

Biblioteca de l’ETSAV

20.02.2017 - 24.03.2017 TRIBUT A JAMES S. ACKERMAN 1919-2016


James S. Ackerman (copyright Jill Slosburg-Ackerman)

Exposició organitzada per Josep Giner, Raúl Martínez, José Ángel Sanz (professors del Departament de Teoria i Història de l'Arquitectura i Tècniques de Comunicació) i l’equip de la Biblioteca de l’ETSAV.

Agraïments: Biblioteca Oriol Bohigas de l’ETSAB, Biblioteca d’Humanitats de la UAB, Biblioteca de la UB, Biblioteca del COAC, Biblioteca del MNAC i Jill Slosburg-Ackerman.

ETSAV, Sant Cugat del Vallès, febrer del 2017. Llibres:

Aquesta secció s’ha organitzat en cinc apartats temàtics per tal de facilitar la seva comprensió.


1954. The Cortile del Belvedere. Città del Vaticano: Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana.

1961. The Architecture of Michelangelo. London: A. Zwemmer.

1966. Palladio. Baltimore: .

1983. “The Tuscan/Rustic Order: A Study in the Metaphorical Language of Architecture”. A : Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, XLII, 1 (març 1983) : 15-34.

La vil·la

1986. “The Villa as Paradigm”. A : Perspecta 22 (1986) : 10-31.

1990. The Villa: Form and Ideology of Country Houses. London: Thames and Hudson.

Orígens del dibuix arquitectònic

1997. “Villard de Honnecourt’s Drawings of Reims Cathedral: a Study in Architectural Representation”. A : Artibus et Historiae, 35 (1997) : 41-50.

2000. “Conventions of Architectural Drawing, North and South”. A : SEIDEL, Max (ed). Europa e l’arte italiana. Venècia : Marsilio Editori, 2000, p 220-235.

Art i crítica

1958. “On American Scholarship in the Arts”. A : College Art Journal, XVII, 4 (1958) : 357-362.

1962. “A Theory of Style”. A : The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, XX, 3 (1962) : 227-237.

1963. “Western Art History”. A: ACKERMAN, James S i CARPENTER, Rhys. Art and Archaeology. Englewood Cliffs, NJ : Prentice Hall, 1963, p 123-229.

1973. “Toward a New Social Theory of Art”. A : New Literary History, IV, 2 (hivern 1973) 315-330.

1984. “Interpretation, Response: Toward a Theory of Art Criticism”. A : ABRAMS, M.H. i Ackerman, James. Theories of Criticism. Washington DC : Library of Congress, 1984, p. 33-53.

Art i ciència

1949. “Ars Sine Scientia Nihil Est : Gothic Theory of Architecture at the Cathedral of Milan”. A : The Art Bulletin, XXXI (1949) : 84-111.

1961. “Science and Visual Art”. A : RHYS, Hedley H (ed). Seventeenth Century Science and the Arts. Princeton : Princeton University Press, 1961, p 63-90.

1985. “Early Renaissance ‘Naturalism’ and Scientific Illustration”. A : The Natural Sciences and the Arts (Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis : N..S., 22), Uppsala, 1985, p 1- 17.


ARTICLES 1949-1977

James S. Ackerman (copyright Jill Slosburg-Ackerman)

Exposició organitzada per Josep Giner, Raúl Martínez, José Ángel Sanz (professors del Departament de Teoria i Història de l'Arquitectura i Tècniques de Comunicació) i l’equip de la Biblioteca de l’ETSAV.

Agraïments: Biblioteca Oriol Bohigas de l’ETSAB, Biblioteca d’Humanitats de la UAB, Biblioteca de la UB, Biblioteca del COAC, Biblioteca del MNAC i Jill Slosburg-Ackerman.

ETSAV, Sant Cugat del Vallès, febrer del 2017. James S. Ackerman (1919-2016)


“The Certosa of Pavia and the Renaissance in Milan”. A : Marsyas, V (1949) : 23-37.

“Ars Sine Scientia Nihil Est : Gothic Theory of Architecture at the Cathedral of Milan”. A : The Art Bulletin, XXXI (1949) : 84-111.

“The Belvedere as a Classical Villa”. A : Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, XIV (1951) : 60-91.

“Architectural Practice in the Italian Renaissance”. A : Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, XIII, 3 (1955) : 3-11.

“Report on California”. A : Architectural Review, CXX, 717 (1956) : 237- 239.

“Marcus Aurelius on the Capitoline Hill”. A : Renaissance News, X (1957) : 69-75.

“On American Scholarship in the Arts”. A : College Art Journal, XVII, 4 (1958) : 357- 362.

“Bramante” i “Michelangelo” A : FRANCASTEL, Pierre (ed). Les architectes célèbres, II. París : 1959.

“Art History and the Problems of Criticism”. A : Daedalus (hivern 1958) : 253-263.

“Science and Visual Art”. A : RHYS, Hedley H (ed). Seventeenth Century Science and the Arts. Princeton : Princeton University Press, 1961, p 63-90.

“A Theory of Style”. A : The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, XX, 3 (1962) : 227-237. “Sources of the Renaissance Villa”. A : MEISS, Millard (publ). Studies in Western Art : Acts of the Twentieth International Congress of the History of Art(1961). Princeton University, 1963 : 6-18.

“Western Art History”. A: ACKERMAN, James S i CARPENTER, Rhys. Art and Archaeology. Englewood Cliffs, NJ : Prentice Hall, 1963, p 123-229.

“Palladio e l’architettura del ‘700 negli Stati Uniti”. A : Bollettino del Centro Internazionale di studi d’architettura A. Palladio, VI (1964) : 29-38.

“Il Presidente Jefferson e il palladianismo americano”. A : Bollettino del Centro Internazionale di studi d’architettura A. Palladio, VI (1964) : 39-48.

Amb LOTZ, Wolfgang. “Vignoliana”. A : FREEMAN SANDLER, Lucy (ed). Essays in Memory of Karl Lehman. Nova York, 1964 : 1-24.

“Art and Evolution”. A : KEPES, G. (ed). The Nature and Art of Motion. Nova York, 1965, p 32-40.

“Della Porta’s Gesù Altar”. A : Essays in Honor of Walter Friedlaender, New York, 1965 : 1-2.

“On Scientia”. A : Daedalus (hivern 1965) : 14-23.

“Reports on Scholarship in the Renaissance : Art”. A : Renaissance News, 18, 1 (primavera 1965) : 73-81.

“Introduction”. A : Harvard Art Review, I (hivern 1966) : 8.

“Palladio’s Lost Portico Project for San Petronio in Bologna”. A : FRASER, D, HIBBARD, H i LEWINE, MJ. Essays in the History of Architecture Presented to . Londres : Phaidon, 1967, p 110-115.

“Introduction to the Issue ‘The Future of the Humanities’”. A : Daedalus (estiu 1969) : 605-614.

“Two Styles : A Challenge to Higher Education”. A : Daedalus (estiu 1969) : 855-869.

“Concluding Remarks: Science and Art in the Works of Leonardo” A : O’Malley, CD (ed). Leonardo’s Legacy: An International Symposium. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1969, p 205-225.

“The Demise of the Avant Garde : Notes on the Sociology of Recent American Art”. A : Comparative Studies in Society and History, XI (octubre 1969) : 371-384.

“Notes on Bramante’s Bad Reputation”. A : Studi bramanteschi : Atti del Congresso Internazionale : 1970. Roma : 1974, p 339-350.

“The Gesù in the Light of Contemporary Church Design”. A : JAFFE, I i WITTKOWER, R (eds). Art : The Jesuit Contribution. Nova York, 1972, p 15-28.

“Toward a New Social Theory of Art”. A : New Literary History, IV, 2 (hivern 1973) 315-330.

“Transactions in Architectural Design”. A : Critical Inquiry, I (1974) : 229-243.

“Il contributo dell’Alessi alla tipologia della chiesa longitudinale”. A : Galeazzo Alessi e l’architettura del Cinquecento. Gènova, 1975, p 461-466.

“The History of Design and the Design of History”. A: Psicon 2/3 (1975) : 138-146.

“Alberti’s Light”. A : Studies in Late Medieval and Renaissance Painting in Honor of Millard Meiss. Nova York : 1977, p 1-27.

“Introduction”. A: LOTZ, Wolfgang. Studies in Italian Renaissance Architecture. Cambridge Mass., 1977, p xvii-xxiv. TRIBUT A JAMES S. ACKERMAN 1919-2016

ARTICLES 1978-2012

James S. Ackerman (copyright Jill Slosburg-Ackerman)

Exposició organitzada per Josep Giner, Raúl Martínez, José Ángel Sanz (professors del Departament de Teoria i Història de l'Arquitectura i Tècniques de Comunicació) i l’equip de la Biblioteca de l’ETSAV.

Agraïments: Biblioteca Oriol Bohigas de l’ETSAB, Biblioteca d’Humanitats de la UAB, Biblioteca de la UB, Biblioteca del COAC, Biblioteca del MNAC i Jill Slosburg-Ackerman.

ETSAV, Sant Cugat del Vallès, febrer del 2017. James S. Ackerman (1919-2016)

Articles 1978-2012:

“Introduction”. A: NAN ROSENTHAL, Myra (ed). Sebastiano Serlio On Domestic Architecture : The Sixth Book. Nova York i Cambridge, 1978.

“On Rereading ‘Style’”. A : Social Research, 45 (1978) : 153-163

“Leonardo’s Eye”. A : Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, XLI (1978) : 108-146.

“On Judging Art Without Absolutes”. A : Critical Inquiry, V, 3 (primavera1979) : 441- 469.

“Notes and Exchanges”. A : Critical Inquiry, V (1979) : 795-799.

“Palladio e lo sviluppo della concezione della chiesa a Venezia”. A : Bollettino del Centro Internazionale di Studi di Architettura 1977, XIX, 1980 : 9-26.

“L’architettura religiosa veneta in rapporto a quella toscana del Rinascimento”. A : Bollettino del Centro Internazionale di Studi di Architettura 1977, XIX, 1980 : 135-164.

“On Early Renaissance Color Theory and Practice”. A : Studies in Art History. American Academy in I (1980) 11-38

“La storia dell’architettura e l’architettura della storia”. A : Spazio e società, IV, 14 (1981) : 25-37.

“Worldmaking and Practical Criticism”. A : Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, XXXIX, 3 (primavera 1981) : 249-254.

“The Geopolitics of Venetan Architecture in the Time of Titian”. A : ROSAND, David (ed). Titian, His World and His Legacy. Nova York, 1982, p 41-71.

“The Planning of Renaissance Rome, 1480-1580”. A : Rome in the Renaissance,The City and the Myth. Binghamton ; 1982, p 3-18.

“Palladio Revisited: Civic Architecture”. A : Spazio e società, VI, 21 (1983) : 8-19.

“Palladio Revisited: The Churches”. A : Spazio e società, VI, 22 (1983) : 62-75.

“Palladio Revisited: The Villas”. A : Spazio e società , VI, 23 (1983) : 8-19.

“The Tuscan/Rustic Order: A Study in the Metaphorical Language of Architecture”. A : Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, XLII, 1 (març 1983) : 15-34.

“The Faces of Palazzo Chiericati”. A : ROSAND, David (ed). Interpretazioni veneziane: studi di storia dell’arte in onore di Michelangelo Muraro. Venècia: Arsenale, 1984, p 213-220.

“Interpretation, Response: Toward a Theory of Art Criticism”. A : ABRAMS, M.H. i Ackerman, James. Theories of Criticism. Washington DC : Library of Congress, 1984, p. 33-53.

“Il paradigma della villa”. A : Casabella, XLIX (1985) : 53-65.

“Early Renaissance ‘Naturalism’ and Scientific Illustration”. A : The Natural Sciences and the Arts (Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis : N..S., 22), Uppsala, 1985, p 1-17.

“Why Classicism?”. A : The Harvard Architecture Review, 5 (1986) : 78.

“The Villa as Paradigm”. A : Perspecta 22 (1986) : 10-31.

“Introduction”. A : MURARO, Michelangelo. Venetian Villas: The History and Culture. Udine : Rizzoli, 1987, p 7-8. “The Medici Villa in Fiesole”. A : Il se rendit en Italie: Etudes offertes à André Chastel. Roma i París : Edizioni dell’Elefante-Flammarion, 1987, p 49-56.

Amb Kostof, Spiro et al. “Transitional Periods : Seminar I”. A : Harvard Architectural Review, VI (1987) : 8-17

“Renaissance”. A: International Encyclopedia of Communications. Philadelphia, 1989, III, p 447-452.

“Rudolf Wittkower’s Influence on the History of Architecture”. A : Source, VIII/IX (1989) : 87-90.

“Social Concern and Architectural Discourse”. A : Places, 6 (1990) : 68-71.

Amb NAN ROSENFELD, Myra. “Social Stratification in Renaissance Urban Planning”. A : ZIMMERMAN, Susan i WEISSMAN, Ronald F (eds). Urban Life in the Renaissance. Newark: University of Delaware Press, 1989, p 21-49

“Commentary”. A : MOLHO, Anthony, RAAFLAUB, Kurt A et al (eds). City States in Classical Antiquity and Medieval . Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press, 1991, p 453-456

“Revivals as Phenomena in History”. A : FARMER, B i LOUW, H (eds). Companion to Contemporary Architectural Thought. Londres i Nova York: Routledge, 1992.

“Palladio: in che senso classico?” A : Annali di Architettura, 6 (1994) : 11-22.

“The Regions of Italian Renaissance Architecture”. A : MILLON, Henry A i MAGNAGO LAMPUGNANI, Vittorio (eds). The Renaissance from Brunelleschi to Michelangelo : The Representation of Architecture, Milà: Bompiani, 1994, p 319-348.

“On the Origins of Art History”. A : Studi in onore di Giulio Carlo Argan. Florència : La Nuova Italia Editrice, 1994, p 39-47.

“On Public Landscape Design Before the Civil War”. A : O’MALLEY, Therese i TREIB, Marc (eds)., Regional Garden Design in the . Washington, D.C.: Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, 1995, p 191-207

“Daniele Barbaro and Vitruvius”. A: STRIKER, Cecil L (ed). Architectural Studies in Memory of Richard Krautheimer. Mainz: P. von Zabern, 1996, p 1-6.

“Why Not Pleasure”. A: Harvard Design Magazine (Summer 1997) : 46-47.

“Richard Krautheimer’s ‘Method’”. A: In Memoriam Richard Krautheimer. Roma: Bibliotheca Hertziana, 1997, p 67-72.

“Villard de Honnecourt’s Drawings of Reims Cathedral: a Study in Architectural Representation”. A : Artibus et Historiae, 35 (1997) : 41-50.

“Villa Emo : Restrained Style and Noble Pleasures”. A : Casabella, 62, no. 662/663 (1998) : 10-19

“Introduction”. A: THOENES, Christof. Sostegno e adornamento. Milà : Electa, 1998, p 6-10.

“The Anticipation of Cinquecento Architecture in Church Designs by Leonardo da Vinci”. A : ROSSI, Marco i ROVETTA, Alessandro (eds). Studi di storia dell’arte in onore di Maria Luisa Gatti Perer. Milà : Vita e pensiero, 1999, p 197-204.

“Observations on Architectural Photography” i “On the Study of Early Medieval Art at Harvard”. A : Before and after the End of Time: Architecture and the Year 1000, Cambridge: Harvard Design School i George Braziller Publisher, 2000, p 89-93.

“On the Study of Early Medieval Art at Harvard”. A : Before and after the End of Time: Architecture and the Year 1000, Cambridge: Harvard Design School i George Braziller Publisher, 2000, p 99-106.

“Conventions of Architectural Drawing, North and South”. A : SEIDEL, Max (ed). Europa e l’arte italiana. Venècia : Marsilio Editori, 2000, p 220-235.

“The Aesthetics of Architecture in the Renaissance". A : Studi in onore di Renato Cevese, Vicenza : Centro Internazionale di Studi di Architecttura Andrea Palladio, 2000, p 1-8.

“Leonardo da Vinci: Art in Science”. A : GALISON, Peter et al (eds). Science in Culture. New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Publishers, 2001, p 207-224

“On the Origins of Architectural Photography”. A : RATTENBURY, Kester (ed). This is Not Architecture: Media Constructions. Londres i Nova York: Routledge, 2002, p 26- 36 .

“The Photographic Picturesque”. A : Artibus et Historiae, 48 (2003) : 73-94.

“La villa: forma e ideologia”. A : BELTRAMINI, Guido i BURNS, Howard (eds). Andrea Palladio e la villa veneta da Petrarca a Carlo Scarpa. Venècia : Marsilio Editori, 2005, p 2-14.

“Introduzione". A : Massimo Scolari, Il disegno obliquo: una storia dell’antiprospettiva. Venècia : Marsilio Editore, 2005, p 9-16.

“Gathering the Given : Michelangelo’s Redesign of the Campidoglio,” A : Harvard Design Magazine (tardor-hivern 2006) : 48-58.

“Ricordi della Nona Triennale : De Divina Proportione”. A : CIMOLI, Anna Chiara i IRACE, Fulvio (eds) La divina proporzion : Triennale 1951. Milà : Electa, 2007, p 219-235.

“Le proporzioni nel’architettura gotica”. A : CIMOLI, Anna Chiara i IRACE, Fulvio (eds) La divina proporzion : Triennale 1951. Milà : Electa, 2007, p 219-235.

"The Fifty Years of CISA". A : Annali d'architettura, 20, (2008) : 9-11.

“Palladio fra licenza e decoro”. A : BARBIERI, Franco et al (eds). Palladio 1508-2008 : il simposio del cinquecentenario. Venècia : Marsilio, 2008, p 14-17

“Palladio, Michelangelo and publica magnificentia”. A : Annali di architettura, 22 (2010) : 63-78

“Palladio and His Legacy in America”. A: MURRAY, Irena i HIND, Charles (eds). Palladio and His Legacy : a Transatlantic Journey. Venècia : Marsilio, 2012

“My Passage to India: A Jain Temple and the Fate of Narrative in Sacred Architecture”. A : Harvard Design Magazine, 35 (2012) : 16-21.



James S. Ackerman (copyright Jill Slosburg-Ackerman)

Exposició organitzada per Josep Giner, Raúl Martínez, José Ángel Sanz (professors del Departament de Teoria i Història de l'Arquitectura i Tècniques de Comunicació) i l’equip de la Biblioteca de l’ETSAV.

Agraïments: Biblioteca Oriol Bohigas de l’ETSAB, Biblioteca d’Humanitats de la UAB, Biblioteca de la UB, Biblioteca del COAC, Biblioteca del MNAC i Jill Slosburg-Ackerman.

ETSAV, Sant Cugat del Vallès, febrer del 2017.

James S. Ackerman (1919-2016)


WILFORD CACCAVALE, Ruth i LEE PALMER Allison. “An Interview with James S. Ackerman”. A : Rutgers Art Review IX/X, (1988-89) : 69-81.

“Art Historian: James S. Ackerman”. The U.C.L.A./Getty Center Oral History Project, Los Angeles: 1994.

ADAMS, Nicholas. “Conversazione con James S. Ackerman”. A : Casabella, 693 (octubre 2001) : 84-87.

ARAQUE LAHOZ, Antonio José. “Conversando con... James S. Ackerman : Andrea Palladio, insigne arquitecto italiano del Renacimiento”. A : EGA : revista de expresión gráfica arquitectónica, 14.14 (2009) : 132-137.

“‘A way must be found to broaden our perspective’ : James Ackerman in conversation with Cammy Brothers”. A : Art Bulletin, 94.3 (setembre 2012) : 362-367.

COHEN, Matthew A. “Proportional Systems in the History of Architecture : A Conversation with James S. Ackerman”. A : Architectural Histories, 2, 1 (2014).



James S. Ackerman (copyright Jill Slosburg-Ackerman)

Exposició organitzada per Josep Giner, Raúl Martínez, José Ángel Sanz (professors del Departament de Teoria i Història de l'Arquitectura i Tècniques de Comunicació) i l’equip de la Biblioteca de l’ETSAV.

Agraïments: Biblioteca Oriol Bohigas de l’ETSAB, Biblioteca d’Humanitats de la UAB, Biblioteca de la UB, Biblioteca del COAC, Biblioteca del MNAC i Jill Slosburg-Ackerman.

ETSAV, Sant Cugat del Vallès, febrer del 2017. James S. Ackerman (1919-2016)


“Architectural Principles in the Age of Humanism by Rudolf Wittkower”. A: The Art Bulletin, Vol. 33, 3 (Setembre 1951) : 195-200.

“Die Anwendung der Quadratur und Triangulatur bei der Grund- und Aufrissgestaltung der gotischen Kirchen by Maria Velte”. A: The Art Bulletin, Vol. 35, 2 (Juny 1953) : 155-157.

“The Basilica of St. Peter by Paul Letarouilly; Italian Gardens of the Renaissance by J. C. Shepherd and G. A. Jellicoe”. A : College Art Journal, v 14, 3 (primavera 1955) : 302-303.

“Das Kapitol in Rom, Idee und Gestalt by Herbert Siebenhuener”. A: The Art Bulletin, Vol. 38, 1 (Març 1956) : 53-57.

“An Outline of European Architecture by Nikolaus Pevsner”. A: The Art Bulletin, Vol. 43, 1 (Març 1961) : 74-75.

“Michelangelo, V; the Final Period. by Charles de Tolnay”. A: Renaissance News, Vol. 14, 1 (Primavera 1961) : 18-20.

“Renaissance and Renascences in Western Art by Erwin Panofsky”. A: The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, Vol. 19, 3 (Primavera 1961) : 350-351.

“Die Farnesina und Peruzzis architektonisches Frühwerk by Christoph Luitpold Frommel”. A: The Art Bulletin, Vol. 44, 3 (Setembre 1962) : 243-246.

“The Architecture of the Palazzo Borghese by Howard Hibbard”. A: The Art Bulletin, Vol. 45, 2 (Juny 1963) : 163-164.

“Andrea Palladio by Roberto Pane”. A: The Art Bulletin, Vol. 46, 1 (Març 1964) : 106- 107.

“Disegni de le ruine di Roma e come anti-camente erono by Étienne Dupérac”. A: Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, Vol. 23, 4 (Decembre 1964) : 214.

“Il carteggio di Michelangelo by Giovanni Poggi”. A: Renaissance Quarterly, Vol. 20, 1 (Primavera 1967) : 29-31.

“La Basilica Palladiana by Franco Barbieri”. A : The Art Bulletin, v 52, n 2 (juny 1970) : 215-215

“Der Palazzo Vecchio in Florenz, Ursprung und Bedeutung seiner Formby Jürgen Paul”. A: Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, Vol. 30, 1 (Març 1971) : 91-92.

“The Renaissance City by G. C. Argan”. A: The Art Bulletin, Vol. 53, 1 (Març 1971) : 115-116.

“I ricordi di Michelangelo by Lucilla Bardeschi and Paola Barocchi”. A: Renaissance Quarterly, Vol. 25, 1 (Primavera 1972) : 63-65.

“The Life of Brunelleschi by Antonio di Tuccio Manetti, Howard Saalmanand Catherine Enggass”. A: The Art Bulletin, Vol. 54, 2 (Juny 1972) : 208.

“Ville della provincia di Vicenza by Renato Cevese; Illuministi eneoclassici a Vicenza by Franco Barbieri”. A: Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, Vol. 32, (Març 1973) : 73-74.

“Der römische Palastbau der Hochrenaissance by Christoph Luitpold Frommel”. A: Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, Vol. 34, 1 (Març 1975) : 74-75.

“Jacopo Sansovino: Architecture and Patronage in Renaissance Venice by Deborah Howard”. A: The Art Bulletin, Vol. 59, 1 (Març 1977) : 143-145.

“The Madrid Codices by Leonardo da Vinci and Ladislao Reti”. A: Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, Vol. 36, 1 (Març 1977), 46-50.

“Hatfield on ‘Botticelli’”. A : The Burlington Magazine, v 120, 909 (desembre 1978) : 850.

“The Convento della Carità by Elena Bassi”. A: Renaissance Quarterly, Vol. 31, 2 (Estiu 1978) : 225-226.

“Die Villa im Veneto: zur typologischen Entwicklung im Quattrocento by Martin Kubelik”. A: The Art Bulletin, Vol. 61, 3 (Setembre 1979) : 483-485.

“Form Follows Fiasco: Why Modern Architecture Hasn't Worked by Peter Blake”. A: Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, Vol. 38, 1 (Març 1979) : 49-50.

“The Villa in the Life of Renaissance Rome by David R. Coffin”. A: Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, Vol. 39, 3 (Octubre 1980) : 242-243.

“Leonardo Architetto by Carlo Pedretti”. A: Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, Vol. 40, 1 (Març 1981) : 66-68.

“Leonardo da Vinci: Corpus of the Anatomical Studies in the Collection of Her Majesty the Queen at Windsor Castle by Kenneth D. Keele and Carlo Pedretti”. A: The Art Bulletin, Vol. 65, 1 (Març 1983) : 153-157.

“La Villa Medicea di Poggio a Caiano by Silvestro Bardazzi and Eugenio Castellani”. A: Renaissance Quarterly, Vol. 37, 1 (Primavera 1984) : 107-109.

“Le Palais Farnèse; Ecole Française de Rome by André Chastel”. A: Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, Vol. 43, 1 (Març 1984) : 75-76.

“Venezia e il rinascimento: religione, scienza, architettura by ManfredoTafuri”. A: Renaissance Quarterly, Vol. 39, 4 (Hivern 1986) : 737-740.

“The City as a Work of Art by Donald J. Olsen; Cities and People by Mark Girouard; Cities and Civilizations by Christopher Hibbert; Planung europäischer Hauptstädte: Zur Entwicklung des Städtebaues im neunzehnten Jahrhundert by Thomas Hall”. A: Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, Vol. 47, 1 (Març 1988) : 90-92.

“Meditazioni su Michelangelo: Review of Michelangelo architetto (1990), by Giulio Carlo Argan and Bruno Contardi”. A : Casabella , 578 (abril 1991): 32-33.

“Architecture in the Culture of Early Humanism: Ethics, Aesthetics, and Eloquence, 1400-1470. by Christine Smith”. A: Speculum, Vol. 69, 3 (Juliol 1994) : 886-889.

“Juan de Herrera: Architect to Philip II of Spain by Catherine Wilkinson-Zerner”. A: The American Historical Review, Vol. 100, 1 (Febrer 1995) : 172-173.

“The Projective Cast: Architecture and Its Three Geometries by Robin Evans”. A: Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, Vol. 56, 1 (Març 1997) : 96-98.

“Giorgio Vasari: Art and History by Patricia Rubin”. A: Renaissance Quarterly, Vol. 50, 2 (Estiu 1997) : 639-640.

“Robin Evans, Translations From Drawing to Building and Other Essays”. A : Annali di architettura, n 10-11 (1998-1999) : 348-349.

“Paper Architecture: The Four Books on Architecture by Andrea Palladio, translation by Robert Tavernor and Richard Schofield; Sebastiano Serlio on Architecture: Books I-V of Tutte l’opere d’architettura et prospetiva, translation, introduction and commentary by Vaughan Hart and Peter Hicks; Serlio on Domestic Architecture by Myra Nan Rosenfeld”. A : Design Book Review, n 41/42 (hivern-primavera 2000) : 40- 43.

“The Anarchitecture of Robin Evans” [Ressenya]. A : Design Book Review : DBR, 41- 42 (gener 2000) : 65-67.

“Paper Palaces: The Rise of the Architiectural Treatise by Vaughn Hart”. A: Annali di Architettura. Rivista del Centro Internazionale di Studi di Architettura Andrea Palladio, Vol. 12 (2000) : 170.

“Sankt Peter in Rom und das Prinzip der produktiven Zerstörung. Bau und Abbau von Bramante bis Bernini by Horst Bredekamp”. A: Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte, 64. Bd., 1 (2001) : 128-129.

“The Architectural Drawings of Antonio da Sangallo the Younger and His Circle, Vol II, Churches, Villas, the Pantheon, Tombs and Ancient Inscriptions [ed by] Christoph L. Frommel and Nicholas Adams”. A : Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, 60.3 (setembre 2001) : 348-350.

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