Naciones Unidas A/CN.9/977

Asamblea General Distr. general 1 de abril de 2019 Español Original: inglés

Comisión de las Naciones Unidas para el Derecho Mercantil Internacional 52º período de sesiones Viena, 8 a 26 de julio de 2019

Bibliografía de obras recientemente publicadas relativas a la labor de la CNUDMI*

Nota de la Secretaría


Página I. Cuestiones generales ...... 2 II. Compraventa internacional de mercaderías ...... 3 III. Arbitraje y conciliación comercial internacional ...... 9 IV. Transporte internacional ...... 18 V. Pagos internacionales (incluidas las garantías independientes y las cartas de crédito contingente) .. 20 VI. Comercio electrónico ...... 20 VII. Garantías mobiliarias (incluidos los créditos por cobrar) ...... 23 VIII. Contratación pública ...... 25 IX. Insolvencia ...... 25 X. Contratos internacionales de construcción ...... 27 XI. Comercio compensatorio internacional ...... 27 XII. Proyectos de infraestructura con financiación privada ...... 27 XIII. Solución de controversias en línea...... 27 XIV. Microempresas y pequeñas y medianas empresas ...... 27 XV. Solución de controversias entre inversionistas y Estados ...... 28

______* La bibliografía actualizada y consolidada con anotaciones detalladas se puede consultar en línea en la dirección:

V.19-02151 (S) 050419 050419 *1902151*


I. Cuestiones generales

Alag, A. Drabu y Z. Summary report of the UNCITRAL 50th Anniversary Congress. Vindobona journal of international commercial law and arbitration (Viena) Part I: 21:1:89-108, 2017, Part II: 21:2:189-204, 2017. Bashiri, A. y M. Valizadeh. چالشهای حقوقی همگرایی اقتصادی دولتها از منظر حقوق تجارت بینالملل ؛ با تأکید بر اتحادیۀ اروپا و اتحادیۀ تجارت آزاد اروپا )افتا( Public law studies quarterly (Teherán) 49:1:177-194, 2019. Traducción del título al inglés: Legal challenges of economic convergence in international trade law with emphasis on European Union and European Free Trade Association (EFTA). Castle, T.D. United Nations Day lecture 2017: 50 years of UNCITRAL: what’s next? Bar news (Sydney) 88-95, primavera de 2018. Castro Cervantes, R. de. La unificación del derecho privado frente a la globalización. Justicia juris (Barranquilla, Colombia) 6:12:70-78, 2009. Colas, B. Le Canada et le droit international privé en matière commerciale. En Canada et droit international: 150 ans d’histoire et perspectives d’avenir. Waterloo (Ontario, Canadá), Centre for International Governance Innovation, 2018, documento núm. 14. Czerwenka, B. Discurso pronunciado ante la Sexta Comisión de la Asamblea General por la Sra. Beate Czerwenka (Alemania), Presidenta del 51er período de sesiones de la Comisión de las Naciones Unidas para el Derecho Mercantil Internacional (15 de octubre de 2018). Douglas, J. Australia’s role in UNCITRAL: implementation of conventions and model laws. International Trade and Business Law Review (Chatswood, Nueva Gales del Sur, Australia) 21:231-243, 2018. Eiselen, S. Teaching transnational commercial law in the African context. University of Western Australia Law Review (Perth) 40:2:3-22, 2016. Fujita, T. When does Japan not conclude uniform private law conventions? Japanese Yearbook of International Law (Tokio) 60:59-85, 2017. Glitz, F.E.Z. Direito internacional privado e do comércio internacional: coletânea normativa. 5ª ed. Curitiba (Brasil), Editora JML, 2018. 1371 págs. Traducción del título al inglés: International private law and international trade law. Ito, H. 国際取引とコントラクト・ガバナンス. ChuoOnline, 23 de enero de 2018. Traducción del título al inglés: International trade and contract governance. Jacquet, J.-M. Sur l’exercice de la fonction normative de la Commission des Nations Unies pour le Droit Commercial International (CNUDCI). En “Mélanges en l’honneur du Professeur Claude Witz”. París, LexisNexis, 2018, págs. 361 a 375. Japón. Global Private Law Forum (GPLF) et al., eds. Emerging rules of international commercial law: bilingual (English-Japanese) selected UNCITRAL texts. Japón, s.n., 2016. 377 págs. Király, M. y T. Szabados, eds. Perspectives of unification of private international law in the European Union. Budapest, Eötvös University Press, 2018. 105 págs. Kozuka, S. The selective reception of uniform law in Asia. Japanese Yearbook of International Law (Tokio) 60:86-112, 2017. Kozuka, S. y H. Shinomiya. Harmonised rules for emerging private initiatives in space?: in quest of fair, equitable and commercially viable rules for extraterrestrial mining. Victoria University of Wellington hors serie (Wellington) 22:229-248, 2018.

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Mazhorina, M.V. Международное частное право в условиях глобализации: от разгосударствления к фрагментации. Pravo. Zhurnal Vysshey shkoly ekonomiki (Moscú) 1:193-217, 2018. Morishita, T. Successes and failures of harmonization of commercial laws. Japanese Yearbook of International Law (Tokio) 60:113-135, 2017. Ramaswamy, M.P. y J. Ribeiro, eds. Trade development through harmonization of commercial law = l’harmonisation du droit commercial facteur de développement du commerce. Wellington, New Zealand Association for Comparative Law, 2015. 476 p. Şandru, D.M. Dreptul comerţului internaţional. 3ª ed. Bucureşti, Editura Universitară, 2012. 31 p. Traducción del título al inglés: International trade law. Serpa Soares, M. de., 51er período de sesiones de la Comisión de las Naciones Unidas para el Derecho Mercantil Internacional: discurso de apertura en Nueva York, 25 de junio de 2018. Sono, H. Going forward with uniform private law treaties: a study in Japan’s behavioral pattern. Japanese Yearbook of International Law (Tokio) 60:10-58, 2017. ______. Uniform law treaties: their reception, implementation, success and failure: introductory note. Japanese Yearbook of International Law (Tokio) 60:4-9, 2017. Tailandia. ASEAN Law Association (ALA). One step closer: promoting ASEAN integration through the harmonization of commercial law, 4 y 5 de septiembre de 2017, Bangkok. Comisión de las Naciones Unidas para el Derecho Mercantil Internacional, ed. Modernización del derecho mercantil internacional en favor de la innovación y el desarrollo sostenible: actas del Congreso de la Comisión de las Naciones Unidas para el Derecho Mercantil Internacional, Viena, 4 a 6 de julio de 2017, Vol. 4: trabajos presentados al Congreso. Viena, Naciones Unidas, 2017. 393 p. Comisión de las Naciones Unidas para el Derecho Mercantil Internacional. World SME news (Noida, India) 13-15, 2019. Voulgaris, I. Fostering the United Nations Task for Peacekeeping by implementing its auxiliary tasks for extending the economic and social development of nations and for organizing international economic activities. Czech Yearbook of International Law (La Haya) 9:367-388, 2018.

II. Compraventa internacional de mercaderías

Abera, Z. Ethiopian sales law in the light of international laws and principles of contract. Open access library journal 3:8, 2016. Al-Daboubi, D. The role of the marine carrier in operating a passage of risk in international sale contract. Diritto Marittimo Quaderni (Bolonia, Italia) 5:549-589, 2018. Ashraful, M.Z. y S.R. Garimella. Bangladesh: making the case for accession to the Convention on International Contracts for Sale of Goods. AALCO Journal of International Law (New Delhi) 5:73-88, 2016. Aston, J., ed. Identifying and comparing the trends in international contract laws and probing the critical issues for multinational contracting parties. Gandhinagar (India), Gujarat National Law University, 2016. 166 págs. Babayev, O.T. Cфера применения конвенции ООН о договорах международной купли-продажи товаров. Problems of modern science and education (Ivanovo, Russia) 19:101:72-74, 2017.

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Basedow, J. International economic law and commercial contracts: promoting cross- border trade by uniform law conventions. Uniform Law Review = Revue de droit uniforme (Oxford, Reino Unido) 23:1:1-14, 2018. Basoredo-Otzerinjauregi, I. La asignación del riesgo de la contraprestación en la compraventa internacional por tipo de mercancía y modelo de contrato. Cizur Menor, España, Editorial Aranzadi, 2018. 276 págs. Bertino, L. Breach of contract: automatic and unilateral price reduction. European Review of Contract Law (Berlín) 14:1:24-59, 2018. Bridge, M.G. The international sale of goods. 4ª ed. Oxford (Reino Unido), Oxford University Press, 2017. 884 págs. Calderón Marenco, E. Aplicación normativa de la compraventa internacional de mercaderías. Revista de Derecho (Managua) 22:37-60, 2017. Castellani, L. y C. Emery. A CISG három dimenziója. Külgazdaság: jogi melléklet (Budapest) 62:1-2:1-26, 2018. Artículo original en inglés: The three dimensions of the CISG. Castineira, E. y C. Miles. International contracts in the engineering industry: ICC arbitration under the Orgalime Conditions. ICC Dispute Resolution Bulletin (París) 3:63-76, 2018. Conway, E.R. Implied exclusions, implicit waivers and imputed forfeiture of the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG). Vindobona journal of international commercial law and arbitration (Viena) 22:2:126-143, 2018. Dawson, G. y J. Harrison. The Convention on Contracts for the International sale of Goods: cases, materials, and problems. Durham (Carolina del Norte), Carolina Academic Press, 2017. 419 págs. De Oliveira Grossi Andrade, M.A. y T. Grossi Andrade. O duty to mitigate the loss no Brasil: o dever do credor de mitigar seu próprio prejuízo. Revista da Faculdade de Direito Padre Arnaldo Janssen (Belo Horizonte, Brasil) 10:10:18-41, 2018. Traducción del título al inglés: The duty to mitigate the loss in Brazil: the creditor’s duty to mitigate its own loss. Djieufack, R. Remedies for the seller’s liability for non-conformity of goods to a contract of sale of goods in the OHADA Uniform Act on General Commercial Law: a critical appraisal. Uniform Law Review = Revue de droit uniforme (Oxford, Reino Unido) 22:3-3:614-637, 2017. Dobrynski, L. The incorporation of standard terms into international sales contracts under the CISG. Quid? 1:6-8, 2018. Durovic, M. Harmonization of contract law in Eastern and South-Eastern Asia: what can be learned from the CISG and the ECL experience? Global Journal of Comparative Law (Leiden, Países Bajos) 7:207-231, 2018. Eicher, F. Pacta sunt servanda: contrasting disgorgement damages with efficient breaches under Article 74 CISG. LSE Law Review (Londres) 3:29-42, 2018. Ferrari, F. What is wrong with the “Transmar” decisions. New York Law Journal (Nueva York) 260:48, págs. 4 y 8, 7 de septiembre de 2018. Fišer-Šobot, S. Open-price yговори о међународној продаји робе: однос чланова 14 и 55 Конвенције Уједињених нација о уговорима o међународној продају робe. Annals of the of Law in Belgrade = Belgrade Law Review (Belgrado) 66:1:180-198, 2018. En serbio con resumen en inglés. Traducción del título al inglés: Contracts for the international sale of goods with open-price terms - an interplay between arts. 14 and 55 CISG (1980). Forestier, A. Les délais en matière de garantie des vices cachés: éclaircissements, incertitudes et perspectives. Semaine juridique (París) 17:828-835, 2018.

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Gagula, A. y V. Luković. Interpretation of contracts. South East European Law Journal (Skopie) 1:3:99-123, 2017. Glavanits, J., ed. A nemzetközi kereskedelmi kapcsolatok egyes aktuális kérdései. Budapest, Gondolat Kiadó, 2018. 196 págs. Traducción del título al inglés: Some current issues of international trade relations. Grimaldi, C. La durée de la garantie des vices cachés. Recueil Dalloz (París) 39:2166- 2170, 2018. Hatamzade, E. Round one: the battle of forms: effects of the implementation of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods on the domestic law of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Caspian Policy Center, 20 de julio de 2018. Hayward, B. et al. The CISG and the United Kingdom: exploring coherency and private international law. International and Comparative Law Quarterly (Londres) 67:3:607-641, 2018. Hellwege, P. Understanding usage in international contract law harmonization. American Journal of Comparative Law (Cary, Carolina del Norte) 66:1:127-174, 2018. Hoang, N.T. y H.P.M. Quan. Buyer’s remedies in international sales contracts under CISG 1980 and Vietnam Commercial Law 2005: a comparative analysis. External Economics Review (Hanói) 94:94, 2017. Iftime, E. Buna-credinţă în vânzarea internaţională. Acta Universitatis George Bacovia. Juridica (Bacau, Rumania) 3:2:527, 2014. Traducción del título al inglés: Good faith in international sales law. ______. Damages in sale contracts. Conference paper. International Conference Globalization, Intercultural Dialogue and National Identity, 28 de mayo de 2015, Tîrgu-Mureş (Rumania). En rumano con resumen en inglés. Janssen, A. y N.G. Ahuja. Legal laboratory CISG: a successful hybrid between common law and civil law? Vindobona journal of international commercial law and arbitration (Viena) 21:2:129-149, 2017. Jardine, E.V. Awarding disgorgement damages under Art. 74 CISG: is it time to keep up with the times? Vindobona journal of international commercial law and arbitration (Viena) 21:1:36-65, 2017. Kızılay, A. Türk Borçlar Kanunu ile Milletlerarası Mal Satımına İlişkin Sözleşmeler Hakkında Birleşmiş Milletler Antlaşması (CISG) hükümleri çerçevesinde satış sözleşmesinde ayıptan sorumlulukta alıcının seçtiği hakkın sonradan değiştirilebilirliği sorunu. Hacettepe Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi (Ankara) 7:2:193- 210, 2017. Traducción del título al inglés: Buyer remedies under the Turkish Law of Obligations and the CISG (1980). Kröll, S. [et al.]. Cost and burden of proof under the CISG: a discussion amongst experts. International Trade and Business Law Review (Perth) 20:176-210, 2017. Landi, N. y A. Bovio. Forma, contenuto e termini della denunzia dei vizi della cosa venduta. Nuovo diritto delle società (Milán, Italia) 2:68, 2015. Traducción del título al inglés: Form, content and terms of the notification of lack of conformity of goods in national and international sales. L’application du droit étranger: cycle de conférences, Cour de cassation, 2017. París, Société de legislation comparée, 2018. 169 págs. Lassila, L. General principles and Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG): uniformity under an interpretation umbrella? Russian Law Journal (Moscú) 5:2:113-128, 2017. Law, T. Princípios da Convenção das Nações Unidas sobre Contratos de Compra e Venda de Mercadorias (CISG): autonomia privada, força obrigatória, preservação dos

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contratos. Revista de Direito Constitucional e Internacional (San Pablo, Brasil) 103:347-371, 2017. Traducción del título al inglés: Principles of the CISG (1980): private autonomy, mandatory force, preservation of contracts. Libal, T. y M. Pascucci. Automated reasoning in normative detachment structures with ideal conditions. 24 de octubre de 2018. Lista, A. International commercial sales: the sale of goods on shipment terms. Abingdon (Reino Unido), Routledge, 2018. 520 págs. Lorenz, S. et al., eds. Einhundert Jahre Institut für Rechtsvergleichung an der Universität München: Kaufrecht und Kollisionsrecht von Ernst Rabel bis heute. Tübingen (Alemania), Mohr Siebeck, 2018. 182 págs. Traducción del título al inglés: 100 years Institute for Comparative Law at the University of Munich: sales law and conflict of laws since Ernst Rabel until today. Machnikowski, P. CISG in Polish case law. Internationales Handelsrecht (Colonia, Alemania) 18:5:181-185, 2018. Magnus, U. Rabels Einfluss auf das CISG und die europäische Kaufrechts-entwicklung. En “Einhundert Jahre Institut für Rechtsvergleichung an der Universität München: Kaufrecht und Kollisionsrecht von Ernst Rabel bis heute”. S. Lorenz, P. Kindler, A. Dutta, eds. Tübingen (Alemania), Mohr Siebeck, 2018, págs. 89 a 110. Traducción del título al inglés: Rabel’s influence on the CISG and on the development of European sales law. Maier-Lohmann, T. Neuausrichtung der Selbstvornahme und des Art. 48 Abs. 1 CIM. Internationales Handelsrecht (Colonia, Alemania) 18:6:225-231, 2018. Traducción del título al inglés: Realignment of the seller’s remedy and of Art. 48 para 1 CISG. Malécot, L. Opting-out of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) through conduct in litigation: what US courts need to know about the CISG. Transnational notes blog, 23 de enero de 2017. Marshall, B. The Hague Choice of Law Principles, CISG, and PICC: a hard look at a choice of soft law. American Journal of Comparative Law (Cary, Carolina del Norte) 66:1:175-217, 2018. Mélanges en l’honneur du Professeur Claude Witz. París, LexisNexis, 2018. 923 págs. Meyer, P. Le droit OHADA et le droit international privé: les règles d’applicabilité du droit uniforme. Uniform Law Review = Revue de droit uniforme (Oxford, Reino Unido) 23:1:99-126, 2018. Mohs, F. Enforcing compliance with ethical standards in the supply chain: contractual remedies under the CISG. Vindobona journal of international commercial law and arbitration (Viena) 22:1:58-66, 2018. Moreno Rodríguez, J.A. The Hague Principles, the OAS Guide and the new Paraguayan law on international contracts. Curso de derecho internacional (Río de Janeiro) 44:154-173, 2017. Moser, G. Rethinking choice of law in cross-border sales. La Haya, Eleven International Publishing, 2018. 242 págs. Moura Ramos, R.M. A Convenção de Viena de 1980 sobre o Contrato de Compra e Venda Internacional de Mercadorias trinta e cinco anos depois. Boletim da Faculdade de Direito (Coimbra, Portugal) 92:1:1-22, 2016. Traducción del título al inglés: The CISG (1980) after 35 years. Musin, V. Offer and acceptance under the Russian Civil Code. Russian Law Journal (Moscú) 1:1:80-90, 2013. Neumann, T. Dominant control: a proposal for the classification of international transactions of modern software. Vindobona journal of international commercial law and arbitration (Viena) 21:2:109-128, 2017.

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Nie, Y. The application of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods uniformity interpretation principle in U.S. Bloomington (Indiana), Indiana University, 2018. 89 págs. Thesis (Master) - Indiana University Maurer School of Law (2018). Nikolaidis, I. Delving into INCOTERMS® 2010: typology and critical points revisited. Thessaloniki (Grecia), International Hellenic University, 2018. 53 págs. Thesis (LL.M.) - School of Economics, Business Administration & Legal Studies, International Hellenic University (2018). Nwafor, N. Doctrinal watershed in the interpretation of contractual impossibility under the CISG, UNIDROIT Principles and English law. Business Law Review (Alphen aan den Rijn, Países Bajos) 38:6:219-227, 2017. Octaviandra, S. Indonesia and its reluctance to ratify the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG). Indonesia Law Review (Indonesia) 8:3:243-255, 2018. Ostendorf, P. International sales terms. 3ª ed. Munich (Alemania), Verlag C.H. Beck, 2018. 186 págs. Osuntogun, A.J. Delivery of goods to carriers in international sales: an examination of what it purported to be in Nigeria. Business Law Review (Alphen aan den Rijn, Países Bajos) 39:2:44-53, 2018. Pereira Ribeiro, M.C. y L.B. Azevedo da Rocha. CISG: um caminho para a uniformização. Artículo presentado en el XXV Congresso do CONPEDI - Curitiba: regulamentação e solução de conflitos do comércio internacional, 7 a 10 de diciembre de 2016. Traducción del título al inglés: CISG: a path to uniformization. Perović, J. Limitations of liability for loss caused by a breach of business contracts: from the perspective of the Serbian law on obligations. Original scientific paper (Belgrado), 17 de octubre de 2017. Pirozzi, R. y A. Pratticò. Intellectual property rights infringements in the international sale of goods. Vindobona journal of international commercial law and arbitration (Viena) 22:1:37-57, 2018. Prastalo, B. Judges maximising their utility: a pitfall for the uniform interpretation of the CISG. Vindobona journal of international commercial law and arbitration (Viena) 20:2:17-26, 2016. Raheja, R. et al. Extent of the buyer’s obligation to comply with payment regulations under Art. 54 CISG. Vindobona journal of international commercial law and arbitration (Viena) 21:2:150-166, 2017. Schmidt, M. Ambiguous expectations in intercultural commerce: seven propositions for dealing with the challenges of intercultural communication in the realm of the CISG. Vindobona journal of international commercial law and arbitration (Viena) 22:1:67-79, 2018. Schroeter, U.G. Applicability of UNCITRAL’s Sales Convention of 1980 and its Limitation Convention of 1974/1980 via “Rules of Private International Law”: remarks on occasion of Czechia’s declaration withdrawals. Vindobona journal of international commercial law and arbitration (Viena) 22:1:14-36, 2018. ______. Does the 1980 Vienna Sales Convention reflect universal values?: the use of the CISG as a model for law reform and regional specificities. Loyola of Los Angeles International and Comparative Law Journal (Los Angeles, California) 41:1:1-50, 2018. Schwenzer, I. The CISG Advisory Council. Vindobona journal of international commercial law and arbitration (Viena) 22:1:1-13, 2018.

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Selanik, A.A. et al. Viyana Satım Antlaşması’nın (CISG) tarihsel gelişimi ve uygulama alanı. Gaziantep University Journal of Social Sciences (Gaziantep, Turquía) 17:4:1353-1367, 2018. Traducción del título al inglés: Historical development and implementation area of the CISG (1980). Sengthongkham, K. ความเหมาะสมของ สปป ลาวในการเข้าเป็นภาคี อนุสัญญา สหประชาชาติว่าดว้ ยสญั ญาซอื้ ขายสินค้า ระหว่างประเทศ ค.ศ. 1980. Graduate Law Journal (Bangkok) 11:3:708-720, 2018. Traducción del título al inglés: Appropriateness for Lao PDR to accede to the CISG (1980). Şenocak, K. y A. Yarayan. Sachmängelhaftung des Verkäufers beim Handelskauf nach türkischem Recht. Internationales Handelsrecht (Colonia, Alemania) 18:3:93- 100, 2018. Traducción del título al inglés: Product liability of the seller when trading under Turkish law. Shabani, F. Non-conformity of goods in light of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods and the Law on Obligations of the Republic of Macedonia as part of South-Eastern European law. Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies (Roma) 4:2:85-88, 2015. Shachmurove, A. Here lions roam: CISG as the measure of a claim’s value and validity and a debtor’s dischargeability. Emory Bankruptcy Development Journal (Atlanta, Georgia, Estados Unidos) 34:461-520, 2018. Shreedhar, A. Feasibility of “covering values” in transnational commercial law: Article 79 of the CISG and the “impediment.” Global Journal of Comparative Law (Leiden, Países Bajos) 5:2:183-207, 2016. Song, Y.H. CISG in Korea’s courts. Korean Journal of International Trade and Business Law (Seúl) 27:2:39-78, 2018. En coreano con resumen en inglés. Svĕráková Čechová, J. Význam výhrady podle článku 95 pro aplikaci Úmluvy OSN o smlouvách o mezinárodní koupi zboží. Časopis pro právní vĕdu a praxi (Brno, República Checa) 20:2:169-175, 2012. Traducción del título al inglés: The meaning of the reservation under Article 95 of the CISG (1980). Tagung zum UN-Kaufrecht für liechtensteinische Industrieunternehmen, Universität Liechtenstein, 13 de junio de 2018. Vaduz, Universität Liechtenstein, 2018. Ugarte Mostajo, D. La mitigación de daños en la responsabilidad por incumplimiento contractual: breve análisis comparado en el derecho civil de Argentina y Perú. Revista Derecho Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP) (Lima) 80:119-159, 2018. Uslubaş, R. Die Rang- und Vorrangstellung des CISG nach türkischem Recht. Internationales Handelsrecht (Colonia, Alemania) 18:3:100-105, 2018. Traducción del título al inglés: Rank and priority of the CISG (1980) under Turkish law. Vásquez Palma, M.F. y Á. Vidal Olivares. Diálogos entre la Convención sobre la Compraventa Internacional de Mercaderías y la lex mercatoria. Revista de Derecho Privado (Bogotá) 34:233-275, 2018. Wade, G. A matter of interpretation: constructing and interpreting commercial contracts under the common law and the Convention on the International Sale of Goods. Global Journal of Comparative Law (Leiden, Países Bajos) 4:1:1-42, 2015. Walt, S. Importing uniform sales law into Article 2. Barry Law Review (Miami Shores, Florida) 23:2:179-192, 2018. Wang, X. et al. Anticipatory breach of contract in the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. Journal of Simulation 6:3:45-50, 2018.

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Wethmar-Lemmer, M. Harmonising or unifying the law applicable to international sales contracts between the BRICS states. Comparative and International Journal of Southern Africa (Pretoria) 50:3:372-394, 2017. Whitlock, A.J. y B.S. Abbey. Who’s afraid of the CISG?: why North Carolina practitioners should learn a thing or two about the 1980 United Nations Convention on the Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. Campbell Law Review (Raleigh, Carolina del Norte) 30:2:275-295, 2008. Witz, C. y B. Köhler. Droit uniforme de la vente internationale de marchandises: janvier 2017 - juin 2018. Recueil Dalloz (París) 194:36:1986-1999, 2018. Zapata Giraldo, A. et al., eds. Contratación internacional: tratados e instrumentos normativos. Bogotá, Universidad Externado de Colombia, 2018. 371 págs. Zaynutdinov, A.K. Внешнеторговые договора о некоторых особенностях оговорки «обстоятельства непреодолимой силы (форс-мажор)» и «существенное изменение обстоятельств». Virtus Leo blog 2018. Zeller, B. Penalty clauses: what has changed? Pace International Law Review (White Plains, Nueva York) 30:1:147-174, 2017. Zenteno Trejo, B.Y. La convención de las Naciones Unidas sobre los contratos de compraventa internacional de mercaderías: su estudio, aplicación e interpretación judicial y arbitral en México. Revista de Derecho (Montevideo) 14:18:199-228, 2018.

III. Arbitraje y conciliación comercial internacional

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Nguyen, L.G.T. Phán quyết trọng tài nước ngoài theo Công ước New York 1958, thực tiễn áp dụng tại một số quốc gia và đề xuất áp dụng tại Việt Nam. Tap chi toa an nhan dan (Vietnam) 1:3:1-8, 2018. Traducción del título al inglés: Recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards under the New York Convention 1958 in some countries and Vietnam. Noussia, K. Bias of arbitrators revisited. Journal of Business Law (Londres) 4:344-366, 2018. ______. The Arbitration Act 1996: time for reform? Journal of Business Law (Londres) 2:140-162, 2019. Obi, S. 国 際 投 資 仲 裁 の 基礎. Kokusai shōji hōmu (Tokio) 1 (45:4:487-497), 2 (45:5:667-673), 3 (45:6:823-829), 4 (45:7:967-975), 5 (45:8:1139-1146), 6 (45:9:1287-1294), 7 (45:10:1432-1437), 8 (45:11:1573-1581), 9 (45:12:1727- 1734, 2017), 10 (46:1:53-60, 2018), 11 (46:2:199-207), 12 (46:3:357-361), 13 (46:4:507-513. En japonés. Traducción del título al inglés: Basics of international investment arbitration. Orekhov, A.U. Реформирование требований к форме арбитражного соглашения. Conference paper, págs. 527 a 530. Osman, F. y N. Brahmi Zaouaoui. L’arbitrage institutionnel: regards croisés Europe, Afrique, MENA. Colloque de Tunis du 27 avril 2018. Etat des lieux et recommandations légistiques. Revue de droit des affaires internationales = International Business Law Journal (París) 4:409-420, 2018. Parlett, K. Parties’ engagement with experts in international litigation. Journal of International Dispute Settlement (Oxford, Reino Unido) 9:3:440-452, 2018. Paulsson, J. y G. Petrochilos. UNCITRAL arbitration. Alphen aan den Rijn (Países Bajos), Kluwer Law International, 2018. 633 págs. Paulsson, M.R.P. The blockchain ADR: bringing international arbitration to the new age. Kluwer arbitration blog, 9 de octubre de 2018. Pennicott, I. Why are there so many sets of arbitration rules? Asian Dispute Review (Hong Kong) 69-73, abril de 2018. Pereira, S. Deferred challenges to jurisdiction under the Model Law. Journal of International Arbitration (Alphen aan den Rijn, Países Bajos) 35:6:719-731, 2018. Petrochilos, G. Transparency in commercial arbitrations involving states. Cahiers de l’Arbitrage = Paris Journal of International Arbitration (París) 1:19-24, 2018. Piers, M. y C. Aschauer, eds. Arbitration in the digital age: the brave new world of arbitration. Cambridge (Reino Unido), Cambridge University Press, 2018. 314 págs. Pislevik, S. Precedent and development of law: is it time for greater transparency in international commercial arbitration? Arbitration International (Oxford, Reino Unido) 34:2:241-260, 2018. Platte, M. y P. Schwarz. Decisions infra petita as grounds for the setting aside of arbitral awards. Czech (& Central European) Yearbook of Arbitration (La Haya) 8:207- 219, 2018. Prekop, R. y P. Petho. The standard of reasoning in arbitral awards. Czech (& Central European) Yearbook of Arbitration (La Haya) 8:157-184, 2018. Qouteshat, O.H. Challenges of authentication and certification of e-awards in Dubai and before the Dubai International Financial Centre courts: the electronic signature. Digital Evidence and Electronic Signature Law Review (Bedfordshire, Reino Unido) 13:97-112, 2016.

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Qouteshat, O.H. y K.J. Alawamleh. The enforceability of electronic arbitration agreements before the DIFC courts and Dubai courts. Digital Evidence and Electronic Signature Law Review (Bedfordshire, Reino Unido) 14:47-60, 2017. Quintana Sánchez, A. Márgenes de la irritualidad del proceso arbitral. Revista arbitraje PUCP (Lima) 6:169-174, 2016. Rai, S. y A. Dwivedi. Looking through the transnational theory of arbitration: imagining future possibilities for Indian law. Transnational Dispute Management (Voorburg, Países Bajos) 15:2, February 2018. Rajoo, S. y T.R. Klötzel. UNCITRAL Model Law & Arbitration Rules: the Arbitration Act 2005 (amended 2011 & 2018) and the AIAC Arbitration Rules 2018. Malasia, Thomson Reuters Asia, 2019. 931 págs. Ramirez, M.E. y D. Tagtachian. The precedential effect of increasing transparency. ICC Dispute Resolution Bulletin (París) 2:41-47, 2017. Sajjad Ahmad, R. Pakistan’s legal framework for international arbitration and seminal judgments of the supreme court. International Journal of Arab Arbitration (Beirut) 9:2:29-39, 2017. Salehijam, M. A call for a harmonized approach to agreements to mediate. Transnational Dispute Management (Voorburg, Países Bajos) 15:1, addendum, junio de 2018. Schmidt-Ahrendts, N. y A. De Jong. The “right” place of arbitration: how Germany might profit from Brexit. SchiedsVZ (Munich) 16:5:281-288, 2018. Schnabel, T. The Singapore Convention on Mediation: a framework for the cross-border recognition and enforcement of mediated settlements. Social science research network, 18 de septiembre de 2018. Seriki, H. Enforcing annulled arbitral awards: can the unruly horse be tamed? Journal of Business Law (Londres) 8:679-701, 2018. Serpa Soares, M. de., 51er período de sesiones de la Comisión de las Naciones Unidas para el Derecho Mercantil Internacional: 60º aniversario de la Convención de Nueva York, discurso pronunciado en Nueva York el 28 de junio de 2018. Sesin-Tabarelli, A. Extension of the arbitration agreement to non-signatories: landscape of legal theories and jurisdictional approaches. ICC Dispute Resolution Bulletin (París) 4:17-24, 2017. Seyadi, R. Enforcement of arbitral awards annulled by the court of the seat. Arbitration (Londres) 84:2:128-141, 2018. Sharma, A. Securing the costs of an investment treaty claim: how has the trend emerged and has it added to the unlevelled playing field of investment treaty arbitrations ? Vindobona journal of international commercial law and arbitration (Viena) 21:1:66-82, 2017. Sharma, M.C. y J. Balakrishna. The foreign investor and the host nation: investor-state arbitration: an analysis, focus: India’s investment treaty law and policy. Bangalore (India), Jurists Bangalore Press Pvt. Ltd., 2018. 647 págs. Sharma, S. Due process “paranoia”: turning away from judicial attitudes and looking for answers within. Arbitration (Londres) 84:4:314-325, 2018. Shenoy, N.C. Public policy under Article V(2)(b) of the New York Convention: is there a transnational standard? Cardozo Journal of Conflict Resolution (Nueva York) 20:77-103, 2018. Sim, C. Will artificial intelligence take over arbitration? Asian International Arbitration Journal (Singapur) 14:1:1-14, 2018. Smith, G. Comparative analysis of joinder and consolidation provisions under leading arbitral rules. Journal of International Arbitration (Alphen aan den Rijn, Países Bajos) 35:2:173-202, 2018.

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Sojka, Š. Selected aspects of the public policy exception in the 1958 New York Convention. Czech (& Central European) Yearbook of Arbitration (La Haya) 8:255-278, 2018. Sorieul, R. y J.S. Lee. ICC and UNCITRAL: makers of norms in international arbitration. ICC Dispute Resolution Bulletin (París) 2:27-35, 2018. Soto Coaguila, C.A., ed. Arbitraje comercial y arbitraje de inversión: el arbitraje en el Perú y el mundo. Lima, Instituto Peruano de Arbitraje, 2008. 997 págs. Strong, S.I. Rationality revisited: a response to Professor Greenberg. Washington and Lee Law Review Online (Lexington, Virginia) 74:1:184-206, 2017. Subramanian, S.R. Anti-arbitration injunctions and their compatibility with the New York Convention and the Indian law or arbitration: future directions for Indian law and policy. Arbitration International (Oxford, Reino Unido) 34:2:185-217, 2018. Sun, W. 联合国关于调解所产生的国际和解协议公约立法背景及条文释义. Beijing, Law Press, 2018. 384 págs. Sussman, E. The Singapore Convention: promoting the enforcement and recognition of international mediated settlement agreements. ICC Dispute Resolution Bulletin (París) 3:42-54, 2018. Tan Chiang Huat, E. International commercial arbitration: it’s time to ease the legal tangle by authorizing amiable compositeur for the arbitral tribunal. Victoria University of Wellington hors serie (Wellington) 22:281-295, 2018. Tan, D.I. “Enforcing” national court judgments as arbitration awards under the New York Convention. Arbitration International (Oxford, Reino Unido) 34:3:415-443, 2018. Tannous, S. et al. The new UAE Federal Arbitration Law: was it worth the wait? ASA Bulletin (Alphen aan den Rijn, Países Bajos) 36:4:866-894, 2018. Trakman, L.E. Aligning state sovereignty with transnational public policy. Tulane Law Review (Nueva Orleans, Luisiana) 93:2:207-267, 2018. Tsakiri, D.A. Application of the New York Convention to the enforcement of arbitration agreements. ASA Bulletin (Alphen aan den Rijn, Países Bajos) 36:2:364-376, 2018. Tubishat, B.M. y K.F. Qandah. The role of emergency arbitrator in commercial arbitration: (comparative study). Journal of Politics and Law (Toronto, Ontario) 11:4:94-101, 2018. Comisión de las Naciones Unidas para el Derecho Mercantil Internacional, ed. Tercera Conferencia Internacional para una Comunidad Euromediterránea de Arbitraje Internacional, Milán (Italia), 18 de enero de 2017. Nueva York, Naciones Unidas, 2018. 70 págs. Uvarov, S. y O. Maslov. Legal controversies in challenges to separate jurisdictional awards. Czech (& Central European) Yearbook of Arbitration (La Haya) 8:279- 296, 2018. Uwem, N. Bg Group v. Argentina: a reiteration of undesired complexity for a simple principle: Kompetenz-Kompetenz under the FAA and the UNCITRAL Model Law. University of Miami International and Comparative Law Review (Coral Gables, Florida) 25:409-454, 2018. Verbist, H. UNCITRAL instruments on enforcement of international commercial settlement agreements resulting from mediation. Forum for International Conciliation and Arbitration (FICA) paper, 9 de enero de 2018. ______. UNCITRAL Working Group II: instruments on the enforcement of international commercial settlement agreements resulting from mediation. Forum for International Conciliation and Arbitration (FICA) paper 2018.

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Villaggi, F. Recent developments in the arbitration legislation in Argentina. Journal of International Arbitration (Alphen aan den Rijn, Países Bajos) 35:2:225-252, 2018. Walker, J. Specialised international courts: keeping arbitration on top of its game. Arbitration (Londres) 85:1:2-23, 2019. Wang, H. Multidimensional thinking about the “soft laws” phenomena in international commercial arbitration: a Chinese perspective. ASA Bulletin (Alphen aan den Rijn, Países Bajos) 36:3:615-626, 2018. Webster, T.H. Handbook of UNCITRAL arbitration: commentary, precedents and materials. 2ª ed. Londres, Sweet & Maxwell, 2015. 1023 págs. Webster, T.H. y M.W. Bühler. Handbook of ICC arbitration: commentary and materials. 4ª ed. Londres, Sweet & Maxwell, 2018. 879 págs. Williams, D.A.R. y A. Kawharu. Williams & Kawharu on arbitration. 2ª ed. Wellington, LexisNexis, 2017. 1060 págs. Wilske, S. et al. Entwicklungen in der internationalen Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit im Jahr 2017 und Ausblick auf 2018. SchiedsVZ (Munich) 16:3:134-158, 2018. Traducción del título al inglés: Developments in international arbitration during 2017 and outlook on 2018. Winarta, F.H. Enforcement of international arbitration award in arbitration practice in Indonesia. Indonesia arbitration quarterly newsletter (Yakarta) 9:4:1-4, 2017. Xia, X. Implementation of the New York Convention in China. Arbitration Brief (Washington, D.C.) 1:1:20-240, 2011. Yoon, W. et al. Recognition and enforcement of the exemplary damages portion of an international arbitration award in Korean courts. Korean Arbitration Review (Seúl) 9:10-15, 2017. Yu, H.-L. Three may not be a crowd: who is in the driver’s seat under s.9 of the Contract (Third Party Rights) Act 2017. Journal of Business Law (Londres) 7:539-558, 2018. ______. Who is in?: who is out? How the UNCITRAL Transparency Rules can influence the upcoming amendments of the ICSID Arbitration Rules. Contemporary Asia Arbitration Journal (Taipéi, Taiwán) 11:1:45-72, 2018. Zadeh, A.D. y S. Farhangpur. A comparative study of separability of arbitration clause under main contract of LICA and the UNCITRAL Model Law. Ius Humani (Quito) 7:37-52, 2018. Zapata Giraldo, A. et al., eds. Contratación internacional: tratados e instrumentos normativos. Bogotá, Universidad Externado de Colombia, 2018. 371 págs. Zeiler, G., ed. Austrian arbitration law: commentary. Viena; Graz, Neuer wissenschaftlicher Verlag, 2016. 301 págs. Интервью с А.С. Комаровым о 25-летии Закона РФ «О международном коммерческом арбитраже», о 60-летии Нью-Йоркской конвенции, о судьбах арбитража в России и не только об этом. International Commercial Arbitration Review (Moscú) 16:1:18-49, 2018.

IV. Transporte internacional

Badiola Coca, S.P. Algunas consideraciones sobre el régimen de la responsabilidad civil del porteador en la legislación marítima de Emiratos Árabes Unidos. Cuadernos de derecho transnacional (Madrid) 9:2:151-173, 2017. Bergami, R. The Rotterdam Rules and negotiable electronic transport documents in letter of credit business. Conference paper. Proceedings knowledge management 5th international conference 2010, 25 a 27 de mayo de 2010, Malasia.

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Bury, D.A. Electronic bills of lading: a never-ending story? Tulane Maritime Law Journal (Nueva Orleans, Luisiana) 41:197-238, 2016. Derkach, E. y S. Pavliuk. International law on the multimodal carriage of goods: recent trends and perspectives. International Journal of Legal Studies (Varsovia) 2:2:269-285, 2017. Doan, T.M.A. Switching paper to electronic bills of lading: legal perspective and reform options for Vietnam. Malmö (Suecia), World Maritime University, 2018. 54 págs. Thesis (MSc) - World Maritime University, Malmö (Suecia) (2018). Furrer, A. y L. Müller. “Functional equivalence” of digital transactions: a fundamental principle for assessing the legal validity of legal institutions and legal transactions under Swiss law. Jusletter (Berna), 18 de junio de 2018. Giunta, L. The liability of the carrier in case of damage, loss or delay in the Rotterdam Rules: the system of the excepted perils in Article 17. Diritto Marittimo Quaderni (Bolonia, Italia) 1:39-93, 2015. Guo, P. Study on relevant legal issues concerned with the carriage of dangerous goods by sea: from view of judicial cases in China. Asian Business Lawyer (Seúl) 20:51- 72, 2017. Hu, X. Equality of bargaining power in contracts for international liner shipping. WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs (Heidelberg, Alemania) 17:3:347-375, 2018. Kah Wai, T. Being seaworthy in Singapore: a brief critique of Article 14 of the Rotterdam Rules. Singapore Law Review, Juris Illuminae (Singapur) 9, 13 de febrero de 2018. Kovács, V. A tengeri fuvarozó felelősségének változásai. En “Állandóság és változás: tanulmányok a magánjogi felelősség köréből”. J. Fazekas, Á. Kőhidi, B. Csitei, eds. Budapest, Gondolat Kiadó, 2017, págs. 132 a 155. Traducción del título al inglés: Changes in maritime carrier liability. ______. Rotterdam ante portas, avagy a Rotterdami Egyezmény és a multimodális tengeri fuvarjog. Jog-állam-politika (Győr, Hungría) 8:3:109-140, 2016. Traducción del título al inglés: Rotterdam ante portas or the Rotterdam Rules and multimodal maritime transport law. Lee, U.P. UNCITRAL Model Law on Electronic Transferable Records: another failure or a facilitator for the use of electronic bills of lading? Diritto Marittimo Quaderni (Bolonia, Italia) 5:591-631, 2018. Li, B. y J. Jiao. The provisions relating to the identity of the controlling party in the Rotterdam Rules and their potential influences on Chinese cargo interests. Revue juridique Themis (Montreal) 51:1:245-273, 2017. Orrù, E. Containerization: effects on the contracts of carriage by sea and of sale involved in an international trade operation. Diritto Marittimo Quaderni (Bolonia, Italia) 4:271-286, 2017. Osuntogun, A.J. Delivery of goods to carriers in international sales: an examination of what it purported to be in Nigeria. Business Law Review (Alphen aan den Rijn, Países Bajos) 39:2:44-53, 2018. Pejovic, C. The basis of carrier’s liability: from Roman law to the Rotterdam Rules. Asian Business Lawyer (Seúl) 20:15-36, 2017. Rabe, D. et al. Seehandelsrecht: Fünftes Buch des Handelsgesetzbuches mit Nebenvorschriften und Internationalen Übereinkommen. 5ª ed. Munich, Beck, 2018. 1801 págs. Traducción del título al inglés: Maritime trade law. Rajput, T. y A. Basu Bal. Recent initiatives in trade, transport and e-commerce laws to integrate the physical, financial and information flows in international supply chains. Diritto Marittimo Quaderni (Bolonia, Italia) 1:575-621, 2015.

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Saive, D. Das Blockchain-Traditionspapier: die transportrechtlichen Traditions-papiere vor dem Hintergrund neuer Technologien. Transportrecht (Colonia, Alemania) 41:6:234-238, 2018. Traducción del título al inglés: Blockchain-based transferable document: traditional transport law papers in light of new technologies. Sturley, M.F. Bringing carriage of goods into the twenty-first century. National University of Singapore (NUS) law working paper 2018/007 NUS Centre for Maritime Law working paper 18/01 (Singapur), marzo de 2018. Thinking outside the box. Economist (Londres) 18-20, 28 de abril de 2018. Zhao, L. An analysis of transport documents and electronic transport records under the Rotterdam Rules. Diritto Marittimo Quaderni (Bolonia, Italia) 2:1-27, 2016.

V. Pagos internacionales (incluidas las garantías independientes y las cartas de crédito contingente)

Abdolahi, M. تحلیل مسئولیت حقوقی بانک انتقالدهنده در انتقال الکترونیکی وجوه Journal Encyclopedia of Economic Law (Irán) 24:12:43-66, 2017. Traducción del título al inglés: The explanation of the legal liability of the transferring bank in the electronic funds transfer. Dhingra, J. Are the state regulators being challenged or undermined by financial technology and borderless digital payment platforms? Victoria University of Wellington hors serie (Wellington) 22:169-180, 2018. Marxen, K. Demand guarantees in the construction industry: a comparative legal study of their use and abuse from a South African, English and German perspective. Baden-Baden (Alemania), Nomos, 2018. 355 págs. Renna, M. La garanzia autonoma: spunti dai modelli uniformi. Comparazione e diritto civile (Salerno, Italia) 1:157-187, 2018. Traducción del título al inglés: Independent guarantees: hints from uniform models. Rodner S., J.-O. Garantías independientes a primer requerimiento. Barcelona, ICC (España), 2018. 386 págs.

VI. Comercio electrónico

Al Azzam, F.A.F. The authentic of the electronic signature in Jordanian law: (comparative study). Journal of Law, Policy and Globalization (Estados Unidos de América) 75:70-78, 2018. Ariyaratna, B.A.R.R. Contracting in cyber space: a comparative analysis of electronic transaction law in Sri Lanka. Conference paper. Proceedings in law. 9th International Research Conference, Kotelawala Defence University (KDU), Sri Lanka, 2016. Bagheri Asl, S. et al. ماهی ت ح ق انصراف در قرارداد هاي الكترونیكي Journal of Studies in Islamic Law & Jurisprudence (Semnan, Irán) 9:17:7-32, 2017. Traducción del título al inglés: The nature of withdrawal right in electronic contracts. Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) et al., eds. Digital economy: enabling environment guide: key areas of dialogue for business and policymakers. Washington, D.C., CIPE, 2018. 103 págs.

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Chong, K.W. Implementation of United Nations Convention on the Use of Electronic Communications in International Contracts: Singapore’s experience. HUFS global Law Review (Seúl) 5:2:47-76, 2018. Cuong, P.M. Giá trị pháp lý của chữ ký điện tử ở một số quốc gia trên thế giới. Industry and Trade Magazine (Hanoi), 7 de enero de 2019. Traducción del título al inglés: Legal validity of digital signatures in some countries around the world. Davidson, A. The digitalisation of transferable documents and instruments in international trade. Documentary Credit World (Gaithersburg, Maryland) 22:8:27- 33, 2018. Dmytrenko, T. Digital signatures and circulation of electronic promissory notes as means of improving the financial market transparency. Investytsiyi: praktyka ta dosvid (Kiev) 22:97-101, 2018. Doan, T.M.A. Switching paper to electronic bills of lading: legal perspective and reform options for Vietnam. Malmö (Suecia), World Maritime University, 2018. 54 págs. Thesis (MSc) - World Maritime University, Malmö (Suecia), (2018). Duval, Y. y K. Mengjing. Digital trade facilitation: paperless trade in regional trade agreements. Tokio, Instituto del Banco Asiático de Desarrollo, 2017. 28 págs. Figueiredo, J.M. The influence of the Model Law on Electronic Commerce and the importance of the Electronic Communications Convention in the Macau SAR legal system. Victoria University of Wellington hors serie (Wellington) 22:149-168, 2018. Flórez Acero, G.D. Algunas nociones básicas sobre la evidencia digital en el contexto del comercio electrónico, desde la perspectiva anglosajona y su visión en Colombia. En “Evidencia digital, distribución musical y derecho de consumo: discusiones desde el derecho privado”. Flores Acero, G. D., D. Montenegro Reyes, D. Bernal Sánchez, Universidad Católica de Colombia, 2016, cap. 1. Furrer, A. y L. Müller. “Functional equivalence” of digital transactions: a fundamental principle for assessing the legal validity of legal institutions and legal transactions under Swiss law. Jusletter (Berna), 18 de junio de 2018. Ganne, E. Can blockchain revolutionize international trade? Ginebra, OMC, 2018. 145 págs. Hsiao, J.I.-H. “Smart” contract on the blockchain: a brave new world for UNCITRAL. Victoria University of Wellington hors serie (Wellington) 22:181-190, 2018. Ibrahim, N.M. قانون األونسیترال النموذجي بشأن السجالت اإللكترونیة القابلة للتحویل لعام 2017 - دراسة من منظور النظام القانوني القطري تحلیلیة Social Science Research Network, 19 de febrero de 2018. Law and Digital Age Conference, Doha, Qatar University, 19 y 20 de febrero de 2018. Jumaili, A. obaid A. y S.F. Mohammadi. تكوین العقد بالوساﺋﻂ ا4لكترونیة الذﻛیة: دراسة مقارنة University of Bahrain Law Journal (Bahrein) 12:2:322-386, 2015. Jung, G.Y. 유가증권의 전자화 관련 최근 국제적 논의에 관한 연구. SungKyunKwan Law Review (Seúl) 27:3:191-228, 2015. Traducción del título al inglés: A study on recent international discussion relating to the digitization of negotiable instruments. Kin, Y.Z. Blockchain records under Singapore law. Law Gazette (Singapur), septiembre de 2018.

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Kozlovskyi, Y. Електронна комерція в туризмі: практика, проблеми, перспективи. Bulletin of Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts (Kiev) 1:96-106, 2018. Traducción del título al inglés: E-commerce in tourism: practice, problems, perspectives. Lee, U.P. UNCITRAL Model Law on Electronic Transferable Records: another failure or a facilitator for the use of electronic bills of lading? Diritto Marittimo Quaderni (Bolonia, Italia) 5:591-631, 2018. Liu, M. 论电子票据适用票据法的可行性. Faxue (China) 6, 2017. Madrid Parra, A. Contenido esencial de la Ley Modelo de la CNUDMI/UNCITRAL sobre Documentos Transmisibles Electrónicos. Revista Aranzadi de Derecho y Nuevas Tecnologías (España) 48:19-60, 2018. ______. Contribución de la CNUDMI/UNCITRAL a la regulación del comercio electrónico. Revista Aranzadi de Derecho y Nuevas Tecnologías (España) 46, 2018. ______. La Convención de Naciones Unidas sobre Comunicaciones Electrónicas (2005). Revista de Derecho Mercantil (España) 306:135-176, 2017. Makulilo, A. The admissibility and authentication of digital evidence in Zanzibar under the new Evidence Act. Digital Evidence and Electronic Signature Law Review (Bedfordshire, Reino Unido) 15:48-59, 2018. ______. The admissibility of electronic evidence in Tanzania: new rules and case law. Digital Evidence and Electronic Signature Law Review (Bedfordshire, Reino Unido) 13:121-132, 2016. Mooney, C.W. Fintech and secured transactions systems of the future. Law and Contemporary Problems (Durham, Carolina del Norte) 81:1:1-20, 2018. Morea, A.O. La contratación electrónica como nueva modalidad negocial. Doctrina (Argentina), 1 de mayo de 2018. Muñoz Barda, M.G. Principales cuestiones de la contratación electrónica. Revista Argentina de Derecho Comercial y de los Negocios (Argentina) 9, abril de 2014. Ndunguru, A.F. Legal challenges of the formation of electronic contracts in Tanzania: a case of Tanzania-Japan trade exchange relationship. Business Education Journal (Dar es Salaam) 2:1, 2018, 15 págs. Nolan, D. Offer and acceptance in the electronic age. En “Contract formation and parties”. A. Burrows, E. Peel, eds. Oxford (Reino Unido), Oxford University Press, 2010, págs. 61 a 87. Ong, E. Blockchain bills of lading. National University of Singapore (NUS) law working paper 2018/020 NUS Centre for Maritime Law working paper 18/07 (Singapur), marzo de 2018. Orji, U.J. Towards the regional harmonization of e-commerce regulation in Africa: a comparative analysis of the African Union’s e-commerce regime. Computer Law Review International (Colonia, Alemania) 19:1:12-22, 2018. Pico Zúñiga, F.A. El proyecto de ley de títulos valores electrónicos. Ámbito Jurídico, 28 de marzo de 2018. Piers, M. y C. Aschauer, eds. Arbitration in the digital age: the brave new world of arbitration. Cambridge (Reino Unido), Cambridge University Press, 2018. 314 págs. Polanco López, H.A. Derecho uniforme del comercio electrónico: la eficacia de las leyes modelo como elemento armonizador en la Comunidad Andina. Quito, Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, 2017. 338 págs. Tesis doctoral - Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Sede Ecuador (2017).

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Popovici, S. Identificarea electronică şi serviciile de încredere: de la eIDAS la alte preocupări în dreptul internaţional al comerţului electronic. Romanian Review of Private Law (Bucarest) 4:182-194, 2017. Traducción del título al inglés: Electronic identification and trust services: from eIDAS to other concerns in the international law of electronic commerce. Qouteshat, O.H. Challenges of authentication and certification of e-awards in Dubai and before the Dubai International Financial Centre courts: the electronic signature. Digital Evidence and Electronic Signature Law Review (Bedfordshire, Reino Unido) 13:97-112, 2016. Qouteshat, O.H. y K.J. Alawamleh. The enforceability of electronic arbitration agreements before the DIFC courts and Dubai courts. Digital Evidence and Electronic Signature Law Review (Bedfordshire, Reino Unido) 14:47-60, 2017. Rajput, T. y A. Basu Bal. Recent initiatives in trade, transport and e-commerce laws to integrate the physical, financial and information flows in international supply chains. Diritto Marittimo Quaderni (Bolonia, Italia) 1:575-621, 2015. Rodríguez de las Heras Ballell, T. Digital technology-based solutions for enhanced effectiveness of secured transactions law: the road to perfection? Law and Contemporary Problems (Durham, Carolina del Norte) 81:1:21-44, 2018. Saive, D. Das Blockchain-Traditionspapier: die transportrechtlichen Traditions-papiere vor dem Hintergrund neuer Technologien. Transportrecht (Colonia, Alemania) 41:6:234-238, 2018. Traducción del título al inglés: Blockchain-based transferable document: traditional transport law papers in light of new technologies. Sheludiakov, R.S. Mіжнародно-правові основи використання електронних документів в договірних відносинах. Lex portus (Odesa, Ucrania) 3:5:49-59, 2017. Traducción del título al inglés: International legal framework for the use of electronic documents in contractual relations. Takahashi, K. Blockchain technology for letters of credit and escrow arrangements. Banking Law Journal (Nueva York, N.Y.) 135:2:89-103, 2018. Taoka, E. Problems of “hidden” e-commerce laws in Japan and the possibility of using the framework of the UN Convention on the Use of Electronic Communications in International Contracts. Victoria University of Wellington hors serie (Wellington) 22:101-132, 2018. Thinking outside the box. Economist (Londres), 18–20, 28 de abril de 2018. Torvund, O. Commercial law in the information age. Scandinavian Studies in Law (Estocolmo) 65:57-79, 2018. Wijesinghe, S.S. The applicability of the principles of traditional contract law in the sphere of online contracts: a Sri Lankan perspective. Junior Bar Law Journal (Sri Lanka) 7:233-239, 2016. Zapata Giraldo, A. et al., eds. Contratación internacional: tratados e instrumentos normativos. Bogotá, Universidad Externado de Colombia, 2018. 371 págs.

VII. Garantías mobiliarias (incluidos los créditos por cobrar)

Adimi Gikay, A. Rethinking Ethiopian secured transactions law through comparative perspective: lessons from the Uniform Commercial Code of the US. Mizan Law Review (Addis Ababa) 11:1:153-195, 2017. Castellano, G.G. y M. Dubovec. Credit creation: reconciling legal and regulatory incentives. Law and Contemporary Problems (Durham, Carolina del Norte) 81:1:63-85, 2018.

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______. Global regulatory standards and secured transactions law reforms: at the crossroad between access to credit and financial stability. Fordham International Law Journal (Nueva York, N.Y.) 41:3:531-588, 2018. Cohen, N.B. The private international law of secured transactions: rules in search of harmonization. Law and Contemporary Problems (Durham, Carolina del Norte) 81:1:203-225, 2018. Fard, E.A. y Z.A. Quchani. Comparative study on some issues of forfaiting in Iranian law: the United Nations Convention on the Assignment of Receivables and URF800. Victoria University of Wellington hors serie (Wellington) 22:29-46, 2018. Fard, E.A. y Z.A. Quchani. بررسی روابﻂ میان طرفین اصلی قرارداد فورفیتینگ با الهام از مجموعه قواعد متحدالشکل فورفیتینگ و کنوانسیون سازمان ملل متحد درباره واگذاری مطالبات Tarbiat Modares University Press: comparative law researches (Teherán) 21:1:105-129, 2017. Traducción del título al inglés: Study on relationships between forfaiting parties according to URF800 and United Nations Assignment Convention (2001). Jiménez Gómez, B.S. La nueva ley de patentes y sus implicaciones en materia de garantías internacionales. Anuario español de Derecho internacional privado (Madrid) 16:535-563, 2016. Keijser, T. Transnational commercial law and natural resources: overview of the ninth Transnational Commercial Law Teachers’ Meeting. Uniform Law Review = Revue de droit uniforme (Oxford, Reino Unido) 23:2:172-189, 2018. Mooney, C.W. Fintech and secured transactions systems of the future. Law and Contemporary Problems (Durham, Carolina del Norte) 81:1:1-20, 2018. Nguyen, X.-T. Beyond TPP: legal reform for financing intellectual property and innovation in Vietnam. SMU Science and Technology Law Review (Dallas, Texas) 20:241-247, 2017. Picado-González, J. The new security interest system in Costa Rica: some relevant data. Arizona Journal of International and Comparative Law (Tucson, Arizona) 33:1:139-146, 2016. Rodríguez de las Heras Ballell, T. Digital technology-based solutions for enhanced effectiveness of secured transactions law: the road to perfection? Law and Contemporary Problems (Durham, Carolina del Norte) 81:1:21-44, 2018. Stoyanov, D. Supranational attempts for harmonization of the anti-assignment clause. Social Science Research Network, 1 de febrero de 2017. Current issues in law and beyond on EU level, proceedings of the second edition of the international conference, held on 6 November 2016, Szeged, 2017, págs. 9 a 19. Tosato, A. Secured transactions and IP licenses: comparative observations and reform suggestions. Law and Contemporary Problems (Durham, Carolina del Norte) 81:1:155-180, 2018. Comisión de las Naciones Unidas para el Derecho Mercantil Internacional, ed. Ley Modelo de la CNUDMI sobre Garantías Mobiliarias: Guía para su incorporación al derecho interno. Nueva York, Naciones Unidas, 2017. 177 págs. Walsh, C. The role of party autonomy in determining the third-party effects of assignments: of “secret laws” and “secret liens.” Law and Contemporary Problems (Durham, Carolina del Norte) 81:1:181-202, 2018.

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VIII. Contratación pública

De Cazalet, B. y J.-Y. Gacon. Appui à la mise en place d’un cadre juridique et institutionnel unifié pour la gestion de l’investissement public: vers plus de cohérence dans la gestion des projets d’investissement public en France et à l’international, ainsi que dans les procédures de la commande publique auxquelles il est fait appel: PIM contre PPP. Revue de droit des affaires internationales = International Business Law Journal (París) 4:347-361, 2018. Jiang, A. 正确认识联合国《公共采购示范法》的修订内容. 10 de enero de 2019. Pangia, M.D. Developing an organizational conflicts of interest framework: the U.S. system as a starting point. Public Contract Law Journal (Chicago, Illinois) 47:4:539-560, 2018. Quashie, M.K. An appraisal of single-source procurement in Ghana. Journal of Law, Policy and Globalization (Estados Unidos de América) 68:112-128, 2017.

IX. Insolvencia

Boon, G.-J. Harmonising European insolvency law: the emerging role of stakeholders. International Insolvency Review (Chichester, Reino Unido) 27:2:150-177, 2018. Bruder, F. Recognition and enforcement of insolvency-related judgments. Eurofenix (Clifton, Reino Unido) 72:32-34, 2018. Business restructuring & insolvency report. 4ª ed. Rochford (Reino Unido), Time International Media & Events Services Ltd, 2018. 76 págs. Clift, J. Developments in cross-border insolvency: the UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency and current issues. En “International insolvency & restructuring report 2018/19”. L. Paul, ed. Colchester (Reino Unido), Capital Markets Intelligence, 2018, págs. 4 a 7. ______. Modernising insolvency law: the continuing work of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL). En “Business restructuring & insolvency report”. Rochford (Reino Unido), Times Group, 2018, 4ª ed., págs. 17 a 19. Clift, J. y N. Cooper. UNCITRAL Model Law on the Recognition and Enforcement of Insolvency-related Judgments. INSOL world (Londres), 4º trimestre de 2018, págs. 24 y 25. Clopotari, A.S. Prioritatea reorganizării în detrimentul falimentului în Legea nr. 85/2014. Phoenix revista insolventa (Bucarest) 52:12-17, 2015. Traducción del título al inglés: The priority of reorganization at the expense of bankruptcy in Law, núm. 85/2014. Davies, M. Cross-border insolvency and admiralty: a middle path of reciprocal comity. American Journal of Comparative Law (Cary, Carolina del Norte) 66:1:101-126, 2018. Dawson, A.B. Modularity in cross-border insolvency. Chicago-Kent Law Review (Chicago, Illinois) 93:3:677-710, 2018. Deli-Diaconescu, A. Implicatiile suspendării legale a actiunilor în realizarea creantelor împotriva debitorului în raport de procedura dreptuliu comun. Phoenix revista insolventa (Bucarest) 58:8-15, 2016. Traducción del título al inglés: New rules for insolvency firms to participate in auctions. Draper, C.E. Brexit’s impact on cross-border insolvencies. Eurofenix (Clifton, Reino Unido) 73:28-29, 2018.

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Goicoechea, I. Nuevos desarrollos en la cooperación jurídica internacional en materia civil y comercial. Revista de la Secretaría del Tribunal Permanente de Revisión (Asunción) 4:7:127-151, 2016. Banco Internacional de Reconstrucción y Fomento / Banco Mundial, ed. Report on the treatment of MSME insolvency. Washington, D.C., Grupo del Banco Mundial, 2017. 45 págs. Kim, Y.S. Cross-border insolvency in the Republic of Korea: focus on selected maritime issues. Korean Yearbook of International Law (Seúl) 4:1-19, 2016. ______. Study on the cross-border insolvency of shipping companies: focusing on maritime issues. Supreme Court Law Journal (Seúl) 8:1:23-86, 2018. Lannan, K. Benefits of enacting the UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-border Insolvency. Revista Uruguaya de Derecho Internacional Privado (Montevideo) 9:79-85, 2017. Madaus, S. y B. Wessels. Best practice der Unternehmenssanierung in Europa: der “Business Rescue Report” des European Law Institute. KTS Zeitschrift für Insolvenzrecht (Colonia, Alemania) 79:3:247-276, 2018. Traducción del título al inglés: Best practice of corporate restructuring in Europe: the “Business Rescue Report” of the European Law Institute. Metreveli, L. Toward standardized enforcement of cross-border insolvency decisions: encouraging the United States to adopt UNCITRAL’s recent amendment to its Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency. Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems (Nueva York, N.Y.) 51:2:315-346, 2017. Mevorach, I. The future of cross-border insolvency: overcoming biases and closing gaps. Oxford (Reino Unido), Oxford University Press, 2018. 290 págs. Parry, R. y N. Gao. The future direction of China’s cross-border insolvency laws, related issues and potential problems. International Insolvency Review (Chichester, Reino Unido) 27:1:5-31, 2018. Paul, L., ed. International insolvency & restructuring report 2018/19. Colchester (Reino Unido), Capital Markets Intelligence, 2018. 75 págs. Pugh, T. y D. Shah. Universally territorial: recognisable? International Corporate Rescue (Hertfordshire, Reino Unido) 15:5:285-290, 2018. Rodriguez, R. y M. Jakob. Switzerland’s new (or updated...) international insolvency law. Eurofenix (Clifton, Reino Unido) 74:26-27, 2018. Stanghellini, L. et al., eds. Best practices in European restructuring: contractualised distress resolution in the shadow of the law. Milán (Italia), Wolters Kluwer Italia, 2018. 280 págs. Tashiro, A. y P. Esser. Multinational group insolvency in Europe and beyond. En “Insolvency and restructuring in Germany - yearbook 2018”. Achern (Alemania), Schultze & Braun GmbH & Co. KG, 2017, págs. 26 a 38. Tîrnoveanu, S. e I. Crăciun. Dreptul de optiune al practicianului în insolventă cu privire la soarta contractelor debitorului, în curs la data deschiderii procedurii: “corsetul” libertătii contractuale. Phoenix revista insolventa (Bucarest) 56:36-66, 2016. Traducción del título al inglés: The insolvency practitioner’s right of option in respect of the fate of the debtor’s contracts, pending at the date of the opening of the procedure: the bodice of the freedom of contract. Wang, B. Cross-border insolvency law in China and Hong Kong: a critical analysis based on the UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency. Leeds (Reino Unido), University of Leeds, 2018. 275 págs. Thesis (PhD) - University of Leeds, School of Law (2018).

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X. Contratos internacionales de construcción

[No hay publicaciones registradas en relación con este tema.]

XI. Comercio compensatorio internacional

[No hay publicaciones registradas en relación con este tema.]

XII. Proyectos de infraestructura con financiación privada

Adekilekun, M.T. et al. International legislative frameworks for Public-Private Partnerships: an evaluation. Public Procurement Law Review (Londres) 27:1:33- 50, 2018. De Cazalet, B. y J.-Y. Gacon. Appui à la mise en place d’un cadre juridique et institutionnel unifié pour la gestion de l’investissement public: vers plus de cohérence dans la gestion des projets d’investissement public en France et à l’international, ainsi que dans les procédures de la commande publique auxquelles il est fait appel: PIM contre PPP. Revue de droit des affaires internationales = International Business Law Journal (París) 4:347-361, 2018.

XIII. Solución de controversias en línea

Bartolini, C. et al. Property and the cloud. Computer Law & Security Review 28:249- 275, 2018. Juanjuan, Z. On China cross-border online dispute settlement mechanism: following UNCITRAL TNODR and Alibaba experience. Victoria University of Wellington hors serie (Wellington) 22:191-228, 2018. Montoya Zorrilla, E. Towards a credible future: uses of technology in international commercial arbitration. SchiedsVZ (Munich) 16:2:106-114, 2018. Racine, J.-B. La résolution amiable des différends en ligne ou la figure de l’algorithme médiateur. Recueil Dalloz (París) 194:31:1700-1705, 2018. Sontag Koenig, S. Le numérique, relance ou révolution de l’amiable?: vers un remaniement du rôle du juge. Semaine juridique (París) supplément au no 51:45- 50, 2018. Sung, J.-H. 인터넷을 통한 국제소비자거래에서의 분쟁 해소방안: ODR 을 통한 분쟁해결방안을 중심으로. Journal of Arbitration Studies (Seúl) 28:249-275, 2018. Traducción del título al inglés: Dispute resolution in internet international consumer transaction. Comisión de las Naciones Unidas para el Derecho Mercantil Internacional, ed. Notas técnicas sobre la solución de controversias en línea (2016) / Comisión de las Naciones Unidas para el Derecho Mercantil Internacional. Nueva York, Naciones Unidas, 2017. 26 págs. Vilalta Nicuesa, A.E. La paradoja de la mediación en línea: recientes iniciativas de la Unión Europea y de la CNUDMI. Revista General de Derecho Europeo (España) 33:1-35, 2014.

XIV. Microempresas y pequeñas y medianas empresas

Banco Internacional de Reconstrucción y Fomento / Banco Mundial, ed. Report on the treatment of MSME insolvency. Washington, D.C., Grupo del Banco Mundial, 2017. 45 págs.

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Comisión de las Naciones Unidas para el Derecho Mercantil Internacional, ed. Guía legislativa de la CNUDMI sobre los principios fundamentales de un registro de empresas. Viena, Naciones Unidas, 2019. 138 págs. Vermeulen, E. et al. Corporate disruption: the law and design of organizations in the 21st century. Social Science Research Network. Octubre de 2016. Wolff, R. Digital business registers from a European perspective: potential for internationally harmonized legislation? Victoria University of Wellington hors serie (Wellington) 22:133-147, 2018.

XV. Solución de controversias entre inversionistas y Estados

Anderson, A.M. UNCITRAL Working Group III: first deliberations on reforms of the investor-State dispute settlement system. Forum for International Conciliation and Arbitration (FICA) paper 2018. ______. UNCITRAL Working Group III: second session on the investor-State dispute settlement system continues discussion of concerns with the system. Forum for International Conciliation and Arbitration (FICA) paper 2018. Balthasar, S. Investment protection in Europe: international investment treaties, the European Convention on Human Rights and the need for reform at EU level. SchiedsVZ (Munich) 16:4:227-233, 2018. Ben-Moussa, S. A tale of two trade powers: balancing investor-State dispute settlement and environmental risk between the European Union and United States in a changing political climate. Fordham Environmental Law Review (Nueva York) 29:1:94-124, 2017. Brower, C.N. y J. Ahmad. From the two-headed nightingale to the fifteen-headed hydra: the many follies of the proposed international investment court. Fordham International Law Journal (Nueva York, N.Y.) 41:4:791-820, 2018. Brown, C.M. A multilateral mechanism for the settlement of investment disputes: some preliminary sketches. ICSID Review (Washington, D.C.) 32:3:673-690, 2017. Chochorelou, M. y C. Espaliu Berdud. Recent regional investment treaties and dispute settlement: investors and states on a roller-coaster of predominance. Revue belge de droit international (Bruselas) 49:2:487-512, 2016. Dimitropoulos, G. Investor-State dispute settlement reform and theory of institutional design. Journal of International Dispute Settlement (Oxford, Reino Unido) 9:4:535-569, 2018. Drličková, K. y T. Kyselovská, eds. Cofola International 2017: resolution of international disputes (conference proceedings). Brno (República Checa), Masaryk University, 2017. 106 págs. Fekl, M. Les contestations de l’arbitrage d’investissement et les négociations commerciales internationales contemporaines. Cahiers de l’Arbitrage = Paris Journal of International Arbitration (París) 3:413-435, 2018. Gáspár-Szilágyi, S. Transparency, investment protection and the role of the European Parliament. European Investment Law and Arbitration Review Online (Leiden, Países Bajos) 2:371-411, 2017. Gaukrodger, D. y K. Gordon. Investor-State dispute settlement: a scoping paper for the investment policy community. París, OECD Publishing, 2012. 100 págs. Jayashimha, S. et al. ICSID and India: should India ratify the ICSID Convention? Transnational Dispute Management (Voorburg, Países Bajos) 15:2, febrero de 2018. Kahale, G. Rethinking ISDS. Transnational Dispute Management (Voorburg, Países Bajos) 15:5, octubre de 2018.

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Kiffer, L. y A. Rafiq. Le mécanisme de résolution des litiges en matière d’investissement: une nouvelle configuration dictée par la Commission européenne. Juriste international (París) 3:72-74, 2017. Knieper, R. Replanteando el arbitraje de inversión. Revista Paraguaya de Derecho, Economía y Política (Asunción), 5 de noviembre de 2018. Le Cannu, P.-J. Foundation and innovation: the participation of African States in the ICSID dispute resolution system. ICSID Review (Oxford, Reino Unido) 33:2:456- 500, 2018. Malmström, C. A Multilateral Investment Court: a contribution to the conversation about reform of investment dispute settlement. Bruselas, 22 de noviembre de 2018. Markert, L. y S. Wilske. How the current controversy about an Investment Court System highlights Japan’s emerging role as a key player in international investment policy. JCAA Newsletter (Tokio) 39:5-11, 2018. Nedumpara, J.J. y A. Laddha. India joining the ICSID: is it a valid debate? Transnational Dispute Management (Voorburg, Países Bajos) 15:2, febrero de 2018. Puig, S. y G. Shaffer. Imperfect alternatives: institutional choice and the reform of investment law. American Journal of International Law (Washington, D.C.) 112:3:361-409, 2018. Ranjan, P. ISDS transparency provisions in the Indian Model BIT: a half-hearted attempt? Transnational Dispute Management (Voorburg, Países Bajos) 15:2, February 2018. Roberts, A. Incremental, systemic, and paradigmatic reform of investor-state arbitration. American Journal of International Law (Washington, D.C.) 112:3:410-432, 2018. Schill, S.W. Investor-State dispute settlement reform at UNCITRAL: a looming constitutional moment? Journal of World Investment & Trade (Leiden, Países Bajos) 19:1:1-5, 2018. Sharma, A. y J. Ahmad. Is there a need for a stand-alone body like a global investment court for adjudicating investor state disputes? Vindobona journal of international commercial law and arbitration (Viena) 21:2:167-179, 2017. Van Harten, G. et al. Phase 2 of the UNCITRAL ISDS review: why “other matters” really matter. Osgood digital commons, all papers 328. 2018. Van Harten, G. y P. Křístková. Comments on judicial independence and impartiality in ISDS: a paper prepared for the UNCITRAL Working Group III. Osgood digital commons, all papers 327, 19 de diciembre de 2018.

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