14th Annual IITAP Symposium 3/12/2019


©2019 Namaste Center for Healing



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PEDOPHILE: A LOADED TERM “not all individuals who sexually assault children are pedophiles” (Simons, 2014, para 5).

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■ According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition, Pedophilic Disorder is diagnosed when the following criteria are met; – recurrent, intense, and sexually arousing fantasies, urges, or behaviors directed toward a prepubescent child over a period of at least 6 months – to have acted on these urges or to be distressed by them – to be at least 16 years old and at least 5 years older than the child victim (not to include an individual in late involved in an ongoing sexual relationship with a 12 or 13 year-old). (American Psychiatric Association, 2013)

Pedophile: A Loaded Term

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“Although from a psychiatric perspective the term Pedophilia is intended to define a recognized clinical entity, in the collective consciousness of contemporary society, the term has become a demonizing pejorative.” ■ Why? – “acted on” = what? – The dilemma of “Pedophilic ” – “...burdens that are frequently present, even in the absence of any acts of child ” (pg. 405). (Berlin, 2014, pg. 404-405)

Pedophile: A Loaded Term

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Pedophile: A Loaded Term

As Canadian sexologist, Ray Milton Blanchard states, "people do not choose to be attracted to children or adults any more than they choose to be attracted to males or females. Not all pedophiles are child molesters (or vice versa). Child molesters are defined by their acts; pedophiles are defined by their desires…They cannot be blamed for what they feel, and they should be supported for the constant self- restraint they must exercise in order to behave ethically.” (2012-2016)

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■ The lesser-known term was proposed, distinct from pedophilia, to indicate the to pubescent children (roughly between the ages of 11-14) in an attempt to make the DSM-5 more internally consistent… (Blanchard, Lykins, Wherrett, Kuban, Cantor, Blak, Dickey, & Klassen, 2009).

Hebephilia: A Lesser-Known Term

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MAP: A NEW TERM Minor Attracted Person

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MAP: A New Term

■ Current research being done, specifically that by J. Michael Bailey and Kevin Hsu of Northwestern University, seeks to include non-offending, anti-contact minor attracted individuals as it is understood that criminal and non-criminal samples may differ substantially.

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“Non-Offending”, “Anti-Contact”: Terms to Pay Attention To…

■ “Understanding men [and women] who are sexually attracted to children is important for social, clinical, and scientific reasons… those determined not to molest children are apt to experience extreme social intolerance and shame about their feelings. Furthermore, if they have a low sexual attraction to adults, they face a life of sexual nonfulfillment.” (Bailey, J.M. & Hsu, K.J. 2016, pg. 976)

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Who We Are…

■ Founded in 2013 by Candice Christiansen, LCMHC, CSAT-S ■ Began as an Outpatient Sexual & Relationship Recovery Program treating “Sexual Addicts with Potential” ■ The Global Prevention Project evolved to treat and support a variety of individuals seeking help with risky and problematic sexual behaviors and “it is possible that addressing the widely became experts in treating “non-contact sexual discussed social and clinical issues among offending behavior” which including the viewing of men and women, who identify as MAPs could both improve the lives of the individuals and CSEM reduce the likelihood of sexually offending.” ■ Advocate for MAPs as we took the position to (Bailey, J.M. & Hsu, K.J. 2016). support and treat instead of reject and wait…

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■ Youthful and Immature ■ Mother died at age 10 ■ Told it was time to grow up and “be a man” ■ “Arrested Development” ■ Class Clown What is his age of attraction? What is his preferred gender?

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■ Attracted to 10 year old boys ■ Shame and distress around the viewing of Child Sexual Exploitation Material (CSEM) ■ Deep desire to connect with others; be the “cool kid” so would engage with pubescent teen boys ■ Wanted to help kids with a past like his

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EMDR as an Intervention

■ Significant changes on relevant scales of the Sexual Offender Treatment Rating Scale (SOTRS) ■ Unanticipated benefit of consistent and sustained decline in deviant ■ Correlated with a decrease in sexual thoughts, increase in motivation for treatment, and increased victim empathy ■ “support the notion that those sexual offenders (CSEM) with histories of childhood [trauma] may be left with aberrant sexual arousal…” (Ricci, Clayton, & Shapiro, 2006) Remember… “Dylan” is NOT a Sex Offender…

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■ Connected to the emotional attraction to children vs. the sexual attraction ■ Reduced his sexual behaviors to erotic stories and rare viewing of shotacon ■ Created a healthy support system ■ Began volunteering with youth dealing with bereavement ■ Dated same-age female for the first time while in our program

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■ Referred from inpatient for sex/love addiction ■ Disclosed attraction to minors while in inpatient and told they needed an SOTP ■ Non-binary ■ Gender Dysphoria ■ Emotional dysregulation and chaos ■ Covert Emotional with Mother What is their age of attraction? What is their preferred gender?

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■ Attracted to both genders and a large age range (2-60). ■ Primarily attracted to prepubescent boys with history of grooming behaviors ■ Displays symptoms of severe dissociation ■ Distressing sexual fantasies including fantasies of minors, animals, and incest ■ SAST = 18

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Internal Family Systems as an Intervention

■ Slowing down and identifying parts created grounding and safety for client ■ Creates an internal dialogue with parts from a “Core Seat of Consciousness” ■ Begins to understand the complexity of the attraction and what roles different parts play

Sexual parts vs. Relational parts vs. MAP part vs. Caretaker parts vs. Angry parts vs. Misgendered parts = Protectors of Traumatized Child parts

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■ On-going Sexual/Relationship sobriety ■ Independent Living ■ Male and female friends and strong support system ■ New-found connection with father and extended family ■ Demonstration of healthy boundaries ■ Daily use of IFS resources (and EMDR tools)

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I am a 20-something, returned missionary, but I suffer with hebephilia. I have never acted on these desires, and strive to date and build relationships with women my age, with no success. I have frequent bouts of low self-esteem and depression, and I need professional help on how to navigate through this struggle. You may understand my fear and lack of trust regarding finding a therapist for this issue, because of the stigma surrounding pedophilia. Can I trust you?

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■ Shy and introverted ■ Sexual Shame & Neglect ■ “Late Bloomer” ■ Religious Trauma ■ Used an alias for months What is his age of attraction? What is his preferred gender?

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■ Attracted to pubescent boys ■ Distress around viewing CSEM and “edging” with legal materials ■ Eager to understand his own sexuality ■ Deep desire to maintain a romantic partnership with an adult female ■ Desire to adhere to his religious values

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Couples Therapy as an Intervention

■ Corrective experience around acceptance, love, and sex ■ Invited partner into his “secret world of minor attraction” (and was accepted!) ■ Created boundaries around safety; as well as secrecy vs. privacy ■ Understanding of healthy sexuality and each other’s desire

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■ Married while in the program ■ Sexual health and sobriety ■ Continued couples classes and interventions

“The last two years have been life changing…”

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■ American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders: DSM-5. Washington, D.C: American Psychiatric Association. ■ Bailey, J.M. & Hsu, K.J. (2016). An internet study of men sexually attracted to children: Sexual attraction patterns. Journal of Abnormal Psychology. Vol. 125, No. 7, 976-988. ■ Berlin, F.S. (2014). Pedophilia and DSM-5: The importance of clearly defining the nature of a pedophilic disorder. Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law, 42: 404-407. ■ Blanchard, R., Lykins, A.D., Wherrett, D., Kuban, M.E., Cantor, J.M., Blak, T., Dickey, R., & Klassen, P.E. (2009). Pedophilia, hebephilia, and the DSM-V. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 38(3): 335-350. ■ Blanchard, R. (2012-2016). From Scientific Experts. [webpage quote] Retrieved from http://www.virped.org/index.php/scientific-experts ■ Cantor, J.M. & Mcphail, I. (2016). Non-offending Pedophiles. Current Sexual Health Reports, April 2016.


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■ Christiansen, C. & Martinez-Dettamanti, M. (2018). Prevention in Action: Exploring Prevention Initiatives and Current Practices In Lievesley, R., Hocken, K., Elliott, H., Winder, B., Blagden, N, & Banyard, P. (Eds.), Sexual Crime and Prevention (pp. 27—56). Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan. ■ Christiansen, C., Martinez-Dettamanti, M., & Warner, M. (2018, January 1). Interview with a female, anti-contact pedophile named “Emma”. The Prevention Podcast. Podcast retrieved from http://thepreventionpodcast.com/interview-with-female-anti-contact- pedophile-emma ■ Learn. 2018. Retrieved from http://www.b4uact.org/know-the-facts/ ■ Ricci, R.J., Clayton, C.A., & Shapiro, F. (2006). Some effects of EMDR on previously abused child molesters: Theoretical reviews and preliminary findings. The Journal of & Psychology, 17:4, 538-562. ■ Seto, M. (2016). The Puzzle of Male . Archives of Sexual Behavior. ■ Simons, D. (2014). Sex offender typologies. In Sex Offender Management Assessment and Planning Initiative (Chapter 3). Retrieved from http://www.smart.gov/SOMAPI/printerFriendlyPDF/complete-doc.pdf

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Drawing Winners! Download the PDF ($15) at www.namasteadvice.com/ products-downloads or buy it on Amazon. Thank you!


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www.thepreventionpodcast.com or download from iTunes


Thank You!

Meg Martinez-Dettamanti, LACMHC, CSAT-C, EMDR- Trained Assistant Clinical Director: [email protected] The Global Prevention Project www.theglobalpreventionproject.org Namaste Center for Healing www.namasteadvice.com Candice Christiansen, LCMHC, CSAT-S, EMDR-Certified Founder & Clinical Director: [email protected] 801-272-3500


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