Absolutism in Christianity 97 of Imperial Power 288 in Kokutai 97
Index absolutism House of Peers 147, 196 in Christianity 97 as Inoue Tetsujirō ‘heir’ 74, 131 of imperial power 288 Inoue’s lectures, lecture notes of 70, in kokutai 97 71 Marxism and 306, 309–10, 313, 326–27 Institute of Pacific Relations 147, 190 in organized religion 125 International Committee on rationality and 326 Intellectual Co-operation 147, 189, Advisory Committee for Education in Korea 190, 193 (Chōsen Kyōiku Shingikai) 147 Investigative Committee for Religious afterlife 243–44 Institutions 132–33, 147 Aihara Ichirōsuke 32 Japan Religious Peace Akamatsu Chijō 201, 213, 218 Conference 190 Akazawa Shirō 259, 268, 271 Japanese Association for Religious Akizawa Shūji 319, 321–22, 327 Studies 147 Akutagawa Ryūnosuke 304–305 lectures of Alien Land Act (US) 177, 184 on Seventeen-Article Allied Occupation 333–34 Constitution 191 Allied Occupation GHQ 275 “Theories of Religious Studies” 74 see also Shintō Directive Prince Shōtoku Worship Ama Toshimaro 18–19 Association 147 Amaterasu Ōmikami (deity) 173, 243 Religionists and Educators Friendship American Asian Studies Conference 20 Gathering (1904) 169–70 Amida Buddha 109, 149 Religious Friendship Gathering (1896) Anagārika Dharmapāla 109 113 anarchism 305, 306 research of ancestor worship on history of early Buddhism 56, kokutai ideology/emperor ideology 58 and 240, 242 on Japanese religious history 176, as part of saishi 277 213, 319–21 patriarchical family system and 91–92 Taiyō, columnist for 130 reverence for 224 Tokyo Imperial University Shrine Shintō and 52, 55, 282 founding of
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