Ocm08458220-1800.Pdf (10.04Mb)
^^^ '^Ir .'"^^' Mil '-IB^^v w^r 11 i w J*' zr/ * • If _hleets » \ JregisterJi f AND I i Pocket Alman^ick \ For the Year of our LORD 1800. T the laji Being the Fourth Tear fmce ^ LEAP YEAR, ? i j *" ^ AND THE tWENTY-FOURTM 4»jf; * Of American Independence, | |» T which began ^'tf/y 4th, 1776. T T Calculated chiefly for the Ufc of the f COMMONWEALTH of I | f MASSACHUSETTS, I T Boston, the metropolis, a I BEING ^ T In Latitude 42 deg. 23 min. North, * I ; and 70 deg. 58, 53. Weft Long, f i 1 348 Miles N.E. of Philadelphia. I BOSTON: | Printed and fold by J. & T. FLEET, \ at the Bible 90d HeaH in ComhilL f Supreme Court of Errors. T Hartford,, the Tuefdav fave one, next before A. _ the feM*ftuil&ylS36ay. At N'iiu Haven, the Tuefday fave on|p,next before the October. ^' fecond Tuefday in 'J Superior CourtS. ^ At Haddam^ the laft Tuefday In December. At MiddletotuTiy the laft Tuefday, fave one, in July. At New Haven, the ifl Tuefday in Jan. &laft in July. "*- At Fairjidd, the third Tuefday in January. ' At Danbury, the fecond Tuefday in Auguft. At Litcl:>feid, the laft Tuefday in Jan. and 3d in Auguft. At Hartford, the fecoud Tuefday in Feb. & iftin Sept. At Tolland, the fourth Tuefday in February. in in , At finndham, the ift Tuefday March, & 3d Sept At Neiv London, the fourth Tuefday in September. At Nor-wkh, the third Tuefday in March. Courts of Common Pleas in Conneilicut. At Hartford,\.he firftTuefday in April and November.
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