August 17, 1994 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 22875 Taken by Certain Times
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August 17, 1994 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 22875 taken by certain times. First, we will rial ceremonies for Operation Dragoon, million. Then he began to bleed off seek a multilateral lifting of the arms which had for months been called Oper- readiness money into various causes. embargo; that is preferred by everyone. ation Anvil. It is where United States This is a recent study that Andy Ellis But, if it does not happen, we should forces landed in southern France to found by use of the Congressional Re- not be bound to support an embargo begin, with all of our hard fighting search Service. We have quadrupled that is considered by many to be com- forces in the 80-day Battle of Nor- non-defense spending from fiscal year pletely illegal in the first place, espe- mandy, an end to the reign of terror of 1990, which was George Bush's first de- cially if the Serb Militants continue to Nazi Germany across the face of Eu- fense budget that he guided through refuse to accept a settlement. It gives rope. And Audie Murphy, a young lieu- with our committee's help here and in meat to the comments of Secretary of tenant, Medal of Honor winner of the the Senate in 1989. It has gone from $3.5 State Christopher, who noted that we Third Division fame, was taking his ex- billion in fiscal year 1990 to a projected cannot let this go on indefinitely," ploits from North Africa, Sicily and $13 billion in fiscal year 1994. while innocent people are slaughtered Italy, up to the coast of southern Mr. Speaker, I include for the because they cannot defend them- France. He went with the 45th Thun- RECORD the entire report on non-de- selves. derbird Division on one side and with fense DOD spending. Let me also acknowledge the efforts the 36th Division, which had more con- NON-DEFENSE DODSPENDING: FURTHER of the administration for working with tinuous combat time than any division COMPOUNDING THE CLINTON CUTS the Congress on this issue, and seeking in the United States, on the other side. As the defense budget decreases, the to accommodate the concerns of us They were today, 50 years ago, secur- amount of non-defense activities and pro- who want to see greater action taken ing the beach and letting the French grams funded out of the defense budget con- in regard to Bosnia-Herzegovina. While forces land. The French had used para- tinues to dramatically increase. This prac- tice, historically limited to unrequested I believe some risks are worth taking, troopers, just as we had at D-day a few Congressional add-ons to the defense budget, I recognize that these risks have to be weeks before. This is not to forget our has been embraced by the Clinton Adminis- considered carefully and that we have men in the South Pacific, where our tration as a means of furthering domestic to work with our friends and allies in paratroopers were wrapping up the last and foreign policy goals at the expense of Europe and around the world, many of Japanese resistance on Noumea Island. military readiness. whom hold positions and opinions dif- In the Marianas, as well as on Guam A recent study by the Congressional Re- ferent from our own. and Tinian, bloody fighting came to an search Service (CRS) estimates that non-de- Mr. Speaker, I would like to say that end. fense spending by DOD has quadrupled FY 90 What wonderful from $3.5 billion in FY 90 to a projected $13 I hope this report sends an important forces we had then. billion in FY 94. message-that we have not abandoned We had a nation with a population of For example: our principles and that we must there- only 130 million-plus people. Here we The Administration has requested S300 mil- fore do something more than sit back are today with literally twice that pop- lion in the FY 95 defense budget to pay for and watch genocide occur. This lan- ulation, 260 million people. Again that the U.S. share of U.N. peacekeeping costs. guage on Bosnia-Herzegovina, at mini- dreaded six-letter word is creeping Heretofore, such costs have always been paid mum, expresses the view that some- back into those councils at the Penta- for out of the State Department's budget. The costs of environmental cleanup have thing more has to be done than what gon about our military forces. That grown from $1.6 billion in FY 90 to almost $6 we see now. The clock is ticking. word is "hollow." billion in FY 95. Mr. STUMP. Mr. Speaker, I yield 5 It is only beginning, but the signs are Foreign assistance programs has grown minutes to the gentleman from Califor- there that we are getting back to those from virtually nothing in FY 90 to over $500 nia [Mr. DORNAN], an able member of dreaded times after World War I, after million in FY 95. the committee. World War II, after the Korean war, Depending on how it's counted, defense Mr. DORNAN. I thank the distin- and after the Vietnam war, when we conversion and reinvestment programs have guished gentleman from Arizona for started ax-cutting our military in accounted for somewhere between 52.5 to $3.4 billion in every Clinton defense budget to yielding. order to funnel more money over into date. Mr. Speaker, this is "compliment" domestic programs of an uncertain des- afternoon for our distinguished chair- DEFENSE JOBS: THE HUMAN COST BEHIND THE tiny. And here we go again. CLINTON CUTS man, and it is richly deserved. In my In Mr. DELLUMS' second term, his The FY 95 defense budget cuts more than 18-year span here, 2 years sitting on the sophomore year, second year thereof, 180,000 active duty, reserve and civilian per- sidelines because of reapportionment, I 1974, we crafted a budget, cutting back sonnel. have served on many committees drastically for fiscal year 1975, as a re- Put in perspective, DOD will cut, on aver- where there have been great bipartisan sult of a defeat inflicted upon ourselves age, 15,000 active duty, reserve and civilian relations. It has been the byword of in the Halls of this building, never hav- personnel every month in FY 95. This is an committees like the Committee on ing lost on the battlefield and totally increase over the average monthly cut in FY Science, Space, and Technology, most of 94 of 12,000 personnel. dominating the seas over the coast The FY 95 defense budget proposes to cut of the time with the Committee on North and South Vietnam. Air suprem- 86,000 active-duty personnel, following on the Foreign Affairs, and certainly upstairs acy, there wasn't a SAM missile left to heels of a 464,000 cut in active duty personnel in the closeted Permanent Select Com- be fired at the end of that conflict. But over the last four years. mittee on Intelligence. here we were, gutting our military. Yet By FY 99, DOD will have nearly 1.2 million But this committee is a tough one to in the 1975 fiscal year period, we pur- fewer active, reserve and civilian personnel maintain cordial relations. We come at chased 273 new combat aircraft for our on the rolls than it did in the mid-1980s. defense from so many different posi- military forces. The Clinton Administration Bureau of tions, particularly the liberal philoso- Labor Statistics (BLS) estimated last year Yet what are we doing this year? We that defense-related private sector jobs de- phy and the conservative philosophy. are purchasing only one model type, 24 clined by 600,000 as a result of the 1987-92 Our chairman has been someone who of the superb C and D models of the F- Bush defense cuts. Under the Clinton- has kept a steady hand on the tiller 18 Hornet and 24 fighter or attack air- planned defense cuts, BLS estimated the loss and let all sides be heard. I do join in crafts. That is it. of an additional 1.2 million defense-related all of those compliments for him Here are some other indications of private sector jobs by 1997. today. the problems we have developed for Put in perspective, this translates to an I did not expect to be here today. I ourselves. There is good defense staff average loss of private sector defense jobs think most of us did not expect to be over a ten-year period of 10,000 per month work here by Andy Ellis. President under President Bush, and 20,000 per month here until about 2 weeks ago. I had Clinton campaigned all of 1992 on a under President Clinton. hoped to be in southern France. It promise of $60 billion in defense cuts, The aerospace industry has not employed would not have been vacationing, it no more. Once in office, as a typical so few workers since Jimmy Carter was would have been attending the memo- liberal Democrat, doubled it to $120 President. 22876 (:ONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUS]E August 17, 1994 PERSONNEL READINESS AND MORALE: THE MOST It is with great regret that I offer the follow- tration utilize some type of solid criteria before IMPORTANT ELEMENT ing views on our work in conference with the using military force and endangering lives. Any According to Army Chief of Staff General Senate on the fiscal year 1995 Defense au- time we send troops abroad, whether it be for Gordon Sullivan, "The quality of the Army thorization bill.