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UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT ÖF AGRICULTURE AGRÍCU1.TIIRAL RESEARCH ADMíNISTRATION BUREAU OF ENTOMOI.06Y AND PUAKT QUARANTINE GYPSY MOIH AMD BROWN TAIL MOTH QUARANTINE SHIPPER'S GUIDE effective October 10, igUS' Enforced in Cooperation with State Quarantines Help your State and Government prevent the spread of gypsy and brown-tail moths. Transportation of the following articles from the regulated areas to points outside thereof, or I rom xne generally infested area to the suppressive area is prohibited, unless accompanied DV a Federal certificate or permit. 1. All timber products, manufactured or unmanufactured, including poles, piles, bark* pulpwood, lumber, excelsior, shavings, and sawdust, 2. All trees, shrubs, plants, aixi vines, both deciduous and evergreen, having persistent woody stems, and parts thereof, including Christmas trees, excepting seed and fruit other than cones. 3. Stone and quarry products. 4. Any other articles when found on inspection to be infested with the gypsy or brown- tail moths. Manufactured wood products, such as furniture, containers, and similar articles, except when maintained under conditions of exposure to infestation, are exempt from the certification requirements. Movement of regulated articles between points within the suppressive area may be regu- lated under separate administrative instructions issued by the Chief of the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine. No certificates or permits are necessary for the movement of the restricted articles wholly within the generally infested area, or wholly within the suppressive area, or from the suppressive area to the generally infested area. When a hazard of spread of infestation is present, thorough clesuning of freitíit cars, other conveyances, and containers may be required before or after movement interstate to points outside the regulated area* This Guide contains a list of Post Offices, Freight Stations and Express Offices within the regulated areas in Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island and Vermont.
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