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WHO’S WHO 2 MORE OF HISTORY’S MOST INTRIGUING CHARACTERS Compiled and edited by PHIL MASTERS Written by PHIL MASTERS and the WHOOLIGANS . Michel Bélanger, Nicholas Caldwell, Nelson Cunnington, Peter V. Dell’Orto, Thomas Devine, Richard Gadsden, James H. Hay, Kenneth Hite, Alex Johnston, andi jones, Sam Lindsay-Levine, James Maliszewski, Phil Masters, Matt Merrill, Craig Neumeier, Patrick Odonnell, Gareth L. Owen, Matthew Rice, Matt Riggsby, Stephanie Rogers, Marcus L. Rowland, Gene Seabolt, Alexander Shearer, Brian C. Smithson, Joel Sparks, William H. Stoddard, Joe Taylor, David Thomas, James Upp, Andy Vetromile, S.C. Virtes, and David Walker Illustrated by ANDY BENNETT, ANDI JONES, JOHN LUCAS, ED NORTHCOTT, PHILIP J. REED JR., AND KENNETH WATERS Cover art by ANDI JONES Cover design by PHILIP REED GURPS System Design T STEVE JACKSON Managing Editor T ALAIN H. DAWSON GURPS Line Editor T SEAN PUNCH Design T JACK ELMY Production T PHILIP J. REED JR. Production Assistance ALAIN H. DAWSON Print Buying T RUSSELL GODWIN Art Direction T LOREN WISEMAN GURPS Errata Coordinator T MICHAEL BOWMAN Sales Manager T ROSS JEPSON Playtesting and Additional Material Thomas Barnes, Mark Cogan, John Dallman, Chris Davies, Peter V. Dell’Orto, Stephen Deppen, Thomas Devine, Richard Gadsden, Fabian J. Gentner, Joanna Hart, James H. Hay, Kenneth Hite, Bob Huss, Leonardo M. Holschuh, J. Hunter Johnson, Sam Lindsay-Levine, James Maliszewski, Matthew Michalak, T. Carter Ross, Brian C. Smithson, Tim Stellmach, William H. Stoddard, and David Thomas GURPS and the all-seeing pyramid are registered trademarks of Steve Jackson Games Incorporated. GURPS Who’s Who 2, Pyramid and Illuminati Online and the names of all products published by Steve Jackson Games Incorporated are registered trademarks or trademarks of Steve Jackson Games Incorporated, or used under license.
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