NEWS 49 Department of Entomology Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa 50011 Locator: or through Coextinction...... 566 either Gopher or anonymous FTP: in the General Interest...... 554 "Publications" directory. Electronic Literature Available...... 558 versions are available for No. 46, July, Miscellanea...... 552 1993; No. 47, December, 1993; No. 48, July, 1994 and this number. Siphonaptera Literature...... 559 The opinions and assertions Species Numbers...... 559 contained herein are the private ones of the authors and are not to be con- strued as official or as reflecting the FLEA NEWS is a biannual newsletter views of the Department of Entomol- devoted to matters involving ogy, Iowa State University or Sandoz belonging to the order Siphonaptera Health. () and related subjects. It is com- piled and distributed free of charge by Robert E. Lewis ([email protected]) ******* with the support of the Department of Entomology at Iowa State University, MISCELLANEA Ames, IA, and a grant in aid from Sandoz Animal Health, based is Des First, I wish to express my apprec- Plaines, IL. It is mainly bibliograph-ic iation to all of you who responded to the in nature. Many of the sources are announcement of the the death of abstracting journals and title pages Joanne with your condolences. It was and not all citations have been check- most kind of you and I know that she ed for completeness or accuracy. would have appreciated the thou-ghts Additional information will be pro-vided conveyed in your messages. upon written or e-mail request. Further, recipients are urged to con- ******* tribute items of interest to the profess- ion for inclusion herein. In response to my review of the Lane This newsletter is now avail-able and Crosskey book on Medical Insects in electronic format. The prefer-red and Arachnids (FN 47: 518-519), John method of accessing the electron-ic Lane of the London School of Hygiene version is through the World-Wide Web and Tropical Medicine, University of at the following Universal Resource London wrote to remind me of two

DECEMBER 1994 552 1994 other volumes dealing with Medical and Cairo, EGYPT Veterinary Entomology. The first of these is Kettle, D.S., 1984, (reprinted Dr. Thomas Moore with minor changes in 1990 and 1992), Museum of Zoology Medical and veter-inary entomology. University of Michigan C*A*B Internat-ional, Wallingford, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1079 Oxon, OX10 8DE, UK. 658 pp, ISBN 0-85198-701-X. The other, now out of Dr. David R. Nash print, is Service, M.W., 1980, A guide to Wohlenstrasse 50a medical ento-mology. The MacMillan CH-3032 Hinterkappelen Press Ltd., London. 226 pp. Both of SWITZERLAND these have evidently been used as texts, in con-junction with James and Mr. Dave Pehling Harwood, 1979, in classes taught at 600 128th Street SE the London School. My apologies for Everrett, WA 98208 the omiss-ion. Dr. Henry W. Robison P.O.Box 1354 SAU ******* Southern Arkansas University Magnolia, AR 71753-5000 The following persons have sent liter- ature since the publication of FN 48: Mr. Manfred Zimmermann A. Azad, J. Beaucournu, D. Cyprich, M. Baltzerstrasse 3 Dryden, A. Dudich, L. Durden, E. CH-3012 Bern Easton, T. Galloway, K. Larsen, A. SWITZERLAND Olsen, R. Pilgrim, J. Segerman, P. Sleeman, P. Smiddy & M. Stanko. Pat Zungoli Thank you very much for your cont- Box 340635, Cherry Farm Insectaries inued cooperation. Clemson University Clemson, SC 29634-0365 ******* ******* A few new names have been added to the subscribers since Flea News 48. The Annual Report of the Danish Pest Their names and addresses follow. Infestation Laboratory (see Bille, N., 1994) lists the following studies on fleas Ms. Elvira Barchet conducted by Alice Olsen and Kim 6644 Clybourn Avenue, #76 Søholt Larsen. North Hollywood, CA 91606 • 10.1 The cat flea Ctenocephalides felis. Four strains, two American Dr. Gordon Gordh and two Danish are in culture. Department of Entomology • 10.1.1 The pattern of emerging of University of Queensland the cat flea. Brisbane, Queensland, AUSTRALIA • 10.2 The squirrel flea Cerato- phyllus [(Monopsyllus)] sciuror-um Prof. Andrew Main sciurorum. Science Department • 10.3 Laboratory and field American University of Cairo evaluation of Dimilin for control of 113 Sharia Kasr el Aini

FLEA NEWS 553 1994

fleas on farmed mink. [C. (M.) s. 'wildlife' was expanded to include the sciurorum]. entire anim-al kingdom. (Wild plants • 10.4 The hen flea Ceratophyllus indigenous to the U.S. which are listed [(Ceratophyllus)] gallinae. under CITES [Convention on • 10.5 Insecticidal effect of the plant International Trade in Endangered Cassiope tetragone. Species of Wild Fauna and Flora] or protected under state law are also covered). For ex-ample, collecting an ******* , even a mosquito or a cockroach in a National Park or National Wildlife ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST Refuge without a permit, and then taking the specimen to another state, The Lacey Act is a viola-tion of the Lacey Act. Note Those of you with access to the many as well that 'wildlife' includes any part electronic bulletin boards to be found on of an organism (blood, DNA, etc.). the INTERNET, and certainly those "Many foreign countries have subscribers to Entomo-l, have requirements for permits to take doubtless noted the heavy traffic con- scientific specimens out of the count- cerning the Lacey Act. Originally ry. The Lacey Act means it is now a enacted to assist in controlling com- U.S. federal crime to fail to comply with merce in endangered species, mainly these permit rules - and ignor-ance is vertebrates, a reinterpretation of this no excuse. A number of Fish and statute by the Fish and Wildlife Serv- Wildlife Service enforcement agents in ice has placed practicing taxonomists the lower 48 [states] have stated that in jeopardy. While the technicalities of the Lacey Act is retro-active in the the Act are beyond the scope of this following sense: if a museum has a newsletter, Kenelm W. Philip of the 100-year old insect specimen that was Institute of Arctic Biology, University originally (for example) taken from a of Alaska, Fairbanks, has crafted an foreign count-ry without the requisite explanation of the problem for the non- permit, that specimen is now in technical audience that is repro-duced violation of the Lacey Act. Most major here with his permission. museums in the country have numerous speci-mens that have "The Bugs and the Bureaucrats suddenly become con-traband. Aside from the dangers involved in field "All this is bad enough - but then trips to remote parts of the world, the the Fish and Wildlife Service got into life of a museum entomol-ogist used to the act by promulgating its own be fairly tame. However, in 1981 all regulations. In order to bring scien-tific that changed. An obscure law called insect specimens into the U.S., or take the Lacey Act was updated - and them out of the U.S., the re-searcher museum entomologists now lead now has to fill out F&WS Form 3-177. complicated, and possibly dan-gerous, This form was originally designed for lives. What does the Lacey Act do? It use by commercial im-porters of makes it a federal crime, punishable by wildlife materials and products. It a $150,000 fine, to im-port, export, or requires the importer /exporter to list take across a state line, any wildlife every species of animal in the which was origin-ally obtained in shipment, and the number of violation of any fore-ign, U.S. federal, individuals of each species. Museum state or Indian tribal law that protects entomologists may return from a field wildlife. In 1981, the definition of

FLEA NEWS 554 1994 trip with several thousand specimens, regardless of how many species (or or even tens of thousands of specimens families) were involved. - and many, sometimes most, of these "One of the major ways that the will prob-ably be undetermined. You insect collection at the National Mus- are allowed to bring in undetermined eum of Natural History grows is material - provided that you re-file through donations of private collect- Form 3-177 every 180 days until all ions. The NMNH has announced a new the material has been determined to policy for donations: all speci-mens species! In many groups of insects it must be accompanied by copies of all may take years, or even decades, to relevant collecting permits or by determine to species every specimen in written evidence that no such permits even a small collection, so Form 3-177 were required. The U.S. Department of amounts to a serious paperwork Agriculture is requiring similar burden to any museum whose staff is documentation on all specimens sent to actively working on foreign material. them from foreign countries for Failure to file the form makes you determination. guilty of smuggling. Fortunately most "These laws and regulations are F&WS enforcement agents will make seriously impeding taxonomic and other exceptions to the Form 3-177 work on insects and other 'lower' requirement in cases where the organisms, at the exact time that material cannot be enumerated (as for research on biodiversity is becoming of the millions of organisms present in soil critical importance. The laws passed samples). Travelers who have picked by well-meaning individuals, in a up diseases in foreign parts do not have climate of opinion that has been to inventory their micro-organisms... affected by concern for the "Other consequences of these environment (and possibly by animal- F&WS regulations are: entomologists rights groups) - with absol-utely no are being told that imported/exported understanding of the way insects and specimens may not be sent through other lower organisms differ from the mail, and that all imports and vertebrates. Scientific collecting is no exports of specimens must take place danger to insect populations! The through a limited number (nine) of fecundity of insects is so high that official Ports of Entry. Packages of sheer destruction of habitat and insect specimens are being opened and competition from intro-duced species 'inspected' by people with no are the only factors of any importance entomological training and no appre- for species survival. ciation of how fragile such specimens "What should we do about this are. Some foreign museums are con- situation? The only hope for the fut-ure sidering refusing to lend material of entomological research is to get the (especially type specimens) until the Lacey Act, and the requirements for rules change. Form 3-177, changed so that for "Recently proposed changes in insects and other lower organism only the F&WS regulations would add a threatened and endangered species are provision that importing eight or more covered. The original Lacey Act even similar specimens would create the had a sentence begin-ning: "Nothing in presumption of commercial use! A this subsection shall restrict the reported conversation with the author importation of dead natural-history of this provision indicated that eight specimens for mus-eums or for beetles would be considered 'similar'

FLEA NEWS 555 1994 scientific collections ...", which seems to Fairbanks, AK 99709-2705 have been forgotten. [907 479 2689]" "Life on earth rests on lower organisms. We could vanish and life would go on - but if insects vanish we ******* will all vanish with them. Research on Plague in India insects needs to be untrammeled, for our own good. As far as biodivers-ity Although Plague continues to be an research goes, the current regu-lations endemic public health problem in many amount to shooting oneself in the foot . parts of the world, certainly the recent . . outbreak of the disease in central India Kenelm W. Philip has focused the attent-ion of the media. Institute of Arctic Biology Although now evi-dently on the wane, University of Alaska this outbreak received extensive Fairbanks, AK coverage by the print media in Asia. Dr. Emmitt Easton, University of Macau, kindly forwarded copies of articles printed in the South China ******* Morning Post, Hong Kong, tracing its early development. In the On an unrelated subject, Philip also reconstruction by journalist Tim sent the following description of a McGirk, it was postulated that the distribution map program that is now disease was contracted in Mahar- available. ashtra's Beed District in west-central "RangeMapper 2.1 India following an earthquake in This is a Macintosh program for gen- October of 1993. Doctors believe that erating species distribution maps of the infected carrier returned to Surat, publishable quality that can be drop- in Gujarat State, a coastal city about ped into your own documents. It plots 150 miles north of Bombay, some time maps in seven projections, and include after September 18th of this year. He mapping data files for the world (low probably lived in the Ved Road area, or resolution) and for North America one of the other slums where fatal-ities (higher resolution). There is have been the worst and in about a considerable flexibility as to what is week he and probably other 'car-riers' shown in a given map - even to the had infected at least 533 people. How point of adding hydrologic features the carriers contracted the disease is individually by name. Species data are not known, but the epi-demic that plotted by reading ASCII files of followed was certainly the pneumonic lat/long data, which can be exported form according to epi-demiologists. It from data bases or spreadsheets. Data has since spread through central India may be plotted as dots (squares with cases reported from New Delhi /circles, open/filled), lines or 3-D bars and Bom-bay. While the veracity of whose heights are controlled by a third such reports in the news media is variable. A user-designed lat /long grid always suspect, the evidence suggests may be overlaid on any map and that this outbreak is the worst lat/long coordinates may be read off the reported in decades and may herald a screen. For a detailed brochure with recrudescence of the disease in Asia. many sample maps, write to: Meanwhile, at least 12 cases Tundra Vole Software have been reported in western United 1590 North Becker Ridge Road

FLEA NEWS 556 1994

States. One of these in New Mexico nonsense so prevalent in American resulted in a fatality. REL culture today. In fact, IGRs (=Insect Growth Regulators) have been aro-und for some time, and in many instances ******* represent the wave of the future in the control of certain insect pests. My first E. O. Wilson writes again contact with one came in the days The following review of a new book by when I was still very much involved in E. O. Wilson was recently published in raising orchids and found one of these the New Scientist (October 1st, p. 43) compounds to be efficacious in and is repeated here, with permis-sion, controlling scale infest-ations and those both from the journal and the author. of other homop-terous insects. Today, "The indefatigable E. O. Wilson at least one of these is used in has recently published yet another controlling flea infestations in the work, and this one, an autobiography home. Following is an excerpt from an titled NATURALIST, is not being article publish-ed in Pest Control promoted much by Island Press, the Technology, Febr-uary 22: 58, 62, 90 small outfit that published it. It is a (1994) and reprinted in the Technical very good read throughout, but the Information Bulletin of the Armed long-suffering taxonomists, in part- Forces Pest Manage-ment Board. icular, ought to enjoy his account of the "IGRs work because they mim- attempt, during the 60s, by the ic the flea's own growth-regulating molecular biologists to exterminate the hormones, thus interfering with the ecologists and systematists. At flea's ability to complete its develop- Harvard the cast included Jim Wat-son ment. Whole generations of flea larvae himself, [to]whom Wilson is not kind. are unable to hatch from their eggs, His account of departmental politics, and larvae that hatch prior to the with not just Watson and Wilson, but application will be unable to pupa-te Ernst Mayr and George Wald, is and mature to adults. With the flea life amusing if you can stomach it. Near cycle interrupted, the population the end of the chapter, Wilson, looking crashes in a few weeks. back on it all, com-ments that "In addition to reducing the 'molecular biologists, as they promised, amount of time spent controlling have taken up evol-utionary studies, severe flea infestations, preventive making important contributions IGR flea treatment programs offer whenever they can find systematists several benefits stemming from the to tell them the names of organisms'". growth regulators themselves. Jonathan D. Beard • "Because they closely resemble the 820 West End Avenue, 3B flea's own hormones, IGRs aren't New York City, NY 10025-5328 metabolized rapidly and fleas are - CIS 72301,563 less likely to evolve resistance to them. ******* • "Some IGRs are very photostable - they remain effective in sunny back A word on IGRs yards. To those of you not directly concerned • "Flea IGRs are available in a wide with the science of Entomology, the variety of formulations: emulsifiable acronym IGR has probably been as- concentrates, aerosols, wettable signed to the dust-bin of alphbetical powders and IGR/adulticude sprays

FLEA NEWS 557 1994

for direct application to pets (one available. The latest E.W. Classey has even been formulated Ltd. catalogue, which arrived today, specifically for puppies and kittens). lists the first five volumes of this series • "Flea IGRs remain active for 6-12 at £250.00. Recently, Miss Theresa months after application. Howard, Medical and Veter-inary • "IGRs provide a least-toxic Division, Department of Entom-ology, chemical control alternative: even The Natural History Museum, though IGRs have a long residual Cromwell Road, London SW7 5BD, life, they are environmentally sound ENGLAND, informed me that a limited and safe for vertebrates when number of sets of these seven applied according to label catalogues is available, on a first-come- instructions. first-serve basis for the cost of shipping "Note that on occasion a flea and handling. Miss Howard may be may be brought into the home by a pet. contacted at the address given above Sighting a flea now and then shouldn't or by the follow-ing means: Tel. +44 (0) be taken as an indication of failure. 171 938 9503 9329, Fax. +44 (0) 171 IGRs won't relieve of all fleas, 938 9395 8937, or by E-mail at the but they will prevent infestations in the following, . home. Flea eggs that drop to the The only remaining family, the carpet will be affected since they or the , was not included as a larvae that hatch will never become a part of the catalogue series, but was blood-feeding adult . . ." the subject of the 1983 volume by R. [A similar level of euphoria was Traub, M. Rothschild & J.F. Haddow. I expressed by some with the have reason to believe that a limited development of chlorinated hydro- number of copies of this volume may carbons, organophosphates, etc., now be available on a similar basis. Per- considered inefficaceous controls and sons interested in obtaining a copy of major environmental pollutants. REL] this work should contact me person- ally and I will look into its avail-ability. In addition to my mailing address, I ******* may be contacted at any of the following: Tel. (515) 294 1815, (515) FLEA LITERATURE AVAILABLE 232 7714, Fax. (515 294 5957) or E- Serious students of the order Siphon- mail . REL aptera are already aware of the major catalogues published during the last half century and dealing with the world ******* fauna. The series by G.H.E. Hopkins SPECIES NUMBERS and M. Rothschild, publish-ed in the In keeping with the practice begun by years 1953, 1956, 1962, 1966 and Frans Smit in 1978 of assigning a 5- 1971 deals with all of the families but digit number to each name erected in the Pygiopsyllidae, later treated by D. the order, following are numbers as- Mardon in 1981, and the Malaco- signed to those taxa described in 1992. psyllidae and Rhopalopsyllidae, treat- Due to the difficulty in establishing the ed by F.G.A.M. Smit in his excellent exact dates of publication the list-ing is monograph in 1987. I have long thou- alphabetical rather than chron-ological. ght that at least the earlier volumes in Please inform me of any omissions that this series were out of print since I was come to your attention. unable to locate a reference to them or to ascertain their cost if they were still

FLEA NEWS 558 1994

99201 aethiopica Beaucournu & Morel, Chiastopsylla. Ann. Soc. Ent. Addditional Taxa Fr. (N.S.) 28(2): 125-131. 1993 99202 caecus Beaucournu & Morel, Leptopsylla algira atlantidis Beau- (Ethiocteno- cournu phthalmus). Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (N.S.) Ctenophthalmus (Sinoctenophthal- 28(2): 125-131. mus) exiensis WANG & LIU Hechtiella lopesi Guimaraes & Lin- 99203 iae Beaucournu & Kock, ardi Nycteridopsylla. Senckenberg. Biol. siboi YE & YU 72(4/6): 329-334. Chaetopsylla zhengi XIE, HE & CHAO 99204 laxiprojectus LI, Ctenophth- almus (Sinoctenophthalmus). In "The 1994 Anoplura and Siphonaptera of Echidnophaga iberica Ribeiro, Luci- Guizhou" pp. 269-271. entes, Osacar & Calvete *n.b. Lagaropsylla malayana Beaucournu 99205 lushuiensis GONG & & Kock HUANG, Ctenophthalmus (Sino- Thrassis peninsularis Lewis ctenophthalmus). Acta Ent. Sin. 35(1): 110-112. [*n.b. There is absolutely no excuse for attributing a new name to more 99206 nushanensis GONG & LI, than a maximum of two authors, and . Acta Zootax. Sin. 17(2): editors should be encouraged to ref-use 235-237. multiple-authored descriptions.] 99207 parthicus Medvedev & ******* Alifirenko, Ctenophthalmus (Eu- ctenophthalmus). Parazitologiya 26(5: SIPHONAPTERA LITERATURE 409-417. Although it may not be obvious from 99208 quadrata GONG, Geusibia. Acta Zootax. Sin. 17(3): 363-365. the titles, citations included here pertain to fleas and the zoonoses associated with them. Additional 99209 scalonae Kotti, Frontopsylla information is available upon re-quest. (Frontopsylla). Zool. Zh. 71(11): 152- 154. 1988 (List 12) 99210 weiningensis LI, CAO Li-ping & HE Lin. Comparative Amphipsylla. In "The Anoplura and Siphonaptera of Guizhou" pp. 314-316. analysis of isoenzymes from three species of fleas. Annual Bulletin of the 99211 xiei GONG & DUAN, Society of Parasitology, Guang-dong 10: 219-220. Ctenophthalmus (Sinoctenophthal- Province mus). Acta Zootax. Sin. 17(1): 97-99. CAO Li-ping & HE Lin. Cytogenetic studies on fleas (Siphonaptera). IV. 99212 zii GONG, . Acta Ent. Sin. 35(2): 241-243. Comparative analysis of amino acids, DNA contents of three species of fleas.

FLEA NEWS 559 1994

Annual Bulletin of the Society of Parasitology, Guangdong Province 10: Dudich, A. Qualitative structure of 221-222. the synusia of ectoparasites on small mammals in the supramontane belt of CAO Li-ping & HE Lin. Cytogenetic the west Tatra. Zborník Prác o studies on fleas (Siphonaptera). I. Tatranskom Národnom Parku, 1992. Technique of chromosome, DNA 32: 149-164. (in Czech) content, amino acids and isoenzymes of fleas. Annual Bulletin of the Society of Dudich, A. Introgressive Parasitology, Guangdong Province 10: hybridization of subspecies of Cteno- 223-224. phthalmus agyrtes (Heller, 1986) [sic!]) (Siphonaptera, Ctenophthalm-idae) in 1990 (List 9) the Donau lowland. Spravod-aj Podunajského Múzea Komárne Prírodné Trotti, G.C., L. Corradini & S. Vis- vedy 10: 172-185. (in Czech) conti. Indagine parassitologica in un rifugio per gatti a Ferrara. Dudich, A. Contribution to the know- Parassitologiia 32: 42-43. ledge of the small mammals (Insecti- vora, Rodentia) and their ectopara- 1991 (List 8) sites (Acarina, Anoplura, Siphon- aptera) in the forest-steppe of the Dudich, A. To the knowledge of the Cenkov State Nature Reserve (Donau fauna of fleas (Siphonaptera) living on lowlands). Spravodaj Podunajského small mammals in Oravské Beskydy Múzea Komárne Prírodné vedy 10: 186- Mts. Prehl'ad odbornych vysledkov 191. (in Czech) XXVII. TOP - Oravská priehrada, 1991. pp 55-60. (in Czech) Pegram, R.G & A.J. Higgins. Camel ectoparasites: a review. In Proceed- Joseph, S.A. & G. Karunamoorthy. ings of the First International Camel Studies on the haematophagous Conference, Dubai, 2nd-6th February of zoonotic importance in 1992. [edited by W.R. Allen, A.J. Hig- Tamil Nadu. In Entomology for gins, I.G. Mayhew, D.H. Snow & J.F. Defence Services. Proceedings of the Wade]. pp. 69-78. Symposium held on 12-14 September. [edited by P.K. Ramachandran, D. Slodobyanyuk, O.V. Taxonomic sign- Sukumaran & S.S. Rao]. pp. 185-192. ificance of morphological characters of insect-parasitic females of Tylench-ida. PAN Xiao-jun. A study of the Trudy Gel'mintologicheskoi Laboratorii phallosome of two male fleas of the 39: 171-179. family Pygiopsyllidae. Annual Bull- etin of the Society of Parasitology, Smiddy, P. & D.P. Sleeman. Records Guangdong Province 11-13: 109. of the flea Dasypsyllus gallinulae gallinulae (Dale) from nests of Irish 1992 (List 6) dippers (Cinclus cinclus hibernicus Hartert). Irish Naturalist's Journal Carabeli, A., R. di Vincenzo, P. 24(4): 169-170. Vanotti & E. Bertani. La Tungose. Nouvelles Dermatologiques 11(10): 1993 (List 4) 826.

FLEA NEWS 560 1994

Bandyopadhyay, B. & J.S. Sarma. 1986). Správy Slovenskej Zoologickej Therapeutic evaluation of deltameth- Spolocnosti, 1993. 15: 29-40. (in rin and amitraz against organophos- Czech) phate resistant canine ticks and fleas. Indian Veterinary Journal 70(11): Dudich, A. To the knowledge of 1053-1054. micromammals and their ectopara- sites in Ponitrie region. 1. Teriologic Beaucournu, J.C. Leptopsylla algira and parasitologic bibliography of Nitra atlantidis n. ssp. (Insecta, Siphon- district. Rosalia (Nitra) 9: 189-208. aptera), endemique des iles Canaries. (in Czech) Bulletin de la Société Française Para- sitologie 11(2): 259-263. Dudich, A. To the knowledge of micromammals and their ectopara- Beaucournu, J.C. & J.A. Alcover. sites in Ponitrie region. 3. Fleas XXV. Els Sifonàpters. In J.A. Alcover, /Siphonaptera/ of mammals /Mam- E. Ballesteros & J.J. Fornós (Eds.), malia/ living in Nitra district. Rosalia Història Natural de l'Arxipèlag de (Nitra) 9: 241-272. (in Czech) Cabrera, CSIC-Edit. Moll. Mon. Soc. Hist. Nat. Balears 2: 377-382. Dudich, A. Fleas (Siphonaptera) of small mammals (Insectivora, Beaucournu, J.C., C. Guiguen & B. Chiroptera & Rodentia) in the Bükk Ehanno. Les Siphonaptères du massif National Park. In The fauna of the armoricain et su sud-ouest des isles Bükk National Park, 1993. pp. 401- Britanniques comparison a partir de 406. quelgues groupes - hôtes. Bulletin de la Société Scientifique, Bretagne 64(1): El-Bahrawy, A.A. & M.A. Al-Dakhil. 209-222. Studies on the ectoparasites (fleas and lice) on rodents in Riyahd and its Beaucournu, J.C., M. le Piver & C. surroundings, Saudi Arabia. Jour-nal Guiguen. Acualité de la conquête de of the Egyptian Society of Parasit-ology l'Afrique intertropical par Pulex irritans 23(3): 723-735. Linné, 1758. Bulletin de la Société de Pathologie Exotique 86: 290-294. Fain, A. & J.C. Beaucournu. Les hypopes des Astigmates (Acari) Campbell, J., J. Lowe, S. Walz & J. phorétiques sur les Puces (Siphon- Ezzell. Rapid and specific identifica- aptera) de Mammiféres et d'Oiseaux. tion of Yersinia pestis by using a nested Bulletin de la Institut Royal des polymerase chain reaction procedure. Sciences Naturelles de Belgique. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 31(3): Entomology 63: 77-93. 758-759. Fukase, T. & M. Hosaka. Parasite Degeilh, B., B. Gilot, C. Guiguen & life cycle diagrams. Ctenocephalides J.C. Beaucournu. A propos de recolt- canis and Ctenocephalides felis. es des puces (Siphonaptera) au drap- Journal of Veterinary Medicine, Japan eau. Bulletin de la Société Française 46(6): 500. Parasitologie 11(2): 253-258. Guiguen, C., P. Yésou & J.C. Beau- Dudich, A. The siphonaptorological cournu. Notes sur Ceratophyllus bibliography of Slovakia. II. (1984- vagabundus vagabundus (Boheman),

FLEA NEWS 561 1994

1865, au Lac Baikal (Siphonaptera: Ceratophyllidae). Bulletin de la Société Mir, A.S., B.A. Pandit, R.A. Shahar- Entomologique de France 98(1): 28. dar & M.A.A. Banday. Prevalence of ectoparasites in indigenous fowls of the Hayasaki, M., Y. Akiyama, K. Konno Kashmir Valley. Indian Veteri-nary & I. Ohishi. Immune treatment of flea Journal 70(11): 1071-1072. allergy dermatitis of dogs with flea extract. Journal of the Japanese Mumcuoglu, K.Y., J. Miller, O. Veterinary Medical Association 46(10): Manor, F. Ben-Yshai & S. Klaus. 866-869. The prevalence of ectoparasites in Ethiopian immigrants. In The Heath, A.W., A. Arfsten, M. Yama- Ethiopian immigrations to Israel - naka, M. Dryden & B. Dale. medical, epidemiological and health Vaccina-tion against the cat flea, aspects. [edited by A.J. Rubinstein]. Ctenoceph-alides felis felis. Parasite Israel Journal of Medical Sciences Immun-ology 16(4): 187-199. 29(6/7): 371-373.

Hickey, G.J., C.H. Chang, F. Prelaud, P. Controle de l'infestation Marsilio, W. Trimboli & E.L. Rickes. par les puces dans l'environment. Effects of prednisone on dermal resp- Action Vétérinaire 1247: 7 ... 12. onses in flea-allergen hypersensitized dogs. Veterinary Dermatology 4(2): 71- Raue, H. Nytt behandlingsalternativ 77. vid lopproblem hos hund och katt. [A new treatment for the flea problem in Hinnebusch, J. & T.H. Schwan. cats and dogs.] Svensk Veterinärtid- New method for plague surveillance ning 45(11): 485-487. using polymerase chain reaction to detect Yersinea pestis in fleas. Journal Saari, R. Koiraheisimato (Dipylid-ium of Clinical Microbiology 31(6): 1511- caninum) - tuontikoirien tulia-inen. 1514. [Dipylidium caninum - in imported dogs.] Suomen Eläinlääk-ärilehti Kocianová, E., O. Kozuch, P. 99(12): 749-753. Bakoss, J. Rehácek & E. Kovácová. The prev-alence of small terrestrial Shoukry, A., G.A. El-Kady, T.A. mammals infected with tick-borne Morsy & M.M.I. Salama. Rodents encephalitis virus and leptospirae in and their ectoparasites in the foothills of the southern Bavarian South Sinai Governorate, Egypt. forest, Ger-many. Applied Journal of the Egyptian Society of Parasitology 34(4): 283-290. Parasitology 23(3): 775-783.

Matskási, I. István Szabó is 80 years Smiddy P. & D.P. Sleeman. Avian old. Parasitologia Hungarica 26: 59- fleas in Ireland: a review of their 66. (in Hungarian) distribution and hosts. Irish Birds 5: 55-60. Mbuthia, P.G., T.A. Ngatia & J.P.O. Wamukoya. Occurrence of bovine Stork, N.E. & C.H.C. Lyal. Extinction skin diseases in Kenya. Bulletin of or 'co-extinction' rates? Nature 366: Animal Health and Production in 307 (25 November). Africa 41(4): 311-316.

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Watanabe, T., Y. Horii & Y. Nawa. A Best, T.L. Chaetodipus nelsoni. case of Dipylidium caninum infection Mammalian Species 484: 1-6. in an infant - the first case found in Miyaaki Prefecture, Japan. Japan-ese Best, T.L., R.G. Clawson & J.A. Journal of Parasitology 42(3): 234- Clawson. Tamias speciosus. 236. Mammalian Species. 478: 1-9.

Zuchowska, E. Choroby inwazyjne Best, T. L. & N.J. Granai. Tamias jezy. [Parasitoses and ectoparasites in obscurus. Mammalian Species 472: 1- hedgehogs.] Magazyn Weternary-jny 6. 2(4): 35-36. Best, T. L. & N.J. Granai. Tamias 1994 (List 2) merriami. Mammalian Species 476: 1- 9. Ambros, M., A. Dudich & J. Kovácik. A survey of ectoparasites Best, T. L. & M.P. Skupski. Pero- and nidicol-ous arthropods of small gnathus flavus. Mammalian Species mammals of the Mt. Babia hora 471: 1-10. (Oravske Beskydy Mts). Zborník Oravského Múzea, 1994. 11: 12-15. (in Best, T. L. & M.P. Skupski. Pero- Czech) gnathus merriami Mammalian Species 473: 1-7. Arellano, E. & D.S. Rogers. Reithro- dontomys tenuirostris. Mammalian Bille, N., (Ed.). Danish Pest Infest- Species 477: 1-3. ation Laboratory Annual Report, 1993. 76 pp. Awumbila B. & E. Bokuma. Survey of pesticides used in the control of ecto- Billingsley, P.F. Vector-Parasite parasites of farm animals in Ghana. interactions for vaccine development. Tropical Animal Health and Pro- International Journal of Parasitology duction 26(1): 7-12. 24(1): 53-58.

Beaucournu, J.C. & D. Kock. The Bogdanowicz, W. Myotis daubentoni. genus Lagaropsylla Jordan & Roths- Mammalian Species 475: 1-9. child, 1921 (Siphonaptera: Ischno- psyllidae). Annales de la Société de Buck, W.B. [& M. Dryden & J.S. Entomologique du France 30(2): 193- Greek]. Correspondence. (Question- 108. ing the safety of an in-home flea product.) Veterinary Medicine 89(1): Beaucournu, J.C. & D. Kock. Notes 935-941. sur les Ischnopsyllidae de la Région Orientale. II. Stations inédites et Carraway, L.N. & B.J. Verts. Sciur- description d'une espèce nouvelle du us griseus. Mammalian Species 474: 1- genere Lagaropsylla Jordan & Roths- 7. child, 1921 (Insecta: Siphonaptera). Senckenbergiana Biologia 73(1-2): 67- Cyprich, D. & A. Dudich. Ectopara- 75. sites of small mammals (Insectivora, Rodentia) of Mt. Babia hora in Stred-ne Beskydy Mts (Western Carpath-ians).

FLEA NEWS 563 1994

Zborník Oravského Múzea, 1994. 11: 7- Henry, C.S. Singing and cryptic 10. (in Czech) speciation in insects. Trees 9(10): 388- 392. Dryden, M.W., J.E. Boyer & V. Smith. Techniques for estimating on- Higgins, J.A., J.B. Sacci, Jr., M.E. animal populations of Ctenocephal-ides Schriefer, R.G. Endris & A.F. Azad. felis (Siphonaptera: ). Journal Molecular identification of rickettsia- of Medical Entomology 31(4): 631-634. like micro-organisms associated with colonized cat fleas (Ctenocephalides Dudich, A. Flea subspecies new for felis). Insect Molecular Biology 3(1): the Slovakian fauna. Biologia 49(2): 27-33. 238. Hink, W.F., M. Zakson & S. Barnett. Eiseman, C.H. & K.C. Binnington. Evaluation of a single oral dose of The peritrophic membrane: its form- Lufenuron to control flea infestations in ation, structure, chemical composit-ion dogs. American Journal of Veterinary and permeability in relation to Research 55(6): 822-824. vaccination against ectoparasitic arthropods. International Journal of Koprowski, J.L. Sciurus carolin- Parasitology 24(1): 15-26. ensis. Mammalian Species 480: 1-9.

Elvin, C.M. & D.H. Kemp. Generic Koprowski, J.L. Sciurus niger. approaches to obtaining efficacious Mammalian Species 479: 1-9. antigens from vector arthropods. International Journal of Parasitology Lehane, M. J. Digestive enzymes, 24(1): 67-82. haemolysins and symbionts in the search for vaccines against blood- Fisher, M.A., M.A. Hutchinson, M.J. sucking insects. International Journal Hutchinson, D.E. Jacobs & I.G.C. of Parasitology 24(1): 27-32. Dick. Comparative efficacy of Fenthion, Dichlorvos Fenitrothion and Lewis, R.E. A new species of Thrassis Permethrin against the flea from Baja California, Mex-ico Ctenocephalides felis on the dog. (Siphonaptera: Ceratophyllidae: Journal of Small Animal Practice Oropsyllinae). Journal of the New York 35(5): 244-247. Entomological Society 101(4): 536- 541. Greek, J.S. Environmental flea control - general guidelines and recent Lewis, R.E. & J.H. Lewis. Siphon- advances. Veterinary Med-icine 89(8): aptera of North America north of 763-769. Mexico: s. str. Journal of Medical Entomology 31(6): Heckenberg, K., S.D. Costa, L.M. 795-812. Gregory, B.F. Endris & W.L. Shoop. Comparison of thumb-counting and Linardi, P.M., A.F. Gomes, J.R. comb-counting methods to determine Botelho & C.M. Lisboa-Lopes. Some Ctenocephalides felis infestation levels ectoparasites of commensal rodents on dogs. Veterinary Parasitol-ogy from Huambo, Angola. Journal of 53(1/2): 153-157. Medical Entomology 31(5): 754-756.

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Linley, J.R., A.H. Benton & J.F. Day. Roosje, P.J. Tiguvon Spot on for flea Ultrastructure of the eggs of seven flea control. Tijdschrifte voor Diergen- species (Siphonaptera). Journal of eeskunde 119(7): 219. Medical Entomology 31(6): 813-827. Sauer, J.R., J.L. McSwain & R.C. Maihuay, C., V. Pacheco & S. Solari. Essenberg. Cell membrane receptors Siphonaptera (Insecta) en roedores and regulation of cell function in ticks silvestres del Cusco. Revista Peruana and blood-sucking insects. de Entomologia 36: 27-28. International Journal of Parasitology 24(1): 33-52. Mappes, T., J. Mappes & J. Kotiaho. Ectoparasites, nest site choice and Schriefer, M.E., J.B. Sacci, Jr., J.P. breeding success in the pied flycatcher. Taylor, J.A. Higgins & A.F. Azad. Oecologia 98(2): 147-149. Murine typhus: updated roles of mul- tiple urban components and a second Medleau, L. Up-to-date aids in the typhus-like rickettsia. Journal of fight against fleas and other ecto- Medical Entomology 31(5): 681-685. parasites - introduction. Veterinary Medicine 89(8): 762. Sleeman, D.P. & P. Smiddy. Bat fleas in Ireland: a review. Irish Moller, A.P., F. de Lope, J. Moreno, Natural-ist's Journal 24(11): 444-448. G. Gonzales & J.J. Parez. Ectopara- sites and host energetics: house mar- Sleeman, D.P. & P. Smiddy. Records tin bugs and house martin nestlings. of fleas (Siphonaptera) from Irish Oecologia 98(3-4): 263-268. mammals and birds. Irish Natural-ist's Journal 24(11): 465-467. Nolan, K. Flea collars may cause erratic behaviour. Irish Veterinary Staaden, M.J. van. Suricata suri- Journal 47(5): 230. catta. Mammalian Species 483: 1-8.

Pung, O.J., L.A. Durden, C.W. Banks Stanko, M. Fleas synusy (Siphon- & D.N. Jones. Ectoparasites of aptera) of small mammals from the opossums and raccoons in south- central part of the East-Slovakia low- eastern Georgia. Journal of Medical lands. Biologia, Bratislava 49(2): 239- Entomology 31(6): 915-919. 246.

Raschka, C., R. Ribbeck & W. Stolper, R. & J.P. Opdebeeck. Flea Haupt. Untersuchungen zum allergy dermatitis in dogs diagnosed by Ektoparasiten-befall bei streunenden intradermal skin tests. Research in Katzen. Mon-atschefte für Veterinary Science 57(1): 21-27. Veterinärmedizin 49(6): 257-261. Stone, B.F., M.A. Shipstone, K.V. Ribeiro, H., J. Lucientes, J.J. Mason, M. Cunningham & C.W. Osacar & C. Calvete. A new species Wong. Efficacy of Permethrin in con- of flea (Siphonaptera: Pulicidae) from trolling the Australian paralysis tick Spain. Journal of Medical Entomol-ogy Ixodes holocyclus and the cat flea 31(6): 887-889. Ctenocephalides felis on dogs. Australian Veterinary Journal 71(3): 90-91.

FLEA NEWS 565 1994

species, such practices should be pursued ". . . Trpis, M. Host-parasite relationships in the full knowledge of what is being lost." between fleas (Siphonaptera) and bats This has long been a matter of lively discussion among pulicologists since many (Chiroptera) hibernating in ice and families of fleas show phylogenetic affinities limestone caves in Slovakia. Bulletin within the order that suggest extinction pat- of the Society for Vector Ecology 19(1): terns of certain of their mammalian hosts. It 8-12. is seldom noted that while hemimetabolous parasites such as lice pass all of their life stages on the host, the holometabolous fleas Trpis, M. Host-parasite relationships differ drastically in their requirements be- between fleas (Siphonaptera) and tween the larvae and the adults and the law small mammals in the Tatras of the minimum applies to both stages. While Mountains of Slovakia. Bulletin of the we can never accurately reconstruct the Society for Vector Ecology 19(1): 13-17. phylogenetic position of these extinct taxa in a current context, a hypothetical example taken from the North American fauna demonstrates Trpis, M. Host specificity and ecology the potential damage to our studies created of fleas (Siphonaptera) of small mam- by host extinctions. mals in mountains of north-central The host is the mountain beaver, Slovakia. Bulletin of the Society for Aplodontia rufa, a primitive rodent with a Vector Ecology 19(1): 18-22. restricted range from northern Califonia to extreme southwestern British Columbia. According to the literature, ten species of fleas ******* have been reported from this host. Five of these are obviously strays from other hosts, or at least accidental associations. Another, COEXTINCTION while found on this and other rodent hosts In an interesting letter to the British Journal fairly frequently, is mainly a parasite of NATURE (366: 307, 25 November) Nigel insectivores (shrews and moles). The Stork and Christopher Lyal discuss the remaining four are specific parasites of A. rufa extinction of endo- and ectoparasites, along and are almost never found on other hosts. with the extinction of their hosts. The Four genera are represented and three of authors suggest that in at least one group of these are monotypic. Depending on the family insects, the lice (Phthiraptera) and possibly classification followed, either two or three another, fleas (Siphonaptera), the extinction separate families are represented. rates approximate those of their avian and The first of these is Dolichopsyllus mam-malian hosts. This is particularly the stylosus (Baker, 1904) (, case in the lice because of their high degree of Amphipsyllinae, Dolichopsyllini). The proper host specificity. Using the passenger pigeon phylogenetic position of this taxon is very and its extinction in 1914 as an example, much a matter of speculation. Accord-ing to they note that at least two species of chewing current family definition it is a lepto-psyllid lice, Columbicola extinctus Malcomson and but it is not in the mainstream of evolution in Campanulotes defectus Tendeiro, evidently the family. That it is larger and hairier than became extinct at the same time as their other members of the family suggests its host, relatively unnoted by the scientific primitivity. However, the presence of a well commun-ity. They go on to point out that developed pronotal ctenid-ium and the loss of most people "consider the value of insects, eyes suggest some specialization as a either positive or negative (with perhaps the parasite of a semifossor-ial host. In my view, exception of butterflies), solely in terms of its extincton would eliminate what I consider their contrib-ution to ecosystems and their to be the most plesiomorphic member of the direct or indir-ect effect on humans." Whether entire family. its lice shou-ld be given the same value as The remaining three species are their avian host raises ethical questions that hystrichopsylloids, usually considered to be should not be ignored when discussing the most primitive superfamily in the order. conservation prior-ities and practices. If The first of these, Hystrichopsylla schefferi conservation needs require the extinction of Chapin, 1919 (Hystrichopsyllidae, Hystricho- their parasites while conserving the host psyllinae, Hystrichopsyllini), is a member of

FLEA NEWS 566 1994 an Holarctic genus containing 19 species and their loss could severely dampen phylogen-etic 32 named taxa. Only seven species occur in studies in this large and important family of the Nearctic Region, and all except H. schefferi fleas. As pointed out by Lewis and Lewis are associated with rodent and insectivore (1994) these strongly host-specific species may hosts. Hystrichopsylla schefferi has the become the first fleas to be placed on the distinction of being the largest, non-neosomic Endangered Species list since at least two flea in the entire order, and females may subspecies of A. rufa are seriously threatened exceed one centimeter in length. All members by habitat reduction due to hous-ing of the genus are considered primitive by most developments and other types of con-struction. students of the order and the most REL plesiomorphic taxa seem mostly associated with insectivores, although host specificity is not particularly strong in this genus. That ******* the largest and one of the most primitive species is associated with such a primitive host suggests a fascinating evolutionary We wish you the happiest of complex of taxa that has been lost to us through extinction of their hosts. Lewis & holiday seasons and the best Lewis (1994) discuss this species in more of New Years! detail. Both of the other two taxa are monotypic and both are assigned to the family Ctenophthalmidae, Rhadinopsyll-inae, Rhadinopsyllini. The eighty odd taxa assigned to this tribe are all nest fleas in that they have lost the ability to jump well and are confined to the nest of the host during most or all of their existance, both as larvae and adults. Members of the Palaearctic genus Stenischia are shrew fleas, while species of the Holarctic parasitize rod- ents and/or insectivores, depending upon the subgenus to which they belong. Paratyphlo- ceras oregonensis Ewing, 1940 and Tricho- psylloides oregonensis Ewing, 1938, are exclusively parasites of A. rufa and are seldom taken on any other host species. It is apparent that Stenischia and Rhadinopsylla are closely related, in spite of the strong terg- al and sternal incrassations of the abdomen in the former genus, and Stenischia rhadin- opsylloides Smit, 1975, connects the two gen- era quite obviously. While both of the Aplodontia parasites are distinct from this line of evolution in the tribe, they are both much more setose, and P. oregonensis is much larger than any other member of the tribe. The genal ctenidium is present in this species, which is normal in the tribe, but it is missing or vestigial in T. oregonensis. All males in this tribe normally lack antepygi-dial bristles, an apomorphic character in the order, but a pair of these bristles is present in males of P. oregonensis. In summary, while neither of these fleas seem to be in the mainstream of evol- ution within the tribe, each shows traits that are thought to be ancestral. Consequently,