World of Fungi Stamp Collection

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World of Fungi Stamp Collection World of Fungi stamp collection YEAR SG CAT.NO. COUNTRY of or custom DESCRIPTION ISSUE number Afghanistan 1985 1028 Tricholomopsis rutilans, Type 460 Afghanistan 1985 1029 Boletus miniatoporus Afghanistan 1985 1030 Amanita rubescens Afghanistan 1985 1031 Boletus (Leccinum) scaber Afghanistan 1985 1032 Coprinus atramentarius, Common ink cap Afghanistan 1985 1033 Hypholoma sp. Afghanistan 1985 1034 Boletus (Leccinum) aurantiacus Afghanistan 1985 1063 Green woodpecker, includes mushroom motif 1996: SEPARATES; AFS100, Suillus luteus; AFS300, Russula virescens; AFS400, Afghanistan 1996 DM1996 Clitocybe inversa; AFS500, Volvariella bombycina; AFS600, Macrolepiota procera; AFS800, Cystoderma cinnabarinum. Afghanistan 1996 DM1996 1996: Minisheet, 70 x 95 mm, AFS4000, Lycoperdon umbrinum. 1998: SEPARATES; afs400, Gomphideus glutinosus; afs600, Collybia fusipes; afs800, Afghanistan 1998 DM1998 Stropharia aeruginosa; afs1000, Craterellus cornucopoides; afs1200, Guepinia helvelloides; afs1500, Ixocomus elegans. Afghanistan 1998 DM1998 1998: Minisheet, 109 x 90 mm, afs4000, Cantharellus cibarius. 1999: SEPARATES; afs10000, Agaricus campestris; afs20000, Leucocoprinus Afghanistan 1999 DM1999 bresadolae; afs30000, Kuehnermyces mutabilis; afs40000, Lactarius deterrimus; afs50000, Lepista nuda; afs60000, Coprinus comatus. Afghanistan 1999 DM1999 1999: Minisheet, 83 x 107 mm, afs150000, Anthurus archeri. Aland Islands 2003 224 Cantherellus cibarius, chanterelle, on a first day maxi card Aland Islands 2003 224 Cantherellus cibarius, chanterelle Aland Islands 2003 225 Boletus regius Aland Islands 2003 225 Boletus regius, on a first day maxi card Aland Islands 2003 226 Macrolepiota procera, on a first day maxi card Aland Islands 2003 226 Macrolepiota procera Albania 1990 2450 Amanita caesarea [also on FDC] Albania 1990 2451 Lepiota procera, Parasol mushroom [also on FDC] Albania 1990 2452 Boletus edulis, Cep [also on FDC] Albania 1990 2453 Clathrus cancelatus [also on FDC] Algeria 1983 844 Amanita muscaria, Type 322 Algeria 1983 845 Amanita phalloides, Death cap Algeria 1983 846 Pleurotus eryngii Algeria 1983 847 Terfezia leonis Algeria 1989 1027 Boletus satanus, mint stamp plus IMPERFORATE specimen Algeria 1989 1028 Psalliota xanthoderma, Yellow stainer, mint stamp plus IMPERFORATE specimen Algeria 1989 1029 Lepiota procera, Parasol mushroom, mint stamp plus IMPERFORATE specimen Algeria 1989 1030 Lactarius deliciosus, Saffron milk cap, mint stamp plus IMPERFORATE specimen Andorra 1983 166 Lactarius sanguifluus Andorra 1984 177 Morchella esculenta Andorra 1985 183 Gyromitra esculenta Andorra 1986 186 Marasmius oreades Andorra 1987 195 Boletus edulis Andorra 1990 217 Gomphidius rutilus Andorra 1991 224 Macrolepiota procera Andorra 1993 232 Cantharellus cibarius Andorra 1994 240 Hygrophorus gliocyclus Andorra 1996 247 Rameria aurea Andorra 1996 248 Tuber melanosporum, Black truffles Andorra 2003 F633 Sparassis crispa Calocybe gambosa (as Tricholoma georgii); one specimen mint stamp plus one as part Angola 1993 1042 of a collective strip in a stamp booklet. Amanita phalloides, Death cap; one specimen mint stamp plus one as part of a collective Angola 1993 1043 strip in a stamp booklet. Amanita vaginata; one specimen mint stamp plus one as part of a collective strip in a Angola 1993 1044 stamp booklet. Macrolepiota procera, Parasol mushroom; one specimen mint stamp plus one as part of Angola 1993 1045 a collective strip in a stamp booklet. 1998: SEPARATES: 1.25 million KZr, Psalliota xanthoderma; 1.25 million KZr, Angola 1998 DM1998 Boletus luteus; 1.25 million KZr, Hygrocybe conica; 1.25 million KZr, Amanita caesarea; 1.25 million KZr, Coprinus comatus; 1.25 million KZr, Boletus chrysenteron. 1998: Collective sheet, 160 x 100 mm, eight stamps, all one million KZr face value, all Angola 1998 DM1998 vert.; Morchella crassipes; Boletus rufescens, Amanita phalloides, Collybia iocephala, Tricholoma aurantyium, Cortinarius violaceus, Mycena polygramma, Psalliota augusta. Angola 1998 DM1998 1998: Minisheet, 98 x 69 mm, 250,000 KZr face value (vert.), Armillaria straminea. 1999: Separates: 10,000KZr, Aleuria aurantia (PLUS one overprinted in gold 'Hobby Day 1999'); 25,000KZr, Mycena alcalina, TWO copies; 125,000KZr, Sarcodon Angola 1999 DM1999 imbricatum, (PLUS one overprinted in gold 'Hobby Day 1999'); 250,000KZr, Stropharia aeruginosa (PLUS one overprinted in gold 'Hobby Day 1999'). Angola 1999 1469 Amanita muscaria (wrongly inscr Aminita) Angola 1999 1470 Boletus cereus, Bronze boletus October 2012 World of Fungi stamp collection YEAR SG CAT.NO. COUNTRY of or custom DESCRIPTION ISSUE number Angola 1999 1471 Coprinus comatus, Lawyer's wig Angola 1999 1472 Amanita rubescens, The blusher (inscr Aminita) Angola 1999 1473 Cortinarius collinitus, Slimy-branded cort. Angola 1999 1474 Boletus satanas, Devil's boletus Angola 1999 1475 Macrolepiota (Lepiota) procera, Parasol mushroom Angola 1999 1476 Clitocybe geotropa, Trumpet agaric Angola 1999 1485 Russula nigricans Angola 1999 1486 Boletus granulatus, Granulated boletus Angola 1999 1487 Mycena strobilinoides Angola 1999 1488 Amanita caesarea, Caesar's mushroom Angola 1999 1489 Amanita muscaria, Fly agaric Angola 1999 1490 Boletus crocipodius Angola 1999 1491 Russula virescens, Cracked green russula Angola 1999 1492 Lactarius deliciosus, Saffron milk cap Minisheets, 75 x 105 mm, (a) 5000000k. Mycena lilacifolia; (b) 5000000k. Psalliota Angola 1999 MS1500 haemorrhoidaria. Set of two sheets. 2000: Two collective sheets, 105 x 122, each with six stamps, all 3.5 million KZr face value, all horiz. (a) Agaricus silvicola, Collybia fusipes, Amanita aspersa, Agaricus Angola 2000 DM2000 xanthodermus, Coprinus comatus, Amanita rubescens; (b) Hygrocybe punicea, Amanita phalloides, Amanita spissa, Gallerina pumila, Coprinus lagopus, Agaricus augustus. 2000: Minisheets, 78 x 120 mm, single stamp on each sheet, all 3.5 million KZr face Angola 2000 DM2000 value; (a) Coprinus plicatilis, two copies of this sheet, one imperforate; (b) Hygrocybe psittacina. 2006: 1999: Separates: Angolan stamps from 1999 issue issued in 2006 by an exclave and province of Angola called Cabinda. All overprinted in blue 'CABINDA' with face Angola 2006 DM2006 value corrected to 'CAF500'. Aleuria aurantia, Mycena alcalina, Sarcodon imbricatum, Stropharia aeruginosa. TWO sopies of each stamp. Antigua 1986 1042 Hygrocybe occidemtalis Antigua 1986 1042 Hygrocybe occidemtalis (overprinted 'Barbuda Mail') Antigua 1986 1043 Trogia buccinalis Antigua 1986 1043 Trogia buccinalis (overprinted 'Barbuda Mail') Antigua 1986 1044 Collybia subpruinosa Antigua 1986 1044 Collybia subpruinosa (overprinted 'Barbuda Mail') Antigua 1986 1045 Leucocoprinus brebissonii Antigua 1986 1045 Leucocoprinus brebissonii (overprinted 'Barbuda Mail') Antigua 1986 MS1046 102x82 mm. $5 Pyrrhoglossum pyrrhum minisheet Antigua 1986 MS1046 102x82 mm. $5 Pyrrhoglossum pyrrhum minisheet (overprinted 'Barbuda Mail') Antigua 1989 1313 Mycena pura Antigua 1989 1314 Psathyrella tuberculata (vert) Antigua 1989 1315 Psilocybe cubensis Antigua 1989 1316 Leptonia caeruleocapitata (vert) Antigua 1989 1317 Xeromphalina tenuipes (vert) Antigua 1989 1318 Chlorophyllum molybdites (vert) Antigua 1989 1319 Marasmius haematocephalus Antigua 1989 1320 Cantharellus cinnabarinus Two sheets, each 88x62 mm. (a) $6 Leucopaxillus gracillimus (vert). (b) $6 Volvariella Antigua 1989 MS1321 volvacea Set of 2 sheets Antigua 1992 1645 Amanita caesarea Antigua 1992 1646 Collybia fusipes Antigua 1992 1647 Boletus aereus Antigua 1992 1648 Laccaria amethystina Antigua 1992 1649 Russula virescens Antigua 1992 1650 Tricholoma equestre (as Tricholoma auratum) Antigua 1992 1651 Calocybe gambosa Antigua 1992 1652 Lentinus tigrinus (Panus tigrinus) Two minisheets, each 100 x 70 mm. (a) $6 Clavariadelphus truncatus. (b) $6 Auricularia Antigua 1992 MS1653 auricula-judae. Set of 2 sheets Antigua 1996 2274 Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca, also duplicate set overprinted 'Barbuda Mail' Antigua 1996 2275 Hygrophorus bakerensis, also duplicate set overprinted 'Barbuda Mail' Antigua 1996 2276 Hygrophorus conicus, also duplicate set overprinted 'Barbuda Mail' Hygrophorus miniatus (Hygrocybe miniata), also duplicate set overprinted 'Barbuda Antigua 1996 2277 Mail'. Antigua 1996 2278 Suillus brevipes, also duplicate set overprinted 'Barbuda Mail' Antigua 1996 2279 Suillus luteus, also duplicate set overprinted 'Barbuda Mail' Antigua 1996 2280 Suillus granulatus, also duplicate set overprinted 'Barbuda Mail' Antigua 1996 2281 Suillus caerulescens, also duplicate set overprinted 'Barbuda Mail' Two minisheets, each 105 x 75 mm. (a) $6 Conocybe filaris, (b) $6 Hygrocybe Antigua 1996 MS2282 flavescens. Also duplicate set overprinted 'Barbuda Mail'. Two sets of 2 sheets Antigua 1997 2489 Marasmius rotula, plus another set overprinted 'Barbuda Mail' issued in 1999 Antigua 1997 2490 Cantharellus cibarius, plus another set overprinted 'Barbuda Mail' issued in 1999 Antigua 1997 2491 Lepiota cristata, plus another set overprinted 'Barbuda Mail' issued in 1999 Antigua 1997 2492 Auricularia mesenteric, plus another set overprinted 'Barbuda Mail' issued in 1999 Antigua 1997 2493 Pholiota alnicola, plus another set overprinted 'Barbuda Mail' issued in 1999 Antigua 1997 2494 Leccinum aurantiacum, plus another set overprinted 'Barbuda Mail' issued in 1999 October 2012 World of Fungi stamp collection YEAR SG CAT.NO. COUNTRY of or custom DESCRIPTION ISSUE number Antigua 1997 2495 Entoloma serrulatum, plus another set overprinted 'Barbuda Mail' issued in
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    University of Nebraska - Lincoln DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln Estudios en Biodiversidad Parasitology, Harold W. Manter Laboratory of 2015 Los hongos Agaricales de las áreas de encino del estado de Baja California, México Nahara Ayala-Sánchez Universidad Autónoma de Baja California Irma E. Soria-Mercado Universidad Autónoma de Baja California Leticia Romero-Bautista Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo Maritza López-Herrera Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo Roxana Rico-Mora Universidad Autónoma de Baja California See next page for additional authors Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Biodiversity Commons, Botany Commons, and the Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecology Commons Ayala-Sánchez, Nahara; Soria-Mercado, Irma E.; Romero-Bautista, Leticia; López-Herrera, Maritza; Rico-Mora, Roxana; and Portillo- López, Amelia, "Los hongos Agaricales de las áreas de encino del estado de Baja California, México" (2015). Estudios en Biodiversidad. 19. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Parasitology, Harold W. Manter Laboratory of at DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln. It has been accepted for inclusion in Estudios en Biodiversidad by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln. Authors Nahara Ayala-Sánchez, Irma E. Soria-Mercado, Leticia Romero-Bautista, Maritza López-Herrera, Roxana Rico-Mora, and Amelia Portillo-López This article is available at DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln: Los hongos Agaricales de las áreas de encino del estado de Baja California, México Nahara Ayala-Sánchez, Irma E. Soria-Mercado, Leticia Romero-Bautista, Maritza López-Herrera, Roxana Rico-Mora, y Amelia Portillo-López Resumen Se realizó una recopilación de las especies de hongos del orden Agaricales (regionalmente conocido como “agaricoides”) de los bosques Quercus spp.
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