ED 067 960

AUTHOR Kaufman, Elaine Marlowe TITLE Ibibio Dictionary. Final Report. INSTITUTION Stanford Univ., Calif. SPONS AGENCY Institute of International Studies (DHEW/OE) Washington, .C. BUREAU NO BR-9-7727 PUB DATE Jun 72 CONTRACT OEC-0-9-097727-2473 NOTE 635p,

EDRS PRICE MF-$0.65 HC-$23.03 DESCRIPTORS *African Languages; Definitions; *Dictionaries; *English; Form Classes (Languages); Language Classification; *Lexicography; Lexicology; *Vocabulary IDENTIFIERS *Ibibio;

ABSTRACT More than 4,500 entries are included in this Ibibio dictionary which' is intended for general use by field workers in the Ibibio (Nigeria) area or by professional linguists and anthropologists. Most noun entries include the following subentries: (1) noun phrases in which the head noun is qualified, resulting in a change or clarification of meaning, and (2) adjectives and adverbs derived from the noun. Most demonstrative, adverb, preposition, or conjunction entries include as subentries sentences or phrases illustrating their use. Verb entries have as subentries: (1) sentences illustrating one or more meanings of the verb, especially ones of a peculiar or idiomatic nature, and (2) verbal derivatives including nouns, adjectives, and adverbs. (RL) r",,t/e107., tUDirA, U.. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION WELFARE ,CL.6,6.2 MICE OF EDUCATION 49-77;17 THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRODUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE





Cr% O Contract No. °EC-0-9-097727-2413


Elaine Marlowe Kaufman

Stanford University

Palo Alto, California

June 1972

The research reported herein was performed puilsuant to a contract with the Office of Education, U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare. Contractors undertaking such projects under Government sponsorship are encouraged. to express freely their professional judgement in the con- duct of the project. Points of view or opinions stated do not, therefore, necessarily represent official Office of Education position or policy.



Office of Education

Institute of International Studies




Corrections xv

Ibibio Dictionary 1

Names 467

Addenda 477

Glossary of Words 483 English Index 485 INTRODUCTION


This dictionary is intended for general use.Choices

of orthography, format and terminology have been made to

render the dictionary easily accessible to students of the

Ibibio language (whether they be Nigerian or European) and

to field workers in the Ibibio area as well as to professional

linguists and anthropologists.

Earlier studies

There exist only two full scale dictionaries of any of

the dialects in the Ibibio-Efik cluster; these are both in

the Efik dialect. The classic work is the Dictionary of

the by the Reverend Hugh Goldie, published

in Glasgow in 1862. This dictionary is in two parts, Efik-

English and English-Efik, and runs close to 700 pages.

Although it has flaws, the major one being lack of

markings, it stands as the major work on the Efik dialect.

The other work is the Efik-English Dictionary and English-

Efik Dictionary by R... Adams, published in Liverpool in

1938 (3) It is a much smaller study (279 pages) and

although it accurately marks tone it does not approach the

Goldie dictionary in scope or usefulness. Beyond a few word lists, there have been no major lexical studies of any of the other Ibibio-Efik dialects.

Although Efik is considered the standard and is widely used, other dialects of Ibibio-Efik have larger numbers of native speakers.Ibibio proper, the dialect repre- sented in this dictionary, is numerically the most important of the dialects and is different enough from

Efik to warrant a separate lexipal (and grammatical) study.

Source of the Data

The Ibibio represented here is that spoken in the vicinity of the town of Uyo, South East State, Nigeria.

The largest body of data was collected from speakers from

Itak a village about eleven miles north:west of Uyo.

Itak lies near the 'Anang border and is heavily influenced by that dialect. Other major data are from West Nsit and Ibesikpo. The dictionary began as a file of words collected in the course of preparing an Ibibio grammar (Ph.D. thesis,

University of California, Berkeley, 1968) between January

1965 and June 1968 which included a four month field trip to Nigeria in the summer of 1966. The material was

expanded through work with Ibibio speakers in the United

States and during a six month field trip to Nigeria in

ii 1970. The following methods were used to enlarge the corpus: 1) elicitation in particular semantic domains;

2) collection and analysis of texts; 3) elicitation of all canonically possible monosyllabic and disyllabic verb stems and their regularly formed derivatives; this last method yielded a large amount of data but is not complete since the amount of concentration and boredom involved for both informant and linguist in such elicitation some- times leads to fatigue and omission; 4) a perusal of the

Goldie dictionary with a view to finding the Ibibio counterpart of words not already in the Ibibio file.

Scope and Organization

The dictionary contains approximately 4500 entries, most of which have several sub-entries.Most noun entries include the following as sub-entries: 1) noun phrases in which the head noun is qualified, resulting in a change or clarification of meaning, eg. abia a noun meaning 'specialist' or 'practitioner' has as one of its sub-entries abia ibbk 'doctor' literally

'practitioner of medicine;' 2) adjectives and adverbs derived from the noun. Most demonstrative, adverb, preposition or conjunction'entries include as sub- entries sentences or phrases illustrating their use.

Verb entries have as sub-entries: 1) sentences illustrat-

iii ing one or more meanings of the verb, especially ones of apeculiar or idiomatic nature; 2) verbal derivatives

including nouns, adjectives and adverbs.

Omitted from verb entries are a few regular deriva-

tions which occur with every verb such as the infinitive with the prefixAd -, the verbal noun with the prefix u-, the agentive formed with the verb plus a noun comple- ment and a characteristic tone pattern, reciprocal con-

structions, imperatives and other inflected forms.

Also omitted are the morphemes which mark tense and

aspect of verbs, and inflectional and derivational affixes.

The above mentioned are conscious omissions. As

for other omissions, as this is a first attempt at a full

scale Ibibio dictionary, it is far from complete or

definitive. The nouns that appear are for the most part

those which occurred in texts and elicitations. The

canonical shapes of nouns are so complex that their

elicitation by shape (as was done for verbs) would be

a staggering task. Certainly only a fraction of the ideo-

phones in the language appear. The ones that do appear

either occurred in texts or came to light as a by-product

of eliciting for verb stems, since they often have the

shape CVC as do many verbs. Even the verbs, inspite of

systematic elicitation, are incomplete, especially as

regards verbal idioms and derivations.

iv Classses are identified in the entry and, where not obvious, in the sub-entry. The identification of classes is one of the weak points in the analysis of Ibibio which underlies this dictionary. The analysis of trans- ivity in verbs, of the types of complements verbs take and whether these complements are optional or obligatory needs refinement. The analysis of verb classes in the

Ibibio grammar being revised for publication by the author will supercede the one in the dictionary. At present verbs are marked simply as transitive and/or intransitive, but the terms may not be strictly appropriate for Ibibio.

Names of Plants and Animals

The source used for botanical terms is J.. Dalziel,

The Useful Plants of West Tropical Africa, London, 1937.

The identifications are only tentative since Dalziel generally lists only Efik forms and since specimens were not collected and checked with a botanist.

Plant names refer to the plant (or tree) and its fruit unless otherwise specified.

Eames of animals (especially fish) are often broadly glossed as most speakers had only heard of and never seen most of the animals whose names they offered. loan Words

There are a number of loan words identified, with

the source given in square brackets [ ]. Most of these r. are loans from English and Pidgin English, and from

Efik.A. few loans from other Nigerian and European

languages are also identified.Perhaps an equal number

are not marked; these are likely to be from Efik and

other Ibibio dialects, and from Igbo. In the former case

it is difficult to spot loans other than those which are

canonically foreign to Ibibio; a full scale dialect

study is necessary for such identifications. In the

latter case, there has been a lot of borrowing between

Igbo and Ibibio and the direction of the borrowing in a

case of a shared word is not always clear.

Othography The transcription used is a broad phonetic one which

is close to that which is standard in Efik publications

and to that used by Adams.

The inventory of and vowels is as follows:


8 f"1.1%


labial alveo-dental palatal velarlabio-velar voiceless kp stops voiced stops voiceless spirants nasals m fi


There are three changes from the standard: ñ replaces my; replaces raw; g replaces h.

Syllabic Nasals






a 0


9 Every syllabic (vowels and syllabic nasals) bears one of five tones:

' high,

' low,

lowered high, A fall,

lowered fall.

Tone changes take place in certain grammatical environ- ments; Ibibio is written as it is after these tone

changes have occurred.


Segments: a, b, d, e, f, g, if , kp, M,m, n, A, w lat o, p, r, s, t, u, c, w, ;

' Tones: 'I I I I Grammatical categories: major classes before minor ones,

intransitive verbs before transitive verbs.

viii Abbreviations, Symbols and Conventions

adv adverb possess possessive aj adjective pron pronoun anatanatomical prob probably, probable dem demonstrative quant quantifier

Eng English opt optional f feminine oblig obligatory fig figurative(ly) pl plural

Fr French Port Portuguese gen generally quantquantifier gen termgeneral term rev reversive

Ib Ibibio sg singular ideo ideophone Sp Spanish intens intensive subj subject iv intransitive verb syn synonym interrog interrogative tv transitive verb lit literally ult ultimately m masculine var variant n noun w with num numeral obj object onomat onomatopoeic posspossibly, possible

ix ( ) enclose optional elements in the Ibibio, explanatory

data in the English glosses

[ ] enclose the source of loan words

enclose popular names of flora and fauna, Nigerian

English expressions, glosses given as direct quotes

from an informant; in the section on Names "

enclose the meanings of names

marks commands see indicates the reference is to a word with the same

stem and a different derivational affix, or that

additional information will be found in the entry

referred to

cf indicates the reference is to a related or possibly related form, a form with an overlapping gloss, or

an interesting contrast

as is used in illustrating the type of object a trans-

itive verb takes eg. ku3k5 tv plane (as wood)

of is used in illustrating the type of subject an

intransitive verb takes eg. beke iv fall out

(of hair) or*

pl (plural) in verb entries indicates that the verb form

occurs with a plural subject if intransitive, with a

plural object if transitive unless otherwise indicated.

Plural generally means more than a few, and often refers to repeated or intensive action.Plural in

nouns and adjective entries means two or more. If

no plural is given the noun or adjective can function

as singular or plural.

litWherever possible and wherever it adds new information

literal translations marked lit are given. Where a

literal translation is difficult the key words or

stem are given along with their translations in ( ).

If no literal translation or qualification in ( ) is

given it indicates that the English gloss exactly or

very nearly matches the Ibibio word for word.

variants are separated by commas, if one variant is

commoner than the others it is given first. Substantives which are not derived from verbs are listed according to their prefixes.Nearly all native

Ibibio nouns and adjectives have a prefix, most of these prefixes are syllabics: a, e, i, u, m, n, ij. Some have double prefixes of the form syllabic followed by a con- sonant and a vowel, eg. ndi, adu.There is some varia- tion in prefixes from area to area.If a word cannot be found with one prefix, it possibly is listed with another; this is especially true of i- versus e-. The prefix written a- is a cover symbol for the prefixes a, o, o, the choice of which is determined by vowel harmony. As this vowel harmony differs from area to area it seemed simpler to write all these prefixes a- especially as the vowel harmony is nearly nonexistent in

Itak and many speakers use a or [2] for all three.

Therefore any word with a prefix 6- or a- will be found written with the prefix a-. Occasionally a noun may have a variant form in one area with a prefix and in another area without one. This is especially true with loan words. Therefore, if for example a noun of the shape

WIC is sought and cannot be found, it may be listed under CVC; conversely a noun CVC may be listed with a prefix (generally a-) .

Verbs are listed in their stem form.This always begins with a . Deverbative substantives appear

xii '4 as sub-entries of the verb and are not cross-referenced unless there is a variation in the stem or unless the derived form has a double prefix, eg. emana 'birth' derived from mane. 'become born,' appears only asa sub- entry of mane, with no cross-references; iwai 'beauty' derived from Aye. 'become beautiful' appears as a sub- entry of AA but in addition is cross-referenced as follows: izyki nsee yhya; Adise 'picture' derived from set'look at' appears as a sub-entry of se but is also cross-referenced. Cross-references are not made if the only variation in the stem is a tonal one.


Financial support for this study was provided by the

Office of Education through Stanford University. The project director was Joseph H. Greenberg.

The Institute of African Studies at the University of

Ibadan, Nigeria, offered me associate membership and all the facilities of the Institute during a four month stay on the Ibadan campus. I would like to thank Robert

Armstrong, director of the Institute for the gracious hospitality extended to me by him and his staff.

The Language Behavior Research Laboratory at the

University of Californie, Berkeley, financed by a National

Institute of Mental Health grant No. R01-NE18188-03, director Paul Kay, provided me with an office during the academic year 1971-72 for the preparation of the manuscript.

I want to thank Emily Ha llin of the Center for

Research in International Studies at Stanford University for relieving me of all the administrative burdens con- nected. with the project, and Victor Girard for superbly executing a difficult typing job.

Finally, my largest debt of gratitude is to my Ibibio friends in Nigeria and the United States who gave me so much patience and encouragement in addition to their time and energy: to chief James Udo Usoro, Eno James Usoro,

Atim odok, Idfon Davis Umo, Emmanuel Akpan for their help during the early work on the grammar; and for their work on the dictionary itself to Albert Ata, Aseido Usoro, Ubo

Ubo, Mr. Thai), Mr. Brown, Mr. Akpanenal3, Celestine Bassey

Umo and Nsikak Umo. My special thanks go to Mbuk Ebor) for his hard work and devotion during my stay at Ibadan and to Efiok Akpan who patiently and cheerfully took the burden of the final checking.

xiv Corrections

Page 57 1st column,1st new entry is out of order, it should be the 4th entry in the 1st column of page 58 72 2nd column,2nd new entry, line 1, to read.:

91 2nd column,6th entry, line 1, to read: b5br6tv answer 1091st column,1st new entry, line 7, to read: idih6 n sign... 1271st column,1st entry, line 7, to read: ehfo 8?... 1352nd column,3rd entry, line 6, to read: ...maternal grandfather 161 1st column,1st entry, line 8, to read:.calabash (gen t erm); 1631st column,1st entry, lines 7/8, to read:...twist fididi / (tomake rope)... 1671st column,4th new entry, line 8, to read:...fist 182 2nd column,1st entry, line 16, to read: water from the stream 1941st column,7th new entry, line 1, to read:ikpelie. (?) n 2201st column,1st entry, line 1,to read: f6ge karma ;4k ! Runaround 2251st column,1st entry, line 3, to read: t6 flow in (of 240 1st column,4th entry, line 1, to read: kii6r6tv .. 246 1st column,4th entry, line 6, to read:a person's legs 2602nd column,2nd entry, line 1, to read: kpilk6 2732nd column,2nd entry, line 1, to read: mimmeiv ...

xv 278 2nd column, 7th entry, line 3,to read: fabek a.k1A'.. 3041 st column, 6th new entry, line 1, to read: nbltv. 3141st column, last entry and 2nd column, 1st new entry should be in the reverse order 326 1 st column, 5thentry, line 1,to read: riyeriye, n 341 1st column, 1stentry, line 2,to read: company, association... 3432nd column, 7thnew entry, line 2, to read: silk, any silky 3552nd column, 1stentry, line 6, to read: magna senna, us en! 3562nd column, 1stentry, line 12; to read: Asaaladn walking around 4052nd column, 3rd new entry, lines 1/2, to read :Vitt prep, c on juntil, sothat ;advvery much 4142nd column,1st entry, line8,toread: of two fleshy 4192nd column,2nd entry is incorrectly indented 4251st column,3rd entry, lines 9/10, to read: 5..1016 radiolitsinger of iron 460 2nd column,1st new entry, line 1 , to read: yitpl yiit 4642nd. column,1st new entry, line 1,to read: ybk pl ynk


18 trr


asinterjvar of acL. aba2, ziabanumforty syns edlp ibb., abek 4.6, 66, 66interj indicates akuk inhari surprise see ibb.

aabgnum var ofaba2 b.ba3adv again, anymore, still (used most commonly w a nega- haf6,aaftt n EEng 'half '3half- tive verb) penny kainam Ala!Don't do it again; don't do it anymore! hafiin var of 5.6.f6 hy6.6.di abb.?Will you still come (as planned)? aak interjpleasesyn irib6k ayg.L.nvv6n thm66rj aba?Do you aak riib;k,ifib;k aakplease want more water? litwill (emphatic, persuasilfe, very you drink, do you want to polite) drink water again cf baaba A.611)5136 n var of Elkp6136 b.ba6kajseebak3 (aba) 6dem nthe back (anat) (edem back, side) abb.b.kb./-3,dbe.kan na kind of cfaba1 tree which often grows very large in the bush, its succu- Lbs.1 n cavity, hollow, hole lent leaves are used for goat abb.4t6hollow in a tree fodder,'African nutmeg' abb.Itiatcavity in a rock (Adams), 'wild nutmeg' (Dalziel), abb.Ik6tinterior of the bush Pycnanthus kombo (Dalziel) where it is thickest, hunters go therelit hollow of bush. abada n var of akpare. aba aktzbkbeehivelithollow of bee syn efSk cf 6136.inpillar zriba aktthk '6.136.i. Linka pillar which aba b.baajhollow supports the roof litpillar cfdba (edem) of house

19 2

abdi Udbk, abil Usk doorframe water from the stream lit litpillar of door pot of stream cf adadga, adUb66k, tftba abgaj dam formerly a large wooden barrel for carrying abb.' (2) n var ofWan palm oil, now a metal drum for the same purpose lit abak nthe water-oil solution pot of oil obtained by washing the oil abii) Ukpbq a clay pot kept palm fiber after the oil has in the back yard, women fill been expressed from the oil it with water and perform palm fruit various rites to insure dfere abaka 'soup' made with against their children dying this solution (afere 'soup') young lit pot of soulcf rid-nk Moak a kind of ant fond ilsan 1 kpb1) of palm oil, it builds a kind of iborb abaq a round pot with hive, made of leaves stuck no mouth together with its bodily secre- Wit di* a pot maker(b6t tions, on the leaves and mould out of clay) trunks of trees lit pour cf abak on me Abk2n a women's dance involv- abdkara nvar of abakb.13 ing undulating movements, it is done at celebrations such abhkpa n var of &kp&kpa as the reception of an important guest, a marriage, Christmas db4231 na. pot with a neck used -muk di* dance Mod') with for storage or transportation undulating movements of water or other liquid often akpard dbaq a ring made from qualified: rattan or a flexible stick tibk Itie pot for storing covered with cloth, worn water, it has a mouth wide enougharound the waist when dancing to put a cup in litpot of abarj (6kpara frame) sitting, place abk (idim) pot for carrying Mara n var of akparA abasi nGod, god abasi fitigade! an oath, 'may abasi 611;fl supreme God lit God bring down destruction! ' god of sky ( waste, squander) also abasi isb/3 lessor godlit atagb,de! god of ground ma abasi! an oath,'I swear abasi IbbmGod almighty by God! ' litgod of greatness abasi arisizastia a bird of evil abhsi lord God omen lit God hates me bka abasi godmother (eka. eka ub 3k abasi a kind of mother) tree with broad leaves lit 6-be abasi godfather(ate palm of hand of God father) cf aka, Adam, db;610 isoabasi a sacred place where itimb trees are planted, abebet nsee bet plates are laid out there, and money and bones from sacrificed dbebit aj see bire animals are put in the plates, libations and sacrifices may abed4 n valley, abyss be carried out there abedel3 Ikaij helllit abyss ds6r6 abasia period of the yearof fire when sacrifices are offered to cf der, God, each clan has a feast day at this time (lis6r6 feast) dbak na bundle of long, stiff IlfGk abasi church lit house objects; a bundle of twenty; of God a ten (in the decimal system Ada laza IlfGk abasichurch of mathematics); num twenty elder lit one who stands stand (archaic) ing (at) house of God abak Ilia bundle of firewood IkG abasi gospel, religion, cf 6.kp6 Ifia a single stick church servicelit word of of firewood God cf adere dbek ikim bundle of leaves Ijk&a ik; abasi. I'm going to for goat fodder church abak akpbgbbundle of twenty 1)wet abasi Bible lit book manillas (old monetary unit) of God syn bdebOt abak ket twenty (keetone) 4

abek iba.forty(ibatwo). abia akp;, abiO ekp?)nstilts, abek itiOn one hundred stilt dance, stilt dancer dithp anam abek keet. ek6613 abia b.kp6a masquerade Ten units make one ten. on stilts, the stilt walker cfedip uses juju to stay up(see ek66ij) abem nnext year (in the con- text of future), last year abf.a awIlenn needle (in the context of past) w var avrain, awe en, cf ndin, inkp6ij,Mfin, bem ewe en, uvvuen, itweenall opt preceded by abla &bia pl tibianspecialist, practitioner abiit n var of abibt abla idnri, ab1a irifasorcerer, oracle, diviner, fortune teller61)16 n[Efik]town, village (idiGqdivining, 'lifa forked (gen used with place names) stick)syn ablO efikCalabarlit town able, in.itena diviner who gets of Efik man his information from a spirit cf mbio, ibibiO, idinj with a bird-like (inilen bird) able) akponvar of able.; able, 1135kdoctor (traditional or modern), medicine man, ablOt, abiltn umbilical cord herbalist (1b6kmedicine, juju)alsoablOt kin (ayin child) syn ak6k Ibbkcfif6t, if6t, ablet ilmanplacenta (ilnan iiben labor) able, edim rainmaker, rainstopper (he burns leaves in pots, whenablOyai, ablOyaye, n a kind of the smoke rises the rain starts bird, multicolored or stops) (edimrain) syn cfyaya 5.b6k edim able, timanmidwife (imam labor) ablOyaya nvar of ablOy5.1 cf amum 15ma.n(see man) cf ata abirahkin n var of birarjket 5 abiren a kind of yam formerlyabodiisi, abirtiasi, birdiasin planted only by women, 'water. CEng]. police, policeman yam, 'Dioscorea elate (Dalziel); cf tid.6 abc5t a women's dance danced at the time of the water yam harvest; ab6d6m na drum made from a a society of old women asso- section of a tree tunk which ciated. with water yam harvest is hollowed out, it is beaten the society is also called. with sticks of risiip 6.1.,3k and abire 3s:ski is used for sending messages -beek abirebreak off the and as a musical instrument head of abire leaving the re- rin.Culn db Odomthumb lit maincier for replanting, this finger of abOdcimsyns g.kpan. is part of the women's yam ektlinba &Ain ceremony and signals a new season 6.b8mnthe central beam of a house, it runs the length of abiruusin var of abOdlisl the roof abk linkthe head of the abf6/311fib161),b1613 nhunger household (ilf;khouse)cf abf6r3 and6rj.I'm hungry. lit itlat hunger causes a desire in me ete abOm, etebOmgrandfather -kpaan 4.131613ward. off hunger (paternal or maternal)( et4 (while awaiting a meal by father) taking a snack, or by storing see 1138m, ubOm, ris6b8m,iis6b8m, food. for a future time) ekam, cf etilbOm, Tito oil abO na market day adere (6.)bci,Adet abo, 4clet abOn, Ab633na mud fish ib&a market daylitday before alp; abandust (from the road e dem abcia market day lit that blows about; that raised after abO by sweeping) see ixdae, (for the list of -nime abu settle the dust by market days) sprinkling water on the floor; scrub the floor lit extinguish abUkpbk n var of adUkpbk dust 2 cf tit5i abuman var of achima abun a small shrimp, 'crayfish' abutabUt aj, adv see abutzt aba dabege. The fleet fishing for abla has come in. abUiasi, abiaUsi n vars of akpoosi ekem(e) abu, abu elcma kind of large crustacean with rings abinat n shame, shyness around its shell ablat animizm; abatt Olindm. I

abuilsacial) a kind of large feel shy, ashamed, embarrassed. shrimp. sold smoked and skewered lit shame grabs me; shame does on a sharpened stick (Asidan me a sharpened stick) abUt abUt aj shameful, worth- abuildilkpat small shrimps laid less, disagreeable, repulsive; between sticks and smoked advshamefully, worthlessly, (Adukpata sharpened stick) disagreeably -kerj abil strain abu cf Ocelce/) abut abut UwOmshameful life the waste from wya (feelers, dust) after straining in a basket ab6ikpa nsee b6b6 syn Atak ityd Adki dbh tiny insects found on abbn na secret society con- crayfish cf Adidicin A1 A. netted with the eicie (leopard) masquerade abueciA na weed that comes up -ban abbnjoin abn after farmland is cleared, used abbnthe Oki); masquerade for enemas ifet abn, ekpe abbn, 17)1cd6t abOnstyles of abbn (each abaft, abaft aj see bire has different music) (ifet naked) abUfim nsee fim abon, 1 nmosquito ObUk,amokn flesh (animal, afb/) Obbla mosquito net lit human, fruit, nut); muscle cloth of mosquito cf 7

Ab6132.n var of Abbn isbrj (clan council) who sits on the county council; the ab;/31n pimple representative from the county see inb;13 council who sits on the Federal government council in

Ab31Q2 n a creeper with a seg- (is;/.3 land; council mented stem, cane chairs and of elders) baskets are woven from it, 4wa ebek 110;613 a small grass, Ancistrophyllum secundiflorum boys pluck it and hold it to (?) (Dalziel) their chins as whiskers lit ikpa Abbli a cane for beating beard of chiefs litwhip of cane Ab;61j Awc5 a contemptuous or sarcastic way to address some- Ab6r3n a creeper with a one lit chief person rope-like segmented stem, db;613 621;1Q God lit lord of a ring of it placed around a sky hen's eggs, when she had laid ab;61) abaci lord God

them in the bush, will keep .see1110;623 snakes awayalso Ab6r3 uduk

(tIdlik rope) Add na kind of fish, 'mud Abtirb 4kithq sexual organ of skipper' ekaQ (a kind of snail), it syninbime is cut off before the snail is eaten syn Utigh ekt1.611 ddansleeping roomesp in women's houses ab36n see bb addn barren woman; aj barren abobn ngunpowder (of animals, trees) cfMcim AdadagA n see diAgA ab;61) pl thb;6Q, lb;6/3n heredi- tary chief; lord (religious) adaga nsee.dahk db;61j isb4 clan chief, the representative from esbp ikph Adak n see dabk

25 8

Adan n oil (implies palm oil ddeljd ik5t boundary on a farm unless otherwise qualified); lit boundary of bush grease, pomade ddeljd idtu) boundary in a iso dtArd adan. He's very village healthy (it shows on his face). dddqd ini in the interval of lit face is spread (with) oil time, in the space of time, ddan dybp; atdd dam palm oil so long as (ini time) lit oil of oil palm; real oil kuadddqdwhenever lit ddan Mmariskgroundnut oil every time ddan isorj crude oillit oil see dka ,dtd1); cf ini, iddgd of ground ddan ikaQ, ada, utuen ika/j ddeedeke aj seedekel kerosine lit oil of lamp synkarasin adeen pl ideenn man, male Adan imOtO petrol lit oil used only in the following: of automobilesynbetir8 dwOdeen (from áwó Adeen) man

dam alchbkhoney lit oil of (dwci person) bee ideen (4wO), áwó ideen men ddan litbQ earwax lit oil of dkdan ddeen old man ear 4kdan ideen old men fibQ ddan a market day (cf dyin ddeen male child used af161) moon) esp in the expression yin (poss rel to clance become red &leen Min our male child as palm oil is bright red in cf dedan, dyidrd, Ilman color) adeesi, edeesi, izdaisi, Urals dddljd n boundary (natural or n [Eng] rice created by planting trees, -sat Mehl; -sat rit6n ke heaping sand), limit; time, adeesitake the sand out space of time [Efik usage] of ricelit select rice; lifen afie dmi dbg6 LIAO. This select out sand from rice suffering is too much. lit suffering this one passes, adektrik n [Eng 'electric'] exceeds limit electricity IkArj ddektrik electric light adet n var of adere litfire, light. of electricity kiras dd6ktrik electric bulb adi conj var of dd8 lit glass of electricity adia htbk inn n var of adiaga dd6r6n the day before business; AtOk inuen Sunday; church service, church used in the names of certain adiagd n the first-born market days (days of the week) daughter with the vars adet, 6det diagaaddress form for Adiagi. 15kda adere. I'm going to adiAga Atok inuen, Mid iltOk church. syn 4kda fkG abasi intlen a kind of small black adere 6tAga, adet etAga, &let and white bird, it goes in etAgd a market day, the day pairs, one has a long tail and before etaga the other doesn't lit first- adere (d)bb, adet abb, edet born daughter of small bird Ab6 a market day, the day also called hsim hsim dy6g6 before ab; efGkin some areas, in other ibdan ebeebet UkGt Ilsen adet. areas this last name is a syn Women abstain from palm wine for ddua on 4A4t. Am65/3 eba adiagd akikb a plant see ildtta (for the list of market with red seeds, it contains days); cf edam red water which children write with lit milk of first-born Mere n the upper part of a daughter of rooster also slope; inland, interior; north called thm66/3 dyit akik5 adere thbOt, aderlhabOt, aderiffibOt cf hs6k dyin, the world (cf dbot land) also ador6 abOt, adbro MbOt ddidqn a kind of tall tree, cf ilnadot, elcOndO, date, ild661c the seeds from its large fruit Abot, usuuk, tisdka utin, tiscip are roasted and eaten, prob

titin 'African breadfruit ' Treculia africana (Dalziel) aderiffibOt nsee &dere. cf thfaq adial3 10 adiAQn see thfar, &AIL) limbs (as when one's arm or leg is 'asleep'); state of adiavzh n see ilifal3 adiarna being shrivelled from immersion in watersyn AdAkpai (see Adibene, idibene, Adibene, kpaya) ridiabene, Mbibene, ibene n lib6k andOr6 idikpinne; idikpinne wall andor6 ke ilb6k. My arm is

cf bet, here 'asleep.' (11b6k arm, 6)1.'6 lie on) adidaga n see dadgd adikpb, ikpG, Adikp5 [last var Adidem nking; God poss pl or emphatic] n Adidem Aehan queenlit king sweat wife, female (2) adikp5 antipe. I'm sweating. lit sweat breaks out on me Adidian ekpa, adidian 6kpa n ilfat adikp6 heat rash lit see dian rash of sweat synidibiak adidian it6Qnsee dian ddinam nsee nam AdidiniA nelectric fish ,1 2 cf dime , dime adi6g6 n bleeding from the gums alsoadi6g6 adidnij n seedi5/31 adi6g6 edet adi6g6 edeme sore inflamed tongue

n see dlil) cf di6g6, duaga

Adleke conj [Efik] if Adisana aj see sane Adleke edim adepe... If it rains... adisat n see sard cf die adisAt nsee sat Adikpinne, idikpinne, ikpinne nstate of numbness in the ddis16 idip n seesib 11 adita idip nsee to de)2 conj var of ado

Mit& iwA nsee to ad6d6 n bottle cf ekpeme hditanl n a kind of shrub, its bitter leaves are used for ad6m1 n married life afere -d6 adorn get married (d6 marry) hditan2 n var of &tan cf adom2

, 2 hditibe n see tibe ddom nyour husband (?) syn -abet; cfadoml aditim nsee tim adOt n market, week (two cycles hditim nsee tibe each consisting of four market days) hdiwhk aj see Walt see ildhh (for names of market days) adlyik n seeyike2 adA, adAdA n a narrow deep adO, adb, adi conj [last var is hole, a crack Efik and is rarely used] but -turd adAdd make a hole with emAenbm hfit se &can ad8 ayin a thin instrument (turdhollow adb asilk akpAakpa. They did all out) they could but the child died. adu iwitb nostril lit hole of anyway. nose adA ith throat lithole ado,1 demthat (near the person of necksyns Askith, esit spoken to); that (anaphoric ) ith 1 rjwet 6.6) that book (near you); cfhbh that book (we talked about yesterday) hdu nwhisper; private conver- seedot,, nd6,, Ado; cf ami, Ala), sation; plot, conspiracy hile, add (see da) -dbrj ada whisper, conspire

.479 12

lit put in whisper physique; permission cf 1n6 At313, risG1c, ed66/3 imeni6 adiadla Adit4/3 ikb. I can handle the situation. lit Adua n squirrel (gen term) also I have power to talk word called in some areas -fait ddladia acquire power, risim risim dy6g6 ef;k, strength in other areas the latter is -bb &Ilanreceive permission another name for adiaga ritok w var uda intien -diabk 6.6161, -615k &la, -dlabk6 cf akila (dela) adhel rest lit pour out strength na kind of soft clay used hdlabk adildla rest, vacation for making pots cf Adit, 1/Peek, Abok see Aduaq, adAdAk At6q nsee dAk adlabe n var of Woe adile na kind of animal (in the cat family?, similar to a flying squirrel but without klAben nsee b6n gliders) cf des adAbit aj see bir6 adAfd aj var of Afa adA1A nan animal of great strength (poss a fish?) used adidatna thorny, creeping, esp as follows: climbing plant deAnd rite &IBA. He fights cf fat like an adA1A. adlafidra n see flara adAb66kn see b6k6 adAfiipn seefipl ddAdA n var of add dedip nseefipl adudu n strength, force, power; 77,7.7,1 -VT ',RIM... .11...owerany.T1,7a, Jarar ..,,W,evonaeled*

1. 13

2 ddhfire nsee fit adilkpbk, abl5kp3k na plank; the board for the game of ddhfuhtn seefit2 draughts (checkers) visa db-jAkp5k the game of ddak n horn (musical instrument), draughts trumpet see&di Adak Irian dare gun lit horn of deafness syn 1k5t ewha adhkOtj na metal horn, very Adak dbasi rainbowlit horn loud, blown to attract atten- of God tion Adak ilkbt drinking horn for 1 palm wine Mama uma ma n thunder see Anak; cf nnuk uma aasaka; uma atop; uma dmimme. Thunder explodes; adhkpai nsee kpdyd thunder claps; thunder roars. synka613 dmimme. 1 ddlikpit n muscularity, the muscular make-up of the body adhma2, abhmaa kind of game see lAkpit; cf dblik involving going around in circles with interlocked arms adilkpit2 n mole (?) (anat) syn -kdrind adhma go around in aloft; goosefleshsyn rilb6rib6 circles (kdnnd go around) -tard adamaloosen the inter- ddlikpit idem n dead body (7) locked arms (tarnloosen) -y66r6 Mama dance in circles adilkp6 pl Adlikpo ncorpse (esp (y66r6 dance with specific one that is dried up and dis- steps) tasteful); aj dead; worth- less, good for nothing; vile, ddaqnroot (esp the large evil roots on trees) cf rjkdm; Adalp ddAkp6 ebbt a pointless a dye made from a certain tree question lit question of root used to decorate the skin dead goat seebip2 ddiaq iwuo bridge of nose lit see akpo, ekpo, ikp6; cf kpd root of nose

31 14

dkpan deuo tap root lit adabdUbt thborci n see da5mm6 primary, important root ddawdinsee whyd adtea,n seeeawd (?) nused as follows: ddiedija nsee ealAd -k66k ad3 (?) cross the fingers (if a person wants adifee6k n seee6ek someone not to see him he can cross his fingers to avoid daisan a kind of creeping it) syn (?) -k66k Mkparj plant with fragrant hot spicey leaves and seeds used for ad6k n gangosa; a person

dfere, 'Guinea pepper' (Goldie), suffering from gangosa Piper guineense (Dalziel) IjkG/3 dahsh, ffifay, defaa the ad66d3, ad36d5 n yam beetle ddlisd leaf (edible) syns(?) efahn syn atihken4 ifdnifd ildid; bamboo beetle (not edible) aduskd, iisdskdnfarmland ffibaak sltd dk66k amdAtd edibci with few or no palms standing, Ice ad56d3. No matter what cassava or pumpkin, which need chews the raffia palm frond, a lot of light, are planted when it's chewed they say it's there the bamboo beetle. (said when a person sees trouble coming adasat n see sat and decides to leave knowing that if he stays he'll be adtisit nsee silt implicated simply by his presence even though he may adasirak n see suck have had nothing to do with it) aduuk (?) n var of lid:61'1k ad36d5nvar of ad66d5 adabdixbt ffibirifih n see dabmm6 ad5513 na mat made of still young yellowish palm leaves, 15

it is used to wrap a chief in dfard nshoulder (anat); stretch for burial, also for screens for (in walking, in clearing the 6kpe and ab5n masqueraders to bush, i.e. a portion or perform behind so as not to be distance to be covered before seen one rests); a measure for cf cloth, ca. shoulder to fingertips afar (6kW n [Efik] trouble; afardshrug the shoulders palaver; calamity; evil (6k613 k6k6 &fir& dislocate the war) shoulder kilrin36 &fan (ek5n)! Don't Itike afarathe hollow of bother mel lit don't give me the clavicle (?). litdepression trouble of shoulder cf fini, Atime, ik8, udi cf fdgd afar) n a kind of hard leaf which afara n [Efik] sail is shredded and/or pounded and syn Ann itak labom used for afore, the arrangement of leaf and stem is such that af6 n a meeting place; a each leaf must be plucked large porch

2 separately from the stem cf ffiben kad afe! Take me to afe 4kGrj (in itak, afara is considered (take me to court, doyour to be the most delicious leaf) worst)! lit take me go to afgaj remove the leaves af6 from their stems, stack them in afe isbq village council hall the hand with the edges lined (is;rj land; council of up, tie them for easy shredding elders) lit arrange Afar) af6 idian village meeting place etliAm dfal] a bunch of dfaq afe esbpmeeting place; com- leaves lined up for shredding munal house; court (bsop court, see thfa4 council meeting) afe etib6place where people afa.)3 n path in the bush go to make contributions (etibe see Un), contributive society)

33 16 of en,Ififen, deen quant other, light soup made with Moak, eaten another, more; advthen, as. with a spoon another thing -t6t6 afereuse afere econom- Mize. E'en next week ically so one doesn't finish isua 616 next year it before the 'gari' -k66r6 aferefinish up the afere nstew, 'soup' (it gen soup (by taking one's finger contains palm oil, pepper, fish or a bit of fufu and removing or meat, leaves or okra, cray- every bit of it) lit clean fish for flavor, and a thicken- out afere er such as melon seeds; it is -bet afere die (satiric) lit eaten with fufu, 'gari' or some abstain from soup other starch) hyhAbet afere. If I catch you -b6k afere, -tem afereprepare I'll beat the life out of you. soup lit you'll abstain from soup Ifil;Gk atere akim. I cook soup iabiOm afere a thick, heavy 'black' (without oil or with soup very little fish or meat) adt dfero, mbarj afere thick afere cook a rich soup soup with a lot of meat and condi- 61166/3 afere a thin soup, broth ments lit water of soup cf 6m661 -ybm afere cook a very small 1666/3 afere watery soup quantity of rich afere full of hfla afere soup cooked with- meat or fish (a very special out leaves, thickened with or appetisingdish) yamlit white soup -ybk afere reheat afere (until afere dbak a soup made with it is very hot) abak -A5136 afere warm afere libat afere thickener for soup slightly fillaga afere scum on the top -dal afere, -yet afere eat of spoiled soup soup, lick soup (doesn't refer akparidalj afere soup left over to the fufu) from the night before ixdaddi afere a porridge of Akpa (afere) a kind of tree yam, cocoyam or other tuber; a which blooms in dry season,

34 17

its leaves are used for dfere dficip nfermentation dficip ferment (filk afereferen var of ferifet cover) dficip likAna fermented oil bean afid n trap; ordeal (test of aficip 111A613 fermented pumpkin guilt or innocence); drawing of lots (2) afire, ifire aj whole, complete -k66k dfidset a trap afire ilsen a whole daycf -sin dfidset a trap; ad- afit Ilsen every day minister an ordeal; set up lots afire &INC) a whole man, a real for drawing (2) lit put in man cf&fit dwo all men, dfid every man -k6k6 dfidrelease a trap afire afi3i3 full moon -dlak dfid undergo an ordeal; seeafitl;cffit2, ay66, draw lots (?) (dlik enter, dand2, kia undergo) -sin dfiti ith choke lit putAfirly6 n timber tree with in trap of neck thorns all over it, it is dfid isbi) a trap in the form associated with bad omens, of a pit dug in the ground it attracts evil things to it, lit trap of ground 'Iroko tree,' Chlorophora Ube dfiaframework for a trap; excelsa (Dalziel) a trap (see Ube) USA_ dfla bait lit food of afit1 aj all, every trap hfit lisen every day cf ifid, infine, tikk afit ini all the time afit dwb everyone, every man, dfid n see all men alit the whole world dfin nsee funny &fit &fit likeet every bit, everything (very emphatic esp afibm ncrocodile refers to very large numbers) syn adu6k lib6m (likeet completely) 18

see afire; cffit2, kua, da02 habire afibQ 'moonlight play' 611613 (Aare.) a part of the hfit2 num var of efit liddra fruit, one or two fleshy quarter-moon shaped excrescences 611613 nmoon, month on the body of the fruit afi6t3 dAm6nn6? Is the moon out? cf fibij adan, fnij etOk afi613 aAsaka. The moon is out.

611613 dasiere. The moon has afi) subj pronyou sg stayed on into a new day. see info, fien,ridufo afi611 liweeme moon seen in the day lit moon of daylight &fon na kind of clay, used in period sacrifices afi6t3 dAy6g6 (esIt); afi613 dAy6g6 (idip); afi&J dAyommo dfiln n see fiann6 idip. The moon is full (in) heart; moon is full (in) belly; afdb n a hard stemmed shrub, moon is pregnant (in) belly its stem is used for chewing afire afibij full moonlit stick and for torches, its whole moon leaves for goat fodder and in dfi613 &aka esit. The moon sacrifices wanes. lit moon is torn (in) heart af6 uf3k nsitting room of a imadk afibij decrescent moon, house (prob contraction of quarter moonlit piece of moon lafii66t link) Ufa afib new moon Atalita afibijilitAfibij star; 61613 na (rough) standard firefly measure dean ima afibij; atal df1513 a 61613 ikbt a rough standard star, one of the brightest, it measure of landcf Asidak appears near the moon lit ikbt, Asdi ikbt favorite wife of moon; first 61613 dfbij a rough standard wife of moon measure of cloth (a yard?, a Ate. afibij, Athaa children's fathom?) running and hiding game played by moonlight

36 19

afbn ncloth, clothes afbn IlkOt trousers litcloth -sine afbn, dbn6 afkiput on of legs clothes, wear clothes afbn adage, idem underwear -sio afbn take off one's lit cloth of underneath of clothes body -kpiag6 an/3 change clothes afbn inha handkerchief lit -wot afbn dye, stain cloth cloth of mouth cf 4kesi akpa af5na whole uncut roll afbn itak l'abOm saillit of clothlit expanse of cloth cloth of helm syn afara 6sIt 6f5n, isin afbn fathom of ann 6,b5nmosquito net lit cloth (about.two yards) cloth of mosquito 61613 afbn a rough standard Mfibe afbn threadbare cloth measure of cloth (a yard?, a Ayayaka dfbnflimsy, poor fathom?) quality cloth 6kA afbnbundle of cloth, afbn 6kpo [Efik] a kind of bundle of clothes large black butterfly lit IsGn dnn; Mben afbn, ilben isbn cloth of ghost 6,f6n hemlit floor of cloth; edge of cloth; edge of floor ofanbt n a kind of fish, it cloth jumps high out of the water is6n afbn hem; mend a 'wrapper' by cutting out the agbadd nvar of akpard torn part and rejoining the pieces lit break hem akhadka ibbk n see kaa 6k8p afbij hook on clothes atitak afbn tailor (tuckweave)akadkan aj see kan syn tedb afbn lwhothead tie lit clothgkaan aj see khand of headsynb6kit afbij lam shirt, blouse, dress &khan edbpnsee kaand lit cloth of bodycf sit ibi6 dfbnblouse lit half akadann a blade for shaving a cloth Akddan abasi a kind of bird, afbn isinwrapperlit cloth a longhtailed swallowlit of waist 20

blade of Godalso aklidan akan3ntime, occasion 4kildan dbasi, 4kildan used with numerals, ifan and 6.1D6/3 an$r3, idan 6.1A6n of en see idar3 akar) keet once, at once lit cf U16/3 occasion one afan ifan k6 akenAmgHow many akadi nvar of hkari times did you do it? cf ukpa2, ifan akdinforest akai (6kpo) 6kpci square, the akankan, atikankan n [onomat?] placewhere ekpo comes out and a two pronged metal percussion whereits rites are performed instrument, each prong is syns anwa 6kpb, atai 6s16n tuned at a different pitch; 6kpb a single pronged metal percussion instrument, one end is held akal5n n var of kadbn against the stomach or rested on the ground for playing akelifiba aj [Efik] var of cf ek6r6, ekaAba At6kir6k akama n [Yoruba?] pap (gen akankan idim na pebble from made of maize starch) the stream used in a catapult (idimstream) akaij1 shortage of food, cf akankan famine I 2 cfkan , eduek akankan na kind of long curved sword akan2n alum (used in the pre- paration of snuff, in medicine, akaran [Yoruba] a fritter in the fermentation of cassava, made from blackeyed peas and in 616r6 to soften leaves, in pepper the preparation of at60 akhri n var o :.hkari 21

Ake, dine relative particle to idagakee?when? lit time that, which, where (often whichalso akee ini? contracted to a with assimila- hdaidIGKI idagakee? When will tion to the following vowel) you return? ben hbeet Ake abere k6 see ake,ke3;cf brae, risO6 ridibene! Take the ladder which is leaning against the hkeme n var of hkebe wall! Mid Ake Anam if6nn5. The yam aken quant, advvar of Afen which I'm selling isn't good. Ake pima ke ado, ahni ke Akenamadvsee nam It's mine. lit that my that it is hki ik5/3 nsee ha likGt Ahnem Akan Ake The palm wine is better than akikahk na small bird, it yesterday's. litpalm wine preys on aktikti6 is 'sweet' surpasses that of yesterday ikikere nsee ker6 see Akee, ke3,. cf se, rite1 hkiko, ekiko, ikik6 n civet &abet &kernenbox cat hkebe ifikpa; hkebe dkpo ay/6 ARA akiko pouch full of smelly coffin lit box of death; liquid in the anus of the box of dead person civet cat (see ARA) synakpcig6; cf ekpem6 cf hkik

Ake6 interrog nwhich, which akik6 na plant with succulent one?; interrog aj which? leaves, both leaves and stem hko Akee ke hfb hyem; Akee Aid) contain a milky, sticky fluid ke hfo hyem2Which pot doyou want? hkik6 (linen) n rooster (lingn akee dhyhyd Akan? Which one chicken) is more beautiful? 6f-a hkik6 comb of a rooster idaga akee?gencontracted hkpa Akikbfirst cockcrow T. 22

(around midnight) lit ! first akit, akitn unspecified past rooster or future time, sometime; Ifim6613 dyit hkikb; ilm6613 eba akit only a particular time adiaga akikb a plant with red (always followed by thename seeds, it contains red water of a day or by some other which children write with lit qualifier) tears of rooster; milk of first- akit IfimAdkit akOn. Sometime born daughter of rooster in the past I saw ok&n. 61m6613 dyit akikb cry riyAlikit skit. I'll see you crocodile tears sometime in the future. akit ixba iikph any day in the &kikb n an animal in the cat past or future (uba ikph family, it changes into ekpe two days past or future) (leopard) when it gets older akit Sunday on that particular cfakiko, atin Sunday akit ado onthatday, on akik6i nsee kbk that very day alit akit dmi a few days ago akikh eV), AkikGn eV), hkik51) etOn see kOKI akitn var of dkit

akimen an edible vegetable akO dem that yonder, that one (poss in the pepper family) over there see kó, hid), lik6; cf dmi, ado, akirdasi n[Eng 'glass'] a add (see da) small glass from which to drink tlf6f6p ('illicit gin') akO n clay cooking pot see kiras; cf t6Mbit, hyirh akO fasibij clay pot (11s161) potsherd) bkiri n Cult source unknown, akO thbakardmetal pot lit cf Yoruba agidi] a dish pot of European similar to mdimai but made of 'hid) atian tin oraluminum pot maize litpot of metal cfekOki, ekpan akO likaak iron pot

40 23

asIn 1k6.r6. 6..koa pot with a aku npriest small tapered base Mara aku Inam high priest of round) the Inam society eko Ikbrj pipe for 6.16. ldnn sorcerer, oracle, smoking litpot of leaf diviner, fortune tellerlit synsasi ik&j, Ike, ike Ike priest of divination, of synasio; cf ekOl Idnrj societysynsabla idi.6rj, able. Int& akOn (e.y1.5)n night (aylO time) ekti. priest ekpeme ikon ayi.Onight watch- litpriest of God man lit watchman of night see aktilcit; cf ekdki5. 6.kOn ayi.Othe middle of the night (when everyone isaku ncircle formation for asleep) a game or dance ak8n e.kp5s3rj it6rjtetanus(a -t6 akiiform a circle (t6 common man's name bk On comes fromhit) the word for -night, tetanus is literally Ok On of the stiff aktiana large wooden trough neck) for pressing and storing palm oil a.koOkOn n var of fkOn akuaaj[Efik]great, important, ak6On ayOp nsee konn6 big (rare) 6.kua ikaban accomplished ak66pn see kop6 singer, a village singer; the lead singer (in responsorial 6.k6pnnavel (anat) singing) (lkil6song)

,1 ek6y8 6...k6y8 rfibirlilL) akua ncarved sticks represent- n a kind of red-skinned ing ancestors (kept in the plantain house); a long stick used by plantain) ekp6 for secret executions, the stick is driven through 24

the head down into the ground see 4kUet; cf Ifiot, kUre adikbij aka the execution; the representation of ancestors akUete n[via Igbo, ult (kbij knock) Akuete ?] a kind of cloth used for wrapper akAa2n a kind of hardwood tree cf akual akUk n money (originally meant brass or copper ?);

, 3 akua nsee AnUene num ten (begins at thirty, see below) aktta WW1 6kilkaa n a kind -kpe akUk pay money of rodent found in the tops of -tip akUkcontribute money palm trees, they move in small akUk owe money groups -did akUkearn money lit of adua eat money -erana akUk make money n bed. (implies hard work) lit et6 wooden bed struggle for money akbk55k bamboo bed -bihat akuk waste money cf ikuk, glkpand, bed akuk Ubbk ed?Bma money bribe akuk Ukpetisiqcarfare lit dkube n chameleon money for paying way akUk idicion real money (not akudar, abasi nsee akddala counterfeit) cf kel5ta hit& Ubbk bangles worn on the dkUdih n seed16131 wrist for dancing (ub6k arm, hand) akueeren var of ikileere aklik Ukcit leg bangles for the same purpose (Ukot leg, foot) AkUet aybpn what remains when addik Abop6 bangles worn as the palm fruits have been cut part of the fattening attire

from the cluster, used for .(rfibbp6 fattening) making broomssyn akpOt aybp; esdi) akAk a copper rod used

- 42 25

to make aw5k akukuajreverent; great, akuk itelthirty (ite.three) majestic 6.1dik diaopone hundred. (see se e akti; cf akuou intro for numbers) cf awbk, ritia),e.kpOgo,illbelnba2 ekiakb. (idim)nslope down to a stream(idimstream) 6115kim n a woven tray, it can be used as a cover for a na kind of hawk which basket preys on chickens syn abufim hk61 akiikabthe end of the wing bones of akukti6 adapted akultim (edz))nmale sheep, ram for seizing a chicken and (ed.;%/3 sheep) carrying it off akukim awOdeena strong man synese.sdl; cf ttkia lit ram man aki'k6/3 eV) nsee kbrj akukin na dye made from the juice of the fruit or seeds of 611.16k esit, akttok esitnthe a plant and colored with char- chest (anat) coal, it is used by women for syns irikpane. esit, Ikpane esit, body decoration; the tree from ekpana esit; see esit which the dye comes, Indigo- fera sp. (Dalziel)alsoet6 akukupnsee kip eki!ikinlittree of ekl5kin n var of ekilsi akuku pl McCall nclan chief ilkuku ekpoa shrine where sacri- fices must be made before a akuukemn, aj, advsee kern chief or certain other people such as diviners can take new akil6kn bee yam, it is an individual shrine abb. 6k1:15k; efok eki).5khive kept by the person of whom the lithole of bee; nest of sacrifices are required bee cfaku 'fib a ( aktibk)honeycomb, hive e.dan ekti5khoneylit oil of bee

-- 43 26

6kil3/j6 n var of 4161b/j6 ak6k pl 4k6kn branch (of a tree, a river) akli6tkii6t n Conomat] an insect ik6k spread branches, of the grasshopper type branch (of a tree) cfiituat, ataktak, 4k6k (ikp5/j) the small coco- fitadtam, k116, kli6r6 yams which grow as off - -shoots from the main cocoyam lit akG eto n walking stick (et6 branches of cocoyamsyn wood, stick) 4kilk ikp5/j; cf eke. ikp5q 4k6k IwitOt bulges on the ak6n fence (built rather than side of the head (natural to planted) some people) lit branches -fak ak6build a fence (see of head fak) see ak66k; cf kookP 1 4k61 -fibn ak6 enlarge a slit in' a fence (to see through) akGic na kind of tree, its cf ataq, k5 wood is used for chewing sticks; chewing stick (gen hk5 n a kind of 'play,' per- term) formed when someone dies, akGic edi another kind of activities include carrying the tree whose wood is used for coffin around the village, tak- chewing stick lit ak8k of ing palm wine from the tree, pig (?) taking food from anywhere in ifikpata Akbk strings in the the village it can be found, mouth from the chewing stick cutting down plantains with syn tikakO a sword, and dancing with and brandishing swords akbkb mbar, ekik5 thbArjnside cfkb whiskers (mbarside of the face kkbin CEfik] an inexperienced cf ijkam or inept person; aj inex- perienced, inept ak6kGfl eto n see kbq

44 27

dk6k66k (Ukbt) n var of dk66k speakers for the entire frond (likbt) or branch of both UkGt anddy8p (oil palm) hem n roof risim dkbbkthe young furled -mid afi61) akbm lay the roof palm frond syns risim Adak (lay out on the rafters the (risim tip, end), dkpin bamboo strips to which the roof Ufidk akbbk, Uflak akbkbbk, mats are attached) 6fidgd akbkbbk bamboo weevil cf kbm see dk5k; cf Ubak, Adak ak6n3 na kind of bush rat withdkpd n expanse markings on its back dkpa thmbbq, dkpd Irian river, sea, ocean lit expanse of akbnb na kind of plant (a water, expanse of river grass?), it has soft stems and akpa Ikbtexpanse of bush blade-like leaves only at the dkpd Usk a mass of tutu top of the plant, it is long- dkpd dfbqa whole uncut roll lived, hence is planted to mark of cloth boundaries, Dracaena sp. dfim dkpa iedijwhirlwindlit (Dalziel) wind of expanse of farm syns akbnb risaq a kind of plant idioleAq, ayeikyok, of tqfisan similar to akbnb but with much cfdeg., ikpa, ifikpd, smaller leaves, prob Dracaena kilkithdrdkpd sp. (Dalziel) dkpA aj var of akpd akAkbn hero; someone admired (esp for war exploits) akpd, akpA aj first w var cf kb akpa AtO (rare); adv before, ever ak6ti n var of bk6ti akpd dkikbfirst cockcrow (around midnight) lit first dk66k (Ukbt), ak6k66k (Ukbt) n rooster the raffia palm frond stripped afie diced! akpa. He came first. of its leaves (poss used by some amekit ekpa akpd? Have you

45 28

ever seen a leopard? hkpailkpdi fic13 n see k613 hkpd ?AIDAat first akpd im5 aj all (emphatic) hkpdikpdi Ikh n see kpdya used only with persons see dkpdn; cf kpahnam, hy6g6 akpdkara n a winged insect found in stagnant streams, it hkph is13 na small black sting- carries its eggs on its back ing, stinking ant which lives on the floor of mud houses akpdkara nsee khgd (1s;13 ground, floor) hkph is5/3 itadgd dwó. hkph hkpdkOt, l'akpakOt n a kind of is6/3 doesn't chew people (i.e. fish with a hard skull and it doesn't bite, it stings). whiskers, good to eat (Goldie a species of catfish) hkpd imb aj see hkpd hkpakkpak n a kind of plantain hkpd rit; aj var of hkpd with many small fruits to the branch hkphdkph ikpd n seekpdi hkpdkpdk adasnk hernia (hdlasteak a long heavy hkphdkph ikpddgd n seekpdi bunched kind of plantain whose stem is bent down low) hkphhnh n a long yellow-fleshed yam prob Dioscorea cayenensis hkpAkph, akptaph, hbhkph n (Dalziel) maize (corn) cf efiddl3 lidia (a similar yam) hkpakph dkpirdk kpir6k; hkpakph atipe kpirdk. Corn hkphdd, dkpdda n vars of hkphrd in roasting bursts (with the sound) kpirdk. dkpdfit ikarJ na kind of plant, ilyeriye (akphkph) cornsilk, the leaves are used to heal the tassel at the end of an burns (2), Commelina nudiflora ear of maize (Dalziel) akpetok dkphkph maize cob cf ikk (fire) ekpdx) dkphkph maize folded

46 29

in leaves and boiled cf ekki, akpan& ffikpa maimai bkpana Mkpa, akpana Mkpa iwA, akpan n the first-born son; akpara ffikpa iwa na kind of aj important, first, primary; bitter cassava avid cassava); exact, particular, proper, own akpanaMkpa awe, akpana ffikpa akpan deujtap root lit dwb, Wphra Mkpa dwoa primary root violent fellow (awciperson) akpan ekpO first, primary cfAkpara, kpa ekpo, the leader akpan AnAunthumblit primary, important, first fingersyns akpaildb.13 aj see dark ekaabd AnCuln abOdom akpan &sip main artery in the akprAnkpki n Lonomat?] a brass back of the leglitprimary or copper plate in which gifts artery are presented, old ones are akpan us en the exact day used by children as toys akpan 1k3 truth lit exact word akpap n a kind of tree with dd8 akpan ikb; kpan ikb. It's a thorny trunk and branches, true. Macaranga barteri (Dalziel) kpan ikG?Is it true, isn't it true; n'est-ce pas? kpari n frame, loom kpan kpanadv especially akpari 61364 a ring made from see akpa; cf lad6 a flexible stick or rattan covered with cloth, worn around akpan na square basket woven the waist when dancing abal3 of cane or rattan with a wooden akpard 15kki, 4kpatard 4k6.13 bottom, it is used for carrying the ribs lit frame of the loads to market, marriage gifts side of the body also from the groom to the bride's akpatd. i5kaij, thkpata 15kalj mother are placed in it 'syn akp6 4k613 cf kpand cf kpand, akpatd, thkpata akpana mkpa iwa nvar of 47 tre.....C261...1,4wooawfolanewmoulars....

30 a.kpera. pl mkparaajsmall akpaten used as follows: cfekpire [var?] ekpeta fikarjribssyns ifikpata dkpere. ijkaa3, akpatera a.kpare., a.kpe.da, akpe.da, abara, e.kp6 ijkarj agbada n[Yoruba] elpate. 1thcollar bone (Ito/3 'Agbada, 'men's robes neck) syns ifikpe.ta akpatara ItL3, akpOn6 akpa.ran prostitute; customer xjkir6r) 1th for a prostitute; a wild, loose cfe.kpere.,,Ifikpate., young man a.kpara eajwaana young unmarriedakpataba see tabe, woman; a woman(6..evaa.nwife) see akpb.rawe. 6.kpatarj ifia nseetai).1 a.kpara mkpa iwa n var of akpan6. irkpa alcoat6ra ifjkb..13n see e.kpera akpa.rawa. pl Ilikparawan a young man ekpatlatn used ed as follows : see akpare.; cf e.wa akpatiat itiata tough un- beatable man( eg. in sports) a.kpese.n var of akpesa (itiatstone) dkpatiat nti mumps (fiti akpe.sakna venereal disease in the area around the ears and men, involves swellings on the under the jaw)syns akpOlcap riti groin which are painful and b.kpOrO nti impede walking see itiat akpAsak It a lump in the neck (a cyst or tumor which can be akpb.tIren, aj, advsee tire cut out)synrislp ith; cf atipe it613 hkpatkpatn[ onomat?] a cfrisak,rise.1 sandal with no strap at the back, slipper.The word is akpasatn see sat said to be imitative of the 31

sound made by the slipper akpcikara nsee kaga slapping against .the foot, but cf also ikpat akpenam, 5.kpenamadv see nam akpaya6.ra ita nsee 64-6.6.ra akpene (i.kbt)nsee kpeene akpe nstate of seclusion and akpesa, akpasa n[latter is confinement entered into by the Efik var]basket(gen term) wives of a chief upon his death,kpana 5.kpasa make a basket it lasts until the children and frame other relations have performed cf Mcene, hkiren, akpan all necessary rites, this may be years, depending on how much akpesb.O. isarJnsee sane money is available to perform the rites b.kpestikconjsee silk dAlk akpe enter akpe akpe ekbi)initiation process 6.kpes6naj. see serf into ek6rj society, it last two. or three weeks akpetina hammer used to split wood, a small piece of akpe ayop1 nan oil palm grove; wood is inserted. in a crack a place where oil palm fruits of a large piece and this is are heaped pounded with akpeti until it splits the big piece through akpe 676132n var of akpit ayop cftim,Ikpitak (see akpit) akpet6k, ekpet6k, rfikpet6k, ikp6t6k, 6kpeben lidiaarjnsee ben itOk nstalk, the place where fruits are attached akpeben Usti.")nsee ben akpetc5k 6.kpb.kpamaize cob rfakpet6k rfif6.13stalk of a leaf akpebire 4karj etim nsee bire cfakpit akpekagan see kaga akpetiak.aj seetiakl

49 32

6.kpetilk ebenn a cluster of fruits are removed it is dried ebe'n fruits and used for making bi-oomssyns synkr; eben 6kp8t a.yop, aktiet aybp, eybp ekpinn young tightly curled leaf (sucker?) or shoot of a a.kp6n corpse palm or plantain, the as yet dkp6 awO dead manlit corpse unspread foliage (it can be of person wrapped around the waist for akebe 6..kpb awbcoffinlit dancing) box of dead man syn akebe gen qualified: 6.kpin aybp young oil palm akpc5 Ilnam dead animallit shoot (source Of ayei) corpse of animal lapin. Ilkbtyoung raffia palm 6.kpc5 ikarja skin bag used by shoot (source of Adziam, the hunters to protect the trigger raffia) of a dane gunlitcorpse of see ibkpin,inkpine, cf akpit, 8114) ayei see adilkp6, ikp6, ekp6; cf kpa

Akpireaj var of ekpire a.kp6n a skin disease (esp of the scalp) akpiro SAL),&kpirbn windpipe cf ekp6 Mem(ringworm) (3.t6x)neck) synb.kpbr6 it;ij [var ?] akpO nsomeone not initiated into a society, a non-member 6..kpitnthe stem of banana, akpO ekpOa non--member of ekp6 plantain, oil palm fruit, it akpO ekpea non-member of ekpe goes through the bunch and b.kpO elobn a non-member of b.bbn extends above, the fruit hang- ing below b.kponstatus,class, rank 6.kpit ifibor6stem of banana iwana 6.kpo?Are we of the same 6.kpit ilk6mstem of plantain rank? 6.kpit krOp,6.kies aybp stem of the oil palm fruit,after the 6.kp6 irifemn var of Okp6 ififem

50 33

5.1cp6 (ebOt)nbilly goat, the lit manilla of iron male goat (ebOt goat) b.kpOgO -15.bbkarm bangle (worn wean ebOt nanny goatlit for dancing) female goat bkpOgO tikOt leg bangle (worn elp6 ebOt &flare, unman.The for dancing) billy goat snorts at the female cf awbk (when approaching her). ritizen akpOa kind of pepper akpokOp ritinmumps (ritithe with a strong smelllit pepper area around the ears and under of billy goat the jaw) cfAy6Ara synsaikpores riti, akpatiat riti akpObbmajgreatesp used in akp6k6r6n[Efik?]table the following: bkpcibom 6114) aw66t evka.Call akpcia)na container a dog a great name and he wags his tail not knowing he is aboutakpciro, 6kpOt (?), elp6tn to be killed.litgreat name cataract on the eye killer of dogcfritiik ekewOt ed8p.Praise kills t]ante- a.kp6r6 na play performed when lope. a fattened girl is to be taken see abOm, 1.138m, iib8m, ris6b8m, to her husband. its6b8m, ekgm, -tid6b3m akpOri5 ritin mumps (ritithe area around the ears and under akp6g6n[]box the jaw) syns akpOkap synakebe akpe.tie.t riti akpogon manilla (old money) ekporokbn var of ekp6rOko -kpe akpOgOpay money ab'L akpOgO (a bundle of) ak.p6t1 na cactus-like plant twenty manillas (old monetary with thorns but no leaves, its unit) stem contains a sticky liquid b.kpogO ukuaknail (fastener)

51 *.7. .1.11"11...*Inwola


dkpot2 n var of AkipOrb akplAm n a kind of large blood- sucking fly similar to tsetse Akpot1 nthe trees and shrubs fly, it attacks cattle left standing when land is cleared for farming, they are akp6nbone; stalk, stem; the trimmed and used as yam stakes; prominent, conspicuous or salient the tree branches that are cut part of something; a single one off when land is cleared for of several, an individual one farming (used esp with bone-like or dkpOt Aybp what remains after stalk-like objects but also the palm fruits are cut from with people) the cluster syn akat AyOp akp6 Ifibh jaw bone lit bone of side of face AkpOt2 (?) n var of akpOrb akp6 ith back of the neck, nape (?) lit bone of neck akpOtkpoti n a kind of lizard Akpo ijkarj ribs ].it bone of with a red head side of bodysyns ffikpatA cf akpaydard ita (poss the dkpata 4karj, akpAra 4karb same) dkpatard akp6 asak edem the spine

6.kpOtkpc5t2 n a kind of plantain (edemback) cf sak2 akp6 isin hip bone (isinthe akpot6kiri n var of akpbt6k1 area from the waist to the hips) cf iworj Akpoy.6m na thick short stick, akp6 1w5/3 femur lit bone of a club hip joint akp6 ekpea kind of hardwood akplIflop n var of MkplIfibgdfibp tree lit bone of leopard akp6 rib:LIAO, the stem of the ekOk na swamp Indian bamboo cf Adep akp6 isoforehead; countenance (iso face) cf ekb iso

hkpiakpik n var of akpakpa. akp6 a major road (usury (road) cf atAi usk mbakara

52 35

akp6 esion the front yard (eslon. rubber of ground also called outside, a square) syn esiOn efik isbl)

AtAi cf 1:1kG akp6 Ifia (keet) a single stick of firewood (ifig, firewood) hkp5 Usiu3 na ball or mass of ikikad ulbcinci Mfin stlk ikp6 firci fufu (AsAij fufu) inak ekedi.We went to the meeting today only four people akpGic n var of IkpGic came. dkp6 dkp6 aj skinny, skeletalakp6k n lizard (gen term); a cf maaa kind of lizard, greenish with a white belly dkp6 6ka ecM/3 (?) na kind of it& akp6k, dydard it& (akp6k) cassava (?) the common red and black lizard, 'red-necked lizard' prob the akp31 na kind of small white male of akp6kalso called yam, it keeps well for up to ita Man, ita radian, Likpdyddra two years it& (dydardmale) cf kp6k6, (and hkp62 nsee abia dkp; akp6kb n see kip akpon rubber tree; rubber; a piece of rubber placed on the dkp6kGn iwitot n see k5/3 bed under a baby ak0 rubber grove dkp6kG(p) fte nsee kbp ikaiakpo catapult lit gun of rubber dkp6kG(p) lidbk n see kip infa akpGforked stick used for a catapult akp6n6 na chain or metal ring akpG isbxj a kind of plant with worn on the neck or at the a tuber which exudes latex, the waist as decoration or as juju; tuber is used to fashion play- something prominent, protruding (?) things for children such as Eikp6n6 Idin a carved wooden wheels for a toy car lit coronet, or a ring of black toenaxegnatraroormenos..


string or raffia, worn on the akp6r3 n a small round object head as a symbol of the idih gen hard; adv only society b:kprb isipa palm kernel (the akp6n6 IlkOt shin syns whole kernel) Ifikpirk ilkOt; bangles worn on hkpbrb keet 6bOt only one goat the leg for dancing (Ilkot leg) syn ebOt keet kp6t cf awbk, fittin,akuk,akpOgo cf hkuh, thkpasi, akpdrb, Akpb

dkp6n6 ith collar bone (it&J) Usk, kpdt, fidonb . syns &irk ilkpata it613, akpata Akpatari akp6r3 ith n var of akpbrb 1-013 dkp6n6 isinhip bone (isin the area from the waist to the akpbrb akp6r3 it;13 n hips) syn 1w613 windpipe (it613 neck) cf inkp6n61, Akp6 syn akpir6 ith [var?] akp613 n animal fat; marrow al5p6s613 aj see s61) cf ndu akptiki nvar of akpbtbki akph n var of akp50 akp6t6 itiatn see t61 &kph (eben), ikph (eben) n an unripe eben fruit 6kpbtbki, a,kpbtiki, akpbtOkiri, b6tUklisi, b6tiaklis n [from akp3136, haklohb, dkph n name- Eng, Sp or Port] Portuguese child (someone named after another, each is akp30 to the akp66si, abutisi, other) n [Eng 'pussy'] cat w. cf kOk6, syn ark a akp6r6 Adams apple &maga aj closed off, cut off; akp6r5 Mien eyeball (afien eye remote; abandoned, rejected; syns rfikp6r6 Mien, ijkila annl. having no doors or windows, gikpasi Mien unventilated cf akpbr5 54 37

ddiskh &maga. He goes aban- time this doned, rejected. Mfin dmi, Mfinemthis very Usin amage. ke Af;k. He locked day lit today this you in the house (with the doors afieit (from able dmi) this one, and windows shut). lit he put this very one you in amdgd in house see mi, mmi, Umi, cf ado, dkb, &maga Ufbk a house with no able, add (see de.) doors or windows amdgd amagd ida/3 a village deep in the bush amisubj pron UfGk dmi dba &maga &maga. This see mien, Aura house isn't well ventilated. cf bdge amid') aj var of itmfdl) amend n the tang of a knife or dmik n [Eng 'hammock'] used hoe, that part which fits into as follows: the wooden handle .adakpat ke.dmik. 1 won't do amend ikila tang of a knife it, you'll have to drag me amend link tang of a hoe first. lit you will push me see thmand in amik amass n a kind of fish amin (?), imin a kind of fish with a flat head dme relative particlevar of dke dminiik;s1 aminiik;s n vars of Aminiik;s dmi dem this (after a high tone often contracted to din a6m;, thm; subj, obj, possess (after a consonant) or In pron they, them, their .1 (after a vowel) with the 'a' see am o , imo assimilating to the preceding vowel) amok n var of dbUk hwet dmithis book iddgd dna, iddgalnow lit amiatim n a kind of stinging insect similar to a wasp

55 . 38

1 dmo , dm8 possess pronhis, dna (?) adv although,. there- her, its fore, thus see alio, imo, aifimo

aria aj see nad

61112, 6111;, aria6 instrumental and purposive particle with, aria isb/3 aj see nad for -nad dmbhave sexual inter- anaan numeighty course (said of a man) lit syns edip inahrj, dbgk Inaba), lie withcf -nad inad aklak itiditd alid6k6 ik; amb. He reprimanded see inahn me for it. Aygm adidat ikua ddb Mkpi dy8p anafdi aj see fdyd amb. I want to use that knife to cut palm fruit with. anama n harmony, embellishment, hw6t se ekedAt endm dmb! Show a bit of talking (some varia- me what itt.s made 'of; show me tion in the song to improve it); what they use it for! n, aj bass cf akonno treble, high pitched amo1 pron var of dmb1 aridi- [Efik] agentive prefix dmo2 particle var of dm52 (rare) see intro am6 particle var ofdmb2 angm n 'three-leafed yam,' dm6m6n n var of dm6n many of these yams grow clustered together, they are boiled and am6n, dm6m6n na fearful thing, eaten without pounding a monster, a huge. terrifying -weak angmseparate dngm , a huge ugly person (some are harvested and some (dm6n) idi5k gorilla are left in the ground) lit fat dm'on [this var only] a tear engin green growth found on rocks in Adis66n anema three-leafed rainy season lit hair of yam which, due to exposure to monster

56 39

the sun or other causes, has an16 na kind of tree with become tough and coarse in yellow wood, the wood is beaten texture and cannot be softened then placed in a dammed up by cooking area of a stream to poison fish

cf nem cf at() anie, afie (?) interrog nwho? ani&cn a kind of fish (sometimes contracted to e); interrog aj (?) who? ansinia, ansinio,n vars of risinia anie akes6p an6i adl; eekesh AR6b adi? Who returned early? anuunn var of enuun lit who early.returned came anie &ITO? Who? lit who person and ncallous on the buttocks ik6t anie? Whose bush? lit of a certain monkey, a rough bush of whom place on the body ar-nj anie? Whose cloth? dad akiko the sack of smelly 1 , , cf ane ,akee liquid in the anus of the civet cat anim n [Efik] a kind of fish, 'shark' (?) hfiasia, MLR& n [Efik] a chief's crown made of net or net over anilbO n var of annib6 metal, decorated with feathers 1 cf iltika (syn?) aniMbo, annibena kind of cocoyam also anifiabO Ifikpb/j, aRaila n var of anana annabb ikpb/j, thkp;/3 dnnbb (ikp813 pl ifacp8/3 cocoyam) ; aRailan iterg n see Ran Fernando Po also called bhAd 1 cf asim6ka (poss'the same ane subj, obj prophe, she, cocoyam) it, him, her, it hwet ado &Re g? Where is that anini na coin, no longer in book? lit book that it where use, worth one-tenth of a penny is

57 40

used to form an emphatic rinks). alien nmisfortune, serious demonstrative: problem, difficulty (which me dmi, sue ami often con- leaves a person helpless with tracted to &Remthis, this grief and shock) one rinan nblindness; blindman bile AV), &Re &a that, that one also dwó linan blindman lit hfie dkO, &Re alcO that yonder, person of blindness that one yonder cf add (see da) -nanna alien open the eyes wide to did afiem! Eat thisone -mtinn6 alien open the eyes first! lit first eatthis one wide, bulge the eyes, stare steadily in anger -fib5n alienstretch open the 2 &He (?) interrog n, aj (2) var eye of kale -kptInn6 alien, -erd in do an 'open-eye' (pull down one or alien n eye (anat and as the both lower lids in a taunting seat of the emotions); color gesture as if to say 'I told k6p alien blink the eye you so') 4kep amen n twitch, tic in tufa alienn 'open-eye' the eye cf afimm6 (2) -ban alienkeep one's eyes open famine alien, -filmm6 alien become lit sharpen eyes crosseyed, cockeyed sop alien become sharp in .iafimme afien, ilftimm6 alien sight, see more than one should crosseyedness, cockeyedness lit become sharp (in) eye -tape alienburst the eye As6p aliennsharp sightedness, datipe alien. He has burst seeing more than one should his eye (he's partially blind). -/Jwaye. alien cast the eyes -bem6 alien become blind lit about, look all around become broken (in) eye scan alien cast the eyes about -slit alienblind litblock in suspicion or wariness eye sak &len blaze (of the eyes), -nem alienhurt badly so that have fiery eyes, have shifty a shock ensues (cf Efik nail to eyes litburn in eye blind) dat alienhave a fierce, fearless 41

look lit become red (in) eye -On alienput in eye used as -nwal alien shine .like a cat's follows:

eyes (of a person's eyes when he dbl.) alien iinb! Help me look for is excited, or when he should it! lit put in eye for me be ashamed but isn't) rid5In6 alien. I don't care. heal Annnstate of having lit I don't put in eye sharp, shifty, darting eyes -sin alien covet, envylit -sak2 alien look directly at, put in eye syn -sin esit, stare -sin it6n risak alien n staring isin alien n interference out -tact afien open the eyes, of envy or interest, 'poke-nose' keep awake -fibe alien become envious, -tat a:nen watch, be careful, jealous be enlightened lit open eyes -dit alien hope lit lay on -tin alien watch for, look out eye for idiot alien, nat an.en n hope; -k6k6 alien turn around to look faith (religious) -iliztujo alien peep into (a áwó Acibt Mien Mmi dd8m. This matter, a house), peep out (with- is a person I can rely on. lit out being noticed), peep at person of faith my he is this kilidiabi36 alien! Mind your own -dixbk idot alien lose hope business! lit don't peep eye -bek alien expect, hope, anti-

-41641361 alien become shamelessly cipate bold lit become stretched ibek alienn anticipation, out (in) eye expectation da.flarnd alien. He's shamelessly klidaga alien! Buck up! (said bold; he's a go-getter. as encouragement to someone -s6 alien be impudent, insolent; who's sick or has troubles) insult lit become strong (in) lit become hard (in) eye eye riteerjeke áwó alien. I'm not -b6p alien shut the eyes to, afraid of anyone. lit I overlooklit tie eyes don't fear person eye ixs613 afien nimpudence, in- IltArd ice amen! You've had it; solence; insult you're now convinced! lit it opens to you (in) eye

59 42

16kpo. alien, 16kpBk alien, thfOt late alien (6kpo) malaria, anon, ilkup alien, Uyara alien jaundice lit yellow eye of upper lid of the eye lit ghost (see ixt(5,6kp(5) covering of eye lath alienfilariasis lit lbSt Udid 6f6t alien! Tsetse worm of eye fly has eaten your eyelid! (a ukpa alienstate of being curse) wall-eyed, wall-eyes (eyes ekpi/j alien, Akpd/j alien lower that turn outward) lid of the eye (kpo4 fold) k6 tikpa Mien through wall-eyes lben 'alien; ixtit alien outer (Someone sees a thing k6 tikpa corner of the eye lit side alien if he sees something he of eye; end of ,eye wasn't intended to see or Itak alien pl Atak alien inner didn't intend to see, or if corner of the eye lit base he looks at it covetously.) of eye ifire alienabsentmindedness hkila alien, Akpasi alien, akp6r3 (fire forget) anon, rilkp6r6 alien eyeball ridite alien mis-seeing, seeing (hkuh, ifikpasi a small hard what one wasn't intended to see round object, see hkp6r3) (dile err) cf akpa alien afi6 alien white of the eye ilbaak alien fear of eyeused (afidwhite) as follows: abUbit alien iris (abubit kUl'Inimm6 k6 ubaak alien! Don't black) agree to it from fear of my idetalien, r-Lcpeio alien, ffikpUI) disapproval! lit don't agree alien eyebrows (Idk hair) from fear of eye 4wa alien eyelashes lit hair ttm33n6 alien, kiras alien, of eye kirdasi alien eyeglasses Adet (alien)'sleep' in the eyes, (ilm35n6 mirror; kiras, the healthy secretion of the kirdasi glass) eyes found collected in the Allen Unan center, opening of corners on waking a woundlit eye of wound Ad6t alien the secretions of &Sign 6nalj a kind of legume used an unhealthy eye (see d6r6) to thicken 6f6r6, 'horse-eye

66 ftWielea


bean,' stinging bean,' Mucuna ilkoot dfilq roll call

urens (Dalziel) lit eye of . -slaak afil/3 mention b. name, cattle syn ibdbd; cf 15kpo tell the name, give a name afe/3 AkpA dfien. The cloth has (to) cf -siddk 6115 faded. synof Akio& thm66/3, sidak dfilij awe aanammh atom -yeere &len be faded iceitie ami nne! Tell me the -t6/36 Afien be faded, be changed name of the man who works in (in) color lit be unclear in this place. color siddk 6.111/3 eto ami nno! Tell -demme &lenredye, renew the me the name of this tree! color -t15p6 áwó drilla name the names -d15k dfien run into (of colors of a person and of his ancestors into cloth) as a reproach or a put-down afe/3 adUk &Ben. The color ran lit reproach person (with) (the cloth has color in it that name ran from another cloth). cf esit, k6de aniuj6, taixtirj6 n a kind of poisonous lizard similar to nname ashwi -ne afil/3 give a name -sib 6211/3 give a name, name n see R66/3 after an ancestor lit put forth name (afil/3 is sometimes 6116/3 dbom n a cold, catarrh omitted in context) cf adufip AdIlben akpd dyin Mmi fisio eka w, w. Mmi. I will name my first di] a n see /3a/3a child after my mother. lit I will take first child my aean cat also called Lea name after mother. my Mband; pilferer

lis16.6111/3 naming ceremony; a3/ a ikoti bush cat namechild (one named after Mem deA a dance with wriggling another person) cf kok6, motions lit back of cat dkp5/3 cf edit bdnd -knot call by name

61 44 dean, Kiedan pl Thann wife, ribs given to women and children female (?), plwives, women lit side of children women (?) -sin dedan;-sici dedan divorce a wife lit reject wife; deannsee ednd remove wife dedan Ad;bride litwife Been quint, advvar of dfen. of marriage cf ado rid;, ebe rid; asdbG, asdbbn python dedan i313k ebea housewife, 3kp5 dsAbbcoil made by the a married womanlit wife of python to catch its prey house of husband (ikpb a loop of rope) dedan esha wife who lives Aildmd (dyin) asdb6 a kind of outside her husband's compound fern, curved at the end, lit wife of porch sticky like okra, not eaten dean uflp co-wife litwife lit fern (of child) of python of jealousy dean imathe favorite wife dsdk n a kind of green snake lit wife of love ekpo dsak, ekposaka kind of dean ima dfni3a star, one large black poisonous snake of the brightest, it appears dsdk Iltin a kind of black near the moon, the favorite poisonous snake (similar or wife of the moon also called same as ekpci dsak) dtdi dfibn dwcieaan pl ibdanwoman (dwó asaka n var of ffibiasaka person) dyin deahn, dyin dwOeaan asakpa n [Eng, Sp, Port?] soap girl child syn silbp; cf at6/3 riditb ibahn, ritb ibhan female children assn n sitting room akpara deahn a young un- cf ixf1Wtof 3k married woman; a woman (see akparh) var dbahn (?) in the following: asdsi1 n a kind of bush fowl oca, rit5 dbahn (?) meat on the syn ilnen fkbt 45 asasa2 na kind of plant similar asen awo stranger, visitor to filkpat inn lit strange person cf asasal addard (aw6) asenwelcome, make a person feel welcome asasalna kind of chicken hawk cf dik62 syn akiAk116 -sam asen dwOwelcome a guest

6.11,6 6.6) ani6 asen IsO. That asasawln var of asawi person has an unfamiliar face; that person has a strange, asashwir6n var of asawi unaccustomed look on his face. asen asenadvin the manner asawi, ashwil, asasawi, asasawir6 of a stranger n a kind of poisonous lizard; áwó &lam Akp6 asen asen. The a poisonous snake with red and person does things as though blue markings resembling a he were a stranger. lizard's (2) cf antuj6 Asian nshin (anat) -fi6Kin6 asianbend over and asawiin var of asawi rub a person's legs (done when one has offended an elderly ask'n see user' person or to beg for mercy) syns ffikpirdij ukot, akp6n6 ilkot asen, es6n pl isen aj strange, alien asim6ka n [Eng 'Jamaica'] a -si6 asen; -tim asen enter- kind of cocoyam originally from tain a visitor and give him Jamaica something to take home, play folk etymology: it reaches the

the host lit bring forth mother (-sim reach, 6:Ica visitor; attend to visitor mother) var ttsen in the following: cf aniAbo (poss the same -kad ttsen go as a guest, be cocoyam) in the role of guest 4k6kaa ttson k6 uf8k ufhn asion [Efik] pot I was a guest at my friend's asi ikoi pipe (from asiO ) house.

_ 63 46

(Ikan leaf) syns aki Ikbn, pressed from the fruit akc5 ik5n cf Ifftpdtd syn ako dtd2 na.kind of black stinging dsip nvein, artery, tendon ant which lives in palm trees dsIp tikOt Achilles tendon lit ufuuro dtathe winged stage tendon of leg, foot of átálit flying átá dkpdn dsip main artery in the cf to back of the leglit primary, important artery dtd3 na kind of grass with a cf AdIt stiff slender leaf (poss irritating to the skin) asst na pot hung on the raffia cf td palm for the palm wine to drip into dta^1 na kind of tree, its fruits are used to season asitam n [Eng] (postage) stamp df6re and in malaria and jaundice cures, Xylopia as8 n a kind of small animal, aethiopica (Dalziel) prob an antelope ('duiker' ^ Adams) ata2pl rita n practitioner,' cf esb (as8 is larger) specialist, expert af- dta titOlo hunter (top shoot) astIn56 n var ofaslinwa ata ifi5k sage; academician; professional (IfIGk aslinwa, asiAn56 n fourth-born wisdom) daughter also asilnwa etilk (?), dta Ika professional singer asianwa tinwan (unwa) (?) lit specialist in song cf iteadka dkua ika see un a áta In professional thief lit specialist in theft cf dtd1 n the sediment which sinks awe in; to the bottom of the pot when cf dbia palm oil is boiled after being

64 47 ate) nchallenge, dare; resolu- of moon also called dedan tion ima afib/3 -mid atd; -kbp atd challenge, cf dedan dare lit strike challenge; hook challenge (refers to the atai1 n outside; front, front action of slapping hands or yard hooking fingers to set the eslon ataifront yard lit challenge) open space of front syn akp6 -t6 atd resolve lit hit esion resolution esa atai front porch atai esion village square ate numsixty syns edip atai esion ekpo ekpo square, g.bek ita, akuk itibkeet the place where ekpo comes out see it& of the ground; the place where the ekp6 masqueraders get atia .aj var of ate.12 readysyns dea ekpo, aka ekpb atadkata nsee td cf esion ataata aj var ofatai2 atd12, atdd, atiatd aj real, genuine; important; very atdaman a kind of shrub, its (emphatic) 1 leaves are used for afere, atai etAgathe market day called they have a distinctive smell used to distinguish it and flavor, prob Heinsia from adere etAgal the day before pulchella (Dalziel) atigi and edam etAgd the day after atagalit real etdge. ataat nwasp atda &Ianpalm oil lit cf ritaat real oil atai dwo an important person itdi n the first wife atai ilslan a major road cf ataiafibli a star, one of akp6 Mbakdra the brightest, it appears quite atai ikpbbqall alone near the moon lit first wife atai elle. very white r-,,t1V*


atai libbk Usenvery early in active and fast moving the morningcf inua usen see d6mmg, atgkt.ik n grasshopper atiamtiam na kind of tiny shrimp 1 atan na rather secluded out cf tlAm of the way part of a village, a back area of a village atidiat nsee itia atidiat titan 6kO a distant or con- cealed corner of the back yard atidotn seedor61 atAn2n see tans atikankin n var of akkkk titan, titan dkpe, aditdn n a Atiken okra kind of bush cat (prob a genet), itik6 4Ad6r6. The okra draws. it transforms itself into (see d6r6) ekpg (leopard) cf akik5 atikorikon var of atik'orik dtk n a fence of live trees atik5rik, atikoriko npraying planted for the purpose of mantis showing a boundary see Adana; cf ak6 atim na day of the week, a market dayalso called edem atayat nhut, improvised 4;t4g6, udua dkAt temporary shelter (in the bush or at fishing grounds) atimakasa n [Eng 'antimacassar'] an embroidered or crocheted atl 4kanika n tongue of a bell cloth used for covering food cf eti cf dfdk Mkp6 atia atidaatn a wild person atimm4n see tim át15, atithiat 4tim a kind of large bush millipede, very atifink n see flek

66 .3,1 "am,.


n see 21/k a gate (?) Inda atop entrance to a com- AtifisAk n seesaga2 pound, path through which one approaches a house lit mouth atlfl, at1/34,etIlj ntop, apex of atop cf nsim cf anon

ati134 n var of at/q Atd, Atdtd n group, flock, herd -sail atu Aw5 disperse a atihken4 n [Efik] a kind of crowd of people plant with spicy leaves and k4 Atuin the midst of, in fruits used for Af4r4, 'Guinea the group of; among, between pepper (Goldie), Piper ani4 42166/3 Akan k4 atu Aw5 guineense (Dalziel) iba AkO?Who is the taller synAdds6 of those two people? lit who is tall surpasses between At6 n a kind of plant, its people two those fruits are used to poison fish ke atu AadO05 in spite of in the stream, Tephrosia (AadOgOwhich it is) vogelii, Tephrosa densiflora (Dalziel) atu nused as follows:

cf 5..1.116 atu elc/3 shield (4k6ij war) atu idem protector (idem body, at6nn a kind of tree with self) yellow-orange wood, Harungana madagascariensis (Dalziel); atu n jar, jug for storage of malaria, jaundice syninto water, palm wine or medicine Ann (4kpO) (various sizes are in use as atOn a-ton aj yellow-orange standard measures) (describes the color of the may be qualified as follows: eyes when jaundiced atu dicbt jar of palm wine atu /lok jar of medicine atopn an open area in front of a house or compound; atdbek n see bek4 50

atUddixdiR1 6ithbe, ataberen onomat?] nConomat] a hide-and-seek cannon game; the call given in the game at6inberen var of at6ilib6 In some areas the word is used only for the call, and the 5.t613nthe ash obtained by game itself is called rid6dibe, burning plantain peel or palm ridibe, edibe (dibe stalks, used as a soapesp hide), in malaria cures; a mixture cfAdd made by mixing the ash with water, filtering it, then atuepnsee tuebe adding akar) (alum), pepper and palm oil (meat or stock- attifienn left-handed person fish can then be added to this alsob.ttif en iwO, Awd atUf len; mixture to make izicarj) ajleft-handed at6rj ink saltpetre(iniiij salt) kpeme aw6 adO ado atilfien tib51c &fere 6,-bria soup made with ekDO! Watch out for that 5.t6i) or akarj and gen containing person, he's left-handed (his okra strength is in his left hand, ef66t 6.trilatherlit foam be on guard for it)! (lib 6k of soap hand, 4kp6ghost) cf rit6n (see t6136) see ii.flon 6,t6r) at313.. ajseet61361 atopncompound cf iku s ere at6/3 idim n a kind of shrub, its leaves are used for goat attittin var of etti fodder, its stems for ladders, fences and chewing stick at5na porridge made of abire cfat6rj, idim (stream) (water yam), it contains oil but no leaves auinterj of surprise 5.t5 Ikpbrja porridge made of cocoyam- 6.wan[Eng]hour cf 1.135k cf6kenlice.

68 51

awa na kind of leaf which gives here. lit person there isn't off a blue-green color when -fOr64.w6 become a man, emerge rubbed in the palms; a green from obscurity, make a name grassy area for oneself awawa aj green -wt 5n6 6.w6 become a man, i.e. cf 5.kphriiva become successful -sat 6.w6 discriminate lit awasi n see waya select person -k66k dw6set a trap for a awawa aj green person so he'll fall into one's seeawa revenge 4.w6 live within the awawa (665/j) n[Efik] wave, capacity of a servant current (often a strong one) áwó mention a name, (nim66/3 water) reveal a name esp mention the cf ils6p ifim66/), 111c6t ldim name of a sexual partner (if a woman in labor doesn't reveal awe en n see Abla awil4n the name of any illicit sexual partner she may have had, she 6w6 n person, human being; might die) also call someone someone by name lit mention person This word can serve as any un- dw6 rin'enblind man lit specified subject or object deal- person of blindness ing with a human being; it 6.w6 Iriandeaf manlit person combines with a large number of of deafness

nouns to form a phrase of the 4.w6Id.6.6.t crazy person lit type6.w6 person of person of craziness A list of characteristic or 4w6 wanderer lit idiomatic examples of the above person of wandering follows: Awd 4kL.ra tricky person, nnin 4.w6iba iyalkA.6.We'll trickster lit person of both go. litwe person two trick we will go Aw6 risa liar lit person of 6,w6 lbg.g6. There's no one lie

69 .,rArrr..."rry..±-vsnyfv:


áwó iidiltiga wastrel, prodigal 6w6 lisb skilled workman (eg. lit person of waste (?) blacksmith) lit person of iw6 Atike a ticklish person skill lit person of tickling etw6 eset old fashioned person iw6 Ilkikbp an unfortunate lit person of olden days person, one who's always in (a)kOkObl6kO iwO (slang) a trouble or has troubles (see boaster, a fellow who makes kip) noise (kOkoblOkO a kind of iw6 Ink greedy person lit tough mushroom which needs to person of greed be soaked before cooking). iw6 afbAt miser litperson afiaiwO white man, European, of miserliness also &fait awO any light-skinned person iw6 /d166n powerful, wealthy cfnibakara or clever person (see1d166n) imideen pl Ideen (hwO) man 4w6 /rile rich person lit see ode man, male person of wealth pl fbainwoman see áwó likbt; iw6 intam kwalln wife drunkard lit person of palm dyin awOdeen boy child wine; person of drunkenness iyin iwOehhn girl child áwó Midi& gluttonlitperson Aw6deen itiabhpowerful, of food wealthy man(see itiataseven) Aw6 insin thief lit person of idiom iwdelaan vagina (euphem- theft cf it& in6 ism) lit body of womansyn iw6 Ildiaa customer lit -person itit of market cf thkp6 dw6 libi6n person who takes reponsibility for someone show- wdan n see ibla hwil4n ing up in court lit person of surety h n var of aw6Ifix áwó thkp5k5p prisoner lit person of prison wiZfix n Cult source unknown] aw6 litOmmessenger, laborer occurs in the following lit person of message, work express ion: cf UtOm

, 70 1 0.01


dabb ke awd-hfix. He took it by it is called "Islip force; he took it by cheating. Aw;r3 AwGo aj 'soft and appeal- cf Sierra Leone Krioyu lek ing' (of food, children)

awuuf we no get bon. You like cf wi.16 to get something without expending any effort. lit Aw6bt n a kind of fish with. you like awuuf which doesn't feelers at its mouth have bone cf ijkan ilb6k Ay& n a kind of reed; a sleep- ing mat woven from this reed awddk n hot boiled yam, sweet yam or cocoyam Aya n see 4161j Aya cf wddk aydard aj male (used with all awddn n see alb. awdem animal names except those few which have a special word for aw5k n brass or copper leg the male); male, yielding bangles worn from ankle to little, unproductive thigh by fattened brides (of flora) syn ritaij; cf akdk, akpbe ayadrA elkpemale leopard AydArd AyOp male oil palm (it aw5k (1k6t) n thick bush, doesn't bear fruit) thicket (fk6tbush) Aydard it& (akp6k) also dkpayddrA ita the common red Awh n the pith from the stem and black lizard, 'red-necked of soft-stemmed plants; the lizard' (poss refers only to pith or core of a tree ( ?) the male) (akp6k lizard) syn aworj dk5t the sappy pith from ita Man, ita ridian, ita akp6k 6k66k dk5t (the center stalk ay6.6xa ekpO an ekp6 which of the raffia palm frond), the makes a certain noiselit term is used when the pith is male ekpo pulled out whole in strands, dydard is not used to refer to when the outer covering is Inman beings except in the removed and the pith is cut up following expressions: orrr,,1


dydard awo(deen) a tough man, shout challenge (the latter a hero, a difficult man to also means cheer, applaud in understand litmale man the manner described above) dydard awOqwhan a woman who aye! Dare me! behaves like a man lit male dye! I challenge you! woman cf uman ayei n the young tightly furled shoot of a palm tree stretched kradya n measles out flat ayei is used in a large number 461a n kinsman of symbolic ways: it is 15w6ka your kinsman draped around the market on the day that ekpci will enter the

6y3.13 n a broom made from oil market; it'is placed on a piece palm fronds stripped of their of land to deter anyone from leaves and tied in a bunch, it trespassing, to keep evil away is gen used for sweeping the or to identify it; it is a house symbol of war and peace: if ayarj line up the edges a man gives another ayei, it of the palm frond midribs and means he is ready to fight; tie together to make a broom When peace is made hybi is etam 6.yarja bunch of palm traded as an olive branch; if frond midribs ready to be used two people have quarreled and as a broom one sends the other ayei it is see Adlyk a sign of surrender, further- more the one who receives the dyen dare, challenge; cheer- ayei is responsible for the ing by beating the mouth with safety of the sender; ayei the hand while making a noise is put up as a sign when the (as in the caricature of the village council meets to American Indian on the war- consider a murder case; hybi path) is used for burial ceremonies aye; -1351.) aye .dare, to insure the safe transport of challenge lit say challenge; the dead body. cf 6kpin 72 55

dyeyin n grandchild -w51a6 ayin carry a child ayeyin followed by the name piggy back of one's mother's village means -b6p ayin ke edem tie a child grandchild of that village; on the back all privileges and taboos of -were ayin soothe, pat, rock a grandchild are observed by a child everyone in that village ayin &a full brother or towards him, sisterlit child of mother see ayin, riyin, ayin et;half brother or sisterlit child of father dyigd n [Efik] stomach ache ayin dwodeen, ayin ddeen, yin with diarrhea (less serious adeen boy child (dwodeen man, o than txt6r5 dysentery) ddeenman, male) dylga anniam. Z have dyigd. lit ayin Awhwahn, ayin deaan dyigd does me girl child (dwkwhan woman, Waal wife, female ?) dyilt, dy66t, ey66tna kind ayin_ eka dwiehan sister of large bush rat which tunnels ayin ekh dwoden brother in the ground (similar to ine cf biro 'grasscutter') ayin Aldan iba a twin(aman lb& twins) hylm, krimn onion etOk ayin pl rit6k ayin small hylmfilbakdra a kind of fruit child with a strong scent, not eaten fisek ayin, ayin Asek young (garlic?) lit onion of child, baby, infant European bkilek ayin, ayin 4kAeka cry- ing, feeble child ayin pl ndit3, h.tb n child, ayin uwuene, ayin rinana, ayin offspring (sg not used for dkpA orphan (uwilene poor, animals see Ayin) nandlack, kpddie) the -man ayin bear a child first also means a poor um'an ayin childbirth syn neglected child Ukcit ilman yintikaij nfiin child of our -fddgd ayin carry a child on area the hip ayinish free born, citizen,

73 56

nativelit child of land Mceene b66k ayina kind of syn amana isbQ sweet yam, many grow in a bunch ayin IVO native of ty6 lit from a single one planted lit child of fjyci follow me rear child (?) also ayin link servant lit child called adbk Ultdp of house Ukp;t3 ayin a kind of lizard, ayin atom messenger (someone 'wall gecko'(if this lizard sent on an errand to deliver is in the room when a child is a message) syns dwci atom, born, its soul will be in the asaljd atom lizard and the lizard cannot thkpo ayin atom tip lit thing be killed) lit soul of child of messenger see ayeyin, nyin, ayin ayin eV) wooden dolllit child of wood dylb n sunshine, the sun's iti6 ayin womblit Place of rays, daylight; weather, season, child time; the times dbibt (ayin)umbilical cord dyn AdA ndi ndi ndl. The sun an-16 ayin parent lit one who shines intensely, hot and has child bright. ils6k ayin the marriage feast dylO daedna. Day has dawned.

of adiaga (the first-born (flwaz.jd become light) daughter) (an 6:nhari festival) ayin dasiere. It's a new day. ekpci Atbk ayin children's ekpci (dy16) dawn also called akpd ritOk ekpb dy16 asa aweeme. It's still inland ekpO (ntbk ayin) a kind light. of fern, slightly reddish on itweeme (dyib) the daylight the spine, not eaten, used by period; the afternoon, the hot children to make their eicp6 time of day (between about 11 masks lit fern of children's A.M. to 4 or 5 P.M.) The ekpci latter usage is thought to be inidma (ayin) asabb a kind of influenced by English. fern, curved at the and, sticky kriO dakim. It's dark. like okra, not eatenlit fern akOn (ayib) night (of child) of python ndalbi (ayin), richibi (dyib),

74 57

nibiabf(6.y1O),mbubit ayiO, ayit, ayitn crying, weeping ridUblre ridalre 6.y1O ayitcry, weep lit evening (duskuntil midnight) cry crying (biro becomeblack) nwek eyitsoblitbreathe ay1O aad33r6.The weather is crying unseasonable;the weather is ifiln6613 ayittearslitwater bad. of crying ride dyn, ridaadry season (de. nim6613 ayit akikba plant with shine (of the sun or moon)) red seeds, it contains red cf adeep edim,iaktth calm water which children write rainy season with littears of rooster irimebbk6 ndi56k e.y1O. I've come also called nun36n eba adiaga through bad times (I've lived through them and am past them nun63n ayit 6..kik5cry now). (b5k6escape from) crocodile tears ay1O eset olden timessyns idaga eset, ini eset,eset ayiya, ayiya,, ayly6.n -spines 6,y16 ekpOthe time for ekp6 on the raffia palm, when ayiO rfif in today also niffn stripping the fiber from the -UV& dyn parasol, umbrella frond these spines are apt to (flakcover)syns Mete, get under a person's nails or Menne cuticles and cause infection cflat in ayiya &are. infection under the cuticle, whitlow, felon ayOkyoknsee ycik synif6t ijkana hylOn [Efik]a dance, a ayiya, ayiya, eyiya, eyfyan type of 'play' my mother, my grandmotheroften used as an interjection: hylO nabcess aylO nifitabcessesp a serious see IyA, one on the groin (ifitboil) ayiO akpban abcess of the bone, it can lead to disfigurement ayiya, 2n var of ayiyaA of the bones 75 58

,1 ayiya n var ofayiya tree, the branches that grew along the trunk have fallen off 2 11 ayiya n var of ayiya ayOp an immature palm fruit in which the kernel is ayoblO n [Efik] a strong wind tiny or as yet undeveloped -topayi3p cut palm fruit e.y6Otn var of ayift clusters from the tree ay8p,kpakay8pcut oil e.y8p n oil palm tree, the most palm fruit from the cluster important Ibibio flora, Elaeis ay8p cut or shake off guineensis (Dalziel) sparse palm fruits from the varieties ofay8p: stalk adueke.yop a variety with -sat ay6p sort palm fruit thick fleshy fruits which contain (separate the good from the bad) a very small kernel; the term 6,y8p make a sign to let also applies to the pulpy part it be known that no one may of the oil palm fruit, the part cut palm fruits in a certain which is mashed up during the place process of extracting the oil Lydia aybp n prohibition on (aduek succulent) cutting palm fruit before the ikir6ka.yopa variety with thin appointed day skinned fruits which' have a ubaltayOp the oil palm frond large kernel and very little rid3k aybp the leafy part of flesh (ikir6kdry, meager) the oil palm frond ifiakh (ayOp) a variety' in ekpinayOp young oil palm which the fruits are bright red shoot, the as yet unspread all over, not dark at the tip foliage (source ofayei.) as in other varieties efak ayOp the flexible fiber stages in development of 6,y6p: on the outside of the oil palm uten a young oil palm tree in frond., used to weave baskets the stage where it has branches it611 dyOp the place where the all along the trunk, these fall fruit cluster is attached to off at a later stage the tree lit neck of oil palm 6.k6Onayop a mature oil palm fruit

76 59 ekpOt ayop, akuet aybp, akpe (it doesn't bear fruit) dyCp, ekpildt ayOp . the stem -cunan ayopfemale oil palm which goes through the fruit tree (bears the fruit) cluster eblik ayopthe center part of ijk Gm ayop small branches 2.-adiat-ay-Op where the fruits are ing from ekpe ayop to which the clustered (eb-akfocal place) individual palm fruits are ek66rjebtik aybpa kind of attached black bird with white around. inb6ne. aybpthe paper-like its neck, found around oil covering at the base of the palmpalm treescfk66/3 fruit ay8p rfibakare.pineapplelit ris6 ayopthe large oil palm oil palm tree of European fruits on the outside of the ay8p inn a kind of 'shrub' cluster (ris6 pl of I.s6face) with juicy fruitslitoil Ate.k ayOpthe small yellowish palm tree of birdsee intien oil palm fruits in the inner ay6p 1215.13a kind of plant part of the cluster, they containfound. near the riverlitoil less oil, they are either used palm tree of river for ab3k or stored until dry isip ayop coconut palm lit when the kernel is removed kernel of oil palm tree litbase of oil palm fruit synisip (thbakare.) ifen ayOpa palm fruit cluster ifen isip ayopa coconut (see (see ifen) ifen) Moab. ayopa single oil palm cfayare. Pubene., abak,&di, fruit(see hktze.) isip mbak ayOpoil palm grove ik6t iyOpoil palm plot, oil ayS ncluster, bunchused as palm plantation follows: adan ayOppalm oilalso called ayt3 eben cluster of &pen ate.e. edam. (adanunspecified fruits synakpetilk eben genrefers to palm oil) ay; asOkOrOcluster of oranges ukot ayOppalm wine made from e.y; ekti.bijcluster of ten or the sap of the oil palm tree twenty snails strung on a Aye.e.raayopmale oil palm stringcfay5 60

ay 3 n a bundle of palm leaves used as a kind of ball in a certain game; the game in which the ball is used, the ball is thrown and players try to catch it with a loop made of part of the palm frond or of piassava

cf dy;*, ikard hy6g6 ilbom n calamity (slang?, a recent term?),

dy6];) nlittle copper rattles worn on the waist or neck as part of the fattening attire or put around the necks of dogs or cats cf ekplItit

1 61 bg. pl batirji iv be in a place; I found (and kept)ten shillings exist; seem, appear to be in the street. Unam ibaaga k4 MM. If In. abhibhajlucky-find (as a There's no meat at the market penny found in the street is a today.litmeat there isn' t lucky-find penny) at market today PribMbaajfinders-keepers b.db. Ana fbaagd Acadia.This cf bb market doesn't have food (no food is sold here, only palm bb.2tv var of bhk2 wine).litmarket this there isn't food bhdba, bbAbaadvnot even, even rhmb izka 6batjtja Id like?Where bb.abh iwO ikakg6,None of them are your parents?lit went.litnot even person plural your mother they are didn't go at where bb.aba kbbtnot even one rfikpb adb Ibtlágzei. Such bbAbb, btbknot even a little things don't exist.lit syns hdbmb, bbnb ;cfhba3 kind of thing that there isn't bkhkitvfear Lirawb. hwhwh.There's id6m &a:Usk libahka kiln. When green (that's the color that's you're healthy you don't fear available). rain.litbody when it is aba mibn k4 6sit.It's my strong to you you don't fear rain habit.litit is to me in fribaaknfear; respect;conj heartsyn6.nd6 mlbn k6 for fear of, so that (not), lest 6sit, ttun did rhbbbk ibi:Orj! Eat well ibA. lag. IVA.It looks new, so you won't be hungry!lit it appears to be new. really eat for fear of hunger AA. htb bkpli k6 id6. It seems fribhak sbO?Why; why not?lit to be a mouse.litit seems for fear of what like mouse that it is kuuduk Ik5t rhbbbk uduk Ikbt 2 cf dO, bi6t,n161,'iamb b.dukh.Don't enter the bush lest a snake strike you. baltvfind and keep tzbb.b.k in n fear of eye (fear slrbrj db.bp k6 of surveillance or disapproval)

79 62

used as follows: back-biting 1oWilimm4 ke Ubhhk hfibn! cf bo./A Don't agree to it from fear of my disapproval: bhhrA2tv pl of bhki thbAbhhk 1kbn a small creeper, its leaves fold when bast iv pl of bat touched, 'shame lady,' Mimosa pudica (Adams), (fkb bhhttv pl of bht word, trouble) syns ilif6fbgb flea, ffifefbgb Udf baba ivbecome in need of; get 1 cf bhk , fbg4, bhya into straits about (refers to a chronic or long term situation bhhk2tv pl of bhk2 or deprivation); straiten, put into straits; put in need of baAn tv pl of ban Ubhababa, anbk4 ubAba.You're really in need of it (or you bhhn tv pl of bhn wouldn't go to all that trouble). syn labbebegb. bah t3 iv pl of bh/3 IV/baba. You got yourself into it, you put yourself there (said bhh/A.1tv refer to; criticize, to a person who's complaining of back-bite, talk about behind his bad situation). someone's back Ink albiba. I'm in need of salt 6kethfl fka /MAW bt4 akb. (a person can say this when he I said something about that goes to borrow it). bte (father, old man). lit Ubabdn need Isaid word I referred to b.babd 16kAIf I had it... lit bte that need of thing (the name of any ibhh/A n reference; object can replacelikp6) referring; back-biting Mabd n bad straits, difficulty usuaabhh136, awe) Id136k lbabi aMbaba. I'm in bad ibhh/A. 'An enemy's back- straits. bite is very sore.' lit see bdpa; cf b6b6 enemy back-bites person bad

80 63 baba nfather; old man bad mannered since she's so (referent or address) beautiful. lit waste of baba Mmimy father beauty of girl who is bad (in) cf ete, rite,ris6, Us6, mama manners cf Hama, s6b6 bdebbrbn var of bdebbt lodgetv close in, close off, bdebbt, baibbt, bdebbrb, shut in, confine bdibOrb, balbtxra n [Eng] dkrik usury dbAga arie. He closed Bible the door and shut him in. syn 1)1A/et dbasi -kplke -baga interrupt lit cut close off 1 baga tvwaste; iv w var kUrikpike áwó 1k; ribaga ke idip; bakbecome cheap due to kakpike awe) 116 ribaga ke inua! oversupply; go aground (of Don't interrupt him! lit a boat) don't cut person word close off Mbaga, ebaga n over- at belly; don't cut person word abundance, superfluity (so close off at mouth that prices go down); waste cf amaga (that one can't control) ebaga inure a waste of salt bdibbro, beibbt, bdibririan (refers to a sickly child or vars of bdebot to a wild youth, salt ie food is wasted on either of bakiv var of bage. them as the first may die

1 . and the second may get into bak iv become cruel, mean, trouble) mischievous, destructive tabdak n w ibak n mischief, evil; waste (that one can control); aj means mischievous, evil pity abak ibak. He's mean. abaga Mfb! Poor you; what a 6.w6 ibak mean person pity for you! lit pity your ke ibak with malice labaga uyai ab;ikpa se id166k cf bik, baak1 id6. It's too bad she's

SI "1-

64 bak2, bh pl bahktv carve, bakatv give financial support butcher, split open (esp an as moral encouragement (match animal's belly); cut oneself a donation someone has given); or someone badly give a gift out of gratitude Moak akak n a mighty fish or in compensation for a favor (legendary), whale (?) lit done; reward he carves (it) he tires tim dyin kamd ke AyAllbAkal see bake.; cf whak Care well for the child I'll compensate you! lit attend bald iv become early, do early to child treat I'll compensate izkplibAk udi ayaddisimb you Adidia. If you come early cfbad you'll get food. lit if you early come you'll meet bald. pl baand tv divide (sg food divide into two, between two, labak izs en, labak as en,ubaga pl divide into many, among risen, Abak ilsen n morning many); change money (11sen day) ffibakal ilbaka pl MbhalA, atad libAk izsen very early ilbah/A nsection, piece, morning lit real morning portion, divisionjp1 only labdk hdi n punctuality a set of similar things (di come) tibAak pl 6bAl n half; abadic aj young, not full piece; some cf lawdak grown (abdak can be used with dat tibAdk nim 15bAdk Anb! the name of any domestic Take some leave some for animal) me! abadk caner_ a six to nine LmdAtat ekpat gari AyAliwITO month old chicken tibLik lInb. When I open the abdak &TM a pup already bag of gari I'll scoop up some weaned for you. abdak db6ikpa a pre- libAak ini sometimes cf pubescent girl izsi5k Ini cf dak

0-11 C31(.1

4 65

adak na wooden &and ndecoration; special construction inside the ise clothes (yam barn) used for tyingup 6kpo mbana ufok furniture yams (7); a stick used to lit things of decoration of support growing yam plants (?); house a lot (set) of ten ( ?) yams filband idem n ornament possibly a division of the (clothes, bangles) Ise (MI6 yam) Maria dy6p n the paper-like cf whak covering at the base of the oil palm fruit ban pl ban tvsharpen (as a ayara Mbandn anoil palm knife or axe on a file) fruit partially encased by -ban Oen keep one's eyes another unfertilized fruit (it open litsharpen eyes has an extra fruit coat); a see band type of oil palm tree, each of its fruits is partially ban n see fIrdr3 encased by a six-lobed fleshy envelope (Dalziel), 'green ban pl subj baan tv join a mantle' society, undergo the initia- allwa (ffiband) cat; pilferer

tion for a society see ban; cfdn/31,filbard w ekpe, ekp6, alon societies awkwhan IsIbanna ekpe ke bandbbt, banAbOt n vars of abet ibibio. Women don't banebbt join ekpe in the Ibibio area. cf disk, bib banebbt, ban6bbt, banabot, banAbbt, banebarix, banebilrixn [Eng] band tv decorate, adorn, pineapple dress up syn dy6p Ifibakard iyhiband lif;k Min 1c6 6kaph lea. We'll decorate banebUra, banebitra n vars our house for Christmas. Of banebot -band Idemdress oneself Up 66

bean pl bhhn iv become tight; bdpd tv rev of babaget out of become close, dense (esp of straits, get out of a bad cloth or bush); become thick situation kimhfbn Aml dbAn lbdpd! Get me out of this! hdiwhkd Sew this cloth hnle Idifilbdpd talk' lbdbd tight (with close stitches) hml? Who's going to get me out so that it doesn't tear! of this kind of difficulty? us en aban db45. You cf b6p, 136136 haven't left me much time. lit day is close very much bard tv make a fire,kindle a bhdban t6; t66n abftn! fire w lickfire . Plant them close together'. -bard Inm6tb drive acar very Albhn aj thick fast lbhn lkbt thick bush -bard It6krun veryfast, take Man Afbrb thick soup to one's heels (1t6krunning) lbhn ilbhn aj dense; adv densely spaced bardivbecome flat (of the body, lbhn lbhn adv frequently, the head, of other things very often normally rounded) syn Mlon MIOn; cf bdt libdrh ika, Ubdrh Iktlh the flat of a knife (ikliftknife) bandtv concern, be about lbard Mhrd. ajflat bdnd 116 IkItAnrA.a6... cf kphhbA Concerning the matter we were talking about... bdt pl bddt iv become thick; tar) bfit s4 hdlbn6 hband become dirty ifikp6 amt hnb! Tell me all áWá dAbdtMb áwó k6 6sit. The you know about this thing! square was thick with people. kek4r4 Ubdrjd mlbn! Don't lit square was thick with people worry about me; don't do it in inside because of me! himbn Adish 6mh6dAk hs16n dbAt.' cf bhhnd The spectators were packed into the sauare. lit people of bdnnd iv pl of lad spectacle rere inside of square it is thick 84 ilbat n dirt, soil, mud; bhyd, tvgive a sudden shock or aj dirty; thick fright thbat afbrb thick soup dwild abhyd 6,w6 k6 thkp;I. The 6bat n loamy soil dog frightened the person with tibit 6fbr3 n thickener (its) barking. for soup Ifibhyi n shock, fright lbhlbht aj thick afian awb Ani6 elbhyd. The tall lbalbat aj dirty person frightens people. lit cf bh-rj tall person has fright rfibhyd dkpb akdwbt hkOn. The bht pl bhht tv count; reckon; shock of (seeing) the ghost esteem killed bkon. abat inbAl. He's greedy; he cf bhhk takes stock of everything; he's careful what he gives out.bedn [Eng] bed lit he counts pieces kdn6rj Abbd over the bed lit ahtd and htb tlan. I don't at top of bed consider him a friend. lit cf ghpAnd, hkahl] I don't count, reckon him as friend bddk pl bdktv pluck, pick, ibftt n number, quantity, break off, remove (maize from sum; arithmetic, mathematics the cob, the kernel from fruit, 61168.3/J6 fbftt apb sd the head from the body of a yam) ; hkddep. I know how many break off a small amount things you bought. lit I bdek hblrbbreak off the head know number of things which of hblrb ('water yam') leaving you bought the remainder for replanting .fit Mkpb .asbrb dAkbm lbat. (this is part of the women's yam Everything is ready for the ceremony and signals a new feast. lit everything of season) feast is complete (in) bedk hnb! Give me just a little! quantity litbreak off a small amount cfb3.k2, bhka give me *

85 68

W:g_ek n porridge cooked with beke hnb Ziyak! Plead with whole kernels of maize him so he'll let you go! Adlibeek fkan pl Ada& ikhn bbeelenrequest, begging n ember (lick fire) MAW 433;6134nbeggar lbekn a condition of ttbebeene aj begged; borrowed cracked whitish skin at the cf kpel edges of the mouth (possibly a cold sore, or a condition bbbljeltvprepare, prepare for, caused by vitamin B get ready for, make provision deficiency) for Nbek IniAthe outer part of bbbne Tdemget ready lit the lips syn Men In-ah prepare self ilm6abbbi3e idem hdTaka AyAilkOot bbbmtv pl ofbbmi When I'm ready I'll call yaa. Ibbbt3e npreparation been tv pl of ben cf kpbbi3 bbk been2 tv pl of benne bZ;b/342 tv pl of bbbre bebnl n Eng pen also bbbre pl bbb/Atv rev of bbt bebn btbk, ban liwbt Nkpb take away that which leans lit pen small; pen for against; iv rev of here fall writing thingsyn et6 4wet from a wall, cease to lean be6n &tap, been etAp bbbre usury open a door (European pencillit pen of saliva type); remove the wedges that (refers to the practice of support the Ibibio door licking the pencil before ifibbhe nlarge pieces that writing) syn Adeep ice have fallen from a mud wall; &tip the gaps they leave see bbre bebn2n var of 10611 bbbttv pl of bbt bee/A tvbeg, beg for; plead for; plead with; ask for bediv pl of beke 69

begetiv var of beye anticipate w alien eye 4kibbkebek amen kie ddisim. bbgeiv become concerned, in- I didn't expect he would arrive. volved; become of interest; Ibbk kiln n anticipation; arrive, come back, come in expectationcf idot Lien esp of a lorry (with a load), religious hope, faith a boat (with a catch of fish), cf bee136, bege, bet people who have come to do business beke pl 1360 iv fall off, snap Tffibbgeke. It doesn't concern off, drop off (of ripe or dried- me. out fruit); fall out (of hair) hsiffibbgeidb abet? Why dy6p dAbege. The palm fruit is should I bother about math? ready to be removed from the lit what is of interest to stalks (it's already falling me with math off). ellbbge die? How does it rjvrokraa dbege. The dog's hair concern you; what business falls out. is it of yours? thbeke, thberje n shreds, particles ebbahbbge. The fleet fish- ffibeke et?) petals falling from ing for hbil (crayfish) has a tree lit particles of tree come in. lit bbil has see beck come in Idibbgeke wan. It hasn't bbke iv belch arrived yet (of something ibbke, thbbken belch

ordered). htilbbk, 4kilbek n hiccup; the kiddibege? a greeting given hiccups syns htank, to someone returning from a htlibbk antop. I have hiccups. long journey lithave you lithiccups throw me arrived hdAbbgenbusiness Um1 pl bbbm tvwatch out for; wait to do harm to; watch over, bektv pl of beck protect, look after Mbeem, Albbbmn over-protection, bbktv (?) expect; hope; too much care, over-solicitousness

87 70

Ilf5k amt dAkp6n Mbeem 6.13;g6. ledek 6Mbeen. I'm short of

The house is very big on breath. lit breath takes me As- over-protection (said by a kabeen lnweek! Don't bother girl if her parents are over- me! lit don't take me breath protective of her). ben nIbibio witchcraft; see kpbme one who performs this witch- craft, a witch. This type of 2 bbmtv [Efik?) precede, go witchcraft involves scratching before; go in front, lead, a person's body and inserting a become first gen w is6 charm, or having sex with the face, front person (the witch can change akpan Akebbm 1s6 amAnh. his sex for the occasion). The AkpAnwas born'before the person may be carried out of other child. lit Akpan his house and might wake up on was first he was born the road. cf Ifot a different one akethbbm (1s6) sort of witch and witchcraft He went before me. lit he requiring less powers; cf If6t preceded me (face, front) he Efik witchcraft went lkibbn, hdlIbbnna shallow Ibbm 1s6 conj, prep (?) woven cradle made from dyft or beforesyn kis6 from a rhizome; it is tied Ibbm 1s6 hkp6/3 m1... around the edge with bamboo Before you leave here... dkpeben &TM:1j n 'dung beetle,' cf kpb, hbem it rolls along bits of dung

(Ildtian feces) syns rfifan1f6 ben pl been tv take, pick bfbbn up, carry akpeben usury na kind of ben ild6m6 meet the standard, beetle similar to the 'dung

meet the test (11d6m6 test, . beetle,' it rolls along bits measurement) of mud (ustii road) special use of pl (poss pl of see benne; cf dat, knno benne) akik31 6Mbeen. My gorge is bbnb adv not even, even rising. lit vomit takes me dw6 Ikbine10 IAIdat hfie nnam *rn,:l.A.1V,1


bbnb inkp6 kebt. No one can tired) use it for anything. lit see bbt, bbbre

person can't use it to do -X- not even thing one bet tv wait, wait for; w pl syns hdbmb, bhaba beet abstain -bet 1.1wom protect life, promote beni, penl, ban n [Enid life (11weim life) penny rhbibrttAmi hfb htfibet iftwom! 0 kkphAiihm ImalisAn hbenI? Albihm, protect me, let me live Would you sell me a penny's long! worth of ground-nuts? 1d166k 1db ibete dw61.1w6m. A bad life style, behavior doesn't benne pl been tv lift, raise promote life. up, pick up, heave (a beebet! Don't ever take it large or heavy object) (it's taboo)! -benne ti.d.n. raise the ibabn ebeebet fik8t dsbn adbt. price syn -sin .adah Women abstain from palm wine on see ben adet. -bet afore die (satiric) lit bbre iv lean against; lean abstain from &fere (soup) on (for help) hyadbet afore. If I catch you ifibbre idem ice hdibbnb. I I'll beat the life out of you. lean against the wall. lit lit you'll abstain from of ere I lean self on wall hbebetn windpipe Ibbrb bdbm n back-rest; thm5613 andl'ik,hbebet. Water has sponsor, helper, supporter entered my windpipe (water has (bdbmback) gone where it's not supposed to awe ibbrb bdbmsomeone who go).

can be relied on ,(dwó ftibet n follower, hanger-on; person) disciple (religious); law; Pnbbrb Idem, b.bbrb Idemn commandments faith (idembody, self) lbetn taboo Nkhgb. Wobre, akak hbbre n -.ant rhbet, - abet break armchair (kag6, idik make a law, break a taboo

E9 72

-shqd filbet go by the law dfer6 ibeunsalted Afere (soup)

iskake thbet Ibibio. He doesn't follow (go by) Ibibio blh n [Efik] yam, rarely used law. except in the following: -s66136 thbet endorse, legal- ise abih 'yam barn,' a place ize litmake firm law where yams are stored for the next cf m6 planting season syn udia bet pl beet tvlean something against, place against, prop bihn [Efik] divulge secrets, -bet list% shut a door inform, tattle, betray hb4etn ladder gen used w rribie ninforming AdUbet4n jostling; a kind Mbih, dw6 thbih informer (dwó of game in which children person) lean against each other (?) The verb is rarely used, the noun see berg, beer4; cf is commoner esp in the following: hdibene -shrja thbih inform lit go about informing betirS, bittirOrj n [Eng] cf bitk, bidaqa

petrol syn &Ian IfiialOtO blaka tv deceive b4ye, bege iv become unsalted, thbitiaq, ifiblaka, ab16.6.0 n unseasoned; become deficient deception, deceit mbe n a person who is syn [var? ] yak; cf blak, somewhat deficient in bihht, flak& intelligence or character (esp refers to someone who bih513a iv pl of bihri has difficulty resisting anything esp sex) bihht tv spoil, destroy; ib4, ibe na children's waste, lavish deficiency disease involving -bihht ib4tbreak a taboo wasting and swelling -bihht 1b4t break a law ibe, ibe, ibeg4 aj unsalted, unseasoned ibe n (?) saltlessness 00 73

-bi&At aklik waste money biam tv curse -bight inlwaste time, delay Mbiam n an object sworn on itbnat aj wasted to establish innocence when tIbiaht ini lateness lit one is accused: a mixture of wasted time herbs, a bit of water or kedi k6 itbihat ini! Don't blood, a Bible; if a person come late! swears falsely he may die, riciAbiaat ndestruction of in serious cases something life; evil; destructive such as one's own blood may person; evil person be drunk down; also used to see biat, biard refer to other types of juju (see below) -e6136 Mbiamswear on Nonni biak tvpain, hurt; sicken -625k Mbiam call on'ilibiam ilman AAbiak &116. She.'s in (egto kill a person who labor. lit labor pains has wronged one) lit pour her out Mbiamalso -tband fab6k arlibiak. My arm hurts. Albiam call down Mbiam rise ibiak afi6. What's he -fak Mbiam place ffibiam on sick with?litwhat one's property to keep people sickens him away ubiakn pain cf (k6.132), dila ublak lahn labor pain ublak 6sitpain in the chest with difficulty in bian adv not even breathing, heart attack (?), bian keet not even one any chest pain (6sIt chest) syns sign, ridomO Adlibidak n pl pains in the body Mbiadk idiomn tiredness blare. pi biagqaiv become (idembody) ruined, spoiled, destroyed

Cl 74

Adabiara n spoilage, point- bieti iv var of blot1 less destruction inbiarapl Plabihht3d aj spoiled blet2 iv, tv var of blot2 see bihht, blht

bilk iv pl of bik biht tv fail to show appre- ciation; criticize what has been done for one bilme tv pl of bip iisutb hwb ke ado hfit se rinam 152136 hsiAk hilibidbiht? What kind of person are you (with) bilntv pl of bin all that I do for you you don't show appreciation? labidat, filbiht idem n bline tv pl of bine ingratitude kabiat nt6ro! Don't be ungrateful like that! tv pl of bire see bihht, bihrd

bilre iv, tv var of bibro blemtv var of blom

biere iv var ofbi6t1 biit tv pl of bit

biere iv, tv var of blOr6

Fa' 2 75 bik pl bilk ivbecome wicked, threaten person life malicious, hypocritical (more kablmm6 liwom! Don't threaten serious thanbakl) me! hdtIblk nwickedness, Abimm4 adhka ádá. He jumped up maliciousness suddenly. lit he started he cf bak1 got up aabimm6. The fire flared bim pl subj tv loot and destroy, up suddenly (said of a destruc- ransack (done by a group of tive fire). people to punish a person for ifibimme nstate of being some social evil, they may frightened, pursued, threatened enter his compound and ran- hebbk it hbbk6 thblmme ekpb. / sack it) You're breathing like you escaped a leopard. lit you're bim tvcook by burying inhot. breathing like you escaped the ashes (dben, yam, palm fruit threat of leopard et al.) cf bime, bbmmo,dfke! lvvmme syntUk2 bin pl blln tvdrive off, drive blm6 tvscramble for (as away, send away children scramble for coins -bin 1k6thunt (Ik5t bush) dropped on the ground) -bin .adb.b. trade (tldb.b. market) Abime He crams food Albin n trading

(in his mouth), he stuffs rfikp6 rfibin the things one sells food (down). syn Akp6 Adb.bime n a scramble see bine cf blmme bin4 pl biln6 tv drive away, bimm6 tv startle by making a drive off, send away; follow, motion towards, pursue with go after, chase, catch up to, intent to harm; ivstart join up suddenly (as when frightened riabinne nchase, chasing -bimme (6w6) liwc5m threaten (from the point of view of the someone physically lit pursuer) of thbimme 76 elkpOn Aditbinne ab;g6. She's from this verb as the Ibibio big in chase (said of a woman language is considered by some who is always running home to to be terse and lacking in her parents so that the husband elegance in comparison to Efik. has to be constantly going after cf also ablo town, Mbib people her to settle things). cf biok see bin b161 ideo completely bib tvcut through with a esOp b161 biol. They disappeared single stroke completely. -bib dw6 decapitate (dw6 edi b161 b161, Everyone came. person) lit they came completely -bib ek6Q join ek61) society ek613 society celebrates past bibk1 tv cut into sections (a war glories, joining the tree trunk), cut into unequal society was once possible only pieces, cut into big pieces for a man who had taken seven abibk &lat. He cut it and took heads, now it is done the bigger (biggest) piece. symbolically lithe cut into big pieces, tibib awo n ek61) society unequal pieces he took ab36 (dw(5) n member of syn [var?] yOk; cfbib ekk society 1b16 pl gibi6npart; half bibk2 ideo describes the sudden bake, rinb 1b16! Divide and stopping of noise or action give me a part! ntok ayin ekeijkit ammo edOb6 1b16 ildid half a yam biok. When the children saw ibi6 afbqblouse lit half me they became silent bibk. a cloth Ikan &lime biok. The fire is 1b16 pl Mbi6 aj [Efik] short; extinguished biok. (w tib6k arm, ilkot leg and other Ayin atire biok. The engine body parts) amputated stopped bibk: ke ibi6 ibi6 in short, in a nut shell bi6k6 iv become disordered, ibi6 ibi6 1k5adv briefly dishevelled, disrupted; tv Some people:believe the word disorder (a pan of water by ibibib (Iblipio man is derived) stirring it with a cup, a pond or stream by bathing where 77

people draw water) -al& but larger and placed !Alp 6mbl6k6. My stomach is higher up(bkh2 big)* upset. lit belly disorders cf iltdn me (?) ttbibm aj heavy Adtbi6k6n disorder ubiom 6fbrbna thick heavy Iblok6 rhbioko aj disordered, 6f6r4 (soup) dishevelled, disrupted see bibmm6 cf blik6 (var?) bibmmotv rev of bibmput down bibm, bl6m6 pl b166m tvleave what one has been carrying on the a mark on, scar, disfigure, head blemishw Ad6 defect, bibmm6 ifi6, nim! Put-the fire- blemish; find guilty, prove wood down! lit put down fire- guilty w ikp6 court case wood put Ikp6 Allabl6m6. I'm faund guilty, bi6m6 tv var of bibm eybaibicim 110. They. will prove you guilty. b166m tv pl of bibm bibm, bibm tv carry on the bicinn6 iv, tv var of bl6nn6 head; carry about (a worry) ki%blom ffifin3 6sit Ilfbk ffifb bl6r6 iv var of bi6t1 dwfifilkmibn amb. Don't carry worries from your house bibr6, blir6 iv stop, and press them on me. cease, conclude; tv bring to Ibibm6 n load; what one a conclusion; decide carries (in any fashion, not 6dim dablbro. The rain has just on the head) stopped. hbibm WWII]) n night soil 61c6t3 6 hbibr6. The war is over. man lithe carries feces -bibr6 ixtbksettle an argument 15biem na shelf above the -bibro ikp6settle a court case fireplace used for drying and/ ubibro Ikpbn judgment, ruling or storing things lit settling of case bkh liblbm a shelf similar to Ilbibrci 1kb nconclusion of rFILMED. FROM BEST AVAILABLECOPY


debate, conclusion of argu bip; bdpiv blister, swell (as ment lit concluding of the result of a burn); tv 'palaver' blister hbibrci Tkph n judge db6k dAblp. I have a blister tibibro, ibibron decision on my hand, my hand is blistered. lit hand is blistered to me (?) bi6t1, biet, bi6r6, biere iv lkdn aMbip idem. I've gotten become cooked, done (of food) a blister from the fire. lit Iblibibt aj cooked fire blisters me body

ifibip, thbdp, dbip nblister 2 blot , blot ivappear to, see bipe seem to, seem; tv resemble abibt edim ayAddhp. It seems bip2, bdp pl bilme, bdlim6 tv it will rain. lit it seems ask, ask for rain will fall khd ko bip Mid! Go ask him! dthblbt man hfb dnbkeke healniege bkit ddk iddq bip 1)6. umadtom aml. It seems to me If you don't have an axe go that you don't really like around and ask until you find this work. one. lit if you don't have btbk dyin ádb ahnbke dbiSt axe enter village ask receive bkh Amb. That child really thblp, thbdp pl Ablim6, thbildme resembles his mother. question Mbi6tn resemblance Addbip ddlikpo ebbt a pointless Ibl6t of Idbm Mml d.d8 akb. question, a foolish question That shirt is like the one I lit question of dead goat have. lit resemblance of This comes from asking, on shirt my is that seeing a dead goat, ebot dml Ibiot 1kb hfie ddb 8? What akpAakpi?Is this goat dead? kind of talk is that? lit resemblance of talk that how bipeivflame up, blaze up; is (?) tv cause to flame up cf bd fuutIkdi) rib ablph! Blow on the trectomemr.....


fire so it flames up! bir6 ivbecome black; become eklm dAbip6 ke Ik6.13. The gun ripe (of 6bgn, fruits which powder ignites in the gun. are dark blue when ripe) ka6 k6 bip6 ikk! Go and .bitn black paint, dye; make the fire flame up! lit black birth mark, mole; aj go and flame up fire black also orbit black seebipl birth mark, mole ablre na kind of poisonous snake, 'spitting cobra' (?) biramideo sound made by a akp6bir6 /51cd./3 (6tim) n a heavy object such as a plank kind of black millipede lit of wood, a tree, a person black (like) charcoal millipede when it falls to the ground Adibir6 6ben, abir6 6ben, ik6k etc 6616 biram k6 Ish. Ibir6 6benna mature ripe The branch fell biram on the 6bgn fruit, ready to eat ground. ridabi (6.y1O), Ad-dbi (drib), Mbubi (dyib), Mbiabit dyib, hdlibir6 dyib, Adlibir6 ayib birki ideo sounds made by a n evening (dusk until midnight) tree or other heavy object The most common form is Mai. when it falls to the ground., ab6bit, adalt, dbAbit it doesn't make contact all pl mbubit, ifibebit, ridublt aj at once so thore are several black. The most common forms sounds in close succession are abaft plinbubit cf e'en, kim birkkgt, birkket, abirakin n [Eng] blanket 80

bire tv play; w pl blirje beat -bire IbItbeat a drum a drum ibitbeat many drums Moiren 'play' (game, akp6k6 ibitvillage crier entertainment, masquerade); (he uses a drum) (kp6k6 hit, joke beat) -bire Mbir6play a 'play' ibit Utimblacksmith's bellows Noire afibl) moonlight play (covered with leather like a ('play' by moonlight) drum) (timbeat) *ma Mbire lit outing of thbIIi nreverberations from 'play', this term is used a percussion instrument when a dance troop goes to cf bit play in another village ridabire, Adtibire n joke, humorous story, humorous thing birefUtitn [Eng] breadfruit ibit ndrum

C3 81 bir6, blr6 n EhnZ brother one to the punch (pay a double dowry for a girl to steal her bit pl blit tv spread out, lay away from the man who paid a flat, lay down (mats, tiles, single one) carpet, cloth) tIbik nsurety, collateral; thbit n mat (gen term) action of putting up collateral -nim tIbik; -sin .=.2b161]; -fd6k bit tv press oil out of palm bbik pledge something to get fruit with the hands a loan, put up collateral, -bit db6k grope with the mortgage lit put down surety; hands when one can't see by put in surety; stick in surety patting them up and down on a -nim ik6t ilb161 put up land surface (1.1b6k hand) as collateral cf bir4 Aw(5 ubi3rl nperson who takes responsibility for someone bibk pl bibbk iv creep, spread, showing up in court lit cover (of vines, plants, esp person of surety used when a yam covers its 110161 pl ?fibidrj n curve, bend, supporting stick with many angle, corner leaves and branches) ibi usury curve in the road; udfaádb 6Abibk akim. That yam short cut covers its stick (so that) its usury zigzags black. nbreadth cif dbom dabibk Isar). He walks in a aj (?) adv (?) breadth-wise; loose sloppy manner. lit he at an angle spreads (in) gait hkpokOr6 ami anha ibik. This ffibibk6 n filariasis; filarial table lies at an angle (ie not swellings straight). cf bibn, bibn6 Wolk aj (?) adv ( ?) the wrong way round, incorrectly

bib/3 tvblock, obstruct; put lined up across (a plank across a -nim ilb161 put the wrong way stream); wedge (a wheel to keep round (not straight or whatever a truck from moving); beat's supposed to be)

539 82

410On Ak66k 60) t11016T3 bink iv pl of bibk They put that bamboo the wrong way round. bly6, 1046, bb6 tv pass, pass see 101b16; cf blk136, bibk by; cross; ivpass (esp of time bl6nn6 iv, tv var of bikfl6 -bIy6 Is6 go first lit pass by front of-1Am is6,-kpb is6 blkq6, blknO, 1016/n6 iv turn, -bly6 ild6m6 pass an exam round a turn, turn a corner, t6p Itlat yak Ably?) bdbm lam! emerge from around a corner; Throw a stone across the tv turn something around stream! lit throw stone let b16/n6 Is6! Turn around it cross over to (opposite) towards me! lit turn face side of stream around 6kp6 thfbm Aabby6 &yin 6mb.

MmOtb 610i6fln6 6nb -11106k udom. . His child has ringworm. lit The car turns right. lit ringworm has passed to child car turns for hand right his (said because of its Ibl6nn6 Ib16/n6 'contagious nature) (usury) nstreet corner udub. kbet Aabby6 t6Q6 AtIm6 (usury road) Ak6101: ml 6k6sAkh. One week Adiabl6n16, Adilb16116 nmaze; has passed since the trouble a confusing place full of here broke out. turns and corners 6101y6 6fbp. He 'passed away,' cf bI he died. cf b6g6, filr6 blbn6 ivbecome obstructed; become put across, in the way; b6 iv, tvspeak, say, tell, tvblock, obstruct, put across mean, intend ilblb136k6 adingm s6 am6. I'm 6108 6tb k6 Id66g6 Mew?). He not stopping you from doing what says that it's not so. lit you want (I'm not in your way). he says he says that it isn't nobstacle like that see blbrj; cf bibk b6 afi6! Tell him! 83

b6g6 iv become heaped, stacked;bbmmei tv run into, bump into, become patted into a round collide with; meet unexpectedly; shape; w var b66g6 become meet for the first time congealed, stick together in see bbm, bbm6; cf 131=6 a mass (esp of fufu) lyllp AbOgO. The blood is bbm6 pl bbbm6 iv become broken; clotted. break (of its own accord) eb6g6 nheap -bbm6 dfien become blind lit 1b6g6 na function, social become broken (in) eye cf gathering, get-together, -t1p6 Ann meeting cf AlbOn6 Ibbm6 pl Ibbbm6 aj broken see bOk; cf b6t, b6r6, b6n6 see bbm, bOmm6; cf bbbr6,

1311130 b6k pl book tvmake round, roundish (rather wet things bbmOkUkti, bbbmAktikU, hbOmObkiikU esp by patting eg clay, fufu) n Conomat) a kind of black -b6k tistuj make fufu into a .bird with a.hard curved beak large mass for serving cf-b6t (children chant 'kuku' when it twin] sings); plant with a bean -b6k 11136k cooperate (11135k which children cut and make a arm) noise on -tin -b6k gather into a heap tarj b6k Ayep! Gather the palmbon tv var of b6n6 fruit into a heap: -b6k dyin soothe, console, bbn tv father a child w dyin pet a child (.yin child) child see b6g6; cf b6t, b6r6, b6n tian n lineage, bloodline lbannthose people (can only bbm pl bbbm tv break, break be said of people outside one's open (something round; somethingfamily) made of glass or clay); crack Ibbn, himbn npeople (can abOm n rage; violence, blood- include one's own people); shed things cf Iblb see bbm6, bbmm6; cf bobt, Imbn Adb those people r[tiFICM


?rmabn fakhn train people from our AlbOnnO lbonnO aj wide, large area (used with body cavities) Imbn ekpb ekpO people (ekpo IbOrnO lbOrAO iwttb very wide members) nostrils (1w15.6 nose) Ibbn 6wb 8?How's everybody cf nanna at home? (dwO person) ben hIbbn akb! Take the rest bbniy5 tv var of bOTA (of the things)! lit take things those yonder bbo tv, iv var of bly6 bOn6 pl ivbecome placed, bOOgO iv var of b6g6 gathered (of many things or people in one place); stay; book tv pl of bok tv w var bOnput, keep (many things in one place) bbbmO iv pl of bomO 4wO dO eb6n6 ice hfe? Are there any people gathered in bbbrO iv give way (of soft the courtyard? lit people ground when walked on, of a are there they are gathered roof), burst in courtyard uyo abbbro. His voice is bbOn6 blbet! Stay here and cracked, scratchy, litvoice wait for me (said to more than has burst one person)! see bObt; cf bbm6 -tarp -bon gather and put Mono ngathering, meeting boot tv pl of IDA cf bOg6 bbbt, biAlt tvburst (non- bOnn6, bbnn6 tv open, expose destructive) a body cavity in ,an ungraceful -but belhhatch eggs or nasty way anon &lb dy8m hdibat bkithke -bkno Inifia open the mouth bdbm &Mk. That hen wants to thus hatch her eggs at the back of -bon/j6 efat expose the anus the door. (in receive an enema) -bObt ik8ncrack melon seeds (with the fingertips) 1C2 en* KVIIVAR.IIIKIIK5


-bbbt Isipcrack palm kernels a blow with the fist) syn (with a stone) -flit 1th

see bbbr6; cf bbm 6,106t nmountain, elevated land; land (as opposed to b6r6 iv become round (of a water); 'country, area stone, of something moulded) abOt it;11 back of the neck Idem 66,1o6r6. He's healthy. lit mountain (?) ci neck lit body is round dbcit iblblb Ibibio area

1.106rb na moulded mass of thb6t, thbl6t na seat of mashed yam mixed with oil polished mud along the wall of thrown as an offering to a a house; a boil clan Adem; aj short and 61066t n hill squat (of people); aj, adv hdbre Abbt, hdbri thbbt, hdbri having no mouth (i.e. perfect- hdbr6 fiibot, hdbrci abbt n ly spherical (?)) used as world (hder6 inland, up-sloping follows: land; cfdbre) lborb hbhrj a round pot with &batn creation; creator no mouth (God), maker ?Ise title lbOrb lbOrb Mom? hbot abh13 maker of pots Why are you sitting there see b6r6i cf bcik silent like this (as though your mouth were sealed up)? 1b6r6 aj round 1046 tv, iv var of bly6 hb6rb aj round and full and complete (of a bag packed brezldbn n Dna president full) fad'. brhldbn [En@ vice see b6t; cf b6k, b6g6 president b6t pl b66t tv mould out of bu ivrot, become rotten (esp clay of edible things), spoil (of -b6t itsb13 make fufu into small improperly dried fish, it gets balls that one can swallow cf white mould on it), sour -b6k -asb./3 3b ibuaj rotten -b6t 1th make a fist (1th cf bilt6

1C3 ''


log6 iv become buried biak6 tv rev of biatik dig out; 6m66fl n .a diving unbury, unearth, exhume; bird with long legs throw up to someone all that's see bnk, biak6 been done for him or all the bad things he's been guilty loWc tv reveal a secret, convey of information, inform, relate see &JO; cf buk (all have a derogatory connota- tion) bin tv pl of Wu] hm6k6ilibk. You informed on me. 1lZk nstory, tale; gossip bilip36 iv become broken; break monk give information, of its own accord (of a long inform thin object such as a bone or AibiAk; -tar) hibiak tell a stick); break up in confusion story (no derogatory connota (of a gathering) tion) lit give story; say Idip 61,b5./m6. She miscarried. story lit belly is broken - sixan Mbiak spread gossip, abAlrj6 ibh. The market spread a rumor broke in two (people scattered cf bilk6 in confusion, eg. a gun was fired)

bilk5 iv become disordered, n state of being roiled, stirred up; tv dis- crippled; aj broken order, roil, stir, mix up, lbdip-36 &lam. He's crippled. scatter lit state of being crippled

idip 6.rlibilk6. My stomach is does him upset. lit belly stirs me see b1& ;cf bbm6, btlk6 aj disordered, scattered; muddied (of water) blip iv var ofbipi cf bi6k6 (var?), blip tv var of bip2 bilk6 iv, tv var of bilk6 nvar of bbt1r8

1C4 87 bAt6iv become rotten to the conscientious about your school semi-liquid state, become work. lit bury head for book decomposed, disintegrated (of see biag6, bilk6 an orange, a wet , a 2 dead body); become wet and binlm6 tv pl of blp messy, wet and sloppy; become watery to the point of builn pl burl tv break (a long nearly falling apart (of fufu, thin object such as a stick or earl) bone) n thick porridge Ilk6t. He broke his leg rfibilt lwabt brains (lwat (accidentally). head) -Wain crack _knuckles 15n1 6g4 Abut /witbt. You have lit break finger no brains Isbn afbnhem; mend a AdAbilt n something rotten 'wrapper' by cutting out the Adilbiat 4dbt the white matter torn part and rejoining the that becomes deposited on pieces lit break floor of teeth Wet teeth) cloth ynml Aka; cf b ncorner, bend Adak nthin strips of bnk tv bury efadn used for pinning together bnk fb6n k4 Atan! Bury the the leaves in making Ilkdria mats kola nut in sand! (to preserve see bunn6; cf bom it, it is also done with coco- 1 yam and bfl&t) bnt tv var of bbbt Wak 16m66k6 hnb! Get me 2 water there; draw water for bnt ideo tightly

me there. lit bury water .mum built. He holds it tightly. there for me -bnk ld6m; -bnk lwat absorbbb pl bbl tvreceive, take back, oneself, get involved in, be accept; endure conscientious about lit bury kab6 Ilya! Don't make me self; bury head raise my voice; don't put words bnk iwuo t nb hAt! Be in my mouth! lit don't take 1.C5 88

from me voice wore only a brief piece of -bb add receive permission skin at the waist. -bb of en endure suffering, ab6b6 n pupa punishment see bhp; cf kine, baba abb6 n collector abb6 isA]j creditor lit bbb6n [Eng] pawpaw (papaya) collector of debt syns ffibiffibi, Mid edi, ixdid abb6 atAksi tax collector ewta hbbin lackey klasin abbi! Don't treat me b6g51 tvpass, pass by; over- like a lackey! lit don't put take; go beyond; exceed; iv me in lackey become very much, too much, abb likebe na calabash with in excess a handle used for giving 61)46 afie Ice usury. He passed enemas (itkebe enema) syn him in the street, he over- asb:136. Ilkebe took him in the street. cf ba kaib6g6 addrja! Don't go beyond the boundary! b6b6 iv become tied, tied up; datib 646ene alAg6 4kanika become rolled up (of a young dixop ebb.. He stayed a long leaf); clothe oneself, put on time past twelve o'clock. an outfit, tie a head-tie or dAdid thkp5 db;g6. He eats too much. sash on oneself dayaya diAgo. She's very beautiful.

ffib6b6 noutfit, costume, ib6g6ke, ib6g6keb6g6 conj 'get-up' unless, except lit it Abb6 thb6b6 eti et1. He doesn't go beyond dresses well. lit he puts Adiikhaga Mix& lb6g6ke arinb on outfit very well won't go to market unless

ifib66p n masquerade costume you give me money.

(including mask) n neighboralso ilib6k ab6ikpa pl lib6ikpa nan Prib6g6 idiuj neighbor, neighbor-

adolescent girl. This is a hood (isiu:) village) also contracted form of ab6b6 Ikpb, /1b6k Idin) one who wears leather, i.e. a see b6k6; cfbiy6, b6g62 belt, formerly young girls 106 89 b6g62tvget readyw Idem abnc 4d1m nrain-maker, rain- self stopper (he burns leaves in cfb5g51 pots and when the smoke rises the rain starts or stops) lit b311 1:46, daby6, dibby6 tv he cooks, prepares rain syn imitate ablh edlm an16 ke hb61 At6 Iltki 1kb kill? Who are you imitating b6kItn Dng 'pockett head- (with that kind of talk? lit tie also b6kit Iwtibt (iwet who that you imitate kind of head) talking word this kadlabby6; kadithbby6! Don'tb6k6, b66k tv leave a space, an imitate me! [these vars only] allowance; give way for some- Adiab61, Adtib6y6, Ad1b6y6 n one to pass; pass over someone imitation, imitating so he doesn't get his share -b66k Ik6t dodge, try to evade bb12 tv pl of lob (Ik6t land, bush) [this var only] b6k pl b66k tvcook, prepare -b6k6 11c6t nlm leave a part food (Af4r6 or a starch with of one's land uncleared lit condiments) leave a space (in) land put Ibbk n porridge cf htb -b6k6 Int shave around the Ibbk Ildi6 yam porridge hairline to even itlit leave Ibbk dkpakph maize porridge a space (in) hair hb6k htbe n a kind 'of fish b6k6 usury Amb nb! Ignore him; with delicate flesh which dis- leave him to his own way) integrates in dfer6 (the [this var only] lit leave a husband will quarrel with his space way his give wife when she cooks it gib66k n edge because he doesn't see any itb66k ikbt edge of the bush fish in the afere) lit she thb66k akakcirci edge of the cooks he quarrels cf &An table lyak a similar fish but adllb66k n a half wall made larger than abnc htbg6 of mud attached to the house,

1G7 90

a person can lean his arms on b5m tv [En pump (air into it and look out; a pillar used a tire); na pump for support in constructing a

house bbnlpl lobbr) iv, tvcall, shout ddilb661c link house pillar (at), scream (at), cry out 6dlib66k usury pillar that makes kad k4 b8n ?ikon hnb! Go and, up part of the door frame. callOlcanfor me! (ds1113. door, doorway) -lob/3 Ifikpo raise an alarm

fut5;: n neighboralso Mb6g6 (rfikp6 a shout) ffib61c 16.113 neighbor, neighbor- -bbri dye dare, challenge; cheer, hood (idiu) village) also applaud by beating the mouth Mb6g6 with the hand while making a Mb6k Usb./.3, thb6k usutJ road noise like a caricature of an intersection (Usk road) American Indian on the war path see b6g6 (6y6 dare, challege; cheering in the manner described) bbk6 tv escape from, get away Tiobri hkhm pray (hichm prayer) from, slip from the grasp yhklbbrl hick! Let us. pray! 6hbbk6 Mkpd. He escaped from cf lobe death.

hkb aribbk6. The pot slipped bb 1.32 tv beat down on (as rain from my grasp. on a moveable object); iv w

sirbri ltd dmhthlobk6 fsop 1c4 Usk. var bh6 become exposed to, I lost three shillings on the expose oneself to (rain or sun) road. lit shilling three edim abb. Rain beats down escaped from me became lost on me. on road dyn htorb! Don't expose 6m6bbk6. I'm lucky. yourself to the sun like that! 6liebbk6 hd166k dyn. I've hlobr) bdim n raincoat

come through bad times (I've cf lobril lived through them and am past

them now). lit I've escaped bbl y.5 iv var of bbn2 bad times tibbk6 n escape .abbk6 6kbr) end of war ICS 91

b6p pl b66p tvtie, bind b66k2tv pl of b6k p3week 6.ilib6p.I'm suffocat- ing; I'm overwhelmed..lit b66k3tv var of b5k6 breath ties me iwt16 6kb6p.Tilly nose is b63n n pound (money) clogged,litnose ties me b.fbrj ab6p.My clothes are bbbrjtv pl of bbni too tight.lit cloth ties me b66ptv plof10613 -b6p -df81cbuild a house (a lot of tying is involved b3br6tvanwer a question, in making the house frame- answer a call (in the latter work) case Only used negatively, i.e. -b6p is6 frown littie fail to answer a call) face ib33r.6k6.He didn't answer. -b6p ariOnoverlook, shut n answer to a question; the eyes tolittie eyes result of an examination; -b6p 6det bare the teeth answer (to a prayer or some- littie teeth thing hoped for) 6kpe abibp ent. The leopard cf yi6 bares his teeth. 6b6pn bridge b63t n var of Ikhb63t see b6b6; cf bibi, bap& 41- b6wit n Dnz bowl (European b66k1 tv feed, nurse, rear type) a child w ayin child; keep cattle, poultry bby6tv var of b31 bleebn6 b66k Ayin na kind of sweet yam, many grow in a bunch from a single one planted litfollow me rear childsynadbk ukup cf b6k

109 92

ddi ivstand ;shine ( of hdagan prolonged, protracted sun or moon) standingcf I -adsitting, ddA mil!Stand where you are! htieprotracted sitting, litstand quietly hdlbg6protracted state of tda tik6?Which side do you being seated support; where do you stand? -tithk hdagitread water ( lityou stand where hit, knock)also -tubk aylb ad& n6.1 nal nal.The hdaddgd sun shines intensely, hot and bda nside, position used as bright. follows Ada dylb, daa ndry season hdd hmithis, this one lit ( dylb sunshine)cfb.d.6 side this dim, ukub( 6dIm) hda b.dbthat, that one (near Iddgd nstanding; height, the person addressed or ana- stature, position ;moment in phoric)litside that time, time, time when ( cf dbk &da hkbthat yonder, thatone as a poss alternative source) yonderlitside that adá IdAgg, ilfbk abas1 church The use of MA plus a demons fro- elder lithe stands standing five is more emphatic than a ( at) house of God demonstrative alone. cf1116 at6 idagaa stick to lean on hdb, itlat na kind of banana, or to prop something up with the plant is small, the bunches litstick of standing are long with small fruits, one 6.6.1thrj I ddga.He's tall ;he stands on a stone ( itidt) to has a respectable( or elevated) pluck the fruits so as not to position.lit he is high in insult the plant by indicating height, position that it is so small one can pluck Mdlb16 Idaga dal di? Do you it from the ground, if the plant know when he will come? is insulted it won' t bear again IdAgakb6?( from I ddgd. tikb6 also called hda is8/3( is61 time which)when? ground),i.e. one can pluck it Idagam?(from Idagd aml while standing on the ground time this)now, presently seeddigal;cf d.aká,darjal

110 as..1 um,* ,!


clh.,ha,[latter var is rare]nclah,k pl dhht3atvput underneath term of address used between (a hand for support, a pot to men of equal age and status, catch dripping liquid, new mats its use generally implies under the old ones to patch a intimacy, it is occasionally thatch roof used to address a stranger and Idhhk, hdhhk, hdhhk, Idhga,- is currently used by young adhgd.nbeneath, -underneath; girls although this latter shade (Idhhk refers to natural use is considered improper by shade, adhh.k to something built men for shade, the others can refer aca term of reference for the to either) above, 'my friend,' occasion- asin 1.11c6t 1c6 Idhhk dkpOkOr6. ally derogatory,'that guy' He put his leg under the table. h.dh 4m&d.di.My friend. came. lithe put leg at underneath h.mekit adh.?Have you seen my of table friend? hdb.hic et?)shade of a tree tifbkshade of a house 1 daa ivvar of cid 6c18.k nthe area of the lower abdomen around the bladder dd.6.2 iv var of ddya hcladaganundergrowth in the bush clad.g6.1 tvstand something up- 448kn a passage made through right the undergrowth -claiga, of 3k build a house adAk i:u16,m a passage made by d.dadga (link), dd.& laga (tifbk), an animal through the under- ddlclaga (link)n pillar, the growth (1.1n.A.manimal) supporting poles (of the wattle) which are put in firstdakatv pl of dapd. cfabd.I (syn 7) see di, clahma tv pl of dhpd

'adageiv, tv var of dhhntvdye or make brown, yellow, reddish see dhnd, dht, cf &clan 94

dhhndiv var, pl of dknA MAdAl Afbrb na porridge of yam, cocoyam or other tuber; a dhhndltv pl of dhhk light soup made with Abak eaten with a spoon dhhneiv, tv pl of aka cf didjeeem, yet

dhhptv pl of dhpd dhl r cut oil palm fruit from the cluster w dyop oil palm ddArd iv rejoice, become happy; fruit tvrejoice, celebrate cf kpdk -ddArd (Awe)) hsen welcome, make a person feel welcome dhk ivdo previously (in past 2 cf dike , scam (Awe, person, tenses); do early, become early hsen dwb guest) (always followed by another verb) Iddard njoy, rejoicing ImhidNk lkdh izah. We already (implies a celebration or went to market. ceremony) AakA Anam. I've never done it. AdAdrd idddrd. He feels happy; dik dl! Come early! he celebrates; he rejoices Adak Adakadv hurriedly, fast adiaiddArd. He rejoices. lit and carelessly (cf also Adak) 3 he eats joy. cf bhk dhkA, dh/),dhld cf -dht esit dhkd pl dhhrjd iv set off, depart, dhhrdtv rinse leave, move away, go away; get up; tv set off for, leave dhht iv pl of dht dhkA. ddd! Stand up, get up! (ddA stand) dal, del tv lick (a spoon or hakA ke Idem! Leave me alone; the fingers in eating), eat go away from me! litleave me something soft or liquid with at body, self a spoon or fingers ddhkA tlah. He set off for the -ddi dfereeat soup, lick market. soup (doesn't refer to the -aka -kp6n leave and go away tutu) 112 .41111,2,4,.,SA,414.0C,111.14.1st


(more emphatic than either verb verb are common the verb itself alone) is rarely used in Ibibio except -dak6. -nbforgive(nbgive, in the following expression: do for)syn -fen -n3 6.kidbaj Ilsen ke Id 1p. I'm ridNk6. xinb W. I forgive him. constipated.litfood has nfor- stayed overnight with me day giveness in belly cf 1.1613kp6r3, da n sleeping over, spend. ing the night, copulation dame.ivbecome crazy, mad; -nhá -kIansleep become wild, troublesome (of a with (sex is generally implied) child) litlie sleeping over; go idaht ncraziness; madman sleeping overcf -nba Ina, 6Adamm6. idat; 6.6.d6.mm0. iwat. kun He's crazy.lithe's crazy Ad523(1.1kbt) n palm wine that (in) craziness;he's crazy has been left overnight (it (in) head implies that fermentation has idabt ida.tadvin a crazy taken place) manner hkpblidb./3ajleft over- night dbna.var and pl db.bna ivbecomeb.kpkhdb,-0 afbrbsoup left over brown, yellow, reddish from the night before 6.adb.n6.. It has turned brown (of a sheet of paper). ddr36.,1 n6ayi,conjwhen, whenever, hdhna ajbrown, reddish while, asass o htb, n6./36 b.dana tnkp3 b.db! a curse htb; so that; advhow, the directed at an albinolit way that reddish thing that kith nth3d when, whenever (k-bl. see db.b.n, at; cf ddtin every)syn kaa, Iddgd cid/16. ritbmme thicp6 Ayemme Atime. au),dan6. iv[Efil-0stay over- Then I'm cooking I don't like night, spend the night to be bothered,litwhen I Although the derivatives of thiscook thing I don't want dis- turbance

113 96

hml nnam lit 6m ddrjd hfbhddydk6. ddrjd gbh all forty I worked while you slept. cf ddndl,dddnd, hfit, hflrb,

nb hkiik 1.1kpb t star nd/36.ddi! lath Give him carfare so hecan come!

lit give money paying way so dhrja. tv order the night before that he come in order to have the next day, s6 ddnd rfikpcin Ayhyd! See how book overnight, contract to I've grown and become beauti buy at a certain time (esp palm ful! wine, palm wine is generally Adlbn6k6 dáá Nalim. I don't bought in the morning when it is know how you did it. fresh)

Wt ddajd. (hte) dtak 1.1k3t! fxd6.0., udbxja. aj booked over- Show me how they tap palm wine! night See ddAnd 'boundary, limit,' tidArjh Ukbt, tdh/ld ilkbt palm ddni is prob derived from it, wine booked overnight in Efik dddnd also means 'time' see dhn; cf dhk and is used In many cases where Ib uses ddnd. cf Id6gd dhnd2 iv var of dhn 'time, moment in time,' it often indicates a narrower timedhp tv pl of dhpd span than ddnd, cf alsomd2, hmb, htb2, dI6 ddpd iv dream Addp ndream ddnd2, nand aj all, the whole, Addpd ndaydream, vision, emphatic revelation ddnd lisbn dAshndk4 mi 6kit6 Iddpn sleep MI6. All (these) days I've see ddyd, tdbd been travelling here I haven't seen him. dhpd. pl dhp,dhhp, dhhm, dhhmd ddnd dfit all lit all all rev of f6p remove from the ddl3d ibh both lit all two embers what has been roasting nAnd ibh 6.hnbm. Both are sweet.there

114 97

-dap ikAn (pl only)remove -dht Ann have a fierce, fear- wood and embers from the fire less look lit become red (in) cf sum, tapd, dlhpa eye cf -shkalien -dht esitbecome happy or dit pl Wm& kbn, kttbn tv tv (?) make happy lit become take, pick up, get (a small or .red (in) heart (?) cf dddrd. medium sized object); use, im6dat 4sIt. I'm happy. treat, regard ddht ane 4sIt.He's happy. ddt bwbt dmi s6k WI Take hdht bsit, hslt n joy, this letter to him! rejoicing dat thm661) di! Bring water! kat n a kind of tree, its littake water come bark is used to flavor and didnna ddt! Take some! lit strengthenpalmwineto which separate take it imparts areddishcolor, hsb6 k6 hdat hb6k afer6? What Saccoglottis gabonensis (Dalziel) will you use to cook soup? hdht hdht, hdalthdhat, hdhidat, ddat idem amb Ira hkabd Awb. hdIldat, aj red He takes himself (to be) a see dahn, dand very important person. lit he takes self his as big personddyi, ddd iv sleep opt w idap ridAtd ane hth biln. I don't sleep regard him as a friend. syn cf dApd thbata ane hth ufan. hdat mand ninborn quality, dbi iv var of dbg4 characteristic; congenital 2 mark; aj inherent ( db (2) conj and,with become born) syns b.* Mb, 1mb, 1mb,yb hdat Imand ifibkinherent intelligence dbla6 iv var of dbp cf b6n dbde iv, tv var of dbt6 dht pl dhht iv ripen, become ripe, red

115 98 d6 6b6ivitch dbbptvdip; steep, soak (esp see d.46p cassava) dbbp bsur k6 af6rd!Dip the 1, d66m6 demetvturn a deaf earfufu in the 6.fere! towards, not answer dbbp If3m66t) hs6k! Dip (the cup) in water and bring me (a little)! (14611162 tv pl of d6p litdip water fetch me hdbbp k6 dtap npencil (what dbbm6tvshare, divide among is dipped. in saliva)syn ban Ubbm6n share, portion, bthp share in a company adnp, bdbbp, Ubb6, bdblo6aj of balc6. steeped, soaked see dbp; cf dbq dbbn ivhang, sag (of loose clothes); spread out (of a d66r6iv, tv var of dbt6 person's gait) ildbbnn shade dbbi-,-iv, tv var of dIt6 hdbbn etbshade of a tree hdbbn link shade of a house d6g6, d6kiv rev of dbg6 (?) h.dbbn h.dbbnajflowing, become a coward hanging (as agbada) w Id 6kncoward; cowardice see dbnne (var ?) ,dbte; cf cf deice, dbrj, wbbm dbge, db1, db (restricted var dbbniv, tv pl of dbrj see below) iv become fierce, brave, valiant; dare; become hot, d66p tvscratch, itch;iv burn (of pepper); become sharp; . itchalso d6db6 function, work (of medicine, d66p xfifitscratch anitch, magic) scratch a rash often used w 1dbn valor, ri.d66p,fd.66pn itch;scratch-courage, fierceness, sharpness ; ing potency

116 ?fe0,770...uter


dadege (ide). He's brave. alsodeme iv var of deeme dade ide (de used only here) kuudei imam rfikp6 ado!Don't dare do that thing! demme1 awaken from sleep nthe sharp cutting edge often w Hap sleep (cfEfik of a knife, machete or razor de sleep) ;tvredye, renew syn -CifU-Cit gen qualified: the color (awaken color?) ildek ikaasharp edge of a gen w aliencolor knife cf tui,depel idege, ridildegeajsharp, brave, fierce, potent dermne2 (?)tv var of depe cf derjrje,dege denneiv become spread out deltv var of dal flat; become wide, enlarge, widen (of a person's gait) ; deliv var of dege sag, hang down from weight (of cloth) dek1 iv var of delge numbrellasyns Mete, Uftlk aylO 2ideodeo see deke see deen (var?), d6t6;cf derj, weem deicetv hold gently, care- fully (?), treat (act toward) deq pl deer3iv sink;tvlower --deke ayin hold a child thus slowly syn ayin tide/3n paddle adeedekeajspoiled, over- cfderjrje,deen, denne, dete, indulged dep, deep dek ideodescribes the way a person holds a fragile thing deineiv do well (eMphatic) (such as an egg),or the (always followed by another verb) gentle way he treats someone derpje de.! Stand still; be akama dek dek dek.He holds it still (said to an excited child dek dek dek. who is darting about)!(di see deine, cf dege, neke stand)

_ 117 100

degge kema! Look after it well;cfIribara, ridekl hold it well!(16mahold, treat)see deep;cfdeg see deke;cf neke depe,1 demme, dimme (?), demme (?) deggeiv become cool, cool tv decorate, paint, draw, make and damp, wet (not said of fancy, grand or impressive weather)cffithr6, tuebe cfdemme1 ridedei) ndampness, wetness; ajcool, cold;dull (of a depe, iv appaar suddenly, game) emerge, surface (of a guest, ridegge ndeggeajcool, wet a ghost, a diver) ,1 ,1 cfderv, dege, dep cffOnn6, tike,dope,demme1 dep pl deeme tvbuy dereiv, tv var of dete ildedep ajbuying, shopping ildedep ti.dixaa buying market dete, debt,dere, dede, deere (one where one goes to buy, not iv become spread all over; sell) overflow (of water, sand, weeds, cf Ram grass)become laid out, spread out flat;tv lay out, spread dep, debeivfall in drops, rainout flat edim asak adep.It's raining. ang aadete anad.The cloth litrain it continues it rains is spread out flat.litcloth adeep edim nrainy season is spread. out flat it lies synlakith (edam)cf rida dyi.O ridedet, rididetnthe sandy adep n swamp, marshcfakpuk soil that collects on the side adep .11.1c6ta swamp where raffia of the road after a rain palms grow, one goes there to xidet (o.rien)n'sleep' in the tap palm wine (-15k;t raffia palm) eyes, the healthy secretion ofridile. of the eyes .found collected in ridedep, rididepndew, drops ofthe corners on waking (6i-Ign moisture settled on or dripping eye)cfrid6t afien from trees and leaves; secre numbrella sync tions of insects found on trees Menne, ufuk ayi.O

_ 118 ,....*....,..arinswsveorvu:entnrSAVVvosnasnyvwcq. no," mtnterNArIt.TIV/I


see deer", denne;ofidet, -did 6.kpainheritliteat adore inheritance akilkearn money; embezzle diiv come; tv come to liteat money di mi!Come here! ilwO take a bribelit (di)din; 6rj tIkGt!Come and eat bribe drink palm wine!lit come -did is6pfineliteat fine come drink palm winecf (k5.6.) b.5.66 r6gain, profitlit kei3w6rj iakGt! Go and drink palm eat joy, rejoicing wine! (see Intro) udid nfood (in the raw -dirria6arrive at (vvr.16reach) state) ; yam(gen term), ame.Adi.wilZ) When he Dioscorea spp. arrived at the house... -d-nk Mid pour out an -dat -di, -ben -dibring lit offering of food. take come fasting lit ben kEle dmi. di Isle! Bring stopping food (?) this one separately! -tire ti.dio.plough the soil amedl.You have come. (a prior to planting yam lit common welcome greeting) plough yam -waak ixd16.separate yams (esp diatveat (gen term but used. 6.nem three-leafed yam)with a esp for foods which don't re- knife, some yams grow in clusters quire much chewing)often w and are not harvested completely, irikp6 thing,ladle., rididia.(see a few are dug out and the rest below) ;soak into, soak through,are left in the groundlit destroy (of water) tear off yam amedie. thkp6 wilOnT Have you .d.d.1.ahead of the yam eaten yet? (germinating end) Water has taken efilt tidie.bottom of the yam it (it has destroyed. it). (nongerminating end) d.ndid .mien.He's cheated me; alid.Adi.e.a kind of yam with he's parasitic, he gets rich white flesh litwhite yam off me:.lithe ate me efidarj udia a kind of yam, ,-kbptaste liteat crooked in. shape, consequently perdeive it is very hard to dig out of

_ 119 102

the ground in one piece prob efahn udia, infanifa Ildid 'yam 'yellow Guinea yam', beetle' Dioscorea cayenensis (Dalziel) hdla n foodstuffs (esp for (see figka) feasting), feasting, feast- Mid gtbakard sweet potato ing off of someone, any kind lit yam of European of corrupt eating udia edi; Mid &ea pawpaw ndidian fOod (prepared) lit yam, food of pig; yam, Akp6 rididia n foodstuffs, food of dog sync food in the market (ffikp6 bbb6 thing) 1s6 ildid a 'lot' of five yams Aw6 Adidia n glutton (dw6 1s udia, iba ten yams lit person) 1s6 of yam two udI n going out for ubdak (udid) a wooden con- something one is not quite struction inside the Ise entitled to esp concern- ('yam barn') Used for tying up ing food (the word has a yams, poss a division of the Ise connotation of

120 103

thievery);what people or birds udian n the next one, the scramble for following one, the second one cf dal, td cf Adidldn ekph, ddidlAn Okph diddi3 iv tiptoe around stealth- n the spleen (bkphstomach) ily, pussy-foot Adidldn lt6rJ na sore throat Adiddn n stealthy walk of the type in which it feels -didan fididan walk stealthily as though something is stuck -dladn isk walk stealthily in the throat (1th neck, (draws attention to the movement, throat) -diddr3 Adiddr3 draws attention see dand, didnna, didind to the intent) syn sbbp didnd ivstay close to, become close to, next to; tv pursue tv pl of dihpd ddit) adidnd. He lives nearby. hchin hdldnd nneighbor dlhht iv pl of diht (di) tle hdidnd! (Come) sit next to me! dihga, nidga, dddga ivbecome dA didni bA6 hmb ?if6n! Stand stuck, not progress, not get between td6 and if6n! resolved (of an issue); tv udiananthe next one, the preserve, set aside, keep for following one, the second one; the,future; allow to grow (of pursuit, race, racing hair, a tree) two (lbh) the next xidttnidgd n state of non- person, the second person progress, stand-still (lbhtwo) cfdadgal [varlj, ddlanh Uph, hdihnh lbh aj two together (as nuts in a dihk4 ivvar of midkd shell, trees intertwined) Adianh lbh Islp two palms dlan tv add, put together, that intertwine, the result stick, glue; iv (?) and, of two seeds planted close also (?) together (Isip (palm) kernel)

121 41.1111. mg.*. nfloneni fawn..


ddi6mh ?lbh Ilkbm two plantain have come off).also tshn fruits growing fused together dAdlanna. (a pregnant woman tries to avoid dAdId/116. k6 6t6. He fell out setting eyes on fruits like of a tree. lithe has become this as it may cause her to have separated from tree also twins, if she does see one she dAdlanna k6 4t6. takes the fruit, puts it behind Adldind, n change; her back and separates it) money

(ftk6m plantain) Ad164.13 n delicacies, little see dIdn, dlannd, dIdind bits of luxury food syn AdI66n a/6nna tv rev of than take see didn, didnd, -d16nni (some away, take out, take off, speakers use didnna and dlaina separate, select out; .ivrev nearly interchangeably with of dland become separated from the exception that dlannd is dianna dat! Take some! lit not used for 'change money,' separate out take other speakers use dlamja as liyAadi6nnd ubaak Ilnb. I'll the plural of dlanna); cf blkd give you some. lit I'll take out some give you dihpa, dibp6 pl dlhhp tvcollect, see dlaind gather, pull down tendrils or other vegetation from a tree didind tv take away some, or the side of a house; tap separate two things that are on the back to get a person's stuck together, separate out attention from; change money; iv become dlhhp nb akem! Collect separated from and put in until there's enough! h.d16amd! Keep off me! cf dhpa, thpa didind Id6m kpk! Don't worry about itleave it alone! lit dihrd iv var of diht separate self leave alone tshn dAdldnrja. The (enamel) dnt, dlhti, dihrd pl dihhtiv plate is scratched (bibs of it. descend, come down, slipdown, 105

slide down (of a man from a akesalja die anle ascikbrb? tree, of oil down the side of How did you come by the orange? a bottle); pl trickle, drip lit you managed how you have (of water) orange edi t, Idlat (?), hb6 die?What did you say? 3d3 d3'at, ildhdlht (2) (all var lit you said how opt w 6.1:16t land) n downslope, dle ke .b6 Anft; hb6 riram ground which slopes downcf die? How should I do it? UMk lit at how that you say I hdlhat aj leaky should do it; you say I should cf dit do it how of htb2, dihtiiv var of diht dibn advsee Minn dibe 'ivhide, hide oneself, become hidden diene tv var of di6n6 dd6edibe. He's hidden; it's hidden. dlbpe tv var of dihpa Adibe, edibe n hide and seek dlime tv pl of dipe hdlbe aj secret Ildedibe Medibe aj secret; dilne tv var of diOn6 adv secretly see dip, dipe dlile iv, tv pl of dike dibby6 tv var ofbbli dlip tv pl of dip did, die interrog advhow?, in dlisi, disin CEng what way?(vars are phonologic- district commissioner, the D.C. ally conditioned) cLisi &OA, akpirb difsi bkbre die?What's your name? assistant D.C. atbk, Lkpirb lit you are called how small) .kerb die?What's his name? cf &CO

123 106

dilt iv pl of dit person is excited by drumming or other intense vibrating pl difq6 iv become fright- sounds 1 ened, start up (in surprise or cf time [var ?. fright); tvfrighten, startle w liwcim life dime tv inspire, inspirit; thmedike ekpe. I'm startled by ivbecome good, of good the leopard. quality kadfke tiwOm! Don't frighten cf dbpe me; don't go after my life! hdikn fear. dimm63(?) var of dbpe -MgO Milt become afraid lit run (with) fear dimm6 iv become listless, hskInhm hdik?What makes you lethargic afraid; what are you afraid of? of chinty5 (n&mmake, do) bkh Adik aj big Mb. big) di8, dibn 'D.O."-!1district &like n fright, state of be- officer, the D. 0. ing frightened cf difsi fdike Idik4 aj sudden; adv suddenly cab, cab/3 tvstep on, trample Idike 'dike 6kpA sudden death (sand or earth to make mud; cfyikel, tikel,tige,131=4 a woman's back to make her supple - part of the fattening dike2 tv welcome, make welcome process); knead (dough) cf sAm di6g6 tv wiggle, wriggle (a dim4 iv var of time1 rope, the hips) cf d1605 dtidAd dime1 tv cause confusion, raise hell, make noise of a confused dibk tv not know; doubt; have nature doubts about; refuse to recoo- IdIminterj said when a nize 124 107

bdiok, ediOg6 nfailure to adiOnO, Adlinen termite hills recognize; doubting made by ebU, termitaria cf dibrj6 dion tv var of di6/3 diom6 tv plan,arrange, plot idiomo, edic5m6 nagreement diOlj tv var of dio (as the resultof a meeting), arrangement d166r6 ivscream, shout; tv scream at, shout at often w diontv var of dion6 6kpo nscream, shout cf yoor6, tidard [vars?] diOn adv yet amedia Mkp6 diOn?Have you dip pl dliptv hide eaten yet?. Adip aj secret, hidden see Adi6n; cf wan ridip akikere secret thought, suspicion dion6, dion, diene, diine tv ridip ridip adv secretly cause disgust see dibel dipe adion6 ke idem. I have the creeps; I shudder; I have the dipe pl diime tv rev of dip (?) feeling of things crawling onme. pick up, lift (a heavy object), lit it disgusts me in body pull up andion6 ke anen. I feel dis- -dipe tlbok lift up the hand, arm gusted from what I saw. lit -dipe ildip pick mushrooms it disgusts me in eye see dibe; cf dop6 Adidlon, Adloon nsomething that causes disgust and gives a dirGsn var of dir6bsi person gooseflesh, a cluster of small disgusting things (esp dir6bsi, dir;s n [Eng 'drawers'] slow moving tiny white insects underpants found on crawfish, snails, synibd2 chickens, etc.), anything left where it's damp or anything disi n var ofdiisi infested

_.125 108

dlt pl dilt ivleak, leak out, di6k iv var of d166k run out (of liquid) Abk Ahdlt. The pot leaks. dibk (?) tv var of clink thm66/J Ahdlt. The water runs

out. dibk6 tv rev of dIbbk lift hdit ndit, Mire Mire aj up a heavy squat object leakysyn hdlhht see MO; cf kphp6 cf diht dlbn tv var of dlb dlb, dibn, di dih, dddibn tv play pranks on, do mischief to df6/3, dik tv climb, go up opt w AdhdI6, Adhdi6n n little syn d66k bits of mischief, pranks, crafty

manipulations dibt]ipl dibbn tvfix up, repair, improve, decorate, dibg6 ivbecome put down, placed adorn, prepare; bless down, set down; become seated -d1b13 IdAm adorn oneself, (of a lazy or fat pers)n who dress up doesn't seem likely or able to dab/3 Aw6erhan Adb idem hnb move) AyAyh! Adorn that woman, hdlbe n a protracted state make her beautiful! lit of being seatedcf itie, Maga adorn woman that body so that Ikpbdibg6 thmbbr3, hdlbg6 Idim n she is beautiful pools of standing water (61166/3 hdlbn idiomnpersonal adorn- water,I dim stream) ment; dressing up; get-up see dibbk, dibk6 Akild18/3 n a straight razor esp used to shave the d161 iv pl of d166k hair-line hdidibn n blessing dibl iv move so fast as to be cfdab/32, dib136,band nearly invisible (of a servant 2 who is gone before an order MI] ivcontinue to do, keep can be given); ideo describes on doing high speed dIbrj 8! Go on doing it; keep cf 126 109

it up (you're doing well)! enough (for what I want to use di6d1bn (?) welcome (said to it for). someone who comes to the house); cf yilt6 [var ?] God speed (rare) dibn t16! Stay well! dibt6 iv var of dUmm6 cf dlbn1 d166k, di6k pl and intens d161 d13/36 tv know, be acquainted iv become bad, ugly with, know sexually, recognize, Id166k, hd166k (?) pl hd161 understand n evil, ugliness; aj evil, inm6d1b16 inn Anbn se Adilnam. bad, ugly I know exactly'what id166k is6bad luck lit MAW nan acquaintance evil of (?) face cf 1f6n Idibn6nsigh, omen, mark is6 good luck 1d1 0n ndivination; a society Id166k M166k Itrj greed, devoted to divining, fortune covetousness (It6/3neck; telling desire, greed) also 15d166k dbl.& akb. Idlb/3 diviner, 1th oracle lit specialist in Id166k dfihstorm cloud lit divining syn tibia dif6. bad sky akp6n6 Idlbn a carved wooden cf f6n coronet, or a ring of black string or raffia worn on the dInk, dibk (?) tv (sg only ? head as a symbol of the 1d18/3 pl 1361'16 ?) set down, put society down, set aside for, leave for cf dibk see di3g6, dI3k6; cf dabk di6t6 iv (?) reach the mark, dinn tv pl of dlbrj become sufficient, satisfy

.1 (become satisfied) do pl d6/11-36 iv (copula) be ildf6t na standard measure 6d6 6.1A61]. He's chief. (e.g. a cup measure) 6d6 akp6n 1k3. It's true. Id16t6k6 Ildi6t. It won't be 1d6(6)g6 htOrb. It's not like that. 127 110

6kpe k6 ád6. It's a leopard. (you can swim in it)! lithave lit leopard that it is an abundance there Ado 4w6 iblblb. I'm an Ibibio s6m d6 rib MI6! Translate it person. for him! lit translate there 6kpildb fibn... If I were you... for him ald6 mibn k6 6sit. It's my hd6 nthere (near the person habit. lit it is to me in spoken to); there (anaphoric) heart syn anbd mibn k6 6sit. (refers to a narrow area' such Td6 n manner of doing things, as there in that room) behavior, disposition, manners, tzdo nthere (near the person customs cf bd spoken to), there (anaphoric) -mbm Td6have an easy-going (refers to a wide area such disposition lit become easy as there in that district) (in) disposition Adb dem that (near the person Imbm 1d6 n good disposition spoken to); that (anaphoric) id6 have a mild, gentle of mi, k6 disposition lit become gentle (in) disposition dbb6 iv become quiet, calm, -s6/3 id6 become harsh lit lonely (of a place, of wind become hard (in) character or water) hs61) 1d6 n harshness hdbbbnloneliness (of a -m6g6 id6 become on good terms, person or place), quietness in harmony with (m6g6become (of surroundings) accustomed to) hdbbb Almitm. I'm lonely. lit cf bd loneliness grabs me hdbbb hdbbb aj quiet, calm; d62 advthere, in that place adv quietly, calmly (near the person spoken to); bdbb6, Idbb6, idop nsilence there (anaphoric) (nothing is heard) taf6n Amb dO?i7f6n are you there? see dbp

d6.6. d6! Stand there! ebbn6 d6! You have so much now

128 111

d6m pl d66m tvbite d6m62 tvlight, kindle Ad66m na bite -d6m6 utu6n Ikk light a lamp -d6m6 lickkindle a fire dbmtvmould or hammer metal cf d6mo,1 into shape

hdbm utim, hdbm (11tIm) us3 n d613/36 iv pl of d6 blacksmith (-timpound, lis8 skill) d66m1 ivbecome mischievous, wickedused w hd66m n d6m61 tv test, measure, examine, wickedness, mischief, destruct- weigh iveness

1 -d6m6 idiomtry, make an effort, cf bhk , blk compete lit test self d6m6 idiom; d6m6 s! Try (it)! d66m2 tv pl of d6m lit test self; test look at ild6m6 idiom ncompetition d66m6iv pl of d6p6 n test, examination, measurement, weight dbbr6 tv pl of dbbr6 -bIy6 Ad6m6 pass an examina-

, tion dbbr61pl dbb136 tv rev of dbt -b4n ild6m6 meet the standard, take off, pick up, remove an meet the test (b6n pick up, object from its place; iv take) rev ofdbr62, become out of ild6m6 n a container used for place, dislocated, become lifted measuring oil; an object such as off; get into an abnormal state (?) a stick or bean seed used for dbbr6 nim! Put it away: lit divining, it moves when near a lift up put away secret object or juju; the use -dbbr6 -t6push something of juju for divining; juju pro- over (e.g. something balanced cedures used in divining cf on the window sill) (t6 hit, Idi8t) drop) cf d6p6, d6m62 -dbbr6 48 defend, prove one's innocence (48 voice, order) 112

cf -dbt Ilyes d6p6 pl d66m6 ivbecome heavy bwbt adbbrci k6 akpcikcirci ddb.6. -d6p6 idiom become well formed The book fell off the table. (of a person) lit become litbook is lifted off from heavy (in) body table it fell Ud6p6 n weight; aj heavy km6dbbr6 6d611. My knee is dis- aj heavy located. lit I have become cf d6m6, dip6 dislocated (in) knee adiylk adbbrci. My teeth are dbro,1 pl dbbr6 iv become bitter set on edge; my mouth is puckered. Ideit n bitterness; aj (ddlyik the feeling of having bitter one's teeth set on edge) IdOt TINAbitter cassava arldbbro. I'm fed up, dis- htldbtn bitter leaf; gall gusted. bladder; bile 6ben adbbrci. I'm off 6ben; ldbidot, hdbidot, hdbAdOt aj I'm sick of 6ben. (6bena kind bitter of fruit) 2 Adidia adbbr6. I'm stuffed; I dbro iv become placed on top can't eat any more. (Adiditi of, become laid on, lie on food) andOrb. It's on top. cf dbbr6 and6rb It's covered with something. ( a surface dbbre iv pl of dbr6 covering)

Ikpinnb adbrci k6 1.5b3k dbbt tv pl of dbt adbrci Ikpinne. My arm is asleep (numb). lit numbness dbpivbecome silent (of a lies on me in arm; arm lies person) on me numbness

dbp ilyei! Be silent; don't udbrbfibn k6 idiom. You're talk; don't answer! (persuasive, responsible; it's your not a harsh command) cf kup responsibility. lit it lies on you in body, self IdOp n silence see dOb6 130 113

MbrO, adbbrci- n gain, profit -dbt Ilya slander, tell lies also adOt about lit lay on voice Ahdcirb adbbrci. Its profitable; hdbt aybn slander it's gainful. -dbt Ina gossip lit lay on hdbr6nthe top, the outside mouth (of something) hdbt Inahngossip hdbrci 4kpht the outside of the -dbt Ann hope lit lay on bag eye hdbr6 Abbt, hdbrci ?aloft n the ldbt hfibri, hdbt bnbn n hope, world also hdbr4 6bbt, faith (religious) hdbrI thbbt (b6t mould out of -dabk ldbt hfibn lose hope clay) lit pour out hope see dbt, dbbrci Awe) Adbt hnn inmi Odom. This is a person I can rely on. dbt pl dbbttvplace on top of, lit person of faith my he is put on, lay on; reach, arrive at this a time, fix a time; iv suit, ant n used as follows: fit, become suitable, appropriate adbt lwabtpillow, head rest dbt) yak Ad8t inuO. k4 Ibbn Ak6bp! (fwat head) Fill it to the brim! lit pour ant Ukbt foot rest (15keit in let it reach mouth at edge of foot) cup hdbt na tree (gen term?, dbt -ben hnb mA Adi. Fix a day mistletoe?) which grows in a for me to come. semi-circle around another hdbt asbn nthe appointed day tree, its roots go around the akhnh uudbt inn. You're lucky. trunk or branches of the host lit luck fits you (?), lays on tree (hil6r) sky, top) on you (?) hdbt 4nhri moss, green fungus, hdbt akhnh n good luck, good mildew (cf 6nftli cattle) fortune dabp AdOt kbbt numeleven -dbt 15b5kbless lit lay on lit ten puts on one also hand M6t hbbtsyn dabp hkbbt hdbt ab6knblessing dabp AdOt lbh num twelve

-131 114

, 1 lit ten it puts on two also duAk ivintend, wish (it is bd6t lbhsyn dbbp bbb.,etc. occasionally used as a future see dbr6, dbbro auxilliary) 15.dd6,k n wish, will, intention duiv live, be alive 2 Ii.w6m live (i.e. 'live well, d15.6k , tv vars of dbAbk live poorly,' not 'be alive') lit live life dliamma iv, tv var of w6mma bdb ncharacter, nature, temperament (innate) cf fd6 ddara tv, iv var of dlidt

tydtl nbad character, bad

traits; evil; aj evil duct, duara pl duaya, d15.6,/ tv keker6 tdA bbki 6,w6! Don't shout at, bawl at, scold; think evil about a person! shock; iv explode suddenly 621.14 bdA bdA 6sit. He has a (of explosives, of a person bad character; he's a gossip. in anger),.pl onlybecome lit he has evil heart agitated

cf 6.rid15.6.t; diliddayd. He shouts at me. dbhak, dbak, dliák tv boast w -d5.46 k6 1d6mbecome ex- iniza mouth cited, unable to sit still Mbhk inbh, bc1.15.6k inbh n boast- lit become agitated in body ing ifikp6 Achi.6,1 k6 fd6m. I'm cf duaga, dA6k agitated (esp by a speech), eager, sexually excited MO thing) -tan dal make a powerful ddaga, tvswoosh, shake, speech (esp with a lot of rinse water around in the mouth gesticulation and vocal or a bottle dynamics); talk loud and see d5.66; cf dbblk angrily without control lit talk become agitated dual tv, iv pl of ddat

132 115

Adllat nelectric shock, sudden hdn nerror ofused as explosion; electric fish follows: Adilayd nshouting, bawling t b.b3k 'slip of the hand' lit error of hand dddy6 tv, iv pl of dilit hdab idiom heedlessness, an error made by not looking out dudib tv var of dlb for oneself or by not being on one's guard lit error of dudibntv var of dlb self hdbl hilbn seeing in error, &tin n[Eng] the game of Ludo misseeing; seeing a thing one wasn't intended to see lit dab tvmake an error, err, miss, error of eye off end, do unwittingly; do by hdn ht6t)nmishearing lit chance error of ear -dttb usury lose the way, miss hdab Int n 'slip of the the way tongue' lit error of mouth (recip) -dUyb idem (idem self) aAkpOn hdhb Inn dti dti. He used as follows: makes a lot of slips of the edidnyb idem. They fornicate. tongue. lit he is big in lit they err with each other error of mouth very much adAdabyb idiom. He has erred by eating food prepared by a clAbge iv become fine in menstruating woman; he has texture (in small pieces) broken the law. t6 dilege! Chew it down; chew ekp6 akped4 dkit hkp8 bkpt... it fine! If by chance an ekp6 sees a see chl6k non-6kpci hdttdtb, hdidt1 nerror, fault; dnge iv var of &dee a fine At4k Adadn In. It's your &ani ideo describes the red- fault. lit for reason of ness and ripeness of pepper error your 133 116

dhat diAl. The pepper bdUk nplenty (the opposite is red (ripe) dUl. of hickshortage of food, famine) ddek tv chew, eat something see ddege; cf kdek (syn?), nutty, crunchy, crisp; chew ddep, dUhk, dllaga happily (as a dog on a bone) -ditek Latin, talk loosely (intla dUmetv var of dUpe mouth) addek n succulence; the suc- dUmme tv var of dhbp6 culent part of a fruit; aj w var hdUk succulent (of a dbln ivbecOme cowardly; fruit), soft and attractive become stupid; become excited, (of a girl) crazy addek dybpna kind of oil palm heAn n cowardice, lack of tree, the fruits are thick and initiative; coward fleshy and contain a very small abMn,-dbln Idekact kernel cf ikirfk dybp; the cowardly, become cowardly pulpy part of the oil palm (Idek cowardice; coward) fruit (the term refers to the &Alma He acts crazy. fruit which is mashed up during (d6mmd become crazy) the process of extracting the hnekb hdan. You should be oil) careful. (as you are a stranger). add6k anbi na kind of long cfdbb,dege succulent pawpaw; the succulent

part of a pawpaw dliepe tvgnaw (as a rat adtiAlc amb Eid8 ddb! It's the on a yam) real thing; it's the real stuff -ddep Intla talk too much, (said of palm wine)!Some talk foolishly speakers use this expression to cf d1.161c, kink, dhhhk exclaim over the wine, others to refer to the palm wine yeast dUp tv dust, dust off, rub as the real guts of the wine. off (as a speck of dust) lit succulent part, succulence see 611134. it is that 134 117

dal6p6 tv var of daidp used esp for curing malaria and jaundicelitenter face, dUp6, dUmm6. dUm6 tvbrush enter body against, brush off, rub on (all akp6 enter akp6 seclusion imply a light touch) -disk intim enter inam seclusion; see &Up; cf dbp6 join in6m society 6kpO enter a leopard ng6 iv var of d.a6 (or other animal), this means that a person's soul is trans- disk tv enter, gointo; join ferred to a particular animal (a society of 'the modern type in the bushcf -fak 6kpe which involves only a simple --disk gibbp6 enter fattening Process) cf ban; undergo (a cf IfIbbp6 process such as fattening, or -disk Laid, ilkan undergo an ordeal); produce, yield; an ordeal cf -sin liffd, -sin contain; w pl diaalk run into (of colors into cloth); iv w dfin 'bootlick' lit pl dbij6, d6136 (?), dbbxj6 enter; enter slave become inside of; put on clothes, imin. The boil wear clothes w bib/3 clothes; is ripe. lit boil has pro- Adu adUk adll. He fell into a duced pus hole. lithe fell he entered delk 6ti 6ti. The yams hole have yielded well (it's a good bkim Adlik. It's a dark night. yield). lit darkness has entered bi3i3 6.6k aen. The color ran ikaij adOk link. The house is (the cloth has color in it that on fire. lit fire enters ran from another cloth). lit house cloth contains (?) color is6, idemtake an L.fb13 &fen awa6 AROn adAtIk herbal steam bath by covering 1ml. The other cloth's color the head or whole body with a came out and ran intomycloth. blanket and inhaling steam per- giddk. The clothes fit meated with herbs from a pot, me.

135 :Ur


6Aduk Iddm. I'm fed up; I'm diAkpirfte iv var of kpirek tired. (iddmbody, self) dbb/36 yak rise. Put on your dtikpb iv move about here and clothes so I can see (said by there doing many things at a tailor). once, look busy, become busy hddk na group that moves hs6 adilkpb ht8m?Why are you around together, company, jumping about like that? companionship, age group hdtkpci n kite (bird) kedllk Mi k Almb WI Don't go cf dlltbrb around in his company! lit

don't enter company with him dinn6 iv var of d1513/36 tak ngain, profit cf tdOt gaddilk dt6/3 n a kind of insectdutypl diu36 iv dwell; pl which glows at night, some continue to dwell in a place, believe it is the young centi live near, live together pede and that it enters the ear dw6 live with in the

(d.t6/3 ear) capacity Of a servant (6w6 adak prepuntil used as person) follows: nhome, place of origin; adak Mondayuntil Monday (until village, country we meet Monday) ?ilb6g6 Idt13, Nb6k idtrj n ddak Nkp6/3 until tomorrow neighbor, neighborhood also (until we meet tomorrow) (from hdlin hdiani neighbor (b6g6 yak 6dak Alkp6/3 let it enter pass by, diangbecome close to) tomorrow) adidun n settler see 0/36; cf d313, sin Inkp6 Adtq tfbk n household property dtktv var of dtk6 cf du dtk6, dtk tv strain, filter, adim, dun/36, dlinn6 ivbecome skim slow and sluggish, become a 6kp6nsieve, sifter weakling

136 119

n sluggishness, weak- dttp6 pl dn.m15 iv become untidy ness; weakling and wet (of a messy wet animal), cf thnno, dil6nn6 become wet, become untidy hse hft6 h-t8m? Why are you ddrirj6 iv var of dllijno so messy?

ad n6 iv pl of ddr] ddsiml iv see same dub adv used as follows: dixt pl dnt tvpull, drag; Rib iim8 none of them draw; pl make a drawing, cf Mbmb draw manylines; massage -drat -s16 pull out da605 tv put something in a npulling hole and turn it around hdiuit n tracks (of a vehicle)

-diflog6 abak twirl a stick tidat, mat tIkpb,n tug of war q

between the palms in a calabash Adtagh, diltagade tv vars of tagade containing a water-oil mixture to separate the oil from the ddtbrb iv flop about, stagger water (?) (see abak) about tidd6g6, dal:1.605, liduoddogo n ttbrb nvulture (it walks in the stick used for churning abak an awkward sloppy way with its -d15.6g6 titk put a feather or wings unfolded) other object in the ear to iltbrb htbrb, htbgb htbgb adv scratch it (ut6/3 ear) sloppily, spread out -dift6g6 Intl& k6 glm66n swish htbrb iltbrb. He walks water in the mouth to rinse it; sloppily. gargle (Ina mouth, thm661 tbrb ideo describes a stagger- water) ing walk see dddg6; cf diogo [var ?] cf -an/36,dilkpb ebp numten w var adabp in dlitin iv var of tin. the ordinal hy6g6 ddabptenth datithra iv talk aimlessly cf bkdk, db8k

_ 137 120

nam6 iv pl of dio6 abg6 tv forbid; feel sorry for, have mercy on, have pity din1/16 tv investigate, search on carefully (for something one is Ad1166 n a charm to delay or not meant to see) change expected actions; a ridixdrj6n investigation jujuwhich createssympathy towards the holder of it in dint tv pl of at an otherwise potentially hostile person (e.g. a judge), dit6, d.40 (rare?) pl dUrro6 iv it makes the person reluctant fall, fall down toharmthe holder of the 6yak btbkifikpab.dia.b.I nearly juju fell. -k5k AdUgbmake juju for -dui asst beat fast (of the this purpose lit grind heart), become anxious, yearn AdA6gb (6s1t heart) cf tn.k for cf db.bk, dnk6 normal heart beat 6s1t 6,616 yip yip yip. The ditbi tv pl of citibk heart beats yip yip yip. esit and.46. I'm afraid (some- diibk pl dtibi tv pour, pour thing's wrong). out, spill kaulamesit AridAb! Don't scare -dchbk illat pour out a palm me (don't make my heart race)! wine libation Imd adt6 esit. I long to see -dUk Mid pour out an offer- my mother; I yearn for my ing of food mother; I'm anxiousaboutmy -dabk And-4, -diibk ildit rest mother. lit pour out strength also hdA?) bsit, idub bsit nheart- -dabk6 ann. beat, pulse, anxiety, yearning amdAt4m ik6t ama adabk adada. icla6 na fall (physical, or When he finished clearing the a fall from grace or status), bush he rested. excommunication hattbk adhdix n rest, vacation -nb idit6 excommunicate rdabk ieeek draw a breath; rest; cfdubk die litpour out breath 138 1 21

Adak Abak na kind of ant fond (of a heap, a lump, a long of palm oil, it builds a kind of nose); sag, hang down; hive made of leaves plus its become heavy, sagging (of a bodily secretions on the leaves part of the body) and trunks of trees lit pour on inuadadnt6. Hehasa sagging me Abak oil heavylower lip(ormouth). adti6k tibOm ncrocodile lit (finia mouth) it spills canoe synafiom atabdabt thbOr6, ad4b6lbt tidaknheap, pile, lot (of Mbirlii;13 a banana (or plantain) things of the same kind and same plant whichsometimesyields size); a group, cluster of huge low- hangingbunches, people (as one group here, one after it bears this way for a group there) fewseasons it kills the plant adi1bk rit5n Ice rit613 Akeen4. If cf 6.61Sirak you pour ashes outthe window they will blow back on you. dA6nn6, d6nn6 iv become slippery (proverb) lit (it's the) (of a wet rock, the floor, pourer of ashes that ashes follow of character); slip tidtGk Mm5bn baptism (Mm66nwater) Adi5nn6 exia6. He slipped ridA6I, Adti61 noverflow, spill and fell. also Adak6, ix615k6 edubnn;, ed116nn, eduonn6, see dlk6; cf da5g6, dt1661c, eda6ndi:thn, edandiln, edlinn6 clink, cla6 ridann6na kindoflizard, slim and snake-like with smooth, el6k6 iv spill; tvrest w 66161 cold, slippery skin (cf strength (cf -dA5k AdAdt1) asawl,bothlizards resemble idem Aadia5k6. He's become thin; snakes, but edilbnn; is longer he's flabby. lit body has spilled and thinner) Adak6, uduoko n overflow, the cf d6nn6, d66n, d6r6, dthJu6 spillalso AdA61, Adt161 Acllabk6 fidabk6 aj flabby dUnn6 iv var of 61bnim6 see ethic; cf dubg5, dt166k dab/3136 iv pl of 616 dithmm6, dabnn6, dabt6, dibt6 iv stick out, stick up, protrude

139 122

di16136 tv pl of di166k Wan Ad; nbride litwife of marriage d.a3t6 iv var of dUmm6 bb6 n groom lit husband of marriage di166k pl di 6n6 tv throw away, hd6 Ad; n bride, groom lose -s16 hd6 divorce (s16 6dA60 ini k6 hslh 61313n. remove) They throw away salt on the ils16 Ad; ndivorce intestines of a porcupine. (proverb) The intestines are d6i1 tv, iv (?) pl of d6 bitter and inedible even if salt is put on them, said when 4612 tv pl ofd6p61 a thing is a waste of effort or when a person is an ingrate. d3k1 pl dbbk tv dig, dig up AdA616 n a place in the bush (esp root crops), harvest set aside for throwing away (root crops) twins, lepers, people who die nharvest of hIbihm and other undesirables lid5k nhoe cfdu6k,dibbk hdbk ttbb na reddish bird, which makes a hole in a mud daw4n6iv var of Anne wall and lives therelit it digs hole syn di1w6nn6 iv var of Ann6 hdbk ukupna kind of sweet yam, a large cluster grows dilybi) ivhang around from a single one planted adizybrj. He hangs around. ,cover) syn bkbbn6 yb13 ideodescribes the b66k 6y1n movement of a shadow d?k2 tv weave, knit, dityltb iv ( ?) see ylr6 -dbk fatbraid hair d6 pl d61 tv, iv ( ?) marry d6kth n CEng] doctor hd6 n marriage syns 6131h Ibbk, hk6k (Ibbk)

140 123

d6k6 tv tell uk;t and613 (ad1eG13). I crave Ad6k5 n requesting a favor and palm wine. lit palm wine having the request complied with causes a desire in me (to cf ipand; reprimand, scolding, drink) syn UkGt nagging, criticism akOn and613 (it3/3). I long to

-dOk6 Ad6k6 talk a lot seeOkon. lit Olecincauses -d6k5 fkG talk excessively; a longing in me neck, desire reprimand; tell something syn akOn 4wUt. (wilt is used andOkO ikG imb. He reprimanded more than d613 in referring to me for it. people, it is not used for the natural drives such as hunger, dOnn6 iv var of dU6nn3 urination etc. ed60 n message, errand, d6n5 pl d6On6 tv become smooth request dAdOnO iwat. He's bald. lit 6(164, Ad;61jn instigation he's smooth (in) headcf ibb cf risok (cf dbq as a poss edOn6n baldness alternative source) rid6n5n smoothness; aj smooth Ud1513 n desire see doOn; cf dOr6, di:Onn6 cf dOO, dOkO, wilt, it613

1 d6Q pl d6 tv send, send for, dOeiv var of d60 send to (a person or a message),

send for a nefarious purpose, d313, d3313 tv pl put in, pour in pl espinstigate; stimulate a litmaddh ffimok ay6g3 ke abk. I desire in, cause a longing in filled the pot with water. lit kap nam s6 Udh! Just do what I put in water (so that) it was I tell you (don't argue)! full in pot 6331613 did6/3. I'm hungry. lit amerld3613 swot. You're being hunger causes a desire in me sarcastic about me. (wOt kill) skim tindolj. I have to urinate. -db/3 idem make an effort, put lit urine causes a desire in oneself into something lit me put in self AdUaQ and613. I have to M513 idemn physical prepara- defecate. litfeces causes tion for a tough job or a fight a desireinme (e.g. rolling up one's sleeves) 1.4i 124

-dbij esit console lit put verb is also used as the pl of

in heart duk iv). ridbq esit, idbq esit n conso- iJw6t sid60 1:6 hkb! Show me lation, comfort what's in the pot! -d?nj d'an lit put in eye used d36/36 yhk rise! Put on your as follows: clothes so I can see (said by d51; alien finb! Help me look a tailor)! for it! see dUk, db/j; cf sine Adbin6 alien. I don't care (what people say). dop51pl d56p, d66m6, d6i tv -dbi) hdil whisper, conspire wipe up, dab, take a bit (of lit put in whisper food to taste, of cream on the -dbk) ils;k provoke, incite, finger); pl clean up, clear instigate litput in incite- away, wipe up a liquid or semi- ment liquid substance (water, feces) Ud;13 na pouring device (e.g. funnel) d5p62 iv become flexible; become

see dUk; sin (sg of dh) weak and sickly ri idem body, self d601, dkiv become sick, rid6p6 nflexibility; chain become sick with Ad60 eweAkb. I have rheumat- d6r5 pl d66r6 iv become slippery, ism. smooth, slimey (of a surface, Ud6q6 nsickness a powder, okra); become fine cf d6q1 in texture (of powder, of some- thing that has been pounded to d602 (7) iv pl of dilk a powder); pl only struggle, make a great or sustained db136, d33136 iv plbe contained, effort esp at a strenuous or hold, become inside of; wear tedious thing clothes, put on clothes w atike eAd6r6. The okra 'draws' an') clothes (it is slimey and viscous and (Some speakers consider n0 hangs together when lifted with to be sg and db50 to be pl; a spoon) . there is some confusion as this mya tad6r6. The crayfish is

-- 142 . T


fine in texture (after it has ad6k adAd.He's come again

been well pounded). (said of an tarpelcame visitor idem 611d6r6; udit ind6r6. I'm who talks too much or gives exhausted from my struggle. speeches). lithe climbs up (1d6m body, USA strength) he stands -d6r6 it613become greedy, akpo adMk Aman. The male goat envious (it61) neck; desire, mounts the female. greed) Ad66k abotn upgrade, upslope, udor6 it6n, ndor6 ud6t land sloping up cf Aare, itolj n a strong desire for usuuk something one doesn't have, syn greed syn id166kft;i3 AdAd66r6 neffort, struggling; dook1 tvslander, backbite, the matrimonial state undermine opt w idbbk, ild6t n sliminess, stickiness; adid5bk, ndbbk, Id55k n a viscous secretion (?) slander, gossip Ildot eklabl3 the exudate of the Ad;k n folktalesyns titan, 4k11313 snail rakecf iibik 1 , 15A6t; lidot ilbaketra (lit ild6t cf cthk dol3 of European); Ild6t iyelye, &lot MIA (afla white)kinds of dbbk2tv pl ofdbki plants with similar character- istics, namely their leaves, d66m6 tv pl of d6p61 which are eaten, exude a sticky liquid and drawilike okra d6On tv make smooth lidOt tg5.6n nthe secretions of Adoon nfine talk an unhealthy eye (aan eye) -doon nd66n, --d6on iko, -d66n cf Adet amen Ad66n ikbspeak glibly, cfd6nn6, d66n, dA6nn6 smoothly (ika word, language) see d6n6; cf dii6nn5, d6r6 d66k tv climb, go up, mount; mount and mate (of animals) d66n6iv pl of d6n6 ad66k ti5k. It went up in the sky tIlk (it shot up like d64 tv pl of d41 an arrow). 126

d33/16 iv pl of ditc; var of d3136 d66p tv pl ofd6p61 d66r6 iv pl of d6r6 d33r6 iv get into an abnormal, unnatural state 6y1b and? r6. The weather is unseasonable; the weather is bad. 6sit dildnr6. I have to vomit. (6sit insides) idip drid;d55r6.My stomach is upset; I'm constipated. (idipbelly) cf dbOr6 d6ya n [Eng] lawyer 7,-trn."


e interrogative particle how kind of plant with a.tuber at is, where is, what about, what the root which is used in jaun- of (assimilates to the preced- dice cures, Anchomanes difformis ing vowel see Intro) (Dalziel) cf ijkbie6t (an ident-

idem g?How are you? lit ical or similar plant), cf also

body, self how is nitaienhenalj [liar?], ebd) enh &in 8?And how are you? (from (poss from 6b6. 6nhn breast of Ake Idem mfo g lit that of cattle) body, self your how is) ikpa 'eat fami g? Where is my ebe.6tinhen.g.r3 n var of ebaenh4nhij shoe? lit skin of foot my where is 61061 na kind of fish, flat with Ilf 6n 8? How' s kf6n; where's white flesh, fast moving and

Ilf61.12 hard to catch cf tIke, ata ebal?Have you eaten ebdi? (asked of someone who is interrog n see hale flippant or overly talkative) cfekpal (a similar but much eba n breast smaller fish) -w6p eba nurse lit suck breast ebana na kind of plant with Ina eba nipple lit mouth hairlike spines on its leaves, of breast it gives a rash 6116613 eba milk lit water of cf bane.,4kitbn6 (a similar breast plant, its leaves are broader ifim661j eba adiaga akik3 a plant than those of eband) with red seeds, it contains red water which children write with&oat ibhakind of long bodied lit milk of first-born daughter plantain with two or three of rooster also called liam6613 fruits to the bunch (iba two) dyit hkfic cf float ebh see ibh ebe n husband ebe Ad; groomlit husband of elod6nhena-4, ebaetInhenalg n a marriage cf delabn rie), ad6 Ad; 128

6,1jWdan ebehousewife, a -f6.k eben place some juju on married woman litwoman of one's eben trees to prevent house of husbandcf 4sa people from taking the fruits ebe e.kpa, ebekpa widow lit 6.kpettlk. eben,6.y; ebencluster husband died. of 6-ben fruits cftibetyour husband ekph( eben),1.kph( eben) an unripe Coen ebencircle (drawn) mbire eben, ablre eben, ridibire cfekpa, Ube, tape ebena mature, ripe eben fruit, ready to eat ( become black) ebekn chin eben an insect of the -k66k ebekrest the chin on grasshopper type found in the hand, support the chin eben treessee bkuku rjwa ebek, ritarj ebekbeardlit eben eti.d551)the 'wild.' eben' hair of chin (it resembles the Open tree), 6wa ebek 1.1o;613a kind of small Canarium schweinfurthii (Dalziel) grass, boys pluck it and hold 6ben rribakar6.avocado, Persea it to their chins as whiskers gratissima (Dalziel)lit litbeard of chiefs eben of European see ekpek cf bire ebekpe.n var of ebe akpa 6-betnhare; a person fond of sleeping (cf Goldiea small ebenna tree with small blue- antelope, Adams a duiker) skinned fruits, their green cfebOt flesh is softened before eating by roasting or by immersion in ebibiakn var of idf.b1.(ik hot water, the softened flesh is similar to avocado but is ebireflatn[Eng] April fool slightly sour, it is customar- ily accompanied by roasted ebiGri nporcupine maize, 'Bush butter tree' 6d116136inure Ice Asia ebnq. (Dalziel), 'African pear' They throw salt away on the (Adams), Pachylobus edulis intestines of a porcupine. (The (Dalziel) intestines are bitter and inedible, even if salt is put 146 129

on them, said when a thing is eb.h na kind of large edible a waste of effort or when a white termite which makes huge person is an ingrate hills called adlOnO l'jk61 ebnil quill of a porcupine ebil 4kAkilt a similar but smaller White termite cf hkak&t the ebb 1 n var of ibeil smallest of the three 61ca ebia, eka ebu queen termite WmakiikA n var of bOmcihkiikit lit big 61311 (poss mother of eloU) elocit n goat; a stupid person; cf Adibe the winged stage num one hundred (up to 1100); of ebia fifty (from 1100)(see intro) ridalp adUkpc> ebOta pointless ebak na place set aside for question lit question of something esp a fireplace; a dead goat seebip2 focal place akpo (ebOt) billy goat ebilk idn/j a place where id18 4-b6t nanny goat lit sacrifices -are performed female goat ebilk Irian the part of a tree iikpa ebOt pieces of goat meat Where birds gather and build with the skin left on lit nests (Inan bird) skin of goat ebukayOp the center part of 4(160 ebOt a kind of plantlit dy8p (oil palm tree) where knee of goatsee ed6Q the fruits are clustered ebot in5.aqfour hundred(also ek661) etak AyOp a kind of black four goats) bird with white around its neck, 4bot itiOn five hundred (also found around oil palm trees cf five goats) k66q1 ebOt eft one thousand lit hundred ten(also ten goats) eb5 n var ofibo edip6b6t AdO abek ItiOn 1100 lit20 (times) 50 and 20 (times) 5 4b 6k n monkey (gen term) cf 61:At, ikie M613 lyatm6k6 4b6k.A monkey can't miss when climbing trees

147 130

(said of a skillful person). lit backed. lit back his is sky doesn't elude monkey humped kii6/3 ayAlme. 4b5k. The sky -kannA edem turn around, turn eludes the monkey (said when a one's back tricky person is exposed). -kpa edem turn around, turn eb5k rifikidga a kind of monkey back which lives in bamboolit -time edem turn back monkey of bamboo -tuck edemgo back, not ikp6k 61ok a kind of ape or continue; walk backwardslit large monkey halt (?) back AsiMbO eb5k a kind of monkey -kinne edemhump up the (ape?) shoulders as for a deep breath, Mb6r6 eb5k a kind of banana a leap or in the death agony with hard flat sides, particular- syn -kinne Id6m ly sweetlit banana of monkey -meke edem arch the back ik6/) eb3k, ik6IJ 1b5kwhooping edem undulate the back cough (it was believed that eat- -kpe edem be lastlit stand ing a monkey's heart or flesh (in) back would cure the cough) lit edem ink the other side of cough of monkey the river (the opposite bank from where one stands) lit na kind of slug found on side of river plantain leaves edem esa side of a house (esa porch) 4dAk nsee daak edem ikilathe blunt edge of a knife lit back, side of knife edebe aj see deep syn ek6t iiraa edhilibic the back of the hand edeesi n var of Masi cf 6ka AlZic edem ikpat insteplit back eam nthe back (gnat) also of foot cf eka ikpat aba edem; back, side; after akp6 dsak edem spine (Akp6 (in time expressions) bone) cfsak2 edem am3 aakilig6. He's hunch- edem deA a dance with wriggling

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motionslitback of cat of fire syn in-da ikaij mouth edem dare nayfria northern of fire Nigeria litside of north of edeme ekpe a file (for sharpen- Nigeria ing) lit tongue of leopard ibere earnn backrest; sponsor; edemedij; edemenarj (from ed4m6 helper; supporter (ber6 lean WI) tongue of sheep; edeme against) enarj tongue of cattle) a plant

áwó ib6re ed6m . someone who can with rough leaves and stems, it be relied on' (6w6 person) is used for toilet paper, for t1b6k gam a bribe (lib6k hand) enemas and for goat fodder, ke edem at the back, behind 'African marigold' (2), Aspilia dakpike Unek ke edem. He dances latifolia (Dalziel) cf Adinilene well (he really gets into the (a similar plant) beat, he makes good movements with his back). lithe has édemearj n see 4d6me cut dance at back inn ddO dye'm adibat ijkuake édemenan n see ed6r&'.) edem tlak. That chicLen wants to hatch her eggs behind the 4delj n a kind of fish, good to door. eat edem risen the previous day; the following day edet nvar of adere edem iikp;13 [Efik] two days previous; two days following edet n tooth syn aba thkp;13 eat My teeth are set edem tiba ilikp613 three days past on edge. or future (see ibA) eat AwA6 atiga. The teeth stick edem eetdgda market day (the out. lit teeth come out day after etde.) protrude edem AbOa market day (the day awA6 eata bucktoothed person after ab8) eat show the teeth Ase eat? What are you edeme ntongue laughing for (as there's no edeme ikaij flame littongue reason to)? lit what you show teeth 132

-bhp edetbare the teeth lit ak6k edi a kind of tree, its tie teeth wood is used for chewing stick edet is8the two top front teeth see ak5k lit teeth of face, front edet ewil& the canine teeth (?) editna disease of babies, lit teeth of dog red spots appear on the skin

Itak edet pl rit6k edet molars, cf6(5_11 the back teeth lit base of teeth also called edet ItAk ediam n the wild sweet potato, Abk lit teeth of base of side Ipomoea sp. (Batatas?) (Dalziel) of face -kpike (Atak) eat; -kudaga edikp&i nsee kpaya (Atak) eat; -ta edet grind, gnash the teeth (in thought, edim nrain surprise, anger) lit cut teeth; edim asilk adep. It's raining. grind teeth; chew teeth edim 4.'111°5/3. Rain beats down edet the spaces between on me. the teethlit gaps of teeth bio3/) edim raincoatalso 15115k Adublit eat the soft white edim (filk cover) matter that becomes deposited on edim awai; edim awd&t; edim the teeth 4.2E. It's drizzling. edim dAtiammg4 edim dAtiadm; .1 n pig edim esiime. Rain sprinkles. edi ikh bush pig, wild pig (it edim abkij; edim dasilag6. The moves in packs) lit pig of bush rain has let up. adld edipawpawlit food of edim dabiOrci. The rain has pig (poss yam of pig) syns stopped. Udia ervua, Mbilbi, bblo6 ab6k edim; Mai& edimrain ikp613 edi a plant which looks maker, rain stopper (he burns like cocoyam but is a corm ratherleaves in pots, when the smoke than a tuber and is inedible, rises the rain starts or stops) it has variegated leaves lit lithe prepares rain; special- cocoyam of pigalso called ist of rain 11013 6kpO &deep edim, (edim) rainy seasoncf Ada dyn 150 133

im66K) 6dimrainwater lit 4duAtnspear water of rain ilkdt edimraindrops (see Ilk6t) edundunnsee du6nnd edim dAkpOn ilkdt. The rain is

falling heavily (in big drops). eddnnd AdUnn5 n see di5.6/1n5 Itiat edimhail lit stones of rain edut nan uncircumcized man seeIdimi

edb.ndan n see dildnnd ec1.14.6 nsee dibc 4d; nsee &IA knic (Atan) n .a piece of baked clay or sand, one of three such ed6/3 n knee placed in the fire to support a -tddqd eddij kneel on both knees pot (Atari sand) -kdkd eddq; -dard eddq dis- -fidk kinkarrange kink locate the knee; become dis- kink likaAk a metal pot sup- located (of the knee) port made in one piece lit 16mednr6 kik). My knee is dis- 66.1Ok of iron cf Afidk located. cf dng6 -fldk eddgbecome knockkneed (fidk prop) edip numtwenty ecl./3 the knockkneed state cf &leek eddq enk a kind of plant with soft jointed stems and hairlike eddmb na climbing plant with spines on the leaves, the aerial tubers on the stem, leaves are fed to goats lit 'air potato,' potato yam,' knee of cattle Dioscorea bulbifera (Dalziel) edk 6bOt a kind of plant lit knee of goat (poss same as ed8p na kind of large antelope 4d6/3 ena/3?) Atilk akew6t ed8p. Praise ,1 cf tddijo (poss related) . kills the antelope. Icaan edOp, Akaaq ed8pa kind of antelope, 'giant antelope' (see kaL/A) 151 134

4dGij n sheep. mats used for roofing), often aktlkim (4dbij) ram qualified as follows: Aman 4dbij ewe lit female 6fdarj ayop fiber of the oil sheep palm frond akpem4 4dbij shepherd lit 6f6.6.13 iik5t fiber of the raffia guard of sheep palm frond 4d6medbij (from 6d6me ed5ij

tongue of sheep) a kind of efddij n seef6.6.01 plant with. rough leaves and stems, it is used for toilet efe n 'flying squirrel' paper, for enemas and for goat

fodder, 'African marigold' (2), eff6.6./3 ikpbij nsee fiaka Aspilia latifolia (Dalziel) syn 4d6men613 cf Adintt6n6 efiak udia nsee 'Mika (a similar plant) efiat na kind of bitter fruit ed&J61 n a kind of edible frog taken like kola,'bitter kola,' syninfat Garcinia kola (Dalziel) cf ib6i, fiat ed602n seedkl efik na disease involving 46 interj var of if swelling of the testes; an insult (if a person calls eesa n var of esa another person efik and makes a fist it is a challenge to efa n comb, crestqualified fight) as follows: efik isbil a kind of plant with efa akikb comb of a rooster- a tuber which is used to make efa abir6 crest of abir4 snake wheels for a child's toy car, its leaves have seeds on them

6f4.4.13 n the flexible fiber on which children shoot through the outside of the oil palm or a piece of hollow bamboo syn raffia palm frond, the former 611)6 is513 is used to weave baskets, the cf fik, fit2 latter to stitch 6kand (the 152 135 afft, afltnum [Efik] fifteen ef;k akitbk beehive lit nest syns &hop ition, &hop adOt of bee syn abh akiAbk itiOn, Mot itiOn efGk IVA knife sheath lit nest of knife 4f66tn seefit2 efGk Idaq arrow quiver lit nest of arrow efat nbuttocks, anus; bottom nsim fisim ay6g6 OVA squirrel efilt dakpaabd. The buttocks lit tail fills nest syn ddua are flat. In some areas the name refers dyire ibdan kO risim Ont. He to a kind of small black and runs after women; he can't stay white bird which goes in pairs, away from women. lit he one has a long tail and the hangs on women at end of other doesn'talso called buttocks adiagd Atok inlaen -kpitrA6 Hat bend over so as syn (var?) Oft166t, see lifGk to expose the buttocks (care- lessly or on purpose to receiveegtisi n var of eklIsi an enema) -karma efa, -w613/36 efat turnOkan used as follows: the buttocks towards for eka ikpat sole of the foot thrashing cf edem ikpat -y6k Hat wriggle the buttocks eka itbbk palm of the hand (in walking) cf edam libbk also Oka esit Hat Adia the non-germinating esit Oka itbbk, esit libbk end of a yamlitbottom of (Osit inside) yamcf iwat udia eka tflobk abasi a kind of tree efat Abk bottom of a pot with broad leaves lit palm cf itit Ilatarj, elfAn of the hand of God ef1166t nnest eka/ nmother syn (var ?) ef;k; cf laf1166t eka ekamaternal grandmother lit mother of mother efGk nnest (esp of a bird or eka ate paternal grandmother squirrel) lit mother of father efGk itAdt cocoonlit nest of ate ekamaternal grandmother caterpillar 153 136

litfather of mother elcà abasi godmother (Christian) litmother of God ayin ekasibling lit child of mother cf dyin ete dyin elta dwOdeen brotherlit child of mother man

154 137

ayin eka awkwaan sister lit ekem n grandmother (maternal or child of mother woman paternal) eka ekpO mother of ekp6, a see ?Jkgm my grandmother, i)kam harmless ekpc5 character who your grandmother, eka mother; talks into a horn and sounds cf ris6b8m, Us6b8m, ab6m, ete like a person abem, 1b6m, ubom, ad6b6m,' eka ikp&J the main tuber of the akpc5bOm cocoyam lit mother of cocoyam (poss big cocoyam) cf 4k6k ekaffiba, akagibi aj (sg only) Ikpk) the subsidiary tubers [latter var is Efik] big, huge see ?Jka my mother, Ilka your ekathba rinAlin thumb lit big mother,./)kammy grandmother, fingersyns dkpannnuun, Andun iikam your grandmother, ekgm abOdom grandmother; cf Ima, mama, Ane, ete, eka2 ekarja nseekarj2

Alt2 pl pjka aj big, huge eke Iken seeIke/ eka Adik aj big, huge lit big fear ekem aba, ekeme aban a kind eka 6131'4eka ebil the queen of large crustacean with rings termitelit big eba (poss around its shell (a1011crayfish) mother of eba) eka ekpAmouse, rat found in ekeme (aba) n var of ekem aloft the house, not eatenlit big ekpli ekere, ?Jkare na single (or eka dbiOma large shelf above double?) pronged metal gong, the fireplace used for drying used by idi6r) and abire is6/3 and storing things lit big societies ubiom cf ()kirk, ?Jkllorj, akkkk eka ibit a kind of large drum lit big drum ekiko n var of akikO syn ekathba; cf ikp6, kpon,eka/ bkik5 gibAr3 n var of ak6kbMbh

155 138

ekirk n a kind of bird which ekuna bundle tied so that the sings in the early morning, contents are not visible 'bulbul' (Adams) eku bundle of cloth, bundle of clothes ekitnaxe lib6k ekit handle of an axe ekaan a kind of plant with a hollow stem which is used as a 4k8nrear of house or compound straw; a straw made of ekUti (eke') Ise yam barn (a strut- or bamboo ture where yams are stored for the next plantingalso Ise Mole n a kind of fiSh tibia .a ek(5 back porch ektieer6 n var of iktleere cf eal ekuan see 1614/36 eko.1 nbase, lower part (esp

of a tree) n see loll) eko thb6.ra base of the nail (gnat) ekusi, akusi,egusi n [Yoruba?] ekoIsO forehead lit base of (rare) the seeds of a kind of face cf akp6 isc5 white-fleshed melon, they are cf eke', aa, it6k dried, ground and used to thicken &feresyn IkOn (IkOn refers ekena kind of white yam both to the melon and the seeds) ealla n [Efik] world (rare) 4k116/3 n a kind of large edible syn adere thbOt snail

ekti.613 daydra utaan. ek116/3 is ekti n meat [Ib]; rat [Efik] covered with its congealed also AtOk ekA rat (AtOk secretions. (ekti.5rj secretes a small) covering all over its body in ekti 1k6t bush rat; mouse lit dry season then goes underground) rat of bush -ttlenne 41015/3 shine a light to

cf ekpli look for ek15.6r3(6k1.1.613 are

156 139

'hunted' at bight) cf Uttienne MbOn ek'6/3 soldiers .lit people snail hunting of war 6.36' ekal) a cluster of ten or -1318 6k6/3 join ek6/3 society twenty of these snails strung on (bn cut through with a single a string stroke). The society is also Ab6r Atiga eknQ the called IMIO Aw8 from -biO sexual organ of ek116/j, it is Aw6 decapitate, and a member cut off and is not eaten (6.14r6 is called abn (dw8), a kind of creeping plant, i!Itiga ekk close ek6/3 (part of bow, weapon, missile) the rites of the society) cf kAlm6 akpe 61c/j initiation process into 6k6/3 society, it lasts ek6m n a kind of tree bearing two or three weeks an edible nut, Coula edulis ek613 ikh 'army ants,' driver (Dalziel) ants,' soldier ants;' a common abuse lit war of bush ek6m n see k66m syns thkp6ikat,4k6/jfkat &fan (ek/3) [Efik] trouble, n [Efik] a small drum, palaver; calamity; evil two or three tuned to different afar ekW Don't bother pitches are played at once with me! lit don't give me trouble the hands Ikpa eicij the first-born daughtersynikpa enk cf ek6/3 nwar; a society which Adiaga celebrates past war glories, join- ing the society was possible at ek6rana kind of creeper, 'cow- one time only for a man who had pea' (7) taken several heads, now it is

done symbolically alc66/3 na men's society; a kind -sid6k ek4 start a war lit of masquerade, a raffia bag open war with a face woven on it or a -elaná ek6/3 fight a war bag with holes cut in it is worn ata eicij shield over the head elc/3 end of war lit ek66/3 abia Akp6 a masquerade escape (from) war on stilts, the stilt walker uses 157 140

juju to stay up ekpa lib6k a handful (lib& ek66Q ekpO an ekpc5 whose costumehand) is similar to ek66Q cf ekpat, ekpa ek66Q ebilk AyOpn a black bird ekpaba n var of ekpabo with white around the neck, found around palm trees (ebilk a place set aside for something, dy8p ekpal na kind of tiny fish, oil palm tree) cf k66131 dried and used for seasoning cf ebal (a similar but much ekpg. n circle. larger fish) cf ebe, ekpa, ekpat ekpan n suicide by hanging; a ekpan stomach; a bag-like objecttight knot esp one containing air; a -ylt ekpan hang someone (ylt musical instrument of the accord- tvhang) syn -yit Am> ian type; a kind of 'thumb -ylre ekpanhang oneself piano' made of wood or calabash (ylre ivhang) with metal keys; a 'play' in which the thumb piano is used; ekpati ntree trunk (the part w var ikpaa fishing basket between the roots and the crown); syn risiim a log left by the side of the ekpa ikimbladder lit 'bag' river to wash clothes on; stem of urine cf Itak,ekpat2 ekpa ratan gizzardlit 'bag', stomach of sand syns Atari ekp6t2 aj big Akana Arlen cf ekpati ekpa infet scrotumlit 'bag' of penis ekpat n bag, pocket; a piece adidlin ekpaspleen (see of woven raffia before or after dian) being sewn into a bag (worn ekpa iikpaat bush wasp (it unsewn at ek66Q initiation) makes a nest like the scrotal ekpat aamak6. The pocket bulges. sack) (see kpaat) ekpat AdAam a raffia bag

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ekpat ikakaa large bag (import-akp6 ekpe someone who is not a ed type) used for. carrying coco- member of ekpe nuts, palm kernels, cassava cf ekpe ikpa IlkOt a men's society kak given to murders of revenge, ekpat libk a bag with a handle the members wear claws on their lit bag of handle hands and feet and cover their cf ekpa, ekpa faces with spotted cloth, after a murder the marks of the leopard's ekpe nleopard or any of the big claws are left behind on the cats; a men's society so named ground and on the victim's body, from the way they use drums to the society is not sanctioned imitate the sound of a leopard, by thecommunity(ikpa ukot membership in ekpe is a mark shoe) of distinction edema ekpe a file (for sharpen- -ban ekpe join ekpe society ing) lit tongue of leopard -fak ekpe acquire the powers of dicp6ekpe a kind of hardwood a leopard, this means that a tree lit -bone of leopard person chooses leopard as his lltmt ekpe, utu ekpe a kind of counterpart to bear his soul, spider, large and poisonous it also refers to becoming also AtUe,utuo, Atago initiated into ekpe society and thus acquiring a leopard's powers ekpe enter into a leopard, ekpeknthe underside of the this means that a person's soul chin is transferred to a particular Ath ekpek beard lithair leopard in the bush of chin syns nth ebek, 4wa -y56r6 ekpe dance the ekpe" ebek dance (a particular dance done see 4b6k by ekpe members) ekpe abrithe ekpe masquerade ekpeme n glass bottle (ab5na secret society con- awe) ami ato ekpeme. He'll nected to the ekpe masquerades); never grow, he'll stay short. one of the styles of Maki, lit person this hit bottle each style has its own music ti.f6k6 ekpeme bottle opener (see ab&I) (fait& remove that which is stuck in) 159 142

ekpene (ikW nsee kpeene responsible for actions under- taken while in costume. ekpine n var of Ikpine ekp6 carry out sacrifices to ancestors at iso ekpO, the ekpire, Akpire pl Mkplre aj family shrine, this is done by [Efik] small the head of the family (-lull) Akpire dilsi assistant D.C. heap up) (district commissioner) syn ffikpi ekpO, umiana ekpO a cult diisi etok (division) of ekp6 society, a cf akpar& [var?] ritual cutting is involved in the initiation to it; the ekpir6n var of.6kpir6itk) masqueraders of the cult, they sometimes cut people ekp6 nphantom, ghost of (kpi cut, ilmiand blood) ancestors. In traditional -ban ekp6 join ekp6, undergo government, the police arm, ekp6 initiation now a society (to which nearly --sam ekp6 welcome tikp6, other all the men belong) which has members of the society say masquerades at various times certain welcoming things, sing of year such as the turning of and dance when ekp6 appears the year and the harvest of new -kpat ekp6 usher out ekp6 at yam. The masquerades involve the end of the season, it involves various ekp6 characters, some a lot of drumming, are harmless, others are feared symbolic of pushing or driving by women and non-ekp6 members. out ekp6 (kpit push, shove Stemming from the old function away) of effecting laws and regula- Some of the ekp6 characters and tions, certain ekp6 characters masquerades: undertake punishment or revenge akpan 6kpb important (first) on non-ekp6 individuals, a ekp6, the leader person under masquerade is act- 4ydard 6kpe) an ekp6 which makes ing not as himself but as the a certain uoise litmale ekp6 entity depicted by his costume eka ekpO mother of ekp6, a and is therefore not personally harmless character who talks

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into a horn and sounds like a ikpe ekpO a colorful harmless person 4kpci, part of the ikpe festival ewua ekpO dog &loci, an ekpo (see ikpe) who barks and hunts people akpa AtOk 6kpO; 6kp6 Atiik dyin down children's ekpo, serves the idal) ekpb arrow ekpci, a very same function as the other 'ekpo wild ekpci who shoots people with but is 'played' by children and arrows is directed towards children inak ekpO stupid ekpci, a lit first small ekpc5;ekpci of harmful character due to his small child stupidity akp6 ekp8 a non-member of ekpci Irian ekpO deaf ekpci, a harm- Anima ekpO (AtOk dyin) a kind ful character since he is deaf of fern, slightly reddish on the and cannot hear a person's spine, not eaten, used by pleas for mercy children to make their ekpci ii166n 4kpO crippled ekpo, masks crouches and walks like a dea esion ekpO, gkal cripple 4kpO ekpo square, the place ekpo ixl) ekpci of the farm, where ekp6 comes out of the it goes to the tams and scares ground (deo., esiona square, the women off (people frown on an open space, elkai forest) this) ekpci if em, dkpci inn ringworm ekpo 4k6.06.tAk a very black (one gets it from contact with ekpc5 lit ekpo of burnt wood a ghost) ekpci flak ekpci of tales, it ekpci kfem dab8y6 &yin am3. His tells tales using bamboo to child has ringworm. lit ring- talk through in order to dis- worm has passed to his child guise its voice cf Akpci ek66x) ekpO an ekpo whose Ate) alien (ekpO) malaria, costume is similar to ek6613 jaundice lit yellow eye of ilkat ekpO a traditional 6kp6 ghost (it is said that the whose costume is made of black reference to ekp6 is connected raffia (Akdt name of a village) with the delirium that often ifft 6kpO an ekpci without its accompanies these diseases) mask onlit naked ekpci syn atcin

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ekp8 [Efik] a kind of the house, not eaten lit big large black butterfly lit cloth of ghost cfeku Tkp81;) ekpb a plant which looks like cocoyam but is a corm 4k0.b6, ekpUb6, ekpub3, 6kpilm6, rather than a tuber, it has ekpabiCall var opt followed variegated leaves, not edible by n a kind of imported lit cocoyam of ghost also salt fish, herring (?)' called ikp613 edi cf ekpOrcia Ukpaka (ekpO) a term of abuse, 'worthless person' (cf kpaki &pair n knot; descendants in a esit act in a fit of anger) single bloodline, lineage, see ikpo, akpol adilkp6; cf stock, extended family kpa ekplak ink a knot in a rope ekpak etc) a knot in wood ekpci asak, ekposak n a kind of cfekpuut large black poisonous snake cf ekpol asdk ekpam6n var of ekpUb6 ekpcnrci n a kind of tree, its ek0.13 n a tuft of hair in the fruit contains 'nuts' which are middle of the head where the boiled or roasted and eaten sides are bald (natural or cut in this fashion) ekporiikO, 6kpOroko, AkpiirOkO, ekp-Cuj unen a tuft of feathers ekpArtikil. n 'stockfish,' a on the heads of some chickens

kind of dried cod imported (1.1nen chicken) from Norway cf ekpak, Akin% afien, enwiln cf ekpilb6 ekpal) Idim na secluded area ekposak n var of ekpo 6sak in the stream thickly covered with water plants, a person can ekpli nrat, mouse (gen term), go there and bathe (1dim stream) the flesh is eaten syn Mkpete/3 idim; cf ekpb.13 ekaekpAmouse, rat found in

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ekpurukun var of ekpcirOkO plant to come up cf ffikpine elcOut nkidney, heart (?) (anat and as the seat of the emilm na kind of plant, its emotions) also ekpliat ilw8m stick-like stalks grow in (dwcim life); key; rattle clusters of up to twenty, used by the leader of ekpci; these are pounded, dried, and a small wrapped wooden mallet used as torches; bamboo, palm used to hit ekere; a jingly fiber, &fa or other material wooden collar for a hound used as a torch; torch used by 1d16i . -sum emamput a torch into

ekpillit affect the the fire to light it ekpl115.t with emotion or fatigue lit touch ekplillt emfOdOp, enfOdOp, emvidO n [Eng] utizukekplidt. It affects you. envelope

dkpuilt 11s-ilia lock, padlock lit ekpullt of door syns pron var of Mkp6Usk, ilkpoede ekpuutayOp the stem of the emvidO n var ofemfc;dOp oil palm fruit cluster lit ekpuilt of oil palm fruit syn enaala see inAAQ 6kpit dybp cf esit, eti, ffifi6k, akplt enaq ncattle, bovine enaq ekk a kind of cattle with a hump on its back lit cattle ematisata n see ski, of hump &AI) AbAlcarahorse lit cattle of European emik n a kind of large bat enk tikAak bicycle lit cattle found in the bush, 'fruit bat'(?) of iron Asesik emiag a kind of small akpikp5i (enarj IlkUAk), Akk5kkOk bat; a small bony person (enk lik-hAk) motorcycle (kpHi see thmial3; cf Mkpekpem bark, growl,kpic3 crow) syn akpf)kkOk min n the first shoot of a 163 146

&lot enAq likixak a kind of creep-enfOdOpn var of emfOdcip ing plant lit grass, weed of bicycle 4nlin nelephant &len &IL) a kind of legume used rrnukeniin elephant's , to thicken afere,'horse-eye ivory lithorn of elephant bean,' stinging bean', Mucuna urens lit eye of cattle syn &ran, gidan na tool ('chisel') ibdba; cf 15kp6 used to tap palm wine enk a kind of plant with soft jointed stems and hairlike ee6.13 n var of eljwatja spines on the leaves, the leaves are fed to goats lit knee of eljwalja, eekna climbing cattle plant, its fruits contain edemenk (from edeme enk edible seeds tongue of cattle) a plant with rough leaves and stems, it is etjwian nrectum, piles (also ucc,d for toilet paper, for used as a curse) enemas and for goat fodder, awa6 (aw6). The person

'African marigold' (?), Aspilia has piles. lit rectum, piles latifolia (Dalziel) also called come out (person) ed6meaq cf efat,ekpiuj i)kim enalJ, Ilkim 6116.13 a kind of wire grass, 'Bahama grass' esg, eesAn, aj so-and-so, (Adams), similar to AdinAen6 What's-his-name (not used ?Jkime kik a kind of plant derogatorily but rather when (different from Mcim enk?) one prefers not to mention a also called hkime itak person's name) AdOt 4naq moss, green fungus, kg, Am) r5ketAqqa..., 6,w8 esA mildew (at lay on) 4ketLjtja... the so-and-so I ikpa enk the first daughter was talking abaut... (6-we) (a man would have to pay a cow person) for her) (ikpa skin, leather) syn ikpa esa n porch cf Mb6enAen&q, ebaenaenaq esaatAl front porch 164 147

esa ekO back porch fashioned person esa link outer wall of a house Akp6 eset old-fashioned thing - esa tinkretouch the cf seere outer walls of the house with mud (dOtlay on) hien n var of esion edem esaside of the house Ilkapa esa path by the house esiin n var of esion going to the back yard itbot (esa) a wide bench made esIne nsee sin of clay moulded onto the outer wall of a house esion, eslen, eslin nan admin- Aedan esa a woman who lives istrative unit made up of outside her husband's compound several villages, several esion cf Aegn of ok ebe make up a clan (iman); outside; a square, plaza (often quali- esaga n see sa.k fied by the name of a person) wa6 esion! Go outside! esan nsee saqi esionwalk outsideused as follows: esarlsa aj see sard Ado Awkwaan aska esion. She's a woman who is unfaithful to ese n eulogy her husband. lit she's woman -t61) ese deliver a eulogy lit she walks outside say eulogy -kpaat esionsweep esion esion emanA environment; place ken aj var of Asen where one is born; fate (pre- determined), a jinx that eset nthe olden days, ancient accompanies a person through past; time immemorial also each rebirth (he generally dies dylO eset, idagd eset, ini young as a result, this cycle eset continues until his birthstone imainle une n toto eset. We've is produced and crushed); a had fowl since time immemorial. hereditary trait or mark cf áwó eseta conservative old- Mat ImAna (many become born)

165 1418

esion Abire playground (Mbire wanes. lit moon is torn (in) 'play') heart esion AtAl, akp6 esicinfront Ilb6k ants esit. I'm in a fix; yard I can't proceed; I'm broke. lit etdi es16n village square arm hits me insides ().tai esion ekpO ekpci square; -6/6 esitbeat fast (of the the place where 6kpci comes out heart), become anxious, yearn of the ground syn áiá ekpO esit Amu. I'm afraid (some- deá esicin square, an area for thing's wrong). 'play' activities kuunam esit aridil! Don't scare cf Aed, Atai me (don't make my heart race)! esit. I long to see esit nthe liver, heart, chest, my mother; I yearn for my insides (anat); heart, mind mother; I'm anxious about my (as the seat of the emotions); mother. the inside of something; fathom Ada esit, ida esitheartbeat, (the distance between a person's pulse, anxiety, yearning outstretched arms, about two -nem es:tt; -det esitbecome yards, used as a measure for happy lit become pleasant (in) cloth) heart; become red (in) heart amba mien Ice eslt; dAdo mien Ice cf dAara esit. It's my habit. lit it's Anem esitn happiness to me in heart Adet esit, idat esitn joy, &ea gbat ndo awci ke esit. rejoicing The square is thick with people esit become heartbroken (in the inside). lit become broken (in) heart anie Atha udu esit. He has a -yet esit; -fit esitbecome bad character; he's a gossip. angry lit burn (in) heart; lit he has evil heart grow, swell in heart afi6n gy6g6 esit. The moon is imeyht esit.I'm angry. full. lit moon is full (in) esit Ayet al16. He's angry. lit heart. syns afik6,46g6 idip; heart burns him aft 6x 6.46mm6 idip, iyet esitn anger 6,f16/) dwaka esit. The moon ifit esit n anger and agression

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dd8 awo ifit esit. He's a lit remove heart move away person who easily gets angry -tek esit, -teek esit nauseate and worked up. lit lower insides ificip esit, ificip esit hot esit and? r6 I have to vomit. temper (ficip become hot) (d33r6 get into an abnormal -kpon esitbecome easily state) offended or irritated lit Ikpdna esit, ekpana esit, ffikpana become big (in) heart (become esit, AkizOk esit, 6k11.6kesit too big, too puffed up?) the chest (anat) (kpand construct Akpcin esit AwO an easily a framework) off ended person ildnj Asit sternum, breast bone -kpaka esit act in a fit of (Ici) knock) (when slaughtering anger an animal one knocks the chest ikpaka esit n anger, act of until this bone is found, then getting angry a cut is made there) -s6/3 esit become strong, esit ekpeme the inside of a hardhearted, cruel lit bottle become strong, hard (in) heart esit ith throat lit inside is6r) esit n a hardy, durable of neck syns add ith,usurJ or hardhearted person, hard- itrj heartedness esit ub3k, esit eka abk, eka -sin esitcovet, envy lit esit izbtl)k palm of the hand put in heart syns -sin 6iVen, also eica iabbk -sin it6r) esit inij fathom of cloth syn -s16 esit withdraw the affec- isin afh tions lit remove heart cf eti, &Ian -dbrj esit console lit put in heart es8p n see snbci Aar) esit, la') esit n conso- lation, comfort 6silk n shore, harbor, port -k46, esitrepent, forgive lit turn over heart es) na tiny antelope (duiker ?), sio esit f6p! Don't feel it so 'chevrotin' (Adams), he is the much, don't take it to heart! king of all animals, he is very

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small, very strong and fast 6-be AbOm, et6b8m grandfather :aoving, all the animals worship (paternal or maternal) him ete abAsi godfather (Christian) cf as6 (a similar but larger lit father of God antelope) Lca et; paternal grandmother lit mother of father eta see itd mme ete ete ancestors ayin et; child of father (half etd6 n a market day also brother or half sister) cf called Atdi etAgdreal etdgd ayin elca to distinguish it from: tete, testa, tIta, tadta address ddet eetdgd, edet etAgd, ddere form for father, grandfather, etAgA, edere etegd a market old man day litday before etdgd see Ate my father, etilbOmhead- edem eetaga, edem etAga a man; cf As6, bhba market daylitafter etagd see Adira (for the list of marketeteb8m n see ete days) eteeoo n an animal of the Eltdp n saliva squirrel type etdp ansat ke it&j. I'm frightened. lit saliva is etekh etekij is&j nsee dry to me in throat been etap, been etap; Adeep ke etip pencil lit pen of etem, eteme (?) na kind of yam, saliva; what one dips in saliva larger and softer than other kinds ete nfather, old man, respect- ful address or reference to a eteme (?) n var of etem man ete ete, Atete paternal grand-6t1 pi Ati aj good, genuine father lit father of father etl dwO a good, kind, generous ete eka maternal grandfather person lit father of mother 6t1 1161A a good quality knife,

. 168 1 51

a knife in good condition etlhkm, Atihkk n hiccup eti (eti) adv very much syns atdbek, 4kuWk,at innik, ayayd eti eti. It's very atinnk beautiful. litit's beauti ful very much etitige n see itige cf f6n, b6g6, tutu et6 ntree, any plant with a etin heart (rare) woody stem, wood etibecome courageous, fkp6k etc) bark of a tree determined litbecome strong gikpd eV) bark of a tree; juju (in) heart (bark is often used in juju cf esit, 4kAnik& potions); a strong man 1min etO sap, gum, milk of a etlbe n seetipl tree lit pus of tree ekpfik etO knot in wood etidnij n see 61D'an gifit eV) fruit, flower, seed

of a tree . etigitfgen see itige ittit et?),itige eV) stump of a tree (Atit end) etikMik n see filk Adaak etO, Linn eV) shade of a tree etim nmillipede et6 IdAga a stick to lean on akpebire 15karj(etim) a kind of or to prop something up with black millipede lit black litstick of standing (like) charcoal millipede et6 (a)fia, etOfid a kind of large timber tree with a pale etimme nsee tim bark and light green leaves (afid white) etillsak n seesage 6t6 dfim a tall hardwood tree with needlelike leaves, it sways 1 et 13 n var of atil3 in the wind, 'casuarina tree'(?) 'whistling tree'(?) lit tree 6-tien see ttin of wind et6 15ki.lkim cactus lit tree of thorns

169 . 152

af16 et() a kind of tree with etOk imam insect (?) lit small pale bark which is used for animal enemas, 'shingle tree'(?), etOk Anitlain pinky finger, the Terminalia superba (Dalziel) little finger lit small finger lit white tree syns akpatire riniOn, rinildn itit akik3/3 eta,akilkdij 6tO, ak6k61) An6n hi) a kind of bird which makes etOk itiat rilkp (slang) a short holes in trees with its beak, person lit small stone thing 'woodpecker, "woodcarver' 6tOk! Give me a little! (1c13 knock) afie dakpeene etok. It goes on etO a children's game in for a long time but not too long. which sticks are passed around litit's a long time small quickly and players try not to etOk etOka little bit, a small 'accumulate them piece At6k little bits etOffa n see et6 fI etOka market day (cf afi6ij moon) etOk p1 AtOk aj small; few; n (?) cf fib') adan a little bit; smallness (?) w aj dIlsi etOkassistant D.C. var etlIc sg used in expressions (district commissioner) syn which designate the order of akpire dilsi birth eg. etiak third-born AtOka kind of black fly, son (etOk may also be used in clouds of them fly before one's these expressions) see Ad6, eyes in the evening (risial) fly) wA 1 III] a, idle. etOka,yak,Aygk etOk, etOk etOk &yin pl iltOk Ayin small esilk etOk almost, nearly child cf Ayin child, child of, (yak, sl)k remain) son, daughter dyak 6tOk thkpdadll. I nearly fell. etOk Abakara a small European cf ifk made or European style kitchen knife lit small European etop n see tobo AtOk i dem sOk6rO limelit small body orange cf fitOk sokorZ small oranges

170 153

etabOm n headman, overseer, ewILIA kip() dog eklocil an ekpci helmsman (from ete father Character who barks like a dog plus AbOm canoe 'or poss and hunts people down ilbOm fatness, breadth) Adan ewn flealitlouse of etlibOm lb&an headwoman in a dog women's society or women's ewlid Idim a small dark insect grouplit headman of women which hops on the surface of see he; cf ubom, ilbOm streams litdog of stream udiaewiza pawpaw litfood of etik a j var of etbk dog (poss yam of dog) syns udiaedi,mbimba., 131016 ewdk n kind of lizard, it is ed'et 6wha canines (?) (the tooth sluggish, has smooth skin and a between the upper lateral incisor very thin body (very thin people and the first premolar on each are called ewak) side of the mouth) lit teeth of syn 4,116nn6 dog (pose refers to the upper lateral incisors) 6w6.151c, 1waijka n rheumatism iatin 6wAa a kind of shrub with small red fruits, looking at it ewe4n nsee Abla &mien can cause boils in the eye, it can be used to cure these boils, &Natn var of swat Cnestis ferruginea (Dalziel); a small red boil in the eye 6wira n [Lfik] a flowing gown lit sun of dog (?) ewIld n dog ewli4n n see ala awl5An LkpObem 62113 Awocit &Aria. Call a dog a great name and he wags ewd65t nsee wuot his tail not knowing he is about to be killed. lit great name 6ylm n var of Aylm killer of dog Ikft 6wAA hunting (Ik6t bush) eyiyA, eyiyA n vars ofkflyA Ile5t owaa dane gun lit gun of hunting syn ad-ak Irian

171 154

Oy66tn var of ayilt ey-tin3kn[Eng eunuch' ] impotent man synit6

172 fab,ba tv pl of fhp bfaan, Infanifl nbeetle (gen term) faaga iv, tv var of fagt.I bfhhn I beetle' flak tvstick into a narrow infanifa ilkbt'palm wine beetle'

space, wedge in, put between bfb.b.n Ififinifa Ildtta.t) . -f6.6.k -6.136kshake hands 'dung beetle'(it rolls bits -flak ik5t ix1016rjmortgage of dung along)syn6.1cp6ben land.lit put land. (in) surety (One speaker uses bfbln for a -flak 4k8, flak Adakmake a kind of small spider, hence: fence (stick palm fronds into iddk finspider web lit the horizontal bars erected. rope of spider for a fence)(ek6 rear of cf faan2, fat, flat, fan, flak a house or compound., Adak the leafy part of the palm frond) faan2 tvirritate the throat 6faakn street, section (in and back of the mouth (as raw the market) or insufficiently cooked yam Tkplfa.k, a wedge or coco yam) used to split a large piece of cfsign2 Cvar?1, faan1 wood., it is placed. in a crack and hammered. through fadrjaltvargue, argue with, see fak, faka.,fag6.; cf fdani, disagree with fadt, fat -f6.67.36. ixdith.hagglelitargue price fa.a.miv,tv var of flat dfa.6236.1 thfa.a.136., bfdarja, bfdarj, tfif dal)nargument,disput e fa.6zi1 ivstick, adher(of glue,cfflak, fak, flaka of a sticky substance drying on the body); become dried up, nand2tv pl of Mica shrivelled. (of a tuber from fire or insect infestation) fb.hp tv pl of flip ifif6.6.n nthe dried part (eg of a yam) fgraiv, tv var of flat 156 faittv pl of fat frugal, niggardly (less extreme than -fa.a.m afaam)(1.1b6k hand) fat, fan, Mara, farg iv bkb. afhl.mncooperative society become miserly, stingy, thrifty,tifalt xfikp6, dfiam ifikpt, economize; tv economize, ifikp6nvise (Zikp5 thing) exercise moderation, control see fat,fat.;cffaanl,flak, (i.e.not go to extremes or fak, faga excess) fadm ifun56r)! Be careful with faga, faagaivbecome stuck in, the water, don't waste it! wedged in, fixed between;tv faam rlfb!Hang on to yourcarry under the arm money! -fdagl ayincarry a child on -Mat Iracontrol one's the hip mouth, exercise caution in zfikphfagh, Ifiltphngh, ifikpaThfagh, speechof-fat Intin, ifikpb.falf6gh, Elfg.aga narmpit &Mat,Elam, afaarg., 6faat, (all var opt qualified. with 4faam, afa.lran miserliness, ti.b6karm)syn?tikphfarj libbk frugality;ajmis erly, thrifty, Ifafagi,z flga Ifaga aj frugal narrow aw6 of alt, 616.dt 6.wbmiser, see flak, fak, faka;cf afara miserly person The verbs vary more or less fa/iv var of faya, freely, but some variants are more common than others in fdi brezinn n[Eng-A vice presi- certain expressions;in generaldent (but not necessarily) a derived noun occurs with a verb of thefain[Eng] finesyn/sop; same form: cfIltfp -faam afaam, -flat 6.faatbecome -kp6MIpay a fine mis erly dw6 u.tom tfibb.lcara Ana afaarb. faktvacquire( exercis e) power afdat.Government workers over, control have to be thrifty. -fak Him dam up a stream -Main 15.b6kbecome thrifty, -fak b.k6build a fence (it confines something) 157

-fdk ebOnplace some juju onfan tvtie tightly by wrapping one's 6ben trees to prevent a string or rope around several people from taking the fruits times;hold tightly in both -fak Priblamplace Iblarn (a arms; befriend kind of juju) on one's property ttfann friend syn -tid6 to keep people away cf fddn, fat, flak, fop -fd.k dadaacquire power, strength fang tv var of find -fdk 1136kacquirethe power of medicine fdp ideodescribes a very fast dfL.k 1136k. He has an evil action or one completed spirit inside him and can come absolutely to no harm. 4c1.14. rrikp6 4ma. fdp (fdp).They -fak 116tacquirethe power finished eating very fast; of a witch they ate everything up.lit dflk 1f6t.He has the powers they ate thing they finished fop of a witch. Afak ekpe.He has acquired the fa.p p1 nap, fa.abd,tvclimb a powers of a leopard (through large tree by putting the arms being initiated into ekpe around it and moving up on the society;he chooses leopard belly, shinny up a pole for his counterpart to bear his see fhpa;cf fan, fat, kpapd. soul).cf dkpe see fadk, fdga, faka apa tvrev of fopclimb down a tree or pole by putting one's fkikd pl fddrjatv rev of faak arms around and sliding down and fakremove that which is on the belly stuck in, wedged in, redeem (a mortgage, a person i.e. save fa.raiv, tv var of fddt from punishment), relinquish control over fat pl fact tvbring two objects ufaka 4kp6m6n bottle opener close together, tie or bind. together, embrace, cut with farina (7)tv var of ftuji)6 scissors, scrape the char off burnt food 175 Mt


-fit intia close the mouth; say hnhfil idb; anafil liwbmreckless nothing cf -Mat inch manners; reckless life style -fatifikp6 steal a little some- (harmful to others) thing in the presence of the owner without his noticing fbbga(?) iv ( ?) pl of fbg6 (thkp6 thing) ilfat i1c n pliers, tongs fbbktv destroy balance, remove (ikk fire) a support, cause to slant lifat 15k0 n scissors (ifikp6 see fbk6; cf fbp6 thing) lifat idet n haircut (10t f46n, f4n tv overlook, let off, hair) let go

see fiat; cf fadk, fbn, fb.p eam4fe4n h0.4. I've let him off (without punishment). fit6tv rev of fat untie, -f6n ( -n') forgive syn unbind, release anembrace -aka-rib seefiat ILL Anb Lfi6; I forgive him. &Onnpunishment, suffering fiya, filiv become wild, -nb Ilfbn, -mid of en punish violent, crazy lit give punishment; strike -fdyi iwdbtgo wild lit punishment become wild (in) head cf f64r4, fbp6, fbp afal, hfiya n violence, brutality, bloodshed; aj fbbIld iv pl of fbg6 violent; adv violently, in

a bloody way 1'661,6 iv become thin, light in 4\76 afAl, big &Kb violent weight, lightened (of a load); person become light on the feet, sprightly Ikpa ifAl, hfaf ifakp;.violent arrif66r6. 'I'm a bit all right' (or bloody) death (said when one has been sick and Awbt hfil. He killed him in is a bit improved). a bloody way. 15f46r6 nsprightliness hnhfilaj crude (of pepper If4t5r4 Ift5er6 adv lightly, or spirits which burn); reckless sprightly

1'76 . . -- "UM.. manaM


dsh-O. Ifeere Ifeere. He walks shorter than the other, or one

lightly. . leg is not straight). Ifefeere Lrefeere adv fluently lake Alfbkeadv limpingly, (of speaking a foreign language) in a limping manner. eshiA hfbke hlake. He walks fbbt tv pl of fbt with a limp. see fbbk; cf ape pl fbb/36, MO (2) iv (2) run, run away am ideosound made by a ripe -fbg6 hdfk fear lit run pawpaw or avocado when it falls (with) fear to the ground ilfefbgb Ik8, ilfeagb udi n a small creeper, its leaves ammetv, iv var of ape fold up when touched, 'shame lady,' Mimosa pudica(Dalziel) fentv var of feen (1k6 word, trouble;udi trouble) syn ifibbhhk ik8 fel3 tv eat up a large quantity thabrjen running around, of food running here and there afel, n a large quantity (of ildf6eqe riozifeeije aj unsteady, food)

shiftless hfet) lisb./1 a lot of fufu Aarb a lot of soup fek tv make overfull (from see fek eating) see fin fbme tv, iv var of fbpe nice iv get off balance (as when something which was balanced or ap iv dodge, duck, move aside, supported slips or slants down), move away, move out of the way; become slanted tv dodge hkb afbke. The pot slants down, hyhafbp? Will you duck? slips down (from its supports on hyhdap. You'll be unbeatable; the fire). cf kink you'll be notorious. cf fl ilk6t ihfbk6. The leg is off kpike uduk fbp! Cut the rope balance; he limps (one leg is away!

17 160

kliab4n bsan b.fdp! Don't take kalbdn ttsan ixfbp6! Don't take the plate away (don't remove the plate away (leave it exactly it)! where it is)! ben Iddm ifb fbp! Move out kalfbtynd Don't let of the way; leave me alone! the day go by (without)... lit take self your move away Olsen day) -s16-fbp (s16 remove) used as athfbbfbind kd idiom. I feel follows: dizzy; I feel odd. (idiom s16 iddm fbp kd 16kp6 Aml. body, self) cf nice, fbbk, Ignore it! lit remove self sbrnd move away from thing that see fbp (there is some overlap s16 dsit fbp! Don't take it between the two verbs); cf to heart! lit remove heart sanna, fddn, fbt move away

s16. . .fbp prepbesides, infbrbfbtin n [Eng] .velveteen addition to see fdrIfbt s16 ifm6tb fbp bai6 dni6 Ilf5k Iti. Besides a car he owns fdrIfbt, hfdrdfbrb n CEng] three houses. velvet see fbrbfbtil) fbp ndodging, shirking; dodger, shirker fbt pl fbbt tvmake a small see fbpd (there is some over- opening; w var fb1make a lap between the two verbs); cf small hollow in the ground with fddn the hand; scratch the ground (as a dog or chicken does) fbpd, fbmmd, fbrgjdtvmove out fbt btbk testa k6 Tatb iml! Make of the way, move aside, take a small path over here! lit away; shirk; allow a little make opening small road at leeway (of space or time); iv place this move away, move out of the way fbt afbri rib Ase! Open (your) fbmmd Idiom (rin)! Move out of clothes a little so I can see! the way; leave me alone! lfdtn[Efik] time, space; kplkd udtzk fbpd! Cut the rope [DO] nakedness; ',' so it will be out of the way! the genitalS; aj naked,' bare ...0.00


di amdAnie ifet! Come when you Terminalia superba (Dalziel) have time! syn' di amgnie ini! (eto tree) hnb ifet! Give me room, space afid udi a kind of yam with (let me pass) ! syn rua,3 usury ! white flesh ashqe. ifet. He's going naked. afid iwat, afia 6watthe sweet tif8k akenaa ifet. The house was oil palm kernels which are nearly bare. white on the outside, a few are ifet ikpbk calabash (gan tem) ; found on most trees (lwat grey a dish with no cover lit hair, mould) naked, bare shell afid dwO white mancf Mbakard ifet ekpb an ekp6 without its afid afere soup cooked without mask on leaves thickened with yam lit

ffifet n penis syn Ikpak white soup ekpa 6fet scrotum lit bag afid ikpa ;11E6/3 cloudless sky of penis lit white sky Infet testicles lit et6 arid a kind of timber tree kernel of penis with a pale bark and light green ijwa Print pubic hair lit hair leaves of penis Ad6t áfá n a kind of plant inlet ikala trigger lit penis which exudes a sticky fluid of gun and 'draws' like okra (see cf fepe d6r6) akpa xifia. ekpa 'rifle. leprosy fl iv become hard, difficult (cf kpa die) 1.fikp6 aafi. Things are hard. ifiakia a variety of oil palm ayaafi.You'll be notorious. tree, the fruits are bright cf fep red all over (not dark at the tip as in other varieties), fla iv become white they give inferior oil, Elaeis tifiA n whiteness guineensis var. idolatrica or afia, pl mfia. aj white communis (Dalziel) afia, et?) a kind of tree with ffikpaafid na kind pale bark which is used for of small white mushroom enemas, 'shingle tree' (7) of s6nd2

179. 162

flake. tv, iv pl of fiLika

flak&tv pl of flard

fial ideo sound made by cars passing each other at high, speed thmotO dfilr6 nal. The car passed nal.

180 163 flak tv turn, twist, twirl, crooked in shape, consequently spin; iv turn (of a wheel); it .is very hard to dig out of repeat (always followed by the ground in one piece prob another verb) 'yellow Guinea yam,' Dioscorea flak tai !. Say it again, cayene,..,sis (Dalziel) repeat it! lit repeat say 4fidal] ikpb/3 a kind of cop° yam -flak Midi twist (Midi see flak; cf fika to make rope) also -flaka Midi flara pl flhhod tv blow out hflak usury na ball of fufu through the nose, blow the nose, (small balls are prepared snort (at) ahead of time for a guest) bkpc5 abbt aflard dman. The riaffak nlarva of a kind of billy goat snorts at the female beetle which nests in the oil (when approaching her). palm tree, it is eaten di b4n mi flard; di b4n mi ufiak nweevil (gen term) flahrja.! Come and eat! (an *flak ak6bk, ufiak akbknk insulting way to invite a person bamboo weevilalso Mflaga to eat if he isn't wanted) lit ikbkbbk come take here snort see flaka -fIhra Ikp8blow out nasal mucus Mica pl Ma/A -tv turn, twist, -flahnd iwil6 blow the nose twist around, twist together adtifidra nsneeze (poss involves a more complete adtifidra, -flora awhsi turn or twist than flak); iv sneeze lit blow out sneeze become twisted (of its own see fnt; cf why& accord) ; turn (pf a wheel) thfidka, thfidka n trick, flat tvspit, spit out (food, deception; aj tricky, liquid, saliva) deceptive see flara; cf kbk6 a.flaka thflaka. He not 1 straightforward; he's evasive. fiba tv hold something in the ikb evasive talk mouth or between the lips with- bflak ddiaa kind of yam, out biting down see flpl, fipa;cffibe, fl6p2

181 rotvmmrp.


2 fib6 , fip iv become jealous, ufiknoppression envious often w Aflen eye ifik n effort 4Afib6 aen. He jealous. bflk nan Efik man ufip n jealousy, envy also abib 6fik lit town (Itk neck, greed, of Efik man desire); aj jealous, envious 6mbm filk. They caught him aedan Uflp co-wife lit 'red-handed'. , wife of jealousy seefik.', fik6, fig6 cffibe film.' iv shrink, become shrunken flb6 iv become threadbare, (of fruits, people) spotted with bald places (of thflim Mflim, Ifilm aj something that had nap or hair) shrunken Ifib6 aj threadbare, bald- cf filk spotted 2 Iflb6 Afbrj threadbare cloth film tv pl offlpi

see fip, ft' p .fifm6 tv var of fi6m6 inn .obj Aron yau'(sg) fibn... If I were you...M136 tv pl of fir6 see afb, rlifb, hdAfb; cf mibn flip tv pl offipl fig6, fik (?) iv become heaped up, piled up; tv heap up, fik1 tv press gently on a wound pile up with a cloth soaked in hot water. taq di 1'10! Come and pile Some speakers use fik as the p1 them up! lit gather come of flik, but most use as above. pile up see flik, fik6, fig4 see flik, fik,fik6 2 fik (?) iv, tv var of fig6 MIA (?) tv var of flp6 fik6 tv rev of flik and fik, filk tv press, press down; remove pressure, stop pressing oppress, urge; ideo 'red- down handed' see fig6 182 165

fim tv var offip1 flmm4, flmmO, Mmm6 iv stagger, get off balance; tv trim fim, fkm pl fam tv fan, wave, (quickly, as a bush), slash down swing; iv hover, float in the -flmm4 drien become air cross-eyed, cock-eyed dfim nair, wind, breeze UfilmmO Ann, Uflmmb hi-1bnn dfim Akph lek whirlwind cross-eyedness (4kpd expanse,iedD farm) df3.mm6 (?) n twitch, tic syn Idi6 leh cfntuuk afina ikbt Ikpah (?) a turbu- lent wind (ik6t bush, Ikpahflmm6 iv, tv var offlmme (2) a kind of tree) 6t6 dflma tall hardwood tree find, fin6, fdni, fitn6 tvbother, with needle-like leaves, it harrass, worry sways in the wind, 'casuarina Afin6 n bother, harrass- tree' (?), 'whistling tree' (?) ment, worry, problem lit tree of wind cf Mnn6, hfhn n a woven tray used to display small items at the fin6 tv var of find market, also used as a fan ufim Idbm nfan (idiom body,flOmO, film6 tv torture self) thflOmO, n torture ikphfim, ikpa.lum, Ufim dfim, cf thk6 ffifim ffifim, rnfeefim aj foot- loose, unsteady, unstable fl66r6 ivscream; tv scream at see flm6, flmm6; cffit2 keifl66r6 k6 Ut6/3! Don't scream in my ear! flm6 ivblow (of wind, of cloth cf y66r6, dlOOrO,tiddre [vars?]; flapping in the breeze); fig become unstable, unsteady (of a person's character or behavior)flop iv [Efik] become hot, warm see fim, flmm4; cffit2, fnro liffOp n. heat; aj hot

183 166

idem feverlit heat of weeds) body, hot body see flb6, faap; cf wap6 Ifni) bsit, ifi6p 4sit hot 1 temper (6sitheart, mind, flp6, filb6 (?) tvrev of fip , emotions) fib61 remove from the mouth syn ybg6 what one has been sucking or holding there flpi, f1mpl flip, filmtv suck, suck out (marrow from a bone, flri tv, iv var of fird13 flesh from a periwinkle shell) plsuck, pull hard with the firdl, firk, flral tv Eprob mouth (esp when one makes a Eng] fry; ivbecome dried sound while doing it); sip out (of the' skin) through a straw afAfirdrj ifikp6 k6 id4m. He has flip 15k8t sip palm wine dry skin, lit he is dried through a straw out thing on bodyalso flip sOkbro suck an orange lkpd /dem. (ikpd ldbm thfip n periwinkle (a skin) kind of shellfish) firdr) idiomshow off (id4m n a cold, body, self) catarrh, sniffles cf hil6r) firal ban n fry pan dbbm Mirk thf irk, Ifirhhga ddlifip &Lam. I have a cold. Ifirhhgd aj dry and crisp

lit cold does me cfkd/3/ thfilp Ifilp aj used as firdwh n [Eng] flower; flour

Ind& aba ififilp Mflip. He's cf ffifit flippant. (Int% mouth) 2 seeflb61, flp6;cf w6p, fl6p flr6 pl f1ii tv forget 4fire, thf1114 nforgetting, 2 fip- iv var of flb6 forgetfulness 6fire 6fira aj forgetful fip tv pluck (feathers, hair, ába 6fir6 6fire. He seems

184 167

forgetful; it looks like he's flower forgotten something. thfitna boil iffre Men nabsentmindedness, ayioAfit a bad abcess, gener- forgetfulness (6ilen eye) ally in the. groin (hyio abcess) fidAfit, richifIlAt na swelling ffrith n [Eng] filter (for (on water, on the body), boil water), sifter na disease in which the body swells and the blood fir6 iv, tv var. of fdr6 turns to water, dropsy (?) 6f66t n foam, froth fir4tv, iv var of firk 6f66t df6re foam on boiling af6r6 ('soup'). fiti, futpl Mut tvfold, roll 6f66t ath, 6f66t astibplather up into a cylinder, make narrow lit foam of soap -fit is6 frownlit fold face 6f66t ina.rj, 6f66t Ambbij white -fit ilb6k, ith clench foam on the river caused by the hand, make a fist (Ab6k rough wind; waste in the river, hand, ith a blow with the water lit foam of river; fist) foam of water ifit iib31c, ifut Abbk ni first see filr6, fut5, futir6 fit/ ivbecome mouldy (of' coconut, palm kernel) 2 fit pl fl'ult iv swell; boil ifeifit aj mouldy 2 (of water), grow (of weeds, hair) cf fit afit idet dy;g6 id6m. Hair grows all over his body. lit fit2pl IVA tv blow on (as it grows hair it fills body with the mouth or bellows to ifit esitnanger and agres- cool, or to make a fire flame sion (6sit heart) up), blow (a whistle, a wind ad8 6.w6 ifit belt. He's a instrument), whistle person who gets easily angry -fit lificim blow a whistle and worked up. -fit bahn blow a trumpet Afit (6tO) n flower; fruit; -fit inaakwhistle litblow seeds (6t6 tree) whistling ritola Afit pollenlit dust of adafiren lungs 168

IfUt, thfUr6n coolness, follows in Ibibio: shade, shady place, breeze Ribk6fibk An Am. I didn't do ifuutn cool breeze it intentionally. lit I didn't IfbAr6, Ifnr6 npeace, calm, know I did quiet if18k nintelligence, clever- Ifithr6 6slt peace of mind ness, wisdom yhk hfi6 k6 1fUr6. -n16 Ifl8kbe wise, intelligent May he return in peace. (i.e. lit have intelligence unmolested). If/$kbe clever see fnrci; cf fim, flm6 (derogatory) etta Ifibk sage, professional, fl6g6 iv become propped up, academician lit specialist propped open, wedged of intelligence see fl6k, fl6k6 inkp6fibk nregret -tda ikp6fibk regret litcry fl6k tv prop up, prop open, regret wedge (as a door to keep it Addfl8kn pretense open or shut) -fl6k bdibk arrange the three pieces of baked sand or clay fl6k6 tv rev of f115k remove a upon which a cooking pot is prop, support or wedge placed in the fire see Me -f16k 6d611 be knockkneed (6d6r) knee) Mr' tvmake a small opening, Ui6k 6d6/3nthe knockkneed slightly enlarge a small open- state ing thfl6k nwedge, metal tripod; -fibn hke5 enlarge a slit in kidneyalso thf16k Isinkidney a fence (to see through) (hk6 (1sin the area from the waist fence) to the hips) -flbn 6f0t open the anus see fl6g6, fl6k6 see finn fibk tv [Efik] know used as

186 7 0.[..lifaIVETAIVIP..1511128111,


fl6nn6 iv slip fi6p1 tv thrash with a thin Afl6nn6 dda6. He slipped and flexible object fell. 15f16p nthrashing thus thfl6nn6 n used as follows: cf fl6p2 fl6nn6 infl6nn6make excuses, fl6p2 tv lick evade responsibility, become see si66p; cfflpil fl6p1 evasive cf fikn6, fl6r6 fl6r6, f166r6iv float cf fi6nn6, f161m6 Adhn n a market day. (adan oil, cf af16/3 moon) f166m tv var of si66p* see udah (forthe list of market days) finn tvstretch open the eye (to examine it) w alien eye flOn -6tbk na market day kMf166n alien! Don't shine (etOk small, cf elk moon) the light in my eyes (don't see -aela (for the list of strain my eyes) ! market days) see flOn

f166n6 (?) tvrub fi66n6 (?) tv var of fifty5 gently, rub on (as oil), caress f16/n6 .11b6k grope by slidingf166p tv var of sf66p the hand along touching the surface of something (as when fi66r6iv var of fi6r6 one walks in the dark) (151o6k hand) f6b6, fbb6 pl focibci, MIA tv fl6nn6 asiAnbend over and drink soup or stock from a bowl rub a person's legs (done Whm Uf6b6, bici6b6 na light soup, one has offended an elderly broth person, or to beg for mercy) tf6b6 thm66T3 ildia a dish of yam lit rub shin boiled in pepper soup (thm66g cf fl6nn6, fi6r5 water, td16, yam) see fop

187 170

fbb6 tv var of f6b6 that Ahfbn6 idiom Afb136 rfifet. The yam's skin f6g6 iv become empty; pant is peeled off (the skin has come (become empty of breath) off the yam). 6fbg6 df;g6. He runs until he see fbt, fbr6; cf fUr6 pants. 5Al6g6 Inw6ek. He pants. litf66b6, fbbb6 tv pl of f6b6 he is empty (in) breath 1f6g6, itf6g6, t.f66g6 aj empty f66m tv pl of f6nn6 (as a fruit with no seed, a ball with no air, a big fat 166n ideo see f6nn6 person with no strength) AnAm 1f6g6.He did it in vain. fan, fifthn n. rEngl funnel

f6mm6 pl f66m tvslice, cut a fbbp tv pl of fbp thin slice fbbt tv pl of at f6nn6, flInn6 iv emerge appear suddenly (come up for air from nip pl fbbp tv remove water with a dive, appear from around a a bowl from where it is not corner) wanted (esp bail out a boat), 6f6nn6n emerging scoop liquid from one container f66nideo describes a sudden to another emergence Ilf8p na small calabash bowl ifikp6 6w-46 Atik6 f66n. The thing used for scooping up liquid emerged suddenly. lit thing (esp bailing out canoes) came out appeared f66n cf see f6b6 e'en fbr6 tv, ivbecome, develop, fb1.3 tv var of fbt mature, flourish, thrive; revive; become lately prosperous fbr6 iv become uncovered, peeled4t6 Adb AhfOrb. That tree has off, come off (of its own accord) revived (it looked dead but now.

188 171

it's getting new leaves); that cast. lit sky is covered tree has become mature. rfifug3, rhfug3 n grid;sorrow ahfcirb. He's become prosperous. rfiba k6 Ifilg6. I'm in a sorrow- isb6 k6 1116 aforb? What has he ful state. become (what has come over him)? see filk, filk6; cf kilb6 -fbrei aw6 become a man, emerge from obscurity, make a name fuk pl fuuk tv cover (a person for oneself lit become person with a blanket, food with a -fbrei httln become stupid cloth, a house with a roof, see fbt, fh6; cf If6t,wit6, a hole with dirt, but not used kapd for cover something with its own cover) cfkup fbt, pl fbbttvuncover, 6f16p .ferment (aflop strip, take off, peel (with fermentation)

the fingers) ufukthicp6 na decorated cloth 4f6t, rfif8n n peel, skin (of used to cover food (Akp6 the type that can be removed thing) cf b,timakasb. with the fingers, eg. banana, ufuk dylb n parasol, umbrella orange, maize) (416 sunshine) IfifOt inb.h lips litpeel of of akedlm n raincoat (6 dim mouth syn Ifikp8kfnub rain)

see fbro, fh6; cf fabr6, Ifififulk n incubus (an imaginary kp6k6, yhhra object that descends on a person in sleep, the person dreams he fotb nCEng photofraph) is suffocating). see MO, flikd; cf kalp fay6 ivbecome lazy w lfu nlaziness; lazy person flik6 pl fild0 tvrev of filk uncover, take off file iv become covered; cover rfiflidn3 n cover (gen term)(?), oneself (with a cloth or things used in covering (?) (a blanket); become sad, mourn rare word, speakers unsure of hfik dAfilg6. The sky is over- its meaning) cficAp6 172

ftmtv, iv var of flm fizr6, fir6 iv become narrow, small; tv wrinkle, frown,contract, amm6 iv, tv var of fimm6 narrow gen w is6face, Ina. mouth, Itit lahan buttocks,anus flinn6 iv var of f6nn6 6kp6m6 Aaftir6 Ina,. The bottle has a narrow-mouth. lit fbnn6 tvtreat like a slave, bottle is narrow (at) mouth mistreat Af8k dfUr6 db6g6. The house elfin, &fan pl ifin, IfAnn is overcrowded.

[ult. Kanurifl slave see Milfthir6 ufInnslavery cf find fbn6tv var of find nr6 pl MO ivpass, pass by (esp of time); tvpass, pass furjp1 fUlfl tvwave, twirl by, cross, surpass around, fling; jump over, leap' tea, dk6Mr6k6... a week ago . over, clear lit week which passed bibljtan n whirlwind fb.r6 is6 (sand) ! Go in front! &At) habihk n lit pass front walk fan (AdlIbiak, idibiak sweat) -nr6 bwbt pass in school lit cf n/3736, fnr6 pass book

-fir6 1.1sUfl cross a road fNn6, amm62(2) tv skip, omit, dad166k dfb.r6 ilsk. It's really by pass; cross; surpass (used bad (it's worse than usual, to make comparisons) it passes the limit) Atop itidt Aitnn6 Inn. I threw a stone across the river. see filt3/36; cf bIy6, furj, fair6 IfimAkpOn 16fb.rin6 and. I'm bigger than him. lit I'm big _I surpass him flit tv var offlti see Mr6; cf n, fnr6 173

1 filt6 tvrev of fit unfold, Milt iv draw. up small, unclench curl up the limbs (esp of an see flir6, animal from fear), withdraw; tvcontract, draw up (the tv pl of filk body, the face) 1 see ftlr6, fit , ftit6 fim tv, iv pl of fim ft i'6 iv fly

fat') tv pl of farj afaar6aj flying afatr6 iyhk flying fish

finirj6 tv pl of ftik6 afaarti dth the winged stage of the dtd ant

faarj6 iv, tv pl of far6 afaar6 ridb/3 (2) a kind of jump- ing insect faap .tv take in little bits cf fal3, filr6, farm (esp to make something last), 1 ration Mut tv pl offitl see fip, f1b6; cff/be, 2 fibd2 iv pl of fit2

faar6 iv become Sharp; become flialt3 iv, tv var of fifuir6 cool (of air, weather) Efaar6 k6 id6m.I'm feeling faat tv pl of fit2 better. (idiom body, self) cf fe4r4 fani tv pl of fabk ufuutnthe sharpened part of a knife or machete syn ildtk; fabk, fbbk pl fb1 tv scratch aj sharp lightly, graze, give a secret ufuutlkahthe sharp part of .sign by touching, nudge, touch a knife lightly to get a person's ufixutdkbb6 the sharp part of attention; take a pinch, a bit a machete -fabk imbi smile lit seefit2; cf taeb6, fluid touch lightly mouth laughter see fa3r6; cf fbt, fbr6, fabl .NAA-Pif. A VAN,' FILMED. FROM BEST AVAILABLE COPY

174 fahl tv scent, lend a smell to; in the sun iv emit a smell see f6p; cf f6p6

htbbrj aftbrj df4r6. fit3313 scents the soup. fbitvpl of fUk afer6 dfnn dfik. The soup has an appetizing smell, an f6niv, become good elusive flavor. (dfik smell) dw6 aaf6n. The person is good (kind, good natured). ftth2 tv, iv pl of fUr6 ikdb. AAf6n. The knife is good (for whatever one wants to use fUnS tv, iv pl of fUr6 it for). cf 4ti If6nngoodness, a good ,thing; fabr6, fbbr6 pl fb.bn6, ftbn, gift; grace fbbrj6, fbbrj tv rev of fbt If6n 1s6 good luck lit good- untie, unloop, remove a loop ness of face of rope from around a stump If5n 1d6 good manners, character of wood or an animal's neck; lit goodness of manners, peel, remove covering (eg. character from maize); iv rev of fbr6 If6n firth dkpb1 ud k Ikbt a kind take off one's clothes; shed of snake, harmless and very skin (of a snake), become beautiful (dkp8/3 soul, dddk scratched, blistered, peeled ikbt snake) off (of skin) ihf6n ?f6n adv well, correctly db6k dififbbrIS. My hand is b.f6n n bounty; blessing; benefit peeled, blistered. iisdf;n? What for, what use? see fnk; of fUrj, fat, kp6k6, (from ils4 dfon what benefit) yhhra f6n In your own interest see f66n fby6 iv var of fb. f6p pl f66p, f66m6 tv roast; set

1'31:16 iv roast; be on the fire; fire to; distill become exposed to heat; tv f6f6p ndistilled palm-wine, expose to heat, warm someone 'illicit gin;' aj counterfeit, (eg. a child) by the fire or not genuine cf kafkdi, ka4th 12 trorr,t. NWT;.1 f


&f6p aj roasted f66n iv look nice .f6p lwA n roasting cassava; 6Af66n lik6t limn. She has it needs no fermentation and good looking childrea. (11k6t can be pounded or roasted umbra childbirth) see f6b6; cf f6p3 4.1f66n 1c 6 4fien. I like the way it looks. lit it looks f6p6 tv disturb; cause intest nice to me in eye inal disturbance (heartburn, see f6n nausea) killf6p6 Idem! Don't disturb fbbrj tv, iv pl of fUr6- me! 6111f6f6p3. I have heartburn; f33r36 tv, iv pl of fUr6 I feel like vomiting. 1f6p6 n heartburn f66p tv pl of f6p cf f3p, f6b6 f3br6 tv, iv var of ftt3r6 fbr6 iv put on clothes, wear Af6rb n clothes see fbt, f3r6; cf ftibk, fmn fbt tvput on something in the form of a ring or loop, tie in a loop, loop a rope over a stump of wood to restrain an animal see fbr6, fUr6; cf fb.bk, fbAn fbbitv var of abk f6 m5 tv pl of f6p gari.n var of Mcari gadbnn var of kadbn

.194 OIIIIY(.1.4017WITIP,


iba na kind of small croco- adiana mba islp two palms that dile (Goldie 'monitor lizard') intertwine as if two seeds had cf hfnm, Utdi been planted close together (isipkernel) ibh numtwo ddldnh ibh UOm two plantain ddqd ibhbothlit all two fruits growing fused together w var -rabh in the following: (a pregnant woman tries to avoid hy6g6 ibh,hy6g6 Ubh second setting eyes on fruits like this (hy605 position in a series) as it may cause her to have cf ddidn, Udi&nd twins, if she does see one she ibh Mkp;11, uba rflkp;fl two days takes the fruit, puts_ it behind past or future (ffikp613 yester- her back and separates it) day, tomorrow) also Ubhk (Uk6mplantain) .2 %, 3 rfik013; syn ham ifikp;rj see hba ,mbambd 6dhm Ubh PrIkptil] three days past or future (6dbmafter) iba,1 n a small cloth worn at w var 6bh in the following: .the waist b7 mourning widows 2 dia6p ebh twelve (from diaop cf ibd ye ibh ten and two?) syns Mot ibh, 67.6p ddOt ibh iba2 n underpants w var hibh in the following: syn dir65si, cfibd1 ibh, UfA66t mba the midst of, heart of (implies ibdhn n pl of delahn, dwonwhhn remoteness) (tIfU66t middle) lafU66t ibh Ik6t the heart of ibdbd na kind of legume used the bush to thicken dfer6 (soup), 'horse- laf1166t ibh dkOn ayio the middle eye bean, "stinging bean,' of the night (when everyone Mucuna urens (Dalziel) is asleep) syn &len enhn; cf Ukpo hmhnh ibh, hmhnh libhtwins (man give birth to, 'nand ibd1 nthigh, lap

become born) syn ifi5k;; cf ffiba, 11136.1, 1w61] hdihnh ffibh, adlanh Nob., ddlanh ibh aj two together (as nuts in a shell) lbaq n a buoy containing fluor- ibikphi nsee kpaya escent material to guide boats at night IblOkn pond ibelj ibarj aj short and stout cf ifen ifen IbT.6m n dove (bird) cf abaq ibit n see bire ibdt na kind of flat fish cf ebdt ibh, bard ibiti, ikpiti, iboto, ikpotOn a raffia mat used for ceiling ibe na kind of fish thatch; a large hat made of this mat used as an umbrella ibe, ibe n, aj see Wye syn item 4khilh ib6to dbOma conical shelter ibege aj see be:ye in a canoe made of this mat lit ibOto of canoe ibene n var of hdibene ib61, 61)61 na kind of Tat Iblhn see iathhn ibih which lives in holes or on the ground ibiblak n var of idiblak 1b6mn [Efik] greatness, great ibibib nIbibio man size, largeness occurs as IkG Ibibio the second word in a few phrases: cf Mbn, 61)16, bib hbhsi lbomGod almighty ifihn lbom ocean lit river ibifik n [Efik] n breath; of great size cf akpe. ifihq strength ikpal3 lbom a big spoon syn leeek see 6b8m, tib6m,ekam, ete abom, ils5b8m, ild6dOm, hkpcibOm ibilblet aj see bl6t ibOto n var of Ibiti ibiikphi n see

1"36 179

ib51 eb5 nbaldness, bald spot cf Ubok dakil5k6 6115. He's bald (at the front and top of his head). n var of 414c lit .he's smooth (in) bald spot cf -d6n6 iwubt IbGm na kind of snake, in the &ale ib5. He has a bald spot. python family (?) (Goldie 'cerastes') ib6kn medicine, cure, poison, ibom 6..h a kind of arboreal talisman, juju snake lit ibGm of sky rin5 akOn ib6k. I gave OkOn iUom Is5fl a kind of terrestrial medicine. snake lit IbGm of ground Asin ib6k rin5 akOn. I poisoned okOn. lit I put in medicine 11)61 n kola nut, Cola acuminata I gave to OkOn (Dalziel) lad6/36 afie ami IkOpci ib6k. This cf efidt sickness doesn't respond to medicine. ibotn tsetse fly -fak ib6k acquire the power of ibot Adid Mfot amen. iba has medicine eaten your eyelid (a curse). afAk ib6k. He has an evil syn risil) tibia; cf Uylip spirit inside him and can come to no harm. lb;6/3 n pl of ab;6/3 -k6k ibok grind medicine, cure, perform juju IdAin n a kind of metal (prob Ak6k 1bik doctor (traditional brass)

or modern) synabla ib5k lit ikpal) idr16.13 a metal spoon practitioner of medicine ttsan idAdfl a special, novel, UfGk lb5k hospital lithouse decorative or fragile dish; any of medicine breakable dish ib6k Usici idip purge; medicine isim IdAk a kind of poisonous to make a woman abort snake with many colors lit nthen ib5k 'alligator pepper,' tail of metal Aframomum melegueta (Dalziel) MboOm (IdAdID a kind of plant, lit pepper of medicine see the leaves are used for goat ntuen fodder, Alchornea cordifolia (?) le 7 180

Iddatn 'see dammd Ideen n pl of dwOdeen (see 6w6) and of Adeen idaga nsee dA idem nbody (of a human being, idaga n see daak an animal, fruit, nut), self (used as a reflexive). aj (?) Idaldat aj see dat emphatic, even, particular, the very Ida, n arrow -nie idem bear fruit lit efGk Idaq quiver for arrows have body lit nest of arrow idem ffifO? How are you?idem ntaat(Idat,) that part of elsk. I'm fine. .litbody the arrow (feather or other your?body is strong. material) which directs its idem ifa, ami ke rinie. I have course these few. lit body few this Idan 6.13;6161;13 a kind of that I have bird, a long-tailed swallow, ikpa idem, thkpa idem, Ikp6k 'lord's arrow' lit arrow of idem human skin lit skin of lord of skyalso called body 4k15.dat3 ab66n dfi;tj,Ikudarj lkek idemjoint of the body Abasil akildr113 ibasi, akadaij idem awkwahn vagina (euphem- 6.basi see akadaQ ism) litbody of woman syn Ida, Ikpbn a small hard pain- itit ful boil, one can get it when afrj idemshirt, blouse, dress a hunter shoots an arrow into lit cloth of body the animal that bears one's afbij adhga idem underwear lit soullit arrow of soul cloth of underneath of body Ida, ekpc5 arrow ekp61 a atu idem protector (Atli ekbQ very wild ekp6 character who shield) shoots people with arrows tie :idem inn! Sit by yourself! cf Ata, kpeme idem! Be careful! lit watch out for self Idap nsee dapd idem ffikp5 kkebOg6 hnam? Where is the particular thing I asked

18 181

you to do? litparticular Afat idet haircut thing which I said to you you -b6k6 Id et shave around the do where hairline to even it lit leave Idem ilsid6? That is it; what's a space hair happening? -k66r6 idetshave the head idem Ann 61115 IdiWke. Even completelylit clean out hair his own friend he doesn't know -Mind idet have the kind of (he'd harm him as well as a hair which sticks out lit stranger). become stretched. out (in) hair Idem akilk hfie inlege. He idet itit; idet ffifet pubic doesn't have any money hair lit hair of vagina; (emphatic). hair of penis syns rlwa itit,

, see intro una ffifet idet ilnam fur lit hair of Idet n hair (on the head or animal growing densely as on the Idet ambn a green growth head) found on rocks in rainy season, afit idet dy;g6 Idem. Hair moss, fungus lit hair of grows all over his body. lit monster it grows hair it fills body idet afien eyebrows lit hair -slaak idetpart the hair of eye syns rfikpllij afien, Mkpbq lit divide hair also alien -sIdak Ufhll Idet; cf Is6 ukcit fat strand of hair idet altaand 15k6t idet. He has sparse -saxes idet comb the hair hair. cf adisat Ufaq Idet a part in the hair -tar) id %t braid the hbdr, lit gap of hair put the hair in bunches and hk5t idet pimples, bumps on wrap thread around them the neck that appear after it lit gather together hair has been shaved (kit grow) -dbk idet braid the hair cf dete, rjwa,xitarj lit weave hair -fat Idet cut the hair with idIan ncricket scissors cfutuat1 ritadtam ..,.....,

182 ItA

idibene n var ofadlbene thickly covered with water plants, a person can go in there Idibiak, Ibiblak, ebiblak, and bathe Adliblak n [Efik] sweat idima small dark insect Idibiak antipe; Ifimetipe which hops on the surface of Idibiak. I'm sweating. lit streams lit dog of stream' sweat breaks out on me; I've inlahagd idimIndian bamboo, broken out with sweat it grows in or near watersyn ifat Idibiakheat rashlit rash of sweat 4kua idima kind of water plant, ridUbiak it has a hollow stem which can fan (ftu) wave) be used as a syphon, its seeds synadikpb float (7) lit beads of stream

ididiatnsee diat abk idima pot for carrying 1 water to the stream idikpinne n var of hdikpinn .hkaijkarj idim a pebble from the stream used in a catapult idim' n stream see edim idim dafieen; idim dAtipe. The streams are flowing (said when idim2inter] seedimme after the dry season is over the water flows again) Id16 nwhirlwindalso idi6 -fak idimdam up a stream 113'13 litwhirlwind of farm fitIpe idim source of a (refers to the fact that these stream lit origin of stream winds are particularly observ- ukcit idimcourse, current of able during the farming season a streamsyn lis6p thm66/3 whenthere are clear open akukit(idim) a slope going areas) down to a stream syns hyokyok, afIm akpa Adibg6 idimpools of standing watersyn Mkpedibg6 idioonn something desirable, Mkpeterj idim, ekptu] idima something real (7) occurs as secluded area in the stream follows :

2C0 . 183

akilk id166n real money (not aman hdip dyin iba. She has counterfeit) given birth to two children. áwó idloona powerful, wealthy lit she bore bellies of child or clever person two cf ridloon -k4b6 idip take an enema syn -kebe izkebe idipnbelly idip idip aMbi6k6, idip rirlm utom rinb idip udia. I and35r6.My stomach is upset. work for a living; it's my ahkak ke idip. I've had too livelihood, lit I work for much to eat. lit it tires me belly of food in belly -sin idipimpregnate lit adita idipa mild but painful put in belly type of diarrhea cured by enema -s16 idip, idip abort (ta chew) litremove from belly usioidip, idip abor- idit .npiassava, the fiber from tion the trunk of 1116% (raffia palm) 1b6k usio idippurge; medicine cfAhlarj1, ddIt, AdIt for aborting 6.dis16 idip diarrhea IdiGkngorilla (Goldie baboon,

alyOmmo (idip). She's pregnant. chimpanzee) also amin idibk lit she has conceived (belly) (Goldie onion gorilla?) áfik dAyommolidip; afik hkarika idnk a wild plant

.r. ely6g6 idip. The moon is full. similar to ijkarika but not lit moon is pregnant; moon peppery, its leaves are used is full (in) bellysyn 6116'3 in malaria cures syn hkarika day6g6 esIt. ik5t idip aawttbrj6; idip AL.10.6.1m6. She has miscarried. litbelly id1;13 n see dibrj6 has come out; belly is broken idip Ilmanwomb; productive idbiat aj seedbrol belly (describes a young woman's belly) lit belly of labor idot n, aj seeder61 plAdip occurs in the following:' 184 iduk `n var ofuduk rit6k 6ko ifaq? How much for the small pots? lit small pots iduot, iduttt na reddish powder how much obtained by scraping the bark htok ritOk ako ifaq? How many of the likpa tree, the powder small pots? lit small small is mixed with water and Adam and pots how many used as an ointment; aj reddish,Anb ifan! Give me a few! syn having the color of Idibbt rin5 etok! cf ridaidat ifeifit aj see fit idAut, idit, ilduutn [last var poss plural] country, nation, inn n a single large round tribe, clan, group of people object; used with the names of esp foreigners; a group who such fruits and vegetables as: follow a leader; household; ifen Mbimbi a pawpaw humanity, human nature inn Isip ayop a coconut idLiutefik Efik country ifen ayopa palm fruit cluster iduutanahq Anang country cf hicha ayop a single palm idit uto amithose barbarians fruit lit group kind this ifen tib;61a a fluted pumpkin idit goodness of nature ifen inn aj round and heavy cf uduuk (of a load), short and hefty (of a person) idat n var of idat cf lbaq Tbárj ifati quant. how many? how ifid n firewood much? a few, few dkpatk ifia the larva stage ayem eben ifargHow many eben of an insect of the cricket do you want? type, it collects bits of hk4nAm akaq ifan?How many leaves and wood and gives them times did you do it?lit you to its body to make a cocoon , 1 did it times how many (tar) gather collect) ijkanika amid ifaq? What time abek ifia bundle of firewood is it? lit bell, hour struck akp6 ifia (kebt) a single how many stick of firewood cf afid 2C2 185

ifiaku nsee fla ifire aj var of afire

If n [Efik] a kind of Ifot na person who performs large crayfish, its segments evil juju; a witch; a person are widely spaced; a curse who performs itb4n; a poisoner; to an awkward person a person who calls down an ancestral spirit to harm some- Ifilt n var ofiflot one in the family (the term is broadly used but in its strict IfIk1 na small round leech sense involves killing people's found in dry mudflows spirits so they will work for cffIlk one and one will gain financially) Ifik2 nsee flik cf izben, ifot, dbla Ibbk, ifcit 4kb:elk, fora, at ifim, ffiffm n [Efik] stool (Goldie says this word is a ifOt ijkafia n spines on the loan from Aqua) raffia palm, when stripping the fiber from the frond these Ifim n [Efik] a garbage pit, spines are apt to get under a refuse pit one's nails and cause infection synItIOn (see 4kad) syn dyiya; cf if6t, fat Ifin nsee fUnn6 n thigh; lap ific5m n var of 15.flOm syn 11061; cf iftik ifi6t, Ifiltna broom made of ifunn see ftinnri akpOt dy-Op, akuet ayOp (the fibrous husk of the oil palm ifuure n seefit2 fruit left after the fruits have been cut off)

2C3 'IMA7r,f;r:',7.'1'


2 iftztu^6 n see fit

if6t nwitchcraft, witch (Efik type) -felt if6t acquire the powers of a witch cf if6t, uben, abla Ibbk, fbt

Ii, eeinterjyes syn mm

interj var of iii

interj [Efik] .expression 4, L, of regret, concern, sympathy, apology



A _ 187 ikan falling star, meteor mouth (an eel?)(tipe pierce) Ika abeke. The meteor falls. cf kare. ikabat, ikab5bt, bat n [partlyIke,1 ntobacco, snuff from Eng] ball -sin Ike take snuff lit put -kik ikabat kick a ball in. snuff fit 1)5t, fit bat football 1k613 ike tobacco leaf cf ikard ike ike,eke Ike pipe syns ake ikbxj, aki ik3I3, asi 1161] IkgIc n a kind of game in which also Ike a ring is buried in the sand synte613; cf ik Grj and the players try to find it 2 Ikgk aakpil. 'The ring is dead.' ike n [Igbo 'power, strength'?] (said when no one is able to a game in which two boiled eggs find it) lit ikak has failed are placed one on top of the to materialize other then pressed to see which one breaks Ikaka (?) n see ekpat --biro Ike play Ike cf ikike ikgn n a kind of plant, mats used for screens and partitionsiki n used as follows: are made from its leaves, iki keet right away, at once Pandanus candelabrum (?) (keet one) (Dalziel); a sleeping mat syn ini keet

n var of kailtb. ikiba na calabash for serving palm wine, it has a filter Ikg,t n a round basket with a at its mouth to hold back the cover and a handle used for dregs drying fish or meat on libiOm (a shelf built above the fire- ikiben n see ben place) Utipe Ikgta kind of fish, ikienum CEfik] one hundred long and thin with a pointed syns Abek itiOn, akuk dilbp; cf ebot 205 188

ikike nreasoning power, common cf akime, hkim brat), sense, intellect hkime ban kama ikike nam! Use your reasoning power! lit use ikime na. person who is greedy reasoning power do and disssatisfied but also iniege ikike. He has no sense, stupid and lazy so that he.may no judgment accept something inferior from cf Ike someone else rather than get something worthwhile by his own ikiken var of hkikb efforts

ikim n urine; gonorrhea lkir6k aj dry and bony, meager -t6k ikim urinate lkir6k 6wah a bony dog (with

ikim and6r). Z have to urinate. no meat on it) lit urine causes a desire in lkir6k aybp a kind of oil palm me with thin-skinned fruits which have a very large kernel and lkimi nleaves used as goat little flesh fodder (gen term) lkir6k awe ado; lkir6k Ifikp?) ado a derogatory way of referring num2 n var of ikim to a person who is bony, dry and dwarfed lit bony person ikim na creeper bearing long that; bony thing that calabashes which are used as cf Adliek dyep, rit6kir6k buoysor for gathering palm wine or water ikit n tortoisealso ikit abet ikim ii.wAdm; ikim lyire cala- lit tortoise of hill bash used as a buoy lit skit Irian turtle lit tortoise calabash of fishhOok; calabash of river of not ikim ilket palm wine calabash ik6 n calabash (gen term), ikim 6115513 water calabash Lagenaria vulgaris (Dalziel); ikim ikim aj (w awe person) a calabash container; any small short and fat container to drink from; a

2C6 189

standard measure (about a cup) litattach cup also hang up for gari, rice, beans a cup ik6 ilk5t calabash to drink of ik6 Eposs var] tik8t (palm wine) from syn ilkpOk (15k5t) cf6k66p fkila nknife, 'machet' (machete) calabash to drink water from, -e6mme Ice Iktia ik6 lik5t and ak66p must be threaten with a knife used only for their respective udek ikua the purposes and not interchanged, sharp cutting edge of a knife otherwise the palm wine will ek6t ikua, Mem ikith the blunt cease to flow' in the trees edge of a knife (6k6t the back ik6 ekimcalabash to keep of the head, edem' back, side) gunpowder in ubaraikia the flat of a knife cfikOp [poss var], k3p amand iktth,the tang of a knife (that part which fits ikOn n a wooden musical instru- into the handle) ment of the xylophone type ub6k fkiathe handle ova knife cfhkbb6 IkOn, 5kOoken n a kind of white fleshed melon, its seeds are ikdeere, hkileere, ektieere n dried, pounded to a powder, and compound (gena large one with used to thicken Aferel, Citrullis many people living in it, the vulgaris (Dalziel) term suggests a rich man's -but ikOncrack ikOn seeds compound); porch

with the fingertips cf at1113 &infra& fkOnthe male flower of the ikOn melon ikukn bed cf ekAsi, ikpan -kerb fkilk make a bed lit shake bed ikopi n tick (insect) cf ffikpand, Akixan, be.d ik6p2n cupping calabash (?) ntoad -yit ikeipcup (apply cups to the body for curing illness)

207 190

ik8 n word, language, talk; one trouble to do so lit catch matter, palaver (difficulty, in the hands trouble trouble, verbal conflict, -yire inua ik8spread rumor, gathering for negotiation or talk a lot, adding on things decision) and exaggerating (yire iffba ke ikG; Amenie ik8. I'm adhere, hang onto, ini5amouth) in trouble; I've got trouble. yOm6 116' make noise syn syns Aba ke Atime; Amenie -yom6 ily8m Atime. IkG doubt one's word, -tar) ik8 speak, talk to, say, refuse to accept advicelit tell; rebuke doubt, dispute word. -d6k6 iko tell something, nim ik8 keep one's word, talk excessively; reprimand keep a promise; believe dAd6k6 1k8 61115. He reprimanded kere ik8 consider a matter me for it. bka IkG ikitLyja d(5 con- ik8 -n5 reprimandsyn cerning the matter we were Akp6 -n5 talking about -d66n ik8 speak glibly, smoothly ik8 settle a quarrel, (d66n make smooth) syn-d66n make peace litput in order Ad66n; also -d66n ridoon ik6 matter -kA6r6 ik8 preach, moralize -yem ik8 look for trouble akii6r6 ik5 preacher syn -y6m udi -kek 1kG stutter, stammer fiyem ik5 n palaver, looking

lit shake (in) talk syn. -kek for trouble ekek ik8 Ibibio Ibibio language -td ik8 mumble, be afraid to iko abasi gospel, religion, speak out lit chew words church service lit word of 1k8 be the first to God speak litbecome first (in) 4kialk8 abasi. I'm going word, talk to church (service). syn lkda

-kp6p6 116' butt in, get adere. involved in someone's dispute 6kpan 1k5truth lit exact when one doesn't know what's word going on and when it will bring ad8 akpan ik5; kpan ik5. It's true.

208 191

kpan 116?Is it true; isn't it delicate edible leaf,'water true ;n' es t- c e pas? leaf,Talinum triangulare awak -astir) ik5a kind of palaver (Dalziel) arising from people repeating rfun66z) rfm1661) Ik5r3 ifibaka.raa kind thingslitmany ways word, of creeper litwater leaf of trouble European inflake. 1k3evasive talk ikara i_k5z)a head pad made of 1b16 ibio ik5advbrieflylit leaves short talk see 6kGrj; cf Ike"' InbAbakk IkG, ttfefege 116a small creeper, its leaves foldik6t nuncultivated land, bush when touched,'shame lady, ' (used with the name of certain Mimosa pudica (Dalziel) (ba.5.k flora and fauna to mean 'wild' ) ; fear, f egerun away)syn plot, plantation; followers, ififefege udi descendants, family, people of a particular place (many place ik6 na tiny fragrant leaf used names contain the word ik6t) to season &fere, poss Aeol- -w6t ik6t show a piece of anthus pubescens (Dalziel) land, make available a piece of land for a needy person to ikorJn [II)] snuff; [Efik] leaf use (rare) (rare)(used in some Tbibio -slaak ik6t give someone a areas as the plural of 15kGrj) plot of land to farm; go far -sin ikh take snufflit into the bushlitdivide land, put in snuff bush or)ikorjsmoke litdrink, risidak (1k5t), risal (1k5t)a smoke leaf given area of land, a plot of IkGij Ike tobacco leaf land ikon 1.i.e;rjtobacco, snuff -faak Ik6t -nim Ik6t also -tirjw61] mortgage landlit put e.k5 1k5rj, aki ik5z), asi Ik5r3 land (in) surety pipelit pot of leaf syns -tem ik6tclear land, bush Ike, ike ike,eke Ike ik6t /itema piece of bush that Am66Q iim661) -1c5rja kind of is being cleared

_ 2(9 192

-walk ik6t make a sign to let piece of land nearby, hence it be known that a piece of frequently farmed; a partially land is to be left fallow lit harvested cassava plot that fix bush onecan return to to harvest -b6k6 ik6t-nim leave a part more (kpenc5take a long time) of one's land uncleared lit 61613 ikbt a standard measure leave a space bush put of land -b66k ik6tdodge, try to akpe. ikbt expanse of bush evade litleave a space land aba. ikbt the interior of the ik6t make a path in bush where it is thickestlit the bush by bending the hollow of bush branches back (whitt destroy, ilf66t iba ikbt the heart of

disrupt) the bush . -kad ik6tdefecate (euphem- thb66k ikbt edge of the bush ism) litgo to bush cf addrid ikbt boundary on a farm tbr6 lit boundary of bush -bin ik6t hunt (bin drive edi ikbt bushpig,wild pig, off) it moves in packs lit pig ik6t be the first to of bush enter the bush (said of inn ikbt a kind of bush fowl, hunters, the first one takes wild chicken lit chicken of the dog) bush syn asasa ik6tewua hunting (evnid. dog) Pikarika ikbta wild plant Ikbt ewb.a dane gun. similar toOcarikalit rjkarika lit gun of hunting syn adak of bush also called )karika idnk Inan ikbt snake (gen term) ik6t dybp oil palm plot, oil litrope ofbush palm plantation cf hba.k aybp inf6n Mma likpbn Actilk ikbt a kind ik6tSA4 cassavaplot of snake, harmless and very akpene (ikbt), ekpen6 (ikbt ) beautiful (Mf6n goodness, apiece of fallow land not yet 1.11cp;1) soul) cleared for farming; bush of 15Trat iba11.61.1c ikbt two-headed intermediate age that has not snake,tiny,colored, very lain fallow the full time; a poisonous ( Goldi e Amphisbena

210 193

snake) litheads two snake claws on their hands and feet Inkp6 Ikbt,ek6rj Ikbt, 1%6/3 ik5t and cover their faces with 'driver ant , " s o 1 di er ant, ' spotted cloth, after a murder 'army ant; a common abuse the marks of the leopard's claws litthing of bush are left behind on the ground afT.m ikbt ikpaile (2) [Efik]a and on the victim's body, the turbulent wind (this phrase society is not sanctioned by is known to Ibibios from a the community ( ekpeleopard) fable)litwind of bush of ikpa rjwet [Efik]sheet of ikpae. (a kind of tree) papersynsinfe.rj rjwet,ijkGrj amAddi nameT.k6t amb.He came Net with his people ikpa 6.21.t)skyalso Ali6i) cf itjwatj efia ikpa p11613cloudless sky litwhite sky Ikpan skin, leather, anything ikpa ikpa ekbrjthe worn around the waist, a-. belt first daughter (a man would esp a covering of beads around have to pay a cow for her) the waist (many strings of (enarj cow, ek6r3war) beads worn together), whips e.b6i.kpa pl ilb61kpaadolescent cane, razor strop girl, contraction of abobd ikpa idem, fnkp, Idem skin ikpe,one who wears a belt litskin of bodysynikp6k (young girls used to dress idem in a small garment consisting 110. imamanimal skin of beads or skin worn around. -yeAra ikpa linenflay an the waist?) animal litremove skin of ikpa alobija cane for beating animal lit whip of cane ,1 fkpa fwhOtscalplit skin see ifikpa;cf gikpligaakpa of head.synisoiiwixOt ikpa ilkOtshoeslit leather 01)6) Isbrin the original people, of feet people with roots in the com- ekie ikpa -Ukota men's munity; clan council, the society given to murders of council of elders (the body revenge, the members wear which holds the land; clan, tribe 194

see Ist-i; cf ikpa ikpan idAana metal spoon (id. a kind of metal) ikpa n var of ekpa ikparj iriarjn a white bird with Ikpafekn see faak long thin legs (Goldiepelican) (iiialjriver) ikpalim2ajsee fim cf ikparj ikpafam 2 ajsee fim ikpat var and pl Ikpat n foot tiam inkpa.tjump about Ikpakitpn a disease of the eka ikpatsole of the foot spleen involving a swelling edem ikpat insteplitback on one side of the belly of foot ritIra ikpat footfall syn ritim 1..kpdn nthe seed of incOn Itch dried, crushed to a powder, bwet iftkpatfootprintlit mixed with Isla; and other print of foot condiments, the mixture is ride ikpatfootprint (esp a put into iferea feast at dirty one on a clean floor lit the time of new yam where this print of foot dish is prepared ihkpat imam animal trackslit feet of animalsyn imam ikpana (?)a kind of large tree, . ihkpat Ikpbk 6tOfeet of bark (?) Daniellia thurifera (Dalziel) (said to a lazy child implying afi'm ikbt ikpana [Efik]a that he has feet so big he turbulent wind_ (this phrase is can' t walk) known to Ibibios from a fable) ikpat 1k6mme abeet elephantiasis litwind of bush of ikpaila lit foot doesn't fit ladder frikpat itnena plant with small ikpat) nspoon leaves that look like chicken ikparj ibOm a wooden ladle used feet litfeet of chicken for stirring or grinding small cf itkot, ekpatkpat things such as abu (crayfish) or pepperlitspoon of great size 212 195 ikpen a festival which occurs kpiyan raffia skirt worn by in November or December, mas- fattened brides queraders with painted skins cf Mkpin and dressed in colorful costumes and bells dance on a ikp6 nfuneral service and wake platform in the forest, after see ekp6, akp6, ddtikp6; cf kpa the dancing each masquerader kills a goat, this must be doneIkpOt na kind of plant with with a single stroke of the white flowers, where it is knife otherwise the man is found the soil is soft and fined and is subject to humil- fertile, its stems are used for iation, a feast follows this wattle ceremony cf Ifikpana,. Ifibiritem (similar ekp6 ikpe, ikpe ekpbikpe plants) masquerader ikpoto n var of ibiti Ikpegen partition (in the house made of cloth); section Ikpo..1 na rope for climbing of bush paritioned by palm trees boundary markers IkpG slip the climbing cf kplke, kpeer36 rope around the palm tree prior to climbing it ikpi ikpo ajsee kpit see ikpb

Ikpifak n see faek ikpo2 n var of adikpb ikpinnen var of b.dikpinne ikp6, mkp5aj plbig, huge (often used as a pl for ekaitba, eka ikpirok pl riikpiroknpiece ridik) ikpirok elbi.)a piece of cloth cf awaak, ubaak ikpb na loop of rope used for traps or for jump rope ikpitin var of ibiti ikpb asA.b5coil made by the python to catch its prey seeikpG1 213 196 iko6k nsee kp6k6 (nikph) anlinbOa kind of coco- yam see aniAbb; cf asimeka. 4.kiAk na kind of plant (poss the same) bearing a round calabash which ekparj ikOrjcocoyarn folded in is used for plates and basins, leaves and boiled (see kpe33) (a variety of Lagenaria ekpO; ikpalj edia plant vulgaris ? (Dalziel)) ;a cala- which looks like cocoyam but bash container is a corm rather than a tuber, if et lki:atcalabash (gen term);it has variegated leaves, not a dish with no coverlit ediblelit ikpGn of ghost; naked calabash. ikpGrj of pig' ikp6k eb6kn a kind of ape or ebenn var of akp8n eben large monkey (6b8k monkey) ikp55r)n, aj, adv see kp6.13 ikp6m na kind of tiny fish Imamn laughter ikpGrj pl ifikpGqncocoyam, Colo- -sdk imamlaugh casia esculentum (Dalziel), poss -f-ta5k inda imamsmilelit also Xanthosoma sagittifolium touch lightly mouth laughter (Dalziel) -tuck imamsmile slowly -tire ikp8plough the soil beginning at one corner of the prior to planting cocoyam lit mouth and moving to the other plough cocoyam -nem imambecome amusing eka ikp5nthe main tuber of (nem become pleasant, enjoyable) the cocoyam lit mother of risunem imam? That are you laugh- cocoyam ing at; what's funny; what's 4k6k ikpbrj, ikp5nsub- amusing you? sidiary yams growing from the iinem imamn amusement eka ikpbnlitbranches of cocoyam; lumps of cocoyam ima.ris Al)nsee sal) efigri ikpbrja kind of cocoyam see flake:, fminn pus animbo (rakpbrj),ani.inbO(ikprj) etO sap, gum, milk (from 197

a tree) litpus of tree syns tadot inaM, thop AdOt iminath a disease of the inak ear which produces puslit see anahrj pus of ear in6.646. n, aj see nddr)

3.min n var of amln indgd n a kind of fish with Indic aj see mugs a small head, dried and used for df6r6 imdAm n muteness, dumbness; a mute; aj mute inn n deafness; deaf man imams al/6 a mute person, a also áwó inan lit person of very silent person deafness; aj( ?) deaf see imam; cf indn, rinan dek Inezdare gun lit horn of deafness syn ikbt imo n, aj see moyo owua man 614136 deaf 6kpo, a harmful embsubj, obj, possess character since he cannot hear pron of indirect speech, 2nd a person's pleasfor mercy and 3rd persons sg; pluralized cf nkri, nan2, imam with late or ridb: finimb, finemb, 1 fidimb i ne n fishing grounds, fishing dtal3 slab atikbrikb Ate ke imb area imidibrj6 se idiinam. He said to praying mantis that he knew ine2n a kind of rodeht, 'grass what he will do. cutter' cf tisine; b.sip (a see amo , ammo similar but smaller rodent)

ine,hij num four ini ntime var iinak in the ordinal: di ke amdani6 ini! Come when hy6g6 inharj,hy6g6 tinhaq fourth you have time! var enhal3 in the following: ini, -dot ini, -nim ini db.bp enhaq fourteen (from fix a time eft ye inhanten and four?) hick ilkem ini the fixed time

.1 5 198

-Haat ini waste time, delay inua nmouth ubiaatinilateness lit 61u5kOp flenk6 inua.I heard wasted time it from you. lit I heard you kadi k6 iablhat ini! Don't from mouth syn 4k6kbp UtO flens come late! inuaailikpayd; rfikp6 dmi arlikpaya ini keet right away, at once k6 inua. My mouth feels puck- lit time one syn iki keet ered; this thing puckers my ddaqi iniin the interval mouth (or tastes odd, flat), of time, in the space of inua dba rfifiip Aflip. He 's time, so long as flippant.(fip1 suck) . ," kuaini every time, often, -fl arAd inua open the mouth from time to time, now and -ktip6 inua open the mouth and then say something an: t ini all the time -sinIna voice an opinion, 15badk Ira sometimes lit say something, give advice, some time instigate, incite, interrogate lasUk ini, riditsizIc ini seldom, lit putinmouth cf -sin sometimes; probably, perhaps uyo litsome, part of time -s16 inua taunt litput aiidn ini a long time forth mouth cf -si6 Uy8 likpe6n6 ini a long delay inua shut mouth Akedi esep k6 tapeen6 ini. kAp inua! Shut up! He came to the meeting very -fat inua close the mouth; late. say nothing ini 6set.. the olden days, -Mat inua control the mouth, ancient past; time immemorial exercise caution in speech syns 6s6t, iddga 6set, dyiO nam inua; -kit -nle 6set inua brag lit make mouth; cf idaga, addrja, if6t, dyib grow(in) mouth (?) ;have mouth -w66k inua boast inia nsore, septic wound -chiek inua, -dithak inua talk syns ins 5n, hdbk loosely -kpapinua talk rubbish, brag, Inim n parrot talk loosely,talkvulgarly,

-216 199

-wapa inua talk loosely, talk. -min inuatwist up the mounth vulgarly in disgust or distaste (as when 7kelj inua chatter, talk non- about to take medicine) sense lit shake mouth Mmin inua n a sneering or - yapainua talk a lot, chatter, disgusted expression be unable to contain anything or -kgann6 Ina push out the keep a secret lower lip to show indifference kpirak inua; -dbt Inua spread or skepticism lies or secrets, gossip lit inua imam smile lit become restless (in) mouth; lay touch lightly mouth laughter on mouth -tim inuakiss lit taste -sop inua, -s6156 inua, -ward mouth inuatalk fast, talk a lot, ritim inua n a kiss spread what one hears. lit -dd6g6 inua ke thm156x] swish water become quick (in) mouth in the mouth to rinse it, gargle amps 6p inua 6b6g6. You talk too (6m66nwater) fast. -kal inuabecome strong in ris6p inua Ikbfastness of the mouth (of liquor) speech inua atop entrance to a com- -yire inua IkGspread rumor, pound (atop an open area in talk a lot (adding on things front of a compound) and exaggerating) (ylre ad- inua 4ba nipple litmouth here, IkG word, talk) of breast -s6IJ inua become stubborn, inua Ikan flame litmouth of unbending on an issuelit fire syn edeme lick lit become strong (in) mouth cf tongue of fire -s613 lwat Ikar) iniege inua. The fire has inua nstubbornness no mouth (i.e. flame). -kat inua lit extend mouth Ina lisenvery early in the used as follows: morning litmouth of day rise akat inua? Why are you MfOt inua, Mkp6k inua, IfIkpGk opening your mouth (i.e. stick- inua lips lit skin, cover ing it out) ? (an abuse) of mouth -borinci inua open the mouth ungracefully 2-17 200

ffiben iniza; Mb6k intta the inuinuuk aj see nithk outer part of the-lips (ffiben side, edge; see beek) 11113 nsalt rjkam iniza whiskerslit edukb Irian ke hsia eb15/3. They whiskers of mouth throw away salt on the intestines afblj intla handkerchief lit of a porcupine. (The intestines cloth of mouthcf are bitter and inedible even hdtle intla nslip of the if salt is put on them, said tongue lit error of mouth when a thing is a waste of as6b6 (as6b6) inua aj pointed effort or when a person is an (s6b6become sharp, pointed) ingrate.) ebaga inuJ a waste of salt inUen, Idtenn bird (gen term) (the term refers to a sickly ebilk intlen the part of a child or a wild youth, salt tree where birds gather and i.e. food is wasted on them build nests as the one may die, the other tibia Inaen a diviner who gets may get into trouble.) his information from a spirit Irian ImUmm6 ke Afere. There's with a birdlike voice lit not enough salt in the soup. specialist of bird lit salt doesn't take hold iy8p Intten a kind of 'shrub' in soup with juicy fruits, wild or rjkalla inN a cylindrical dwarf date palm, Phoenix recli- construction of raffia fronds nata (Dalziel) lit oil palm used for storing salt of bird atk Intiq saltpetre adiag6 Atok inuen, adia htOk intin rough, gritty Intlen a small black and white salt bird, goes in pairs, one has a long tail and the other iniak n whistling doesn't lit first-born tine 6131c6cit ke intak. He called daughter of small birdsyn me by whistling. hsim hsim 64.66 efbk -fit Ink whistle lit blow whistling cf-fit laicim inUen n var.of inuen blow a whistle

218 201

inuun n var of iinthin is difficult to isolate the main stem insn thief; theft cf rifiama yip insbe a thief, steal professionally lit steal nriver theft akpd river, sea, ocean Ayip in6. He's a thief. lit expanse of riversyn akpa

Aw6 In thief lit person 611155/3 of theft ink ibbmocean lit rivers of ata ind professional thief great size lit specialist, practitioner edem IRM the other side of of theft the river (the opposite bank in6 iltbij whisper lit theft from where one stands) lit of ear cf ada side of river IjkOp ke in6 ut6/3. I heard filben roar edge of a river what I wasn't intended to hear ikpaq roar a white bird with (gossip, rumour). lit I long thin legs (Goldiepelican) heard by whisper cf ikpaq in6 ilk5t son of sister, son dy8p iflaq a kind of plant of brother lit thief of palm found in river areas lit oil wine palm of river in6 Ifibbrci daughter of sister, rifidhaga Indian bamboo, daughter of brother lit thief it grows in or near water syn of banana rihafidga idim The relationships involved give cf tiniaq a person certain privileges such as access to palm wine, ifiaq áfia n a kind of plant, bananas, its leaves are used for dfere cf river, ASIAwhite inbbkn, aj see n35g6 (poss this plant grows at the river's edge) 12-lama na kind of creeping plant with tiny leaves, it ifid6n n sore, septic wound grows very thickly so that it syns inih, riak

219 rffront.rWYMtormr,,,..rv,..


iedij n, aj see ekd isim pl fisimntail isim IdA6/3 a kind of poisonous ieeleen aj see eren snake with many colors (IdAdq a kind of metal) isaisak aj seesaki Asim Asim dy6g6 efbksquirrel (gen term) lit tail fills isamA, fisamanan arboreal nest syn adua primate with big eyes In some areas the name refers to a kind of small black and isaritim nhippopotamus white bird which goes in pairs, cf tim one has a long tail and the other doesn't also called Isaxj n see sa/34. adiaga Atbk 4 see Asim; cf sim Isardna kind of tree which blooms at Christmas time, Isin nthe area from the waist Millettia thonningii (Adams) to the hips -yok Isinwriggle isin Isarlsa aj see sara itak isinpelvic girdle lit base of isin Ise n palm wine strainer made iff6k (isin) kidney cf from piassava or name. ekpliut afbi) Isin 'wrapper', loin cloth 4 Ise, Is n yam barn (a place lit cloth of Isin

11 where yams are stored for the isin Anil a fathom of cloth next plantingalso is tibia, (about two yards) syn esIt ek8is (bib. yam, rarely afb4) used except in this expression, cf iw6j, hid& ek8rear of a house or com- pound) cf ubak (udid) Isipn kernel esp oil palm kernel, stone (of a fruit) isen aj pl of asen -kpak isip, -nemme 1st), -boOt isip crack oil palm kernels Islisbrj see Isaki with a stone

22O 203

isip tikbt seed of tile8t is6 twist up the face in (raffia palm) syn ube distaste or disgust isip ifilphkard; isip 64.4, isip Mmin is6 ndisgusted expression afik coconut palm litkernel on the face of European; kernel of oil is6 make a gesture of palm; kernel of skyalso isip contempt with the eyes closed if isip hyOp a coconut (if en and the face turned aside a single large round object) -karma is6 turn the face away ubak isip hyOp coconut palm -b161)0 is6 turn the face frond towards isip, akpbr3 isip the -s6q is6 become hard, unyield- oil palm kernel (refers to a ing lit become strong (in) face single one) Ask is6n hardness, firmness, ddianh Mbh isip two palms unyieldingness that intertwine as if two seeds -f 6n is6 become lucky lit had been planted close together become good (in) face lit two together kernel see ?eon is6 good luck lit good- diand ness of face uta isip jaw (ta chew) cf -diOok is6become unlucky Mbarj idlOok is6, AdlOOk is6 bad isip isip, isip isip aj nutty, lucklitbad face nut-like -sak is6 be directly in front of hsbk is6 n(?) opposite isiGq n see sibijO -kM is6 go forward, go on (take place, occur), continue is61 nface, front, future -kpe is6, -bem is6, -bly6 is6, -tat is6 smile, relax the face, -fArO is6 lead, precede, go cheer up lit loosen face first -1) in is6; -fit is6; -bop is6; abem 1113;6lj is6. Humility --Man is6 frown lit contract leads to glory, power.

face; fold face; tie face (stirisuil humble, ilb661) glory, -e5mm5 (is6) make scarey faces power) -maim is6 screw up the face, frown, have a distasteful or disgusted expression on the face

221 204

Mbam iso, kis6 (from ke is6 at 6det is?) the top two front teeth front) prep, conj before lit teeth of face, front ktadid Akp6 kis6 Adiwa! Don't ukit is6mirror (kit see) eat before I arrive! syniimben6 kis6 ale akp613 mi... before nta is6a painful headache in you leave here which the skin feels tight over abey6 is?) awe the first person the eyes and forehead (ta -kpik6 is6 cut in front chew) 1s6 &lob; is6 Adamfamily 2 shrine litface of ghost; is6 na lot of five yams face of god is6 lb& ten yams lit is6 dbasia sacred place where is6 of yam two itime trees are planted, plates cf are laid out there, and money and bones from sacrificed ani- is6b6n crab mals are put in the plates, libations and sacrifices may be islia nyear carried out there lit face of -akaph isia Christmas-New Year's God seasonlit changing, turning pl Aso occurs in the following: of year is6 AnAl5n pl rise) Anialn finger- us6r6 ukapa isi)a. Christmas feast tip lit face, front of finger cf hdin, abem As6 dybp the large oil palm fruits on the outside of the isk n debt cluster cf Atak dyep -kamd isk be in debt lit is6 idet the edge of the hair- hold debt line; a part in the hair lit -kpak isk try to collect a face, front of hair cf tifaq idet debt by constant dunning lit -siddk is6 idetpart the hair dun debt lit divide part ism atom messenger (originally i

i is6 Akpaga belt buckle lit someone sent to collect a debt) 1 face of belt (atommessage, errand) akp5 isbforehead, countenance ab56 isk creditorlit colleetori lit bone of face cf eke) Ise of debt see risk

K.1 KO F.40 205

na kind of tuber with ish iwilet scalp litground mushrooms growing on it, used of headsyn ikpa, iwabt in preparing ikpan (2); a ish afki hem lit ground, place where mushrooms grow (2); floor of cloth a marshy area (2) - bAA13isoiafbij hem a hem, mend Adip is the mushroom that a wrapper by cutting out the grows on isA; lit mushroom torn part and rejoining the of isA; pieces lit break hem iti6 iski menstruationlit is6 nsomeone shorter than place, seat of ground normal Two explanations are given for cf tip this phrase: first, that women are not permitted to sit on ish n earth, land, ground, chairs that men might sit on floor, country; a council of during this period, so they sit elders (see ikpa isbij below) on the ground; second, that a -kap isoi dig up the earth; hole is dug in the ground for make holes in order to plant; a girl's first menstruation harvest - kit iti6 iikpb menstruate lit -wank ish clear out weeds see menstruation syn-kit lit tear earth syn -wank 16kp6 tibiot (ikpa) isbij the original people, -mid ish lay a floor, beat the people with roots in the a mud floor with a flat wooden community; clan council, the stick to flatten it after council of elders (the body fresh mud has been laid down which holds the land); clan, lit beat floorsyn -mid tribe Af;k esbp ikpa esbp isbij clan -kixbk isGri sweep the floor council consisting of the head- -s66k ish shuffle the feet man from each village, it on the ground (eg. at a lecture handles intervillage disputes to show disagreement) syn and serious cases such as land -s66k Ak6t boundaries and suspected -sby6 ish climb down, descend poisonings, each representative

223 206 carries federal government lives on the floor of mud orders down to thg villages houses db;61] isbi) clan chief, the Mkpurikpu isb/3 a kind of cater- representative from esop ikpa pillar that burrows in the isbil who sits on the county ground council; the representative etek313 isbrj a kind of large from the county council who caterpillar cf dkp6t6 itidt sits on the federal government (poss same) (kb:3 knock) council in Enugu. efik isbi) a kind of plant afe isbi) village council hall with a tuber, the tuber is abire (isbn) society of old used to make wheels for a women associated with water yam child's toy car see efik; harvest cf fik amana dyin isbi) freeborn isbi) shaking of the citizen, native (mand become- earth born, dyin child) ti') isbi) a heavy truck (it abasi Isbnlesser god lit shakes the earth as it rumbles god of earth cf abasi anoq by) (fiell shake) supreme God lit god of sky akpbkkpbk isbi] motorcycle ilborn Isbl] automobile lit canoe (kpbk3 crow of a cock) syn of ground syn if cf ilbom akpbkkpbk (enba) uktlak), dfi;fl airplane lit canoe of akpbikp5i (enk sky Una is5q flat land (nad lie) dfid isbn a trap in the form aria is513 aj bottommost cf of a pit dug in the groundlit aria dilh topmost trap of ground &fit isiisbij the whole world adan isbi] crude oil lit oil see risi]; cf db6t of ground IbGm isbi) a kind of terrestrialIs6t1 nsmallpox snake lit IbGm of ground cf syns Atarita, atadk&ta, thfdt IbGra dflinj a kind of arboreal it; snake lit fbSm of sky see ibGm akpa isbqa small black bad- itd num three smelling stinging ant which varuta, Ltd in the ordinal:

224 . *mamma&*War


ay6g6 ita, hy6g6 fitA, hy6g6 nta itafibx) n a kind of bird, black third with a white throat and a large var eta in the following: beak (Goldie a small hornbill) eft etathirteen (from eft ye itaten and three?) syn itai, itan CEng 'tar'?] coal Mot ita, dUp adOt ita tar see atd itAi tarred road lit road of coal tar cf itaAl noccurs in the following: gabhkard ita Man, ita hkp6k, ita ridihn hkpOk, dkpdyadra ita, Ayadra ithi usury n door hinge (listiq ita (hkp6k) the common red door, doorway) and black lizard, 'red-necked lizard' (poss refers only to itak pl ritak n base, foundation the male) (dydard male) esp base of a tree trunk; see hkpOk; cf dhnd pl only, dregs, sediment itak libOm helm of a canoe ita2 n var of ita htie itak tibom helmsman lit one who sits (at) helm of canoe ith n a blow with the fist; a hfbrj itak libcim saillit charm which enables the wearer cloth of helm of canoesyn to strike powerful blows hfarh ita, ita make a itak isinpelvic girdle lit fist (flit clench, fold, base of isin (the area from the bot mould out of clay) syn waist to the hips) -fit tib6k itak alien pl ritak anon inner -t6 itapunch, give a blow corner of the eye. litbase of lit hit blow eye -top itapunch; boxlit itak edet pl Atak edet the throw blow back teeth, molars lit base Mkpa inutan itaa kind of ring, of teeth also edet itak Mbaq the person who is slapped by lit teeth of base of jaw someone wearing it can go mad -kplke (ritak) edet; -klidaga or die (Mkpa InUtin ring) (Atak) edet grind, gnash the

225 208

teeth (in thought, surprise, itene aj var of itere anger) lit cut teeth; grind teethsyn -td edet itere, itene aj soft, fat, Atdk dybp the small yellowish fleshy, tight (of fruit or a oil palm fruits in the inner person's flesh) part of the cluster, they containcf dilt6re less oil, they are either used for dbak or stored until dry itetigen see itige when the kernel'is removed lit base of oil palm fruit cf itiaba numseven (a sacred As6 dybp numberin Ibibio); nphysical Atdk Ilicbt palm wine diegs in power, the power of seven men (?) the cup cf iikpdtdk dwode6n itiabha powerful man Atdk db.h refuse particles of see ition abil (crayfish) after sifting hkime itdka kind of plant itiditd num eight syn hkime enaq see itiOn see Atdk, Mkpdtdk, Mkpdtd; cf

1 , 6kpdt , efut, itige itiat nstone; mile (miles are marked by stones) itam n hat, cap itidt edimhail lit stones -yard itamput on a hat of rain itam lib;6n chief's hat lit itiat linkbackbone of the hat of chieftancy family, the most powerful man, itam &ariaa large hat made protector of the familylit of an ibiti mat used as an stone of house umbrellasee ibiti itiat lib5p ilfbk cement blocks lit stone of tying (building) item nsee temm6 of house kua itiat gravel, pebbles iteMbe na kind of dance per- lit kernels, units of stone formed in the moonlight cf hkliddgd Atan -y66r6 iteffibe dance itenfib6 Ayin itiat the smaller and mobile one of the two stones 1


used for grinding lit young itIme, itumb, itime n. a kind of of stone tree planted on farm boundaries etbk Itiat Mkpe (slang) a short personlit small stone itlekeet numsix thing see itlen dkpdtlat itldt a tough unbeat- able man (eg. in sports) * ItIon n garbage pit, refuse pit akp6t6 itlata kind of large syn Iftm green caterpillar, if it jumps up and touches a person's chest itlen num five he will die, presumably because varUtlen in the ordinal: it releases a stone against hy6g6 ition, ay6g6 iltiOnfifth the chest (t6 hit) itIokeet six (from itlen keet five one) ItIge nthe remains of something, itlabaseven (from itIon iba remainder, stump, lump; 'half' five two) itige ete tree stump Itiditd eight (from itIon itige unamlump of meat itd five three) itige, itige itige, ititige, itetige, itigitige, etitIge, itit nvagina etigitigeheel of the foot itit ildiak anus, buttocks cf ltdk,ijkuk lit vagina of feces cf efut 4kdm Itit 1160./3 hair around Itigitlgen see ItIge the anus (itit) dkix5/36 elbowlit itIme n var of itime vagina of elbowsyn ekirg libbk riyin Itit clitorislit young itime Usba3n door frame, the of vagina pillars of the dobr frame; syn 4wg. Itit pubic hair lit dbdi usury, ddtib66k usury; a bar hair of vagina used to lift or bolt down an rinulin itit lanen pinky finger, Ibibio doorsyn the small finger lit finger cf itIme of vagina of chicken (the 210

finger you stick into the ituet na leech; a kind of fish chicken to see if her egg is with a long needle-like mouth (7) ready) syns akpatire Anan, etOk xinLin n var of itim cf tire itax3 n seetuig62 ititigen see itige ituok na kind of fish with It nsee kfat It poisonous spines itu1 n bunch of plantains or ituut ncaterpillar (gen term) bananas gen qualified: efGk itLit cocoon lit nest ita ilbOrci bunch of bananas of caterpillar ita 15kbm bunch of plantains cf With, Utteat ekpe itu2 n a disease in which the itG n impotent man rectum protrudes (piles?);*a syn eydnbk cyst in the womb (7), when a woman carries a baby for an it6knfoot race, running abnormally long time it is -sap it6krun fast lit attributed to this become fast (in) running dAyommo ita. She has conceived -bare. itok run very fasts take ita (a curse said to a barren to one's heels (bare.make a woman). fire) cf itu1 -tat it6k 'tear a race,' open a race,' take to one's heels itu n manatee ( ?), a large lit open race thick skinned animal which lives it6k Anba, $dube, it;k race, .in abandoned water channels running, competition (Adlibd competition) ithen n a large fishing bird, its feathers are used in crowns n neck, throat; desire, and for juju greed

228 211

-yire it6/3 commit suicide by lit satisfy desire (in) hanging (yirehang iv) syns throat (7) -yire ekpan, -yir6 idem abk wrist, pulse lit -sin afig ith choke someone neck of arm, hand lit put in trap of neck it6/3 likbt ankle lit neck of itk have a twisted neck leg, foot (either deformed or momentarily it6/3 aybp the place where the twisted due to carrying a heavy palm fruit cluster is attached load) to the stalklit neck of oil -kuanna (it6/3) clear the throat palm fruit -sin it6/3 covet, envy lit abot ith back of the neck put in neck syns -sin align, (abOt elevated land; area) -sin estt ilkir6r1 ith, thkpata ith, -d6r6 it6r1 become greedy, akpita ith, 6kpatara ith, envious (d6r6become slippery, dkp6n6 ith collar bone see smooth) ffikpata lidor6 ith, fid6r6 ith, Ild6t esit ith; adu it;in tisk ith ith n a strong desire for throatlit inside of neck; something one doesn't have, hole of neck; path of neck greed also id166k ith, akpbrb ith, dkpir6 1th, ith, udi35k ith ekpirbwindpipe áwó ith greedy person lit adidian it61.3 a sore throat of person of greed the type in which it feels as afie andk (it6/). I feel though something were stuck in anxious to see him. lithe the throat (diem stick) causes a desire in me (neck, akOn 6.kipsbrj it6/3 tetanus desire) lit okOn (of) stiff neck itorl ansat. I'm thirsty. lit Asip ith, Akpgsdk ith a neck is dry to me lump in the neck (a cyst or fisat it6/3 n thirst tumor which can be cut out) 6tap ansdt k6 it6/3. I'm see dkpasak, cf isip frightened (the saliva is dry atipe ith a ritual bleeding in (my) throat). and cleansing to rid a person quench the thirst of a disease (such as dkpasak

243 212

ith or of possession, a spike has a big root with small roots is put on either side of a growing from it, it is pre- person's neck giving the effect pared like cassava lit cassava of it piercing completely of Igbo man through (tipe pierce) iwe, cassava fufu (gen &fan it6ij, &Mahn itk a white term) it can be made of bird of the stork type with a fresh or fermented cassava long neck and long legs (fan iwd ritbrbrb cassava fufu made stretch out) of cassava which is fermented 4k60 itorJ, 4105.a ith necklace but not washed afterwards, it (k60 hang, ocuabeads) is boiled but not pounded (?) also fitbr6r5; cfukpip, fufu iwdn cassava (the term includes una iwe, poorly prepared varieties of Manihot utilissima cassava fermented but not well and Dioscorea dumetorum (?) washed (Dalziel)) adith iwA [Efik ?] cold, -kbx) iwd strain cassava sliced, boiled cassava (td 6kpdta iwe, waste material from chew) cassava after it is strained 6kpdrj IA cassava folded in IdOt iwe,bitter cassava leaves and boiled (see kpdij) dkpdna Mkpd iwA, akpara Mkpa iwe, a kind of bitter cassava iwaht n bedding plants alsoakpanamkpa germinated in bulk in the iwd inema kind of cassava, garden then transplanted when 'sweet cassava' lit cassava of they are young shoots to the sweetness farm; young men, youths &fop IA,roasting cassava, it cf vat2 needs no fermentation and can be pounded or roasted lwarjk3 n var of ewd6k3 lwa banda kind of roasting cassava from Fernando Po (poss Twat n grey hair; mould (on iwd band is also used as a gen food,,leather) term for roasting cassava) Nat iwat a wise old man iwd tineg6 a creeping plant, it lit head of grey hair 213

hfid swat, &fia ewat the sweet -fdyi iwat go wild lit oil palm kernels which are become wild (in) head nearly white on the outside, -sin iwat pay attention, a few are found on most trees devote oneself to, involve (afidwhite) oneself in, make an effort litput in head iwA6 n nose - buck lwat absorb ons elf, iwd6 dAb6p. My nose is clogged. get involved in, become lit nose ties me conscientious aboutlit

iw15.6 blow the nose bury head syn idem adu iwaonostril lit hole of - s613 iwat become stubborn nose (as a general characteristic) uyireiwab, uyit iwbbnasal litbecome strong (in) head septum (yire adhere,yit cf -s6/3inua attach) nsk iirrhOtnstubbornness adilj lwab bridge of the nose iwtiM iMbgaga. I've lost my lit root of nose memory. (bd exist) AyAakad Ice ivaibt In. I'll iwat n head; memory; sake, go in your place, because behalf of you, on your behalf. cf -d6n6 iwat become baldlit Atak

become smooth (in) head cf 1135 iwat lidia head of a yam, -meek iNiat bend the head (as the germinating end cf efat when someone is plaiting the udia hair) Nat lean village chief iwat, iwat, -rite& lithead of villagecf Nat bow the head 610;4 (iwat 164 can be -s6p iwat become smart lit addressed as Ab;60 become quick (in) head pl &rat occurs in the following: -nie iwat have brains lit 4wat lb& udizk 1kbttwo headed have head snake, tiny, colored, very -dimma iwat become crazylit poisonous (GoldieAmphisbena become crazy (in) headsyn snake) -damma iddat

--231 214

6..kp6k8n iwUbtskull (kbrj 'has it happened! ?' knock, tap)syninkp6k6r6 iyA mini,i y a inmi,iya, Mini! 0 ijk6k iwabt bulges on the side my mother! ;interj of shock of the head (natural to some or surprise, 'it's impossible! ' people)litbranches of head aylya, ayiya, eyiya, eyiya is813fwabt; ikpa iwabtscalp my mother (also used as an lit ground of head; skin of int erj) head ikp6k ivinabtdandrufflit iyekn fish (gen term) scales of head -kb iyakfish litcollect thbut iveabtbrainssyn 'fire fish b6kit afbrj fw-ixOt a.kb (iyak),adik6 iyak head tie (afbrjcloth) fisherman -hat iwabt pillow, head rest hk61 iyakfin of a fish (dOt lay on) zjkg ±riyakdorsal fin of a ijkbrj ivrixOt, ikpbbi36 lwabt, fish ikp33rj6 lwabtheadache (kbrj, iyb.kthe smell of kpb3rj6knock) fresh fishsynAnwar) iyakflying fish 1w 6rjn hip joint iiman iyaka kind of fishcf 1w6t eljwipe.My hip joint has ab6k atbg6 (a similar fish gone out. (wipegive way) but smaller than rfaign iyak) 1w6r1 ayandiarlija.I have a pain in my hip joint.lithip iyeinterj'It's great!' joint is about to, wants to separate from me iyeiygn a kind of plant, inbk iwbrjside of the hip, its leaves exude a sticky liquid. flank (?) and 'draw' like okra 6kp6 iwbtjfemurlitbone of ti.d6t iyelyga kind of plant hip joint with properties similar to cf11361,rjkuk, isin iy6iyg (poss the same plant as iyelie)see d6r6 iya n mother, old woman; interj of amusement or surprise, iyiipn see yilbe

232 215

iyirb n a missile, something thrown (as a stick thrown as a weapon or to knock down fruits from a tree) cf iy6, iy6 interj no also iy6 6, 1y6 6 (more emphatic)

syns mmfi, mm, AI, arfiftl, MI

6 interj var of 1y6 216

khiv var of khp kadmtv (?) pl of kam khri pl khy4 tvgo to, go for; khhm4 tv stir var Id (used only when another see kap& verb follows see Intro)

hkha like? Where are you going?k4.4.n iv pl. of lain ?Ise hkhA? What are you going for? khhril iv become old, ancient; fjkah itdiza. I'm going to look old (of inanimate objects) market. Aw6 ad? Ahichhni isua k4 dianh. -khá thkp6 go somewhere; go That person is old. lit person for a purpose MO thing) that is old (in) year in birth ilkikhh6 iikp6. I didn't go xikainh n long absence, delay anywhere. synbkpbbn4 -khA hkhm go to prayer meeting Aldan pl 4kdhn aj ancient -khA bwbtgo to school lit former; old (of inanimate go to book objects except for the following): -kM MA go for firewood AkAhn hdbbri, 4kAhn Idbbn old -khá idiarj consult a diviner man, old men lit go to diviner &Icahn hehhn, fjkan lbahn -kha is6 go forward, continue; old woman, old women go on (take place, occur) cf s61) -khA ik6tdefecate lit go to bush Iciarja tv promise, vow (involves -khá Idhrj sleep with (sex an exchange, something given gen implied) (-dhrj stay over- for something done) night) fakAanh, 41c440, ikainh n .(kbA) k4 d4p! Go and buy! promise, vow; fate, destiny Ibb6 k& :aim! Take from me and seekArj2; cf qw6136, tank keep! fb6k Akh&Akh, AkhAákh ibbk n khh/34 tv cross over, step over, laxative (ib6k medicine) stepover something high so cf di thatone has to lift one's leg; empty 234 217

kb.ht3d. Irib!Cross the river! kaliiv ache;become strong, t6p n3 e.k660. ilfok!Throw it hard, difficult; emphatic (with so it goes over the house! verbs that mean become old, tidal gdbp, hithari 4dbpn a strong, hard, difficult); idea kind of antelope, 'giant describes the way something is antelope' tied strong, tightly t.161.1) tkaal)ajtall, thin, 11136k 461. My arm aches (esp and lanky used when one has been holding see kb.rjrja the arm suspended) . Ifikp6 ami aAkal.This thing kaap tv pl of kap (or problem) is difficult. et6 a.s613 akL.I.The tree is kgt.b.ttv pl of kht really old.. -kai Ina.become strong in the kabinth, kapinta, kapenthn mouth (of liquor)syn -2613 Ina. [Eng]carpenter Wf6p 6.kai The gin is strong. kadbn, gadbn, hkalbn n[Eng] -kai ilb6kbecome expensive gallon litbecome strong arm, power syn -s6r3 ub6k, -Ls61.3 udua khga tvmake tired, tire hfbi) tlb6k.Cloth is (personal subject only) expensive. kifvokhga! Don't tire me! b.kalkal nillicit gin bkbga ntiredness synif6f6p -kpa bkhga, become tiredlit kaikaiadv ( ?)used as follows : become exhausted (with) tired- idiom ?afb? kaikal.How are you? ness I'm strong. zfam6kp, bkgi. I'm tired.syn 6134 kii6 kai.He tied it strong. imAkpl, ?abb.. cf khk, Olga, kivii hkhgb, hber6, hkp4kaga, hkp6kara, 2 bkpeketrana chair with arm kalideo sound of a stick break- rests(-bbr6lean against) ingcf k6k also kkh.k &bbr4 see kbk;cfkali 235 218

ke inter]indicates surprise kik& iv show off, become pompous or alarmsyn se gen w id4mself, body bk&ka nshowing off khl ideo var ofkb12 cf koko kak ideo sound of a chair crack-kamipl ( ?) agree to, be ing or breaking; sound of jaws willing to; run errands opt w being opened; sound of a clock thorn message, errand, work ticking fk&mmi hdiriflam. He's not willing rMcp6 itI4 AbArm6 kik. The to sell to me. chair broke kak. bkam (lit6m). Please run Ijk&nika aseajd kak kak kak. The this errand for me; please clock went kak kak k&k. help me out! cfkg2 shn& kadm &w6 atom! You run around doing errands for anyone khk tv make tired, worn out, who asks (an abuse)! lit go bored, fed up, bewildered; tire about run errands person errand of Abkhk k4 Idip. I've had too khmtvcurse much to eat. lit it tires me khm hii6! Curse him! in belly hkhmncurse; prayer, prayer MI& aml &bkhk. I'm tired of meeting this food. ambilkhm hkm. He cursed me. uwomajnb Akhk. I'm fed up lit he cursed me (with) curse with him; I can't put up with -bbn hkhmpray litcall prayer his habits any more. lit -On ham curse litput in life style his tires me curse hma3khk k4 thin ik8. You've -sfin hkhmwish evil on, make tired me with your talking. an evil prayer for this purpose hkhk hbbr4na chair with lit put in curse arm rests (-bbr4 lean against) -sic5 hkhm call back a curse or also hkhgh hbbr4 evil prayer lit remove curse see khg4; cfk611

236 219 kama tvhold in the arms or dkken bkdn.He wanders aim- hands; have, keep; owe; use; lessly. treat, behave towards see kenni; cf kara hklik Ifftl) k4 hkdme? How much money do you have (on you khn iv become able, know how; now)? tvsurpasb, excel (used in kerne Isk owe a debt making comparisons), triumph kerne hklik owe money over, beat (win) &kerne did& n treasurer hmekAn 4k116 ik46? Do you know Idea, dkbe k6 heafikpe hkiik how to sing? hbkimake?When will you thmemA lwa tlkhn ghri. I prefer pay me the money which you owe cassava to gari. lit I like me? cassava surpass gari hsb6 Ice &i1 dkgme 4d6k Mia? IfimdkpOn ilbam Ohn 1114. I'm What does he use to dig yam? fatter than he is. lit I'm 4d1b/36 aw6dbbn k4 narid eking big (in) fatness surpass him Eteehn! A man is known by the ektichn (hfie) ke It6k. He way he treats his wife. lit won the race,lithe beat him they know man by how he treats in race wife khn 11136k bully (?), finagle 'Ake bkdme! Treat me properly! (1.11o6k arm, power) ink kgme! Treat me properly; ahkhn 4w6 U.b6k. He gets things hold me.straight! by force (or by finagling). cfd6k61 nie1 bkhn U6k n force, finagling abb Ice bkhn U6R. He took it kdn pl kdAn iv wander, go by force (or by finagling) around, come and go; pl come cf aw8fh and go and linger at a place hkhdichn ajsuperior (in &Len 4b;g6. He drops in too strength, rank, quality), utmost (2) often. lithe comes and goes cf khme, kdrA very much bkan (bkbk) n surraundings, kdanatv, ivencircle; turn neighborhood (Idak close) around, turn; go around, go here and there 220

fegi karma lif;k. Round around oil and chicken, no water is added the house! tkdij n a certain dish prepared Eitk akkand atk ridixfO? Is for a special guest, generally there a fence around yourcom- made from at613 with meat or pound? lit fence encircles stockfish compound your n fire; light; gun Lith etAnna.He beats around -bard ikk; -d6m6 ikk kindle a the bush; he twists the matter fire, make a fire to make it appear other than -sin ikan set fire it is. lithe talks around itbet kikk moth lit your Ayfriip idem 4kAnna iya. I beat husband in fire myself around on the mats dfi&J a blistered condition (trying to sleep). of the skin; a pox-like disease &Anna ild6m.He turned right. involving boils which burst, it -karma edem turn around, turn esp attacks children (chicken pox?) one's back lit turn back (&5613 top, sky) -karma is6 turn the face away ina Ike,"); ed4me ike.13 flame lit -kannd 6filt turn the buttocks mouth of fire; tongue of fire towards (for thrashing) syn dean ikal) kerosene lit oil 6fat of fire -kanna ilbel3 turn over, turn abedel3 ikaij hell lit. abyss on the other side (body, cloth) of fire lit turn side Adlib44k ikaig pl Addb4k see kan;. cf kari ember (beek break off) ikguo smoke; steamboat, ship tv roast, fry (a food to n match (tdat make it dry or crispesp scrape) groundnuts in sand, gari in a adektrikelectric light pot); season a new pot by AmOtO headlights of a car placing it on the fire dtd4n lick lamp, lantern -k6,13 tifere cook a rich afere (td6nneilluminate) (soup) with a lot of meat and ikdlo 64'5 catapult lit gun condiments of rubber adikAA ik3rj n a certain dish ik5t ewua dare gun lit made with 4kGKI leaf, water leaf, gun of hunting(ik3t bush,

238 221

4wa dog)synAdak in5n ofkaaqa, Akki thf4t ikaiotriggerlitpenis of gun kb.:313a tv stretch out, hold out ifikpasi ikAJtobulletlitseed arms or legs, walk or ride a of gun bicycle with arms or legs thrown ik4,13 ikaijajfiery;adv in out a bit (to show off) w ilkcSt a fiery manner, fiercely; very legor Alc6karm fast hkaijijansticks used to AWL iheak k4 dsit support growing pumpkins He looks in anger, fiercely, ijkaind ijkA.13:3aadvunsteadily with red eyes.liteyes burn ask3a hithiyart hkariljd.He walks in heart fiercely unsteadily; he walks with a long swat km6tO LA. He stride (said of a tall person)(?) drives the car very fast. see kaki 15k k, likaijcharcoal(some speakers distinguish the two kEiAta, ika5ta, kal5tLitnCEng using 15kil3 for charcoal, 'dick 'counterfeit' 7]counterfeit money; for coal) illicit ginsyns ilf6f6p, kAikal; titkpebir6 rjltatj (4tim)a kind of ajcounterfeit, not genuine black millipedelitblack Popular etymology: ikala fire, to (like) charcoal (millipede) burni.e. counterfeit money burns of sk a person cf ants.Fire burns me (said as a person extends kaaj2 tvdeny, refute, prove his palm and challenges someone innocent to hit him). -k4,13 id4mclear oneself, prove one's innocence (this may or kix5t&fitn, ajvar of kai5ta may not involve an ordeal) aka./3nordeal (test of guilt kap pl kaaptvpick at, scratch, or innocence); lots, the draw- dig out, bore a hole, carve out, ing of lots force one's way into (gen some -sin (Aw6) tikalaadminister effort is required) an ordeal (to a person) -kap is8:3dig up the earth; likala undergo an ordeal make holes to plant; harvest ekaaja ndenial -kap awkwaanrape a woman see kapa 239 222 khp, kb.ivalways precedes an- from fishalso -kip ellen lyb.k other verb, with the following cf tth3r36 functions :emphatic, exhorting; -kelp& ifib6tburst a boil advising, reassuring, persuad- see kap ing; signals new information is to follow; indicates contrast khpe,tvturn, turn over, revolve; or contingency go around.; repair a hem or a khp nen se ifib6 AA!You'd tear in cloth; change to, become, better do what I say! change ; interpret, translate khp di mi! Come here (persuas- The khpa lif6k!Run around ive, reassuring) ! (ieencircle) the house: khp Ithe.!Go (if you must)! eithpe. ithirj.He goes around from khp se!Will you look at that; town to town. how about that! hyhalchp6 1n6. You'll become a khp se 6!Heh, how about that! thief. (said when one has just -nbgive back (-n3give) remembered something) funb.e.khpe &kb tinb Me. I gave bk6n izt6 afb the pot back to him. abo ke lybait; mibn!You can' t -kap& esitrepent, forgive even pick up bklan and throw litturn over heart him (in wrestling) and you say hsin tkhpan somersault (-sin you'll throw me ! put in) Ikea) 6.m6.1khpe. its, hfbrj ?ma. hithpe eshn the path by a If only the fire wouldn't burn house which goes to the back my clothes. yard. hithph Ishb.n Christmas-New kape tvscoop out, pick out, year season(isa,year) pick at (generally a soft see khhme substance) -We alien linanpick at a ke.penthn var ofke.binth healing woundlitpick at eye of wound kapinthn var ofkabinth -kepe, arien lyb.kremove eyes 223

kir& tv encircle, put the arms dnen Abhkdrd duck lit chicken of or hands around; rule, abuse; European master, understand; iv (?) &Ian Abhkdrd horse lit cattle know how to of European fikdrd.ketidnti6. I'm not so dben 6bhkdr& avocado lit eben sure.lit I don't understand of European' I know dyeop Abbkdrd pineapplelit hmekdrd Twat thmOtb?Do you oil palm of European know howto drive a car? isip 6bhkdrd coconut lit ikdrd, ekard n a circle; a soft kernel of European circle of grass or cloth which bkdra n trick protects the head when carry- -kdrd bkdrdplay a trick ing a pot,'headpad;' a ring bkdrd bkdrd aj tricky of palm leaves, plantain shoots, bkdrd bkdri in tricky ways or the stalks of cocoyam cf kdn, karind., nb2, kbriaci, khn leaves used in a game in which children shoot arrows at this khrhsin, bkhrhsin n CEng] ring; the game just described kerosinesyn&Ian ikhn cf hyb; pangolin (a kind of animal which rolls itself intoklsidtt, khsiret, sikhdet, slichret, a ball); a wheel with a tire slkd n [Enil cigarette on itcf hkp6n6; aj round -sin lkdrd twist khziret n var of khsidet grass or cloth into a circle

to make a 'headpad' klsd, khyd n CEng? Sp? Port'?] sin ikArd &kba pot with a cashew small tapered base dicArd idem n independence, kbt plkhht tvhold out, extend self rule khtnia,Ise! Let's see the kbhkdrd nEuropean knife! lit hold out knife let's This word is part of many see descriptive names for diffused dkhht db6k. Heheld out his cultural items: hands (to be flogged). 224

Es6 ..kit inia? Why are you open-k4 rit4k because lit for reason

ing your mouth ( e s ticking it k4 hnbas a gift out) (an abuse)? k4 lik6t on foot n bow- legs , bow- le gge d- tdtb, 6bbn Ada 6dip k4 p6n1 kbbt. MSS The price of 6ben is twenty for dthak 4kat He's bow-legged. a penny. (-tUk hit) gijk66t k6 ln8k. He calls me by whistling. kkri tv pl of Ica&

k63 c on j that; re 1 pron that khyll n var of kasli tb8 Atb k6...I say that ... Anima k6 Akpin ikb.I don't tv tell a fable, proverb, believe that it's true. riddle 6kb4 k6 . Which one do you bk6n fable, proverb, riddle want? lit which that you want -k6 bk6; -nb bk4; -t6p bk6 hakb k4 ikdkit. It's a civet tell a fable, proverb, riddle cat that he saw. littell fable; give fable; see ákb, akb6; cfk62 throw fable 4k61.3 bkdd bk6 bkbrj has1 formula with which a fable begins; it k64 see kh6 signals that what follows is not a true story k6b61pl k64134 tv take an enema cf Atari, link, hbilk ttkebb n enema -sin tk6bb administer an enema ke prep of time,place, cause lit put in enema manner -kdb4 tk6bb, -k6b6 ldfptake an k6 ijkaniki Itibnat five o'clockenema(Idipbelly)

k4 1950 in 1950 hbb l!ikebe n a k4 4f8k in, at,to, from the calabash with a handle used for hous e giving enemas (-bb receive, kL 6sit inside lit at inside sand. move about) k6 1t1 k6 It14 from place to cfk6b62 place 242 225

k4b42 ivebb (of the tide) k46p tv, iv (?) close the eyes b.k4b4 n ebb tide and turn the head aside in a cfkfte; t6 flow in (of) gesture of disapprovalopt w

the tide) liwci person see kb, kep6 k66b6tv pl ofkdbe k46r6 iv, tv pl of k4r4 kdk tv pl of kdk2 keer4 iv pl of kerb kan4 tv follow, accompany; help keere keere see keet kga di! Come with me! lit accompany come knre knt seekeet aw6 ibh emhe6kbend ddi. Two people came with me. lit keet num one person two they followed me hk8n hme alf6n 4sAild knt 4k6.4 they came OkOn and ilf6n went to keknnd 5E4! Don't mind him market together. lit okOn and (what he's saying)! Pfif6n they walkedone they went afo Ayhilkeene EidA? Will you to market back me up?lit, you will w var aknt in the following: follow me stand dift hkeet eleven (from excip bkna b66k 6.5rnna kind of ye keet? ten and one) syns udot sweet yam; many grow in a bunch keet, dilOp AdOt knt from a single one planted itfOkeetsix (from ition five litfollow me (?) rear child plus knt) syn hd.kulsup likeet adv completely cf keet ik413 AdO iniim4 tikeet. That fire is completely extinguished. k4413 iv var of kft)6 keere keet, keere keereone by one, one at a time, each to each k6e13 tv pl ofke]Q1 cf Ma ibb4 ita iti two by two; three by three, ete. Am6n550 AtOk iyin A,s6k6rO kbere keet. I have an orange to each child. lit I gave small children 243 orange each to each 226

kbi tv estimate, figure out the fame ini adiman &yin wdbn.

number w ibftt number, sum It's not yet time for her to cf kbt, kbm give birth, lit it's not suit- able, complete (in) time to kdkl iv shake, used as follows: bear child yet. -kdk ik8; -kdk bkdk stutter, ini 15kb.b. maa ihkem? Is it stammer litshake (in) word; time to go to market? lit shake stuttering time of going to market is it bkdk n stuttering, stutterer complete, suitable cf dbt, -kdk 15136k have a habitually sim shaky hand. lit shake (in) dhyhyd akbm. It's nice enough; hand it's OK. lit it's beautiful ofkdk2, kfte, kbn1 it's enough aml alkhm. I've had enough. k&k2 pl ke'dk tv cut down, hew lit that my is enough down (a large object); cut (a time thmenAm litOm Ann dkem? Did large portion) I do the work well enough? lit -kdk lib6k check a blow (hold interrogative particle I have back or swerve aside so as not done work it's good it's enough to give the full blow) (15b6k dkbm id6, akbm id6 adv arm) perhaps cfkdkl tkem aj same; adv equally tkem tick aj exactly alike; kbm iv become suitable, appro- identical; adv equally priate; fit; measure up to a -dbbm4 tk4m bkdm divide equally standard; become complete; tinb tk4m ahk4nbbe Ayin become enough Give me the same as you gave 1.%kbm. It fits you; it serves your sibling. you right; you've had it; 'es MIA dmi 4Akpa hkem tith had propio' hkb. This yam is as big as that emcSehan ese dman dyln kd one. lit yam this is big Ini Amakem. A woman delivers equally as that one a child when the time is right. tkak4m, hkek4m nmiddle of bf466t; aj equal; advequally

244 227

k6 bkak6m in the middle a bed (involves shaking the tk6b.k6m Idbm waist lit mat then smoothing it out) middle of body - kbrj 4k8/3 shed leaves (of a bam likbmaj CEfikj used as tree) follows: - kbrj Ivy& strain cassava bkbm {kern ini the fixed time -kbrj b,bt strain crayfish

(mill time) dem Akbq. The rain has let see kbm6; cf sap up. tkbl] n a woven strainer (sieve) kem6 iv [Efik] become able used for straining grated (Efik use refers to ability, cassava Ib use to permission) 4kbkh n waste from crayfish hm6kbm6 hdlkah.You can go (feelers, dust), the result of (if you want to). straining it in a basket tam6 neffort see kW; cf k6k, k6m36, see kbm; cf kan,nb2, kara fibb/36,nbk k613 ideo see k613136 kbe ideo (2) used as follows: is6k6se tan haa an. I Nisit kb131pl kW-) tv shake, shake my friend only occasionally. off, shake to filter or strain, litI usually go see friend my filter; chop; iv abate, let only occasionally

up (of rain) ofkbril -kbrj idiom shake oneself, be

prowl, confident kb/.36 ivbecome small, tiny (esp linen dick) Id6m. The hen of fruits, children) shakes herself (after lying bkbrid (bkbn6) aj small, tiny; in the sand). (It is sometimes in little bits, chopped said that a person shakes him- bkbri6 litbm odd jobs litsmall self like the hen does.) work -keg Ina chatter, talk non- see kbrj sense lit shake mouth -kbrj IkOk, -kbrj ffikpAnd make 228

k6n0, k64n iv stumble, walk k4r6 pl k66r6 iv, tv think, unsteadily (as when drunk or meditate, worry, brood; hope, weak from illness) expect; consider; become con- k6n ideo describes the way cerned with, care someone moves when he's been kak4r6! Don'tthinkabout it, pushed hard and is running on don't worry about it! his toes, also describes an Am6ker6 hyhadl.I hope you'll unsteady walk come. ashiA k4n k613 k4n. He goes Ik6r4k6. He doesn't care. (walks) k6n k4n k6n. cf k6n2 4k6rb (Mb) itkp6 atip6. I fear

cfk6k1V tb13 something has happened. kak6r6 mibn! Dan't worry me k6ptv blinkw Eden eye; about it! ideo describes something that k6r6 idiom Mb! Take care of flickers yourself; give some thought

lik6p 4fien n twitch, tic in to yourself (in this matter)! the eye akfk6r6 n thought, plan, idea, khrb.sin hmAaki4re k6 worry; thinking Adliba k6p k6p. When the Am6nI6 AkIk6r6... I:have a kerosene is finished in the plan to... I have a mind to lamp it will go k6p k6p. -nam akik6r6 makeaplan, see k6p6, k66p make up one's' mind -k6r6 Akik6r6 think k6p4 tv wink; iv wink; flash -k4r6 1k8 consideramatter (of lightning) cf k5m -k4p6 6w6wink at a person (to flirt, to show recognition,kbr4 pl kbbr6 iv become called, to show disapproval) named, bear a name hk6pk6p nlightning syn hkbr6 di 4?What's your name? hmirbnmiren lit you are called how see k4p, k66p

246 229

kbttv aim at, aim 4kdkim nthorn, splinter, nail akbt 6kpe. He aimed at the (fastener), needle leopard. dt6 151thklm cactus lit tree akbt ttigh. He aimed the bow of thorn (sling, gun, etc.) Addkilm n 'stitches'

tkbt xi aim (pains) in the side from running, cf kbI a sharp pain in the side as though something were sticking kdtirb, kdtit n [Eng]kettle one there; pneumonia (?) syn Addwddk kdtit n var of kdtirb bkim its,n bits of meat on sticks for sampling before kliktv pl of kik buying (-td chew) see kimd; cftiml, t6t kiim tv pl of kim kim' ivbecome dark, black kilntv pl of kin Aylb Akim. It's dark. lit daylight has become dark kiind iv pl of kind df8k akbm. The house is dark. hkptkpb: dbkdtUg6 Atip6 Aklm. kiittv pl of kit The corn which I planted has all come up (it's good and thick). kik pl kifk tv [Eng ?] kick lit corn which I planted has (esp a solid object in anger, sprouted it's dark or a football) Mid 4hbibk akim. That yam -kik Ikhb6bt kick a football covers its stick so that it's -kik dkOt (rare) kick out the black. leg bkim n darkness; gunpowder cf tiga bkim dAddk. It's a dark night. lit darkness has entered kim, kdm pl kiim, kddm tv Adfim33n6k6 usury kd bkim ami. pierce, stab, sew I won't be able to see the way -kim 4kafiaattach the mats in this darkness. used for roof thatch 247 230

Minim bklm, hflim bklm n a kindkin pl kiln tv wrap cloth around of deep juju (nearly out of use someone; fig buy cloth for now) (cf -nim disappear?) elderly relations bkim n a solid black cloth hfbn Iffirj k6 Min ttinn6 hnam used for sacrifices and cere- lit6m2 How many cloths have you monies connected with Adem, bought for me since you've been objects for sacrifice and working? libation are wrapped in it see kin6 bkim ednh, /*Ira leanh n the darkness just before dawn kin6 pl klind ivtie or wrap a bkim bkim, bklm 4kim aj dark cloth around one's own loins or (eg. of a room) waist skim aj unripe, green; dark; 4k1n6nthe cloth which a black child stuffs into his pants as iibbk af6r6 hkim. I cook soup padding when he's about to be 'black' (without oil, or with beaten; a kind of chastity belt very little fish or meat). consisting of something tied around the waist which contains klm2 ideosound made by a heavy some juju to keep the wearer round object such as a coconut chaste' or palm fruit cluster when it Akin6 4k1116. She wears fashion- falls to the ground able clothes. ay8p del6kim k4 1013. The see kin; cf b6b6 palm fruit fell kim to the ground. kinn6 tv (?) hump up the shoulders syns.kpb11, ylm as when taking a deep breath, before a leap, or in the death kim6 iv become pierced, stabbed agony w id6m body or hdbm kmadkim6 4kilkim. I've pierced back myself on a thorn; I got cf ktnn6, Ican6 pierced on a thorn. cf rjkuklm Akira. A thorn pierced me. kips ideo describes a high- see kim; cftim62 stepping walk (like that of a

248 231

soldier kirhs anon, kirdhsi anon eye ásá kip kip kip. He walks glasses lit glass of eye syn kip kip kip. tmbbnd Ann kilts Adetrik electric bulb kip2 iv, tv pl of kip6 lit glass of electricity see hkirdhsi; cf hylrbn, kip6 pl kip, kUp ivsnap, break tftbit from too much strain (of a rope); sg onlybreak away, leave a kir6k ideo describes the sound place and rush to another; tv of a creaky door, of the pluck, pick grinding of teeth diced?) Abo Akip6. i of ikir6k, At6k1r6k was about to climb when the rope snapped. lit it was as kit pl kilt tv catch sight of I was about to climb rope (see) snapped hmdkit dkpO?Do you see the sa 6k6mih ritdkir6k ,fit Awb leopard? lit have you caught 6kip6 6di hf6. When they beat sight of leopard Atakir6k everyone rushed to kit blab hmi! Appreciate my hf6. difficulty! litsee with me 15kit6 bmb hfb! I don't see it kirdhsi n var of kirhs the way you do. lit I don't see with you kirth ideo sound of a small -kit iti6 isbn; -kit tikp6 bell menstruate lit see menstru- 15kAnikA amid, kirk kirk kirk. ation; see thing (see tie) The bell struck kirk kirk 15kUkit n vision, trance,

kir&i. revelation cf mdam,nark -kit rjkukit foretell the future ukit Is6n mirror (186 kirhs, kirfts, kirdhsin [Eng] face) syn babbn3 glass (the substance), a glass ukit iddm n vanity (1d6m tumbler body, self) cf mbbn6 249 232

k6advthere, over there, bkbl hn6m Tbkk deliberate yonder mischief 4w6 dAtibgd k6 ado fb..n haml. cf flbk The. person who's sitting there 2 is my friend. kb1 , kb.1, kbl ideo sound of bk6 nover there (in a narrow' shoes with heels area) Ikpa 1.1.1at amb át; kb1 (kbl) uko nover there (in a broad ke isbrj. His shoes hit the area) groune. kbl (as he walked). Akb dem that over there, that yonder pl k66k iv rise, puff, cf mi,d62 swell (of rice in cooking, of bread); become conceited, kbb6 ivfunction, work, swell-headed accomplish its aim (esp of juju); -k6k6 idiom show off (idiombody, tvcure (as medicine or juju) self)

fkikbb6k6. It didn't turn out cf kAkd,k6n1, k6nn6,k611 well. see lap; cf dbe kOkb n [Eng 'cocoa'j cacao tree; cocoa (beverage) k61 tvdraw water, scoop up cf kbk62 liquid (from a stream, well, pot) kbk61 nnamesake (also used as synk6p6 an endearment) of akpbrjb, 4816 diarj kbl1 iv do deliberately (always followed by another verb) kbk62 na disease of the cacao 1kikbly6k61 Inam. He didn't do tree, 'swollen shoot' it deliberately. cf k6kb bkbl hnam n deliberateness; aj deliberate kbkbbibkb na kind of mushroom akdnam kd hnba. He did that grows on fallen trees it deliberately. (esp on palms, 4n8 and 6ben trees),

250 233

it is a tough mushroom which higher than that. needs to be soaked before cook- hk6nn6 aj high pitched, treble ing (poss it has another name (of a voice) cf anarah in its immature state) 4k66n Aybpa full grown oil Makbbibla 4wb a boaster, palm tree (the branches along a fellow who makes noise (slang) the trunk which mark the immature cf tin&ba state have fallen off) cf litdn seekoni, k66n, k6n2;cf k6n, 1 kern. ivrun on tiptoe, run k6k6 away (out of shame or embarrass- ment) 6n, k66n iv become high, tall, sft 6k6yOmmb 6b60 hfi6 ddikOn. elevated When they mocked him he ran 6Ak611 Idde. He's tall; he away. has a respectable (or elevated) see k66n tpir15 k6nn6,k6n2; position lithe is high (in) cf k6/), k6k6 status, position 6t6 ikOn anion. The tree is tall. k6n2 ideo describes how a person (k16/3 top, sky) stunbles along on his toes when cf k6k6,k6n1, k66n, konn6 he is pushed &sand, k6n k6n k6n. He walks k66k iv pl of k6k6 k6n k6n icon. 1 see Ic6n , k66n, konn6; cf k6/3/36 kbbm6 tv remove palm fruit from the pot with a basin or calabash kon tv var of kbbn6 w dyop oil palm fruit Akbbm6 n a large wooden cook- k6nn6iv stand on tiptoe, ing spoon stretch to see something high; cf k6p6, kbbn6 become high, raised up (esp of the ground or of something which should be flat) k66n iv walkon the balls of bdbm akp6k6r6 i mi a&k6nn6 akhn the feet, walk on tiptoe

1514). This side of the table is seek6n1 Evar?], k6nn6, k6n2; cf k6/), k6k6 251 234

kbbn6, kbn, kb.bntv pl gather (of snuff)) lit put in taste up, take, pick up (sg is dat fibn ki Ina.; ijkikbp At; or bin) fibn. I heard it from you. lit I heard you from mouth; I heard k(561] iv var of Icon from you 4kbp6 si htdn. I don't hear k66t1 tvpull up, hoist up, what you say; I don't understand draw in (as a fishing net) what you say. cf nwhi i. -k66t inwiek take a deep kbp si AtAn! Listen to what I breath lit draw in breath say! -kbp itemlisten to advice, k66t2 tvcall, invite, read follow advice bniAk66t ki Inek. He -kbp -dyes obey lit listen to called me by whistling. order ]SmiAbbbni Idim hdidhka td61)6 MI6 hmi Ikbp6 Ib6k. This AykkO6t. When I'm ready to sickness doesn't respond to leave I'll call you. medicine. -k66t aln call by name hkbp usbm n one who speaks 15k66t aln nroll call one's own language (tsbm -k66t linkinvite home language, foreign language) -k66t bwbtread a book hdb hkbp tsbm?Are you a fk66tncall, invitation speaker of my language (asked cfkpbbkl of a stranger to find out if he speaks Ibibio)? kbp tv perceive, feel, sense; see kbb6 taste; hear, understand; listen to, heed; respond to k6p6 tvdraw water, scoop up di ttiAk kop! Touch it and liquid (not with the hands) see what it feels like! lit Ak66pna long thin calabash come touch feel used exclusively for drinking dia keip! Taste it! lit eat water cf 1k6 taste syn k61; cf w6p6, kp6106, kbbnui sin 'cop! Taste it, sniff it

252 235

kth aj every, each bknidgd intl.) rough gritty salt idi kb.b. nsen ltd. He comes bknaigi Athngravel, coarse every three days. sand yhk Ideemb Gen ktth dw6 kth hialAaga aj difficult (7) dwó. Let's divide the dben see ktiii; cf knik, knit, kink fruits among the people. lit let us divide eben each person knidniiv pl of knind each person kth Ini every time, often, ktidgd iv, tv var of kndigd from time to time, now and then kiwi, kndS.d ivbecome boney, kth Iddgd, kth nandwhen, become thin and dry without much whenever (Iddgi, nand time flesh when) Afnk aakiai hfi6. He has boney cfhfitl cheeks. idem a.kndi and amp,. He's thin knidgd, knigdiv -become old and dry now. lit body has and hard (of a person); tv become thin and dry finish grind (as gravel into the (ik3n)n whooping cough (2) ground with the foot), do some- bkdayd nmuscle cramp thing that makes a grinding bknii, bkAdyi aj boney, thin sound and dry 6kesilk Adih bdebsl ,ml ilkAddgd see knidgd; cf knik,

Atari. As I was eating rice I chewed some sand. kbAl1 iv become firstesp when knidgd aen! Buck up! (said being first is difficult, 'take as encouragement to someone the plunge' who is sick or who has troubles)-kthi ik8become the first to Man eye) speak (eg. on a touchy subject -loadga (AtAk) edbtgrind the when no one wants to start) lit teeth (esp in surprise) become first (in) word bknidgd aj in small pieces ik6t. (of hunters) become

253 '236

first to enter the bush (the pl kt146nA ivbecome curved, first man takes the dog) lit crooked, not straight (esp of

become first (in) 'bush . a road or branch of a tree) Itk have a twisted kthl2 ideo sound of studded neck, either deformed or shoes twisted for the moment due to bh.1.34 kbAl kUl. He walks carrying a heavy load (Itk neck) synkpb12 bkdkA pl bkilAW aj crooked

bkii4ATJA lisb.13 crooked roads kdak tv [Efik] knock two things together and make a ktiAt tv scrape, scrape off, sound shave db6k clap the hands -kigt Mar& scrape the nails likdat ikk strike a (done after cutting them) matchsyn -ktlAt fiktidt ikat nmatch (1kAn rjkukuaknpercussion instru- fire) ment (gen term) ikk strike a ilktikii&k, -sin match -mi4 liklikigk play percussion see kllihnA; cf kdak instruments (-sin put in, -rala hit) kliAy6 iv var of kliAl cf kdAt klib6 pl ktilib6 iv become covered; ktlann4 tv scoop up the whole become heaped up; become humped of the very small amount of up, lie in a humped up, un- liquid remaining in a con- natural position (esp the knee tainer chest position often adopted see kdat by children for sleeping), crouch (?); become capsiZed (of ktannA tv clear the throat a boat)

opt w Itk neck, throat . tkebb go down on the hands and knees with the buttocks

254 237

sticking up to receive an enema 3kag6na place in the ground see klip; cf fd6 where a goddess once lived, it can be dangerous to stay there; ku tvcover (esp obscure from the place where zfibiipci (a woman view) being fattened prior to marriage) is confined k114 4k tv var of lezek see kak, kak6 kanzjdiv, tv pl of kaere kak, kaak tvclose; shut in, con- fine; completely (emphatic) k161 tv pl of kli6k -161k ibbp6 confine a woman for fattening kliedk pl kuaf tvgnaw, ekak 61)46, -Like& MbOp6 n fatten- nibble, crunch ing, confinement for fattening cf ddek (syn?), kuaaga -kak 41c613 close ek4 (part of the rites of the ekOrj society) kaer6 pl kaelje ivbecome akAnna ka esit zif6k akak. finished; tv finish He walked through the whole !kali 6kaere. I've finished house, lit he walked around eating. syn thm4dia 16m5.. in inside of house completely zaktlere. It's finished. bkan (ijkak) surroundings, Cal6/660. It's settled. neighborhood (kingo around) altherd, bkakaere aj last fkfik nthe corner made between akaere Ifikpb sisugb k4 ako ad8 a door and the wall when the atike. The only (last) thing door is opened left in the pot is okra. see kago, kak6 cfma.1 kakabarikpa, tikarikpi n [Efik] a kag6 ivbecome closed, shut, creature (fish? serpent?) which shut in, confined stretches the whole length of a -1616 Abbp6be confined for river or sea fattening prior to marriage cf dkpi,kara -k-ag6 aman be confined for childbirth kak6 pl kaa136 tv rev of kakopen see 1616 255 238

kum1 tv var of kfm ktbbktvrub off, erase, wipe clean, polish kdm2, kbmideo vars of kpfm1 dkU66k na kind of tree with rough leaves, 'sandpaper tree,' kb.nn6 ivbecome heaped up, Ficus asperifolia (Dalziel) pushed up, convex due to pressure cfkUk, Abk6, 'Wt./ from below fs6n akb.nn6. The earth is kUn tv var of laba heaped up (as the result of a plant pushing it up). kUbictv var of ktbk6 eminb asOk aktinnb. The young shoot is pushing up (the kippl kddptv cover, close earth). with a cover or lid; heap up Addfddt dwa6 AkhnnS. The boil kip Inta! Shut up! lit close is surfacing (bulging up),lit mouth boil comes out is pushed up 6kp6. carry out sacrifices cf kinn4, IcrjrA to ancestors at the family shrine (1s6 6kpb), done by the head of kith pl kddt] tv copulate the family (heap up offe.rings?) ektin6 ncopulation (6kpo ghost) cf Inb.4 dkdp, Akdkdpn cover, lid &Up Usti), Aktip dak an iron kNnS, kUn6iv have a hump, bar used to lift or to bolt become humped down an Ibibio door bdbm Amb Ablthin6. He's hunch- see kdb6, kdp6; cf ftik backed. lit back his is humped kips pl kddm6tv rev of kip 6ktn na hump on the back uncover, remove a cover or lid, enftn 6ktn a kind of cattle open (a box, book, bag, coconut, with a hump on the back flower) &cat) dbbk, aktbn6, !tit akb.bn6 -kdp6 Ind&open the mouth and nelbow (ib6karm, ftft say somethingof-ekná vagina) open the mouth cf kunn3, kinn6 see kdb6; cf ftlk6 256 239

kts4 n [source unknown] a kind 1E1111/3 tv pl of kili) of plant; a fibrous scrub for bathing made from this plant kn/36 tv pl of kbk6

n different kinds k1.111p tv pl of kip (it would appear to be from k6 dsi k6 list but there is no knp iv, tv pl of klp6 usi attested) syn k6 uduuk k6 uduuk knt tvmistreat, torture, frighten kit iv lonomTatig cluck (of 6kp6 di knt Mid! Put a hen about to lay an egg, of on a mask and frighten him! a mother to a yawning child) lit cover (yourself) (with) bkh akolt darA dyin anwhnnAk4 thing come frighten him 60./3w6./3. The mother clucks -knt ikila threaten with a when the child yawns. knife tknt n suffering, mistreat - ki111b6 iv pl of kdb6 ment, torture cf ttk6 klitik iv (2) exhibit pridew idem body, self kA6 iv, tv sing

ik1111k n pride iltd6 n song' Wc116 iktb tkUk n radio (I/1E11ft knk tv pl of kbk iron) see lal6r6 kutimtv pl of kim n var of w6fa k1111m6 tv pl of 1E46

lcd6i tv peel with a knife; knn ivsnore, groan, growl, sharpen to a point (as a stick, grumble, mumble an arrow) cf mim of s6i (syn ?)

257 240

ktbk tvsweep; take the remains The plightof 151E8 is too much of something for me. kUk sfslig6 Adb! Take what's (cf Goldiekb strive after, left! labor for;provide for; fish) akb.bk n grater see kb.bk6; of kUk6 k6btr4 n "[Eng] corporal syn hylre itduk lbh ktbk6 tv plane (as wood), iron (clothes); iv become smooth kbb6 ivhang, hang on, snag; ihkbbk6 blab. He's bald at the become hooked on; become bent; front and top of his head. pick at, bicker, harass; become lit he's smooth (in) baldness, a responsibility bald spot IihkSbb. It's caught, snagged, see ktbk; cf kUkci hooked on it. Awó akbb6. The person hates ktb136 iv var of Icrp:0 you, wishes you ill. 15t6m akbb6. The work is your ktbr6 tvpreach, repeat over responsibility (it hangs on and over, moralize, advisew you). Ik8 word hkbb3 n machete (it has a hkd6r6 ikb npreacher curved edge) see k116 akbb6 hkbb6 aj bent, crooked see kbp. kbp6, kbm kb tvgather, collect (leaves, fish, crayfish) k6db n [Eng] color cf alien hkb (/yhk) nfisherman eye; color (1y6k fish) The two can be combined as follows: .(u136k) Akb n job, labor syn k6db :Can Ann the color of the 11136k dtbm cloth

1116 nthe plight of not hav- ing enough to support one's kbff n oNa coffee tree, coffee children (beverage). tikO aAkpa 3.b;g6 Rinb mibn. reer.r.reAsc-x-,,,I


k6g6 pl k66g6 iv become set (ofkbk tv retch, vomitgen used a trap), become piled up, w 1b6kmedicine, U14 food heaped up; tv carry piled up dkik61 n vomit (a stack of bulky things such akbk akIk61.He vomits. as books or firewood, walking akIk61 41666n. My gorge rises. is impeded) litvomit takes me Ak6g6 dyhya. It's been see kbk6 beautifully stacked. lit it's stacked it's beautiful k6k6 tv rev of k66k unbend', seek66k1, k6k6;cf k6k uncross, undo an arrangement, undo a preparation; make way, kb1 ideo var of kb12 give way, move out of the way, duck, remove an obstacle; dis- k6k tv grind between two locate (of a joint); iv rev stones (small things such as of k6g6 become dislocated beans, pepper); w plk66k -k6k6 tiff& release a trap cure, heal, perform juju for -k6k6 &Kenturn around to look curing and certain other (aRen eye) purposes (implies grinding -k6k6 ed6r) dislocate the knee medicines) -k6k6 Afarddislocate the -k6k Adli6g3 make juju to shoulder delay or change expected ed6r) Ak;k6. The knee is dis- actions, eg. prepare juju located. which makes anyone reluctant cf b6k6 to harm the person who possesses it (see dabg6) kbk6 tv let fall from the mouth, -k66k (U6r-J6) heal sickness spit out (food,not liquid) hk6k 1bbkdoctorlit he bkbk6! Shift off! (I don't grinds medicine want you around, I don't want bkbk1n tilmg a dish of to listen to you) ground maize steamed in leaves see kbk; cf flbt cf Yoruba 6ko cf k66k

259 242

k6kImbh n Cult Eng] cucumber k613 pl k6613 iv coughopt w n cough k6miv, tvthink, mean, intend, atop W. Be hasa cough. care, understand litcough throws him bk5m se 4kere. Do you see what ebbk, ib5k n whoop I mean, do you get the point? ing co-lgh lit cough of lit do you understand what I monkey It was believed that intend, mean eating a monkey's heart or 4k6=6 se akere.I don't mean flesh would cure the cough. what you think (I mean). Adaliweek asthmacf 4k6kbm dw6 516 Alt?). I was eveekbreathe referring to that man, I meant Akpaikpdi ikon, akpiiikpii ikh, that man. lit I mean person akpasA.t Ikh a dry cough, that one tuberculosis (cf kp6y6, seat) ekek5m They thought (ikh) whooping cough (7) it was palm wine see k5/36, k610106,k66131 4k6mm6 se &nem. I don't care what you do. cfk66m, kere kbrj pl kb h tv knock, tap --3vb,glIkdkim drive nails 1k313 esit n sternum (When an kbm ivbecome bent from injury animal is to be butchered, one dakbm dk6t. His leg is bent; taps its chest to find this he limps. bone as this is the place see kbb6, kip, kbp6 where one begins to cut. esit chest) Akp6kh iwuot n skull (iwat k6nsin n CEng 'consul,' head) 'council'?] government; ijk313 iwilOt headache white colonial officer mikbla Lola the representation ilf6k ak6nsin government build of ancestors; secret execution inglithouse of government performed by ekp6 (see 16klal)

260 243

et41613 isalj a kind of large caterpillar (ish ground) cf Akp6t6 itiat (poss the same caterpillar) Akikalj eta, dkikk eta, gkik8:g eta, etb,-ekkh etan a kind of-bird which makes holes in trees with its beak,'wood- pecker,' woodcarver

kft36tv rev of k64 remove from a hook, unhang; iv rev of k6136 stop from choking Ibb thm64 e613 hna tikkmal Take this water from me so as to stop your choking! (also said when someone has been eating dry food)

261 244

and needs water)lit receive 41* nlock, hook from me water drink so that you 6kbp -Lisb./3lock on a door stop choking 6k6p 6.fbr3hook on clothes see k6/3, k6613 6A6pn hook and eye bk66pn fishhook syn b.wiam k6/36 iv hang, hang on oneself; 6.kp6kb a large wooden imple- choke ;tvchoke( as food, water)ment with a large hook or fork bib b.m6k6/36 k6 on the end used for plucking You've put beads around. your fruits from the tree neck; you're wearing beads 6.kp6k8( p) lidbkthe forked or around. your neck.lit you hooked wooden handle of a hoe have hung beads on neck to which the metal part is iim66/3 6.k h6 MI6.Water chokes attached; latch of a door X- him. 6.Jcp6k6p libbthe hoe used for 1%6/36 ft n)n necklace cocoyam Me hoe handle) 6k6/36n palanquin itikpbkbp, ?akpbkbb6 nprison, see k6/3, k6r3n6,k66/31 handcuffs, chainsalso 1516k itkpbkbplithouse of prison kbp pl kbbptv hang (on a hook, syn ifikp6n6 peg, line), spread out to dry; -kbp k6 Ikpbkbpemprison lit hook, link, lock, entangle; lock in prison pl only harm, hurt, find 6.w6 ifikpbkbpprisonerlit fault with, bother person of prison fwbtt6 zitbk tinhm bkpbm6 zfikpbkbpwardenlit kbbp6 6w6.We don' t kill guard of prison insects which don't harm Awes ijkikbp nan unfortunate people, person, one who is always in -kbp iib5klink arms trouble, one who always has -kbp b,t4bet (involves hook- troubles ing the fingers together to see kbb6, kbp6, kbm; cf k661), set the bet)lithook bet Tire, ylt cf- mi& ht6. -kbp -bib)lock a door

262 245 kbp6 pl kbbm6, kbbb6tv rev of cf kb, kb t, diAn, nttk2, kbpremove from a hook, m'ann'a, 4kO,Aide remove what hangs, unentangle (espwipe away strands of kbtlpl kbbtivgrow (of cobweb) people, animals, plants, hair) bicbbm6, bkbrIkbbm6, bkblkbbm6, -kbt inu.aboast (Imiftmouth) bicilcbbm6spider weball var bkbt inthn big talk, optqualified with b.tMt boasting ekpb, ekpb, b.th6 bkbkbt na boil on the finger spider) or toe;afast growing plant, see kbb6, kbm thorny and soft-stemmed with a small tuber at the root, its kbr6 iv(do, be) also, (do, be)stem and leaves are, together in addition(always preceded with charcoal, used to polish or followed by another verb) mud floors, Anchomanes b.m6yem ilkbt 6k6rb?Do you difformis (Dalziel)cf want hot palm wine also; do ebaena4nara (a similar plant) you want hot palm wine in addi-bkbt latn pimples, bumps on tion? the neck that appear after it abik 6.kedbri akon, it613 has been shaved (idet hair) AmbAse.t 6.kbr6. bkOnwas bk6t nthe back of the head hungry, he was thirsty too. tk6t ikn,the blunt side of a lit hunger caused a desire knife (1k11.A.knife) (in) okon, neck was dry also asb/3 ek6ta kind of fish with kebn6 di kbr6; kbr6 kbbne dl! a big head Come too! td6 Antic 61ct a kind of large 6.kbr6 Mb b.kbn Aketimm6 &di weevil in the inactive stage He came back with Non.lit (of .itd6 second-born son; &Ilk horn) he also and Ok8n came back of kbr6, tbt, flt2 kbr6, akbr6conjand betim kbr6 tirci and bkon...-

263 246

kbt2pl kbbt tv eat palm fruit, one's revenge (&w6 person) a palm kernel or a bit of meat -k66k tAighdraw a bow; bend by putting it in the mouth and a bow (ie. bend the stick to -hulling it about slowly remov,- make the bow) big the flesh see k6g6, k6k6 kbbb6 tv pl of 161)6 k66k2 tv pl of k6k

1660 iv, tv pl of k6g6 k66m tvgreet, thank, congratu- late, express k66k1 tv overlap, cross, heap, - k66m Ab6k shake hands pile on top of; arrange, set - k66m b.kpe express sympathy up, prepare for use AimAk66m 6 a general greeting -k66k dkcit cross one's legs bk6m n greeting &kp6 ik;6k uk6t. 6kp6 twists cf k6m a person' legs so that they can't be straightened. kbbm6 tv pl of kbp6 -k66k hdb (?) cross the fingers (if a person wants k66/J1 tvhang (an object on a someone not to see him he can hook, around a person's neck, cross his fingers to avoidit) cloth out to dry) -k66k 6bek rest the chin on - k66/3 4kaila tie on the mats the hand, support the chin used for roof thatch -k66k lif6k lay bricks (Af8k see k6/3, k6m36, k6/36; cf kbp house) 2 -k66k Usk prop open a door, k6613 iv pl of k613 open a door a little -k66k bkhhang on the mother kbbij tv pl of kb/3 (of a child who wants to be carried) k6bp n [Eng] cupesp a metal -k66k dfli set a trap or enamel cup, cigarette tin -k66k 6.w6 set a trap for a or other container used as a person so he will fall into unit of measure for beans,

261 247 A

rice, ge,ri of 1k6 kbbp tv p1 of kip k66r6 tv clean out, clean up, f. scoop out (the flesh of a soft succulent fruit) -k66r6 idet shave the head. completely lit clean out hair -k66r6afire finish up the soup (by taking one 's finger or a bit of tutu and removing every bit of it) kbbt1 iv pl of kbtl kb t2 tv pl of kbt2

265 248

kpdiplkpd/pla ivdie, perish; ftikpa Iddm nsurprise, wonder become exhausted, overcome; Ikpd plhkpAlnd n death fade; heal IkpArnd aj dead (of flora) eidand IkpArmA! Fight and ffikpe, Ikpa aj nearly dead, die! (said sarcastically as approaching death (of all forms to two brothers who are fight- of life) ing) hkpd n inheritance

lik6t Arlikpa. My leg is para- -did hkpd, inheritlit eat lyzed. lit leg has died to inheritance me bbeicpd, bbe Akpa n widow lit hfb/3 AkIA ARen; afbn akpL, husband died Am66n. The cloth is faded. ,kph Uben nparalysis of a side lit cloth faded (in) color; of the body, palsy (abk side) cloth faded (from) water hkph tftfia, ekpa 6fia n leprosy linen ikpddgd nb Ann. The cfflg become white wound doesn't heal well. lit hkphdkph ikpAdgA, hkphAkph .kpd. wound doesn't heal so that it's n a kind of plant, if it is good pulled up it gets its roots danbm akiA. 'It's sweet bad;' into the ground and grows up it's very pleasant. lit it's again (ikpAdgd it doesn't die) pleasant it dies IkpAhtlik na kind of plant -kpA -kpd, bkagd become with similar properties to tired lit become exhausted hkphdkph Ikpadgd (with) fatigue cf fkp6, 6k136,.6kp6, hdlikp6, wbt AmekpA lbh. I'm tired. -kpA Ilyt become tired from kpA2 tv cost heat litbecome exhausted dkpd die? Akpa b6bn kbbt.How (with) heat much does it cost?It costs one -kpd idem become surprising pound. 2 to (?), surpriselit become cfkpdl, kpe overcome in body, self ifikp6 Ade, dkpA 1414 idem eti kph tv (?) turn around, turn eti. That thing surprised him back, turn around and go back very much. w bdbmback 66 249

kphhbA, kphhp iv become flat making a statement involving (of something that should swell the word hsA, the gesture is or be rounded) usually one of wiping the hands Ant AakphhbA.The buttocks off on the arms (symbolically are flat. wiping away evil) or moving the hkphhp aj flat hands from the back of the neck cf bhrA to the front, the combined gesture and statement mean kphhgatv pl of kphga 'God forbid!','May what you've said never happen!', or 'I deny kph m, kpa ideo sound made by it emphatically!' a flat object when it falls syn"TA hsA; cf hsA flat on the ground hicbm uf3k 6.626 kphhm ke is6/3. kphhp1 iv become resistant, The roof of the house fell flat obstinate (of a person, an kphhm on the ground animal); become difficult (of work, a person); tv resist kphhn tv pl of kphn Alkphhp ItIe Ab46. He's very obstinate in character. lit kpahnhmadv see nam he's obstinate (in) character very much kpAA/31 tv pl ofkpArj1 kakpA6p! Don't be difficult! 4b6t Akphhp AdAl5t. The goat 2 kpAA/32 tv pl of kpAT] resists pulling. Akphhp ik66t. 'He won't come kpahrja tv resolve not to do when he's called. lit he a thing resists a call hmekphh1A hdlyet.shn UbAk see kphpa sbri? Have you resolved not to wash the dishes in the kphhp2 ivvar of kphhbA morning (said to a lazy child)? kpAat tv pl of kpAt -kphhnA hsa, -kpahrja is make a gesture of denial while 250

2 kphga, kphk pl kphhga tv cross,kphl ideovar of kpal overlap,join, twist together, buckle, button kpAk tv crack (nuts, palm kernels) -kphga ilkot cross the legs with a stone -kphga ifim6n6 button a button -kp6k isipcrackpalmkernels ikpagh n belt; fastener -kp6k Aytip cut palm fruit is6 Ifikphgh belt buckle lit from the cluster

face of belt cf kpan,kp4..11, dh1 ifikp6gh II-n/3 earring lit fastener of ear syn ikp6 110/3kTaki tv try to persuade, urge, ikp6gh usuryhook on a door importune, dim lit fastener of door -kphk Isiit try to collect a see kphkg. debtbyconstant dunning lit dun debt ,1 kph , kphl ideo s ound of a palm cfkphiji kernel or dk6m nut when it is cracked with a stone; sound kTbk2 tv var of kphg4. made by snapping the fingers; sound made in a gun when it kpAkd tvlose one's temper and fails to fire because the take some action (decide to do powder is wet somethingor become stubborn) , anbmmd isip. isip 60) &lam' act in a fit of anger

kpal.He cracked a palm kernel. w dsit heart cf -y6t dsit That palm kernel went kp61. IkpAkhbsit n. anger; act of cf Aakpal, kpAk gettingangry dlphkh Ikpakh hslt. He had a kp4.12 iv var of kpAya fit of temper. tkpgkh (bicpb), TAkpgich UAW kphll ideo sound made when a a term of abuse, 'worthless person falls flat on his face person' (dkp6 ghost, Mkp6 or back thing) 66.16 kphl kd is8/3. He fell kphl on the ground. 251 kpak6 tv rev of kpag6.uncross, (while awaiting a meal by taking separate things that are joineda snack, or by storing food for together, unbutton, unbuckle a future time)lit restrain hunger kp6m1 ideo sound of a bottle rinimdi6, amb.I breaking (on the floor, on a put away yams - I warded off basin, on metal) hunger with them. b,kpam n broken pieces of bottle kphna tvconstruct a framework akpash make a basket 2 kp6,m ideodescribes a quick frame (akpash basket) action; describes a completed -kpb.n6. Ink wattle a house action or state (link house) 6.nLm kp6m.He did it with dis- Ifikp6.nana kind_ of plant, used patch. for wattle;it is similar to 6.aki.6rekp6m (kpam). It's ikpat but smaller and stronger completely finished (not a cf also ifiloiritem(a similar grain is left).. plant);the small sticks that kp6m kp6m interjyou're together with ifib6i make up the right, it's really correct wattle cf-11kbbt likbbt ffikpan6,na bed (esp a frame- work of bamboo and wood used as kpal ideo var of kpahm a bed)cf ikak, aktil,T), bed Ikp6.nh eslt, eltp6.nb. eslt,rfikp6na kpemideo sound of woad break- &It nthe chest (anat)(6sit ing chest, heart, insides) 6t6 abiLirj6 kpe.m.The wood 1 broke kpe.rn. kp6.0 pl kp6.6./3tvcut with a abLri et 6 .kpg.m. He broke the glancing motion (as in scraping wood kpe.m. bark from a tree, peeling the 44. rotten part from a yam, shaping kpb.n pl kpb.bntvrestrain, a pestle out of wood) prohibit, stop; warn; rebuke eta na tree with the -kphan 6.b16/3ward off hunger bark partially scraped off cf kp6.k 269 252 kpan2pl kpadrjtvfold, fold over (don't get in my way)! (arms, paper, cloth, leaves) -kph n 11-t6nlisten (bend the 6kp6qn any food folded in ear?cfkpae) leaves and boiled, gen qualified: cfkphk1 6kpatj lwA cassava prepared kph n2 conjeven, even if, un- thus less, not even 6kpag ikpbr3, ekph 6kpb.kph kph ./3 kbbtnot even one etc(ikp6/3coco yam, h.kpbkich 6.0 kpari maize)cf bkbki 4k6k66t.I won't come to that hkpann a stiff material feast even if they invite me; which may have a fringe, similar I won't come to that feast to akuete cloth, it is used as a -unless they invite me wrapper, towel, blanket or to cfhdbmb, ib6g6ke tie a baby on the back -kpLin -15.136k fold the hands kpAing iv pl ofkpal Ikpari fabbknfolded hands, used as follows:. kpdpitvtalk rubbish; brag; &Id Aikpaij Ilbbk.They clap talk lewdly, vulgarly hands (as children playing)lit gen w inila mouth they slap folded (?) hands kakpap tidan -Us and!Don't Ifikpari bkpar.) 6.iihnlower talk rot!litdon't talk lid of the eye (Elleneye) feces go about ftikpan n used as follows: -k66k Aikpaijcross the fingers kpdp2ideosound of firewood (as when a person hides so no breaking;sound of corn one will see him, it implies crackling as it roasts the action will bring luck) ifia ibi!von6 kpap.Firewood (k66koverlap, cross) breaks kpap. akpb,kph atip6 kpAp.Corn kphj1 tv (?)pay attention roasts kpap. kpb.n dibn!Wait a minute; hold onlit pay attention kpb.,patvlift something very then heavy and of huge girth requir- kphn nem! Mind yourself ing both arms around it;try Mr.f.nles


to carrysomething heavier than cf risidan one is capable of, take on more tidkpht small shrimps laid than one can manage between sticks and smoked kd kpapi hfid 41161! Go and take the (big) pot from him! kpiya, kpii iv (?) become endakphp6. iminwhhn. He puckered (of the mouth from acid, married a woman who is bigger of the hands from immersion in than he is (in status or, more water); tv (?) cause to often, physically),,(6,w6riwahn pucker woman) inua4Mkpiya. My mouth feels imidkekpbpd ekh atom. I've puckered. been fortunate to get a paying ilb6k alkpiyd. My hands are job. litI've gone and taken puckered, shrivelled. on big work ifikp6 6m1 6JAkpal ka intia. This see kphhp; cf fhp thing affects my mouth oddly (it doesn't have its natural kpardtv var of kpit taste, it has a flat taste). lit thing this puckers me (or kpat, kpari pl kpaattv push a is puckered to me) in mouth heavy object for a distance; ddikphl, Ibikpa, idikpai, shove away from a distance (as Iblikphl n a state of numb- an insect with a long stick); ness or 'sleep' in the limbs; wheel, roll, push something on state of being shrivelled from wheels; pl only sweep immersion in water syn hdikpinnb kpit di! Come nearer!(di hkpalikpai ikhn. come) tuberculosis (1k6ij cough) dkp6 usher out ekp6 at cf kpe, yike the end of the season, involves a lot of drumming, it is kpdl, kpdyd, kpd4tvplead, plead symbolic of pushing out or with, entreat, beg driving out ekp6 cf -sam ekp6 kpdye end hnb! Plead with him kpiit bsicinsweep bsion for me! kpiit ilf8ksweep the house -kpi 15.b6k plead for mercy;

ridIfikpit na sharpened stick apologize (11b3karm, power) 254

also -kpb idem (idem body, syn iii self) hkpe n pitycf lb6m -kpe mu bargain lit plead hkpe, -k66m bkpg feel price sympathy, show pity Ikpe n court case (tdd weep, k66mgreet, thank) -kpe ikpe hear a court case, judge kpbtv stand in a certain rela- hkpe Ikpbn judge tive position 1kpe 61b16m6. I'm found guilty -kpb 1s6lead lit stand lit case finds me guilty cf (in) front cf -bem is6, tip -biy6 1s6 1kpe disan4. I'm acquitted. Alpe Is(%) n leader lit case finds me innocent. -kpb bdbmbe last lit stand cf t6p6 (in) back -blbr6 1kpbsettle a court -kpb ilfd66t be in the middle case cf tnm -kpb db6k of is stand on the dblbr6 lkpb n judgment, rul- right hand side lit stand ing hand. of right side hb1br6 lkpb n judge hkpb umin the nearest one -s16 ikpe withdraw a case, (dmi here) transfer a case to another hkpb dtlt n the last one courtlit remove case (in line) (trat end) cf kpeek,Theke kpee tv var of kpe kpe tvpay -kpe hkdk, -kpe hkpbgb pay kpeek tvplead, plead with, money entreatw Ub6k arm, power -kpb dtlp, -kpb fil pay a or idembody, self fine cf kp61 1 cf kpe (or poss from Eng 'pay') kpbbki tvcajole, entice, lure tmatnb hkdk hyhikpbbk hhe. If kpe interj expression of con- you give him money you will lure cern, regret, apology .him. 1 2 cf tap . kpbbn 27 255 kpbbk2 iv var ofkpbW hmekpOn ikpbbne k6 Idem 6.1360:. You're big on staying a long kpbbk3 tv var of kpbb/12 time. lit you are big (in) staying a long time in self kpeen, kp6nne tvsoil, dirty very much kakp6en Abit ke hfbn! Don't hstitb likpbbne MU. id8 ahem soil my clothes! lit don't What a long time you've been at soil me dirt on clothes the market! lit what kind of AdlIkpeen, Adilkpe n dirt; long market it is this one sticky substance (esp one a hkpbne (ikbt) bkpbne (ikbt) n person finds on his clothes a piece of fallow land not and doesn't know where it came yet cleared for farming; bush from) of intermediate age that has riddkpe (Mbirifih) gummy not lain fallow the full time;' exudate of the plantain skin a piece of land near by hence (Ibirifih plantain) cf frequently farmed; a partially AdlIkpdp harvested cassava plot that one can return to to harvest more kpbbn4 ivbecome late; take a 1 long time; continue in time kpbbn , kpbbk iv slow down and Amekpbbne. I'm late; I've walk carefully (as when one has been a long time. seen something dangerous) 61kpbbne die akedUti ke cf kpbbil2, kpbm6 ami? How long have you lived in this town? kpbbe, kpbbk tv prepare, get hdetAn idet Lab akpeenb die? ready How long will it take you to gikpbbljekpeb13 idem. I didn't braid your hair? lit you expect it. lit I didn't prepare will braid hair so that myself continues in time how cfkpbbril,bee136 fkpbbn6, ilkpbbnenstaying a long time; long absence, long kp44136 tv pl cut (esp many delay; aj long (used with small sticks and brush as Ini time and with places) when clearing land for farming

2 73 256

Some speakers use kp4eue for. 16kp6 Mkpbmb idbm n a charm cutting a big tree that takes for protectionlit thing (for) considerable time to fell. guarding self, body cf kpike, kpbbil6 see bbm (a stronger word, it implies more care and concern kpeep tv learn; teach eg bbm ayin look after a child, -kpeep bwht study lit learn kpbme ;Ink look after a house) book 6kpeep ibftt. He learns math; kpenne tvvar of kp4en he studies math. akp64p ene ibftt. He teaches kpbre iv become near, stay near; him math. approach; tvapproach, go near kpbme tvwatch, guard, look tie Ikpbre! Sit near me! after sh1.36 kpbre! Come here; approach! -kpbme iltomsupervise lit lit walk approach watch work kaapbre ufSk Adb! Don't go -kpbme idembe Careful lit near that house watch self kpbme idem (Mfb)! Be careful! kpeye tv var ofkpe lit watch self your kpbm4 awe) Ado htlifien ub?k kpl tv cut into, slash bkpb. Watch out for that Mkpi hsin n smallpox vaccina- person, he's left-handed (his tion (sin put in) strength is in his left hand, ifikpi ekpb nan ekpo cult, be on guard for it) there a ritual cutting ilkpemb n protection, care; involved in the initiation to protecting, guarding it; the masqueraders of the n guard, watchman cult, they sometimes cut people hkpbme Akan hylb night cf kpike watchman litwatchman of night kplam ideo sound of an automobile hkpbme edbi shepherd lit horn guard of sheep akpeme Akpbbp warden lit guard of prison(er) 2,74 257

kpik6 pl kp6k, kpooktv cut cuts (short cut roads) through, cut off; pl chop cf kpI, kp646, kplv06, kpbbT5 kplk6 diá! Take what you 1 want! (the material is in a kpim , kpim, kp6m, kum, kum ideo mass and one takes his hand or sound made by bkbmb drums, the a knife and cuts off what he small one goes kpim or kpOm or wants)! lit cut eat cf klim, the large one goes kpim dianna dAt (said when the or ktim material is not in a mass cf kpIp but in separate bits) 2 -kpik6 is6cut in front (of kpim ideo sound of a short blast someone), cut out by getting on the horn of a small automo- ahead of someone; beat some- bile; kplim sound of a long one to the punch and deprive blast 1 him lit cut face, front cf kp66m, kpilm -kpik6 Atik kilt grind the 1 teeth lit cut molars syn kplm ideo sound of the fall of -klidaga Atak 6det a very heavy object such as a -kpik6 iln6k dance lit cut concrete block or a huge bag of dance flour, it falls with a thud 6Akpik6 1.1n6k k6 bdbm. He dances well (he really gets kplm2 ideo seekplm/ into the beat, he makes good movements with his back). kplm3ideo var of kpip lit he has cut dance at back -kpik6 -bag& interrupt lit tv eat in tiny bits, cut shut in nibble at, tear into bits, pick katkplk6 6w6 ikb tibagi k6 idip; at (a sore) katkpik6 áwó 116 b.biga k6 aj thin, lean Don't interrupt a person! lit and sickly (of a person) don't cut person word shut in cf kplk6, kp66,36 at belly; don't cut person word shut in at mouth .kpip, kpim ideo sound of the Ikp66k.(rh466k) n short bkh Ibit drum (a large drum)

275 258

Ablr4 kplp kplp kplp. He walk like a European); swagger, beats it kplp kplp kplp. strut to show off genw id4m cfkpiml body, self; ideo Ckpir4k only describes the action of starting kpirAk iv become, restless; up as when frightened make rapid, jittery move- 1s4 adiakplrbkb Maui? Why are ments; ideo sound of corn you showing off like this? popping, fire crackling, wood Alkpir4k Id4mn showing off, breaking; describes the a show of pride, haughtiness action of starting up in fright Adik4 kpir4k. He starts up -kpirAk idembecome restless; (when frightened) kpir4k. show off (Id4mbody, self) cf kpirAk -kpirak inila go about telling secrets or lies (inilamouth) kpbg6 iv, tv var of kpigt -kpirAk lab6k snap the fingers (Ilb6k arm, hand, finger) kp61, kpbl ideo sound of raw hkphkph AkpirAk kpirAk; maize being pounded hkphkph 6tip4 kpirdk. Corn atom hkphkph kped kp61 (in roasting) bursts (with She pounds maize kpc51 kpOit kp61. the sound) kpirak. AdIk4 kpirAk. He starts up kpbli ideo sound made by a heavy (when frightened) kpirAk. object when it falls to the cf kpir4k ground syn kim, yim kpirk ideo sound of the fall of a knife or spoon, or of an kpb12 ideo var of kp61 enamel plate hkpirk nenamel plate kpOktv pl of kpfk4 kpir4k, dizkpir4k4 iv make kgml ideo sound of the fall of jittery movements as though an enamel cup one had ants in one's cloth- ing; move very fast on one's kp6m2 ideo var of kp/m1 toes in a jittery way (i.e. 26 259 kp6n pl kp66n iv become big kp6n6 tvrespect, esteem, honor; hm4kpon ama. You've grown so worship big. lityou have become likp6nb nrespect; honor big you've finished id6 likpbnb respectful attitude dw6 adb SLIpOn ntuut k4 Id4m. lit behavior of respect That person can't sit still, bdt. likpbrib manner of worship he's always shifting.lit see kpon person that is big (in) shift- ing in body kph/36 tv var of kpqn6 iim4kpOn 6w6. I'm getting old. lit I have become big person kp66k tv pl of kpike eMm linen iltb AkpOnn6 6kah. Chickens are sold by size. kp66m ideo sound of an automo- lit they sell chickens as bile horn they are big they go cf kpim2, kpum1 ikikpOnn6 k4 aen. He didn't look big in my eyes. lit he kp66m6 tv pl of kp6p6 wasn't big to eye -kpon idiom, -kpOn libeimbecomekp66niv pl of kpOn fat lit become big (in) body, become big (in) fatness kpb16 tv trim (branches, hair -kpon Ily6 have a deep voice cut down (a tree) lit become big (in) voice cf kpik4, kpeet34 -kpon 4sit become easily offended or irritated lit kp6p6 pl kp66m6 tv catch in the become big (in) heart (become hands too big, too puffed up?) -kp6p6 Ik6 butt in, get involved hkpon 4sIt hwb nan easily in someone's dispute when one offended person (4,w6 person) doesn't know what's going on and .1,kpon pl Ikp66n aj big, old, when it will bring one trouble influential, high in status to do so lit catch in hands Ikpoon 6wb adults; big, trouble important people cf w6p6, wapa, k6p6 see kpOn6; cf bkh, bkailba 260

kpti iv fail to come about, kplik6 pl kptik tvpull out, pluck fail to materialize; fail to (hair, feathers); uproot (roots, carry out mushrooms) kakpl5 hdidil Don't fail to Afirdshrug the shoulders come! Idi8n Akpb.. The divination kplk6 ivbecome contrary (esp didn't come true. to show off) ikak akei. 'The ring is dead.' ifikplik6 n contrariness The phrase is used in a game ankplik6 ffikpilk6 am6. He's show- where a ring is buried in the ing off to me by being contrary. sand, if no one is able to find it they say 'it is dead,' kpum1 ideo sound of a short

it has failed to materialize. blast of a launch horn; kplIllm 110 Ikpd, Ikpi 110 aj sound of a long blast worthless; fruitless, in vain cf kpfm2, kp66m Ice 110 Ikpl5for nothing, in vain ideo sound of abbd6m be- -tie (Ice) Ikpd 110 sit around ing played with bamboo sticks for nothing, stay around in in sending a message vain b.bbd6m 4bire kplIm kpfam kpik. cfsu bbbd6m plays kpl5m kpilm kpfago iv var of kp6g6 kOnn6 tv pull down the lower eye lid to show triumph, to mock kpb.g6, kipbe pl kpn136iv change, w dfien eye; push out the lower become different, differ, vary; lip to show indifference or tv exchange, barter skepticism wInlamouth (kh6) ke kpogo afbn! Go change your clothes! kpilayry5, kpb/3/36, kp3-00 tvbend

1.cp.t1g6, tikpug6d6 n difference over so as to expose the buttocks (carelessly or on kplAk tv pl of kpik6 purpose to receive an enema) w efttbuttocks cf b6nn6, w6nn6

278 261 kpnb6iv var of kpnp Akph6 4w6 Akp60. He's taunt- ing someone. lit he taunts kplamideo var ofkpilmi person with taunting cf tog6 kpn-06 iv, tv pl of kift6 kp6/1 iv go a long distance on kpnpl, kpnbci iv become foot; limp tough, hard (of meat, rubber, bkp6i nlimping wood); become difficult (of cfkpbki a task) ikpuup n toughness kp612 tv cut off the end of a periwinkle (a kind of mollusk) kpnp2 ideo sound made by a so the flesh can be sucked out heavy object (a person, a w Afi periwinkle coconutja palm fruit cluster) when it falls to the ground kp613 tv pl of kp3k6 kpnt tv gather together with kp311 iv bark, growl (of a dog); the hands something that is in speak in an angry or pompous grains or particles (gari, rice, manner sand), no lifting is involved; Akp;1 nbarking collect into a bulk or heap hkpblicpbi (enhn Ilktlhk) bkpg, Akpnt n bush wasp (it motorcycle (enli) makes a nest like the scrotal bicycle) syns akpbkkpbk (enaq sac, bkpb, a bag-like object, akpbkkpbk isbq bkpg, Ant scrotum) cf kpbk3

1 2 kp6g6 ivbecome loose, untied, kp31 ideo sound made by someone unfastened; fall apart walking in studded shoes syn see kp6k, kp6k6 klaaa. sound of tapping dehrj4 kp31 kpbi kribl. He walks kp6g62 tvtaunt kpb1 kp3i kpb1. Akp6g6 ntaunting cf kpbk6

Ar)r.-salk 262

kp6k pl kp66k tv loosen, untie, -kp6k6 ilkp6bk pl-kp66k tkp6bk unwrap, unfasten, dismantle shed skin (of a snake) -kp6k 15f8kraze a house to the ikp6k, ifikp6k, ifikp8k n skin, ground shell, peel, bark, scales. seekp6g61 kp6k6 The use of these terms varies according to area. Ikp6k is kpbki ivhop on one leg, limp the commonest to refer to bkpbkkpbk UbL na children's scales on a fish, lizard, or jumping game Mb a pit dug snake, or to a shell on an animal. in the ground) Ikp6k is generally accepted hkpbkkpbk -Matn a children's in most areas in the following: game involving hopping on one ikp6k eta bark of a tree foot while on stilts (Ilkot ikp6k &bre) skin of a banana leg, foot) Ikp6k idbmhuman skin cfkp611 ikp6k Ube scales on the out- side of Ube, the fruit of 15k8t. kp3k2 iv [Efik) vomit When referring to scales on syn kbk human skin, some speakers prefer ikp6k, others ffikp6k. kp3k3pl kpbbk iv (onomat.?) ikp6k iv/WA dandruff lit crow (of a cock) scales of head hkpbkkpbk (6nhl ikp6k .d.kbt scales on legs hkpbkkpby isbrj nmotorcycle Some use ffikp6k for a particular

(61.15.1) Ilktiak bicycle, Isorj skin disease. ground) synakpbikpbi IfikpOk is generally used more for (thahrj -15kUk) skin, peel or bark than for cfkp311, kp33k1 scales or shell ifikp8k Idbm what sluffs off kp6k6 tv peel with hand or from human skin

knife (as kola, MlyA., cassava); rfikpft inhh lip lit skin of unlock; bleach; iv fade, mouth bleach (of skin, cloth) likp6g6d6, ap6g6d6 n lock,

. ncast-off skin of a padlock snake riyIn Ilkpbgbdb key lit young of lock -280 263

aj empty; adv even &ben Arilkpki ftimalm kg Ilf8k likp6k akbbe empty box He took the light and left me etbk thkpb hmiukbnna in darkness in the house. imam. Even this little work -dhicd-kp6-0 leave and go away you can't do. (Aka set off, leave) (the see kp6k,kp6g61 cf hkp6k, combination is more omphatic ikpd, Mkpa, ffif8t, kp6n, kp6t than either verb alone) -kp611 -nb give backsyn kpbk6 pl kpbb16, kp3i tv hit, -khpi -nb beat, knock, tap (kpbbn6 hit kph n hnb! Give it back to me with hollow or flat sounds; return it! kp6i hit with sharp rapping ikpbbnnaloneness, lack of sounds) relations syn imam, hwb; aj kpbk6 sin! Tap it in! lit alone, lonely; advonly tap put in dkesAgh ikpbbn ddl.He came hkpbk6 iblt; hkpbk6 Mkpb alone. lithe walked alone he villgge crier (he uses a came drum) lithe hits drum; he Ikpbbtj. He's alone (at the hits thing moment). ffikpbbr)6 iwubt, ikpbbtj6iwubt ke hfit ifikpb se Tiketbm 1403 headache syn ?3kbn iwttbt imam Ikpbbl) ikefn. Of all the (iwathead) things which I cooked yesterday cfkpbk3, kpbbk, kpb11, kbrj only the meat was good. cf aka, kp6t, kp6k6, kp66n, kp6m ideo sound made by a bar kp66n6 of steel when it falls to the ground kp6t advonly 6kenhm Ana hdb kp6t. I did only kp6nn6 tv var of kp66n that. cf 6kenam hfie hdb ikpbbrj. I did only that; I did it alone kp61) tv leave a place, abandon, (by myself). go away, leave alone dlAnni kbbt,kp6t ddt! Take only 11u61) mibn! Leave me alone, one! lit :separate out one only don't bother me! take

281 264

Ayem sokbrb lbh kp6t. I want kpbbn tv cut palm fruit from the only two oranges. lit I want cluster when there are very few orange two only remaining 1 2 cf kp6rb hkpbrb, hdbmb cf stak, kpbb/16 , kpbbn6 , Ikpbbrj kp66k1 tv pl of kp6k kpbb-061 tv slit the Ilk8t tree kp66k2 tv pl of kp6k6 (raffia palm) and pull the piassava bark off kpbbk1 tv call; read aloud; cf kpbb/3 invite cf k66t2read silent- ly or aloud kpbb1162 tv space out (in plant- cf kpbki,kpb11, kpbk6 ing, in placing chairs) Ikpbbn6 (1kpbb/16) aj; hapbbn6 kpbbk2 iv pl ofkpbk3 hikpbbn6 adv widely spaced out, scattered (of houses, farms) kp66n, kp6nn6 tv pl clear, cf Isle) Isici sweep remaining bits of &fere cf kpbbri, Ikpbbn (soup) from a plate with the hand or a piece of tutu kpbb1363 tv pl of kpbk6 (several sweeps are involved); rub off (as oil in several kpbbp ideo sound of something places) very light falling on the ground see kp66n6; cfkUbk, k66r6, (a person so light he can be kp6r) easily pushed, or a lizard) kp66n6 tv push aside with dis- kp66r6, dIftkp;6r6 iv walk here. dain; postpone; shake off and there, zigzag 'responsibility asOk hkp66rb ask h. You're -kp66n6 idem s1.6not care walking aimlessly. (sb.136. about what's happening, not walk, move about) get involved (idem self, sib hmbn lInhm ilsbrb estac eatkpbbrb. remove) syn -di6.716 idem sic') Those who are making the feast see kp66n; cf kp6T) walk helter-skelter (everyone has a task and goes in, a different direction).

. 282 265

m41 tv like, love (can be mat tv finish; following another used as a euphemism for sex) verb ma indicates completed im4n love; loved one action im4 1mlmy loved one, my Am4mA. I've finished. beloved sap n6m ma! Finish quickly! Anw4an Imathe favorite lit quick .do finish wife lit wife of love hrgAtem 1k6t ama, ada6k &dada. kwan Ima afibrj a star, When he finished clearing the one of the brightest, it bush he rested. litwhen appears rather near the moon, he cleared bush he finished the favorite wife of the he poured out strength moon (4f16/3 moon) also tutu 4mhamaforever lit called átál Af33/3 until it finishes syntutu tugn love nsitisi hrgn friendship cf kixbre ftim4 Idem n self-indulgence in things to enhance one's mh2 interj (affects the follow- appearance lit love of ing noun tonally as though it self were a noun)

an16. tike n highway robber an oath used as follows: lit you like where ('your ma Idbm Alf?). I swear on your money or your life') body. ma Alphsi. I swear by God. 2 m4 , ná, hg, hná, man conj so, so_ that m44m, mam ideo sound of a big nk ma Awa6! Push it so that bell it comes out! 4k4nik4 Amia mgAm !gam m44m. s6 ka MU. ma ak4simb Adak The bell strikes maam m6.4m lyak 4d4p! Goto the market ma6m. early so you can get fresh cf kirk fish! lit early go market so you meet fresh fish you mahnaiv do again, repeat; and, bu'y also (always followed by another cf ?alb; ttlth, na verb) mahnA t14! Keep waiting, wait 23 266

longer (not a request to mdk1 ideo completely, utterly continue waiting but rather (a verbal intensifier) to wait again)! dyn dakim mdk (mdk). It's gmemaand 6kix3k isG13 ikemm6? completely dark; it's pitch And I also swept the floor dark. lit daylight has isn't it enough? become dark mdk Imaand imam aj repeated 2 (ndm do) mak iv var of mark Imaand final 6[0 k6 ddci. You've done it before. lit mdmideo var of midm repeated thing that it is mama nmother (referent or maid iv bleat (of a goat or address to one's mother or any sheep), low (of a cow) wife of one's father) opt w imdi na bleat cf himd, nne, eka, baba cf wa,i 2 manconj var ofma2 mail ideo sound of metal beaten on metal mantv bear, give birth to timid Ukak mai mai mai. He -man dyin bear a child beat the iron mai mai mai. iaman n labor iman dbidk al16. She's in labor. ,3 mai , mai ideoi describes lit labor pains her the blinking of the eyes Ubidk Uman n labor pains ake amen mdi mai mai. He idip Uman womb; productive belly blinked his eyes mai mai (describes a young woman's belly) mai.. litbelly of labor cf avail dbibt laman placenta (dbibt umbilical cord) mai ideo var ofmdi3 amUm Uman na midwife or woman who delivers a child lit she mdimdi, moim61 n [Yoruba] holds labor a dish of ground beans with dbla Uman nprofessional mid- oil, pepper and other condi- wife litspecialist in labor ments steamed in leaves aman dyin, Ukcit -Liman childbirth 284 267

af66n ilkOt omen. She has good- &liana nbirth [Efik use]; looking children (-f66n look life, lifetime [Ib use] cf nice) dwom,uwa Asian iba n twins (iba two) Ilsen &Lana [Efik] day of birth also amana mba esicin &Ilan& environment; place dyin dean ibaa twinlit where one is born; fate (pre- child of twins determined), a jinx that amen ridip dyin iba. She has accompanies a person through given birth to two children. each rebirth (he generally lit she bore bellies of child dies young as a result, this two cycle continues until his Ian nclan; a relationship birthstone is produced and with another group generally crushed); a hereditary trait bearing the same name, it or mark involves an agreement not to Mat filmand ninborn quality, harm each other, generally the characteristic; congenital common name is due to a prior mark; aj inherent connection Mat Inland ifibk inherent &an ajfemale (of animals intelligence, common sense or plants) cf dyddrd amanaasbqn freeborn, liman ebotnanny goat lit citizen, native (isGq country) female goat cf akpei (ebbt) syn dyin isb13 &Ian edbij ewe lit female amana nthntwins also amen sheep Of aktikim (6db0 iba (iba two) &Ian finenhen lit female see man chicken cf akikb (unen) liman dybp female oil palm (it bears the fruit) mdk iv become soured, see mans spoiled (esp of 'afore) cf biard, midkd mane, ivbecome born amekit ekpe sa bib amana? mat ideo describes a loud Have you ever seen a leopard? noise; describes 'seeing stars' lithave you seen leopard as the result of a blow since you were born amid afie mai]. He hit him max) (so that he 'saw stars'). 265 268

m64knrO, maijkizria, ma4kO, maijkOt [Eng?Port? Sp?] mango syn -two itakdra

masis n var of masisi

mdsisi, masis, matisi, coatis [Pidgin Eng?] matches 269 mitts, mitIsl nvars of masIsi see mbk4; cf mbbk2 m4 iv become patient; hold mbbk2 tv slow down and walk back, have control; tv cautiously as when one sees abstain from danger, or because of mud

gime lik8t. I'm abstaining w Ikpat foot from palm wine (I'm enticed cfmbbki, kpbbq1 by it but I'm controlling my 3 self). mbbk tv pl of mbk Im4 npatience 1 - n14 1m4 have patience mbbm tv slacken; relax the (habitually) body or part of the body - m4 Im4 be patient (for the - mbbm uduk slacken the rope moment) - mbbm ilbok relax the arm cf loft see mbm; 'cfmbbki, mbbk2 me conj, advvar of mme mbbm2 iv, tv pl of in mbbki tv bend, incline (a mbb/14 tv pl of mbn stick, a part of the body); ivbecome bent over m4g4 ivbecome accustomed to, mbbk Nat bend the head familiar with, associated with; (as when 'someone is plaiting tv (2) accustom, habituate the hair) ilkOt Ameg4 hilt. He's accustomed - mbbk ilt6/1 listen lit to palm wine (it doesn't make bend ear him drunk). .lit palm wine mbbk ilb6kbend the arm; accustoms him beckon, motion with the hand atap iMm4g6k6. I'm not used mbbk bezimprove one's to cold. lit cold doesn't habits lit bend habits accustom me -mbbk 4t6 bend down a branch 6 m4g4 &U. He associates lit bend tree with him. ik6k66k ahmbbk. The raffia -meg4 fd6 become on good terms palm branch is bent (nearly with, in harmony with (1d6 to the ground). manners, behavior)



Mmem6ge id6 rhme tee. I'm on ambm Idem. He's weak. good terms with him. fdem ambm. He's tired. cf beg6 (Some speakers do not distinguish the two previous examples but mek pl meek tv choose, select use them interchangeably.) heamekn choice ham Idem .ntiredness, weak- Amek ildiamek. He makes a ness of body choice. ufiopkrblAndm Primbm Idem. The Adtimek n used as follows: heat will make you tired. amek Adtimek. He's choosey. -mem id6 have an easy-going cf set disposition lit become easy (in) manners, behavior meke tv (?) get ready w Idem Imem Id() ngood disposition self, body -mem align become cowardly lit become soft, weak (in). :Ake tv push out of the normal eye position; iv bulge out, Imbm ncowardice become pushed out -mem esit become compassionate, :Ake Ise! Push out your chest merciful lit become soft in let's see; turn around so I heart can see! Almbm bsit ncompassion -meke edbm arch the back -mem tine, -mem 11133k become -meke ldippush out the belly inexpensive Lit become easy see meek; cf muk3, tik4 (in) price, become easy (in) hand, power mem pl mbbin iv become soft, also -mem tleah lower the weak, easy; tv make easy price, set a low price lit (occurs in -mem -mem make easy (in) price bmbmsee below) sokbrb ambm Udiah ftifin. Oranges -mem idembecome soft, weak are cheap today. in body mem udue hnb! Lower the price dyin ddb 61mbm idem. That for me! baby's body is soft. lit IrAm heah nlow price; aj child that is soft (in) body inexpensive

ZE S 271

&el:ft hf31 ke Imbm iadilh. Where does this road go to? bought cloth at a low price. lit road this one originates bmbm npeace here it goes where -mbm bmbmmake peace Alla dem this (often contracted Imbme n a kind of small see dmi forrule) plant, its soft leaves are bwbt Aml, Trbt a this book used for Afer6 Ifin Aml, rhfIn Al this very Imbm thmbm ajweak (physic- day lit today this ally or morally), soft, easy, cf dO, k6 easy going; adv easily, without effort midtvhit, strike, beat; lay AnAm -atom Imbm &bill. He (place flat, place carefully) works easily. lit he does rjkanikA amid Inn? What time work easily is it? lit bell, hour struck hilbme mmeme .aj soft, weak, how many easy; tepid, lukewarm -mid hta, challenge, dare lit seembbmi hit dare (refers to the action of slapping hands to set a men pl mbb/34 tv swallow challenge) cf -kbp atA -miA AddbA compete lit strike mi adv here competition di mil Come here! -mid dfenpunish (physical or 1mln here (gen in a nonphysical) lit strike narrow area eg in this punishment section of the market) -mid idem dfendeny oneself, lean AtO rhmi AketdAgh bkó. sacrifice oneself (idemself) The farm stretches from here -miA thm6613 thrash in the water to there. lit farm to keep afloatlit beat water originates here reaches to -mid is8rj, -mli df3klay a there floor, beat a mud floor with a dmin here (gen in a broad flat wooden stick to flatten it area eg in this part of the after fresh mud has been laid country) down (1s3/3 ground, dfbkhouse) dsdrj ene Aml At6 dmi Aka. tike? -mid ht66/j lay the ht66T) (a

289 272

roof beam made of raffia mihk ideo var of midak branches) -mid hiik akbmlay the roof dihki iv become rotten (lay out on the rafters the to the semi-liquid state;' bamboo strips to which the become watery to the point of roof mats are attachedi nearly falling apart (of fufu, ndumiana flat wooden gari); become muddy; become stick with a handle used to wet and messy beat a mud floor to flatten dAmigka ghri dyg6 15b6k. You've it the bamboo cross-hatch- got gari all over your hands. ing to which thatch is lit it's wet and messy (with) attached gari it fills hands ,amid na beating (admikis- ghri dml dAmiakd. This gari is tered) goopy. thmik na beating kaimidkd ihbut3 ghri Aml. Don't (received) slop the gari around, don't play cf ylp6 with it. lit don't be messy (with) messy (?) gari this midAk, mlhhk, mIhk ideo Imiakd hdihkd'hdihka describes the action of running aj rotten over something in the road syn blIt6; cf Ifim6tb dflik ebot mihhk. The car ran over the goat mlhhk mihnni iv var of minn6 (and kept on going). midrAd iv struggle, writhe mihaki, flakideo sound made (as in pain), wriggle (as a fish by pulling apart things that on a hook), thrash about (of are stuck together with a a drowning person) liquid or semi-liquid substance amidind ddhkd LI. He struggled sound made by pulling one's to get up. foot out of mud or dung mianna nam ifkp6 dmi! Struggle cf midka to do this thing! cf mid, 6mik mihhk2 ideo var of middk

2 E41 273 mibnobj pron 'me mlm ivgroan (of a sick person) see hml, cf fibn 6mim n a groan see mimm4; cf knn milk ivmove in an undulating fashion (as a caterpillar or mimm4 'roar' (of thunder) maggot), move in a jerky halm b. dmimm4; hii61 amimm4. fashion (?) used as follows: Thunder roars; the sky roars. amilk is He moves at an see mim angle such that his buttocks look flat (?). (isA.1 walk, min pl miln tvcontort the face gait) or mouth to show disgust used ikk &Milk. The light flickers as follows: on and off. -min is6 twist up the face in -milk idemshow off (by disgust or distaste prancing or throwing one's Amin 1s6 n disgusted expression body about (?)) (1d4mbody, on the face self) -min Trill& twist up the mouth see milk, mIk4, mUlk; cf muk3, in disgust or distaste (as mbk4 when about to take medicine) lmin inua n a sneering or main ,tv pl of min disgusted expression anb lmin Intlb.. She gave mil/3 tv pl of mit) him a sneering expression. cf muum mik iv,tv var of milk min tvcrush, squeeze (esp oil mik4 iv arch the body so that palm fruits) the stomach protrudes, bend see minn4; cf mil the body forward gen w id4m body, self min44n ideo see mirbn see milk, mik, muck; cf mbk4, mbbk minbrj, min4/] iv, tv ideo vars of miren

251 274 minne, mihnna iv become hmirbnirarbn dmiren AnAm mireen crushed, squeezed (esp of oil mireen. Lightning flashed it palm fruit) went mireen mireen. see min mirb/3, minbn ideo describes the reflection of light min pl tvpress, press Akan a&i1Th ukit Is6 and anAm down, compress; draw, trace, mirk) mirbt3 ke 6fien. hem print showed me the mirror it went bwbt print a book; mirbz3 mirbn in my eyes (light type a letter reflected in the mirror glared cf min in my eyes). cf yirbi) mientv CEfik] insult; disobey; disregard mina ivbecome reluctant, un midm 48 disobey an order inclined, lazy, lethargic; tv mien Is6make a gesture of make reluctant, uninclined, contempt with the eyes closed lazy, lethargic and the face turned aside (1s6 amibn ke idem b.dinam. I'm face) reluctant to do it. lit it bmicim ninsult makes me reluctant in body to do mireen ideo see mirbn nreluctance, laziness, lethargy mirbn, mirk, minbn, mink iv inn/3 l'Iml6n,-kbp 1511116n feel flash, glitter (of lightning, reluctant, lazy, lethargic metal, a jewel); tvflash (a (alp feel) light, a mirror) hminbnminbnn mile ivbecome short (of people lightningsyn hkepkep or objects) Imirbn'Imirbn, imukpl Ind& aj short aj glittering, flashing; flashy, multicolored mik iv, tvundulate, wriggle mireen, mineen ideo describes (in the manner of a maggot); the flash of lightning dance with undulating movements; 275

opt w idembody, self; show lit salt doesn't take hold in off by prancing about Cmik &fere gen used in this meaning] w cf kp6p6 idem Ad6n AmAk. The maggot moves mtinn6 tv open the eyes wide,

(in this manner) . bulge the eyes, stare steadily bdbmundulate the back as in anger w 6nn eye 6b611 dance Abel') see mike, mlik, muck; cf make, muck ivmove with a swaying milk 6, y66r6 side to side motion in walking or dancing (as fat people do); mtik6 pl mnr36 iv bulge eat or chew with the mouth very bkpb,t damtik6. The pocket full

bulges. ffifilk. His cheeks are cf mbke, mike, milk, muck, milk .bulging (from being full of food). (Milk cheek) mum pl mnm tvtake hold of, see milk, milk, mike; cf mU6, grab, catch (in the arms); grope make This verb is used in many expressions involving emotions mildm tvfrown, screw up the and sensations, eg. dlyrrat face, have an unhappy, disgusted, BliAm. I'm ashamed. lit distasteful or disapproving shame grabs me look on the face (esp of an ?IdOb6 Akeam. I'm lonely. lit overworked maid) w Is6 face loneliness grabs me cf min &tap helm. I'm cold. lit cold grabs me mUm tv pl of elm Isi5n ahem. I'm dizzy. lit dizziness grabs me maN6 iv pl of mU6 -main idem hesitate, restrain onselflit take hold of one-m61m61 n var of melmel self inOd ITIAmm6 ke afere. There'sm6nn6 iv flicker on and off not enough salt in the ifere. (of a light); rise, come out

[VII293 276

(of the moon, a star): tv 6116613 edim rainwater shine a light dam6613 &tat ink lit water of dfi6fl dAm6nn6? Is the moon writing out? ffimok dyit tearlit water of dm&an6 ikaij drisin ke &len. He crying flashed a light in my eyes. ilm66/3 dyitakikb; 11=66n eba lithe shone light he put adiagd akik5na plant with into me at eye red seeds, it contains red water m6Onideo describes the shin- which children write withlit ing of a light tears of rooster; milk of the dfion dm;nn6 m66n. The moon first-born daughter of rooster shines m66n. ffim66/3 dyit akIk5 cry ikdn that (%)am;nn6 m66n. The crocodile tears car's headlights shine m66n. akpa inm33i3 river, sea, ocean cf eerie, nuenne, tflenne, ydmd lit expanse of watersyn Akpd Irian m66n ideo see m6nn5 inkpedi5g6 film5bn pools of stand- ing watersyn ndibe idim m56n6 tvsee clearly, discern (dibg6 become put down). kmem33n6 lisiln? Can you see the As6p thm6613 current (s6pbecome way? fast)

ilmnn6ke?Are you blind? (an iablabiig6 ffim66 1? a diving bird abuse) with long legs (bilgo become lam33n6 n mirror synukit is6 buried) tim33n6 Olen neyeglasses thm66n ifim6613 ikbrj na kind of syn kiras alien delicate edible leaf, 'water cf kit leaf,' Talinum triangulare (Dalziel) m66136 iv become watery, thin im66n Am66n ikbn ffibakdrdn and soft (esp of Afere) prob a a kind of creeper lit 'water denominative verb from: leaf' of European

ifim66 n wa-4er syn 4e16613 thm66n Am6k, thm661) 166613, dam6613 Oba milk lit water of nim66136 Mm66136 aj watery breast 24 277

Am6513 Am6613 afere watery soup cf 6m66Q afere thin soup iecibc5 thm66Q Ildid a dish of yam boiled in pepper soup (f6b6 drink soup from a bowl, ixdia yam) mby6 iv become wealthy im8 nwealth; aj wealthy 278

111 interj response to courtesiesMbAe:nkenL3n var of MbAenaAnk such as s6s6136 'thank you,'

kpg apology or regret . thbal n var and pl of Mb& syn fib .in ,see bAkA pl mbai n wing InTen Awilbe thbA. The bird inbAl nlimb (of an animal); moults. lit bird moults wing hoof; nails syn inan Awilb6 15wA. cf 6bA, MbarAl IbAi cf MbAl, 1b6.1 MbAibAt aj see bat rilba (Akak) n honeycomb, hive (Akti6k bee) &afloat aj see bat cf Aba MbAk n grove qualified as Mba1 n [Efik] exhaustion, follows: fatigueused as follows: Mbik AkpO rubber grove -kpA ffiba become tired lit MbAk AyOp oil palm grove become exhausted (with) fatigue inbak Ilk5t raffia palm grove thmekpA mba. I'm tired. MbAk isip hybp coconut grove syn ekaga cf bakA, 1k6t

Mbenum var of iba MbAkArA nsee kArA ffibAbaak Ik6 nsee baak mbambancentipede cf AdAdlik ilt6/3 MbAAna6nh, MbAenarjenalj,

,2 Mbaenalj n a kind of creeping Mbalba n cowrie shell plant, its leaves and root are used in malaria cures cf ibalba3n a draw, a tie

4n5.13, ebAenaena:3 [var? Mbanba. It ends in a draw. lit it leaves off at ffibaenaijn varof inba6naenarj a draw 4e/Ana thbalba. They fought to a draw. 23,6 see iba, Abh. 279

Mbalish nsee ski gibe na kind of frog, large and green, found on leaves. Poss 11134 n the side of the face used as a gen term for frog from temple to jaw by some speakers. akiA ilb&ki jaw bone lit bone of jaw &ben see beye edet Itak Ibk molars, the

back teeth lit teeth of base ffibebit aj see bire of side of face also called Itak eat pl Atak eat mben nside, edge Akbic?) mbar, ekikb IfibLAJ side iben Ifikedge of a river whiskers Mben is side of a road mbar 1w5Q side of the hip, 'hen 4n13; lben isr3 An/3 hem flank (?) (iwk hip joint) lit edge of cloth; edge of cfiben, 15kh, fit& isip ground, floor of cloth 'hen alien outer corner of the ibara ndew dripping from the eye lit side of eye syn trees tit alien cf ubara, Adeki, Adedep filben In the outer part of the lips litside of mouth IbAri nnail (anat), claw syn Mbek irra -ktiat Mbar& scrape the nails cf mbar, beg, rjkar, edem (done after cutting them)

-mertiAlk MbAri hint lit fix, Ifibkie nsee beke stick into nail (scratch

lightly with the nail or pinch ffibia n pl of abiA to keep a person from speak- ing) rfibiaaknsee blik ek(!) &Ara base of the nail Ayiya Mbara infection under Mbidak idem n see blak the cuticle, whitlow, felon (see AylyA) Ablak nsee 1)1460 cfMbal, Mband n see hilt 280

Ablasaka, asaka n a climbing -kplik alertpull up weeds plant, full of thorns, it -waak -wanima ifibi6t clear

blooms at Christmas time . out weeds lit tear out weeds; pull up weeds syn -waak Is613 ibibene nvar of adibene AblOt enk 15kAak a kind of creeping plantlit weed, grass giblet n var ofifibloti of bicycle cf rjwup, Adlp ffiblit n var ofthbl6t1

Abicit2 n see loot, mbimbinpawpaw (papaya), Carica papaya (Dalziel) alp n a kind of yellow-brown ifen mbimbia pawpaw (ifen ant found in trees, it makes a single large round object) a nest of two leaves, 'tailor eduekMbilbia kind of long ant' succulent pawpaw; the succulent part of a pawpaw hbir(e)lik, n syns 105b6, Ad16 edi, Adla 6waa plantain (gen term) adadat ifibirifih a plantain hipline, Wane n[Efik] a kind plant. which sometimes yields of fish, 'mud fish' (Goldie) huge low-hanging bunches, after synada it bears this way for a few seasons, it kills the plant hblnn var of Adin (from dnmin6sag, hang down) Adilkpe (ffibirliih) the gummy thblo ndirt, refuse, garbage exudate of the plantain skin akciy8 thminifih a kind of ibi8 n pl people (gen qualified) red-skinned plantain hbib da those people syns uk6m, ffibbr6 cf syn hbOn; cf ibi6, ibibi6 adUsak, akpakkak, ebet iba, lbOrci iblOm6n see biOin Mbireirnm n a kind of plant, Abloti, Abiet, tibiit nweeds, its stem is beaten on a board grass 281

in kw& ekpO (ekpci square) as the leaves are used for goat a symbol of ushering in ekpci fodderr'negro peach,' Sarco- cf Mbiritem (a similar plant); cephalus esculentis (?) cf cfalso Arno MbOOm (idAk) ibiritem n a kind of plant, thbOp6 nthe process of fatten- where it is found the soil is ing a woman prior to marriage; fertile, its leaves contain the woman who undergoes the an acidic liquid used for clean- process ing wounds and cleaning snails, thbOp6; -sin thbOp6 confine its stem is chewed, 'bush cane,' a woman for fattening lit Costus afer (Dalziel) close in (for) fattening; put cfikp6t, thkpan& (similar in (for) fattening plants) tzkuuk6b46,ekilk ibOp6fatten- ing, confinement for fattening bitn see bire MbOp6 enter into fatten- ing, undergo fattening ibnk6 nsee bnk cf 15b6m

thbi613 n var of dbik MbOr6 n banana (gen term) MbOrci pal% MbOr6 kpaild a kind ilb61 nthe large sticks which of banana, yellow, with round form part of the wattle of a sides (WA., kpand Fernando Po) house MbOrci elok a kind of banana cf gikpdna with hard flat sides, particularly

sweet (el:Th'k monkey) MbOOm (idAdq) n a kind of ziabOr6 a banana plant plant, the leaves are used for which sometimes yields huge goat fodder, Alchornea cordi- low-hanging bunches, after it folia (?) (idAdij a kind of bears this way for a few metal) seasons, it kills the plant cf Mbnm Ifibki (from dilmm6 sag, hang down) MbOr6 150)m plantain also Mionm mborj na kind of plant, ilk6m syn Mb ir ( ifih

219 282

Ituthb6r6 a bunch of bananas (emphatic, persuasive, very akpit ilbOrci the stem of the polite) banana, it hangs above the fruit and goes through the Mb6k n see b6k6 bunch ins thbOr6 thief of bananas, MIZI& mbokokn sugar cane, refers to sister's daughter or Saccharum officinarum (Dalziel) brother's daughter cf 1n6 likM thief of palm wine, n var of refers to sister's son ' brother's son. The relation- Mb6m n pity, sympathy ships involved give a person -kOp thb6mfeel pity privileges such as access to thb6m show sympathy lit bananas or palm wine. cry sympathy thb6m! interj expression of thblibd n var of Adlibd sympathy syn Ilea; cf kpe,iii tfibubfn see bir6 nscar, welt mbubft aj see blre gibh n 'crawcraw' on the head, mbumen var of Ibime sores on the head resulting from parasitical infestation thblit n see bAto see Abk)

n a kind of ant, found Mb6rib6 n gooseflesh where palm oil is kept Ayai am3 atilAk ane 1b6rib6. Her beauty giveshimgooseflesh. ilb6k nwrestling, wrestling lit beauty her knocks him bout gooseflesh see 11b6k, cf fb5k 6b;613 n pl ofab;613 interj please synof ak ilb;k 6 1k;6.61 &Ak please Ab66p nsee b6b6 283

lad aj pl of -Ufa Ifiran adia/j, ifh adiAlpja n a kind of fish with a flat body, Mfd n forked stick it moves like a fan Mf'a tidid yam support stick cf gifk leaf, adidaj a kind lit forked stick of yam of tree (leaf of &ilk tree?) ifd et?) forked branch lit forked stick of tree ffifaio adiarna n var of ififk ddia/3 Mfg, ikarj !ekp8 forked stick used for catapult Mat nitch, rash, 'crawcraw' abia 'illsorcerer, diviner, d4ep nifat scratch an itch, fortune teller (forked sticks scratch a rash are used in divining) lit tip kfat clean out small specialist of forked stick crawcraw or pimples by piercing syns abi& idn/j, aka idnrj them through litpierce craw craw ffifddrj n seefake ffifat ft!) [Efik?].smallpox syns Atanta, atagicata, is6ti. Mfafag6 aj see faga ilfat ad%kp3, infat idibiakheat rash litrash of sweat cf plegm n a kind of juju used to Adiski get money from someone cf

Alfdni na short round Inefim aj see fim bottomed jar encased ina basket Mfefeere ffif4fe6re adv see feere cf ran ififefege ik5 n see fege Af6nifd n see fadn1 ififefegelidi n see fege ffifffij n leaf (gen term esp for leaves which are not eaten) mfeifit aj seefit1 Afar) 15wet sheet of paper

syns.15k813 zrjwet, ikpa *Net Ifif6m n cockroach see dial]; cf 15k8r3, ik6x) ekpo Mem, akp6 infemringworm (4kpoghost) 284

Mfen quant, adv var of Alen the same name which is used to flavor and strengthen palm wine thfl nsee fip and which imparts to it a reddish color) (uk6t palm wine) hfl n var of Mfire hfc) possess pronyour sg fifianseeUlla/ see Af8, fien, AdAfO i4-

16fibe nmedicinal herbs (gen 11'88106 na kind of small flat term) fish with a disproportionately large head thfim n var of Ifim hfUn MfOOnadv dimly Afin nfruit fly Lasdka IfOOn ffifnn. The sun is cf Mine dim (partially obscured by clouds). lit it has opened

?Elfin ntoday dimly (cf Atin dAsaka. The tat). ifin &mi... up until sun comes out.) today, to this very day... cf Adin, mkp6rJ, abem Aflik n cheek (anat) &U. He has bony ffifine na trap of mud and cheeks. sticks used to catch small amuck Afilk. His cheeks are animali (esp rodents) bulging (from being full of cf dfia food). cf ifuke Mfiraaga infiraaga aj see firth] Afallrei nseefit2 ffiffre, hfi n brain syn kb-dt fligabt kfAbt, gif6bt na kind of edible frog (prob a water frog) Ifni] tikbt nfreshly tapped palm syned6/361 wine without the addition of eclat (the bark of the tree of if613 n a kind of small, red, wild fruit

3Cc., 285

Af63t n var of Af155t powerful blows) cfkpdi 'die'(poss related Akpd1 n a natural covering, skin, since rings are associated with scab mysterious powers) aydra likpd. It's covered with scab. hkpadfid n' var of Mkpiffid Akpd idem human skin lit skin of body also ikpd idem; IkpdAtliki n seekpdi syn ikp6k idem Akpa anoneyelidlit skin ofIkpdatilk2 n seetak2 eye syns Akp8k aen, 'fiat dfien, likup an.en, uydrA Alien Akpaed5/j, ifikplan na kind of Akpd ititskin of the vagina plant with small bitter fruits Akpa 4b6tpieces of goat meat with the skin left on (6b6t Akpafdafdga n see fAgd goat Akpa &Cabark of a tree; juju AkpafAfdgAn see fdgd (bark is often used in juju potions); a strong man AkpAidga, hkpaf.W.n see fdgi see ikpd; cf kpok6 hkpafaxj n var of Iva') Ifikpa'2n a kind of tree which blooms in dry season, its Ifikpdi n small sticks used to leaves are used for afer6 support young yam shoots also Akpd dfere hkpdi (dy8p)n the kernel of alkpd inuun, Mkpd rinaa, hkpd the unripe oil palm fruit, the rinukn ring (intidn, rinain shell is soft and can be broken finger, rinilk knuckle) with the teeth Ikpa InUtin Ita a kind of ring, the person who is slapped by alkpdk npenis someone wearing it can go mad Some speakers say that this is or die (ita a charm which a polite term, others that it enables the wearer to strike is slang, still others that

-303 it is a child's word. using ffikpas1 to refer to seeds

syn ffif6t of the type that are not planted and Wa. for those that are; hkp6kpand na long narrow light- other speakers use thkpdsi for weight knife used for cutting large seeds and l'jkAa for small; grass; the flat part of a knife; still others use 6kpaisi for the a knife without a handle seeds of certain plants and cf AbAraikua hka for others. mkpasiIkk bullet (Ikk gun) ilikpArj n scar ffikpas1 lisilaj lumps in fufu cf kpk, Mbki (usill fufu) ffikpisl arieni eyeball Wien eye) IfikpAp &Tall n small hard balls ifikpasip dm) iba only two people of excrement Wilk feces) ndep ifkpas6p keet. I bought only one. ikpap Itit (?) skin of the see Isip, cf 6.kp6r5, vagina (Itlt vagina) kp6t, ridOmO syniikpa itit Ikpatn var and pl of ikpA.t Mkparaaj pl of akpira &pat& nwaste material left Mkpardwa n pl of akparawa after sifting or straining some- thing dry (esp cassava) Mkparikpa na large calabash gikpata iwA waste material of used as a buoy for nets cassava cfibarj, ikim thkpata akk strings in the mouth from chewing stick ifikpAsi n a small, hard, round. thkpAti Ith collar bone (it613 object, seed, kernel, grain; neck) synsakpata adv w var Akpasip, ifikpasop akpAtard 4kir613 only; not evma. This word is akp6n6 It;13

largely interchangeable with 6kpata Ijkaij ribs (15k013 side hka, for many speakers, other of the body) syns dkp6 speakers distinguish the two, akpird ijkalb akp6tdri akpata Ijkal3 3C4 287

see Ifakpatak, 4kpata; cf akpara, with water plants (a person can itak, ritak go in there to bathe), (idim stream) IkpAt6,Atat nvar of rlikpatAt s3m nikpat6knthe heavy dregs ifikpetintrouble, (yeast) from palm wine which problem, ruckus, commotion settle at the bottom of the ikpeti iwOa strong person calabash, gen qualified: (6.wei person) inkpatak uk3tcfrit6k 15k5t cf timm61,ik6, udi palm wine dregs left in the cup fakp6timiltak n var of riikpiltagAtak see ifIkpata;cf itak ifikp4t6kn var of 6.kp4t6k inkp&tat, inkpataAtatna creep- ing plant with tiny leaves, ifikpiatna kind of white yam Selaginella scandens (?) ifikplarjn var of ifikpaedrj Mkpedng6 ifimYonnsee dng6 iiikpaafian a kind of ifakp6fik n see fi.k small white mushroom (A.fla white) ifIkp6kpemn a kind of small house bat ifikpiknvar of ifikpOk cfemiari ibkpin na short skirt of multi- ifikpen6k, ifikpenek, ilikpenekna colored raffia strung on a rope, kind of timber tree, Uapaca it is used to be worn in the guineensis (Dalziel) fattening house because the body of the woman being fattened was Inkp6nekn var of inkp'en6k smeared with oil and IdilOt and a dress would be ruined, now Inkpeten idim n a secluded area worn as an ordinary skirt; in the water thickly covered petticoat see akpin, itkpine, ofikpiya

305 288

Mkpine, ekpime na shoot (esp ikpcinci na seat without a back refers to the shoot of a yam gen made of bamboo stored in the yam barn prior Akpcinci ilbOm thwarts, the cross to planting) seats of a canoe (ixbcim canoe) see ikpin, akpin; cf emine

115kpcix) 6fien (?). n var of inkpiq aj see kpilj0 Akptiq Ann

Mkpiraq dkOt n shin (11kcit leg) Mkpcirci na carved piece of a syns 6kp6n6 ukot, aslan tree trunk, beatenonto send messages, to summon people, and Mkpire aj pl of ekplre as a musical instrument

cf ijk1161), ekere, mkpiriikpuidem nrough skin, 6.kkkaq, rit6kir6k tough skin (Idem body) Mkpirilk0 idem 6ket6 thfdt. Mkpcirk na construction of His rough skin comes from a palm fronds gen near a house rash. or against a fence, used for

cf zrikptirikpti. storing yam or cocoyam

Mkpircik n pl of ikpircik Ikpafax) n var of AfAQ

ikpci nshout, scream, outcry MkptiflOflOp (?),PrikpAticifiOp (?) IfIkpc5; sici 646 raise an MkplificiflOp (?) n vars of alarm, shout, scream lit ikpalflOptifibp shout shout; bring forth shout cf diooro, yocirci, tidard MkptifiCklifi6k n var of riakplifiOptifiOp

ifacpcific5f1Op (?), ifikpcificitiflOp (?) n vars of IlikptlflOptifiOp MkpalflOpilflOp, MkplaficitiOp

zfikpOk, thkpik n sandfly (?), ikptiffOfiOp (?), IkpLific5fiOp (?), DfikpcificiflOp (?) 289

(?) n butterfly liakp6 illoic) garbage can lit (gen term) thing of garbage; ilkp6 itie chair lit thing of sitting, mkpuk n a kind of yam, fast place; Akp6 Iltrj earring lit

ripening, it grows in an udder- thing of ear; Ifikp6 like formation merchandise litthing of cf ekpilk market ;Mkp6 ik5t army ant lit thing of bush; a few

6kpi,u) dfien (?), ifiltp6/3 6fie.n n characteristic or idiomatic eyebrow (6Ren eye) usages with verbs follow: syn idet afien; cf ekpl1/3 Akp6 gba. die? How are things? lit thing is how inamma mfolkp6. It doesn't matter. itkpdrikpli na kind of cater- lit it doesn't do thing pillar, found at the top of oil -k6.6 ffikp6 go for a purpose, palm trees, edible go somewhere

illkpArikpd isbij a kind of cater- ijkikaag.6. gikp6. I didn ' t go any- pillar which burrows in the where ;I didn't go for anything. ground (is5Q ground) -dia ikp6eat something cfmkpiriikpu amediarEacp6 diOn? Have you eaten yet?

Alkplitaglit&k, ffikpetimlitAk n a -kit ikp6 menstruate lit s e e kind of insect (?) (similar to thing syn -kit itie a millipede) see tie cf etim ap6 n thing, something; matter, ihkp6 aj var of ikp6 event. This is one of the most productive words in Ibibio, it

serves as any unspecified sub- Tilkp6 n nasal mucus ject or object; it combines -fiara IIIRT5 blow out nasal with a large number of nouns to mucus form a phrase of the type

ifikp6 thing of eg.

3(7 290 zikp6g6den[Efik]singlet Mkp6rjn yesterday (in a context synsfr3kiret ;a woman's slip of past), tomorrow (in a context cf kp6k6 of future), (loosely) two or rfakp6k, nsee kp5k6 three days in the past or future 3146k etOna children's game Eikee ikp613?Which ilkp6r) in which sticks are passed (yesterday or tomorrow)? around quickly and players a.kebOyOke. The inkp6ij try not to accumulate them which pass ed (i. e .yesterday). (et6tree, stick, wood) riikp6ij ilbAk us en,-Cibak its en cf kp6k6 ifikphtomorrow morning Aba iba mkpoi, ilbAk riikp'61106n see k4 ifikp;ij, edem rrikporitwo days past or future(iba two, nsee kp edem back, after) edem uba mkp6r3three days past iikp6kp6r6, thkp6r6n skull or future syna.kp6k8rj lw-UOt; cf aicp6 cf mfin, abem, ridin iikp6n6, iiikp6n6nprison rfikp6r6 alienneyeball (align ifikp6n6(i.i.bk)handcuffslit eye) prison of hands syns ri3kpasi amen, syns cf akp5r3 alien akp6n6 rikp6r6n var of rikp6kp6r6 Ilikp6n61 nwheel (bare without a tire) rine nmother; respectful address cfikara, akp6n6 or reference to a woman inma mother, wife of my nikp6n62n var of '&1)6n6 father cf mama, eka, line Ifikp6ijn pl of Ikp5ij imeconj var of ma.2 291

imen iyak na kind of fish mme, meconjor; whether, if; (iyg.kfish) adv introduces a yes-no cf a,b6k at5g6(a similar fish question, choice question, a but smaller than gungn iyak) persuasive statement, or a command &Ana n button gmLfibip me riyA.641.He asked -yit Irimg.nasew on abutton me whether I'll come. litattach button Pane amed6p Ad16. mme gari?Did. -kpag6 riunanabuttona button you buy yam or 'gari'? see 6.mana (me) (me) timgAga ana anew.Whether you like it or nim6nimg, n the male flower, the not you must do it. non-bearing sprout (refers to me ami zi.d6 in6?Do you think plants of the melon and cala I'm a thief? litme I am thief bash type) me nAm nikp6 ami! Do this thing! gimgnima 13.1o;6/3 the male flower see rine; cfrite3,o of the fluted pumpkin thmEinima fanthe male flower irime conjand, with; plural- of the Iken melon distributive particle cfayaard(a more gen term ami mme akon iyaikaa.I and for male of plants and animals, okan willgo. it is also possible to say rime an).I don't agree iyaira db6613) with you.litI don't see with you 'rime-tisk] n see s6.13 &A.f6n Pune 6116. It's good for people.litit's good with inmailaijana kind of palm oil people obtained by burning the palm flame eb6t goats kernel, its uses include pomade see 'lime; cf inm3,rid5, ride, for the skin, medicine for boilsde (?), ye, k5r6 and wounds, antidote for poison (taken as an emetic), pro- thmem6 nsee mem tection against juju ilunem6 Imem6 ajsee mem

3C9 292

nimemo pron see im mmimo pron see im5

mminhere (indicates a narrow Ifimin n[Efik] palm wine, strong area, eg. here in this section alcoholic drink such as gin or of the market) whiskey AtO 1ml aketlidga hko. cf ukot, Af6f6p The farm stretches frou'here to there. lit farm originates n var of hbir(e)ihh here reaches to there see mil -Ural, 6mi; cf Aths, Zikó 6miniik8s, iminiik6s, dminiik6s, eminiik6s, mmipossess pron my minik6snEuropeans. See emit mien The source of this word is obscure, poss it is from English ffiudA n see m14 'Guinea Coast;' Goldie suggests 'windward coast' (in Efik w. thmikaj (?) used as follows; inikosi, monikosi refers to ayir6 mmiai. This describes a Krooman (Goldie)) how a man whose body rope has broken while climbing a palm mminiikos n var of ffiminiik6s tree hangs helpless upside down by his leg ropes; also n var of Ifiminiik8s used to describe a person who

is nearly at the 'end of his ilm161) n fart rope' in a situation he can't Ami6q fart syn -Adi 11116.1 do anything about. lit he hangs ffimik (prob related to AmOtO, iflmuto, Amiti n [Eng imotori] &ilk 'fruit bat' since the automobile syn ubom Is51) man hangs upside down like a 6italflbd gunOtO lorry lit big bat) automobile cf etOk AmOtO carlit small automobile mmierJaj var of Umik ikaiAmOtO headlights of a car

, 293

edan MmOtO petrollitoil of 1m3 conj and, with automobile syn betir6 aamege 1m3 Me. He associates with him. mmuk aj see mite synsmme, Ado, Ade2 de(?), ye mYnutin var of AmOtO Imn nsee bh

AtmlitO n var of AmOtO interrog n where? (vars are phonologically Imam aj without response (?), conditioned] without stimulation (?) used &fie Ak6nim Lc() ke Im36? Where as follows: did he leave the pot? inr6 Imam. He passed silent- Aka& Im36?Where is he going? ly, mutely (he offered no Akaa mm;? Where are you going? greeting). syn Uke; see Ifm; of ke, Abell Ikea) dIkpk Imam kelif8k.

He took the light and left me thm6613 n see m661j6 in darkness in the house.

see imam Sufi interj yes (the tones are in imitation of if) Am;interrog n var of iimM

thm interj what?, huh? thm6 pron var of Athm6 6112, MI interj vars of MI

Ifim3 existential and locative

particle exist, be in a place Mil, MI, mm, IthM, ilufun interj no idem g? How are you? Amb do. (the tones are in imitation of I'm fine. lit body self how iy6, iy6 d) is; it's there akOn aba thmo? Mmb ke led"). MI, 161interj vars of mm Where is okOn? He's at the farm. Mid interj expression of sym-

Pfim dO ddibe. It's hidden pathy, concern, regret, apology there. (the tones are in imitation of

see Imb6, cfba 114) see kpe 294

náconjvar ofme anhá libidk. He undergoes pain. hnha n lying down, sleeping nh ivbecome necessary (defec- inhd n sexual intercourse tive verb with impersonal -nha Inh4, -nhi ambhave subject) sexual intercourse (latter said

"and. &am. I must do it. lit only of a men; drub with) it's necessary I do it -nha idhnsleep with (sex is akp6nh I should generally implied) lit lie return. spending the night inhhgd dw6 anam ht6rb.People hnh Isbnflat land (1s8n shouldn't do like that. lit land) it's not necessary person does hnh is3/3 aj bottommost lit like that it lies on ground cf nhá hnh Afih aj topmost lit it lies on top nhá ivlie; remain with, rest with; undergo nAdm tv affect, influence nh4 rig h; snk nha! Lie down ilk8t anAdm hii6. He's drunk. (go to sleep)! (snk lower) litpalm wine has affected d6 Allah k6 Ifikpdna. It's him lying on the bed. InAdm uk3t n drunkenness Ingnah, &lanai He's lying 4w6 inhhm ik3t drunkard (dw6 down; it's pending (the judg- person) ment ). 1w4 gnA4m ebOt. The (untreated) Ilf6k anhd bkand. The house cassava made the goat sick. lit lies empty. cassava affected goat AAA hibbn; habbn ánhd. There's IdAht UnAdm? Are you going a scar. lit it remains scar; crazy? lit craziness is scar remains affecting you fled Aria link& Mr' k4 Is6. This bkpa 4nAdm hfie. He flirts with matter has been put before you. death. litdeath influences lit matter this lies with you him in face 295

AyAtinAdm Ado. maim you. nd13 ideo sound of a knife lit I'll affect you (with) coming down very hard on some- defect, blemish (that will thing but being unable to cut remain with you) it, sound of a hammer inddm aj unsteady, rowdy, pounding a nail or flattening wild metal inddm inddmadv in an un- dt; &be) ndl. The knife steady, rowdy, violent manner hit the wood ndl. see ndm; cf nag cfmd12 ndan iv pl of nAn ndinaln a metal (?) tray cf n&i1 (poss this tray once nahntv var of nannd sold for ninepence) n4And iv, tv pl of ndnd ndm pl ndrAd, tv do, make; cause nak ivbecome stupid -ndm lit6mwork lit do work opt w Indk, indka n hstik knam. a greeting to stupidity; aj stupid someone who is working lit indk 6kpbstupid 6kp6 you're working also Ice knam. (harmful due to its stupidity) -ndm Ina.brag lit make mouth cf ndm, ndam -nam AdIdldprepare food This verb is used in a great n611n [Pidgin Ene] ninepence many expressions involving emotions, attitudes, sensations nd12 ideo describes the and sicknesses. cf mum intensity of the sun dbat aluadm. I'm ashamed. lit Aylb Ad& nd1 nAl ndi. The shame does me sunshine shines very bright, dylgd dindm. I have a stomach- hot and intense ndl nAl ndl. ache and diarrhea, lit dyig4. cfeall does me 1ndmmd thkp6. It doesn't matter. lit it doesn't do anything

3 :3 296

nam nb dnen! Straighten it, stands a man in good stead in correct it! litmake it so the after life; a society of it's straight, correct rich and upstanding people, exam afié d1A6n. They made him people who have achieved high chief. standards enAn afie dsak. They made him tdah Inamthe initiation laugh. ceremony for indmsociety nam lkda! Let's go (one Akh imam high priest of Indm person may not be ready)! lit society make we should go (cf Pidgin indm enter inalm seclu- Eng 'Make we go!') sion; join Indm society cf yak lkda! Let's go (since akenAm, t60 .6/.1Am, kpdan6n we're ready)! adv ever (w affirmative), hnim AnAm. Whatever you do to never (w negative) cf akpA me I'll do to you (a challenge). ak6nAm hmedld eben? Have lit you do me I'll do you you ever eaten eben2 ddindm n happening, get- kpdhnam 4kit4 ekpe. I've never together, celebration, ceremony seen a leopard. hand nextortion; deception, Akpenkm, akp6nAmadv perhaps, cheating (of a serious nature) probably -nam hndmdextort, exact un- hsindm? adv (from hs4 Inam justly what it does) why? (often Andind n work; task cf Iltom used as a reproach) syn hsid6 inam na consecration involv- see nddm ing the purification of an individual, at a certain age a nan pl naan iv become scarce man retires from the world, he sOkOrb dAnan isa &mi. Oranges dresses in white and worships are scarce this year. the tortoise, he emerges see nand purified and god- like and others may worship him, this process ndm.2 tv injure, wound is repeated every seven years, IfInan n a wound undergoing these purifications -Tian lindn; nb Undn wound lit

3 297

wound wound; give wound. The Akp6 anAdni Abh6. Things are noun is widely used, the verb very scarce. is restricted to certain ifianana Welk. I lack money. Ibibio areas. cfnon, inan, 11.6n h, hna, AnAna n lack; scarcity nand * ayin ,nnanh norphan (ayin nhn [Efik has nhn tv blind child) syns ayin aka., ayin Ibibio has not but does have the following idioms and hang /bht aj countless lit it derivatives]: lacks number -nhn'aienhurt badly so that hnan kOt num nine lit it a shock ensues (?) (anon lacks one syn hsilk kOt 2 eye) seenani;cf nan , nan hnhn hfibnn misfortune, serious problem, difficulty, nhnna, nhan tvopen the eyes calamity (which leaves a wide (in surprise because some- person helpless with shock thing is in the eye, to scare and grief) someone) (poss the rev of nhn) hnhn hfibn 6/5wUr36. I've got Some speakers use nhnna with any serious problems. lit mis- body cavity meaning to open or fortunes happened to me expose it in an ungraceful way, hnhn n blindness; blind man reserving nhhn for open the also Aw6Anhn blind man lit eyes wide in surprise. person of blindness cf b61.3n6, fan, iihnrA hnhn hnhn aj dim, unclear; adv dimly, not clearly, nark ideo sound of a bell blindly hkOn &AA 6kanik6 nark nark nark. inmem33n6 hnhn hnhn. I see (Won struck the bell nark nark dimly. see nhnna; cfnan2, inan, nand cf maam, kirk nand pl n6anA iv become scarce;nhr) ideo sound of nails being become lacking; tv lack driven

31.S 298

kdbinth dkbn rfikp6 nhn nhnflu). has cut dance at back The carpenter nailed the thing nhn nhn nhn. bk6 pl nbbn6, nbrin6 tvstraighten, arrange, put in order; ivsg conj, adv var ofddnal onlydo properly, do well, really (emphatic) ndne aj var ofddne dnbk6 6kp6 dram. He puts things right. lithe arranges things ndrind tv pl of ndm he puts -nbbne idiom, -nbrin6 Id6m n6iv var ofn162 exercise the body, limbs; stretch the body, limbs lit nbbmtv var of nbmm6 straighten, arrange body cf -slin6 idiom nbbniv, tv pl of nbn hnbk6 kdmd! Hold me straight; treat me properly! syn of nbbn6 tv pl of nbi6 latter nbk6 bkdmd! ddd nbk6! Stand (on it to) n6kiv, tv dance; fawn on straighten it! Ifin6k ndance nbk6 dd! Stand straight! -216k ink dance nbk6 me! Be as patient as you -y6nn6 lin6k dance; do a little can! lit really be patient dance of delightsyns for ffim6nbk6 Ad1h6 hil6. I know latter -sin tin6k, -ttik6 ink him well. lit I really know -y66r6 Un6k dance a dance him (involving specific steps and An6kb dy6gb?Do you want it graceful, leisurely movements) really hot? lit should it -kplk6 Un6k dance lit cut really be hot dance k6 hdInbk6 htdn... to be frank,

dAkplk6 Un6k k6 bdbm. He to put it well... (tart say) dances well (he really gets intodf thm2, nI62 the beat, he makes good move- ments with his back) . lithe

3J.6 299 nem iv become pleasant, enjoy-nbm6 iv (2), tv converse; tell, able, 'sweet' (of music, the inform breeze, food) hnbm6nconversation -nem lifik have a good smell -nbm6 ham6, linbm6 lit become pleasant (in) converse (s16 put forth) smell -nem 48 have a pleasant voicenbmm6, nbbmtv crack (nuts, lit become pleasant (in) voice palm kernels with a stone) -nem Imambecome amusing cf kpdk (imamlaughter) Aslinem imam?What's amusing nbn pl nbbn ivbecome straight; you? That are you laughing at? become right, correct; tv cf -sdk imam straighten (rare); stretch rinem imam namusement angn. It's right, it's fitting. -nem dw6m used as follows: aml 6k6nbnn6. I was wrong. M6 danbm dw6m. He's pleasant Ahnbbn db6k. He's a sharp- to be around (iiwtm life) shooter. lit he is straight

hnbm 1,1T6m nenjoyment (in) arm -nem 6sIt, 6sIt -nem become -nbbn dkcit stretch the legs happylitbecome 'sweet' in union nright, rights, success heart dkit ttn &n. He succeeded. lit anbm 6sIt. It makes me happy. he saw success esit Ahnbm. I'm happy. 6n3 M6 union. The case was hnbm bsitn happiness decided in his favor. lit they inem n 'sweetness,' pleasant- gave him rights ness anion nthe path from a main inem Awbmthe pleasures of road to a compound life ?Ian Anbn aj straight; adv lwd inema kind of cassava, exactly 'sweet cassava' lit cassava han Anbn lisbxj a straight road of sweetness ?ink' inn 10 a straight- hnb6nbm aj pleasant, enjoy- forward character able,'sweet' 6m6d1b16 ?inbn Anbn s6 Adanam. cf dnem I know exactly what I'll do.. -1116 Nat have brains lit cf nbk6 have head -nI6 Idem bear fruit lit nbrA6 tv pl of nbk6 have body InI6 n wealth 2 n1 iv var of nfa W12116, hhdini6n owner anI6 hnI6 6kp3 awb a nlageiv plbecome tiny rich manlithe owns money; he owns thing person nnk ivwalk with the legs anf6 Aylnparent lithe apart (like a person who has owns child a boil, or something between ado hnI6 hnI6. Each has his his legs) own, everyone owns his little Inlakn walking thus bit. -nlak Innk, -nick Isanwalk 2 in this manner (lean walk, nfa , nf, n6 ivreally gait) (emphatic) cf tlargA, .mania Lam. You've done well. lit you've really you did n161, niapl nI6136, fil6D6 tv 6f at it; amAdni Mina Idlin have; iv sg only have to, aml ab6m. Small pox really must; appear to be, exist shook this town last year. .mania Welk? Do you have 61116 albfik. It's too painful. money? litit really pains me An6n16 tikp6 adinam. I have An16 as;b6 hd6. She's things to do. really in demand for marriage. Anib adfnam. I have to do it. There may be different nuances 61'116 6kpe k6 umi. There's a associated with each of the leopard in this area. lit three variants. All the variants there's a leopard at here are apt to have a mocking con- Inf6g6 akpb k6 umi. There are notation and so are not generally no leopards here; they don't used to praise someone. have leopards here (?), cf nbk6,t'hm2 which haveno such mocking tone; cf nI61 301

n14/34 tv pl ofnle bk4 ke akenim Ma? Where did you leave the pot. lit at nigh tv var of tig4 where that you left pot dbbr6 nim! Put it away! lit nilmiv pl of nlm lift up put it where it belongs -nlm 1k8keep a promise, keep nilm tv pl of nlm one's word; believe -nlm td hl. hold a market nilme tv, iv var of nime balm hnb Idem na thing. a personkeepsfor himself nlintv doubt; argue, dispute (because its value may increase opt wbnlin n argument or because he wants to give it -nlin 1k8 doubt one's word; to his children later on) refuse to accept advice lit cf nim dispute word, matter -nlin 48 refuse to obey an ,nime, nilme tv extinguish (a order lit dispute order light, a fire); iv go out, kanlIn! Don't doubt me; become extinguished (of a light, don't argue with me; don't a fire) disobey me! ddb dnilme liknt. That fire is extinguished completely. nlm pl and intens nilmiv dis- -name dbA settle the dust by appear; sg onlydive sprinkling water on the floor; amb,anim. He's disappeared scrub the floor lit extinguish (just when he's needed). dust akeniim ke -Like? Where did you see nlm disappear to (said to someone Who's been gone a long time)? n1nne ivbecome sweet (of sugar, Inim n dive honey, fruit) see nime Anenln nthe fruit of a plant called 4k8r3 AA, the fruit nlm pl nilmtvput, put down, grows undei-ground, inside it are leave, put away, keep; believe seeds surrounded by a sweet 302

succulent flesh; ajsweet nuakaiv become Mixed, kneaded, hni/n6 hnlind aj sweet mashed, smashed, run over; tv cf nthrn6 mix (a dry substance with a liquid one such as gari with thh pl nthl tvpush, push water); knead over, push aside, shove (not -nd6,k6 Atari; -nligk6tibat a steady push but an abrupt trample the ground (to mix movenient) sand and water or mud and -thh b6n6push aside (to water) lit mix sand; mix clear an area) lit push put mud thh nb 6kAhl Go on with your see n1140., nilak; cf of in, trouble; don't bother me; weak, duaga 'shove off'! lit push so that it goes nlian iv leave, disappear, run cf mak, nizak off, take off (without giving notice esp to avoid doing 1 nliaga ivbecome mixed, kneaded, something one is supposed to mashed, smashed, run over do, as a child runs off when see n15.6k, nil-Aka; cf he sees, an adult coming) ddagi cf nim nigg62 tv var of dadge. n114g6 iv become melted see nii6k ndaktv mix; mash (leaves in a pot with a spoon); smash; mihktvmelt run over -ntiAk 6d6,n melt oil id6m massage lit mash see nd4g6 body

see n1140., ni5.6ka; cf mien tv, iv var of tildrind nth, weak

-3 '310 303

ndenn6 ivglow on and off (of (I'm tired of waiting)! lit a light) cf nw4n4 flicker then come then (a more rapid movement than fih/3 t16 d6! Just sit there nd6nn6) (don't worry)! see td6nn6; cf m6nn6 imlabO yak Afittri Adtp is813 I finally decided I should buy nhg6 ivbend a part of the some land (everyone else has body, bend all the way over; some, .it's about time I bought become bent (of a branch some too). lit I said let me seennki,nhk6; cf fihk6 also buy land then cf mhhn6,nnk2, kbr6 ndk pl nddk tv push, shove, move nAnn6 ivbecome 'sweet,' delicious, ntik t6! Push it over! lit tasty, enjoyable (of food or push knock downsyn nhh t6! drink only) cf nub., ndak dAndrin6. It's delicious. cf nbm (ndfln6 is more emphatic nhk6 iv rev of nhg6straighten than nbm and is used when one up, unbend a part of the body; wants to show appreciation) tvrev ofnhhki unbend (an cf ninn6 object or a part of the body) cf fink nddktv pl of ndk nhmm6, nhhmtv open the eyes nnki tvbend, bend something wide (to show seriousness and over (as a supple branch) thus make a child comply) w -nnk lwat bow the head, bend dan eye the headsyn -fink iwat cf ebmme -nook idiom bend the body, bend the limbs nuJ, fihn iv then, and, also -nu k db6kbend the arms (always followed by another -nook dk6tbend the legs verb) Inddk, indhkn bend; corner nun di hdi6n 8! Come on then 304

hnbintbk, Intinnk aj bent, -nb Ils146n6 compensate lit curved give compensation see ng6, ntk6; cf inhk,nAlak2 -nb al')namelit give name -kp3/3 -nb; -khp4 -nb give back nbbk2 iv repeat, do again; and, lit leave give; turn over give also (always followed by another -dhk4 -rib; .-fdn ribforgive verb) lit get up give; overlook give nn.k di! Come again; come Adak& Anb W. I forgave him. back! hnb fask; hnb lift!Let me cf mhhn4, kbr6,nnki pass! lit give me wayj give me space ntbmtv var of ntmm6 hnb 15kamh Ilnb! Let me hold it for you synyhk (hnb) 6k4mh

nttin tv var of nUn6 &lb hfi6 lbeik. I gave him medicine. ntbn6, nUn6, nUn tv smell, tisln Ib6k inb hfi6. I poisoned sniff him. lit I put in medicine nUn kbp! Smell it and see! I gave him lit sniff perceive d6p zfikp6 Aml hnb! Buy this thing for me! nUncitv var of nnn6 bnbn gift hnb, nb conj so that cf m4, nb tvgive; do for (benefactive);tutu w pl nbbrj6, nbin6 feed (a rnik nb Awdb. Push it so that it child or sick person) comes out. -nb Ilya give an order tbm ilnam hnb amem! Cook the - rib item give advice meat so that it's soft (tender)! -nb hibbk, bke tell a hmen16 b.d14 hnb l'ikem? Do you story lit give story have enough food? lit do you - nb Atim6 harrass, worrylit have food so that it's enough give trouble for you tifen punish lit give cf s6k punishment ,-,.


nb2 iv, tv (?) be able to, one I won't stay any more. know how to, master (?) cf nbmm6 hm4n6 Imam?Do you know how to do it? nbrA6 tv pl ofnbl nano ilnek ddb. He knows that dance. nng6iv become greedy (for food), freeload, sorn (food) . cf kan, kbme, k.ird opt w Innk n greed; greedy nb3 conj seenbl personalso Aw6 Innk greedy person nbmmo tvstrike on the head aline innk. He's greedy. with the knuckles made in a 6d1 innk ilkbt. They've come fist to drink palm wine (no greed cf nbm6 implied). lit they came greed of palm wine n3m6 tvbring misfortune on, cfnbl cause trouble for 15nbm6 am6! You've brought it nbh6 tv pl ofnbl on yourself; you've had it! AybAnbm6 hfié yak ma afi6 adl. I'll be ready for him - let him come. (ie. when he comes to make trouble) Ayallnbm6 bfb adb. I'm going to thwart your plan.

Ifin6mb n misfortune tin6mb knt ado dn. That's the first of your misfortunes (said when a child is asked to do something and he runs away and then falls down). thmaabbk6 Iln6mb and aml Adiltieg6 aba. If I escape this

323 306

AdAam n raffia fiber (what is Adk inn a tiny white insect removed from akpin Itch) found on chickens (linen chicken) ekpat Adaama raffia bag Adk dbutiny insects found see'1116t (raffia palm) on crayfish cf AdidiOn 6.1x4k (abu crayfish) Ad4d6.6.1 nsee dá cf Ad6/3

Adad6.0.2 nsee daak Adap nsee MIA.

Adadiat (2) nsee diat Adel advalso, too (used only in replies to salutations) Adages n see des amesiere Good morning. amesiere Ade Good morning too. Adaidat aj see dat asi6re Good night. isfere Ade Good night too. Adakn the leafy part of the cf 15kO, k.6r6 palm frond, qualified as follows: Adeln var ofAdel Adak dy3pthe leafy part of .1

the oil palm frond . Ade , ride n place, spot; mark, Adak ilkhthe leafy part of print (esp a mark on the body the raffia palm frond as the reminder of an event, eg. Ate ikk átá Adak. It spreads a scar; a mark left behind by a 'like wildfire;' it's selling person or animal) 'like hoteakes' lit like Aide ikpat foot print (esp a fire chews Adak dirty one on a clean floor) cf cf ubak, Ak66k ratan ikpat cf iti6 Adan n seeital Adel conj with, and Adann louse; tiny parasitic syns del (?), Ado, mule, imb, ye insects found on animals Ad4 ewilaflea lit louse of Adedel3 n, 'aj see derne dog 307

Ad6d1b4 fidedib4 aj, adv. see. Adlak nsee dlaigi dlb4 Adlaga na kind of yam, planted Adedep n see dep late, it gives the highest yield Adedet nsee dete cf dia nd6k1 n dew, moisture on leaves Adlanna kind of small bush rat, cf Adedep, Mbdra,fid6k2, de/N6 the king of rats

Ad4k2 aj fresh (not dried or ndibene n var of adibene smoked) Adek lyak fresh fish Adidep nsee dep Adek Atilen fresh pepper of Asek, Adisi, deg6,Ad6k1 AdIdet nsee dete

Adem na powerful spirit gen ndidi na plant with a fine associated with'a particular bark which is scraped off to place or group of people; make twine,'wild hibiscus' (0);

some of these spirits inhabit . twine or rope made from this the forest, others the water; plant also u.duk Adidl each Ibibio clan has its own rope) Ad&m, many villages do as well; -flak Midi, -flaka Adidi twist sacrifices are made to ridgm and Midi to make rope certain festivals are associated with them; certain objects Adidia n see diet taken from lidera residences are powerful mbiam AdidllnO n var of AdidlOnO 'Is6 AdamfamilY.shrine (1s6 face, front) syn is6 6kpO AdidlOnnsee dlOn6 see Names (for names of particular lidera); cf abasi AdidlOnO, AdidlInOn the pelvic area Ad6t (626n) n see det4

3'5 308

,1 Adido , Ado ndefect (a blem- ridin, Ibin nthis year ish, scar, limp esp something cf Ifin, hbem, hkp6rj that one can be identified by; a crack in a pot) Adinuene n var of AdinUne AyAllnAdm Ada. I'll maim you. lit I'll affect you with Adinilene, ridinuene na kind of defect plant with small rough leaves rid6 Ado aj full of blemishes used for toilet paper and for cleaning snails cf edemed/), Adide n limb (anat); power, ijkim kik (similar plants) strength

cf lib6k Adicin n var ofAdicicini

MI6) n 'thumb piano' Mien, diOnadv then, cf ekpa therefore, consequently; Uldicin, Mien only] conj before ridiale n see ahe di fidion! Come then (if you're coming)! Adien n var ofAd166ri kpb.13 dion! Wait a minute, hold on! (kphi3 pay attention) Mien adv, conj var of ridicin ridicin ridion frequentlysyn PrIbh13 Ibhq ridildat aj see dht see dion fidiidege aj see dege Adicioni, Aeon,Mien, Adlin n delicacies, luxury food, little Adlinn var ofAdiciOni bits of luxury food (nuts, bits of meat) ridik n seedikg idiaga Adiegin. He doesn't live well. lithe doesn't eat Adikpbn var of Adikpb delicacies syn Adidan; cf pronsee imb 2 Adi6cin n see dicinci 309

Adip n weeds synsxjwup, fidisiltj tins, fidisk 1:1fiA n a kind. thblot of small winged termite see ti.dip; cf dip, dipe cf ASCIQ fidip nused as follows: Adis5k1 n prickly heat fidip ti.b5k bicep (Ilb6k cf Mfdt adikpb, ififat arm) ridisk2 ridip 15kOt calf (11kOt leg) also pl of idip belly Adisbk2 na kind of plant with an acid (?) fruit, Myrianthus fidire Mire aj see dit arboreus (Dalziel) cfAdisbki fidisa n 'yam stake,' a stick placed in the ground for the edit nvein (cop in the arm) yam plant to climb on cfasip, idit, edit ridish n sliced dry plantain; Miter) n [Efik] silliness; biscuit aj silly cf ridisime Adise n seeset riditie, n leaves of iib66/3 (the fidise n a kind of small green fluted pumpkin) which will not squash, Curcurbita pepo yield again, they are picked (Dalziel) for afere fidisi aj see silye fidito na kind of small chigger; scabies ridisime n, aj see sime AditOopnsee top Adis66naj see son fiditk, Aditk n see tinj62 fidisfaij (dybp) n an immature or unfertilized oil palm Aditt5.136 nseeti5102 fruit, it has little or no

kernel .h.ditt5.0 aj seetliag62 310

fiditb, fitb n pl children, phoric)(in both cases it refers young of animals (used as pl to a narrow area such as there of ayln, Ayin) in that room)

, P P seedot,udo, ado; cf bkO,mmf A 1 n eczema fidb conj with, and (also used Adi8enlittle streams of to pluralize the indirect water that run on the ground speech pron imb, gen contracted after a rain; flow (of a to fidimb) heavy rain); rain puddle; any syns Mme, hamb, fide,de (?), ye liquid that has been poured out and is draining on fidbidet aj seedbrOl the ground of dibe, dibe, dhbk AdOm na kind of white clay from the river, it is eaten, fidiyA na kind of fruit tree, used as a treatment for diarrhea, its fruits have a brownish used as a whitewash, and is cover, firm orange or white rubbed on the body for decora- flesh, and a big seed, Cola tion or against heat rash rostrata (Dalziel) -thaak Adem on-m.131e Adem into a powder with the fingertips Adlyalj, Adlybaj n a broom made Adem ffibhkara chalk for writ- from small branches, used to inglitAdOm of European

1 sweep the yard Adem AdOm aj powdery and A see ayan white

Adlykn var of Adlyk ildbmb adv not even esit iAnemme fidbmb etbk. I'm Ado nvar of AdidO not at all happy. lit heart isn't sweet to me not even a

lido na kind of small fish little bit ridbmb keet not even one

fid6 nthere (near the person fidbmb dw6.keet no one at all, spoken to); there (ana- not even one person 311

ildbmb keet Menne. Neither (mid hit) one fits me; not even one Adtibd it;k, itok riabh foot fits me. syns bhaba, bene, race, running competition sign; cf kph/j2, kp6t (it6krunning, foot race) ridbriat aj seedbrol Adabhk n var of ubak

Mn bbnan old site, no longer Adabe, Addbe n vars of I)kube inhabited, after some time it can be farmed rielbe na kind of large winged termite (the winged stage of Adix (?) ntun two hundred (from ebit); poss used bysome an old monetary system) speakers to mean 'athlete's foot' see 4kube ndun flavor, taste (an esp savored and elusive one); Addbeek ikh/j n see beek marrow cfakpk) fidabege n see bege

/laid n a freshwater swamp Addbek n pl see beek where raffia palms grow cfhdep Ukbt fidabenen var of hdibene

Ada, n 'a muddy substance Adbbete n see bet used for moulding pots or for scrubbing n see bire Adarj 6b6t goat feces used for scrubbing cf Adllan AdAbidak n plsee blak ebbt goat feces see lima, adtla, nabihht n see bihht

Adtiba, rfibuba n [latter is Adliblakn var of idiblak Efik var] race, competition

ridube. compete Adbbiard n see bihra 31 2

riezbik n see bik Adafeke 25.61feene aj see fege

Aezbime nsee bime Adafi;k n see fibk

Aezbinne n see bine ildhfb subj, obj possess pron you pl, your pl Adizbi6k6 n see bicik6 see an ndubipn seebip2 Adakn var ofAnak

Adbbire n see biro Addklim n see kiln fidUbire dyiO, Adubire iyis5 n Addkpd nvarof lidtikpap see biro AdUkpap, AdUkpan used as follows: fidUbit aj see biro AdUkpap Uy; seed of Up:5, the 'bush mango,' it is dried and Aelhi6/A6 n see bi6rJ0 used for afere AdUkpap Ukbm plantain skin Adizbi6I 0 n see bi6ii0 (Uk6m plantain) Both the ily6 seed and the AdUbUI) n see Wu') plantain skincontaina sticky slippery substance. AdUblit n see bUt6 cf Adape (var?)

And16 n see dib Adiapat n see kpat

AdAdi6n n see dab AdUkpe nsee kpeen

nduduen see &We Adakpeen n see kpeen

And66r6 n see d6r6 ndukpin epilepsy; an epileptic fidUkpi atixak 616. He has AdUfdaj pl of Ufa epilepsy. lit epilepsy jolts him syn ritUi (?) 330 313 ridtikp6n, aj pl of adiakp6 ridittimnsee timme1 rieakp6r3 n shadow Adiltime nseetimmel cf ilkp;r3 ridtztitg6nsee 6 ridiunek 11 see mek riduturJnsee t11/3 62 heimek nsee mek rinwene riditweneajsee wenne Athimla nsee mid riditylig6nsee wli.g6 Mimi age.n see di ago. diiwCulknsee wthik 1'16=13,nnunuq n [latter var is Efik ]mangrove tree riduyiipnsee yip e (It is not clear whether this term refers to the red. ridOk njest, clowning; mangrove, Rhizophora rac e- embarrassment mosa, or to the white -t5 rid6kmake fun of, disgrace, mangrove, Avicennia nitida, cause embarrassment to (t6 or to both (botanical terms hit ) from Dal zi el)) e.mb rid6k. He causes his people embarrassmenthe

1161., nsee ii.6.613a disgraced his people. -- six3r3 e rid6k behave or talk ncitu3 Warne n seerjw-tim so as to make people laugh (slime put forth) ridi5.6 V16 g6 n see dil6g6 cf

nseese'l rid8k n seed55k1 ridti.sik Ira nsee milt ildbk n sore, septic wound_ syns ridute,nsee to 314

ild6t3nchigger; maggot rine limamy mother syns !lima rid613 amok. The maggot undu- iami, mama rrimi.,eke. ka, lates, moves with undulating rine Inour mother, our motions. grandmother itft.e.tr6ridbrj (?)a kind of rine rinegrandmother jumping insectlitflying cf eke. rid6t) cf ridarj rinen young woman (address or referent),a term of endearment rid6p6na kind of fish, for a young woman very small with a flexible inayina flattering way to body address or refer to a young woman lityoung woman child rindconj var of m6.2 cfnne rinaledbrj, naledbnn[Eng] imeenem ajsee nem nylon Aneni.13n, ajsee nitme rmnam n yaws imam ate. bale.He has yaws. rintiene ,nant(gen term) lityaws chews him riniaene aka, a kind of ant, small, yellowish, sugar-eating imam& nsee nam rinizi.nteakajsee nti.iik rinasia -n[Efik] right (direction) rimikn knuckle rinasiaright handlit mkpa rinAkring (worn on the hand of right fingei.)synnikp6, rininin se.136. (ke) rinasia!Go to the cfrinuk, nnuun, right! syns Mom, itfla; cf uffon rinCik, ndukn horn of an animal ink enian[this var only] rinenmother, grandmother, elephant's tusk, ivorylit old woman (address or referent) horn of elephant

332 31 5

AnUk dicbt a bulge on the hkphtireriduin;etbk rinAdn; trunk of dk;t (the raffia finidn itit ilnen pinky finger, palm tree) where a cut was the little fingerlit last made, it shows that the tree finger; small finger; finger is ready to be tapped for of chicken's vagina (i.e. the palm wine finger you stick into the itd6 Ant& 6k;t a kind of chicken to see if the egg is weevil in the inactive stage ready) (bkotthe back of the head, rindun ukg3rg hfere; finddn (Idea cf izdo second-born son) &fere; hnddn uk65r6 hid) index see adak; cf hndk finger lit finger for sweep- ing up soup; finger for lick- iintinarjn var of hdiantuj ing soup; finger for sweeping up pot

Andrj n descendants, followers is6 AnUdn pl ris6 AnAdn finger- cf ddduk, idddt, Ik6t, iman, tip lit face, front of finger inkpa AnAdn ring also mkpa inAdn [this var occurs only AnAdn n var of rindan in this expression] syn Mkpa

riniak finudn, rinUdn n digit (anat), inkpa inUdn itha kind of ring, finger, toe can be qualified: a person who is slapped by finAdn ubbk finger (db6k someonewearingit can go mad hand) or die (itha blow with the rim:11ln dkOt toe (dkotfoot) fist, a charm which enables -tia,/narimialnspread the the wearer to strike powerful fingers blows) -101164 hnddn crack the cf hndk knuckles lit break fingers akpan &Ain; ekagibd rinAdn; rin5 adv used as follows: nnuunabodomthumb lit ring arnmG none of them (him; important, first finger; big them) syn dab finger; finger of hbodom (a kind of drum)

333 316

ring n a small round somewhat fern, curved at the end, sticky bitter green vegetable, like okra, not eaten lit fern 'garden egg,' Solanum incanum (of child) of python (Dalziel) cf iridmd ring Abakdrd a kind of tree, it

has an apple-like fruit with a rifidfidgd n gen term (?) for pit inside; eggplant, Solanum high grasses, bamboo,'Guinea melongena (Webster) lit grass,' the term includes ad of European Panicum maximum (Dalziel) inlahaga idim, rifiadga ink adan na kind of tree with Indian bamboo, it grows in or bulging roots, its bark and near water (idIm stream, ina3 leaves are boiled in palm river) wine and drunk for malaria dkp6 AfiAildge, the stem of the cures bamboo (dkp6 bone, stem, cfnan stalk) eb;k akilagda kind of monkey adgd n scum which lives in bamboo Maga 1.1k5t scum on the top

of palm wine, the result of .rifiarjl n the dark brown or black fermentation fiber growing around the trunk fifidgd dfere scum on the top of the raffia palm (the layer of spoiled soup immediately under it is Idit, cf itta, ef66t, edgd piassava), it is sharp edged and used for tying things admd nan edible fern found syn thitai; beads worn in streams wrapped around the waist (2) admd ekpo (1)tbk dyin) a kind cf naild of fern, slightly reddish on

the spine, not eaten, used fillarj2 n var of Uniarj by children to make their

ekp6 masks lit fern of elcpci Ahe'riiie n a kind of small mush- of small children room which grows on dead trees, Afidmd (dyin) asdb5 a kind of it can be white, red or brown

334 317

Whin sub j, obj, possess pron. risa n, interj var of nsa we, us, our AsA. n, interja word of nnuninu(?) n var of Ari6niii6 emphatic denial, 'God forbid,' 'may what you say never happen' Afi6n1E6, AfiUniful (?) ntendril, (it can be said to someone who runners; antenna sneezes to protect him); a

nnuninu15kbrj the tendrils gesture of denial which may that grow in between each accompany the uttering of rise., 4kbrj type of leaf the person moves his hands from cf noon the back of his neck to the front, or wipes his hands on Afinn6 n see noon his arms (symbolically wiping away the evil idea) Ase n any game played with -kpahlA nsa, -nwal)a nsa make seeds, pebbles, dice, 'pieces;' a statement involving the word the seeds, pebbles, dice, nsa; make a gesture such as 'pieces' so used; ornament of the ones described above shells or fruit pits worn on (kpaand resolve against, ankles or wrists to make noise decide not to, eka clear, when dancing expand) Asa late isbrj a particular nsa mini O!, ehrja nsa CA God game played with 'pieces' forbid!, it shouldn't happen!, lit Asa of hole in ground Ideny it! Asa dbAkp5k the game of risatkpaaga.! God forbid you draughts (checkers) should die! (said to someone (abilkpka plank, the board who sneezes) litfisa you for draughts) don't die 'cf fisak (see sage) nsa O! said to frighten a kite away from chickens Asa2 n a diseased condition of poultry in which little quill Asadatj n a sharpened stick feathers begin to grow all abufisadatj a kind of large over the body shrimp sold smoked and skewered 1, cf sara on a sharpened stick (abil crayfish) cf fleapat

. 325 318 risagansee sak risesee risO6 risaisakajseesaki riseesip ajsee sip risakajseesag4.1 risei na powdered vegetable mixture used in juju sacri- risaknseesage fices -titahk riseicrumble risei risame,n var of with the finger tips (used to decorate the place where risima, riseman a kind of a sacrifice is to be performed) brown bean cf bk6ti risk n, ajsee sege risann seesan6.1 risema n var of risamb. &at)nochre, a kind of clay used for plastering walls, risen (linen)n[Efik] egg for floor or wall decora- (linenchicken) (rare) tion, and for body decora- syn bkia linen; see risene tion ris en nsee us en risaqnsee h.kbnb risene nsperin, semen risasakn. a kind of bird, very see risen linen tiny, the king of all birds, 'sunbird' (Adams) risesik emiarjna kind of man risasak yaak sittlk small bat; a small bony kiliablik Triba person kbp atike mme usin3 see emlar3 ki it6ri yirbk Catch risasak let him go nsia nintestines Don't break (his) ) wing Hear okra and tutu In (the) throat yirbk

336 319

hsiim na kind of basket used lithe hangs on women at end for catching fish or crabs, of buttocks small ones are made of palm hsimis also the pl of isim fronds, large ones of cane tail; cf sim cf ekpa

. hsintbo ebbk na kind of monkey Asiip n the pith of ak66k (ape?) (410;k monkey) (the center stalk of the raffia palm frond). The term Asin n var of Ayin is used when the cover of the stalk is removed and the pith Asinia n var of ilsinia is cut into stick-like pieces, the little sticks are used to risinia, Asinia, ansinia, Afisinia beat abbdom (a kind of drum), n [Eng 'engineer`] repairer if the pith is removed by of cars, bicycles, broken pulling it out from the plates, etc. center in strands, it is called awoi 11kbt Asirisi n eternity Asilp nsiip ajnot fleshy tutuAsiAsiforever lit until or juicy, dry (of a fruit) eternity syn tutu 6.6NAma tutu nsinsi Asihsi, ke AslAsi hsim n the end of something, Asihsi forever and ever (used the tail end, the tip in church sei-vices) fisim uk3t the tip of new cf siiye growth on the raffia palm tree (uk;t raffia palm) Asia n the gums (anat) hsim Adak, hsim akbbk the young furled palm frond Asip it;ij na lump in the neck (Adak the leafy part of the (a cyst or tumor which can be palm frond, ak66kthe cut out) (it6ij neck) raffia palm frond stripped of syn dkpasakit;i3; see isip, its leaves) Ifikpasi; cf fidip ayire lbaan ke hsim He trails after women, he Asik n pl of lis161j can't stay away from women.

337 320

Aso n pl of isci tree used for fences,'hog plum' (?), Spondias monbin (Dalziel) fis66 interrog n varof nsoo nsurJ n a kind of black fly, risbo, AsO6 interrog n what? the common housefly [vars are phonologically risiln ale) tsetsefly syn iloGt; conditioned] ; rise interrog cf dylip , aj what? seesea Asaij ii.dithrj a kind of flyfound risoci ke knam? What didyou on feces lit fly of feces do? often contracted to xisurJlitbk akindof tiny black rise anam? fly, clouds of them fly before risid61 risinam? why?(often one's eyes in the evening a reproach) (contractions (ritOk small) of rise idO? What is it?, cf risim ikan, ridisiirjuna rise imam? What does it do?) & ke ane.m? What should I nsui ikhijnsmoke; steamboat, do? often contracted to ship also tiloom ristuj ikaq thb3 nnam soo? (iibom canoe, ikk fire) &Tian risO6? What did you do? cf often contracted to aamim s66? risk idiu), risk litOm n village ufik risO6?What smell? w var crier, he beats a drum and asb6 ufik AsO6? makes announcements (iddij rise lifik? What smell? gen village, them message) contracted to rislifik? syns akpbk6 litbkirbk, akpbk6 rise linn? What for, what use? ibit; see gen contracted to rislif;n (id6nbenefit) ris6 n my father syns rite, ete rise lit5? Whatkind? gen baba Mmi contracted to risdtb? tis6 your father ris6b8m my grandfather nsu nsee sizg6 ias6b8m your grandfather nsiik&karan a 'thorny palm 321

1 Asok nthe young of a kind of moon see Atarita afibtj frog, greenish, found on plantain leaves ntaa n var of rita afibtj

nsok2nincitement, provocationritaa (nta)interjsaid. in teach- -COK) ris;kincite, provoke ing a child to walk litput in incitement cfsOki,ed6613,b.d-a ntaat (I dais)nthat part of an arrow (feather or other nsok 6.ylnnfeast on the material) which directs its marriage of b.diage. (the first- course, fletching (idarj born daughter) (e.yinchild) arrow) (an anb.b.13 festival) ofhtaat cf s6k1 ritae.tam n. see tamma As;rj,As6bijna kind of red. 1 clay used for plastering mud Atafi.513n var of AtaAtg. houses -top ris;r3plaster the walls n.taff.61) n. a kind of stinging of a house with mudsyn -Up ant, large, black and bad ufok smelling see is'h AtaAta nsee' t6. As6513 n var of Ash AtaAta Ataf1613 nstar; Ata n pl of áta firefly(6116/3moon) see Ata afibij rita num var of it& Atak nreason, cause, origin, ritg..see Mad (irca) beginning ritakgive a reason, Ath madna children's reveal a reason running and hiding game risid6 Atak; Ataga? Why? (from played by moonlight (6114 rise idO Atakwhat is reason;

339 322

litak ereason what about) Atarj ebek; rita/j ekpek beard ke Atakbecause, instead of lithair of chin;hair of AyAdkaa (ke) Atak info. '.11 underside of chinsynrjwa go on your behalf, at your ebek behest, in your place, instead cf 6wa, idet, Idarj of you litI'll go for reason your cfiwat A.tate.nnsee tine. ke Atak Adad-i.te inn.It's your fault.litfor reason riteconj var ofritel of fault your one aijvi6ij ti ke Ate.k kbfl. He rite1nmy father synsete drank tea instead of (in Ina, babe. Inmi, ris6 place of) coffee. see ete t66rj6 Atak nom!Do it again! litbegin (at) beginning do rite2 conjvar of rite'1 Atakis also the pl of itdk; see Iftpatek, Ifikpate, rite3 conjvar of rite3

Atakir6k n var of rit6kIr6k rite,riteconjwhere Evars are phonologically conditioned] ratann see tone. iidibri6ke rite an akemand? Don't you know where you were ratann a small plant, its born? leaves are irritating to the ILI!) rite one e.kaa. OlkpOn.The skin, Urera mannii (Dalziel) town where he's going is big. cf-Una cf se, ake,rite3 .2 ritai3 n feather (esp quill riteprep like, as; conjas to, feather); hair always quali- according to the way that, so fied by a body part: that, how also (conj only) Atari linenquill feathers of dat3d rite, nang, rite a chicken Mori) (from rite ide)like that Atari inizemoustachelit ritOm (from itami) like this hair of mouth Ataine. ritorb. I don' t say 323

that; I don't talk like that. ritege ritege advsee &here ritOrb ke ádó. Certainly; of course; that's how it is. lit Men n larva of a beetle which like that that it is nests in rotted raffia palm id666 ritoro. It's not like trees, it is roasted and eaten that. rite enb as a gift riterje riter3e adv see teljoe afie atie rite ayln fnmi. He's like a son to me. lit he seems ritere ritere adv see datere like child my ebot Isanake rite &old. Goats Ati aj pl of eti aren't as clean as dogs. Ldioijoke nte ane.m. I don't riti n the area around the ears know how you did it. and under the jaw nte afo atelpla... according riti iltblj the part of this to what you say... area immediately around the rite Mbet according ears to our law... ek.pdtiat nti, akpokop riti, 1 3 1 2 WporO riti(?) mumps (cf cf fite , rite , MO , te itidt. stone)

3 , rite , nte conj whether, if [vars are phonologically ntiantian a grass which opens conditioned] at noon and closes at about 6kereke'rite iyaidi. I don't five o'clock in the afternoon, know whether we'll come. time is reckoned by it,'noon 6kereke rite ayaddi. I don't grass' know whether he'll come. ke ritihAtia amelsake... when % % % the noon grass opens... cf rite2,nte tee, Prime

4 rite adv introduces an interrog- ntiitip aj seetipl ative, suppositional or con- 1 ditional sentence (rare) Atim n a diseased condition of the skin on the legs involving riteetip aj seetipl pus filled swellings and crack- ing of the skin

341 ..enerrenenvereener.... . ere. Meer..


Atim2na women's society iltiratikpithm n var of Atirailkpiaiam

1 xitime nsee timme Tito nlatrine, cesspit

ntinnikn see filk AtOknhanger, peg on the wall for hanging things ntinan var ofritifial iltok aj, n (?) pl of etok e.%1 ..4 htina 1 ntinana crown made of rope worn by a certain ht8m see hte2 class of chiefs cf klana ht6rO seehte2 htifia2 na small insect found n to n the tail feathers of a around palm wine bird

n mould fit-hen n a kind of small hot gtipe htifia. It's grown red or green pepper, Aframomum mould. lit it's sprouted melegueta (?) (Dalziel) mould risek 4then a young pepper cf Udip fruit not yet red ritaen akp; a large hot red ritiafilk nsee nik pepper with a strong smell (akpo billy goat) n var of et1231c5m htlabn ibbk 'alligator pepper,' a very hot kind of pepper which Mire ix-to/3 nsee tit is chewed with palm wine or kola nut, good for cough, it ritirithkpixtun, is used by shamans who chew it AtUrattkpithm n a kind of large for power lit pepper of forest bird, 'eagle' (?), it medicine can beat the air with its wings and make a great noise httibn rfibire na kind of plant, children use it in playing

342 325

'house,' they 'cook' with it or a piece of hollowed out wood (cf ritixen pepper poss ritUen with a slit cut into it, it is 6bir6 resembles the pepper beaten with a stick by the plant; Noire 'play') village crier sa 6k6mia Atakir6k &fit dwb rittigixbel rittakb nmist, fog 6icip6 6di &f6. When they beat Atakir6k everyone rushed to Af6.

AtizkO n var of rittigabe akpbk6 Atbkirbk village crier lit beater of At6k1r6k syns rittuj n bra or copper bangles akpbk6 ibit, ristIn idlaq, risk worn around the legs from atom ankle to thigh by fattened cf lkirok, kirok, *kirk, bkilk, brides Mc6r6, hkpcirei, akkk6/3 synAw5k; cf Aktik, AkpOgO At6m n the sour orange

Attiriliakpithm n var of Atirtitkplalam syn Udarjaya

AttriaritUlit n var ofritithritAlit rit6r) n see t6q6 rittraritAllt, AtithritAilt n wart ritbrbrb. n cassava fufu made of cassava which is fermented but rit31 n place not washed afterwards, it is nto 6mihere lit place this boiled but not pounded (?) also ado' there lit place that iwa Atbrbrb; cf ukpip, fUh, kad nto nte abo ikaa! Go any- tsin where you want to! lit go place where you want to go rit66/3 na roof beam, a rafter cf iti6 made of raffia branches -mid rit6613 lay the rit66/3 (in nto n pl of riditb, building a house) ak6k66k rit;6q ilfbk the center At6kfr6k, Atakir6k n [onomat ?] cross beam of the roof perpend- a musical instrument consisting' icular to 0°6 of a section of Indian bamboo cf it6/3 1


ritnia n a kind of plant with has miscarried,.miscarried. a strong smelling edible leaf, Ayin itit clitoris lit young used in treating diarrhea, of vagina Ocimum viride (Adams), poss Ayin ildtul pestle lit young Oeimum americanum (?) (Dalziel) of mortar yin abn pupil lit young Aya na kind of tree with hard of eye wood, used to make tools such Ayin itiatthe smaller and as hoe handles mobile one of the two stones used for grinding lit young riyadma na women's society of stone connected with fattening, after Ayin Ukp5gbdekey lit young a woman is fattened a ceremony of lock syn dtat is performed and the fattened The pl riditb is used for the woman becomes a member of this young of an animal, it is not society; a woman belonging used in any of the idiomatic to this society expressions; it is also the pl of Ayin nyhyaka aj see yaka see ayin, Uyin

Ayeriye riyeriye n corns ilk, Ayin, Asin n [Eng 'engine'] the tassel at the end of an used as follows: ear of cornalso Ayeriye ubom Ayin, eft resin motorboat dkpakpa; a kind of4kh used (i1b6m canoe). for of ere Ay8tna plant with round seeds Ayeriye n var of Ayeriye the size of a golf ball, the seeds are used for games and yin pl hditbn the young of for yoyos; a particular game an animal in which a kind of spinning -wank Ayinmiscarry, give top is hit; a very short person birth prematurely (of animals) (he seems to roll along) lit tear out young cf yut ebot dwaak Ayin. The goat

344 hy65 n see ekpiab6

1'137.56 njest, joke, a story that pokes fun, clowning (esp at a serious time) -sin 1%7.56; -ndm hy36 clown, joke lit put in joke; make joke -t6 456 clown, joke; make a fool of someone lithit joke cf Ad6k

345 328

fidl iv fart opt w unai n fart also w syn rfimik

hf16.1 aj used as follows: 6bh Sinai hfial. This phrase describes the way a cucumber

Dui or wormy yam feels on one's teeth. cf flak

flah ideo sound of oil dropped in the fire AdUk Adan k6 Tick af16 anAm I dropped oil in the fire, it went I'M..

f)tr1.1 cf Main, flan

two ..!)uckrae

ot lan(1 :calk ideo var of flak

hak, Eak -ideo sound of eatinga cucumber, a wormy yam, or Adiscion anbm (a sun-toughened i. three-leaf yam) cf fidi

mpl Eahm tv sell -flan -adiza trade, engage in

t. trade lit sell market, price aj for-sale; sold rfikp6 adb 6,d8 mama.. Is that thing for sale? see flamd -----.-*/


mama iv become scarce, in flan ideo sound of the clanging demand (from the seller's of metal point of view) fihima iv become spread out, opt w tleahmarket, price stretched out see fihm; cf s6b6, baga ahnind idet.He has the kind of hair which sticks out,(Idet fihmma tv singe hair) elfat) Ilkbt ahnana. The raffia fihn, fihnna plfi Mn tv stretch leaves are spread out. out, stretch forward, stick -Hanna Alignbecome terribly out, point; iv stick out, bold (6fign eye) extend fihnna an en n3 hfi6! Face up fihn 6t6 Lib! Give me the to him! stick! lit stretch out stick Ufibind hnn n the state of give me having one's eyes wide open fihnna k1p6 Lib! Stretch (implies being agressive and up and pluck it for me. a go-getter) Ifihnna Is6 ke bsion. He see fihn doesn't stick his face out- side. nauideo sound of something dwil6 ann. It sticks out;* frying in oil it sticks way out. lit it cf fidam, fihl comes out it extends hfian aj long, tall finn ivbecome spread all over hfian dwb tall person bkhkht ahfinn 11f8k. There are hfian Ini a long time termites alliover the house. hfihn lt6n, hfihnn It6/3 n lit termites are spread over a white bird of the stork house type with a long neck and long Idim ahnbn. The streams are legs (It6/3 neck) flowing (said when after the see fihrna dry season is over, the water flows again). syn Idim dAtipe, fihnna tv, iv var of fihn cf t116k6

347 330

1 lint) iv pl of fib!) idem ank. My body trembles, I'm afraid. nb/je, nbmje iv sway (as a hsfInk idem?What are you tree in the wind), shake as a afraid of? lit what shakes bottle on the shelf when a your body heavy truck goes by, as flesh lybad 6riek idem. They don't when a person moves); tv let her move about as she likes. shake, shake out lit they don't allow she moves et6 ehabb/je ke 6fim. The about self, body also iyak4 tree sways in the wind. aegb idem. efim enb/je et6. The wind bnk Isb/j nshaking of the shakes the tree. earth ilf6t It AmLAni in ILI!) nJ Isbn na heavy truck (it emi hbem. Small pox really shakes the earth as it rumbles shook this town last year. by) see fibge, fibk; cf yntje,nik htihnk n hiccup syns htihfilk, 4k.dbek jibe iv shake (of flesh, of a see nhe, nge; cfnik cloth which is being shaken out); tv shake, shake up n/j1pl nh iv become greedy (as a bottle to mix its opt w line!) ngreed contents), shake out (as a rug to remove dust) n/j2 iv, tv var of nk see nhe, nk; cfnik fihnel tv check a blow, stop nk, Rh ivshake (of a short of giving a blow drunkard's hand, of an old cf ebmme,kek2 rattly car, of a cloth flapping in the wind; tremble, move nine iv, tv varof nb/je about; tvshake a person (eg. shake a baby in play, niik tv pl or var(?) of Mk shake a person as an old car does), shake the ground (as Min/ tv pl of film an earthquake)

34S 331 fillm2 tv pl of fame film pl halm tvrefuse, hold back something when one has Min1 tv drown, try to drown it to give (a person); put into water, aim nmiser, one who will dip, immerse; mix a dry not give something even though substance with a liquid one; he doesn't need it himself tease; iv drown syn amnniinawot. 'You've cf fame, sin soaked me.' (you're sarcas- tic) lit you've drowned filmme iv, tv (?) agree, approve; me you kill respond (as in antiphonal sing- see nine, fiinne ing)

Min2tv pl of fin fame pl fillm tvsqueeze (a fruit, a wet cloth), press Min, Mine, hinne, yiin, yline (oil from Aybp), milk tv eat (meat) a shred at a cf film time

hfiline (Milne), hyline filn pl and inters Min tvshow (hyline) aj thin, tiny, lean, the teeth w edbt teeth or sickly (of people) Ina mouth cf kpinne, tinne hse hfilin edbt?What are you laughing for (as there's no nilne tv var of Min reason to)? litwhat you show teeth Mk pl or var (?) nick tv shake, bounce a person as on fine ivbecome immersed in a couch water; remain underwater, soak htihfilk, htlhfilk, htlhfilk, oneself in water htinifilk, btikhfilk n hiccup canine ke Ukbt.He's immersed syn in palm wine (he drinks until cf fibk,yikel he doesn't know what he's doing). .see Min, fiinne 332

filnne tv rev of filln remove The sourness of this orange from water (no wringing out doesn't allow me to eat it. is implied, what is taken Aakp6n Iffilmm6 dbh6. There's from the water is dripping, too much sourness in it. lit it may be a child who is in it's big in sourness very much the water and is uncomfort- Afitimm6, hfi6mm6 hii6mm6 able); ivrev of Mile come aj sour out of the water; become untidy nn iv var of rirj hs6 hfilnne htom hwb.6 hdl? Why did you come out looking hnk tv , bend over stiffly, untidy like this? litwhat bend over slightly you are untidy like this you -Mk Idem bend the body over come out you come slightly see nine -Mk Iwat bow the head see nk6; cf niabk tv var ofniin fin/36 tvpeep into (a matter, al ideo sound of a car over- a house); peepout (without taking another at high speed being noticed), peep at Am6tb dhbly6 thmotb hfiln al. w ann.eye A car passed our car al. kadin/36 (afie.n! Mind your own business! lit don't peep eye 61k6 iv become tilted, bent cf Mk stiffly over 6t6 ahnk6. The tree has h&j pl subj tvreturn to, fallen over (no bending go back to, leave to go back to; involved, it tilted over until iv return, come back, go back it fell). -h&j dl come back lit return see fink; cf niag6 come hyhdsh 6116/) Adi? Will you fiUmm6, fl6mm6 ivbecome sour return early? 1116mm6 n sourness dsOkbrb aml Iyhka rid16. 333

hm6116/3. Welcome, you've come patience too much he'll get back (greeting to someone on angry. lit if you tax patience his return). him too much heart will burn of dhkA, kOn cf fin

f16136 tv, iv pl of fi6/3 f1663 3 ivbecome tall, long, far, high, deep fi6p ideo sound of a small b.y6 AR66n tisk did? How far is cockerel which has lost the it to 462 lit 46 is far mother way how btbk inn dhk6sOp6 &salt hn16 6E66/3 dean? Who's taller? dsdijh ab6/3 1.16p n5p ii6p. The litwho is tall surpasses small chicken which is lost nheight, length cf is going about crying ii6p Ilbam

ii6p ntop; sky, horizon also Ikpd dah sky (ikpd fibbn iv crawl (of a baby, a skin) snake) hi-16/3 dAd166k. The weather is 1166n na cripple; a sluggish bad. lit sky is bad non-achieving person; crawling 1d166k Afihstorm cloudlit

(2) bad sky An3n6 n worms of the flat hfid ikph h6/3a cloudless sky parasitic type cf litwhite sky cf e66n 6t6 aaii6613 SrJ. The .tree is tall. B.66n6 iv ( ?) do something more dsby6 k6 6tb. He climbed -slowly than expected (esp so down from the top of the tree. as to tax someone's patience); Abot top of a mountain tv (2) tax a person's patience hbhsl aiih supreme God lit hm61166n6 5166n db6g6. You are God of sky cf hiphs1 isb/3 too slow. lit you are slow lesser god lit god of ground crawling (?) very much bomah airplane lit canoe Ncp-Cifi6n3 WD6g3 4sit of sky cf Wp6m isbij auto- dyadyAt. If you tax his mobile lit canoe of ground

351 334

1b6m n a kind of snake, arboreal, puff adder (?) lit IbBm of sky hat hfikn a kind of tree, it grows in a semi-circle around another tree, its roots go around the trunk or branches of the host tree, mistletoe (?) (cf dbt place on top of) an.5. poi aj topmost (naa lie) cf ana Iskibottommost

352 335

w n tv do an 'open-eye' (pull Zeal aj shiny down one or both lower eyelids Allen ArlwA Aba behi Zeal. The in a taunting gesture as if to cat's eyes are shiny. 3 w say 'I told yoU so') w Alien cf nw6, nwiya,nail, mai , b./3 ft eye w,,2 itnwh hrihn n 'open -eye' n al iv talk in an angry, WP high-pitched voice; ideo sound cf nwail al , n ayi,nwhyA, nw63m of a frightened, wounded dog nwhhk ideo sound of dry cloth &Aida abbn nw61 nwAi or paper crumpling The dog cries .3wAl nwAl /PAL syn whgh cfmaid rwahn tv pl of rowan /NO ivbecome congested; become odorous; smell of fish nWI/ aanaf tv pl of nwand 66.73wAgA ld4m. He has bad body odor. lithe is odorous (in) nwhhn tv pl of nwhn body ub5k inm3 AnwAnw6.6. My hand nw al1 iv shine like a cat's smells of fish. eyes (said of a person's eyes kwin,11pwagi lyhknthe.smell when he is excited, or when of fresh fish (iyak fishgen he should be ashamed but isn't) term) His hand shine intensely, brightly (of 15105k dmb AL4134 kwari. smells of fish. the sun). bai anwL.1 amen nth hnwft. The person's eyes shine like a nwhm tvhelp; contribute (money, food, labor) cat's. lit person shines (in) eye like cat Ilnwam n help; contribution Aylb AnwAl. The sun shines cf ild6/16,tipi brightly, the sun beats down intensely. nwhn pl nwhhn tvdry at a heat hnn nthe state of source; barbecue in coals (no having sharp, shifty, darting contact with a flame) eyes seenwhnna

353 336 w, w, ana pl aana tvfight; eh/A iv become clear, light, struggle; try bright; figbecome clear, eana ekk fight a war understandable; become large, edna idemmake an effort wide; expand; tv clear (as a lit try self road); expand, enlarge w 4416 akilk make money dylb Ahed/A. Day has dawned. (implies hard work) lit lit daylight is light struggle (for) money bet tutu ayfb kwanh. Wait w,, aand Ikpenna! Fight and until it's light (to take die! (said sarcastically, as pictures)! when two brothers are fight iffin66/3 Ahehrla Afien. The water ing) is clear. lit water is clear dean n fight (to) eye cf ileka atjehrja. It's clear to me. 16/3whilake. I don't understand, w hnnd tv rev of /fanremove it's not clear to me. cf kbp w from a heat source something hqa hs6,-nwh/36 risA make a that is being dried gesture of denial while making a statement involving the w w h/3 131 nal tvmark property word hsd, the gesture is to identify it or to keep usually one of wiping the hands people or evil away (eg. put off on the arms (symbolically a talisman tied in red string wiping away evil) or moving on one's fruit trees so no the hands from 'the back of the one will take thefruit) neck to the front, the com w hr) idem put on a charm, bined gesture and statement a ring or the like to ward mean 'God forbid!' may what off evil lit mark self you've said never happen' or n anything used to 'I deny it emphatically' mark property in this way, syn-kphh/A hsd anything used for a charm see hsd cf ehrni bklm fiedirjh, 4kim 151)17d1jh n the darkness just before dawn (kim become dark) 337

kwan6n (note irregular ehrjrjd tv pour into; empty out; derivation) brightness, light open wide taehna, Aflb/j the light of ddhqwkh, Adtek n a yawn the moon -ehryjd adedrjh yawn leat)n farm (land cleared seeijwhrjd; cf ehrj and planted or about to be w planted) cf ik6t; aj open, dya tv cast the eyes about, empty look all around w ellen eye -t6 Ilwal plant a farm, farm cf ea, nwAI, nwand ht6 inwAn farmer w idio (ierAn); afim dkpa bbge iv var of /) wbbye whirlwind lit whirlwind (of farm); wind of expanse e/46k iv, tv breathe, take a of farm breath, take a deep breath anhd lek. It lies open le/46knbreath; stamina, (of land, of a jar) endurance, strength kdbintA Akb/j ildbk dnlm -ask _week inweekbreathe, take Wyk. The carpenter makes a breath doors but he leaves his own -k66t ieeektake a deep breath house doorless. lit car- lit draw in breath penter nails door he keeps -diabk leeek draw a deep doorway empty breath; rest; die lit pour dea,n [Efik] an open out breath, strength space, outside cf bsiOn, -yem leeek pant, gasplit Akpd look for breath

Aed esiOnsquare, area for -eeek dim661 . drown lit 'play' activities breathe water dee. ekpb ekpc5 square (the adk/86ek, 3k61) Adimweek n place where ekpc5 comes out of asthma; respiratory trouble the ground) (Ik6rj cough) ded ded advpublicly 4w6 Adbebbk an asthmatic see /1 arna person seenwek, eeke, ebbye 338 eeem tv lick, lick off poss rev ofeeek, eek w cf yet see 13bbye

w enn iv pl of ehn bine ivexpose oneself (esp to more trouble than one would ebbne tv (?) have an abund- have if one played it safe), ance, come into an abundance put oneself in the limelight; (by a sudden windfall or become prominent after doing without) khd ke kttbk6 /lick htb ilehme thmeehhne hfbn tikhph ke isci. Go and wipe off the I have an abundance of charcoal which is prominent clothes for Christmas. on your face. w 1.3 hhne do! You have so much w 1 now (youcan swim in it)! hmme iv stop short of lit have an abundance there colliding (on purpose or cf Anne accidentally); frighten with a look, threaten (eg. with a ehhy6, ebhge iv' sigh (with knife) relief, boredom, fatigue) -ehmme ke ikitathreaten seenweek, eek, eeke .with a knife cf fibrnd, blmme,kek2 eek iv (?) breathe a quick short breath ehmme2 tv (?) give an hospitable -eek (dyit) sob lit welcome breathe crying cf whtne seecreek (some speakers do not recognize the distinction Tjwhn pl ehhn iv become black between eek and nweek) kftdk dyib dmih dyinadb see alsoeeke, ebbye Albhhk hdieen. Don't let the sunshine beat on that child w 1.3 eke iv (?) draw in the lest he should get black. stomach, hold the breath opt behrjebn, 1/3whiehn, behiehn, wleeek breath beheeen, inwhnijebn aj black 339

bebbn benn aj blackish, walks stealthily (in) gait blackened rleddn n stealth cf bird, kim ukpubbiltop iln.b.m Ana bAwilttn /jean. If you want to shoot eene iv flicker; tv flash and kill an animal it's a light on and off necessary to walk stealthily. cf nignn6, tIlenn6 brjwdifin aj stealthy; dragging (?); adv stealthily;

1Jw erj ideo describes a sudden in a dragging manner (?) action benn brf.aan adv in a thmotb awu6 atik6 eefl. The dragging manner (?) win6; w car appeared suddenly lit see rj cf 66n,finn car came out appearedek. elne pl rJwuun6, nwillin6 iv eln pl edUn tv roll up, fold, become coiled, twisted (of a coil, twist into a circle; rope, a snake); pl only draw draw up slowly, contract up, contract all or part of (voluntarily); pl only iv the body (involuntarily); sneak about, walk stealthily, become wrinkled (of cloth, a do cautiously to avoid notice, face) W. take surreptitiously; drag seen in around, drag along, walk dragging oneself (?) /film pl subj rnitim iv, tv bear lkdra twist lkdra fruit (the cloth or grass ring worn s6kbrb gedrn. The orange on the head to support a pot) tree has borne fruit. into a circle -edm idiom, thfit have dk6t draw up the leg fruit (idiom body, rfifit fruit)

;--r3"-Lidn ideni contract the rictheamb n fruits of any body type not dug from the ground w -fl -dun is6 frown lit contract (okra, maize, oranges) the face Ashnd; ArNiftn Isan. He nwinlm iv, tv pl of eilm walks stealthily, lit he walks stealthily he walks; he uuntv, iv pl of VP, 0,-.S,Oft


nw.En6 iv pl of eine tomm6 Unw60, enw60n promise,

nwill5n6 iv pl of eine resolution, oath, swearing cf k66156. nw6m6 (possvarnvvmm6) iv w w become outsized n66m, nbbmtvtaunt, sneer 6k6p 6Anw6m6. The navel is at; make an 'open-eye', make big and pendulous. a face, stick out the tongue, Akp6k 1nub. 6.W6m6. The to say 'it serves you, right,' lips are too big. 'I told you so' be66mnthe act of taunting, A n ommo iv become untidy (with sneering sloppy clothes and an un- cf nwe., nwbmm62 washed face) w w cf nw6mm62 nbbm tv var of n66m nw3mm62 tv make faces to nw66n ivsneak about, walk scare a child opt w Is6 stealthily, do cautiously to face avoid notice, take surrepti- .1 w cf nwin, in, n ommo n 6 tiously 4e66n, Inw66nn stealth w 3 nbmm6 ivi var of el6m6 (4?) Inw66n-1nw66n aj stealthy; adv stealthily w n6n tv drink; smoke 1e66n 1nw66n 6.wb a stealthy, ilnw66n water syn 61166n sneaky, cunning person lw6n ntobacco; snuff cf 1 wuun, fibbn syn Ike w A -n 6nikon smoke (1k8n snuff; leaf) cf m66n6

w n6n6tv promise, swear; swear by (not used for a serious oath such as swearing by God) cf

. 358 341 i)ka.1 n age group; age-mate; ijkam nmy grandmother company association, coopera- see ekam, ukam, ijka, uka, eka; cf tive society ris6b8m, .o.s6b8m, 6.b8m, 1b8m, ijka Thanwomen's society A.kp6bOm, ild6b8m (gen term) zjka Afaamcooperative society Ijkandfaij, 6kAraf6.13nrust litsociety of frugality hicaricla laa large bird with long ijka2n my mothersynseka colorful feathers, it lives imi, mma Mmi, llama Mmi, rine near the river; a 'play' con 1mi nected with ekpe society, played i'jkammy grandmother by the old men of the society, seeeke,, ,aka many drums are used (the feathers of the i)karida bird are often mca3 aj pl of eka2 worn by 4kpe members, no non member is permitted to wear 6kaAn ajsee kaLna them) bkadin var of hkarl ijkanfkan bell, clock; hour 4k6nika ifar) amid?What time hkakatn a kind of white is it?litbell, hour how many termite struck ebb. Ijkakata larger kind of aatie dkpeene 6,b46 6k6nika white termite dlaOp eba.He stayed a long see elm). time past twelve o'clock, ijkanika 15.bkwatch lit 4k6m n whiskers; the small clock of arm fibrousroots of a plant rjkain inn whiskerslit &ad, 6keria na mat woven from whiskers of mouth ridg.k (the leaflets of the raffia 6kam itit ildilar)the hair palm frond) used for roof around the anus thatch; used loosely zjkaiii can 4kim udia hair roots on a yam refer to the leaflets themselves cf rjwa, 41c6S16, sew 41calla (refers 342

to the piercing of the leaves áth atAri atArj bkaija. He talked with rid.allij (thin strips of and talked but in vain (no one

bamboo)), attach &ARA mats listened). lit he talked he -k66 ijkaid tie on the mats talked he talked wasted used for roof thatchlit hang ben hkand! Take it for nothing; ijka6 take it free! inure a small cylindrical anb k6 Ijkánd. He gave it for construction of raffia palm nothing, for free. fronds used for storing salt Iljkarja 6kO an empty pot itam rjkaria a large hat made of Ijkarja ub3k aj empty-handed, a raffia mat used as an insolvent (Ilb6k hand) syns umbrella (itam hat) cf ibiti ukp6k lib6k cf 46.0. ijkari nthe side of the body from armpit to waist; the side of a Ijkarjaatilk n seetiak2 box as opposed to the front and backcf ffibAn (can refer to any ijkara na small thorny (?) palm of the four sides of a box) which grows by the river, its akp6 ijkarj, thkpata &An, dkpdta branches are used for fences, 4kk, akpard &an, akpatara a kind of rattan palm, Ere- 4kaqribs (gkp6bone, see mospatha macrocarpa (?) (Dalziel)

akpard, icpata.) ijkaq rit6 dbaan (2) meat on theOcarafk n var of ijkandfan ribs given to women and children (nt3 children, cf Slam women) : hkarasin n var of karasin see likAn; cf Mben, Mbar) hkarl, akarl, kari, bkadi, akadi, hkalja aj empty, wasted, not being k&di, garin [source unknown] put to use, free cassava in a dry granular form, ilf6k 6nad ijk6rja. The house lies mixed with water to form a empty. paste and eaten with 'soup,' Atle ijkka. I have no means of 'gari' livelihood. lit I stay empty, ?Nara gari dry 'gari' (in grains) not put to use 360 343

Mcarika, ijkarika na plant with ilkek lam joint of the body hot peppery fruit and leaves 4k6k abk joint of the arm, which are chewed esp with palm hand wine cf kek2 bkarikg ikbt; Mcarika idnk a wild plant 'similar to ijkarika Mcekemna kind of insect (?), but not peppery, its leaves are a larva (?) used in malaria cures lit Pjkarika of bush; bkArika of 4kekerj n see kerj gorilla hkem n color, many colors (as 4k; interrog n var of ijke on cloth or an animal) 1)kem ekpe spots on a leopard hk41 4k;interrog n where? (gen (4kpe leopard) describes a narrow area) [ears are phonologically conditioned] Ijkene n basket (gen term) ke hke ke &kenim &la)?Where did cf ijkirexj, A.kpesA,, A:pan you leave the pot? lit at where that you left pot hkere n var of ekere ed8p? ke ijke? I see an antelope? Where? Mcerexj n var of hkirelj Abe. ke 4ke? Where is he (eg. Iknow he's in the market but 4kesil n [Eng 'handker where exactly)? cfábá ke chief' ?] silk, any silk like? Where is he (eg. he could material syn sirek; silk be anywhere, I have no idea)? headtie, handkerchief see like (refers to a wider area cf Af5xj inUa, b5kit than bke); cf the sets imi, 15mi; Ado, IldO; rjko, ilkO; cf bketn lead (metal) 2 / A also ke moo,e Wet iyakn dorsal fin of a bke conj var of fkb fish cf ket, ijk61. 4kek n joint (of arm, leg, bamboo) 361 344

4kid1113 n strips of palm bark hkirikitn owl (gen term) used esp for weaving baskets &irk na two (2) pronged 4kiiktia n var of Lida (6.6A) metal gong beaten to sumo= people &Ifninsee kim cf At6kir6k, ekere,

Akeijka./3 hkikAnna hat-shaped woven filter used to filter abAk, 15kir6/) ith n collar bone fermented cassava, etc. (it613 neck) syns Akpatait;rj, ekpate. nsee k4 akpatara it;ij hkik3$m6n see lft6 fjkisi n var of fikesi

4kim enk n var of hkim br)../) 6k; adv also ben scikOrO di /5kO! Bring hkim 6klm ena/3 na kind oranges also (as well as of wire grass, 'Bahama grass' bananas) ! (Adams) similar to Adinilene sOkOrO 4kO! Give me oranges (enk cattle) also (don't just give them to ()Min)! ti hkime hkime itakn a kind cffide,koro of plant (different from hkim ena/j?) hk6n over there, yonder (refers to a narrow area) hkime Itak n var of hkim6 enk lean AtO thmi aketuaga hk6. The farm stretches from here to hkirerj, hk6ren n basket (gen there. lit farm originates here term) reaches to over there hkiren itiana metal tray lit see k6, -ak6,ekci; cf hd6, thmi basket of metal syn n61.n6.1 cf hkene, Akpesa, akan 345

n bead ijktibg, i5kube rielbe nathlete's ijktla ith necklace lit beads foot of neck syn 6k6136 it;fl

4kila idim a kind of water 15kiabe n var of ijklibe plant, it has a hollow stem which can be used as a syphon, jkubek n see beke

its seeds float (7) lit -x-- beads of stream hkliege n var of hktlek cfijkaa hktiek, hkliegen crybaby, hkaa n a small, hard, round a person who cries at every object; kernel, seed, grain; little thing; ajcrybaby unit (can be used for enumera- dyin ijkilek,hktlek dyill a crying tion) feeble child (ayinchild) hkaa itiatgravel, pebbles (Itlat stone) cf hklidaga rjktiekn var of hictiek ritAn Mcia linenchicken egg (linen 6kilet n the fibrous part of the chicken) syn risen linen oil palm fruit, after the oil -sin hkua lay an egg has been extracted from the -but Pjkiahatch an egg fruit the fiber is dried and hicaa -inn eyeball (6rien eye) used for kindling fires and for synAkpasi amen torches hkia rfifet testicles (Inlet see akilet; cf ki.tere penis) hkua isip a single oil palm ijklikuk n a lump (of meat,. kernel (Islip oil palm kernel) of clay), a mass; a nest made syn akporo Isip by ants (?) hkua 4,y3p a single oil palm rjktzkikp5n the small cocoyams fruit (drip oil palm tree, which grow out from the main fruit) cf if en ayOp the tuber syn 4k6k ik013; cf cluster of oil palm fruits elcaikOK) hid/a áwó ita three people cf itige lit hkua person three

cf thkpasi, 6k15.a 363 346

nthe hips, the area from i)kiakillikpayrlybn var of the waist to the thigh cfisin, fbai, iwk

6kUkim nsee kim nlocust (insect) cfrjkuku, y66r6, Ifikp6 AkUkitnsee kit rjkiakilt n welts from a beating n pl of Alcilku 6kiikat awnrj6.Welt sappear. litwelts come out zjkukun an insect of the grass- hopper type, it is tan, grey ilkUkU6 n young curled cocoyam or mottled . leaf ebenan insect of this (*Uhl:16 ilamplantain leaf when type found in eb'en trees it is placed on the fire, it cf wilts and curls up and can be used for wrapping food. rjkiakialna kind of small rodent with a long snout bkithrina metal gong, beaten for 'plays' na kind of plant used cf 1.5kir6rj, ekere, rit6kir6k, for wattle 61633k613

15kUkilaknsee kU6k 6knrj6, 6..knrj6n a kind of plant (a grass?) with blade-like hkilkilereajsee kaere leaves which sway in the wind and which give rashes, similar 6kUkU.k n var of 1:5k-Uk to ebani but with broader leaves rjklikuk afi.aa low fence around bk-U.6t 6,b"6nnone of the styles of a trap, it has one opening b.bki (a secret society connected through which animals are driven with the ekpg (leopard) masquerade) (afia. trap) see abbn cf 347

Zik"6, bk.6 conjuntil, until the ijk6m 4.y4nsmall branches time, when radiating from akpe ayOp to bet ijk6 edO nap 611!Wait until which the individual palm fruits tomorrow!litwait until it are attached is tomorrow see aseop (oil palm tree) ijk-dere Adj.When I finish I come Ijk6m conj even if, not even if; cftixtu adv not even bkfik bkOm aslak dd8 etOk! ijk8, rjk3 advI hope, I believe, Give me money even if it's I'm sure, I wish, moreover only a little bit! 416 amed15136. You know this ijkOm Allem se Amain ridlitaind very well.litI'm sure you No matter what you do to me know I won't tell.liteven if you 4k6 uduulsaaga dO aba.I wish do what you do I won't tell word you wouldn't go there again. Adiulfiaanakeijk6m etOk et6k. I can't help you not even a ilk?)adv var of 4k8 little bit.

Ijk61na projection on the body$k6/3 1c;bnsee ek613 (?), used as follows: /jk61 iyakfin of a fishcf ijk6/3 n leaf i'jket yak In its narrowest sense the term Ijk61 e ni3quill of a p :rcupin.eapplies to leaves that are hk61 6.1thicia. 3end of the wing distributed along a stem in such bones 'of Akilk15.6(a kind of hawk)a way that a person can remove used to grab a chicken and tuck it several of them at atime by under its wing running his hand along the stem cf ak6k eg. 4ktlij illA613leaf of the fluted pumpkin, ijk:313iid1.6. leaf ijkik55m6n seek46 of yam, ijk6/3 ikp5/3leaf of cocoyam; the term can also 15k6kn p1 of 6.k6k apply to any edible leaf and finally to any leaf, then used ijk-5k6tnsee kit 365 348

interchangeably with ififarj. edible snail, small with a -ta.cun 15k613 take leaves from lightweight shell their stems, stack in the. cf hk66p, ekilh hand with the edges lined up, tie for easy shreddinglit hk6ti, ak6ti n[latter var is arrange rjk6/3 Efik]beans (gen term), specif- -kerj 15k6r)shed leaves (of a ically the black-eyed pea, the tree) term may include varieties of ijkijthe tendrils Phase olus lunatus and Vigna that grow in between each leaf unguiculata (Dalziel) ;some of the 1jk813 type speakers use the term 1s3k6ti 6..kp6 ijkijspine of a leaf (but not ak6t1) to refer to a $1.3 4wet sheet of paper kind of black bean which is not syn.sgrfa'ij 4wet, ikpa rjwet edible and is used as a cover see Ik6q; cf irif'arj, afk, wammd crop cf

6k6xj aya na kind of plant, a k66p, i)k6p noyster funnel for tapping palm wine ofP31c151c, i)k)rik is made from it WA of iineni/j (the fruit of fjko'rj rjri an. var of u.tja 15k6rj,aya rjegnn var ofaqw6,An n a kind of bivalve (mollusk) similar to ififl in 111NPeel] enajsee IV%en (periwinkle) but bigger cf P3khf.k, Ijk66p Zmwernjerenajseeqwen

Pilti5k1-%Am6 nsee k46 Weeen ajseeqwen ijk6p n. var of bk66p 1313 ow] n seerjoq ijk6rik6n var of i)krik /5wanhair (body hair, animal hair, feather but gen not i)k6rik6 na kind of hair on the head)cf idet,

366 349

ritAij (there is some variation in Ibibio). among tbe three words) cf 11.13,6k edem iwa gifet; 15wa ititpubic hair lithair of penis; hair of 15w11.8t n pl of iwilat vagina wa ebek beard lithair of i5w6e ajsee w6k chin ijwa ebek ib;6/ja kind of small bwne hwne, hwne i)w66g6 grass, boys pluck it and hold advsee w6dk it to their chins as whiskers lithair of chin of chiefs 44, iln6n feather of a chicken intien awabe iiwa.The bird moults.litbird moults featherssynimien awribe Iff i`jwaraajseewatt

/)wariwg, na small plant, its leaves are used for enemas and in juju hwkrep na kind of shrub with soft leaves

15wIpnsee Ape hwO nbribe; dishonest business practices ij'wO bribe, give a bribe dia'rJv+ro; be bwOtake a bribe liteat bribe; 'receive bribe (There is a verb wO 'rob,' 'bribe'(?) in Efik, not used

367 350

o,o, o a particle which often follows a greeting or an oath to give it special warmth or emphasis; it can also follow a command to soften it or as an attention getting device shija sk 6! Go well! risa mmi 8! God forbid! se d6 b! Heh, look there! cf

6, OO interj response to any courtesy (eg. s6s6q6 thank you, lugsympathy, regret) syn

66interj var of d9A b6 interj var of VA,

bi) interj var of

368 351 p4ni n var of Uni, biltgs [Eng] potash, it is mixed with palm-wine and drunk in large amounts every morning as a cure for gonorrhea syn mtha ib6k

369 352

sg, sn, conj since (time, cause) ikis64 Add ekpli Iba ew136. because When we were poking in that hole amekit ekpe sla k(!) Aman&? Have two rats came out. You seen a leopard since you cfsapal,k6p, s6p were born 4kedilg4 sg 15kiuld6k6ke. I didn'tsdardtv pl of sarg come because you didn't tell me. sg ekeyOmmb eb6g3 Li16 AdikOn. scativ pl of sat When they mocked him he ran away. lit because they mocked very scattv pl of sat much he ran away out of shame sgadOgO, sgadog6 because (from sabt. n [Engl] saboteur sg adOga since it is) cf t6q6, tot6, Atak s6gal iv become dirty, untidy, shabby, rotten, messy; become sackiv, tv pl of sak nasty, unpleasant to look at, hear about, or touch; become sankiv pl of sak demeaning; become slanderous; tvsoil, mess up; poke around saana.1 ivleave, let (always in someone's private life followed by another verb) Ik6 AAsaga. That is unpleasant sdaná yak! Let go! (yAak to listen to. litword, let go) matter is unpleasant sdana nim! Put it down! (nim aAsag6 Mbilk. It's too unpleasant put, put down) to talk about. lit it's unpleasant tale sadne iv pl of sane ansaga ke dfign. It's awful to me to behold. lit it's un- sak6 iv pl of sal.a pleasant to me in eye 11:114. a.s6gd Ice 1516k. Yams (in sAdp tv, iv poke (with a sharp abundance) are strewn around object, a stick) (esp to find the house. lit yams are where yams are below the ground) untidy in house -s6ap ice ikilg poke with a knife kaly&r6 item 6dO ane dAsaga!

1 353

Don't wear that hat anymore, sik pl saak iv laugh opt w it's shabby (and is demeaning Imat laughter; pl only to you)! smile; tv laugh at sag& Adak& k6 is6! You look so dAsdk. He laughs (he doesn't shabby, go away! lit become take it seriously). shabby go away from me at dAsdk imam. He laughs (stresses face the action). lit he laughs ktlAsdgd lif6k! Don't mess up laughter the house. sank ise! Smile let's see! risak aj dirty, shabby As6sdk?What are you laughing ofsdpdi, s6p6,tueke at? (fromAs6 asdk) lisadsdk. He's teasing you. sAgd2 tvfilter, strain by shak- ameris&k dwiit. You're mocking ing horizontally (cassava, Abak, me. lit you laugh at me you sand) kill Asdkna rattle; a musical Asdgd, esaga n mockery instrument filled with seeds or dAsak dw6 esdgi. He mocks the pebbles which is shaken; strings person (he rejoices over his of seeds worn around ankles and misfortune). wrists to make noise when dancing cfAsdi sakipl saak ivbecome burnt Asak shake a rattle (of things one puts into the dtiAsdk, 6tiAsak na kind of fire) cf tá. hardwood tree, it has seeds along dasak ld6m. He has rough its stem, holes are bored in skin. lithe has become the seeds to make Asdk, Omphalo- burned (in) body carpum sp. (Adams) -sak alienblaze (of the eyes), have fiery eyes, have shifty sal tv pl of siddk eyes lit burn (in) eyes cf -sak2 amen sdi, sal, soi interj indicates dsak alien en eel eel. He surprise or alarm has fiery eyes (his eyes burn syn kal e61 eel eel).

371 354

6sak &nen At6 in6.He has shifty 61s6k6. The fire makes eyes like a thief. sparks. isalsak, Asalsak aj burnt, Ama 6As6k6. Thunder explodes. scorched Ak6na 6As6k6. The oil bean Asalsak ildi6a yam with yellow bursts open. spots on it, it doesn't keep ffifit 61s616. The flower has long (nematode infested) opened; the seed has germinated. k6 Atiaritla amals6k6... When sak2 ivbecome face to face, the noongrass opens... directly in front of w Is6 Ils6k6 utin nsunrise; east face lit splitting, opening of Asak leo ase M6. He looks sun straight at him, lithe is see sIdak, say6; cf t1p6 face to face he looks at him sal 6w6 ddb Is6! Look straight sam tvwelcome at him! -sam 6kp6welcome 6kp6, other Aoak is6 n (?) opposite members of the society say kad ilsak is6 ufok dmi. Go to certain welcoming things, sing the house opposite this one. and dance when 6kp6 appears lit go opposite of house this (also used with other masquerade -sak 6aen (tv?) look directly names) at, stare at (6fien eye) cf -sam as6n 6wOwelcome a guest 1 -sakAllen As6 Ms6k amen k6 Is6. Why are samm61 sap' iv become agile, you staring at me? sprightly, lively, 'smart' Asak Men n staring (in action or dress) gen w (6kp6) 6sak eam nspine (bone idiom body, self which goes directly down the 6AsAmmd. It's all right; it back?) looks all right. cf s6p s6k6iv open, split; germinate, sprout; explode s6n61 ivbecome thrust in side- 6116/3 6AsAk6. The moon is out. ways or at an angle (as a utin66.s.6k6. The sun is aut. thorn or splinter in the flesh

37 2 355

which partially protrudes), sanna 15b6k etOk! Move your hand become slipped in sideways (of over a little (e.g. said to a piece of paper in a book), someone at the market who is enter sideways, at an angle; holding a knife on a piece of become sharpened to a point; meat ready to cut it for sale) tv sharpen to a point manna sauna lis8n! Give me a thm6sAnd 15106k. I have a splinter bit longer (a day or so later in my hand. lit I have become is better for me)! lit do pierced sideways (in) hand again give a little leeway day &fie adisand ke ik6t. He dived damAlnd asanna Amin et8k. It's into the bush. a bit farther (than your esti- Asan na kind of thorny plant(?); mate) . (lisk way, etOk the pins on palm fronds; any small) sharp object (thorns, palm frond sauna nim! Move it farther pins, bamboo, broken glass) away! lit move over keep placed on the ground and covered sanni da! Stand aside! lit with :;and to deter childi.en from move aside stand syn sik6 dd! bothering trees cf sari, ská, fepe, sike sane pl sdandiv become clean; tv CEfik?3 roast, bake tvacquit, find innocent in hot sand or gravel (ground- ikp6 aAsand. I'm found innocent. nuts), fry in a pot (gari) lit case finds me innocent imarisA41 Mbaris641 emarisA4, asand n chamber pot (?) imkish n ground nut AsAnd ncleanness; aj clean cf kalji klis&na aj [Efik] holy sari iv move off, move away

used w sibiritspirit sari! Go on (I'll follow)! cf top6 sik6 (s64)! Move over! sax ilcd& 3kis6 &Eel Let's go sauna, sAind tv give a little see him; go on, let's go see leeway (in space or time), move him! aside, move over; ivbecome see sa0; cf sauna, yak a little bit more, move a little bit farther

- 373 356

sha pl s&AO ivmove, move akpeska isarJn unfaithful about, locomote, walk, go, go woman, unsteady person about, come; manage, come by; ukot isk;way of moving about; pl only wander around, walk gait about aska id166k ukot isa/j. He Aska im6 dedan Mmi. I came runs around too much. (id166k with my wife. bad) 6mhes646. esuge Asil. They went MidisalA n travelling com- about telling lies. panion &Mike Mine arnm6. I don't go Ask& n company, companion- around with them. ship aska if6t. He's going naked. Asaka walking around 4kanika asa0 kak kak kak. The 6sk nwalking stick clock goes kak kak kak. 6sk aldika copper rod used ado' awkwaan Aska esion. to make Aw3k She's a woman who is unfaithful &sal) atom n messenger (atom to her husband. lit it is message) syn ltOm woman she walks outside see sari; cf sAnna Iskak6 Mb6t ibibn.He doesn't follow (go by) Ibibio law. s&rpja-tv, iv var of sanna Ak6s6.0 k6 ubom? Did you come by canoe? sap ideo sound of splashing akeska die Life asciarO?How water did you come by the orange? amid Ifim66/3 sap sap sap. He lit you came by, managed how thrashes in the water sap sap you have orange sap; he beats the water sap AdlisalA die thkpe ataksi Min? sap sap. How will I manage to pay taxes this year? sape tv dirty, spoil nwalk, journey; gait -sapa Adidia spoil, dirty food -shrjá Isar) make a journey (by putting the hands in it) -nam isk take a walklit -sapa aw6 thkp6, -sapa dw6 1k8, make walk -sapa áwó AM slander a aska akaa Tsar) n travel- person, dig' up something about ler (OA go) a person (Mkp6 thing, lied 3' 4 357

matter, Ad6 defect) tutu fylip arisdt Ice idem. I'm ,1 cf sddp, sdga ,s6p6 frightened (I'm so afraid my saliva has dried up; I'm so sdpd2 iv var of samara& afraid my blood clots). lit saliva dries to me in neck; it sap6n [Trio? ult Eng 'soap' or makes me fear until blood dries 'sponge' ?J a fibrous scrub used to me in body for washing the body (poss made -sat id6m, sdat 1d6mbecome from Luffa cylindrica, Telfairia thin, dried up in body (the pl occidentalis, Grewia mollis or emphasizes that a change has Momordica bracteata (Dalziel)) taken place, that someone once syn kasd plump is now dry and thin) ALMA id6m.He's become thin sdrd pl sdard tv scratch the and dried up. ground (of an animal, of akpasgt, akpdsat ikh n children at play); toss away tuberculosis, a dry cough what is rejected from a sorting syn akpaikpdiIkh process cf satselect out Asdat aj dry (of fish, cloth) what is wanted -sdrd idet comb the hair sat pl saat tvselect, select adisat n comb out, sort out isdrisd, 6sdrisd aj having -sat adaSi; -sat Atari k6 adeesi few feathers or sparse hair take the sand out of rice lit isArisa i5n6n, 6sdrisa 11126n select rice; select out sand a (kind of?) fowl which has from rice scanty feathers -sat ay8p sort palm fruit (separate the good from the bad sat pl and intens sdativ be- oil palm fruits) come dry, thin; pl only become -sat dw6 discriminate lit hard (of wood) select person itk &Lat. I'm thirsty. lit adisat, adAsat n discrimination neck is dry to me sat ake Mina n second-hand isdt it6in thirst clothes lit, select which you 6tdp ansdt k6 it6n; aAnAm Adik like 358

Asat 11s150 n what's left over (latter used only in the nega- after everyone takes his choice tive) (slig6 remain) -kese (from kad se) visit lit AsaisAt Anen (?) na hen whose go see feathers have few barbs on them, ids "e ilkesg Afan imi kell. I a hen with sparse feathers cf visit my friend only occasion- Isarltha inn (see sard) ally. lit I usually I go see AsAt n a kind of bird, 'king- friend my occasionally fisher' (?) -se Nret read lit look at cf sAra, mek book se ml! Heh you! (an insult- sawasawa n [Eng 'sour'?] a kind ing way to hail a person whose of fruit, breadfruit (?), sour- name one has forgotten) lit sop (?) look here se dó 8! Imagine that! lit sAyaiv become cracked, open (of look there o an oil bean, a wall, aflower) se nke, akpen6 At3m adibene d&saya. The wall is Imagine how if you did like cracked. this like this... Asaya n a swollen cracked Aseege itMI6 ayAddi aba MfIn. condition of the heel (poss a I doubt that he'll come any fungus) more today. see sAk6 (saye, and sake, are AdIse, Adlise npicture, near synonyms but saya implies photo, filmcspectacle a gentle action, sake, a more Adise spectators lit violent one); see also slaak people of spectacle Asgn [Efik] adultery (the sAyen n [Eng] sergeant syn word is used in church) aylr4 delk ita sayen mey. [Eng] sergeant set, she ivdo habitually, do major usually (always followed by another verb) cf suk setpl s66)0, seet tv look at; In some areas sle is used ivlook; imagine; infer, think emphatically or for comic effect,

376 ..


in other areas it is a normal s6613 tv, iv pl ofs61 variant. ifikpekit iwa times; Adel). If I s66r6, s66t, set (?) ivcome see cassava I usually buy it. alive, arise from the dead, aw6eaan 6s6 6man dyln k6 ini revive (from a faint, from amdakem. A woman gives birth near death) to a child when the time is 4k8/3 df6r6 amaand ase6r6 k6 right. akaan leh. The 4k61] leaves have come alive again on the 3 s6 rel Aron what, who, which; old farm. (416'13 are seasonal Where (rare) plants but even if not replanted s-6 AZ6 atk. I believe a few shoot up in the new what he says. season) Ini6g6 s6 Andra. I'm not doing ase6t k6 Ikpa. He arose from anything. lit there isn't what the dead. lithe came alive I do from death wnk MbOr6 sIdAt. Tear off a asilk 6366t. He's recovering banana which is ripe. (from an illness). see IWO; cf 6,k6,Atel dAs66t. The (nearly dead) fire revives (flames up again). s66g6iv pl of s6g6 idim dAs66t. The (nearly dry)

stream is running again. 1 seeg6 iv pl of s6g6 cf s6g6, seg6, sily6 s6Am6, skm6 ivlament, complain,s66t1 tv, iv pl of s61 regret opt w id6m self; tv pity s66t2 iv var of s66r6 ilm6s6em6. I'm sorry. 6m6se6m6 Idem 4wGt aii6. I let s6g6 pl s66g6 ivbecome child-

, him know my plight. lit I ish, act childishopt w complained self I showed him Asek n childishness; aj 6s66m6, asnm6, 6s6mm6, asemm6 young, immature (of people, nlament, complaint animals, plants)

37? 360

dAs6g4 As4k. He acts like a ad8 AkOp b_sem? Are you a child. speaker of my language (asked Ayin Asek, Asek &yinyoung of a stranger to find out if child, baby he speaks Ibibio)? As4k Ataena young pepper fruit, cf s4m6 not yet red cf seg4, sily6, s64r61 M6k sem2 iv shine, glitter, sparkle, reflect light (of seg6 pl snge iv shoot up (of metal in the sun) cf yammA, a plant), sprout, bud, get new yama (s em refers to the object foliage which reflects the light, yammd, 4t6 6eseg6. The tree brings yamd to the light source) forth new leaves. Aseg4 pl Aseeg4 n new leaves, s4m6 iv become stupid, foolish shoots, sprouts 11.964 n stupidity, idiocy; cf s4g4, s66r6, sily6 aj stupid, foolish cf slm4, tiln6 (s4m4 is more s4k tv var of s4p serious than the former but less extreme than the latter) sem1 tv speak a language esp a cf also semLI foreign language; speak unin- telligibly; translate semm4 iv, tv var of seem6 Asem nforeign language, language serA6 ivbecome dizzy As6 as6m k4 3t60What are you Ase6sein4 k6 idiom. I feel uttering? lit what are you dizzy (in body) speaking in neck cf fep4, si6136 sin d6 n5 LE6! Translate ii for' him! s4p, s4k tv pl cut into, cut as em ifal) k6 ek6p? How many through many times; cut this languages do you hear (under- way and that over the same stand) ? place; mark up (as with a ekOp Asem na person who pencil) speaks one's own language Ask) Asep aj cut up; chopped

3';718 361

into small pieces; marked up sett (?) var of seer6 cf sepe, saap

sic, conj var of sa sepe iv become abundant, over- abundant; become untidy, strewn slaak pl sal tvsplit, tear, about; tv make untidy by cut up, divide; open; reveal, strewing about (esp things in give an answer, give an explana- small bits) tion, mention Iyak eAsepe Ice afere. There's akesiaak die af&J ami?How plenty of fish in the afer6 much did you buy that cloth ('soup'). lit fish is abundant for? lit you cut up, split in &fere how cloth that (i.e. how much elsepe Idem Atom. It's untidy. did you pay for splitting lit it's untidy (in) body like that cloth) this -sladk Ik6t give someone a Asepe n untidy place, untidy piece of land to farm; go area far out in tne bush lit cfsapAl, sagal divide bush -sleAk Aya crack in the voice sere iv [Efik] become vain, (e.g. of an adolescent); crow proud (used derogatorily) (rare) for the first time (of a cock) w Isere npride; aj proud lit split, open voice dAsere Isere; anAm Isere. He's - sIdak Ask open a road, cut proud (latter is Ib usage). lit a new road he does pride -slaak u.u. open a new market Isere Awem vain, proud behavior - sIdak 6k6t) start a warlit (liwem life) open war -sleAk ufa Tat; -slaak 1s6 sett tv choke, cause choking idet part the hair lit (as water in the windpipe) divide gap of hair; divide Adldla Anset. The food chokes face of hair me (it goes down the wrong pipe) slaak ise! Give the answer ffim6613 anset. The water chokes (said to'a child in school)! me (it comes out the nose). lit give answer let's see cf bet

379 362

hmesidik. You're right (that's its nest, it eats maize, goes the right answer). in flocks, nests in the tops -slaik Atakgive a reason lit of palm trees, 'weaver bird' reveal reason see sakA, says iimAisia&k At6k s6ikinam 611Ildi6g6 hbh? Did I give you the reason why I didn't come again? 1661116 ivmake a sound of dis- -slaak ini mention a time, fix gust, disapproval, impatience, a time contempt -sidak 4E1'3 mention a name, tell As14.6ma nthe making of the the name, give a name (to) sound, the sound itself sid6k afilij áwb ahn&mmh ut6m k4 cfs166p iti4 ami Anb! Tell me the name of the man who works in this place! sid4k anir3 4tO ami rinb! Tell me s166111, sl6n iv become proud the name of this tree! used w hsflan, hslan npride siaak 4,w6 mention a name, Asia6n hslatin, hslan hs14.11 reveal a name (e:sp mention the advproudly name of a sexual partner, if a woman in labor doesn't reveal sia6n2 tv irritate the throat the name of any illicit sexual and back of the mouth (as raw partner she may have had, she or insufficiently cooked yam might die); also mention a or cocoyam) name, call someone a name ixdig elsiMn.The yam irri- hkOn asiaik 6w6 in6. OkOn called tates me. someone a thief. As144n, Isliannthe irritat- 4.slaAk 6sit heartburn (4sit ing feeling; aj irritating chest) syn 1f6p6 lis146n ikpoiJ dy4wOt. The Aslaak (1k5t), AsAl (1k5t) a irritating cocoyam (I ate) is given area land, a plot of going to kill me. land cffign2 [var?) As61 n a kind of grass with a knife-like edge, 'spear grass,' sign iv var of sillAn1 'sword grass' cf 6t63 Asihhkn a kind of bird which sihnadv not even splits strips of palm leaves for sign keetnot even one 380 synsbihn, ndoino, bhaba, b6ne 363

sib6ritn var of sibfrit on take it, it won't make you prosper (said to someone who sibldet n var of siblrit wants a bribe)! cf dsI44ne, fOrci sibirit, sibirit, sibidetn [Eng] spirit (used in slek tv var of s16613 Christian church services) &disan& asibiritholy spirit s164134 tv var ofsicik s14 iv var ofse sier6 iv dawn, enter a new day, remain until the new day, make sink ivbecome elastic, it through the night flexible; become strong, in ay/c5 6Asier4. It's a new day. good condition (of a rope (41(5 sunshine, daylight) that won't give way easily); 611613 aasier4. The moon has become difficult (of a situ- stayed on into the new day. ation); become obstinate, 4ker4k4 Abci karasin ami resistant (esp of children who ayA4sier4 dyn. I doubt that won't budge when someone pulls this kerosine will last until them) dawn. akp6 ami isnek4 if6n Ikem s6 LkOn 8? Aasi6r4 aylb dab &lam (1c.613 61(p. This rubber How is OkOn? (asked about a isn't flexible enough to make a very sick man)? He made it catapult with. lit rubber this through the night. (infin isn't flexible isn't good isn't today) enough what they use they make amesier4. the common morning catapult greeting lit you have entered n elasticity; aj a new day elastic cf difyite asUre said at parting for the day, 'good evening,' s144214 tvcause to prosper 'good night' litmay it remain 1131764 Adb asi6en6. That farm until the new day (?) has made me prosper. ixsier4 (441(5) n dawn b6n kaa k6 idasi44n6kel Go 364

sat nvar of sit human being) Adisi aj alive; raw; fresh snipetv, iv pl of sip6 (of meat, fish, a wound) Adisi 6tO a live tree slim4 iv pl of sim6 cf s66r6, s6g6, seg6, risinsi slim61 tv, iv pl of sip6 sika n var of kasidet siim62 tv var of s66106 sikadet, sikhret n vars of kasidet siintv pl of sin sik6, sik6 pl si1/36, siine iv slin6 iv pl of sine shift, make room, move aside, jerk, make a fuss; tv jerk at, sii136 tv, iv pl of sik6 disturb, move aside, shift sik6 s5.13! Move over! slipiv p1 ofsip2 -sik4 id6m, id6m exercise (idembody, self) sure iv pl of sire Ani6 awo isik6 Atlaxj amil Who's disturbing this com- silt tvblock, plug, stop up, pound? obstruct cf tuut, sanna -silt alienblindlit block eye cf -tip6 Alien sim tv reach, get to, arrive at -silt At613 deafenlit block Wasim .Nyci Adiem aylO akin'? ear Will you reach ijycli before dark? nplug, cork, 6fat itO idirisimm6 mien. The stopper smallpox won't reach me (I see sire, site; cf sin won't get it). dmdAsim Usen id6 iyAlker6 sily6 ivbecome alive (of ibka. When that day comes animals and plants); become we'll think about it. fresh (of meat, fish), become see sim6; cf isim, Asim,was fresh, healthy, fine (of a 365

sime pl silm6ivbecome foolish, a job! litput him at work stupid; recip dlisime fool sinn6 fien k6 Mgt Mmi. around I don't include you among my Adisime n foolishness, stupid- friends. litI don't put you ity; aj foolish, stupid in the number of friend my dAtie mien Adisime Adisime. asin enk 4.215 ete am3. He I'm amazed (it makes me stupid). sacrificed a cow for his father. cf s6me, tuns, sivaS lit he put cow for father his Asin 1106k Anb Akan. I poisoned sime ivbecome within reach; bean. lit I put in poison I tvreach, reach out to get, gaveokOn cf rin3 akOn ibzk. catch up with,'meet' I gave &On medicine. gma6k6nno 4kannd Asime esitubiom Asin Atimme.I turned back. I've stretched (but) I can't (time go back) reach the inside of the shelf. 6Ak esin Ice 6116613. They let sap kaa udua /ILA ak6sime Melt it into the water. IyAk. Go early to market so Atak ima ayin am3 dsin MI6 you can 'meet'(get) fresh fish. an5m 6kp6 ami.His love for see sill',cf sObb6 his child made him do that thing. -sin idem, -sin IwilOtpay simi n [Eng 'shimmy'?ult Fr attention, devote oneself to, 'chemise'] a full slip, a shift involve oneself in, make an effort lit put in self, put sin pl sun tvput, put in, put in head into; administer (an ordeal, -sin libok involve oneself in; ritual, initiation, enema) cf share food with someone, give disk; cause a 'dash' lit put in hand This is one of the commonest di sin 11106k AnM Come share verbs in Ibibio. Only a partial food with me! listing of the expressions in sin 11b6k An! Dash me a little which it figures is given below. extra!

yit 15,s1513 Asin! Lock me inside! idip impregnate lit put lit lock door put me in in belly sin &He Ice litom! Help him get -sin esit; -sin itk; -sin &len



covet, envylit put in heart; deny, reject, abandon, disown put in neck; put in eye cf film refuse something to isin in envy, interference someone out of envy or interest, 'poke- -sin 613w4An divorce a woman nose' Line n refusal 2 - sin inUa; -sinIWO voice an of kalj opinion, say something, give advice litput in mouth; put sine pl slin4iv be in, inside in voice of, get into also -sin inlia incite, insti- AkOn 8? asine k6 Ilf8k. Where's gate; interrogate OkOn?He's in the house. -sin dfidset a trap; administer Asisin6 ke ak6 Ami?What's an ordeal; draw lots in this pot? sin afid it61) choke someone Ilk8t ádO 6,Asin6 im6613, That litput in trap of neck raffia palm has sap in it. -=sin AS1511, -sin ild5k bar, latch, lit raffia palm that is inside lock a door water -sin ikap set fire asin6 k6 id6m am3. It's

-sin 11)161..) put up collateral natural to him, it's in him. sin Atim6make trouble, cause lit. it's inside at self his trouble, make a commotion -sine ani,put on clothes -sin wa lay an egg (on oneself), wear clothes -sin ma. raise the price cf sine ano IfO If6n if6n! Put -s16 116.15, lower the price your clothes on properly! -sin k6 dkik6r6 think about 6yA6yik6 am6Asin6 dfA 61313 litput in in thought in. They'll be surprised -slin &lam wish evil on, make when you wear your new clothes. an evil prayer for this purpose am5.6knn6 asine k6 mime akit litput forth curse, prayer m6nday?Were you involved in see sine, sib; cf (often. the trouble last Monday? lit used as p1 of sin) did you follow you were in in trouble that particular Monday sin pl siin tvrefuse (a request see sin, sf6 to do something, an invitation),

304 367

sirjkire n var of sli3kirh bring forth bloodof -wa6 lylip sligar6t, n [Eng] -s16 1nda taunt lit put singlet syn rilkp6g6de forth mouth -s16 46 say something, speak s16 pl sl6rA6, s1661:16 slig0, out lit put forth voice cf sT.6g6 (substandard?) tvrev of -sin46 sin take out, remove, remove 4w6 AkptikO6t kdas16 46! If from; put forth, bring forth. someone calls you, don't This is one of the commonest answer! verbs in Ibibio. Only a partial AmdAs16 When he listing of the expressions in started to sing out... lit which it figures is given below. when he put forth voice song -s16 idem not involve onself -s16 Aneme converselit lit remove self; fruit, begin put forth voice syn -neme to fruitlit put forth body Ank5 s16 Idem 1f6! Don't get involved! -s16 AflOtspread a rumor -s16 refit flower, put forth litput forth rumor flowers id6k behave so as to -s16 6sItwithdraw the affec- make people laugh lit put tions lit remove heart forth jest, clowning -s16 idip abort lit remove -s16 Ear)give a name, name from belly after (an ancestor) (sometimes Ils16 idip, 15s113136 idip n all) is omitted in context) abortion lit put forth name 1b6k is16 idipmedicine for Adiiben akpi &yin imi 2ts18 aborting, medicine for a purge eka 1mi. I will name my first Adls16 idipndiarrhea child after my mother. lit I -s16 at6r3 cause to have will take first child my name diarrhea, dysentery litbring after mother my forth dysentery lis16 alq n naming ceremony, Adan asi6 dw6 At6r5. Oil gives, name-child (one named after 1 people diarrhea. another person) of kOk6 , -sib lylip bleed someone lit akp5133 368

-s16 as4n entertain a visitor addition to and give him something to take sf6 ilmOtb fep afie Ani4 1515k home, play the host litput itd. Besides a car he owns forth visitor (?) three houses. -sf6 lis144n4 take revenge, sf6rO fep... (from sib ado retaliate lit put forth fep) apart from that, except revenge for that... -s16 akamrecall a.curse or an 5316n what is removed, evil prayer lit remove curse, extracted; aj castrated, extracted prayer -sf6 as16 castrate -s16 ikpewithdraw a case, asf6 akpO castrated billy transfer a case to another court goat lit remove case 4s16 aqua dd8 as16,That cat -sf6 Imu lower a price lit is castrated, lit they remove price castrated cat that s16 udua Anb! Lower the price as16 (Atiat) a kind of for me! bitter leaf, less bitter than -s16 usury make a door opening the others (implies that bitter- (where there was none) lit put ness has been extracted), forth door (?), remove (material 'white bitter leaf' (?) for) door (atfat bitter leaf)

-s16 Mkpicp remove a prisoner as16 15.13;6/3 the part of the (from jail) fluted pumpkin left after the -sf6 af31.3 rev of -sine af&J seeds are removed take off one's clothes Us16n jetty (?) -s16 -fep (fep move away) used lis16 fd4m nphotography as follows: pl Asi6 aj different s16 1d4m fep k4 itkp6 amil Ignore (the aj is commonly doubled); it! lit remove self move away adv differently, separately, from thing that apart, scattered cf Ilkp33/J6 s16 esit fep! Don't feel it so much, don't take it to heart! afi4 id8 dd8 isi6. This one lit remove heart move away is different. s16...i'ep prepbesides, in afh ami ad6rAb As16 As16.

3 e6 f


These cloths are different (fromsip pl siim6, silb6 tvshake each other; from those). out (a sponge, a cloth), shake adep Asici Asi6 Ann dni3. He with a jerky motion away from bought different colored cloth. the body; sprinkle water (on bon Ad161 udi& isi6! Put the bad cloth for ironing, on the floor yams separately! prior to sweeping it); iv b6n Wri6 ami di is161 Bring this sprinkle (of rain) one separately! lit take this Asiim6 is6n. I sprinkle the one come separately ground. etbk dim 6siim6. A small slOOn (?) tv curse (someone)(?) rain sprinkles. cf siooi Asiim6n sprinkling; marks left by sprinkling water cf si6k, s166rj, s166x), si46x36 tv Atia6m throw up to someone what one has Asiim6 Asiim6 aj sprinkly done for him or what he has done tik6t 6dim Ado' Asiim6 risiim6. to one, reproach with past deeds It's drizzling. lit rain Asi6613, As16613, As166'34 n drops are sprinkly reproaching cf tin, tiamma Mithd6 Triim k6 amaAt660 idigam asicik dive) iisiooi3 . You'll be sire pl siir6iv become plugged, a miserly person (when you grow blocked, obstructed up) if you start now throwing u suryalisir6. The path is things up to people. blocked (it is less wide than cf 15s166n61 tOgO, tup6 before). dAsir6. He's lost his sip1 ivsink; tv cause to sink voice. litvoice is blocked illocim &sip k6 im6613. The canoe Asir6, Asiir6 aj blocked, sank in the water. overgrown see silt, site; cf sine sip2 pl slip iv become small As66slp aj small, very small sirek, sirik n [Eng] silk, any shiny material used for a head tie cf Ocki

38 7 370

sireqn [Eng] shilling the lips over a good taste opt w IndAmouth sirik n var of sirek As166p, Mf166p, nif166m n the making of the sound; the action; sisin [Pidgin Eng] sixpence the sound itself (when used as a complement to the verb, the sitas n [Eng] starch (for noun is paired with the verb laundry) of the same shape e.g. -f166p Af166p) site tv rev of silt remove a cf slAdmA,fl6p2 plug, an obstacle, unblock; iv rev of sire become unblocked, sint, sibt, sit n [Eng] unplugged, unobstructed; burst shirt out of, break through cf afrjidem snijo tv cause dizziness, faint- ness sob6 tv devastate, destroy, Aris;si3ij6 ke idem. I feel squander faint (a protracted ccndition). 61N:it itA eescibo nikp3 ema ke lit it makes me dizzy in body Atdij &mi. Three goats have n dizziness, faintness been very destructive in this isi8t) is1613 Anydt; is1613 compound. litgoat three Allyeng6. I feel dizzy, faint have destroyed thing finished lit dizziness grabs me; dizzi- in compound this ness turns me about Ascib6 nruin, destruction, cf skme waste see sop sit n var of sioot soi interj var of sAi si36Q tv var of siciciq scSkOrO n [source unknown, s166p, fi66p, fi66m tvmake a poss Eng 'suck orange,' Sp sound of disgust, impatience, azdcar,' Port acdcar 'sugar']

disapproval, contempt; smack norange tree .

388 371

son, scion iv become tough and soon iv var of son coarse in texture due to exposure

to the sun or other causes. and sOcip iv pl of sop unable to be softened by cooking (of anema three-leafed yam) sop pl soomo, scicip ivbecome dnem d&son. ink is in such a lost, disappear; cease (of condition. customs) Adiscicin aj the condition siren ltd dmAnibbk6 ash Ice described above (used only w anem) dsdq. I lost three shillings cf flak, s613 on the road. lit shilling three escaped from me became sOci,sOci interrog n see fisOci lost on road Adila Anscip. I lost in trade; sObbo, same), slime tv join (two I lost in the deal. lit objects such as two pieces of market, price is lost to me rope); sUbci only meet, meet tt dtin ash until the sun and discuss sets lituntil sun disappears UsUbci n loin cloth made from dsop dtin sunset; west two pieces of cloth joined to- cf dsdka dtin gether is6p .nfine Asnbo, risi58b6 nmeeting -did isop fine lit eat fine esOp n court, council meeting -d'ae isOp become liable to a -tie esOpsit on a court (said fine lit err fine of a judge) Asop pl Asoeime) aj lost Atie esOp councillor see sob6 es8p ikpa is5/J court with a representative from each village sop iv become enough, suffi- in the clanlit court of clan, cient, complete, become satis- tribe fied; fit, suit, become cf simet sop appropriate; tv (?) suffice, satisfy (?) soon!) iv pl of sop dfere dmi dyadsOp dwci iba. This soup will be enough for snmci tv var of scnbo two people.

369 372

Amd&s6p ifisen Id6 When that cf suak, suck, sUand, sage, day comes... atake easOp se 4kebO. My thoughts (fears) were justified. lit it sliak tvgrab as much as possible is satisfied what I said with one hand cf kern cf slide siak sOy6 iv var of sy6 sUak tvcut or shake off sparse palm fruits from the su iv [Efik] come to pass, stalk (the fruits may be sparse happen as predicted, expected, naturally or because of some hoped having rotted or fallen off) 116' al?) Akethrje d6 aAnU asilk w dy6p oil palm fruit &six. What you said to me has cf mak, midge, kpnrj come to pass. cf kpu slieke iv var of midge sua tv hate, dislike sawn pl siaan tv scatter things

fk8 riikp6 that are arranged or piled up, reprimand (1k6 word, ffikp6 strew. things about, dishevel, thing, n3 give) disorder emdeslia ik6 un3 dierge Idem si6. -swan MbOn6break up a meet- When you're reprimanded abouta ing, disrupt a meeting matter, give it up. -swan atu AwO disperse a bsile n hatred, hate; enemy crowd of people abAsi dAsizAslan a bird of -swan spread a rumor evil omen lit god hates me -swan Afien cast the eyes cf ylre, size, saenne about (in suspicion or wari- ness) sUaantv pl of swan x5k$k spread branches, branch (of a tree) saga, sllike iv become dis- &Min ndisruption ordered, dishevelled; become see sUne smashed to bits

3eo 373

sand ivbecome scattered, strewn there any soup left in that around, disrupted, disordered pot? lb6n6 Ak6sAinA Afit Ann axj k-nk sistig6 da! Take what's tikft. When the meeting broke up left: lit clear what remains we all drank palm wine. that Asand n [Efik?3 unit (in did stie n5 Ayin lika! Eat and math) leave some for your brother! Asand dap dndm dbek ke6t. Ten stie hdfd 4dO An. Keep some units make one ten. (dbek of that food for me. bundle; twenty; 'ten' in the Astie n what is left over preceding context only) cf ikie (cf Ilse& what is taken away) hundred Ilsat hstig6 what's left after see sari; cf stidgd everyone takes his choice (sat select) seep n var of sap fty6k Astle, Ay60 Astle n remaining part, what's left sue, she/3 tv curse (a curse, a also Ayok Astik, Ay6g6 Astik person), revile, insult (yak, yog6become full) Asa, Asaq n curse, insult see slik see snnne; cf sIlwg3, sea, she ivlie shenne tvdisgrace, bring shame nlie (cf Efik sulie) on áwó Ash liar lit person of Adlisanneke idem 1mi. I won't lie disgrace myself. cf sea, she eshenne ndisgrace

see she; cf sea stik ivbecome left over, remain; tvfall short of sues tv var of sue i 'arkdsAk; dslik ifk? How many remain (to complete it)? cf stle pl stitie ivbecome left ifdij dshk? var w dsUg6? over, remain; tv keep over, How many remain (are left leave over over)?

dfer4 aasugo ice oko adO? Is h.stik nwhat is taken away 374

(cf Aslig6 what remains); some, ado, &kpesiik ado dadOgO conj part even though, although Akp6dep iwi riyAl5n If I see slIg6 buy cassava, I'll give you some. Uslik ini seldom, sometimes; silk ivkeep on doing, be in the probably, perhaps also Adlls-Lik process of doing, still, any- ini lit some, part of time way, just, only (always (AdAslik is used only in this followed by another verb) cf 2 expression in Ib, in Efik it s6 means 'some') cfubaak ini sAk nam! Keep doing it!

Uslik...iisiflk some...others ffifit asilk adAt. The fruit Asuk kat num nine lit it is getting ripe. falls short of one (to make ten) edim &mak ddep. It's raining; syn anan kat it's still raining. holt Ay6g6 Asilk the re- risilk Mma idaga idigam. I just maining part, what's left also now finished. Ay6k Asug6, Ay6g6 Aslig6 (y5k, idaga 6mi k6 Asilk Adhkg, Adi. y6g6become full) I just now got up. etOk asak, asuk etOkadvalmost, Mkp613 aaslIk6 abOy6 mi... It nearlylita little remains was only yesterday...; the syn etOk 6yAk, ayAk etOk ikp61.1 which has just passed etOk rilkpdadli. I nearly (ikp613 yesterday, tomorrow) fell. emAenAmafft se ekAn 6,d6

silk conj except, unless (rare) dyin ddO as.ak dkpAikpa. They syn ibOgOke; advonly, even, did all they could but the child not even died anyway. sitk&mi except me AyAAsAk Andm. I'll stir, do r1n3 silk keet! Give me only one! it (anyhow). Ay6mme silk keet. I don't want Akevak 6.kpeep igvet afit ini even one. cf kp5t, ridbmO Ami... You only studied all kpasilk (dO) adv also this time... (you mean that's (kpa)sk ilkem ke ado. It's also all you've done?) the same. cf silk Akpesilk, akp4sUkAte, akpesk

3 C 375

silk& n[Eng 'sugar'?, Sp. 'ava- clothes)! car' (?), Port 'acticar'(?)] see sMn; cf sun3, tlInn6 (syn?, sugar var?) sk6 ivfaint, lose conscious- suns ivbecome stupid ness; become lowered As.an6 nsun6 aj stupid, AsIlk6lAsAk6 nfainting; one slow-witted who faints syn tuns (var?);cf sunny AsIlk6 Asbk6 aj sloping, inclined (of a road, of land) AQ iv become gentle, mild also Asnk AsI)Ak (of disposition, weather); see sne, souk; of s3y6 advquietly, safely id6 have a gentle dis- swumtvtake fire, carry position fire w ikari fire idem have a mild, gentle -sum emamput a torch in the character (idembody, self) fire to light it -sub 4E3 speak in a gentle ani4 fkisAm emiim 6mi ifire? Who way lit become gentle (in) forgot this torch in the fire? voice lit who put in the fire torch salja surd! Go well; go safely! this forgot (said to someone who is depart- dAt emum sum ikk! Take a torch ing) and carry fire! sksk aj gentle, mild, see siamm6 humble; advquietly, slowly sksk la mild disposition summa tv rev of sum, take burning sue sk abem ub;6Q is6. firewood away, remove a torch fromHumility leads to power. the fire (-bem is6 precede, lib:;6/J glory, power) sunny iv become sluggish; hang down, sag (more emphatic than ini afr6 skstin. Time passes siAn) slowly (nothing happens) sunny AdIsk6 ke 1s6! Go away you cf usuk usuk (see suck) sloppy fellow (wearing sagging

393 376

sii6g6 iv become chopped up -81146 Id6m humble oneself; AsA6g6 Asti6g6 aj chopped become docile, obedient, see sii6k; cf sti6k6 humble lit lower self see souk, cf sby6, sAAK16 tv chop see sii6g6; cf suoko souk w pl sillivbecome lowered; tvlowor,:sg onlyleave off,: sti6k6 tv disturb, stir see off, escort to a spot (as cf suok, duogo, bl6k6 A departing guest); w var s.hi cause to abate, cool down, slitig6 iv, tv pl of slig6 quench, satisfy a long felt desire or craving sne ivbecome low, lowered; snk tie! Sit down! lit abate, let up; become pacified, become lowered sit comforted; tv degrade, humble; souk nad! Lie down! (nad lie) pacify, comfort, calm souk bd.! Rest! (bdbe in a Ataq aasng6 dkAm nra anm. place) The itarl shelf is lower than AkOn asilk 6,suuk 6b613 the el& libiOm shelf. OkOn is lowering the pot of dbaq asilk asuug3 ddi. The palm wine (from the tree). pot of palm wine is being -souk Id6m become humble, lowered. docile, obedient; humble one- edim dasne. The rain has let self; take time, take care; up. bear fruitlit lower body, $d161 ffikpb Amb 4.5.sng6 Afie itie. self also-sne idem His bad deeds have degraded him. dasixak idiom am, et6 amb. He litbad things his have lowered, is obedient to his father. degraded him (with respect to) lithe has lowered self his position father his Ath Ik6 n3 esit asirde Aw(5. He souk Idem nam thkp6 4mi! Take said something to comfort the time (take care) to do this person. lit he said word so thingi syn t6k Idem... that heart should be comforted sOkOrO 4.5.811-ak idem. The orange person tree has borne fruit (the

3 Evi 377

fruits are hanging down). cf longing for here when I return -sib id6m to Nigeria I'm going to drink -suck liy6 lower the voice; and satisfy myself. grumble; tell lies about tiAsAl ndion k6 id6m. You've AsAAk AyOngrumbling; gossip satisfied yourself then (said -souk uduk slacken a rope lit to a child who has finally got lower rope hurt doing something he's been -suck thm66/3 lower the tempera- warned not to do). lityou're ture of water by putting cold satisfied yourself then in water in it. lit lower) cool body, self down water -sAi it6x quench the thirst k6 suck ram6613 ado Anb yak lit satisfy neck, desire 4d6 s6 Ay14! Go and cool that -sAi Udideat the new yam water for me so I can bathe: for the first time in the lit go and lower, cool down season water that for me let it be what 4se 4sla Adid idaga 6kee k6 I can bathe itAk? When do they eat yam AsAAk mil Leave me here (said for the first time in ftak? after being escorted to a place)! risac n ceremony di ridAt k6 souk! Come and see connected with the eating of me off (e.g. walk with me to the the new yam road)! lit come take me and AsAAk n lower part of sloping see of ground; downslope; south cf

Awe) ak6ffiben adisak. Someone adks6 escorted me here. lit person AsAAk AsAAk aj sloping, took me saw me off inclined (of a road, of land) imAaben Adid 6kesAAk any t60 k6 also i3sAk6 AsAk6 ma.. I helped him from the adAsAAk na long heavy- market with his yams. lit bunched kind of plantain whose carried yam I escorted him stem is bent down low starting from market akpakkpak adAsAAk hernia &fit likbt dasAk6 616wAt mi riamaLik (akpakkpak a kind of plantain 15k6wil3 nayiria riyAde;ij with many small fruits to the All the palm wine which I've been bunch) 378

Usilk n (rare) used as follows: diddAs6b6 AlAg6 k6 Mak ndm kA iisiik! Do it slowly, id166k dyn Abem. Yams are carefully! very expensive this year because advslowly, care- of last year's bad weather. fully cf sizg ARA An; As;b6 Ad6. She's. see sng6, sAk6; cf s3y6, an/6 really in demand for marriage (everyone wants to marry her). silkm tv pl of sum Is6b6 udua aj costly and scarce soon, snn6 iv become sagging, A.s6b6 (As6b6) inua,, As 6b6 hanging down, limp (of cloth), As6b6 aj pointed (InilA become sluggish, limp, sagging mouth) (in stance, in movements) see s6p; cf names, 861 aj limp,sagging, sluggish s61 tv peel with a knife Asivan ilb3k linam Mkp3 sluggish (oranges, yam), sharpen to a way of doing things point, carve skillfully, make see slln6; cf sUn6, sack skillfully esp of wood (a table) sMn6 iv var of s.a-an cf s6b6, s6p, kii61 (syn?) slIA/36 tvcurse, invoke, call on, s6k1 tvfetch, take to, bring call down on to, do for (involves motion)

Avatj6 la curse (always follows another verb) cf sue (s1).11416 is more serious Mat AkO As6k aniA? To whom than sue), sink are you taking that pot?lit you take pot to whom sift, sil6p, soap n [Engl soap kAA kA b8 Adilk im5 is6k. Go cf AsAkpA, Atk and get his horn back. lit go go receive horn his fetch 2 s6b6 pl s66b6 iv become expensive, cfnod,lis6k scarce, in demand (from the buy- er's point of view); become 's6k2 tv var of s66k sharp, pointed

35.:6 379.

sin iv (?)walk with small quick emAes;KI afie idem. He found it half running steps as when carry- difficult. litit was diffi- ing a heavy load opt w Isaia cult (for) him body, self walk, gait Aw6 ddO els613. That person Ibi8m6 em3 AmAgneke id6p6 tutu is old. arie ikanna Isn. His load was so U.16 is6w6 wan. The yams heavy he couldn't s5n. aren't ripe yet. -s5n ink do a little dance AL613 ke isua iba Akan Ann when one is happy or when given amb. He is older by two years a gift cf -kplke than his friend.lit he is linek,-yonn6 Unek old in year two he surpasses see s6nn6, s66n friend his ale &Ask) mien. He's older sSnn6 tvpound. in a mortar with than me. also 514 aL.s613 a grinding motion (instead of Atkan. the usual up and down motion); -solj idem become healthy lit smear (with mud or grease); become strong (in) body show disrespect, 'walk all over' idem idem dAs61J. How are someone (implies chronic you? I'm fine. lit body behavior, not a specific act) your, body is strong, healthy aneas6nn3 ate em3 ke Uk6t. sk(6) idem, s61:0 (idem) a He's disrespectful to his father. general greeting lit he grinds father his with -s6K) esit become hardy, tough, foot durable, hard-hearted lit dsLan6 ale ilbat. He smeared him become strong (in) heart with mud; he brought shame on isk) 6sit n a hardy, durable him. or hard-hearted person; hard- see s6n3 s66n; cf s56k, y66n6, heartedness y66136 -s6K) Id6 become harsh lit become hard (in) character s6K) pl s55ij iv become hard, tough, -s6Q Iwat become stubborn (as difficult, strong, old, mature a general characteristic) lit ripened; tv exceed in age; fix become hard (in) head cf -s6z a high price w ixdUaprice (see below) Ask) iwach n stubbornness

3S7 380

-s613 1s6 become hard, unyield- big head (not a good eating ing lit become hard (in) face fish) (6k6t back of the head) -s6i Alien become impudent, in- As66/j aj tough, hard, diffi- solent; insultlit become cult, strong, ripe strong in eye Akpesk, dkp6sk aj strong; Ask Mienninsult; impudence, difficult; strenuous (of a insolence job) -s613 Ina become stubborn, Akpesk Am) strong man; unbending (on an issue) lit difficult man to understand become strong (in) mouth \of ak8n akips/j it6i tetanus -s613 Iwat lit OkOn (a man's name) of k1 As613 Ina Atom! Don't be strong (stiff) neck stubborn like this! s6s6);16 thank you Ask ina nstubbornness see s66136 -s613 lib6k do vigorously (1); become expensive lit become s6p pl s66p iv become quick, strong (in) arm cf -s6ij AdAa early, often; become sharp s6i ilb6k tim! Put more force (var s6p6 w idem, Ina see into the pounding! lit become below;) tv quicken; sharpen strong (in) arm pound tinge Ash. He ran away fast. -sk maa become expensive; Ash Afege. He ran away in fix a high price, put on a time. high price lit become strong ayadsh 4116/j adi? Will you (in) price; fix a high price return early? am6s61 Adila Akpb Ab6g6. You've s6p Ica& Ada, n6.136. Akesime put too high a price on these Adek Iyak! Go to the market goods. lit you have fixed early so you can meet (get) high price of thing very much fresh fish! cf -sk iib6k, -mem AdAa AsIs6p6 15k6se Afar' Mmi. I Ask Ada,n expensiveness; haven't been visiting my friend aj expensive often. lit I haven't tisk n old age, oldness; aj habitually often I go see old friend my as513 ek6t a kind of fish with a Ika AAs6p. The knife is sharp.

3Z.-'s 381.

idik) dAs6p Aii6. Divining is am6s6p inua db6g6; am6s6p6 his calling. lit divining is Intl& db6g6. You talk too fast. quick (to) him (?) As6p inua ik3 n fastness of ash 1.5k6t isk. He walks fast; speech he quickens his step. (likcit -s6p 1:1106k become manually Isalj gait) dexterouslitbecome quick' dsp likOt omen.She has a child (in) hand often; she has children quickly -s6p it6k run fast lit and easily. (15k6t uman child- become quick in running birth) Iis6p n. fastness, quickness -s6p idiom, -s6p6 idem hurry, lis6p Am.661) n current (Mm66/3 be quick (idem self) water) !lam trap6 de) s6p6 idem! Do lis6p us6p, As6p As6p aj quick; that thing fast! adv quickly s6p6 idem! Hurry up! see s6b6; cf wdmmd, ward, s61 -s6p dfien become sharp in sight; see more than one shouldlit s6p6iv var of s6p become sharp (in) eye As6p Lien n sharpsightedness; sbr6iv squat, perch (of a seeing more than one should bird or animal on a tree limb) -s6p -Lit61 become sharp in hear- opt w is3r6 nsquatting, a ing; hear more than one should squat lit become sharp (in) ear Abk k6 lib6k. There's ils6p iatk n sharpness of hear- a mosquito squatting on your ing; hearing more than one arm. should see sit -s6p Twat become smartlit become sharp, quick (in) head s6t, s66t tv cluck at to show das6p lwat &Jet.He's smart annoyance or disgust in school. As;6t n clucking As6p iwa8t n smartness (in. -s6t As;;6t, -s6t áwó cluck school) (4m6 person) -s6p inlig talk fast idi66k 6tOk dyin islis6t lit become quick (in) mouth Aw6? What kind of bad child

3S9 382

is it who goes about clucking at -s66136 Id6m stiffen the body; people? strive to get well litmake cf kilt firm body -s66O ilb6t endorse, legal- sit tv squat (a child to eliminate), ize litmake firm law leave a tiny bit (a little bit 15s661)6 n firmness squats there) ini6ge As66/36. He can't take see sore a stand; he can be pushed around (physically or morally). sU iv var of s3y6 lit he doesn't have firmness see sk s66b6 iv pl of s6b6 s66piv, tv pl of sap s66k, s6k tvscrub, rub briskly (teeth, the body, a pot), rub snp ivwalk silently and off, rub together, erase, wipe, st'althily, tread lightly, rub with a slow motion, massage walk on the balls of the feet -s66k is613; -s66k dk6t shuffle (stealth implied) opt w the feet on the ground. (e.g. at Tsai) walk, gaitsyn dick a lecture to show disagreement) ish litrub ground; rub feet As;6p nstealthy walk also-s66k Is613 scrub the floor cf s66n cf s6nn6, s66ttv var of sat s66niv walk in a slow, lazy, sloppy, or stealthy manner n [Eng] soldier see sin, s6nn6, cf snp cf ilbOn eicij soldiers s6613 iv, tv pl of s613 sby6, sOy6, s6 ivcome down, descend s66136 tv make firm, stiffen, as5y6 ke LE6IJ AO. He climbed tighten; confirm down from the top of the tree. imes6136 s6 af16 atk. I confirm cf suug3, suck what he says.

4(0 1383 to tvchew, eat something hard Ata Ise)n a painful headache or chewable (meat, nuts coco- in which the skin feels tight nut), chew, eat away (of diseases over the eyes and forehead that destroy tissue); burn (1s6face) aydAta imarisk?Do you want adita Idip na mild but pain- some groundnuts?litdo you ful type of diarrhea cured want to chew groundnuts? by enema (idipbelly) akp5. itadga dwci.Akpa 1s51) uta isipjaw (isippalm (a kind of ant) doesn't chew kernel) people ( stings, it doesn't bite ). tdabd tv pl of taloa Andra 6.1td.I have yaws.lit yaws chews me t aaga ivdo properly, do well, ikarj data ilf8k.The fire burned really, emphatic(always the house; the house is burnt followed by another verb) up.lit fire chewed house ame.O.aga adi5/36 A,AdlkinAm mkpo Ate Tick átá flak.It 'spreads ado?Do you really know who like wildfire ;'it's 'selling did that thing? like hot cakes.'litas fire cf neke, tiun2 chews palm frond leaves -td &let grind, gnash the teetht adm iv, tv pl of tesrmid (in thought or anger)lit chew teeth tdan tvfrownw Ise)face -td ileabe afraid to speak out; of 'bard, tat mumblelitchew words Maltan meat, fish, coconut t adz)tv pl of ta132 (i.e. a chewable thing) 6.dita iwa nCEfik`n cold, taapiivtiptoe, walk on tiptoe boiled, sliced cassava (iwa Ateep AtaA,padv on tiptoe cassava) cf tapd 1)klm Ata nbits of meat on sticks for sampling before buy-thap2tv pl of tapa ing (kim pierce) dtadkata nsmallpox tadr6 iv pl of -bard, syns IsOtl, infat 1t6 -4C1 384

tact tv pl of tat tiataga idem. He's emaciated. also idem aatak. teat& n see ete Ase atege idem Atom?Why are you so emaciated like that? tabor pl taabd tv keep from Ataga aj worn out sleep, keep awake gen w idgp see tdgade, tak sleep dyln dteba am Iddp. The child tagdde, diltage, dAtegade tv kept him awake. [Efik]waste, squander Mmeteba. I'm done for. idf66k eaan dAtigad6 ebe. dkpatdbd iddp n someone who The bad wife ruined her husband doesn't sleep much, insomniac; (financially). moth dtdgade n a large business cf dipd loss, chronic failure in business cf Atek Adile; an tabor tv [Efik] taste (food or oath 'may God bring down drink) destruction' also abesi tabor se! Taste it and see; Atdgade come and try (a dare)! áwó Adlltdgd n wastrel, prod- Atabd Ase na sample (of palm igal, one who can't prosper

wine, food, snuff) also litap (6.w6 person) i3kOp see tagd, talc .htabe. (fle;13) nsnuff (11e4 tobacco, snuff) also .htapa, taitdi n[Eng 'tie'] (rare) Atapd a loan, poss from the dark brown or black fiber Eng tobacco or Yoruba tabor. growing around the trunk of see tape. the raffia palm, used as twine syn 2112A

talc ivbecome worn out, torn; tega iv become worn out, torn become thin, emaciated; wear (esp of cloth) out; become lost, perish; -tagd idembecome emaciated become destroyed (esp bit by lit become worn out (in) body bit); digest

. 4C2 385

altak k6 nim6613.He perished in tamideosound made when a the water. light-weight thing falls to dean Aii.e ado ebe.That the ground wife is lost to her husband (he can't control her). tamma. pl te.amiv, tv hop,jump, 15.-atb.k,titglat5.k.You've lost jump over;pl only abate, out (you're wasting your time, let up you're wasting your words). 1.1.flOp idem diktaam.My fever Tiididia atak ke idip.Food has abated. digests in the belly. Atamma pl Ataam njumping Atakajworn out irtaatAm na small insect of ntalc idem nemaciated conditionthe cricket type of the body (idem body) rit6.6m ntaamadvhere and talc 1).daa, udua -taksell or there; occasionally trade at a loss, lose in t6 iitaam rite.e.m!Plant them business far -Tart! .d AA, a-talc.I'm losing in my edim adep ntaam nt6.1.0.It s trade; business is bad; I sold raining lightly; it's rained it at a loss. only occasionally (lately). Ptak udua na business loss cf team, tlamma (neither a large one nor chronic) cf atagade -Ulna iv become sandy A.f8 an mak Itc13-..1a!You're use- is8i) eAteno..The ground is less; you're no good! sandy. see taga, tagad6 titann sand r tan lkpata sandy, dirty foot- tAksi n[Eng]tax print as on a clean floor (i.kpb.t A.bU atA.ksitax collector foot) cf atjaraincome tax Titan Isar)a footprint on sand (Isar)walk,gait) tamideodescribes the actionof hit-adage. Titancoarse sand, gravel cutting something all the way ritat6.n.nfine sand for building through at6.nn sandy soil kpike tam!Cut it through! litannsand. on the shore ti.t6.tan, 'andnbeach; sandbar 4(3 cftare, 386

tv plcollect, gather to- t aijitv pl of tarj2 gether -tax) Idetplait hair; put hair t arn&tv plgather, pick, col- in bunches and wrap with thread lect here and there (selectivity ikpataij ifian larva stage of is implied or searching due to an insect of the cricket type, sparseness);iv plbecome it collects bits of leaves and sparse; become very thin (of wood. and glues them to its body sticks or of a person's limbs, to make a cocoon.(1flifire- the latter is very derogatory) wood.) 6.Atarpja iWt idet.He has see tarn& sparse hair.lit he is sparse (in) strands of hair tiepl tiirj,tazjitv speak to, es3 dAtd1j1jd es(a kind talk to, say, tell; rebuke, of antelope) has tiny legs. reprove oft en w 1k6word.; lit6s3 is very thin. (in) pltaiji only discuss in a bone group, talk all at once; settle Atimjaajsparse; thin (of a case or an argument sticks) tats 116' 6k8p! Speak up At6,rjrid,6136n sparse 6b8n (a so people can hear! kind of fruit) left on the tree riyem A,dltaij 1k6 thine AfO. at the end of the season want to talk with you. seeta.131 tar)A.B.6 11i6! Reprove him! tai j1.k6 Tell him some- tArpjdtv call down a curse on thing! An3 kle.He calls -tai mbuktell a story dorm ilibiam on him. -tar,es6deliver a eulogy cf -barbtAk, tagid6 -tarj maa quote a price utarJn talking, argument tap ideodescribes a rope litaij.He talks and talks. breaking n story, fable uduk akip6 tdp.The rope broke AtAig idiom npride, hautiness tap. (1d6mbody, self) cf b6, d6k6,tel

4 C4 387 tA.pltventice, lure, bribe, tat pl taattvspread, loosen, cajole untie; -unlock, unwind,open, litap akew6t.He entices you to melt your death.lit he entices id4mexercise lit loosen, you he kills spread body cf kpeekl -tat Ise,relax the face, smile, cheer uplitloosen thp2ideosound of wood being facecf-tian is6 cut -tat ilkotopen the legs, e.kpi. tap.He out into it tea). spread the legs -tat iib6kbe generouslit tape. pl tA.aptvdip out, ladle loosen, open hand.also-tare. out (with a spoon or the hand) ; ti.b6k beckon with the hand, touch Atat .a,b6kn generosity lightly to get someone's -tat 46 speak up, speak out attention lit open voice Atepe. n snuff (when it -tat it6k'tear a race, ' is sold it is dipped out with a 'open a race,' take to one's spatula)alsoiltabe. (iiriwh) heels see tabor.; -tat efienwatch, be careful, be enlightenedlit open eye tare. pl taare. ivSpread. (of cf -tire amen rumor, fire), loosen, unravel, afignopen the eyes, unwind, open (of leaves), melt ; keep awake tv melt moan ritAt ann n enlightened Is6 dtAre. &Ian.He's very people, educated or privileged healthy (it shows on his face). people lit face is spread (with) oil titatnkey Ice E'en! You've had it; see tara; cf te.rj1,taririd, tiat you're now convinced!lit it spreads, opens to you in eye tatb.n see ete see tat; cf tad.n,tar1,te.wja, tana

4C5 388

.1 to ivsay, mean, intend tebe tv hold tightly (esp (defective verb) (used in giv- around the wadst); support, ing a report, gen used after bó hold up say or d6k6 tell for emphasis) latebe amM You've had it; it 6,156 die? it ke... What did you serves you right! say?I said that... AmAgbO Ate ke 6d6 dkpin ik5. tea n [Eng) tailor syn He said that it's true. lit attiak dfr3 he said he said that it's true d6k6 ate &Tam! Tell him to do teebe iv pl of tebe it; tell him that he should do it! teekiv, tv pl of tek

2 te iv before, as (defective teemtv pl of tem verb) (always followed by an- other verb) teen iv pl of teq Ate AnAm riyAltAA] uno. Before do it, I'll tell-you. teeqe tvstand in awe of, fear, ate ikp6x neke kere revere (a person or God) Mkp6. Before you leave here Ateeqeke dw6 Alien. I'm not

be sure not to forget anything. afraid of anyone. lit I nibLk sin illwet Ami nn3 ate don't fear person eye if r3ke Postal Agency. Please Athe n awe, fear, reverence, post this letter for me' as you dignity pass the Postal Agency. (sin put in) teeq4 iv, tv pl of teke cfAte2 teet tv pl of tet tebe pl teeb4 iv smell (esp smell bad) teg4 iv, tv var of tek Utebe n smell; aj smelly, bad smelling tek, tege pl teek iv become cf ufik slack, loose, reduced; slacken, loosen; tv slacken, loosen, 389

1 lower, reduce in height temme tv rev of tem remove a rhm66rj ateek ke UsU13. (Pools of) pot from the fire water are drying up on the road. litwater is reduced on road temmetvexplain, direct, tell -tek idem slump (so as not to how stand up straight) temme darja eblinem! Tell me -tek esit, -teek esit (tege how it's dane. not used here) nauseate (esit -femme áwó liSlIaj tell a person heart, insides) the way, direct a person esit atek. I'm nauseated, I item n advice feel like vomiting; I'm less -n5 Item give advice annoyed. -kOp item hear, heed, follow

-tek Ube slow down, go slowly advi c e or softly lit reduce power see teke,tern, te/ne tern pl tek ivgo down, descend (of the level of water, of a teke pl teerje iv hang dom.; thing being lowered), bend weigh down, lower (as wet slightly, become unsteady, clothes lower a line or heavy totter (of a nodding, sleepy fruits a branch) person, of a drunk) see tek, ter), thrje -ter) idem become humble (idem body, self) tem tvcut bush, clear bush w see teine, tek, teke; cf kerne 1k6tbush

1k6t Mem na piece of bush terjrje iv stagger so as to fall that is being cleared or nearly fall, bend far over (of a tree in the wind), settle tem pl teem tv put down, set (of impurities in water or down (a pot on the fire); cook, dregs in palm wine) cf ter) boil, prepare Afere ('soup') bend a little -tem &yin put a child down whom isip 641;rj a. tern The coco- you've been holding nut tree is bent way over see temme (from the weight of the fruit).

4(7 390

AtelA AtelA adv unsteadily dAkp6n Atidard. He's grown Eiska Atkle Ate0. He walks too big; he's feeling too unsteadily. proud. (-kp6n become big) see ter), tek, teke; cf kerb, cf 4&kpOn Atiard. It's mighty k4T34, dlitere big. cf tiara, tiat, tik/34 t41 ideo describes water fall- ing drop by drop tidare iv scream, shout;tv Mm6h dt;1 tep tep tep. Water scream at, shout at often w drips tep tep tep. gkpci n scream, shout cf yci6r6, dici6r6 Cvars?] tep2 ideo sound of the nearly weightless fall of a rotten tiaatideosound of cloth thing such as an avocado or tearing pawpaw anK) dwaki tiaat. The cloth tear9 tiaat. tkse ideo see dlltere cf tiAt t4t pl teet tv [Efik] pluck tidi tv, iv pl of tiga fruit (esp pepper) cf kipe tidm tv splash, sprinkle; itch, irritate; iv splash, sprinkle; t4te n see et4 jump about, jump up and down, stamp the feet (of a fussy ti tv, ivvar of to child),jump up suddenly rlmotO 6.tiun ithat 6hdPok. The ti n CEng] tea car splashed mud on me. lit AybAtem rfam6h ati. I'll boil car splashed mud it spilled on water for tea. me 61'4 ado dAtfam. That leaf ti4Amtv, iv pl of tigmma irritates me. Mm6h ati4m k4 ish. Water tidardi ivbecome oversized in splashes on the ground. growth -tiAm Mkpatjump about

(iiikpat foot) 4(8 391

-tiara idem show off (1d6m body, tikma pl tiai3 tvexpand, widen, self) stretch, spread; iv become Atidm n a small insect of the expanded, stretched, spread cricket type -tikmd likcit open, spread, see tiamma; cf tam& stretch the legs riniUn spread the tiamma pl tiAam tvpour out a fingers little bit of liquid (esp a idem show off (Id& little bit of palm wine in each body, self) cup), give a little (wine) to see tiara, tiat (there is a taste; add a little bit (as a good deal of free variation seller does when he measures among the three verbs) out snuff or gari); splatter, splash, sprinkle; iv splash, tiap n CEng 'cap'?] a small sprinkle container of zinc foil filled tiamma (etOk) 6m35/3 k6 Af6re! with phosphorus, scraped from Add a little water to the match heads, it is ignited afere ('soup')! and it in turn ignites the gun dim 6Atiamma; dim &kid-am. powder in a gun Rain sprinkles. Ati6Am nsplashing, sprinkling;tiaratv stretch, expand; iv the spots where water has become stretched, expanded splashed, the marks left by tiara dd! Stand firm with the sprinkling water cfnsuime legs apart and the arms out- see tidal; cf taming., sipe stretched (in a fight, or so

that no one can pass)! (d6. tian n [Eng 'tin'] any (non-iron) stand) metal object such as metal sheet- see tiaTja, tiat; cftladral ing or metal containers, a. tin (e.g. kerosine tin) tiat tv expand, stretch (esp ak8 titian tin pot, aluminum pot as a man trying to wear a small hat stretches it) tv, iv pl of tikma -tiat fakcit spread the legs,

409 392

straddle, walk with spread legs status; question of, matter of; see tiarpja, tiara; cf niak, tat character; way of life Ice itie Mmi in my place, in tibe iv, tv pl of tips lieu of me ifikp6 iti4 n chairlit thing tibe tv stop from happening, of place thwart, blunt itie ayin n womb lit place aditib4, aditim n a mixture of child (potion) to neutralize the toxic itie isbrj menstruationlit effects of snake bite or of a place of groundTwo explana- charm, antidote, 'anti-charm' tions are given for this phrase: syn thkpeme idem first, that women are not

see tip ; cf tip4 permitted to sit on chairs that men might sit on during this tid6 n [source unknown] a kind period, so they sit on the of grey rock which is crushed ground; second, that a hole is to a powder and used as a cos- dug in the ground for a girl's metic for the eyes first menstruation. -kit itid is ?nmenstruate lit tie ivsit, stay; appear, seem see menstruation syn-kit tie tie! Sit down! thkp6 tie idem 'lin! Sit by yourself! Atie n sitting (esp a pro- -tie esOp- sit on a court (of tracted state of sitting) cf a judge) hdibe, Addga &Re atie din How does he htie imi ada.(from Atie Mmi behave? lithe stays how ad6 ami) This is my sitting (ffikp6) atie die? How is it; (I'm not getting up; I'm not how are things? lifting a finger to help any- arie dt14 rite dyin iuni. He's more; I know nothing about the like a son to me. lit he seems matter). litsitting my is like child my this cf it14 Mmi AdOm. This átie Adaidat AdLidat. It looks is my seat. red. cf be,, bi6t iti4 nplace, seat, position,

4 0 393

tige. pl tiai tvkick, shoot and tiim2 tv pl oftiml hit; irritate the mouth (as raw yam); iv stick out, protrude tiln ideo sound of a Peugeot edgt AwA6 atige. The teeth (automobile) horn stick out. lit teeth come out cf t66n protrude Atiga nbow, weapon, missile tilp1 tv pl of tip1 Atialnkicking, shooting; places hit by arrow or gun or tilp2 tv pl of tipe other weapon cf tige,tuuk tiip iv, tv (T) pl of tip' tige, tige, tike, nige, tuk tv tilt tv pl of tot tickle Atike n tickling tily6 tv, iv var of t66y6 6.11,6 Atika ticklish person

1 of tige, tuuk, tick, dike tike ivi emerge, appear suddenly (often precedes or follows wA6 tige tv var of tige come out, go out) ifim6to.dwA6 atike eh. The car tlik tvpraise, flatter, play appeared suddenly eh. up to cf dikel Atilk n flattery, praise 2 Atilk akewiit ed8p. Praise kills tike tv var of tige the antelope. cf nek, tUrci, tige tike iv become depressed, go down (of earth when pressed tlim tv pl of tim with the foot;) fig step down (of a person from power or tiiml, tim, timmideo sound made position) when a palm fruit cluster or itike n depression, dip, coconut falls to the ground; pot hole, sloping place (of sound made when an animal falls land only) into ilifina (a trap made of mud Ttike dfara the hollow of the and sticks clavicle (2) (afard,shoulder) 4 L1 394

tim pl tiim tv beat, pound (esp tim2 tv var of tami food in a mortar, clothes on a 2 log) tim3 tv, iv var of tiun Atim n footfall also Atim ikpAt,

4 11 Atim ikot lit footfall of foot tim ideo var of till): Aditim n a large animal (poss a water buffalo) it beats down timatin [Eng] tomato the bush as it walks ('the wild ox or buffalo' Goldie; 'water- time, dime iv (7) [Efik7) buck' Adams) struggle, make a big effort; etimme, &time n a pole-like storm about in a temper (2) 2 instrument or peg used to bore cf tAm , dimme, timme holes in the ground etimme at6t6t ab&si AtUak ish. time ivbecome stuck into, &time must consult God before pinned it bores the ground (refers to seetiml, timme;cf t6r6, kime the up and down action required to make the holes) cf 'What timede tv var oftime goes up must come down',lit &time must inform God it knocks timm ideo var of tiim1 ground adOm Utim, &dOm (Utim) us3n timid,timed&tv [latter var blacksmith (-dammould out of is Efik] cause confusion, metal, Us6 skill) disturb ibit Utim n blacksmith's -time ifim56q, -timede '&66/3 bellows (ibitdrum, both roil (as a storm) lit disturb bellows and drum are covered water with leather) Atime, AdAtime, AdAtim n trouble, commotion, confusion, tim1 pl tiim tvstick into (a disorder feather in a hat, a pen in its Atime harrass, worry lit cap, a pencil in the hair), pin, give trouble stick a pin into -sin Atime cause trouble, seetiMe2, time;cf kim, t6t make a commotion lit put in trouble 395

Atime Atime aj disordered, AdAtinn wandering confused 4w6 AdAtin wanderer cftime, tam2 tin&ba, tinapan [source unknown] 2 time ivgo back, go back from a kind of mushroom syn where one was heading, return, k8k8b18k&; a kind of tinned not continue; become absent; do fish (no longer available) again, repeat Perhaps 'tinapa' was a brand -time di come back (di come) name, people say a thing is -time 1'1613 go back (116rj return) 'sweet like tinabe but it is -time Mem turn back (Mem not clear whether this refers back) syn -kp& Mem to the mushroom or the fish. gtimme 1)wet. He's absent from (of Eng 'tuna') school, he hasn't come to school. timm6 ndm! Do it again! lit tinapg,n var of tinaba repeat do cf mUnd, nuk2 tin6 tv var of tri.6 time tvrev of tim pull out tnn6 (?) iv var of t-ann what is stuck in or pinned on

seetime; cf t6t61 tiro tvpay close attention used as follows: tin, dlitin ivwander, go here -tig aenwatch for, look out and theie, dash about in a flurry; for (Afien eye) cf -tat aen tv miss the way, lose the way, -tig listen for, listen mistake carefully (litk ear) &tin ask 6; datin as&O. He -tig idembe prepared, be wanders endlessly. (ska walk, alert (idembody, self) move about)

ilb6g6. I missed my way;tire, tar), tip ideo sound made I ran here and there and ac- when an arrow or dart pierces complished little. (b6g6 very something much) idag at; et6 tire. The arrow -tin alai (tisin) mislead someone hit the tree tire. (6w6 person)

41.,3 396

tline tv eat a little bit at a ikpe ffikpA atip afie. He's time, pick up and eat tiny bits guilty of murder. lit case of food (such as grains of rice), of death condemns person pick tiny leaves Atli-tip, At66tip aj stunted, cf ti/j, tkjd, kpf/A4, blunt, undercooked niuI Ateetip 6wO stunted person Ateetip et8k dyin slow grow- tip1 pl tiip tv contribute ing child (cf is6) -tip Adia contribute food Atiltip ik-h&blunt knife -tip Akiik contribute money Atiltip Adia undercooked yam Atip ncontribution see -0.134; cf kpA, tire etib4 n contributive society Utipnreward; result, con- tip2 ideo var of ti/j sequence -kph Utippay a fine tipe pl tibe iv germinate, sprout; sg onlyhappen; pl 2 tip tv pl of tipe onlyroast (of maize); tv pl onlyroast (maize); tv w tip1pl tiip iv fail to mature, pl tip, tlippierce through, fail to develop fully; fall short make a hole, carve out of expectations; miss out; miss adikp5 &Atli* thmetipe adikpb. (not fire of a gun); fail to I'm sweating. lit sweat has rise (of pus in a boil); become sprouted, broken out on me; blunt (of a knife); tv I'm broken out with sweat condemn, find guilty Akp6 anti atipe drib &Re &kar3 atip. He's short for his age. ib&. This thing happened to Adia hmi atip k6 ikk. This him twice. lit thing this yam isn't well cooked. lit yam happened to him occasion two this has failed (has not stayed AkpAkpa atibe k6 ikk. Maize long enough) on fire roasts on the fire (the kernels dm!) atip akp6. The person has crack as they roast). missed out on-things. Atibe akp&kpa. He's roasting Ikpe atip Aw6. He's guilty. maize. lit case condemns person -tip6 Ab6 dig a hole 397

-tipe &lenburst the eye tire tvplough, dig up Akipe Wen. He has burst his -tire ikp81]; -tire AMA plough eye (he's partially blind). the soil prior to planting Atipe men dm!) na person who cocoyam or yam lit plough is blind in one eye cocoyam; plough yam -tip nifat clean out small craw- -tire Atendig up sand (to craw or pimples by piercing them make a concrete house or to through floor a mud house) utipe fkatn a kind of fish, cf tot long and thin with a pointed mouth (an eel?) (ikatbasket) tire tv cease, stop, prohibit, Atipenorigin, beginning prevent; ivcease, stop, Atip6 idim source of a stream fail (neglect; miss attainment) Atipe tific first ancestors of klatire &rie adidl! Don't a family litbeginning of prevent him from coming! house kti-hire Midi: Don't fail to Atibe na small pot with tiny come! holes all over it, it is used to iyak itirek6 adfba ke Irian. keep crayfish in There's sure to be fish in the gLtipe it613 n a ritual bleeding river. lit fish don't fail and cleansing to rid a perSon of to be in river a disease (such as dkpasakith) n end (physical); (some- or of possession, a spike is put one's) house, place, area cf on either side of a person's 15kaK) neck giving the effect that it tit etd stump of a tree pierces completely through lit MbOn utit ami the people in it pierces neck this area Atibe [Efik] n wonder; aj ilked6p MbOrO ami ke tit wonderful, miraculous, extra- deaan In. r bought these ordinary (negative or positive) bananas at your wife's place. Atibe Abasi the wonder of God utirenstopping; end .tip .tip aj full of holes; titlre ])wet end of the school spotted, mottled term cf utit &vet end of a cftipl, tibe book 398

Utire Adidfastinglit stoppingmc6dAt ani3 AdO A.tO 'Like? Where food did you get that cloth from? Utire adv onlysyn kpot lit you got cloth that from dep knt litir6! Buy only one, buywhere just one! cf Pidgin Eng 'Buy 4k6dAt AtO y6. I got it from one finish!' akphtiren end, conclusion; aj 15k6tO lek 4kaa idim. I went last; advlast from the farm to the stream. k6 Akpatir6 at last, at the end, lit I came from farm I went eventually to stream akpatir6 AwO the last person át; Atak hfO. I'm doing it 15k6n Ann Mmi rididia Akpatir6. for you. lit it comes from I gave my friend food last (after reason your giving it to everyone else). ak6tO see tit; cf itit, itige,tipl His rough skin is the result of a rash. tiro n Cult Eng3 threepence anie ak6ti ddisim imi? Who arrived here first? tisA, titia n [Eng] teacher t6 dia ahem! Eat this first! At6 Adi nforeigner, alien tit tv var of tot (di come) t6t6 prep, conj since, start- tittvfail to heed advicew ing from (time only) cft6602 lith ear linen t6tO 6s6t. We've Atit Atire .at61.3 dis- had fowl since time immemorial. obedience cfb6m2 see tir6 t6b6 pl t605b6 tv make a knot, tita nsee 6t6 tie around and knot At6b6 At6b6 aj knotted titih n var of tisa At6b6 At6b6 Ada knotted up rope t6, ti tv originate, come from; -t6b6 uflOt say as a byword, ivdo first, become first take up a cry, circulate a 399

scandal, taunt (liflOt byword) t66m6 tv pl of top syns -toe Afi6t, -top liflOt cf.t6p, tope) toon ideo sound of a lorry (truck) horn -COW tvplace an order cf tiln etOpn message; fame cf litOm t66p tv pl of top t6g6, ttig6 (2) tv throw up to tnrO tv praise, give praise someone his past deeds, remind to, thank a person of all the good things itnr6 n praise one has done for him cf tOmmo, t6ciy6, tick MmAasin Adib6 au akilk Ada. lbaak A.difit6g6. I refused to toot tv pl of tot accept that money from him for fear he'd throw it up to me. tOOyO, tily6 tv remind; iv -togO ilflOt say as a byword, remember take up a cry, circulate a scandal, cf tOgo, tOmmO taunt (uflOtbyword, scandal) syns -t6b6 ufiot, -top ufiot top pl t66p, t66m6 tv eject, cf t66y6, tdp6, tommo, buk6, hurl, throw, shoot, sting kp6g6, si66i (toOmO is less common than tO6p, it tends to be used for tOmmO tvinvoke, call on, exclaim repeated consecutive action by mentioning a revered name such as throwing sticks one (e.g. say abasi Mmi! 'My God!' after the other); iv (?) clap or itak O! 'Itak!' when one (of thunder) has hurt himself or forgotten Atabek atop. I have hiccups. Something) lithiccups throw me cf -tOma Ideminvoke one's own tuck name lit invoke self -top cink throw away (clink cf tAp6, toe, tnr6, top, ek6 spill, pour out) -top 4615 cut palm fruit tO6b6 tv pl of tob6 -top it& punch, box (it& a blow with the fist)

4 1.7 400

-top ikk fire a gun t6r6 iv become impaled, skewered, -t6p linam shoot at an animal stuck on to a sharp object -t6p -t6p As 613 plaster see t6t, t6t6; cf kime,time a wall with mud (11f61 house, risosij a kind of clay) t6t, tit pl t66t, tilt tv stick -t6p rake tell a fable, tell a something onto a sharp object tale (e.g. a piece of meat onto a -t6p liflOt say as a byword, stick to be hung over the fire take up a cry, circulate a to dry) scandal, taunt syn -t6b6 liff8t, see t6r6, t6t6; cf kim, tim, -t6g6 ufiot tire Ulna atop. Thunder claps. Adit66p nany stinging thing t6t61 tv rev of t6t remove such as ants or irritating something which is impaled, leaves; a small black ant which stuck onto a sharp object lives in trees and makes large see t6r6; cf time black nests on the trunk and 2 branches cfuyiip t6t6 prep, conj see t6 dta At6p n hunter lit expert (in) shooting (7) WA,iv, tvweep, cryopt w ate. Lltd eth dta IhOp ke ik6t dyit crying ata. Thirty ate. (ants) stung Akpefnk regret the huntei. on Ata's land. (a thb6m,4116 akp8 show tongue-twister) sympathy cf t6b6, tOmm6, t6p6, tdp6 tAnk tv crumble AdOm, Asei t6p6 tv acquit, settle a case or Ato into powder with the in favor of, find innocent finger tips; mark the face ikpe dkpetOpO idlibng6 Af8n. with the powder If he's acquitted he won't receive see teak, thage. punishment. lit case if it acquits him he won't receive tUddniv, tvwhistle punishment teen ideo sound of whistling cf t6b6, t6p, sane., tip, bi6m dtAddn Wien. He whistles ttidn. cf fit2

- 4 8 401

tilAga tvbump, knock, hit (in -tusk imam smile slowly be- passing, by accident); reach to, ginning at one corner of the stretch to mouth and moving to the other atAaga i kot adh6. He tripped and tuck dá! Halt; stand still!

fell. lit he bumped foot he (de. stand) fell An6 dtAak'dti6. He remained it6 Lai aketiaga W. The quiet. lithe halted he

farm stretches from here to there. stayed litfarm originates here reaches -tuck ed6m go back, not to there continue; walk backwards lit see tusk, tAAAk halt (?) back see tAhak, thaga taai tv pl tuck titan ideo see tddAn tAak pl thai tvhit, push, shove, poke, kick, jolt, knock, ideo describes the action bang, drive into the ground (as of cutting something through 'yam stakes'); weave on a loom; in a single stroke ivhalt suddenly (?) dkpike et6 tad!). He cut the tuck an6 n3 ademme! Shake him tree through in a single stroke. so he wakes up! (tusk is not ayn yaln used for shake in any other context). uck is used to taard ivbecome short, squat describe" the effect of sick- and fat (of people or animals) nessesand sensations which cause the body to shake or jerk teat tv (?) show off by such as cough, epilepsy, hiccups, prancing about w idem body, chills and gooseflesh.. self rdukpi atiak Lie. He has epi- lepsy. lit epilepsy jolts him tube ivbecome cold (df the 45.1 ama dt-aak 6:6.6 iib6rib6. Her weather) beauty gave him gooseflesh. atap, tap n cold ukft tap palm wine atliep 6.111mm. I feel cold. lit -tuck iwat bow the head cold grabs me of fAAr6, awe 419 402

-Wen ideo see tilenne adv untidily see -h./60; cf tuek,sige, tilege ivused as follows: ntiege afege it6k atAege. He's run until he's falling over (tired, ttienne, mien tvilluminate, panting). lit he ran running shine a light on; ivshine he falls over (tired, panting) steadily (of a light) AtUg6 Ataegeadv sloppily, -tlienne 61111613 shine a light carelessly to look for ekaij (a kind of askO, Ata6ge Ataege. He walks snail) sloppily. utuenne nsnail hunting see tdeke; cf ti16k (var?) Ab6 Mcda iltd6ane hfin. I'm going snail hunting today. t-hek iv become suppleused as nlamp, lantern follows: (ikklight, fire) dnek Ilnek tAtA 6d6m at -hek. He tii4en ideo describes the danced until his back was supple. shining of a light cf tilege (var?), Adektrik atAenne -h./66n. The electric light shines tdeke iv become profuse, cover tub en. profusely; become untidy,, strewn cf ntienne, eene, m6nn6 about tileke Adaka Ice is6! Go awayyoutap nsee -Aebe look so untidy! litbecome untidy- leaveme at face tie (?) var of t6g6 imam &take (dy;g6) Idem. Yaws covers his whole body. lit tap t61, trial tv awaken yaws covers profusely (fills) Attil nepilepsy synAdifikpi body 1 soar?) etAeke dy;g6 AR6q. Orangestlik ideo describes the action are growing in profusion. lit of going far away, of going way oranges cover profusely fill up high, or of going away and top (of the tree) no one knows when one will AtilekeAtdeke aj untidy; return

4 20 403

tid;6k 511610 tdk. It shot up like (to entertain children)! lit an arrow. lit it went up sky, shake small dance let'S see top tlik cf -kplke unek, -y6nn6 Unek, -sin -dnek tuk2 tv var of tige cf td.4106, tuck, tout, tige taklpl tnk tvpolish, scrub; tak6 tvtorture, torment, grate punish At5tag6, able a dish of grated Adat-dg6 n torture, torment cocoyam steamed in leaves cftak3, t5g6 5.kp6tak aj eaten away (as an elogn fruit is eaten away by taml, tim tvtaste liquid, beetles) take a sip, sip tam s4! Taste it (to see if tak2 tv cook by burying in hot you like it)! lit taste look ashes syn bim tam kOp! Taste it (to perceive Mkpahtdk, 4kkaatak n its flavor) lit taste per- burnt wood; the burnt wood left ceive on the ground after a piece of -tam Ind&kiss lit taste farmland has been burned for mouth planting Pitam Ina& n kiss

3 2 tak pl taak tv cheat tam , tim pl taam tv pl esp -tak 1d6m deny oneself lit arrange, put in order; attend Cheat self to, wait on; iv sg only do Utak n cheating; cheater properly, do well, emphatic cf tak6,taki, tak2 (always followed by another verb) ivshake, become -taam 116 settle a quarrel, unsteady, become poorly balanced; make peace lit put in order tvshake matter tfik6 (6t8k) dn6k isg! Dance a -taam Ikpe settle a court case little dance (as when one gets a -taam Afar), -taam 41613 take present); do a 'little number' leaves off their stems, stack

421 404

in the hand with the edges lined tilm6 tv appeal to for protection up, tie for easy shredding lit or to settle an argument put in order, arrange afg4 tintAm6 miki. He's under my leaves, 4k813 leaves protection. 4613 line up the edges cf tiam2 of palm frond midribs and tie together to make a broom biniv var of tiln6 6tiMm nan orderly bunch ft/am dfh a bunch of afar, tAnn6, tinn6 (?) iv become leaves lined up for shredding sluggish

dyk a bunch of palm-- itann3nsluggish person frond midribs ready to be used cf tdn6, tbAn6, as a broom tim AE6 iti6! Attend to him! tunivbecome stupid, lit attend to him place retarded 4k6tim 3.s6n. I was playing host. kdatiln6! Don't be a fool! litI attended to guest Atlin none who is stupid, tum nam! Do it Well! (used as foolish, retarded a greeting to someone who is at As6 atiln6 Attin Mika Whyare work) you so stupid like that? tun ti6! Stay well; sit properly! klandm &yin Ami AfOrO thin. nim! Keep it safely! lit Don't make this child stupid do properly keep (by depriving him of schooling)! tun di& lbaak 4331613. Eat well lit don't make child this for fear of hunger (to guard become a fool against hunger). AtIln aj stupid, foolish af8 atom ddni.J6 dbAJA! Do you cf tAnn6, tfran6, siln6 (var?) really know about it?; a lot you know about it! tuna, tin6 tvwarn, threaten, 1 1 cf tim6 , timm6 , nbk6, ni62 discipline (verbal or physical) tiabira n var of tabit turfpl -W1141 tv hollow out ddlidli make a hole (with a thin instrument)

4 2 405

n a kind of reddish AditAxj, AdAtdri, AditA136, bird which makes a hole in a mud ittlo n a corner inside a wall or in the wall of a pit and house lives there synhdbkube AditAn6 aj deep ItAij n piece, half cf AbAdk, see turd,tAin61 ilwadk 1, ti5462 3 see tAJorj6 tuil6 (?) iv, tv, prep, conj var oft66:362 1 tilio pltthrj tvhurt a sore place

by accident ttip6 tvthrow up to, reproach MI6 He accidentally with; go overboard (?), get touched my wound. carried away (2); used as cf tAAk follows: atUp6 dw6 all]. He invokes a tk2 ideo var of ti13 person's name and all the names of his ancestors (to show tAigc 1 tvcarve out, dig out, contempt) lit he throws up remove somethingesp from a person name small hole (dirt from the ear, a AtAp6n used as follows: chigger from the flesh, eyes from atAp6 AtAp6 Ikb. He reproaches a fish, pus from a wound, meat a person for all the offenses from a bone) committed by him and his see tAij,tArj62;cf tline ancestors. (116'word, matter, trouble) tAin52 (?) iv, tv, prep,conj atAp6 AtAp6 Adih Ilikpb. He var oft6602 eats in a crazy way, he devises an abnormal way to eat (e.g. 1 tA/36(?) iv repeat, do again, and, he eats gari with sardines). also (always followed by another (Adia eating, Mkp6 thing) verb) cf t6g6, t6mm6, t6p, cfmaAnd,nAllk2 s16613, kp6g6, kAp6

2 tur36 ivi become deep (of a hole, tathprep, conj; adv very much, a river) until; so that

I 4 406

tutu Mfin amiuntil this very physical sign tells me). lit day, until todaylit until todaytwitch touches me

this of tilk6, ti.1.11136, tiger; tA.101 tutu. Asixisi foreverlituntil eternity tAbk1 tv pl oftAki

Amid tIlt-b. an6 dslIk6. He beat . him until he fainted; he beat tAbk2 tv pl of tAk3 him so much that he fainted kdAdid Mkp6 tutu ridiwAM Don't tA.Am tv pl of tb.m2 eat until I arrive! imAm ane tutu afi6 ik&nna ifege. tA.An6 tv nip off (as a bud, He held him so that he couldn't a boil) ;thwart (as a child's run. behavior) dayaya tutu. It's very beauti- cf tAnn6, tun6 ful. lit it's beautiful very much tv pl of t-15.7,1 cf n3, ma, kis6, AtA thbntv pl oftAigi took tv touch; figaffect

akmatimaiga 41/$5 Ibkpa Am3 utuuk6 tlid/J6 iv, tv var of tlik6 6sit. When you don't like a person his death doesn't move ttairj6 tvdisturb, disorder (the you. lit when you don't like vegetation in passing by, the person death his doesn't touch, water in entering it)

affect -you (in) heart Alcp6 dAttliu36 ik6t. Something 6kpliAt affect 6kpilat (the walked through the bush and heart, the kidneys as the seat of disturbed the vegetation. the emotions) with emotion or linam d&tifni136 thm6613 ami. An fatigue animal disturbed this water. utuuk6kptilit. It affects you. of bi6k6 n tic, twitch Atfulk ntuuk. I feel something -Witiv shift oneself (while is going to happen (my eye is seated), move aside, move over twitching or some other nervous (while seated), move along on

4 24 407

the buttocks using the hands to At8 n planting propel oneself, crawl; tv shift, -t6 Ad6kembarrass,disgrace, push aside to make space (clothes make fun of (Ad6kembarrass- on a line, beads on a string, ment, jest) objects on 'a table) At; IbOn Am5 Ad6k. He dis- tuutdl! Come near, scoot over graced his people. (while still seated) ! -t6 it& punch, give a blow n shifting lit hit blow with the fist Aw6 AdO Alkp6n iituut k6 idiom. -t6 akd form a circle (for That person doesn't sit still, a dance or game) he's always shifting. lit person At661j n hitting; places that is big (in) shifting in body where something hit (sore cf tlidrj6, places) Akp6t6 itidt na kind of t61p1 t661j tv hit; hit the mark; large green caterpillar, if knock against; knock down; throw it jumps up and touches a down; drop; w pl t61 plant (seeds person's chest he will die, or tubers); digup roots in order presumably because it releases to plant tubers a stone (itiat) against the 6ben LIU At; 6b6t. The 6ben fruit chest fell down and hit the goat. seet611; cf t62, t6k6, Ant6 k6 ilb6k. He hit me on t6t6, tbr6 the arm. afi6 at; fan Am3.He threw his friend (to the ground in wrestling). 2 ub6k Ant6 6sit. I'm in a fix; t6 iv flow in (of the tide) I can't proceed; I'm broke.lit at6 n flood tide arm, power hits me heart, in- cft61, t61, t5k, t6k6, tbr6, sides tat; k6b6 ebb (of the tide) Aw6 Ami At; 61cp6m6. He '11 never grow, he' ll stay short . lit tg6 iv quarrel, become angry person this hit bottle or bitter, become unhappy -t6 lijwarj farm lit plant (about) farm Amot;gb k6 ik6 AdO. I'm un-

425 408

happy about that matter. tOk6 tv pour liquid from one -a.t3k n quarrel container to another

6t3g6 At3k. They are quarrelling. tok6 ijw613! Take some (palm Ab6k h-ft6 na kind of fish, wine)! lit pour drink 1 its flesh disintegrates easily cf t5k, t6 , t32, t611, t3r6, when cooked so that if a wife tot3, And cooks af6re for her husband with this fish, a quarrel may tabit, tabira n [Eng ensue lit she cooks he 'tumbler'] a glass tumbler quarrels see t3k; cf ttlk6 t3it3m, t36mt35m npigeon

1 tail tv drop liquid drop by tor) ideosound of a bow be drop; iv drip (of liquid) ing drawn xit;1 thm64 ke Af3i). I drop ad .t tt.tiga amid, t61). He water on the cloth. draws a bow it goes t3rj. lEm66rj At;1. The water drips. 2 iit61 ndrop t613 iv var oft6601 xit61 dam a drop of oil 2 seet61;cf t6 , t6k6, t6t6, t461 j. become clouded, un t3r6 clear (in color); become murky, unclear (of liquids); become 2 t3x tv pl oft61 dusty (of clothes or something that can be shaken out) t613 tv-var of tai thm6613 at;t6136. The water is murky. t3k pl t66k tv (?) urinate opt dAt6rj6 dfign. It's faded, the w skim urine color has changed. litit's cf t6k6, t6, t6i, t3r6 unclear (in) color xit4 n ashes; dust t3k pl t33k tv curse, use xit4 Afitpollen litdust abusive words of flower

see t3go; cf xit4 ritOrj,x 1,t61;j6 At6/36 aj grey; dusty 409

h&j atft, dt;t6136 aj cloudy, economically so one doesn't finish not bright it before the gari cf at613 cf t6t, t6k6,t6i1 t61362 iv var of t66136 t66k tv (?) pl of t6k t3r6 pl t53136 tv (?) defecate t33k tv pl of t3k (p1 used emphatically as when someone takes a purge) opt w t36mt36m n var of tbiltbm lithik feces At6r3 n diarrhea t661J tv pl oft61 cf t6k

t661)61,t61) iv kneel t8s n [Eng 'torch'] flashlight, -t66136 6d61] kneel on both knees torchlight (cf 6d61] knee poss related)

2 t6t iv increase t66136 , t6106, tft:16 (?), tlbj6 (?) At6tn increase (what one has iv, tv start; prep, conj since, in addition) starting from (place and time) cf t6t6,t62 cf t6t6. (see t6), sa t6136 k6 itie ami wa6 46 AM itiat tat pl t33ttvwarn against; give ifk. Starting from this place information, inform how many miles is it to Uyo? 6timm6 6;t6t6t abasi ataak is61]. t6136 3b6m since last year 6timm6- must consult God before islig 3ta 6.d8 ami t6136 it bores the ground. see tim It's been three years since I saw lit6t n warning; announcement, you. lit year three it is this information since I saw you cf y6t t33K16 tv (?) pl of t3r6 t6t6tv distribute in bits (share the palm wine around by t33t tv pl of tat putting a bit in each cup) -t6t6 af6r6use af6r4 ('soup') 410

btA. num var of iba handle for the hoe used to make holes in planting yam (t6 adak n see bAlcd planting) Ube AfiAtheframework of a ubAdkn see bait& trap; a trap (af16 trap) ubaakn seebige riben the ediblekernelof the raffia palm fruit syn Isip AbAlmna kind of tree, Albiz- zia zygia (Adams)(?) ikp6k ube the scales onthe outside of -Ube b_baga risen n seebad fte, adiaben a pit dug in the Adlabk na palm frond ground, a ditch esp when stripped of its leaves -tape labe dig a hole applies only to: labe ifamnij a well (dug , not libak ayop oil palm fr6hd natural)containingdrinkable libak isip ayOp 'coconut palt water(Mm6k water) frond cf iadO cf ak66k, Adak galk ilbe areddishbird which makes a hole in amudwall and labak likp;13 see iba lives there (d6k dig) syn etk ubara n [Anaa0 blood (rare) Akp5kkp6k ilbe a children's syns umiana, lyiip; cf &Ara jumping game(kp5k1 hop) As& -Ube Is613 akindof game ube n a large stick serving as played with 'pieces' lit Asa a handle for the hoe used for of hole in ground seeAse cocoyam; strength, power cf Ukpg, MO, adu, ebe -tek ilbe slow down, go slowly or softly lit reduce power Ilbebeerje aj see beke dkp6k6(p) llbe the hoe used for cocoyam (kip hang, hook) Ubeet, Ube-b.n room ube lit;' a stick serving as a .bet fuhaa shop litroom of market synof 6k -Lida 411

b.b6r,) n side, section, portion riap6nc5 illoOm thwarts, the cross- ridi3i 6ke abeij.I don't know seats of a canoe anything about it .litI don' t ibOtO ilbOma conical shelter know side in a canoe made of an ibOtO -k6rma ilberejturn over, turn on mat the other sidecfkapaf. Link i/b6mcrocodilelitit Akpa iibeijparalysis of a side spills canoesynafiom of the body, palsy(kp6, die) etilbOmhelmsman also ati6 cf riten, 15k64, 11°613 itak izbOmlit he sits at helm; headman, boss, a show off (from iibetn your husband 6t e fatherplusalp& canoe ilbgt kik613moth lit your or poss 1.1b8m fatness, breadth) husband in the firesyn 6.kpatab6,cf ib8m, A.kpcibOm, ab8m, 6-be idap abOm,ekln, ns6b8m, ixd6b8m see ebe 111o6m2 nsee ay6g6 1).1a6m Ilbetn var of ilbeet ubom nfatness, breadth 1%16 see rnsth ubio -kpOn ilbOmbecome fatlit become big (in) breadth, fatness abitn, ajsee bire syn .--kpOn Id& see ib8m, 6,b8m, akp6b8m, ekam 1 11b6m nc-anoe hs6b6ra, cf ifilaOp6 11b6m isijautomobile lit canoe of ground syn eamOtO iibUTA.g6 thm66/j n see Vitg6 ubom ailhairplanelitcanoe of sky n see b6b6 (ab6m) risk ikkship lit canoe of smoke narm and/or hand; handle; ithOm riyin,ia.b6m risin motor power, strength, ability boatlitcanoe of engine -kparj ilb6kfold the hands itak ilbOmhelm lit base of Inkpari iibbkn folded hands canoe used as follows: af5rj itak iabOm sail litcloth 6m3.6, Pal* ubek. They clap of helm syn afara hands (as children playing) .lit 412

they slap folded hands -nen ilb6kbe a sharpshooter -kaiak 11136k clap the hands litbecome straight (in) hand - fit lib6k clench the hand, make -136k 11136k cooperate (bokmake a fist (fit fold, make narrow) round esp by patting) syns -fit ita, -loot ate, -sin lib6k involve oneself in; ifit ub3k, ifut ubok n fist share food with someone, give a -k66m ub3k, -fdak tib6kshake 'dash' lit put in hand hands (k66m greet, fdakput sin ilb6k Dash me a little between) extra! lit put in hand give me -meek tib6k bend the arm; beckon, -tat 11136k, -.bard iib6k become motion with the hand generous lit loosen, open hand -k4 11136k link arms A-tat ilb6k ngenerosity, open- -w6p libok suck the thumb lit handedness suck finger -fiem 11b6kbecome thrifty, kpirak ilb6k snap the fingers frugal, niggardly lib6k press the finger (for -kal lib6k do vigor- fingerprint as signature for ously; become expensive (s61, illiterates) kai become hard, strong) cf - bit 11136k grope by patting the hands up and down on a surface -mem lib6k become inexpensive fi613136 db6k grope by sliding (mem become soft) cf -mem the hand along a surface udua 1 -kek lib6k have an habitually -kpe ilb6kplead for mercy, shaky hand litshake (in) hand apologize syn-kpe idem -kek2 lib6k check a blow (hold -kpeek lib6k plead with, entreat back or swerve aside so as not syn -kpeek,idem to give the full blow) -dOt 11136k bless lit lay on - sap ub3k, -ward ilb6k,-wamma handcf dnial

11106k become manually dextrous, AdOt ilbok nblessing do quickly with the hands -ken 11136k bully (?), finagle inward ab6k n haste (ken surpass) Akp6 eenamma Ice inward 11136k daken awe ilbok. He gets things isif6nn6. Things done in haste by force. usually aren't good. bkan ilbok n force, finagling

430 413

dab ke hick .ab6k. He took it by of hand, arm force (or by finagling). cf it613 ubek Adal3i 6 yip yip yip. awilafa The pulse beats yip yip yip. 15.106k kit axe handle esit ubok, eka Ubbk, eS1t eka a6k Ivia knife handle ubok, eka esit iib5k palm of the ekpat libMc a bag with a handle hand (esit inside) cf eka ekpa ubok a handful ikpat tib6k atom, (db6k) 4...1c job, labor, eka iabMc abasi a kind of tree 'handwork,' handicraft, handywork with broad leaves lit palm (atomwork) of the hand of God ubok use used as follows: edam db5kback of the hand kabinta aLs6n 11b6kuse The cf Mem ikpat carpenter is skilled. (f6n become nnuunlib6k fingerlit good) digit of hand cfnnuun ilb6k klem bribe lit hand of ukot back ffikp6n6 (lib k) handcuffs lit 15.b6k udom, lib6k rinasia, 11106kufia prison of hand the right hand, 'the right-hand side aki5k 11105k, AkpOgO libk bangles ilb6k ilficin the left hand, the worn on the wrist for dancing left-hand side litmanilla of arm kpeme Aw6 adO Ad6 atlifien libMc Ijkanika ilb6k watch lit clock ekpO! Watch out for that man, of arm, hand he's left-handed (his strength is Adi).e 11106k 'slip of the hand' in his left hand, be on guard for lit error of hand it!) ubok Ab6k, ijka134 ubek, likp6k Mkpafk ubok, ffikpalAga (1110'6k), lib6k aj empty handed, in- Mkpafaga 6kpafafaga. (ubok), solvent (1)kka, Ilkp6k empty) thkpafaiafaga (IMMO armpit see thb6k; cf ib6k, adadA, ddit

.(1111-pafax) gap, faga carry under

the arm) 1110;613 nchieftancy, glory, 6kk 11105k elbow (gain a hump on honors, power the back) syn (itit) ak1U136 adAd lib;6/1. He became chief; 15kek ubok joint of arm, hand he has been crowned chief. it613 libMc wrist, pulse litneck lithe stood chieftancy (he

431 414

stood as chief) Adare, Adira.n[Igloo?)a kind sksk abem ti.-613 Ise).Easy doesof tree, its edible fruits have it; humility leads to power. oval seeds and exude a milky, (sksdr3 humble, -bem is6 precede,sticky fluid prob 'African star lead) apple,' Chrysophyllum africanum item tilD;6rjchief's hat (Dalziel) see 6.1A6rj afi.613 (tidare)a part of the tidara fruit, one or two fleshy .h1366x3 nthe fluted pumpkin, its quarter-moon shaped excrescences leaves are used for afer6, the on the body of the fruitlit seeds are boiled and eatenprob moon of tidare Telfairia occidentalis (Dalziel) ifen tib;6i3a fluted pumpkin Mebe ajsee deep (ifena large round object) 151edij ti.b661a the leaves of 15.1A613itdedepajsee dep rnmanima ti.b;61a,ayg.ara tilo;61;)the male flower of Ab6613 ti.deknsee dege esi.6 ti.b;61athe -part of ub55xJ left after the seeds are removed udin trouble used as follows: Oslowhat is removed) ktlayem tidi!Don' t look for Ab6613 rribakaraa kind of tree trouble! ;don't be aggressive! similar to the breadfruit, its (said to a child) syn fruit is pounded and the seeds ktier2y4m Ik5 ! are baked, Artocarpus communis Lrifkege Adia small creeper, (Dalziel)litilb66xj of Europeanits leaves fold when touched, 'shame lady,' Mimosa pudica afere nsee dái (Dalziel)syns ififefege thbAbeek itde.geyen var of itde.rjeye udin grave udaisi n var of adeesi udimnline, queue, group, herd ildeljaye, ildegaya n sour orange, used for a tonic and for 15.di6knthe small of the back enemas syn rIt6m and the area immediately surrounding it 432 415

.dip nmushroom, mould (gen term) Go and see whether the pit has -dipe .dip pick mushrooms lit water in it! pull up mushrooms cf Udo rimina3 a pit containing see Adip; cf dipe, dip undrinkable waterand Ube Ifimnaj a well containing drink- n var of fiddra able water; cf also iakpe, add Uditn strength, force, power Udit and6r6. I'm exhausted fromUdom nright (direction) my struggle. synidem and6r6. AkAnna AdOm. He turned right. .ditrest lit pour out alb6k lidOm the right hand, strength right-hand side

cf adadia, leeek, fab6k, Adit, thmcitO 4131613136 611'6 fib6k tidOm. Idit The car turns right. syns An&sia, cf fadi6t n see di6t3

1c1,58/.6 n see81.'62 n there (nearthe person

addressed), there(anaphoric) aidcip aj see dcipci (refers to a widearea) niaa n6 Aka. UdO! Go on with udu n var of adadA your trouble, don't bother me! lit push so it goes there adianmarket, week (see see dc5,-ridci, ado; cf tikO market days below); price, value, purchase an na pit dug to catch rain- AdM, open a new market water place im6613 lidO the water collected -nim IcIAa hold a market in the pit lit water of 116) -bin ada trade Some speakers use IMO for the -ham iidiaa trade lit sell water as well as the pit. price, market AdO aasat. The pit is dry; &ham ulla trader the water has dried up. -t4/3 adm quote a price Ica& ke se Lie UV) dAsine Am64! -kpe acffi bargain lit plead price 416

-faka ital.&hagglelit argue afO Ad() fitak Mal You're use- price less; you're no good! ileabecome expensive; fix Awe) ilea customer litperson a high price, put on a high priceof market litbecome strong (in) price; thkp6 lidia merchandise, what one make strong (in) price (?) cf sells lit things of market ilb6k ilf6k Ilea; -abet udua shop lit Ameski udua mkp3 6160. You've house of market; room of market put too high a price on these Medep lina a buying market goods. (one where a person goes to buy, As6rj MU& nexpensiveness; aj not sell) expensive As6b6 adU, aj costly and scarce -mem ilda, become inexpensive; (s6b6 become expensive, scarce). set a low price, lower a price The Ibibio week is composed of litbecome easy (in) price; two cycles of four market days make easy (in) price (?) cf each:

-mem ilb6k 1 ad6t AbOt edet AbO, adere AbO

-sin ilea; -benn4 udua raise 2 Ab6 the price lit put in price; 3 Wm 41DO lift price 4 fiBQ kan -s16 lower the price lit remove price 1 &let etAga, klet etAga, Ad4r4 Lower the price et A6

for me!' 2 etdd. -name.' (udaa) become scarce, in 3 Wm eetaga, kern etAga also demand (from the seller's point called in other areas variously: of view) cf s6b6 AdilA atim -tak Ma sell or trade at a 4 fi5Q etOk loss Wet the day before; edem (the itd.ha at:4c. I'm losing in my day) after; Adanoil; etOk trade, business is bad; I sold itsmall cf dfiki moon) at a loss. syn -adia ans610, cf Adot AtAk !.daa a business loss (neither a large one norchronic) cf atAgAde 417

n the initiation cere-ixduda, n a kind of mony for the inam society bird; a shrub planted as a fence, cf udua fast growing, its early leaves are reddish brown, like the feathers liddgQ n feces of the bird Ildlied; also et6 Actdak, aldk. I have to defe- ududu lit tree of iadlida. cate. lit feces causes a Some speakers reject the con- desire in me nection of the bird and the tree; -tr6 uduai defecate cf. -kaa some say the bird's name is ik6t (euphemism) onomatopoeic; others say the atr6 uduaij Usk dsie dfir shrub is planted for fences Andlyeelje Isifireke. The one because it is long-lived, relat- who defecates in the street ing it to deldA 'strength, forgets, the one who steps on power.' it doesn't forget. Aykamia tixtb. uduarj ulgt. I'll idakn rope beat the shit out of you. lit udukAdidi twine orrope made I'll beat you until feces scatterfromthe Adidi plant (from) you udukliwamfishing linelit kiblkpdp ild115.13 saijd! Don't talk ropeof fishhook rot! lit don't talk feces go about lidiakukuakwire; telephone

ffikpap lielarj small hard balls lit rope of iron of excrement uduk ik6t [this var only] abiOm (lidaarj)night soil man snake lit rope of bush lit carrier of feces ilf6n MmA 15kpk) uduk ik5t a itit unk anuslit vagina kind of snake, harmless and of feces very beautiful (if6n goodness, rjkam itit 11626.13 hair around likpk) soul) the anus 6w15.6t lb& Ile& ik5t two-headed efaan uduarj, thfanifd snake, tiny, colored, very akpeben lid-aar, 'dung beetle,' poisonous (Goldie amphisbena it rolls bits of dung along snake) lidak a kind of fly found iduk efnn spider web syns bn feces bknm6, ijk3ijknm6, hkiknm6, see Adilk, adiarj

435 418

cfiatb.iatekpe cf ayire uduk (keet)lance corporal ayire -Cid& ibe.corporal syn uduut n var or pl (?) of idt'ult k6bil.ra ayire udizk itd sergeant syn nfriend. sayen( ylr4hang, keet one, 11(16 mmi my friend(implies ibatwo, itathree) (refers intimacy); my girlfriend,my to the insignia on the boyfriend uniform) syn cf dó

Aduk2 n var of ildfulk U.6n the second-born son nuni my second-born son uduk npity, sympathy, considera-itd6 ti.d;third-born son tion etk udo, et6k udo, izd6(6.)fia. ini6ge uduk in6 &NO. He has .6.d6f;6tthird-born son, fourth- no consideration for others. born son(eti,a,etOksmall, lithe doesn't have consider- ilf66tmiddle)synetinc ation for people afia(also refers to the uduk &ink.I'm sorry for him. third- or fourth-born daughter litpity grabs me Ad6b8m, ud6sen, etilk ticth';6t, udukinterjexpress es etOk 1.16f;3tfourth-born son sympathy of ibom, abOm, ris6b8msyns synthb6m; cf kpe etilk ffifia, ufiak fifieksee 116.1 lien] nmortar These terms designate the order Ayin lidkpestle lityoung ofin which a boy is born and may mortar also be used as names.The forms of these terms and to some -dal:at, uduk, adiulk (?)n kind, extent their order vary from sort, type; lineage village to village.4kpan occurs átO ice Ileac thmi.He's from my throughout the Ibibio area as first-born son.Three sample kuduuk klidiulk (from ke uduuk systems follow: ke tIchiClk) different kinds syn

436 419

alcp6n; .ad6; .ad6 -Cad;; UA6f4.6. devni pl 40115f6 aj new akp6n; .ad6; .hd6fid; 6tOk 116. adttfaildianew yam akpan; ild6; 6tilk 1165 ild6sen; Afan, Mkpixfa/3, iiikpafa/31akpafat3 .ad6 116; 6tilk n path, narrow place, space, cf lied for the terms for gap daughters; cf also .hfid ufaiidat part in the hair .ad6 abOt policeman; a yes-man litgap of hair cfis6 idat (a recent term from the war, -sida Afala idat part the hair (Motwas a prominent Ibibio lit divide part man who supported the Biafran -hfki 6d6t the spaces between side in the war, Ibibios who the teeth lit gap of teeth supported the Federal side Ncpaf623 ubok [this var only] called policemen ild6 of ob6t, armpit lit gap of arm syn second-son of ob6t.) ifikpafaga Mkpafaij likOt [this var only] .ad6 Anilk eick a kind of weevil a children's game, some spread in the inactive stage (rin-ak their legs while one runs horn, 61c6t back of the head) throughlitpath, space of

cf 1).d6 legs

k6 .tlfal, between, in the middle .ad6b8m n see .ad6 see of ark

n see ild6 n the fifth-born son Miak tifiak,6tilk

.ad6fUt n see 1).d6 ffifia fourth-born son (6tilk, 6tOksmall) syns .hd6b6m, n door, doorway see Uslin udosen, 6tak 116f6t, 6tOk (in most of the expressions l'adM;6t .referring to door, doorway 6tbk Ud6 (d)fid third- .aak may be substituted) born son (6tOk dfid also refers to the third- or fourth- .ad6sen n see .ad6 born daughter) syns etuk 6tOk, U.6fUt Ud6tnsee d6r6 cf Ud6,

4 42,7 420

An:4.2 n slap ufin nsee nnn6 -mia .6.fla give a slap lit hit slap ufiom,iflOm n a whistle dAy6w5 Affa. He gave me a power- -fit ilflOm blow a whistle cf ful slap that left me senseless. -fit inlii)k whistle lit he stunned me (with) slap cf 1163 Afi6n, Afien, fain n left (direction) Affd3nright (direction)fi6n fi6nadvawkwardly kpe lib6k lifia! Stand on the right see atlifien; cf td6m, Af16.3, hand side! (iib6k hand) 15mAsih syns 1).d6m, rin&sia; cf 1fIA2 (poss an extensioni.e. the liflOt,ufiet,ufiit n byword, right hand is the one used to give slang phrase, scandal a slap) cf also aficin -top ufiot, -t6b6 AflOt, -t6g6 liflOt use a byword, taunt with nsee .fie a byword (to remind a person of a trait or past action), take 1fien n var of b.ficin up a cry, circulate a scandal (t6p eject, t6b6tie around, Affet n var of IlflOt t6g6 reproach with) -s16 lifich spread a rumor, a fiinn var of Aficin storylitput forth byword cf flOcir6

111'15A n var of liffOt ilf666 aj see f6g6 ufik nsee Mk ufuutn, aj see ufik nsmell, odor &fere dflVnj ufik. The soup U11.36t, fu3t, ilf66t n middle has an appetising smell (an -kp6 111.66tbe in the middle elusive flavor). Afli6t link sitting roomlit cf lit6b6 middle of house cf af6ufek (contraction of Afii6t lif5k?) 421

ilf66t iba, of 66t thba the midst stick to flatten it after fresh Of, the heart of (implies remote-mud has been laid down (mid ness)(iba, thba two) beat) syn -mid is6/3 11f66t iba lict the heart of the -kp6k lif5k raze a house to the bush ground (kp6k dismantle) Ilf66t iba Akcin ayn the middle -kpadt of 3k sweep the house of the night (when everyone is -k66t of 3k invite home asleep) ibMc hospital lit house Ild6n6tthird- or fouxth-born of medicine son 4wetschoollit house etilk itdof66t, etOk of book fourth-born son see 1).d6 -Ica& uf3lc 4wet, -kaa Net go cf ilke.akem, fit to school lif61 dbasi church lit house n var of il.f1166t of God cf646re add idAgd uf3k dbasi church -11f66t n var of Afli66t elder litone who stands standing (at) house of God Af6f6pn, aj see f6p lidAa shoplit house of market synabet udua of 3k n house lif6k gikp5k3p prison also -Addgd linkbuild a house MkOkp synAkp6n6 lit stand upright house lif6k ak;nsin government build- ddddgd ddiddgd ing lithoUse of government dddddgd npillar, the Atip6 linkfirst ancestors of supporting poles of the wattle a familylit beginning of which are put in first house -bhp lif6k build a house lit dbom Ank head of the household tie house (616m central longitudinal -kpand lif5k wattle a house beam of a house) t6p link plaster the walls of itidt uf3kbackborie of the

a house with mud syn ris5ij family, the most powerful man, - midlifGk lay a floor, beat a protector of the familylit mud floor with a flat wooden stone of house

439 .7.:7:ViaNva.


Itlit 1111)'6p lank cement blocks wood is used for chewing sticks lit stone of tying (building) syn Ak6k of house abii adlib66k linka Ukam n your grandmother also pillar which supports the roof Ilkauka of the house litpillar of see .6.kgm, Mcgm, eke, laka, house cf As6b6m, -as6b8m, abom, ib6m, ikp6 ibana lank furniture lit akpObOm, lad6b6m things of decoration of house dyin link servant lit child Ukana n 'oil bean tree,' Penta- of house clethra macrophylia (Dalziel) dedan lif6k ebehousewife, a lakana Unen gizzard of a married woman litwoman of chicken (The term is used in house of husband cf kwian the ftak area, there is a 6sa similarity of shape between a see enk gizzard and an oil bean pod.) synAtari unen, ekpa titan Unen

.hka nyour mother also e*.ka.iiin

ilka -ilk& your grandmother i)kana n fate, luck

also ilkam . .bkana alUd6t flen. You're lucky

Mine ilka your parents (you've escaped danger). lit see eke., ))ka; of tine, 'brig, luck lays on you (?), luck mama fits you (?) adOt -taken& good luck, good

:Icearj 6dOp n see kaaajd fortune cf hf6n is6 cf kaki

1).kaai) lakaarj aj see kaarja .n side, area, one's own

likak na kind of calabash place, one's people gen covered with bulbous pro- qualified: jections 15.kal3 Man our place, our cf kaka country edh Ilkarj nnin, 1(16 likk Min

.a.kakO na kind of tree, its our customs

440 423

aka enwaan. imi my wife's iikatkem n, aj, adv seekem village, my wife's people see ijkaq; cf 1).tit ukim n 'silk cotton tree,' Ceiba pentandra (Dalziel) Ilketrakpd n var of kilkiabdrakpa ffifit likim cotton lit fruit of silk cotton tree interrog n where? (general, refers to a wide ukime na kind of climbing area) [ears are phonologically plant, it usually climbs on oil conditioned] palm trees, it has medicinal akia -Wc6. Where is he going? and sacrificial uses akadlik6. Where are you going? alto n over there, yonder (refers Ilbeij uke k4 adk? In what to a wide area) direction do you live?lit to ami. kad like)! Start here, side where that you live go there! 4nam ak6 ami k4 Ilke?Where edem akpOkcirci ami AAk6nno Akan is that pot made? lit they likO. This side of the table is make pot this at where higher than that. lit .side of amd -dice highway robber lit here of table is high surpasses you like where '(your money or that your life) see kó, bk6,4k8; cfami, ado see 'like (refers to a narrower area than ike) cf the sets ako ncourage, bravery; a strong Mmi; ado, fid6; Uk6, bk6; vigorous man cf alsokeg, 6kee, 6w6 Ilk; a brave manlit person of courage Ilkeet adv completely .akci 11k6 aj brave; advbravely ikk ado aniime ukeet (-Cant That fire is completely Ilkot nleg and/or foot; bottom, extinguished. base: elongation, extension, afit likeet every bit, every- movement, means, mode thing. lit all completely -kpaga ukot, -k661 fakcit cross see k6et the legs 424

lik6t, -tia/Ad ilkOt open the &sip fikOt Achilles tendonlit legs, stretch the legs tendon of leg, foot -tiat likcit spread the legs, 6kpirh fiat, dkp6n6 ilat shin straddle, walk with spread legs syndslan -s66k ilkOt shuffle the feet on ArniUn 1.5kOt toe lit digit of the ground (at a lecture to show of foot disagreement) syn -s66k is5/) cf inubln ubok likot Tat strand of hair Ikp6k ilkOt scales on the legs gthijd ukot lat.He has sparse Ikp& likOt shoes lit skin, hair. leather of foot ilkOt idim current, course of a dkpe ikpA. IlkOt a men's society stream syn lis6p thm66/) see ekpe 1.1k6t edim raindrops an') Ilat trousers lit cloth edim akpOn fak6t. The rain is of leg falling heavily (in big drops). aktik ukot, akpOgO Itch bangles (kponbecome big) worn on the ankles for dancing Ish gait, way of moving lit manilla of leg about (ishwalk, journey) l'adOt itat footrest (dot dsp IlkOt IsM. He walks fast; lay on) he quickens his step. Atim,(UkOt) footfall syn Arlie id166k 15kOtish; dsaijd Atim (ikpat) id166k ilkOt isk. He runs AkOkkpMc tiat a children's around too much. lithe has bad game involving hopping on one way of moving about; he goes, foot while on stilts(kp6kl walks bad way of moving about hop) dkcit Ilman childbirthsyn inkpafh 111th a children's game, iamAn dyin some spread their legs while one dAf66n 11k6t Aman. She has good runs through lit path, space looking children. (f66n look of legs nice) cf ikpat ash 15kot timan. She has a child often; she has children quickly 15kOt nin-laws, relatives by and easily. (s6p become quick) marriage it6/) ukbt ankle litneck of leg, foot 442 425

1110u n a kind of rodent, it has &lot enalj 1510)5k a kind of creep, a red anus with which it lures ing plant lit grass of bicycle chickens, when they approach it

grabs the chicken with its Uk1).51 nrainy season also 1110)5 strong rectal muscles edimsyn&deep edlm; alco- holic drink, palm wine (the term

1116.1a, 1)10).5 nsword-fighting;. is used when someone has drunk a dance depicting sword-fight- a lot) ing; the society which organizes da ifimekit amedat 111d15 Mfin. the dance; a game of sword- Friend, I see you've had a lot fighting to drink today.

1110).6, (ib&an) a similar dance Ilw6r5 1110).5 [Efik?] the and society, this one of women, heaviest rain (after it the the dance is done with wooden rains begin to abate) swords Maxi women)

.akila dance Ukila with 1c1).52 n var of -akila undulating motions nthe rubber seed and the ukuak niron, metal seed of another forest tree ak6 15162ak iron pot (name not known), the seeds akpOgO Ilkiak nail lit manilla are used for games that require of iron 'pieces;' a particular game edlOk 111011k a metal pot support using the seeds see edlOk cf akp6, rise uduk ilkilak wire; telephone lit rope of iron Uk6m nplantain (gen term) also

Ak116 fkilb bki.).hk lit singer of MbOr6 ilkbm (MbOrci banana),

ironsyn UrEldic5 Musa sapientum var. paradisiaca enk Ilkiak bicyclelit cattle (Dalziel) of iron ftulikbm a bunch of plantains gikpbkkpbk (enalj 1110).ak), akp5114)51 dkpft ilkbm the stem of the (enaq ilkilak) motorcycle(kp5k3 plantain bunch crow,kpbil bark, growl) syn. 4k111016 ilkbm plantain leaf when Lcp3ki.p5k 16531 it is placed on the fire and

443 426

wilts and curls up, it can then 6.wolj ilkh the pith of the center be used for wrapping food see stalk of the raffia palm frond, the term is used when the pith is adiana iba ilkmtwo plantain pulled out whole in strands from fruits growing fused together the center (when the covering is (a pregnant woman tries to avoid removed and the pith is cut up setting eyes on fruits like this it is called Asilp) as it may cause her to have isip 15k6t seed of the raffia twins, if she does see one she palm syn .abe takes the fruit, puts it behind ad6p 151ct a swamp where raffia her back and separates it) palms grow, one goes there to (diand become close to, iba tap palm wine cf Adda two) lik6t tap palm wine synMbir6121h 15k6t pour out a palm wine libation lik5t na kind of palm tree -filr ilkft sip palm wine through (nearly every part of it is used),a straw 'raffia palm,' bamboo palm,' lik6t AAndam W. He's drunk. 'palm wine tree,' Raphia sp. lit palm wine has affected him (Dalie2); palm wine made from indam Ilkt drunkenness the sap of the raffia palm; any dwci inaam uk3t, dw6 15kt alcoholic drink or liquid refresh-drunkard (dw6 person) ment taken for entertainment krOp palm wine made from ak66k (akbt), 6k6k66k (15k6t) thethe sap of the oil palm tree raffia palm frond stripped of its (44 oil palm tree) leaves ilkot thbakArd whiskey, gin, any Adak 1Wt the leafy part of the European alcoholic drink lit raffia palm frond likft of European efak Itch the flexible fiber An-ak Ilk6t a bulge on.the trunk on the outside of the raffia of the raffia palm where a cut palm frond, used to stitch ifikai was made, it shows the tree is (the mats used for roofing) ready to be tapped for palm wine akpin -15kt the young raffia (Anilk horn of an animal) palm shoot (source of Addam lik"ot freshly tapped palm (the raffia)) wine, without the addition of eclat 444 427

see Mat as access to palm wine, bananas. Adarj (likW palm wine that has thfanifd 15k3t 'palm wine beetle' been left overnight (it implies cf Afik, Edit, Adadm, that fermentation has taken Af6f6p, thmin place) (car, stay overnight) Akpatak (lakh) the heavy ukpa1 n 'redwood tree,' Ptero- dregs (yeast) from palm wine carpus soyauxii (Dalziel), from which settle at the bottom of its bark is obtained IdliOt, a the calabash reddish powder which is mixed Atak tik.6t palm wine dregs left with water and AdOm and used in the cup as an ointment LIAO. lakt scum on the top of palm wine, the result of Ilkpe nlot, quantity, instance fermentation of achlk lakt drinking horn for dfaami ado" se eknno likpa palm wine itnkeet. It would take six ik6 ukot, likpok (likW a cala- trips to gather these yams. lit bash used for drinking palm wine yam this is what they gather (in) cf akcicip (calabash used for lot six drinking water)cik6 tik5t and 15k6kOnci likpa ilb66/3 itilke6t ukpok (1:1k5t) must not be akk ltd. I gathered six lots interchanged with akcicip, other- of pumpkins three times (I wise the palm wine will cease gathered up in only three trips to flow in the trees six trips worth),

1).clana ilk5t palm likpa keet once, one time wine booked overnight see cf Ak6133 dka ins ilktlt son of sister, son Akpa ann nstate of being wall- of brother lit thief of palm eyed, wall-eyes (eyes that wine cf 3.n6 thbOrci daughter turn outward) (6fien eye) of sister, daughter of brother anie Ukpa a:nn.. He's wall-eyed. lit thief of bananas The lithe has wall-eyes relationships involved give a ke ilkpa &nen through wall-eyes person certain privileges such (Someone sees a thing Ice Ilkpa 1104^..",et".1,97,1110egliNIty, 4.11.


A.B.6n if he sees something he (palm wine) syn ik6 wasn't intended to see or didn't intend to see, or if he looks ilkpiag6de n see kiyhg6 at it covetously.) tikpilp linen ncloaca of a chicken, iikpA nsee AdAtukpa hindquarters of a chicken ( ?)

-akpakOt n var of AkpakOt bkpap n var of .akplp

Ilkpdm na kind of fish, flat likp6 n a kind of legume used to with a long tail, good for thicken Afere (?) (poss syn of eating ibdbd 'horse-eye bean,"sting- ing bean,' Mucuna urens (Dal- Ilkpe na ditch containing water, ziel) cf also Dioclea reflexa a large pit, dam (Dalziel) cflib e, lido likp6 n var ofdkp81 Ikprap ncassava fufu, it has no smell due to being well tikp6g6de nsee kp6k6 soaked before cooking see iwd likp6g6d6 nsee kp6k6 ukpit aj big, old (of a person) aj, advsee kp6k6 see ddilkpit likp613 nsoul, spirit (of a liv- likpo Ilkp6 na kind of tree with ing person) soft wood prob Alstonia AfAk likp6/3 ke ekpe. His soul congensis (Dalziel) is in a leopard (and he is affected by what happens to it.) .2 ukpo na kind of cloth used 15kp8x dyin a kind of lizard, for wrapper 'wall gecko' (if this lizard is in the room when a child is likpOk (Ukbt) na kind of cala- born, its soulwill be in the .bash used for drinking ukft lizard and the lizard cannot be killed) litsoul of child

446 429

abalj likpki a clay pot kept in Umik, amiai, Mmik aj many, the back yard, women fill it with muchsyn .hwak water and perform various rites to ensure against their children Ana nsee nena dying young lit pot of soul llsen likpq a clay plate used w1a n [Pidgin Eng Aron 'you pl'j similarly to abaq .15kp5q lit Pidgin English plate of soul see us an -sem ine. speak Pidgin English idaq likp5q a small hard painful boil, one can get it when a una is5Qn see flaa hunter shoots an arrow into the animal that bears one's soul Unak num var of inch lit arrow of soul AnAdOt n universe . cf rialkpN, 4kpc5 cf the verbs nAalie, dbt lay lima nmiser, tight-fisted person on, place on; poss from English; synunim; cf fdat cf &dere 6bOt

.ams nvar ofAdhmal linam n animal (gen term), meat Net fanAm, Ikpat imamanimal uminhere (refers to a wide tracks lit print of animal, area) feet of animal usury AE4 dmi át6 iimi &Ica& like? idet linen furlit hair of animal Where does this road go to? lit etOk ii.nAm insect (?) lit road this one starts here goes small animal where itige imam .lump of meat cf Akpe umi the nearest one (kpe rjkuk stand in a certain relative cf eku position) see mi, Mmi; cflido, Ilk; linen n chicken, fowl limgn linen hen litfemale umiana n blood chicken syns lyilp, Ubdra Akik (linen) rooster 430

We. linen, risen linen. chickeneggthe chicken to see if the egg Atan linen, ekpa Atan Anent Akana is readysyns akpatire Anengizzard of a chicken (Atin etOk Aninin sand, ekpa stomach, Akan&oil bean tree (the gizzard is similar

in shape to an oil bean pod)) . An rinkna kind of Ukplip linen cloaca of a chicken, fresh-water eel hindquarters of a chicken (?) cf ifim rjw6. linen, nth linen feather of achicken un6 na kind of tree with a ekpAr3 linen a tuft of feathers corky pith and large bulging on the heads of some chickens external roots which are cut Asaisat Anen (?) a chicken for water, 'umbrella tree,' whose feathers have few barbs on 'trumpet tree,' Musanga smithii them, one with sparse feathers; (Dalziel) a scrawny chicken Isarisi linen, esirlsa linen a Una, Una n see ridisii/3 Una (kind of ?) fowl which has scanty feathers Ana (IwL.) n poorly prepared linen lict a kind of bush fowl, cassava, fermented but well wild. chickenlit chicken of washed (iwd cassava) bushsyn asdsd Afi& ifere bad tasting afere linen Abakard duck lit chicken ('soup') eg. containing no of European fish Adk linena tiny white insect found on chickens (Addij louse) Anain&m aj see Ram Mkpat linen a kind of plant with Small leaves that look like Anamd aj see Ram chicken feetlit feet of chicken Ank n var of iznik Itit Anen the pinky finger, the little finger lit n var of Anin36 finger of vagina of chicken (i.e..the finger you stick into

4 8 rimorrtrer,pamorn


. ueg, ea n the second-born aki see 1.113 a daughter kwa etOk, etOk Uralsn var of Masi 4e6 etuk, etilk ett third-born daughter (etOk, etuk sma31) iir4d1O n [Eng] radio

AskwA., Askwa etilk (?), asde& synakli6 Ika kwAri (kwa) (?),asunoo kwaaka fourth-born daughter ixsAm n fishing spear cfetOk afid third -- or fourth- cf Awadm born son or daughter. These terms designate the order ixsan ndish, plate, bowl in which a girl is born and may -yet Asanwash the dishes also be used as names. The Ask' IdAd/3 a special, novel, forms of these terms and to some decorative, or fragile dish; extent their order vary from any breakable dish (ldAaq a village to village. adiAg6 kind of metal) occurs throughout the Ibibio asan likOrl a clLy plate kept area as first-born daughter; by women in the back yard used A sample system follows: in performing rites to ensure b.diaga; iha; etok Afid; 6.skwa against children dying young; cfAd6 for the terms for sons; any clay plate litplate of

cf also 1).fial soul cf abk likpk etUk ea a kind of juju, if a person possesses it and someone steals from him and eats what ilsase./36 n var of Adlis6ajd he has stolen, it will shout from his stomach and announce lis8n n day (twenty-four hours) from whom it is stolen ibaneb4ebet likat usen dat. cf dedan Womenabstain from palm wine on ad4t. kwand n seenwAija dsen &an& [Efik] day of birth AbAk Asen, Abalk usen, ilbak asen, WagaA . kwarj n see ubagailsen morningseebak3 432

inua lisenvery early in the use see usen morning lit mouth of day nsusen, use AO), use soo? What usuk n see sunk day? (contractions of Ase Ilsen lit what day; lisen AsOci lis154 n road, way; doorway, door; day what) habit, custom cf Ifin, illkp613 -slaak 11S1513 open a road, cut a new road

.asen aj var of as en -f.hr6 tisk cross a road dAdi66k efuro usury. It's really Ilsieen6 n compensation; revenge bad (worse than usual). lit iwarj6ke lisieene. It doesn't it's bad it surpasses way (?) come to anything. lit it -all:1st/1j -tin tisk lose the doesn't result in compensation way, miss the way syn -tin áwó (11s110 mislead a -nb Ilsieene compensate lit person give compensation -temm6 dw6 Ilsk tell a person Ilsieene take revenge, the way, direct a person retaliate lit put forth -w61136 11S1513 make waylit revenge move aside way syn -w6rA6 cf sieene idem 6. lisk! Let me pass! lit usine n a kind of mouse with a give me way bad smell, found both in the b6k6 1181513 am3 1.1! Ignore him, bush and in the house leave him to his own way! cfine2 -k66k usury prop open a door a little, open a door a little usipna kind of rodent similar :-.beere 11S1113 open a door to ine ('grasscutter') but -bet is shut a door smaller -yit usury fasten, lock a door cfsip2 yit Usk Asin! Shut the door after me, shut me inside! lit pl Asik npotsherd fasten ddor put me in akO lisibij clay pot (akO pot) -sin 15S14 bar, latch, lock a 433

door lit put in door aklik tikpelas-hrj carfarelit

tislin lock a door money for paying way ek5p Usk lock on a door awak tisk ika a kind of -s16 Usk make a door opening 'palaver' that arises from (where there was none) lit people repeating things lit put forth door (?), remove many ways talk (word, trouble) (material for) door (?) 6bdi tisk, itime ask, adlib66k cf if et liSk a pillar that makes up akp6 Usk, atal Uska major part of the door frame (some road speakers use itime ask as a usurj itai a tarred roadlit syn for Uklip 11Sk (see below)) road of coal tar itai tiskdoor hinge Usk thbakdra, akp6 Usk Mbakdra ukuptiska bar used to lift a major tarred road lit road or bolt down an Ibibio door of European ekplilit Usk, acp6 lisk lock, bwaka Usk a place where roads padlcck syn tikp6g6de branch off acpaga liSkhock on a door Mb6k Usk, ffib6k Usk road akp6k5(p) Usk latch on a door intersection cfudok ib1613 Usk curve in the road, shortcut pl Mbi613 Usk zig- .ask n fufu, anything pounded zags for fufu, anything cut with the MkpOOk aikpOOk Usk shortcuts fingers from a mass and swallowed (shortcut roads) in balls along with of ere bkilaka lisk crooked roads -136k b.S1).1] mould fufu into a Alien linen Usk a straight road large mass for serving (b6k ibi613136 (-Usk) street corner make round) usurjit613 throat lit road -b6t *Usk make fufu into small of necksyns esitit;13, balls that a person can swallow ith (b6t mould) akpeben Usk a kind of beetle .hsk 'idlayam fufu similar to akpeben Ildak ('dung ask iwa cassava fufu (see iwa) beetle'), it rolls bits of mud Akpa *tisk a mass of fufulit along (ben carry, take) expanse of fufu 451 434

&kp5 usury a ball or mass of fufuus6r6 abasi; &bAsi a period of &flak Usk a ball of fufu (small the year when sacrifices are balls are prepared ahead of time offered to God, each clan has a for a guest) (flak turn, twist) feast day at this time lit 6kpasi tisk lumps in fufu lit feast of God; God seeds of fufu tita n a kind of wind instrument As6 n your father syn eta MfO made of horn or calabash; an Ime As6your parents orchestra of these instruments; As6b8m your grandfather the music made by this orchestra see As6; cf baba Ata num var of ltd. tis6 n skill, talent utom us3 craft, skilled work At& n a covering on the surface lit work of skill of something (skin on soup, tib6k us3 used as follows: tarnish on metal, fungus) kabintA a&f6n tib6k tis. The 4AdOrO AtA; a&yar& AtA. It's carpenter is skilled. (f6n covered with something.lit become good) there's a covering on top; it's &nam us3, dw6 tis6 skilled covered with a covering workmanlit doer of skill; cf At&An, Ahaga person of skill Atakt n occurs in the following: As6b6m n your grandfather ekti613 d&yar& Atan. ektiki (a see As6, As6, As6b6m; cf ete kind of snail) is covered with ab8m, 1b6m, Akp6b6m, ekam, its congealed secretions. Ad6b8m (ektik, secretes a covering all over its body in dry season

15.66r6 nfeast and then goes underground) Us6r6 Ad;marriage feast -cf At& us6r6 lak yam harvest feast At&An ibi& n a part of the us6ro ukapa istl&Christmas entrails Of an animal feast lit feast of turning cf At&Art of year 452 435

uteri n a kind of large lizard, Atin ewuana kind of shrub land living with small red fruits, looking cf 1b5. at it can cause boils in the eye, it can be used to cure Atem n see Una these boils, Cnestis ferruginea (Dalziel); a small red boil Atirj n a shelf over the fire- in the eye lit sun of dog (?) place cf Atin

cf Abi6m, taiji (?)

1).-tfOn num var of ition Ihasin a kind of bitter leaf cf atiat irtit nsee tire

Atatem nsee tend Ut6nvalue, preciousness; poetry, poem, ballad (genof Aten n a young oil palm tree praise, spoken not sung) in the stage where it has ilkp6 AtO a thing of value; branches all along the trunk, poetry (a term of endearment, these fall off at a later a pet name) stage cf akOon 6yOp uto na kind of yellowish clay used to decorate the face and ittelje n see teerje body; yellow, any bright non- red color; aj (often ixtere nsee &there doubled) yellow, yellowish iltO ellen (ekpO) malaria, Atin n the sun jaundice lit yellow eye (ghost) Atin 6661[6.The sun has come Some speakers use irtO Ann for 'out. lit sun has opened malaria and ixtO afien ekpO for Asaike. Atin sunrise; east jaundice. It is said that when tutu Atin asOp until the sun a person suffers from serious setslit until sun disappears jaundice he has delirium and Ascii) Atin sunset; west may see ghosts. cf 418 cf aton

453 436 titOm n work, errand, message utu ekpe n var of tit ekpe -nam atom worklit do work Andm atom employed man, a n a large member of the Worker cricket family dw6 atom laborer litperson cf Atadtam of work also messenger (see below) n a kind of frog -kpapa eka utom get a paying job littake on big work utuen var of Atilat ekpe -kpeme atom supervise lit

watch work n see tlie..mne -kim atom run errands atom thbakdra government work At1105 n var of IltilAt ekpe lit work of European lib6k atom 'handwork: handi- utue n seetold craft,job syn (ub6k) akb is4 lack messenger (official atibj nworm (most speakers use or unofficial, Originally some- this as a gen term for all one sent to collect isk, a worms, some distinguish between

debt) iatilij round worms and rifinn6 Agn titOm, Aw6 atom, &ski parasitic flat worms atom messenger(loose term alien filariasis lit for someone sent to deliver a worm of eye message) (ayinchild, áwó cf turd person, sand walk) Akp6 dyin atomtip, compensa- utuon var of utuut ekpe tion lit thing of messenger Asuij lit6m village crier syns utuutekpe, 11t11 ekpe, utue, 'As1113 &k0k15 Atakirk, Iltago n a kind of spider, AkOk6 ibit large and poisonous (ekpe cf tOb6, Andind leopard) (used by some speakers as gen term) (Goldie utue 1Ita, At ). ke, b.ta k e conj ekpe a large yellow-striped instead of bush spider)

454 437

4kpe), Ict5kniu6 pay attention (yotmake an (titiat ekpe), Pjkiknm6 (Atirat announcement, inform) 4kp6), hkiknm6 ekpe) -tit lit6/3 fail to heed advice spider web syn fduk 4faaxi Atit At&J, Atire Atk n dis- cfituut obedience -slit lit6/3 deafen lit block At6 n kind, sort, type, method ear cf inn As4 Mat ut5 ffikp5 EidO AnAaa -sap Ilt6/3 become sharp in hear- What do I want with that kind of ing; hear more than one should thing? lit what for I take lit become sharp in ear kind of thing that I do -&15.66 At613 put a feather or Aslitn That kind? (contrac- other object in the ear to tion of Ase ilt6) scratch it

AsIlt6' awl!)6s113 AdO? What kind of Afthe ilt6/3 mishearing lit person is that? error of ear

klit6 kAt6 all kinds (contrac- in6 1!..f3rj whisper lit theft tion of k4 ut5 Ice lit6) syn of ear kfasi 4k8p k4 in6 I heard what thmenie rjkua ft;/3 kifit6 klIt6. I I wasn't intended to hear have all kinds of necklaces. (gossip, rumor). litI heard by litI have beads of neck all whisper kinds Ati tztorj the area under and in cf tichiAk back of the ears (see Ati) adorn earwax lit oil of utokn see tg6 ear 1min titri a disease of the ear

Attilj near which produces pus lit pus of -ti/3 lit613 listen for, listen ear carefully ikpagh, uteri; Mkp6 lath) earring -meek uterilisten lit bend lit fastener of ear; thing of ear ear -kpan ilt6/3 listen, pay aduduk11t613 a kind of insect attention (?) which glows at night, some believe

-ycit lit6rj warn very strongly; it is the young centipede and that it enters the ear (dlik

.45'5 438

enter) cfiribeinbal MbiAm ami afo knbet Uw6m! 0 MbiAm protect me, let me live

nseetilki long! -bimme (dw6) tiwcim threaten a uwa n life, destiny, universe, person physically creation -dike tiwcim frighten, startle -he, ante,. I'm in a bad plight. ktlAdike Uw6m! Don't frighten lit life has chewed me me; don't go after my life! cf Uw6m, emdna -nem Uwom used as follows: ane anem tiwom. He's pleasant imadm, -imam nfishhook to be around. Udilk Uw&dm fishing line lit Anafdi UwOm reckless manners, rope of fishhook reckless life style (harmful ikim UwAdmcalabash used as a to others) buoy lit calabash of fishhook Isere tiwem vain, proud syn Uk64; cf usam behavior cf Uwe., einem& imam n var of imadm uwue interj indicates surprise imeen n see Able, &mien at someone's achievement cf .awdiawla Aween na kind of tree with soft wood, used for making doors, Uwden n see abia amien Mitragyna stipulosa (Dalziel) uwuuwuu interja sound made to uwem n var of UwOm mock someone cf tiwa uw6m, &rem n life, existence, state of being alive, life style, habits tivv6r n [Efik?] the tiwOm live life heaviest rain of the rainy -did liwcim enjoy life lit eat season, after it the rains life begin to abate (laki0rainy -bet tiwcim protect life, promote season) (cf Efik w3r3come life out, come forth, Ib INZ26) 439 b.ydagaaj var of l'IyagA -aylena kind of plant

Ayaga, ilyadgaajempty, wasted, uyiip n see ylpe devoid of purpose Mcene Elk?) anaa iiyagA.That uyin nchildhood basket lies empty, unused. see ayin, riyin atA./j ataj ath iiyaga.He talked and talked and talked but no nvoice; order, edict one listened.lithe talked kab6 418!Don't make me raise he talked he talked empty, my voice; don't put words in wasted my mouth; don't gather facts ab& ilyagei.He cooked soup with from me and spread them around! few ingredients; he cooked soup litdon't receive from me voice but the effort was wasted iwaka 48.He doesn't talk (everyone had left). (b6k much-. lithe isn't much (in) cook soup) voice ice iiyage,in vain -sin 418 voice an opinion, cf yo.ko.,ijkaija say something, give advicelit put in voicecf -sin Ina, uyain, ajsee yaya -s16 .11y18speak out, say some- thinglitput forth voice tiyakanyour kinsman -tat 11W speak up, speak out see ayaliA litopen voice -siaak IVOcrack in the voice liyayakna kind of tree, its (of an adolescent); crow for strongly flavored fruit is driedthe first time (of a cock)lit and used for afere, Tetra- split voicecf uyo abbOor6. pleura tetraptera (Adams) His voice is cracked. -kp6n IVOhave a deep voice uyen, ajseey6g6 litbecome big (in) voice IVO have a pleasant voice uyi n var ofAyo'l litbecome pleasant (in) voice uyien, ajsee yege -s.11/3 iiy8speak in a gentle way lit become gentle (in) voice 457 rp"kit.-t


-souk 46 lower the voice; 462nbread, biscuit grumble; tell lies about lit lower voice 463n var of 4161 Asizak 48 n grumbling, gossip -dOt Ilya slander, tell lies uyo n var of ilyn about lit lay on voice AdOt 48 n slander uyom n see yomo -dnr6 46 defend, prove one's innocence litremove voice ily6r6 n var of ily6t -no ily8 give an order

6.1361j abiO a."6.216 46. The chief tly6t1, 461-6 n. a kind of tree of the town gave an order. with soft wood, its fruits -kOp ilyo obey lit listen to contain large hard-covered seeds order similar to oil bean seeds, 46 disobey an order these are used to scrub floors -niin 46 refuse to obey an order lit dispute order 11.y6t2 n see pit6 cf yom6, inua

4161, 46n tabanus fly

M62n var of461

uyip nsee yipe

41t IwiV)nsee yir6

4-6, M., 416 n 'bush mango,' Irvingis gabonensis (Dalziel) 46 thbakAra mango, Mangif era indica (Dalziel) lit 46 of European syn mailkOrb

Adiakpap ilyIS the seed of 46 . dried :and used for afere, it has a slippery texture

458 441

conj CEng ?] or syn 'brig

45 442

tv sacrifice 6b6t 4,wb,b,k riyin.The goat Idem deny oneselflit has miscarried. sacrifice self edim AAA.It's drizzling n sacrifice (the rain comes down in small bits) syn6dim awaht waagg,iv var of wilagA, .awal4k p1 ?sw61, rjwafn pi ece, fragment ; half cf wank tv var of weak tibLik w4.15.1.c Ertflbrj decrescent moon wank pl weakpl and intens ?yap': Annpieces of cloth 2 tvtear,rend, scratch, tear see wbka,wb,:y6.2; cf b?Ak, off, tear up, tear out; pay a bb,ka debt in installments;iv

vial onlydrizzle w4,4,73 tv pl of min wb.ak inbOr6 sf.db,t! Pick a banana which is ripe (tear from wb.b,riti, iv pl of wb.k6. the stalk)! -weak rfibiot, -411.1c iskweed ALT tv pl of wapa littear out weeds, tear ground ( cf -kVA rfibi6t pull out wadr6..interjsee ward a few weeds,-wnk Ifibi6timplies cleaning them out) wait1 tv pl of wat b,waaknweeding (cooperatively or alone in one's garden) waat2 tv pl of wiAat .13.1a separate yams (esp anem three-leafed yam) with a whht1 tv pl of watt knife, some yams grow in clusters and are not harvested completely, what2tv pl of wat2 a few are dug out and the rest are left in the ground (b.c114, wb,g4, iv pl of whka yam) riyinmiscarry, give wagb, ideosound of starched birth prematurely (of animals). cloth or paper being crumpled lit tear out young

46O 1*.laerarraeler


afbn abkdsinne sit4.b.s dclb wbka pl and int ens dkenam wagh wagh dk6s.t.The Alijaiv become torn, tear off; cloth in which I put that branch off, turn off starch went AO, wb,gh when it 6.116n Awake. 6sit.The moon dried.synnwb.bk wanes. litmoon is torn (in) heart tv, iv pl of 6.whicd ik8t.He turns off into the bush. wainn wine (of the wake. di ilkk $ in.Drop by European type referred to our place!litturn off in church services) come place our bwakd, -awhkapl bwhan a, wak iv become many, much uwaarja n branch, fork (of a nAm ifikp6 nb awak ma aam road Awc5! Make a lot so it' s bwaarA .15situ) a place where enough for (another) person! roads branch off lwak6. uy8.He doesn't talk see wank,why6.2; cf waiy36., much,lithe is not much w613136 in voice 41o6t lwaka.There aren't .wa'hma, chlammaivdo quickly, many goats. become quick;tv w var and iwak die?How many, how much? pl w6.6.m strip leaves from a litit is many how stemesp in a single movement cf If a,) by running the hand along it ittwak, hdlwbk[latter is Efik (this can be done with leaves var)ajmany, much syn of the rjk8r) type, not with 6110pull up, pluck (as hwdk itstuj 1kb na kind of weeds) 'palaver' arising from people 6.wA.mmd anAm. He did it quickly. repeating thingslit many lit he was quick he did ways word, trouble wdmm6, idiom! Hurry up; pick yourself up!lit become quick weak tv pl of whbk self

461 444

ifiblcit, what is wrapped around; iv clear weeds rev of war ábecome unwrapped awAmmd 15136k &lb-b. He weeds around; turn off, branch off quickly. lit he is fast in bwhnnh bwannd n a cloth hand weed worn by women that is wrapped see ward, wdt; cf s6p, wdpd around the waist and hips over the long wrapper, it extends whna tvshare, do with, asso- to mid-thigh or to the knees ciate with forming a kind of overskirt bAnd AdIdld an! Share that cf w6n16, wlkd food (said to two or more)! wand nam! Do it together! wdptv var of w6p bwbna n doing a favor, help- ing someone out cfrid6k6 wdpdipl wdap tvsnatch, grab, take away by force cf w6p6, wammd wan pl wáá tv wrap around, tie around, wrap in wdpd2 tv var of w6p6 -wan Ikp8 slip a rope around a palm tree prior to climbing Apdjwbp6 tv (?) talk loosely, it lit wrap around climbing vulgarly w Ina mouth rope see wand, wannd ward ivdo quickly, become quick wand iv become wrapped -ward lib6k do quickly with around, coiled; coil (of a the hands syn-wdimnd 11b6k, snake or plant) -s6p ilb6k hwand, bwand n pupa stage bwhrd b.b6k nhas of a maggot which lives on ifikp6 ebnainnh k6 bwb.rd Wo6k fallen palm trees, it is IsIf6nn6. Things done in eaten haste usually aren't good see wan, wannd -ward Ina, talk fast lit become quick in mouth wannd tv rev of wan remove ward, wddrdintarj greeting

4C2 445

to a member of one's house- wdyb. n [Eng] wire; telephone hold on going out or return-

1 ing whyd ivi sneeze w see w6mma, wit; cf s6p dwhsi, adAwai n sneeze cf Efik slh re formation of wdt pl wait tvremove leaves dwhsi; cf why6.2, fihrd from a branch with horizontal or glancing strokes of a whyd2 iv become torn to pieces machete (of people and animals) see w6nund, ward see whka become torn (of things), whhk; cf whya1 wht1 pl whht tv propel, drive (animal, bicycle, car, canoe) wbbm, wbbm6 iv flow, become cfwht2 flowing, loose (of garments) ; tv ? cause to flow, hang 2 wht pl whhtscatter, sprinkle down (as when in dancing one (purposefully as grains, causes one's garments to seeds); filter (ghrl, make touch the floor the gari go through the holes bwbbm, iawbbm, bwbbme aj of the filter); iv pl only loose and flowing, long and drizzle hanging edim dwat; edim dsOk await. cf dbbn It's drizzling, syn &Um dwal. we me iv become light (of Aykdmid tutu tiddk ilwht. I'll daylight) beat the shit out of you. lit dylb Asa dweemb. It's still I'll beat you until feces light. lit daylight is scatter (from), drizzle (from) still light you (7) v,6eirae (dylb) n the day- bwhrd aj granular, in light period; the afternoon, grains the hot time of day (between bwhrd ghri dry gari (in about 11 KM to 4 or 5 PM) grains) The latter usage is thought to be influenced by English.

z16,3 446

wbbme iv, tv var of wbbm b.wbnn4 ilwenn4, Adilw4n4 rietwen4 aj, adv (?) partly covered wbbme iv pl of wU thblOt Ay4g6 Mm66D Adttw4n4 ridw4n4. The weeds partially 1/44n4 iv var of w5.664 cover the water. lit weeds fill water partly covered wbbr4 iv pl of wbr4 Aylb 6,ba Anw4n4 Anw4n4. The sky is sunny in one spot w4bt n [Eng3 a well of the and cloudy in another (as European type (a deep before a rain, it gives a artesian well) dizzy sensation). lit sun- shine is partly covered w wbbt tv pl of wbt see wbn; cf bbn4 wbntv level the ground (in wh, w6D tvsoothe, pat, rock

building a house, heap sand to a child w Ayim child fill in depressions and then -w6D awhwhbn treat'a.woman smooth it out flat) tenderly, protect her from see wkl_ne hurt, rock her in the-arms cf Arme wbn4 tv, iv var of Ann4 Arme tv treat with respect; wbnn4, wbnetv flatten the treat kindly;.give a warm top of something which has welcome been heaped up, level off the cf wh,Dwbmme top; iv w reciprocal vars cl.w4nn4, diawen4 become full were iv, tv roll up to the brim 6diaw4nn4. It's full to the wore pl wbbr4 iv have a pattern brim. or decoration, become written 460 Awbnn4. It's com- on, marked with, patterned; pletely full and levelled decorate, mark, stain oneself off at the top. bibri abwbr4 blikt. The cloth dbfl y6g6 wbnn6! Fill it to has a pattern. lit cloth is the brim! lit put in fill patterned (with) pattern level off 464 447

awbre akilkin. He has decor- fw613 4wIpe. My hip joint has ated himself with akilkin. gone out. lit hip joint has hsiwerb ke elfati 4wbt? What's given way (to) me written on the sheet of paper? see wtN, wape awera bkem.It has many colors. litit is decorated, wen) tv var of wet) patterned with many colors see wbt wbbb6 iv var of wbbp wbt pl wbbt tv write w66m6 tv pl of Ape) bwbtn book, paper, letter, writing, pattern, print wocip tv pl of w6p6 bwbt Ilnam animal tracks lit print of animal wbbp, wbp, wbbb6 iv do patiently, bwbt fkpatfoot print lit stay patiently, become patient print of foot (always followed by another elftul 4wbt, lik8r) 15At sheet verb) of paper lit leaf of paper wbbp t14! Sit patiently; stay 6'1'56/3 4wbt ink lit water patiently! (for) writing 1"d6k 4wat school lit house wbbt tv pl of wbt of book -kaa ilfbk "pat, -kaA bwbt wbp iv var of wbbp go to school -kpeep bwbtstudy lit w6p6 pl woom6, woop, wuumotv learn book scoop up with the hands (not 4we4t npainting water) see Are of k6p6; kpcipci, wapa windb n Dng] window wbt pl wbbttv kill Atilk 4k6w8t &lop. Praise wIp6 iv burst, give way kills the antelope. bkpat'amlpe. The (over- lithp akew8t. He entices you to loaded) bag has burst, given your death. lit he entices way. you he kills

465 448

hm6lis&k 6w8t. You're mocking wa6 pl wbbm6 iv warm oneself in me. lityou laugh at me, you the sun or by the fire, bask kill 4wa Ikk. I warm myself by Atbib/3 dye, stain cloth the fire. 1kiwbbm6 dylb! Go bask in the wi6g6 ivbecome mixed sun (said to more than one (of dry things with dry, wet person)! things with wet) akoti rxdo adeesi AAwdaga. The wd6n6, w66n6 iv.become poor beans and rice are mixed. 11w116n6, liw66n6 npoor man; see w116k; cf 211166., aj poor iyin liwabnb Itan (6yIn wdak, wiaktv mix; adulterate child) (as palm wine)oy adding water) 1b6k mix medicine wile ivbecome stuck, fixed Idem mix, mingle (of (of an arrow in 'wood, of an people) lit mix self, body ink stain on paper) see midge.; cf nudk, nilaka hsb6 k6 b.wde k6 ItI6 adb an6m? What are you doing standing wadt, wddt tv startle, surprise, there(you've been told to leave, take unawares (esp of an or, you look so sad)? lit what imexpected visitor) that you're stuck, fixed at place that yoU do wab6tv lose feathers, moult Adawde n stain Inan awab6 MIA; Inan awab6 see wuuk, wilk6 /jwa. The bird moults. lit bird moults wings; bird wag6 iv, tv var of wa6 moults feathers

bwab6 bwab6 aj soft so as to wilk6 tv rev of will5k remove barely hold. together (as what was stuck in, pinned or cooked yam) fixed in; remove a prohibition see wap6, w1p6 see wIlg6

466 449

wdbn, Imam adv yet, then illiterates) lit fix hand, ikbmm4 ink. adimanyin wan. finger It's not yet time for her to -wdl5k lbar6hint (scratch give birth. lit It's not lightly with the nail or pinch suitable, complete (in) time to keep a person from speaking) to bear child yet lit fix, stick into nail of dual, ildion -wddk 1k6t; dy8pmake a sign to let it be known that wap tv p1 of wiape a piece of land is to be left fallow, or that no one may cut wilp6 pl wup tv pull up, palm fruits there lit fix pluck from the ground bush; fix oil palm tree 4wdp, 4wip weeds, grass iwddk n something stuck into the see wizbe, wipe ground as a signal not to trespass; prohibition, ban, taboo cf ibet wilt tv cause a desire in, a iwddk dkbt n prohibition on palm craving for, a longing for wine (eg. on certain days women diedt Awdt. I crave palm are not permitted to drink it) wine. litpalm wine causes 3wuilk aybp n prohibition on a craving in me cutting palm fruit before the sync dk6tandk, appointed day akon Awdt. I long for bkOn. fwddkn a fine Awdt adikg England. I long Addwddk n a sharp pain in the to go to England, side as though something were

cfd61)1 (wilt refers esp to sticking one there, 'stitches'

cravings and longings, cid/3 to in the side from running; natural drives such as hunger pneumonia (?) syns Addkilm, and the need for elimination) see wile, wilk6 wddk tv stick into (esp small yam sticks into the ground), wildm6 tv pl of w6p6 fix, pin to; stain -wddk db6k press finger (for win adv var of wan finger print, as signature for

4"7 ....mwrortre,

450 wt r6 iv collapse, fall apart mean anything; it can't lead see wnt to good results; its no use. (thkp6 thing) wnt tv destroy, knock down -4ttbri6 ifikp6 become successful (something that has been -wiabrj6 6.w6 become a person, erected); disrupt, disorgan- become a man (i.e. become ize (a meeting) successful) -wnt ik6tmake a path in hyhawa6 Nrci If In? Will you the bush by bending the reach 46 today? branches back (1k6t bush) kpeep inkp6 t itu alma Islia see wnrci edfp! Study until you're twenty! lit learn thing wt 6, wile [Latter var rare] pl until you reach year twenty wti6 ivcome out, go out, Amediwa. I've arrived here. leave; issue from; tv lead AyA614Pra. arrive there to, result in, happen to; hmdAdiwa link... When he become; mean, signify; reach; arrived at the house... sg only (preceded by di hwit6 edbt na bucktoothed come or Ice go) arrive at person (edit tooth) cf sim hwb.6 etbp hwb na man of fame, w-46 ke link! Come out of the a wellL-known person (6t8pfame, house; go out of the house Awe) person) (depending on the position hwa6 dial] awb nan outstand- Of the speaker)! ing person, one who has a lyilp bra kile, dwil6 lyilp. 'strong name' (air) name, He's bleeding. lit blood Aw6. person). issues from him; it issues n going out, coming out; bloodcf-s16 fyilp an outing thkp6 Awa Lae. Something ftiblr6 this term can be (bad) happened to him. used when a dance troop goes to awUrj6 die; alma die?What play in another village lit does it mean? (pl preferred outing of 'play' here) lea3ri6ke Akp6. It doesn't Abrj6 iv, tv pl of wa6

468 451

wabt, wbbttv lend; borrow -w6/3/36 efat turn the buttocks bw1166t, bw66t na towards for thrashing loan syn-kanna efat, cf-106/m6 efAt, -kpamjci efAt w6bh n var of w6fh cf whkA, wan/36 wbb6 tv carry a person, esp w6p, wap tv suck a child, on the back, the -w6p 410.1 nurse, suck the breast child is not tied on but -w6p ilb6k suck the thumb holds the shoulders of the lit suck hand, finger person carrying himcf-b6p see w6p6, cf fip dyin ke bdbm tie a child on the back w6p6, wapatv rev of w6p stop awbb6 .yin ka bdbm. He sucking carries a child on his back. w6t pl w66t tv show; do for w6fh, wt?,-)h, kii6fh n [Eng ?] -w6t idemshow off lit show guava body, self liw6t Idem n showing off w6k iv swim; become loose -w6t ik6tshow a piece of opt w bw6kn a swim; land (make available a piece swimming of land for someone needy to bw'k bwbk, bwbgb bwbgb aj use) (rare) loose, big and ill-fitting tarjik8 bw6t! Tell me some- (of clothes) thing; tell me more! lit see w66k talk word show me ku6 1k116 bw6t! Sing for me! w6/30 tvturn aside, turn off, lit sing song for me Move aside -w6q136usurj,- w6rjrj3 idem w66k iv become loose (?) used move aside, make way as follows: w6rin6 yak aboyb! Make way -w66k inUft boast (Inilamouth) let him pass! -w66k isarj walk lazily with a

.469 452

long stride; walk sloppily; walk in a sexy way (Isar)walk) dwUk Ash/A. He drags around, he walks with a tired dragging step (of a sick or tired person) bwbbgb bwbbgb, bwbbgb bw660 advin a dragging manner dshtjá bwbbgb bwbbgb. He walks with a tired dragging air, he goes about dragging his steps (after being sick, his clothes hang on him) see w6k w6 St tv pl of wit wbbt tv var of wizt

470 453

yhd iv var of yhyd hkk (salt petre), plantain ash or fish (When ht6n is mixed yhhktv let go, release a with other ingredients, a hold on, leave alone chemical change takes place, ?.yhhk! Let go of me; leave the oil changes color and a me be! solution is formed),. lit reveal sdAnd ydhk! Let go! (more ht6r) persuasive than yhhk alone) dhyhhrd Adlb6. He revealed see yhk the secret bkdrd Ahyhhrd.The trick has yak tv deceive been revealed.

riyd4.13 ndeception syn [var ?] biddTA; see yaat tv pl of ydt

YarJ Yd/PA ydht n [pig] yard (a measure of yhhT3a tv, iv pl of yhhrd cloth) yAht Afb13 kbbt one yard of ydArdtv (?) var of y66r6 cloth lit yard of cloth one yhhrd, yhtd pl rev yhk iv remain; let; allow; of yht remove a head cover hortative tv reserve, leave ing; remove skin, bark; peel over off (esp a taut covering as yhk hn4 dnhd! 'Let him lie there on a tangerine); plpeel (don't touch him; permit him in bits with the fingers (as if he wants to)! an orange); reveal (esp a yhk wan! Wait a bit; wait secret or a trick); iv rev then! lit remain then of yhrd become uncovered; yhk lkdh! Let's go! become revealed (esp a yhk dtlpe. May it come to pass; secret or a trick) come what may. lit let it yhhrd Ikpd tinhmflay an happen animal lit remove skin yhk btbk wd15.k hnb! Leave a of animal little for me (esp as there is yhard'ht6/3mix ht6n with so little at this point)! lit leave a little fix for me

471 1,11.*M1111.111100100.01117171,


dyak btbk, btbk dyak almost, ydn tv dodge, feint nearlylit it remains a see yddn, ydnnd littlesyn desk btbk, btbk detk ydnnd tvelude, evade (as a dy8k btbk rfikpdhda. I nearly solution eludes one) fell. f 6ilydnndke eb8k. A monkey see yhhk; cf suk, size can't miss when climbing trees (said of a skillful yakdivbecome light in person). lit sky doesn't weight elude monkey hydydkd, hydkd aj light in hfik dyAnnd ebbk. The sky weight eludes the monkey (said when hydyakd Afbnflimsy, poor a tricky person is exposed). quality cloth see yddn, ydn cf b.ydgd ydpdiv (?) var of yhpd Arid ivshine (of the sun or moon) see ydramd (some yhpd, ylipd iv (?) talk a lot, speakers don't diStinguish chatter, become unable to y6ma and yammd but use only contain anything or keep a ydmmd) ; cfsbm2 secret wfnla mouth dyhpd ilia.. He can't keep his ydmmd ivshine (of light or mouth shut. fire) cf whpd d&yammd. It looks fine (praise for a thing well done, the yard' ivbecome covered on top, result of serious effort). cover one's own head, put on -ydmmd fdei have a good a hat; tvcover the top of character lit shine in something character klitzyhrd ithm AO) hbh dAsdgd! d&ydmmd Id6. He has a good Don't wear that hat anymore, it's character (he looks bright, shabby (and is demeaning to you)! he doesn't hide things, he dhydrh rfikpd. It's covered with does things 'smartly'). scab (of a wound).

4"`r) 455

Uydra alienupper lid of the yht tvput a hat or other cover- eye (alien eye) ing on someone's head hyara Mband nan oil palm see yard, yhara fruit partially encased by another unfertilized fruit yhtd tv, ivvar of yaard (it has an extra fruit coat); a kind of oil palm, its yhyd, AA ivbecome beautiful fruits have a six-lobed tiyai n beauty; aj fleshy envelope (Dalziel), beautiful 'green mantle' (cf band hyhyd riyayd aj beautiful adorn) see yht, yhard ye conj [Efik] and; with syns hme, Mmb, fide, Me, de (2) ydt pl yddt tvburn, sting (as pepper, iodine); iv (2) yeemtv pl of yam burn w esIt (see below) rithen anydt itol. The pepper yeemel ivdigest burns my throat. lit pepper see yeet burns me (in throat) -ydt esItbecome angry lit yeeme2 iv, tv pl of yepe burn in heart AmeyA.t esIt. I'm angry. yeelje tvstep on, mash

iyht esit 31 anger atbr6 Udixalj Usk dsie afire Uydt nsomething that andlyeelje isifireke. The one causes pain; highly spiced who defecates in the street meat or fish served with forgets about it, the one who palm wine or beer steps in it doesn't forget. kliandm Uydt! Don't get me 'angry! lit don't do, make yeelje ivsway (in the wind), me pain sway (in dancing) AyAUnAm Uydt. I'm going to cf neelje [var2] do something bad to you. lit I'll do you pain yeep iv,-tv var of yepe

473 456

yeere iv become peeled off, yem, yOm [latter is Efik become faded; tvpeel, skin pl yeemtvlook for, cfyaard search; want; pl search for continuously yeeti tvused as follows: yem ieeek pant, gasp lit idap dAyeet. I'm sleepy. look for breath (iddp sleep) yem ikS, yem -adi look cf yeet, yet for trouble katyem Ildi! Don't look for yeet2 tv pl of yet trouble (don't be agressive)! /Vern 116 n 'palaver;' yeet, yet (Y) ivwilt; melt, looking for trouble dissolve; digest; become lazy,

become weak (?); tvwilt yeti ideo see dilyel3 4k8n 1513;61j gkekipeke ixbak iisen dmi aayeet. The pumpkin yep tv spy on (with the leaves which I picked this intent of taking action); morning have wilted. check on a trap &VIZ) Elyeet ijk13. The sunshine tlyep nspying wilted the leaves. cf yip1 iyeetn a weak, sickly person; laziness; aj weak, sickly yepe, yeep pl yeemeiv become iyeet ilyeet. You are lazy. rotted, decayed (of vegetation); fiyeet edeme (?), fiyeere wilt, wither; tv wilt edeme (Y) sore tongue cf yeet fiyeet riyeet aj weak, sickly cfAeme, yepe, yeet1 yere ivbecome rubbed on, covered all over; become yege ivbecome hot, warm attached to, stick to n heat, warmth; filbat dAyere ke afb13. There's aj hot, warm dirt on the cloth. lit dirt syn ficip is stuck to cloth nyere, Mm66/3 /Vex-6 n water

474 that has collected in leaves and runs down from them

(ffim661) water) see yet; cf yie, yire

yet pl yeettvwash; rub on, apply (oil, ointment); lick -yet ilsan wash dishes -yet afore eat afore (soup), lick &fere see yore; cf yie, yit,Qween, dal

yet (?) iv, tv var of yeet er

yie ivbecome covered with (oil, ointment, clay); bathe, wash oneself; smear on, rub on (oil, ointment, clay on one's own body) thmeyie &Ian. I've rubbed myself with oil; I'm covered with oil.

47'5 458

thbbp6 gyie dam.. The ahyik ke idem. It surprises me. fattened woman is covered lit it surprises me in self, with oil. body yie idembathe oneself byige, hyik idemn doubt lit bathe self cfyikel, yike, dike yie is6wash one's own facelit bathe face yikel iv become surprised; cf yere, yet become impressed; become frightened; tv surprise; yie tv respond to, answer a cause admiration, amaze, impress; call frighten cf bbbr6 Ayikeke. I'm not surprised. lAyikeke. It doesn't impress yige tv var of yik me (I don't admire it). 6yAeyike kmaAsine Ufa bib/3 Ifb. ylibe iv become deep red in They'll be surprised (impressed) color when you wear your new cloth. lylipnblood syns Umiana, cf dike (var?), yik,yike, Ubarh y6k6, nik ylin tv var of yike iv (2) become set on edge (of the teeth) or tv (2) WO tv var of Hill cause the teeth to be set on edge ylip tv pl of yipe edet allyike. My teeth are set on edge. (edet tooth) ylip tv pl of yip hkim as;kbrb dAyike ke edet. The unripe orange set my teeth ylit tv pl of yit on edge. ddlyik n the feeling of having yik, yige tv doubt; surprise one's teeth set on edge or of

ffimeyik se b.-tar). I doub what the mouth being puckered (from you say. biting on a bone or from eating kuvyik hfie! Don't doubt him! something very sour)

4 d 6 459

s6kOrb dmi dnAm ddlylk ke yip6 pl Nap tv hit (esp with In.A. This orange makes the a stick, also with the hand mouth pucker. lit orange or fist) this makes ddlyik in mouth Ayb.Up Idem iya. I cfyikel, kpdyd, beat myself around on the mats (trying to get to sleep). ylmbideo describes the way the flesh of a fat person ylre, yllr6 ivadhere, stick, plops as he walks become sticky; hang; hang one- self; insist, persist; tv yipipl ylip tvsteal hang onto; pester; persecute; -yip 1n6 steal profession- hate recip dayitestick ally, be a thief lit steal together; become elastic (as theft many things adhere to each iylp 1116. He's a thief. other) cf ybp -ylre bkpan, -ylre Idem, -ylre it6q commit suicide by hang- 2 yip ideo sound of the heart- ing (bkpan suicide by hang- beat, feel of the pulse ing; 1d4mbody, self; itk esit dea6 yip yip yip. The neck) heart beats yip yip yip. lit dAyire bkiodn. He hung himself. heart falls yip yip yip -yire inua 1k8spread rumor, libbk Adia3rin6 yip yip talk a lot (adding on things yip. The pulse beats yip and exaggerating) (Ina. mouth; YIP YIP. 1k8 word) iyire AbO rinAm ifikp6 Adb. He ylpe pl and intens yllp tv insists that I do that thing. pinch lit he insists he says I should nduyiipnbedbug, cimex do thing that rotundata (in Ibibio bugs iyin ayire bkh lce bib/3. The child pinch rather than bite) hangs on his mother's skirts. Ayllp, uyip nany insect lit child hangs on mother at which 'pinches;' cf Aditoop cloth tsetse flysyn usuryubio Ayire ibdan Asim ent. He runs after women; he can't .1.1..,07.....*1...... ,,......


stay away from women. lit riddle: he hangs on women at end of mum Asasak yhak souk buttocks thba thm6yire M1'6. I hate him. kapAtike 1mb usury tim adia dmi rinb ddilyltb! ki It6n Ai-Mc Pound this yam until it's Catch Asasak let him go elastic! lit pound yam Don't break his wing this so that it's elastic Hear okra and fufu lyirbn a fishing net In the throat ylrbk b.yit ilex?) n nasal cf ylrh septum (1w-116 nose) hylre uduk keet lance corporalylt pl ylit tv attach, put hylre ilduk iba corporal syn together, fasten, lock, hang k6b.aril (from a point, or curtains), Itylre uduk its sergeant syn tie on (so that it may hang) sayen (lid-dk rope, keet one, yit hsin! Shut the door two, ita three) (refers after me; shut me insidel lit to the insignia on the uniform fasten, lock door put me in see yit; cf yere, kbb6, kbp -yit 4.w6, -ylt bkpan hang a person. (6%76 person; bkpAn ylrh iv slither, move with suicide by hanging, a tight a gliding movement, move knot) like a snake or rope, move -yit In6hang a thief like a jellylike substance; -yit &And sew on a button ideo describes this kind of -yit Ik6p cup lit attach movement cupping calabash (also hang Nylrh n glass (substance), up a cup) mirror see yir6; cf yai, kbp cf yirbk ylrbk ideo describes the Al tvput the edges of two sound of fufu or some other things together and secure them smooth substance passing (as ropes or two pieces of down the throat wood) Taken from the following tone cf yit

478 461

yok, y6g6 pl y66k, y66g6 iv move sudden; adv (?) unexpectedly,

. about, become restless, fidget; suddenly

tvmove about, wriggle . dk6AdAt ke iy6k6. It took me -y6k isin; -yok efatwriggle by surprise. the waist; wriggle the Mimi= iy6k6. He caught me buttocks (in walking) suddenly. ayok dsal3d. He's unsteady, cf yikel, dike; tike,yok irresponsible. lit he moves about he walks yomtv var of yOm hyokyok n whirlwind syns idi6 (ieArj), dfim dkpa iedij yOmtv (?) pl of yOm6 n moving about, fidgeting yomm6, yumm6 iv conceive, become riyO6k na fidgety, unsteady pregnant person dAyOmm6 (idip). She's pregnant. lit cf di6g6 [var ?], du6g6, y6T36, yok6 she has become pregnant (in) belly dfi613 ay6m6 idip. The moon is y6k tv cut into large pieces full. (as a tree into logs, a fish a.yomm6 itu. She has conceived into large chunks) ita (a curse said to a barren yOk ddt! Cut a nice big woman, ita is a cyst (?) in the piece for yourself! lit womb, when a woman carries a cut a big piece take baby for an abnormally long time syn [var ?] biok it is attributed to this) ayOmmO kis6 amen ke edem n a yok6 tv (?), ivsee at an kind of plant, Phyllanthus unexpected time or place, niruri (Dalziel) lit it conceives occur unexpectedly, do un- at the front it gives birth at expoctedly the back Ijkoy6kOke Adi. I didn't plan to come unexpectedly. lit yOmm6 tvmock, hoot at, jeer at I didn't do unexpectedly I came /5yOrm6 nmockery iy6k6 .11 surprise, unexpected see yOm6; of stik, y66r6 thing; aj (?) unexpected, ybm6 tv (?) pl and intens yOm make noise by talking; pl 479 make a lot of noise (used esp for the noise of a festival) FILMED..FROM BEST AVAILABLECOPY voaemmor443,97r11.


dy8m n nois e y66k iv, tv pl of yok titla dicebb kdkrbm6 dy6m.

The teacher said don't make y66/) iv, tv var of y61736 noise. also..katybm6 ( kb word, talk) y66r6, tv (?) shout,.scream; s e Ammo; cf y66r6 tv_ shout at,scream at often w

.111cp6 n shouts Scream kay66r6.k6 dt6t1 Don't scream in my ear! y6/1136, y6rT6, y66/) iv wander dAY66r64He shouts at me, (aimlessly or with a purpose), see yot; cf di66r6, tfa r6., fi66r6 go here and there (of one who [vars?],Amm6, ybm6 has many places to go and many things to do; tvgive y66t tv pl of y6t a dizzy, sensation, stun, daze; cause to turn about y6t pl y66t tv make an announce is18/) any6m36. I'm dizzy. ment; pl make an announcement lit dizziness turnslmeabOut in several places w Atbt syns gleam, isi813 information or &topmessage dAy6/3136.fid. He gaviie me a yot d-4/)warn very strongly

powerful slap that left me (dt6n ear), senseless. lithe stunned y6t dt6n! Pay attention! syn me (with) slap dt6/)! I Aliy6136 k& Ann. It daz s me see y66r6; cf tb4. Ammo, ybm6 (said of a strong light). .slit it dazes me in eye ya, ydb.,'y61 ideo describes hY66/j n wandering; wanderer something that passes by very also 6w6 AyO6n wanderer fast (as a car speeds 1)3,or (Aw6 person) an-insect flies by) hy6rn6n wandering that?) ofr6. The car passed ydi. cf y6k, y6n, y66n, ydt syn sal y6136 iv, tv var of.y6n/j6 ydk6 pl ydd16 tv satisfy (with food, informa,tion) y66g6 iv, tv p1 of y6k,_ anydk6. I'm satisfied\with it;

I've had enough. \\ 480 463

ydk6 se Atari! Be satisfied child; tolerate with what I say (I'm sincere; 4kanne. Ay8 abb.. I can't that's all I'm going to tell tolerate it any more; I can't you)! put up with it anymore. see. y6g6, y6k yak riy5 sitipe emit Let me mind what has happened to me ydmm6 iv var of ycimm6 (leave me alone so I can worry about it)! ydr6 iv, tv var of yire y6g6 pl y66g6 ivbecome full; ydt tv turn, mix,stir tvfill, complete isi8rj &Vitt. I'm dizzy. \Naf1613 dAy6g6; afik 64;0 lit dizziness turns me kit; 6116/3 ely;g6 ldip. The syns isiG/J anyorno, isi;xj moon is full. litmoon is akmm. full; moon is full (in) heart; cf yorm6 moon is full (in) belly sin nb Ay6gb! Fill it up; ydt6, y6t6 ivbecome sufficient, make it full! lit put in so up to the'mark that it's full also sin nb dy6tn sufficiency (2) used 4y8k! as follows: oft filet Eiy;g6 idem. "Hair iy6t6ke dy6t.. It's not grows all overihis body. lit sufficient. it grows hair it fills body cf y6r6 (poss its rev), (11.6t6 htbk .yin etle'eyg6 [var ?] Children are sitting allover ya ideo var of AI the floor. lit children sit they fill floor yddr36 tv. p1 of ydk6 Ana akpO hy6gb b6bn db.bp;. You have to re.y up to ten pOunds. ynp tv pl of yIp6 augy6g6 d.sen dUp... When- ten. days are over... yb tv care for, nurse (a b.y6g6 nposition (in a series sick person, esp at:a.saCri- or list; used to form ordinal fice. to oneself), rear a numbers)

481 hy6g6 101? Which position make it full! lit put in so (the question is asked in that it's full also sln, nb games); which place (in the iy6gbl list)? lit position how hy66k na disease involving /many swelling (possibly a vitamin hy6g6 ibh, hy6g6 ilbhsecond deficiency disease) lit position of two hy6k nsuk, hy6k hstig6 n the hy6g6 Awb Itibn the fifth remaining part, what's left positionlit position of also hy6g6 nsuk, hy6g6 hstig6 person five (stik, stig6 remain, become hy6g6 fistn.abp... On the left over) tenth day... see y6g6, yilk6 hy6gb aj full; complete,. .' whole yes pl ybbk tv warm food, re- hy6gb bkpht Athen a whole heat &fere (until it is very bag of pepper, a full bag hot) of pepper see ybk6, ybb116, cf ybm hy6g3 bbom iyhka canoe- ful of fish ybk6 tv rev of ybkremove from hy6g6 nsuk, hy6g6 ?mile n the fire what has been reheated the remaining part, what's see ybb136 left also ?xy6k hy6k hstie (stik, stig6 remain, ybm pl ybm tv ,cook a very become left over) small: quantity of rich tifer6 see y6k, ydk6; cf hkpi, full of meat or fish (a very special or appetising dish), lyp w 6.fer6 soup y6I v"pl of yd6k cf ybk

y61 ideo var of ya y6mm6, y6p6 tvsharpen on a leather strop cf bansharpen y6k pl y66k become full; on a file - swell cf y66k. sin nb 6y8k! Fill it up, 465 y6n, y6nn6, y66niv stroll, certain leaves such as 6110 wander (in a, small,area with -y66k ebot sacrifice .a goat a purpose), move back and Ily66k iikp6 na saw forth, wander aimlessly cf-y6mm6 opt w 466n, hy6nn6 n wandering y66k' iv pl of y6k :-y6nn6 ilnek dance do" a little dance of delight as ybbktv pl of ybk when given a present (11nek dance) cf -s6n ilnek-tuk6 ybbmtv pl of Am Ilnek see .y66r6; of 06n6 y66/36, ,:y66n1 tvcause choking,*dizzi- Y4136 ness htaen 454y66n. (The burning y6nn6 iv var of y6n of) the pepper makes mechoke. ikb 6Ay66n. (The smell of) y6p6 tv varor y6mm6 tobacco' makes me dizzy. cf y6136 y6r6 iv become difficult ilt6m day6r6, 5.6,y6r6 y66n2 iv var of y6n The work is difficult. Inl 66.d166k Akp6 y66n6 tv, shake liquid in a adinam. Times are load, bowl to distribute it evenly things are hard to do (times over the/Surface are bad-for doing anything). see y66/36; cf y6n cf ytit6, fl y66136 tv spread with the palm y6tS iv var of ytit6 of the hand (mud, plaster, water on the wall or floor) y66g6 iv, tv pl of y6g6 see y66n6; cf y6n y66k pl y6/tv saw, cut with y33136 tv warm slightly (esp a sawing motion (an animal's Af6r6) throat, or in shredding -ybbn6 lib6kwarm one's hands

483 .466

(at the fire) see ybk; cf ybm y66r6 tv (?) dance with specific steps, dance a specific dance gen a leisure- ly dance with outstretched C arms) of mIlk -y&5x6 Un6k dance a dance (with specific steps involved), -y66r6 6kpb dance theWa- dance (a particular dance done by ekpe members) -y66r6 Itelb6 dance Itabd iy66rb, hy66r; n a small

metal ball with a slit in it - and a pebbaq inside, these are strung together and put on the neck and arms'for dancing see, y6nn6; cf y66116, y66/36 yb6y1 n [Eng iGeorgell a kind of cloth used for wrapper (it once had King George's picture on it (?))

484 wsprwrenfterww.rsagnerraraucar71459041.4



Perbonal Names Michf (Wm 'night') m alcOn P. Ibibio children are often named for an event or situation occurring adiage. f the first-born at the time of their birth, hence daughter the number of names is unlimited. diagri address form for adiaga Olowever, there are some common A term which designates the names in use which can be listed, order in which a child is born here including: names given to- a can be Used descriptively in child born on a' certain day of the addition to other names, or week; names referring to the order can be a child's proper name. in which a child is born into the family, such as first-born son, Adit, aadie, Arit, adrit f second -born daughter; names a name given to someone born referring to virtures and emotions on idere dbO or ad6re4tAga such as patience, courage, joy, m ed6t love, hate; names borrowed from English. adiGki m, f (of dibij 'bless' The traditional naming pattern is that each child has three names, &IWO, edA46 m, f (2) the first is given by his parents, (dti6Q6 pl of dti65k 'throw the second and third are his .away; a name give to sickly: father's first and second 'names children, if one or two so that the third name is dropped children have died one marks off with each generation. In the the next, child with a special last generation or so some families name indicating he is worth- have retained the father's third less and it would not be worth name as a surname. the trouble to take his life, in such a case it is believed

+ Names which begin with a- or e- and which have a high-low tone pattern generally have two freely VaryingformS: adit4 addit; hafibi3; etbp, estop, etc.

485 468

that the same child has been market day) reincarnated and has died each f iktx6 time. Asun 6 var of asilife, adfiblj f a name given to .someone born on fibij &Ian or Asdea, aatin36 ,f the fourth- fibij etbk (market days) born daughter m Afiki also ,aslieh stink (?), Askwa tufal3 (flea) (?) df;n bilk f 'It's best told' (since it's so bad to exper- &am, hatim f a name given to ience) lit it's good (as a) someone born on atim (a market

tale day) . m etim hisdiyh var of isaiya atu m (htii ekk) 'shield,' AkOnm 'night' ata ldem 'protector') f adkOn

Ziyaffifid m, f 'vindicator' lit akare m (akde6r6 'compound; you will whiten me (i.e. you porch where people are will justify me) received') akpin mthe first-born son b6bt m CEng] Paul

62116 d,tie m, f full' form: anid &tie rite Wet, Wit, dent, sant m

abasi? 'Who is like God?'' CEng].. David arit var of adit d6fit var ofdefet' asadi var -of Baca Wilt var. of defet asilkitb ma name given to-some- one born on litho (an Efiku 469

m, f- (ebage.waste') e.mem m, f 'peace' -44

eb;');] m 'one who is shouted , brie m about' (?) (cf bbQ 'shout') can be expanded: en6fibk (from &lie 4fi3k' 'who

6dem, 66dem in followers' (?): :knows?') (Mem 'back; after') 'eri4mEi(from'ani6 4m6. 'who loves?!) &Tett e6detm a name given to .someone born on. ad6i.6 ribi5or( nb mf'(?) I 6.d6r6 446 (market days) can be expinded: f edit; - 'enb ab;611' 'gift of the Lord. enb abasi 'gift of God'

6d1.16336 var oflidA6136 enbet6"giftof, father' enb eke. 'gift of mother! bfam 'crest, comb' (as on a snake or rooster - implies esien. m (cf'esi6n 'outside, bravery?) -square; an administrative unit') efibkm 'know!' (pl.cOmmand) .6sta, b6sU m (eel& 'hate; can be expanded: enemy' efibk.bdsi fromefibk-Abasi r./(BY this) know God!' 6stenn6 m (Efik] 'shame'

6f1313, e6fi3x) ma name given eta m [Efik] to someone born on fi3:3 danf or fib') 6tbk(market days) 6tIm, eetim m a name given to f tifibu someone born on atim' (a market day)

4,6k6:3 410:3 m (6k6 'war') f aim

Ope m -'leopard' afidm, f the third- or ourth-born son or daughter 6kp6 'ghost' p;*WfOlk


etbk-lAid; see U15.6. idaj m .1di4inatione

,etbk liela see tiela idf66k i 'bad'

I etbp, eftbp et8p 'message, idbij esit,,ridbrj esit f fame') 'consolation, comfort'

'ethk m 'they cheat' . iku6 f a. name given to someone born on ikt7.6(e41 :Efik market etbk ktidsee ilfid day) / / m asizkiab bOk ijegseeea ikpame m et;udo see ixd6 Smd f 'love, loved one' can' be expanded: ibahrjd m 'what is talked ima et6 'loved one of tather'l about' (?) (bahqd 'refer imd eka 'loved one of mother' to, criticize') ima db;613 loved one of the

Lord' (

ibbbr6 iii, f 'answer' . imd dbasi 'loved one of God'

idddrd f 'joy, rejoicing' imdanvar of imanwere

iddish m [Eng] Elijah imandirevar of imainwere?

idat esit, Mat esit f" 'joy, imandibrbvar of imanwere rejoicing' imanaen var of imanwere

idgm m, ,(f?) (et Efik fAgm // Ib ridgm 'spirit') attind'het liar of imanwere

idf6 mthe name Of an ancestral 4.6et, imanaen, god- imandire4-.1Maildibrb, imam 471

[Eng] Emmanuel. tikpk, bkpki m 'tomorrow, yesterday' imem, f 'patience'

IniL 44 f nattinfl5rb, natan4br5 m [Eng]_ can be. expanded: Nathaniel ini.dbasi 'time of God' ini db;613 'time of rie natandibrb var of natanfibrb Lordt nikodgt, nikOdh, n6k6da m [Eng] iriati 'Tiver' Nicholas

! inene m, [Efik] 'wealth' Addarakem, f 'I don't rejoice' leak'm 'farm! Adat esitvar of idat esit isalya, hisdiy& m [Eng] Isaiah . Adianh abasim, f 'should I stay with God?' istia m year' Adiana ani4m, f 'With whom Menm, f,'a kind of bird' should I stay?'

fidh,bsitvar of idbQ esit, j6bj var of y63yl iit36m, (f)'I behold,

. I'm looking at ' f [Eng] Magdalene m, (f)

( 'gOodnese, grace; can be expaadad: gift' imikek dbasi 'Mattires God?' (i.e. God is.great,what can't iikp6 et6 'thing of father He do?) fisikak et6 'What tiresthe '&136 Atiy. mi f 'thing 'valtIe , father?' 472

46 m'wanderer' (?)(cf y6J3136)sbri, sbdi [Eng?]Sarah / f tk& ny613

- t1mtI, timoti, tOm6t1 in [Eng] 4kere, 15kbre in 'I think' Timothy


bkfre m 'gong' -var.of

bk*O' fa pfayful ,nor affectionate feminine name . tibG in 'something received, something taken away'(7) (cf tkO niiáf(cftic& nmá. 1' bb'receive, accept') 'mother; 'respectful address / a woman') tad6m in 'right (direction) ''wanderert (2) m, f'will, intention' .m can be expanded: abasi.'will of God' 4ijwa.var ofilea .6d.6 in-the second-born son b.d.6 fid; the third-born son seta (2) var of .sedi btic etbk ild;, .6(16 .(6,)f, itd6f;6tthe third-, or fourth- sadly sadly sad'. (?), born son (e*Wc, etbk 'small,' wide (?).i in CEn 'Charlie ' 7] tf66t 'middle')synbtok Charles (also refers to the third-or a fourth-Vdrn daughter)' stifb't,var of defet td6b8m, ti.d6sen, t16f;6t, btbk ti.d;f;5tfourth-born son stufawetsaiwere, stundi\re, syn s tele, tfitt,etft stfufidibr3 in [Eng]Samuel r1àk tifiak

. sbdivar of s6ri. a U.6b8m. see M6

4.90 473

in posslourth-born Ifis;n4kbij 'day of war' son (?) 1525r6 m 'feast' ii.d6f6t see Ud5 'worm' izakAl)-m[6nak? \cf

iWsensee M6 bd6k, brft_ (ad6k 'gangosa')

b.f16 m the fiftti4?orn son br6kvar of bd6k eV& &la fourth-born son (e.Wc 'small') 'syn6 itd6b8m, y65ivar of yayi ild6s&n, lid;f;6t yayi, y5i, jaj m CEng]

George . ufiizk(fiakseeufi& see ayayi

tk6 m 'courage, bravery; risk?) var of yallS4, astrong, vigorous man' yinis6fbi-zasefb m 1.11cph m [Eng 'JosepV2, Halts. Joseph )4mG m (cfimo 'wealth2) , . AI:man var of Yt.asef 15,0wa'f the second-born daughter y661var of yayi Ilea Ilea,- kiwa, etok, etbk' Ewa, Awaettk, btlak 41)Iva

the third-'-born. daughter-(tbk, 4Min (clans) 4tialc 'small')

4s en m 'day' 774;:ak (6nahl)). can be expanded:

abbbla ( 6nak) . , 1 1 . .. . ;.


adiasim (áa6,0 ikpe (Ib) ;!k

&fag& (Anagul) '(po, three Iman/(Ib) different clans of same name) ineen, inn (dnagl.KM af466t !vex of bfA66t 1nn var of 146k1.

6di4ne (Ib)Jx:"- itak (Ib)- , (Ib) (the newname for i-W?) 1 item (

4tbi (Ib) (lb) \of eni613 ib6sikp6 (Ib) Anti') Ad6m (Ib)

Ibsit (6116,6,13) Asit (east) (Ib) (Ib) Asit (west) (Ib)

ibibn6 (Ib), 5, (n) I ididep (anati.0), btbrd (analu3) ika (Ib) tbibm (Ib) ik3nb (Ib)

77, --Addin, Arian (Ib) ikpa*, (n) `""clticas. (anak) IkPh niii asap (Ib)

. tkItnafni.(-tina,k) (poss two '. , Drip& Einla 6e4t6g.(lb) . differentclans of the same name) .-

:-.. ., ,

ikpa, ibk.t14 (Ib) illciaiOin',(b) 7 475

true var of ti.dfuin juju of Arochuku.(ibitdrum, item a place name) a (?)vat( of izy6 Ogonivar of Okeni 0.y6, rb.Y16() (Ib) bkOni, (564 Ogoni 6d6n, 6r6n(Tb) ektisavar of aktisd, bf.1166st, afA66t(Ib) semi, emend[Hausa 'saxmA1] 6r6n var of 6d6n Hausa man

tneg6, im.6q6[source unknown] Tribal Names Igbo man

. akiaba, Oktisa [Yoruba '9 1E1149, Adem (spirits) o ktitts§'2] Yoruba man

Linak Anang abAgun (it4k)Adem of Italy ancestral god whojives ase.14var of semi 'in 6.k0.i Eibitgun (forest of abeam) and causes the harma.ttan,, the * Efik(cfflik/press, ek66)3 masquerade is connected

opprdas) 1 , with the abeam ceremony.

ibbioIbibio man akpasime lidera of ibesikp6

cf 6.b1O; . en}ase.Mem -of Aslikara (a village inbic'enCIgbo'nthe people who near46) (amassa kind of live around itia. and A.rochuku fish, tabooin fisiikare.) and:who speak both 'Igbo and Ibibio Asit)Mem of visit ibit item -inbkv:inthe long 476

1 ttt6, akp3, ate. tlacpb (?), ata akp3 k a Ibba river; Presbyterian iidgm of Ildildn mission; the Presbyterian denomination atilk .idim lwaw6.lidera of- astitan ekpe(tick 'Cheat,' idim kgkbCongo 'stream, 'iwawathe name of a small village) kpafidvar of bafid aslitgin ekpe has water, problems, pose they,are attributed to nayirle. Nigeria the &Iglu. pail&vai:, of band etefia (ikbnb)lidem of ik3n3 etifna iidgm of ima.n id16an ancestral god(of. idi6'whirlwind')

(afti.66t)lidera of of 566t (cf ilkangt'oil bean trees)

Market Days

-see itdtia

Geographical Names baria, pang., p 'Espana ?] Fernando Po kridna Ghana 477


The place in the dictionary wherean item in the Addenda should appear has been marked*. Whenever such a mark is encountered, the reader should refer to the Addenda ...... WW.V.VORVIMIgrefarittie


akepkep nsee kepe belin n[Eng 'band' ?]trumpet used as follows: ekit fit ban blow a trumpet kad166k ekit xisen!Don't start my day off wrong!cfEfik betida n[Eng] powder oktxt us en 'beginning-of the day' (Goldie) (d166kbecome bad) beettv pl of bet

Eik66n na kind of shrub, its besin n[Eng 'basin']a metal leaf is used to cure ekp6 ifbm basin used for storing and (ringworm), the leaf is placed. carrying food and. water in the fire until it shrivels up and then is applied to the bimm. affected area 7bimme idem struggle, make an effort, try to 'get ahead etkp6 akp6 151c3ijspine of a leaf birasi n var of bik n var of e.bik rlyin abn pupillityoung of eye bittaasn var of pOtaasi a.:51thmn[Eng 'income' income. bilt6 tax (?)aj (2)messy, cftaksi wet and'.. sloppy (2) as.56interrog n - see iisO6' n var of a.kp63si ewe b6Oklis n vars of 6.w6 tifb.ia violent person akpZ)tbki person of violenceals,oaftli e.wO 479 dalj ikpitfim1 ikpaftim .na kind -of seedaiaa1; ofdal timber tree, used for chewing stick dtibby6tv var of bbil ikSfamln var ofikpafiml dtikp;6r6iv var of kp66r6 Im32 see b.kpa -6deren var of ad6r6 itiat 6kp6 ofetkpe.tiat iiti is6 6kpbfamily shrinelit face of ghost synis6 lidera kaand 6k6.b.n itehan idipek6 Id isbr6 feitv var of fet na kind of plant, its leaf is used. in purges to cure ayiga, fit. lo6t, fit b6btn[Eng] it is difficult to pull, up football "litold woman doesn't pull seeikab6bt it in squatting fOt kb.bGt n [Eng 'carbolio'] InfOt 6.116nupper lid of the carbolic acid eyelitPeel of eye kadin var of hkari fufu n[source unknown]poss used by some speakers to refer kam2 -(?)advyet to fermented and washed ridifge kam.I haven't come cassava fufuby others as a yet. syn for 4i.u3 kartn var of bkari idebpn a kind of tree, it grows

near water (?)sasswood (?) .kis6see 186 idikpain see kpay6.

--Ictial3e. alienbecome crosseyed litbecome crooked (in) eye 480 .. kup Ifikpas6padvvar of inkpasi adbk uku n a kind of sweet yam, a lirge cluster grows ntliadbn n var of hnaied513 from a s4.ngle one planted (dbkdig) nam syntkeene b66k ayin tkOi imam deliberateness; ajdelibera a (kOi do kOmfi itlatn [Eng 'camphor' deliberately) plus itiat 'stone' j moth balls mmaana imamajrepeated (magna,repeat) kip. (1.1d8k hoe, ildbkdoor) nand-- ix/Ana b.w6 -.aloneness, lack kpansee akpan of relationscf ikpb513 kp3rA6 -tN'T var of icptarn6 ni.6.05.2 iv. var of diagli

r\`\ mai:5kb, mai5kOt, mal5ktir t).nvars nikOda., nikbdb., n6k6da [Eng of matikorb 'Nicholas']n soda soap (a kind of very soft cheap meyb see sayen bar soap,' a man by this name had a soap 'business in Aba) nanikos,A minikosA n vars of ifiminiikos nokodb..n var of nikOda mboomkib310 ntaitv pl.of nb.a its root is eaten as a cure for cough, its stem is used to cure ild4kpak (hya)n a kind of adi6g6, .plant, its leaf is ground Up and used to treat yaws ififittga 6.kbkbbknsee flak (prob in the same family as dya) xfikpasipadv ,var of 6kpasi Ad6t -4tienn 481

hfidfidgd sail ideo describes something ianaga ibakardlemon grass, that passes by very fast (as a used as a cure for many ail- car speeds by or an insect ments often in conjunction flies by). with other flora lit syn ydi iffitiridgd of European sail interj var of.sdi Ayeere &thine (?) n see yeet siin tv pl of sin Ai6 tv, iv var of niel silN6 tv pl of'0,6 616136 tv pl ofniel si6g6 tv pl of si6 eei ideo dsak daan eei eel ebi. si6w6 tv pl of si6 He has fiery eyes (his eyes burn

e61 eei eei). si66136 (?) tv pl of sib elina (?) tv bother, harrass tv var of silt& worry (?) syn find saris, s6r3s1) n[Eng 'salts'?] epsom Baits', drunk to cure 15kdnikd' dyadya (measles) ati 4kanikatongue of a bell cf eti s3 bsi- n var of saris

))klab, 500136 sP&_s6K1 Alta ibbkpotash lit titha of medicine syn pbtdasi.

15kidgu3 abesi, 4kii.dar) db;633 dff;ij n see dkddhao 482


-k66k 1.1.f8k lay bricks (k66k pile up, arrange)

.1.11c6 interrogn var of iike


311f6nmmaukp3A tidiak ikbt a kind -of snake, harmless and very beautiful (ilif6n goodness, .11d.tik ikbt /snake, et má love) i5t14rise (?) n a kind of plant, its leaf is used to cure he-ad- ache, it is squeezed on the head and body, and smoke *then comes out from the body

y4.13x3 ideo describes the action. of cutting something through. in a single stroke

syn ttiai3 yim ideosound made by a heavy object when it falls to the groiand synskim2, 483

Glossary of Nigerian English Words

Used in the Dictionary

bamboo n the stem of any ofa Dash me something!:Give me a

number of high grasses or the . little something asi a gift! midrib of the raffia palm frond, . used in making basket frames, fufu n food made from a starch chairs, doors, rafters such as yam, cassava, cocoyam, it is boiled then/ poundedina calabash n gourd mortar and served with 'soup' see tsin3 catapult n (British usage)

slingshot groundnut 11 peanut

chewing stick na small stick juju 21 a fetish, charm, amulet chit from certain types of wood or othez'magidobject; the power which contain acidic sap,- used attributed to/it or to someone to clean the teeth who possesses it; rituals observedin/connectionwith crawcraw n any itchy, ,scabby, such an object pustulous irritation of the skin headtie n piece of cloth or a scarf tied around the head crayfish n -any of a number of in a turban or babushka style, kinds of small shrimps, which worn by women are dried, pounded and added to 'soup' for flavor medicine: nmedicine; herbs and liquid's which have supernatural dash n gift, tip; heal.ingpowers, dispensed by gift, give a tip: shamans; magic, juju ,1811111110.M.B11*....

484, palaver n difficulty, trouble, men secure_ theirs by tying it in verbal conflict, 'gathering for a large knot in the front, women negotiation or decision by tucking the loose end. in at see1kG the waist; women often wear another piece of 41oth over the palm oil n the oil made from longer wrapper, this top the 'fruit of the oil palm tree wrapper extends from the waist see Elyiip to mid-thigh or knee. pawpawripapaya .

play ndancing, games,. sports, _ masquerades for ritual or entertainment purposes

restricted membarship that performs a specialized. functin in regulating society]n.:joiJ.i.sior meat, leaves or okra., crayfish, s% pepper and a thickener such



wrapper 12 a piece of cloth worn wrapped about the body from waist to mid-calf or ankle, it 3.s, worn by both men and women, 485


What followEi is not an English-Ibibio dictionary, but a

1.1 brief index whose_ purpose is to direct the reader to an appropriate entry in the Ibibio Dictionary.The Ibibio words that appear in th'e. Index correspond to the head word of the entry in which the information sought is to be found.




0' MO.r MI1 WIPMM EW 141,111, t4r


abandontv kp6Q, sin abStain iv bet abandoneddj gunaga fromtv me site n hAbbn abundance

atak come into an tv eNV.ene soup made with n ifere have an tv )3weene stick for churning/ abundant dti6g6 became ivsepe abateivkeial,sng6, tamma become over- iv sepe cause to tvstack abuse tv Irani abscessn 416,fit2 abusive words, usetv tbk abdomen abbn , society lower, part of the around styles of 001 tard6t abbn the bladder 21 drIth.k abyss ngilAdbi3 -2 ability 21 ti.b6k academiciann ata,fibk abirbsnake, crest ofn accept. tv efa accompanytv kebne able' accomplish its aimiv kOb6 become (t ivken, according to (the way that)conj kerne, -n32 ite2 abnormal state, get into: a accustom tv age iv-dObr61db6r6 accustomed to, becomeiv'age abode acheiv /ktii former a goddess n Achilles tendonnasip, kilg6 acid, carbolicnkab8t aborttvidip,s1.6 acquaintance, an ndi3)36 aborting, medicine forn ib6k, acquainted with, becometvdi3336 idip, si6 acquire abortion n idip, si6 --- power (over)tv fak about, betvba.Qa power of medicinetvfak absence, long n kagina, kpbene.,.. powers of a leopard tv ekpe absent, becomeivtimme2 powers of a witch tvif6t absentmindednessn&len, fire strengthtvfak' absorb oneself intv. -btbk acquit tvsane., 2 t6p6 a


I. acquitted, becomeivkpel afraid act in a fit of anger ivesit, become iv "dike, da6, 121ti kpeka become to speak outi/v adam's applengacp6r3 1.164, add. tv diem not become iv án klittle bittv tiamme African 'adder, puff'n 51664 breadfruit'n adituj addition marigold'nedeme, do in iv k3r6 entiu3' in toprepfep, sib ' pear'n eben address, terms of star apple' 21 tiara áb61, dà.,te,Tine, fine, fine afteradv bap adhere ivfelt:nit yire afternoon n 4169 weeme administertv sin 2 an enema tvkebe1 do ivmaand, timme t.7 an ordeal tváu1á, ktuj2 1 administrative unitn sion agbada n akpara admiration, causetvyikel age admired person nak66k3 groupn(kik,bkiti adolescent girl nb6b6, ikpa mate ntire" adorntvbard, di3411 exceed in tv864 adornment, personalndi1bl5 aggressive, becomeiv ddi adulteratetv wildk agile, becomeivsamma adultery n agitated, become iv(Mat adults n kpon agreeiv ffimme advice ntemme2 to ktiml fail to heed - tvlit613 agreement ndiem6 follow tv kep, temme2 aim. tv, ket give ,tkrne2sin,--- attv oket \ air n fim advisetvku6r6 '--- potato'ned6m6 (der esee 'soup' airplane n f16613, b6m1 affecttvekpthit,ná=,ttitik .sikpe affections, withdraw thetv enter seclusiontv dk esit, si6 alarm, raise an tvifikp6 488

_alcoholic drinkn thmin, ancestor Alek s n at6 1 alert, become ivtiQ representation n aka , k313- alien n t6 carved sticks for representa- aj amen tion n aka" alike, exactly aj kem first s of a family n tip6, alive aj siiy6

become ivdh, siiy6 ghost of s ,11 6kp6 state of being n Aw6m- ancient aj khand all aj afitl da1342 become iv -kaand

(emphatic) aj Akpd --' past 'n es6t, ini be rightiv samma and conj de2,ckbr6, hme,imb, look right' ivsamma MO? Mb, ye 'alligator pepper' n ib6k, -iv didn, magma, nub, nAllk2 allow stv yak anger n 6sit, ydt to grow tv diagd and aggression n 6sit, fit almost advetbk, auk, yek act in a fit of iv kpdka alone aj kp641 angle n bibQ alonenessn kpkraldnd at an advbibQ alsoadv fide, 4kbl-slik angry be /do" iv. didn, kbr6, become iv 6sit, t,g6, ydt magma, nn, nbAk2, td1061 act, of getting n 6sit, although adv dna kpdkd c stik get easily iv&sit, fit aluni n ak make tvydt aluminum-pot n_ tigua -animal (gen term) n Aniian I amaze. tvyike kind of n- amazed, become iv sime akikb, Asa, ateebb, 'amphisbena' (kind of snake) skin n ikpi ik6t, iwat, tracks nikpat, imam, wet amputated aj bib flay an tvikpd amusementnimin, nem dale n it6q, 1.Sk6t amusing, 'become ivimam, n m' announcement n tat. Anang country n make an tv yot

5C6 489 anotheraj6.fen ape, kind of neb;k, ikpok 6bok answer n apologizeivkyle, lib6k a b33r6, y3.6. appeal to for protection or to a question. tv ,b3r6 settle an argumenttvtam6 not tvdeeni6 appearivtie ant (gen term)n finian6 suddenlyivdep62,fano, kind of --- n&bilk, akpa. is333, tIkê1 2 ata, ek613, ik6t, 16'813,..." toiv bi6t2 thb3bIlk,kp6, to beiv. IA, ttafik, t6p apex natilj nest n applaudtváy6, 13513 winged stage of átá 'apple, African star' 21 idárà fMr6 applytvy6t antelope, kind of n appointed day ndbt asap &dap, asb, kagu3á appreciation, fail to showtv antenna n biat anti-charm ntibe approachiv, tv kph-6 anticipatetv&len, bek appropriate, becomeivdbt, anticipation n áfn, bek antidote n tibe approveiv, tv nimme antimony, cosmetic made of n arch t1d6 .the back ,tvedem, mek6 anus n itit, the body tvmike hair 'arotuld the nitit, area n bot, tire, ka, 4klun, around the ears -and uner the open the tv fibn jawrk fitl anxiety n da6&silt for 'play' activitiesn anxious bsion, evaiati become ivdt6, esit ----- fromwaist to -thigh nbialk feel -- totvit633 given of land 21 ik6t, siaak anymoreadvabb..3 open in rror* of a house or anyway, doiv sat& compound n atop anywhere 21 - seciu.ded.-- in a stream nakpb.13 apartadvsi6 idln,'fficpeterj idim from thatprepsib

. . : arguetv niin peel or palm stalknat613 --- withtvfa6.01 ashamedajabdat argumentn f6d136.1 niin, t6.132 become ivnthm, nam arise from the deadiv8641.6 ashesnt601 arithmetic n bat --- mixture added to 'soup'n arm n db6k at613 and hand n lib6k asktvblp2 bend the tv 11136k fortvb66Q6, blp2 link s tvtib6k 'asleep loosen interlocked stv be -- (of a part of the body) adama2 iv adikpirine, diar62 armchair n berg, kage., kak assistant d. c .ndiisiekpIrb armpit n faga, .11b6k, afaia etok 'army ant' 11 6k6135,Ik6t, Akp6 associate withtvWalla arrangetvdion16, k66k1', nek6, associated with, becomeivm6g6 tam2 association n . leaves in the hand for asthmank613, i3W66k shreddingtv401j, tam2 asthmatic person nev66k pot supportstvbdiok atprepk62 (piton),fl6k --- firstadv akpa arrive-- iv beg6 once.. advaktu33,iki, ini' attvdi, sim, wa6 'athlete's foot"'n fidabe, z5ktibe at a timetvd6t attachtvyit arrow. n Idemo roof matstv kim quiver n6fGk, attached. to, becomeivyer6 fletching n fitaa't attaininent, miss. ivtire 2 (idaza) attend to ,tvtana artery n isip aitention, paytv slab iltdaa main in back of leg automobilen18;13 ifandtb, ab6m itkpan available asiv .te2 make a piece. 'of landtvIk6t prep k62 rite?- .. ben, _..kar6. toconj'ate awake, keepiv mien ash of. burned. plantain:peel. or awakeniv d6mm6 awe nteekje 'Bahama grass'n 6n15.23, 6nal3

stand in oftv_ teekje bailout tv fOp awkwardly adv.11f16n baitn- atilt axe nekit bake in hot hand or gravel tv skii3 handle nekit, ilb6k balance destroy tv feek get off ivnice, fimme baboon n idiGk balanced, become poorly ttk6 baby n twin, sege bald back n d'em become ivd6n6, 33)3iwt5.6t, (=at)n(aba) edem kek6 of the hand ntib6k spot .nibb

of the head nkbtl . have a spot 'iv3.b3 , of the neck n6.kp6; b6t, baldnessnd6n6,. 3'1)3 I it613 bald0Potted .ajfibe area of a villagenataini become ivfibe porch n eat ball n ikab63t teeth nedet, ib kind of palmleaf n .1173 someone uptv kebne offufun fit/4 118111:1 small of .the n kicka.tvik463t backbitetvbagujal, dbbki small hard s ofxcrementn backbiting n' bblu36.1 1311cpap backbone of the family 21 itiatballad n 11.1305 backrest n edema bamboo (gen term)nfifitifiaga, badajd166k kid; of. n.idim,3654, become ivdi66k become really ivftr6, beetle'n gi,d66d.3. cross-hatchinon a: roof, character/traitsn mia smellingajtebe palm'n do something totvyet. stem of the n firleslage. bag n ekpat bEinn vvJiixk with a handle n db6k (geri term)nlibOr6 -like object bkpb, kind of n.Ida,/ ebGi, hibbr6 / plant with huge low-hanging fishing n bkpa, fisiim cbunchesn di).3mm6 make a frametvakp6sh, bunch of s 22 itu1 kpani bang tvtusk bassn,aj ?mama, bangle bat, kind of n emih, idcpekpem, arm/wrist n Wolk, itkpOgo, ris6sik 4m1b..)3 awbk, riti.13,-6.136k batheiv y16 leg/ankle n Walk, akpbgb,..bawl attvthiat 7 4 . akp6n6, awbk, fit4, 151c6t bawling- n" &bit baptism" n dhbk be copulad61 bar in a place iv'bar,ifmt3 a doortvsin, tistira beach n tans to or bolt a door n bead n15ktia Itime -tisk covering of 78 worn around the barbarians, thosenidutft waistn ikpa, barbecue in coals tv !avian beam n atom bare- ajfet roof --- n lit6613 ---- the teethtvb6p, 6dat bean (gen term )nbk6t1 bargainivkp61, zldua kind of n fisam4, bk6ti barkivkp311 bear bark of a treen6t6, kp6k6, -7-7, a child' tv6. yin, man xfakpal -1.)fruittvidiom, ni61 barking.. n kp311 stalk barn, yam neko a nametv kere barrenaj beard n6bek, ekpek, litho i5wa woman nads beast, huge n am6n bartertv kpb.g6 beattv tim base nekbl, itak, tik6t around the bushivkann.a basin, metal n basin clown on(as,rain)tvb3132, baskivwa6 6dim basket (gen term) a drumtv bir6 )kbn6, bkireq fast ,(of the heart). iv kind of ikatfislim onself around on the mats behave iv tie ,

trying to sleep tvkarma, towards tv kaila 1 YIPS behayior n d6 the shit out of tv lid4a41, ,bghest watt at your Atak to the punch tv bibQ behind' prep edam beat (win) tv kan belchiv, n bake beating n mia believetvik , nim beautiful aj yhya adv 616 become ivAye. bell n ijkanika beauty nAPI tongue of a n ati 15kanika because conjk62Atak, sa bellows, blaoksmith's n bir4, tim beforeiv t62 belovednmal adv akpa belly n idip conjbam2, is614 h.dion productive n idip,man PrePbem21 is61 belt nikpa, kpaga beckontvmaaki, ta"pd 1.1116k bucklenis61, .kpaga become ivfbro, kapa, bench alongside a house n6sh bed n Akahij, bed, fkilk, kpand bendtvm66k1 make a-77 tv ikUk, k6I-J1 n bi5Q, naki bedbug n yip the arm(s) tv Ab6k,me6k4 bedding plants n flak beehive nbba1,Eikti6k, ef;k back branches to makea path beetle (gen term) n ftft6a1 in the bush tv want kind. of --- n ad66d3, ben, the body forwardtvmike

di6.,fzih.n1, t1ist,113 the body over .stiffly tv befriend tv fan flak begtvb66236. kpel a bowtvk66k1 fortv b66Q6 down a branch tvmaaki beggar n beer,16 far overiv telp36 beggedaj beer36 the headtv meekl, begging n 1366236 iwa t beginning n the legs/limbs- tv behalf S.7:,S5t ^(7,e,"14,-Yhtly tv Phwa: on your Atak 494

over so as to expose the dfGk, bkireh, ek6613 buttocks tv dftlt, kpbxlig elAk dybp, Lt6; ibi6m, 1660, --- over stiffly tv AAbk ikpe ffia13, inden, isim, a part of the body way over itaen, kh, m660, tv n.hg6 Asasak, AtiraakplIbm, Sian, bkandh, slightlyiv th sat, sidak, sUL, titz3, Abe, Adlida beneath ndeak birth n mind benefitn f3n place, nbsion, mana bent aj kbb6, nakl day of nmand, dsen become iv kbbO, kbm, nlIg6 give to tv man become overiv me6k1 biscuitn hash,Aye become stiffly over ivAtk6 bite tv, n d6m besidesprep fbp, sf6 bitter (in taste) aj dbr61 1 bet tv kbp become-- (in taste) iv d6r6 betray tv bia become (angry) ivt5g6 betweenprepbfav cassava n dbr61, ivy& bewildered, make tvkak kind of cassava akpana biblen abasi, be hikpa bicepn Adip ' kola' (kind of fruit) n bickeriv kbb6 efiat bicycle n enh, leafn dbr61 bigaj &kat, dike, ekh2, ekaibi, kind of leaf n sf6, taxi 2 &pat , 148, kpon, tikpit bitterness dbr61 become iv kp6n bivalve, kind of n bkbilkb people n kpon black aj bird, kim1, ebn talk n kb-0 '--' (without oil or with little bilen dbr61 fish or meat) aj kim billy goatnakp6 (61360, db6t become iv'bird, kimil bind tvb6p cook '"soup'. tvAferd together .tvfat birthmark n bird bird (gen term) n inan dyen bird kind of abasi, abibyai, paint n bird hake, akddh, akikak, 6,y8p, blackened aj egen b6m6tikkA., bAg6 ddkp6, &are, blackish aj 'fen 495 blacksmith n tim become ivsire ---'s bellowsnbire, tim blood n Abdra, in1áá, ylibe 'black-eyed pea' n bk6ti bloodline n bbn bladder n Mu& bloodshed n bbm, fiyd blade for shaving n dkddguo bloody blanket n birkket deathn fayd blaze (of the eyes) iv din,sakiin a way advfdyd upiv bipe blouse n afki, tab, id6m bleachtv, iv kp5k6 blow ivfame bleat iv, n tvflt2 bleediv w).6 --- thenose tv fihrd,iwd6 tv sie ontvfit2 bleeding outnasal mucus tv fihr4 from-the gum n 'ddi6g6 ritual n it673 --- out through the nosetv blemish tv bicim fiard n Adid61 a. trumpet tvfit2 bless tv d13131 at; db6k a whistle tv blessing ndiij, dbt, f6n, blow db6k --- with the fist nith blindtv &1n, silt check a -- tv db6k become -- iv Ren, bbm6 give a tvita, t61 become partially -- iv Arlen, blunttv tibe tape aj tip1 man nafign, dw6, nan become iv tip1 person who is in one eye edge .of a knife n edem, kbtl

n tipe boasttvdaaak, inda, kbtl, w66k blindlyadv nan boaster nAwe, kbkbbibkb blindness n kifien, boasting n daaak, kb-0 blinktv &len, kep body n idem blisteriv, tv, n bipl boilivfit2 tv blistered, becomeivfabr6 tern 2 blocktvb3.3)3, 13330, silt n b6t, fit blocked aj sire kind of n ewdd, idaz' k?t1, 111421 &NM,dicPG13 496 bold, become 'terriblyivafign, bow, the head tviwdbt,nabkl fia13136: ttak bone n akp6 bowl n tsen bonyajkdai calabash , to bail with nfa') become iv kdai European type of n b6wit dry and ajikir6k box tvite, t6p book n wet box nakebe, akp6g6 read a tvk66t2 boy child nayin, áwó book overnighttvdkal boyfriend, my n dd6 booked overnightaj brag iviina, kpap, nam 'bootlick'tvddk braid hair tvd3k2, idet, bore a holetv kip brain n &fire bored, make iv kak n bdt6,iwaot born, becomeiv man have s tv /wait borrow tvwil6t branchivtrik6k, sllan borrowedaj bee0 n ek6k, wake boss n izb6m offiv wake., wtujivi bothajdiuje.2, 'lb& es cut when land is cleared bother tv &fan ek323, ben, ek613, ES.kp64t finti, kip, edna es on ape aybp n15kGm ilybp n fine, brass plate nakpiu3kpiug bottle ntid6d6, ekpeme braveajdege bottle opener nfella become ivdege bottom nefut, dk6t man n.a.k6 bottommostajis613, nita bravery n Ak6 bread nty62 boundary nadtugt 'breadfruit'n birefd4t, shwasawa on a farm n ik6t 'African ' 21adliu3 bountyn. f6n breadth n b1313, dbam bovine n eneA -wiseaj, adv db8m bow n breakiv bam6, bdrp36,_ kipe, -legged, become iv kat tv bbm, Walla -leggedness r.. n kat away iv kipe -legs n kat a law, tvbet, biaat 497

offtvb66k i; forth tv si6 off the head of an abire misfortune ontv. n3m6 yamtv beek =-Shameontvs6nn6 off a littletv 1366k /to tv26k1 open tv bbm togethertvfat

/ a taboo tv bet, biltat .br/Oke throughivsite //become (insolvent).iv up (of a meeting) ivstigma esit, t61 up in confusioniv bibm6 broken aj bbm6, btigm6 up a meetingtvsahn become iv bbm6, bi.10336 breast neta brood (think) ivker6 bone n 6sit broom, kind of n ayh, ifl6t, breath n Ibifik e66k ridiy641 become short of iv b6n broth ndf6r6, f6b6 draw a tv di k, Qw66k brother nayin, bir6, eke, take a deep tvk66t1, 4"66k 's daughter n in6, fabor6 breatheiv, tve66k ---'s son n .in6, likGt a quick short breathtv n et6 13w6k brown- aj (Ulna 2 breeze n fimfit become ivdemi bribe tv0,6, t4p1 dye &Ian n 6dem, bwb, 1.S.b6k brush against tvdaep6 money n aktik / take a tvdia, bwb offtv da.6p6 bricks, lay tv AfGk brutality nfayd bride n, d6 'buck up' aagn, kdadga, bridge n b6p buckle tv kpagi of the nose n iwil6 belt n kpaga briefly adv bib, ikG bucktoothed person n 6det, wa6 bright , bud iv, seg6 become iv, 33wiu36. buffalo not----- aj t3Q61 'wild n tim 1)rightness n 137M6. 'water n tim bring tv dat, buffle tv w613 498

build buried, becomeiv b46 a fence tv fair burn iv dege, yit ishouse tv b6p, tv tá, yat tif;k burnt aj saki building, governmentn lif;k become iv saki :'bulbul'.(kind of bird) n ekirdA --- wood n tbk2 bulge iv mak6 burst iv bbbro, wipe (of the cheeks) iv md4k tv Wet (of a pocket) iv ekpat --- the eye tváfIn, tape the eyes tvAfign, mann6 openiv stall\ on the raffia palm trunk n .out of ivsite hulk, dk;t bury 'tvbatk ---s on the side of the head nbush n ik6t sik6k, inat butter tree' nebgn bulletnkáij1, Mkpdsi cane' n ibiritem bully tv db6k kind of cat n&tan bump tv 0.aga kind of fowl n&same, linen into tv bbrom6 =--- mango' n 46 s on the neck after shaving --- pig n edi n idgt, k3t1 rat n ekti 1 bunch n áyo kind of rat n Mien of ea, leavesn tag4 -- wasp n &kph, kplIllt .1 of bananasn itu heart of the niba of leaves stacked for section of nikpege shredding nthm2 thick n awbki (ikbt), bairo of palm frond midribs tied that is being cleared ntem up for a broom n Eiyg4, tam2 of intermediate agen kpeene --- of plantains n ital clear tvtem orderly n thm2 cut tvtem bundle n abak businessn bage ---- .ofcloth(es) n afki, --- loss ntigide, talc, bah tied so that the. contents become bad(of iv lIdta are not visible n failure in n triglide buoyn,1báz, watim lose in tvtak

'51.6-., 499 busy forbailiig outn: tbp, become/look iv dtikpb fora buoy n ikim, butconj6,d6 .hvratim butchertv-bak2 forcupping. n 'ik6p2 butt intvlkg, kp6p6 --- fordrinking palm wine n 01.1kGt butterfly (gen term)n fordrinking water n k6p6 ikpilfibptifibp forgiving enemasc.n bb, kind of ---nafbi3, 6kp6 k6bel buttocksn6filt, itit for keeping gunpowder nik6 move so that the look flat for serving palm wine n ikiba iv 'milk citlamity n, afan (ekb13), ay6g6 buttontvkpage., &and ek6k1; nan nifunand calf of leg n Adip buy tvdep call' ivb?n cl'oth for elderly rela- tvbbijr, k66t,kpbbki tionstv' kim nk66t2 buyingajdel) ---- back a cursetv kam market n etdUt by nametv6.w6, k66t2 downfabituntv biam by prepk42- bypasstv f1113136 down on tvstai:36, tkpla bywordn. ontvsbA136, t6mm6" use a tvtifibt onilibiamtv biam taunt with a tv Afibt t. someone..a nametvsit5Ak say as a tvt6b6, 't6g6, called,. bedomeiv ker6 top callous on a monkey's buttocks cOiti calm tvsbAg6 cacio.tree 21 k6kb nfit2 disease of the. kbk62 ajdbb6.e cactus ..n.6t6,. kim become ivdbb6 cajoletv kpeekl.,:thP1 calmly advdbb6 Calabar .Aaabib, filk cane (plant)n 6138132 calabashn.feti ik6v.ikPGk, 'bush ntbiritem kind of nlikdk,-.1.1kp6k cane (stick)nMAKI, ikpi (1.1kbt) A.lit4amiliasur


canine teeth n eat, awda a child on the hip tvayin, cannon nat6lbe fag canoen Abom on the head tv Wpm conical shelter in a piled uptv k6g6 ibiti, Atom something too heavy tv cross-seats of nthkp6n6, kpapá Ab6m under the arm tv fágá helm of n Ptak carve tv War2 cap (hat)n item out tv ká, tipe,ttiv:361 cap (in a gun)ntiap ----skillfully' tvs61 klib6 cashew n kasti 0 Capsized, becomeiv car nthm6tO cassava_ (gen term)niwa carbolic acid n kab;t kind of nakpana,kpa, careiv -kere, k6m akp6 ekb edbia, iwa, nem '21 kpeme bitter ndOr61, iwa --- for tv cold boiled sliced n 1w, tit not ----iv kp66n6 folded in laves and boiled take tv sAAk n too much nbeen fufu nIwá, fitbrbrb, careful .kpip, Ask become iv Men, den, poorly prepared n kpeme, tat ifià (iwa) become of what one gives roasting n f6p,Iwá tviwa, outiv bat strain lb k1 carefully -advsAtk waste material of strained carelesslyadv tiiege iwa LI caresstv 11613136 partially harvested plotn, carfare nWalk, ds114) fk6t, ki)eene carpenter n kabintb. cast the eyesabouttvafign, carried away, get (fig)iv tii.p6 rJwaYa carrytvben. castratetv si6 about (a worry)tv bibm castratedajs16 a child on the backtv ---- billy goatnsf6 ayin,.wbb6 'casuarina tree'net6, fi 501 catfl; akp6bsi, wa,ban& ceremony n nem \anyof the big s iiekpa of the eating of newyam n kind, of bush nittan sunk catapult 11 itkpG, ktirj1 certainlyaldvfit 62 cataract on the eyentikp6r6 cesspit nirit6 catarrhn a6x abbm, fipl chain catch kind of akp6n6 in the arms tiromCun sn kbp 'in the handstv kp6p6 chair n p6, tie sight oftv kit with rests n up totv bine, sime chalk nlidOm caterpillar (gen term) xi ittitit challenge ate.; aye, kind of n n 1,ay& kbi3, t61 chamber potnstina2 cattlenenalu chameleon nttictibe kind of nenalj, kkm6 chance, do by tvdue causetvneim sim changeivkptig6 n Mak tv kapa caution clothestvalb]) exercise in speechiv moneytvbakb., dázá fait, intia --- totvkàpá cautiously changed in color, become 'iv do ' to avoid,noticeiv 7 ?Lan ein, ijw66n character xi dix;" bad 7-- ndt, cavity n al3a.1 ceaseivbibrZt, sOp; tire have a bad iv . esit have a good iviemma tv tire , have a, mild, gentle iv to leaniv beere 1 celebiatetvclaire charcoal nIctiq celebration nniun charm (for protection)n kpeme cement *blocks :11ItIát, lif;k ki.'nd of nabg6, ità centipede niibaftibe put on a tv gwea3 Young ndtk, tit6x3 chasetvbine n bine 'cerastes' s(kind of snake) n ibom C, 502

chasing nbine: chickennlinen chastity belt, kind of nkin4 egg :n hkAgt chatter ivIna., ke41, Apt hitwk naktikti6, ase.sai pox: kia31 cheap /,.

become MO to oversupply. cloaca/hindquarters of ivbigitl kplip linen cheattvdid, tt\k3 gizzard of n'..6.ktingt cheater n wild nfk6t cheating nnitM, tic3 young nba.k3 ,by tawat`il chief- n itb;64 check- a blowtvkek2, Abv341, become' ivtib66Q- db6k clan iiaktikti, 3ish check on a traptvyep ;hat of itam,1113;64 checker boardnadtikpbk n iwubt checkers ( game)ngubikpbk chieftancynlib;613 chigger ild613 cheek niftik kind of -- n 'ildit6 have bony siv 'i6f& child n iiyin

bulge (of. the___,--s)iv zfaftik act like a . ivseg6 boy n etw6 n tlye girl EtW6 uptvis61, tat small .;.netbk chest (anat)n11.1016k esit, young nsege 4sit, kpanti childbrith nityln, man, tikot pain n bitik easy ns6p chavrotin 21 es3 childhood ñ dyin 'chewtvddek, to childish ---- happilytv&Mk act/become ivsego with the mouth full, iv childishness. n= seg6 children n13.dit3 chewable 's ekp6n ayin, ekp6 thing n have easily/often/quickly eat something tv tit tv.dl 6t chewing stick nakSk have goodlooking tv .1.1k6t 503. chimpanzeen idiGic citiz n n ayin,, chinn ebek civet cat n akikb 'chisel' for tapping palm wine clan iddlit, (ikpA) n 6nan choice n mek chief naktikti,is613 choketv&fiat it6i, k6136, council n(ikpd) 12313, seti,sin 15'833 choking, cause tvset1, y66n1 clap (of thunder)ivt6p choosetv rabic the handstvkuak, kpeu02, choosy, become ivmbk tibOk choptvkbial,kpike, sti6g6 classnitkpb choppedaj'kela6, s4.p, sti6g6 'clavicle, hollow ofafara., tike become ivsti6g6 claw n hbarri Christmas clay feastn istia kind of Adtituj, af6n, lidOm; - New Year's season n zisarj, ASSIL kapd plate ntiki813, tsan church nabas3, ad4r6, tifak pot nakb, tilcp8t,), eldern abasi, dA,tif;k cleanajsane servicen 6der6 become ivsine churnabiiktv d15.6g6 outtv k66r6, tipe churning uptvd6p61, k66r6 2 stick for abakndti6g6 cleanness nstrata cigarette n kasidet cleartveb.zati circleII4kpa, karti (jump Over)tv (drawn)nbbb become iv4%336. (for a game or danc0n -away tvd6p51 aka bits of 'soup', from a plate of grass or clothused. asa tvkp6On headpad n kith \ --- bushtv ik6t, tem dance in s ivitamb.2 Danatvik6t go. around in ivhdtmb,2 oneselftv form a tvakti,t61 out weedstvisS4, Ifibi6t1 Circulate a scandaltvt6b6, vvg.inme, t6p, tiffOt the throattv it64, lagulno, 504 cleared, bush that is-being closed ik6t become iv kag6 clearly, not adv ram off aj Amiga clench the handtvfit1, Ab6k clot (of blood) iv b6g6 clever cloth n afbi become iv fibk kind of n Akate, kim, person n ftw6 'kpae, 111E138, ybOyi cleverness 'n fibk stuffed into a child's pants climb tv d66k as-padding against a beating n downivish kin6 down by sliding on the belly to cover foodnatimakasa, tvfapa used for sacrifices and a tree .by putting the arms libations nkim1 around it and moving up on the --- wornby mourning widows n bellytvfap 1141 clitoris n itit, xtiyin worn over the wrapper n cloaca, chicken's n dkp4 witind linen decorated to cover food. clock. n 15kin/ki fdk clogged ,-' dye tvwbt becoMe (of the nose) iv loin isin, ebbb6

b6p, iwd6 piece of----- 21 ikpir6k close threadbare n fibi become iv barj stain tv wbt become /stay to iv digni clothe oneselftvb6b6 close tv kak clothes n afki ek613 tv 6k641, kak bundle of n eka the eyes and turn the head put on tv ddk, 0416 fbr6 aside tv kiip iecond-hand n sat in tv,b6,gLi2 special - n lama the mouth tv fat take off one's tv fabr6 sib: offtv baga.2 wear tvddk, db136, sine with a cover or lid wear fashionable tv king

5Z2 505 cloud, storm ndi66k, fi6613 palm n kap, isip cloudless sky n ikpa, ft6633 palm frond; nisip, libak clouded in color; become.iv cocoon n t6v61 cocoyam n cloudy ajr3,1 kind of !n asimekgt, clown iv '13r36 flak& clowning 3n zSd6k, ity36 folded in leavesand bbiled club (weapon)n 6kp6Y6m nkpite I. cluckivkilt leaf of ; n 15kGi3 1 attv s6t_ main tuber of , nekgt clucking n sat subsidiary tubers of n6k6k, cluster 41olic of eben fruits nakpettik young curled leaf -of 6ben, tiya 15ktikti6 of ekav snails n coffee (beverage, tree)n kbfi ekti.Sv coffin n akebe, 6kp6 of oil palm fruitsne.yapcoilivw6.i3e. 'of orangesnay; tv33win of peoplen- dAbk of python ne.sabS, ikpb coaln 1[6,131 coiled, becomeiv eine, wituvi, tar n coin, kind of n anini dad, nttlebe coarse-textured fipl become (of a three-leafed (catarrh)ngu-i66 iftb6m, yam)ivs6n become .ivtam, thebe cob (maize)nitkpgtkpit, tikpatok feel iv ttbb6 cockn have a ivthebe cockcrow, first nakikb, collapseivWt)Ar6 cockeyed., becomeiv62ign, fimmcollar cockeyednessnLinen bone n6kpa,ta, rikp6n6, it613, cockroachnthfgra itkpfittt, 15kir6i) it;13 cocoa (beverage)n k6k6 wooden for a hound nekptilit coconut n- -isip; kttre, collateral' n b3.313 a n inn put up ---tv sin groven alb& putting up n bibq 506

collect tv diapd,k31, tal31 with tvkeene here and theretv taina comfort tv s.n.g6 into a bulk or heap tv n 013 comforted, become iv sillIg6 collector n lob coming outn w46 tax- 21bb commandments n bet collide withtv bOmM6 commit suicide by hangingtv it6)1, colonial officer, whiten k6nsin yire color n&Ian, k6d3, bkem common ,sensen ikike, mend become changed/faded in ivcommotion n Itkpeti, time mien make a tv sin, timmel bright non-red n AtO communal house n af0 have many EN ivwere companion, travelling n seed renew the Oen companionship n duk, shivi comb n sir& company n duk, hkel, shiji the hair idet, sari -compassion n mem --- of a rooster nekikb, 6facompassionate, become iv mem come iv di, se.336: compensate tv) bikd,nbl, dsieene aliveiv seere compensation n lisieene, dt6m and go iv kin compete ivd6m61, mii, ndubi backiv1366, h61, timm competition nd6m61, it6k, &lad

by (acquire) iv 12444 running n liddba Idown iv diet, a ?y6 complain iv seeme from tv to complaintnseeme

0101101=0 in bege complete aj afire, y6g6 off iv fbrj6 tv y6g6 out iv w5.6 become iv kem, sop out (of a celestial body) Completelyadv keet,ukeet iv m6nn6, saki compound n atdig, ikdeere out of the wateriv Mime rear of a n ek6 to tv di compress tv mix] to drink palm wine iv n33g6 conceited, becomeiv k6k6

'to pass iv sb. conceive ivita, y6mm6 through bad timesiv bbk6 concern' ,tv > biggi

524 507 concerned consideriv, tv kere become--iv bege. a mattertv116, kere become withtv- Isere considerationn concludeiv blbr6 consolation 21 dbljtesit conclusion n tire console, tvb6k, d3.13, estt of an argument/debaten conspicuous part n tikp6 bibr6' conspiracy n bring to a tv bibr6 conspireivhex, d313 condemntvtip1 constipated, becomeivdguj, d33r6 confident, becomeivkb231 construct a frameworktvk-paná 1 confinetvbaga2, construction of palm fronds for for fatteningtvktlk, storing yam or cocoyam n iikp6r613 confined, become ivkiag6 consult, tvt3t confinement for fattening n a divinertvkàá kik, 031)6 containtv confirm, tv s66136 contained, become iv d3136 conflict, verbal n container n akpoki 1 scomfortnesit for measuring oil n d6m6 confused ajtimmel for storing salt n15kella confusion 21 time calabash n1k6, ikp'ak cause tvammel, timrael any small to drink from n congealed, becomeiv b6g6 ik6 congenital mark ndat, !nand contempt congested, become ivedge. make a gesture of --tv 1861 congratulatetv k66M mi6m conscientious make a sound of tvsitiama, become' about tv 1:4Ak, si66p iwat continueivis61 kite consciousness, loseiv stk6 in timeiv kpbbne consequenceiitip1 ----- to doivdibi32, siik consequentlyadv. tidicin to 'dwell in a placeiv d.1113 conservative old-fashioned not ived4a, tinime2,* thlk personnbeet

5.Z5 508 contractiv 13wine become and damp ivdein& tv breezen fit2 the bodytv)31vin down tv sk the face or mouth in dis- coolness nfit2 gust or distastetv.min 'cooperateiv b6k, lib 6k, contrariness nkpilk6 'cooperative society n Mat, tkal contrary, becomeiv kpuk6 copper contributetvearn, tipl platenakp6.ljkpal3 money tv Walk rod n 3kuk, se.06. contribution nearl, tipl copula do1 contributive society ntip copulateivktii3 control copulationndgu3., kt the mouthtv fiat Ina core of a tree n 6vv;13 exercise tv Mat cork 21 slit have tvme coi-n. (maize)na.kplikpa relinquish overtv fake, silknitkprIkpa, ityerlye conversation nneme corner n.b1.613, nO.Akl, ttil362 private nada made when a door is opened converseiv neme, 216 . n convex, becomeiv karin6 street nb1613)36, 1121113 convey informationtv distant/concealed of the convinced, becomeivmen, tare. backyardnfiten1 cooktvb6k, tbm inner of the eye n Linen in hot ashestvbim,tIlk2coronet, wooden n akp6n, .di3136 a rich souptv6.f 6r6, corporal n k6brb.,.1dLik1,yire 1 kiug lance nudukl,yire a smallqUantityof rich corpsen.adtikp6, akp6 soup tv efere, ybm correct, becomeiv nen 'soup'black'tv&fere correctlyadv f6n cooked ajbi6t1 costtv become -- iv bi6t1 costly and scarceajs6b6, cooking spoon n 166m6 costume n b6b6 cool "ajdeigle cough ivk6i become iv. de)3336,fOrs..5 k6)3

526 509

dry n sat oneself tv

whooping n, ebSk its stick (of a plan council biek of elders n (ikp6.) profusely tv t-deke isG33 :the top tv Ara meeting n sObb6 covered representative nisGrj become iv flig6, kdb6 clan n (ikp6.) is313, become all over iv yere

_village become on topiv yard counc illor n sebb6 become' with iv yI6 count n bat partly aj, adv wenn& countenance 21 kp6, is61 covering counterfeit ajf6p, ktu5tà atthe base of an oil palm money n kaiStà fruit n bana thkpal countless aj anti natural 21 country n b6t, ddia, ithi1t, isS4 surface n bta, our n itch things usedin n ftlk6 courage n .ak6 covet tv 611en, &sit, it64, sin courageous, become iv eti covetousness n di66k course of a stream nidiml, lik6tcoward n d6g6,dan court nafe,sebb6 become a iv deg6 case n kp61 cowardicen dege, (nn,mem clan n sebb6 cowardly, become/act iv db.en, hear a case n kpel mem settle a case tvkpel, co-wife n.rjwolon, fib62 2 Om 'cowpea' n 6k6re sit on a case tv sebb6 crab n is6b6 transfera case to another crack tv bem, kpak, nemm6 tvkp61, sib n C withdraw a case tv -- palm kernels tv beet, isip,

sib IrPOk cover tv ftik,kae, kilp knuckles tv n filk6,kttp melon seeds tv bt, Dan one's own head tv Ara in the voice iv situik,416

, 527 510 cracked, become ivsays crippleniibbn cradle, kind of nben . crippled craft n tis; become ivblia3136 crafty manipulations .ncab state n bakp36 cram food in tv bime crisp, dry andajfirk 1, cravetv d623 wilt criticism nd6k6 craving, cause a tv wat criticizetvbah.1341, blist icrawcraven fafitt crocodile nafibm, dtbk, .hb6m on the head21 thbGia kind of nibis; crawlivf5.63n, tout cry tearstvakikb, crawling n m646 k P-1 crayfish (gen term)n abu crookedajku xja, k3b6 kind of n become iv kila strain tvkeia1 roadsn kdka., dsd13 waste from 21 keial crosstv.biy6, Thip36, fAr6, 1, craziness n dam& k66k kpisgS, crazy, becomeivdame., dilbn, beam n \t664 iwdOt the fingers tvk66k1, kpe.132 person n Aw6 -hatching on a roof n mie, act the legstvk66k1, kpage., go iv nit& Ak6t in. a manneradv damma over tvlaulu36. creation nbet, b.we. a roadtv hir6, tisk creator nb6t robseyed,-becomeivmien, fimme, creature which stretches across ,kde46. the river or sean crosseyednessn even, flmm6 klIktbarti.kpa cross-seats of a canoe n creditor .nbb,isuA crouchiv kdb6 creep (of plants)iv bibk crowiv.kpbk3 creeps, have theiv dien6 for the first time iv crestn bfa 416 cricket n crown crier, village nkpbk6 of ropen is lit6kir6k, Atom chief's.---n 511

crudeajfay6, call back a tvkam, si6 -- oil n &Ian, 1884 curve n bibia cruel, become ivbail, &sit in the road ntstxj crumple curvedajnalak1 into powdertv ttgak become iv kt1613á id8m into powder tvAdam. customn As41 tv As41 s 'n'd61 crunch tvk-dek our s n-itch crush tvmin customer n 'crushed, becomeiv mi.nne cuttv kp66136 crustacean, kind ofn AVG., badly tv bak2 4km àbi bush tvtom cryiv :Vitt tilá I down tvkek2 crocodile tears m66136 hair with scissorstvfeet outiv bbli in frontivis61,kpike crring.n/bit intotvkpl, sep feeble childn into large piecestvb1bk1 bktiek Ask crybaby ' n, ajayin, into sectionstvbibk1 cucumber 21 k6k;mba. into unequal piecestvblokl cult of ekpo society n6kp6kpi a large portiontv kek2 cunning person n2766n off tvkpike 1- cuptv1k62,yit off (remote),aj?maga n k63p off the end of a periwinkle cupping cal.abash n 1k6p2 tvkp612 curetvib6k, kbb8, k6k : palm fruittvtop n fb6k -- palm fruit from the clustertv cur). up the limbs t-v. dal, kptik current n away& (Ifim3513),m660, sparse palm fruittvkp3313, s6p,,tilc6t saak

.of a stream n, 'idml a thin slicetv f6mm6 cursetvbigun, kam, si66n, dal this way and thattvse') s.6.11136, tbk throughtv kpike n kam, rnIè,sti1136 through many timestvsop 512

through with a single strokedaretvate, aye, b34, dee, tvbib mlá up tv nate, Aye up ajsep darkajkiml witha glancing motion tv become iv ayib,kiml kptrug be a nightivdisk with a sawing motiontv darknessnkiml y66k before dawn kiml, leviu3a with scissorstv fat in adv mmtinm cuticle infection n ayiya darting eyes, state of having n cutting edge of a knife n deg6 &ten dash about in a flurry ivtin 'dash' (give)tv sin, ilb6k dab . tvd6p61 n sin dam n Mcpe daughter up a streamtv fek,idiml of brother/sister nins, damp tab6r6 become cool and iv c1613306 first-born n adiage., 6k613, dampness ndein6 &tub ikpa danceiv, tv nek, y6n fourth-born n astiz3vva,Az7ii n nek second-born n 2, kind of ngibai3 abir6, third-born nEwa iteva, ayib,ed6m\ ekpe,itethbe, dawnivtlyib, etuDit, sier6 n416, siere y66r6 1, with specific stepsiv darkness before n kim y66r6 eit134 with undulating 'movements day (twenty-four hours)n risen iv milk before businessn ad6r6 welliv kpike, edem of birth n mama, risen do a little ofdelight following n edbm nek, s6n, tukc, y6n previous n edem outing of a --- troop n w116 three s past or future21 WM dandruff n kp6k6 two -'---s past or future nedbm darie gun nAdak, elm% ik6t, of the week nAdila inan,kiu3/ daydream ndaps

530 513 daylight n aya --- oneselftv were periodn wd &me decorationn baud dazetvy6rjj6 have a-- iv were deadajadiikp6, kpal decrescentmoon nweek animalntikp6 deep aj tthj62 body n addkpit idem become iv n6613, t402 man nitkp6 have a voiceivtiTIO nearly ajkpal defecate ivikotkati, tbr6, deafajroan tiddrua 1 man ndw6, Irian need to iv 633, deafen tvsilt, tit613 defectnAdid61 deafness ninan defendtvdobr61 deathnkp6.1 deficiency disease in children n approaching ajkpal b6y6 debtn isk) deficient person 21 Wye be in iv degradetvgyhtg6 try to collect a by delaytv bleat, ini dunning tv isj nka2u:a d.c. (district commissioner)n long nini, kpeen4 diisi deliberateajk63.1, nam assistant ndiisi, --- mischiefnkoil ekpirb deliberately, doivkbil decapitatetv bib deliberateness kO3:1 nam decayed, become ivApe delicacies ndituaa, lid166n deceit nbia.64d diolicious, becomeivntiim6 deceivetv y6:433 deliver a eulogy tvese, te.132 deception nbititru36.,fittka, aunt demand Yak- become in iv name.,s6b6, deceptiveajfidka tab, decidetv b33r6 demeaning, becomeivsag6,1 decision 21 bibr6 denialn k642 gathering for 21 ika Make a gesture of deconiposed, becomeiv hi-to ilsa 13W64 a - decorate tv Una,dbp61,diQ make a statement of word of emphatic n fisá devastatetv s6b6 dense aj bhg developtv, iv fbr6 become --- iv AAA) devoid of purpose aj Ayagti densely spacedadv bhg devote oneself to tv iwat4sin deny tv keel sin dew n dep, &bare., Adek \

onselftvm14, tAk3 INA dexterous, become manually iv I itAsi s6p, 1M6k departiv aka diarrhea n idip, sit, t?r6 depressed, become ivtike .kinA: of n idip; tá depression n tike cause 'to have --- tv s16 descendivdiht, isxj, sbyt, die iv &fere, bet, dAbk, ItP16.1, ten gweek descendants nik6t, tint differiv kpAg6 in a single bloodline n difference n kpAg6 ekpiik\ different .aj sit desirable, something n idi66n become iv kpAg6

desire n_ degi ittg kinds n kdst, ddddk cause a in tv wdt differently adv sit strong-ç-for what one does difficult aj, .1 not have nd6r6, ittg ,become iv fi, kphhp1 destiny n káigd, Awh kpAApi, sleek,stg, y6r6 destroytv bleat, dia, sebt, difficulty n bábá, 116,Tian

wilAt . serious n linen . balancetvfeek digtvd3k1 destroyed, becomeiv blare, --- a hole tv tipe, Abe

.talc out tv bAk6, kip, td.gg6' 1 .destruction nI.. stbe up tv dbk ,-tire of lifen bllat up the earth tv kip, Is pointless n bier& --- 'up i'oots tv t61 destructive up sand tv- tire become ivbhk up somethingabout,a person, --- person nbilat tv ápá1 destructiveness n d66m digestiv thk; yeeme yeet.' determined, become iveti digit (anat) nfintitin 2 dignity n tee234 of the cacao tree n lak6 dimaj nan diseased condition dimly advinfbbn ifn, nazi of the edges of the mouth diptv deep,'Mini n bê& out tv tape. of poultry n 2S842 dip (depression) n tike of the skin on the legb 1 direct tvtame n Atim a persontvtemme, dsdio disfigure tv biom directly in front of, becomeiv disgrace tv xd6k, saenne,t61,. 1861 n sanne dirtnbit, kpeen, 61,16,sage" disgust dirty tvkpeen, sipe cause tv d16ri6 aj bat make a facial expression of become iv bat,8441 tvmin food tvwipe) makea sound,of tv sid&md, disagree withtv MAO.1 si63p disagreeabledi Ablat something which causes disagreeably adv dl 6n6 disappear iv n1m, nx,s6p. disgusted 1 disapproval, make a sound oftv become iv clObre

s166p / feel iv 416216 disapproving / expressionn 1861 have a ---- look .on the face have,a expression on the face iv mAdm iv 1861 discerntv m2.26 dish (plate)" n disciple n bet with no covern fat, ikp;It discipline tvtuna breakable-, 'novel, or decgrative discriminate tv Awes, sat n discriminationn sat disly (food) discuss in a grouptv tá22 kind of nakpakpa, ikpAn, 1 disease ka231, k6kr maimai, m66236,tilk kind of ----nAkpasak, alc* dishevel tv Ethan bey, bilk,&d2, ç1t2,Ilcpalcdp,dishevelled aj b16k6 1gn, Ita, ká231, A 623 yok become ivbi6k6, sdige 516 dishonest business practicesn disrupted, ajbi6k6 bwb become ivbi6k6, sUnd disintegrated, become ivbtt6 disruption n suer dislike tv sue dissolve ivyeet dislocate tv k6k6 distaste, make facial expression of

the knee tv 6d.613 tv min the shouldertv. Afar& distasteful dislocated, become .1 iv dObre have a expression on the 1 k6k6 face iv is6 mdlim dismantle tv- kp6k distill tvf6p disobedience n tit, lit613 distilled palm -wine n f6p disobeytv mi6m, niin distribute in bits tv .t6t6 an order tvmi6m, district disordertvbi6k6, buk6, suer, commissionerndiisi ti mm 1, Walla 6 officer n dig n bi6k6 disturbtv f6p6, sik6, sd6k6, disorderedaj bi6k6, blik6 time, td11136 become iv bi6k6, ditch nube Buena, time containing water n iikpg disorganize tv wiat dive iv, nnim disown tvsin divide tv bekg,, sidak disperse a crowd tv swan among tvdeeme 1 disposition n d6 divination n di k16 1 good n d6 mem diviner n di3136, able,Ak.h, inch", mild nst Mfg have an easy-going iv d61, consult a tv ke.e. mem, sk divining have a gentle, mild iv sub objectn d6m61

dispute tv niin. . society devoted to n diki6 nfake use of juju for n d6m61 disregard tv mi6m divisiOn n baket disrespect, showtv s6ian6 divorce tv :Aertigan,,d6 disrupt tvwiat n d6 a.meeting, tv 'sten a- woman tvsin 517 divulge secrets tv bigt doubtivse dizziness n sib136 tvdibk, niin, yik cause tvsib236, y66n1 n yik dizzy one's wordtvikS, niin

become iv =hi, sew0, have s abouttvdibk , y613136, ydt doubting ndibk feel iv fepe, sib136 dove (bird) n ibi6m

give a sensation tv y613136 downslope n digtt, stook make tvy66n dragtv cat d.o. (district officer)n diS --- along ivein do tv nal around iv ein, w66k fortv s6k1, w6t dragging aj ein with tv wginit in a manneradv ein, w66k doing a favor_ n wand with a air, adv w66k docile, become iv sUg6, si'thk draughts (game) n gtddkp5k, Asal doctor nOlgt, d6kte, ib6k, k6k 'draw' (of okra) ivd6r6 dodge iv fep draw' (pull) tv tv b6k6, fep, ik6t, ytilj --- a bow tvk66k1 'dodgernfep a breath tv dilbk dodging nfep lots tv afitt, sin dog n&rid in tvk66t1 doll, wooden n, &yin in the stomachtv eeke done up iv ein6 become (of food) ivbi6t1 up tv ein become for iv _tabs up the body or facetvfddr6 door n Adbk, tisk' up the leg tvein --- hinge n tisk up small ivfddr6 latch n kbp water tv k61, k6p6 bar/latch/lock a tv sin draw (sketch) tvdepel, dAt, mirk make a--- openingtvsi6 draw (tie) n hbanaba3 doorframe11,- ate, :time .end in a/fight to a tv ,pillars of a-- n itime 'tsii habeffibd3 doorway h Ubk, 111311JJ drawing of lotsnafii dorsal fin of a fish n :yak, drawing, make a tv t\ hick iyak dreamiv, n dipa. 518

2 dregs n itAk dropsy ri fit w palm wine n iiiik drown ivMi1n ,KI-44k 6kpAtAk tv fifin , dress n hf313, idiom drum n tar6 oneself up tv beta': kind, of hbOdom; ekh2, ekbmb up tvband, dikil beat a tv bir6 well tv b6b6' drunk, become iv ndam, lik6t 1 dressing up n dibij drunkard náw6, ndAm, likGt dried drunkenness nnaAm, tik6t p a n fd Ani dryaj &lip, sat become out iv firayj become ivsat 1 become up iv fdAn and bony aj fkir6k drink tv ijwki and crisp aj firk soup or stock from a bowl, at a heat source tv Qw. an

tvf6b6 N cough n sái drinking horn n Adik, likGt gari nwatt dripiv diht, t6i1 season ndyfe, dá drive have skinivfires away tvbin, bine duck ivnip into the groundtv tIlak tv k6k6 nailstv kblj,s\ duck (bird) n lird, unn off tvbin, bine 'duiker' nhs6, esb drive (propel) tv whtl dull (boring) aj awe a car very fast tv bArA dumbnessn imam 'driver ant' n 6k613, ik6t,' dun tvkphkl 1 thkp6 'dung beetle' n ben, fdAn , lichil, drizzle iv.4dim, sip6, whhk, lisliQ wht2 durable drop tv t61 A' become iv 864 n t6i1 sr-- person n: 561) liquid tvt6i /Ousttv aep s of moisture on trees n n dba, t61361 , del) offtv chlep of oil n t6i1 dustyaj t6461 1 off iv bk 1. become iv t6)36

536 V.4


'dwarf date palm' n inan a little bit at a time tv dwelliv chig dye away tvti kind of n ádi3.i, akdkin become unable to anymoreiv brown/yellow/reddish' tv deer6

dellua food prepared by a menstruating cloth tv wt woman tv dize dysentery, cause to have tv' have too much to tvidip sib --- in a crazy waytv tdp6 in! tiny bits tv kpiine

meat a shred at a time tv. each aj kith MU) eager, becomeiv ddAt new yamtv sak eaglen AtiraWcpem somethingtv Akp6 earn dt613 something crunchy, crisp, or early nuttytvddek 3 become iv bak , dak, s6p something hard or chewable 3 do iv bak , dak tv to very morning nbad 'something soft or liquid with earn money tv Akdk, dIá a spoon or the fingers tv dal earring nkpaga, ikp6, dtki 'sow' tvafore, dal, yet _earth- n ish up a large quantity of food dig up the tv ish tv fed earwax n&dant dt6Q with the mouth fulltv mddk easily Adv mem eaten away aj east nBakal Atin eating, corrupt ndlá easy aj mem ebb (of the tide) iv kebe become iv mem. tide nkebe make tv mem dben n eben easygoing aj mem cluster of ndkpetdk, áyG have an. dispositioniv mem mature, ripe fruit nbiro eat tvdia' economize iv; tv fatit 1 a bit at a time revolving eczema n diGQ in the mouthtvkbt2 edge n b6k5, lben 7/ 520

of the hairline n 1861 6.16Q n 6k613 of a rivern lben society n bib blunt of a knife n Mem ekpe (society) n kJ); sharp of .a knife n dege dance tvy66r6 edictn dyib ekp6 n ek6613, elcp6 educated people n tat kindofn Ayitarit,/day, 6f6.433 strips used in making 6k6il6. cult n kpi 0 mats n bud leaderndkpdn effortnd6r6, fiik, keme squaren dkdi, esi6n,eveapi make an tv bimme, d6m61, without maskn fet db,j, Nat, Ali, sin mother of n eke) make a big tv timel eladtic aj sleek make a great or sustained become ivsleek, yir6 tv d6r6 elasticity 11 sleek without advmem elbownitit, ka40, db6k Efik elder country nidulit church n dd, lif;k man nfiik council of s n isGQ egg n Aden (linen) electric chicken n jk e., tingn bulbnadektrik, kiras

'garden ' n Aria fish nadidime, ddit hatch an tv bat, mala light n 'adektrik,kdkil lay an tvtikita., sin shock n dildt eggplant nifula electricity n hdektrik bolsinekusi elephant n eniin eight numitiditd, itiOn tuskof an n eniim, Antlk eighty, num AnAA.Q elephantiasisn ikpat eject tv top elevated ektiGKI (snail) n&taxa become .iv k64 congealed secretions of landnb6t 'teen eleven numdot, keet exudate of n d6r6 elongationn lik6t shine. light to look for tv elude tv yaglad tUnne

538 521 emaciated of war n bbk6, ek613 become iv -age., tak of wing bones of dkakd6 n condition of the body n 4k61

talc tail n helm embarrass tv t61 endorse tvbet, 8660 embarrassed aj abdAt endurance n 4week embarrassment n Ad6k enduretv bb embellishment n &name enema nkebel ember n beek, administer an tvkeb61 embezzle tv dirt calabash for giving an n hob embrace tv fat take an tvidip, kebe emerge ivape, f6nn61, tikel enemy nsAa from around a corneriv enjoyable aj nem

biorjrj6 become iv nem, ndrjrj6 from obscurityiv dw6, enjoyment .n nem .fbr6 enlarge iv denne emerging n fonn6 tv revivi emit a smelliv fAbrj1 a small openingtv fibn emphatic iv'ail, kap, neke,' a slit in a fence tvfibn nib, thaga,tbm2 enlightened emphatic aj d4Q42, idem become iv afign, tat employed man n Atom --- people n tat emptyaj f6g6, kp6k6, eiguja, enough, becomeiv di6t6, ken', sop Ayriga tangle tvkbp become ivf6g6 enteriv, tv ddk box n kp6k6 at an angle, sideways iv sane _out tv egume, inam seclusion tv nam empty-handed aj tikarga, db6k --- into a leopard tvbkpg enamel plate n, kpirarj new day iv siere encircle iv Iceland entertain a.visitor tv216 tv karma, 'card entertainmentn bire 1 1 endn beim, tire entice tv kpeek , p in a draw iv Mbaitbd3 to one's death tv wbt of school term ntire entrails, part of the n Ataan, ibis

-539 522 entrance to a compound n Atop, evasive indi become iv fiaki, fi6nn6 entreat tv kpel, kpeek, db6k talknfiaka, ik; envelope n emfOdbp even aj idiom envious aj fibe advbhaba, bene, kp6k5, sdk 2 become iv &R an, d6r6, not advbene, kphio rfikpasi, 2 fibe stick environment n esi6n, mend conj kpguj2 envy tv anen, it6Q, sin if conj kphe, bk6m 2 n fib4 , it613, sin though conj sdk epilepsy n tdi evening ndylb, bire have ivtusk eventn iikp6 epileptic n fiddkpi everadv &kiwi, nem epsom salts n s6ris every aj hfiti, kua equal aj kem bitn dkeet equally adv kem timen Ithh 1 erase tv kabk6, 966k everyone n hfit errtv due everything nhfitl, Skeet errand nd6Q1, dt6m evil 21 hfhn (ekb41), bakl, bihht, run s iv kam, dt6m di66k, dt, 6k613 escape tv, nbbk6 aj hddicp6, bakl, di66k, dit escort tv sielk personn' bihht especially adv ikpan prayer,recall antvkhm, 316 esteem n bat, kp6n6 have an spirit inside iv estimate tv kel ib6k eternity n make an prayer,wish pntv eulogy n ese lam, sin deliver a. tv ese, ewe n 66)3, man European n tiw6, kari, exact unjustly tvnam tfiminiik;s exact aj &pin evade tv y4100 exactlyadv nen --- responsibility tv fi6nn6 examination n d6m61 try to tv b6k6, ik6t examine tvd6m61

540 523 exceedtv expand iv eavd in age tv864 tv eaQ4, tiara, tiht exceltv ken expanded, become ivtia.TA, tiara except conj b6g61, sdk expanse ndkpd for that conj sio of bush n ik6t excess expecttv &len, bek, k6r6, kpabe become in ivb6g61 expectation n men, bek exchange tv kpAg6 expensive aj s6rj, .hd.ha 1 excited, become iv &Mt, den become iv kid , s6b6, exclaimtv t6mm6 db6k, udua excommunicate tv du expensivenessn excommunication n expert n 6.ta2 execution n aka explaintv tame, excrementn dddia2 explode iv said. small hard balls of suddenlyiv Mgt hkpfip explosidn, sudden n Mat excuses, make iv fi6nn6 .expose execution performed by 61E1)6 the anus (for enema) tv b613236 kbQ a body cavity in a nasty or exercise iv tat ungraceful waytv bkm6 the body or limbstv, nake oneselfivireme caution in speechtv fatit oneself to iv b3Ki2 control, moderation tv to heat tvf6b6 folit exposed power overtv become -to iv b3132 exhausted . become to heativ f6b6 become iv.kpe ddit express tv k66m become, from-struggleiv sympathytv k66m d6r6 extendiv Ran exhaustion nhba tv kat exhume tv blNk6 the mouth tv in .a exist iv 6m3, ni61 extension n dkot existencen dw6m extinguish tv nime existential particle ihm3 extinguished, becomeivnim6

541 524 extort tv nem upto\\tv fiaine. extortion n nam become \to -- iv sak2 extracted aj si6 screw up the tv mitim what is nsi6 side of the n Attila extraordinary aj tipe fade iv kpa1 ,\,kp6k6 1 exudate faded of ektiGki snail n d6r6 become iv\ afien, t6136, Abre of plantain skin n failiv tire to carry "out iv kpll eyenHien to come about iv kpii blink the tv dfien to develop fully iv tipl 'burst.' the tv' tipe to need advice tv tit have fiery or shifty s iv to materializeiv kipl w el, saki to matureiv tipl waving s wide open. n Mind to rise (of pus) iv tipl inner corner of n itek to show appreciationtvbiat keep one's. s open tv ben failure 2 lower lid of n kpaig in business tagade outer corner of n tbbn to recognizen diOk pupil of n Ayin faint iv silk6 secretions of unhealthy feel iv si3i36 d6r6 one who .s n silk6 shine a light in the fainting n silk6 fibOn faintnessn 216136 upper lid of nfOt Ara cause tvsib40 eyeballn itkp6r3 liaip6r6 ann, faithn' berg thkpasi, bka, (religious) n dot eyebrowsn idet, pfikplIQeel en fall iv, n d116 eyeglassesnkir&s, mbbn6 (of a meteor) ivika apart 'iv kp6g6, waar6 downiv d6

1 2 fable n 1 te4 from a wall iv beere tell a tvkei heavily (of rain) iv aim face .n. is61 in drops ivdep 525

into a holetvdtik fashionable clothes, weartv kin6 offiv /b6k6deer()1 fast outiv. 1 b4k6 become ivs6p out of a tree vdiar5136. and carelesslyadv- dak overiviiiak6 very advk1 over tired and panting ivfastnessns6p ttlege of speech ninda, s6p short ofivstik fastentvyit short of expectationsiv fasting ndie.,tire. tip1 fatajiter falling star n ika animal 6.kp613 fallow landnik6t, kpeene become ivkpon, tibOm famen tebo short and ajskim man of n wit6 fatness nubom familiar with, becomeivm6g6 fatenesi6n, kaasje.mans,, Wina family n1k6t father nbabe., ete shrinenekp6,. Adam a child tvben backbone' of the n my n 11.56,ilte lifGk your n hs6, its6 most powerful man_ in the fathom n - esit ilfSk of cloth n6sit, isin protector of the nitidt;fatigue nitbal tifGk fattened woman n &bogs faminenak641 fattening nkuk, nlibep6 _fantv fim H housen kag6 nfim, fit13, idibi6k confine for tvifibepo fancy, maketvape confinement for nkbk, far, becomeivi6613 ilbOp6 farmtv13whia6., t61 enter tvdtik n fatiltn farmer nkiwk6, be one's iviitak farmland with few palms favor,; requesting and obtaining , adtisai36. A nd6k6 fartiv; ninta1613, Rif favorite wife n m lows1.0110 likeaj Mi fawn on = tvnek 526 feartv bhak, fag6, t64Q6 felon n ayiya, Ibex& nbahk1 dik61, t66Q6 female (7) nWan of eyenWien, Wald aj man for Of conj bitaki 1101oil palm tree dy8p, man fearful thing n 6m6n fe 21 dkp6, iw613 fearless fence have a lookiv anent Wit (built) n ak6 feast n ils6r6 (planted) n dtdia kindof nikpdn, fis6k 6,yin around a trap n Ana Christmas isa build a--- tvfadk,f 6k feasting ndid ferment tv feather n &re. fermentationnafiop --- of a chicken n 15wa, linen fern, kind ofn ayin, AsdbG, ekp6, having few ---s aj sard Mama lose s iv wilb6 Fernando. Po n aniffibo quillsn festival, kind of n ikp6 tail s n fit6 fetch tvs6k1 feces n tbr6, fever n fi6p goat for scrubbing n felaj et6k, ifh fed up fiber 1 become iv door6 dlik --- on thetrunk of the raffia make tv kak palm n idit,Afth1, taitd1 1, feed tv7.7\b66k nb1 --- on the outside of the raffia/ feeltvk'p oil palm frond n 6fik --- better \\ iv fhr6 raffia n x 5.(3.61un pity tv\,thb6m fibrous roots n. 4k6m sorry for tv oaag.6 fidget ivy6k --- sympathytv kpe fidgeting nyok not-- too keenly iv6sit, fidgety person n 'y6k s16 fierce aj dag6' feet become iv dag6 of barkn ikpat havea lookiv&Ken, at shuffle the tv lik6t fierceness n dag6 feintiv yd]g fiercelyadv 527

fiery aj kda01 become in textureiv d> g6, have eyes iv4Wen, twel d6r6 in a manner advk641 look iv yammd fifteen numhfit fingerntin un, Ab6k fifth cross the s tv hdb position n y6g6 pinky netok, itit, inaddn, -born sonn dnan fifty num 4b6t fingertip n is61, fighttv, n ednd finish tv kor6, rah a war tv 6k641, 'Paha .up the 'soup' tv &f ere, to a draw tvhbhibba3 k66r6 figure out the numbertv khi finished, become iv kller6 1 filarial swellings n bibk fire 13.- keg) filariasisn bibk, btlio a gun tvtop file (rasp) n Odeme, 4kpe be on the iv ddk, f6b6 fill tvy6g6, y6k carry tv dim film n set kindle a tv -bard;k641 filter- tv-d0.k6,sage put a torch in the tv sum 1 n- firith, bkikhn,watt set tv f6p, kilo , sin fin niydk, bk61 take tvsum dorsal niyAk, Mck iyhk firefly nAtalita 6.fi6];) finagle iv khn, db6k firewood n ifid finagling n khn, Ab6k firm, make tv 8660 find firmness n 1861, s66/36Y and keep tv 1:41 first aj hkpd, dkpdn 1112 fault withtv kbp become -ivbe , ko.i1, tO finders-keepers aj bh1 -born daughter n hdihga, finetv did, )1s61) 6k613,6nai,, ikyd n da, fdi, s6p, wddk -born son ndkpan become liable:to a iv s6p personnis61 pay a tv fii, kpe2,tipl wife n ate fine become to enter the bush iv become (healthy) ivsiiy6 ik6t, talknd66n become to speakiv ik; 528

do tv t6 fitting, become iv nen

go , iv is61 fivenumitibn fish tv iyek fix tvwddk (gen term) niyak be in a iv estt, 161 kind, of ndbbn, ddd, 0a high price tv s6rj, Ad Ah hdidime, .fb?t, hkpdk6t, Amish, a time tv dbt,ini, hmin, hnim, hni;k, 'dw6bt, bhk2, uptvdibral b6k, ebdi, edh, èki, kph, fixed ekp6rOkb, ekpAb6, ibdt, Dag, time n ini, kern ikat, ikp6m, inagd, itut, iyak, become ivw1g6

k,t1, hbime, infaio dam, ' become betweenivfdgd Mfbbb6, thman iyhk, AdZ, Ad6p6, flabbyaj dAbk6 sk, tipe, tbe, Akpdm, become 'iv dAbk6 kind of tinned-- n tinhba flamen edeme, inta,kálJ1

dorsal fin of 21 iyak, upiv blip& Wet iyak cause to up tv bipe fin of iyak, bk61 flankn iwk, Ibir3 flying n fAAr6, iyak flare up (of a fire) ivbimme smell of ivelaga flash iv, tvmIrèi smell of fresh nedga (of lightning) ivkope fisherman n iyek, kb a light on andoff tveerie fishhook nkbp, Awddm flashing aj mirk, fishing flashy aj mirk) area n ine1 flashlightn t;13 basket nekphi Asilm flat aj bard, kphhbd grounds nine become ivbard, kphhbd

1 line n 1ddk , Awadm become (of the.buttocks) iv net n yire 6ft spear n .sám land n ish, nhd 1 fist n fit , Ab6k of a knifen bard, takpdkpdna' blow with the n ith. flatten make a tv b6t,fitl, .th, a mud floor by beating it tv Ab6k ish, mid dfak fit iv-det,chik, kern, sep the top ofsomethingtheaped up tv weraio5 '529 flattertvtilk gown newira flattery ntlik become iv weem flavor n Mt/ loose and ajweem have an elusive ivfil3Q1 floweriv816 flaytv ikpe,, years h et6, firdwh, fit2' flean6wua, lidan fluentlyadvfeere fleshn Ilk flitted. pumpkin n4 if ilb6613 fleshyajitere fly ivfilb.r6 fletching of an arrow n fly fitgat (idea)) nakputim, etok, flexible, become ivd6p62,sleek AE34 flexibility n-d6p62 frUit nthfinfirm flickerivmilk, iiivene flyingaj on and offivm6nn6 fish n Mr6, iyak flimsy clothn yeks '--- squirrel'nefe flingtv foam nfit2 flippantaj focal, placeneblik become -7--ivintia, fipl fodder, goat nskim/ flirt with death ',.tvMem. fold tvfitl,kpie floativfi6r6 --- the handstvkpan2,tib6k in the air iv -fim over *t-v- 1445.132 o flocknatti folded hands Inkpri132, xibok flood tident62 fog 21 fitilghbe floorn is;* foliage lay a tv get new ---iv sege flop about -ivdtitere unspread 6.kpin flourn '13.rawa folktale ',n '1;3.5 6'0 ish fOr6 followtvbine,keene flowiv weem advicetvkop, temme2 n' the'lawtvbet,011ie, 1- in (of the tide)ivt62 follower .nbet 7 of streamsiv fie en/' sn 1k6t-, rinki cuase to tvweem following r. 'flowingajdeen day nedern onen dian, diand 530 food n dia one's 'way into kkta_ kind of n akiri by lib6k folded in leaves and boiled take. by ----tv ken nkptuj2 foreveradvmad,isirisi, tutu shortage n`,ake.131 forgettv fire large quantity of nfeij forgetful 'ajfire luxury ndituna, nd.166n forgetfulnessn fire prepare tv nam forgetting nfire share, withtv sin forgivetv aka, esIt, feen, kapa, foodstuffsndid fool aroundivsime forgivenessnaka 0 foolishajseme, sime, ttin6 foreheadnrikp6, ekbi,is61 become ivseme, sime foreign language nsemi Person. ntti.n6 foreigner nt6 question nbiP2 forestn akei 'foolishnessn sime foretell the futuretv- kit foot'nikpat,tik6t fork (of a road)nwake. and leg n\ heel of the n itige branch/stiCk n frife, on ke2 stick used for a catapult- sole of the- . neke, ikpat n- McpG, ifa football .n fit b65t, ikab6bt _fornicateivdite footfall nikpht, tim, for-saleaj Ram footloose , ajfim fortune footprintnikpat,Adel,wet tellingn .di3136 on sand ntane, good --,--n tkate, dirty ntans. teller n abie, aka, infa sandy., n tend forty num aba2 ffootracenit6k, forward, go. ivis61 footrest ndot, lik6t foundation nitak forprepkeg fourminiinhan instrumental particle anib2 fourteen num inagu3 forbid tvdil3g6 fourthaj forcenadadit, ken, ub6k, det -born daughter n

548 1, -born son n M6, d1e. porch natai,esa tzfzi66t yard n kp6, si6x1 fowl nlinen become directly in ofiv

kind of n asisal, ik6t, unen put in ivis61 fragmentnwank top two teethnedet frame ne.kPará fx7othnfit2 framework f owniv b6p, fit,fx/r6, is61, of a trapnafia, Ube taan construct a tvkpana frugalajfeat free -ajtkazjá become ---ivfaat, 1.1136k freebornn ayin, ma.ná fruitnet6, fit2, eltim citizennis013 kind of naylm, efiat, freeloadiv n5bg6 113f613, _sb.wase.we.; tidara frequently advbiuj, ladi6n bat'némf freshajfidek2, siiye fly nthfin lth become iv siiye of ijk613 aye. .11 nivje fish/pepper n bear tvidemgzjwtim friendiifh.n; tid6 fruitlessajkp my nde. fry , tvfire.13,kelj1 friendship n me.1 in a pottvse.q nbaya., dike1 -pan 1nfirk frightentv bàá,dik61,knt, fufun

tiw6m, yike . ball of nflak, takpbzistuj with a lookiv jawbrnme1 cassava. nIwá, ixtbrbr5, frightened kpip become ivdike1,etip lumpsin n zlikpasi it6);),sat,yikel mass of n ta.kpbUsti state of being n bimme,dikel mould into small balls frittern Mara tvb6t frog, kind, ofned61361, Tube, zfafdt,fullajy6g6 ris;k1 become ivy6g6, y6k from prepke2 become (of the moon)iv frontn&tail,is61 esit, idip, y6mm6, y6g6

548 532

moon nafire garbagenthbi 6 become to the brimiv wenn cannifikp6 fun pitn ifim, itiOn 1 make oftvt6 '-garden egg'n din" a function ( of medicine, magic)ivgargleiv Ind&,6.116 g6 age, k6b6 gari nijkari function ( social gathering) n. dry nbicari,watt b6g6 garlic nayim funeral seririce and wakenikp6 gasolinen adan, betir8 ,thm6tO fungusn idet ,tita gaspivkiweek, yem green ndot, enaxj gatenat 6p funneln f 6 On gathertvdiapa, k3, tkpja fur nidet,unam and puttv: b6n6 furled palm frond nrisim into a hea,ptv b6k furniture nband, of ek togethertvkplittteuji fused plantain fruitsn dibna uptv kOOn6 futurenis61 gathered, becomeiv b6n6 foretell the, tvkit gatheringn .b6n6 for negotiation or decision n ike gaintv 'gecko; wall'nilkp;13 ndbr6 2,duk generosity ntat, tib6ic gainful, becomeivdor62 generous ,become ivtat, tib6k gaitnsaxja, ilk6t genet n Man gall bladder nder61 genitalsnfet, gallon n ktidn gentleiv, ajsub game (genterm)/n bire ,Asa.] genuineajet kind of i nadilma,2,6116)3, germinateivsake., tip e atildtitzduti, "ayb,bet,dildb,4 t6, germinating end of a yamn ikak,ik62, kara, kpbk, riikpGk iwdet eV) 25.s6.1,tita;gettvdat ,ilk 6 t,ukila, tik away fromtv gangosan ad6k intoivsine gap nitfaxj involved intv b 1.1 .7


marriediv adOmi a name (to) tv siddk out of straitstv bdpd an ordertvnb, dyib ready iv beeljel, b6g6 a .piece of land to farm tv kp6e139 ik6t, siddk ready for -tv beeljel praise to tv *re) to tv sim aslap____tv----Afid-2 up iv aka ivbbbro, wipe - together n bOgO, ndm tvb6k6, k6k6 - up n b6b6, gizzard n ekpa, icánà try to ---- ahead iv bimme of a chickenn 11m:en ghost of ancestornOkp6 glass (substance) n 'giant antelope' ned8p bottlen ekpeme gift n fon,nbl tumbler n kirab, gin n likGt small drinking nAkirdasi

'illicit ' nf6p, kali, glasses, eye-n kiras kigth -glibly, speakiv d66n girl glideiv yire9 child n&edam, áwó, dyin glitterivmireQ, sem2 adolescent n b6b6, ikpd glittering aj mirk) prepubescent n bald glory nA13;4- girlfriend, my n ud6 glow on and off iv mienne givetv nbl glue tv didn advicetv mnüâ, nbl, sin, glutton náwó, did gnash the teeth tv eat, itak, td an answer tv siddk gnaw tv dtép, kdek --- back tvkape., kpk,nbl go iv kaa, saxes birth to man about tv ská birth prematurely iv wank about telling secrets/lies

a 'dash' tv 1.1b6k iv kpirdk a dizzy sensation tvyolnO after- tvdine an explanationtv sidak agroundiv be.gd1 financial support tv bike, aroundivkan, kanne., kapd a gifttv bdkd miryiv dakd a little to taste tv tiamme, tv.kp6i

551 ,1

I 534

backived6m,-f1613, time, goatn ebet tb.ak billy nilkp6 (ebbt) back from where one was head- nanny nekp6 (6b6t), ebet, ingivtimme2 man back toivfi6ij feces for scrubbing n Addax) beforetv bem2 leaves for fodder (gen term) beyondtvb6g61 by lair: tv. \bet meat with the skin left on down iv t61J, tike n6b6t, &pal down on hands and knees withGod n&bard, 6.1A613, adidem buttocks in the air for an almightyn ibOm enemaivkti.b6 forbidinterj Aso. far out in the bushiv lesser n isG13 ik6t, siAdk supreme nf66.1 --- firstiv biy6,1861 wonder of n tipe for a purposetvifikp6 godfather nMasi, ete forwardiv is61 godmother nMasi, -getter, be aivafign going out n vri.16 here and thereivkranna, for something one is no t tin, y613136 entitled.. ton dia in frontiv bem2 gong, metal intotv kind Of nekere, a long digtance on footiv bkti6k) kp61 gonorrhea nskim on ivis61 goodajeti

outivwh6 become iv . dime, f6n out (of fire or light)iv become of qualityiv dimme2 name become in condition ivsleek out (of hip-joint)iv wipe. become on termsivdo, 11overboard (fig)iv ttip6 mege slowly or softlyivtek, character n f6n tibe fortunen dbt, lakangt somewher tvthkp6 knife neti to schoolivwet luck ndbt, b.kanit, f6n -- upiv d66k mannersn f6n 535 1, personn6ti. maternal ---neke. ete thing n f6n my nfish become no ivtalc, Ildia paternal ---nete have --- -looking childreniv your nils6, As6, ils3b6m man, tik6t grandmother neke.,ektun, fine goodness nf6n maternal neke_ 2, of nature nidthit my na3rlylt, i)katkam goopy, becomeivmiak6. our nfine gooseflesh n6.thikpit2, ilib6rib6 paternal nete get ivtalc your nilia, Ilk& something which gives a person granularajwitt2 21 di6n6 grassnifibi6t1, wipe gorge kind of 21 Atiguitia, i5wa, have one's riseivben, siaak kbk ' cutter'(kind of rodent)n gorillanam6n, idiGk 12162 gospeln abasi, ikS 'Bahama. n&Ian, bkim ena./3 gossipivdOt, intia high. nfifigulag6. nbilk, dot, d33k1, 4.16 'lemon n nriaii64a become a ivdil., esit 'spear/sword ' nsi6.6k

spread tv . bilk 'wire ' n'bkim enaij governmentnk6nsin asshopper nataktak building n k6nsin, tif;k assy area n ewe --..... workn- Ilt6m gratetvtilk1 gown, flowingnbwira. gratern kilbk grabtv mum,wapal graven MI as much .as possible with graveln itidt, klirculga, tkila., one hand tvstiak tibia gracen f6n graze (in4ure slightly)tvfllbk grainn ifikpasi, bkza greasen6.distn _ in saj wat2 - great.' ajEtna, akilkil, akpobom grand, maketvdepel size n ibOm grandchild n6y6yin greatness nibi3m grandfather nab8m, ete greed n di66k, -dr6, itk, n33g6, ?Q 536 greedy down iv db6k become ivbat,d6r6, by sliding the hand along n33g6, iv fi613336, ilb6k and lazy personn ikime ground n ish person n tiw6,1t613, n33g6 which slopes downn diat green (in color)ajawe, ?wawa groundnutnsdio fungus ndbt,entii3 oilntidtm grassy area navva group n dahk, udim growth on rocksn am6n, of peoplen ithait idet that follows a leader n green (unripe)ajkim1 that moves around together 'green mantle' (kind of oil palm) n duk n age n duk greettv k66m grove n xlibak greetingn k66m oil palm ntikpg tiyep, kind of n bag6, di,di3ij2, rubber n a.kpG k66m, ntfun, Adel,E6xj,siar6, grow ivfit2, kbtl sib], s61), warti never ivekpeine, t6 grey aj t61)61 growl ivkilan, kpbil

hair nswat grumbleiv . kth3n, sWik, tiyib grief n grumblingn tiyio grind tv guard tv, n kp6m6 between two stonestv k6k guarding n kpemd the teethtv6det, it tk, guava nw6fa kpik6,td guest, become aiv asen grinding sound, make a guilty -- be found ivkpel grindstone, small moving n prove tvbi6m, tip1 ziyin guinea, groan iv kan, mini . grass' xl Madge. n mini pepper' n addsa,atii)ken6, groom nd6, bbd gum(of a tree) n 6t6,imi grope tv bit, mtm gummy exudate of the plantai by patting the hand up and skin nkp66n

554 537 gums (anat)nAsi:33 hairline, edge of 11 1861 gunnk6u31 halfn !Aka., bib, itige, dane n Adak, 4wt16.,ik6t, weak fain, ktfuji brother n6.yin, ete gunpowder nh.b63n, kim1 -grown ajbak3 sistern6.yin, ete halfpenny n autfb habitnLis1133 halt suddenlyiv sn hammer be one's ivb6, d6/, kind. of n akpeti improve one sivmbek1 metal into 8hapetv dom habitually, doivs62 'harmnock'n amik habituatetv mege hand n t1b6k had and armn.6.b 6k You've it!&lent kern back of the n edem haggleivf6.64,1IAda, beckon with ivmeek/ hailn dim, itiat clap the. s tv kp(3.132 hairn idet, 4wa do quickly with thel'stv around the anus nitit, w6.ra. 25kEim palm of the .n -eka, esit roots on a yam n ijkdm shake 7--stvf6.0.k grey n iwat handcuffs nkip, zfakp6n6 have which sticks outiv handful n idet, fielja. handicraft ndb6k, lit6m haye sparse iv fat, tik6t handkerchief-naf533, inda, ijkesi having sparse ajs6r6, handle 1 part the tvis6.,sidak, axe nekit, 15.136k itfaij bag with a -- nekpat

.pubic n f6t, fat, itit, hoe --- ntibe, kbp zjwil knife -- -21db6k strand of nik6t 'handwork' 21 11136k,iut6m tuft of in middle of head 21 hangiv deen, k3b6, MO, yir6 tv kbp,k66131, yit haircut. nfat, idet around.iv&Verb) 538

downiv dUmm6, become ivfi, 1s6, ka.i, sAiul kpaApl, sat, s613 down from weightivdenne hardhearted on ivk5b6 become ivesit,s613 on mother tvk66k person nesit, s613 on oneself ivk606 hardheartednessnesit, .8613 oneselftvekptin, hardnessnis61 yire hardy h- ontotvyire become ivski a person/thieftvekpin, durable person n &At, 6 yit hare, n 61)4 cause to down tv weem harm tv kbp hangernriti3k harmonyn enema -on n bet become in withivd61, mege hangingajdeen harsh --- upside-down by feetaj become iv -8613 1 rbmitua become in character iv d6 ,1 long and ajweem harshnessndo suicide by n, ekpan harvesttvdbkl, ktip 1 happenivtipe ndbk as predicted/expected/ haste n iib6k,wárá hopedivsA hat nitem --- totv chief's. n happening nntim large -- used as an umbrella happiness nesit, nem n IbitI, Item, &dile. happy put on a tv Item, yara,yet become ivclaire., hatch eggstvbat, bkilà esit, nem hate tvkbb6, sà, yire make tv.dat nate. harasstvfine., 16b6,n31 haughtiness nkpirek, ta 1 timmel have nie harassment nfine. toivniel harbornesilk hawk, kind ofnaktikti6 hardaj s613 he subj pron gule 539 headn iwiôt more than one should n s6p of householdn ab8m, tif;k sharpness of ns6p of yam .ndia, ivnibt heartn &pita,sit,eti back of nkbtl attackn bietk bend the tviwat of nIbà,fit66t bow the ----tv11,65 t not take to i v esit,si6 bulges on side of nimiOt take to iv sib headache n i.wdOt,k?xj, kpbk6 heartbeat n616, esit kind of nis61, to heartbroken, becomeiv&At headlightsnkarj1,thm6to heartburn nsitiak headman netilbOrn, itb6m have iv f6p6 headpad n 116.13.,kara heatn fi6p ,yege headrest ndot, iwtiot rash nadikpb, headtie n fXJ, b6kit, Mat headwoman n OttibOm expose to tvf6b6 healivkpal heavetv benne tv k6k heavyajbibm, d6p6 healthy, becomeivbc5r6,siiy6, become ----iv d6p6, dithmm6 s613, tare. become round and heavy (load) heaptvb6k,k66k1 ajifèn n b6g6 ,di.tbk heedtv. 2, uptvfige,ktip advicetv temmetit6ij heaped heedlessnessn dz become ivb6g6 heel (anat)n itige become upivfige, swollen cracked condition of kiann6, koo the nsayi heartv kep hefty, short and .aj fèn advicetvtemme2 heightnda, 1164 --- a court casetv kpe1 reduce in tvt ek more than one shouldtv hell n abedezj,kaajl 1 s6p, 1.1t6ig helm 11 ao6m what one wasn'tintended to of a canoe nitak hear tv 1.1t61j helmsman nettib6m, 1tic. iib6m hearing helptv keene ,fitfuiwi, become sharp in iv s6p, ti.t6Q n naakia,rj am (

557 "' iiinVittisiswase.....


to look, for tv d3z3 in statusajkpon helper n bare, edam priest naku helping someone out n wan& highway robber n mat,itk6 hem tvang, btik, iss813 hill nb6t Atfbij, isGg, &ben him obj pron anal hen n- man, linen hindquarters of a chicken n with sparse feathers sat likplip linen, linen whose feathers have few hinge n tistiz3 barbsn sat door nitai tisk) her obj pron aB.61 hinttvmbara, wthik possess pron6m61 hip herbalistn6.bia snbklik herbs, medicinal.n nifibe bone nakp6, akp6n6 herdna.tti, dem joint n1w613, wipe hereniuni,fit61,timi side of the n1w613, znb6.13 adv mi hippopotamusnisafitim and there adv t ammo. his possess pron 6.m31 hereditary mark/trait.nasion, hittvkp3k6, niie.,thag6,, many i61, yip6 hernia n ekpalckpak, stunk the marktvt6" hero nak6Zik6, 46.6r6. hitting n t61 herringn ekpia.b6 hive n ,4.1cti6k, iftbaakilbk) hesitateivmtun 'hog plum'nitstike.katra hew downtvkek2 hoe nd3k1 'hibiscus, wild'n handle ntibe hiccup n ./bek6etibkbm, flak, used forcoeoyamn kPP f 1k dbe have s hoist uptvk66t1 ivt6p .1 hiddena jdip hold (contain)iv---0136 become ivdibe back \tv me, Mm hide ivdibe between the lipstvfibel tvdip breathiv 131'6k6 hider-andseek .natitddaldt.411; dibe carefully/gentlytvdeice high a markettv nim, become iv -k6n.n6, k&g, ?i661 in arms or kana

558 ..


1 in mouthtv fibe I adv .41c; outtv kat lose ivalien, dot out arms or legstvkeine,horizon n '4164 --- tightly tv teb6 horn (of animal)n tightly in both armstvfan horn (metal)nh.diikpbg uptvtebe horn (musical instrument)n hole nAbel hornbill (kind of bird)n dig a tvtipe,. 11'0 horse nenarj, kara full of s ajtape 'horseeye bean'n anal, make a tvadu, tipe, turd tikp6- narrow deep n add hortativeiv yak hollow n, ajAbel hospital n ib6k, tifGk of claviclen' tike host, play theivsen, si6, tam2 --- outtv hotajflop, yege make a small in groundtv. become ivfi6p, yage fet become (of pepper)ivdege- holy ajsane temper nesit, fi6p spirit nsena2 sibirit time of dayne.y1O, weenie home n diuj hotcakes, sell likeivAdak honey n;San,a.k116k hour nawe., 6kanika honeycombn6.1a16k, Magi (Eikak) house ntifGk honortv, n kp6n6 build a tvtifGk sn rear of a nek8 hoof niabai someone's n tire hooktv, n kbp householdnidtiut and eye n kbP property n dt on clothesn kbp head of the n dfGk on a doorn kpaga, limb) housewifen 6136,1.1f 8k hooked onto, becomeivk3b6 hover ivfim hoot attv yOmm6 how.adv ,die 1 hopiv, tv kp6k,tamale. . conjfite2 hope ivkere many/much.Ifk, wak tvmien, bek, .dOtg:kere hugeajeke?, ekailba, ikp6 1 4 nJaen, thit ugly person/beastn am6n

559, 542 human husbandn eb6 being n áwó your - naidem2, abet naturenidthit husk of oil palm fruit clustern humanity n &let 11.3rOp,6.kpOt1 humbletvsbalg6 hut' nateyet become iv sik, teio hypocritical, becomeiv bik oneselfiv sg6, humorous story/thingn bir hump Ipron am3. on the back n kt.1396 Ibibio -- up theshoulderstvearn, languagenIbIbI, 1k kinnd nian have a ivkit/3136 idea nkere humped identicalaj km become ivkiti3/36 ideophones

. become _ivktib6 b161, biOk2, birem, birit13, bat, lie in a up positioniv dek, dtitere, dtlyel3; kub6 nip, fern, f1, flik, fOimO, ká11, hunchbacked, becomeiv kt33/6 ká12, kak, ke132, keine, kept kim2, hundred num 'aktik,- 6b6t, ikie kiplkir613, kir6k, k12, k6n2, two numzidit kpaam, hungernáb161 kpem2, kpamkpe,p2kpiam, kpiml, hungryajtibi6z3 kpfm2, kpiml, kpip, kpirak, become - ivd6i1 kpfre.13, kpirek, kp61,kpbi1, kp6m1, koml kvam2kpp21 hunttv1n, ik6t kp66m, ektG3 snailstvekt./;13 kp31.2, kp6m, kpbbp, maam, m6.12, 3 - 1 huntern top má1, ma13, mak,mittak, shunting néwiiA, ik6t mirk), m6nn6, náI2nai3, ná1, hurltv top fi,6.6m, fidget, flea, nakf f16.13, hurriedly advdak R6p, 131'1024z3716.12,Qwei, hurryiv s6p, wand 13weth sail, sap, tam,tam, tap, hurttv biek, Ibp ta,p2, tepl, t&p2,, tiiml, badlytv. nen t5.13, t66n, tti6.6n,ttiti13, a sore place by accident ttieen,tik1, t6I31, wage., ye.1313, tv ttlr,31 yim, yime, yip2, yire4), yirbk, ydi 543

s6m6 idiocy n 0incitenent- n ifconjadieke, rite 3 inclinetvmeeki ignoretvb6k6, fep,si6, tsz inclinedajsiak6, sithk 1 /1 illicit gin'nf6p,k6.1,káztàincome taxñitijkbm illuminatetv.Uterine incorrectlylin,/upaj, advbibig imagineivse1 increaseiv t6t 1 imitate'tv b3-11 incubus ftik imitatingn b32.1 in endencenke.r6) 1 imitationn 1)51 index fingernrintidn' immatureajsee "Indian bamboo'riid$mi,ifigtg immersetv immersed, becomeivRine' indirect s eech pronoun1imbl impaled, becomeivtaro individuaone nitkp6 impatience, make a sound. oftv ineptajn&kn. si6.6m6., si66p inexpensie ajmem importantaj become ivmem, db6k peoplen kpOn inexpensiveness nridria importunetvkpekl inexperiencbdajak31 impotent man neytinbk, Personn ekbi impregnate. tvidip, sin infantn4yin impress', tvyikel infection under the cuticlen impre6sedi becomeivyik ffibara 'j impressive; maketvdepel inferivse imprisontvkp influencetv improvetvdni31 influential.aj .kp6n one's habitstjrme ekl. informtvbib., bik, neme, tat improved, become slightlyiv tvbrik feere information n brik, tat impudencen&len, ski convey -- tv bük, impudent, become iv&len,s6,i-j give-- tv bk,. tat 2 inprepke new ---iv klt-p be -.4,iv '.-sine informer nbIà inam society nam infóring.. n.bie. inborn characteristiO- n.dát, mane.ingráitude 11 biat incitetv .dbq,indalisok %


344 inherent aj dat, mane inspire tv dimme2 intelligencen ddt, mand inspirit tvdimme inherit tv dii, kpil instance ofn Ukpa inheritance nkpal instead of .conj ata initiation prep Atak into 6k4 n Akpe, ek64) instep n edem, ikpat 1 --- into indmn /Lam, adaa . instigate tv dOxj , dad, inxia, sin inam instigationn d6x1 initiative, lack ofndaen insult tv, dfign, mi6m, sae, sox 2 injure tv nAn ndfign, miom, sue, sox ink ?1m660, wet intellect n ikike inland n adere intelligence n fi3k in-laws ndkOt inherent n dat, mans innocence, prove one's tv Uyib intelligent, become ivfl5k 2 innocent, find tv sand., tOp6 iteilbe, dance tv y66r6 insect (gen term). n 4nam intend *ivb6, dAaki, k6m, any which 'pinches' nyipe tv b6, kOm kind of n abia, ekilotkuot, intentionndu&1 Akpakarit, amaam, disk, ebgn, intentionally, do tvfi5k faar6, idim, ik6p, interest thkpdtagdtak, Addij, AdOK), fitifia, become of iv bege 4kekem, 4kaka, ijkakaiakiftbriyb, one's own n fan tam*te{11 tidm, Ungn, atdati, interference n dt6Q, ay161 interior n adere inside nesit of the bushn abal adv, prep ke2 interjections

become --- ofiv duk, d3136, A9A, aak, au, dime ,

sine iya, lye, iy6i kpg, ma , insist iv yire 61, lin, fail, insolence n Afien, s64 fisa, mak (nta), o,sal, insolent, become iv Arlen, s613 dwde, Nair/11a, wArli insolvent ,aj )1cOlpi, UbOk interpret, tv kapd insomnian tabu interrogate tvinua, sin insomniacn Ube. 545 interrogative barn kdp adverb rite potn dkak --- particle e irresponsible, become iv y6k interrupt tv bige, kpike tv titian irritate intersection of a roadn b6k6, the mouth or throat tvMan?, Ask slain, tie intertwining palm trees n diane, irritating aj sioAn interval naddiA feeling n sidan intestinal disturbance, cause tv issuefrom,tv w116 f6p6 it subj, obj pron anel intestinesn fisia itchiv deebe, deep investigatetv dddr6 tv deep, tiem investigationn dddij6 ndeep, Mat invitation nk66t2 scratchan tv deep, that 2 1 invite tv k66t , kpbbk its possess pron Ambl 2 hometv .k66t , dfS'k ivory n &Ain, Anilk invoke tv sixaki6, tomm6 names asa,reproachtv tdp6 jar n one's own nametv '0=6 encased in a basketn involve Altana oneself in tv iwd.Gt, sin, jaundice nEden, aton, Uto db6k jaw n isip bonen nee- , oneself intv si6 akp6, Mbk jealous aj fibe become ivbegs become ivalien, fibe get in tviwat jealousynfibe getin someone's dispute tvjeer at tvyOmm6 ik;, kp6p6 jerkiv slice not get iv kp66n6, sib at tvsike iris (of the eye) n, align jest n Ad6k, riyb6 'Iroko tree' n Afirl,y6 jetty n sib iron. tv kixbk6 jinx n esion, mane, (metal) ndkdak

56p 546

jittery perform tv ib6k, kok

make movements iv kpirak, performer of 'xi ben, ifot kpirek place on eben trees tv move fast on the toes in a eben, fik, way ivkpirek jump iv, tvtamma job n kb, db6k, At6m about iv tiam get a paying tv. kpapA, over tv, iv fiaaj, tama Atom up and down iv tiam

odd s n kalcie up suddenly ivtiam join tvbine, dilk, kpaga, sObb6 jumping n tam!). a society tv abbab ban just V. sick ek613 society tv bib, ek6a3 ekpe society tv ape ekp6 society tv ekp6 keep tv b6n6, kama, nim iram societytv nem awake tv -baba

joint n, 6kek away tv of the armn Mak, lib6k cattle tv'b56k1 of the body n idem, 6kek for. the future tv diaga of the hand n db6k from sleeptv tdba 2 joke iv 1'1756 on doing iv di3aj , sak nbire, hy36 one's eyes openiv ellen jCilt tv -bid& one's wordtv ikG, nim jostlingn bat --- over tv slig6 1 journey n 846 pou7.try tv,b66k make a tv salad a promise tvik;, nim joy n &lard, dat, esit become unable to one's mouth judgen bibro, kpel shut iv AIDA

judgment n_ bibro, kpel a thing one ---s for himself n , jug n Atia nim jujun et6, ibok, thkpal kerneln isip, eakpasi kind of n biam, dia3g6, of the raffia palm fruit n

kimi, infant, i Abe for divining n d6m61 of the unripe oil palm fruit make tv dia3g6, kok nhkpai (AAP) 547

scales on the outside of the handle of a n lib6k of the raffia palm fruit n Abe sharp edge of a n dega. kerosinen adapt, kagl karasin sheath of a n efGk, kettlen ketira tang of a n &lima key n ekptit t, kp6k6, Ayin, tat knit tv dbk2 kick tvkik, tiga, tUk knock/ tvkblj, kp3k6, blaga, tuck a ball tv ikab63t -- against tv -a football tv kik down tv t61, want out the legtv kik -- togethertv kdak kicking n tiga knockknee nfi6k kidney nekpuut, fi6k, fain knockkneed kill tvwOt become iv ed613, fi6k kind n tifdtitik, dt6 state n ed613 different s n \knot n 6kplak 2 kindle tv dom6 in rope .n ekplIk --- a fire tv bard,/ dom62 in wood n ekpak, et6 king n Aiidem make a tv -Woe) ikingfislyJr' (kind f bird) n tie around and tv tob6 sat tight n ekpan kinsman nayaka knottedaj Ube) your nAyaka up rope n tob6 kiss tv, n intia, thm know tv fibk kite (bird) n dukpb howiv kan, kara, n32 knead tv dio, nuaka sexuallytv di.30 kneded, become ivmiage, not --- tvdibk ndaka known knee n 6d6Q well- person nwas kneel iv t66136 knucklen hraik

on both kneesiv ed6Q, crack the s tv rintitin t66136 kola knifeniktia nut n

kind of n etbk, Mkpdkpand 'bitter, ' (kind of fruit) n blunt edge of a n edam, effect k5t1

. 565 548

1 e labor (childbirth) nman lantern n kdij , tdenne pains n man lap n ibdi, ifxik6

be in ivbidk, man large aj b613136 labor (work) nkb, lib6k become iv eaKid laborer n dw6, titom largeness nib8m lack tv nand larva, kind ofnifid, fidk, n nand *ten, ijkekem, tdiji of relationsn kp6Q, last aj kiare, tire nand adv tire lackey n bb become iv edem, kpe lacking, become iv -nand onenkpe laddef- n bet person n tire ladle latch out tvtapd a-door tv sin, tisk wooden:n tikpaQ on a door n kbp, AS1113 'lady, shame'(kind of plant) late back, lege ik8, di become ivini, kpeend laid /come ivini become on iv db;6- latenessn biaat, Ira become out flat iv dete lathernat6Q, fit2 lament iv, n seem& latrinen tit6 lampn ttienne laugh ivimam, sdk lance corporalnAddki,yire at tv sak land nbot, ik6t, is8Q make people tv ridok, si6 slbping upn d66k laughter nimam area of n siddk lavish tvbiaat elevated-- n bot law n bet flat n isoij, nad break the tv due mortgage tvfddk lawyer n doya piece of nearby n kpeene laxativen Wad plot of n siddk laytv mid uncultivated n ikot bricks tv k660, lif8k language n iko, semi --- down tvbit foreign n semi an egg tv ?kit' sin

. 566 549

flat tv bit leap over tv fa') a floor tvis;31, mia, AfGk learntv kp4ep fit561) tvmia, M661) leathern ikpi on tv dot leave (depart) iv, tv deka, ndan, a rooftv mid lazy (allo ) tv siani, yaak become iv fa, mibzj, yeet (put) tv nim greedy personnikime alone tv diAQQA;( kpOQ, yak --- personn fa an allowance/space tvbok6 feel --- ivmild for tv dibbk leadtvbem2, kpe off tv saak --- to tvwa6 over tvsite, yak leadern kpe a part of one's land uncleared lead (metal) n ket tvb6k6 leaf (gen term) n ikGQ, 'ask, a place and rush to another 41c;Q tv kipe kind of teal), awe, ik6, ik;Q, a tiny bittv sbt

Ayerlye to go back to tv fi61) of the oil palm frondn to one's own waytv liyOp leaves bitter n dbr6 for goat fodder n ikiml spine of a n akp6 of the fluted pumpkinn tobacco n Ike1 ab66Q *young curled plantain or palm arrange/stack tvtam2 n akpin bunch of stacked for shredding leaflets of the raffia palm frond n ti n15kaa new n saga leak (out) iv dit shed tv kelj,15kGQ leaky aj diatr dit leech n ithet lean- kind of n ifikl against ivbare leeway, allow a little tv fepe, on (for help) iv ber6 sanna something against tvbet left (direction) n afia lean (thin) aj hand/-hand sides n__Ab6k 550

-handed aj atlifien the groundtv wen become -handediv db6k liar n Aw6, stig6 left libation, pour. out a palm wine tv overnight aj d116k become over iv sue, sdk lick tvdai, fi6p2, Qw66m, yet what's ny6g6 off tv e66m what's over nsat, sue, --- 'soup' tvaf6r6, dal, yet yak lidn kdp leg and/or footndkot cover/close with a tv kdp legalize tvbet, 8660 upper of the eyen fOt legUme, kind of n mien, 6nak), lie iv naa 1134134, dkp6 down iv naa 'lemon grass' n nnanaga in a humped up unnatural lend tv wilbt position iv kdb6 a smell to tv on iv dbre length n 116613 lie (fabricate) iv, n leopard n 6kpg tell s abouttv dyib enter a tv ddk lieu spots on a n i3k6m in of tie leprosy n fie., kpal lifen mane., Uwe., liwom lest conj baaki wayof n tie let iv saanal, yak lifetime, nmane fall from the mouthtv lift, tv benn4,,dip6, kpapa k ?k6 up" tv dibk6 go tv fe4n, Welk up the hand or armtv dip off tv f66n lifted off, become iv dnr61

pass tv 115111) light tv"dome up iv 6dim, ke131, n k6.13, eiguja tamma become iv ealja, weenie lethargic, become iv dimm6, of the moon n 13746. mice \-skinned person nAw6 1 lethargy nmibQ electric n k6.13 letter n wet shine 'a on tvtdenn6 level shine a in the eyes ,tv finn off the toptv wenn6

568 551 light carefully iv tilj, Ut6Q become in weight ivfe6r4 for tv t1z, lit613 become on the feet iv listless, become iv dimm6 feere little lightened, become iv f46r6 bit n 6-talc lightlyadvfe4r6 finger_ n findlin lightning n k4p 1, mireij become a bit more iv sannd like tv ma1 in bits aj kelje likeprep fite2/ dla . live iv limb (anat) n NAI,Adide neariv dUlj lime (fruit) n etok 1 together iv ddij limelight, put oneself in the with as a servant'A.v &gni, iv elem4 limitn dddijd not well iv AdicSon limp ivfege, km, kp61, kpaki live treen siiy4 n Adid61 livelihood limp aj maim be one's iv idlp become iv sun have no means of iv tkdijd limping n kp61. lively, become ivsdmmd limpingly adv nice liver n 4sit line n ddim lizard (gen term) n hicp6k fishing 7.n lawddm kind of 'nakpotkpoti,hicp6k, lined up, incorrectlyadv bialj halk6, &semi, ayddrd, dyin, lineagen ban, ekpiik, AidtiUk d16nn6, &mak, itg, Ukph, Utdi link tv kb') load nbiom

( ') arms tv kap, lib6k-,,,, loamy soilnbdt lipnfOt; Ina, kp6k6 loan nwhat

outer part of the s :ri beek, locative particle lima inua, Mben lock tvkap, yit liquid n ekplidt, kap, kp6k6, Usk draining on the ground n locomote iv sitni Adih locust (insect) n tkakinEkpayariya refreshmentnUk;t log n 4kpdt1 1 listentvkpaQ1, meek , Ut4 loin cloth nisin, sobb6

569 552

loneliness n delb6 lordn 6.13;613

lonely aj kp6Q ' ---7's arrow' (kind of bird) n become ivdbb6, mum idaQ

long aj kpeen6, fan lorry n tfim6:tb become iv 1166Q. lose tvbbk6, d466k, sop and hanging aj weem consciousness iv stak6 time n fan feathers tv wIlb6 staying a time .n kpben6 hope tv dot

take a time iv kpeen6 in businessiv talc long for/to tv d6Q1,616, 6sit, --- in trade iv iidia wdt one's voicetv sire longing, cause a tv d6Q1,wut the waytv dite, tin, Asibj 1 look iv s6 loss

- -- after tvbeml, kpem6 business.-- n talk all aroundiveven, eayi sell/trade at a tv at tv s61 - -- for tvyam lost aj sop for trouble tv ikg, yem become ivs6p, tak nice iv .f66n lot (set) n abk,tikpa2

- -- out for tv enen, tilj of five yams n is.62 looking for troublenikG, yem of ten yams nbaka loom nakpard lots looptvfbt draw tvafia, sin n ikpb drawing of n afia, kaaj2 tie in a tv fbt lousen Addij loose love tv, n 1 become iv kp6g6 tek, loved onen weem, w6k, w66k low (of cattle)' iv mail big and ill-fitting aj low, become iv siVAg6 w6k lower tv tekliek6 and flowing aj weem lid of the eyen-kpaQ2 loosen iv tare., tek part n ekel tvkp6k, tat, tek part of sloping ground n loot and destroytv bim souk 553

a price tvmem, sin, sib, cobndkp6t6k udua dish of ground steamed in

slowly tv del) leaves n k6k the voice tv dealt, .416 majestic aj ekuku the temperatureofwater major road n Ask tv sUk make tvnem lowered, become iv sfrtig6 a lot of noise tv ycim6 luck n a bed tv k6iji bad n.is6/ faces tv ebmm62, Qw66m' good ndot,1861 Ilkangi. a fire tv bare lucky a fist tvbot become ivbbk6, dbt, is61 a fool of tv kr36 -find aj be) fufu into balls tvb6t, Ludo (game) ndtido fufu into a mass tvb6k lukewarm aj mem fun oftvAd6k, t61 lump n itige, Matt a fuss tv slice in the neckn dkpasdk, holes to plant tvkap it6xj, Asip, it;ij it through the nightiv of meatn itige siere

s of fufu n 16kpasi, itstuig money tv aktik, eine. lungs nfit2 --- noise by talking tv Arno lure tvkpeekl, tap1 noise of a confused nature luxury foodn diaijr,a, Ad166n1 tv dimmel lying down n nad ell.a path in the bushtv wit ..rown.peace tv tam2 a plantvkerb

'machet'/machete n ika, kbb6 =MENEM,' AIM. roomtv sike mad, become iv damma round tv madman ndamma --- skillfully tv s61 maggot_ n Ad6Q --- up one's mind tvkere -- pupa stage of a kind of n --- way tvk6k6p.iisk, w6QQ6 waiga --- welcome tv dike. maim. tvnadm, Adid61 maker n bot maizen akpakpa malaria n Arlen, atoll, ekp6, bto 554

male n adeen a piece of land/property aj Ayadrd wddk flower n thmdnima up tvsep malice s left by water n tiAmmit 1 with adv bait marked malicious, becomeiv bik up aj sep maliciousnessn bik become withiv were mallet, wooden n ekpdlit market ndd8t, adlla man n {ode en, 6w6 buying n dep, udua become a tv fbr6, w.b.6 hold a tv udua impotent n eydnbk open a new tvsidak, udua old n baba, ete days n 6338, ddgn, dare, real n Afire Atim, edem, etaga, etbk, strong-- n et6 adan, fi511 etbk white nfid marriagen d6 whole nAfire feast of adiagd n dyin young n akparawit married 1 manage iv sanet life n Adorn manateenita --- woman n Liedan Mae, dfGk mango n mal5kbrb marry tv d6 mangrove tree n fidank a big womantv kpapti manilla nAtkpbe marrow n Akp611, manner marshn dep 1 of doing things n d6 marshy area n 1 s n d6 mash tvnddk,_yeelle 1 many aj amik, mak mashed, become iv nddgd , nddkd become iv wak masqueraden bire 'marigold, African' n edeme, kind of n tibia dkp6, abbn, ed6Q, ek661), ekpe marktvbi6m --- costumenb6b6 n di3116, masqueraders of an ekp6 cultn kpi the face with powder mass n6kdk tuaak of fufun dkpa, usuA --- oneself tv were massage tv dirt, ndak, 866k

572 555 master tv kdrd,n32 for clothndfdrd mat (gen term) 'n bit up to a standard iv ken kind of n ax1.5bQ standard n df6Q, di6t6, ik6, raffia used for ceiling ik6t thatchn ibiti measurementn d6m61 roof n. &ad meatn 61cd, dnam sleeping n Aya,' ikan on the ribsn dedan tie onroof tv &ad on sticks for sampling n match n kdot kim, td strike a kddk,kdat lump of nitige, dnam matches nmdsisi/ medicinal herbsn ififibe maternal- medicine nib6k

grandfather n eke. , et6 for aborting n ib6k, idip, grandmother n bkal, ekam si6 mathematicsnbat for a purgen si6 matrimonial statend6r6 man n Able, matter n ikG, 6kp6 meditate iv k6r6 iv ndm meettv sim6, snb6 of n ti6 and discuss tvsObb6 twist a-- aroundtv karma for the first time tvbOmm6 matter on the teethnbdt6 --- the standardtv b6n mature ivfOr6 the test tvben

become iv 8613 unexpectedly tv bOmm6 mazen bi643x 6 meeting n b6g6, bona, sixib6 mbiam place n 6.1'6 place on one's property council n sbOb6 tvfdk melon me obj pron mien kind of nikOn meantv ,b6, kim,te1, who seeds n ekdsi mean aj baki melt ivtdrd, yeet become --- ivbak1 tv nA6k, tdrd, tat meansndkot melted, become iv nd6g6 measlesn dyadya member 1 measure. tvd6m6 of 6kbq society n bit) non- nakpo

573 ca.

556 memory n iwat midst ofn ibh, iffd66t lose, one's tv iLibt midwife n dbih, man men' n Ad6en, áwó mild aj sth mend tv balla become-- iv sdij

a wrapper tv iso have a character iv s1113 menstruate iv kit, ifikp4, is;4), mildew -n dat, 6nara

tie \- mile n itidt menstruationn is, tie milk- tv mentiontv ,sidAk n m660 merchandisenbin, Akp6, ,(111h of a treen 6t6, imin merciful, become iv. mem millipeden 6tim mercy kind of ndtih dtiddht, bir6, have on tv dift6 6tim, mess up tv.sdgdi mindn6sit message. n d6, VNS, 1tóm about ivyb messenger n' dwój áyin, isd peace of nfit2 Atom, ski mingle -ivwddk messy aj bilt6 miraculous aj tip6 become . iv(146, sagd1 mirror n 1861, kit), mbbn6 metaln dkdak miscarry ivfibilax16,1dip, Ayin, kind of nidadq wag& 1 ---- basinn besin mischief n bhk , dib, &óóm1 1 object ntihn I ' deliberate n kbi pot supportn edibk do tv dib dkdak mischievous aj bhki 1 1 spoon id&k, Ikpái become iv bait,'d66m trayn ndindi, bkireij misern4w6, flat, Rim, 5.má tripodnfi6k miserly aj fait meteor n become ivfiat method n dt6 ---person n flit middlen kem, Uf1166t misfortunen&Ian, nan, nbm6 of the night n ibh, bring on tv nbm5 be in the iv kpe, ilf1166t mishearing nda, dtk in the kem, ixfhQ misleadtv tin

N 574 1



a person . tv tisk fiiágáiisIib ebbk

miss tv diiè monster nam6n --- (notfire) iv tipl month n df1611 attainment iv tire moon n .4f1613 --- outiv tip1 decrescent n whak the way tv ate, tin, n mis-seeing n Can, dize become full (of the ) ivesit, missile n iyirb, tigd 1(1115 mist nfitgabb wane,(of, esit . the ) iv mistletoe n (let, A6613 'moonlight play'ne.f167j, bire mistake tv, tin moralizeiviicS, kti6r6 mistreat tv 'moreajalen mistreatment n *rt. moreover adv 151e;

mixiv WIlik . morning n bàk, Usen 1 .s; tvnAdk, nddkd, Min, wddk, liery early in the n inda, dsgn ydt . / ht 6Q tvyhhrd mortar n medicine tvwddk mortgage tv bibQ --- uptv bdk6 land tv fdelk, ikot mixed; become(' ivnddgA, hdakd,' Mosquito n .06131, 1. net i n, db613 J, afbr3 wddgd . mixture of ashes n ht613 'McIss .n dot, enaq,, idet mocktv sek, yOmm6 mothn:ká1, tdbd, 1/bgt mockery tvsdk, Amm6 -- ballsn k6mfi itiht 1 1 mode n dictit mother n bkh , iya, mama., moderation, exercise tvfáát rine-7--

moisture on leaves n ridekl my ny1y, 11=6.1, hne, molars n edet, itdk, Mbdi3; our n rine mole (anat)nAddkpit2,b your n icà mollusk, kind of n tkbr5k of ekp6 n ekhl ekp6

money n.kdk, d1áá motion. with-the hand tv meekl , 'monitor lizard' n ib7e monkey (gen term) n elAk motorboat n Ayin,Abomi kind of n ebSk, ebbk;motorcycle n enala, isGQ, kp3i1 3 kpbk , dkdak

5 a 1 475 FILMED. FROM BEST AVAILABLECOPY 1 ,,...-1-ow,,,,rre. , ,'

558 mottled aj tipe aside while seatediv tout mould --- away iv daka, fel), fepe, sal fufu into balls tv bot awaytv fepe fufu into a mass tv ask back and forth iv y6n --- metal into shape tv dim --- in a jerky way iv milk out of clay tv bot in a jittery way ivkpirek mould (fungus) n swat,htifia3, in anundulatingwayiv milk udip a little bit farther iv mouldy aj fitl sanna become iv fitl like a snake or rope iv moulttv ffiba, ea, wabe yireij mounttv d66k --- like jellyiv yireij

and mate tvd66k --- off iv sari mourniv flig6 --- out of the way iv fep, fepe moustache n Ata4) out of the way tv fepe, mountain n bat k6k6 mouse n eka2, ekd, ekpli --- over tv sanna kindof n ekpd, usine --- so fast as to be nearly mouth n intia invisible iv dibi become unable to keep the so that the buttocks look shut iv yapd flat iv milk close the tv fat --- with a gliding motion iv having no aj, adv b6r6 yirelj rinse the duaga with a swaying motion iv

side of the n ffiben muck move movementn tikcit about iv sana, yok in time n dd about here and there iv moving aboutn yok dap!) way of n sarja,ukot along on the buttocks iv much aj umi'ai, wak tout become iv wak aside iv fel), MIA, slice mucus, nasalnMkpG aside tv fepe, sanna, mud nbat

11,61n6 seatn 'at 559

skipper' /' fish' n ada,nagging n d6k6 Mbime nail (anat) nibal, 'hare. gaps in/pieces from wall n base of the nekO, Mbar& beery scrape thes tv lbard muddied (of water) aj bAk6 nail (fastener) n akpOgb, kim, muddy Akak become iv midka drive s tv k61) substancen AdaQ naked aj fet multicolored aj mire/j nakedness n fet mumbleiv ikG, kuun, to name tv nbl mumpsn Akpatiat, akpokop riti, n akpOrO ritil riti after tv si6 murky, become iv t61361 bear a tvkere muscle n ablik call by tvaw6, k66t cramp n kAdi callsomeone a tv sidak muscularityn adakpit1 give a (to) tvsidak, sib musculature n adukpiti jiake a for oneself tv aw6, mushroom (gen term) nAdip fbr6 kind of nfiat kOkObiOkO mention/reveal/tella tv Afresrifia, inkpiifia, tinaba siddk kind of tuber withson it one who has a strong 11 wa6 n isA6 namechild nakpb0, si6 pick s tv Adip named, becomeiv kere place where s grown naming ceremony n sib 1 music, kind of n Ate. namesaken kOko musical instrument, kind ofn nanny goatn akp6 (4bOt), ebot, akkkelj, ekpa, ik6n, inkp6r6, man At6kirok, sage, Ata napen Akp6 1 1 must iv nie narrow tvfit , fdr6 mute n, aj imam aj faze. mutely adv!Imam become iv fdr6 mutenessn imam placen ilfax) my possess pron ffimi

57? 560

nasal 'negro peach' n ibnmifib;13 mucus n fiara, inkp; nest nefd6bt, ef;k blow out --- mucus tv ant --- n 4kdk

ffikpo net, fishing nyire septum niwd6, yire neveradv nam ,1 nasty, become iv saga new aj Afd nationnidAdt leaves/shoots/sprouts n sege native n dyin, is;b, mane. yam ndfd natural next become to iv sine become to ivdiana coveringn one n dian, diana nature n du person ndiand goodness of n iduut New Year's season n isua human n idAdt nibble tv kdek nauseate tv esit, tek at tv nauseated, becomeiv tek niggardly, become ivfadt, Ab6k navel n akop night nhkOn (WO), 416 near, become/go/stay iv, tv be a dark iv ddk kpere middle of the niba, Ufd66t nearest onenkpe, dmi spend the iv dark nearly adv etbk, sdk, ykk nightsoil man nbibm, necessary, becomeiv na nine numnand., sdk neck n it611 ninepence -n nail back of the n akp6, ID/St nip off tv tian6 necklace n it6Jb k61)6, 4kda nipplenebi, inda need tv, n babe. no interj mm, iy6 put in of tv baba noise nyomo needle nAbiaawden, kim make tv ik; neighbornb6g61, b6k6,diand, make a lot of tvyOm6 ddo noisy fellow ndw6, kOkObibkO neighborhood nb6g61,b6k6, non-membern akp8 dUrj, kan, kUk non-progress, state ofn diaga neglect tv tire none aj dab negotiation, gathering for n ik; northn Mere

5'8 561

1 northern Nigerianedem obstinate, become iv kpaap , sleek nosen 1146 obstruct tv bibg, bibg6, slit blow the tvfihrd obstructed, become ivbibg6, sire bridge of the n ddag occasionally 'advtdmmd nostril nadd, iwd6 occur unexpectedly iv yok6 not even adv bhdba, bene, bihn ocean n dkpd, 1b8m, ifihg, m6150 2 kphg , ridbmb, hk6m, sign, mak occasionn hkdg3 not even ifconj jk6m ochren Asag nothing, forijkdgd, kpa odd notorious, become iv MID, fi jobs n kege nowadv ami, dd feel iv fepe and then adv ini, kith odor ntalk nudge tv fabk odorous, become ivgwdgd number n bht offendtv dab numbness in the limbsn hdikpinneyoffended kpdyd become easily iv esit, kpon nurse iv eba, w6p easily personnesit, kpOn 1 tv b66k , yb officer, white colonial n kOnsin nut offspring nayin -like aj isip often adv ini, kith in a shell bib become iv sop nutty aj isip very advbag nylon n rinhiedbg oiln adorn crude n is;13

' bean tree' n akdnh oath nhbhsi, mat, gw6g6, drum n dbdgi tagdde oil palm n dyi3p obedient, become iv sitag6, steak kind of nay6p, band, ddek, obey tvkbp, dyib fid, ikir6k, yhrd refuse to an order tv Uyib frondn isip object sworn on to establish frond fiber n efdag innocence nbihm fruit clustern if obscurity, emerge from iv áwó --- fruit partially encased obstacle nbi5gO by another nband, yard

5"D 562

1 groven akpe ayop , look iv 'thane lbak age ns6i --- kernel n isip mann etc, 'thane plantation/plot nik6t site n ildbOr center part of n eblak woman n iya, 'thane, rune crack kernels tvisip -fashioned person n awó, female n man eset fibrous part of fruitn -fashioned thing n eset 4kdet olden immature fruit n ndisui ---- days neset, ini

(eybp) ---- times n kris!) inner fruits n itak oldness n s611 kernel of unripe fruit omen n di5Q6 n inkpai (dybp) omit tv fiqQ6 mature n konno on prepke2 outer fruits n is61 once adv hkelj3 pulp of fruit n ddek one num keet prohibition on cutting onion nAyim fruit n wtidk only adv akpbrb, kp61), kp6t single fruit/kernel n dikpasi, stik, tire bki/h iv silk stem of fruit cluster open iv sake, says, tare n ekplidt tv kilk6, kup6, siddk, tat sweet --- kernels n fie, aj erhija iwat the anus tv fibn unfertilized fruitn a body cavity tv 13613136, nanna

1 (dybp) a door tv'Deere, k66k , tisk whole kernel n altp5r5 the eyes wide tv young n dten 'Anna, nilmm6 okra natike --- the legs tv dkcit old aj 'thane, kpOn, s6xj, dkpit the mouth ungracefully tv become iv'thane, kpon, Wine), inda

s613 the mouth and say something become and hard iv kdadga tv lcdp6

580 563

a new market tv siaak, order udua the night before tv dared a race tv itOk place an tv t6bO a road tv siddk, Ask origin n Mak, tip&

space n ijwarjd place of n ddij wide tv elhapjd originate tv to -eye nArian, ea ornament n band do an eye tvanen, ed, for wrist or ankle nAsdi w, oom orphan ndyin, nand, wdeno -handednessn db6k other aj dfen opener, bottlen ekpeme, fdkd ourpossess pron nnin opening out of place, become iv debrOl make a small tv fit, fibn outcry n rfikpO slightly enlarge a small tvoutfitn b5b6 fin outing n wit6 opinion, voice an tv inua, sin, of 'play' n bire .1 .2 UyiO outside n &tea , doro , esion, w. I opposite n isol, sak Q oppress tv fiik walk (be unfaithful) iv 'esiOn oppression tvfilk outsized, become iv e5m6 or conj Prima, outstanding person n wa6 oracle n dbia, over there nkO, ijkO, AkO orange n sOkOrb advko cluster of s ndye that dem kO sour n At6m, iidaljaya overabundancen bdgdl orchestra, kind ofn dtd overabundant, become iv s &p& ordeal ndfia, kde overboard, go (fig) iv tAp6 administer an tv dfid, overcast, become iv fAg6 kdij2, sin overcome, become iv kpal undergo an tvdfid, ddk, overcrowded, become iv fAr6 kdij2 overflow ivdete order, put in tvneke n ditMc, dttbk6 order n dy1O overfull, make tv f &k give an tv n31 overgrown aj sire 564 overindulged aj deice palanquinn kOljo overlap tvk66k1, kpaga palavern &fan u) ekOlj, ik; overlook tv Elan, b6p, feen kind of n ik;, Ask, wak, overnight yam

left aj dais palsy nkpal, abelj

palm wine left n dais palm

stay iv dais frond nAbak over-protectionn beml bunch of frond midribs tied over-solicitousnessn beml for a broom n overseer n etAbOm coconut n isip, kard oversized in growth, become iv furled frond n risim tidard1 leafy part of frondnAdak overtake tvb6g6 oil ndy8p overwhelmed, become ivbop raffia nAk;t owe tv kamd rattan n bkara money tv aktik strips of barkn 4kidk owl nbkirikit tie frond midribs for a own aj ekpan broomtv tilm2 owner nnie1 two intertwining s n diand oyster nbkOop palm oiln &Ian

'ox, wild' ntim kind of n illmafialja sediment nátá1 . palm wine nthmin, aka31, Akot

1 pacified, become iv saixgO beetlen fdan pacifytv saag6 booked overnight n daljal paddlen delj dregsn itak, thkpatak Padlock nekpliAt, kp6k6, Ask left overnightn dal) paintv biak of the oil palm n dy8p n biak strainern ise in the side nwalk distilled nf6p something which causes freshly tapped n Mfiblj yat Ak6t paint tv depel prohibition on n wuuk painting n wet tap tv tizak F41


palm an examinationtv bly6, of the handn eka, esit, t1b6k d6m6 pangolinn kard passage in the undergrowthn dank pant iv foe, week, yem past, ancientn es et, ini papn hkamix paternal papayanbbb6, did, edi, grandfathernete 1 MbiMbi grandmother n 6ka , ekam, ete kind of n chlek particlesnbeke succulent part of a n dliek particular aj dkpdn, idem paper nwet partition nikpege sheet of n ikpd, pat tv welj 6kG,, wet --- a childtvdyin paralysisn kpdl, itbeio path n esh, 'chi* nen, ixfki paralyzed, become ivkpdi in the bushn afki parasitic to a compound n Atop become ivdid make a in the bush tv wiext flat wormsn noon patiencen me parasol ndyib,fuk have iv me parentndyin, niel patient your ----s n uka, its6 become --- ivme, wbbp parrotninim patiently, do/stayiv wnp partn bib, slik patted into a round shape, become part ivb6g6 --- the hair tvidet, is61, pattern nwet siddk, ixfki have a ivwere in the hair n idet, is61, patterned, become iv were ixfki pawpaw n 1)51)6, did, edit, ewda, partly covered aj, adv wenne MbiMbi pass iv biy6, fur6 kind of n dtiek, Mbiffibi

tv bly6, b6g51, fizr6 a n ifen away' iv bly6 succulent part of a n dtiek 2 bytv biy6, b6g61, fitr6 pay tvkpe --- in school iv fixr6 a debt in installments tv over tv b6k6 waak 566

a fine tv fel, kp62, tip1 pencil n beeni, deep,etap money tv akuk,kpe2 pending, become iv nad pay attentiontv Nat, kpaq, penisn fet, sin, tii, Ut6q, y6t penny nbeni 'pea, black-eyed' nbkOti tenth of a (coin) n anini peacen fit2, mem peoplenbon, Mbib of mindn fit2 of a particular placen make tv ikG, mem, turn ik6t 'peach, negro' n ftibbbm thb6q with roots in the community 'pear, African' n eben n ikpa (is6q), isoi pebble group of n idUAt s n itiat, bkia one's n Ukaq from the stream used for n ikpa (is5q), isGq catapultn akkkaq idim, those nmbio idim pepper nntuen peel tv fix5r6, kp6k6, yeere kind of -2-- n i'.kp6 (6bOt), nfat, kp6k6 ritaen off tv yaard 'alligator n 1b6k with the fingers tv fbt, 'guinea----' n adusa, atihkene kp6k6, yhard young fruit nsege with a knife tv perceive tvkbp kpok6, s61 percussion instrumentnkudk peeled off, become iv fo/36, play tvkUak fix5r6, yeere perform juju tv ibok, 'colt peep iv, tvafign, Ailk6 perhaps adv ini, kern, nom, suk peg perishivkpal, talc for boring holes in the perchiv sbro ground ntim periwinklen fip1 on the walln AtOk permissionn adhdil pelican n ikpaq ifiaq, ifial3 receive tvbb pelvic persecute tv yire areanAdidiOnb persist ivyire girdlenisin, itak person n áwó pennbeeni become a iv wit6 r err*.

567 perspiration n 6dikpb, idibiak bush /wild n edit,ik6t pester tv yire pigeon n tbffit6m pestle n pile n dUbk pet a childtvbOk on top of tvk66k1 petals falling from a treen pile up tvfige beke piled up, become iv figi, k6g6 petrolnadan, betir8, ilmOtb pilesn ee/Un petticoat n inkpin pilferern beg, band phantom n ekp6 pillar n abdi, b6k6, dadgal, IlfGk photograph n fOtb,se/ of door frame nitime Usk, photography n sib tisk physical powern itiaba roof n ilf;k physique n adhei pillow ndot, iwat 'piano, thumb' n ekpa pimplen db;131 piassava nidIt s on the neck nfdet, kb-0 pick tvbeek, kipe, taind, pintv timi waak to tv wuuk at tvkap, kapd, kbb6, stick a into tv tim1 kpline pinch tv yipe mushrooms tv dipe,tzdip pineapplendy6p, banebbt, kard out tv kapa, pinky finger n etOk, itit, tiny leaves tv tilme linen 2 up tvben, benne, dat, pinned, become ivtime 1 dipe, dnr61, kbOn6 pins on palm fronds n sail& up and eat tv tiine pipe (smoking) n &kb, asib, picture n set 11613 Pidgin Englishn Una pitn Ukpe speak tv Una dug in the ground n Ube piecenbaka, ikpirok, tuj, waak dug to catch rainwater n pierce tv kim Udb crawcraw/pimples tv tipe garbage/refuse n ifIm through tv tipe pith n aw813 pierced, become iv kime of ak66kn risiip pig n Adi pitytv seeme

5E5 568

1 n bdgd , kpeAb6m, deak with a woody stem n 4t6 feel tv thb6m kind of - n dbG/32, ab6r3, have - on tvda3g6 db;6/3, hdihgd, hditdni, delfht, show- tv kr); dddsd, hfdb, dkik6, hkikb, dk66n, place (put) hkbnb, Akpdfit hkpOr6,

1 , 1 against tvbet dkpot , hkpo, akpoism), asdsa , Mbihm on one's property dtd3, htdhmh,htihkene, dt6, tv bihm at6/3 idim, dyit, dy6p, bhaki, on top of tv dOt bOmOtkiikix, d6r6, ebd, ebdenhenhib an order, tv,tOb6 ebdnd, ebek, 4b6t, 4d4me, edi, placen ride , rito , tie, y6g6 edihm, ed6mO, ed613, 4d;/), efik, s hit n tigd,t61 ekUd, ek6r3, ekp6, emum, enarj, in the bush to throw away kwhi3h, 4wda, fege, fid, ib6k, undesirablesn dU66k IdAd/), idim, idi;k, ikan, ikim, of originn adi3 ik;, 116'rj, ik6t, ikpht, ikpOt, set aside for something n ikpG/3, iriamd,ina Ina ebilk dfid, inden, is;13, itdk, iwd, s where fruits are attached lyelye, khhnd, kitsd, kb-0, kpd1, nakp4t6k, it6n kphnd, mem, m66136, Mbdenhenh/), inyour (stead) Atak ifibihshkh, thbiati, MbireiyoOm, one's OM-- n tire, iika, dibiritem, MbOom idak,mboom placed Ab;13, ffikpdecl.)/3, hapht6t, rididi, become - iv bon6 AdinUne, ridukphk (hyh), Adisbk2, become down iv di3g6 aa, titan, ritiien ffibire, rit35/3,

become - on top ofiv 6)1..62 rinaridgd, bkhrika, bkim placenta ndbibt, man enk, I]kime kik), mula, plait hair tv tare 15ki15136,/51c;/3 dyh, bwdriwd, plantv diOm6 bw4wep, sine, ddi, nker4 dkdak, dnen, utime rise, utin ewua, make a tvker4 yomm6 plane tv kii3k6 plantain (gen term) n Mbir(e)iri;13, plank n hdukpbk ilabOr6, Uk6m 1 plant tv t6 kind of n hk6y6 ffiminiri;/), a farmtv ehrjd hkpdkkpdk, hkpotkp6t2, ebdt ibh, sunk 569

leaf wilted on the fire n for mercytvkpel, db6k McdkA6, dk6m with tv bee0,kpel, kpeek, --- plant with huge low-hanging 1516k bunches n ezbmm6 pleasant aj nem --- skin n Addkpap become-- iv nem bunch of s n dk6m become -- to be around ivnem, gummy exudate of skin n dwOm kpeen, Ibir(e)ifi;13, Mbbrci have a ,voice iv nem, dyib sliced dry n ndisa pleasantness n nem stem of bunch n dk6m pleaseinterj dAk, tibok two fruits growing fused pleasures of life n nem, together ndiand, dk6m pledgetv b1 1) plantation nik6t plenty n ddek planting n t61 pliers n fat plants, bedding n iwaht plight plastertvrisG13, top, df;k of being unable to support platen 'Usk' one's childrenn kb clay n dkph, ilsan be in a bad iv ilwa enamel n kpirea3 plot (plan) tv dibmci playtvbire n ma nbire plot (piece)nikot kind of n akb, ayib, --- of land n ik6t, sidak ekpa, hkanda plough tv tire

--- the host tv asen, sic!), pluck tv beak, fip, kipe, kpdk6, tan2 wamma percussion instrumentstv from the ground tvwape kdak fruit tv tat pranks on tv dib plug tv, n sift a trick tv kard plugged, becomeiv sire up to tv tiik 'plum, hog' n hsdkakara playground n esion pneumonia n kim, wildk plaza n esiOn, ehija pocket nekpat plead tvkpel, kpeek poem n ixt6 fortv &AO poetry n iatO 570 point tv fihn portionn bhka, deeme, ilbe/3 pointed aj inua, s6b6 Portuguese n hkpbt5ki become -- iv s6b6 position ndd, tie, y6g6 pointless question n hddkp6, postage stamp n hsitam bip2, ebOt postpone tvkp66n6 poison tv ib6k, no , sin pot n'ab6r1 hkO, hsio n ib5k kind of n 'card, tipe poisoner n if6t for carrying water from poke ivswap the stream idid tvsdap, tuck hung on the raffia palm for around in someone's private the palm wine to drip into n life tv sad hsit with a knife tvsadp support n edibk (titan) -nosen Arian, sin bottom of a n efiit

- , police nhbOdlisi clay n policeman n abOdlisi, potash n bkah, pOtahsi polish tv kiabk6, potato pollenn fit2, t6/361 '--- yam' n edomb pomade nAdan 'air ' n edOmb pompous, become iv kaka sweet --- n did pond n ibi8k wild sweet n 6dihm pools of standing water n dibg6, potencyndege m66/36 potent aj dege poor aj wdene pothole ntike become iv wdene potsherd n man n wderie 'potter n b6t porch nesh, ikdeere pound tv tim back n ek8, esh in a mortar tv s6nn6 1 front n htdi , esh pound (money) n b63n large n hfe pour porcupine n ebi613 in tv ehzAA quill of n bk6i liquid from one container porridge n Afere, b6k,dai to anothertvt6k5 kind of nhtb, beat, b6k out tv diz5k thick n b15t6 out a little liquid tv port n esilk tiAmma

588 571 pouring device n dbx) pregnant, become ividip, yomm6 powder nbeuda preparation n beeljel crumble into tvtilaak physical for a tough job or mark the face with tv fight n dk) 1 1 2 tuaak prepare tv beerje , dibri , kpeel) reddish niduot foodtv b6k,nam powdered vegetable mixture n fortv beeljel nisei for use tv k66k1 power nadudu, Adid6, 'soup' tv ifere, tem

lib6k, 1113;613, udit prepared, becomeiv tiK) acquire over tv fak presently adv di exercise over tv fak preserve tv diagi physical n itiabh president n breziden Physical of seven men n vice --- nbreziden, itiabh breziden powerful press tvfiik, fame person n dw6, idi66n, --- downtv filk, miK) itiaba the finger for print tv most man in the family n db6k, wulik itiat gently on a wound with a practitioner ntibia, ate cloth soaked in hot water tv praise tv, n tick, tObr6 fik1 give --- to tv tbOr6 oil from palm fruit with the pranks ndi5 hands tv bit pray ivbb13, ken pretense n fibk prayern kam prevent tv tire meetingn kam previous dayn edem make an evil tv sin previously, do iv dak recall an evil tv si6 price n ildaa praying mantis natik5rik3 fix a high tv s61) preach iv ik;, kd6r6 low nmem preacher n ik;,kuoro lower the tv mem, sib precede tv bem2, is61 put on a high tv s613 preciousness n at6 quote a tv tiA02 572

raise the tv benne, sin profitable, become iv 6)1..62 set a low tvmem profuse, become iv tizeke prickly heat n Adisbk profusely, cover tv 1 2 pride nsere) sidan , tan progress, notiv diagd exhibit tv kuuk prohibit tv kpan, tire show of n kpirek prohibition n priest n&ex projection on the bodyn ijk6i high of inam prominent society nndm become iv eeme primary aj dkpen part ndkp6 primate, kind of n isamd thing ndkp6n6 print tv mirk promise tv, nkddqd, e6q6 nnd'e1 wet promote lifetv bet a book tvmirk proptv bet prison n kip, iikp6n6, lifGk open tv fi6k 1 prisoner ndw6, kip open/up a doortv k66k , remove a from jail tv si6 usury private parts n fet propped privileged people n tat become open/upiv fi6g6 probablyadv ini, ndm, suk propel tvwati problemnfins, ikpeti proper aj AkpAn serious n efign, nan properly, dotvneke, thagd, thm2 proceed, become unable toiv esit,property, household n 1 t6 prosper process of doing, be in theiv cause to tv sieene suk one who can't n tdgdde prodigalndw6, tagdde prosperous, become lately iv produce tv duk for6 productive belly nidip, man prostitutenakpara professionalneta2, fibk protect tv beml --- midwife n man life tv bet thief n ins protecting n kpeme professionally, steal ivin6 protection n kpeme profit tvdid protectornata, idem ndor62,duk of the family nitiat

590 573

protrude iv dil3mm6, tigd down tendrils tv (of teeth) iv edk hard with the mouth tvfipl protruding objectndkp6n6 out tv kpuk5, timme

proud aj sere up tv dipe, k66t1, wdmmd, 1 become iv el) , sere, wiip6 sidini up weeds tv Abi6t1

behavior n sere, liwom pulling n dirt 1 feel ivtiddrd pulp of oil palm fruit n dliek proudlyadv siddni pulse n da6, esit, it613, tib6k prove pump tv, nb;m inoocent tv kd132 pumpkin one's innocence tv door6 fluted n ifen, i036613 2 kA13 , tlyib leaf of fluted' n proverbn k61 part of fluted left after 1 tell a tvt k6 the seeds are removed n si6 provision punch tv ita, tip, t61

make fortv 1366136 punctuality n bead provocationnAs;k2 punish tvf66n, mid, n31, tak6 provoke tv dbij, AsGk2 punishmentnfeen pubic hair nfet, idet, itit, endure tv bb 6wa pup (already weaned) n be.k3 publiclyadv waljd. pupan b6b6 pucker stage of a kind of maggot cause to tv kpdyd n ward make the mouth tv yik62 pupil of the eye n Mien, rVin puckered purchasen Miza

,1 become iv dooro , kpdyi purge n ib6k, idip, si6 feeling of the mouth being purificationn ndm n yik62 purpose, devoid of aj ixydgd puddle, rainn ridithj2 pursuetvbine, didna puff iv k6k6 with intent to harmtv

'puff adder' n 116613 bimm6 pull tveat pursued, state of beingn bimm6 down the lower eyelidtv pursuit n didnd kpann6 pus n imIn YM1

574 push into watertv aside tv niza on tv dot --- aside to make space tv on a charm tv - on clothestv aMQ, ddk, aside with disdain tv d340, fbro, sine kpMn6 on a hat tvitem, yard, yht a heavy object for a on a high price tv distance tv kpAt adaa --- out the belly tv meke on an outfit tvb6b6 out the lower lip tv oneself into tv d313 inda, kpUnn6 together tvdian, yit out of normal positiontv a torch into the fire tv meke emam, sum over tv dbOr61,nua underneath tv daak something on wheels tv up collateral tvbiki, sin kpat words in one's mouthtv bb pushed not to use aj tkka become out iv meke python n Asa; become up iv kiinn6 coil made by n ikpb pussy-foot iv didk

put tv b6n6, nim, sin, sici across tv bi5Q, b15136 quantity nbat, dkpa2 become acrossiv bi30 quarreliv tbg6 the arms aroundtv kard n1k6, tbg6 between tv fdak settle a tv thm2 down tv dink, tem queen nadidem become down iv di be termite ebix, eka2 down what one has been quenchtv sic carrying tvbibmmo the thirst tv shilk 2 the edges together tv y31 question n bip forth tv sio of n tie the hair in bunches tv pointless naddkp6, bip2 idet,tail queue n ddim in tvdki, sin, sid quick aj s6p in ordertv neke, tilm2 become iv s6p, wamma, were, 575 quicken tv s5p piece of woven nekpat quickly adv s5p rafter n ht5513 do iv wamma, ware. rage nbOra do with the handsiv dbok, rain ivdep, edim ward nedim quickness n s5p puddle n ri.d1613 quiet aj dob6 heaviest of the rainy season ..1 , n fit2 nukuo ,uworo ukuo become iv 6)106 rainbow n ddiak quietly adv dbb6, raincoat n b5132, edim, fdk quietness n dbb6 raindrops n edim, dkot quill of porcupine nebiGrj, tk6i rainmakern abia, b6k, edim quiver n ef;k, idarj rainstoppern abia, b6k, edim quote a price tv tarn,udua rainwatern edim, m660 1. ..1 rainy seasonndep, edim, ukuo heaviest rain of the

1 race ndiana, itok, AddbA , ftw5 r5 Ukix5 foot n it6k, raise 'open a----' tv it5k an alarm tv b5131, ifikpc5 'tear a----' tv it6k hell tvdimmel racing n diana the pricetv benne, sin, radion k116, ixdaa raffia --- up tv benne bag n ekpat the voicetv 106 mat n ibiti raised up, become iv konno palm n likat ramnakukim,edgy palm frondn ek56k rank n akpo palm frond fiber n efak ransack tv bim palm frond leaflets n rape tv kap ijkand rash n Mat palm frond spines n ifot heat ---n ifat,idibiak Wahna scratch a tv deep, Mat palm groven habek rat n ekd, 'aim/ skirt n ikpiyA,mkpin kind of n bk6n6, dylit, ek0. ekti,iboi

593 576 ration tv firhp life style/Manners n fdyd, rattan palm n hkara uwom 2 rattle n saga reckon n bat kind of n 6kpirat recognize tv dib136 copper n dy613 recover iv seere shake a tvsdgd2 rectum n eeiln raw aj sliy6 red aj dat razetv kp6k, 1.1fSk become iv dat, yilb6 razor n dkddal) necked lizard' n akp6kiita strop n 1kpd reddish aj dandy 1dat 1 straight n di513 become iv and reachtv dot,sim, sim6, powder n idat --- the mark iv di6t6 redeemtv fakd out to get tv sim6 reduce in height tvtek --- to tv taagd reduced, become ivtek ^ become within iv sim6 'redwood tree' n likpa 2 1 redye tv dfien, demm61 read tv k66t , s6 aloud tv kpO3k1 reed, kind of naya a booktv k66t2 refer to tv baaild 1 ready, gettv kpeee, m6k6 referencen bakd 1 real referring nbaal3d 2 money nidioon reflect lightiv sem stuff/thing n chiek refuse tv Elm, sin something nidioon to accept advice tv1kG, niin 2 tv niin, really iv nek6, n16 , thagd to obey an order 1 rear a child tv b66k , yb rear n 6kO to recognize tv diOk reason n Mak refusal n sin give a tv siddk refuse n IMO recall a curse tvsio particles of crayfish n ltdk reasoning power n ikike pit n ifim, 1t1On 2 rebuke tvikS, kpan, tai refute tv kill receive tv regardtvddt reckless aj fayd 577 regret iv seeme remindtv t6g6, to6y6 tvfi5k, tdd remote aj &maga, 1 n fi5k remove tv beak, sic>,tilig0 reheat "soup' tv afere, ybk bark tv yhard reject tv sin. burning firewood tvdapd, rejected aj &maga samm6 rejoice iv dadra cover/lid tv 1[46 rejoicing n dadra, dat, esit coveringtv ftiOr6 relate tv bilk eyes from a fish tv 'cape. relations, lack ofn kp61), nand from embers tv dapd relationship between groupsnman from fire tvyOk6 relative particleeke --- from heat source tv Canna relatives by marriage n ilkGt - -- froma hook tvk61 m61 kbp6 relax tvmeemi from its placetv dOOr6 the face tvis61, tat --- from the mouthtv fipe release from water tv ninne an embrace tv fate, a head coveringtv yhard a hold on tv yaak --- leaves from a branchtv wet a trap tv afid, k610 --- a loop of rope from an reliable personn bare animal's neck tv f1:15r6 religion nabasi, ikG - -- an obstacle tvk5k5, site relinquish contra over tv fake. palm frUit from the pot iv reluctance n miOlj kOOm6 reluctant, feel ivmibi] a plug tv sit6 remain iv sago, silk,yak a pot from the fire tv tem

underwateriv nine a prohibition tv lenik6 until the new day iv a proptv fi6k6 siere sand from rice tv sat with tvnad skin tv yaard remainder nitige a support tvfeek, fi5k6 remaining part n sug6, silk, a torch from the firetv y6k, y6g5 samm6 remains nitige water with a bowl tvfop remember iv t66y6 - -- a wedge tv fi6k6

50,5 ...-....-,-`'


what hangs tv k5p6 resist tv kpaap1 what is impaledtv t6t6 resistant, become iv kpaap sleek .,1 w0/35 what is wrapped around tv resolution n ata , waiNd resolve tv ata1 what was stuck/pinned/fixed not to dotv kpahrja to tv wiik6 resolved, not get iv diaga what was wedged/stuck intvrespect tv kpon6 fakd n kpOn6 removed, what is n si6 respectable position, have a iv

rendtv waak ki513 renew color tva.nen, demmel respectful attitude n kpon6 repairtv respiratory trouble n eieek a hem or tear in clothtv respondiv, tv flimme kap& to tvkOp, yie repairer n risinia response, without aj mmuum repeat iv figk, maana, nixak2, responsible, become iv dOr62 2 time, tiu361 responsibility, become a iv dbro , over and overtv ku6r6 k6b6 repeated aj maand, nom rest iv adadil, dhbk6, eeek, tidit repent iv esit, kap& n adadia., dhbk representation of ancestorsn the chin in the hand tv ebeek, k66k1 representative, council n isGQ with tv nag reprimand tv d6k6, ikG,she_ restless, become ivkpirakty6k n d6k6 restraintvkphn reproach with tv bak6, si6613, oneself tv mum tAp6 result ntip1 reprove tv t6132 in tv wa6 reauest n beel3e, d6131 of an exam n bbbr6 requesting and obtaining a favor retaliate tv si6, lisieene n d6k6 retarded 2 resemblance n blot become iv tuns resemble ivbi6t2 person n tuna reserve. tv yak retch tv kbk 579 retouch walls with mudtves a ---- hand nfrnasla, ti.b6k, udom returniv n613,time -hand siden 11136k, return totv revealtv siddk Aara stand on the hand. sideiv a nametv dw6 sidek kpe a secrettvbilk right awayadviki, ini revelation ndapd, kit ring nmkpainiltinrinilk,fintitin revealed, becomeivyhara kind of nita, rirkp6. revengen usi 6 One nnuun take tvs16, usieene is dead'kpii reverberationsn biro worn on the waist for dancing reveretvteerje n dkpard reverence nte Or) e metal n6.k p 6n6 reverentajakukiz palm leaf n kdre. reviletv sae string or raffia n 6.46n6 , reviveiv fer6,s eere dIn6 tvf Oro ringwormnekp6 rfifem revolvetv kapd have iv biy6 rewardtv Mica,tipl rinsetvdaard rheumatism n ew6.15k the mouthtvduaga, chi6g6 ribs n6.kpard,6.kpatd,6.kp6, ripeaj 56r) rikpat 6,,r5karj become ivdat, s61 meat on the n 15k al] become (of a boil)ivdilk rice nadeesi become (of eb 'en fruits)iv rich biro get offtvdid ripenivdat man n aw6 , nie ripened, becomeivs61] riddlenkey rise ( of celestial bodies )ivm6nn6 tell a tvke, (of rice, bread, in cooking) right nnen iv k6k6 become ivnen ritual bleeding and cleansing n rightsn nen tipe right ( direction)n river n6.kpa, ifiaijm66136 Mom, ixf16.3 edge of a n iriben 580 road n limb) tie on mat tv 15ka5 intersection nbok6 room n -hbe6t major n dkp6 sitting n assn, iift166t open/cut a new tv siddk sleeping n dda place where s branch off n room, make tv fet weld, rooster n side of the n ftiben comb of a n bfa tarred n itdi rootn roar (of thunder) iv mime small fibrous s n 4kdm roast iv f6b6, tipe tap n kpan 1 1 tv f6p, kk , sue, tipe ropen ikpG, ndidi, ddlik roasted aj f6p loop of --- n ikpb roasting cassava nf6p, iwd slacken a tv sithk 1 robber, highway n ma , -hke rot iv bh robes, men's n akpard talk iv -tidal) rock rotted, become iv yepe --- a child tv dyin,word rottenaj bu a woman in the arms tv become bu, sdge, yepe

word to the semi-liquid state aj rodent miaka kind of n akaa (ddia), become to the semi-liquid

ine , 13kukua , uku, usip state iv1511t6, midkd roiltv bloke), WU), timmel thing n roiled, become iv Wk6 rotate in a hole tv did6g6 roll tv kpat rough skin nilikpirlikpu idem --- of cloth n dkpd have --- iv saki

--- up tv rjwin round aj borci, Ica/4 up into a cylinder tv fit1 become iv b6r6 rolled up, become iv b6b6 and full and complete aj bore) roof n ak5m and heavy aj ifen --- beam n ilt6613 object. n akpbrb, ifen, ffikpdsi, --- mat n 15kdil5 hicah pillar n dfak pot with ra) mouth n b6r6 lay a tv mid make tv look 581 round a turn iv bi6IN6 into (collide) tv bOmm6 rowdy aj ndam offiv 'Tian in a manner advndam on tiptoe ivkoni rub out (of liquid) ivdit briskly tv s66k overtv nadk gently tv fi6IN6 become overiv nudgd, off tv dUep, kUOk6, s66k run (of color) iv drign, duk on tv f16m36, yet, yie runners (of a plant) n riE6nin6 on lightly tv dUepe runningnit6k 11110.1. a person's legs to beg around n fege forgiveness tv dsidn, fi613/36 competition n riddbd together tv s66k he:-.9 and there n fege rubbed on, become iv yere rust n 4kendfdij rubber n hkp; --- grove n mbak seed n ukg saboteur nsdb5t --- tree. n akpo, sacred place n abasi., is6 ruckus n ffikpeti sacrifice tv sin, wa ruin n s6106 n wa financially tv tdge.d6 a goattv y66k ruined, become iv blara oneself tv mid rule tv kdra carry out---:-s tv 6kp6, ktip ruling n blOr6,kpel period of the year when s are rumor, spread a tv si6, offered n As 6r6 yir6 sad, becomeiv flig6 runivfeg6 sag iv deen, denne, du3mm3, sinin6 --- after women tv yire sagging aj siVin again (of a stream) iv become iv 6'51=6, man seere sage Ata2, fl5k around too much iv saKid, sailn afdra,af613, itdk,ubom 1.1k6t saken iwdot away iv fege, kOni salient part n dkp6 errands tvk6.m, "Item saliva n etap fast iv bard, it6k, s6p

50,9 582 salt n as a bywordtvtOb6, t6g6, rough, gritty n ktiddgi top cylinder of raffia to store nothingtv fdt, intia ijkad something tv Ina, sin, sio, waste of ---n tiyiO 1 saltlessness n beye scabn ffikpd saltpetre n at6n, scabiesn Mita same aj kem scalesnkp6k5 sample n tabd on the legs n kpok6, likOt sand ntang scalpnikpd, ish, Nat on the shore n -band scandal nufiot coarse n ktiddgi, -band circulate a tvtObO, tOg6, fine for building n Una top, lifiOt sandal n ekpdtkpdt scar. tv bicim sandbar n tand nhibbn, Ncpaij, AdidO1 sandfly n 6kpOk scarce, become iv nand, nand, llama, 'sandpaper tree' n khOkO s6b6, 'hex& sandy scarcity n nand become-- iv tang scattertvbuko, swan, wat2 soil ndete, tdnd scattered aj sand sap netO, imin adv kpb51362,siO sarcastic, become iv dblj become iv sixand 'sasswood'(kind of tree) n scent tv ideep schoolnAfGk, wet satisfied, become ivdi6t5, sop, scissors n fdt cut 37111c6 with tv fdt satisfy tv di6t6, sip, rik6 scold tv dlidt a desiretv stak scolding n d6k6 save tv hadiji scoop saw tv, n y66k liquid tvfOp, koi, kOpO sawing motion, cut with a tv out tv Ica* k56r5 y66k uutv klidnnd say iv bO,tee up with the handstv w6p6 tvb6, ik;,tdij2 scoot overiv tout 583 scorched aj saki sea n dkpd, ifialj, m660 scramble n bime search tv yem for tv bime, fiddlja carefully tv d1146 what people or birds for continuouslytv yem n did season n dyib scrapetv klidt dry da char from burnt food tv rainy n edim, itkabl 1 fat season a new pot tv kdia the nails tv kuat, Mbard seatntie off tvkliat without a back n Mkp6n6 scratch tvdeep, kip, waak cross s of a canoe n rfikp6n6 the ground tvfet, sari mud n bot in the ear tv d11605, lit6rj seated an itchtv deep, Afdt become iv di5g6 lightly tv fixbk secluded

a rash tvdeep, Mat area in a stream n ekpinj scratched, become iv fla6r6, idim, idiml, Ikpetelj idim part of a village n dtdni scream ivb41,di666r6, fi66r61 seclusion and confinement, state rfikpo, tiddrd2, y66r6 ofndkpe n di66r6, Akp6,tiddre, secondaj iba, y6g6 yo6r6 -born daughter nurawa at tvb3131, di6Or6,fi66r6, - born son n lad6

tiaard , yooro - hand clothes n sat screw up the face tviso,1, muum the onen didn, didnd scrotum n ekpa, fat person ndidnd scrub tv s66k, tiakl secret aj dibe, dip the floor tvdba, nime, thoughtn dip s66k become unable to keep a iv fibrous for bathing n kizsd, Ina, yapd sap6 give a sign tv fixbk scumn rifidgd reveal a tv bixic on palm wine n dOt secretly advdibe, dip on 'soup' n dfere 584

secretions - rule 11 kard of 6k6;33 snail nutaan indulgence n mat of a healthy eye n &len, sell tv fiam dete at a loss tv thk,udua ---s of insects n dep like hot cakes' iv ti of an unhealthy eyen dfien, semen n risene 1 d6r6 send tv d613 viscous nd6r6 away tv bill, bine

section n bakd, Ubeij fortv d613 1 --- of bushnikPege to tv d61) (in the market) n flak sense tv kop sedimentn itdk common n nand --- from palm oiln dtdi separate tv didnnd see tvkit dnem tvanem clearly tv mbbn6 out from tv did/gd more than one shouldtv things that are joined anen, scp togethertv kpakd -- offtv souk yams tv did, wank --- unexpectedlytv, ivyok6 separated from, become iv diannd, seeing more than one shouldn diAind &len, sop separately adv sib seed n et6,fit2, ffikpdsi, septic wound n inia, ifi66n, ridbk --- of 415n AdlIkpdp septum, nasal n imi61 yire

1 of raffia palmn isip sergeantn sAyen, , yire melon n ekusi, IkOn ---major nsdyen rubber nuko serious problemnnan seeing what one wasn't meant to servant ndyin, lifGk

see n alien live with as a tv alk6 2 seemivbd, blot , tie served right, become iv kem, to iv blot2 -Woe seldom advini, suk set (of the sun) ivsap, utin select tvmek, sat set (put) tvdidnna, sat become iv k6g6 self n idem aside tv dihgd 585

aside fortv diook sexually excited, become iv dUdt down tv dib5k, tem shabby aj sdgdi become down iv dibe become iv sdgdi fire tvf6p, sin shade ndank, deen, et6, fit2 a low price tvmem, ildia shady placen fit2 offiv dakd shake iv kek , neeie, nege, nek, off for tv dakd tAk6 a trap tvdw6, dfid, sin tv Rek, Rik, uptv k66k1 tilk6 up lots tvdfid hands tvfdak, k66m, db6k become on edge (of teeth) liquid in a bowl to distri- iv dbOr61, edet, yike2 bute ittv y66n6 cause to be on edge tv off responsibilitytv kp66n6 yike2 off sparse oil palm fruit set of similar objectsn bakd from the stalk tvsiak settle iv terne out tv sipe 2 2 an argument tv bibro, tdij a rattle tv sdgd tUm2 to wake uptvthak a court case tv bibrO,kpel water in the mouth or a

td132,titm2 bottle tv chide, a court case in favor of tv with a jerky motion tvsipe t6p6 shaking of the earth n fiek 'dust tv abia, nime shaky hand, have an habituallyiv a quarrel tv ikG db6k,kekl settlern ddij shame n dbliht sevennumitiabh, itiOn bring on tv sanne sewtv kim, ' lady' (kind of plant)n on a button tv tfimina, yit bahk, fege, ikG, Udi ijkad tv 15kdRd shameful aj dblat sexual shamefullyadv dbUiat intercourse nrad share tvdeeme, wand .2 have intercourse iv dmo , n deeme nad food tvsin, Ub6k --- organ ofekUGI) snail n shark nanim db6r5,

60.3 586 sharp aj dege, faar6 skin (of a snake) tvfabr6, become iv dege, fixar6, kp6k6 s6b6, s6p sheepn edGij become in hearing iv s6p, sheet of paper n ikpd,

151e81), wet become in sight iv s6p shelf cutting edgen dege kind of n bic5m, eke, atd13 state of having eyesn shelln kp6k6 agn, edli shelter part of a knife or machete temporary n atayat n faar6 in a canoen ibiti, ilbom put a object on the ground shepherd n 6613, kpeme to deter thieves nsand1 shield n atu, ek61) sharpen shift iv, tvsike, tout on a file tvban (garment) nsimi on a stroptv y6=6 off' iv kbk6 to a pointtv ku61, s61 shifting ntaut sharpened stick n kpdt, Asadal3 shiftless aj fege sharpness n dege shifty eyes of hearing n s6p have iv Afign, saki of sight n s6p state of having n align sharpshooter, become iv nen, shilling nsiren ilb6k shin nakp6n6, aslant Akpirki sharpsighted, become aj :CAL, dkOt, tikot s6p shine ivdá, m6nn6, sem2, ydmd, sharpsightednessn erign, s6p ydmmd shave intensely, brightlyivedli the head completely tv a lighttvm5nn6 idgt, k66r6 a light in the eyestv finn the hairline tvb6k6, idgt a light ontv tdenne she subj pron affel a light to look for &at) sheath of a knife n ef;k snails tv tilenne shed. like a cat's eyes iv align, w leaves tvkez1, ijkh 13 di steadilyivtdenne

6O 587

'shingle tree' n eV), fid and fat aj ikim w 1 shiny aj di become and fat ivtiara materialn sir;it and hefty aj ifen shinnyivnip become for one's ageiv ship n kaaj1 Asun ikaij, ilbom tip/ shirk tv fep cutn bib') shirker n fel) cuts nkpik6 shirking n fel) person n etbk, itiat, AySt shirt nafbij, idem, sint in biO shit remain iv ekpeme,t61 beat the out of tv shortcut n AsAij watt shorter than normal person n is6 shock tv bayd,duat shoulder n dfdrd n bayd dislocate the ---tv k6k6 electric n dAdt hump up the tv kinne shoes n ikpd, Akot shrug the ----s tv kpAk6 1 shoot n shout iv b3ij , di6OrO, AkpO, 2 up iv seg6 tiadrd , yo6rO first of a plant n&line ndiOOrO, AkpO,tiddrd2, furled of palm stretched yOOr6 flat n ayei at tv 1)1J1, dic56rO, dAdt, new s nsege tiadrd2, yO6r6 young of oil palm n iy8p shouting n dAdt young of palm or plantain shove tvniza, nuk, tusk n dkpin away. tvkpdt shoot tv top off' iv nix& at tvtop showtv w6t and hit tv tigd of pride nkpirek shooting n tiga off iv firdij, kdka, kOkO, shop n ubeet, ildiaa, Ant kpirdk, kpirek, kpuk3, milk, shopping aj dep mak, tidm, teat, w6t shore n esilk offn Ube= short aj bib, mile pitytv kip; become iv mlig6 a piece of land (make it

605 588

available) tvikot sick sympathytv gtb6m become (with) iv d6361 the teeth tv eat, nin become of iv dbOr61 showing off nkaka, kpirek, wit sicken tvblak shreds nbOke sickly aj 1111/3, yeet shrimp become weak and iv d6p62 kind of nabu, atiamtiim, sickness n d61361 Asadaij siden dd, edem, Mben, Abel, small s laid between sticks and smoked n kpat of the body n shrine n akdkA of the face n nabdij

family n ekpo,iso1, Adem of the hip n 1w6131 111)4 shrink iv fiimi of the housen esa shrivelled whiskers nMban become iv fan, kpdyd sieve n diik6 state of being nadikpinne, woven n kepi kpayi sifter n duk5, firita shrug the shoulderstv dfard, sigh iv eeeye

di b/36 . kpdk6 sign n shrunken aj fiimi make a tv wddk become ivMini make a of no trespass tv shudder iv dicin6 dy8p, ik6t, Vida shuffle the feettv is3/3, s66k, signifytvwa6 dkot silence ndob6, dbp shut silent become in iv kile become (of a person) ivdbp in tv bdge, kuk person nimdim become iv kixgo silently adv Mmdilm a doortv bet, dsdij silkn4kesi, sirek the eyes to tv anen, bhp cotton tree' n dkim the mouth tv inua headtie shy aj dbuilt silky materialn4kesi shynessn abdixt sillinessn fidit613 sibling n ekal silly aj fiditel)

6C-6 589 since conj sa, to, t6602 skintv yeer6

prep t6, t6602 n fot, ikpd, kp6k6, ffikpdi singiv, tv kti6 bag on gun trigger n dkpo singer on soupn uta lead n dicta of vagina n mkpap itit professional n dta2 human nid6m village --- n aka kind of disease nakpo single one of severaln dkp6 rough- n mkpiriikpu idem singlet nffikp6g6d6, sirkiret shed tvfabr6 sinkiv db/3 skinny aj dkp6 sip tv tAmi skip tv fium6 through a straw tv fipl, 'skipper, mud' (kind of fish) n tikGt ddd, hbim6 sister n dyin,ekal skirt half- n et6 raffia n ikpiya ---'s son n in6, dkGt multicolored raffia n hkpin ---'s daughter nins, MbOr6 skull n iwat, k5/3, hkp6k6r6 sit iv tie sky n ikpd, site, old nndoon cloudless n fid, n66/3 sitting n ti6 slack, become ivtek room n af6 ufok, dsan5 slacken iv tek ied66t tvmeem1 tek six numitibkeet, ition, keet a rope tvsuuk, tek sixpencen sisi slander tv dot,abki, sdpdl, sixty numhtd2 tiyib 1 size, by kpOn n dot, dbbk , tiyib 1 skeletal aj Akp6 slanderous, become iv s'ag'a skewered, become iv tor6 slang phrasenufiot skill n uso slant, cause totvfeek skilled slap n 2 become iv uso, ub6k give a tv iifid , yolpg. 2 work n uso stun with a tv ilfid , y6/3/36 workmann awe), uso slash tv kpi skimtv dlIk6 down tvfimm6

6C7 590 slaven funny slit raffia palm tree and pull the treat like a tv funny bark off tv kp35/361 slavery nfhnn6 slitheriv yirel) sleepiv daya slop around tvmlaka n dapd slope down to a stream n &kWh with tv dal), kag, nad (idim), idiml

' in the eyesn sloping aj shk6, suck deté place ntike '----' in the limbs n kpaya lower part of ground n keep from tv taloa souk one who doesn't much n sloppilyadv dlitere, tdege -baba sloppy aj blit6 sleeping n nha slow matnikan downivtek, ube overnight n dal) down and walk carefully iv room nada kpee131, meek2 person fond of n ebet become and sluggish iv 1 sleepy, become/makeiv, tv yeet d14:36 slice tv f6mm6 growing child n tip slide down iv dint witted aj siin6 sliminess nd6r6 slowlyadv sib), souk slimy, become iv- d6r6 do more than expected tv slip iv dti5nn6, fi3nn3 f166n6 down iv diat go ivtek, ube from the graspivb5k6 sluff from human skin n kp6k6 of the hand' n Ab6k slug, kind of n ebbrib

' of the tongue' n sluggish aj soon Ina become --- iv ad/w5, shnn6, a rope around a palm tree tiinn6 tv ikpG, war) ---- person n nbn, thnn6 slip (garment) nMkp6g6de, simi way of doing thingsn soon slipper n akpatkpat sluggishnessn slippery, become ivdA6nn6, slump iv tek d6r6 smack lips tv si66p

6C8 591 small aj hkpdrh, ekpire, etbk, smooth aj d6n6 sip2 become iv d6n6, d6r6, kil5k6 become iv fUr6, kelje, make tv d66n sip2 smoothly, speak tv d66n. bony person n emiaq, smoothness nd6n6 zrsesikemihq snag ivkbb6 of the back n ddiSk snail in pieces aj kdadgd kind of n ekdh, bkbrikb smallness n etbk exudate n d6r6 smallpoxnisOti Mat, to hunting n tdenne vaccinationn kpi cluster of ekdh----s ndy; smart, become iv smat, s6p snake (gen term) n ik6t,dddki 'smart', become ivsammd kind of ndsdk, hshwi, bire, smash tv ndak ekp6 dshk, f6n, ib;m, idAdq, ik6t, smashed isim, ish, iwat, 216610,dddki become iv midge., nUdkd cast-off-skin of n kp6k6 become to bits iv sddgd snap iv kipe smear tv s6nn6 the fingers tvkpirek, Ub6k on tv- yie off ivbeke smell iv tebe snatch tv wdpd1 tv natine sneak about iv !fin, qw615n n tebe, tifik sneaky person n e66n of fishnedgd sneerivmin of fresh fish n eigd at tv e66m iyak sneering n e66m emit a tv fithql expression ninua have a good iv fixbql, nem sneezeiv, nfiara, whydi lend a to tv fixbri/ snifftv nattne 1 smelling, bad aj tebe sniffles n fip smelly aj tebe snore ivVein smile iv fa5k, imam, inua, snort (at) tv fihrd sdk, tat snuffn ikh, ntapa, slowly iv imam, tuck thbd smoke tv ikh, e6q take tv ikh nkdql, nsurj ikhq

6G3 592 so conj mat soldier n soya that conj baaki, s n ek4 1 ,2 , mat,no , nte , tutu sole that not conj bahk1 of the footn eka, ikpat long as conj ini somen bakd, sdk so-and-so n, aj esa someone n ewe) soak tv deep something n itkp6 into tv did sometimen dkit oneselftvfine s adv bakd, ini, sdk through tv did somersault n kapd soaked aj deep sonnddeen soapn asakpa, at6ij, stop of brother/sister n soda n nikada dk;t sob iv dyit, eek fifth-born n Afidi social gathering n bc5g6 first-born ---ndkpdn society fourth-born n kind of nabire, abbn, ilfd66t biO, di5O, ek6q, ek661j, eke, second -born nAd6 1, ekp6, ikpd, is313, ndmi Atim , third-born n ud3, tifid hydama, dkot, ukua Afd66t contributive n tip1 song -nkd6 cooperative nfadt soothe a child tv dyin, bok, we') join a tvban sorcerer n tibia, soda soapn nikaa sore ninia, in33n, hdk soft aj itere, mem, witbe s on the headn ifibh become iv mem throat n didn, it1513

and appealingaj dwFir3 tongue n dd166, yeet and attractive aj ddek sorn ivn5505 softly, go iv tek, dbe sorrow n fde soil tvkpeen,sagdi sorry for, become tv ddilk soilnbat sort tvsat loamy nbdt sortn ddddk, tit:5 sandy ndete, tans souln dkp313 sold aj ham 593 sound of disgust/impatience/ have hair iv tdrAd, dkeit disapproval/contemptn sidamd, speak ivb6, ik; si66p tvb6 'soup' n&fere angrilyiv kind of n dbak, &fere, &tor), gentlyiv sib], dyib ddi, fia glibly ivd66n, ik; bad n izna iwA out ivsib, tat, dyib 1 cook a rich tv kd/3 , ybm pompously ivkpbil left over n dal) smoothly ivd66n, ik; light --- n f6b6 to tv tea?2 skin on n uta unintelligibly iv semi thick nbarb bat, bibm up ivtat, dyib thickener for n bdt speaker of one's own language n watery n m66/36 kbp, semi sour spear n eddat become --- iv fiumm6 grass' n siddk --- orangen rit6m, iadMaya fishing n iasam .2 soured, become ivink specialistn dta sournessn fidmm6 spectaclen set 'soursop' (kind of fruit) n spectatorsn set sawasdwa speech 1 source of a stream nidim , fastness of n sop tape make a powerful tv dddt southn ethic spend the night iv darj space n fet, ixfarj spending the nightn dal) 2 out tv kp33/36 sperm n risene ---s between the-teethn edet, spiced meat or fish n ydt

iffarj spider (gen term) n utuut ekpe make tvfet kind of nekpe, fdani, utuut 2 spaced out adv kp35/36 ekpe spark (of a fire) iv sdkd webnfddn, kbp6,dddki, 2 sparkle iv sem ittitht ekpe sparse aj teand spill iv diabk6 become iv team& tv 6.15k n diabk, diabk6 594

spin tvdbk2, flak s where water has splashed n spine (anat nAkp6, kern, sak2 tiammA of a leaf n Akp6, 616/3 spotted aj tipe on the raffia palm frondn with bald places aj fibe Ayiya, ifot /*aria become with bald places iv spirit ntidem, sibirit fibe holy n sibirit spread ivbibk, tA, tArA of a living personn tv tat, tiaqqA dkpG/3 branches tv shall spit -tvfiat gossip/rumor tv buk, 116',

out tv fiat, kbk6 inda, sic!), swan, ufiot, yire 'spitting cobra' n blre the legs tv tiat, dkcit splash tv, iv tiara, tiAmmA lies/secrets tv inda splashing n tiammA out iv deen splattertv tiAmmA out tv bit spleenn dian, bkpa out advddtere splinter n kim out to drytv kbp split iv sakA become all over iv de-to, tv slAdk nen open tvbak2 become out iv fialqA spoil iv bu become out flat iv denne, ate tv biaat, sApA with the palm of the hand spoilagen biarA tv y66q6 spoiled aj biarA walk with the legs iv dkot become iv .biarA, mark sprightlilyadvfeere spoiled (overindulged) aj deice sprightliness nfeere sponsor nberet edem sprightly, become ivfeere, sAmmA spoon n ikpA/3 sprinkle ivedim, sipe, tiAm, big n lbOm tiAmmA large wooden cooking tvsipe, tiammA, watt kbOm6 sprinkling nsipe, tiammA metal n ida4, ikpA/3 marks left by n sipe spot n fide sprinkly aj sipe s on a leopard n i)kem sprout iv sakA, tipe n sege 595 spy on tvyep stamp the feet tvtidm spyingn yep stamp, postage nasitam squander tv sob6, tagdde stand iv cid square nesiOn, eaqd in awe of tvteens 1 ekpo n atdi , 61cp6, esion, --- in a certain relative position

. iand iv kpe village natdil, esion on the right hand side iv kpe squash, kind ofn hdise on tiptoe iv konno 1 squat iv, n s5r6 uprightiv ciddgd tv sbt standard, meet the tv d6m61 squat, become short, fat and iv standing n cid tiara, watern m66136 squatting n sbr6 protracted n cid squeeze ivmin standstill n diagd tv flimme star n 611613, Atalita dfibti w squeezed, become ivminne names of s n dt3 ahn, atai, ,1 squirrel (gen term) n dada, ma

6f;lc 'African apple'n udara 'flying n efe falling n ika stabtv kim starch n sitdas stabbed, become iv kim stare iv amen stack leaves in the hand for at tvsak2 shreddingtv 4kGq, tiam2 steadilyivOlen, mann6 stacked, become iv bogo, k6g6 staring n linen, sek2 stagger iv fimme, teine start iv, tv t661362 about iv &here the day off-wrong tv stain tvwuuk a war tv ek613, sidak n wde start up ivbimme, dikel, kpirak, onself tvwere kpirek --- clothtvwbt starting fromconj, prep t6, stalk n ekpetok, akp6 t661362 1 stamina nqweek startle tv_ dike , uw6m, wIldt stammer ii iko, kek1 by making a motion towards stammerer nkek1 tvbimme

" 596 stature n dd to iv yere statusn akpb, tie together tvb6g6, yire high in aj kpOn stick (insert, project) stayiv b6n6, tie into tv wduk,timl close to/next to iv didnd into a narrow space tvfddk overnight iv dark onto a sharp object tv tot steal tv yipl out iv dilbmm6, flan, tiger a little something un- out (of teeth) iv edet noticed in the presence of its out tv flan owner tvfdt out the tongue tv 13w66m --- professionallytvin6, yipl upiv dilbmm6 stealthn ein,e66n have hair which s out iv stealthily advein, e66n flared walk iv didd/3, /3w66n stickn et6 stealthy aj /3w66n for churning Abakn dd6gO sneaky, cunning person n of firewoodn Akp6

flw66n to lean onn der --- walkn didd/3, sbbp to prop up something with steam bath, take atv ddk n di steamboat n ka/31, ASIal] ika/3 to support growing pumpkin steeptv deep ka13/36. steeped aj deep to support yam plantsn stem ndkp6, ekpdt bakd, 6kpdi of oil palm fruit cluster used by ekp6 for executionsn

n dkpit, ekpdut ak la 1 --- of plantain/bananandkpit carved s representing ancestors step n akdal down (fig) iv tike flat to beat a mud floor n on tvdib, yeke mid overtv kAkd large s of the wattle n sternumn esit, kb/3 stew n dfere (see 'soup',) sharpened n kpdt, risdda/3 stick (adhere) ivfdani, yire small s of the wattlen tv didn kpand 597

thick short n akpOyom d53r6, idip twirl a in the palms tv have ache and diarrhea tv /lam walking n AkG eV) stone nitiat stickiness n d6r6 of a fruit n isip sticky small grinding n Ayin become iv yire stool nifim substancen kpeen stop ivbibro, tire stiffentv s661)6 (of rain) iv edim still iv sink tvkpan, tire adv abh3 from choking tv k6130 stilt --- from happening tv -tlbe ---sn dbia akp; pressing down tvfike dance n tibia dkp; --- short of colliding iv w. stimulation, without aj lamultim emme 1 stimulate a desire intv d613 uptv silt sting tv top, yat stopper nslit stinging stopping n tire bean' n anen, enat), ibaba storm about in a temperiv time1 Ilkp6 storm cloudn di66k, 116613 plant or animaln top storyn btlk, tang stingy, become iv fdat that pokes funn fiy56 stink sac of civet catn akiko, spread a tv tifibt 1 And tell a tv , tai32 stir tvbtikO, kaamd, sdOk6, pit stout, short and aj stirred up, become iv blik6 straddle tv tiat, likOt 'stiches' in the sidenkim, wElkstraight aj nen stock become iv nen take of everythingtvbat road n nen '.stockfish' n ekpOrOko -forward character n nen stomach n ekpa straightentv neke, nen -ache with diarrhean iv nick 6 dyiga strain tv duk6, sage become upset (of the iv cassava tv iwd, ken1 --- crayfishtv aba, kcal 111.'

598 A

strainer up tv flan palm wine nise stretch (distance) n afard woven n ke/31 stretched straitentv baba become ivtiaind, tiara, straits n baba tiat get into tv baba become out iv thine. strand of hairn idet, liket strewtv san strange aj asen strewn around, become iv sepe, strangern asen tlieke in the manner of a adv stride, with a long adv karma asen strike tv mia straw (drinking) n ekith on the head with the fist tv stream n idiml nbmm6 course/current of a n ilkot a matchtv kdako ktidt dam up a tv fak strings

secluded area in a n ekplai) in the mouth from chewing i dim stick n ak;k, inkpata source of a n tipe of seeds worn on ankles and 2 streams of watern ridi;/)2 wrists n saga street nfaak strip tv fOt corner n bi6/3136, leaves from a stem tv wamma strength nadudu, ibifik, Adide,stroll ivy5n eeek, strong aj 561) 1 acquire tv fak adv Isdi strenuous aj become iv esit, sleek, stretch tv nen, tikrid, tiara, s6.13 1 tiat mann eta, ihkpa , s61) the body/limbs tv neke person n tkpeti --- forwardtv flan vigorous man nitko the legs tv ukcit become in the mouthiv Ina, 1 open the eye tv dten, fibbn kai out tvkband, flan struggle ivbimme, d6r3, mianna w to tv ttiaga and, time to see something highiv n fiddqd konno for tvridarja .,..t.torsammrcevasn,,,,,,,vt

599 struggling n d6r6 succulence n ddek strut iv kpir6k succulent aj dtlik stubborn, become ivinu.a, lwat, part of a fruit nelek s61 suck tv flpi, wop stubbornnessn inua, iwdot, s6rj the breasttv wop stuck out tv fip1 become iv diaga, weig6 an orange tv fip1 become in ivfaga the thumbtv ub6k, w6p become into ivtime2 sucking, stoptv w6p6 become on to a sharp object sudden aj dike 1, yok6 1 iv tor6 death n dike' study tv kneep, wet suddenly advdike,yok6 stuff food downtv bime suffering n feen,kuut stuffed endure tv bb become with foodiv dier6 suffice tv sip stumble iv keine sufficiencyn ydt6 stump n itige sufficient, become iv di6t6, sip, tree n et6, itige, tire ydt6 stun tv yo/j/j6 sufficiently intense to be perceived, 2 with a slap tv idle. , yci/j/j6 become iv elm stunted aj tipl suffocate iv b6p personn tipl sugarnsutra stupid aj nak, some, siln6, tuns cane n MbMci become iv (Van, fern, nadrj,suicide seme, sime, suns, tuna by hanging n ekpdn ekpo nekpo, náá commit by hanging tv yire person neb6t, tuns suit iv dit, sip stupidity nnain, seme, sime suitable, become iv dot, kem stutter iv ik;, kekl sum n bat stutterer n kekl sun nu.t in stuttering n kek1 rays of the n dyio succeed ivnen bird' n Asasak success nnen Sunday nadere successful, become ivAw6, who sunrise nsaka, dtin 600 sunset n sop, Atin swearingne6/36 sunshine ndyib sweativ idibidk, tipe sunny nddikp5, idibidk become partly and partly break out in iv idibiak cloudyiv wenne sweeptv kiz6k, kpdt superfluity nbdgd1 bits of 'soup' from the plate superior aj kan tv kp66n supervise tvkpeme, Atom the floor tv isG/3 supple, become ivtiak the house tv ufGk support tvtebe sweet aj nirne the chin tv ebgk, k66k1 become iv nirgie remove a tv feek cassava' niwd, nem supporternberg, edem potato n did sure wild potato n ediam I'm adv 416 'sweet' (pleasant) aj nem surety nbi5n become iv nem, ndly36 surface iv depe 'sweetness' n nem surface covering n ixth swellivbipl, fit2, k6k6,y6k surpass tv fium6, fixr6, kan become -headediv k6k6 1 1 surprise iv kpd , yike swellingn fit tvwddt, yik, yikel swimiv, n w6k 1 n kpd , y6k6 swimming n w6k by y6k6 swing tv fim surroundingsn kdn, kick swoosh water in the mouth or a swagger iv kpirek bottle tv ddagd, d46g6 2 swallowtv men 'swollen shoot' n kok6 swallow (kind of bird) n Ida, sword swampn akpizk, dep kind of --- n akankarj fresh water where raffia -fighting nukua palms grow n dep, AMA, die8t grass' n sidak sway ivfleene, yeene sympathy n kpe, Dfib6m,ddilk sweartv el6/36 feel tv kpe --- bytv e6n6 show tv ifib6m, tdd --- on thbiam tv biam t.f


1 'tabanus fly'n4161 to tvs6k table n akp6k6r6 to heart tv esIt, fep taboo n bet, wddk to one's heelsiv bare., tail n isim it6k, tat end n risim unawarestvwdat feathers n rita up a crytv t6b6, t6g6, top, tailor n an!), tedb dfiot ant' n tbip taken away, what isn sdk taketv ben, dat, kbOn6 talen buk away tv diannal fepe talent nusG away some tv diaamd talisman n ibok away by force tv wapal talknikG away that which leans tv aimlesslyiv ddt.hara beere all at once iv td/32 backtv b5 a lot iv d6k6, inda, Apo., a bit/pinch tv d6p6, fabk yire care/time tv sh-ak behind one's back iv baand a deep breathtv k66t1 excessively ivddep an enematv kebe1 fast ivinda, s6p, ward hold oftv mum foolishlyiv duel) in little bitstv faap lewdly iv kpapi on tomuch tv kpapd looselyiv ddek, inda, wapd off (disappear) iv nuan loudly and angrily ivddat, edi2 off tv dianna, door61, fOt nonsense tv inda, kerj1

off one's clothes tv afb/3, rot tvkpapi, uddar) f-a5r6 rubbish tv inda, kpapi out tv didnna, sib to tv ikG, tax) the plunge' tv kaail vulgarly iv duek, inda, the remains tv kil5k kpapi, wapd snuff tv ik;x] evasive n fiaka stock of everything tv bat fine n d66n surreptitiouslytv ein, talking n tax? nv766n

62.9 602

tall aj Flan out tv weak become ---iv kOn, E66/3 a race' tvit6k, tat personnFan up tv weak become ---, thin and lanky aj tear n aylt, m66/36 kah/j6. crocodile ---s nakikb tang (of knife or hoe) ndmana tease tvriin1 sak tap tvk5n, kpbk6 teeth tap palm wine tv tizak, lik;t back n itak, thbedj taproot nd&a,, akpan gnash the tvitak tar, coal nital grind the tv itak, klidega tarnishn ixta spaces between the n idea) tarred roadn itai, tisk two top front nis61 tasknnem telephone nuduk1, ukuak,ways tassel at the end of an ear of tell tvb6, d6k6, ikG, neme, taaj2 maize n Ayeriye a fable/proverb/riddle tv taste tv did, kop, -baba kal, top nndu how tvtemme --- liquid tv tiami lies about tv uyio tasty, become. iv nlian6 the name tv sleek tattle tv bia a person the waytv temme, taunt tvinua, kp6g62, nw66m; tisk sib, t6b6, top a story tv --- with a bywordtv ufiot temper taunting n kp6g62, er66m hot n esit, flop taxn taksi act in a .fit of tvkpaki

collectornbb, taksi temperamentn dix income ---n 5.4kbm temperature tax a person's patience tv E66216 lower the of water tv siluk tea n ti tenndbak teach tv kpeep num Wolk, dixop teachern tise. tendon nasip tear tvsleek, walk tendriln AR6nifi6, 61eO'n into bits tv kpirme tepid aj mem off tvweak, wake. 603 termite thief n dw6, in6 kind of n ebu,hdislia] become a iv ins, yip i3leakat professional n ita ,ins hills (made by ebil) n diOn6thigh n ibdi, ifak queen n ebtx, bka2 thin aj fiiin, tdima termitaria ndiOn6 become iv eibk6, feere, test tv, n d6m61 sat, taila meet the tv d6m61 and dry aj kuai testicles nfet, hkAa become --- and dry iv kliAl tetanus n AkOn, it6rj, s6/3 become and dried upiv sat thanktvk66m, tber6 thing n itkp6 that dem ado, hael, dd, d6 s n bOn yonder dem akb, &Eel, dd, think iv kere, kom,set k6 tv kere, kom one dem dd --- about tv sin one yonder dem akb, afiel, thinking nkere da third ajita that con j, relative pron ke3 --- born daughter n ,1 that (relative particle) -Ake born son n Afia ixf1/66t theft nins thirst n 1t6 n, sat theirpossess pron ammo quench the tv it6n, steak them obj pron himG thirsty, become iv it61, sat then iv nix') thirteen num itd advof en, ridion, wan thirtynum aklik 1 there n d62, ndo, Atbi,udo this (one) dem imi, Me, da, mi adv d62, k6 thorn n kim over nulco thousand, one num ebot therefore adv Ana, fidian thoughtnkere they subj pron ammo thrash tv fi6p1 thick aj bar], bdt about iv miannd become ivbath bat in the wateriv mid thickener for 'soup' nafere, thrashing n fi6p1 bat threadbare aj iv fibe thicket n awbk (ikbt) become iv fibe clothn fibe 604 threaten tv bimme, -0216, liwOm tide 2 with a knife. tv ikua, kart, ebb (of the ) iv kebe w. 2 emme ebb n kebe threatened, state of being n bimme flow in (of the ) ivt62 2 threenum ltd. flood. n t6 days past or future n 11* tie tv b6p

aroundiv waif leafed yam' n dnem around and knot tv ti5b6 threepence n tir6 a child on the backtv dyin, thrifty aj fddt w5b6 become --- iv fddt, ub6k a cloth around the loins tv thrive iv fOrO king throat n ads., esit, it6n, on tv Tit throw tvtop on a headtie or sashtv b6b6 --- away tv di166k, top on roof mats tv k66131, 4kafid --- downtv t61 palm frond midribs to make a --- up totv si66n, tOgO, broom tvtam2

tlip6 --- tightly by wrapping around thrust in sideways, become iv several times tv fan sanal tie (draw) n Mbellibd3 thumb n abbdom, &pan, ekliffibi, tied

rindlin become --- (up) iv b6b6 aj itere ' piano' nekpa, ndido tight suck the --- tvilbOk become ---ivban, bop thunder nadAmal -fisted person n uma thus advAna tighten tv s66/36 thwart tvn6m15, tibe, thtin6 tilt tv fitak thwarts. n ffikpOn6, ilbOm tilted, become iv htik6 ticn fame; tilizk time n dd, fat, ini in the eyenLien, kep (occasion) nakdn3 tick (insect) n ikOpl (season) n dylb tickle tv tige the s n dyib tickling n tige immemorial n eset ticklish personndwO, tige every kha

622 605

fix a tv siddk tonguen edeme from to kua of a bell n ati 4kanike, mention a tv siddk 6kdnikd what is it mid, 6kanikd sore nddiOgO, yeet space of --- n dddnd too advAdel take tvsouk become much ivb661 unspecified n &kit tool for tapping palm winen enain tinntian tooth nedet pot n tian top n atirJ, dbre, f166n tiny aj kend, topmost aj h'66n, nad become ivkene,nidgdi torchn emam tip (end) n Asim torchlight n tGs tip (gratuity) dyin, titOm tormenttv, n tilk6 tiptoe torn around stealthily iv diddn become iv tagd, tak, wakd run on ivkOni become to pieces ivwhyd2 stand on --- ivkOnnO tortoise n skit walk on ivkoon,thapi tortureiv, n fl6m6, kuut, titic6 tireiv kagd toss awaytvsdrd of tv kak totteriv ten tired touch tv took

become iv dilk,kpal, mem, lightly tv fa5k, taloa *Opal tough aj s6n 1 become from heat ivkpa become - iv kplaUpl, sOn make tv kagd, kak man n dyddrd tiredness n biak, kagd, mem - skin ninkpiriikpu idem to prepkeg -- unbeatable mann dkpdtidt, toad n idt tobacco n 1161, ile;n, nwon tc ;hened today n ayib, ffifin become (of a three leafed yam) toe n nnuun, ukOt iv son tolerate tv yb town n dbib tomorrow n filkpOn trace tv min tongs tv fdt 606 tracks kind of n 6,baaice.n, abasi, animal n ikpat, wet adian, afere, afirly6, aktie.2, vehicle ndiht ak;k, akpap, akpo, b.n16, tradetvbin, lam, Adia o.tal,aton, dat, dOt, eben,6d1, --- at a losstvtb.k, ildAh ekg, ek6m, ekpe, ekpboro, eto, tradernudua fim, ideep, ikpafim1, iktdria, tradingnbin,l'Adila isard, itim3, kOke, kiteko, inkpa2, traits, bad ndu ifikpenek, Aria, trampletvdiO fislikakara, riya, 1166n, the groundtv ijkara,sag6.2,iibaitm,11136k, itl:366n, trancen kit , ,1 transfer a court casetv kpe, tikpOl,11118, aween, tiyayak, Ily6t1 516 s left standing after land-is translatetvkapd,semi clearednakpOti trap ndfid, ish, hfine, ube stump nitige framework of a n ube trunk nekpati release a tvk6k6 with its bark partially set a tvdwO, sin scraped off nkpani traveller nsand base of a trunkn itak travelling companionn sand part of a where birds gather tray n ebak, intien metal nbkiren, ndinai tribe n fatidt, (ikpd) isbn, ish woven nakukim, fim trick nfiaka, kard tread play a tv kard --- lightlyivs55p trickleiv diat --- water tvdd tricksternáwó treasurer n kamd trickyajflaka, kare. treattvddt, deke, kamd waysn kard --- kindlytv wenne triggern fet,kanl --- like a slavetvfunny trim tvfimme, kpoono --- with respect tvwenne trip ivtttage. --- a woman tenderlytvwere tripod, metal nfi6k trebleajkonno triumph over tvkan tree (gen term)n et6 607 trouble n afar (ekbrj) ,&con, --- the back tv kern 10, J6kpbtil timmel, ddi --- the buttocks towards tv cause tvsin w6)/36 cause --- for tvnbm6 a deaf ear towards tvdeeme person who's always in the face away /towards tv is61 dw6 off iv wake., waima, w6/3/36 troublesome, becomeiv dama --- over tv ilben trough nakuia cause to --- abouttv y613136 trousers n hfb13, dkot turtle n ikit truck, heavynisGq, nek tusk of elephant nenlin, Anak true, become iv ik; twelvenumdot, ibh trumpet n aduk, ban twenty numabek, edip '--- tree' n dn; twinndyin, man blowa tv bahn s nibh, man, mhna trunk of a treenekpati twine nhdidi truth n dkpan, ik; --- made from Midi ndddkl try tvd6m61, eana twirl tvfidk --- to persuade tv kpaki around tv fur) tsetse fly n 110;t1 risurJ, yips a stick in the palms tv dil6g6 tuber, kind ofnlad; twist tv flak, flake. tuberculosisn k673, kpaya, sat --- face in disgust tv is61, min tuft of hair/feathersn bkpin) grass or cloth to make a tug of war n dut headpadtv kard,/3 in tumbler, glass nkirhs, tabit into a circle tv ein turbulent windnfim --- a matter aroundtvkarma turn iv bi6rjrj6, flak, fidka, mouth in disgust tvinda, min karma --- togethertvkpagd tvflak, fiaka, karma, twisted khpa, ydt become ivflake., eine --- around ivedem, kph have a neck iv kdand --- around to look iv Arian, twitch nfimme, tuck k6k6 --- in the eyenamen, kep --- aside iv w6)/36 two numibh --- back ivkph, sin, timme days past or futuren ibh,

Ilikp6/3 rrN


fused planthn fruitsn uncrosstvk6k6, kpeka diana, iba uncovered, becomeiv yeAra hundred numridii uncultivated land nik6t intertwining palmsndi and,undercookedajtip1 ibe., isip yam n -headed snakenik6t undergotvduk, together ajiba, diand an ordeal tvafia, karj2 type a lettertvmirk the initiation for a society type (sort)n tvban undergrowth ndank underminetv d33k1 ugliness ndi66k underneath ndank uglyajdi66k underpants ndir6bsi, DA.2 become iv di66k understandiv k6m umbilical cord na.biot, ayin tvdi3/36, kara, kop, umbrella nayio, denne, dete, k6m ibiti understandable, becomeiv /3whija tree' nuno underwater, remainiv nine unawares, taketvwilat underwear nafbq, idem unbeatable, becomeiv fep undo an arrangement/preparation tv unbendivnak6 k6k6 tvk6k6, mak6 undulateiv, tvmuk unbending, becomeiv inua, s6q the backtvedem, mdk unbindtvf ate. undulating movements, dance with unblocktvsite iv, tvmuk unblocked, becomeiv site unearthtvbuk6 unbuckletvkpaka unent angletv kbp6 unburytvbilk6 unexpectedajy6k6 unbutton tvk peke, thing n y6k6 uncircumcized man nedilt unexpectedlyadvyc.;k6 unclear, become ivt6q6 do/occur/see iv, tvyok6 unclench tvfCit6 unfaithful woman nsa uncover tvfot, fuk6, kilp6 unfastened, become ivkp5g6'1 uncovered, becomeivfO/36

626 609 unfortunate person n 6,w6 kbp unsteadily advkarma, t enn ungenuineajf6p, k6.6ta unsteadyajf ege, fim, nadm ungrateful, be comeivbie.t become iv fime,ten, tliko, unhangtv k6nn6 yOk unhappy person,yok become ( about) iv, tvtbg6 in an manner adv have an look on the face untidilyadvttzeke ivmthim untidyajtdek unhooktv k6nn6 kbp6 become iv dil.p6,flinne, 13%11(161 ság6.1 uninclined, become ivmi5n s ,ttiek unit nhkia,,siland area nsepe universen imadOt ,law& become and wetiv dil.p6 unless conjb6g61,kpan2, silk make tvsepe unlocktv kp 6k6tat untietvfates,fixbr6,kp6k,tat unlooptv fiar6 untied, becomeivkp6g61 unlucky, becomeivi so1 untilconjhk5,tutu unnatural state, get into aiv preptutu, duk dbtl)r6 the timeconjhie) unobstructed, becomeiv site unusedaj unpleasant, become ivsaga1 unventilatedaj amalga: unplugged, becomeivsite unwedgetv be ere unproductive ( of flora)ajayaara,unwind ivtares, tat unravelivterra unwittingly, doivdue unripeajkim1 unwrap tv kp6k ,wanner eb en fruit n"6/3( eb en), unwrapped, becomeivwanne. ,1 eb unyielding, becomeiviso,s'5 unsaltedajbey6 unyieldingness n is61 become iv beye up to the mark, becomeiv pit 6 soup nbey6 upgradend6 Ok unseasonedaj bey6 upper part of a slope ne.dere become iv bey-4 uproottv kplit 6 soup n b 6 y6 upset unstableajfim become ( of the stomach)iv become iv fime bi6k6 610

upside down, hanging by feet aj vanity n kit thmign varyiv kpilg6 upslopend66k vegetable, kind of n akime urge tv fiik, kpak1 vein n dsIp, AdIt urinate iv skim, t6k velvet n ferifet need to tv d61) velveteen nferefetIn urine nikim venereal disease us obj pron nnin kind of n dkpdsdk use tvddt, kamd verbal conflict n ikG 'soup' economically tv very afore, tats much adv eti, tutu a byword tv ufiot become muchivb6g61 use the aj idem

become of no ---iv with vice presidentn breziden, fdi useless, become iv tb.k breziden usher out ekpci tv ekpcii kpat vigorously, do tv s6n, lib6k usually, do ivse2 vile aj addkpo utmost aj kan village nabio, dan chief n iwat --- council hallnafe,isGn vacation n ddadia, dlak --- crier nbiro, kp5k6, risk vaccination, smallpox n kpi 1t6ki6k, titom vaginandwó, idem, itit --- meeting place n afe ,1 II skin of nthkpa , mkpap --- square n htdi , esion itit violencen bom, fdyd vain violent become iv sere become iv fdyd behaviorn sere, liwom --- death n fdyd in foul, kpix, bk4d, person n akpana mkpa, dwo, ilydgd fdyd valiant, become iv doge in a manner advndam valor n age violently adv fdyd valley n abed6/3 viscous secretion n d6r6 value n udiza, at6 vise n fddt 611

vision ndapd, kit helter skelter iv kp66r6 visit tv se1 here and there iv kp66r6 visitor n &sell lazilyiv w66k entertain a tvasen, si6 on tiptoe ivk66n, thapi voice n Uyio on the balls of the feet iv 1an opiniontv inua, sin k66n, soup have a deep --- iv kpon --- outside (be unfaithful) iv lose one's ---tv sire esion lower the tv sirak sexily iv .w66k vomit ivkpbk2 silently and stealthilyiv tv kbk soap n k5k --- sloppily ivbibk, w66k have to tv dnr6, esit .stealthilyiv didan, ein, vomiting, feel like iv f6p6 soon, soap vow tv, n kááá unsteadily ivkeime vulturen dUtere --- with the legs apart ivnick --- with the arms or legs thrown out iv kaand waist n kem with small half running steps to the hips n isin ivson something worn around the stealthy n diddn, sp n ikpa take a tvsand wriggle the tvisin walking wait tv bet --- around n sand --- fortvbet stick n ak; et?), sand ontv tilm2 with the legs apartn nick --- to do harm to tvbemi wall nadibene wake n ikno gecko' n UkpGn walk iv, n sand half of mud nb6k6 --- about ivsand outer-- of a house n ash --- all over tv s6nn6 wall -eyed --- aimlesslytv kp66r6 become --- iv ail*en, iikpa anen backwards tv Mem- state of beinz---n afien, --- dragging oneselfiv ein, iikpa afien w66k ITSP17.,

612 wanderiv kdn, tin, yOnn6, y6n --- from straining n ffikpdtd 2 aimlesslyiv y6n in the river n fit --- around ivsand moneytv aklik wanderer n dw6, tin, yon n6 --- of salt n inure wandering n tin, yOnn6, y6n --- time tv ini wane (of the moon) iv esit, wakes wasted aj bihat, hkdnd, aydgd want tvyem wastreln6w6, tdgdde war n ek6n watch tv kpeme, tat fight a tvnwdnd --- fortv &len, tin start a tvsidak --- out for tvbem1 ward off hunger tv dbi6n, kpan --- overtv bemi warden nkip, kpeme watch (clock) /5kdnikd, lib6k warm aj yege watchman n kpeme become ivfi6p, Age water nm66n6, nw6n

--- by the fire or in the sun 1 buffalo' n tim tv f6b6 collected in a pit nudo food tv ybk leaf' n m66n6 --- one's hands tv y33n6 running down from leavesn --- oneselftv was yere --- slightlytv y33n6 yam n abire warmthnyege yam porridgen atb warn tv kpan, tan6 swish in the mouth tv (1116g6 --- against tv tbt waterbuck ntim --- very strongly tv yot, ut6n watery aj m66n6 warning n tbt become iv blit6, wash tv yet m66n6 --- dishestv asan, yet soup n dfere, m66n6 --- oneself tvyie wattle waspn ataat --- a house tv kpand, lif8k bush n ekpa supporting poles of the n 1 waste tv bdgd , biaat, tdgdde nbagdi,s6b6 wave tvfim, fan

. from cassava n iwd wave n &wawa (thmbn) --- from crayfishnken1 ..,4stwen^m,nownonmrer,rwr-te,err,r.,,

613 way nUsdn wedge tv b13, fi6k of life n tie n fdek, fi6k become in the iv bibn6 intvfdak in what die wedged in, become ivfaga, fi6g6 lose the tv dile weed tvwhak make tv b6k6 s n ridip, wipe

miss the --- tv d.he kind of &biz eci. 1 the that advdand clear out tv isoz,, enbiatl, we pron rillin wamme, weak aj mem, yeet pull up s tv gibi6t1 become --- iv mem, yeet weeding n wank .2 become and sickly iv d6po weekn adorn, itdba sickly person n yeet weepiv, tv dyit, tad weakling n dtinn6 weeping n dyit become a iv dUnn6 weevil (gen term)n flak weakness ndUnn6, mem kind of nflak, nnuk, kbti, wealth n 1115y6, niel ixd6 rinuk ek;t wealthy aj m5y6 weigh tv d6m61 become iv m3y6 --- down tv teke ,1 mannáwó weight n d6mo , d6p6 2 weapon n tigd welcome tvasen, ddard, dike , sam

ws ,2 wear tv fbr6 give a warm tv n emme , beads on the neck tv k6n6 wenne clothestvann, dUk,c1.1)61 well adv f6n sine do iv- denne, neke, thaga, 2 fashionable clothes tv titm king become formediv d6p6 a hat tv yard well n'Ube, weet

out tv talc welt n /5kiJkilt, nalon weather n ayie west nsop, Utin n weave tv doe wet aj denne on a loomtvthak become iv denne, dixp6 'weaver bird' n siddk --- and messy aj bUt6 web, spider n fawn, Utirixt ekpe become and messyivbUt6, dixp6, midka

631 614 wetnessndenne white aj fid whalenbak2 become iv fid what n, aj fisO6 --- bitter leafn si6 relative pron sea of the eyen dfien for/use fOn man n dw6, fid what's-his-namen, aj esa whitenessn fid wheel tvkpdt whitlownayiya, Mbard with a tiren kdrd who n, aj anie 1 --- without a tiren inkpon6 rel pron sea when ndkee, dd whose aj anie

, 1 conj da/jd kua, l)ko whole aj afire, y6g6 1 2 whenever conj add/3d,ddná , kua the aj ddld where n mmb6, hke, lake whooping cough n eb;k, kUdi, k6/3 1 rel pron dice, sea why baak , ndm, fisb6, ritdk conjntel not baaki 1 whether conj Ima, fite3 wicked, become iv bik, doom 1 whichn, aj dkee wickednessn bik, d66m rel pron dice, sea wide aj b611136 --- onendkee become --- denne, elaajd while conj ddnd1 --- nostrils nborm6 whipn ikpa widen iv denne, tiband whirlwindn dkpd, fim, fin), widow n ebe, kpd 1]whi3d, yOk wife n dedan whiskers ninUa, 4kdm --- of my fathern llama side ---n a.k5k5 Mbaq, Alban who lives outside her husband's whiskey nUk;t compound n dedan 2 whisper iv adil, dbq co- n fibe n ada, 1n6, Ut6/3 favorite n mat whistle iv inak, tudanf Uflom first --- n dtdi tvfit2, tuddn wiggle tv di6g6 n fit2, dfi6m wild aj nddm 2 blow a tvfit , Uflom become iv ddmmd, fdyd whistling n inak --- loose young man n akpara tree' n et6, fim person ndtia atiddat go iv fdyd, iwUbt

6 :3 2 7,-7,77,?M^Pnr 7,7a7T,MY:472...


wild (not domesticated) aj ik6t wish iv, n dUiLki buffalo' n tim evil ontv ken, sin chicken n ik6t, Ungn I adv /5kG date palm' n inuen witchn ben, if6t, iftit '--- hibiscus' n ndidi acquire the powers of a tv ox' n tim fak pig n edi, ik6t witchcraft n ben, ifot '--- sweet potato' n ediam with conj del, Mme, mm3, fide, wildfire ha, ye spread 'like ---' ivAdak instrumental particle 611152 willn dUaki withdrawiv fddr6 willing to, become iv ken the affections tv esIt, sib

,1 wilt iv, tv yeet, Ape a case tv kpe , sib wintvkan witheriv Ape wind n fim woman nakpara, dedan, áwó kind of instrumentn the. who lives outside her husband's strong nhyObi6 compoundnesh turbulent n fim, ik6t, married n ebe, tif;k old n iyA, fine windown winde young n dine windpipe n Akpir6 akp5r5 women, run after tv yire it6 bet, it6i) womb ndyin, idip, man, tie 1 wine nwain wonder nkpa , tipe wing nmba of Godn tipe winged stage of dtd antn faar6 wonderful aj tipe wink (at) iv, tv kepe woodn et6 wipe tvs66k knot in n ekplak clean tv kiabk6 'woodcarver' (kind of bird) n et6, --- up tv dSp61 kb/3 wirenUddki, Ukdak, ways 'woodpecker' n et6, k5/3 - 1 grass' n ena/), /3kim enat) wooden wisdomnfi5k collar for a houndn ekpuut wise construction for tying up become --- iv fi5k yamsn bake. old man nlwat handle of a hoe nkip ,2,,!:7.;.ten-frn.r."7F7,Fttr,


implement for plucking wrap fruits n kb') around tv wan ladlenikpan a cloth around someone tv malletn ekpddt kin word n ik; a cloth around one's loins put ---s in one's mouth tv bb or waist tvkine work (function) ivdege, kbb6 in tv wan

work (labor) iv, ..n ndm, dt6m wrapped around, become iv wand for a living tv idip wrapper nhf5fl, isin government n it6m short --- worn over the long one skilled nds; n wdrind workerndtom wrestling n ibok workman, skilledn dw6, use --- bout n ifib6k world nhdere, b6t, dbr62, wriggle iv midind,muk ekbridb tv di6g6, ralk whole- nafit1 ism) the buttocks tv efut, yok worm (gen term) n --- the waist tv isin, yok round n wrinkle tv fdr6 flat parasitic n fibbn wrinkled, become iv eine worn out (used) aj thgd, thk wrist n 1t6n, ib6k become --- iv thgd, thk write tv wet worn out (fatigued), make tv khkwriting n wet worryivkere writhe iv miknd .,wuna, tv find, kere,not, written on, becomeiv were timmel wrong way roundaj, adv bibn nfina, kere not --- abouttv diánnd worshiptv kpOn6 yam (gen term) nbih, did manner of n kp6n6 kind of n hbire, akpaana, worthless aj dbdixt, hddkp6, kpu hkp61, Anem, dyin, b156k,did, person' n ekp6 dbk, ek0, etem, fid,fidkd, worthlessly adv about keens, kip, MkpidOt, hakpilk, woundtv, nnan2 Adidgh

center/opening of a n agn ' barn' nbih, ekO, is a. septic n inih, 11166n beetle' nhd66d3, did, fadni

6 34 boiled in pepper soup n yearn iv 61.6, eslt f6b6 yearning n dix6, esit fufu n yeastnMkpdtdk stake' n fidisd yellown, aj ixtb

support stickn ffifa become iv dand

with yellow spotsn saki ' guinea yam' n did, fidkd ceremony of eating new n orange aj atOn

suck yellowish aj latO

eat new for the first time yes interj ii, tfufi in the season tv silt& -man n germinating end of a n yes-no question introduceradv iwat mine hair roots on a n/*am yesterdayn thkpon hot boiled n awliuk yet adv diOn, kim2, wan

leaf of a n /5k;fl yield tv dUk lot of five ---s n did, is62 yonder n i3k6, UkO lot of ten s nbakd adv k6 mashed mixed with oil (offer that demk6 ing to a clan Adem) nb6r6 you (pl) subj, obj pron MUM new n Ufa you (sg) subj pron bib non-germinating end of a,--- obj pron flan n efiit young aj bald, seg6 separate ---s with a knife tv (of animals) nfiditb, Ayin waak --- man n akpardwa yard (measure) n yaht menn iwaht 1 yard, frontn Akp6, atdi woman n rine esiOn your (pl) possess pron ndufo yawn iv, n /3waand your (sg) possess pron info yaws n imam youthsn iwaht have iv td year n isud last n abem zigzag iv kp66r6 next --- nabem s n bibrif Usk this ---n fidin


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