VOLUME 1 WINTER 1948 NUMBER 1 Destruction of Infected Cows in the Foot-And-Mouth Disease Slaughter Program in Cedar County, Iowa, 1914
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s VOLUME 1 WINTER 1948 NUMBER 1 Destruction of infected cows in the Foot-and-Mouth Disease slaughter program in Cedar County, Iowa, 1914. Right: Hoof of an infected cow. Way back when the Foot and Mouth Disease slaughter program was a serious problem to cattle owners far north of the Rio Grande—in 1914, that's when some of the present divisions of Allied Laboratories, Inc., put into print the previously initiated policy of Sales to (graduate Veterinarians, ONLY Published in the Country Gentle- This advertisement is believed to man, June 20, 1914, the advertise- have been the first publicity ever ment to the right first publicly attempted to teach laymen to dis- declared the previously initiated criminate between graduate vet- policy of confining sales to the erinarians and non-graduates, graduate veterinary profession. empirics and "quacks." Allied Laboratories, Inc. operating as Pitman-Moore Co. Royal Serum Co. Sioux City Serum Co. United Serum Co. Sioux Falls Serum Co. THE SPECULUM Vol. I WINTER 1948 No. 1 Quarterly Student Publication, Veterinary Laboratories, College of Veterinary Medicine, Ohio State University, Columbus 10, Ohio. STAFF Editorial Department— Business Department— KENNETH B. HAAS Editor HAL H. TAYLOR Business Manager KENNETH L. CRAWFORD Assoc. Editor WARREN B. BUHLER. .Advertising Manager EDGAR A. RENAUX Assoc. Editor GEORGE B. WARD Circulation Manager JOSEPH A. SOLOMON Student News JOHN G. MARTIN Faculty News Photography Department— EDWIN D. RICHARDS Special News EDWARD A. GEUE Editor LARRY M. BORST State News J. BRUCE WENGER Assistant PHILIP C. CLINGER Federal News WOODROW CARR Assistant ROBERT J. WELLS Alumni News Composition Department— CHARLES W. TITKEMEYER Art Department— JAMES MANN JOHN S. LIES HENRY J. HOFACKER WITH THE EDITOR Kenneth B. Haas, Junior We see before us a machine. This is up to us to make these associations machine has two sets of blades: one run, and aid them, irrespective of all rapidly-moving1, razor-sharp, true as a obstacles towards their goal of integrat die; the other equally true and sharp, ing the profession. The less the friction but set in a fixed position. Between the of parts, the easier it will be for us to two they get the job done. They pro progress as a profession. gress forward, mowing down every Our parent organization has taken thing in their path, going over or many great strides in past years, and around rocks and stumps, but doing the quite a few of these have been in recent job thoroughly and well. The blades are years. All of the approved veterinary indeed the effective working-part of the colleges have Junior Chapters, and machine, but they are also the most de younger men constantly infiltrate the pendent parts of the whole mechanism. association. The group has thus grown Without parts elsewhere located they from a small one into the largest associ could not budge, for behind and beside ation of its kind in the world. the blades are little wheels, big wheels, It is indeed something of which to be cogs, levers, cranks, bolts, and a whole proud that such a high percentage of multitude of parts inconsequential in veterinarians belong to the American themselves, but necessary to the correct Veterinary Medical Association, but a performance of the machine as a whole. source of greater pride will be realized They, too, are absolutely necessary. when the day arrives that all of our vet This machine is very similar to our erinarians are bound together in one veterinary organizations, our local, smooth-running machine. The problem state, and national associations. They of our profession is one of integration too are large "machines" with cutting of roles and coordination of every man edges, and we, as little or large "cogs," in his respective position. When we are the accessory parts that make the have done this, and only then, will our machine progress towards its goal. It goal of integration be in sight. Page One SPECULUM Winter 1948 ACROSS THE DEAN'S DESK Dr. Walter R. Krill To Alumni and Friends of the Col lege of Veterinary Medicine: With this first issue of the "Specu lum" as a Veterinary College publica tion, another of our dreams has come true. The "Speculum" is not a new pub lication, having been published quar terly over the past eight or nine years by the Omega Tau Sigma Fraternity, which as most of you know is one of two veterinary professional fraternities on our campus. In the beginning, the "Speculum" was a small mimeographed entire problem was thoroughly dis publication, which gradually grew and cussed. Naturally, at first the boys were expanded through the initiative of the somewhat reluctant to give up their members of that fraternity until it magazine to the college and I must ad reached the full status of a well-organ mit that it was asking a great deal for ized publication, in which members of them to do so. But in the true spirit our staff were very happy to make con which prevades our entire student body, tributions. they were willing to sacrifice personal This publication was something of feelings in the matter for the best in which the alumni and active members terest of the College. Incidentally, Al of Omega Tau Sigma could well be pha Psi Fraternity which has been proud; unfortunately, however, only a sending out a quarterly news letter to small number of our alumni and friends each of its alumni also agreed to give were fortunate enough to be on the full support to our College publication mailing list and receive the interesting and except for special occasions, both news contained in each issue; and only fraternities will use the columns of the a few of our student body received the "Speculum" to inform their alumni of benefit and experience which comes the activities of their respective fra from publishing a magazine of this ternities. Thus a Veterinary College kind. For sometime the publication of a student publication has become a real college magazine to be sent to all alumni ity. The name "Speculum" has been and members of the profession in the retained, because we think it unique State of Ohio has been under consider and quite appropriate. To those alumni ation by our College; but to start one in who conceived the idea and helped to competition to the "Speculum" was un found the publication, the name "Spec wise and would only have led to divided ulum" will bring fond memories with interests and possible failure of both each issue received. ventures. Such a situation we definitely It is our hope that, through this pub wanted to avoid, so a series of confer lication, we will bring our College a lit ences followed between members of our tle closer to each and every one of you, faculty and the fraternity, in which the so that each one will feel that he has Page Two SPECULUM Winter 1948 a definite stake in our welfare. Through fession in the State of Ohio. We need the reporting of news from the State the support of every veterinarian in Veterinarian's office and the office of the the State of Ohio and of our alumni to Inspector in Charge of Livestock Dis realize our hopes for the future of this ease Control, we hope to bring about College. This is your College, and closer coordinated efforts between these through the "Speculum" you will be divisions and the practicing veterina kept informed as to our activities. rians ; we hope that the reporting of So, at this time, I want to express my announcements and news about local sincere appreciation to the members of Veterinary Association meetings will Omega Tau Sigma, alumni, and actives stimulate greater interest in organized who have had a part in developing the veterinary medicine, which in turn will "Speculum"; and to the present actives stimulate and benefit our State and na who so graciously turned over the pub tional organization. Perhaps of primary lication to the College to be expanded importance will be the benefits to be and organized as a College publication. derived by those students who give of I want to say that you have shown the their time, effort, and talents to make true spirit that builds for a great Col this publication a success. They deserve lege and I extend you my sincere an occasional letter of encouragement thanks. It is my hope that the "Specu and suggestions from you. We hope you lum" will become a tradition at Ohio will write them to let them know how State so that each new group of stu you like their first issue. dents will see to it that the tradition The "Speculum" will be sent to all will never be broken. alumni of this College and every veteri narian in the State regardless of the school from which they received their degree. We want every veterinarian in the State to feel that they have an equal OINTMENT stake in the future of the College of POWDER Veterinary Medicine, The Ohio State LIQUID University. We want to be of increas For ringworm infections ing service to the individual veterina of the skin. rian and the profession in this State and every one, regardless of school af For the Graduate Veterinarian filiations, will be accorded equal consid eration. Many of my former students will recall having heard me say that IVrite for Folder after a student graduates he becomes a member of the veterinary profession, and it isn't a matter of what school he comes from, but rather where he is R.J.