Portland Daily Press: May 1, 1876
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PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862.-VOL. 13._ PORTLAND, MONDAY MORNING, MAY 1. 1876. TERMS $8.00 PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE. THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, ENTERTAINMENTS. BUSINESS CARDS. MISCELLANEOUS. INSURANCE. EDUCATIONAL. trast point a moral that is obviously applicable THE PRESS. to non-partisan reformers who are anxious to Published every day (Sundays excepted) by the find where their help may do the most good? PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO., THE FAVORITE FEEL. FRENCH LESSONS MONDAY MORNING, MAY 1, 1876. WM. H. It now appears that Wilkes Booth At 109 Exchange St., Portland. MOTLEY, attempted FIRE — INSURANCE! AND to Every attache of the Press is furnished assassinate President Lincoln at his second Terms: Eight Dollars a Year in advance. To ATTORNEY AT LAW, regular mail Dinner and subscribers Seven Dollars a Year it paid in ad- Hlay Day STATEMENT OF THE with a Card certificate countersigned by Stanley T. inaugural. While the President was passing vance. OVER I. F. FARRINGTON’S, LITERATURE. and Concert Pullen, Editor. Ail railway, steamboat hotel from the rotunda of the capital to the plat- of managers will confer a favor ns by demanding B. E. MA*t8E) formerly Boston, upon form at the east Booth hur- THE STATE PRESS — — portico, pushed MAINlT AT 180 Middle Street, MME.late of Philadelphia and New Jersey, pro- credentials of every person claiming to represent our Is published every Thursday M#rki:sg at $2.50 a Jan5dtf poses to establish a permanent French Institute in journal. riedly through the line of policemen and made year, if in advance at $2.00 a year. Portland. She will commence her Spring term April paid CITY ALL. a desperate effort to reach him. Mr. J.' W. _H EQUITABLE 18th, 1876. Rates of Advertising One inch of space, the Chas. J. The course will consist of private French lessons REPUBLICAN DISTRICT CONVENTION. Westfall of New Vork seized him and forced length of column, constitutes a “square.” ON MONDAY, MAY Schumacher, and classes for any one who wishes to study the lan- first 75 cents 1, him hack. this act Mr. Lincoln’s $1.50 per square daily week; per week guage She will form classes for advanced pupils The Republicans of the several cities and towns in By life The Ladies of the Second an after; three insertions, or less, $1.00; oontinuing Parish, will give Exhibi- who desire to converse. was only the First District of Maine are invited to send dele- undoubtedly at the time. After every other day after first week, 50 cents. tion (in Costume) of some of tbe Employment* FRESCO PAINTER. She intends also to have matinees for Ladies, con- spared or of Ladies of Vc Olden as to a District the Half square, three insertions, less, 75 cents; one Tymen. such Carding. F, k 1, Insurance sisting of readings from the best French Authors and gate Convention to be held in City Hall, assassination of the President, and when Office week. 50 cents per week after. Spinning, Quilting, &c., &c. Ladies from 75 to 92 in Cneeo Bank Rnilding, over F. will be in on $1.00; Co., Dramatists, and the conversation only Saco, Thursday, May 25th, 1876. at 12 o'clock M., it became knowu Special Notices, one third additional. years old, will take part in the U. Fanell’, Office. a week that Wilkes Booth’s at- Exhibition, giving provibescb, It. I.. French. The same lessons will te given twice for the of head of nn nee purpose choosing two delegates to attend Under “Amusements” aud “Auction ITounger People opportunity to Orders left at Schumacher Bros, will meet prompt in the evening lor Ladies and Gentlemen. She will tempt to reach the had how nuch Work wn* the National inaugural platform Sale6,” $2.00 per square per week; three insertions Done in Dnyn of Old. ttention. commence these evening lessons early in September. Republican Convention to be held at In _apr3d3m FOR OPEN 1st. been thwarted Mr. or less. $1.50. the_ Reception Room from 12 till 2 o’clock, a GRATES. January 1876. Mme. will be assisted bv Prof. Masse. on the 14th June next. by Westfall, the latter was Hot Cincinnati, Advertisements inserted in the “Maine State Dinner will be nerred. consisting of a Nice C. P. BABCOCK. In ihe early pait of Juno Madame expects an Ar- of meat* The basis of representation will bo as fbllows: promptly promoted to be a lieutenant of the Press” (which has a large circulation in every part Variety ard other good things too nume- Cash Capital, §200,000 tist who has been connected with her Institute in rous to Coal the town will be of the State) for $1.00 per square lor first insertion, mention. Ice Cream and other Refreshments MODEL MAKER & by Cargo! Philadelphia This Lady is a member of the Acad- Each city and entitled to send one dele- eapitol force, as a mark of at JOBBER, police appreciation and 50 cents square for each insertion. all hours. of the Fine Arts in that She lessous one for per subsequent MANUFACTURER OF At retail a choice for ASSETS. emy city. gives gate, and additional every seventy-five votes of Address all communications to A Concert of Ye Olden with the variety in in all its Oil Pastel. the great service he bad rendered the coun- Tymrs, Market Val. Drawing branches, Painting, cast for Nelson at the assistance of Chandler and members of bis in Watch and Chronometer Marker** Family us.', warranted to give per- Her the summer will be Dinglev. Jr., Gubernatorial PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. Band, Tools, Bank slocks.$132,750 00 Speciality durlDg Water- try. From this position he has been dis- the from 8 to to ex- mathematical. and Philo- fect from election of a fraction of Evening 9, promising be Optical satisfaction Kea! estate in City of Providence. 00 Color nature. 1874; majority forty votes will fine. sophical Instruments, School 120,000 For further information call at No. the Demoeratic tremely Loans on bond and mortgage. 15,000 00 please 16 Free be entitled to an additional delegate. charged by noose, doubtless Admission to Refreshment Room. free. Admission Apparatus. Ac., street. Mme. will be at her rooms from 11 A, M. un- ENTERTAINMENTS. City bonds. 25,0 0 00 are to fill for his to the 25 10 cents. Doors Randall & til 5 M. and Delegates authorized vacancies only with impudence in interfering with Mr. Hall, cents; Children, open McAllister, Loaned with collateral 3,611 00 P. every evening. at 11 A. M 56 Market Street, Printers security. actual residents of the or town claim Exchange, Cash in b ank and office. 22,871 48 Mme. Masse i3 permitted to refer to the following city they to rep- Booth. The umnnl Variety of IJMctal and Fancy jut PORTLAND, ME. dly 60 COMMERCIAL Premiums in course of collection. 16,469 84 gentlemen: resent. PORTLAND Articles, Flower*, Ac., for Sale. ap27d4t febl2 Rt. Rey. Bishop James A, D. D. The MUSEUM, Accrued rents. 800 00 Healy, The District Committee will be session in the amendments by Senator Morrill of Rt. Rev. Bishop H A. Neely, D. I). fin Car* of Congress aud Exchange Streets. E. C. JORDAN Ot ante room of the Hall at Vermont to the CO., 32 Rev Thomas Hill. D. D., L D. 10 o’clock A. M. for the re- pending bill in regard to sil- $336,502 Rt. I. T. W¥ER A CO., Proprietors. Ciril Engineer, and Land Hurreyon, LIABILITIES. Rev. Bishop W. B. Stevens, D. D., of Philadel- ception of credentials. ver coin divest that bill of all its No. t»4 middle me. objectionable St., Portland, Losses phia. The of unpaid.$11,750 00 Hon. Charles F. apportionment delegates to the several cities features. A silver dollar Surveys made for Proposed Railroads, Water Libby, County Attorney. which shall contain MONDAY EVENING, Dividends. 1,156 40 Hon. J. British Consul. and towns in the is as follows: May 1st, Works, Mill Dams, and Reservoirs, taxes Henry Murray, District, Storage surveys Commissions, and office LL. cf 450 grains instead of 412 caunot be objected of Counties, Towns, House &c. Estimates of Ephraim Hunt, D., Superintendent Public Baldwin.3 Grand Lots, expenses. 3,250 00 Schools of Portland. Acton.3 Complimentary Benefit Brickwork, Plastering, Slating, Stone Masonry, Allred.3 toon the score of over valuation. The re- Richard H. Dana, of Boston. Bridgton.6 Earthwork, Earth and Stone Excavation, &c., &c., 40 Esq., Brunswick.5 Berwick.5 — TO — $16,156 George B. Emerson, of Boston. striction of the legal-tender limit to five dol- &c Plans and Specifications for Iron or Wooden Reinsurance reserve, New York Esq., apr8tf Cape Elizabeth.5 Biddetord.12 Bridges, or the combination. Plans and bills of Tim- standard. 67,156 87— 83,313 27 Casco.2 Buxton.5 lars and the amount coined to $50,000,000 Monster ber for Wharves, &c., &c. apr7d3m Cumberland.2 Cornish Celebration Eaton Family School For Boys, .3 does with other The MR. I. T. $253,189 05 Deering. 5 Dayton.2 away complaints. pro- WYER, G. A. —AT— — Jft. D« Falmouth.2 Eliot.*.4 vision AT — CLARK, providing for the redemption of the Oi which occasion will be produced) the great Drama j IJN EVERY VARIETY. FRED W. ARNOLD, President. NORRIDfiEWOCK, MAINE. Freeport.4 Hollis.3 of the 74 FREE Gorham.5 Kennebunk.4 small notes, ones, twos, and fives is a wise STREET JAMES E. TILLINGHAST, Sec’y. Spring Term will commence March 'J7tb. PLAIN Gray.3 Kennebunkport.3 one, while the amendment the Opposite head of Brown St.