Major Contributing Factors to Japan's Modern Nation
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Module:Module: JapaneseJapanese PoliticsPolitics andand AdministrationAdministration SubSub--ModuleModule 11 JapaneseJapanese GovernmentGovernment andand PoliticsPolitics (1)(1) Akira NAKAMURA Ph.D. (Dean of the Graduate School , Meiji University ) 1.MAJOR1.MAJOR CONTRIBUTINGCONTRIBUTING FACTORSFACTORS TOTO JAPAN’SJAPAN’S MODERNMODERN NATIONNATION BUILDINGBUILDING SamuraiSamurai BureaucracyBureaucracy GeneralGeneral EducationEducation ModernModern TokugawaTokugawa NaNationtion EraEra CivicCivic CultureCulture MeijMeijii EraEra NationalismNationalism Tokugawa- Shogun the Emperor 1- ① 2.BUREAUCRACY2.BUREAUCRACY -Transformation-Transformation ofof thethe FunctionFunction ofof SamuraiSamurai -- 1603 1868 The Tokugawa Shogunate The Meiji Government TheThe FunctionFunction ofof WarriorsWarriors SemiSemi-Public-Public OfficialsOfficials BureaucratsBureaucrats SamuraiSamurai thethe HighlyHighly StructuredStructured SocietySociety ““PublicPublic Revered,Revered, PrivatePrivate DespisedDespised”” “Chain Locked Country” 1-② GENERALGENERAL EDUCATIONEDUCATION thethe MoneyMoney EconomyEconomy-Merchants-Merchants A Large Number the Rice Economy-Samurais the Rice Economy-Samurais of Economic System in Literate Publics Tokugawa Era UnemployedUnemployed SamuraiSamurai (Ronin)(Ronin) TempleTemple SchoolSchool ((Terakoya)Terakoya) UnemployedUnemployed SamuraistaughtSamuraistaught [[ReadingsReadings]],,[[WritingsWritings]],,[[SimpleSimple CalculusCalculus]] toto SonsSons andand daughtersdaughters ofof thethe farmerfarmer andand MerchantsMerchants 1-③ CIVICCIVIC CULTURECULTURE -Expansion-Expansion ofof JapaneseJapanese codecode ofof SocialSocial Conduct-Conduct- Samurai ・a frugal and simple life style ・Working Hard and Avoiding Extravagance “the Samurai Code of Ethics” (1615) Farmers Merchants 1-④ NATIONALISMNATIONALISM -Two-Two FacesFaces ofof Nationalism-Nationalism- Nationalism A Mechanism for Modern State Building A Sense of National Mission the Glue that Keeps a Country Together in Pre-War Japan without Nationalism Nationalism was used by Leaders A modern states would be more to rally the general public to support likely to disintegrate and perish. colonizing other regions or countries. Local schisms, regional strife 1-⑤ SOVEREIGNSSOVEREIGNS FROMFROM TOKUGAWATOKUGAWA TOTO MEIJIMEIJI 1868 ShogunShogun To keep country together EmperorEmperor 1603 1-⑥ ESES VV t Movement THREETHREE NATIONAL NATIONAL OBJECTI OBJECTI s Righ and and People’s People’ Right Movement TTHHRREEAADD WWeesstteerrnn IImmppeerriiaalliissmm LibertyLiberty DemocracyDemocracy ⑦ CCOONNFFLLIICCTTSS eegg))SSaattuummaa RReebbeelllliioonn 1- HanbatsuHanbatsu Politics Politics vernment TheThe Emperor’s SovereigntyEmperor’sSovereignty stem Go ral Sy rs o e Electo h tive May of Prefectural T n n SatsumaSatsuma ChoshuChoshu FOURFOUR MAJORMAJOR HANHANTosaTosa Appoi HizenHizen e Erectio h T rs 3.3. PROCESSPROCESS TOTO THETHE MODERNIZATIONMODERNIZATION MEIJIMEIJI GOVERNMENTGOVERNMENT hola c stemstem ign S rnrn Sy Sy entsents Overseas Overseas dd iting Fore g Stu g Stu thethe Weste Weste InvInviting Foreigninin Scholars GovernmentGovernment Western Learningdd SenSen TOKUGAWA BAKUFU TOKUGAWA BAKUFU IntroducingIntroducing Open the country ShogunateShogunate THETHE “BIG“BIG FOUR”FOUR” CHOSHUCHOSHU HANHAN TakayoshiTakayoshi KidoKido KaoruKaoru InoueInoue TOKYO AritomoAritomo Yamagata Yamagata HIZENHIZEN HANHAN KYOTO ShigenobuShigenobu Okuina Okuina ShinpeiShinpei Eto Eto TOSATOSA HANHAN RyomaRyoma Sakamoto Sakamoto ShojiroShojiro Goto Goto TaisukeTaisuke Itagaki Itagaki SATSUMASATSUMA HANHAN TakamoriTakamori Saigo Saigo ToshimichiToshimichi Okubo Okubo KiyotakaKiyotaka Kuroda Kuroda 1- ⑧ MECHANISMMECHANISM OFOF MODERNIZATIONMODERNIZATION National Policies ProsperousProsperous CountryCountry andand StrongStrong ArmyArmy PromotingPromoting IndustrializationIndustrialization andand ExpandExpand ofof ProductionProduction CulturalCultural EnlightenmentEnlightenment Products of Western Learning InvitingInviting ForeignForeign ScholarsScholars thethe EqualEqual SocialSocial SystemSystem Sending Students Overseas thethe NewNew EducationEducation SystemSystem Sending Students Overseas thethe LawLaw SystemSystem IntroducingIntroducing thethe WesternWestern SystemSystem 1- ⑨ 4.ERADICATION4.ERADICATION OFOF THETHE HIGHLYHIGHLY STRUCTUREDSTRUCTURED SOCIALSOCIAL SYSTEMSYSTEM Peers Commoners SamuraiSamurai (Kazoku) (Heimin) Worrior Manufacturer (Shizoku) FarmerFarmer Farmer PyramidPyramid toto FlatFlat Merchant ManufacturerManufacturer About About 94% 5% As of 1873 MerchantMerchant thethe equalequal socialsocial rightsrights andand privilegesprivileges 1- ⑩ LIBERTYLIBERTY ANDAND PEOPLE’SPEOPLE’S RIGHTRIGHT MOVEMENTMOVEMENT (1874-1889)(1874-1889) <Two Main Objectives> AcquisAcquisitionition of of People People’s’s Right Right thethe ImperialImperial DietDiet ExpansionExpansion of of People People’s’s Liberty Liberty SamuraiSamurai DisconteDiscontenntt SaSamuraimurai DiscontentDiscontent ++ Nation-Wide RichRich FFaarrmmersers 1- ⑪ 5.PARLIAMENT5.PARLIAMENT SYSTEMSYSTEM ・Sovereignty vested in the Emperor , not the People MeijiMeiji ConstitutionConstitution ・Supreme Commander of Army & Navy (1889)(1889) ・Legislative Power With Diet ・ ・ ・ Imperial Diet Qualified People thethe HouseHouse ofof PeersPeers thethe HouseHouse ofof RepresentativesRepresentatives ・only Japanese males of 25 years and above composedcomposed ofof NewNew NobilityNobility ComposedComposed ofof onlyonly JapaneseJapanese MalesMales ・National Tax Liability (Appointed(Appointed Peers)Peers) ElectedElected byby qualifiedqualified peoplepeople of more than ¥15 1- ⑫ 6.CABINET6.CABINET FORMFORM OFOF GOVERNMENTGOVERNMENT (NAIKAKU(NAIKAKU SEIDO)SEIDO) Supreme NavyNavy Command the Emperor Elder Statesman ArmyArmy thethe LordLord KeeperKeeper ofof thethe PrivyPrivy SealSeal thethe PrivyPrivy CouncilCouncil Judicial Branch Administrative Branch Legislative Branch CourtCourt ofof JusticeJustice CabinetCabinet ImperialImperial DietDiet The House the House of Peers of Representatives BureaucraticBureaucratic AgencyAgency the People 1- ⑬ 7.7. INTRODUCTIONINTRODUCTION OFOF LOCALLOCAL GOVERNMENTGOVERNMENT SYSTEMSYSTEM 18681868 18711871 18881888 3131 prefecturesprefectures 11 Kaitaku-prefectureKaitaku-prefecture 4747 prefecturesprefectures 274274 clansclans 305305 prefecturesprefectures HAIHAN CHIKEN SHI-SEI・CHOSON-SEI Abolition of Clans and Establishment of Municipal Establishment of Prefectures System and Parochialism 1- ⑭ 8.FOUR8.FOUR PROMINENTPROMINENT GROUPSGROUPS ININ JAPANESEJAPANESE SOCIETYSOCIETY AFTERAFTER 19101910 Close Relationship PartyParty PoliticiansPoliticians BureaucratsBureaucrats Control Support Protection Strife A Privileged Position ZaibatsuZaibatsu The Military Dealing 1- ⑮ TRANSFORMATIONTRANSFORMATION OFOF MEIJIMEIJI SYSTEMSYSTEM OFOF GOVERNMENTGOVERNMENT (1900-1930)(1900-1930) To Taisho Period thethe GovernmentGovernment thethe CivilianCivilian GovernmentGovernment Two Party System ・Seiyu Kai SeiyuSeiyu kaikai ・Constitutional Democratic Party Minseito Conflict AntiAnti GovernmentGovernment ForceForce AntiAnti GovernmentGovernment ForceForce The Military: the Military , the Peer etc… the Independent Power Established Guardian of the Imperial Will 1-⑯ COLLAPSECOLLAPSE OFOF MEIJIMEIJI SOCIETYSOCIETY ANDAND GOVERMENTGOVERMENT 1930 1940 The Civilian Government TwoTwo PartyParty SystemSystem The Military Government TheThe MilitarismMilitarism Depression (1929) 1919 Anti-Japanese Movement in China Political Corruption 1-⑰.