Eastern Afromontane Biodiversity Hotspot
Ecosystem Profile EASTERN AFROMONTANE BIODIVERSITY HOTSPOT FINAL VERSION 24 JANUARY 2012 Prepared by: BirdLife International with the technical support of: Conservation International / Science and Knowledge Division IUCN Global Species Programme – Freshwater Unit IUCN –Eastern Africa Plant Red List Authority Saudi Wildlife Authority Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, Centre for Middle Eastern Plants The Cirrus Group UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre WWF - Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Programme Office Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund And support from the International Advisory Committee Neville Ash, UNEP Division of Environmental Policy Implementation; Elisabeth Chadri, MacArthur Foundation; Fabian Haas, International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology; Matthew Hall, Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, Centre for Middle Eastern Plants; Sam Kanyamibwa, Albertine Rift Conservation Society; Jean-Marc Froment, African Parks Foundation; Kiunga Kareko, WWF, Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Programme Office; Karen Laurenson, Frankfurt Zoological Society; Leo Niskanen, IUCN Eastern & Southern Africa Regional Programme; Andy Plumptre, Wildlife Conservation Society; Sarah Saunders, Royal Society for the Protection of Birds; Lucy Waruingi, African Conservation Centre. Drafted by the ecosystem profiling team: Ian Gordon, Richard Grimmett, Sharif Jbour, Maaike Manten, Ian May, Gill Bunting (BirdLife International) Pierre Carret, Nina Marshall, John Watkin (CEPF) Naamal de Silva, Tesfay Woldemariam, Matt Foster (Conservation International)
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