which the ralo t<l li tùij ià au oiiu.iv, i: i· ono oî » ml over one who tollon s :» dill^T ?l.O.«»OOtl'tA> per month—at ■r h ι: it. Tlio Hoard ve n« ·lie prie»» vantage What overs about 1-5 000 fquare Ivct. Tb Jp ui_\ m i» be ju.»t!) proud. w in» a oar. miyhl of food mold Liic "t 1 In· cut practice. Next, I would ym $7oO,(XX),(KX) j w inl? Ho dc*ire building fronts up»n tha Battery, ai qua'ity immigrant! do these eniper* they lli.it those Modems who think tluvi ban liumiin lu to ι lu .« ho aie ot ul>out , re»l;.u mil ill the lotuiidii of lin· buildi ij; .Mr. lu'/'(/.'■ open public square twenty-twi I il the <>M ■ Ί!I> l»l Μιη'ΒΛΓ. î!octro. sooner ο tin·, tw him? I» tbi* tii»! tOBed NKH> Moid Jlnnona j nli limited number ol lion se no liinu lor bodily exercise will hiyli and laid out boarding acres, quite prettily platted "Only a IΡ υ ι/κι il'.ι Unir." III ν won I'd allions lion· < lho Board tt· lalor have lo liηϋ time for illness. Thitd they inaugurate t it i n r ε s t 'μ .\ r.'ï. It a situation η 10 licensed Mr. ceilainly is very hcahhf'il keepers by »— arable men? Il h alx) iruo, that an ol choice i* I solicit Ια tlie it when opportunity Riven ΙΟ IH ΑΧ Κ II. i»YKU>fc. li!" a P«)>IUh«<I i:»ri) rnr<iU)' Maralux. » 'an·! l»>i the piwpost pationago bullilings, II uiiliii lins been in public long t ium:\ h. t 'ν .il 'id'ntiMlily adapted ;iis > the ai id work η bcllcr thai ol and his enemies arc lor which il η used. The main fttuclun puces approved by Hoard, morning generally ! ^eries years, yet CEO. H. WATKINS. Λ tic--ol I— a γ!Μ>οι: blue ic i j. work l nialtci which <t"l forced (o admit, llrtl hi* ami |»i «■ « -ists is to in a night jam! ist!)·—λ pub TCilit i- aiut .Proprietor. et tbe solid wall of the oh obliged keep posted conspicu<> Π· 'Ί « tirit μ wotiM f.iitl Γι»γ^< without lo lo i>ul that I vate mord aie Λι. ioetr·. ti. η lti« h· r in the bni nnd in hi·» lion n· sluuid not allude it comparatively, Ci -Lie Clinton, although many years old place dins slop Tl. in nui 1 i' ι'Ιι, hitter I! Ac ! Ιο I' J ten : Ιι< it : .:n I linve t* spot orjblcmi.sh. Cîerma n, know the ol an over drirm »·.. ·1- cut llif I'r:»-fr in \ jol 7 //".!/.ls II. BROJUTdi, Γ lï KM ti.··■ are Mill in condition. Belvvtcr l-rinlcd in the Knglisli, Ktench, dangers h id further said, (hat the caucuses The tribute ol tin- feis-e. j good i«i. i.ct· η a man cai > Italian ami Scandinavian ct i crowded town—il Well! Tlmr'it wave le « ·Ι1··«» tliiow loi his ben lit, liia lonr and it ν thousand emigrants can litui language Ml, wero "packed" by Κι we« llif IttcMi' 11.to. s m· as it 1 i«. not hi« ol what miic rtSic at wiir Uiat ue fiiimls. This far with 'he price lor board per meal, as weii ^el through day's labor, feel, charge, Tenus. Tin.· i|i : In* «mmotht'ons, their 1 leullk'I l>r-i:i, baggage, H I l!ii;i/lit >' "111 tin' tM tli.it lull ni h to i· ail alb'iiatioii » * exeit i it· etcr kind it without \uliii<.ui ailloli nil) thin;;, ·« l'r V<*. r—- l. ~»t il 1 :« i« I i Ί -Iril'·. < : and week, i'ho Boaid may be, II υτι«Ί\ Ih' li!tt«'it»« la the sot j ul the Β Mid ><! Etui- per day It- ·> n*:u etenilt v. billon ftffi indtiu whoL· faut t* tt/ tem. ToiTfr ΛιΙν :ιπ.ν. I" ! r w ,t nil .ι over all the menns b»·· r or liom bon g .1 ion. wiiliiu its walls. It lias been careful sojiirvisiun Mippnri"—Hi'i' ι or hi- lri».nd«. did Ii'- I>nt lin· nit -Ιίι* ■ ·' !. liai Mr. li inilin, any· η loi r-'i»■·:·'···! ·■ i s it should l»c ferions consideration I ve W ■".'·!r h· I ι:f ! for the f >t houses, aud <<:Tuuls niaki Ιαϋν t» ρ to serin·.· iMiidida'et lav· ι ule to puipo'C of providing Tht' situ· in <■ χ Oi*y %rr Iwlult, tiling Rat i> of I -Advertising. !· !·· i- iii.ibIv t lions of and obtain iin.uodia ! him whether that kind ol liboi it li !<·( hi» election, nl .thai wa- d· lie by emi-i tnt« I'>r over \ea.^,. Ονοι liietu, Wont naMin 1ιλ»Ι··—piïilcetic>uliii|!i*«|. M *ι ν· » a ■ a ,,<· -. lifj'i twenty a a — is i at n Ami the li ienils ut the other candidate», ^··' redress in e.i-e ol » I ho boa π I hint all.''—From Ih· l'/tr> '!<>·ιί··ηί tlit'U Ί'.ιι■ II. loi eteniiot· l'or I jeoh of I ... *1.1 m·.! 1. cui^-ruma l.»nd beie omplaitit. For »|.w «i«k, A |w 1» iVr «be ι»|ΐι·η ; annually, chai ye tiiat can never be .sustained. i house i·· also υ'·> to nul ι· ·1<>ιιι t! t'tr Ih '-en Vr. on, moral:· Ί.ιη n of an lov >·, i iwS ,*»|i u( «r· rk, "nd when I was tl.iie rca: .\ tbrec thou· tg l:ec|)cr ige.l : youth at ι where ο ■·> I look Cumberland 'ounty, 1 it η ft utu tl titt.il .·! * *n< « t-.in piool, > « < til. Uv<'iithl· \i ni- ! )'··1 *::· ! wore a roluni to (he iïeaid the nann ι w ι» Messrs. I a ;l οι lir c«»i .tug.ilt I w. .its the build daily lie cutest mainly be'wren l*i n V « |h>u litl Horn. \V»· i|t> .nil «titr Ιπ ιιιι» till even tele. *TI. λ ;. II.d ti'iu II c ii in :■ ·!ιι ·'<! *· (;;e, tVe ol each h Wa-hbuin and lhumnion l. î< it in;·, μ: children pcisuu lud^ini, \wl t«> M-l iterft. (MmrfMkt «f Krbtr, talking. latigl ηιι,£, S line un i* a wake, -o rt. thai ediloi ilttci deiu ilali/tlioti out ol the Km it:,·' tU'p > M-m II or luminal."· are d< people suppose yrowiny « lui V» λ -on e ti ι uijurs OtlU p. i\hi4 iiut-ica I'll — up kind o| lives Ί h. lu ut .11 til nil f':ih ill· senatoi ial ti^hl m I hi-* county, been ex- «. \ ï r 'a < tl are rctiunrd to the < I nntnjagoipt bting^lul upon iiiiir iai tie:n 'tried, y ·■ u.s, and } evit.body in port That I llli„'llt III HIV |',lnl liu."' ! tended int·» ι h«· other eon ■ ι i s the lit·· Au «Ci** nth τ et. iliaga/iue". m tuu.-ci ii»ts and ojiiei ο j H :.t ι « V0f& I p« <>ur ο J.»» ··.:. Wuosl ver; tub irkuflon lie \;>· u so ol ilia ^ it in In· »rt I heart». ·|ο we. vins would have lost the — « » j, Legislature, » ν. H Il « L·' k«l\»li lit·· pit .tl Ί*·»ι 1.1> '.I lii'J ■> brains in and his owu in jiubi; I pit geneial, 'I li.inV Ι»··ι|, the v. i-l| i- va η. « »> oy which lin y value, tins doi.t and !.»-t (lir «laie. Dur I ν c4 ». iucûtki; *ic· uutionalit) t>;it |U in being rcprejwnltHl, : -a llial Iceds ou a kind I >AM X.::»' IIS, Si. Mil. was in. • li-.-«Mir the idle and wctotis Ιιοι Pellicular being Whether the party ! "i |i) ;<Λΐι.ι·> |- 11 »'t n.Itj —ι > fi/ij « ν iyc Kopu'j'icau L. t it tl·.»· o.lfk i. Auonu jog improper <Ί I o| loud something akin loaugcU; lli.il arbitrated ! y the ai I—or in «pite -· 'vhile will iheeifiiil < ·» corducl wa> l*itie t tit» it *iu. notjeeable. immigrating, they a lo do with lie love!·» in res, and —**C»Ij. I.-iiil, lliou knowest," prayed King L'aticuV -ha-nothing λ.γχ .·> a m iiun^iniuy spin only Jolt ri(l \ I I >«. Ι F.viii a> a «t I» -I exit i.d li l to the ;..i > l>«*rrt|>tion bi'tîin·'" ol" 1 t'.iuui! o..e ot iiic «· liit .lis at Ibe helping indilsti the issue r.iisc-d Kennebec."* Ti.»· I Conuee· icut "that I at» afflicted by .nul Nul > ttcalid. « dt eends lo this sublunary one ulicit duncon, l*t>Bi|>tl) I rotinil*-·! m th,·* in. c ν ν l'iv.iMUt ■> oïl", wi: > i>d \iituoiis u b e caucus has been a j art of the e, gave iu< though tiny may vs a system kpuli; naliiiu cries oui loi bes-idts iih niost.depr.ived -..n. Thou know· at* mil ·!« -lit"I I ..·» -ouitlhuig <»t ti.e ever Atikf l.fr U, lite lo. .· > who aie des ituto. in j J machinery l!"publican paity ov.iii^ inioi iu;tl »i tbe it ..·« tf\ tli ^aiding I ih lie «ill swmr am! lie and »(nal a<-· » ♦. !·>' λν h«.i It!»· 1.1 «U'.ilh » m .»··», ι·!· i>; (hat his saui-luiu with since its niul has been abb· ii> at.d tin re :ire nn-n isdico.ralcd organization, » ► mu ·> » >a t>.
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