IB: I~ORCEMENT Pedophilia /Ped-A-Fil-E-A/ N : Sexual Perversion
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If you have issues viewing or accessing this file contact us at NCJRS.gov. 4.4 5 4+ ~ _-~_,.~~ w_",,_' ·._._•..• __ ,_~() : I~ORCEMENT JANUARY IB BULLETIN This microfiche was produced from documents received for inclusion in the NCJRS data base. Since NCJRS cannot exercise contr~l over the physical condition of the documents submitted, the individual frame quality will vary. The resolution chart on this frame may be used to evaluate the document quality. ,,' ~. -. f' " 2 5 Pedophilia /ped-a-fil-e-a/ n : 1.0 11111 . sexual perversion in which 1 1 11111- • children are the preferred 111111.8 sexual object 111111.6 111111.25 111111.4 :) MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS-\963-A ") " Microfilming procedures used to create this fiche comply with , -·U.s. o.ttl'Mol of JUlltl~ the standards set forth in 41CFR 101-11.504. " Hn;tlooaIlnf.tltU~ of JUIltIC1l 'ThJr. dqcufTWlnl has boon reprdducod oxact1y ~ fOC(Ii~~ from tho , tHIf$OfI Qr I,)tgtiniulion origilUlting II. POints of VIew or ~ll1oot; 1I1!!1~ , , , ' In tills doWment aroil \tIoSa of IIH! &Ulhoro lind do. 1'10\ nt!C9!l5ar y Points of view or opinions stated in this document are )~ ,t'$P~$Oot ttw QW/;Iol po~Ci'\ Of poYciGS c{ the NalionlllltUltitula o( those of the author(s) and do not represent the official ," ,oI'Jlltice. position or policies of the U. S. Department of Justice. • ~QIi \0 r~l:$ dli$'"c&fl3 :igl;ltlIiI material has bOOn ,, 'GI.~£Y Law Enforcerent Bulletin ~""',""-,;"""-----'-- ,-- National Institute of Justice toihe, NnII~1 CrimInal JusliCia Reforenco ~ce (NCJRS) i I United States Department of Justice Washington, D. C. 20!}31 7/2/84 t ' .•~ it ~\.r;"' _____, __ _ - AQ. 4+ ~~---~---- ._------ .f r~t~ ,~ I .. 'IAW ENFORCEMENT rBIBULLETIN Director's JANUARY 1984. VOLUME 53. NUMBER 1 Message Last Spring. in a conference with religious The exploitation of children transcends and political leaders concerned over law jurisdictional boundaries. And because of the .... 1'i-, enforcement's efforts against pornography, the nature and national scope of this crime, many of President of the United States told the group that the thousands of children who disappear without having "identified the werst hazardous-waste sites a trace each year fall victim to sexual exploitation, in America-we have to do the same with the no single law enforcement agency can cope with f worst sources of pornography." As hazardous the inherent investigative problems. Our efforts wastes destroy this Nation's environment, need to be coordinated-not fragmented. pornography permeates the backbone of Information must be shared-not withheld. Contents American society and destroys one of our most The FBI has already established one joint valuable resources-our children. task force specializing in child sex exploitation Public concern over this perverted assault on cases. Operating out of the New York City Office, childron was directly expressed in 1978 when the task force is composed of FBI A~9nts, U.S. Congress passed the Protection of Children Customs Service officers, investigators from the Incest: The ~ast 'Taboo (Part I) Against Sexual Exploitation Act. The FBI U.S. Postal Service, and officers from the New ,. By Robert J. Barry investigates criminal conduct defined by the Act York City, Nassau, and Suffolk County Police and gives high priority to those pornography Departments. • , '! cases involving children. One of the problems As another means to assist those in law Child Pornography and Sex Rings encountered in the investigation of this type of enforcement who investigate child sex offenders, By Kenneth V. Lanning and"Dr. Ann Wolbert Burgess pornography is that much of the material is a network of Federal, State, and local officers has produced by a clandestine subculture with been formed through the efforts of members of The Missing Children Act perverted sexual interests focusing on children. the Behavioral Science Unit at the FBI Academy, Because the pornographic material produced by Quantico, Va. Twenty-five officers from various this subculture is for members self-gratification agencies throughout tha United States took part Investigatl~g Child Sexual Exploitation: rather than for commercial profit, these in a 5-day seminar, during which attende.;" Law Enforcement's Role investigations are complicated. presented and participated in a discussioif of By Seth L. Go/astein The FBI has achieved notable success in various topics concerning the sexual exploitation combating the child exploitation problem that of children. A major goal of this seminar was to 32 Wanted by the FBI affects our Nation. Undercover operations foster personal contact among officers who work conducted in major U.S. cities have resulted in a in this sensitive and difficult-to-penetrate area. number of arrests, indictments, and convictions. Opening lines of communication between Laboratory examination of pornographic materials agencies eliminates one of the stumbling blocks often provides valuable information which can to effective Investigation and prosecution. identify sources and locations of manufacture and The dangers of sexual exploitation and distribution, Also, steps are being taken to expand pornography to its victims are only too evident our investigative techniques regarding these physical and emotional suffering and ruined lives. Investigations to include storing data on violators As a civilized society, we cannot afford to let our in the Organized Crime Information System. children pay the. price for our inaction. Every child Federal Bureau of Investigation Published by the Ofhce of Congressional However, the key element to a more effective in America is a potential victim of sexual abuse United States Department of Justice and Public Affairs, enforcement program Is cooperation, and exploitation. For this reason, all of us in law Assistanl Director This special issue Washington, D.C. 20535 Roger S. Young, enforcement must join together in the protection Pedophilia IpM·B·fiI·G·BI n : centers on the Edltor- of our Nation's most valuable resource-our sexual perversion In which Thomas J. Dea'\In children are the preferred theme of child William H. Webster, Director Assistant Editor-Kathryn E. Sulewski children. sexual object sexual exploitation Art D/reclor-Kevin J. Mulholland a crime which The Attorney General has determined that tile Water/Editor-Karen McCarron pubilcahon of tillS periodical IS necessary In tile ProductIOn Manager-Jeffrey L Summer" remains a potential transaction of tile public business reqUIred by law threat to every child at the Department or JuShce. Use of funds for Reprmts--Marlethia S. Black in America. prlnhng thiS periodical has been approved by the Director of the Office of Management and Budget through June 6, t 988. William H. Webster Director January 1, 1984 ISSN 0014-5688 USPS 383-310 ______________________________________________________________________________ January1984 11 ----~------~---------------. F~¢~"4~;~--~~4.'''--~~''----------------------------------------------~------------------- t. --. \ \ Child Pornography and ________ A counterculture movement for to establish an information network on Victim Component of the Rings Solo Sex Rings Sex Rings child sex is reported in the media to the phenomenon of child sex rings Although the number of victims The organization of solo sex rings be gaining momentum through radical and the production of pornography actively involved in a ring at a specific is primarily by the age of the child, writings and opinions of proincest within these rings. Information was time generally ranged from 3 to 11, e.g., toddlers (age 2-5), prepubescent By groups, organized pedophiles, and regularly pooled on clinical case stud cases involving hundreds of children (6-12), or pubescent (13-17). Sex KENNETH V. LANNING sexologists who argue for children's ies of particular rings, as well as an could be reported if the numbers of rings are interactional situations in sexual rights. s Also, self-styled thera analysis of the types of cases coming victims were added consecutively volving an adult as organizer or ring Special Agent pists are publicly arguing that the under law enforcement jurisdiction. over the tenure of the adult's oper leader and a child or adolescent as Beha.vioral Science Unit issue under debate is the child's per Project consultants were asked to ation of the ring. In this article, the victim. From a psychiatric point of FBI Academy ception of consent and freedom of ~eview their files for cases involving term "victim" is used to denoIe all un view, the offender's conscious and SpecmlAgentLannmg Quantico, Va. choice. 9 Even In professional circles one or more adults who were known derage persons for several reasons. overt sexual responses and contacts and of psychiatry, law, and law enforce to be simultaneously involved sexually First, in adult/child and adult/youth are directed toward prepubertal chil ANN WOLBERT BURGESS, ment, sexual activity between adults with several children or adolescent relationships, there is an imbalance of dren (pedophilia) and/or pubescent D. N. Se. and prepubertal children tends to gain victims. Single victim/oHender cases power and thus the young person is children (hebephilia). From a socio more sympathy for the child and out were excluJed from the study. unable to make an informed consent logical perspective, the adult capital van Amerigen Professor of Psychiatric rage for the adult than does sexual The sample for this article con when sex is the issue. 11 Second, em izes on the developmental needs of Nursing activity involving adults and adoles sists of the first 40 cases received pirical research strongly suggests that children, specifically the peer group School of Nursing cents, especially when the activity in from the project consultants. While all there is a high amount of unresolved membership and competition and University of Pennsylvania cludes the exchange of money andlor of the cases were known to law en sexual trauma in the life histories of pressures the young person for sex in Philadelphia, Pa.