TOWARDS A BASQUE STATE territory and socioeconomics Ipar Hegoa Foundation / Basque Summer UniversityUniversityUniversity 2 Author: Ipar Hegoa Foundation With the assistance of the: Basque Summer University ISBN: 978-84-8438-423-9 Legal deposit: BI-1289-2012 Original title: Euskal Estatuari bidea zabaltzen: lurraldea eta sozioekonomia. Cover design: Ipar Hegoa Foundation Translator: Alan R. King Distributed by: Ipar Hegoa Fundazioa Rekalde Zumarkalea, 62 BILBO. Phone: 944706915 E-mail:
[email protected] Udako Euskal Unibertsitatea (Basque Summer University). Erribera 14, 1. D, BILBO. Phone: 946790546 Fax: 944793039 E-mail:
[email protected] / By the present licence you may copy, distribute and display the content or produce derivative works provided the following conditions are met: – You must cite the author of the original content. – If you modify the content, or create a derivative work and distribute it, you must do so under the same conditions as in the present licence. – You may not use this work for any commercial purpose. 3 ContentsContentsContents FOREWORD Ipar Hegoa Fundazioa ......................................................................................................................................... 5 The Basque State and territory INTRODUCTION Iñaki Antiguedad Auzmendi ............................................................................................................................ 8 1. THE TERRITORIAL DIMENSION OF A STATE´S STRUCTURE Oskar Arantzabal Iraeta …………………………………….............................................................................