Gauhati University Gopinath Bardoloi Nagar::Guwahati- 14, Assam
,0n+'t'f 9/N( flJa,ry ,,Aw*l"ru,Xf , (*orpao 4 'u/* -t) tf ?a GAUHATI UNIVERSITY GOPINATH BARDOLOI NAGAR: :GUWAHATI. 14, ASSAM :: INDIA NorrFrcArroN -?V0'6S' ' It is notified for information of all concerned that the Academic Council, G.U. in its meeting held on 29/061201& has approved the CCS (UG) for the Department of Economics, GU with the following members for a period of 3 (three) years w.e.f. the date of notification. This is issued with the approval of the Hon'ble Vice-Chancellor, G.U. dated 1410812018. 1. Archana Sharma, Professor, Department of Economics, GU 2. Nissar A. Baruah, Professor, Department of Economics, GU 3. Gayatri Goswami, Associate Professor, Department of Economics, GU 4. Nivedita Goswami, Associate Professor, Deparfinent of Economics, GU 5. Jagadish Sarma, Department of Economics, Barnagar College 6, Mitali Das, Department of Economics, Cotton University ,,t ltaryChaudhury, Department of Economics, Pragiyotish College 8. Nandita Goswami, Department of Ec-onomics, Baibhag College ,9. Bhupen Kumar Sarma, Department of Economics, Jagiroad College 10. M.R. Kazi, Department of Economics, Mankachar College 11. Angana Barua, Department of Economics, Pandu College 12.14ousumi Borah, Department of Economics, Arya Vidyapeeth College 13. Mahendra Hazarika, Department of Economics, Chaiduar College 14. Mausumi Kalita, Department of Economics, Kharupetia College 15. M.P. Bezbaruah, Department of Economics, GU (Ex Oflicio Convener) Sd/- Dr. G. Khataniar Academic Registrar Gauhati University Memo No. GU/NI/AR/ccs/201 st 60l I - 6013 Date: A|ls Copy forwarded for information and necessary action to:- ll'- l. Members concerned. 2.' Dean, Faculty of Arts, G.U.
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