Portland Daily Press: July 24,1867
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] E.taUUhe* June M. 1862. Vol. 0. PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY MORNING, JULY 24, 1867. JMta*,njeanee. PORTLAND DAILY PRESS is THE published BU1SNESS CAROS. MISCELLANEOUS. REMOVALS. everyday, (Sunday excepted,) at No. 1 Printers' ■NtmiBANCIs ■Cereal ..a.. — Publicalisas. Exchange, Exchange Street, Portland. ~-r.. J N. A. FOSTER, Proprietor. DAILY W.R. THE B E M O V PURELY PRESS. Ierks: —Eight Dollar? a year in advance. Johnson, A L MUTUAL! “Ten Mouth* in Brazil,” is the title of a THE PORTLAND. pleasant volume published by Lee and Shep- THE MAINE STATE PRESS, is published at the MITTU.AL H. M.BBE Mew I ard, It is written Cod- same place e morning at $2.00 a year, DENTIST, BENEFIT WEB, England II ulna Boston. by Capt. John very Thursday OBlce Wo. (Successor nvariably in advance. 13 1-3 Fine Street, to J. Smith & Co.) Insurance ■nau, the “Ringbolt” of the Boston Post, and Life Gomp’y, Wbduesday July 24.1837, is Second House from H. II. Apothecary Store. Morning, full of sketches of de- Kites of advertising.—Une inch of space,In Hay’s Life Insurance Manufacturer of Leather OF BOSTON, MASS. Okganizkd 1343. raey character, good oi column, constitutes a Company, Belting, leu.ili “square." S^-Ether administered when desired and thought Cash Assets, January 1, 1807, scriptions of scenery, intelligent accounts of $i.3o per square daily first week: 75 cents per advisable. Has removed to $4,700,000. jy2?eodti Cash Dividends ot'18G4-5, now in course ol climate, week alter; three insertions, or leas, continu- N. J. crops, commerce, &c., with much val- $1.00; Newark, MO. 92 payment, 073,000. ing every other day alter first 50 cents. MIDDLE STUEET, REPUBLICAN NOMINATION. uable and pleasant week, Organized in 1845. Charter Total Surplus Divided, 2,200,000. information in relation to Hall square, three insertions or less, 75 cents; one GEORGE I FICKEl'f, Perpetual. Paid in Marrett & Poor’s New Block, where belhund a Losses 18C0, 314.000. politics, society, and week, $1.00; 50 cents per week alter. may religion, toother aspects Successor to Stephen Gale, lull assortment ot Leather as and Total Losses Paid, 2,307,000. ot Under head ol “Amusements," $2 00 pel losses on Belting, cheap, Brazilian life. It is square Having paid deceased members tc and equal to any in New England. Belting and Loom Income for 1866, written in a dashing, per week; three insertions or less, $1.50. amounting $5,125,425, 1,778,000! FOB «OVKKNOH, and Straps made to order. Also for salo. Belt Leather tJr"Annual Distributions in Cash.^j off-hand style, and is very Special Notices,$1.25 per square lor the first in- Druggist Apothecary, readable. (Short & declared in Dividends to the the sum of Backs and Sides, Leather Lace 60 Local Agents Wanted, and also Canvassers can sertion, and 2D cents lor each living $6,009,839, with assets well Trimmings, Leather, Loring.) per square subsequent and dealer in English and Americau Fancy Goods, Belt Hooks, Copper ltivets and Buis. Jyl9dtf make good arrangements to work for the above Co. insertion. to RUFUS N MIAUL A SOM. It rains Dickens. NO. 143 Secured amounting to over has Apply absolutely Messrs. Tick- Advertiscracnts inserted in tbe “Maine State CONUKENS, $12,000,000, just declared its TWENTIETH annual felOdti General lor Maine, Me. JOSHUA L. CHAMBERLAIN Agents Biddeibrd, uor and Fields have issued the first Press" (which has a large circulation in every par- Near Washington Street,.Portland, Me. REM O V A. L number of ol the State) for $1.00 per tor first insertion* Dividend, being 50 per cent. OP BRUNSWICK. an new square gjr”Physiciaus Prescriptions carefully compound- entirely edition of the great novelist’s and 50 cents per equate lor each subsequent inser- PHCENIX ed. July 13. dtt works, which promises to be, in some tion. The Annual Income for 1866, was respects, $4,034,855.39. CLARKE & LOWELL the best offered. It is railed the BRADBURY& “On yet “Charles BRADBURY. It continues to Mutual Life Insurance to Richmond issue all classes ot Life Policies, at the lowest rates consistent with happy to inform their patrons, and the pub- Company! Dickens Edition,” is in iorm a handsome,com- BUSINESS CARPS. lic in that to the ARE general, they have re -established their Not this time with the martini Counsellors perfect security members. Its distinguishing features arc economy in expenditure, Of Hartford, Conn. army ot*’01, pact lSmo., each novel beiug completed in a at Law, but and care in its cairying thither only Ihjht. The in clear on fine May management. Boot and Shoe Busimss EDSGN FESSENDEN, President. prayer single volume, printed type Charles P. Mattocks, ing* KunliBuilding, Exchange Si, of has been heard JAMES F. BURNS, Secretary. Ajax among the Southrons toued paper, and strongly bound. The page is Bion It no stockholders for the use of at the old staud in Bradbnry, 1 pays capital, no bonuses or commissions to officers, too is to be A. W. W. IBVINO I1AL’(>11, Genual Agent, many years. It answered at last an open, flowing one, and a descriptive head- and Connsellcr at Law, Bradbnry. j PORTLAND. and no immoderate compensation to agents. MUSSEli’S BLOCK, till MIDDLE NT., Attorney June 27-dtf 65 Exchange St., Portland, Me. thank Heaven! and with the light will come line, prepared by the author is printed on every CANAL BANK IIIII.IHINC, opposite head of Union Street, Irom which they were Ail its Directors attend its and serve on its committees. Its risks are care- Dividends iii 50 per cent. forgetfulness of all the old-time feuds and bit- right hand The before us AV. TP. BROWN & CO.. meetings, j compelled to move on the 4tli of July, 18(KJ. paid 1865, page specimens No. NO Middle Street Portland. tiiliy selected so as to secure sound lives. It is careful in losses and in Dividends paid in 18C6, 60 i»er cent. terness, that lor half a century have contains the Pickwick Papers, and has eight bin General Commission adjusting prompt disquiet- t'ebl Merchants, Dividends in 50 cent. payment. being paid 1867, per ed all our and wasted a vast deal of en- illustrations lrom the original designs bv Wo. 90 l-!> Commercial We shall endeavor to on souls, J. IV. Streci, keep baud a large and desir- SVMONDS, able assortment of It allows the insured to travel and reside in any that otherwise would have been directed Seymour and Phiz. This edition combines in (Thomas Block,) Its funds are invested with to never for Gtcms, Boys, YoutliB, Ladies, ergy regard security, hazarding principal interest; : Mis es and Children’s BOOTS AND of the portion ot the United States and at and a remarkable CoxinHellor at T .aw, Willard T. Brown, I SHOES, Europe, any to nobler than civil strife. The degree legibility with durability, Portland. hence it has never lost a dollar on its investments. After losses and and first quality and latest styles, at reasonable prices. ail seasons the purposes Middle (Canal Bank Walter II. Brown, } paying expenses, of year without extra charge. beauty and (Hail L. NO] St, Building,) July IT. d3w has come wheu we can meet the cheapness. Davis, 53,Ex- Sole Wholesale the value of all it It throws out almost all restrictions on golden year May Agents for Ibo Boslou Match Co. reserving outstanding policies, has always made an annual dividend of occupation change street 11-dtl_PORTLAND. for Maine. By r let to Dana & J. Southern to and devise permission Co., r«-turn to the anil them REMOVAL. from its policies. people face lace, with Two W. Perkins A Co., Josiab H. Drummond, premiums members, paid when due. moie issues of the "Diamond" Dickens DRS. CHADWICK & FOGG Burgess, Its polit ics arc all non-forfeltiug, as it alwavs al- them in fraternal deliberation measures ior Fobos&Cu. june20dtt ofTicknorand Fields are also at hand. The :tOI 1-4 CONORESS It is a “MUTUAL BENEFIT” but one class of all life lows the assure i to surrender his should he STREET, Company, having members, policies, BEJiLOIS & policy, the advancement ot the common WEBB, weal. The first of these contains and the BROWN’S NEW BLOCK. S. PUKliJIAN & new and iu desire, the company giving a therefor. Dombey Son, CO., both old, sharing equally the annual division of surplus, receiving a dividend on paid-up policy of 18-Utf thousands brave men that arc other The Old and some May It pays all its losses promptly, dui ing the sixteen resting Curiosity Shop, Re- Commission Merchants l every premium paid. Counsellors & at where tell on Attorneys Law, years of its existence never having contested a claim. they hard-fought fields, if they printed Pieces from Good Words, and All the C. J. SCHUMACHER, Have removed to lAil Broad street, It endeavors, in brief, to act in all respects as a faithful trustee for the members. Having for still take cognizance of the fortunes of the Year Hound. Sixteen original illustrations by The subscriber is now to FItESFO PAINTER. Samuel over No. 61 St. prepared give prompt will think it worth adorn each volume. Some of Freeman, ) twenty years pursued this course, it proposes to continue it in the and offers its Exchange at:uution to all matters to tlite de- Eepublic, somewhat that Eytingo these E. D. Appleton. future, pertaining agency Oflce at the Drug Store of Messrs. A. Q. Scblotter- J NEW YORK. 8-dtl taunt. the old of fierce are as for instance Mr. and advantages to all who desire to insure in a so July pot wrangling partizans grows remarkably good, GJiSf^Partieulnr attention to the Company conducted.