stud ol't&e Pare-brcd Percherons in the World. The fi. at Percheron- British nations overseas have afford­ breeding Farm Established m Canada. The only firm on the American continent fretc which British horsemen have selected Percheron breeding stock to establish ed the Allied cause f in the late war, to have the bowels move. It Is tttuaa in Britain, so far from making for the centraliz­ Do not let the British breeders come .to. Canada and carts off all oar best loun- snore important to persuade liver* dation stock. Oo not be satisfied with the cheap cuU stallions brought in by irres- ation of Imperial policy, has given to onsible dealers and stallion pedtars from tbe United States, when-yon can buy tbe the separate members of the British kidneys, skin, and bowels to act in Seat individuals of the best breeding raised right here in Alberta by men that have been ia the breeding business for 25 years, and expect to remain in the busbiessv Commonwealth such a title as they harmony and against self-poison- We have seventy-four head of Pure-bred Percheron Stallions ot our own breeding now •Ms baiid to select {rens. You c?i» sees their sires and dams, and if vou.cannot choos-s have never before had to decide their sTrrr BEECHAM'S PILLS act favorably upoa one from, the lot to suit you we will give you every assistance-in our po.wer. Write own destinies. That title is suitably 0.0X^1 for prices or come to Calgary Alberta, and we will meet you and show you the -stock at any time.—Address: •• ~~» • ' ' recognised in their individual signa­ all organs concerned In food^digestion .and GEORGE LANE (Desk B.>. CALGARY. ALBERTA tures to the Peace Treaty and in their v/aste-eliminatlon; they remove causes & representation on the assembly of the League of Nations. — Manchester as well as relieve symptoms. Guardian. FARMERS BREED PERCHERONS 1 tt. uuvv 'IMP The only breed of draft horses ever shipped back to England from ~W-dl~-'m\A*xA-tUm Canada for breeding purposes were Percherons. .The greatest breed of draft horses in North America are Percherons. FOR SPRING USE Worifo a. Quixiea. *a box. The safest investment in draft horses today is Percherons. Sold ©T«rywhero ia Canada. In boxes, 25c, SOc A profit to own—A pleasure to handle. You will make no mistake in your horse breeding tins year if you use Harsh Purgatives Should Be Avoided a" Percheron sire.** —A Tonic Will Restore WRITE FOR INFORMATION AND LITERATURE Your Energy Let us put you in touch with the best Canadian Percheron Breeds. 1 , Not exactly sick but not feeling- WAGSTAFFE'S Mention this paper when writing. quite well. That is tbe way_ thousr The Canadian Percheron Horsebreeders* Association ands of people feel in the spring. It Beat Seville William H. Willson, Secretary (DeskA.), Calgary, Alberta is a sign that the trying indoor life & of winter has left its mark upon you. Easily tired, appetite fickle, some­ Orange times headaches and a feeling of depression. Pimples or eruptions may Marmalade WANTMORE: PEANUT AND Demand for Good Horses appear on the skin, or there may be twinges of rheumatism or neura'gia. AU Orange and Saga No camouflage OLIVE SANDWICHES Sires At This Season Are A Commun­ Any of these indicate that the blood Half pound Fowler's Wantmore is out of order, and these symptoms Bolted with care tn Slitter Panx. ity Need -.*-. J t i—x. 1 Feanut Butter, one dozen olives, may easily UCVCIUJJ iiuu utuic aciiuua ASK VOUR efsocstt rots ST. You should co-operate with your stoned and minced, season with lemon trouble. neighbors in order that some good Do not dose yourself with purga­ juice. Be sure and use Fowler's Want- tives as so many people do, in the more Peanut Butter, as no other pea­ sires may be brought in by private hope that you can put your blood HORSES) COUGHING? USE nut butter will make them as good. parties, or leased before the breeding right. Purgatives gallop through the system and weaken instead of giving season opens. Becausd: strength. Any doctor will tell you Spohn's Distemper Compound 1. The demand and price for good that this is true. What you need in to break it up and cet them back hi condition. T-srenty-sis the spring is a tonic that will build years' use has made "Spohn's" indispensable in treating Cougha £5rjk*& CaifOiS Rod CompoiffiS horses and mules is increasing in ci­ A ante, TeUabls rep-letting up the blood and nerves. Dr. Willi­ and Colds, Influenza and Distemper, with their resulting compli­ medicine. Sold in.tbreo de*" ties. ams Pink Pills can do this speedily cations, and all diseases of the throat, nose and lungs. Acta •a-reea oS a6rcnE*.fc^*"N«*. I, 5SJ marvelously as s preventive, acts equally well as a cure. BUT No. 2, S3; No. 3. $5 per bo*. 2. Farm demand is improving. and surely. This medicine enriches of your druggist. Bold by all dru*xsa»t«, or •c-nft 3. There is a shortage of good hor­ the blood, clears the skih» ..improves SPOHN MEDICAL COMPANY, Goshen. Ind- U.S.A. repaid oa receipt or pnea. the appetite and makes tired depres- §Tee pamphlet. Addrea*} ses and mules of all kinds. sed^ men, women and children bright, THE COOK MEDICINE CCj City trade is improving, because active and strong. As an example of Ontario's New Election Act T0S0MTO.OMT. {Umvli Watttt.} transportation users of all kinds have the value of these pil's we give the Hon, E. C. Drury, farmer Premier discovered after years of experience (statement of Mrs. S. McBurnie. Tata- |For Spanish of Ontario, has introduced a new El­ that horses furnish the cheapest f'maS0Uche' N*S- wn° ^JT"-1 h/*v,T She Wears Nothing 0 ection Act in the Legislature by which all sources of po*wer on short hauls. good reason to speak in the highest the Province will in the future escape nflueiiza Faded aiid Shabby On this Harry Vicker? president of terms of,T Dr. Wil'samt s Pin1 k Pills. I : was b3*d! ru** do"--*-*'". failin -? .v. v.-ei^hr the uncertainty and speculation cots= the Fuel Cartage Company of Chica­ and suffering from ^dizzy spells and The Liniment that cures AU cerning a general election. It .sets Ailments— But "Diamond Dyes" Her Old Appar­ go, says: weakness. In fact my condition was el Fresh and Now such that I was hardly able to do my a definite date for every four years. "There is work today that the horse housework. A friend advised me to The Premier in his explanation said cannot do—long distance hauling with try Dr. Williams Pink Pills, and after positivly that the present Legislature Don't worry about perfect results. MINARD'S rapid transportation— but the motor using several boxes there was a no­ would continue until August 1, 1923 Use "Diamond Dyes,," guaranteed to ticeable improvement., I continued THE OLD RELIABLE -— Try It can never take the place of the horse, and that a general election would be give a new, rich, fadeless color to any because the horse can do the work on using the pills for some time longer MINARD'S LINIMENT- CO., "LTD., and found that I had fully regained held every fourth year thereafter. Yarmouth, N.S. fabric, whether it be wool, silk, Hnen, short hauls., just as rapidly and at a^my 0id t:me health and strength and J I.I. .1 M-. . . . . ' J. cotton-or mixed goods, — dresses, lessened cost of 25 to 40 cents on the > was able to do my housework with- out MONEY OKDERS blouses, stockings, skirts, children's i dollar, consequently we never allow feeling weak and worn out as I Catarrh Cannot be Cured coats, feathers, draperies, coverings—I truck to displace a team: We will dll be!?-r.f..1 be££n using the pills.", Buy youi out . oi town suppUes vrilis Do­ a Dr. Williams Pink Pills can be ob by LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they can- minion Express Money Orders. *'*•!«« dol* everything. buy a truck to do the work that a not rea-ch the seat of the disease. Catarrh is Iai-» costs* three cents. tained from any dealer in medicine a local disease greatly influenced by con- The Direction Book with each pack­ horse cannot do, but we don't send or by mail at 50 cents a box or six stitfltional conditions. HALL'S CATARKii age tells how to Diamond Dye over a truck to do the work that a horse boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Willi­ MEDICINE will cure catarrh. It is taken Charming is Right ams Medicine Co., BTockville, Ont. internally and acts through the Blood on the any color. can do. It would be like having a Mucous Surtaces of the System. HALL "s What -sort of a woman is she?" To match any material, have dealer dollar and throwing away 40 cents." CATARJR.H MEDICINE is composed of Minard's Liniment for sale every- some ol the Dest tonics known, combined "Charming, I was with her for two show you "Diamond Dye" Color Card. Of the farm demand. W. S. Corsa with some ol the best blood purifiers. The where. perfect combination off thee 'ingredientinsredie s in' hours the other dav. and in all that says: "Farmers are determined bid­ HALL'S CATARRH XIMEDICIN *r?T\l J"***! IVI EU* i.i.s .n*hi-whatr * . * A Different Matter ders in country sales and prices for Consoled produces such wonderful results in catarrhal. time she never once mentioned thO Countryman (to dentist): "I won't good horses havc gone $35 a head in i She lay in his arms and snuggled ^Druggists 75c Testimonials free. . _.. 'high cost of living or the flu." F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo, Ohio. pay anything extra for gas. Just yank the last thirty days, while mules are her head against his neck . . . .a her out, if it does hurt." bringing from $800 to $1,000 a pair." rush of emotion surged through her Dentist: "You arc plucky, sir, let Of the shortage, W. Y. McCrcavy, . . . . tenderly he caressed her From Saskatchewan me see thc tooth." of the McCreavy Transfer Company, and she closed her eyes in delight. To Far Off Texas Countryman: "Oh, 'taint me that's Minneapolis, says: "What we teaming "Poor kitty. Did I step on your got the toothache; it's my wife. She contractors want is good horses. We tail?" Saskatchewan Butter Meets With Fa­ will be here in a minute." don't want scrubs light of weight, in­ vor in the United States capable of hard work, and selling Within the last two weeks three car­ cheap. We want horses that will DARTING, PIE.10NG loads of butter havc been forwarded For Colds, Catarrh or Influenza weigh 1,700 pounds or more and we to points in the United States from arc willing to pay for them. A team­ J5C1ATIC PAINS Saskatchewan. Two cars were sent ing contractor in this city paid $800 from the North Battleford Creamery for a pair of five-year-olds yesterday Give way before the penetrating to Texas, and one from the Saskatoon that weighed 3,200 pounds. The big effects of Sloan's creamery to Chicago. The returns for trouble is that the farmer expects us Liniment this butter are in excess of what can to pay high prices for a green horse, be secured in Saskatchewan; that is 'one that is liable to distemper and is So do those rheumatic twinges and 63 cents a pound, which thc cream­ not properly broke. Thc buyer of- the loin-aches of lumbago, the ncrve.- ery charges to the retailers, and which such a horse is taking a big chance inflanimation of neuritis, the wriys sold at 75 cents a pound ovcr the neck, the joint wrench, the ligament that he'll die or bc laid up and, con­ counter. With the exchange, as it sequently, won't pay as much for him. sprain, the muscle strain, and the throbbing bruise. is higher prices are realized for Sas­ Give us good, sound, big horses with The case of applying, the quiclc- katchewan butter across the line, and a little experience behind them. Wc "My Rack of relief, the 1 is BCtt f can't get enough of them and thc de­ 99 SS'ctontK ~\i S^SS'ty** advertisementp-r ""s possibl*'-:'e ' fro°r°m .'.'•this =pr ho " mand will never run out." Sloan's Liniment make it universally Ss So SlacI duct, which has ousted home prod­ Do you feel weak and unequal to tha Claims of truck nnd trr».ctor manu­ preferred. 35c, 70c, $1.40.—Made in work ahead of you? Do yon atlll coujjh Canada. ucts. facturers that horses aud mules are birmll of a llttlo, or does your none hothor you ? The creameries officials stated that back, lumbago, rheuma­ Are you pule? Is your hlnnel thin and destined soon to disappear are very thc company was not making a prac­ B ^watery? Bettor put your body Into properly met with the query: "Why tice of shipping butter out of the tism, pair.3 in thc iimbs ail teii chape. Bulk! strong! should horses and mules, which, ac­ f An old, roll able blood - maker and province, except the surplus produc­ of defective kidnej g. herbal tonic rando from wild roota a*nd cording to your views, are obsolete tion. From time to time, however, burkB, Is Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical and destined to speedy disappearance, Polaona ara being left iu tha Discovery. Thin"nature remedy" comes they were entering other markets to blood which cfumo pnlnu and achoa, be in greater demand and at higher get an idea how the Saskatchewan In tablet or liquid form. It will build up Her Mistake your body and protect, you from dls- prices than ever." product compares with the best of Tha kidneys, liver mid bowolfl ±Zx.:> f,"v:ur, v.-hi eh lurk c-.vcr7v.'hrr-«. nr* Thc bent tb:n^ r. fr.rmrr r?.\\ no ih.". She (soulfully).—Our spirits are in in nut h-Jt Aroused to action by ouch UUICI IrllKI-J, .UIU ill L.IIX..J t-txxiy. -..*- of the actlvo Ingredients of this tem­ spring is to breed his good mares to harmony. I can sense an aura about treatment aa Dr. Chaso'a ICldnoy* perance*) uRoraUvo aud tonic la wild you—. company has learned that Saskatche­ Llvar Plllo. cherry bark with stllllngla, which lnj»o a first-class stallion. wan butter stands at the top. good for tho IUIIR.I and for COURIIH; He.—That isn't an aura, ludy; that Thera la no t!ma for delay when ftlfio OroRon grape-) root, blood root, is hair tonic. It is the intention of the officials to Htoni- root, (Jiioen'H root,—all tekiUully r*,Iinui'e.rM Lh.uViC-n-L Cure*: Da;;;!ruff icdottblc i-l-cl. cfTos'tii to ji'ct S:'.:'*!:at- th-* klrtn«f« -ro wrnnpt, for -Mich d-a- combined In tho Medical Discovery. chewan farmers to produce more milk voloptuenta aa hardeuluu of tha ar- Tlieno roots havo a direct action on th© tar lei and Bright** dlneaaa are tha •tomach, Inim-ovlng digestion and aHHlml- Big Land Deal in Saskatchewan. and cream, for thcy averred that they natural reauli. lutlon, Tlies'ie hcrhul extracts in tho j A sale of farm land amounting to lllSS-mlSm Kcc's—K«P Spur Eyea could di:,pG:>e of a carload of butter " AJI'.OO*. Cl J UIU il. l:.Ul/l. i.u^.u.„ «...u a quarter ot u million dollars wun ^m rW -Wm~^4^mtK^mmmM^^m^tW~\^mm €-, t v •A m*s tm +* *-* ^ I 11 M n*)4 **» •••>•» ll m cvciy «iuy on uie v-»ii*_^t,u iiuei.t-t u •«r,*. v-nni fen- nf-fY>fiil,v. By Improving th« %os*%^mWL.r^ they tire, Smart, Itch., or deaUr*. of CdiaatitOD. H~lt~ A Co^ I.tJ, eUected by Lluirlrr: Applegate, a real Buyn w Sorc I lib- WJ.3 rA*j.i.itable. Iu -~..t. It v..\z liluexl the*y uil/Ufy tliu ULU*} imAix.'*, iuu "S^riii-MnE^C ' ' frrttated. ToiODtO. attaok of grip or cold*. estate agent in Minneapolis, Minnes­ IUUK CYKAV Inflamed or Granulated, stated, there is no limit to the quan­ Caturrh Hhould 1>M tr«atrd, flmt, «* w, ota, representing a number of Iowa uce Murine often. Safe for Infant or Adult tity which could be sold outside the blood dine aim, with this t-.lterft.tlvn. Thon, At nil Druuf-l-rta In Canada. Write for Free In" addition, tho nouit should he \r»&hna men. Thc laud it; iu Saskatchewan hi Eye book. Mtarlna Cawttany, iEtlcauif • U.S.A. province. AxUj with Dr. Httffft'fi Cutnrrh TOmedy. lhe Humboldt district, -one of the bent HtsSHtX 10c for trial pkg. of Medical DUmixe- d fanniiif dhtrictg in Western Pluck loses no time on account of cov-nty Tablflti or Catarrh 'i'ttlilott** to Ur. ff|«M-e*'ei litl-oratory. Urldm-lmr*. OuL Canada. i W. N, U. 1311 hard luck. C


*•**.•-••. -j'-iK

1 THB-CBESTCla BEVIEW y-^ar Creston would probably haye Tism Sttegi B§&\f& has been a severe winter very few way for the Sirdar- auto been clet-gyless long ago. If the highway, finished their end job on church is good for a man's children it plants have suffered and all the pres­ ent prospects are for a bumper crop. Tuesday and have returned west. ' It is surely good for the man himself. Kern Thode roSe into a ten-year old The spirit of this man's letter is, it boom town and expected to find a Apple trees aiso giye evidence of a is stated the road will be build by con­ w: seems to the present writer* a matter wilderness of the usual frame shanties, heavy yield. tract. of grave coneern to the people of Cres­ tent houses and ieari-to abode?-—and ton, and especially to those identify­ all his hopes were dashed. Besides the new verandah J. J The casey jones party to Creston on EDITOR REVIEW: ing themselves with the christian Grady is haying a new roof put on bis Wednesday state that judging by the church. The people of a community White, painted cement houses neat­ SIB,—Youi- Issue of April 16th con­ ly kept.abode homes; a straight, real house. Clem. Payette is also re-roof­ landscape the Sirdar section is three |*i| undoubtedly make it, and the "fact tains an article hy Adherent on street, the Calle 'Riveria; these were ing his. weeks earlier than even the peerless m ••Clergyless Creston," to which the that- Creston is without a resident the things that Kern Thode, the hero .•.I preacher is merely the people's own Duck Creek district. present writer, being iu some measure fault. of the TJnives-sa! serial "The Red There .will be a dance in the Club­ P effected, requests space in your paper Glove," found when he rode into the house on Saturday night, May 1st, m • '-. fen- a reply." Methodists, however, cannot be held iittie oii city of juimasito. t The writer of tbe article is to be con­ responsible for the indisposition of AH of the usual accoutrements of an run on the leap year plan, under the thmt&inmnQB .in Tsasrs&ss their pastor, and it may be said in oil boom town were in evidence. But auspices of the "United Farmers' social gratulated for his strong and manly passing that if men had been available E1J statements. It reflects credit upon the saloon was~kept by one of thecommittee. " Gents 25c. Ladies will the Methodist pulpir would have been More startling and spectacular than youi- paper, sir, even if its statements kindliest and most hospitable of men, please bring supper. Good floor, good fail t«> flatter either Creston or itssupplie d every Sunday during the who also conducted the hotel. The the original productirn, of which it people. Strong as this article is. how- present writer's absence. However, it dance hall was quiet and subdued and music, and all welcome. presents the concluning chapters, is is certainly to be regretted that among "The Romance of Taraan," which i'vei-- it is not nearly ass strong as the the gambling hall, "The Blue Chip," Commencing May 2nd trains will ar­ language whieh prefaced and proiin - tne iaiiDy oi •"wr-crst-sin vijes-e is vat u per­ was a reflection of the honesty and comes to the Peekin theatre Monday, ted it. Such a letter ehould lead any son who could at least conduct a ser­ sin cere ty of its proprietor. A tremen­ rive at Wynndel as follows; Going May 10th, in the judgement of various man with a conscience to think yery vice once a week. dous contrast to Hidden Valley, the east, 12.09. Going west, 3.34—C.E.R. New York and Chicago critics who p! deeply. There is one thing, possibly, above roost of the human vultures. haye reviewed the new screen version all others that preachers learned at time. of Edgar Rice Borroughs' facinating •to The man who wrote this letter, how­ And it was the daughter of the ever, frankly admits be has only at- the front, and it was that when deal­ gambling hall .proprietor who was to story of primitive life. t -tnled ehm-eh seven ttmes in the last ing with men over there sectarianism change the entire current of the young "The Romance of Tarzan" has the eight years—less than once a year. must be thrown to the winds. In man's life; a girl of rare beauty and Siritf&B* same strong 'cast of players that ap­ Dues it not strike him that if every most cases we did not know whether personal charm, one who possessed peared in "Tarzan of the Apes," to­ 1 resident only attended church once a the padre was Roman Catholic, Angli­ both courage and discretion. gether with an eyen larger troupe of B can or Presbyterian or Methodist. To tell any more of the plot, so full The McCabe bridge crew pulled out wild animals, including Tantor, the But we came back to find the same of surprises and real serial punches, a few days ago for Bull River, where huge African elephant, who takes a petty differences and jealousies that leading part in several of the drama's would spoil the story. The first epi­ they are busy on some emergeney existe 1 before we left. sode, "The Pool of Mystery," starring most blood-stirring moments. Now if co operation worked at the Marie Walcamp with Pat O'Malley in work at present. front t h re is no reason why it should the leading male role, directed by J. not work at home. Why should a The Prarei- Construction outfit has Creston Valley Lands P. McCowan will be shown- at the also departed from Sirdar, and are ar. place the size of Creston be represent­ Peekin Theatre to-morrow night. ed by four christian communions at Yahk erecting a new coal chute at whose differences are more apparent that point. than real, and some whose teaching is ll rd nit Ir Eofafo fundamentallv the same. Certainly Erickson T. W. Bundy has been here for the one sirri»ng church could. past ten days in charge of the depot. for the time at least, amply satisfy the spiritual needs of Creston. Mrs. Jessop, who has been here on Mr. Goodman being on the sick list. Tnuin WEDNESDAY, May 5 — ini* Info In the past Creston has struggled to an extended visit to her daughter, He expects to be back on the job, how­ 11. • Oaffls Ranch support two res'dent clerymen and to Mrs. Botterill, left for her home at ever, in a couple of weeks. trTfrfrf 4-* A X-srs-Tr-i-Di •_. vt tJvijLj •e-'iiriii'W'j iu help snpport two who were non-resi­ Wellwyn, Sask., a few days ago. dent. In the writer knows that* at To demonstrate the advanced season Hearts of Romanes Fruit Ranoh For Sale least two of these churches received W. G. Littlejohn has been selected aid from outside sources. Now should that obtains here as compared with Fox News, Ford Monthly any self respecting community the as Ericksotu's l-epresentative on theCresto n Principal Brewis and the The undermentioned lands size of Creston expect people in other Valley committee that is investigating scholars shipped a full box of yellow SUNSHINE COMEDY are for sale: places to help support their preachers. the raunicipilination problem on be­ tiger lillies to the Women's Institute Yet this is what has been done in the half on the U.F. and board of trade. - I5£ acres ""oi Town Lots (Bow's past. in that town last week, for table de­ Hungry Lions corations for their afternoon tea. Addition) in one-acre and half- The present writer is not sure, Mr. Bill Long is spending a few days acre blocks; prices from $500 Editor, of the accuracy of the state­ with friends in Spokane this week. Rev. J. S. Mahood is due here again to $850. On a beautiful site ment Adherent makes concerning the | SATURDAY, May 8 The finishing touches are being put on Sunday for English Churcb^seryice overlooking Creston Valley. average congregation at any one of Part 2 Creston's churches, and his knowledge on the frame work of the new Goat in the schoolhouse that evening. of the community is too limited to The '-well-known Griffin Fruit River bridge, and it is expected the -~0~*' RED GLOVE Ranch of 20 acres, with good allow hi in to speak with authority, C. M. Loasby piloted a party com­ but he has not known the average work of installing the span will com­ 2°reel Western Feature bungalow and buildings, price attendance at his church to be so low mence this week. Possibly a month posed of mail clerk Doc. Williams, 4tL-* 4TV <-*/-.rv T»-.: : l J Till..— 1I"*»_,.._.;_ *.„ A~-. — rx~rxmx x-uso. ui cv«ea uu *LJX Kjatixixa -f*)li,-4*JU. as Adherent states, and he would not from now the bridge will be in- use. X I'eiiiripae fiiii* r 2-Reel Century Comedy like to think it true that any congre­ on Wednesday night. The gentlemen Blocks G and H, close to centre gation averaged so low an attendance Three new power sprays came into were attending a session of Masonic Screen Magazine of town, of 5 acres each, good at evening worship as Adherent seems the .Erickson district the past two to think. Lodge, while Mrs. Brewis spent the locality and excellent soil. weeks. They are of the Spramotor evening with Mrs. Cook. The going WEDNESDA Y, May 12 Price $2000 each block. If. this is so truly as Adherent slates make, and those taking delivery of Creston is weighed in the balances and trip took about an honr and a quarter. GEORGE WALSH in Cedar Hill Cattle Ranch- West found to be decidedly wanting. It is them are Palmer Bros., W. V. Jack­ Mi's. Loasby got back this week Creston, 73 acres, price $2500. a matter for the people. The time is son and Truscott Bros. E. Botteril has pn c cu opportune and for the sake of the. com­ secured the one formerly at Mountain from a ten-day visit at Spokane, where Jl XX mdtXty7 rfc-SV For particulars address, u IS I munity and the children immediate View ranch; which he has thoroughly she had been to consult a specialist as rox News, &rd Monthly action gia demanded. Thanking you to her eyes. ROBERT STARK, Creston, B.G. for space. overhauled and is now- ready for the * MUTT & JEFF in blossoms to come. "* ••'"•'•' ••• GEO. H. HAMILTON. The crew of suryeyers, who have Accident Attorney Vancouver, April 20. Definite announcement as to thebee n working on the proposed right of size and location of the new Union warehouse will be made in a few days, the delay in this connection being due For the to final word from the C.P.R, as to the si te. It is more than likely the new building will provide accommoda­ iREM-IW tion for the start of the central pack.

High water mark was touched in 0 Valley property values last week in I am bandlin- " thfi fa.vo^ahlv-kriQwn Clar-lvle Dairv Toe the sale of the H. B. Downs ranch to Cream, and can serve Sodas, Sundaes, &c. G. Johnson of Creston, at a price well oyer $5000. There beinjj less than five Also Soft Drinks. or acres in the ranch, but it is well plant­ ed to carefully selected varieties of Give us a trial, and be a steady customer. apples. Mr. and Mrs. Downs will TEA ROOM in connection. likely move to Creston to reside for S ihraru tbe present.

-uibstantial articles mean comfort and lifelong S. G. FOREMAN •service if you select NEXT REEK IN THEATRE GRESTON The Co-Opeiative Fruit Gi-owea-s unloaded two carloads of strawberry ur UTttBltUB"© crates this week. r O. J. Wigen shipped in a carload of vv e have all the newest designs and most favored manure this week, This is the first wood--* in Furniture for every room in the house. occasion in Wy nnd el's history that fertilizer of this sort hiiB been im­ PEAS, reg. 25c can, at 2 for — 45c. Come in and see our display. ported. JAM, Raspberry and Apple, 4 lb. tins, reg. $1, for- 90o. SHREDDED WHEAT, reg. 20c, 2 for 35c. There will be a meeting of the Co­ COCGA, Lowney's, reg. 30c, for 25c. operative Fruit Growers on Friday RICE, No. 1 .Japan, reg. 2 lbs. for 45o., at per lb—- 20o. night, which all members are asked to 25c. Hardware & Furniture Supply attend. 23o. Mr. aud Mrs. J. P. Brooke were tbc M. J. BOYD Company Manager ...... •...-. .,,.,„• ,,.,,.. ..,..0. .,..,.• -...,. ,,„ hosts at a very pleasant social evening and dance at the Hoboolhouso on Sat­ urday, A large circle of friends were Seven Seasonable Specials -SS invited and they all -showed up. Sup­ per was served about midnight, after —and an Extra Special which dancing wan again indulged in until 2 a.m. It will pay you well to size up your future needs It's a Stet> ICvc:s*y'"*nc who !*-•*-.!"• time and \a able •in nil ot the above lines almost, and then buy accord­ in the- nj/ht flir*'<:tion to work is either cleaning strawberry ingly. On spme, if not all, of these goods prices are when yell come here for plants or buHy uu the o\'e.rhcail irriga­ reasonably certain to go higher before they get cheaper, tion project which ia going ahead vapidly. while as to Sugar there is tho prospect of a later-on AuiomoDiits shortage that is likely to ooui-u when sugar in quantity 11. A. Bathie, HI-., baa the contract is an absolute necessity. Repairing to di-j- the ditch and lay the pipe to pni the- wuli'i* in the M;lie>eil, ami li.tt-j ~y~Z~-^ir\\mtit-i Vmrntrd- fTtmxsT.***** 0-* I itx -th l~ml~m~m v.tii'K n>>mm iiUMty. immixL-i'-Vm-J *-W A. V JASTJ y — ^-Jmm - -xmrrLLJi-J, Lxd L-Jry—l'—Jm. inn; Quilt- a lain*' parly took tn th-* pic­ All wo aide ia that you r;co thi;- !;.rr* of Broom:-. Jt' the your* aw. ture --.how at CfCKton on Monday, and Hplomlul value wc are olYeriag tlo*>n not induce you to all report it- a real eliualy and are look­ purchase one of them wc will bo very diemppointod. DoiiilniGn Tires &, Tube: .~~-~\ Motor Oil. Authorize* Ford Service Sfatjon ing forward intereHtcdly to M-cing the r.'-ni-h*di!ij** jv-r*! <»f it. m-^0mmi W"W-W ^^**^Hi ^-*\ t*m Wx AtXIItmti tilA JttiHtk 1H1ILV B IBM VLKJMIR*IL * w IV'T "V*~X. w-~mmi .teiliu J tin i ucliMimi Ui here With ilia \ t's*."ji weirlcinj; fi!yi(\ MAWSON BROTHERS •5 i' vxjm ».« m n ._« M MW HMWM Tm^-r x- M M m m m .m^d t,mt , .»..:..4„. « AsVv'Ci* ywfiws || All the rani'lu'rii have now utu-over- •Geiiuun mcicuiiuim .» t IkrVru ft•* * ' *•"•"•**• ** f 4 " *''t u Better- Service I L-l i~d*,,-« d-* i P AP i it K~J i w* ..... I...4 i i • >l Un 11 * I I .e -A lie-i i lei--, .mil oil tie HI pit il. mitmyiMtimMmmMiidim.xiHmmiiktmi-imimmmm

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