which the ralo t per month—at ■r h ι: it. Tlio Hoard ve n« ·lie prie»» vantage What overs about 1-5 000 fquare Ivct. Tb Jp ui_\ m i» be ju.»t!) proud. w in» a oar. miyhl of food mold Liic "t 1 In· cut practice. Next, I would ym $7oO,(XX),(KX) j w inl? Ho dc*ire building fronts up»n tha Battery, ai qua'ity immigrant! do these eniper* they lli.it those Modems who think tluvi ban liumiin lu to ι lu .« ho aie ot ul>out , re»l;.u mil ill the lotuiidii of lin· buildi ij; .Mr. lu'/'(/.'■ open public square twenty-twi I il the <>M ■ Ί!I> l»l Μιη'ΒΛΓ. î!octro. sooner ο tin·, tw him? I» tbi* tii»! tOBed NKH> Moid Jlnnona j nli limited number ol lion se no liinu lor bodily exercise will hiyli and laid out boarding acres, quite prettily platted "Only a IΡ υ ι/κι il'.ι Unir." III ν won I'd allions lion· < lho Board tt· lalor have lo liηϋ time for illness. Thitd they inaugurate t it i n r ε s t 'μ .\ r.'ï. It a situation η 10 licensed Mr. ceilainly is very hcahhf'il keepers by »— arable men? Il h alx) iruo, that an ol choice i* I solicit Ια tlie it when opportunity Riven ΙΟ IH ΑΧ Κ II. i»YKU>fc. li!" a P«)>IUh«i the piwpost pationago bullilings, II uiiliii lins been in public long t ium:\ h. t 'ν .il 'id'ntiMlily adapted ;iis > the ai id work η bcllcr thai ol and his enemies arc lor which il η used. The main fttuclun puces approved by Hoard, morning generally ! ^eries years, yet CEO. H. WATKINS. Λ tic--ol I— a γ!Μ>οι: blue ic i j. work l nialtci which Π· 'Ί « tirit μ wotiM f.iitl Γι»γ^< without lo lo i>ul that I vate mord aie Λι. ioetr·. ti. η lti« h· r in the bni nnd in hi·» lion n· sluuid not allude it comparatively, Ci -Lie Clinton, although many years old place dins slop Tl. in nui 1 i' ι'Ιι, hitter I! Ac ! Ιο I' J ten : Ιι< it : .:n I linve t* spot orjblcmi.sh. Cîerma n, know the ol an over drirm »·.. ·1- cut llif I'r:»-fr in \ jol 7 //".!/.ls II. BROJUTdi, Γ lï KM ti.··■ are Mill in condition. Belvvtcr l-rinlcd in the Knglisli, Ktench, dangers h id further said, (hat the caucuses The tribute ol tin- feis-e. j good i«i. i.ct· η a man cai > Italian ami Scandinavian ct i crowded town—il Well! Tlmr'it wave le « ·Ι1··«» tliiow loi his ben lit, liia lonr and it ν thousand emigrants can litui language Ml, wero "packed" by Κι we« llif IttcMi' 11.to. s m· as it 1 i«. not hi« ol what miic rtSic at wiir Uiat ue fiiimls. This far with 'he price lor board per meal, as weii ^el through day's labor, feel, charge, Tenus. Tin.· i|i : In* «mmotht'ons, their 1 leullk'I l>r-i:i, baggage, H I l!ii;i/lit >' "111 tin' tM tli.it lull ni h to i· ail alb'iiatioii » * exeit i it· etcr kind it without \uliii<.ui ailloli nil) thin;;, ·« l'r V<*. r—- l. ~»t il 1 :« i« I i Ί -Iril'·. < : and week, i'ho Boaid may be, II υτι«Ί\ Ih' li!tt«'it»« la the sot j ul the Β Mid > n*:u etenilt v. billon ftffi indtiu whoL· faut t* tt/ tem. ToiTfr ΛιΙν :ιπ.ν. I" ! r w ,t nil .ι over all the menns b»·· r or liom bon g .1 ion. wiiliiu its walls. It lias been careful sojiirvisiun Mippnri"—Hi'i' ι or hi- lri».nd«. did Ii'- I>nt lin· nit -Ιίι* ■ ·' !. liai Mr. li inilin, any· η loi r-'i»■·:·'···! ·■ i s it should l»c ferions consideration I ve W ■".'·!r h· I ι:f ! for the f >t houses, aud <<:Tuuls niaki Ιαϋν t» ρ to serin·.· iMiidida'et lav· ι ule to puipo'C of providing Tht' situ· in <■ χ Oi*y %rr Iwlult, tiling Rat i> of I -Advertising. !· !·· i- iii.ibIv t lions of and obtain iin.uodia ! him whether that kind ol liboi it li !<·( hi» election, nl .thai wa- d· lie by emi-i tnt« I'>r over \ea.^,. Ονοι liietu, Wont naMin 1ιλ»Ι··—piïilcetic>uliii|!i*«|. M *ι ν· » a ■ a ,,<· -. lifj'i twenty a a — is i at n Ami the li ienils ut the other candidate», ^··' redress in e.i-e ol » I ho boa π I hint all.''—From Ih· l'/tr> '!<>·ιί··ηί tlit'U Ί'.ιι■ II. loi eteniiot· l'or I jeoh of I ... *1.1 m·.! 1. cui^-ruma l.»nd beie omplaitit. For »|.w «i«k, A |w 1» iVr «be ι»|ΐι·η ; annually, chai ye tiiat can never be .sustained. i house i·· also υ'·> to nul ι· ·1<>ιιι t! t'tr Ih '-en Vr. on, moral:· Ί.ιη n of an lov >·, i iwS ,*»|i u( «r· rk, "nd when I was tl.iie rca: .\ tbrec thou· tg l:ec|)cr ige.l : youth at ι where ο ■·> I look Cumberland 'ounty, 1 it η ft utu tl titt.il .·! * *n< « t-.in piool, > « < til. Uv<'iithl· \i ni- ! )'··1 *::· ! wore a roluni to (he iïeaid the nann ι w ι» Messrs. I a ;l οι lir c«»i .tug.ilt I w. .its the build daily lie cutest mainly be'wren l*i n V « |h>u litl Horn. \V»· i|t> .nil «titr Ιπ ιιιι» till even tele. *TI. λ ;. II.d ti'iu II c ii in :■ ·!ιι ·' M-l iterft. (MmrfMkt «f Krbtr, talking. latigl ηιι,£, S line un i* a wake, -o . thai ediloi ilttci deiu ilali/tlioti out ol the Km it:,·' tU'p > M-m II or luminal."· are d< people suppose yrowiny « lui V» λ -on e ti ι uijurs OtlU p. i\hi4 iiut-ica I'll — up kind o| lives Ί h. lu ut .11 til nil f':ih ill· senatoi ial ti^hl m I hi-* county, been ex- «. \ ï r 'a < tl are rctiunrd to the < I nntnjagoipt bting^lul upon iiiiir iai tie:n 'tried, y ·■ u.s, and } evit.body in port That I llli„'llt III HIV |',lnl liu."' ! tended int·» ι h«· other eon ■ ι i s the lit·· Au «Ci** nth τ et. iliaga/iue". m tuu.-ci ii»ts and ojiiei ο j H :.t ι « V0f& I p« <>ur ο J.»» ··.:. Wuosl ver; tub irkuflon lie \;>· u so ol ilia ^ it in In· »rt I heart». ·|ο we. vins would have lost the — « » j, Legislature, » ν. H Il « L·' k«l\»li lit·· pit .tl Ί*·»ι 1.1> '.I lii'J ■> brains in and his owu in jiubi; I pit geneial, 'I li.inV Ι»··ι|, the v. i-l| i- va η. « »> oy which lin y value, tins doi.t and !.»-t (lir «laie. Dur I ν c4 ». iucûtki; *ic· uutionalit) t>;it |U in being rcprejwnltHl, : -a llial Iceds ou a kind I >AM X.::»' IIS, Si. Mil. was in. • li-.-«Mir the idle and wctotis Ιιοι Pellicular being Whether the party ! "i |i) ;<Λΐι.ι·> |- 11 »'t n.Itj —ι > fi/ij « ν iyc Kopu'j'icau L. t it tl·.»· o.lfk i. Auonu jog improper <Ί I o| loud something akin loaugcU; lli.il arbitrated ! y the ai I—or in «pite -· 'vhile will iheeifiiil < ·» corducl wa> l*itie t tit» it *iu. notjeeable. immigrating, they a lo do with lie love!·» in res, and —**C»Ij. I.-iiil, lliou knowest," prayed King L'aticuV -ha-nothing λ.γχ .·> a m iiun^iniuy spin only Jolt ri(l \ I I >«. Ι F.viii a> a «t I» -I exit i.d li l to the ;..i > l>«*rrt|>tion bi'tîin·'" ol" 1 t'.iuui! o..e ot iiic «· liit .lis at Ibe helping indilsti the issue r.iisc-d Kennebec."* Ti.»· I Conuee· icut "that I at» afflicted by .nul Nul > ttcalid. « dt eends lo this sublunary one ulicit duncon, l*t>Bi|>tl) I rotinil*-·! m th,·* in. c ν ν l'iv.iMUt ■> oïl", wi: > i>d \iituoiis u b e caucus has been a j art of the e, gave iu< though tiny may vs a system kpuli; naliiiu cries oui loi bes-idts iih niost.depr.ived -..n. Thou know· at* mil ·!« -lit"I I ..·» -ouitlhuig <»t ti.e ever Atikf l.fr U, lite lo. .· > who aie des ituto. in j J machinery l!"publican paity ov.iii^ inioi iu;tl »i tbe it ..·« tf\ tli ^aiding I ih lie «ill swmr am! lie and »(nal a<-· » ♦. !·>' λν h«.i It!»· 1.1 «U'.ilh » m .»··», ι·!· i>; (hat his saui-luiu with since its niul has been abb· ii> at.d tin re :ire nn-n isdico.ralcd organization, » ► mu ·> » >a t>. tiic \ ai i Ji woik, large aU-k' luo »*». w Um juiuuut »lu«·, < ii ι· manner c ti|> Al4 liir utvrnij «tl Vifalj > ol uir exotica tntl do all of sinful Thou in all laiming membership h : bmnpicis Mid pel limit·.i tilings. luicscd by .. ! n:v with Ι·>γ« a .. attt* : i. ; -ucl > u lais· In ·;·.Γν· tliLU- .;ati lite arrive, li was pr.vidtd \L-i :i. r <ιΐι i.t»! in the The clamor ti nity ui) biiitrt tl tn.it h;> nuiM -a .· (be Sal bath he patty. .-an to Llorbnd K» tu ι- ui\; d.;y μ.νιι.ιΐ,ΐν <ίι«| ji to ali i p'.i Util loti lu K:d i;, ! !ιθ > .iii .ill regaled i'd Mr. Hamlin's about -u on i:ileit g me. and I have t. > doubt by opponents, ι·. Π;·Μ|' U'crt·.»-tai ■, I lii.li. ·« was seen down llie «f.i v-t .. 1 tl -'.ι, with sweet m >rse and ituiu ail walking principal unui t ail I υ t in. bijoux, cuuru»e·is the old K, »' ιιΓι'- woul t lit rt ·» till re in work louiid foi tl "packiug simply ... l(. ir; 11 m<>tM id tl.0 Ih j t llr .4, ,» |.. (vt Ijat llà: thn lair da usels in the >trcet in lin.· \ itlage.wiih hi* hands in his stale of »: ··■ ···« va ·. :·.: I nen a \ieinity. eiy ''thirl, «toplhiel. Il > X * til>- : Ii :,* t'.o Ι* the:e if *·Ι.·»Ι>·:γ » -* Ut. «' -Il 'liM ί t «ll(l I ·!ι! ί ot tbe is.it» Korean, « La>i^iatïi-u on ,ui the* I.>11 j\\ In Iυ what Kennebec about « i:Ot· a utu tnt ,^Ι.: But yu pockets, lii-tlitig ing ungodly leply -ays i. ui « »t< l :»<■ wt-ok. • whi ο business ι exploring expedition lifi'.t •t Ncn ^o:k wa au it i> to pi ου e work ft ^ the υ;^a:../cd by act ot tine"—and the wire aston· "di»«iarelul scene around capital.Λ «r ... ur Ot It. editors ruuclu in*. and like liie in congrégation 'Hill atIÔ, and slii'd to !■ it· ^ iiI.cc I) » w uut »ea. Κ 11 io, will lin I an i>ea" tile l! ir.elo· Korjrtjf» brj loi a* trcpid you "open liai»·," I have lo teurtik ill .1 the CODSJstS ol -. * a "I ir. aud lind it.—S «ιιιΐι, Wusi only I »■ ton wbotB they tic lt»i.t tic J 11 Ικ-Ιι,ιιΊ Unit lit'· peiTSOSiS not -ι» lî froiu ; he deacon'' < vciy attained! ïuslj parsed tip lips. tin η who the for Mr. ( J»| ..· Notih and Kast. ami forward tlu in t easily engineered light /'lO/ÎA.MOHd/ &C rj on ttie i'..:tt> of nun ; ι >ii.tcd bj tbe ti. u n ·ι .uiuu.twV, t ome up these »taii>! Morrid will yam nothing by computing —.If «ίι .V ■< » their free ol ^ uiu*iy .tk';, h coii-îi: iitv the lija: li iht destination, The notes lo what took pit per, but charge. — in relation really look al the dingy walls! n.to llti- Among ilio later obituaries, the fol· V' > here is the "Inloi .n il ion 1 >m \\ lu i I'eep «oil- ίο* ri:n λ iii:it^i:i. .\oi ol the t i ν .f α υ iv VoiL and em," pi are around the eapi:al duiing lha'. loom ; u ji:n do »e he ιι ! i lie ecasole.-s lowing will net take a very distant » .. is a list ol ail iest, ûtn»i|i »i'· ('ο η ut htun !'·:■" yi\ .ϋ. ! tbe lYoi \ : vil (be tier· kept emigiaut boarding imui that Itllsoi labor add the "back seat." .s n after l HRL. M h:. houses licensed lh<· (bought, II 'Kcnm ioiynlb that llE m.m £» »-ietv a.id lue lYt>ideiiL oi the by Hoard; their dun; — teed lo <.U.k- 11. HlUkl. Hliscellani).·*> sound ol wheel Oh bun Γ. thuloincw out ill the non 1 both unanimously ay Lmhh (••«ilk,Ju. ol uf low, drcainy inning pairies I .-ii S >ι ■ r. guests; the lit i-.migrat.! ic.^ 11 ,ι.·»ο ;> reports reports III a tie m; iftil huh· in tile ibi'le their- ill ot a caucus, [)i wiLhiu wiict'i, mm I rdnd. fffOtlUil, lrgi»l:nite » aciing upon ι > > t oflLrr I ihesi rt w is *. Ill T« lll>v ctubei the 1><· ο J. I be Boaul meet making inspections I. re tin) bumble |*·ι·· 1· ι// ttn.| the and Mr. Ilamitti t-ticly nominated, K. I ill»* 1 ΛΜ ΙΛ1 V\ ti ll tlo we <.)e ? woo;c« υΐ ι>ΐ1:.Ί··ι-■ ι .,■· houses, other ileri ulllg, charycd at Λ» ic 1 oi'A Letter. tiiit'd lues particular*. Counsellor Laic, Oil loiters. awaiting Unguis; yieat .Viiil tin·-ti.tilill·' iun tiunblc aioitii 'i lo m\ know h lh it ol the eid- .Ittorney $· ·ιι ilso is recorded the names ol bmy dye many Um.u.i:\ i.i t.uli and ail person: *"> ) year, u ■ It I Η ΙΌ HI». NE. Nkw VvkK. l>re. ::»i, 1>.~4. masses ol manuscr a little Ihftt in int· tvl.iutlu »i»0'.v mi l the ,lu-h among Mr. Mon ill Iriends counsel- •î* to meet so as u rejected pis ; T &«l g> ai ο ko ibe .10 and etl.ng expected Inentls, li ne lli- little April ■■ open lite tOftltll but ed a and recommended i/t'i- Ln'.r 1km r ii:— We received an pu is to bed, Iim.i, t m ol to l< pile, careludy arranged.!Ii.it appeal lli rolher Mill W. Ill' I'. ρ «.·. and iLi.se tben iuit or elect notify ht· their ariival, and Arteum- can JO on" with Jane trill, 'II· /UiHo'ii to ileleat hin.r Aid intuitu.·», the Kiud.ioss ol wim app in the next week's is u<\ t.ioiign able lo and seated by \ ut \ .»·: the |·Ιϊ· e » it II li,- .«!· I. nut the tail bicausu certain h ad> ot tue i.iuou·. and trace them siibsi if ne did plot only to dt-p utiuents, .jnently Attorney <$· Counsellor at L-au·. ti.eud*. to lake it trip down the l>ay this incongruous iuas* i> tbo motive members ol the Kennebec dele gation re· their cessily le it. 1 lie Ian Μ Κ. designate duties. juire? loi.owing KKVK11I KG. otic vl lite new steamthijiH ol Ibe Stale .power thai the — P»ri>to«v li.is the fused to countenance the fch 'iue, and guagts are spoken in this nt ο keeps buzzing, rucking .Secretary begun COMMISSIONER ivr Htm lim* 1 he lii>t connected with Ibis depailm would not be transferred over to the tiump>ktrC line plving between New York and persons machinery busy il ils work —ihe weary w ard «lib which the « tomea in Koglisb, enem\? jjow and we veiy ;iv*iied ourselves migrant editor. that he t1 e giailly working Who wi?hcs government by one hun· nul \ ail this, when D. BI^Kll i\»4it ict lia..an, Spanish, Dutch, I'oiUli, l'ortu< discharging And, ith-landiug ol the to nee inner i> the con the work- "Boaril.nj; Bureau,'' cowl.I be one ? • It id and olliciala in the New Vo:k w:i* iecied the "la.-t oppilMly >:·-<·, Swedish, twenty Ml. Moitii lime," s tin- ot 11 r. «· « jli i ils at lb»· Norwegian. Danish, Counsellor at Laic, ηχ.·» and ol tbese gieat htalianed ul'icr a of the uun of Attorney & anargeaicni> II In mian. Su iii, Ku.-sian and Latin, c uuMom hoti-e. II.· will thereby cave majoiity (outside Oifor I t *·". it i.'i'.im· Marl Tttuiin Intrrvti'ic d. Κ ·. nei ■ e count who llllll Hurkltrltl, ouuly. ocean lue da> ap groundsSUh Island» whoa· about I \) <)iippjrted »liaiu>lup>. Lpon that 110 to co.ne here wil $-Ut».WU. .el tlio wotk go or, ilu ; i- I ) emigrant likely airains'. Mr. Ilamiin, had destilrd him Em. vu ν κκοη ν we airived at the dock «t ball > b aid :Γ1 ini luinjj resit-îs Question— How old a:o you? Ans pxuUd want a to CreiuMal; il.e country will the ini tor peison advise him in hi; applaud\on and jjone ovei lo <>cn. ClinmWeilain, ATTO 1* χ f. ν .a r i- ν w a~-» Λ aed al α.ne o'cloi-κ ihe ctii.ttvly af.e;· have b< eu wee— Nineteen in Juno. —Indeed! { „>Lt M., they ai.d it «ha ire of the liicuds ol Mr. Hamlin rahi'.d aiouml M own Then theie is a "lirokti? ii.just good paity H' 80 d; would havo you lo be thirty- live hiill and saved it 11,1 Ιιοαΐ dell it. where can ex demands. MAINE. evn.iuiried as to Ktchan^o, eniigiauia or < re I a· PORTLAND, lii-l, ou; gi.td^.ul) g.tiijuitf beadwa.v, cleanliness «>1 xe»· six. ij—Where weie you bom? The statements of "Kennel ', aj-Ρλ | their coins into currency — *el ; «certain tln> η change loto^n Γ). ice I).h becutie a heroine in t te to the /.al.on ol llio Hepubli· Lnln we pa*>ed 1...U : ud GovetliOi"« number of a!i< A.—In Missouri. —Win u did y un te ling organ al current Wall Street tales, wiihont can and its hi.· to ιρ to 1->όό is t- -enjrvi : number ol birth? and to wiiic.' 1>J>. — of hoirow party y I V H1DI.OV 1- and*. when »t tienuied down lite li.iv ρ deaths, gin Α.—In Why .how cun.-cipicnco in.'. but in wti.il lollow» chu^e or deduc.iou.and the\ are •ubHantiali^ euii.it, « it obliged ν aa\ Ua\e occurred the could thai it are and C unsellor at Lau\ al» pace. ïï» «trt »on parting during voyage ; be, you only uintocu lie does λΐr. Hamlin injustice. It Attorr,^ to provide a saie in whiuli emigrant* can Iirply to "Ki nnebcc." great Slaieu i-, t'jd on the ι ijbt, and ii;i\ rtci-ive all tha ? Α.—I don't know. It docs seem will be remembered that the ΙΛύΟ iiH / ν ir tscE stmkkt. complaints immi^raot4 year free of any valuables On the Près* : ami • m iv har«* to make to on deposit, chargo. To Editor of found Samuel Wells Governor every >r. Ρ Irnl >t Utd^e :.od l'on Uitaiillon on ibe ieù. ; nud remain curious, somehow. Q —It does, ibdoed a αιι and iu ΜΛΙΝΚ. which they uiay have, and receiving Will you give old persoual of iho state government PORTLAND tuen i»ix luatui anù me «^nuaniine oitd m «ce that runners, sharport, and Whom tlo you consider the luosl remaik- ilepailmeut Jn alter, icved ibe ctll e:s Iroiu ibe Landiiij; Burr it you ate only nineteen years. ultimo, upon quel· In tlio light. To find *T llieiejj* 1 advice he may nred iiee of cx tion l'iii·· letter, ft ο m to end who could lead the rûrthni1,Mnlnr· <1 o»int h »,.e« tva* to who e\ iciso Λ — If know uiore about me beginning bearer, KwpubUcan ί kb »;·< ί·#Γ -«·. bieii Huronu," general euper· N"e»w, you ία u vli/.v. Λιιμ il An iii * /kl \fi Ci a .It. keep Tiien too "Htillroud hosts to was the .· .» a ρι;ι.*ο, Agency,' great que«li»n *ί·^ ι» \ uù.. ...m ν.·»ι, η a:.d une ιο tiic ilo mn vlotoiy, ρ eiiU-ttfU 6- Uoutgo· ( uautui, Imiui^ranU than I do, what you a*k lor?' er oi eves vvi iii lo *U Ouf. ΙΟ V-.-CUi where an Blalno. iIim hour, l.i lurned the 1*1.road llokeli arc sold, at Λ II I. _ .1 _«■». ti .lie eoii.1. w>re «ors t:«e ex iroinaiioa «ι ibeu "*·| "»"Τ «· *.· ·*»··! ·'«»·' iHk'dU.bitf 1«" ne Κ *2a»u \\« ed ilu.iiijj baggage ggo·» In tact. Uie careful reader of lliit ex· Hanulbal Hamlin. Ll»e Sua* Wrlgbt, ihe le^.nAi rate». ι.:*» ^ :si ini» ortl sauie communh-attou cannot tail tu and Gen. « κι.ι>ι.ο\, with a «i lecUid dionet on board, aûιυΛΜ blows at Mi Hamlin, Mr. Biitme is iho ΛΐχΙ more lliati tin.», he had long before 1:ικ(-η oil boat with tue bit: to the iu hi-* one and ho u-kcJ me to I >1 ΑΙ \ o> ptiol pilot, protect immigrant every tuueral day, man lie is we it the oil HI Z IK 1 Λ I.V liio > »r in η laud, reaily after. While feel this time liiily derided to lcaru |> immigrant strange — " ■ >. > wt se\ os«!bie Ituiu the \V ).r* tflkDXfM Air. Y'·] k (. tlBUf and ii tound ne te U-lween enly- I way duiiug the IrauMei n.akeless nuise, and Q.—But, would bo safe to leave Mr. with whose crew, he had not good ι erleclly Hunker (tip, nolo to speak our language, with, u 1 lite ai.d o:.e Ltindtcd iiiilt? liu.u >ai»»i. vi'aiiin l ) tiie tug wui h lakes ibem and lic.Hius! it you were ut lus funeral, lie Blaine to "answer lor himseif, both no or :iflili..tionâ. and fight a sympathies, penny in the world—still a piotc.-ting and to the t anks. The state -con· J. V » KI4.1I Γ. llouk. tbeit l-aggago to Castle Garden. muet have been ilea·!; and ii ho was special general, specifications in tlto Republican arui is always ο rev thorn while in cbat'jjt' contained in this informal indictment, renti*u which nominated him, was a We weio loi an houi l.wvv ho care whether AT Τ OR Λ Ε Υ AT L A «*, efii:-.U4 tround Γ an i val the i« sunt to a dead, could you or pun baggage ut the Commissioner* of wo cannot foibc.ir to notice two tlnee grand ovation to his ability aud honesty ; IMRI<« RIT.L. «IMK. or when wi· ul ·>αιυκ« on Emigration. made a noise or not ? A —I dun'i know. so, caught ijjiii αι_ .u ! : tliut ρ ill'μ M,ontncea-l mm and the led by him that year, «· ft. exliaodinary allocations, prominently campaign ·# « J.· ... *1- as la. i.ie a of a beloio the with a 'flourish hi* election ... ι·.» ..ifU.i;. the wtkUt coxu lenca. >ι» 11 ii;e .· uas a Ho was always kind which exulted in aiitc:. » ,^Γ. ej® >iiidii:g, uml capacity particular paraded public tnumphant ot be >i were :>Oalt tttiiupcL>* seldom i.i by this about 20,000, will long remember- Thete llitee οίΐκι pt.ot wuhiu turtle "torsge of over ΙύΛ""J pieces t>l man tbst way. —Still, I djn't under iudulged by Crabs In Ou&ter*. old wurhoue of tiio "heroic ag»." in ed. as one ot the most brilliant O. >. UlUUBl ItV, H. I>.. ine distance oi about sive iu.ee, ami wt stand it all. Υοιι he te political It !l i!;vir!ei Into say «poko you ■ bayglgf. nmpait·' i iu«r an oyete once— about u* lUbbj Maine ( itics. campaigns, ever had in this country. nee st-w same didut I Ay SURGEOS, ail rued lo the at lite lucnt*. l-ach ! a letter o( the and .(hat he was dead ? Λ.-I Mr. Biuine is wiih tho heinous Tue was most PHYSIC * designate by and limp α to!low as one could wish t< chaiged senatorsbip deservedly MOKH IT. «ΛΙΤΕ. t;u*e, It; ou. "V.ippei slid lii^y weioaii aiul hu\ brass checks in say he wan dead, Q —Hut wasn't he iflenee ol declaring hiruseif frleudly to conceded to Mi Hamlin, and he was ie- u!p:».iLwt iug moot. To be *urc lie had just been luiu it ufti ·.· til u·· 1»' « the reelection ol Senator Hamlin. And, elected without a voice in the JU i: after it. and tor the next two boui wc ill;; .au «,.ondmg tu thw letters, 'dead? A.-Weil, s>onie said bo wa», ant dissenting «. 4'. t ed oui ol house ur.d home, poor tiling a man is elected to jeive And vet "Kennebec" well knew I>< 1-M. «i.o a irions race lor —Wh it did \ou really,—bccauie party. Nui«a\ Mr h.i\ing s that an.s ru altered irou 1 to Ô 0, some «nid he wasn't. in nccoiding uiul ι he spirit was jtvuy well out ut liinl iho "people ol the Kent ebec district ing all these facts, in sarcastic, sneering I. I ΛΙ>·», Λ1. !>., Sieuil.cl to nt: W.i.lWOU.d ^Ut Λ pilot •ο ν One of these check·» i« at· think? Α.—Oh it was none ol my busi- ihe-llih h is no to asserts tiiat Mr. Il:uu· iptdty. 1< that's ι. »thing Let υ η< r there. l'u Congteee"—he light language, broadly on board h it. We were ail wet through t.iJa.l ta i cc ul and the ness. It wasn't nuv of my funeral. entertain au much less to ex· lin bad no motive, in connecting every j baggage told that often ate found with lim opinion, higher PUYUCJAS $ SCRGEOX, ojslots was — When the contest than and bt-foic we reached tlic it *'.c \ou—~ ? wc can nev»r press it himself with the party, run». >1 1ΠΕ. thiungh long »(■ given tu the ciuigiaal. \\ utuh· bt It*· |)id However, publicly. Republican SOI Til nabs in I licit houses. How can this between Mr. Hamlin and Hon. Lot. M. the and ti.-hes." w 1 me a natural lo\o fur "loaves B— un J. I». Wih.am» » »;«re, m. amtr, hich pi ved to be one of the iueu iirw at the eutiance to the this matter Let ask you 0»ri> posted and how doc·, the ease Hand ? Does tin stra.ght. M it was all foi Mr. Blaine to ot" this scurrilous at- m ■· il α»»· trill, right I leave the author Hit· Ai. ii was ■ WLiit Star Line from lie no ut is about else. Wbat the .... iu· Liverpool, I'ouiu.&.id removed Something off his and throw his wear ho » ι J piece oaggage ciab go lu to cjtch the oyster, or doc shake "neutrality," tack, to pre udly all the laurels wuc loituuate to there first, without tin* ol tiio • Into of y out birth ? A—Monday, Oct, influence in favor of the latter; but now, can win this mode ot war- enough ge:. presentation duplicate the catch the crab? Is it a by guerrilla MAINE WATER CURR oyster pccu a tiio of are in the ai d o..: w,i> aboaid, and I went check. The li j.it d iniures the ;JI, IG:X). —What ! ! That when candidates field, fare. pilot put baggage liar kind crab warranted never t( impossible I \ or COIi> ΗΓ^ΓΑΛ i>t tor luck to defeat the life The of w:ir have been let loose w ith Liai, to iio:ne ou lor hem:.: ot the to the would nuke 1»0 old.— "running long dogs tu I tiualr lutalldi along p.eleiring χο the emigrants ycu jears Dctufrtl Lirlualvi I) «low tig, er, it net, λχLut happens .Senator.—why, Mr. Blaine inust assume from their kennels rind following upon tae to t ie \v:.s lor that'.' I don't \\ Λ 1 1 MAINE. tlcauier pilot boat. It «vient ol Ό, tu cuvti lois How do you account lUFOKO. any by That is to it it's a baby crab o! an inotttfiibiro neutiaiiiy. the tracks of every Serator and Repre- >1 1> say, o.»ly W. I·. kH 1 (TI CK. uu .*Lm»ui lour or five o'c l*. M. and iiie. is given the crni· account for it. <^.—liut you snid at first It is cleat, from the tenor of this are re tl.e Kvery laci.iiy the suit, what becomes id (lui quite sentative elect, loudly echoing v»·»» 1 II I I >1 ^o>, ο Ulcus and ciew. :Le ot the near its a successor to sIm be with- [ ibciigci-, •j i.iMiij; laL^iia^·.· immigrant. I district, and close, know that it Mr. Ilimlin u!<1 The Coat Our Recent li ar. H Κ 1 F >· The uie .·. of his Senator will l>e there would be one et Di IM IV g Ι'. stceruge passengers interested ici.t to ai il in making necessary ex- I 'nUn re of Success in Life. neighbor, Morrill, drawn to day that And would not the veteran Sen- ever ΓΙΙ ΜΛΙλΚ iiiuie than the other?, because w ere wive assistance Mr. David A Wells has lurnished the ( chosen. ihe most paily quarrels sOI ΡΛΚΙ*ί. ihey planations. and him any lleic arc useful dι-graceful suggestions troqi ator whose raise the now in A', le.ul hall a dozen < ·. ·.' lui ι Speaker pro- kuown M.;ini? Φα Λ ^ ..It lite most set ot human Club ol with an essay btlhj looking m the matter, as Uiiiish Lor« I I Cobden England ti required. member of the Parliament, claims, remember his efforts, and aid and seeoud or third late ambitious politicians 1 ever saw—the loi and the income and taxes ol beings g \oyage, The then into the who is a man. II> upon cxpenics, back in kind Is it would îu-h on to the track, and time is ο I immigrant passes Deri»), îobust, manly pay usury? possible τϋISM, the «ui- kt· from the lurnacea, and αιοιο ibe I'uited St ites We copy the follow· that Mr. Blaine tees les- clearly within no tlmt tocl·.! ι·· 11 who would bui liii£. ami a* he enters is examined : I man living Dixfield says .ice DEPUTY SHERIFF, the want oi a first class statement ol the »ostt l llic lit Lei his teach the tenancy ol the White House lh«· ι· e 01 win in the ι nty. me paii.culaily 1 fflcials 0: the Hureau. apd a medical "Take two ni3n, if could b< ing I "get uxruKu coi by tlicy and would consent to be made Senator— «.·- made lo tended lo them a lion : The whie!· been ,ιΟΙ .1 ! tlMl'Wil t< ■«(.rubbing, give dingy ol to I tkUeDipt If I'lf μΐ«Ί otlictr, the object which Ls detect lound, exactly alike in mental and bodiij not now, but when lie shall leave the Ctoiiiuit Mr. Hamlin's une wi:li lien. W Au*. IT, appearance. S«iue ol theiu appeared to ι The whole cost of the war to the North· ?" the presence ot any contagious disease aptitudes, and let one go ou carelesslj Kennebec distiiet in the 41th Congtess Ifutler ai.d that class ot' politician· in tl.c I I HOW be quite and Uikativ while cm anil SouMn rn Stales from !*<·ΪΙ lo lstî·» ! heii's tho rub. The November I which h.is it IM l.nD E, intelligent which in-iv have c>oaped the notice of the uid idiy, indulging his appetites, ant I Ah Republican pui y brought othus, the le?·, we about lin m the is J as follow;: Li vt s, elections have thrown such a iuto is a tiick wotthy of the «13· .: ·;:ιο an·! to discover il a life of nn< I estimate 1,000,· I "poss'iU)' dUreput·, κ ! (Ju tflrer#, generally leading pleasure, dark shadow over Mr. Blaine's who it. IxsfKAV» ^Vgf.nt bjiiei. 0">; destruction, waste,etc., pros pec political demagogues originated ΛΟΗΐν \T, >IF theic arc to the or let the other train himself hour* properlj.by any beljugitig pauper l>y early live 'tenancy of the While House'that he is a that can never be Mtcce?siul- We arrived oil about seven «ί'.ι,ϋΟο,ΟΟΟ,ΟΟΟ. Tne gio.*s ji game omi ϋ— -ν Γ tOJk-o. Quarantine thcu on to t< expenditure to Mr. Morrill's criminal cbuses. They pas* l.y temperate habits, and by giving may be willing become ly play d V ί :: I I.· f»· "l wer„· o| tho l ulled Siateu from June 1 SO 1 to • rf-l 10 L.:"o »lti) o'clock, and boarded Custom π successor. That would be m y of Maine have known Mr. WTl.l by tl. ; desk o( thecleiks, i\hero the name, muscle'· and biain each their lair share I ι "goring 1 la * Ml this the· peuple II. -e c filters and Ileal.h officers, aud July ISM, γό,79ι'Λ'ό7,0υυ. ox," therefore I w ill bio ν such a blast up ilamun toj long, they have been too well a^c, *ex, destina- and at the end ol two ο 1>K. 4>. I*. JOM>. nationality,occupation, employment, war were about on horn" as will scatter Ham- wuL record for ollicei s w aoin 1 ultei λ a ds a»tei taincti actual expenses £0,:]l2, my '-bugle bis public by dale of ariival and are ctue· ihree years will be as wide ii acquainted tion, ship, they apart lin's "honchu t n, followers, aud uiote ilia il a ol a century to le weru ir 111 C'aitie Garden, wlio circulated 2S7.O00. camp quaiter IDEISTTISX thus a their lor exertion as it ha< and miners" into wild such false hilly recorded, giving complete capacity they sappers contusion, I deceived aud cheated by any t -ee il iu.· The expense* of Staled, counlits. ciliis 1 am< i;g the p.isïtugera the I am oft' Mr. Haraliu a setvaiit îccurd ol each passenger. The total been born with \> holly ditto rent çonstitu md, while killing pretences. To displace public / had .i:·t- lo make and towns in the Northern Stales, not in I will Mr. Blaine's one who > 17/ .Vit'.. MAI SE. migrants any couip1 of lamb I last α 1871-5, prepare who has been tried aud proved, number passengers yeai ! lious. \\ ilhout normal healthy condi i ;r-i y λ l.vi*! Ν catxi. lut'ie were .-o:au about im· by funded debts, have been "ascension robes," and burial in 1S7H-7. ever baa been found bonest and true, lur complaints tamo as a no I represented was οΙΟ.Γ,'Λ. of A'hem tion there can, rule, be lor a ï£uul**J. h.iit'11,7-·!! I goo· 1 at » increase ! This "bugle bla-ι" of "Kcnnebcc" is the sake of with new .«>, lovtl, aaJ \o. \\ c estimated $500,000,' The experimeiuing I overcrowding, t.ι ease of luis ..i,i iiie immediate lîouid, woik: and though lhal ipialilicitlion can She succession in 1*77, and it is only be and uuliied man, is a kind of logic the on uir.e debts on tlie war account was i»k. κ. m ι ιι;ι ι>. lemawied board unii. o'clock, — the number ii besccurcd >·>, Ireiamlbeing about SO, Ό. iny iules, a little uuuunouaeiiiu and can points large majority BEISTTIST, ! and debts is esliui.«led at as m the ot the Hon. Lot M. York, where we arrived about eleven , county being way state, representing the lie) ublican patty, ^15; ΓΙι .-e who mav wish to communicate »vill go a both.in an< long way scouring w Morrill a« his own sncccssor that this eln declared in 11· well k,r our Οϋ<>.000. Total ir expenses wt the i«»y it the lakt state lion, soi ru pinis. vV'.ocn. paid s are t·» λ daj'itexperi w ta abi·. i.t 11 i«. ni referred e'erks it. On that I ι'i ! violent all .ck is made these two ot Mr. Hamlin to the V* it : M u. : piesciviiig point ^ivi upon vor of the return W *1» l I «c >:>·«* <«»u·· w!t : .* i al States unci the National Government, ence. 1 1 < η «arb tuuutli « ;» speih and wti.e Ih-ir liiugurgt*, .ι ii. i t;- 1 ,t it ·s in* L'entlemm. Sonate, aud it remains to be s< u ??·'·. -jnthk'. ; • ·■ ·' .· AnW now a few words in to the w these in the com- ; ·! nrr-.cs .in il.i h.o ι λ ».λ1» hut Ι- αι.) hod), unit reply hither Representatives w ι, > <■> me lo s ι. .it. t. s made "Kenncbce" Mr. will and hon- •jo y ·■· '· Tbe e-lirouted diied charges by against faithtully i-it : ! J'i. *0 i- eg te ]>r«· 1.1 c.\c. »c \<.iy 'lv .u.. i.v I the Conh. Urate Sta'ts on account ol l! e estly represent they !.. ic -iiowt) wk« ιβ to ru« uie aud over t ,i ο J ; ;,►! ; ^ liJgi.iii.g prospect He is guilty ol li e oft', ι se of having will listen lo the clamor ol politician-, ν, ι «. ..vn t t. le < i.it'dcii 1 t \t war wore i.O; pa·-t_· uck -is,si. bsiggaj;· ir wuj, ed, ijji to J·· gene through; so that tin warm personal Iricnd·. This is true, and. .ludas like, betray their constituents. LifJ SE Σ ÎCI,11 .1 1 bot. to HÏlÎtt— — t>ii pjj»t < l> And the fact is troublesome those in the ni'ιι who have rut g. lU 1 ok(-41, nod >th nr. cmveyed to the uiAij sv ho cait ut. -toji hiuisoli lu taki Aggregate estimated exports of the very We have lull failli who arc hard to deleat him. to lhi-iι V ( working this trust committed UXKOKD COV-N tai.rt'ft or steals. Iree 11 h.trge. 1 .ou lungs cc>i.y, hicli ia ju,.e a·» mu.h ι war to tli. counuy, North and i>outli,ji8, impoif.int This is a very Etrange accusation to bting care, and full tait It that they will retain t .1- («a. η s,', i.c nu ex'reuu· saiu!r> aii'ivt and depart tho w» e d iy tuai'.· t i'« as oi nature, un· ι io.3,-j'7, S. ..v. re ni o.tlv u:-»« C •tuy.-ii. .^diiic against any man. It proves too ini.eh. lo il;e Luited Slates Senate, the cfi-' ·i:- 'i τ .1 ii ·:·.«. .· 1 ot ... » u» » i l 1 1 J! »i.v !, i.oi;: ve. .-c 11,, appai« n. y casing λitOi ■) Ui.ll U.'ichaud wit] The l >la! receipts fi mi aH sources dur and re-acts with terrible farce upon it- guiihed :>lalc&juaii the j eopje have des- ··- .i. s «tu Ci. : w ' '· ι· > wi'tu In the imc he i- i» \^: Ν· Y ciiy, ct.c uuil s· aisytli jig ol tht i!ty leyonil that what ί I.as to de, av< i endue huir îng ihe second year is hvc to his j.arî < "ii art he friend». <>π> Πντορ.ι», ed w ici, c ituiar u and w nidi meets the <·}<· in 1 a-·-!"^ and etivt u* wciHimnt, I a^ a great ad I hc wero tdgncd,becamc Uuuur Γ.»·<1 .ί rt /*r«* J i Ikinson of Bath arranged Early Itrmv, Katie Material- by the payment ol sums less than $4.000, i King-Spiritual his with some additions, SMITH. J which shnll be allowed to accumulate till The Sentorlal Quention. I entertainment, i ration. New Year to all. h s tu I Inunda- : ν ill be next Friday evening, Τΐιβ name ui Smith U awocialed with —Happy Democrat. it mount lhr*t tutu, when be Γ·> (he Editor of Ih* Press r«-periled (•Mori) re are a v«y 1*. ίο be :ι lari ibat I he 9 appear* | lion will be ; luurtii aniiual or .1 an. I. A small admission fee ol 101 e the —Christinas was a complete l»v Ιιι the lutter published in Mond »> ij, early hi->tor\ υί Bethel, although ioveiy d.ij. 4 mint who have other i'onli iitulions than thoje heroiotoru wmu'' i»· iuteiligint |»ei«oiis ih«· «ill be asked. 7 tickets will witl.i.» — ®/r«.v, Irom "Old Oilvrd," c euls l4' pi oneerol thU nam· did nul settle On the tirst ρ.-ιχο ol tin·* wi'.l ι .*:i PKCI tint:η r 1*74 < I in such *uiui as ihe cootribu- nul ii:i|ht M U \Ί Ι··! ι in ivhal r.illnl mentioned, late* "candidate· Iwr Senator·· 10.for *1. An «I gi>nrrelly that Did for V) cents, and ,j β limit» of Bethel, but in 8ml ι c lound Hon. J. .1 tor- ni;»v ·»«· »1>1«< or to give lor with «Inert present Pfirj's rij»ly t<> ■» in .- I he h.t* a te« bni 1 willing wero rlrcteil doctrine t«pre>enuliVM 0 will be served to those who t>< called lh<· cstaldishmonl ol a tree l»ed ini)«l ; the the ie*ult ystcr supper ,ry Canada Plantation, «ince Kennebec." Decisions. to elerencc to this issne, and NcW">pjper w\m .iiiiic.itmn. and i» understood to bo invested the in tl it alter the exercises. Ν β acroM principal .«aiely by indicated a decided majority esire wry. ΟιιβοΓ bii«n«ns moved — II » learly Mr. .1. Rnwson, Pari* iliil, has Ati >'U · *pirit.« Treasurer with advice re of Mr. Ila.ulii».'' We have lecelvcd ι»· of the e line into Bethel 1,11,1 ..rti.-.- u I: I .ivct-·| M hi- UMT W hVor ol th· election report many jeais «g°· i • r ίιο..: Ih on lo be eab\ Frunch lire chimin'» s — to earth from mittee nud the interest · «· Un· piouf luui|> ». κ - rite»· puted The did ^ lethodlsi Chiistiuas exercises itérai olihe descendants ol in»· ; of the people i»atii»i<-'h , riiich are -aid to u » for ihv }it\m»n«. and appropriated for the benetk poot be made a mi*tik··. »o withstand tb<- Ιι< oi heir nit1, now a abode 'omtttvicrf, ■a**, aud I think ii wtrc ol a very ; J It Λ »κ*γ< >u .. ilfrs'h |.t|»r, .1'-.>λ»μι»»·.^Ι. j who treatment aid 'm is bet leai tlint they i, »νβ Intermarried with Bethel leuiilie*. ιν ι» tn.iy require is concerned t lie llaiue. Pterv.-t alt r.rr>" w ihc in ^»rr Γ he*· manifestations Itnve to —Norway play collect generally •in. J. rallie* thus endowing Iree inderalood to lie pledged innble Ubyihith to tmee one ol lire ι:»»- ι· irous the orS»·» «·γ ι».·Ι. poslively Our America at ('· neer» > waâ <\>u*in." » lake iKvurrcti under circumstances, beds *b htvu ihe ol tie llrdl, J. thclViri fctr^.t.·*·, 1. 4lhMietV.,Hki j peculiar til privilege nutiiing uihci caudidate loi U. Seuntor, Piauo-key Manufactory. unci"»* Smith families back through '■«·: INm thv »h»«i oSre, text i'.f* -f· it»r* i.u«t >'1λ'|Ι> conditions. if admitted, «hall ii either m caueua l( \Vedn«sda\ liikel- ι ttn»-*U»-.t iii'i They perso»!·, who, regularly everj om· defeated, Mr. Λ I Never» ol Norway is vo centurie» ami to the lint enn· »'Veiiin£. tit Γ ««moving :iny Noyc /rUM. "rapping-,1 these who uile a liue Sleep ^ runt unceUor. ! »r more th an a hundred ** wbure no such nomination is made, I know ol but one nud Representative — R<>v S. !>. Brown :tp!»nowlt lr i-iu'V* "writing by spirit banda," ds l»e same manner as has ι Mnufactuie oi piano and organ key tj families tl»«^ mune 1,ανΡ· h<· bi ntiiy tilled in the va* pledged to, or who given ny l*ariiig To Sub l( Iiiiiel Smith, the s-'lller in |>rc-eiit !mm on that Interesting y. em:> not made in health, and was elected ^ at lbi« somewhat ne* faiih has Ar'. Γ» individual £Ood mtidiamlin, ' lit week and the couitesy, ^ whs riend-i UV-i Paris. t«> OO the Ihu'HI' Dfmc* Any re electi»n by proprietor's udbury Canada idauU'ion. born in (>!# J»**> DOvlgC on ol shall be enti'.led to It he vote» lor the ht a«iwnv in ibis world ; payment #100. ground. our a — great skeptical be will I \ rv me al»le lo give readers descilp· | Ν. II. Ho w·.·» occ Mr. Daiii·*! Pay«on, >, CRU «ub-« ;>r linj; rit«ney (he lire u«e of a bed tor the term ol one >l tho Present Seuutor luUrepre· NOtWUOd, by uj.ation po-tmist'i Evfrjj Lon· ; w iv nud \ V rtlc Proteose; ami three t nf iLe work. to v'orth Warren, and hi- wile yet ar lt\>ni the d ite of said payment. lent hU eon-uituentes. Ion ji lailor. In earl) m mhood he moved 11 rears aud ι·»γ oae \cu in t'lvaiuv ) ; oui d dead in tln:r b» ·I -i i for Η· ι soient t-:-and Kobert lUlc Owen- Kor the writer to mate Hint Oxford Sen located on a small j llu.it .1 I. Xo Irec shall be con 'Πιο building is Kl!/, ibctli, iiuv i mat l>7»·. at the rale it *1.'*' patient "reference lothi* a|m having soly per its wi:hout a special vote vasM· λ ni) i* with war matter·.— Pond, powci tire fur — -uppott. for he in not ol these supplied ape duiing independence, cur last cr linul Jan. 1. 1>7ύ. lur th it ignorsut The aiticie, in i·*·*:»*». 11. /-1 Λ η<"Λ demonstration ha* aiiseit during purpose. uncommitted, ι •τ n l«'» horse waier wheel. I'ine ^ Itwth Senators are power at hi* tiaile. thl» ■ cutirely oiking By marriage ( I lo ihfl Μ tt'hi is i iton. ( ' iiuk'i ι! the uio-t uttered or written baa> ili j i-: y< .ir which 1ι»·> excited Neither of them hare ( rood is Hied for the Lej «, ^ ο bad *iχ as lollows: II Molef. pian· oliildicu. vu- in ih Port Caucus. ha- n>e interest in Philadelphia. It irood (<>r lb·· organ, and lliev are l,ht. ι camo io where was t*« I b\ weie selected Jr., Ncwry, f'/c ! ut, so n.» ·» Iia* 1° —Λ Senate caucus loi anv candidate. «; ihruugb mi-tike, it » ;«. ».! ·'; Him re- In They I aù this ari-♦ the .ican Thei» Lucy ipppuod th·* Vu· 40UM3 v;iii ·.·.*, which itscti in form, Kepu lyember* a a state. Pur tiuieiy lui m -ι·ίηι could prc-ent Jau who desited to be slate ι he uiinuÎAi'turcrs in rough (l u the I uni on liver where h h ol sentiment and gentleman Sjmlij — Τ lie A a to I.· *'-»u 'Katie Iree inten-hiii^e opiu because liu was uses my J-mrnnl iu doi »!t peciaiiy appîicai».o jnlative ulo'bed and 'materialized.' kiug.' Senator was withdrawn | a favorable yerir Mi. Novers ^ m »ow liv.s. llo alio left other >o«i Hie ng at.ιι·*ΐι .· » ion on tlio concornmg another was Ci'di'd edi'oiiii ti.at ii- | ca^cs, as follow* : or the questions to Mr. Pel ham, and «Γ leet «Ί -x'tlird. undertook by thiough ipposed •j.iMNuii'ct pine lumber, , married iti· ».Ivio<> .ii \\'.i .ii· ».! Mates tud the C'urren v' ^ »">· lie «vas understood Id daughter» lim^tou ht.au member oi a name ol Southern Jeleated because l.\ try I.c^i- ot a in vn the 1 las*. and worth of which 4 win lor a in no?t clieei mill .l\ char u Kept) management by «κβ the eleciiou ol that gen ilU.·»*» ivoiy, •,id several yeais blacksmith 'ijj ,;γ.»· iii_' r· <» hold·» the ma ! tioii. t»i ihe foroier uo conclu-ion «trougly iavor aturc in which p :;· of this "mal'-i ial· scls ιrd lu ihu τli»· Κ Ho. ut -, to act the pHit tne S. Semite. i in tuulaelured into f-0 each, ρι·ι \ afterwards moved to Par son- Ί·$· jiri'sjHM'ls ·( i> or I uru lb" η itional I was ·« llemau lo I', •ruiouih; •»>r: y c.vi he piw> arrived at, although there general jiemlieis a ιΐι·! κ ton nd tor several m >ntli.s ha# I tie did uot enter into the do- of and lie ·; two ngtrein·'upon ot it hy hi» vote lor Sena- i/cd" spirit ; question nunlh. pi.wo organ keys, eld; D'l«'/ and Poll·/ married pect j· iïty thai Southern disturbance* ou^ht convention, where Ttiiuial bin ·* under been a"!·' to deceive the among feeling ot our ewunty Iroui si\ to twelve hands—six tor It such a me®! any ptc-i pnolio, nie» ings •rnploys L rot lie ι» Duuted and lived in Γ ir- commun Lougee — v to we and that weak Resolution* hu « to a c.imu-i Owen and lb". ; thèse nun were nominated. I n,»te li;i-i pi-ef ! U'U^e i^.bai despotism nhoiu wa- Uoberl Pile ι In· lorcr to per- imfield : C'tth irint man ied a man name I Vu^inia some form. Mr. Purhain were withheld, •eing geneial irqiiired lo f·- inn !ι ν hi·* better ht· betrav·» «huuld be in favorable lo >u|'|«: il ■·. judgment, protected oriu the amount. Mosi agxiual Child. and all ot favoring I above mentioned j lortt » and moved to New \ "ik >erh ihc m >-l v.·. Ixnh h * at:·! the country which Indications arc mote bopelul on the expressions focling ψ«, ρ party Oaeu aud Our of in Boston Il he tot»"» for a She actually made many Mr. Iluiniin weie also suppressed il this work is lairied Aaron B.ulun Hilton «iutl uii the -t:ttutc- oi ill. country*. I π ι · would -t?rve by it. Financial Soualoi- aie dis disposed (>e* family had been tleml a que?lion. Senator# wore selected tor ihelr aluutv let ll im t'Π I ttr tt hoi η he »!<ι«·« not respfit, who otnet- bt-dove that she hough some goes lo New \<>ik, and j t !t loi mer i»»«p ^ ·('·■«*:»· to uioui/e, and wboul was ieti luii Otiu^ and and this or ralM ι ι > d.l· ml < is to the a·· one ot th* but in a posed integrity, que*tion Κπιχτη countiy hundred )eais, had returned both mine lo St. Johns. buried his wile in * 1 low nomo to a better Curreucy in iheir bands λ about inatructioni, Hiving M>H i.uli»·.- .ii« ill* Mi' 'li 'ii ιi! meii v. hi» itte l«»r the seeu result favorable lor lit -o that her cotild be The lumber is plaiu body lor tlie a|>p<*ar·'»1 to Specie payment. une ut a dim and exhibited the public. consider the matter and do what in tbeii η to inks, three lour leet, and now he m l u the are such tbii<£« ugbt members. pi by wheie imed _ iiiJ ci which yioot* was discussed t»jr ihe id Si.uidiab) lii,· pra teal vffec< I ho ι w -ιanew- wete had nnJ ex· purposes was lor the best interests nul one iiiehes :ind niter m ('nJrf Vt^i'û the ffrab. Μ..;λ many judgment fourth thick, ol l>um · 11 : tb« »alaiy of this Bill are the Rcond wile. Anna, daughter i-iun ol ttii* Su ι it ! 1 ■ι1 t»» r·'· The purposes tixmg the state ι. M>»t\ hi »:!;*««. th»» h«v*ti!itl 't-iloriu< d and audconuty. i^ the «· th*· peiiuietiti j many pre-ent· the scale marked upon j tt'im ami sis'ei ol lii" Hire- H an broliiei i-.'jÇardiiij; "i· I··:ι'· <>t ιό ·.· I «·: ■· at Jan. 1st, u,u to more than [ilaiiing. ··. a -r>i th»· c«>ntirnvi· ol th·· time of It Oxford'can point to. ») ·>: lue ; women had become resumption illi'ii i- Ι·» ι·μμιιΙι· 11 ■< m lr«»in nii »» and men and Ox suil.no ol each Ii is ilien , to hi»>m ·'·'■' t vvoil a» given, :ind lor the retire· oue member wf the Legislature fiom jppcr plank. /he early name Bethel. Ι>ύ ·: ui».*»u!hv niii.u ion-, I8"y Free Bunking, Λ ; ·» .1 ;·.ι *· I Ii e\i oil k.. I ciazcd to -ee these with the un to lit an!. ι, ui '.in lit·. ι- < ci% menl NO per vote -•■uoo! 5>. 1 ■ to s.ho«> his that he should lor an> t wh if l·»· a·1 to t!f»tr ·> atuv*. .Mr. Oaeu, profound the rail. Nexi the h iaid , I n >nd ·. Κ· <Ι»»Γ4 of detstanding balancing ivory ear 17H0 lie went to ë I il! Illdir.k I· > * ill! t' l\ " Also that the $ΐ7,όο<·,000 lor ihe L S Senate, idbury α 1 honest 1!··· t in ol lui* it. Curtvncy. l>ai titular candidate it Ιί· «it»» p.uty. »'«*ry bell· the materialization «pit upon ihe front edge, and each key is., ilautaliun and too* laud ·' I mi cuui lî and un !· r t Lu is Fractional shall be him his cue. Otherwise his up legislatures u! ;t<* .a i-re· ν wher·· in :!»«· tonniry ; of i! Currency gradual!} 1 will allow I wrote circumstantial account in ils and last *· ai*ni ·»Γ iii'il» ι h I'■ in· »t.e ··. long of the is false, and every placed proper place, glued -ι Beat river, which Ui Uw ι·ι-μ.. ·. 1. -.η I tuli. Μ <1 withdrawn, and that Silver coin statement absolutely | iu .he 1ι·ΐ Λΐι inlic leel lo this ivorv is held in — '· Mouthly. and Senator should The s iv *·».* at oe hi* i«l»*ritii> M»t ·*»ιΐΓ· t *»r- I !.. V h iinu..i'. it j-o-et i'i propre»-ire denomination oi .06 to 50 otft. abalt UI Rttpit-senlulive position. ry Corner. He work \Vi. ,|. ι- ot this sc«eiit»lu the t«> hint L ai ! tot the li u'.ii insulte»! at charge, except tneans ol until the hie ·- •u .» .4 "u» I j f1» M"rt' i>e|J h: ι» pei*o ally placo by clamps, g and at the tim- "I »be Indian ai ι .·> Cold*, etc., ι I» "i*; c »·Ί in m s sol«tituUd iu its This plan «v»s ekeied "wiih nip, t :i K· U'llh Ol m.kiti i«*i»/.iiiou ol cue a ceului) place. thai who IO r<-»rt4|ijp| w. \ ptl' gentleman when it i« After the not IB 1 n *po.j.«. a con dry, polished. 1781. but did If· MS »«* > lui sale ι*ν A M li nu non i. l' u II 1 t»f*n»»r much to commend it. re!«·rente to Ibis issue" l>) [0g. I iu M;t ! !t' lt)f»lt wiih scene ahiiis -the cabinet ir. direct j old. li:·* lia·» been 11·« « lo Mr. Hamlin, and ', ivory sufticiently pnpated , II until the ve u·. M »»" h"· nul (i«··. Κ \Vi mi. S ÎVu i .i λ* i'l nrn. '1 h· ·\ I in.^ drai /' ·. ?!.— The Prenident.on application stiiuer.cj opposed foiiu'.iug Kfjtuoli»· w !; ch Kali··'' iu at.d out hat a UÎN | «le g'-c- «bo η announces his intention ate sawed between each ivory key wile lived on tin.* I u ·» until Huh d ·»·»·.. i··' >r ol lliU D» li li <> *h can P.J.itP who, like liLiik'R of the (iovci iot and ot Mis·. ; publicly planks jm medicine, — lo a'ire widow witL I.egisialute a ^ the doji -ho b»· ίο vuto im that and the to look like <·!· h. .: tlize an»1 degraie j>oIni< nod proven in gentleman. strip, piece begins utd leit it lo th' ir son; I heebl di * Ν. ·! i* une ul ι.ο ut* -1 that an insurteclion existed desiie to claim Wuotloury, two children in and lier 11u« stating II Mr. II imlin'·· ii lends the not servioe. input. piano front. Hut work i* yet | he siCund were a* lui·.»* businos> ιιι·*η with who;, ν» pubhc that Stλϊ«* which the authorities could net mav do so, ii in· will iiMiriajd l»iwui|>t con»i tbis individual, tbev \ ιλ;ι»·ιι« t I». it- » 1» mate: i i/ iti'>:i i« aled by the must lie sm lolheil, only hi lho iucasuie. coiupUte, every key hnathun, ui«ni<'d Itruwn. •.•■iii.-.l deal. He alsv» nianulafiirei ! has is ese, | v. il <ι s ν found wat supp a »»·>» an»i l· I.» r; material upon un.it* like bun. d.·»*» and dimmed and balanced, and lia\e mi A on next th»· Very pu»po>e. aur ft ural while nu exhibition. m -t it emeu Is to ol minoi 5î rfm-T prrioa five th< up. (lui· pioving jour numerous linithing eiii» ild homr»uad where he lived and med ; tetiic to I heir homes within l*en so > a cet have mi· Owen U i- irit lo *i£U ably ami tiie which ||MM Mil ii; ; Mill '«id, to compelled charges interest, Hie is affected by the dace i·* now owned hi» Law 1 Mmlri'ii :p!t torn balancing ι by sou, IViimru. w*> and retrain I further Mr. Hamlin'· < «hole days, re»isiancr| made against ». ■ r il.ni Κ uie's constantly %fi;tt .Jt· :ii t ΰ.; liticate opcration each and the holes " i'l mai ied Hannah ll i« n «ι·1ι· \iv I ρ ot St ite. i nul ibe caucuses were boring key, tiling xmi Smith ) l> iiniMil ui>'>n our «te 1· no! to the lawlul authority the Ii lends, vu: » a it irk Tue ca*e has come to an end i* fa;i»a thaï th.» m uu·» u,u um··· uv it. '.Le 1.» m ion ui Ιι·ν»·< s. When and were elected with lead. The smoothing process oe ol the old >»( li.iïe <1·. A wa« introduced into the Representative* Brown tad Mtrtetl p»rt 1 iit η ht resolution picked ■ tel la bouilli uul un il llir. rir t r> ·»« » ..t r i« * too Ίυ»η Tue is an the plu-.li'li· ν»·» j .i,..>.» duv geplieni unfair means. This the only way pet formed bv emery wheel. Next liomettead and died clul of »s by iheie. leaving m '.i u> ami Mouse, by llo'inin lrtd., requiring the Oxford dele Oi levalUU—Wl*· ί·'-·1»1«! ·»β4 bncU H !... tn.l 4ret)ui|î ami ton»- t » t I gave In· luuo to llie inve·'. ιχκΐιοιι in which yon can claim which have been an- u;rt» "there .hould sharps pieviously prejiar· ben; h ter ο. inairied Brown here anιι ι· t p· ihe sfuse ol ibe Mouse that Yoi xti OxroHU. Polly »» » ol ex;ij»uie of thi- Iran·], deserve· gicai gation. ate in ni t»·· -ii Ι·· y pond, and t»> t^e ;>» tl e l froni ebony block*, «ecured posi. »l»o «et ι led on ihe old homestead, but uf th» r.iliu-f iMiy.im Imlie* rh im petnify no subsidies in money, bond*. public i. '. r Ins tntJ th# *c\ in it.ir· ou» lu P.y A rci I ; ux 4».\ernir.e p;'ien"'\ pei«everanee lion, and the key board i* compleie.— some ho moved Into the H'poii.icau ot lbs credit forty year- ngo .a land· or pledge public »·><·«'. coming u iH'ri'fcl i>i \tar·. α.ι «n· But in ti.e ca«eot a e c m.'u.» »ucce«* Chrintina* Itre. Wuen linUhud the woi It is «ι»' L-»^t«..Hii\ cirelnlly ol Bethel where he and hW wile ι»ΐ' c> t! IUe le acy Aisoclaùon or Corpoia nigt ih·· trtf.itmont oi nui»;, tli ι·1 granted wat at the w :re rrn: r circnmî'ancet A Christina· service held j in bixes ami to. irded :o rc*lde with their ut iillnu-nf* f< Woi;·. I>r. Π tu'dit'tinj lioo This resolution passed by nenrlv parked piano youngest «on; Colli pveuliar 1 Main* Urn?rut Honjntat. on V In t:» ccni; !, ra.ioo. or.e ol which car First Baptist Church, Pari· i III I, its dostioaliou. bli i· the wife of Μο·ο· C. Verlil'i Π -|χ·ι»»λγ·-·. Bu!' Ν". 011I5 a two thirds na\» 74. daughter* lui· ln«ii'atio:i m Portland h*« vote—yeai UP; bv Uie •'(•ιβυίιΐιΐιιυα ut ι·*α· at u t· ...α·)Λ»ί to »t th· ilnie. goiu the 20 h Inst. Dr. lillle i« in ot now : ^ip. rbunday evening, Very machinery employed l\>«ter.Ul· lleihrl of VVetervillo · »< ■»· pr«' '*··' ion. and me Subsidy e a t-iiicer the trfinrnent i» t>|·■ patient· Ueiit^ Estes, the delivered a set mou on this a laws, I h.gh of g a Pallor, work, only planer, emery «nother I» the wile ol J. Duiton. the Ciin«»)l. Iiur on· all .i a I oil ft.ill ■ 1 ..il „Λ.ι i,.,,.!!,. investigation. Mr. Iiv*In, witness. « was assisted in the needed. Mr. η··Μ « u r. ... .0 ùe a (.e^i^Jature alr^ad» Sob· the occuiun, and wheel and borets being architect snd builder at Be' uel. and au· μι»π..ΐ4.·, bfluir po«itif« by cancer a.u* iti· manner iu wkicb ib« U'llieUv l'Or Iho···· Uenltll»·*·*· 111' ; jn«lr! tii* mie* bv the Bc»ard 01 ( minister of rtoj.Mi : S there are certain me m- n«lf»pt*d ■ 1 — — It-.I Ι^,Ιλ,α. exeiciaea the L*uircr»ali*t Never* is an Lupines* man,and, u> sou ui «&!·■! * UUli'û '· · .·ι ft·· .-.iii.)).. m 1 ι. all·' I Pr Γ -,e.« a Q'.i -ire HfoiTM 10 voie ior λ γαπ this lier. J. C. Chut ch. The as be considering mi* ond ol lor to elate place, mij(h!. expected. Klbanan Joanna t W iUi*) Bartlett I r«4crl|>tii>ii Ί ·· foll m m· οί the Bar ot the House retuaiug Fwi ιύβ inf .)Ua.i«JL the π he is MM Im ireeditliil m II ···* dtdate .u τ loi «lion οι ih« known will oi hi» community uuiuu υι lue m ν çiei men pic;»»· connection with ihe nmiulaclnrers, Hanover J«-»e mauled vhM tû· t.> whom a «am or «urne ot utoey ) B<-*t»«J, daugb Ί 'tire· ·· il lu niante aiul » ·Ίι «' λΟι! lor the iutormaiion & lirga Ι,.ι· anin« <>l fix» ti4»·! 1ιΪ·ιΠ/Ι« ΛΙΛ11 C...I M uenti. th· caucu* t» heh especially «01 fealurt.aud give· peculiar f&tUlactiou ter ol Tboma* and r.>»t. biiii»i» ait iln»d hv aiiT n; ···!'« »uppoi.· fo'lovved. Abigail (\orl.) ■ routu were A dlseuaaloii j fui' m.! βt nei il -· .'ni: Mio dcii.e to for pa!·! long :i *iQ ill anJ one or œor» did thus violate ibe « ih may applv to the The house «va* til ihe III II 4'4t. lia keep* nnU M'llli't] |j;»t on l< »r liver ι it .>«·*» uU vioraia t«·»κ1,1 thnt (lie H«u»e bad the ! people. tastefully or*AU» iy. ci'ictemnl oil.'in- ι be ruii·· »rc Some denied **·· o." ΓΡ»'. uiffi.i, loJiowmg decorated eu .il hi* ι evidence and it ct the r coMtltuent*. andtbt ie»uU with evergieens interspersed ; slock li:iu«l pm but was ι lie lit *i settlor in Holme* Iîi ·. to lor eaatempl in refuilug plan· wl /ir«r, ronKrHliMI ludi...U IMeJ: power pucUb with and Λ Τ·ιγ U> μ ·ο«1 tiadu lu tho»e who *'»«"i. ami t«i many ovt Λ;* ih« *· pa *;»l appiupiiale uiolloes, paled gift* χ talion utli culled heller A So. 2, junalMéiltkkailiii· to auewer. An order to psifilib j ^Aflerw Uout lu ««miii, η. i ,.ιο, ί-j ;ι Ot *UCll Λ C*Ws It* So S »rMT»**O.S aN'P piscmahok#. audience λ a· Good isuiiv de «h · Ιο pu ν 1ι ι·».'. iio.v lit kilo» mured ubi^h a< well i„ tl,a> ,·ι... wiu> t. i3£* Ηαό.ΟίΓ w » ont gotni prc*en». ) lia ftUflt*«rd« t»a«*ed, but the linn had »l»pi>»d •uiiu.mMC>il ,k, j·,, t·,, l"i luiti i< bound br Κ : ht« o» vh# enw a tw- I irrtl.ODt ndiftlMioi «alheued thé «ml eveo'hiug liUtk lu itwlbi 1 rtiiil Jic! Hull # Joti>»h Hi». —I Γ;1ι(«| ut Ο < .ni il alia ..«.· nj Apb J5 —TU· k i *4 in (Ur utosi ntanner, i ml /. Ο. (21 T. vi JloihUiwi e*ny ^ : |i*iti>h 1.'»> Ml ajkua II lhi< U-HwJilvrtu ^*β«·4 "7 M"(·'·«* y»' \**at··· ■'· «·>μοβ wu«l U»v# beeu ι· .-·.. Ν *»··* ΛβΛβΙ s·»·1" \|,U * i'tie Ιι·ϋ·4 d I 0. of Ci Ue .u, a..a tiltl lire· In Χ·*·ν | Am.* Κ ''"'••I,"''·/ :,·ι»μ·: Irtti*·"*»» The Οχ/υ. fc ··· i- «. t ,|jr «4··.id··)' tbc fceuaie iu'4'iy ι Aj»»a ai, imj* i4· j Cjuuty ··■' i .1 Jill·. i'fi u'M 4 el i,*ud »*d ·ΝΛ LftV· b«su ϊίο J«*crlptlan I. at U14llioil lOIJ of UlQl> *i«»U ùt • fJ in t.tt .iv'nrc <»i Ι ftMt U A *i A Jstial· Ato·· OO lit* DltU'lCl Oi Col· Appireiuied. Γ. met wl'h ilia Vtylusool id^o IMigflit, βετγειι ni vs f.ois·. -oCiir tUOtaià alto» L*Oi»«.4 ίο bé \\ LvuuVi't ftbte. I ho pa»ii»in *li*li *pp-} of ll would even an Idea wns mul Uiultou. tfv«ClUod *a» give Impelled 8.»«.·«.lui 1 on ih« i'V.lj in«t. ΓύβΐΌ Ujlhul, reside* in ■ dlaooaaeJ " « it I UiuUU. mil. The point >ut!. i;o ·» ..! ι» iiu ..«π ; ji ,.I When not nble loappeu ; excel· i t':lUCU» 11*» lu· '*»Ul o! it* κη.Ι .. «no « ...· Λ lb· ai'tioa of tkut p. purpose, scope genera! In ·.. ;ι·*ϊ· llaunali and biottti, niuuril I ! II I. Ill I » « whether the Diet riot CommUaloners a good riHwfam, dmiI I'wiiy may i* made by Ί".1' Κ.·«· ni w'bn i».r '.3·· .Πι< τ m oi it ici· c. the *>r the conitii. » p*i*ou, application lence. Christ,—"the desire υί all by pack ai or II. C. Munaon t ihe three Suiith bioiher «.were the d.iu^h- >£"» ·'m/'· ■» ·«»! > .·ι i»i«ud. aud :he patient 'hall be visited thould be elected oy the people ap j eling. Bru. Amlie-cog. !ι it ■'•»n|ilaln>" w n ib·'» .11 ■ il km H 'M.I tlou vt se!i 3et».:ig lot oiSc»' ι uations"— from the theme, made th«* 1er» of who was in ••«♦ftUfJ H a>piran'.j bis residence. No conclu»ioD Haggai, wrm which lliutvn, h pointed by tht President. gin County present, benjamin "0*i il·m >r> «Μι Τ νii -.t.. ί a can here be of ihi* li· .il .· ... i'.airu- can be a or an evil. It can trom «il elsewhere Only Jew woids «aid h· is » lire cailil ivitlet in llctLtl 1*1 it iri ./* A good Applications places was it. more interesting. * in arrived meeting " cwnyiaiat. r or than Potted, must be made writing. sermon. every tpcciwof pulwoiwy tubeervo wrong, Ui in. The résolu l'iic tit lihiel Smith in the 'in,· ,,ΐ! null, aii\ u. I. ulH uivnrli.il right republicani-m ol lu the house it was that Mr. lamperanco lolloping posterity a>!dre5s*d to the Resident Phyûcian reported art »C tho te»>lenojr t or more hou- There was a ol a S ivioar from plaint, and ettrclUAllV de»pwti*m. There U often piomiso tiou* were tead *nd mini aud lourih geuerulioti, is quite the Hospital, and, «heu practicable. b) Irwin was not sufficiently strong phytic· adopted: -lirai lion earliest hi o( That —' ■ „.t iu «U contrivances ot the the tory munitind. the increase ol Lui like most ol ihe eut ) 1'ikj » Tooth Acm t>'op* defeating cuuniug the attending physician patient, to beiere the Bai oi the Jleavlrci, That temper numerous, ally appear u'e •ti tubacrMent tooi» thin tu ·■* b\ a ot the case was chei ished und relied upon ce in oui sister Count ics, il is taliivioK accompanied description Uouat promise an organizations laiuuies ut Sudbury Canada, broadly ν in The l>rr«l %ιιι«ιlean ou«uiii|»t Ion II or of the a all ihi the •ind the enforcement ol tho la in epiiLen>·. or in attendance at the cities ami villages, illrr» tilt W It·· ι·ι ·ι t Ot .ill· oil'- «I. psitv in ot Caocn·. I· Physician* Surgeon* centurie*, until the of Hi< birth οι belhel. originated «pit* who!# on ihe naval bill. petiod ol Oxford Cou· ι·» be S'eAry the lUmm «ι tlx Lrxoi, nuiNiriwlCiit' ruav, in cmc of send n appropriation Good Templars y îua !:· lame nr.J b\ emergency, the of tho Λ zone Kur \\ KooriNu tut .ill un ! Choi ρ it .· > U injured pro?p«ct« aie item» completion propLetici und brave lor lint cause that W to Anon burion, who married S.iily Smith 10 theti:»t ln*t:»ne« to the Tue the vigilaut t.il> ll.tf I» t OliniJNAI» paiient iiu»piia following priueipul waid kfKilk'lC tco ouin t«; il» dn-tee» the Com ot iron* Abraham and Mose«,on from our nation. lo Lu removal lu Caniou, me I «u to Half Hi ·;ι .-.h»*u u written and \ ulting 01 the bill which to ail about light wipe intemperance previous ety yieM jy permit, appropiiute» • Hi nul ιί ih>- h lit «1* Hi I' I».I vfui a» soon as bt of the Jewish nation, ol etuif.). pt.petuate iueif uy careiul débattu· mùtee Shu.» decide, mav through the Rtiolitd, Turn .ill friends morality, ju tliu Unsou I'owers I arm in llaiiow.· if ι·ΊΙ» I II; $17.000,000 : For the pay ot otilcera und period» mtloiii r*ol.| iiulli· such »hai λ Ιι ) e .ind i >\ < * t ji ι». lû v.iun la i:* ailerwtrd·, whether patient· illuminated the a coming much more all prole»* lov In dix I'BHan to upholding oroppos.Qg good îC(X) men of tue ti>r pathway,where V navy. $6.250,000; lo our common Lord un i M Ν Vvik ot .:t ï.»d Uue«t*. L hid in teeth *»d remain. Saviour was the centr.il thought. ilty stimule» ut ards and station*, greut πι Augiuta, Dec. .6. 1871. t Pei#one wouoded or civil navy ) «hou id abstain Irom the u«♦* and Utile '«ao.« for it* recusann a J 3. aocidectaly had looked to ibe ocg tiu.· of A- Ihe nation* forward as i>hnii!d Τ oihe.wi-e disabled or Injure»!, ««! all bt si 2c><.,*A0; tor geuerai maintenance intoxicating liquor* heveia/e», IMPORTANT %|j b· hHtaH oo'.h ÉM *.n fe«M birth of a Saviour, before that event took ami -00; diecouuleiUnco oppose --Two young wcio ncetilj navy piovis in people TRAVELERS. m--. lu* motto thou'd b»»: » *o, since tlut tims. they have •«aie ointe, and should endeavor, ll.lJl b\ tit: a ol Accept Art 4 Incurable case*, and ιΐκ-se ol tons tor seamen and marine*. place, by Ιι.ψρν icctip4-ul cuUpit ...it eâlcers, *a\. to ov< room·· licit 1 H hen TAU \ t Of I t«e discard i'J »bT>e. admit tem looked back ward to that same eveut a·· :o every practical •eaulilui »lt:ds fioui ihe I'atis il.it M ui- '■ ■ .oog *tandin^ which only of ct vetseit, .*τβ nniioviin. lu·) l'ïji (1,Sl remove tli«*ir existi'iieo t* 1,'îllM· \ >·\ Μ nil aie not ti- preservation liii> uij ti poi uy alleviation, reguidcd the leitral of the world, iluciuiing Ctnii|Miij 1 " great "light •ite ibe OKAXD« ENTRAI. DKPOT. il t ν :<»"·« c ·· hate of stoies, &>u, $3.3θυ.υυθ; is incoii*i«ienl «it iiint tl oui l«o t| «Iftl» a da\ dui —Tî Π j »J C ei for admission; repaita lîfteh'til, Th.it it liMiitlrt b"rpo: ger *U.a* snitubl· *ubj».cts which to all brought people good tiding», our to Vol»· IΟι αι> η Ah·» m.o»« lilt· season, tml lor lin«h .·:.« 1 C.J· .·' ·.· '*'·'' b-:'J «f ···«■ L..v chitl t to atl Mil sui.>stau ot boi ers, mac liinen, >î:c., il.800.000; piinciples h)i >i>le, «(■>)«·« !.*:irig .ι and « !I". ad'.· 1 to us life, hope, joy immortality. m txtculc the law· <·| un· Un.I wim art !ut :tlilill) llir v *IH not Xceili tl ΙΛ Mj.r-.»fui •V k 6t 'ί ο e a:.ο :i «. medical and surgical relict iatg« ior naval academy, 8175,000; for marine iiiHi iiimr» i Ρ»·ψ "ΐΛ.αΚ.#*. a 'in the lollo similar known to lavnr the lie· in j.· | oui olliri tn iiiul.it l"i \ tat-ν »· ..u I a number of ιι* Un viug evening n«lugoi protect .4iiy 1 v. it il the in ·ι the it..·' ι c.i..· ·· pattern* possible. K*uw"OWOxford corps, ί»7ί,υ00. Irainc. ι. 7. '.(J I* III* χ* in the I oiversalut •it a de>tiuctive and sinful nt 0,) lilt liuti'llcl rt> i: .'loll ulitl llflflllf ilrJl..FM* patient D c. 23 —I;» the absence S>'e\T e\t *ii«Te 0 «à! m mum* Uet* we render thanks t.. Voi k, and ry » tu lin ( m itit discute.— church at iLie the heuso wa* H>yoht(l, That gi.otl |«orli>.ti.ili-ly tuw. -ο tii.it v.'it any highly CoM.tgioua was place, Il in. » « ider.t Witaou Senator new illustra I.tll.-lal'lloll. lut. 11..Ill Λ 1·.·Ι.·Γ« rttt II»·.· !'l ■· Il V Jli- u-a· $ boaic of it» us Carpenter iiod l«Ir the nnd wonJtnlul CiflJp'M hi^L p.. iriiccted *iih piim.u^ with * Ν > Ν 1 v SipLiIi- decorated errrgreets ucltiie* fit it· mitt ιΜιιΙι l; » .a ». lî I I H torn ol the Senate. boaiitilully of " ·.* chosen President Pl° lion ol the earnest. (joy's κ mu»: fxyeci '.oincui i.s d.v »hn.l not be admit.ud Ly the Re»tdi'li: power imporiuuati* urul-i .J- Il ·1ι·ι ... i} were < V v. A number ol mottoes w«« till! (toll's III i. 1· A* >■ ♦ th.* oonsent of the ihe it was appropriate and laiiblul labor, which h.n«· t.lt'll.t^·"» gl« I tlie llmi ΐΊιΊΐ ui.i C .c ΧΛ we.: out conte» ark·*, Phv^i an except by At a caucus of Democrat! prayer y ù poi ι in· late Stall iIku ·<·■ < shibl ». I Λ l>. \\ ΙιΛΗΚΙ*" Ν ν if on it» walls. A large audience received, in connection with tin· Fin, |oo(b j ν and ndiuiited, when action was on displayed recently Ir rjio of cut λμΙ oth«i; Attending burgeon, that uocessary ion Were much ntliuii.tJ Λΐι Ι.'ηονΤ* eonrr*pond*nu »o than double the u#nal agreed was to cheer the woman's movement. Very thai! p»v 1««* meet present ami enliven prayer hire t 4»f lln »e >'fd·' direct 111 m I In· man- 1 ·· tor consultation. 'oift* n -· u;·»·!) ·; the unci··· r. tbo In caucus No |.· r-.iii ran IV U^tVought permit·* lor i»dmi»doo «hall lx wrre with Sure Haven Κ ist Hebrou.on and L'niveisalist churches Lodge, 1 lui 11r.1l oilier «It ·»:»-i- r« eeive Iheui .. * to present, lory immfil. !i· r> t· en λ Both Houses ot adjourned j without c tin» head I'd but «·.. Wl to '.he «·( the Congress — TwiiiMl·*; i«itit.|< of March at I" tit < >r approval and the services,h» on the former evening the 1st Wcdncsl iy next, | »\ way ot Hottun. Mut Ftirmtr. t«re tlii· flr-t i-a·.· οι <.'ι>ιι.Ή<· ·»!■ I wok t to alid shall hive at Jan. uth. 1 niiHlf and diJ nnt \v:»h C'o.iiinitie", tliey n·· ·' I -;»e power were sermon was o'clock A. M. tion, or any ill-.mm-ui tlif | ii'n» ti> the Ke»ident Phv»iciati reciprocal. The deliv v .· in η»ρ«·ι ·ν •i>iy requite to hc.ir IV'iiu tb.it h not L ·>η in I ί>Ζ· "voU ·>ί the ι*·ο of I lie ot <>n to them the names of Tut Week or Prwfr.—The Evan- ered the Kr ilir. ttbv h»· H I hat ot the I nited Mat»'* has be «ent to the Îtomocrtil Inr the 7th ot tfanu.u «. pain- '.i^ ouj;bi beiuie them, and may ilismi'- Alliance to theme fïrfnr<\ Wednesday, da} | ndmiltinjj gelical appropriate the occasion. The *iini|>le iHittlfs, lijr dru/.:i>·'· il to allowed to Itll for the fiach house votes, viva voce, tor l S •»mv whom thev think issued the programme publication. 11. I. UpWtlholM pationt tollowlng w is Cnitf·! -Ml!·· Xo ntiii Dial improper!) taken from Luke—"The derived Sec'v. on aller the ot annual week of or, Mon- joy Hknrv Bonvey, senator ihe second Tuesday »· r.r.uji ι·.»Ι««Ηΐ A-uldk" »»V thoie who ndmilted, or clisnge th.» teiun admis pray beginning lb«*ir ^tl hi--ii' h .ι ti-i :·-ι from the o! Christ." Jt is use le "s wiil be »th. prfpai 4th. coming irgani/.alion, which January Ικ,,τ;· Γ k.-«urno Μ Μ ·η Ihe IMS sien. day, Jan, Uru^Ki-t ainl ^'"t iui|>le high place*. — A says be I lie next otunchea meet iu and coulas to ol the sermon Washington correspondent lay loth joint it—two ι|ο«ι·. w ill n :n*» .· .j t. T. PutienH on the Mwnday. 'thanksgiving attempt any desctiption try j.... ;o iltv dfu iU tt.e ΙΓΑ.·,'. Jiott do uot ati di«ch"irg«»d ha» η IM, carefully mailt, ol :onvenliun, aiul il it is I on ml ihul liie i'i'i>:,i!uendatiou <>i the plivsician* γί «ion.—li'view ot the past; thauL-givitit: So adequate id< a can be given of it in inspected A(eiil·. \ M. If n|i 1 Oii. »' «ad tu«r a»M> Ihe whioh have been perpeliat laiue man received a in eat h ;....!|Γ jJ joinuab»! Mull be with a certi for ii« varied merci»»*, humiliation tor outtagea majority E. ««tilth I' ri.. -a:^eoii-, provided our limited space. From the attention ol but tittin i- ••d in the single Slate Arkansas, jranchon the tlav, that ]»:«. *m»w-i< the y .to, had Utter emjiloy au icnte th»'*a condition at the tim· ->er tonal and national sine. Prayer tor preceding ««■in. 2», opti "«Laiiiig lo it the audience, it i> ol leclured Senator. relieved or tlod'» in the tuture. given by large necessaiily embracing only portion v»h"» rcr» n>° lb »i ·!»· »t dt->ohai£<>. whether cured, blessing The Flower. itipp!) certain that all were and those actually commuted. looting*· August In· >■' r ; not teiteved. which Certificate >*hal! National for highly pleased ii»l·*' irr- f« th«>w I di-nit ot !rf prayer. the — Thcmo-t ηιί·π i«ct<) doubi·4. In·· Tuesday. objects •bow tha' 5t> ol the 73 oounties in Ihe I'ress sa\» lh.il there U the b» »t « H>«*j ! ϊ*·ί ν 'he Nuperintendent snd For civil and alt in authoti gratified. these .V» ufft-r!nff from *η·! I v j; i- lhar.kiu! thit iu the gt.ed government, Stale have made return·. In lor thai the inajoiUv opinion dent tv increase ot Ihe Tho South iilthoiity staling that »·*ν.·ιι:>-livi· er : Piι}^itiau. ; for the intelligence. choir—or quartette—from there have been, -incc Ιό>">, !(."(; have deh-r More •■il he I» it* "Caie* do turn -iiuic »va\ counties hu M tiae Central «lireeton v' ■·*■ Whtuevti a i' removed Ironi ol and the j the |"ιι»ι«··1 iff afllietnt rirti II patient public opinion, lurnishud the music. Too much • ftorn mer lanification Paris mirages, tanging iochtraciei nitied to ihe ol the iu ^otue dv^ree. It » >'tid ix' the !Io*pital * uhout the consent and :ψ of tree institution* throughout the accept proposition i|l«»a*> * and tlii fr rlfrri». ·ΐι '.ι.. -υ grtiiiyiux spread cannot be awarded this excellent cilcse lo cold-blooded murder, M tino, kiu! admit dial ΐΌηιρ.ι.ιν and Ktii< praise whippings ioiiloiiit • V II l'I il' Il ill.I ! it iir ould Uieturo»nl. j :\,v:il ot !h»· Superintendent world. lo «.UipUuwut a· follows: Murders, ft&i; attempt | ο the sam« accorded t»> lh»- ·■' deut a wiitten «•t&tement to choir. We lee) proud that Paris can 1 privilege·» Iifaillmrti.w it.»r'>r i"h »όλ λ .oil *>»ru out h.i^e one Physkiau, Howe for prayer.- 2:'J threats Lo murder to in· in. \\\ <1 tipp'd lui Wednesday. objecte assasiuHte. ; xi-tiu^ coittiaels to the Κ ι.-ι« if tll<· «lomi.'u k.n r. tiiat etlect shall be irom any pet- and furnish such St thi» |«it yi-l'i required For and children, teacbere singers. 'J. Ol tliese s wi nt to llo-t 11 to be in: it over ihe and become »o parents limidate, ÔÔ; whippings, J M. nllieia tongue and dlHu. .-al.ii iit^iot n other, sou the responsibility ol tin schools and iesd;iy assuming for colleges; crimes commilled 78: Déni ( Kt-iein olMceis Λ .«»·#. tuai guardians; Republicans •onsult witt regarding th·* IW r |>.lif. they cana«»tb* moved any removal. lot Christina* (it South Paris. m Ill^UJIOf »») tor the Christian ministir; Young tin »JÔ6 while »ί octal «'.41.In committing , be matter. Un to tl>(* Driift >tor· οι ι. 1. \V;I«. ·ι. I without hreakiDiJ. like Uu»·· of iho » Jii. 8. Patients may be admitted t< men's Christian Associations, and Sun men were and 7'» colored men <"./?, The Christmas exercise* iu the Con engaged, Οι .«ι' V. M 11.u..α; ! Γ It at ol a- uIooi *'t '· « tiwit in··.In .sic il. rilvr, ;ο.Ί ;<·ι I '.· to b\ gregational Church, South Paris, dispatch tnay bo irom time time determined ol number the crime* «. '·' ^ -aid. .But untii then the le?-*uid the Thursday. Foreign objects prayer. ol the committing ho ol ihe late Senator Simmer lia··· |·|ι· bottle fut 11) ..cl- boaid recaicii were ol a very inter- no sister tbe l>irecto»s; such being ot Thursday evetrng, have been ami that in case, ν ti n V. X better. The extension religious liberty punU'ied, lireclvd that 1 c.in«! b\ Γιι -ι u sudivieiit of aduiis«iion, οι charactci. consisted ol a while 1><·ιιι· pretenied by deposit the world; the prevalence ol esting They with a ">ingle exception,hat to Mi. Nitmner «hall be tt throughout lent Lincoln other $ulisl;>cturj un- been tor an com guiueutee e'jual'v nations; the increaje of declamations, aud au exercis* octal punished «mirage u·. l i t· H..w τhk tiuANucKs ooir.—i»nc ob|->c b» peace among singing, [iveii to Ma| Hen. iV-rley l'o. the Κ «idem Physician; or they may ot all the milled on a blark In that itv amortg christians lands; called "The Christmas Triad." Three Republican. ,111e has hi head th·· Notices. ot the ol the "Pitron« ο I hi· discretion, to was ivory rcpu seutinjr Special oryanizatiou udrn ttd.^at un*«.cupiec subordination el international intercourse, case the criminal speed tin»' arches, ten aud twelve feet in exceptional Viiiei ican ea^le delemliiig Lin· ll a^ i·* to wi'.u oiid-.ie ire* bed*. to the ol eight, by Governor Baxter.— 1· u*(lr*« to '■ llusbaiid;}** di-ptι·?·- commerce aud science, spread ilv pardoned seoeûsio:i, and is :.:i ii atlrui|ii wer« crcctcd the wpent exceedingly while tb·· liiun .on in iiu, .ι J» troui .ι fhe ot board shall in ai Christ's height, upon platform. Journal. cieti." puicha^· direcuy produceis ptice kingdom, Minable relic i'f the liver < r t t ■. .· iow as '.o make the II«s was pl.ont» ! 'l « instances for revival. Alter cuch arch raised eight young sViim. »*·Γ .fiil.i. he |·.ι !. ! t»nJ thus consume a*, leduct-d teligious < sup/y Friday. Prayer of ihe .m· to as extent a charitable :n the world, h i —The August:» inrf from in. .α |iumI gicat the churches one at a time, slood beoi.it correspondent — ruée. lhereloro »*e wrrc pita: For throughout misses, The in foUlantl think they I>r IV \lk: : « Cii.il" ν ν ι.,ν. H coustdeiably sutution as us fund·» will and ir /Vws says Hon. Γ Ν. Dow is spoken ol ! bur^lar.i |>ermit; lor their iucrcase in zeal, and rt.· ·ι ι!ι·· ·ι spirituality and recited passages ol Scripture. Be- on hoi pur to hear a bti as near lor re election to the Executive Council ire entitled to have tlinncM u I wipi^d, r^Ci-utiy. gi-u^et each iustanct) ah<*li graduated, and lor a clearer witues* tor goud ΙΡΙιι. It lui* ·,■?,■!* 1 / devotednew, ol each arch a beautiful *;-n · a- to tlio circum tween the eiec^oo from this District, and that tbo names ol biokr ini •nakinj taMpMMl· ΚΜΙ·ΡΓ* iy poK-i'de, aciwding tbe truth among thetn. days. Wednesday night they cl Imiiliti. to ao· was I John Ε Warren, NVestbrook nt.d The roiiti'ssinii·· i«r η to stirecs <«t the ρΛ' ieiit?, and the jong sung by bo school. These E*er turnifhed tor l grocety, stole twenty· keys, : receive. Satnrdav. Missionary objects Lotber of Bit.lgton, aie men Pimiitmm as a wakxiko oomm*dation they may arches were hollow, and contained Billings, ·> hw J isiead o: aemling directly the conversion «I the Jews; mil took twenty live dollars in money \'oi >·. Mi ivn mill ·:* L*>d^e. payer.—For lloned in conncclion wi,h : ho same posi- I 'or Μ Ί : fi JCE iM*. ol nations from illuminated texts. Alter these exercises ou» DKltlLITI. » 1 ! lor a f.,r the deliverance huper t<> sa .ee ami c 1 > i .·»'»·' '· ·"· VV ••the V iV'Z o> et man" *up tion. Mill vihicii purchase *ΙΙ|·|ι!) il.k' ίλ< Ή€4Μί Ο) beds Ικ» establish r.tition, and for the conversion of the world school was served with refreshment.*. whd ιΜ'.-ed himvfll niicr ··■'·.' ·.. .. < t r;iw iii «'.£ ii *'· '■ j cautr.H: «:1 for t» 4.Ίic 1. Free may the p'.y stents. au.l M?Bt fiec· on in Λΐ ιμ ed eithri ol the foui following model to Christ. is duo Η. N. bolster —Rev. Mr. docs no·, intend lo Dtof é.'W Sunday. general meeting until — Dr. adveitisement "•nflferer* aie lti*ltcd * lor the excellent manner ia wbioh he leave his in South Pari· Consult Sibley's >l.\\i ΛI li a ;'l ïi?iOk v· it»-· ot at ont ! ministers ol various charge S.\l if Λ Ν11- L go>l second, by the pajmeoi ^1.<αΌ, euiBff. Addreseee by U',\ ι».} lir<><>khu. >· j tho exeicisee. Ht v. iu another col u tu ο. -epP-»ii^ra J'. O. sa^Jd.^y.'au'i iiuv. a [*; mabvut ioutiCativo tbiA I i]ut mphmtton CJiwiug exvrclsci conducted Mr. fpllog. » η Κ γκη'Τ cocrt ok thi; γμτκι» ntatks Γ VIMS KAKkCT. TO If X Ibo a. Out. of ihh low li.ivo appointed Ι ι>ι> of is a forever." MM I'll ITEMS. ( Dimwit or il mm;. ''A beauty joy < a- «oil the text bo'ôfcs re I thing VVyuia.i their agent to rr i.m,m ncma soie ιι t m * um. •KCk-MBtl i«. IK? I. 1 Ic will filter upou hi-> iiiiin regit)- adopted. 7 »* bankruptcy Bribe!. ..lier tin· Uook- :»r·· iniroJur<-i. r<·· Iftl b\ II \ R«»l «TKIt. ; beau ic''Oxt'oRD iltfi.-e. Iihi iM-eu Tor t)i 'HHIS ii to ϋΙτ<- iioiicc· that .ι petition lia» IT ·» Ό 1*1 Util. Fort I*e«r etttfagod GEORGE Ε. SOUTH PARIS, \ Li $.1 jH'r ίο I'm· Court, lin» fourteenth dit» of WILSON, .■ : 'ii in all kinds 0! lurtn rutin c< Α. ριν-βιιΐρ·Ι YcIIwh ι·»»· Ji 33 lU.TUtL. Ptjr.tttlk. | :»>t-f.ii baylug μ Albion f! Ρ ireon» of \onvaj·, lieceinbrr l*7l,T>v Il»· a Lnc artorlnu'iit of llnl»(C .(iiici m^notonv illlaxe (nut· KMlVtl U tli tin· Mtvlli lia- fourni a «ale. tl·· bougiiJ uuny pound uiemlxroi the tlrin 01' J. \\ Λ \ I'»r««n·. i*H: tir» » I r«au |>ut piu^ritj ninJ !>ui<-hThur»mm| fheri talk Mining ftictor; upon readin? »—ί><\ (û'i- (let, peaking petition η hem ho i It l« OHI>KliEI< Ιι> ιΙι·. I ourt lliui ink I ; Ol' 1. -*7 » y v· Met-r*. > iiiJem .il, \n ir w< iut| Dulton. Tin ίιι Wr«t l'en», next ;ea*on. We hnpe they will, of Uurli i'UTLEUY. had upon the »ame un the tirai Monday ALBUM#, • Ι V» SI? uo fc its Ρ A L II. 1 •itsiribniMn of yils by th· coiniuiU· e, run tiiitei II «h^v mteipri-e. A. I> 1*7'·. btlblf UxCflUt in Porilr.ml in «aid TOIIjRT AKTICI.R8 I ilit» ;itolu· ·:ι. i—J* ·. and tint not ice there- STATIONARY, OOWPRCTIONKRV, .. At Ift o'clock A M·. of of Labor. .1 ME- #1 » ve«> «uiuj tbic evening. l»i«.triof, Tor Boanty Polish. Saving tin· J leiiiocml ni l io », οι" Ι«· oublUhad in Oxlord von isn <|ρ«|η*. »»J \lw \»>K>^ji .· s the iiiousl Cuanh wâ- ami evmthintr ρ·«»ΙΜ<* Dn»t, Durability *»eiiiii„ "iijrrf^ Porter. Hi* Put'liatl .\d> rrii-ι no·*." "p.ip««ra printed I FrMoeo (pin Ν xlL*-UV. ι·ν dally 1 ί* I illuiitlv lutit'-J, κ 1.4!»t? !rvo I.t-leti will» bcatiti- -...I .l.s.i ml. Hiiro ;i WI.-K lor lln«e »ϋΟ·'··«Μ«ο ioi'TH P*Ri«, Γ»«ν. IS. 1S74. it i» truly UnrWallrd. • * «·ΙΗ~ >< tin Chenpnew. \ A t\^·, 'lu samrcay the l.'.li m>. two mew b> ver· .ul ami valuable t neuka. m\>jreiht-r nam··· John 1*. ami illchnrd MiCljiky I» t to In· .if l»a-t 3, Cunicct jî—· .. of ii»er, the thlrt> tin)* BEOS.i Mil Γ. ..iijie Au.! \·ΙΙ—t'le <•1 >ou and otbrr por-umi In APPLETONS ■«I v. νκ — 11** ■» |.t< mill>ipri>|nwir nine o"el>« k with Manly'» liirseuitd sleigh proved AM, iui«ι· mat at ·*ιι<| lime ai. I plaee «lut Γι *«-+k » M,'. «*>;» oi the Melhu li»t ch'ireb. iuvoki* tbej hntiwh prayw ff^J/ALJ'S... i-te-Miu Κ«·». .V II 4.f Cou t.i4.rer, pa»tO- the ■ GOODS. ^/». nôt be -'mated. HOLIDAY in •'•ioiil.1 eienlug »tagfvrin£ lliiou/U the ι-traeM b.vllj :.ί I etitioner American ^=^v£GEiABU SltlUA* rrv.:itiv>i4:.l t. Univu aad V'jn>'. l».iv!«, L«|·, c»S>T \VM Γ* fit Kill K. Hill. Cyclopedia. a ltd about eleven o'clock thai nigh J. II. lt4W«O.V Purix ·· toxica id, onrt ft>r Hnid IHiitiii. • jtli. ul b» * >ιη· well liiue.i te Clerk of I>i;n> lullo I'royi tke vil· 1 Professional Cards, &c. they w« ii.· pn-ked upaliou' do 11Λ Hie ·! >»l· ··! HAIR in .rk- .ufuiu Hie ban I « iked u > ill·* » ntltol ami i»r>: 1 le η bin; 1" ^onlh lliram l»r h nt'i-rlr r< « liiirn ilio nlilr>t nrHfrr* on rrcry lui ou the tevl by <<>i by «». th< I m. < liitthr·!, ûîstmcî κι ofthk! nItkd statiw! iIf >1.11 >A V (-)('>( >I>H ι. J Imrn ne* ··, Mid illifliateii Inilly |>l.iyt*:l upon sonndilig \\ n »o ae tlutl •ulij· Γι tyi tENEWER <.·. ·. y fit < nuu'h. anlv far g Imritu t or MAist. «. a. m. 1 « m lin "·«%·« Tiiou-and .«nil si::i.i;i υ., 4. >Mn» U II4·· Hu'beu «. tn ιΊ olnnlaiy of- Λ.-r to thr tin- uliith ml Km avilira Map··. ili 11 |ίι·'· hi* oould haTe live·! «ft·!-· I |πΐ|.|ι·ηι »ΙΙΙ;ι£Γ. m opinion v il»·· Tlouii» op tthio l*l»> 4ù'ian( I III,. ,ΙΠΙ .illl'llli; l« l»Mt> l.4>> -I'tlUr-. 1ΛΙ» οι in th' H.tttTor»r. .f he ii Ihjiiii I ut »r|l ,-l |ni«T^ (■) ain' Km-i year increase- h it-hou time. MeClu«k> wn* badly hurt, hi" IN BANKRUPTCY popufoii- i»s»:isi> « <·ριλί \i.tï. ». hioîi wn» 1 rtv«rto ih » ii.inJ anil twelve lu l'A KSO.SS, IliiHl rHpti. »? «Ι! .v..«l .·<· rtn ■.•ttfwlvr* ·οΐ··Γί (··"·■ l:m Thti *4«rk ftri;.in*H» t»iibli»lird iiudri iht· title ti pa**· alone wall when οΠίιί» valuable In id II i-out.i.-t M til Hip > iNi t «ι Ίΐ.ίΜΑ c· Ί ι) II;iii*Preparation: > oiii.ng e thai η In» Imoii I κ M.v. Λ iii.i.t' *..ί·«··ιιηρΙ« -ι I kl » r *4 r in >i i. tl « > Μ 'I^IIIS irt |υ give not if Petition inn | H <.,ν»··Γ. rh'u l\>ilii»e.l i|i»trilmtK>ii M lii' li due to merit alone. We the >i It appei.b that bting M (h unk tc to lli«* Court Hi··; I'U'Wwiitli s* .'n io llffi, in' wnlrlt '♦m·· liteWfdfrlrcuUtk* which i* l ιηΊ· up»et. 1 présente»! Pant·, D \ I ., tv ·· :!■· 1 ίΐιΓι» 4.11 iuu*ic ill ui 1.> I lite audience m h ·ι··»Ι .ill ίΙ· "I ! ιΐ·· I μ■ Mat· ·. »rit by lei them when "Ι 1»«λίίιιΙιογ .iolui \V. l'ai-. !i· l>l Nut ay if II ρ can attire our «»l«I that it i* 11 ... tiold the nu", drop the> taught k) Il >· ·ν '«al rr·, ; »· -ι ·Ιι ι-Ι■ ni li;ue iki ΐι In patrons :i„ ,i4i 1I1 hunt uith llieitiM-h ·« •aid lii«triet, a Ihiiikrti|it ioOJv '.dually au.l a' a ΙΙι· ·ιι·ι| >|·ιιι trhirh ρΙ.«·ν Ν j.. the lioiae iutci < 1- M Λ ί » :ι il In.Ill under the drawing W. Λ «.. I*.ii\oa « hrani'Ii <·| -cli'i·· r, lif< r.i in midnt.. Inr· »·» it- .1) .;l w ,1.1 «l-gh-mniiri, mi'tnN-i m Hie firm t J fc very ii|i standard; .I- .".'Jin' I I'l-14 .1! kill.I ► to -III· llU It I» .1U Lept full} high till]'lit'-h .mil lb «·!- cl» throwing M··· thai ho may I··· .leonwt to lnv«j a ilill Μι» II I' till* illlilirilt 11|· llllol 'ml |>tll>|i'M'l ·ρ lip'.-Tiiig prayinc M»l I it Ί *Γ4· u «everal mlv an I wijhhitlio'1'! I rev mm! lo Ι·μμ α .ιπΊ i- the only reliable and perfect- t wall. i»r. Miav. had litem cluuM Ι'ιοιη all lii- d«bt«. it t:\idmlan eo| irt fXMl(ΐϋΙiliotDiurii Mm, eew] m in π: λ ο ι vr \i\ iii-ky a,(aiu»l thi t ill· VI>1 « UtMck ν n il» *r> ·■··! !·· nvre »■*· ttndn the Itankrupt Sot; and ftlilioii "Willi || TltK A'-tM.'ll l> Ctt ed Ι··ι· restoring t»K.u ptkntafi <0 h.· dpi'-hip, provable ·· eartieJ to the ncai-e»; Itoti ηhere promptly W i I ti < «τ II»· Ia»i Hit tin) ·π di-rov preparation λ 1.1 > 1. •a'* iv.-4,4\e.l an.l 1m- upon rowflnj; »aid petition: yea» S :OCK FAKM ! :.·!·.· fi i« in ide n οκ 1'λιη.ιι 11 aiu to il» color, dre-oed M<-t'!u»k*'·» UMitiW, taking »i\ -tlrhe» Hi» « »«!·»·. i:i» by I be Comt that a hearing b·· fry In every ·Ι«·,-artm**»it ·>( Luoub··!*·· youthful tj.v.·!. Ο ;i » 1.4. « it\ ·.! ,*t nhlrh th'' ni ««ιν \ν··< Ι». "·Ι Γι·|.·η·ι..·ι mi Want. Hiii ai u\i:. \. II.. Inn In· h hH'l tipno llio inm·1 mi tlio fini Μ·»η·Γιν \lir**!i, tupi-ralive i' ami »ilk*-ii. in lie ..J uml al.u UrvMiln» hand-·. iving ! III· lu^lroue, »■* ill -«id Bank Ill· lumrntriil ol ΙΙΓϋιι Lit·! making M i. lot: ι! ί.· Iîiii*> —finble·!. V t· l*"i, iMfim liiol oil 11 In I'nrtliiud political ptir· ■ Ί three in η Γιο/ιΐι ooth Inni- nnd b lien Auger* f n'rl'M-k \ M mi Unit notie·· Iiir·· ivitli tin* ill-· ··: ίι·-·>| ύ ιιι···, .nvl tln-Ι» fruitful The i·» use, become;- white 1 .1.. : ν \4 i« >1.4- >ii. |n-tr·· at In Savings ©-«ι MALM:. *calp, by uMi 1 snl y// l'.HUà, lu ;ui-l u -tlttl «ι1 .and lit·* Iron· ..i! li.t » I I .-t r<· u: ι. I to their home» •«flu »l -·1 in t n· »\| ·ι· I |»··ιιι iTa' mdinih·· applt· «·ι·.ιι lli·· lu.lnvti <1 * 1 .1 |·ιι. clean. It remove* all *.,tri. j.·· be 1. y*vi llile ti-i h.'aiiv m mo.i rmiM'uii Ure ol'aiidtrlilii'iur'.t ol ΙιΓ. ΙϊΓ··αΐ and !' τ wirnen in eruption·· > e.iih 11 ir m the ac\t <1 »nl if not ΙΗΠ/ pipe f Itank ·>< F ?·»ιΐ outch. un? of .It ijr V*R< i «mire· III .Mii, war* ami •■•m*»· .ι··ΐι* rrrulnt ·»ιι- lovr ιΐιι···| » ii.t4 : Lt* 11UI1VW t·· th ii'ier -•lit I». t « i f. inliv wofk t«ir tlirv·· ίι··ορ-«ι\.· ΟΛΟΑΚΙΖίΓ κ and dandruff, ami. its toni·· Ji ι· r t th M. ·« l. by prop- Jo iHAM xV un ii. \> e uu Ιιι -I in 1 th it -;iit· nni'i· Wi-. kh \d«ei Wl\ \ ΗιΐιΐΊΙηκ,ΛΊο,ι.ιιηΙ if wdrlli. lialitiltal m μ«·<'iltai inoiiit JtHLY u au 1 «lin 1 le-» ίι·— K«k< and ia ll< I'ortl.iud 6to, lianjf Catti»·, t IW1I4V s nil I, > h Wi « < ιν il m .il ι·Ι oui ou u couuti \. u la, il ν at :l. er! ie». the hair from lulling Γο·ιΐ|» m e \ le il Κ· ir I i!l in-l V|.-l In tiaer, In· I i«t t<· in· Ihfrtt dut ut ba.vt Th·' prevent Γίι.·« h»» «<*- pnblieatloB ·' "1 lo I. I'. V|. m ;« it: ni U|> lb·· μ irty. ir«-«lit«»r- 1Κ<Γ'^ Op II ι·Ι\ I s. >(., lin t: ht uhivt rbo la·! \ oltitiic of lit»· <»!«J <>rk lUJgu. i« ·oh ni l «oil ·> l«oi'·Γ and lb.it al! apical a« it stimulates and nourish*·· III-h hf.irinjr. < out, h ι« (iiinni.-e 1 ι·· <'t·' ■ η«·ι» «our»· "I «>mιιι· 4 tiki* ta 4UU4I il ;. *Ι·.Ί III 411-1 II i'I» 4' III*' Il t..e uh«) htvo jnfi\rl thi'ii >1<-Iit· nul otln r »» « >οιι- ι··Ι.lia· happily «.nil'il.aiid t iv ν «en F. is ι ,χι:\ίρτκΐ) Ut-· u intui m et! hair 1·Ό1ί 9Λ1.Κ I) a» to hold ι ut iiun-l nit al il liine a»«l mcT'Oxi rial ami Imlîi-trial art h icy liai the i's u-e, the ui Isu I 4 it M.e 4 i.i .«ι^ιι.ΐι I'll·'' By ·Λ. |· rt>tftinU j·»i·- l< Inir-jriaud*. in I -ill w .- ni..· |t" Ίι·'τ I win |hu piavir (|1>I|I Jill I'.iw anil ( niuljr Lui ν S·-«-«-·. nur.iiiIikmI l»U«nl.-l.'·· ·4 WJ rows tuicLer and In \. .. 1;. .·· .....α.!. .ι!ιιι« 1, 1 .re M·· <·ί Κ H. il "*!·>. ·· I : rant. I. lia?·· Ihvii inaile In tin i.ti'ifaii,. hi'Ium *tronjjer. f II »Ι.'·ηί·Ι lot ΤΛΧΜ. 1 > m 1 4 < 4 .· ·.· .11 '.ri 4.1 AfVi·'». restore' the ► Η Μ I' I'IMXI buldnea.% it capillary G:n \ii Insurjncc Ακτί for Oxford ■««ι I». i V *ι .ι Tlif an'Jl toil ret «lui :··η ·>ι lli< I t-I tin « |« ο ■» » i- l.rk »f liittrioi Court to. a»i I I); drift. ifttcr* Jiolit il ! MI -, Tlilt !t,'i:iW ι· ι* Il. i len.i ol Six PrrOikl. to their nonu;d un«t I H·? VI.·:Ill I Willi Inr n.itlirul It III! nl llu lap-t I li'nt. 1. ιΜ· \iu">r, t» "I » .-1·0't>1·I -·t ml mil I .l> gland» CoL'itv, -I, lnu^h: int.· pulili. u.·» a iuti!' ίι·ι·1» <·Ι ι.γη nitti | >* a new i;· |·..·| '■'Mil 11 ···«·. ·. '. Ί ha·! Iron» ::l! T:«\· s. ill create ^r-»wth, l HI 'I I». MllM ν lin·, il u ni' at ·' in <·η ..ιι» timut Ιι <ιιι·Ι ■·■ v. !h>*c except ui u· n< ο :.t :c lobe., .1. Illv.dtuiU ην» ·! u, most eco- 'pie < f I».» livra rtrry one nomical Hah: Dressing •trgt-i tueiuUtiiinl oi wlti'li tin- ·1· jiti : tV ·«·■»>·" .-iiiUi 'Ία-i .·/··! 'tir^Mire. TIU STI'IF.I. <·ι ni lu· 11 ,in«· S .! .ν \ () r Π Κ Ε |>i ·*-· νι·ι| ίιι!/ in tin: ιι··« *·ρηρ'Τ» a?· it fewer A M ICI! ·· requite·» application·, t'i .'OU·., t ooi. ilfili· ALV \ >Hrt inn. >·> »*. Win ι»» ι, it-iit Miibliralioti ··! tli·· ·Ι ι< >·«ι· '«tn· Ιι οιιχΙ n»«t .U ni) I» M'ViLO.U. Λ < ». d'ilu P'I the a '· ♦ \V kU. Kn.H.-«>\. Ν "· lf\i.t»\ tlaco m .«n't aitlltriifi and hair I. ·!ι lid i r.» 1 V Κ (ι take tlirlr intiuaiivnt give·· splendid. <_do««) IH ν LI » M I'l 1» Ν I I IN U l Κ MU, £ ., i·. fit») j>>k» 1: 1 au I tl > fl·, I UlNi.lt bi»u>i>. Α. A. Haves M.D. " •litrl'lll'· *>r| i».'tW*H>ii t ami W 4. < I -Il M *> M appearance. lUMIlMi Sim F.I. II. I.·» Kl, L. In ■ re paring ill· pi -rul editmn I n'tli· |·ι·* ·, Γ \"FK YTHIN ■ κ. ii I »·ι ·- ao Ih ru ui lit* ν·Ιιΐ··ι »!«> State of ·, t^ti old ·· tr I m -mi I ·1 AJ.VA >H( UTLETf / lit- >r tli·-a'··· bring A»sayer Massachusetts, says. |.iwu III·· Ιι irma "il t·· Il Ι·'··-Ι |ν·»-ιΙι|ο ·|.·|··«, II if ! !ι I ill ι» '/'< imHn r. const it uent ««art· and car·· Krpt u xtl Slert, v Il m lu lh i.K \ \\ '•The U C"*nt- I ir«fci re ν ΓΙ I· a -il ib·? ! ami tu ΙιΐΓία-Ιι au ai rurale anotilil »l lin mu·! ft> pure, ui4.1t ^sthertn^ Goods 11 »i £o. Paii.» J|M .'4. IT*. l'ii'it ■> « .1 the lion -κ·. iiful IImuwii· a "ίι'Μΐ'.οί In'ili pi·.dm' tor excellent lit'* Κ Kll Γ D. M K. 4.4 l' U .» .4 Il .14 selected Holidayut "CUK M» iiunittoti» u fully quality; ni Uic ·ι·»ι·>1 Ν m>M J«-» ..·η ·ιϊ stιfι* ο! lecliu^· ίιι tlnit ht litrt.iliin·, aud 1 u it eu li lit liin·· T'.oie in iul. iv.t and I it Best nul KOtxi lh·· 11 .ιι. a Milla lu^ii· a ·γ met a.xl consider the I'repa· ■ ι» .t un.il ic. of piattn re\ ird ·ιι· Ιι m ■· ·- j. ν !»«·! ·»* rnr, 4*1!::. i. ! nv 4 1·' 4 -l.lt O^'rAtlon i. I the c .^·Γ· ··! |>··|i(ι .il and Ιι katiox tor it> intended > (ίΐνκ μι: λ call origin.il m» ;a». .ι ir u ie m -, purposee.'' » boiH'iul hi jii.i turli-al et wni'i \iku in 1. tl M roll ι ιΐΑτκ h all Druvriti*, mut /V«/rr# .m \((d>ct *n. UAxirbiiUKit»' work liai I"·ιι .ιι.ι al\rr ai l rarclul SkI'I old intu do,, il to UWH lit M,. III'·. A ft* Ini^ ^i %. 1 1 ·» %% λ \%Si Λ I <*uellvritli \Ji*« VnwtH a» a* a-.ftiiil monttafOi SUPPERS mn-l ir-our ΓιιιιιμΙ. Own. b\ IliCHliltiTMAS IMCKHKNTS pn liiuluary Ιι Ι#»·ι ·η·Ι *« 11 It tli·· iM|i|f Price One Dolier. o. '·' Vol V| ·||·. -i.lt Vi .tr. H. nil·, U«l lr«h Mnk<>. >·ι(ι·ι|Κ. l.n il··!, ιΛ· A Large Assortment, ι·" ι. lug u·· -ιι·Ι in MJinaiwn 1 ■« m «t I* » Hi it «tt»«è;t A VV»rf, A— οι I·., Ι, ι· ι-it« h» an I In ·Ί 11«·«·* Iliai oannnt I C >i«>ui ni Mit υ; ι^ι.ι. ! -trn ·> pt liatf Ι·»··η JijtHim·! tlill ·II. IV, ;r I'liat I Mil Ihllll·! -rlI at | |»lal«*« • >1 l« >1 i. J. \.ll|..ll \ ... ..II». FROTHINGHAM & ιι»···Ι. ι·οι ··»··! lia- Ut-ru I ·ιιι lie* ly i»«. > ev BENNETT, |>.ii;e primo lareti «m tlte Sabbi'h ni. ii.»e Wen HKATKN: Buckingham's Dye. * li (·ι<«· ιιΙ > .V V lorniiiv ιιι |'ι· ( a llt-w « unit tli« uw "·. «ι rtir. .rl11. lli itti iitiiitl. \ot ^Initio. •ii'-h « >%liaUv HI Kl II i'mon boot* ίΐιιοκ «rour.. mm tii parh, t ri'ati-r I 'i'iiiiui xptnd lui·' au·! «itli mi- As our Κ en ewer in ease* In a· lint·' Ιηπι «ιι*. many Tk <>\ i /·'·. *ter ci I»·'. I-, COUiitlli a provviiti-llt» (ta i'<>ili|M»lti»li 4.1-4». « «. 4 Ί UOV M iRlili:i). luio a litre let ol ^Ιι|·ιμ-ι ·} for Ch;Ικίιΐ)Λ* Pu -eut» jtiialcti lij loitirvt r\|M'rirU' ·· ami «Itlir^ril kiiuwl requires to*» huit; a time, and to# To arc :.t very low rale*. much to restore or tad··»! Λ ι.- an λιΓιΙγ*«1)μ ιβ·· which tin·} idling •jh w »ι«· > η I <«-«· I foi (lie care, *» biefc ,·ρι>«· ιιιι«ι*ι·Γ4···»βΐί«Ι Consmptives. Thr illli-tmtiiMK tin It r»»d gray > It 4ΤΜ < li lt be« IIII invnllt CUini drat tiiNf In Hie olilion liavc been *.l.|-.l we DENTIST, (' λ '!·'»· ·:. ·!·«··! In l'ari·. l»eo. I li\ Ket V II : Vlr. .lobu W Ί Ito .nlvetll ■, αχ p< —AI.M)— pir>rnl Whiskers, have this .ι tu prepared ImiiIioI intfii "Γ tii.il dif.i'l ||ÎM(H·, «y ftiuil'l· ti··! fur tin· -ake m ι·ΙΤ···1. but (tv* Jûûcr » VVIui: in iiiiii V|:«. iirllr I .Ili-uinption. pirlnrial 4 t'n>ri4iic tl» le.· il iiaturv .\ut»H i/ic will HI HI II Ml. M UM '■.Ι. Tli 4ii^fj οι η anf· • th· id in ; which KOihl Γ<·ηι«·ιΙ\ ι- aa.MoUi· t·· niakf k>f>w t«i In* Ifil··* full lilt·· ··!' ^•rratrr litriditv and ferre u> «xplauailoo· dye, preparation bo\ l?*74-1* ■ -4-4-, et .· η 4 er e vf th? |»â fii«r« il»« ια·-»ιι- οι ι* ii 11*. Ί all κΐι» d· -no il, in· IlK t«'\t. ( hey l'iubi arc all braurlur·· «ifacirm e antl and »«ιι. I « «..j ιι-t^l tix'c of nf III mid thr mo-t funoui ami auickly effectually accomplish :ΐι —·. I »f tt:·· !i«" ;ct «.·11 ·4« thi· ttl!! -oud a >|.\ the jir·· rtpiiuti ti.itur.ll «tory, d**pi··! oini/· « :!i tti tl irrii ion Γ··ι ι>ιι·; iitiijj and n mark.ibl·· iratum ·ιΐ ·ι···ηι·Γ\. an-hiln-lurr and this result, it is > οι I 1 easily Centaur Liniment. v. «h -: tl<* th fa-!* ·>Ι" t'i·· />//:/>. BOOTS & applied, 44.4041?.· .ι a- 'ii the -:m»«-. all !i tlirv »* til tlnd μ κι Cl Kl SHOES, ait, a· Hell tin ·ιι ιι« priMV.-< nierbnui··· a Λ ti^iUjc and color which will * •ι<",·| ni Ίΐηιί 4.4 n.l ·>\«Μ 11 A·'· to η row nn. \«|Ι|Μ\ itl{"Xi iihi·.. from :i line -rivi «i rail ϊ·ηκΙ lt a l'nrli'·· h i«lnnu (}·«· |»»»-ογιι»Ιι.»η :ι·|- tlon mill··!· tli ·<ιιιΐΜ·ΙΙι·.Ιιιηι.·ιιΙ.ηο pain» neither nib nor wa«h oft'. Sold l.intaMWt *111 mxt »«rlk«·*.·. no tw 'ith "Th«^. μ^ιιΐιι lu Ν New·· I'e Γ· Vii.m \ mil ol l>.«n will}doa»e by J lr. In ». \ H II.-Mis Ιο ιη·.ιιπ tln-ir art at!·* rX'-rll.-iir thecost ν » t* ϋΐι ilni mi .mini i+v«:e le. U ι. ,| I uUU ni »iiI't «pair·! ('«mta. il «uIhJii# *u ! DI.IU. knt tut it ii|t» ,i,, m It I· lielwTed all Price •n>'ll.:ijc Will·»' , l··! |Vn»i "·( lVlllixtii»l»tirgli, Nr* Vtfrk | •it their cvi rutii u ru. 411». Ladies a \t admirable «jiii » h il not th Boots, tbry trill tlinl rli'uitn «•••pi Manufactured R. P. Κ iu by HALL, CO., r λ e ·»η·Ι 4»n* ·κ line οι' I. \1>IF* iMlurr uf thr f worthv of hljfh τ- r»;r*. TH« -trwjJ l*niru*ge, ni-ir!r n··*" Γ ·»ι·*Η purjt jii·I everything in the IViAU. 'yrl«j.jrdl.i, any 8 Τ * V ERRORS OF YOUTH. «"harariiT. Ν A HT » !i>4.m-< b.-oa Ci .>· l .tX iin»i b. 11 4 -i t-ul U :· t v> it ;U μ i.n lw «4.*hv.·: All I 111* N«ill U· koM nt II,r lu\vtf«t latea, KM AN ha- Jul' I Ί lu» t\ m L ιι ιοίιΐ lo xubv't tlnsr· on » the h «In laflnd )IHt* only, payable t»41 re '".i: Tri ir .·· .il (lint, h enternl iu Don't fi m ii KtrvtaH I»· inii t. Pivmtm Uerat, λ- II,, ans for n-li ai Ί can I e ,li· drlivrr> of ··.·· li volninr. It will be eowpletr w Foiget VOKNll |(ih>.< th M> !λ·« IO tl I. 11 autl nliilivtù· i- uf loiithful iudi'TCMon «ntiru lai />: nclavo \oluuie·, tu χ·ι th4* h ί»·· ve»* ill-lrwih··!. w)v. 1 I Si Pari·. 1>ι*·' l*>, Kl. 2m pr a· Mtcîl i?·. iuf tin· -iiiildo n iticli br wliieb be «a·fimd. Mil ■»Ιοη.·Ι l.ilhn/raplilc Map·. .1U-I mi.u-r· ί -ι.·-·· τη ni"" βροη ifïp *»·ν*ιιι ΐτ*τ* NImI whi· li impnpiM MÉWlM foror» ui-hing tu |u.iït i»v th. nirriti«cr'« e\i»pri a ltd le of ·~ .mmun K«ir «rue» oan 1«» to bv addr »»im in nei to. t oonlUrni·. I'rlcr, JUj Hintllrif. ix ano· ii :heui>»*lre- oUu >x»ju i*> the ty. and Book to i vi .ι, h*. · iA s'uU*. Ae .· Store, \'·ν» ·( Yo.k < <~'A i <»' ■«« Drug .\<>R 1 I 11 t Ai· I' JOHN It tHiPKX. ti L«lei /a «Ιιιt ι. L >«*» κ.··γγ· ιΊμ *iate lb* ûr<>:.i*v*r h*4i..< Iki'ii <~l«>"c.l :o reii^ixi" WA «' '*J atw »:ι In / ii»t tit h l.riiihi r. I>ti' COt., .-·» 1. 1· e*rr bivn 10 au» one » ho If wculd -re the mo-t eMeti.ur sad beaut.Ail oO l«i«kc .. :·τ Im.Uj! inJ a : Ι»«·;·1 Ii i- »he h· 4%p«r you Exhibition In Ihti ι' Ί Moruc· o. rot., Free mrleg jitr ,,αί. tarietv if LOST. < uo r «>nee, or Ju liai ■ ItKntii, h a fr roi il ινί^τ^Γ. tl.iow »«·) ih"*.r : 4Jt Γ n· hone.t purj'0«e yHt, .3^ Cili'i·!»·. uiU rol. Ιιι lA) »f V NARI.K WHISTCH, of sill kind*· «f (îoimU at J,ι l'iili M rroi'n.ii 'ili'/iK il; f.p'r cr*tc!)*-. lb* 1 no* wj!k. l.·* »re n a- P '··. ;» i« .v. iU |j4i»uii li.u 11.. itie c.i-:oJy HOLIDAY GOODS lo a) ικ»Ι·μιι<">· a .lid /n full It "in. >»· r I di. h ι». Nu\ It. bt,'.w«<*n "»«»nt!» I' η .· χ .i » »· k·· wii« tma* l liblv «U·: un.>l on-l tt- ihe 4 « ·'■ u*idût··, au iu* ι/uu ·. l V»«*y l.e touuit in County. will l>e lowarde·! p.iti· 11.11. l'ut- Under «uitably F. -Α.. THAYER'S. 7 now u'tdy >>iic· ·· «iiul roluiu· » υ ·ι·ι on.· * J * r». ι- h .ill :».'■« ,u-cl th lvivi intinQAtiui* of nbl 'μ.,.τ oll'l Γι""Κ* ο I· :.· tbi« uiBfp, or at the at'tr·1 9'· ; Vil ic !.ι 1ΌΙΛΙ·· t»« tnr lin* «auto al J I'll u. «ill I.·'· I.«ne·! one·.· ill two n».-'Btl.», νι··> hi ν .·■ i- ι« λ tl- »t >. w!io Im* no: b-»ua:eu· ta 'l»n BOOK Vim PariM, 11 Tina "O. Pari-. -t, 1 Util·· I: Μ·|1ιη/ evidently iinrn r·· <>i III·· UERKts f ti to· Il t. mil: 1 anil « h uu «mr Kine iiOi l> ·.* >|H p-*, | ·· iram .' ·. .t .aa-.' ;ι J t tu. t m .τ.β* η redact eirele» jua/iu^ c «lut lin tt tt illti«traiion4 rte Will I1! A ii 11 Ρ t. M 11. S, w it ιι «ueb .ι vanrt y of otliei HF.MFMHF.lt, p<*. lej ■ h *.a! κ 1< to Uc Tbonr n U.» uo.i .ηί·τ e' f 4**rl t!i i'h l th nli hoI« one (Vo n nu:ufr.u; to luonti 14. th< vtouiii b« too Notice. flail* *h**tl «β· ho i« h it·4iΊ ■«·( nul·-" lui» ; In i..vu :f'. timiïi-T n ir fo m .oui th.· boMff IVju'I I rifet t·» o.ill itnl how oheip yon ai.jituu»' >ùu fill I U·» »N\ \-··|Ν·; A'.k:· 11 Wash u χ -nïil.nj. «rkl ex;u.·: lUlft m il thorn. He it to *h ■« hi* f mi Mir. fiOUi U.nboii"/ — *ellir< alwa> pleai-ed t·· l'« rl id pei M ... C the—a- ·»ι> ν tin. i* Ιο I-· |1 ftl" Ikû ibci -vi XLl.Îi». Tot-xi'U pl«a*«tl A wbi. li f··.* I ."hi Vve .n.lu.-e I for "CA^'I llOVVV itoo.1·. to any one deei-lr I tin-:t:.^ inv (Uuirhter t'attierlne Jmilijan. Aildn'ti il·· 1'i.UJi»!.··! t, .tille» «·> jf ιΐ-ΛΓ .ι· cut-«. γ. Ληι ιΓ—· >π* w whirh rrMilteUn lh· Uoute nith iut M ρ on my ne uiiet. sa »h· haa lelt uiv uo of It. r to al «Γ ν τ ti ! ( bll.·» *11 tvry I>. A I'PL Ε Toy CO., ι-*. J a I 'ΐ. : wis.u / IE) 1· if.' :>.sl from "h«· h-ju'i·. M'entnrorth tea-ouibie caua·. and ilwli P^y New Advertisements. after tbla date. .14» A 1SI Urea«tH»y. >. 1. DR. FLINT'S ιuuu u£ ιxmoré. A W"· trill I ·..· h ib «il m ikiuj Kw thre.i ί. oahei contra,tin, LOW PRICE.t. jovrDaS 2β. Kl. I λ Γ«f July K"U '. .» Tf ;i vOltl C(rtid(ltM, lit ·„· η!:.» .·γ ο· ». a .Jenttll iUi>riog «f UHj rK'l|>4, Sutaner. Pre β, HT* F. A. TII4YFB, H.i*n it wu- Bo· jl ; at.· .* η·», η -f. ». u-.ie ' .J « th <:«·.. il oi·· iil< ιi**l, FOC.\I>. \ritn»«i-oTo. u.Watkiv*. Γ Γ umile ol.ie of Adata loti'· Γ) — lialaaiu h; SITTERS « * tac* ·ν*Ό I to Lit 4 TnW, an I tf all ».. tpjvr Ccutaar ki'iHMM »υϋι l'< .ill ..it for'it-ai r\ :;·» un.ι. >diυ α*ν uc ,-w. » μι·γκ P-r.· Γ)^·.15 1»*ι nLUtanir drug|rl*tl i'lrit- til, and all Ultf-llllntc rtîuir.n Iv. Aitli· QUAKERTliene < eh brut, »/ ft. tt«r 1L« at* I I'uf f»r »l ih· ]rn ut u* »re aJ *π· h*srJ la Untt I ;i«»u«riuii na<« by ,-aliii>< ■ «).«·Ι.1<·4 « » η, Il m Η Cold·, I.tine Au. * iu otijrh·. Coaijilaint·, rhoirr litK.ts, flrrbit, a,»w — ν ni ih#r» » •I nfli»*, }'t. V«r»uf potetl of i.jr ·.·. -I ji iI#·, rfhr 'ir't-fcr n In i!u< he-.# .4 »>»· «'i!!? oijtii j« ttli pWfn| ji.rty F betlle* t· In F. W WINsilAN. Ρη>· I.Arc (»ir Λ>u- citer*·*. _____ shirk*, ηtnonff ir/h/i Λ- r. uwjlu JUitir. li. ww foi a *iv It wόΐ «»» t4H X .'.I· )0..» »1IW" ρΐ ~τ<· ·£ I t·.) «r«ry tli.r4 i ·*«ι>ιιΐ( prlettii, Vujrixu, «ulii all If i(4 ι ΓΙ b> llrn|(ill·. thin, Sftl'MU/itirihti. \ ... ··.. ioM ~i* «I C »r t *. w r 1 Jt'ST RKCKlVKD SOLDIERS iieaa tin HAVE Look and or îaia, ι*ια., Jiamlelion, r, uml othr. s ·> » ΐ « ,ftini/n m ;.-«·*· Oval ll.J Dofttt 01 M.-ir Wirwi\* », ir murlfil JnW.r to l«.10 tf · V l»>uu··> It. s Ol'JI \ 1 Diti.ONl VXCWB, tt retain nil th'ir ineithiiml »jiut/ 111' » u( ««JltlfCUtfetf fO Vgtèi Mt|\ At.y μ#ι·οο Autftrtof Λ-om tu# Hi.·» 1 ι» ♦ 1 run »r lutùi lilt V »l.»tUl»· Jill. c'itl.O S m '.I i. :»» «· ...o. it I.O*Vt U l'ltl<'£s Itmu ever vv it ti ulU 11 A LI Itim. lhelf illra iohtfi »i < o»i .. a.j. κ. ! of !!l Li frrirenl^'l r> lir»'t tin j nlhtirunf o... •.'«•μ it TTmr· toy n <·ιτ ir*) m-t n*iieri*e ·η|Μΐττ|·κ>!ΐ BOM fart* Aprflû.l> Kvprfi», yrrathj er e>in* :·. »>r .· \V : I '\ * h· »>ι:ι. .f uiiihU* ·*. eerpatao VI. 1 » la Λ «... ν .1 nil t iuk 1 IS I 1. u, .ill t V'lltΛ PRKK ! obtint.* 1 1 nit t :.>àc. ». hi »ir» χ i>.· ml Tl·#· ou|> .»» 1k-iu„ tlie oxprf-* I'lur^C1, wMrb, I..·** »>i Λ ν > .. .4«i| «it. Λ |irep4rr"i i*>Kil· Liver luiii(. uieeiy ι ο a il tl Pay Up. owing '® tu J" I ir*e nn«in«··-, an· suintl. ■ ■· ;ι· «lue u- JH>ctmt- rvin.iniiw I » hitfr It a nml h«· t.t*< le Ii·', y t»»r «"oil· ri'^iilnr |iln ticKii, iMh. « ill In* It'll with our ntinrnr> ICemitt«Mit .mil fnlt-imitf«·ιι( IV- h ill the Cir.·' t. 30 <· >H|i|h ive.e Vl.l. j know Ve This { t!ie trmtmeut m" by l'u.v«! (ton < "i: vrr?·, Ajriu·,i'old tiiJN, iiiit-uitui- < * tun vl;h»: the hum I.I >rtif·! ii.'Wlilp.l l·» n« «111 .t·· %ν··ΙΙ ton.l fits t.nnrsï iiMiutf \ j iLt * :lmt «lute a ι··, year·, abU lie will H»ii.iul.t cure by SuiiuinT «>ΐ φΙ;ιιιιΙ% M Pa.' k«T I'ui.TVi «>: this now lu t e OF Ihcli .<·< ou ill* be ton· -tutl) pl.ur PATRONS ju*t liiu» lor Iw iflNMl îintia \ u-f ni ln« n iuc ly. Do ik>1 fail to -i-uii U> I)Ϊμ';ι«.4·>, ΓπίΐίΐΙι 1 *»II»- » Certain Ιμ·!βη<τΙνιι|(·ι(α Kidlicy 1 1.1 In· ·„ ι» in the ur '«».i thi· t«n:-<.ut it «J h trial bottl?: it "·ο.»Ν aii'l tie l*t. κ»ι·<Ι«·Γ lhi« η··'·ι··.·:η jr mill ,1 I*· »lrtfllj IL X. BOLSTER'S nothing, γιιΙ(μ·>. Ι.:ι*«ΐ'ιι·Ι«·, l ow Kfiiril*. »Ι t u l'OSt i«.i IKLL. • ..Ut clup f tnklui 11 I f Ι'ιΐιχη·.· ι. 1 t Γ IBI* Μ DIM) WILL Vl'HK YOl ninl. >i> /«. ·/. I' \KI-. Mi. f»»· if· 1ι«*ι·«·γπΙ i►··!»!Ilt>", '! i. c- I he (.hop, 11/ to, iw I· ji:i. Ul'SlUMMtY, **· MARKET SQUARE! no Mattel Ko» ! i>, *tirHWg >oui In nil Oilirr· liitrrftfcd· i< ,11 ·1ιι·ι iniv have IsiUd. ever/ft frliif/ ht/an Λι^Μι·' ■ tu«l or bow many o'hri Η f< 1 ni ί b w k η. j Quiiiiurf >■ flot, tin llhiotl >1 Ί* raiit/ft I ; û TIKI LIA LLLl sl'KATEi». ClNulin u4 tutiiwtiib cut with of c ei'> ν t «... .; ^tuni'i' ft. I it er. <>,· South Paris, Maine, ru> Β ι κι ι/, tt< >TTl r cowWfnu >·/' .ïmu;. a~L!.u *X »» fji Bt" uliii l«i K'v·' Ji'i'i' K>|ntir. a- well I'/n tuft! fiml in e it»· W t ·» I I « U> p»rii. ki'lmif*. -c an I 1' r Ί·/ ,1 ^ i« u'lf hno At α TOI' OA Ν Β L'Y vom I'mt-Dill «tirei-iion·. I In,l A t ,· lii/t, fi yrittér. stmth ·.. FURS Λ·Ι1ι -, DU. Cil Λ Γ PKICh. », W 0..·. til Ml*· RAW <ιι 7 William St.. V. k' V.c piM|* ·«» »*ii Pnoc t>ι «:ι»ιλΛ· uni λ..λι ivn.iL. '.Λ.ΐικ I :;_*ι>ΐ tîi*· 112;! lwl|ly*jtbeamnni1 t/t ii/>. ,V« "if /·. *ΚΓ .ι' Uiiow our I'.iCilitii* A BIG Pile of Goods for ilec/itéiiiff it trt-H t imh «·.■ if*· .I- L 11« ν :ΐ.<" ·«, ! .· ·;.<> j u; : u nrf Γ. t ai· 1 'ira i. οί R λ ·\ Far*. lilt till hi πι/11 11fit a LITTLE Pile of With Un iΙΙ'ΊΙrtthh ilium*»· / »tft> * t/ι· ιιηηλι .. te-ι « ο» it'bott/i »; c #,.»·>- ■ tnkiiif/*1 / i·. :j!» the f >l!ow;n>r prtfr* fa WM. J. WHEELER, Iron in, tne Blood » ι>» i· ( 4M. ! Bitters. Ι" Or. .ι Οτ^γ-iTlrf-lUnfc. Seuib T\«riv Me. Money ·. » i.i. .·>.·. ,cl. Β··-. ·ι. Wb re W lita'. Μ·«η· »T UO bi!. < ♦>. ..e μίι Or, If the in >nej !· h Dr. II. S. Y linf λ λ r ·» l * < vr·. ,t κ: v : Taw?* Pivpari'ri y > so a to .. > vu- : XI 1 I., «t. 1 ri. It «*· M· .«.*1 Γ·, V.. Γ.' I Wi lt, \\ At tic-,.' .«mi .1 TO i«: ALL 1 I! uer »hjp mh11.»I, ίη··.ι.ι,{ -j] ici lue ·> V· ». \ *I ui per tiu"ii. GO.VE, (I L ·· PRO*.IDtitiËi ... » u.>l ι 11. *iui i. 1. M.·,, Km the lit ·, ·' " Tlwu briny ΙΟΓ. h ALL. I Vi lli Will New Coru 1 οι V ι·1ιι .4. iVlll til l· 1 l«t Hw.i.l4\ η „u· " Miial ... M AWAY. Γ 4IIPKODL'CTS. 1 e 1I1 i.e In* e a GIVEN < « » itj:,.· l: i I ill t *1 lut:.·!.» I. »l il Ιλ 'λ'·'. H >ik. tl ι» rt*2 ; • »ui «il tall uioiuiti ami liarrrl tlul i· A marketable ιοι j 1 ..·.■ e ^ M ... ■_ Μ >tu* I »·■ by l.j.ic 111 tin lu.ι weitu£ I(||»iM'n Hm-ar· every or, an* tltlnc equivalent, ·.■·' nt tli#· M. ι» iriiintUSNl to be iwt κΑιit call it nioucy, an·! buy your goo.l* Cathartic Pille, « ... >IU 1. 01 M:i»-n·'lUicIt·., ilio l l'r.i^rcc '■ Λ M liitui re'* Ayer's tit· u-...' IIuntil ΜιιΙΊΙιιιχ 60DDARD & GARCELON For the rrli«-i V !. : r u r»-«.'l«i< e of ι.:» iinrl* Vi^ii>!u· I'ie· ;rtvr. which t'uu.oie» the of our flour VF L'Y BOTTOM PRICE 8. i: 1· Γ. >,u*htv Will give * oiee Cathmere Sh.iwl, wortli j aLti cure ot ail ...... it It· «r cent* above floor in (lie hi OX t» M.lfOt -αϊ ».. ..»» ι;. t ..,. J ;.»a όϋ ground derangement- ui ΡΛΙΙΙΗ rLOI HUU νΙιο bu»* tlic oiuouiu I licit. narv >f*y. CO., t;lo to the j»crM>n Urge*! t)i·· 'loiuji· h, liver, Ikt>. M· hilt I ii.«*r·. Inv.ui So. Par.?. Dt Jl. Is74. "Jdaclw Wo have but bou-ht a ful! .nfortmeut of now and Lk>w«1>. rbe\ of W> η ·. Trftburij· j rood·. which,idiltu to owoM itwkiilTII ire * mild iipeii- » nu.l all our «lock ha# be»-n I » «. u I ** »«* <·* Ai*tl I til I tri/ Isirpt nmouut; MAKES THE WEAK STRONG, eut. una au «ν l'ro|t»v R·. 1. \oine of Foreclosure. .. ΓκΥΕι.: I>e.- i t luoilt ou .. r. i.. ; .» » .· A Ml * ■> >1 \UKKI> l»OW S to the lowe po--ilile iel/ent puraative. ]' ·; iii i tut ι .· i:» r* .» 1. j.-rt· ilii l'orii.-n I rl^cui >:ii-t .i.wl ilr.un- M<>l:>l th.u f I'leaee all anJ rxaioine for your· >KU Mill I». · ur|>Jiir. ( ouifi* οι >\fon1. et able, they Γινιη I- m 1»|; o»ii con\ ince all that we live to our \ ■»! 'Μι it ! η ι*» ·Γ Γ · nt> ot ttlliuii—:«>re DtvcmlK ■'.iui.uj that we up at Solution tne Protoxide of tain no iiimur) -1 : r..lieu:e o:: M -j .\ lined of ! Maine. un the Li It vu 111 motto, viz : as to or mineral what C'n i'"Tλn·: Μ.Λ·· 'lay ΛΙ>0, Iron, is so combined have *- » ··*·. Mr·, it. laiivu. c which i·» λ uiirvcl ««1. June V I ». 1 -Tt' l>y Ιί deed 01 tuort£.i,'C .1 Sales and Small Profits! the character of an aliment, aê ever. Much • « nu l thr luaaner m «rlii<-'i taat i I lu Oxfoid r· «»r·!-1·; .Unir, worth i'JO t itlic in ixin κΐιο Quick no« ATi-l .uu) tlcvltiiiiur, «l.iW lei'cnlt «f -hiut'io Shitl'l. I ami assimilated » I·· ou»i'\«· I to utea certain ett ttigested their u»e: an·! ν 't n. ν 1 lih Hi»·-V |>:tc in!, j"ir- » ninoiiut of Sontb Pari»,Oct. 1,107t. easily i» by timely η·· >&.· r .t th.it ti tlnroiif the !:irfr»*«t Hufforinx prevented t* η rth >n ,'n· *ir >* An· Ijiij as the on lor lb»· eel .it 11 i itii tUVUmcii thereon -.tuatid la tcith the btmnl simplest every nhouM have ihetn band > 1 I .1· J» family à I V, II .» a. .'ίι· ·Ί (.iiiili't I'l WO dotfl", Χ··· t!■ Surplu·». ware the pa>meat i.f · It increases the and relief, when tei[uire«l. Loup ei- 4 t » 1 SECOND food. quantity protection I» It 11 » J. Τlie CI..I.I ι·ι ut »ainc dale null »ald 1* the i>ur· !.. II ..«,· ,.luu·; «leii«· J ■·! VVi'UtlMII iiotf ίιηιιΊ llie Own perienc«> has proved ttieni to Mai··»!, ,1UU» '-i·. Iter. >ΪΛ\ !>«· hall .ι:·! thru-Hi > ι· 1 luu· I a of Nature's Vitalizing villi which U.· ·. ν île I. ι1ΐ"ιΓιΐ«·«Ι Wot of all lb« fille η « r»· i;nt Mr it. lu l«en.^ ne*· Goods r-■! λ Fil ■ Drv• m in the and tb« H'l ii it iot ii ii m I ·| Ι·ίι .ill Ninth ?u>'|>lu» Agent, Iron btootl, market a)»>und«. By their occa-ional u«e, 1 ou !i its oui' vl tin· In «"t'oe·* tltk Hi'.h ..a_α«· iwu„ ..»··ιι lud t ι· -.iiii·· (item.-i lint mn· eoutrvi· I tu llir cures "a thousand His,'* blood i- puutied, the Corruption· ol the 6) eteni Annual Exhibition simply .it l' .\ Γ Κ N TS. 1. »' Il MU M 4iMilMCi I'. MOI»·» I. !■> -AliAll >1« UC «Κ, and expcBt i, oMnMiNi wixvwl, an ι Am w· ii. Toniny un,Invigorating Mr·»· Ml CO ,ιΓ·· iu lu led ni I i-:iuu· l.ite uith the -aid uiDrt^.'t^e —OK IUE- by of life restored 10 i'* healthy activ- Μ λ UH'til-. ui-ii: :i »i«ler |>»truuu^«.· 1 Ί pareul» iilid Davis' Sovini» Sustcm. The en- marhmery ι- n I the Γ » ·ι ».» ι*< « ; * i*> tu me « !ii.Ii ul I I· fl t nil tin· IWtnU. Ami italiziny «'urh efeemi mnl ity. btcnâl oiyaii< < t*»ti· ί iu l. iiui. .^lit μιΙαοίμΙ < il*.,· tlMiii rl'l M ni- tl n:ty the eaiwk »remi« ■ were Mtimfd by the »anJ fichai and vitalized hlood per- and ι·1ιιχν>·1· are Inilit'l bv .ly»r'« t'illm, ■ UOUll l'Ut OU. 10 .. ι. M lu· di-· [|l 11 tilt· >OUlt|f, .1|[. SARAH NUK4K SlM'JN LEARNED ever the and klilnululed tuto a· Hon, fliU» i|>l«Ul meates y of binly, < Il III ti··! »i't η », Κ.' lu llii? whCll deed -lie part inio lin· talne ol uh ti if.i'aJu Ί.·;;·^ ro.i liile'», Κ· ·:αι·ο«, 'v -u u» aud Machines. i'a«t i-rh'inice·! health, a- "" 1 and waste, .· r» nu Ι»·Ι brm» \|Λ.1«·Ι« aik .uli .l.'t·» Hi, luuiiltui,. !·> int.· lnuiK repairing damage* chaude, *ii^n i-e.'k<>iied uu tkvast lualtiunl.··. 1 rn Λ· H .lui ί -Oui OO'C.Vr t ill it 111 "Γβ 1 secre- p.irt ul ht· pieinim emit eyev lier ti»the .»*itl We have « Association. searching out morbid who enjoy ii, c.«n lianilv be "-ooipiJed. Th»' ii .ι. t:ri*r publn· ».·η 1 Κ \l:M.I> l'ln ·ΐ!Ηΐ·ίΐι·η» ul »'iil »n.»i l^sgp t't •niisr^-.otliiv niake« tfi.-in »·!»·:( a at ti Uke. Mo«k. Poultry tions, and /caring nothing fot id li r< υ enhroA' now 1, mnett· l.ai^r and Choice and ec ttu-u \irtuet uuiiupaired for ί0ι they » :ir> J·· l> iinl nil l>· will be ·θΜ low won- I .... I ;tlC:rfU· e"> ly- ir ·1ιη„· to th ef.it'i»e- in «-ui-h ca«t nitie ami (j«>o qnalitr This is the secret of the reliable. Alihoiurlt -earvhujit, it- hihi'.iou nt petioetly ·· lu i't.l;. ί jr il.*'ii»· I. Ii A W H VI.I. r:in be elsewhere. ?·. C'l I, kn* H, Ui· ir Wl*U; 1 'TnJe'l. UCUCl Kt bought derfid sucres» of this rented g in er·. ud upt-rrttf ν,ιΐι.out diaoulwBi Du·. 1*. ΙΛ4 tlt».*i· tsildj or l'au.pt!·· 11-. !»:«.·. \ .1-. Iu*lir- t'iirui.! loTtrr. lb·· i'oii»titiili«ni, or diet, oeo«ip*ii<«n. -vkly 1 Li\<*r Coin· t.» lull lirt-4 OU- iV>; ..'ί i) Good curing >ys|M'|»*la, full (luwli'jim are kIvcu on it»»* *ι»ηι·<. .h. m!t;U lue Prints. 7 to cents ; 'Μ «-- if I 1.Ί14. l.>- CITY *'·· i l'h'. c HALL, PORTLAND, ME., jtluint, I)rop\V, < h runic l>i»r- Nrk b>' j it 10 — OS— and for th·* folh'wlnjf »nii»l»int·*, o ·λ·. > > i: !i Just Received Blank Cottons, lioils, NVrvous Λ < ur» — »|i nv m 1" k U > c :iiui>< ;ativti α ui.ci- Ih.Otlons, /'UU rapidly lie<|iual Liai* C. J ? »! tft· !i, .»U. I> « Πιβ î.irj{t -t mil bt -t a-fc^rtiin'iif of lor lliapr|Mla Ot Imit*«··!lue, ιιι··ι » »rii ·>►!. I Circle ii Chills and Fwi-s, Humors .it·'.I |ta cts.; Good I'nbleacit- Wednesday, Thursday and UMiru. Laak liar aud I·»· ot l|i|»r. Tuesday, 10 ·.v.n.u«: 1 r .ι *'■ ·ι.irν ια winch tin ;uiuk urv L«>s- of ('«institutional YI}jor, rt·», t.'i» ; timultl b< Ukra moàenb&j itrui it- I t v- I an *hw wilt br c ·: W ed Jan. 12.13. I4;& 15,1875. lelc thi -foiui' li. Htid ."airhy Ο Γ Β ly it ii r··»;·. 1 i·.· .itlii'y t heel Stock Cottons, yard Friday, ο Dlwaws Γ the Kidm-ys uml • tid e' tioii. 1 Carriage u !'.·ιι«. .· J I .et vtiv schoiii >li-tr.c! \ Γηιιηίτ. c ui.*ly n W fifT-rod in « Catalogues κ ι» u.· a eil roll-trucie Lyemu. λ\". ir·· iiiiw propart"! to ftii iit-li Carriage rvinpfv" lllllnei Illustrated and at! diseases it4 l.r.·*.. »lik· w»·· 1** it. a* u !iu«i Ine uilh ail kiuil οι originating Hrailai hr. Javadlif ••»ti ·» le every «fmleet, ri^iKi* ν>< ·»ι1· K«nerallv, it cts. A RE OFFERED JX FRE- F0R t,F in., « bad state of the Mmnl, or ac- Me··. ( <>lle ·«».J Hilton· IV»en. 1 .. ·:' : > th ·ν.·1ι >··! \ .1 IfUl « C»h 1875 t ..· li;^il Λ <■ 4 Κ( ΙΊ.ΟΝ. tti/ ·1 debility or a loto t!-C> nhoiild ho jutiit loGrly l#W> fo·' AKeli CARRIAGES, UODDAItl) MITUS : : compli by u jr 'Ir ·· ira 1 uî Vlt.ihili H ilk··! ut Lot ell. ha» t< orre« t Un: dbea ej jo ti remofc lh» I.l.l.ou state of tin system* Being frea vthkhi ausc il. t' -u- o l hj with liHlulitl··* Wood-Work and \o. 4 Fll«bury lllot k, Rtrcrl, obitti'.cti'.o» .-«•<1 Carriage Wheels, Mum·' by il··- η.ιη.1 eaeh m ulu^. it/9 b>it Ol* t»i .lleohol, in any form, Ι··γ r Itiarrkn-a, EVERYTHING -:ut I it Γ.««' w. \ iwmniMi Th.· Hail nill Ih- Ιιοοι !U n. »»» Μ nt. from -. "u h.. »««etsai·' LowiPton, Me, u|.·η.*·! p. are not tr.int iIom I# tdjibtciL < aeneiLllT FX'R TIIS « uuiord A IVooilli I.niii··· for r'.iûe Jinuitf f, Wft. energizing effects fid· Pal· m ··» ol hi- rre-litoi« «a- bel·! iu lue early I.i.lil lApri·»* 0nt|tetltl0B ior Mh«·umail·m. «.on», tiretel, ii* IVnj^tiii : i»ri tf can l« obt ιη<·! ·>η η reac» t.li; IVoinU, llmv) Team IVuijuii Dm j Kuir. Blank- .ϊ>ρ1«··Λτ»,,η lowed by corresponding eliallee ni il·*· Hrarl, Pain la il·» «··«· λ -< t.; mont οιΐ,·.·»*·!. 1 ut" thj λιι·1 » oilier W oott- rtic > I H mill mid any Secretary tion, but are. permanent, infu~ •Mr, Berk. MM Loin·. Mm v -lioiiid h' « to will ho in«ilew-:»h KnhoaJ kuJ 1; it l th.ι i'rau· M ι*·.·α, at lie CVntiO, tvoik jtrrlalulii·; Arrangeaient·1 anil η··>'* token, a· tv.juirv I, to r'haurfe the dl>- -- t ante- r··· r~ln<·. ι·, 1·»··· Mid strength, rigor, tiAUoualy uri u.: sing ■ ( Exiu· r> '\ n I l « lit toi lia-, CiuuHl.nr. itt^e*· Lared j'.'bou of the .letu. >tt. il clihu^· GARDEN! h which itue tiof ,<·<· η ill hi· jiiYi tt. life into alt parts of the system, W t aie aiso to furul-h all klud» oi D. Ui'.«e di-apptai. t. hr -mui· t α vr.i ·»·1 Γ··^·1 u:r" H herc— |·Γϋ|»ΓθιΙ O. RICE, I'rr b 1er nf thf Iiiivc-lOi an Mtnplaliil· ι- a- Imvest and Iron Con- i'.ir i.}/>.- to ortlei tlif low the building up loi llr«Mi aud Urapaitel DerJliei·. » iu I RRfiF.KM h Ιί>\, -orntar*. — > r» ol 1* ii hca. J, .m 1 "ih-'ie inu-K* h. ! lie / Seeds! Plants ! ili« au·· lor ra> I. stitution, tin (IIOUMBOt ik<-u eixj «11 ι·· iou. Mtctt j «»t di aïtic ) ι». Λ lui M.-rryll. - Tailor, Consumption erra- I f ortler# houl'l l>·' mMre-'e 1 sickly, tu' jw'M, im.u.4 οα All To th- } ititfir hi' Ihi fb o-rit fh>tnoerat weak, suffering i; a ii SO. Έ>Α.Έίτ&. tares, to and A* a /Hutu*· /'ill, t.ik» on»; »r l'v fill·· nx.ui ux, Γ. 111, vi 111 1'iiit.vii, ill ■·■!). pb-a** inioiin strong, healthy, IclJOcctU. Peru j rvutote iliircMiott, aud teliew i!u ^.••uw L. *o. iH«'i foril. Maine. y«»ur rrailc. fhaf I b no a pn«l»Ive men and women; and .mull·'»·* the u vc : ■ happy A* llUH itlWM'Il w.lhoat plat**, all. ·■ -u ·ιν is 1» >ut two fCCMVUal Cat&iogue, M » -1 l'i ; t i·· —Tuo > A. Mali.. C. W. Pklthl hi: roi: rovsi mi'Tiox cannot hei- ; » .! \V I'im:rki Ε F Stone. Cf invalids reasonably and l»o^c]·, ι· -tore- 'ht :»fp»»·! ·, nd iuvw»· ·· occui)i" in·) all »b I r--it tlie Tiiro.»t ι·1 I.unt;··. itate. to it a trial. *(«.·· li »j>i» iu II· lire it :>·« j»lvai Q :i give »· iv 1 > w -iO«t tlint. t.v ii« me in iuv lui»'0 e. 1 bave cur.il mIiciv tio Η<·ιΐϊ ι Ci/ίϊ hi:u t·* I 'W* ni* lit ι·» mtTFe. l.( »Ot » On in th*· il »Γΐι.^ ôù Cortlundt St., Attention, for ;» MW u will not benefit. Imb ed, so -tronc i- t»-tlef, iu-t(i* ι, ;ι ? >*· ■( fli t iî ιο«· buy· Ό 11 1'ι>· wantcti niv OvilU' 1 vt ; Il sen I. >« to euffrrrr Free# et Ikc di|»er(iv·· α|.|ϋΐι·(α·. 1 ; J.Î f Ι^ΛΛ'ΤΚΙ» r ii,i at· ai >V L'HKl νΠ t» lit g » l'lca-e -now tbi- letter to any oneyoti may know W. FOWLE & Γ Ht I Λ II 11·' «* l.ll.l thl-r H. N. B01.STKK, SETH SONS, Proprietor-, 1: c C t Coat Makers ! ul -uffortiij. from lb· o dlx-.me* anil ublijre. P,. «T C. AfliH ft Co., Prect ici ·' f r κΐ C ;i, Μηγλ e. Custom y aiilii jIIv ^ our-, Mo. I Milton PImt, Bo»tou. .1 .il k 1 1 OW MIL, ΧΑΜ»., t >. 4. ^ & tuiU l'ai ·, M*, IMMEiUATLLV. Wt f Κ ΙΙΓΗΙ, mvilliau» -t.. New York. tk iu'ike: prico* fut Solo vx e> >»kam i, r pi al: rtr«ebt» wUt '"Λι i.ki tjH liii^lè^n. lir'V}l ι.ιη Pm0OI«t* ν ·»«t south Pa Nor. ΙβΤι t f >o« UP·: ο '. 1-7 ». 'ΓΗ PI Thé «uliscribcr heiehy .rhe* which goes into the basket will sift edge of the committee is, in a measure, «w through the bottom, and the potatoes in- local. In order that the Catalogue may P-ttess-ar'ti'.f,· >V$ ^octrij. tended for market can he selected in the he nude as reliable as ι osiible, informa- HAZELTON Oxford Democrat à»-Id aud in the cellar in tion should be drawn from all available manufactured placed the basket These beautiful Piano*, b\JHi" " Uo|l|. veil-known linn of HAZKI.TON ItltOS., ri*h\· .« him, empty lyjastic Touch, Singing Quality, '·■■ ; •Ίτ he » im h diih ι*'.Τ''' a of fruits (Jreal „„;r «I'M:. -It·.ϊ , baskets when another bfrt, East Turner, list grown and Power of Tone, and SÏRiCfLÏ ÎN Γ..1 Ir, » 'I'" Time i* a i>r*tt\ kK-rl Ua (row?, procured quantity $1,50, ADVAMCF, froli.iti ·»«·» i§ in with the charac- «πμor£X«,. "Lr'rr'·' la II « wh«ie. ordered, much labor iu your section, leading Durability. T'ohIiiûo li'reo ! \ « every thereby saving ol MOSKs I'AITKI teiisticsof each stated as con- > The < !uii.<»i vil·! «iuUr enow», picking or shoveling up potatoes and oth- variety, >..»( by giriiiK * two or three til' |«·|·.|«· Il .it The i©ur < 'ίΓ A Cerlilleale of Warranty κiveii ill» r\er> plerw ltd. il or i^iui.l ρ·>· t γ y w ill bi· pltbll»b laiool ealil t nil··· U h.ah way :«>iuv; liable to and ni, on·· tin· get bruised, and are much more ing i|ue>tious:— ■triune tit. Send for Illn«trated Catalogue!· iijm.m funrtli pu·»·· λnrl one or tw·· upon Arft ki *»<■»! ►»> w inno-l « ιο ί lLat it Price I.l>lt. tin· llrst i-st^i·. P«'ti)r lit* bien câlird ''tbr l***- «AIM PATTh'fi. convenient to handle than barrel: or 1. Is il 2, Is of ill* »oul.'' S&'SUS'»■' as bags. hardy? prolific? liuage ami ill.il lit tbr d«-llnl !■·>■ !*:·. ll 1>1νΚ>ιη·» tairy-ùii. «Plierai tt<>n of pciiitt Such as 3.Season ? 4. 5. Valuable ΙΙΓΜ KIlO'S A«i'«»'.r. tfii' h «otnriinn* * » on baskets described have le ? Also, any To ν-" Vo uiwi Ul Wtow »bfr* it by for give papri. Hitlli-r, and I» c otiro tlielr Inbum»·».· J-'V.::'·:·' digger» mauy ye»rs j«st. 11 °'"ΐΙι· Tor Ihr .· οι ivii,· N' a III I ! mid Hi·· ίιιΐΐικ «·ι· of iln-lr in« riluor· tour; «>η· 'hk h« Tiihi til) lt« " »x ■ from the mud and washed .'lean which you may de«.'„'urd l«>r the fanner, the mechanic, |hii will h·' ln,rr*rd iitili Awl it tn hi- way. by |M'.-.;illv Itibit· ·<· lit· ( and kinds not well known should be ilie men-liant ami the i>rofe*siouai man. their California Vin- rary nu ilt No poetry wIiI I*' ,u' tt the basket with its couteuta ties «inj fir. J. Walker's M-rt..| w if 1 -~vî"·· Π ιiii· It Hot i'»r Η* «η ritïrivi" iuimersuig >»ive- ami children. W« aim to make the M eek- obituary 1er Mile·· |>u ll delicate taate 1'iiee, 91.30 pci I'orlry cultivate llie U expedi- sear. The paper nub- tke Sierra Nevada mountains of Califor- iwwitt. All aefcvtloM will ht made â 'lC nu!, II. o>i po»Uigo prepaid. chcape*t rec» ill,, — in the same ne Far S. Ij. GoODale, Caialwpie refrreuce |o tin»»·· Harptr't Muutklfi. tiously manner.—Ma [Mmhu Trj ii. Hilflmi Tu», taw· Kitiaii City. the medicinal of which (uj···!* K. Frtiits. nia, properties mer. S. I'kki.ky, ) of N* for ·>Ι·ι»ιηΙ· _· the uso Ηκι.κίΤΓΓ) S tori κ.-· ptor· s wc Charge* aro extracted therefrom without —For " tut oliilgi ·| ift altui·· ·· "i ι. r« <·' w <· Alcohol. Tho is almost |χ»ΐ'·Ι ilirely ιιρ V TO INVENTORS "*>» Ι'ΐ of question Iibl γ ι- »<> "" I mi., ι BeSâM I TreraoM Street, RoMnn. 11 mm ol ··■!.nr> ι·:·.·· Seaweed us a Mutt tire, is the cause of tho •mali daily asked, What that tit·· pulillidie,'· ttr»· nn tbb· 1·« C'y "" Hit- pfl··· c 11>i κ· i 1 or m··' ·> are mor success of Vixkc.ai: ^ο<··Ι orlxln.il »lori«*· 1 ":· There few luaterhls of value unparalleled oit·· *' «•heap I· not no »n uf·· tor* mon··»*'11 ·'' ,ν 500 PIANOS AND answer that removo • It who lureMT Agricultural. as it» to 0R6ANS, teksî" Unr is, they dfioni »οτη< of f atlon W »im!l t·1»' matinrc, their cost. \m ni■ >/Second llaail.ii' I lr«l-( In»» Mnk- pulilu ! ",;ι pro^rtion ! re- ·· ■"·>ccim»s the great in the 11 ll·»' br»· 'NFALLISiLITV ·>»1 the cause of disease, and patient paiui, future Ii cl »»l) :! an ti.e vanou-> 1WWoW(riLtmrnrlw*furwi) art Ίλ 'ι":». seaweeds. That which that ,'Γ .i-Iit and *i. !; » lia* lou'* η ·»ι·ι I u»tMt Imeut*, or ·· /. 1 * 11 > t niiHtrjr. covers his health. arc the great ·|, They toi.c and ·. »d ··<· ».!liv fo ! '< lalbti in IVIirn ti*igiii it ►tori»·' cwi t!»o >(■'.·< is the best. lui t lient' Hard l'uni» lloll«ln> ». Kkmw the I -tofrtg a ■ii'irut nt■« milti >i wanted to *·ΊΙ Water ·' Ye t\ s« « It- 1*1- before in the *un. il" t,> Igeut· of tho Never and freelv admit the yon hop.· position: tllimtrate Μ »Ι· system. :■ ■·* li U. mto·, ewM'OHrerloOrgmi» tho has a medicine hem .··!·) « a to thr of world 1 He- •I..· >1 1 In!. t«rent lailnrruirati history NtKILUXI of WH ?H3Éi§£ Attnl at lew .«Ιοιςικ suie ttwir vivlNiv paj the remark il·!·* rn. —Sefsps SSpëSr. uull '· I'rnde. I ■/· tlUtoNiil to Tearliera, Jllu- compounded ; III·».; Vlilfi·; If· I·. 1οι II ·ι»ι «·Λ·· Ρ |Mifftoe»*lM, M ·»' » .· il possc^inp "" ··■' "<· or Ml>l fier. ,1 1 f V t«t« 1 », I lilire lit ». I.odfcen, Si littola, ·Ι· of VΙΧΚΠΛΒ ltlTTKRS in henlinir the Hi-tun(iti-tur r«, firm·m Ml-d v· dv. hint- r' qualities y·» * il* 1 II* ,|,„|,,„ to. HatdiliÎ, tin· In .lltll. b· l.llrrMr l'ivntfiif tMii.Ncli-i. n. I >.l W it.· ·· »-h sick «>f di^'iiM» man is heir i'hey rilllul p:i--.ii«H. shou! T a! Τ··υκ·. I'ur^ntive ·η·Ι η'· ι- · ·ΐι ri 11 ;ΓΙ ,:v ,;,î vr·*·'·· I». β ■··! :ι iitMNI .! ■ ..-in I fELLÛWi' HYPOPHOSPHiTES, pfntl«! ι ipi r» nu! Kltt WW il rr-Ui.-nt- or et »··ιιΐ'· ι*. i.">, isti. iWp relieving» ecsti> ·_ ι mu ui.t 1 ia j.'.aou. n■·-■ V«1 toi u _· CO the Lixer uud Visceral Organs Qttcvll) Kurtli mok Ikon ιon '"I » I IIIΚ TOII.INl» ·>ΤΓΙ»Ρ.\1 jwti'» rip Il κ II- r.Vr ;iI. V»|sl\\l Γ«> tin in ·» it· ··'- Dtil in tiii-. fton MNM Hi! C biM'fUf!) paper win ·', i ι- Ι··ιιη·Ι \ fiinnv | I ir 1:1.1.1».. 1 a mi. Un moke nntll Mi benllh U lut·! -.· dyiprplle Iwyh ·· ν ·: iWt Ï -»—ins a Dr. W.w ki-.k's III*,? ft. V ·! ■ .· » ·ν, : t. .* 1. tt> IciVe vet The of |-l !!···€ lit t III III d if I'lir OtlUt _! uιη·· <·t· Vixkoak ittTTKHS are T>ui>hontie, ιοίικΊΐΙ I N.I | | | ol I!" t 1»· tter than ir. l»e oui Aperient. > l \ \||\ \| ..iu !. Λ ma g '.^ut inferred Π 11ΚΑΚ Γ '.ι |.tt ili. .| >it! ..|;. ii .?. *>· -· »·· .nd κ' · "" I"κ·!* <|Uantitv Carminative. Nutrition-. I.axatiw biuretie, Ί< ι-·: >,v « >tuil\ln»e f om i's » •pi and trrn^th «Inrtili·· ';· tLl. to :i 3<»ck v'u IwOS αμ» «·ι\ ε Irritant Sudorific, Λ via· h.· Ih.-r.-r..n'1 '}» Sedative, Cuiiutui in ν fi-w aord* r· κ··ιιιί 1"··-' dollm-> ·ΐ"Ιιη/ lu·' Il 1 |(.1 IL·,lh- « f4. ·ι· 1 ;r lilt \l\ of .1 i j« ut :?i fort* >j'.1iu: aei-l ammonia from Ml ΟΙ «Ml Τ<> Till. Tlltl.H Auli liiliou*. tu .ok ο t i ill.· h ιιι· n* oil m Ult; ru\uu th·· extracting tivc, and p. il ·.lit lli.· m-I'lii·^ »l II '«· V 111. | ini| spring. tin- p II! h '· i • MAN ·>» lit M.MkMt. rpmlrr with iMHir» m'lUirniiMil. indu· '»r fixu>: it in the barn- >E till 1ΙΑΚΙΙΛ*>1:1» * .. hostsuiiils i;ni Vtv. many tllrD'uii tj λ ΙιιΙι t.l. ih« farmer to atn»o>pliere, proel ιη^ hi.ii to or It w ;tH.>r ccoih«*. I KlC\Α Ν I » μ |;|, „ ν,;|), manure or w 1 \i* I'll M> the miL-t wuliiii'i iul !n- ird other matters ill which NEW AND IMPORTANT MfDI AL DISCOVERY 11,ν w ûiU lu.» kou: c k coarse fokW IDIA-MOISTD and Itelt. f,. U|K)U i- l>r, Cooper·* .Medicated l*ad at evi-r u .lined tU·· Milking A«irk i LTi KAi. Mattiii.—Λ lur^o num- it It i& uted tn ,·, will composed. itiain Ncu I r o| our .·ι " I II Κ «'IIiSiTIIh .· ||f (.y without rooUor me.il. They just largely Warranted to en re ami |>re» fut Kheiiiii tb··· Vm r« I .ι m trip·· " I. Mt- I- and both in « an 11. 1 >,.'k headaeh*'. and all aflotOii". aii»in|i Jirlfr ot lh»'m ir·' Ιηιί·« ol lid· t: ■·'. w·· " η Ί-Ι..-ι bMh" ι. :,'" a hold their οηΐ|κΜ spread j ,Η»!»..·! make lite of it and 1* n Ν·ι r.tn Kilters '· '''"· "··. ». possibly mil 1111 |>:i 1 il ν of the ΙιΙοιηΙ. Ί lie 1«>111 >I·* Pud IVrsifii take those )Mililuli, u Wl v. artli'V» of ml··»· *' I»» ·' 1 h ih· held*. It is wit muck —■ wn II I Such cattle wili uot composted Rheumatic Cure! cKii.ir lung pn»l«et«»r. An ltne»tinent of #.'10· '•eon II : t" <';!(·<·! His. :tlld 1 L'lll.lill long porantpirtol ih·· rotnmiiiiit* W'· In*· amon. Siassa spring. |.,ι »r '1 In till» ηιοι· bcBcllt (ban can ; oar br*t «.ICA* Κ Γ«ΛI Γ and manure muck and fl*h > < ♦ ver> give» j < i« 1··· de- rxemiûw muiyol lb· mu» summer a? itarnyard ι- \i l>.i II ! tlieii I «Hie Are Uot igrtrilMrel « fI ··. wtrlf a> h the ueit ΤΙιΙ» »iiU?u»«*pl iMil<»tjinii.i|l> 1 r, tn* 1 e.iliieil I'r''in aux tln'i medl al In itnienllM>« jirm odkali tliat an- Frew Ibwe w1 »oaB(•rtj I j \ grow ii pab'.Ubnl. " .'uan.·. In and Irelanl it is u|im o th.U Knglanl i«f publie. j .ii·, nuini'i<'U> I· »Ιίιιιοι·ί«|* from en <>■■ ·> ■ ·. lit·· -liai* »( |·ι*Ι to tiood* I mail think i.i »t ;·η·ΐ I our i* '· t " " ■'·· ·' .ι valued as a nmuurc for tv|l; lleltn, |l |J>i. by ■ ■·■-, 1 \il.tl ! w.iitid bn ol Ittaη proflt I 1 b"rt", m ami fri-in gah.- l>eyond It? ν en chiefly potatoes Λίι'γ· :i'l Ihrwulk' of life. |tarli<'Ularl> ιιΊ Ιμ··" »»ilh 1 ,,·· th· have I· ^ro*i'>-· receipt uf prior. Kor particular· Bnoitiol hnuri* ■ otafi will Iw κνβπ *f·· |>4» III· .f «ml (J, J|0 J *->»! i:i kept -.•me of our uic*l re· viable ami tni«t«oi lit eor and aud |>c -l imp 1»|{. \ 1" COOP Ml Wa-hliurtoii pabll'brd w bt win ; ; ortanlti U off β "* '« on to *l|.u t till in, au-1 milk iu callages. Ai;i:\r» Wantki» -rt· *Ts " Animais w, fatten yield iA|illi(*. llanurei St*.. Itoiloii. M:im j llilion». Iteinittent and Inter- rrf ofrntnini on ·»Ι vlaiu tn«l oti.r' OT,H »AW«>RO. «iIIIm h.id I· Ihr purpo*·· ol »··! «ιίη|ί ν»Ιτΐ4'·Ιι ivr. r. I»:s aecor iauce with the l.iwsoi animal ebetn- Diamond Itliciiiiiafic Cure. are I 'mlcitlruininff. »» Ι >*Λ 1 Huit ν M i, 1 Hi M U I. < II \ It VIM· mittent Kevrs, which -'preva- ιιιιοι tnalion. < trl/iii il niatp r ii licit»d for pub· »« j tit W lu it ln»tory, ihit invaluable )|r for nnv rem b»\e and ol «οι» choo»e, iu valleys lw« l»«ra d«lr MOiMfcti· ! hv th< ιι .· r. \ wi« made Mr.1 aflcetlona any |iei they e J!!!' to and muscle ; great discovery by it·»· miicc il un» iuowt tht lilt the 1'l.lted Stale·». J* ed promote growth of bene <λ!\ lu allant A jf.tr· •t tufly Tlii» art ill ran p. Irec, t) mail l_'i) ;|nvi.illy Ki»itokiαι..-.— Ρr. Thoncts II. lirown » o! I'arkes, who h.»s gone in- only to the fi W< ami neictiboi ami |Dtlrnt« .1 :j \» ith a M irti i;·· i.indc. I ι ii !>« it to the on of fat; probably dee[>er KlU; tojflher e of the M nsk-ippi, Ohio, Missouri, (ι » tli·· rlltical in Vrttflr* others laying Hi. and alw for lit litem to etc J tlrpiirtment rhrn-gr promote to proprietor», >y» aoii^hl >„')ptiiu Oracle, iMraint, Hint" Ladie», 111 wnk rrit·.· » the siu Iv of the of drain- in tin· CuiiiIhtI.iiuI, \ ι... Ir-.m bl· pen *»l 1 api*»r î*rry «Hir > ni< to the \ ie!·i- μhti»-rer troubled wltli Kheiiuiali-in, nml I it β 11411 > ι t \ book. Addic-* Illinois ioiiiii-mo, and »ti:1 other? onduct* philosophy queer in- fortiinnlr in liutlne ·ιι«·Ιι :f Keneially, T. WI I.I.I Λ Μ Α « Ο snt 1 £«·< I. Cul Rio « ing other He pliv»iei.ni» Pub'»., PhllatbIphi.i irado, Itmzo·, Grande, .ι ■ h τ t lui rintl.· m m κ ca-U p-r···»· All such facts any person. ii u. it- and Midi κι fui : in_' of abuudatieof luiik. tin! tliroti-li (It· Ia\oral>le *(ιη···ι ami !" Γ· Ro Iti· lin :li*r »!·· ι« rot Κ·«·η îictlv I» ·β- ii.d'bV.,1 to-.h';;;;;;;' that even in a soil a four feet drain t-a Heme·'ν. the at home Tenu» five \ddr« ri, llatmnm, Mobile, Savannah, top tain·· ICheumatie d«y ·· if·· Ι«·||»<·ΠΙ 4 <1 til ,« are for th* l'armer to know, in clay «•kii"wlfi|j;e more efficient than one of two feet. .lames, ni.iuy |,< π ·:Ι ΐΐιι« lime luloitnin.' him···II. aud addint; order that he mn\ conduct his business olilijje it· pr tprUloi to m< tva»c bl< faeilltiv- tin our " r"r"·11 a mkiirii ι < V WKKk d to il ι1'· a' ί l*" their \.i>t throughout ki."»l· to ·'. Hi· >1 !»«» m -rr ιlb»n Th he illustrated bv the ex- it» manwfartura. It· re|>u ntton ra|ildljr evteirle I Kiiaralli tributaries .1*·· xpi-rii-ii inv. t»rι. following 111.lie iu theii local it I o»t· ·>. r. min· Iilt»*d to till Hi·· f Ρ·».Ι.ι n. «0011 letter» of leltei « ol \tcenl», <-utjie the Summer and nt!) |w-ltion uuderstandiugly. ,ιι·1 onler·, in·jtltry. country during ■ : a to be ΝΟΓΙΙΙΜ· tu trv it. Partii tlarl Free. il Kdltor ll< I-not in οΛ·ι· holder and In n< »· priment He caused drain dug thank an·! eertilloatM of ural»e were tlaily r·· so sea- ·» Λ ut tîiiiiî, nîtij rr mark during ■ Cftltres their tir>t winter ue»'d P.Ο \KKKUV A C«». \utru.ta Me. ably Jim.·: ι.» Ιι.·ι. α will, III ; ··«-'f ··'»»· ·■=·· ·■·" '·■ during a κ·· I IVom all Bt'ClMii. ·>Γ toe I'nltfil Si \lt·· ami ...p< ρ ntlu:· four feet in of At sons ate Mttm deep piece pasture on lu-n $77 of unusual heat and *fcwii»i care A small t>f lanhb. at 1 in iliii ««y. η nf it· iront- dryness, «bvaghliifnprrMkmlohU extra and i«vd. 1.··»» ι. :it. Il <· quantity tbel»ottom he laid tile·* of one in< h bore. aloae- «uii'M l>r irirki of irmle" or p-eielff it' WIKI>—Two .a flirt ,e-1 i-ncmed m\.ii extensive de- pohti.iii l-1; »,'· w iuld) accompanied by D Brownned»>7,l';'l1V" I» i;raiii or a ί· .»t:Uo<-> or rwota d*ii\. will lorti— it lia· Ti»eii to it- nie»ent rin iable |n»ition II rapt>r eauraatet* l.lbcrnl Indi fwfit». torwtwlllb·ftimtahedbj bjr Il '-Il V M. Ill*, ,1."·"' On these was rammed hard two feet it of the stoUéâch and liur, ii'iii'ln r l.il.toii·I ri tnd «Til i*un oul.i clay tt heieter Introduced it ha» meitnl th«'iiio«t flat· Vdibet- ..r call lmmr li.it !g the UM'OttU L»E»4 | lanyfinuitii potI* make a :tn: rovemetit in the growth I.:.··. and Μη» to I will great and on the was laid at.other 1er ni tli·· treatment of all ilieetnatii ΟΓΒΛΤ Office. Pari*. Marne and othei abdominal \ >«-er.i. In t!n-;r Reading» '··· ιιχ piefeieno ·« Jntortalnmentitb»' n« mvim. Jeep, clay br whi-n olf'T i.:.l.v.,;t..tv..tv. •■' illl and a of the ealf while the cost rntuidaliit». lu thl· w«t we »re really grateful tn atnieut. a a glv.-u oppoitutiltl I'ukt peannce row of inch and the trench wan till- exerting pou lu. «Il , H1. w tiles, and not al< oe became our medicine Ami» purgative, It,. -*«y «!· m tn w .,. «· happ.. « l ut a tritie. Mort· than this, the to u- SCHOOL eifa. influence these various or· Ν i.w.-i,—Wo dial I ii'lc;tvor tu furni-h tlii-rron to «-xl il>it tli ed to s irtaetr. After a raiu the irnib «.tie. >tm! ι· i-ott»e.|Ucntly profltalde BOSTON STAMMERING ii}h>:i heavy « we m 1 H.i t ot «τ *τηι:ι:τ. »ο»το.\ urn-til nt-u » mi d ί··ι in, woi-k. A '* thus Utie a thriftier animal t·· ·> 'hi·. '·ιι( Im »«»e ομοιι a new livid .ran*, !·> cj» entia!l\ necessary. There nil in «IIIidt' HOIIM rvrpr ».. lower or four feet t iles not eotniienc- ut· ami run· at one# w hat the be»l ν Λ ..in »« l«'t««l tr< m lln manv ilallv and ki> IV «ι. only I -elenre. I'm n»ci I Dra WHITK QiTMAX. i-ii** cathartic foi the to iiiily 15, -t" ami will ». I .1 I.I .. 1 Il IV. Γοι iifi'· »o <11:11 purpose equal which out H*t. .. throughout its t-eriod found It i».vT>l\N fromA M |.ap«*r». ftiitipoéi ♦•Χ'^ι^ιικ*' , growth t 1 tirst, but the How of water iiriucii·*!. ο|κ·η 0\KO|"»).», ., .lli( , •nil nu to We till a hrrrtofrrc tu to Ρ M no 1 I »J:. .1 W Via MO A Κ a east ause of this little running rdltx place Γ. to i i ι*, v j s No ear·, p*y II.KKU'* IlinjEKK, i- I' iri< wl'hm sn,| f. make b*. w ami mln.-tci (1 I.ucaι. Iri.M.v—This larger as much greater than the upper tie-.and occupied. We relnvr the suiTeilng •eo.l for eircnUr·. I)tc H-lm is thev will ie»no\ e the dark· departnient oil Ι,. «Μ! «t rr«t<>rv (he laboring rami to the speedily ondui-ti'd alni.'»t mtlr l> t) ur lutun ib. r- »V eitra feed. to tîod's poor; ■·: "t M \ l"i i \· •mtinued But this was not all κ* »i \ ; !·1 with which the Inv itr I·· furul*h it» m- I" longer. u-c oi" hi* it'jurrO limits »nd «ttt biw >n*4 colored ir.atvr ibi-ni nine an'ildn,· ( is sows ol Inlircit nbkb on*ur In ibcii \ a Ί > m»· ii iT ;· κ. ro»t in doctor'· Mil■·. we content same tiino may U-init>, < ki-ep tin breeding .inother drain of fot»r feet was time* carry IhvacIs are loaded, at the '»Hnt* it, ν opcued men', mi·! Into the home of (lie uftlicted LIVES! .•Itci II vi-|.in.tli τ W >!l Ik'pu .i-ii'd iu »! 1 because think it itn- £ladnc·· SAVE YOUR ilu ..-ι-crctii ni of t!ie alll.j· starved, they } arailed w ith the other, at 24 feet d'i>- anil c<'ii«epueiillv an remembered b> million· ol stimulating livi-r, tit·· a l<>rin a- l« ptorible *« wUt» tw A*D PROFERTV > "ord'r" Γτ. ·» «oui*. and the · of mm taon la Mtn ro> their they hav- t »nee and served in the same It grateful generally lestopng health) rtllibliρ WW.· j breeding qualities, way. 1 !ιι· medicine I» foi »alc ai all Pi iifti *! » through by rsiso il»· t onnty to art a· r't/i. cm -ρ ·η<1··ιιΐ. nut rs are thin iu functions of the digestive organs· If we hit»·· a coll· il-uu· u nt in a town It ι· I;··! d· ing notie 1 that gooa breed· then that the first drain had ovt the ('lined SUte· and ι anaila. It it U. ι i···»· 9 appeared »-k II rTCIIISSOX S ΚEROSESK that or »!i·· al * »!i"Ul I lt»m- Ά flesh. mistake the effect for the that your Piu.git li not g : In a «tuck. him Fori if) tin hotly against disease uiii-J be «upply τ-· v, drawn off the water to the extent of 24 to tin* Ihinei uiwr which nr <ιΐ··ι«! d·*· η t »f· .· They to »end lor it Whole-ale Agent· OIL ; Mauy CLARIFIER. all its twida with ViyxciR »· .n 'η'.··: cause. Λ eow thin in '· fh g οι hoar of. and pei na who intcint· J ieaii) c">od gvts very t. for the seia ■»«' It uukcj vour lmmiu»' fluid* a* hnnnle»· a- epidemic nat« il a|,|, su. klinjf h· r ι i(f»but it is a great mistak flow f:otn it. Mr. I'arkrs W, W. WHIPPLE & will do wallto forward «a «•7 ks?r why tk« \ «aye experence CO,, λ «> > Γ V ΡΙλΜΠΤ ι ! : of a thus fore-armed. trim lu-mieipectlng A. Il V4UEK l*orllniitl. system tin· .:itn»· :ir.d t» twfii«ur· IU no'i Al!«nrb poui to tl: q, with the of •i« ^l:iik«'( Sqnnrr, nod a I λ and more brilliant ., her that a · A tro·* II. l»*\ l{ keep expectation proved subchirged or Indigestion, lie. rnunicatloui nn thin klull· rir«l*ri! lid· I· copy—ktifit <;i:oih.k c. eoeowix a. CO., then· ι» no obnoXiou» âniell a:l-ii (flroin ihspepshi * her a She sh Ittfht.and 1.1 the niuit 1η:· ι« 'td itupo taut d-v·"'" ·11 ,f rcakiuir eood breeder. water cannot : that e?cecai or down loir, for a al<-k room Pain in the Shoulders, »tlusj I·,..,. perfect crop* Uauovrr liodott, it, turnetl up hiali. ache, Couch*, "ur ••tiniti to u .\o. is, Street, the .·t thi· paper, and we nop·· that *'··< t r τ I different from the or a eentie table it ι» invaluable. It t· Ju»t >... > hi; °î:.ÎrV"û·β»--At b* Mre'.l fed but water is an to the due light i iu'iIih »s ul tho C'l»« ~t. Di/xint tinur and ltiir»n>vt· It. will I»' ··»' 'ltd· ·1 our iu. *\ s'ightîy impediment M*c3m artlelc for for a f « \N •table*. In fact. It meet* tin· public uemanu. ·hip in tin- Mouth. Ililious Attacks. Palpi:.;- what *om<· of th·· 'T 1 Λ'· Ιί·>\. It w. a<..'e*s a of Adyertisîno.—Read 1 fanner thin of Farm- that it diminishes the λ and the po«t 1* »mal. ι· ιι. Every fertilizing power bos will la-i year. of the moat l.u.lr.e·· men In the lamp It· n»e talion of tin· Ilivut. Inflammation tono-alul ronntry faj· ,J- ·'·»·' in or ti ers' -hculd not fail to he and of manure ; that the compared with the beuellt derived ftoin Club 41? it'iowers iihiiur. it Ιλ· ··.. present in ilu» ut ΚίΊ ·ι f».| fui a)|A%vnn· ( γη Lnii,:-. l'atn ιν^Μΐ the* on « Steamers iMtK ι·· r.N Their 1* n·' Initnnee trend ··! wr··!! ·η·1 ·1 ν Boston I..,· luce h b->v« to so with hira. The t· of the tuase of the bed ; that ,t,e 'ttf 1 Λ,|η»' •'•·ν.Κ«Ι> l»oy· mperature .t other ol »u· **«"' for o« ford Co. noya, ami hunclri'il painful symp- rd ·*ιΐ·"ηί of judlwloui ftdvfiiltlny tailing «·) β rh,atiiiirr» efi^i L it· ex· DCCCrV ίΛ11^ά·ρ*·Γ·οη- should l e a in the club. Let the free entrance and .... ,' given part précédée ACI 9l DlOOlT So IIICKIIBLO. toms, utc tho (ΐΐ!'·»|>ι iiijis of DyapcpO. or.l.i or juU.hi.l.!,,,, ,», L;. My niwu Ii owing to my liberality In nd» 'r- |·ΜΡ1« ,,r their declaim at the and c'.o»e cf of the air; tjat it December ι*. 1*74. Sm Ono InitlU'ν.,ιΙ λ l»oltorante Oxfjril I>,.ino4rr*t pilni^.l ,j,;r owning change atmospheric |i(inο Ιί·1η«,/!·> nu· ;.· ..: *f ,, »pp<'«rM a l'robat» ο.ιrt J v .i 'Ί HuvettlMd Ληϋ mtd·· wh meeting. Give a chance to the ilo free descent of rain V * uf it> taui'is lltiii* .uKortUo my prwneilon· mnirj lu 11 ui.i> on ihe U. 1 i i. ) 11 g.rN through F A R Ε I "Marshal Xoilrr! _ I. rtl ill OVUrtk 10 the fftrt II. >11 ΛI.J ., >«t > lit the Γη.led «Ulo. Λ» the "l U ft »uie »·· uin_' jjivirjjf Hie I Court of I όΓ»»ι .ni e~".l piu'Utant idrrs'1-lop; they hut· why the UMUr ·Ιι..Li.I not u *< tot Maine. In the mutter ol Cil \HI.M tu tvenlih.— Olrahl. it a. α ΛαηνΓ ia ti>» *<«Λ!ν ISDitlil S« γοΓιιΙ ι, or Kiui?** ΚλII, wi.it· prelude SHphtti α μ λ it ten; J.. * pa;;e»· i' m I'll.ii a (W lie » lio lu»'··;«"!. (l-iil·; Inbuilt"·» th bit KM'.Ill »gi.iM-l«li A.ij.idi « I η .«il. .1 Ni. is. Α ΙΠΙ·' il ιμλι t: I.tiAm· m Vain. « S ·'*, eopy—at'eif *1 iftth Maksnw «h" «4tioi. ftf It iitkruttiejr w.· fli. t r.n tl ,ϋ.Ικ of «ijH'f.ii atveil ·»ι»β doli.-.r la adttiitUii'g il.nl btwine··- jlwiti χοέπ...Λ « « .* ■ 'I'll*· nu..»ti· I. lolei.f > ■. » — 50 Cents lA'uUr, A. I»., i»:·. t.y UlAhl K. HOLT, Goitre, Jul!.. < au·.,Il \ π : a to wno.e i'iab the M i*. Adétor tutU this of a : » interacting nn^L'/or- Liatcry •t »)i. Ι,.Ίι. UMUb MorearUl iObeilvw, Oltl "Advertising baa fhrnlahed me with a e uip·- I'm· wuhin and 1· .'<· Γο.γ.1; Only »α«· eo< c ;ito< t· ce. hood annn filing proof. Soil l,.l ui till S. ;o 1^ ·. etc. "—.1 Latet on ι'ι. third Turt··-!» of Ι'· tu1· Λ. Ι» !*N. i:ng J»y: lav, the afire· j'tluul V the ui' Ivtition ild. ■- 'Without the .'Id of ii.lvci tlaeinenta [ cou M hare G lAiitliitc nitration· Ill t!n .·■ «itlur .1 M'- .WOODBCBr, tet -5t c α arou*· the better. Κ·τμϊγ alwav« >hurn«. and last ν improve long to t«e hnhlrn at Port! m.t In the C..un· «Imiwii ι it fixt-ai euntiie j ti.» luv I road to tu-un·'»."—jfrtrimai .all li'p Ί I VI .iid .ill Itankrtiptcy, ···■ ter iu into the a 1. finding that Mr. had a read l> ul t ii in >·«· land and State <»| M me, nui lM« mu : till iti -;:i hitructâMe  >-·. llicr· tir·· entaia 11 ! ib >ut n· t« tpapn < nliirh " I, That tl ι· tu-l ltd II .11.·· Keyser ■ evening* studying principle* tint afore«alil, on Ui·· il -Ι Μ-ι. I ir of January, •koald1·· i-i m-a l bv m wbteb ire t· ill |< r- in» Inti !· <1 >■ .tu» { » I ν kept adiprtlwr, ■» t the milk into the churn, -he to 1 »h<>w eanae, if hop awl riiroiiic tt.r ■ I .t » ..I.I i. «· -ι. h ■ of lutni sJenc»—how plants grow—hov. I began J«7S. at iiVIoi k. Γ M., urn! an) 111H21111 iii:i1oi\\ mainly ιΙη··ί I ΙινΙι circulation, i»« pe· ..r.|. 11 ι .111·.- Pie ol »ι I Petition »hoiil< printed soi .- are n'a 'o fertile—and the »K l· :im thf handle. This o'clock lilM-iitiiatism. «:■.«.·, Γ. Hi not be graute«l : and- It ι» further Ordered, That era; Un ir rate ol udteiti»lt»„'. appt jir αϊ » I'rubuti » our. t* t· 1' :·. nor?: and η, together copy Im I ill luto ·ιηιηΐι·η «>i.or In ..uiily *·' not tin· uf IniukJ ι* phi vegetation j Ί <·ι ·· »e.i:.»lt steamer » « (h» »erve I on Ρ < in tli :< rruojti ml· ■ f· 1 he 1 g th order Mild ΓΗΑΒΙ.Κ·» (lit iiitMMi, l. vir. Kidnc nnd It'1 iiler, n· « « ···■ u r I; e at o'clock uiav ! :it »igi,s of hatter *paper \;.< r.»i>·· U liihi nuasure- it be nny he aatne at hi* last uattal « llllVl WllV 111.· tll<.'lM H"! whcn-by promote j app.arit.g, h Nli.il I. by Icaiiug »· lliti<-r- have nu 11111:11. ί»ιιι·Ιι 1): m *uch «r» lo lit· fuiud till·) the « ne*-pnper» ilk«dy cheap···! >';i It·*] ho hire oi abode in -nul district, nt lea-t live .la* Λ It. « AI.Kl· It. Ji A wide of are to 1 hen -lu· in tho hired man, aud AND I i»uiM".l 1». \ ill. on a Tali of filmât·· and rompu!·. 11 11! range *u'-j ktiocL· ance, in I ·ι Mice upon In* wife. alto by uotice I'm- >t:*rliiii.i(-al Diseases. lu ni OBOI Uni to lin* aftd lb*· *·* at by iucce-Mtre week* IrCalâttOBi BOWtpepe (I.VMIK », At i l. of l'robat» IwM 1 til I'lemocrstt three before food for and r" ·* *'t'· some Terv efienaive j "FALMOUTH. Οι/or>f i;: :ι:ι·1 luth a» ot tari;·· e|rcul*itlou ID affotd to adv.rtiK' cheaper « iilitn and I· .aid < : » 11 abundant thought atudj» ! language leturu Vjjetl PsdtlU Ullteml·, Ι'ιιΙι, run a» (lay. than tlmte ol l< »» V p:0»peioUt and liif uriitiu on the da of 1 r, V 1' >*i to the h » i not W.ll. anil lurthi notice, alternately fol- *t ih!« Ω Alt dm of latmlx ir u:i M AltlW.K, a e are WiNJIMtCUV AD,.U;« lliiu·.». tht'\ iulv.ou in life, * h h rx:· r.dt t .. ■' c">i.'e. Arter linoer the hind 1.1 nul»j.*ot I'* ndvertl-lng luiuu· ... h. ui the uen* oi the farm which I.***!« FQINKI IV WHAltF. Portland. daily r S. M j. -I il, I ». -1 Oi Maine il l'îiiinm» opvr may yet girl ; λ «· M'll l.· of lite HoWoU. To tfiurd Don't «deeitUe ttingiiy Tin· kn< 4 1«. 1. an 1 turned en· T .··.; J· M ami IS|ilΛ \BF, Bo.toi», juirttl\ public til tSi-t acfuUDt »iur .-ai, Weii studied and which will ! too* hold ot the crank it a nhrn an advcrtlm·!' U tfiiild tuid tu <1 Le carefully «tally, it όΙ' M i^un.la} * «*x opted uta ιι«1 till·* t.»kù α ilutû of WaLKKU \ IN· half -caied, alloua ice when let wbeu lie im nna builueat .ind belicte· in tiun«i-ll I'll ut the »ald t·> a.tuough fully I critically noraMoUftllj*. uni liU g -oil·, and it will art a< Mau· it «Il lot··.· tru t a α»!., .i c. 1 ·'. < le-t aι oi-.1 the .idlti^ly. prrtoil» > κ ; the im. »e i.'Aml >iUb:e night and t η··α a remark which f or SkiII Ti an ad»«fitIter uilaa··· a -at-haiid >um» t • r I·"!,» be tin ··< we. »u i» one of the bent of teach- ' ill J Im'ullVt UielW'C 1 1 airivlllg lU Uo.loC IHM'iist's, Eruptions. publlaln-d Experience |ii ill il jt too tij u ΓΙ pu h lit· irua't ruih ni :■■>. Oxford Parié : resaion that she believed the churn to be la*« at ni» lit tir. Su!t Kheulll, lllotclii.-·, Spot*. 1'»:i:J»lc·», i>-iu.>crat printed at er*: \r'. it i« 3ne of the most If ; ou ou: tin· flitl 'lav. it lin* Other ttiinjc· lo at a to ill a'. P«ii costly. Γ ι. toi» to *ia J'u-i.il·*-. wornM. bn) »ρρ< at Proba.e Court 1 i Through S'etfYork thovaiiou· lioil», Carbuuchx, King thfuk < f Some r·· id an haunted. Then Mr cu ue out lMl THa U1*I.I will yoar oun^emen: air! In >Ald County on 1 !.·· t .ill ! J- a nun in hn itock has to Keyser Sound i.tt.i lor (..It-at veiy low laU··. Or, MlkJill h 'io Κι eipcri· fieikMwid, y«i|icL<, Itvb, buy />t onri· olheta will g I nice nt It one wei k y ·1 .-w ra-t·* it feediug «ras taken·» n-ual Eye*. a· o'clock in the foreuoon and >nd said he wanted to know what the Kreljai T ie indent hook of the tlinei. The um-t ralu of the skin II ini< r* ι·· ni II tin· next ainl but n;r .ι : ϋιϋ-rent kinds of food, without |[i Scurf*, hiM iiliirittiiiiK thi· tlilidi oih lawi'lb tin y hak *Li the lauie «h 1 L ii-ttot Hail Tieitit 00 the steamer» able. the m «4 the luoat icadahlc. the j 1 matter It was ae.epu-d Impressive. aiul 1>ι·>ι·;ιο of the Skin of whatever im:i e haunted by It till llu } lili' 111 Lut olllgi'd l·· look a.h W vi.κ: k. with that chum, and the Jiftreui r iu fate refunded. — for his anyhow. in.<>t α «Um liouac ol golden thought, you up to «·«·<· their mind··, in J >on an' meant* hi'· A having iuteLgible principle* guid- populai I 01 uro mol tarried true copy—atte»t 11. C I»4»*i Ui.-I't. ou knew H. Got'l. in KKii. in trlilli·, Itlil In île- natun·, ·.-*|C up voui nam·' «« m u the be will a -hum, if people y J. t'OVLF, Jr., Act.. I'ortlaml, liieii Ii, pi li'iuu'l iitfcruily naklnt; and bu-lm fn lit u to !h· ance. which good enough in lull and flowing lo uui m stem in a -l«>rt time ll.e ti»e « :■ : > knrwledge gains then •crlptio.i, unfolding juencc of the by liiudi In· will come to you eoine finie. OXFOUD. a< Vt υ' Γη- to work it. Mr. •••*l\ WOltk |i\^S ·■ < < 1 ne ".vi ν co»' ν to h m and Ke less enough Keyser the atiiazlng grandeur ol the of tht>*e Hittorn. A good MlrtTtlHMMU la a wide ι· Parle within and '«r tin 'jiity f might It v it ate· it·· reader·, new- la the on the third of Iu. ni'"-' I» the till 3.30 when. uFliUl>." Completel rapt 1 paper *>e»t of ail pos-lb!e tile-mru ru<'tdav .... worked crank o'clock, MAINE STEAMSHIP COMPANY, definite after th tn what he n.iirht learu •lilt the maliou, ilium.nates the uiiud mid IM11, la and oilier Worms, It I» a talramau who nerer and I· never Ν It· in* I » ■ 1 nung 1M% tleepa, Ε turn .»> the utter had not come, he surrender- exalt! the soul. Agent» In re mi M W. 5i. 4ï, VI. V. Li: in tin- -vutein ol ...1 1110 : ν ; w * .ritam t I- t" m α tew from a book the Line io \fw York. lurk ^ tliti MMti Iht ΜκΙιιιΙ kl kit Hi·· acholai i" Will and Testament of.I lui." ml'.' ed it to the hired man, because he b illcctiully û^stroycil (hop· au ect, and certain wouil hav<· cost agaai full-1 engrav lug*. rote-tinted papei and iupei hit th·· In hi- tfic··. tho Ud\ ut hvi In >ai.| ( unir «1«·<·(μ-ρ·!, lui» y .age aixcin of medicine, m» \riniifu>:i< 110 nn· atinl), lawyer |·γ..»»«ι hid an with a man in the vil- Steamers Eleanora, Franconia and binding. bieaklaat-tablr, »)io can b·· in a tln>u»Au.l place» •nme Ιο:· l'robite : b in !ir mote l*-t the farmers learn tie engagement tin; -tcm from 1.1- » tiichiiinitJcs will fret* ; at oiiee, and nk to a million evri »«' lltat the ta! I K\ r I. man to an KVi-iiiituciif and ·ρ< y morninf Ordered, The the machine Chesapeake, Employment > t animal iron, some ge. ground likc these 1 111c 1'> Inf to cach one Μι» heat thing In the b··»: mU to »!l (,< r»on< ln!rrutrd l y cju>!ι 4 ptiuciplwe'of ehiinbary Will until further notice leave Liberal Ο fit* red. Λ >od a order threi *>·· ... .-t»»|ve. of I Pay π K adt'ertlaenieut ln>ure* bu-lnes« rjn lobepublUheo standard or anil the^e will scr*e frightful imprecatious. Portland ererv FoY Female Com y auother, 'companiment Franklin Wharf. Men Ladle*. Teacher* and in plaints, neetlon on the in »t pei miuent and ludi pi-ud nt Oxf jr.l liem.icrat prliitr·! at I'utl· each took a Voung Cleiirymen .t ilic du :· of v.o- :« TUcn fho children .\|i»M>.\V, 11 ni.il ur util, uiiinicJ or ίομ!·· ba^H.nnd In In n ceitaln aeii!··· a e to Un j| at a PMbtft four; to te field et Γαι to .nte hiui iu his subse- Keyser svert town «η 1 couuly Seu.l for circular"to guatrauti feur iigeut guide at 5. P. M ami 1 ·. u- customer of In «aid t ountv on .*'·>) turn for half an then Mrs. Keyser ΤΙΙΓΙΙ*»ΠΑV /.Ih'.LcK Λ MctlHIA. ninnliood. ur the tm 1: tlic.-χ.· Γ. lair and uioder.ite pilfe». Kxbetl th» third I'll· and the hour, P>r:tt River. Sew } ork. everv llOX- h >- > η nt V a ta·.·· researches, koow.edire leave Ra*t l'a Cincinnati. Ohio; ht. Louit. llittiTs *.· ·!· ... I I iufl KIM β t. At mm* «boira thai tke dialer VMM «nu IT* o'clock lathefortnooiiai.d quent t IV M Philadelphia, ; il:-|ilnl 'ried her hand, and when she was ex· P\>, 1 111 lt>|t \V an 1 sATlUPAY at ubuiMd ft b ®ot ·■!* (ubM .· they have wh\ th. tameihould i. tie which he theu will Ho. «prjiirfi'n I. \la«s Or ChiMgo, 111. i< soon i I ii 1·. public celebrity acquires by experience The Kictuor* i> a ne» ateauier, jaat built fot th » improvement jn-τ t.-j»t *ell. but ia i..reed ι·> «· il at ,ati· and and allowed ns the l»"t W I hausted >he enlisted the hired iea<1 .1.t r. loluiul>h η gitod aiticle. of «aid dccea.-ed. FOR 3·· ST SAW CUMMEP • I wuo said her while she turned. with tli e aceomniodations for p.ir>t«yrn, making M. II VV \ ι κ l : cost him f:ir less» and be worth more. prayers < trer find iu bar ting through The ''Oxford De moo rat" is flit* till» (hi. uiu-t eouvenicUt au t ouiloitable route for you hiapiiritiw A trurc >pr—iitteni U.t liui» 1 come Kev- the tkiii in Km or Jiut the biitUr didn't When traveler» between New ΐ ork ami Maine. These sHECKLEaa co aucrrtus o: jitiuH.«, Sore*; bfst advertising uirdiiini in ov- need a deal \ .. Colt· of exercise. steamer» will touch ut me) aid Haven dm nu the cleanse it tihen t uu hi.U it u.,-iiui'i, I aiui α ι. t I great ser came home aud louud the churn still a I'ord OXKolCD, ι. on to and fhjin Cotuit). .. We ruise colts for roadsters, trotteis or Minimer mouth» their passage New »lupgi»h in the vein : cleanse it m ben t i- Pari* within I tl ι he his and did some \ ork on the Ihi d Tu< >d.<« ot | \ I». in action, blasted eyes WANTED : iwtir tell voit when. MEN wi,l ■ w case must folii eelings Keep Term·: ■· rkers. In either they have Pas-age in state Room i'< uO, meal» extta. the |>ctitioo. \V 11 ι ; \ ι il ι l>< then he seized TO SKI.I. h t t. ill other innocent boud« forwarded to and from Philadelphia, tin· hi il jr.irc llld tile health the ·) Km 1 inch of I it « dian οΓ m m licii "·' etroOs;: active musc.ee to reudcr th«m swearing,and -pace week, ON >Ιιι·ι nan II i| ^—••1 .lohu and all of Maine. ·..< < the handle and said he'd make the butter Montreal. Quebec, St. part» The Political Personal and Property r.-«ll follow. Kacb »ub;e({aeBt week. ixtltioncrοι Ικ· ..uj'h μ ·,ι to » > Valuable. active, muscles come si fpper· are nqinle 11·· Mad their freight y :t. 11. M« i»o> νi,i) a. co.. SriCUL XonCftft— ·'> per-cell!, ftddlli Ml I lii'tu»!' to -ell η I rum ... Strong, an in a» on da»» ν 1 1 come it he kicked the Steamer*a· curly I, 1'. M. tliey ι- » S«·ι SptrtAt. TuttM made tilth Lœal Advertlaei- oi <»ar eCitioiii'i ,i- ... h ■; use. up earthquake Urn.-l»i- I·» t.'l· Κγ·οιι·ι*οι>.Cullforuia ι from free and ave further information to an l advertllti. in it. Mr. j General Portland. Now how is a colt to use his muscles or doing Keyser HRNRY FOX, Agent. Of a Citizen of United States. «ι«ι!«Ι I» % ii I f I ηιι; J t< ituil Drttlrri· length ultliue; al. o, for thoite neeiipy luy extrn- <»κι : keD, Thai tin· -..ι Γ> ti. .»·. Ό revolutions of the crank a minute, J Κ Λ MHS. Ag't PierM È. It., New fork. elve apace. ο all per>on· inlerr till t·)· ιΐι»|ηχ an a c.iu be at How to Exercise and How to Pi**erve Them. them by in stall day Tick» i« and Mate room» alto obtained Iii· petition mth tlii* ■>. ih< ι. I develope standing to have ordinary butter GEO. H. m made any ii Kxchutuc street WATKINS, [lirii* w, lit tun', .«lit |v In flit· Oxf.ifil I niter .' lie uaes eouie of his rnuscl ■* enough A. NEW boots:. 1874. FALL A WINTER 1875.1 day come from the euds of the earth ; aud, Portland, October 1. WT4. Editor &. |>nuted at P«rl· that they iu o .| p .r » 1Ί ! Proprietor. » to-uud with, to'-e sure, and those are Ht THEOPHILU8 ΡΑΜΟϋβ. L D. CAMPAIGN. Pari», Dec. I, IsM. L.'ourt to It·· he!., ut l*Hti« ι» »ai«l t.unty to stream » ·· k .·. wiien the on the Kederal and State the third I'ueol..v of Jan. neat o' we waut some- perspiration began Coutiiiuinx chapter· tl somewhat, but in the dis roter court or the uxitkd stai ! 8 loreuooii and »h vr cau>B I' «.·; they 'iu»t. v»liy developed from him, and s ill the butter didn't come, Jiivsn it 11.im-their History and Orijrii ; Pow· ThaiAiul lor liberal patronaac patl.weuow mure ot a horse than a γΊ·« anil l>utie· ol Public OtUcer*: Ρκ«ιΡΙ.Ε'β offer te the i>uUlic a lull ««sortment of District ui Uaimk. ■ume should not h·· ^rauittt. thinj capability Cromwell Α. H. WAI.KKR, J»tl„'e. he uttered one wiid yell of rag<* aud dis- LINE.Steamship [ÎU.HT8; Parentage ami Ouardiatiship; Marital want to either In th* /Mil ttfT ΰΐ A Xl·. I. : II |).\*i> to -taud. We them go and Duties. If |ii pi ^ni srry A true copy—Atte»t |{ejii»ter. and kicked the churu over Itt^hl* FAI S* K. iN EANKnUrILY. or appointment, Ilaulmpt. \ ta.«t Ion* in continuance. Thtn With Inatructions, Direi-tions ami I.egal Form» a i. ouri ul fii.i strong, weut to to iMDlili, »»:—At the fence. W hen Mrs. of all Itule* of ttrsaniiation ami ris|||* j, give notice that a petition ba« been λ to use mus- Keyser PORTLAlsTD Tianeaetioo·; Pari* wl'htn iind tor the'' vt'> oil»*'· ^.ve the colts chance their A Diction· 1 |ireneiiteil to llu· t nurt thi» twelttli da» I it bvr nose dot.'η close to Proeedure in deliberative Aknemblie·.; FLOUR! on tin· third fu'-Havof 1». A II. ek she AND | 1 lei'i lit \\ III a p up put ti of A make ilie Flour Trade a niber, 1S74 .Mel h'aunCO o! Slillot cles. Give them the not of y i.e^nl Termila coBBoa iue; oni|ileie We f t:.e |M Ί ΓΙΜ KM 11·. Λ ! \ rau^e ouly aud took a snuff. Then of -aid Dintriet a liaukrii|>t, indlvidunllv and a- | the buttermilk j rrea-ury Legal and Conntitutional Knowledue. I / -t. I. III·.·.· 1 » trot or member of the linn <>f Kaunee Λ lairrali···· in»- 1, but ueld ami let them tun, YORK. la form the result* of the Specially, |>r.it ι yar NEW Kobodrtax 1 ai m k -Le understood how it was. The had popular hat lie lie decreed to have a lull dim h.iri;e pr late BtlM Ul η girl abor lltlil ftudv of the iuo»t and slii ι— may .· ui! ti.at mature them t«, at popular dirwt from mamifacturors In large lot*, H* Ι.·ι· I ·ι·ιιμ· It. κ Ί ami -nvey ,1 e&per prompts fir-·, 1.1 »s so GKO. WASHING· of book·* iti uln'oplnf from all hi- ilent*, individual .Hid opartne:«lii,· η ixed the whitewash in the churn aud rpilK un-diïp», I'ul writer law the country. Worth ;inil » e ran aC'ord to anil will eell *t the lowest lu ... tuns under thw aet, and read ate Ικ-Ιι ιΐϊ.ιι^ th a.ι time-, and ia ail weathers, w.th a Γ08"ud λ·Κ'ι k< >M Wl.1.1..'" 1,000 reii Itiiif* if iu |irovable It.inkrupt upon J[ thr/itict tisknlfor |irif«M. ΓΗ'ΐιΙίηκ : ft fol th ill hi» petition on lilt- >ιι Γ Γ left it there Will Ibnaa »emi weekly line, leaving ItO-t.m Kxcluaive given. ιιικ -al·! petition a want M0k, territory Kvik but Nouud and Itrllable lira ml», illit.· tor shelter wheu it. A Ma ne R. R. Wnarf, I'm tl.nul, every Wcdiic» lav lull adiliea* Β U Okubskd by Ike Court tkel a keftring be pla they For particulam, Urdi red, That the-al.î I't ·ι·· γ ve aud Saturdav. at '! Ρ M and leaving Pier » North ai. M. M R.1.\T(».\ Λί we can «utisfactiun. bad apoa tke aame, oa tke first "i Han <Ό„ alwuyn ^i\e Moatla) O all r- »nt ->lr ( an I \. I». ip7 > kofera the Court in ia p. ilUi lt kU tl l.> I'ruits Maine. ! R ser. New York, every Wednesday Saturday ldecdw Hart ford, Conn. hand a constant of Portland «tu/oyiie of fo· On «id ili· in ill- or·!· >··. a' A Handy and I'eeful Jlatket. 1 Ρ M. fUpply liiatrict til Ι·> o'elork Λ Μ and that notice ill··; l».-f with ' at e !h> published in the Lewi-ton Ktenin^ Join ual and lin week* eurc. -«i%< in flit· Uiiuif 1» d a com- Thi» line will connect nt Portland with the prin- v at who market th»;r λ-, The rrcular im by die oxlord Demo· rat l u iiiiited at I'aii·. that tlit may Our farmers apt following for the interior and Dewapapei ininti- appt Railroad» and Steamboat·· mrt to f.e hiltlat l'ail» in n < '■ to· cipal k FORTUNE FOR ALL. Corn Meal & Di»trict on···· a week tor thre.· -m .· he v.··.-k- and vegetable*, can save mi: of the State I the ea-t. and at New York with Cromwell Steam· : I jotatoe* ganieo Poiuologi;al Society Corn, Rye. iml une·· in the I ami-ton Journal, th·· la-t he third Tue«tim ol .l.ni. him o Imti work ott some in fruit in the ^tate read* it, taken a- low a.» by any other direct wheat mill for merchant work, now used lor Μ.ΚΙ 'ι· rainy day manufacturing grower Freight Cure of Spavin·, Hiugbonen, etc. Never before |iroved their debt.» ami other nei>i>n* m nil· Α. II. Η line. -ustom work. < » ν othei or will made Wortfc iloo to man that ow n« may appear at Mini time and ami -Ιι·>η A true ·Όρν—attest : Il 1 ν Κ·, a lot oi market naakets, such as whether he receives any not, accommodation.» are publie. any place cheap Pa-»onger unsurpassed.— tint oM.r KKMKDT that i· the St lit und nee before others. it wht state-room and horse, anil ia Call patronizing ■«u-··, m thn have, the prayer of aald a in the leel himself eafled to nuder all the t.abm pas-age, including meals, j a (Jouit arc described writer Chicago upuu rt'Ki. 1er Hiugboue, etc. One for $1, l>ciitioner tl.ould not \>u wanted. iXIOltD,ΗAt 1 ν by 50. Spavin·*, l'arls \\ itliiu aud |.<ι the ('· t IT ihree for 1J. WM. I'. or box holds a iiitoriuatioo and will to .meai- ami births included;, & LOCKE. I'KKRI.E, on I* ν Tribune. The basket possible, respond steerage paatagc, '·<> rents ANDREWS th·· third Tnetdav of Agents Wanted. Send for -amide. <Ί· k of di irict Cou t loi -aid Ili-lriet 1 #.i :*>. I M'11 in \ II; Κ \ : W I.I aud is made ot boards and laths. it will «· No Humbug. Satisfaction iiuaraiiteenlv ateauier iu thi-line. I.eavmj; A'lilicss Λ Β. VOtllCi KI| I»· 11... I W II. Ill 1 .1 1 Tu end mudi oi b. >.ud- Iveiuchea l>eihe sailiug Farm fur tote· a Ctirl Ol Prêt lté held al ting to I meeting .ind New York every DXfORD,··:—At at Λ·α- Portland every satunlav, 1/»Ck ItOX t>, KFZAIt FAI.I.S, l'an· within aiid for the Count ol Hal· U.T |. ii iu witli holes cut iu the side, S*·*» ■ length, Wedn P. M .Maine. in about llirct; nnlos ir-uu ou > i'i 11, I»· top ^nhI^îuiI SoMfyJiiU -day ileell ^ITUATKl» Paris, the third Tut ot I»i Cetli r, Λ I». .>71. 'or pi tc.. 1 pr.r were! f or .-ι ν to aday m ar tb'cuitr \ f».r haudlcs. Lath· lor justa. .Jan., 1 >, 4, t! uudei For x-i-i pa-»age pi,I ^ Paris Mill, 011 tl>ail leading to Iturkticld I he I ι:ΚΙ!ΚΚ VII Γ.Ι-l;! I t tl H· |.|»t>i île I .,di., ι·ίι signed j n. Si vgna, Agent, »n«l Mimncr Parlit·* 10 tier in »aiil *1- .n O,'.!.·. Oil, I h.ti I· re a v> AdiiiiuistrutorS Kale. di^lring purchase prop- ON County prawn.' Klifhalct ctt.iui ..rid !e« are cut seventeen ho^en a Commute.· to Cata- < iili* ·; on the 1 I cm the pup; harf, erty of this df« ri|ition shOuklafail tht in-elvi> of •t Miiuner I» aiiiiomte·! Adniiniiltator on the c- o ail h 1er·- or t I \KK Λ SKAM VN, ■« ■ ■ 1 \ ii lue oi a licrn-e fr.mt tlw Hon. of his as this Unu will b·' noht at late irti<-r !·> Ii «1 : In a" I a in <.? in e- ϊ Maine, tc be Judge opportunity, quite of Jviie* l»i-l.ιί·| ( ouut puhli^li· half length—lour pi· present· j «a; West »treet, New York. 1 *t I'. ootio-lv I>V) Pniliat··. there will be sold at pul.lie auction )iercvntage off its actual value if applied for lece ineil : Κΐ'··ι ·1 1 ι îι «1 : η a ; <_n to the η \t Winter of the' on on >00 η. ii a o4'i«tli, one d each side 1 six Meeting or private *a!e, the premiic-, \V'edue?day Otdereil, That the ?at a J Ι'ν ο. nai aud the to bo held Jan. 221 and 2"th next, o'clock, crop*, farming-tool* Inruiiiire ill |χ iatemted by eaarlaif eouj ot ΐ'.ι- ι !|.| Jid » ti»o bottom. wi:'i s Society, 1875, the K I.-Into, the of the λ ill tu· in the shiugle nil al iiielmliiig reversion priiif i|ially included trade if de.«i cd. ird.r to l·· pir)i- hue ν 11 i th Τ to be iu" WANTED. .lower, of wliich lîezaleel late of h<»u*e is two 1 ti ,\ ι· « hv t t.i -:·ι .· haak-t or box is ete«i. A lew ·!^ζ· puhliVhed the Sec- nridow'· White, Πι»· ea|iaeioui· enough for families, >xiord Di m.- r.it piinted at I'ari·, t .· ia it'j eoinp u^.fjneully It con.-i-.t» ol n (he larm an.l ο tl|a -t t V. ni m in· 1 ft uiale. (■> »eH I'n ture» l'ari-, deceaae.l, illed |io»»c--e.l. iud large |.r.xluctive enough Htip- ipp< »r mi a I'ioImi· 'ourt lo br- held ιΓ I'uri· •rovetl and aliowvd K< Γ*, lliali 1 ■» «-ο»»! a an 1 r» Sef-ond Annual Our 1 en of thv-e basket» hut tritie .md rominoilioii·. bull about thcin. one in ■ tin d »«itl in··. tarj'x [»ort. Fourteen tliouaand retailed rt Any loeu^agH ii-'ricul- η »aid Count) on ihe tklrii ol Jan i.ext if »al-l deoea-ed and .evt-rv w here. by wishing Tui-day Aditrni 'i iiu einl'i aces a w de of \<;ΚΛ miles from s Pari', on the road to Oxford. A ural pui snitB, will llnd this a rare ehunce. Ad- it i· o'doi k m tin an·! ·· forth iIkiiiH not l«? :i|»polir.-d w .Π be tonuii very eoufeuient for market- ^d'.e range latitdue, «•ne \nother write-. "I ran make more monc'v fereaeoa aaea jood title will be given free of all incumbrance*. irées or call on Ibo eubanribor on the piem i-e-s. hate the »ame hhould uo· be lie ul nneVfd. \ s not In till- ·»ιιι neai than I ran'ii α flu.···) latin, uil hey why ^ruiiti·'. .1 ai>d ether- :d -»ut tlie farm, and «ii'Ieiftit iri.'ti. do smveed' T. H. AdikV. UEO. I. HYKR-<»\. A Α. II. >V MM.I ing purji"*·- j -t... ki-d.'' Ν 1UTNHV Α (,·"». BROWN, li. \V A I. Κ I. It, I ml,. I » T»ec. IS7·». itwJ I67i< u A : Λ true attc-t il t luw-, K' k. ·'·■ *·ΊΙ «·' I Im know,·. lin sorwieh Conn. Pan», 10, Pari·, Αακ· If. Hue .|.y-rAll.-t li t'. I»ι\ι copy- I" tii' loo-'* dut I y tio»w I'll· '·, Κ^ιΊτ I