tripleC 13(2): 587-598, 2015 Challenging Intern Nation: A Roundtable with Intern Labour Activists in Canada Nicole S. Cohen* and Greig de Peuter** * Nicole S. Cohen, University of Toronto Mississauga, Canada,
[email protected] ** Greig de Peuter, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Canada,
[email protected] Abstract: Internships have gained critical attention in Canada, thanks largely to the efforts of intern labour activists, who have generated media coverage, lobbied and advised politicians, conducted ed- ucation and outreach, and advocated for an end to the proliferation of unpaid internships in Canada. This roundtable interview with intern labour activists Ella Henry, Andrew Langille, Joshua Mandryk, and Claire Seaborn was conducted by Nicole Cohen and Greig de Peuter in Toronto on March 1, 2015. Follow up interviewing was conducted over e-mail in May 2015. The interview has been edited and condensed. Keywords: internships, intern activism, labour, youth, media activism Acknowledgement: We would like to thank William Webb for research assistance and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada for financial support. Can you tell us about how you became involved in activism around internships? What sparked your interest in the issue? Andrew Langille (AL): I started a Master’s program at Osgoode Hall Law School at York University in 2010. The next year, I needed to write a paper for a course on the individual contract of employment. I asked David Doorey, a professor at York, for some ideas. He had written a blog post on unpaid internships, but no research had been done on the issue.