DECADE OF CONVULSION Ten years after the start of the popular uprisings that rocked TEN the region, many of the worst affected countries remain unstable YEARS OF 14-15 February 2011 August 2011 UPHEAVAL Major protests begin in Anti-Gaddafi fighters 2013 2017 and capture Tripoli

3 July 2013 24 March 2017 THEN AND NOW 18 February 2011 20 October 2011 Morsi is removed Mubarak, acquitted by 2010 Libyan opposition Colonel Muammar from office in a the courts, is released seizes control Gaddafi is killed, but military coup of Benghazi the civil war continues 2010 Change 2019 2010 Change 2019 17 December 2010 December 2017 HUMAN DEVELOPMENT INDEX HUMAN DEVELOPMENT INDEX Mohamed Bouazizi, a Islamic State is 0.67 -16% 0.57 0.72 +4% 0.75 Tunisian street vendor, 18-22 February 2011 23 October 2011 2014 reduced to 5 per cent GDP PER CAPITA, $K PPP sets himself on fire Bahraini protests Tunisians vote in of its former territory GDP PER CAPITA, $K PPP BAHRAIN and armed forces’ their first post- 6.4 n/a n/a 13.1 -11% 11.7 response intensify revolution election 26 January 2014 STABILITY 2010 Change 2019 2010 Change 2019 STABILITY HUMAN DEVELOPMENT INDEX 18 December 2010 adopts a HUMAN DEVELOPMENT INDEX Improving Ongoing civil war 0.80 +6% 0.85 Major protests begin new constitution 2018 0.51 -7% 0.47 in Tunisia 6 March 2011 23 November 2011 GDP PER CAPITA, $K PPP Major protests begin President Saleh signs GDP PER CAPITA, $K PPP 47.1 10% 51.9 in the Syrian city a GCC initiative on 4.0 -48% 2.1 of Daraa Yemen in Riyadh 8 June 2014 26-28 March 2018 STABILITY 29 December 2010 Abdel Fattah el-Sisi El-Sisi is re-elected STABILITY Improving Major protests begin is sworn in as in a tightly controlled Ongoing civil war in Algeria ’s president presidential race 14 March 2011 GCC forces intervene 2012 in Bahrain LIBYA June 2014 2010 Change 2019 2011 The Islamic State 2019 2010 Change 2019 25 February 2012 group launches HUMAN DEVELOPMENT INDEX 15 March 2011 Abdrabbuh Hadi offensives in HUMAN DEVELOPMENT INDEX 0.62 +11% 0.69 0.80 -9% 0.72 Syrian protests spread is installed as and Syria GDP PER CAPITA, $K PPP 4 January 2011 to Damascus and Yemen’s president 15 September 2019 GDP PER CAPITA, $K PPP other major cities is elected 6.5 +26% 8.1 Tunisian protests 32.2 -56% 14.2 2011 intensify following the as Tunisia’s president death of Bouazizi 7 August 2014 PROTEST STABILITY April 2012 US-led coalition STABILITY Improving Ongoing civil war 17 March 2011 UN Secretary General airstrikes begin RESULTS UN authorises Libya Kofi Annan presents against the 12 December 2019 14 January 2011 no-fly zone peace plan for Syria Islamic State Tunisian Prime is elected as Minister Zine Ben Algeria’s president TUNISIA 2010 Change 2019 Ali resigns and a HUMAN DEVELOPMENT INDEX caretaker government 19 March 2011 23 May 2012 2010 Change 2019 0.78 +4% 0.81 is formed , the US and UK Egypt begins its first 2015 HUMAN DEVELOPMENT INDEX intervene militarily post-revolution election 0.72 +3% 0.74 GDP PER CAPITA, $K PPP in Libya 2020 46.8 -28% 33.7 GDP PER CAPITA, $K PPP 14 January 2011 22 January 2015 10.2 +10% 11.1 STABILITY Major protests begin 2 June 2012 Sanaa is captured Improving in May 2011 An Egyptian court by Houthi rebels, 6 May 2020 STABILITY EGYPT Yemeni opposition sentences Mubarak to sparking the Yemeni Mustafa al-Kadhimi Recent protests IRAQ groups clash with life imprisonment civil war assumes the office of 2010 Change 2019 government forces Iraqi prime minister HUMAN DEVELOPMENT INDEX JORDAN 2010 Change 2019 25-27 January 2011 0.67 +6% 0.71 HUMAN DEVELOPMENT INDEX Major protests begin in 2010 Change 2019 0.64 +6% 0.67 Egypt and Syria 12 June 2012 26 March 2015 GDP PER CAPITA, $K PPP HUMAN DEVELOPMENT INDEX 3 June 2011 UN officially proclaims leads 10.5 +18% 12.4 0.74 -1% 0.73 GDP PER CAPITA, $K PPP Yemeni President Syria to be in a state an Arab coalition to 4.5 +32% 5.9 Ali Abdullah of civil war intervene in Yemen STABILITY GDP PER CAPITA, $K PPP 3 February 2011 Saleh survives an Recent protests 9.6 +10% 10.5 STABILITY Major protests begin assassination attempt Recent protests in Yemen STABILITY 30 June 2012 Recent protests Mohamad Morsi 31 July 2011 is installed as 11 February 2011 Syrian armed forces Egypt’s president Egyptian President storm several Hosni Mubarak resigns major cities Mnimal changes Governmental change Regime overthrown Civil war and Egypt’s military takes over

$K=thousands of dollars, PPP=purchasing power parity; Sources: UN Development Programme, IMF, MEED