Address: 20BO Mirkovo Village, 35 A. Npeacrabnlbaha Or L-Laerahxa Noruta- Kuer, Stamboliiski Str,, Represented by Ms
MEMOPAHIyM MEMORANDUM [Hec c9.. uair2017 r., B rp. [1rppon, crpaHrre: This Memorandum has been signed today, May ..$.^.2017, in the town of Pirdop by: ,,EnAql4TE - MEA" Afl, E14K: 122016037, cac ELATZITE MED AD BIN 122016037, registered ceAanhqe il a4pec Ha ynpaBaeHre: c. Mrpxoao, address and headquarters: 2086 Mirkovo village, o6r4rHa Mr,tpxoao 2086, CoSraracxa o6nacr, Mirkovo municipality, Sofia district, represented npe4craBnrBaHo or rHx. fiparourp fiparaHoa - by Mr, Dragomir Draganov, Eng, Executive [4gntnHrreneH A[peKTop, Director ,,EbHAl4 nPEUJbC METAnC L{EIOnEq" EA[, DUNDEE PRECIOUS METALS CHELOPECH EltK: 122003576, crc ceAantlu{e il aApec Ha EAD, BIN 122003576, registered address and ynpaBfleH[e: c. 9enone,i 2087, o6qnHa headquarters: 2087 Chelopech village, Chelopech t{enoneq, CoSr,tlrcxa o6lacr, npeAcraBnflBaHo municipality, Sofia district, represented by l\1r. or A-p r4Hx. Vnun [rpxoa - JzlgnunHrrereH lliya Garkov, PhD, Executive Director and fl[peKrop u [aeraura KapauaaHoaa - Tzvetanka Karaivanova, Commercial Director, Lkouou NqecKr4 AilpeKTop, ,,AyPyEHC EtnrApHf," AE, EJ4K 932046971, AURUBIS BULGARIA AD, BIN 832046871, cbc ceAanilu{e il aApec Ha ynpaBneHile: rp. registered address and headquarters: 2070 ilnpgon 2070, fipouruneua 3oHa, Co$raNcxa Pirdop, lndustrial Area, Sofia district, represented o6nacr, npe4craBnflBaHo or Trrlt Kypr by Tim Kurt, Executive Director, J4snunHflreneH AilpeKTop, 3aeAHo HapilqaHr no-Aony 3a KpaTKocT herein further jointly referred to as the ,,EPYXECTBATA", or eAHa crpaHa, 'COMPANIES', as the first party to this Memorandum, OEIII4HA nfPlOn, E[K: 000777216, appec PIRDOP MUNICIPALITY BIN 000777216, rp. llupgon 2070, nn. Togop Bnar,troa 2 address: 2070 Pirdop, 2 Todor Vlaikov Square, npe4craBnflBaHa or Auren [epoe - Kuer, represented by Mr. Angel Gerov - Mayor, OEI{IIHA 3nAT}lqA, E14K: 000776464, a4pec: ZLATITSA MUNICIPALITY BIN 000776464, rp, 3narr,rqa 2080, nfl.
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