DENVER Cathaic Precious Blood Parish Will Build New School
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WladomwL Ihsi SteunfUi. •• ^ » : I / , BEAUTY IN BRICK AND STONE THE NEWEST CONTENT in thr archdiocese is that that are temporarily being used as classrooms, to re jiisl put in use by Sis. Peter and Paul’s Parish, Wheat lieve crowded conditions in the neighboring school Ridse. The uin;z surmounted by the steeple and cross building. The empty niche in front of the chapel will is a chapel for the Dominican Sisters who teach at Sts be lined with inosaie and filled with a statue, accord Peter and Paul's. In the l>asement are two large rooms ing to present plans. Henry J. DeNicola was architect. Precious Blood Parish i M • 4 t H£SK pnrtrayalf of ihr .Mti- J^rmN on ulainp* o f the an* Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation Itoitu of the tforld are only a feteContents Copyright by the Catholic Press Society, Inc., 1959 — Permission to Reproduce, Except Tin a remarkaitle roii^lion 6e- On Articles Otherwise Marked, Given After 12 M. Friday Following Issue Will Build New School Intigiiig to father trUliam J. (raltaghrr o f Hoi; lihotl. Pori«h. />enrpr. Tti< n»o-ri>fumn tiepir- DAUGHTERS OF CHARITY WILL TEACH tiont ahopr are from Ireland B y Fr a n k McCa r t h y charge of a school in the $108,000 to help pay for April Of 1961. (le ft) and Hungary (before the Bids will be received state of Colorado. the cost of this school, in The school, designed by fled congueet), The one column Parishioners of Most a recent parish drive. The the Roland Johnson Ar l-icluree below (from fop to bot DENVER CATHaiC in the church haU for Precious Blood pledged pledges will extend to chitectural Firm, will be tom ) are from Pariugat, Spain a new 10-room grade attached to the existing (on e o f only wioiiy depictiom of school for the Most ☆ ☆ the Madonna on Spanith church building. The tlam pi), n riepirlion from Vetie- Precious Blood Parish at structure will be built to xueln. and n whimiical Hamp 4 p.m., Dec. 23. Eleven St. Catherine's in Derby blend in with the church o f leidy and Child from tin; R E G IS T E R contractors will submit appearance. There will be Lichtenstein. The “ Penter Cath bids. The building is ex six classrooms measuring olic ftegisler" hopes to can pected to cost from $225,- Plans Home for Sisters 24 feet by 31 feet each. other pirluf*'* from this rottee- VOL. LIV. No. 18. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17,1959 DENVER. COLORADO 000 to $240,000. sus revealed that the number There will also be a li lion io the future. The Rev. John Donohoe, Construction plans and de of Catholic families had in brary, an audio-visual C.M., pastor o f the par signs are again being formu lated in St. Catherine’s Par creased to 535. In March, 1956, room, a health room, a ish, expects ground to a project was launched to in JUST A MINUTE, DR. BRYANT! ish, Derby. This time the un business office, princi be broken for the actual dertaking will be provision of a crease the seating capacity of pal’s office, kitchen, a By Frtnk Merritt schools, lunches, and other United States Supreme Court. building on Jan. 3. 1960. the church to 400 persons. To Just a minute. Dr. Doyle home for the sisters. total of six rest rooms on things such as bus transports- If you suffer merely from a The school, completion The same men who spent day the parish has 1,600 fam I A. Bryant! ti.m,” you are quoted as saying each floor, a teachers’ lack of knowledge, we refer you deadline is September of many hours and days on the ilies. they” being Catholics). Your to the case of Everson vs. Board In 1953 a rectory was bought lounge, and room for stor We think you should sub 1960. The Daughters of sd8<^ building will lend thdr chapter of the POAU will fight and enlarged, and, in March, age on each floor. stantiate the statement at of Education, 330 U.S. 1 (1947). services to the project at hand. such support “strictly to main Charity will have charge tributed to you in a Denver In this case the Supreme Court The parish has already suc 1956, a drive was launched to The completed building, tain constitutional provisions," flatty stated that granting auxil of the school. Four are finance purchase of a goven- daily newspaper, viz., that cessfully bid for several surplus which will have a total the news article says. iary services does not breach expected to arrive here ment building to serve as a Catholics "make no secret of government buildings to be square footage of 7,301, Dr. Bryant! Are you trying that “ wall” of separation of June, 1960. It will be the place for catechism classes and the fad" that they want "to used as a nucleus for the con will have forced air venti support paro to hide from your supporters Church and State which you, Dr. first time this nuns’ com as a parish ball. The building vent structure. lation in all o f the class chial schools the fact that bus rides, school Bryant, are professedly so con munity has ever had Ambrose Sauer, one of the was moved from the nearby a n d other lunches, and such auxiliary serv cerned about preserving. What young men in the building government arsenal and set on rooms. A sound system a foundation that had been local institu ices for all American pupils, in it would amount to. then, is that See Additional Local trade, is the general construc will also be included in tions from the cluding those in parochial in seeking to deny "lunches and tion superintendent. He served prepared for it. In November, (Turn to Page 2 — Column Advertising, News on 1956, the building received a funds o f the schools, have already been de other things such as bus trans-| in the same capacity in the Pages 6, 7, 8, Section II brick veneer. United States clared constitutional by the (T?tm to Pope 2 — Colujnn4) 1 school building program. In January, 1958, work was government.” Dominic Ficco will again DEADLINE! begun on partitioning the gov We know of lend his heavy equipment and Correspondents are re ernment building and making no official, operators for the preliminary quested to get ail their it into a school. Six classrooms semi - official foundation and footing excava next week’s copy for the Paul Council Reports were built to accommodate statement to De tions. from 300 to 350 pupils. D enver Catholic- R egister : such effect— and for something Launched as a mission o f As At the time of the 10th an in as soon as possible in- i jthat is “no secret” we haven't sumption Parish, Welby, in asmueh as material will [even heard it proposed by or- 1946, St. Catherine's started its niversary of its founding as a Fruitful Efforts of Year mission, which was celebrated he processed beginning ^ dinary Catholic laity. We have first building project, a cinder in 1958, it was estimated that kept our parochial schools go By J. R. Walsh ized its own salvage bureau in were assisted in returning to block church, to serve the 60 Friday, Dec. 19. The ab 50 per cent of all children in ing, and our Catholic institu Concentration on spiritual and the past year. their families in other cities. A Catholic families in the area at solute deadline is 3 p.m. the school district were from tions. such as hospitals and clin educational efforts is reflected In addition to promoting the total of 1,557 were aided by the that time. Work started on the .Monday, Dec. 21. ___ j Catholic families. ics, on our own— and we are in the annual report of the Den successful Bishops’ Thanksgiv salvage bureau and conferences. edifice in December, 1948, and proud o f it. The idea that we ver Particular Council of St. ing Clothing Drive in the par the cornerstone was laid in suddenly want to throw them Vincent de Paul Society. A rec ishes, the Particular Council Thousands Given Clothing April of the following year. The upon the federal government is ord number of 253 children shows in its report eight irregu Through its salvage bureau church was dedicated in August, ludicrous. were placed in Sunday school lar marriages validated, 51 per the De Paul men furnished 1,524 1949. The church, seating 240 MORE TEEP SHOWS' Dr. Bryant, either through and arrangements were made sons returning to religious furniture items to families. Ar persons, when completed cost calculated or ignorant mixing for 31 youngsters to attend pa duties, and 20.167.books, reli ticles of clothing were pro 517,500. of terms and phrases, you have rochial schools. Twenty-one con gious articles, papers, etc. dis vided as follows: Men, 872: In 1954 St. Catherine's wa^ FOR MOVIE VIEWERS women, 559; infants, 375: boys, erected as a parish, and a cen^ worked a grave distortion of verts— the highest in four years tributed to hospitals, homes, According to published list 2.053; and girls. 1.850. the truth. This is the season, — and 27 Baptisms are recorded. and churches. ings some theaters are planning C atholic U niv. above all. for fairness and good For the year ending Sept. 30. Christian burial was supplied All conferences of the Society COMMENT to exhibit Happy Anniversary, will.