Imatong Socio-Economic Baseline

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Imatong Socio-Economic Baseline SOCIO-ECONOMIC BASELINE SURVEY OF IMATONG MOUNTAINS WATER TOWER, AND KINYETI RIVER WATERSHED, SOUTH SUDAN, 2014 For AFRICAN WILDLIFE FOUNDATION Nairobi/Kenya BASELINE SURVEY REPORT 2014 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We are most grateful to: South Sudan Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture (SSCCA); Government of Eastern Equatoria State (EES), State Ministries of Local Government, Law Enforcement and Wildlife Conservation; Finance and Economic Planning; Agriculture and Forestry; Health and Youth and Sports. We are most grateful to the Payam and Boma leaders especially those from the counties of Torit, Magwi and Ikotos. We are most grateful to the chiefs in the bomas the studies were conducted. Gratitude also goes to the household respondents who represented the counties and generously provided the information upon which this report is based. We would also like to acknowledge the substantive contribution of the research field team. Lastly, we are most honored to the African Wildlife Foundation (AWF) for giving us the opportunity to do this assignment. ii ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS AWF African Wildlife Foundation CBNRM Community Based Resource Management DDR Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration. EA Enumeration Area EES Eastern Equatoria State ECG Environment Cluster Group EIA Environment impact Assessment EKN Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Juba FGD Focus Group Discussion GROSS Government of South Sudan ICFR Imatong Central Forest Reserve IEC Information Education and communication IDI In-depth Interview IKW Imatong Mountains Basin and Kinyeti Watershed KII Key Informant Interview LRA Lord’s Resistance Army MDG Millennium Development Goal MFI Micro Finance Institutions NBHS National Baseline Household Survey NGO Non-Government Organization NRM National Resource Management NRMG Natural Resource Management Group NTP Non Timber Produce PHH Post-Harvest Handling SACCO Savings and Credit Co-operations EA Strategic Environmental Assessment SES Social Economic Survey SESA Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment SSDP South Sudan Development Plan SSNBS South Sudan Natural Bureau of Statistics UN United Nations UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund VAM Vulnerability Assessment Mapping WCS Wildlife Conservation Society WFP World Food Programme iii TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................................................. ii ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS .......................................................................................................iii EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................................. x 1. 1INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................. 15 1.1 Background .......................................................................................................................................... 15 1.2 Objective of the Socio-economic Baseline Survey ........................................................................... 18 1.3 Scope of Work ....................................................................................................................................... 18 1.4 Methodology .......................................................................................................................................... 19 1.4.1 Team Composition and Logistics .........................................................................................20 1.4.2 Logistics ....................................................................................................................................20 1.4.3 Training of the Field Team and Piloting of survey ............................................................21 1.4.4 Sampling ...................................................................................................................................21 1.4.5 The Fieldwork .........................................................................................................................22 1.4.6 Administration of the Structured Questionnaires ..............................................................23 1.4.7 Administration of the Focus Group Discussions (FGDs). ..............................................23 1.4.8 In-depth Interviews (IDIs) and Key Informant Interviews (KIIs) .................................23 1.4.9 Review of Secondary Information ........................................................................................23 1.4.10 Other approaches and tools ..................................................................................................24 1.4.11 Quality Assurance ...................................................................................................................24 1.4.12 Data entry /cleaning/ processing and analysis ...................................................................24 1.4.13 Limitations of the study .........................................................................................................24 2 INSTITUTIONAL, POLICY AND LEGAL FRAMEWORK............................................. 25 2.1 Institutional Framework ....................................................................................................................... 25 2.1.1 Ministry of Interior and Wildlife Conservation ..................................................................25 2.1.2 Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Tourism, Animal Resources, Fisheries, Cooperatives and Rural Development.................................................................................................................................25 2.1.3 Ministry of Electricity, Dams, Irrigation, and Water Resources ......................................26 2.1.4 Ministry of Environment .......................................................................................................27 2.1.5 South Sudan Land Commission ...........................................................................................27 2.1.6 Natural Resource Management and Environment Working Groups .............................28 Natural Resources Management Group ..............................................................................28 Environment Cluster Group .................................................................................................28 2.1.7 Traditional Authorities ...........................................................................................................28 iv 2.1.8 Policy and Regulatory Framework ........................................................................................................ 29 2.2.1 South Sudan Development Plan (SSDP) .............................................................................29 2.2.2 Environmental Protection Bill, 2010 ...................................................................................31 2.2.3 South Sudan Water Policy, 2007 ...........................................................................................31 2.2.4 The Draft Forestry Policy, 2012 ...........................................................................................32 2.2.5 The Land Act 2009 .................................................................................................................32 2.2 Legal and Institutional Challenges ...................................................................................................... 33 2.3.1 Policy implementation ............................................................................................................33 2.3.2 Need of Integration of Policies and Institutions ................................................................33 2.3.3 Community Participation in Natural Resources Management .........................................34 3 FINDINGS ........................................................................................................................... 35 3.1. Socio-Economic and Demographic Characteristics ...................................................................35 3.1.1 Household size and Composition ........................................................................................35 3.1.2 Age groups of the household heads .....................................................................................35 3.1.3 Marital Status ...........................................................................................................................35 3.1.4 People with special needs ......................................................................................................36 3.1.5 Employment ............................................................................................................................36 3.1.6 Household settlements ...........................................................................................................37 3.1.7 Household Size ........................................................................................................................37 3.1.8 Ethnic Composition ...............................................................................................................37 3.1.9 Religion ...........................................................................................................................................38 3.1.11 Energy Sources for Lighting and Cooking ..........................................................................39 3.1.12 Basic Household Assets .........................................................................................................40
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