Copyrighted Material
18_773395 bindex.qxd 2/6/06 7:02 PM Page 204 ¶ Index Abrons Arts Center, 41 The Arsenal, 143–144, Bowling Green Park, Abyssinian Baptist 167–168 11–12 Church, 196 Asia Society, 170 The Broken Kilometer, African Burial Ground, Astor Place subway 60 20 kiosk, 108 Bronze bull, 12 Agee, James, 66, 71 The Atrium, 66 Brooke Alexander agnes b., 57 Auden, W. H., 102 Editions, 58–59 Aji Ichiban, 31 Austrian Cultural Buses, 202–203 Albee, Edward, 85, 87 Forum, 131 Alcott, Louisa May, Avery Fisher Hall, Café des Artistes, 162 67–68 162–163 Café du Soleil, 122 Alexander and Bonin, Café Sabarsky, 113 Baldwin, James, 74 175–176 Algonquin Hotel, 127 Bank St., No. 1, 84–85 Café St. Bart’s, Alice Tully Hall, 163 Barbara Gladstone, 118 134–135 All State Cafe, 156 Barnard College, 186, Caffé Cino, 71 American Folk Art 188–189 Canal St., 22 Museum, 132, 162 Battery Park, 8, 10 The Carlyle, 173 American Museum of Bedford St., The Carousel, 146 1 Natural History, No. 75 /2, 72 Cast-Iron Building, 92 157–158 Belvedere Castle, Cathedral of St. John Americas Society, 169 149–150 the Divine, 182, 184 AmyCOPYRIGHTED Ruth’s, 191–192 The Beresford, 158 MATERIALCather, Willa, 77–78, Ansonia Hotel, Bethesda Fountain, 148 84–85 155–156 Bialystoker Synagogue, Central Park, 138–151 Apollo Theater, 41 Central Park Zoo, 195–196 Bleecker St., 64–67 142–143 Apple Bank, 156 Bloody Angle, 29 Central Synagogue, The Apthorp, 155 The Boathouse Café, 135 Architectural League of 148–149 Channel Gardens, 130 New York, 134 204 18_773395 bindex.qxd 2/6/06 7:02 PM Page 205 Index • 205 Chelsea, 5.
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