Read Ebook {PDF EPUB} by GOD SPEAKS BY MEHER BABA PDF. God Speaks has ratings and 23 reviews. Talat said: My daughter called this book epic. That’s a good way to start to intimate what kind of work this. God Speaks. Meher Baba. Hardcover pages Sheriar Books is a (c)(3) (non-profit) corporation © Sheriar Foundation. Quotes from Meher Baba. Books written By Avatar Meher Baba. 1. God Speaks rses Gods’ Hand te Intelligence of Love Humanity Everything. Author: Fenrizragore Voodoozshura Country: Philippines Language: English (Spanish) Genre: Automotive Published (Last): 15 July 2009 Pages: 50 PDF File Size: 18.53 Mb ePub File Size: 19.16 Mb ISBN: 127-8-72325-289-6 Downloads: 82816 Price: Free* [ *Free Regsitration Required ] Uploader: Mashakar. All other books by Meher Baba, such as the Discourses and Listen Humanity spdaks, are not written as books, as God Speaks is, but are collections of essays and messages. When the human form is reached, along with the gross body, the subtle and mental bodies also reach full development and although they remain unconscious, the soul indirectly works through them in the corresponding spheres. When I have sacrificed my angel soul, I shall become what no mind e’er conceived. Yet from the point meherr view of souls still within the domain of illusion, they have a sequence in time. InMeher Baba made the first of many visits to the West, where he babba followers. Meher Baba’s explanations do not come to disprove any scientific discoveries of biological evolution, but rather examine a different side of the process. God Speaks. Only through the grace of a Perfect Masteror Sadgurucan this final union be accomplished. In other words, the soul identifies itself with these successive forms whereupon full consciousness is achieved in the form of man; however, despite achieving full consciousness man is still unaware haba his original state. In his book Mastery of ConsciousnessAllan Y. Each of these states is an eternal state for the consciousness which has overcome all illusion. This is not a lonely journey as many spiritual speas — and especially the Avatar — are available for contact, support, and guidance, including power to give a spiritual push to the aspirant. At this point consciousness finds itself in the biggest danger of its long development. Every other highly spiritual mehre of a similar magnitude was written hundreds of years ago and in another language. Dec 29, Talat rated it it was amazing Shelves: God Speaks is Meher Baba’s most significant published book. God Speaks – Wikipedia. When one of the five Perfect Masters drops his body, he is said to “pass-away as God”. I have learned that we are not this body, truth is a process not an object to be coveted and that God alone is real. Yet Baba was patient and would literally spend hours to convey something. So when the human form is reached, although consciousness is fully developed, it has a store of impressions that still need to be experienced. God created according to His own “whim,” the whim to know Himself. He taught that the Universe is imagination, that God is what really exists, and that each soul is really God passing through imagination to realize individually His own divinity. During consciousness tries to liberate itself from the burden of collected impressions. No trivia or quizzes yet. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. He reveals things about consciousness that have never been revealed before, including the hierarchy of advance beings. Nov 16, Alex Giurgea rated it really liked it. The only take away spraks this book is that it does not seem to be written to be simply read. During this period, Baba would trace letters with his finger on either a stool or any other convenient surface. The science is trying to prove the existence of God. Through the entire process of evolution, the soul has been consciously identifying itself with the evolving gross body shariryet, unconsciously, it has also been identifying itself with the evolving subtle and mental body pran and mana. He reveals things about consciousness that How anyone could rate this book anything but 5 star is beyond me. When the impressions through association with a particular form have been exhausted, the soul dissociates from that form. Want to Read saving…. Being not conscious of the gross world its experience gives rise only to subtle impressions of the sights, scents and sounds of the mdher world. The book was full of little gems but it wasn’t very easy to read. Cohen summarizes, “In elaborate detail he explains the universe is an arena where infinite baab, identifying with the apparently limited soul, becomes more and more conscious of its oneness with itself as the Over-Soul. Rather, for Meher Baba, “reincarnation” refers only to identification and dis-identification with forms conceived in illusion, i. Apr 21, Gary Noguera rated it it was amazing. Meyer rated it really liked it Feb 01, The God speaks is really fabulous to read. God Speaks. The many diffuse concepts of spiritual truth, as well as new and detailed thought patterns, are clarified and brought together in this monumental work. The book describes the intricate process of reincarnation and the inward journey along the spiritual path as the soul consciously returns to the Oversoul of its origin. It covers “The Planes,” “States of Divine Consciousness,” and includes twelve charts, supplements, glossary, and index. 2nd edition, 1973. Fourth Printing. Avatar Meher Baba. Merwan Sheriar Irani, known as Meher Baba, was born in Poona, India, on February 25, 1894, of Persian parents. His father, Sheriar Irani, was of Zoroastrian faith and a true seeker of God. Merwan went to a Christian high school in Poona and later attended Deccan College. In 1913 while still in college, Merwan experienced a momentous event . . . a meeting with Hazrat Babajan, an ancient Mohammedan woman and one of the five Perfect Masters of the Age. Babajan gave him God-Realization and made him aware of his high spiritual destiny. Eventually, he was drawn to seek out another perfect master, Upasni Maharaj, a Hindu who lived in Sakori. During the next seven years, Maharaj gave Merwan “gnosis” or divine knowledge. Thus, Merwan attained spiritual perfection. His spiritual mission began in 1921 when he drew together his first close disciples. It was these early disciples who gave him the name Meher Baba, which means “Compassionate Father.” After years of intensive training of his disciples, Meher Baba established a colony near Ahmednagar that is called . Here, the Master’s work embraced a free school where spiritual training was stressed, a free hospital and dispensary, and shelters for the poor. No distinction was made between the high castes and the untouchables; all mingled in common fellowship through the inspiration of the Master. To his disciples at Meherabad, who were of different castes and creeds, he gave a training of moral discipline, love for God, spiritual understanding and selfless service. Meher Baba told his disciples that from July 10, 1925 he would observe Silence. He maintained this Silence until the end of his life, January 31, 1969. His many spiritual discourses and messages were dictated by means of an alphabet board. Much later the Master discontinued the use of the board and reduced all communication to hand gestures unique in expressiveness and understandable to many. Meher Baba traveled to America six times, first in 1931, when he contacted his early Western disciples. His last visit to America was in 1958 when he and his disciples stayed at the Center established for his work at Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. In India as many as one hundred thousand people have come in one day to seek his Darshan, or blessing; from all over the world there are those who journeyed to spend a few days, even a single day, in his presence. An important part of Meher Baba’s work through the years was to contact and personally serve hundreds of those known in India as “masts.” These are advanced pilgrims on the spiritual path who have become spiritually intoxicated from direct awareness of God. For this work he traveled many thousands of miles to remote places throughout India and Ceylon. Other vital work was the washing of the lepers, the washing of the feet of thousands of poor, and the distribution of grain and cloth to the destitute. Meher Baba asserts that he is the same Ancient One, come again to redeem humanity from the bondage of ignorance and to guide individuals to realize their true Self which is God. Meher Baba is acknowledged by his many followers all over the world as the Avatar of the Age. God Speaks by Meher Baba. First printing. God Speaks, the Theme of Creation and Its Purpose by Meher Baba. Dodd, Mead & Company. 1955. (First printing with no statement of later printings.) Hard cover with dust jacket. DUST JACKET: Missing about the top 1/4" and bottom 1 1/2" of the spine in rough tears. Is price- clipped. Other minor tears and wear to the dj. Now protected by a removable mylar dj cover. BOOK: Light cover edge wear. A 1/4" tear from the top of the spine. Except for the publisher's listing at the bottom of the spine, which appears slightly worn, gilt lettering on spine and front cover is bright. Inside the front cover are two rubber stamped? hindu symbols with some rubbing in the middle of the page. A book seller's sticker is inside the back cover. Inside front and back covers is some slight browning. Otherwise, no previous owner markings. No tears, no unpublished folds or creases to pages (there are some fold-out pages). Binding is tight with no looseness to pages. Not ex-library, not remaindered and not a facsimile reprint. For sale by Jon Wobber, bookseller since 1978. DD25a . "Meher Baba (born Merwan Sheriar Irani; 25 February 1894 – 31 January 1969) was an Indian spiritual master who said he was the Avatar, God in human form. Merwan Sheriar Irani was born in 1894 in Pune, India to Irani Zoroastrian parents. At the age of 19, he began a seven-year spiritual transformation. During this time he contacted five spiritual masters before beginning his own mission and gathering his own disciples in early 1922, at the age of 27. From 10 July 1925 to the end of his life, Meher Baba maintained silence, communicating by means of an alphabet board or by unique hand gestures.[9][10][11] With his (circle of disciples), he spent long periods in seclusion, during which time he often fasted. He also traveled widely, held public gatherings and engaged in works of charity with lepers, the poor and the mentally ill. In 1931, Meher Baba made the first of many visits to the West, where he attracted followers. Throughout most of the 1940s, Meher Baba worked with a category of spiritual aspirants called masts, whom he said are entranced or spellbound by internal spiritual experiences. Starting in 1949, along with selected mandali, he traveled incognito about India in an enigmatic and still largely unexplained period he called the "New Life". After being injured as a passenger in two serious automobile accidents, one in the United States in 1952 and one in India in 1956, his ability to walk became severely limited. In 1962, he invited his Western followers to India for a mass darshan called "The East–West Gathering". Concerned by an increasing use of LSD and other psychedelic drugs, in 1966 Baba stated that they did not convey real benefits. Despite deteriorating health, he continued what he called his "Universal Work", which included fasting and seclusion, until his death on 31 January 1969. His samadhi (shrine/tomb) in Meherabad, India, has become a place of international pilgrimage." Wikipedia. About 'God Speaks' "No other work has yet been published which takes the reader so deeply into the fundamental purpose and the mechanics of life and the universe. "God Speaks" is a minutely detailed description of the evolution of the soul from the time of its creation until it has completed its function of the evolution and of consciousness and has returned to the Over Soul from which it originated." - from a blurb on the book. SIGNING OF “GOD SPEAKS” The following is the promotional book review of God Speaks written by the scholar W. Y. Evans-Wentz, entitled The Uniqueness and Paramount Value of God Speaks: No other Teacher in our own time or in any known past time has so minutely analyzed consciousness as Meher Baba has in God Speaks. Occidental psychology, especially under the illustrious leadership of Dr. [Carl] Jung, has made great advances in the study of the unconscious and of the dream-state, but because of its necessary adherence to conservative methods of scientific research it has not been able, as yet, to fathom the Deep of the Seer. So, for the science circumscribed psychologist, God Speaks should prove to be of paramount importance in inspiring further progress on the psychological pathway. Correlatively, noteworthy in particular is Part VIII, on the Evolution of Consciousness, and Part IX, on the Ten States of God, to which is attached a diagram linking together “the most generally accepted Sufi, Vedantic and Christian mystical equivalents.” As a whole, the book marks clear the at-one-ment of the essentials of the various historic religions in the light of the gnosis of the Sufis. Meher Baba’s enlightening treatise adds much to the sum total of learning and contributes incalculably to the enrichment of mankind for, as the sages of Asia teach, the most intrinsically valuable of all riches, and greater than all mundane wealth, is Right Knowledge. Nowhere is Meher Baba’s wisdom more succinctly set forth than in his Conclusion, on page 176: “To understand the infinite, eternal Reality is NOT the Goal of individualized beings in the Illusion of Creation, because the Reality can never be understood; it is to be realized by conscious experience.” (1) The signing of the title pages was to raise funds to pay for the printing of the book. Although Dodd, Mead of New York was the publishing company, Reoriented financed GOD SPEAKS. Books by Baba. The books listed below are being provided to you as a part of the Online Library program of the Avatar Meher Baba Perpetual Public Charitable Trust, Ahmednagar, India. Their use is subject to the conditions and restrictions of copyright law. If you have any questions about copyright, fair use, how to identify or contact copyright holders, or related matters, click here . The literary materials on this web site are accessible through Adobe Acrobat. 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