kept a nooiplate iwaanldaviBK Jmmmmrr A PRETTY WEDIU.NU. " tHN6. TW ouMeat iiwiat WITH DYNAMITE 211 hatoo. TWiwWatkMm net. a«.«NiMT TAKan A wr. j«»Mna ot 7 th Bh, Aod the aver ­ BEGAN IfESTBUr «kBAVas TO BB Bl 10—I OST SPEAKraSEI MUUM AWAY. age lor the two aiootW ok that hour wa* UAIfB or OOLO. -. NEGLECEED OUm .I 1-5 ♦taffrawM haiow atoo. For Hm Swier Claw Oratet- Thr nwidrnm of H. J. l*AttrtwNi, on Wm Fhrialy FmImmI m St. Lest ScMM Nffw O h aad Bdai .Vo tiaae uf iienple Imve baen nay murw j Jwhe DHUI NoUi TIM deo. A. Uoldwin Mtraat. wan thr wnun ol a umtty A COHI'lCTE Sl^KISE diwmaimotied or ioronreoien. ed hy tlw* Slaa| Did mx Exerciics. wrddluc hiat rTTuiuK. vrheo Mr. iSittrr- JalMH aad VicMty. Ohaerved. Nua'a daoithirr .Yinhi-a, waa oniitaf in WAm mmv. w. u ■os.Maa Ai*miirr- "mmrm weather than the irrave dlBffere. | inarriaar to |>r. K. H. SIriicht, tS Ma|ilr ■Birr Tu MiM. Fnim nuuo Uiwue in the county (vhimm Hufadu. Thehouar wue taatil.v triiainrd Over Tiro Weeks of ContUinet Bx- ProflMiXBtiffHs tor Orarcht Wliere The Wyc Havinc Hlchest Stand- !■ pink and white. Tha bridr wurr whitr rwporta to Tmk .\kw e of the diffli-ulty Wtaeo He Sffld N«tes ta Ittaca Sav>- HatcardiBK the appoiatiaoat of Her. It Is Obsenred. tars Were Selected. ailk mmI lookwi rrrry wrh a qumu mm ahr treme Cold llolaMw to tha Matoodiat choreh here. encountered by the aextoue who Imrej tars Baak. **otarrd th*- room whar** thr oaraaiouy ^ IVeeidiBK KUkr W. M. I*ufler la qaated been obiiKNi to lihr irravew dnrtiiK Hu* waa lawtomiml. .t. E WIImiii ortrd mm aeaayiafc: ” rbiachaaffe iaoiadelwoauer hairt man and Miaa Nora Hall aa hridaa- le Make tkc liar. lA)ve)u.v,iifrlkLJohBa, haarenenllyai> Pimm R«v . Otvif lo paat week. The KrTMtiid ie froieii Ui a FaiiAd to Over a Scare at DlUteat Sladeau ia maid. Miaa Thunm Judd |ilayr<| thr aff Thai H b leqited the luMtorate ol a(’oti|rrv||alioual , defith of four feet at Mupl** llapHle tuni Katar the Claae. w-rddiiiv matrh from laihaaicnii by YVaa* irhiirch ill .Mount Veraoo. New York.: .. urr. 'Phr I'rrrmony waa prrformrd li.v The rhurrh ia Ss. Juliae ie a wtroitK otlwr iiimm aiMl at I'nion lloiue from | -...... f(n\*. A. T. Lutbrr. of Maph* Itafdda. ia chunSi with over 44H) roaoiberw and hae four to eix men wem rcpiired to dbt n Coacerotof IBe UsMlItJ of |Be SlfBCrekT thr pri*ia*ae> of aliuat aizty irev*!*** AH Prevta a* Rccoris Broken hjr Old Bo­ one of the tioeat ranrah haildiiiKa and Bates for Hemhers ttf St. Jfwcpa*s CharcB n«rai paptls Carry off tlK HIchesi Boa* M*ran u'Hoak. Tha yoauii ooapir drovr irorwonaBew in thia part of the wtate. Kraveiii tla* imiiatery tliere. Tlie Nrwt i tBe Paper. ore TMt Tear. to Mafih* Kapida. laat rtreaina, wlirrr reas oa His Barepacc. to Poilaw. The afqwanf aat ianlvati to Mr. liolmee day two men eitnweded by hard work i ______t hay had a hoiia* all prrjmrrd, but did without aa.v wuliaitatHHi on hie |iart, not leave thefr ((ueata without a verj* uud uawe ae a (niia|itale earfirhe* to him. ill KcttiiiK tiown nix inrlMn*. The Mw-Tind St. JobuM exienda her iNimiiiimraia to The rtuKiuK of thr Indie at Hi. John’e JudKe I inboil tiMik the caae of J, C. pnmer ahowrrtiiK of riee, aiieh aa thr Il waa laadr tienauae of tW ability aud HH.\ YH \v«Te HiMia:ti' day four men were pnt pt w*>rk and Ilieke iMtaiiint Hen. A.Hteel from the jury. .yonuK iieoiilr of St. .lohiai know- wHI ilia KioKahip. Jack Knait, and will hr chriwtiaii epirit which be haa laaoitwated aud St. Jiiae|di’e rhumhew .veeterdoj' pro- ruwedA.v. and liirected a verdict luraiaat •*<1 thi« wwk how to aiifil.v. Hoth tin* bridr and pieuee rhaar hitnadf tmek up to thr iu hia woHt. The rwlatloue exietiUK la*. cfaiUMvl th«* o|N*«iUK day uf leal, tkrrtir- tber lowered it twefre inclae farther. anioni aiw well known here where lha\ •Steel. The lutee hae attracted a terrat Lnn> tmvinir tween Mr. Hu Iomi aud hie <*horeh lin«’e inir oil the l.'ith, ae it did. it will briuK linrr hoatM of fhendn wImi wiah tbrni all Klondike ami ata.v whm* hr lirloaiiM. It then Imvaiue iiNeNMir>’ tneni|i|oy two daal of al.«rotion fiy rmeun of StiwPa til** ln«t HhI«* HtMIMl- The town liaa had rnouKh. Hlir hae been the iiiowt deiiftbtful, aud .Mr. Holm«*e Keeler uu .4 pnl M*roud. The morecere- thr **wratM ol die. Tin* Ihietor ia build- had made no rrqaewt to leave hie pre- iiilO*. r«iv«*riiiK tin* ioK up a apji*udid iiraetaw in and aniuiid froiMi thr tip of onr of her aliHUlikr rara mouiar chiirrhm Iw-iiiK thoee of tin* ...... eent (Mtetomte for Ht. John* or an.v froxati earth aud blunt it out with •*»«•••• that Mr. Steel wold a note u> ImtiimI oI lli**ir f*iur Ma|il* ‘ Itapidn, aiiii ia aun* to lieroiiir on** nail anpiirad a arrerr raa** of i*hilblatna. other place. He hue Krwatl.v enjoyrd lim Nterurr rltuale. have tiieir rulee luid out .v**MrK «mrk in th** Ilf thr lend I iiK pli.VMirinnM of tSr (*«iuiit.v. (ateiornteat the Kirwi MetlKNliet E|t*e- (roet*>ine (lertaiaiuK thr lenten |ieno«l, d.\naniite, tin tin* thini (lav tin* KTiive the Ithaca .SatiiiKw Hank, of which he Miaa Halleraon ia a favorite in Si. Johna’ .She liaa done lirr lirat to <*«Mik thrar wa*i prmid*rot, nml (lie Intnk wan iiaabie St. .Idhiix Hiirli inrala a da.v in a nMUii w-lim* the tea- 4*u|Nil cHiiirrh and would rheerfull.v have which to tlir luihrrriite of th**er i‘hurciiew mauf-t.v and her fnetnla an* Kind that ahr rmiaiiird tJirrr if hie ap|Niintm*Htl had ie a *e*a»»on of lemamw* aiui for tl.e rr- wae dowii to the leqiiiied de|ith ami tin* to collect the amount (In**. The I'iatoi Sr h mil illl«l tlir latolirhiit foiirteni iDileaawa.v. .Y iiioiik wan njMMtf m-d to J. f. Hicke. whobroiMcht kettle ai ell PI Haw*! lobiiiii merril.vbut hae iavHi rout ill tied. The riiurrh urea 11,v re- awnkt'iimu of riJiKioue xeal. Tin* forty reniaiiin wen* iliterrerl. ■‘M««*rt jciH arndii thiawfmiii out of town whow*w»*prr*** ‘iit lieefi <‘hokrd up with lee and wiim- the Kl-ete thr de|»artiirr of .Mr lioliiirH. Ilcv. | « prior to Kueirr are <*harart<*rti**d out tO((illect, claiiiiiuK that Steel Urnwr nt the time he M.ld lla* tmper that it waw 'ntr ' if thill* im»M\ w«*re Mr. and Miv. \V. II. Uruy, of Ih*. fryiiiK puna and KHddiea rHnaeit to ••fry,” ■ J. II. WiMilm. ol .*Mirtinniaviile, who lute b.v tlir olieervam*** of thr reKUiatioiie Iniit, .Mr. and .Mra. .\ J. Strwter, of not eolbetabU*. or rattier that be failad iiMiir»<«i to milk* lirr aiiiiuiil «i>|i*'Hmin'r wild** the l•‘m|•rmlun* rrfiiHin«*ii ‘JTt la*- ti****ii aplMiiiitrd to eurceed Mr. H«ilm*-e, and a-iiKee <*om*rrninK fnetiiia and thr VAriillAN (’(IXFIK.MKI) ilmiid l.•‘♦iK•‘, l(o•M*«lr SiriKht. of .\lliioii, low- the K'Mjer rior Hiark. She bar atruK- lea well ••darMir«i man. aod a loniirr moral i**id*-r- iwtelorat**), liaviliK eurcredtel in *«*rurinK ainl throiiKhoiil thr |iernMl (WTriom will TIm* neiiHle liHd an cxM'Utive neMuon firidin* for Mr. .Stc«H It n, undemtood of takiiiK atiniulanie. Sin* haa had to thr buildiiiK tJ two diiin-lHM within tin* In* e« the cum * will lie apierolerl. tlon*> tin ina 21 .veam of aip* an* obliKrd to olin»*rv** . *2*^* ‘‘ ^"**"* ‘ '•orreciion at Ionia, •'•Ak** n full week’n work iifNUi thin law Trletdioiir I tiiii|*an.v, of St. Johna, at* .Ill in all. it ie ryjaaiird that St. Johna next.” all tin* da.v** of lR*nt (Sunday not .staff f orri*n|Minib*iit Urttton, of (lie lie- nnil. It in a »uit of conni(b*rnbb* iin|iiirS> S*>nior clai*** ihn* vrar ami lla* ■aiii*^ ot hae had ••noUKli. She hoiile up iMitli Her. Holniew lawle farewrll to hi- coiinl*'Mc an* itllow**rH. Si«^| wnn Pmnbletit mid llin*ct«ir of tlie tiH.lMi: 1%'ali II**ialm*oii,'•t ’l.l*t7 , <»**o. **rl,v. \ raaoliition wt*a ndoptrd rx|in***a. teni|Miral thiiiicw. iuk I HimI hae ehown In* lined oil tin* ilavn of Inuit, but Halt and inKlbt***mar of the mt*riiuK that then* inhabitaiita” i*annot iwirtillH a m*«ird to that be ttimli.v rrwanie drvotioii. Hr mrat ar** lortiiildhould la* no ♦*nttinK ot mt*a* to inert th** |Mud a hiKh <*om|»l«ment tu hie »uc*'*Meiir, *mme meal. .\leo b.v a iiieaial indult a ♦•oiioinainir Ik ••“tP^roeMioa^l **'**' ‘^f* tiiat wlilb* lie wan nii**h Fmeident lUid ll•■lld•'r**«ln, it in xlat***! tiiat hIi** tiMik th** low prh'ra whirli tlir \lirhiKan rtimimny (|UHrtrr of a iwntuiy hue aii.vthinK n|»- .1.11 \V«Mii**n. who wae a formm*ollcK»* (lien, of oread, a i*Up ♦•! coffer, tea. ••tc.. waiJm SainnHw***"**!^ -p* *^'!* ’‘*"* lUcM tor. Ih* iwipXlatMl u> the Hank the work of two «*oiiniri* and hrr NhtiwiiiK, I** makinif in th** iiiff»*rent towna when*, pnMii'hiiiK il in a**«wrnih*«l on tin* nNiiii'inat**, ami >winl tiiat In* liNiki’il for* i<* allowed ill tin* muniiiiK with nin-ctal meetliiir of Tuecola H'e „ote in ipienlioii that ban In-en *»ffemd in uupn*|Mtrrd. ward with a kd *«H eriiM* of *iatie(artiiin reicrem-r lo the w'orkiuK man who aino ***»n**i*h*niitr th** rxtni lalMir iiivolv***!, ih then* an* indr|i**nd*nt i*xrhaiiKra Th** Kaiinan f itv^^ldTjimTd'V^ S io ’**•• ’/"r* H lake-1 e*l to thr lil<**wtiUKe whirli hr wae eure would iiia.v take a i*ollation at iiiNin and the miinnK* ’n* Haim that then* an* iiow . u I I. «,n, ,ian«i to mid th** pnH*eedn ^iiiik to him. r<*rtaitily <*. 1 LI - .4 and faithful man iiid tin* tirem'lnw* wee dithriitt.v of fnIftlliiiK the 4*ommon law* t ■41 M conllilrnt that Kv**at prowfierit.v w**uld •Iin|n*in4itia-lorntr of |{•.v. Hofiiire ainl for tin* rvrrione le •♦•iduilly invited. ili>ly ground ntaiidn full of k«mm| timlwr. and ««»jd'vlio endomwl it. 'otiow that all of tinwr pupil** will In II __ Il —1« ability ol th**coniinK paetorand loriiial ('ommnnioii will In* adniiiiiet**f>-d Sniida.i Mr.** 1'*‘ anteriine-- neenm to have tiiade The i-ane In not luuMnl upon the ipiention IV ...... • — IH *if nil iwtive fmiHl. *ir what we term a tfradiiatiil Th**T hav* a halt yriir’i* Ill liira** ibiya oi Krip. a**ven* rolda and IS ...... Ml — IM ly aniiouiaed the ap|Miiiitliiente mad**. iiiorninKn at H o’i*loi*k. v»*ry profftiibb* inviMtnnrot. — a Hector Jimeph T. HwinK, h for ill*' wlioh* imniHl will \oiir tnoulli nhiil,” need not la* i*«in' l*r»*noue to thie i**ihl |ieri*M|. ificlow- TIIK SAME IIOKSK. repreneiitatbinn that am falwe, imt ttrurlml into an alnnii. With th**mouth •*et |Niiiit touriinl tiv thr tiler ur.v ni hi*> iiarinhioiiern in wliirh In* I* il th*-Klorv (if th**tr prohririirr or lark * Tin* rfiiimh ■nnmntin. an the natural the real tliiiiR in tiiat in tlie niuiatinii i-l(ia»*«| (iiid th* i****! k**tit warm and ilrv. twrlv** y*-m*H. Ht^-limimit*i|. Tlir manorwmiian who lowinK tlKUne ehow, whirli t(i%*** tin* low* ON TItKWIlAV. on the thnwhold of another ln*ot. It !•> a neanon briuKiiat writh it many opimr- ■ ' It neeim* to me in thin caiie that tlH* un* it will In* noti**)**! that out of thin (*iii**** 1* 0111*^ out of a w-fimi riHiin, «*afawiall.v at **et mark ehown hv tin* thermii*iH*lrr (IneyiftraKd thin luoiith J«ilin SclH*il dinpute*! **vi(len*'ein the**ae** nhown tiusk nitfhl. and in*>iata on tnikiiiK or InuKhinu YV, H. Ilniiiwon’e litth* Val**ntim* Twm- lu(iiti*M for koimI, if v*** will only make art lorn ncanoii that matter** within tlie knowb>«lKe of Mr. luitu** aiiftlri'titiy to rauar aniio.vnti*-** ...... —IR St»v*l that wer** not tlincloned and in tha ami anfil«*afMtntn**niarkahl*- wli*>fi it a* ntati'd that thm- ton, on that day. Hr rwrivrd word world ami to dwell iiiMirt witliJimae. It rlaim to have **tale«i the entire law of lrr**ly in r»*lurnimr liornr fniin aomr»*vrn- Ih'.iH...... — *.* tbc<-aeeto ,vou, but onl.i the ip*iN*ral an hut riKht niml pupil** in tin* i-liim*. inif **ntertaiiimrtit In thia •'oniirrtion 1*.»4...... —It from Smator llumiwe laet Saturdn.v, in a nine to turn our thoiiKhtn within, a month .Mr. Schell wan out near the bam In *ithi*r woni**. whih* hut a trifh- ov**r IHII.-,...... — IR tinn* for re|n*ntaiic»‘, for m**ditat 4on. for phiK-ipb*. one pii.vairian eomnirnda the ua** of |•M*l• iMHt ...... —to that tin* nomination had iieen eent in. leadiiiK hin horw* to water wheti hienoii. It Meetii- to me that them in but oaa oii**-thini ot th**riaj*** in (*om|MNM*f th*- honor**. Thi** -Iniwintf rarri**** a an iiittiini**** in krefiiiiK a women'a mouth tnini tin* Ki'^'rrnmerit ap|mratue wrliH-h n* that the •Mini nilr*i ilit*lMidv. and not the human aid. Heart •! had carrtMl actnai In properiy brouKlit in thiniininSy. nurnth<*** at the rear of hie elore. Then* ar** ••min lo lie attain***!, **o th**n* ar** certain Iiiai off. Uani w.i*k hin wife, who reeiden |«ctn In th** can**, ban a riKlit to -ue tha tlin*e tlimuotnetrrw. one to indh-ali* the will aeeiinn* rharK** ut that time. It ie meonn of attaining tlieni. I i*xhort ,vou ir il iiiHiinn*** of •*n\ iniiiin*ait. and otli**r w liirli III iiarif ia n valuablr aaleKiinni.” claim in tbi-•'ounty. and tiiat Ih* in eo* th**n*for** that voii un** the taeaiie pro- near rbtici**, wan brodiuK H*** nelf name liiKheet. ndrr pnwiH tcni|ier«turr. 1 nb-d for yi>u tiiat you att«>ud an many IHtW TO STOP IT home to water wlieii nh** Ml lo the of thecae** the annmnt of tin* note at to tln ir Imurl *• **onirnt. * »iir l•*alun It hae really levii ntnueiiiK to wnirh W. \V W’yroff and Mie* f*!dith Hnnn in of the nervii>n* of tin* I'hiircli ae {NMnibi**, that .roll (tartak** tit tin* Holy t'ommnnion irroumi from an attack of npoplex.v. .Site th** time of the recinion of the **ontract, h*iw*»vrr. do**an't n*f|iiirr any ntud.v to TO fllKVirST nKOKK> HlfK*. the wav tin* diff* ‘n*nt |ieo|ilr have tnki'n I th** eaiin* iMieitioiie tliry hold at preM*tit. and the ten*ler bark t** him of tie* iioto tin* <*oM eiiap. Tin* fuiiii.v man who an fr***pn*iitl.v a** th** op|Mirtuniti m tiiiilo*it lilainand that m that 1 oiinttrfoni* han lH*ni veryjow ami it in lielieved th** with inl**r*>et (It tl jier c**nt fmm tlust .4 Ml Kl.ooiia em***n*«t at th«*coid and iiieintni that ’‘it It le not known what furtln*r arraiiK**- offer«*d, that .vmi «lo the work** of charily ini''“toii''*- *»l .''rhiMitn It M. Winnton ha** ami kiiidiinm, ami •M|nrially to thon<* chanre^ of her recovery an* |KMir. It wan titm*. i" kl.i» waeii’t anything to wlial h«- had er**n ” nn*nte will le* mad** in tin* way of Hrrwal ll\ thedirvctioii of tlK* (rourt you will hroinriit tin- 1*101111001 oi work in tin* “Mon* (*omi>lainla of luirated water •ind that h** ‘*jiiet loved eiirh w**ather ' nick uinl m■•<' *|UN*t fh«*paet w*w4. In liim'e** intirtn an.v who Iniv** offrmh'd niptinnl * wantr\ nrhiailp up to**«i hiah n tfrinh*. for Hint amount. IMirl of tin*, w.-rk than at anv timnliir- fact, he haen’t leg'll in eiKht. H** hae you. that VOII pra**ti**e neil denial, ami •nin to |Miiid**r (i’**r. tiiat tin* 11111* 111* nr* * ‘nahl***i to •*nl**r tin* imr til** n*«-**nt ***ild **iiap." eai*l a hard with (In* naviiip* further the work of the le***ti out iiack ot th** Imm kickitiK him* l^riFK WOIIK. KeUlns Orwnirea Ni*w line I’i(ju** .Shin YYnininal liiitli >n-iioo! InT*- mid »in-> • ****iully irr-v wan limn and moat ot tin* tniiilih- n **e|i ami •viiliiiK «> tiniiK hr known wHi, I liurcli. and that **0411 ila.v \oii ilevol* Thk Mkw.wTii.k Co. on tinir Miirk without tin* •lii;ht*-**t •* 4iUM* lirrr«VKI*LN IllVdIU'K lonn* ntativl titm* to |irivati* dcrotiiiii Ylr** .Yna wbii live** near llew, line an oranit** tr**** on which am !iairii«-.i|> In tin- •**uiim **li.m it niimt of tin* <*oneiiim*r-. Now, it i*. a >*innil*- HoUer-owil**re who*-' plumblllK line A.HII WKIIIIINI*. and prav**r, ami to remlinK Ibwl’n Holy For carfiete ruK** »»ud liuobroin** call at matter to atop all thia IniratinK of Hn* m*v«T iovcii tnnibl** le*lor**. have lieeu in \Vi»pd YVi* ar** to reniemlier aIno that thr**** lull nired orniiK****, which ar»* .vcilow lino l>*- Inirri III inind that tin* rnviahh* and apiniir to lie n|i**. The tt>*e wan John Hhkn*. pi|i»*a, and if th** |M*oplr will otdy i*ul tin* ji ie*«*k of woe the (met w*rk. Tin* wnf»*r III! .Hiiliiniav, .iiidic** Daledl Rn»nt**d a th** **tnl ol th*Me tjiinirn m not tin* formal r«*)iUtntlo|l now rliJtiVrii hv .St. .lolllm 'Viif**r off w lierr it **iit<*ra tb*-ir |iou**r- rained liy Mr** f artieiiter from ni***d and The ’ai* «V**ria HM*4er pi|*ee and tin* M*w*T pt|»*** hav*- K">n* ib^-rer of divorc** to t'arry ll«aieinKt*r iilMM-rvam*** of lh**m. but tt» **nrirh ami ilitfli .***rtiool liii*. 01 l•<-**ll hnmuht iimi tln*n o|a*n u|* th** lain'ri to allow th* •4w**ei**n and inaki* In.ttcr *iur *iwn Inner |M iilMtiil two yearn old. bark iiti I item ami m» md of im'onvf*n> fnun YVilliain II. Ilcn**iiiKer. From what Th** new lieannip*. »|nik** faeteiiiiiK aod .ih*iUT *hn*Ui;h tin 'lutinnu *ffort' o- ■ iir to K**! into th** pi;H<<4 in order tonllow t n*m-r lute rrMultiil. Th*- virioue cold hae ♦ ircurreil in tin* <*ouiity clerk'e offh*** thie III**. YVe an* to rememln*r that the ♦anl of M*ve«l Hla l.lle. ifcnenil niak** »ip of Isfili (*leT**lan(rn at tin* w-iil**r alniv*-tin* cut off to run out, caiieed «'V**r>oiir to (itiwh th*Hr lH*al«*re, li**iil in not 'leniai; it in tin* d«*tiinl ofnonn* .Yi.DtncH'N. H*i|n-nnt*-nd**nt .1 <1 Monio** and tin iKMiii. it may* le *»al»*l.v iiifrrr*H| shat ”1 think Hint your nynip of Tar and i|n*v will not linv*- to a|a*iniaonniHi linn* efov*M ami liirnaree to tliHr full**wt I’m- thimm lor other ttiiiiK** th** deaial of the Itonrd ot Initinitioii anil tin** ha** Williaiire limrt waen'l Imill.v broken YY'lbl t‘liefT>* •iav**d iii.v lile” naid a pr(»nii. ihawiiiKoiit pi|a*.«. and repiacinK lh«*m |iaril\ and tliecontnile of (vmi I l*iiie hue over tin* affair, for In* mit only ap|4led lower lor fin* hiKh**r. tin* ilenial ••v**ii of iHTOt lawyer ol Howard City to Tmvin A .\ romplet** line of new **mbmi*lerien at with whole omat. -■rT*'il I** draw th*n**- piipiin to St. .lohim iiiritnl awn.v lik** enow iiHoiv a July lor ami rrrriv*-*! a mamauv* lir**iier \hie Miim* thiiiun haniih*nn. fhat wr**inii.r know Itaker an lie walk***! into tbetr ntom Innt JoMN Htrsn'. that we hav** th** mantery over nelf. Tin* Sii|>**nnti*iidrnt Moiin*.- n work han Imnn eun. mnrninu. but turm-d tin* (Serk'e oftt**r Monday moniiiiK. I Imve lnv*ti couKb- **ml of ln*nl in not 1***^ lit**, hut inon* III**, Huy your nho*e of WiHiniitJrr A Thomf pn»irt****nivr. and In* han ronntantiv ij:ft ii.a .vi ) (’itrsiiKi) (‘hae. .M(in*land line th«* lieet thrmioiii* into a weridiiiK fiaHiir. Mr. Smith pr**- mu I'onHiiiinll.v for over a week, and ct«*r with wtiirh to "charnr' the old*et not |M«v«*rtx ol life, but more abundant hniknl ali**nd to tin* ic*-nrmi w**lfan* of eiiled ae maeter of I'errmonieN, and .liie- could Ket notbiOK to lielp me. fine of aRHMlI's .XmilKST T«l A T.kHI.K iiilinbilaiit by rHiitiiiK ite duinire, and Hr». .MnrehiUI rea«l tin cenaiionv. ,\ tif* . that wwma.v In* with Jennn and In*- .vonr na lewmeti recon m»*iidM| Syrup of Tar' Sm the new line of ffne diem Koods th*- nrhiHiin and aiin«- to me, aad I tiMik juat and irimminifnat Nohia ; Hurnictt V and mom|iri%«diral**dorailon. How wr**ll off. It'e vtry imtieiyiiiK (<• k<' by it. at |ur,vme«i artf*d ae wltnewm. l^n* lindr our mimln and hearte imn u|wm earth, thm** doeew, aad I have not cooKheil once any event Mr. MorHaiid hae it Imuik - amt m*»r** U|nin heaven, aad that in no h*- ill*** niimn>*|»n| in attnntrd liy thr pma- wae Miee Flora lliddle, of firrmbueh. niiicc. .Yly throat wan mi nom Hint I Ilu.v your nbom of YY’ooiiaurr ATnoMB. Itann*! i.yon, an** of tin* St. doiiiK we Kntber ntreiiKth for the dtitien iii^ oni inr from a biiildiuK* Hnd on Kn* William eet 1111 a leix ol i-iKure, ami tin* coaid hanlly nwallow when I (*ororo«M***(| ••ni lanr* ntt«*ndaiir*- in thr hiirh arhiml Johne Table l'oni|Min.v. had Ilia IHI hand ila.v niorniUK H peKmlrre*! U4“ lielow- of thin preen nt world. •*ruehr*l al th*ar factorr Tiieielav morii' **vi*nt wae. ae Mark Twain ea^.‘•entirely takiiur it, lait thie morninK it ie jniit ae Priiitn -tr .yard. and th* impniTwl coorw** of atndy and *efo. Several therm onieten* ih town \nd Ml. ln*loTeil, I affectionately rail Tmk MaKfAwni,* f'o. itiK- He wae workinR at a planer mid happy throoKhoat.” well ae it evf*r wae. I Hunk it in tie* ailranrrd innthod<* •rniployi-rl in tin* work caiin* within a few d yfrivw of thie mark, yon to a faithful (ll•M•rraore of thin miMt w'ondennl inedictae I ever naw.” while liriiwhinK awn.v Mime ehaviiiKi* hie and X. I«. Wrtili, tif ImW itt, who wae in I^ten neaeon. If It lie naked wh.T the ♦ if itininirtion Sold nail iniaraateed t«i cum or no pay IlarKniae in doake and *ropew, blankato hand wan ilrawn hetweeti the mllere ami riir .\t‘we iifllr*- Hull foreuiMiu, etafed .irST N.MMtJN JIo .NKY. work of Inrot may mil be ae wreil dotn* at by Traviw and llak**r. Corner liroKfltom. umler wear, howierx'. «iiitiBK». nhirtiaff Tin* |ir**wnt Ha«M in thr lanrtwt in thr the Itret three ItnKera ••ntlr**iy neTrDaiamI that hie thennoiueter reKielereil rxiirtly other tlmew. the annwf»*r In that that Haonel, drem naitiOK. flannel ekirta. ctMB* hi-tory ot th* nrhiniU iaMt y*>«r, tbam a imrtion of th** hand rot away. The Ihefwtmr. Saturday iiiorninK. th** mer­ mil .4 IHM-MKr n*r. althonirii tin* Inuid wae Imdly liehiw and Monday leSow. .Mr. Ilf**, the iWpeat needa. do not ('haiup* ttnr evmiliK Iwf week IHrnm llrnee llavinK recentl.v laimhaaed th** boot |iatt**rne aad ImH luaken at kiwmt iioato* In r-oiirrmatlon with a .Srwm rrpmwn- bH'eratMl. Th*- wound ie a very iminfiil fmm aip’ to a«e, they am aiwayw the I aad nbne ntnek of >4*1111001 N. YY'aidron. I Moreland road** hie olieerratioDe at dhrovered a (MirkefIwMik lyiUK im tin* hie pricec at N«MILK llroJlBTT^ tatirr who raJIrd at thr ('mtml arhool. oiwiuid Mr. I.yon will In- ianl u|i for about five o'Hoek each morniiuc. door in th* iin wement of The Ste>*l. He ■ name, an«i an we may heilere that that , woald be pi paced to have the imtmnaip* MiTue wceke. The demand made on tlie water worke w hidi hae (imved ao Kmat a nleaalaK to Seprnntrndmt .Monm** niMik** intllrhiffll• (ark**! it up and found that it ivintaiuril I of an.y 'ibf ami new- cnctomen*. I int*rod Oo tn II. W. Morrie’ for fimiitare. pto Wwrrlwue l.irawa liiirinH the laet etalit or ten daye ha* juet flliNi in rarrnney. a one hnudred no man.T In all aKcn of the **htimh, may ; to carry in ctork u|eto-dale foot w**ar, *wt tmiia of thrriaaaana whoh* llrwtyn lie a MrwainK to ua if we keep in view ite turm, pirtum framee. eke. < Ippoeita Prtok The foilowitiK niarrtaK** lirenwee have lieeti very heavy, owiiiK t<> the fart that ♦biliar MU and tlvr twmtira, ilernrrieil i which will iiKirit your approval. office. thry havt* Iwm ntudioun and ham up wo many takerw hare left thrir penetiwke it up to ffM office aud handed it to Ijund* iMtrfNMe*, nud fnithfnlly wae the meann .Y. Putt , lieen Kmated ♦iuhiiK the |NMir week by Ylay It be our i»ur|»oae thia |.e«iteTi |»li**d thrmwriTwi with **anir«i effort to ( ount.T flerk YVm. M. Smith: o|iea, to prevent frerxiiiK. Superintend, lonl Pulfrry, remarkiiiK that it hiwl j Sure* wnor to YY’m. N. YY’aldroo. N«*w waoh ffoode at Noai.t: lluRNanW. ent Towe naid to The Nrww yewtmtn.v neaeon t«i ilraw nearer to Hod aatl to thr work tnap|H*d iiot for tbroi to *• «uli. Date. .\wiwe. Aar irohahi.y Iwmi ilmpperl by eomr gutmt that he hml Iwwn pumtanK uearfy tfiMi.. I t wae eonn lenna**! thixt it wae thr maliae mom truly the nweetneaa of rom- Hav** your fnrnitnm repaired at II. W KverytlMaa tw Wlater tlnnW* diHi.” PHi It—JaiknC Cwpet, nowth Rllrr ...AT iMNiKHlIone liert Wnierfoww Jt* i»ro|e*Tt.T of J. P. Ponley, of Phmix. ' Morrie*. < ippoeite I’*ict office. Will he cold at prime mKardWaa at Kiltrm ol thr Haaa nr** ♦'onimlrrrrl duriuK th- -ummer moiilhe, when all thr Illiode leiaiid, a horwe buyer, who had iaithfull.T, w** ma.v know lla* p»y of Kan ter Feti It—Jifkn M. Jwrkwajr, itlwaiwei ....a*< truly. And ae onr In*«iten neaeoa. nml coet, to make nioai for (Mir iaimram new ntionir'-andidat**** for " A" di|iloinai>, al* Itoae K KMkar, l 1 thr final wrrk, Thr irmdnatinK -irr- Fet* l.t-KrewF P HI. JoUwe an tnnke flllr«|. ilonda.v •*veaiaK. it Iw^ni* xiated on hie takiaa BH* for bh* hoaretv. nml Savior .lewae t'hriat. .Ye oar earthiv Huy .vour nhnewof YY'iMinarvT A Tmomt. ^ will In* hrid at th** Mrthodhit Hiurrh M. liird Omvr l.eaemm Rt* nrmwmey to Howe ilowm thr pum|ie for a lalinimfHre irmwn nhorter. may onr mimln Hoy your eh nee *»f W'oonarFr A TaoMik Ka«i |fU-|t.*nm H MHIer. Vietitf 4R I4«m4I* of TWimiw* inmn be (tied upon a famv **oantrT, a mor»* llamUiHne new imtteme in table' on Thurmlay rTrainK, Junr 'JrJ. Tlir few riioiiH*ntw tn rrfiair a break in a ear* Flaw Hrern Patterae in Hilk CmpoBU .\Slle Wwilae JerkaeiM. .Rl vhm (Mpe whieh had hiirwted nmirr W’m Thomaw Hoau dn**! nt hie home in < ivhl iclonoun fotun*, where we nhall nwak*- to t ilamaak aod tiapkinn at cpertal prlnwn at at to|aaa amdetird will n*il In* mndr pwlille. FiS* la—W'llHwm K Heftaiwuer. itaanleter.'jn .XoaiAc HiTONicTr’a. ^ .Noulr nrn!ncTT*B. Kt.*rw lliaai*' oraewhweh I'l le'faiid'e et«*rr t KM I'rieh orrirml a tnwnehip, Salarda.v, at the ukc of Tft th** final, fnller j*iy of f^aater, aa«l nee Thry arr wlartxl t hr aamr aa laat vwar. Hoil ae He ie lieraiie** w** have heetk Hin lire ftfarerl under the Are entoae ae a vrwrw. from inwHim.Hiia. The funeral iwr MaB> Ace *tMie m. with tba iilMi in rt^w of ortmnality, and A -ari' where he died for ten yearw. He | SympatiiT, tbrotleamw, Patieare. Maa* ; for the St. Johae laxoadry. iMove or* iavrwtoierot imn rwa luaheihau JBehiB friKld weather. iHinaK the coldeet of The year iMMh eeeam to havw been owe I derw with him. TwrweU f>w< tw llw iJwM theeaap laet week the heater In thHr: of the eoldrwt duriav thr paat twenty wae married to Ahna Hoau ami t«i them liaeae ami Seff-Saartlire of Jeaaa. Samlay three inhiim I paekaiB* of lAfthtnioB Poul­ .yearw, hut it coaM not ennpare with were horn four rhlldrra, of wMeh three aflenMMMM, (oatwe of wermoaa oa “Hala- try Food, liy fwndioK it ceanlMVi y«Ni tin Tharadey laat the of hoiae on Walker etreet '*hmke down” { Tna will Bad .kllhMWi'a pftoo* oa Om* ' will net pleuty of niqpi aad ha aM* to flarretl Kliana, Hi Raaa« towwahip, waa aad theyr weream* omaientibilKed mtn aavehave Itit vaaeataken tnmthi* yearywnr iwrlor avr*aaverlty donnir the eoair ' wniei are IIv Iub . Mr. Ihinu fotaed the M. | iaff the Maafery.” Wedaaaday nvaaiaffw. btwHaaall rtplit. tahr advaataikr of tha htffh umr IM. Imraad to tkw arnaad, tuffeskvr with ail imt aad a aew one piari-d la pnaiekin., pettod,pariud, althoaffhaithooffh aahwtinaa Irnai Hr. llaattaBteM'a ”Mtad.r Hattetarttoa gufut—d or mmaw to* ItaaaalaaSa. Tkarw waa an iaaaeaaci* Feadiaff Ska flwveral diM wMea It took wedfwwdahraiMrmna. a loaimr mae. Erooi thafllMinlthe I xurea—d by hiai fwt hitore h* poaaed i of t*e Soal. Piiday ••rmmirnm, tectorm funded at Tb*v » A nABaB*« to I > the okaaffe, ttMff teatporarily tliatoaflHitoa aadnod MkkShiowoBMe Uotoa. It hi I mwmj ffAvr ffTH oawMort to the: no iXraiali Hlotory. Hood PtWBy* laadi- aarrted. aad tka kuaNy mm Ml distMate. I OUrasr Druff Hkaiu^ it ie rwpovhs d. la otker ijaartow. iMOTiad tkait (Ito. H. I^oo, M OvM, I bwvto iomily aod MBiiis. | tBikiooaa tkaftovaa Laos Words. IBk Al THE 8T. JC«B mrat. lT AFTBIROON. PUSUAitT 16,

»BT or T«B OOmMTlOII CUNTQpl COUNTV. DBWITT. Tka cold ■I tka State Bull III SlMis E vary bod y aRpa: Ofcl iaB't It noM. Ur. Way mm Psy Those BIIU You Owe Out of IUm Mood Wbita piva o VaiaiUa* •I Hmm of A. P. BrpMtl pony I'M* 14. • Mttka F. Prof. H. D. fMbba tioodoyod ot Ma .$ M.MOO* Town Parties With . 54.4fN4 M booM lb Kotoa RopIdB. Nav. N. L Braaa kaw rak I froMtka «T««S Mr. Brocak JatM^ boa baao bo o n oo improva d M./MMI (Ml UatMa Crank Hnnilarhuu a U.54IU OO o viMt for tba poat walk. ia kawltk. «.MI1 U7 Pbll Hayfriad. obo boa baao aMk lor tto Tkagrtpia sUII hniding smbj aaiowg • HUw. 101.1W» UaWitt Higb ■kool loaf taavk. Mr. aad Mrs. taatoa, wko bdva baas U. MM A4> Haory Lova, of ladlon HIvar, rialkad qiiila atsk with tka grip. w« IWW glad to txtrI). N. •ad .Vatlooal book orat t4.M7 (Ml hia aialar. Mra. Mary Lion, laat traak. nutsaraRattiag battar. ToUU ...... lU Miaa Maud Willlaina. wku baa baau Tka MaBoaknaa of BWa aad rtatelty SOUTHWEST BINGHAM. UABIUTI •iak witb eblrbaa pox, ia loaab battar. mad* a wood baa (or Mfa. .Utea Ulaaana OBaMol Murk paM la...... • SO.(MMI (Ml INI Moaday dt. Jobaa. Total ...... •204.U1W lU ■ituaiad in UUve towDakip. UatkMrway Mm. Woodbsrry ia very low witb Mark Noitm ia atudyiaic witb Dr. T. DRAFTS •TATE (IF MICHIOAN.Im boaw tbay nailed at Mr. T. Uaim ua beurt troabla, wiUi little hopat of ber OOtTMTT or CtlKTOW. I M. Hanford with tba exuvctatloa of bm lliarHlaj, aad bafure taoraiag daw aad moo vary. I. J. w. PlUprraM. raoklrr of tbr abnrr isomioR a doetor. Mtw. Palaiar bad a aavete attaak of tba aaoMd baak. do ■nliaiaiy awrar tiuii tiM Mm. Pont, aad son. of (Vunon Oty, abovr atatMaaat la tror (<• tb* brat of my Mr*. (ortripht aad little daoubtar, of Rfip, bat by prompt atteation, aatT bavabsen vioiiiag at bar bmtimr's.Mr. kaaoladaa aad baltaf MuMraae, Miefa.. is risitaas Mr. aad Mm. go(^ oara abe wim raatorad au taat R. Post, of this vWaity ; tkay rctaraad J. W. riTKIKKALI). ( aablar. Joinaa CartriRbt. abe went on Iwr way towards aoma (m Mabarrlbail aad aarora to hafurr air thia home Hoaday. ItMb day of KaO.. IHWM. ____ Mra. ('haa. E. (’baptn aad Mm. I. V. Taeaday (idluwing. PURCHASED AT THE MdDMEY A. BEEBE. H«aitb(Nit viatted tkatr bnitbar, Naotoa EAST RILEY. Notary 1‘abilr. L. Webb laat weak. WACOU8TA. Ooarart—Attaat: M. V. Read ia chi tke sick list. FdBTBR K. PERRIN. Them will be a aoeial inaaiioarada (I. W. MUNOER. daaoe Kirea by tbe Ktiyal N*nicbbiim at Floyd Wilder, who ia ill in .Saw York Hi imau lbs baa a naw buggy. (lEU. F. EARVIN atate, ia aaid to ba batter. C. A. VaaDyke baa ooM bia farm to INrrrtora Maauuic ball. F(>b. 21. Mra. I>r Hiakaon ia gainiag alowly aad WutTSu Davis. Mm. E. Miller bariiiR aold bar boiiaa- Mr. and Mm. John Waadle am very bold irooda Imil Fnday ia epeiidiaK a law Untt are bopaa of bar recovery. State Bank of St. ■PORT OP THE (XINOmON aick at pmsoat. R dayaat Mr. Win. Kaad ’a. drip patiante ikn* on tbagain.altboagb or TMB Mm. H. D. Watenn is ia Grand L^dae Alvie i'aabody baa em*fed a booae aad it hna baan vary bnd luvand bara. caHag (or bar moUmr. ST. JOHK HTIMIL BIH, aritb hr* fatnil.v will taka up thtdroboita Mm. J. l.iove haa baan aick at Ih-. Hink* Mands Adams m meovery from an at- at Hfiriusateau'M (taiup near bare. aou’a, bat ia batter at tbia writiag. tack of (vtageatioa of the bi^n. At at. Jabaa. ia tba BUla of Mirbiaao. at tba ciaaa of baaiaaaa, Pabruary 4lh, 1Mb Miaadmee (Vile gare a party at ber \ aortal dance waa haM at Dell Han- John Haad aad Miaa lama Jamh at- borne (ID Main atrrat east, on Friday bum’a Moaday night. A good Ham waa tsadsd tke diMire at Charioa Bisnere tad fa Johns. RBBOITBCBH; last Friday aigbt. ftsd lare. will o|iea a bnmm factory at Miaa Beaaie Teoibrook imoaed away A large ota amar waa atrandad on tka •Ad su w tbia plarv*. He will oontinoe bia aboe The Other Party Would Much Rather Have lawful oKiaey rear read ia beak, via: laat Tuesday writh (xinaamptiou. Hbe reaf not far from Capa Florida. Noaoim- T| --' IbAK S ahop aa hefom. We wiab him Miorepa in had Imeti aick (nr aeveral roontba. Her ar had aka otrnok than tba nows opraad laosal-taoder noiaa '• JM 00 hia iiaw liuaintma. 2tJ&5 » funeral was b4dd at the M. R. (Hinreh laat rapidly along tba akors. Tba paopla for a Draft Than an Order of Any Kind. ■adaoipiiuu food aritli U. 8. Traaaarar (leonce Brink had the painfnl inia- Thursday. Hbe waa flfteen yearn old. 90 milaa aitmnd gatbarad aa tba haach (ftpercaai. of riraolatioo) I.IS OOfortnne to have hia thumb terribly iiioti* Miaa Blanche BarKbdofI, who haa been oppooita tba straadad ataamer. Among Ttotal .. latad while opemtioR a (^ItinR roaehina visiting here for a law roontba, l«4t tbia tbam ware a nnmbar of Indiana from on Wedoeadny of laat week. Dr. Frank LUBILIT1E8 wirnk for Ytauianti, where abe will attend tbe Evergladaa. who chanced to bedemm II. KIlie waa i^leif and found it iieeeaaary the Htate Normal. Hbe turn gainevl many Capital ploek pabi in t to amputate the member. TIh' |Mitiaot ia friends in her slay here and we wish her there and knew what a '‘wrack" meant •arploB faad 11.000 (0 nraaatsMl a l Oaolritlail profllr i laaa axpaaaea aad doinR finely. all rimm I aiictwaa. to Urn wreckara ('r The Irien'ia of -Mm .lohn Hmltli, of MATHEITT^N. a ■aaar t>*et flartorv. tia* to a free alip aait free water power. Daa to Htate Bank* aad Banker* ^ (iuuiiiaoiiville, Rare Iter H very pl««aaant cargo, began to break up. and bairela. rn Oarv CVuMtlMilltM* raravat. •sat Tshan* apg saa tteake Tsar Ufk Away. WANTED ladiridnai neamonia. Tkp Maalatw Luaibpr r.i. ha« abaortipU tXirxTt or ('uiKToa, > and a reminder nf thiaenpiyabletM'uaaioii, hnndrad other articiaa. The Ind ian a siroag. AU draaalsta, Mte or at. Caraaaaraa- tbp |>laol nt the Eureka Luaiher I'u. Both taed. Booklet aad sample free. Address I, P. E. Walaarorth.caahierof the above named lireaeiiled Iter with a adver rnke haaket. Harry i'orey has moved bia family into •eixad npon tbe wine and noon ware in tallU will he raa to their tall raparll.v. baak. do »olemnly •arear that the above ataie- the Tyler honae, went of town. ■•erllag Heasedr . Cbieaco or New York maat i« trae to the lieel of lay knowledar aad Then* will Im a miiah and milk aorial at a <3niidition that allowad tbe white men BTHIJ tun ■*« rrwMt U»e 44*1. balief. P. E. W.tL.>dV(5RTH. (.a»hier. thed. A. It hall theevenioRof February Deo. Kilt's suit haa betm put al the to armre the more valnabie priaaa W (I. Kodatc. tke shoe dealer of Menomt. BabMiibad aad *a(.m to tiefore me (hie ISth foot ol tberirrnil i^iurt caletKlar. The aqoawa struck a bonimsa in a Waa tka ball that hit G. B. Steadman, aee wbo (Miaaht a fonuae In tbr Klondike, day of Kebruarr. H. B. WAHHBI'RN. 21. .\ll lovem of r(mmI niuali and imlk. was 'roaen to death la the Y'ukon district in To Enamel and Clean pumpkin pn* and .ltdinnie caki*, come and case of vaseline. Theytbooght it a naw nf Newark, Mbhigati. in tke Olvil War. Notary Pabtic. Hanford KhIorr and wife and bia It cawwd horrible Fleer* that no treat, Oarember. Correct .tttevt. WARNER bVn DA\. iiace a e(|inire nietil and a jollv aortal bnither, Orrie, of DeWitt, called on variety of the white man's frying fat (•OOLKY E. BALL. »r Rail’s ('oash ajrrwp preveau paeS- for Summer. time for that iw what thed. .\. It/and W. lnea(is ill town laat week. meat befpsd for 20 vaars. Then Bockiro ’e C. C. VAIMIHAN. and. starting a ftre. frisd pantmkaa in it Arniea iWve cared him. Cnree (^t*. moata or laaammatloaortkplaaas. Tblsrel- Dirertor*. It. (' nlwaye have at their HoriaU. The Price (Me wm« called laat week in What a dish—panoakaa a la Hssninoial ebratad remi dy will care a coach or cut I Brnboa, BnrM. Boib. Fekma. Corm. Wo promptiT. I. Is tb* beat amak-lae tor all tberirruit rviuif at Ionia, and tbeverdhd J^KPORTOF THE rOXDITION Tlie CaivemaiiMt Mite .Sosiety met at Emptioos. Bast Plbl^reon earth. 2fic. klads of laac tr-iabi*t aad costs bat 9A rts a ! the (tleaMiit home of Mr. and .\I>m. was Roilty. .\a yet Thomas Price baa Meawwses br VIbewtIww. a b »x. Cure guaranteed. Hold by nidew buttle. not received his esattem.'e for tbe charge nr Tax '.lanteM I ortriRlit on Thuradny of laat Cvrionaly enough, the (act appsaw. A Millmao. Drnggbte. (•'D There Isa rcrtlnble w(N>draialae|ii Beldlac. Enameled Any CURTOR COORTY SlYIRGS BIRI,' "• of rape and inrwst. according to a recent traveler among It la alBMMit liapoealbic a aood share ot tbe meetiuR waa a eureemi Imth tlnnurially Water in the {Hind has gone tbronuh a I'pweh treee la Ike ▼Irlalljr uf Lee. Alleaao time to get wiMtd at say price. At Bl. Johns. Michiaan. al lha eltwe of bosinami tke Indians of C^tnqninarn. tietween roantjr. harp heen killed by the Mrverp anti eoriallv, and all united in aaviuR Itaik in tbe dam until there is lmrdl\ w. atber. gdarata Twar Hew*4s Vtith Case*rata. Fabraary ttb. IM* that the day waa one of |ilenanr> ‘ and tbs rivem Embrya and Embyraso. that Color Wanted RnoURPEH. enougii water left, alter (rsreing two fret (Taady Hatbartlc, (mre coast!paiion forerar 1^0111. those people have long employed a wire- Hiindrede (if llvee enved avtry year by Me, Sic. IfCC. C talL drocclsts retuad moaev * SASH 40 and better of ics, to nail ^be stream Fish Isaaa* and tUaeowni* I'rsek. (Hd citiasoa tiere say that the ice leoa telaphony, bat rathar after the or ­ having Dr. Thomas' EiHertric Gil in H h* ■kaaks. boada aad mortaaar* IITAT m der of nnwritton acieaoe A coal lamtae titer alls la BIc Itaptds a And Fixed up to Look Like Dan from banks in maarve cilia* «M4» «7 ia owe-third tbickipr thiui eviu* waa known buup** just wbm it b needed, ('arwa plenty oa tbe r«»ad, bat aot here, and roa- Mtahals aad aaais .. U M Conki not expraaa tba raptnrr of .\nB^ before. It is made by digging a hole in the (Tonp, heale horns, entm, wonndn n( ev­ aaiaer* pat to great lacoarsaleare. 4. Howni^ stroat, Pbil- grnnnd inside a honae and laying the ery sort. New. flIlTMr eoio . I.IWOO (Inuidpa Tyler ia very aick atthiawrit- Ur. Roll’s OaagW ajrrop la asgstdy (sod O. B. aad Natioaal bank noia* HAM 00 adaiphia. Pa., wbto abe fcMind that l>r. imr and moomiag over tbs death of bia bottom with (xiame aand. wall ^led. Hef»one tVoai Jprbeon rttaaty sh.iM’a that eOlcsrloae care for cruoii, wbcjo^ag roagh Ttocal fCZAT B KinR a .Now DiacoTerv for Coaaamption aged (’ompauion wbirh utvairrsd about Un this is laid a wooden dram or hol­ the iwverp raid weather kaa rniaed thoaeaade aad broarbi'Is. No child sI>4(*m be left to LUBILITIRH bad complatety mrad bar of a ha^inR two weeks ago. It M *(Ty dnubtfol low cylinder of wind, half filled with uf basbeis ot p<»tatne*. eater tb* turtaie ot tlwwe allroeats, wbea (»ikBb that for many yanm biul intkde pateats coa get ibis woadartiil remedy for OaaHal stoak paid in « 711.040 00 whether there arr any pmaperfa for m- fine sand and layers of tarokso wood, Energy ail gone? Headache? Htoin- oaly 95 rta. Now is the time to get them •ontas fnad 000 00 lUe a burdao. All other ramadiaa ('overy at hia advaiMwd age of four score (temvidad pm4u laas carraai axpaasas and doeiom could Rive ber no hdp. bone and pow d ered mica—the opper rtcb oat of order'. ’ Himply a uaee of tor ­ Poallar'a Y'. M. C. A. Is auw a tall-ilcdged lafarast. aad taxas paid 1.4 and efaveti. part of the cylinder, which b empty, pid liver* Hnnlock IIUkm I Bitters will orgaalBotlon with a paid (swreiary. Kraak in. Come early and be flaviaaa daposiu TDBAM Wbat aba anjra of tbMi Royal (.'are “It F. Arthar. Baviaaa cartiflcair* of dapr. Ki^a NawDiaeovaryforany trouble covered with hard rabhar at the laval dawa thr iradlag stamp aad will (lali u.lag amoaaaeal ia tme lo tbelmsi of mjr kaowladaa of the Throat, Cbaator Laaip. iWr 5Uc. old age and Uh* grip. ill bb aork In a lanie nomlsv of in- It March I. aad halief. and •1.00. Trial bottlas Iran at Flliiew A Frank Imrkina will work Frank of the ooiL MtHueea ttiodelxy would be bat trifling if P. E. W'ALHWORTH. To nos thb peculiar apparatna the H remedy was nromptly apiilied. Dr J. Mo-To-Mor far glDy Caati. (N.||.(iiKr’i Traaawrar. Millmtui’a DroR Htoro. Eyary botth* Park’s piwos tbs next year. H. Mrlomii's VoleanH* (HI IJiiiment b«e Quaraaiasd tuhaovo kaut our*, makes weak Bakaerlbad and sworn lo bafote ma this llth Roarantaad. * (fl) I). H. Mefonky'a nephew from New dram ia strack by a wooden hammer, maoBtroag. bmad pur*. Md .H. Alldiuggiata | ^ of Kebman. I>M. R. (' nRXTRR. aad the vibration is evldsotly tranmnit- for many vaare liaeu regarded ae the Notary labile. York viaited him laat weak. farmer's friewd. Ite haaliug iiiflaefioe on Mrs. t. C. Jewell, wIR or ta* paetor oT tke Caaaar-r Arrmy: ILBERT J. BALDWIN. PRICE. -Mr. .\nfftews from Ohio b visiting hb ted throogh tbe aoil Tbe answer ia Third Aveaue M. K. ckarrh, st HIg HapMs. la WARNER BPNDAY, hoard in the drum, which acta aa a tbe tiaab of domestic animals ia immedi ­ dead. C. C. Y'APdHAN. abter. Mm. Ismb Bauiugardner. ate and psrnianent. 1‘rice 26(*, •'•tip and Diraeiors The RTip imtienta lire on tbe road to Hile Turner iKMight ID acres of timber reannator. and maasagoa are thos seat $1 a bottle. reeorery. load of tbe Viial’lsat estate |M»ying fTo over l.AOO raids from honae to booaa Osadr Oatbartic. oar* eeaeUpatiot) tererer Alai* will hare a |0-c*at Swd bara slaiilar BENGAL. The Craaadera an- lioldioR meetinRw nil Hcrr, aTMi.lMI. itetes. fall, drugglate ref aad moaey. bwlltlea. IwOewB. t(i tkoae ai Nt, l.s»ats aad llkara at the |{(M<) chnrrh. J. W. Knneat was appointed oorrea- Rtrbard Housds a Hon have purrhaerd tbe "There b a rather (ansty old gsatle- lim. J. N. Plowman liaa been ill with The “ mumpa" have made their apfevtr- IMiudcnt for the MMiigan Farmer for A W. B’alt fariory. at Trarerae city aad Merchant Tailor, Olive (inuNP*. Feb. 4th. nmn attaading my chnreh." mys a Da- srtll start In tbe loaadry has aeas *• a.M>B aa paewmiinia. ance in thia neiRhhorhiNMl. Regardless Of Age. tbe weather will iiermlt. Cbarlea Tmvia la reported aa aeveral.v The program of tbe Washington exer- troit clargynun. "and his abaeaoe for Opposite “The Steel* ’. Everybody ia thawiuR out water pi|ma The kidaei s are rea|MHMiible (or more ill—danRemoely no. (Hass to be given by tbs Olive (irnnge, aavsral weaks led me to call npon him. Toe Rwdem Way. and blnnketiuR their potatom. FsbroHrv IN, b as follows: Rseitatioa, siraaeae, saffenug, aad deaths than any It ia aaldoiii tb<- merrtiry rnna lower Hk is not a commnnioant. and 1 am Commende itself to th«* w(>ll-infonne(l All the tban it haw the pa«t weak. Harry VniibatRer and Ed. Hmith are Nellie Wnshiagton; asfeetiou, l*awb other organ* of the body. afraid at Hmea that h« ia slighUy sbap- nik aawinK w(km 1 for Wm. Krrfqm. llmiubt; rsHtaliou, Edna l.ainaraoa; A roa)ority of the ill* atflicHiig iietiple to (bl pleasenIly J •dfectoaMy what C. Eiach and family are now nufferiiiR UoaL He b vary prononnoed in hb po- to-day ie traceable to kidney trouble. If was formerli •■(•ct- in tberrndest manner with the prevaiiinR djaaaae. leritation, Gertie Eaton: rsritatimi Miaa .Ylire Boaem, of (Iwoaao. in vialt* prevaden all Haoees nt siK*iHy, in all (91- and (Bsagrt^iute os well. To cleiuiM*tbe Albert imiatmuR waa home from iOR .1 imwir Holden, of thia |4iwe. Frank Impbam; leiritatioo, I'lvde Rm- litleal viewrs. and aa coovamat iona l ma­ mona; muss*. terial ran rather short I soaght to la- niatea. regardlwte of age, eex or condi- system and break np (*t>lda, headarhss, Haaniater and very nick laat week. Fred (lieen ia RainiuR fast, but m and fevers without unpleasant after Latest Novelties. Mien Hird Drove waa a Rnewt of Mm. tareat him by asking. ‘How's politteaf' tioa. troubled with 4oli'a i-omfortem. DUPLAIN.^. The symptoms of ktdaey trouble are effrets. use the lieligbtfal Ikiilid laj^attve A. N. Hteward n part of laat week. "‘How's poUHcsT* ha repaatad with- J. M. Crane attended a wpiritual unmistakable, such a* rbenmaliem. neu- remedy, Hira|i of Figa. Math* by tbe TbefamilWw of M. Parka, W. W. Iaiw * | meetloR in (Iwoaao Hnturdny aiid Han- (mt a change ot conntesianoe. ‘How's ralarta. i livp ItMiim II. pitin or doll ache in California Fig Hy rap Co. Uni . C. Krtmt and Jaaae Kvrrtn have bean Cold weather him cauiwd much iacoii- poliHcsr That's a pretty question for the liark, h deain- to nrtnaie iHteti day or TS*. o.sress K Wassasas, Ireses- alirted with Rrip|ie leoantly. day. venieuee nroong thr lartnem of tbb vicin ­ yon to ask when yon kiiow that 1 night, pro‘n»e or scanty enpply. Arcadia re«M(n« tbal tbe late sasp laps tarlt. sml saOMisasmeresae *!*•* Mr. and Mra. Hmith, who nrr atranaem Miaa dm VanborRer viaited Wllliama- ity. by reoderiag |Him|M uosbos. over sll preTlo(ts rerords at that place. ■ aS Bssssa ** St ws.tres imven ’t kaarrl yon preach for the bol rb a(*id, or brirk-daat ih^ieit in mine Mm ' Thsr sc **Ute Basin** hare. havinR rmentl.v movad here from t<»n frienda laat w«vd(, iiimi vieiled tbe \ number of our vouag people attend­ T' ••iHrlasi eswah.ipe sMia* Se- are signs of lioaged kidney*, cnaeiog .Imoi. Pdrtlnnd, have th*« avm|Mthy of the M. A. C. ed tbe valentine aewial Tosaday evening, sovim Hna.e»r R| par Oaa Mttle non, who waa nick only a abort MMin, where he exfierta to W(»rk on tbe woe rsjiortsd. Tks OSwrr *4 * Lvttwv. haaaty wtthoat it. ('aaeareu. (Jaady Catbar- by a*.*il. SsiS by deomslsss. (mate (wasting of the kidneys) on*(oand Uc claan ycoir blotMj and keep it clean, b) milmad. \ •* Fraiiess Willard" memorial asrvire The National Adrertisar telb a saorr ■on 0«1CAT.0e..cb«Mtii.e will be lieid at the Chnetiaii (Hiurc:i Fri­ of an old tsK-helor wbo bonght a pair iif in tbeuriite, whieb if negfectetf aill rrwalt •timng up Ibe lasy liwr and dnvmg ail la Dr. Wlillaom’ ladiaa PtR Frank .Yudrua and hia mother. .Mm. C rsirities from the (•ndy. Begin to-dajr to ^Hatmeat will ear* Ulled. day cvealng. .\n interesting program is aockaand fonnd attiK-bed to tmmd them in Bnght'e iHseawe, the miail (laagep(»ii" .\iidma. of B'illiaiiMtun, viaiied Victor ‘sinish ponpws, Iioiia , idotrbes. blackheadi. Ukradlae aad Itakiag lietag iirefiared hy the W. C. T. I'. lonii of kidney tronbi*-. ■rPlirs. li skao.-1., tb* tamers, (riende laat week. a slip of paper with theae words: "I am .411 these symptiHns and (*oiMlitinas are Old that SH kiv biliotts romplexMMi by lakins Don't (ail to attend the iiighl-cap im>- Casiarets.—heaaiy’ (or tro rents. All drog- ailitys tba Itabius at oace.acta The L, .\. H. will meet with .Mm. Wm. a ynnng lady of 90 and woold lika to pronifilly removetl under the intforace of as a jmilUse. trivf* lastaat rw rial given al the home of Mr. Cbaries correepoad with a bachekn- witb a view psu, satisfaction guaraniocd, 10c, Me. Mr. liar. Dr. Wll.iaota’ladiaa inie Otar Hunter, of dvid, formerly Mm. Howe, of Crell. Feb. 24. under the aaaiiHws of the Ih-. Kilmer's H«ram)eK(Mit. it bos a moat Isprayarra far PiM.aad lisb- Prine. on Wednamlay next. G. L. C. of the Dnplain Chriatbin Cburrh. to matrimony." Noma and addroos world wide reputation lor ite wnntirrfnl Judge thtaoran haa graated a dtrorre to •eg of Ike priraie piwis. Krery bo« is ware given. mre*. of Die most ilbtrenaing raoee KtheiAl Bsnhla from Poanld Arthar Risakln ! wjrraaie I. By dni«wl-.«a. tty mall oa ra* Kev. Kalpfi WiMiten (irenrhed hia (nre- Prorrode will go to the Chrbtlan En­ oa the grnaad ot daaenloa. well aermon here Inat Handay evening. deavor library, which haa hsao bat re- The bachelor wrote, and in a faw .No one nerd lie long witliont it as it is It ia not known who will fill tbe vnmnry. rently atartsfi. Eiwh lady b nqosatrd days got thb btter- "Mamma waa mar­ so easy to get at any drug store at ttlty i F, E VanHtekie. Ht. Johns. Miebignn. to make two nigbi-capa exitrtly aHkr, ried 90 yearn ogn Tbe merchant y«m cents or one dollar. You can have a sam- Home of our youmc iaat|4e will attewd file bottle of this woaderfal dierovery, tke lairty at Mr. Kerk’a Tiieaday even- but of nay aiae, aiiape or color. Grate, if bonght UH«e aocka from evidently did ML PIUS ion like to hare a good time aad are Hwaai|eRoot, and nbiNik telling atl aliout iiiR in honor of hia daoRhter MagRte'a not advertise or be wonM have sold D, Imlh sent to yon nhaointelv free by f«rssa’*S2SuA BARN SCALES hffthdny. daairoiwi of belpiag a gfMsI (waae, rome them kmg ago. Miunma banded ms yoar aaiM (OssaiMv. ssstM as.-Jg^ ON TRIAL aad bring rtmr liaat girl. imwl. Head yoar address to Dr. Kilmer A The Price aebtail will efrme tbe 24th lettsr and said pionlbly I might salt Co., Binghamtoh, N. Y.. aad kindly men­ CMCAPC6T AND BCST Inat.. with (Ml entertainment intbeeven- EA^T BINGHAM. h aMmaaaM»ATBeaBWn.s»«aS4e. yon. I am 1 vearaokL" tion that yon reail this liberal nWer in Thr Free f'atrlagae. AlIRses. iaa, for which an admiaanHi ((w of (Iv*- Hr. Johns Naim. • ssasss. eenta will be cbniRed. to raiae inoaey to Mm. Priarilla Peck b vary low with irt a arhiail library. Coom oae (*oam all grin. A mrions remedv for slsaplemaam b JONCS or DIMOHaMTOM, .Vnrtrm .YMrirh aad family spoat Haa- naed by the inhabitante ot Urn Ham(,ian • IMCHaMTON. N. Y. GEARY day with Ovid friends. Islands Tbay rnnftne a snake in a bol- $4 Per Day Sere (’baa. Cbambiwiain b very abk with low bamboo, aad tha bboiag ooaad Want hoadraltle, steady empbiyareai tb. inlliuiMition of the Inag*- rear roaad mt gtwtd wages, at yoar iiwa PATENTS Mrs Emma l*israon ai (|aits aick. emitted hy the rsptib b said to qaickly boOM or to travel? It aw ssad toV oer wsote aim esravT i.sw Kraak Hcarrett b qaita aiek with tke Gso. Ibaab had the abafortnae to aad portteoiar*. a* teraiab crash (MN> of hb flageva ia a corn ahelbr Indaoa slumber. Bast ft baak -BXCLllSnrBLT.- gHp. CHILL Tea (Y., liMt wash. Uetroll. Mtrb. tdMmTi •aah of ralaabie lafor- Vary mM weather ia Geary—22 be­ "Ladiaa and gsnt ■atloa and tall psrtiralar* low asrn. I migktteat IlMb tklag Irloh maaagsr to aa a neaof Ikraa. Taken ei nlfbtiioin the eter- Walter Vigaa Ima rstarnsd bosaa froai Tkabaobat I "as tksan b aabo dy . rU dbmba at/S/Af£SS Doaaemas BIk.. Uroad onl tfiinkinc hy puctins you tka state of Waakfagtoa. that aver waa ide b Dr. Rteg'a Naw SCIATICA. teipida. URb. Braoek aOto* lilePnb. Bvi pHI b a paaaU. Tha of thb Bight ■aabtaatsa. D. r jDtlMp. It feeds your brelo Wm. Hsarrott fro as Ida boos wbUa tkat ehaate* wA wUlMl h hot wUl kata- •gr sate aa VRB waMrlag a qaartar of a adl*. |lf nkab of kak aasawm anaaa m m that If reoorerB Ms mnm Mrto atmsqMk ter the next (tty's loU. Maml Wolbar, of Batk. vMHad Mr. aad OIL Hte. PiwBk AiikBi Halite Mte. Mte. AlhaK Ote* and NMIn aMM am PATENTS. (•)

( wesnuii^ a j tt gMl tai II lM*t lOTik dMI Mom Ik* AT T* CAPrroL The World’s News l■dU:ll'•tlwpov- 'dtf. TWidoffI* •0 foMir M nmi plod* It oolv Tkm$* mkf durtgmmt tPiMful If say such peoao uassd to« srsMng eupaaaes aad tasaa. It.Mdja; TKUaaWUL HaLOOAfWg. Tiy tnfUcMfitnt ff ■•cd* om tooca lUTreesa. Mflt.m. «f •** lo alHt k. ;rsBsa srill be nuuls. Hm prcftMto fl« Wkoo • oMok Otto H. Haaseiman. proprktor of Tk* •sesatosM laoaas Rsspli OssaMSad la aa OIK UNSINfi LETTER WEEK’S BISTORT. Asylaw Plea ORtorrii is tosqaatoto Mood I* aU Ho* Journal Job Prmttag company. Indian- oadraodyforj^ The anaufli meeting of the Mate As- ffrathtoL CkioRiR soeiatlon of Supervisors, which was hsM apolta has mads an aasignmrni ta Umaba. Fab U.—A Bo* special froto Daniel M. Ransdell. LtoMlltiea IM.- o Uttte loock to An Important Wmmk in thft Stafeg hers withto the past few days, was ss from All Parts of thft Oroat Yankton, fl. D., says: On# of the most ■toft Mai poiag. Important gatherlag, sad It douMIsas OOt; aeeets. tff.WS horrifying Oreo In th* history of Tank- Logiglftturg. WoHd. The Railroad Oasette contatna a Hat Ma^ M g*to • isft Its marks on aonw of the important Ion orcurrsd yeolrrday morning at S _ *^1 ooM. wH» legislation to be enacted this winter. of about MS new railroad projects In odfs of ito sito aat toot or alto to • draft; The boards of aupervlaors of about thtr« the United Htates. Canada and Mexico o'clcKk at tho state Insane asylum, wkon m. tkae o ft to go — toloa^- ra:: vuEtren • ati:i>hox bill. MAPPB!rixgil BBIBFLT EfAmAATBI. ty-flve oouatlea were represented, sad <‘ ff Bhanklln of Chicago has pur- one of the cottages took Are In th* Ithaa boaiNHR iao ’t that the vsrtous propositions were given chaeed the Zimmerman raffee planta­ basement completely gutting the build­ wmoa *o All Ike I Btss* a *;• r«lAllmi a* to the ▼•!* careful eonalderatloB. The legislative ing and causing the loss of llvso of y, “Awt* aa* alt toady tor tt to thadti plao*. Itaaa It VI tt« ttare.e* Attll-aa.MMi I Mannr prturramme Anally agreed upem Includes Wktek Are mt Ueassnl laSeeasS, INaae- of Olva. Hawaii thlak wHb Mlioaa ptoaoaa; clng pid wttb ssventeon inmate* confined there. Th* bodykhaalittlR mmI Uatatl .ttl r Ihe Itrnc- the repeal of the sparrow tiounty law; lera. t)r1UMS aaS Other Sutoee** Ohrent- atfOM ot dlacM* all ready to be loaa ad ialo amendment to tb* law rstotlv* to the MISMAP* A Nil IIISAeTRRe immes of thooe missing and the count­ sRtorrh ** that maaft actlvtly at tb* loaat toaeh. ptets h.r« iims wI rh* stoto A.- rlsS la CssSssisd Peraa tor Ih* toasy \y goiaft psnpla payment of expense* of caring for In­ L C and family of Bucyrus. ies fmm whence they name, are; Au- ‘*My wtfr Im4* aaa*** attack of pliarlaj ao* mmrtmtimm *1 r. .ear—Areataml tor y sllftfatattontiato digent persons with contagious dissasss J.. ate apple* that had lain in a cellar ; gusta Iloeras,Lake county; Julia Brlek- laao iroaMc." lay* Atoaa Fraar. Nia . ot hack- Ittayra.M** *1 * .mI Mtltae. It. Yet BO elafls totfci. Mraeoa Co. m.. ia a tkaatrill tatter la so that this shall b* a charge upon the «PANIBH‘AMKRICAN WAR RCMORk uear some arsenic which rats had I son. Meade; Ella lorkken. C» * of the so- i army, to suspension for six years at the f'eorge Krecma. a well-to-do farmer, adeaDsad to jraars And thsmsslesa Ir aald bera. 1 thlak tha * flttdaa Madtaal Dtaeoa amendment to the drain law provid ­ aged aS. was killed by being kicked by Kampanl, Brown; Maggie Flynn. Ham- cailrtl «i|UmI tuxailoti imUs itofore ad- ena of which tiim- the general will be tha tolla of catarrh. Mr. oad Miol arr * is tha faaat aMdlctoa la tha oatld fa* tao* ing for appeals to the pmbat* Judgo a hurs^- near f.'ascu Wis I lln; Ludna Gusaage, Hamlin. Adelina troabla.** Juumiiiriii in r I t .wav, or even placed on the retired list Collnm. ofGMdtofts. Tex., foundhalpiR who shall appoint commlaaloners to The Americans arc in < omplete con­ William Hrandt-berry, a section fore­ Hurley. Potter; (Thristina Johnston. Not ooly for lorn trooM* I* It the oMot •Miller than that. The luua d. ration of Pe-ru-na. Mr. Collum's letter foll ow: hear the objections and determine the trol of Ih* situation within a radius of man for the l-ak* Hhure railroad, waa waadrrfui aadlctftr to tha world, bot for rase; the ('heever-Atklnson railroad tax Coddington; Jennie Knttilg. Penning­ ***fy fbm of wcoktHaa aod dablllty- H the (‘heevi ’r*Atatria.>n .-1.1 la the apetial nine miles of Manila. The Insurgent killed by an engine at Chicago Pe^ru-na Mtdkmt €•„ Cottimkus,0, bill, although this measurr did not re­ ton; Lusla Keene. Coddington; Cam- redcaou the eery aoorcea of Ilf* frooi Ihaae order for this ufur.ioon. and wh I* there Joseph Ford of Xfasslllon. (>.. shot at DkAK Hina:—“I think yunr Pe-m-RR ceive a unanimous Indorsement; army is In full relreat I Una I-lndberg, Mn>wn; Katie Plavlts. aoblle po taooooa tainta which lay the aya- are iilrniy of other lat.r 'ad tax mms- The war defuirtmenl has repudiated a dog. the bullet striking Valentine Kc- la the beat medieinc 1 eear tried for oto teoi open to daagerons d iaaoa a It toe** amendment to the tow relative to the I Monhomme; Galnl Hwanson. Kingsbury. I tarrh. 1 have tried all the oatarrli digmtf power ; belpa the lleer to do its urea in the hu|i|ter. the itKitcattuiia hav- the name “colonial iKard" as applied kert killing him. summoning of circuit court Jumrs so medlelnea that1 oould hear of and now earichea the baosad; bttilda ap aolid all along been that this blU would pans that summons may be sent by regis­ ' to the (ommlBsioh recently appointed Mrs Kllsa Nelson, who had been Wck ■ATIOMAL LEOISLATUaB atrenttb aod eltal foro*. the houa* whatever might be It* fate to deal with Insular questions. for some time al Cherut usro. Ind . anae ' of them did any good until I tried youto. When yon find eot traalf loaiog fleck aod tered mall inslead of being served by Prseeegisga mt Ike loiwnmltorB la Sawn In the aengt*. It la nut believed that the sheriff. The association was ad­ Matters In tbe Philippines are now from her l>ed, and. falling downstairs, • swrt Hmmmm. I 1 and my wife have both used the Pa- impetitc; Rrowiao liatlea* by day cad was almost instantly klllt-d atoeplrsa by night there ia aa eoewy the dlB<-uaalon will li* very prolonged, dressed by a numlier of officer* and di­ apparently quist The next important m-na and Man-a-lto, and we are ahoRfl larktOK ready to apply the torch Write and If It la paaaed. the other btUs will rectors of beet sugar factoriss. who news Is expected fmm Iloilo (leneral An unknown man was Insiantly killed I well. 1 am 70 yearn old and my wifla Watoington. Keb 10. The senate had to Dr. PIcre*. Voar letter will be coo- remain auai>end*d until the action of urged the aupervlaors to take a stand Miller having lieen Instructed to oc­ at Mreese, Ills., while attempting to I ia M. When we commenced to taka atoered atrietly coofldenttal and be against the repeal of the sugar liounty cupy that city. Jump on a moving engine mmpffled fifty-one pages of the legls- makes no charge for adeiee Hi* great the senate la lakan at least. There . lativ* bill before execullve session yes- > your medicinee we were not able to son law or any reduction of the bounty. No A court of Inquiry has been ordered Heventeen insane people were burned after our work, but now she can tend tbonaand'pagc book The People'* Com I* conaiderable aieculatlon as to the by the prssideni to take up and inves ­ to death In the destruction of the In­ I Icrday The feature of the debate was moo Senae Medical Adeiaer, will be aent j action was taken, however. to her work and I ace after my farm. vote the Atkinson bill will receive In tigate the charges (leneral Mile* has sane aayium al Yankton. H D a lively civil service reform ronimver- free paper-bonnd for the bare coat of mail- Isspeeltou mt Cwal MImm. I sy liegun hy Allen of Nebraska. You can use this publicly if you woRfl tag. at one-cent stamp*, or cloth-bound the house. Mr. Cheever uys It will j The rapid development of the coal made through the press and otherwise Mrs Kiel# Mt Xlbhael and her 4- I In the house the sundry civil MU waa I to. ”—A. P. Collum, Uiddinfts, Tox. for It stamp*. Addrm Ih. R. V. Pierca, have not lens than 70. but some of lu mining industry during the past two against the wholesomenes* of the food year-old daughter were lerrl ly burned BnftUo. N. Y. other supporters do not put the flgurt* supplied the army last summer. at Alhambra. Ills the latter's clothing ' taken up, am! Cannon of Illinnls warned or three year* has led to a demand for the members that economy must be as high as that. It is a safe wager, [ the profier Inspection of these mines, to President McKinley has signed the taking lire from a stove however, that It will receive votes treaty of peace as railffed by the sen- i practlsetl He said the deficit this year ; the end that proper precautions to pm- Knglneer James C Cowper was killed 1 would reach tlS9.000.000 If no new source JnliMB fteaar. enough to fisss It. ' tect the live* and health of the mlaers > ate. It now goes tn flpain and Charles Truesdal* and Jerry Crow­ FREE It Is not improbable that when the of expense developed, and that did not Of all grent coiiqnerom. writea Marion i may be Insured. Ilepresentatlve Lusk American force* In the l*hUlpplnes ley severely hurt In a head-end col­ I Include the tSO.000.000 to he paid to Crawfonl in "Stndiei* Fr«im the ('hron* railroad hill is out of the way, tha i of May City, In whose district a num- have captured ('aloocan. a stronghold lision that occurred on the ('hicagn. C0N5ULTAfl0N houae may consider some of the meas­ Rpain for the Philippine*. Home untm- icier of R*uii«’.*' h«* waa the least iTnel. I her of coal mines arc located, has Intm- of tbe reliela with slight loss The Milwaukee and tit Paul road m-ar I portant bills were passed ure* deaigned to e(|ual taxation aya* ' duced a bill creating tbe office of In- Filipinos suffered great slaughter Beaver Itom. WIs -BY- for he never sarritir«sl hniiutn life with- tetn to other riaase* of property. There j Washington. Feb. 11.—The senate pul ont the dins-t intention of lienetltinK specter of coal mlnsa. Tlie war commission's report Is out Edward Hmith was killed and several I In yesterday on the legislative appm- are a number of these bills in each The latest railroad mileage Mil to It says there was no proof ofthecharges others Injured In a fire at Montreal on mankind by nii int-renaed social stabili­ house and more will probably be Intro* piiatlon without completing the MU. msierlsllse has been noticed by Sen­ of c'orruptton In high piaces. but say* Hunday Henaior-elect Depew'a credentials were ty. ()f all inriat lawgirem he was the duced Iwfore the time In which bills ator Flood. It pmvldea that companies I the war department was larking In Uy an explosion at an Iron furnace filed. A MU was reported to reimburse ran he intn«dured expires next week moat wise hu «1 jnat. and the tmths be I shall sell a Sto-mtic book for tltf. and that grasp of the situation The rations are at Youngstown. O., Patrick Muore was aet down in the Jnlian code are the Wednesday. One of the latest bills to the mileage ahall be good for uae by the states for Hpanlsh war expenses, and declared to have lieen good and whole­ Ifwtantly killed and five other em­ one pasaed appmpriating ttt.OOO to the foaiKlation of mitoem jnaticr*. < >f all be offeretl on Ibis subject provides for bearer. Such a law would be nuts for I some. itevere blame Is attached to ployes badly hurt Vicksburg mUltary (ark. Allen offered great men who have leape>l upon the the local taxation of all claaaea of rail* : the ticket scalper, aa well as the or- Oeneral Miles for hts c*ondurt. road property. It pmpoass to have the anothsr declaratory resolution and one world ns upon on unbntken home, who Ldinary traveler. Senator Davis, who Is Malalion has been taken hy the Uni­ WASHINtmiN NUTRk. value of the property fixed by a slate to elect senaioni by (mpular vote An % heavy shipper of lumber, and who ted Htates troops In the Philippines have intided it with relentirw hand* board of squallutlon conaisttng of one The sundry civil appropriation Mil executive session waa held. says he never knows what hts switching During the fighting Friday sod Satur­ and riilden it lireatlilees to the goal of person to be elected in each congres* carries SU.Oto for Hhlloh Military park. The house debated the sundry ctvll :h bill for precisely the same service la day six Americans were killed and flf- fflort', ('resnr ta the only one who turned Bional district. This Is an‘emergency The senate finance committee has re­ bill, and Dockery presented figures goliur to he from tim* to time, has ty-alx wounded The rebel loss was the race into tlie tnu-k of civilisation measure, however, and Is suppose<1 to ferred the MU to extend the tariff and cormhorating Cannon's claim of the drafted a bill establishing a uniform heavy. They have been driven to th* be taken up only In case everything danger of a deficit. All the Issues be­ and. dyinK. left mankind a fntare in charge for switching cars In Michigan. mounlslns Internal laws to Hawaii to a sub-com­ the lueniuri' of his {Mst He ia the one else falls. He has not decided Just what rate to mittee fore the country were discussed and th* Advise fram a loswysr. Oeneral Miller has occupied Iloilo Henaior W N. Roach, of North Da­ bill was not completed At night (ten­ Kreat man of all without whom it ia name, hut does not pm|M>*e to have it without the loss of a man Th ■ reltel* Fred A. Maker of r>etrolt, the well- t: one day and %: the next, a* is fre­ kota and -Mr* V E Pol «» k. were mar­ sions were granted to General Palmer, impossible t4i inuMtiiK- history. We can ­ withdrew after tiring the town but the of Illinois ff5<' (>er month), and the known consulutiunal lawyer, advised quently the cas*- under the present law ried quietly at a Washington Homan not take him away and yet leave any­ flame* were soon extinguished. daughter of President Tyler ffJtO) thing of what we liave. The world the IcgtsUlure In an address made here The KImmis county salary bill, which Catholic church a few nights ago. to atick to the pres­ has lieen Indorsed by the Htute (Irang* I.Kbsin It ('ould not have Immsii the dured a hill In the IlUnols hous*- pro­ by changing they would be In grave for all county oflicer*. except sheriff, hibiting voting b> proxy at elections of powerful warships for the navy the McEnery resolution, tn an attempt world we know without Cains Julius lo vacate the unanimous consent for a V danger of getting a worthless law. If the salaries varying In several counties mutual life Insurance comiuinies Henaior Aldrich has announced his in­ ./A'/* Oesar vote given Saturday The matter went the present rstr dues nut produce the In projairtlon to their |»opul*ilon Sena­ Two bills have- been lntr>>du( d In Ih- tention 'f going to Kur*q»e within the desiretl revenue, his advice was to In­ tor Collingwood goes KImmis one bet­ next few days for the purpose of secur­ over. A MU was (tasae*; creating the It Was Orslerea. Missouri house, licensing boxing and grade of admiral of the navy for Dewey. crease it until it doe*. ter and proposes to make the sheriff a Biutrring contests. ing a rest In tile hiutrmphy of I*riiic*« Bismarck Tb# rivalry Iteiween the cities of the salaried official The I'omi-ensatlon The bill to (>enslon Oeneral Palmer waa Dr. McDonald it la said tlut when he was minister at Hecretary Alger has dlre<-ted that a Upper Peninsula over the location of fixed In the Colllogwood bill Is a slight TIIK CHI I INAL KKrORII. contract ta* made with Louis Oath- non-mneurred In and sent to conference St I’et»Tsl»urK he waa walking one Home miscellaneous business was done. THE SPECIALIST. the additional normal school the l«gia- Increase al along the line over that la Richard Ulrich of Milwaukee killed mann. of Chlc*g<». for an IS-inch gun morning in tiie snmmer garden and met lature ta Ukt iy to make provision for the KImmis MU. The ordnance officers had reported *nje house prartlcally talked nbcmt the himself because he was unable to make weather In view of the three feet of OFRCE. PARLORS AT the exar, who iiivitetl him to jear before them up and the threatening deficit waa the son. found guilty at Whcreling, W. Va.. has been placed on the retired Hat. chief topic of discussion. Fifty-nine I ----- on — plot and askisl the aid-de-<'anip. who in cided upon Mar(|uette as the place for for sentence, and are persuaded to Im­ of murder, were sentenced to hang Tbe comptroller of the currency has the Institution This declalon waa not pose light sentence* In the lielief that lOMies were completed when th* hous* tnrn imininsl of the senm* June 9. Issued a call for rep rt« of the condi­ adjourned. "It is »»rdereil. ” was hi* reply. arrived at without a fight, however, the convict Is a ffrat offender, when tion of all national Itauks al the close ARRS8TBD OB SUSPICIOV. Thursday, February 23rd and not a little feeling still exists over It subse-iuently develop#* that the fel­ William Dunn and Oeorg# Ashby fought with knii’es al Rlppon, W. Va of business Feb 4. OlfE DAT EACH NOIfTR. Office Ever>' tifUcial gave the same answer. the matter, some of the lucaittles con­ low ha* aeri'ed several terms in prison. yiisugni ‘Tb H* lasplleatari Is • Rseast The senate has passead has Introduced a bill pm- Safe-blowers raided the saloon of Jo­ Admiral Dewey, It Is understn a snowdrop rteuly U* bliHim in property for the ultimate uae of that them so that they will be able to spot Deer laxlgc. Mont., made an asaault Interview the two sus|>ects. Morion and dieettssH that re<|uire skillful mrdij Institution and to lease or Invest the an old-ilmcr when he appears In tbslr upon a guard and was shot and killed the BiMit. and haockets a (ailr of brass nounce i pen rn Id* nr* | lar t ini larly sol iri tad it For more tiuui a <'entnri' the watch life of such persona. Uenevolent on land value*, nr the single lax. has the National AastKlation ot House e*)iectally thfNM* over-rloani with stroffii had Is-en maintained lanmuse “it was Paris has.a report that a vessel ha* knuckles Kero was arrested by Chief friends of th*- university will not then bean introduced In the house by Hep- Painters and Decorators Is In session In j of Police Hchaefer. It is thought that minerni drugs und (musods . I>r. Mo- iirdertil. “ and no one had ever tliougbt feel ronstmlned to wait until death resentatlve KIkhoff of ivtrolt The bill l>een sent tn Devil s Island to transport Cincinnati Donald uses only the purest inedicinan Dreyfus to France. I he wanted to have a confidential chat of diiMibeying or of i|nestiuning the rea* approache* to show thetr appreciation makes the adoption of the system op­ The general (Mssenger agents of all I kith the two men in Jail. He waa rom the vegetable kini^oni. He (mya Th* Duke and Duchess of York will aon of the onler of the Institulinn. tional and It applies only to cities Mr. railroads south of the Ohio rtver have I bound over under SMO bonds for an ex- attention to the muw of the disease and ViMlar Ike Pfsasat Usw. Elkhnff would like to have some city opsn the new hospital at Portsmouth entered Into an agreement to abolish ' amtruitlon on next Friday, lot Fayette instructs his (Mtients the way to healtk which was built In commemoration of Hetl llnir the llest Wear. l.'ndef the law aa It now stands prop­ try the scheme ami see how It works sscret rate* Ftm ia s brother of th* well-known ds- and happiness. Dr. McDonald can show Why ar** rtslhnadeil fieople less snb- erty that la sold under mortgage, or at He has also Introduced a MU which pm- the queen's diamond Jubilee. Thomas Baldwin's farmhouse, near teclive hundreds of natiinoiiiais in the hood- ject to laildm-Mi than tlesw with fair or forced sale* Is generally bid In for the vldss for tbe examination and licensing The sultan Is firmly resolved to crush Wenona. Ills., burned early In the writiug of gnilefni iialients who have of motnrmen and other persona em- any Insurrectionary movement that OotonMto Town to Peril. brown liair' An English physician lias amount of the indebtedness, and not In- morning The Inmate# had a narrow Iweii cured by him when others foiled. : ployed on electric street railways. take* place In Xlscedonta. Denver, Feb. 14.—The Times' corre­ He is so familiar with the human systsRi answf-retl this conundrum fre<]uently It Is sold for lees than the e*ca|>e Indebledneea and the creditor la given I Notaries public throughout the state Telephones cost £1 a year In the pro­ spondent has Just returned from a trip that he is able to rmil all dis eases of tka The tiair of the reilhended is relative­ A sergeant who had his nose cut off a Judgment fur the lialance due. al­ who And It difficult tn keep track of tbe vincial towns of Kngland at om.'urman has had a new organ sup­ over the gulches through wlhch th* mind or iMidy •‘orrectly at u glance witk- ly thick, om* reil hair Is-iug as thick as though the prop-rty mgy he actually time of the expiration of their commis­ The Ameer of Afghanistan has gout plied. and has already rejoined his regi­ snow slide near Kllver Plume came out nskiiuc osslMy I^eglslatlun designed to make people burned with 12.000 hushela of grain. claims Its for lier own. If you are a sw- Mrs tAreen*--Dt> yon always jovo I Nsltof toe askitoea from th* Transvaal will be put In force prevent It fmm I'eing swept nut of ex­ ferer yon should weigh well tliene words; good has begun to make Its appear­ shortly The project of ronaolldatlng th* ship­ yoair little buy raator oil fur n cold T ance Itepreaentativs Aldrich of De­ I The leglalature Is kindly dispoeed istence with terrible loss of life .\ (•ertMiii who itagle<*te his lisalth ia Mr* (fray—Yna, I ifive it for ito toward tb* Michigan soldier* of the The French government’s expense for building establishment* on the great guilty of a groat wrong to himself luid • troit has Introduced a bill which, If It I Raglassr Mil LiUl* Omi KIII*4. mnml effect ezclatorely. I Hpartsh-Amertcan war. It has passed the year Is S700.00U.0M. or three and a lakes has proceeded to the (mint where ujnTo injury to humanity. The name of becomee a law and Is rigidly enforced, half milliards of franc* an appraisement has been made of all Fort Ttcondemga, N Y.. Feb 14 — Mm (Iteaoe -Pur ito mornl effect? will effectually do away with every bills extending the relief lawe so as to Dr. McDoniUd, the well-known prnaltot the property Delaware and Hudson train No. 4 eras form of public entertainment and provide for them, and will soon enact Dreyfus has refused to reply to writ­ in the euro of chronic and lingenog dto- Mm (Army—Yea. it will hare an in- derailed near ('umming* station, two amusement on the first day of the week. a law making veterans of this war *11- ten Interrogations of the court of cas­ The English realdsnts of Rome have euass, has become a hoiiseitold word to flaeDce npnii him not to catch anotbar mils* south of her*, yesterday. The en­ cold. Ikiatnn Tranarript The title of the htll Is unusually com­ glMe to admission to tbe soldiers* home. sation on the ground that his answers a free hosiHtal. thousands of htttnes which his skill oad The latest MU affecting then to be are Inaccurately iransmittsd lo Parts lawd Dufferin recently atatsd In a gine turned over and the engineer. W. wonderful remedifw have made happy hr prehensive and Indicates that the au­ 8. Comba and his little boy 10 year* old Tm Car* (.*«••• ipai*** * ■*****• thor of the measure meaiw business. I paasei! by both house* Is the Water MU Rmperor William has ordered th* use public address that excessive drinking restoring dear oma to health alter oil Take I'.sacarsts t lUMtv Cathartic, tacergto j providing that the elate alwU continue of typewriter* In preparing official re­ and the use of stimulants to make toll were killed. Ik* rest of the train bands ho|iss were lust. The doctor is a grodh- t* I* C, fall to rurr. druaat'sts rrtoa«l muner It mention* specifically every form of and (Msssngers escaped_____ entertainment that might be given In : to pay the rent of srmorte* of rompanlsa ports. easier had become the greatest curs* nte of the highest and last iitedieol col- that hav* not yet returned from the of the age. legfw, .tnd his advanced theories in tka s theater, concert hall, or in the open RITSINRSS NOTRk. WnTMAMTO air, base hall and all manner of out­ I service. Maxay hall, at Drown university, treatment of ehroair di surprtoa door sports being Included In the list. I The state court of mediation, which The stockholders of th* American Pftividence. R 1.. was guttsd by fir*. Chicago. Feb. II. the moat skcpticai, .111 chronic On account of the celebration of Lin­ Another of this class of Mile has been : was appointed two year* ago. has ac* Worsted company, Wnonsocket. K. 1 . Loss. ttt.OOO Fifty-three eludenls lost of the have voted to assign for th* beneftl of coln's Mrtbday tbe Hoard of Trad* was noticed by Senator nood and will be I compllshed so very little that there ta thetr rooms. cloaed and no quotations were given E^E, KAK. Introdnced this week j a general demand for Its abolishment, creditors The buatneae (Mrtloa of tbe vtllac* out Tllltl iAT, I.rNHK, nwaltowlag Maeg HarweS flask. land ffenstor Davis has Introduced ^ MU The Lloyd Booth company of Youngs­ of Pleasant Mills, tlx miles east of De­ Cklaugi* Peagass. HEART, I.IVKIl. It prohIMts the manufacture, having I to repsai the law craatlag It. town. (i., has booked ao order from the catur. Ind.. was almost totally de­ Cbloago. Feb. It. HTtIM.vril, KIDNEYK, poaneaaton of, aale. use or operation of JAMB8 V. MARRY. Corning Iron and fftesl company of stroyed by fire The loaa I# about 110.- Produce: Rutter — Extra creamer- nml lUlW'KlJf. Chicago for a complete tlnmlll. MO Iss. 21tf211i (ter Ih. extra daliiss. ISc; srientiflcally and surrsasfuHy treated. any slot machine which is manipulated fresh (Mirking stock. llSftltVbc. Eggs with a coin. The aenator bellevea Deals were conciuded by which New There ts a case of smallpox at Jack- —Fresh stock. 2tr (>er doasn. Dressed Dr. McDonald hoe mode a special sti these gambling devices are swallowing Young Duke—It’a no use. Nelly dear, York capItallsiB secure control ot oil son Hill. Ind. Ths town I* quaran­ Poultry-Turkey*. lOtllr per Ib. chlck- of all delicate and oborure di up the hard earned cash of many a ' tee *r young man who might put hla money sideration being tSSO.OM Fire at HmithTllI*. Ilia, burned four Dr. McDonolfl’s Hjierial Hemediaa or* The Iowa I'entral director* have de­ business houses and two retodencs* ; hu. Hweet Potatoes—Illinois. tl.OOffil.M to far better use. and he wanta tkem I Chorus (Mrl—Ok. yes, they will, tbuugk. , per bbl ApiHsa Common to fancy. a (armiineat care for men salfsring froHi ruled oot of the state when the breach of promtae cas* oossss clared a dividend of per cent, on the Loos about f7.tM, Insurod for <)Be-half. It Mffi4 » psr hbt. Crunberrtea—Wis­ oervoue and eaxuni liehility oad corty "* Wtsttri The Indications are that the drug- I on. —Chlcngi> Journal. preferred stuck, but named no period Preoldent Phoob* Hut lift of Kockfnni consin t>eU and bugle. IL9HH tS decay. Uheumatk- and (laralytic ci^ glsla will have to put up a Miff flght I Ns Ualllag - Nlgaor ** Hare. for which the dividend Is paid fllla) college announced the receipt of t'kisage Live stork. plee mn«le to walk. (Rtarrhal deafhSHS Caaada If they writh to keep further restiirtlve Net profits of the Pittsburg Plate- tl.Oto frtim an unknown (lerson ' to.OM. marks! active on packing ami (Nsktiyefy cureil nod many made to hagr r*. fhHBM*' **•• sm fswMsr measures off the statute btiola. Both I Any one who calls a riltosn of Sierra aiaas comiiany for the past year were All records were smashed by tbe cold sblpplag account, and feeling rather a whisper in n very few minutes. AU istss. smwsmmmv . lair** the Antl-Haloon Isasru* and the retail { Leone a ‘‘nigger** violates the law of Arm; aale* ranged at It ts*r3.;S for pigs, .T««Ma .*U as4 rr»r (aitarr^ stay announced at the annual meeting tu to the south. At Anniston. Ala. It was I to.tt4b2.99 for light. It ;N9t.7X for rough aches and inuiis la«le away under hto trrr hwMeeslensts s* laa an** la the aalnonieta arc after them and they will ! the land and may have to fare a suit hav* been more than S1.09t.0to IS below asro. At Atlanta It was f be­ ' packing, tt 79«I4 to for mixed, and S3.W mngtcnl rented isw. Dpilepay nr falltoft ■" ------Wr«l. taii* »o I Har* prolstbly hr given a very hot rasa. The for damages atossssd by a colored Jury, low with four Inches of sm^w. Ther» Whaat as ta i, .nisa la the aere Uav Proctor ft tlamM*. soap manufactur- I 04 W for heavy (jacking and shipping sieknees poeitivefy cured through tlw r^tri-1 ia>»«il a4»sstaaa» la nmt Mil affecting them has been pre­ -d^lcago Tfibune. en. deny that their firm has goae Into waa much suffering. I lots Uattle—Kalimaled receipts for th* new methtsl of treatment, ttnectoi at* p>ai|iiiSaT. Tha baW aotum mm4 «**Ue pared by flenaior Flood, and It goes the Boap cf«mMn* or Is about to do so The Chureh of Englaiql has ralseil day. ILMS; feeling flrmer: best gradss a teation ihren to catarrh aod dloaonaa ol ••lairr *a the wart* OaMl *a*»t. laa A NetumI tjosry. I shads higher; other grades unchanged: iMe-. ah«in^a» tmot tW laaneSs .41 light to the heart of the proposlllon J. M Jeter ft Oa. dry good* dsaurs S1M.0M tor sending a btokop to Egypt the Nond. t=— wha I> *sn> awa* the Wee«*e» c mm It providee that all dntgglato who sell *T see there's to b* a Cuban tobncco quotabi* at to4MHto choice to extra In Oakland City. Ind., failed. Liahlli- and tb* iloudan. I steers, M-toffiLto goad to ohotce do.. Tbnee aaohte to eoll wrttofor 'iwh- a4a Wtr. •yaah a* a aa ib* haasa Ssr mmu tanaee sny tntoxicallag liquor, except sicohol, tmsc" The iiSnsal raaeri tmwm Ta «ha ssMai faoaer ■..Mas tles arr H.lto and aeaets tS.Mk Th* twontleth century fund of tbe I tor fair to good. N.«94 M tkm bkiak. Muadrsde cursd hy i iirf sna>*han.eWi.wfM«’Mnaas agsr»e*ah*laianwi*»*■ ahall he ptoced In the retail llgoor deal­ “Wonder what Conaecttent farwer to common to mefllum do.. tt.M#4.1ffi4.M feeding ateero, t2.4S0 UoaaaliRftiin free oad strMtly herlaln of OogeMc Is the suthsr of s showing ItoMlltIa* amounting to ItW.- Tksie Is rapM daeelopmant In osntral 4.1§ cotes. n.Mlffil.M hsftors. H.lgffi4.n lol. Addrsos •M aad aaasts of Isas than |M.dM Africa, particularly to tks cultleatlan hulls, oxsn and staga. tS.4i#4.W Tsxas Mil wtrteh sea ha to smsnd the liquor atsers. and eaol ctovea flksep tow SB ss to laersos* the brewers* tag ■a—If we eanid bnt try toon la a ost- Tks llltnoto Oautral Rallraud corh of tskaceo aad eoffiss. DR. D. A. HcDOHALDs paay rsparto tor the ato assutha audsd Cknaabovtoto to urging n Mil gluing rroin IH ts tl.Mt, the MsMHsri* tag 14.4 04 tS.1 trmm Wt is flJM. and the Daa tl: Oraas raeolpto ftoto truftk. FiRlft «■ flom MM to IMMi M to IMfMftlHi toaeuRsait |SU,ftfl. Lagg up- THE ST. JOHNS NEWS, THUS8DAY APmNOON, PBKtUAKT 1890.

OUIMO AWAV WfVM A TtUUMiattM- Ite ST^ Johns News. ACJSMI. ■. m. rmunLAiJ*. rttHUMiKM. Nopiuattr miulaknwan *wr made by z - — ■=• ■rrwiiantn ia MWdcaii tbaa tb* tfwliair ITEMS FOR ALL. XKNTH YEAR. nliunp aad pift nrbni w entirprtm wbieb mmmmm mmmmrmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm tirrwH. W»Ui»r ma . tliMirinbnd a fnw nioatbn apn la half oi Iqr RMI* tb* larpur towan aad nMUiy of tb* notall- Tliat*B what we are ONK YKAH------nr oiMM ia thn ntata. Thn bantaam tanu MATRON ANO MAID. POULTRY POETRY. THE PASSING OF THE HORSE ■IX MONT III* . iatlraud liata«bi,Janbnuiiaadnnr*ral oib- doing with TWMBK MONTHH. ** «r tuwas baid luwtiapn aad aprn nd to Lily, dMbaaa of Merthamnph. hae am 1 drove ■> old hors* Usbten fuU slssUy sepiwt tbeofHeeof pnmidaat of Urn near W* have read of Maud en a nonnnor dap toward tb* town "t«* n »w« w'iu throw tbn wbuin plan to th* wall, an it Who raked, barefooted. tBeaew laawn hap: Oa* beauUful aptiiM memiap. Tha rtslap oi locA •r w**« Cat idttb mtabllihed by Lady Mawuia Bar* W* bav* read of iho amid la the early aua laeksd ilasm wan poMtirdy ruiaiap tbnir baniamn mtord. •hmimmImI by lb* wrtAM-'* mmmm. mom Aad saw us alawiy Jspptap aad drt aittap u Th*> |M»*r W ftiHy ^ >®b »ii4 !t aiqwam that tb* tanirliautn of Ponti ­ lira. Ueaeoo, who now Uvea under tha Wbo mllkad the oaw with th* cruasplsd la the balaa ac have cxiiaa to tbemnelr iw. an th*fol- nainti of Maa Baldwin, ia in Part*, and aha bom. Of baneysd breath ofxrlavar ftsMs. Wa • •■r latMM atyl*. W€>rb*»«Mbl|* togmar. lleeed. la nature's ralat. louiait fmai the Poatiac flaiKtn wrill ia- warn Riven n thaati-r party Uwtu raoantly Ahd we've read tbe lays tbst tb* paste UT—• oi tb* hlabMt «MMt;. by CNmnt da la licHiaaarai nms Tv ohirpinp squtfTei aad wtesttlap hM. . *tt««t to tb* *mc*U*«t ■•rrl^ dioate. It nayn: “.ill tb* proanryOMUi Of tbe rusiliap earn .xad tb* nowsro at th* robin aad lb* wrsa— ► ip ® Prices rir^Niiw. u- nmiuti..* ». Mra. Carallna L. Mnoy of New York, b7«* IMrTM«i It. .*b.rrlplto« IM I. alway. ml tb* city bar* naally d*tMTniu*d txi snrma. The sound of Ilf* aad lav* aad poaa* saoM / 'I wholuM baqueathad HMiu.uoa tothal>meh- Rut of all tbe lays of lenicue or pen o'er ta* Balds apaln. Squeezing them to li^p.rllo.. nbamlon tbr tradiap .tamp Mibnm*. aad ara' i-ollaaa, wa. tha huim - wtunan wbo alx There's nauphi like liie lay of the Kaaaas other llkeibnricwnfor drawinp trail*. Tbn jreant apo pave to It the Mney ^Mhool of hen. Way baek twaiad th* wapon thar* saais until they will fit THI HHII.^Y. KKIlKl’AllY 10. INW. A t*ndMM bill*. i market men an well an tb* Hotbiap mer* Manual Afta the finances of MIk*. Look- Faufw, tJie only dauphtv of Laos. Iona before MsimI mVes h-r hay A-pedsItap 'loop to boat ib* wtadi t aover riHUMKH OH l.ltt*l*UATIO»t. chnntn will folbiw miit. In thin tbei.- Th* Kansan hen Has tt*vun i4> lay. saw the like! Pmddent Kaun*. whoae enpapemant to M. Aad err the mlUlBiaM >l;r« |. a They started by—ths raed warn wtds. oM ------* thoee with lean Uov. PltiHro**i» iMldrto. bf^or. tJ»o«t Ought to interest you. oi tbo |w«i|4* m lr*qa*o1ly Bullin*il himI ry chaa*. III-. The MMiiMT |i.o|ile undemtnnd that Mra Tan Jlok Kim. late of Slapapnrr. call. IliH tiriMil |»till*tl II*** filter *jnw- is buried In a Btii.ono ooflln. It waa dar- Nhe doesn't feed him on milk at all. But Dobbin pave It up at laat. aad, drop- ptnp frowi tb* race. Tho ici»v*ra«r iKinm hot .hot into tin* tb<* idea of icettiiur Minietbinic for noth- uratad with allk, Rold and precioua atnnaa I Hut works up 4WSS in a 4mslunt pis A ik I sluffs him full of a chicken fry. He looked at aw. as If to say: “OM umub . Fine lilack FnexcTlRtcr lobbTi.i* wbo hanit around th* hall, of iup I. in «-outlict with tb* fundnmenlal amt waa th* imwt (nmu Iv ixifttii aver uoo* I'm In 4llaprace! ■tmotnl in the Htrait. .-icttlaiuenta. Ami when ibe okl mall wanis a "hom.* ’ ii^aiimi to pr***nt b.r caiolly*rv. bri- law. of trad*, tb* liettrr it will b* for all Dees he lake the drupirlsi a load of oom? The horse Is surely paastnp by—tha bllM now ...... *oncern*»l. It may aafely be said that the younpsat Not -nuch* Me simply rotw a ndst. has pot his place." A $14.01 b*r.v or any iiwao. within thnr |Kiw*r, law Ktodeat In thi* University ttt New Ami Io I4iwn be soss -you know the rent, And all that day. while In lbs town. oM LOOK. th* iMMwain* oflaw. that will *«|aitabl.v TIh- men-hiuit. wen* iiernr iiion* thor­ York is Mrs. PranoeNka llaldw. wbo is 17 lie tumss around with the cllquns and > Dobbin ’s spirits fell. oughly di«Ntu.t*.. .hould !.• i*^- While hts poor wife stays at bowi* aad and they diw-unl them all a. Illtli in th* tsdo-n a irtp armiml thi- world. STOW la. But when, that nipht. we trotted hack iag tini* in .tat* pri*on, ln.t*nd tli*v .Miih-. Nontiou'. hiislMiMt wrent up in a from town, below the hill tnitt*r. Tld. i*turn to inMcantil* neni.* Rut Is saved from want by those selfsame pu.* a. tin* r*fir*»i*otuliv*i» of law ami and wrn. never mm-ii or heiutl of fowls, I W# met two weary cyders who xraved at us a bill orti*r aad tb* man who attiwk. th*in niiano* the wife For while her husbami llmrers Ibers ptHNi biK factory." ouuJd not touch tarr husband's property Ph4- watches tb* oackllns hens with 4*ar* | Thai had a bip V en It and aald It srould ami tlmr *an»lo.vrra i* «l*nouno^l a. a And salhers i **■ snd tb* epps she'll hid* be mine for a |M*iiuil of anreii years, and that Unto Tf I wouM let them rid* srtth ua and put WILSON BROS. dotnatcoKU*. •’thr.wdly and |a*r.iatiaitlt dltl Mine. Nontlcu liave to wait before shv TUI sb* saves enouph to stem tb* tide. | Bxiierl nwlMwi.m. their bike behind th*> work. .hapiiiK l*u«.lallon. ta*kin»t oaiii* into her fortune. Thim ball, all hall, to the Kansas hen. And so I whistled softly, snd Debbtn UB a litti* ani«aidtn*til that r*fid- The Sininene upend three-fonrthn of Mis. < ieorpe WVlckin, who has buried her­ The preatest Ideaslap of all to men! winked at me. . their existenr-e io tb* water. Tlieir tint self In the M«-lu.kin of a F'raaoh convent **T piles* the horse will stay 4>ld man. He's ar. a lull practirall.v u.*l*a.. Th* i.npl*- Throw up yxMir hats and easH a howl puncture proof, you see!” act on awakenintt in to liatb*. Tboy for th<* past ten yniis after numerous ex* For ihe tiersevertnp barnyard fowl! —Ilamees Oaastta look at Ih* louB liat of law. |Mwai*il *Mid bath* at 11 o'clock, apaiu at 8 and plotis jis a publk^ mdnsser uf private t’om may be klap. but It's plainly seen j woaihT why th* ^•orporatlou who hinw wrruiir.. Is apalii up In amis in behalf of The Kansas ben Is Ihe Kansas queen! ' amiin at nonset There ia mmirely an —Kansas Hoard of Aprtculture Report Owvilww Ratewvwawwt. hour in th«- day when Iwthcra may not Ureyfii. and pmiHses to luinp revelations a lobby alw ny. -amiaa*. uf i4ptritualism to his aid. A man went into an Anhnm stnre Tb* pirtur* th* Kov*rnor draw. i. be M-*n in all the t-reeka. --veti Ui* dial- Kaatheved Habblem. Klciia .'mnz. th«* S|ianish oootnUtu. who the other day and aaid that he vranted laiiiibar to all who hav* bud an o|»- lowent iiml inuddieMt. Ibiya Ro to play Rxrery on* has a hobby, so It Is said. i a whip. “I want a better whip than Miller Organs.I mnir for main ytwi*. at the Parts Urand My hobby's a turkey, If It's well fed. portunity to obtwrr* tb* hall, of rtiii- in the rivnr jnat a. oar children ru to Ots-m. tiled m-rntly at Nloo at the ape of Some .*'.utt*rHiic»w. was Mtid at ihi- tltii* to hav* ts-en duo to want a puud ooe. a more expanalTe |.\ buying a cheap instrument, you ^ ate]> of a lamlinR place. whileA by a the attauhmenl that tht* late Klnp Alfonao ORe." but th* iMNipb* in if*n*ntl do not iind*r- XII of .Spain shosred for her. But ducks ars such terrible fellows to ■ will (iibcover sooner or later that Rirdle. )«h<* held in th* water brr infant please! “All ripht." said the atorekeaper. ataiid th* *Ai*nl to which l*KiiUniir* of a few montha. Were not th* Kiamea* Mm l.aDptrT reoMitiy Mild to tbo em- They first want it warm and tbm want a “How will this one do for 80 renta?" |iemr of Uemiany a numltcr of blooded jobli*iy i. rarnwl. Th* |i*«pl* ur*li*iit*n expert .wimniera many Uvea would be freese. "Well. I dnnmt. " leplied the cua- Piams. “Economy is loat. for th* tide How. ao .wiftly that hois*, which she liad limlami trained her­ They take to the water and then “want in th*ir own ball, and a. lb*Kov*nior self. .sh«* also iMkl a man- to the French the earth.” tomer. “I pnent I'd better have one a It require, the Rr*at*Ht akill and care to point, ont. it i. only n*r*iaa»ry to bnb* pineminent for IIS.tMiu. m> that It would Of the folllee and fotblee there'a never a little cheaper than that." Tlien the or hiHidwiiik a i*w l*Kiida»or. to block pr>*v*nt laaita from mnuinR foul of on* seem that the ex-actns. is dolnp dlstlnot- dearth. storekeeper showed him one for ‘JO t-eata. Extravagance." anv bill. Not all l*»»tor. ar* corrupt another. Ir lietler as a liisederof buise. than uo the “N«tw. if Ton ’ll show me one about half A atory ia told of an KiiRliab boat Such bobblea as theas. If we po to Pekin Especial care is given to the mi­ by any inmn.. a T*ry .mall minorily i. «ap»- __ shout. between thia and a ten center I pneaa mnnini; down a amall native cauioe For what's best in the fowl line we'll eoon it’ll be jnat what I want." aaid thecua* aafllcicnt and iMimctim*. a in*nili*rcan Organs. nutest details in the ccnstiniction of oontaininR a woman and two i-bildreu OVER THE OCEAN. And out. tomer. Th*- storekeeper did so. and tbe b* influenced by fn*on* or llattcry wbo In an inataiit they all diaappther natitms pn-w-nisof “LIticrty 8o quick that no prayers tor them need and church organs will he sent you •b* niflittal her canoe. Imlb-d out aonie Enliuht4-ninR Un- World ” statues.—Wash- be said. lpiT*mor i*ay., i. woiw* than fr*ajM»n. upon application. 3f th* water and biindh-*! in tb* chil­ lDRl4in Post. No tioclor tie 4-alleUiu of the eit*. Ill* *x|»*ri**n«>* to «***an- taxation r*- wb«> hatl ca'.owd th* miahap. A Qwesftua mt PesHaree. dowam-r em|sx-s..—Troy 1(4-001x1. "Now, who la that." oaked a dlpnlfled lomi in which th* mau* i. l»*in»< con He Kaew (?a«>al*r. TIh- esar of ]a(4- has Im^ n i|utetlT build- hen— fniwitl by a multi|ilicity of ImIIm. Th* fact InR u railniaU that will Rive him a fresh “That chicken In white and pray? C C WARNER Mr. (ilad-tone had a nic* taste in Imt Bbe's very well dressed, but whence did I that a man iiitnMliic*. a bill di>*. not in- Rrtp un .AfRhauistan. ‘Tlieni- little prr Bicvcies. mntton pie* < tnoof th* W»-.l*yiui yonr- lliiiiiMrte* t4i uiil\*rsal |hxmx - epot. Pork, hiwl with .Mr. (lladstoii* at a pub DciiHicml ••Phe never can move In our set. my dear." j thoujrh h* don« it on hi. own aci-tnint lie dinner in L«>ml*msl to sit exactly of* ncral liy le-iiiR transitKirriiltsl inut a pod — Kxrhanpe |mipl* of th* .tut* to watch carefully tbe tliscoxerv i4ir>ks MoiiM-what iiiaphanous. de mrsee of civilixatbin follow at 4>nca. th* art. of th* l*Ki.hitor. and naty Dick Yon'r* ripht. Look at to .'4hettnr*|avill*-. Ovilcon has issued a you know t’liestcr. Mr Gladstone?" Wonlri it not be well to sp*ok of “tbe Klun- other side" of poultry keepinp? Article ed up then- ttlreiuty. —(.'omic Cuts “Y’ee. a little." was tb* answer, an poMT-s t4i arxxiiiiplish. <104- 4if tiN’ strtkltiR all (NtiiitM •Viet. HoTcnior >M»y.. but h* intiinat*. la-will ooiinon. .tnil* playinp aUmt th* after article appears week after week, to IlfWitt, I.*iiii-iiip. ItHitl* ('tx-*k diff4-ren4'e. Inints Koiitb linsinesa. and, I think, too often they “Do yon wish to tiave your teeth ex- fnrni.h to any who do not, or cannot ------?" fact tikat tin- ortuinal Nn|M>lion dl«l thinps to rni*iii llotn*-. Kiirekn, .Mepi* nans* un niuati-nr to think all he haa to amine*!?" asked th* dentist of th* sod- uTHil tb*m*wlv**. of th* pt«-*M- n|Mirt.. “Not very well." said th* unwary ami pnhiishtxl Ids tiuiiiili«tiiite Th»-K«iv*mor i. a litti* nolicnl, but to 50U, and they will support him. At anteriMim for 1 bimr anr was tartly iuK a. .how'iuK from an authofitativ* GOOD SERVICES. in Mich a street." Rivinp th* nuinher. and out of th* {Kinllry hnsineaa. Iiavinp Riven. “Wluitilo yon snpptsi* I came up XVi- are f it* |w4i|tl4r wk4i liaxr n*tlNrr4l lrtr|ih4tiM- ralr« an4t will appm-lalr ,v*tiir MMin-e what 1. already w*-ll known i-on< “Go into that shop, ami y-m can hnv a Milk fed to fstultry tsui>e4>f tbo heat made a bad failnre oat of it, ou* of her*- ftir; t*» bny a ixatk stove?" IMitnttiaar <*lttr*at SRR pnsluocrs ovrnini: tb* pn.-* .i.-* oi levi.lation. hot innttoii pi*, ht«t." and them ioainp all he bad besides pelliap “tLwIly." sai*ain*d with delipht an he powt-otfli'* d*|Nirtiii*nt ha. d*i ’lin«*ii t«i l*rovide plenty of fresh warm water poultry, 1 liouRbi M) bens, and from nitnn- for y«mr 4linmK room. "—Detroit recallctl tht- tant«- and smell uf thus* twhx- iiaily in winter. iwnotniii’il* M \. I.-*t a. |MM>iiini.t**r at then until now 1 have ooutinned in tbe Prt-* Press. savory pi#.*. “ju»d all for threepeno* " Wash tiK- nsisu ami tbe Inttom of tha m»mAmdhvii»'Avkhi ■wiai^ Ithaca, it will I.- n*m*inl>*r*«l that I..-! Then. tiiriiiiiR to Mr I'crks. in «l*.p. bnaiiiuea, kcepiup from 80 np to AUO nests with liiiiewaler. fo'wla 1 have now over 400 hens, most ­ A l.lltel. wa. notniniit* ‘mo, and alt**r hi. (wrm-st t4im*s ho said. “Let us reuawe Mhf-ti the wtwtiter Is coltl, thn epps ly White l. th* iiiu* ttiiies w* didn't aaroecd? After yonr <*pe*rh*<« that ap|>**ar in Th* Con- Hi. Jam*, (iaxett* must Is- taken tnftxxiliiR ilt*iu. Ttsimurh (M Till-: St. Jihi.ns News luis grown to Ik * one of the prw of Iwith hi.* fn*'ml. and op|Mia*iit.. irmiti Is Iswl Tliey must iiave anme bulky 80 years' experience I think I Iwpiii to prt-asi4jnai Ueronl Le*t faileil to quality.* It i. aM*nmeii fl*«tn \a.h mm m <•.«naler. fisnl understand tbe bastaees, anil althouph ('4inRreaNtuan — It is an tratmpeons lie. I don't ow* the fell-iw a fvnt Ask him most pofitihir of all the advertising columns in the that Ih- did |not can- to tak* |N>MN*Mnun When th* lat* Lari of T —d was a On* rrawui why com Isa laid feed for 1 have not aoireeded as well as some fowls Is that the Rmitis licinR larpe and if you ilon ’t believe me.—Boston Tran- of tb* i.ftir*- with th* |M>..ibility liHtiir* youUi. h«- was {tassinnatciy fomi of play yet 1 hop* in the future to doiietterand paf>cr. Ilon ’t fail to read it—there is something in fed sIh-IImI th* fowls twi so fast that they shall rautinne at it. 1 pot must of my acrt|n IBK or*r hiin^hat tb* >H-nat* would re- ami never le-tter pl*a.-«l than with t-wi t4st much for their 4iwn pxssl. capital when siartinp into a bnildiup. it to interest everyone. It you have .anything to foa* t«i i-ontlmifhini,* which wmild l•*'<'f-.l havinp .Mr. Nash for bis antapnniat Tisi luuch siiiiiulalinp fond causes npp Rlppa wf aia*iinf*«Mi-e. Naali saw with conc«m his lordahip's and it was almost thrown away, or per tat* hi. reiiiiqiii.liina hi. pdi under very orerpTodticthin. Th4- moult fnmi such “Pear*- Ii4 r*-pr*-i»ente*I by a *lov*. isn't sell or c.xcliange or have lost or found aiiytliing you foible and uml«-rt4H>k U> enr* him. tn-attiN-nt will Iw poor liatchlnp, wnak haps worse than that, for Ihe hntidllip It?" asked th* luaii who wa« lookiup bnniiliatinK condition. It a- wiid that was all wronp If I were to start apain, thoURli by a very disaRrceable remedy ehh-kctis and Inferior fftwla A rihmI va- over Monie allep4trical pictnrea tV>aKn-<.*man Mrwick. |who ha. mad* a 1 think I W4iold po ami work for aome cannot afllord to get along without its aid. It will Codm ntus of his own sniienor skill be rt4-tT 4>f saiund, tMiurishliiR food is mush "Well." answ*-red th* -tfBcial who on* who has succeeded, amt so leam the bani Hahtl bir *li*.-t, ha. n.|U*.t*«| the detennimsl tocnimp* him in niuirlephiy bi-fter.—M. liuuis Kepuhlla ha«l lieen to a 4lip|4imatic Inmiuet. talk to the whole of Clinton county for you. bastneso, th* same as a boy learns the poatothc* «*cn--*t will never stdk*. an«l h* lost thatalso lint when Aiiu-rtca'sthrc* RTt-nt after dinner sfvak* Il«> liHH th.iusHiids of t*etitnoiiiMla from The (valtwbnrp Kveuinp Mail tails him He's *-npaped bar* tin* handliiur of itham'. mail. oar Reneron. Rtunestcr had found bis srs an* now pretty m-ar the head of tbo this withont a snila: A man aot far Mamie W«d«l—1 don ’t want yon to Rmte(til |•ati«-flts in th*-ir own haml lordship siifticitiutly {mnisheii for his tattle C.’bauiMs-^ .M Ilrprw Is srlectnl for get him. Jim liatefnl thinp I'm tl>* uoe Life! I'nltmi yiait— tsmaier, Joseph II Choate fma Doer Crook haa beau tryiop the tm- W'itinp; but %•- hn* imvrT .v*f rxwMb-- Tm»; .New Vork .dun wtv. of tb* iwma- temerity Ihi returned all. only stipnlat- he's *-npape*l to. — Nappeta M'r>nt|**l to Ur* tli* pleassd piir|M»4av« bv fMibbshinp tli**o in ih.-j ** Krery one of the— Jti n.we. will hen whenever h* should think proper to other* Taw. Itxiy Tlnina with the experiment that he determined •lailv 4»r we» klr prea*. I.*i«|mv 4 nn.l p*n. MmI.k mhI n hy.wof*! nniona Atwrrlrm*. make tbe detiuuML However, he nerM* Heavy Hearted HHdctmiDd —He aaid trow till. tin*. f*>rtli. The laa.Ml .he*! m to KlVe up the feedlnp of his bens com- mad* any •itch d*nuind dariUR his lunl- aa how he wux between ther devil an flemeti com* t** Dr Mcli.innlil in th* lull- Mann. I. on thHr Knn«t. Thee lielonK In POPULAR SCIENCE. mrsl and feed them sawdust Instaad the Inlnmnn. r.o-aory in wbieti Amrrtr.n ship's lifetime, bnt Mune tinn- after hia tbar lioia. ttenedirt AmaiM. Shoctly sfter he sat a hen with 16 eggs ** Twenty.ntne t mlior. t ” dcosoM-, Mr. Nash's aflaim hemp in Kxprrts say ihi- electrtctr In a llphtnlap Grimy Gnaacin- Ahal Dat proves 'ii*«rrv tsiatw tb* tSew York dun io tb«*fntun* will t.- hy tbeiUac of iJm- raindmpn and that, while Misa Bmides, tis more oalitfactory to “Halil" hare bees hllle«l. |-etich trree a*e In iMtl brannes were ao big this K. J. ChMiey A t u. I*ro|«., Toledo O. roeStti***. Nat therxteat nf the low. raaaot ftfwly IntB- thdr ntreairth hMwnw* i»f tb*tr by sids, tbsss are on many as 80. cooes to viaitora ou the appearance of year the h«-ns pot dtsruoragwL ’ ’—De­ vet he ileterailaetl W* the nmWnipned. have known I-'. J oitipn. WhMi a .nnatnr in tbo. ma- the plar*^havan’t lime to "clean up " troit Journal. Heney for tbe laei Ki yearn, ami Ih-**- Pai Ua* aa Hraamlt*. (»or |>h*»itai ore tme it» natun-, ihev t raanoetlnan ami dnanctallv abletooarr,' little at a tiam am it roaaas la your way t ai4MS coareatloe irf the HmhIMtIna ftaty, it in time to doubt tb* real patriot* i ttharpen all kinds of Hob i with A Ranted or lath ptokad up here, a pfeoe Teaat—Fiaqr's aew book wiU amke I’anr 4p OHitfts r*siatr ts hetehr raiiett to Br* |aat Ilk*-me. It r*i|nttrsa k»*iwlef|g* ium of tb* unwnpapnr wbich mi far forpet. out uoy obHpMUua. made br th«-w Mrm IsiDoti juice. Went A Tmax. Whokmal. Ilmppwt-- of paper or old box thxra, aa it cuuiaa soote stir in t^ wtwld. meet at the (-nert hoaee la at J4>haa, CHI th* of art and nature ctwalMitnlttMihtain the pH anann of bounr. an to loune itndf ia the i All Iwoiled nmats shnuld ho osrvsd as Crimaoabaak- I^hat is ItT A oook- lath day **1 ret>., ’Bti, at lw»» o'riacti |>. m., ___ . TolMki ()., Wakllnp, Kianan A Marveti soon as they ss* moked. la your way, eooa doss th* work. Try book? —Y.juktra Statiaanua. tor the partmar of eiertlap trlraaiir to the Hb* phtSogcrapha whteo tse arv tumiag Whnlnnala Itragpiela Toledo, tHii i. Haplmr and hmndtap shsnid be dons 18 11—Coloaod o Poulrryman. Halls Catsirb I'or* is tahan bitemally I asatr raaveattoa at Jacheem. Marrh let., (out. Tkev are aot Italy aataral butar- minutes and ftourtnp ImnMdlntely baisn Aa laeaasheaaea . rtortla«roaa-y rataaiHler. aad iraaaartlap i ., Ik'a m laimtmka to imapbu* that itchiap nrttap upon the Mood aad mamas ear- Wylap. aarh other hast a* w as laay grupryty arts*. i twH*- Taeenal ia ao mors lhaa lor ua- lares ol thspystom. Pries TBs. psr hot U* psauliar ia tkat hekh Oaaay—HBura. Biddy, aa pBawM pMaa • Ap't b* (unud ; m lulalafc* to noBsr BMte n mirwaa Fred g. Rrtltsa wNt he pese- i ipUMiilnn work. ■ ddj tmamr tkmm nm tmm bslp. DoMe ’s Hold by IWMamlaMfrse I anotly aliha oaM yaa do If CM waae to dtaT dllBaallFte Mia G^—Ol’d alhapt a hMll Ati SOi Hall’s PMBffy PlMpRsths bast. Ml—Hear Teife JcmhA j Tim wor t of Ike eoM i taokar. HATIILTON, 4FTHM0N. nmtBMtr

NBW8 IN BRIEF. Mm. B. R. WMppla. of UafnAt, waa la A TE.XT BtHIK BILL COMINti EVENTS. At. Jiihaa Thafodimr and Friday uf laat WANT COLUMN. ------; har aad roU" ama of Fraakfort eHoal laMiw witli U. L. Ilaal. aaak. ' rauvioMi Mm vmtpomm wwmrmm or KitK HAI.K—A autul N»«i Mtlrti raw. lw> Tha L. L. Ctoh wtti Mt wiih Mra. 1. : were doiac their Iwat to appeact the ay* <•( NoMKar Lml Mta. i^Uad Haafty ia aiak with f(rip. llopary Hmrnl I’aahaiaa. of Hath, ia atMUia roll T«« aciMM»UA Johmi. Pah Jaad. ‘It. petllM n# the tOb arMM) aewohavii who Th* Khar'a •••••ahlatw WMI nw «« artth Miaa ; Park nra On# •*/ Ik. MO.MHY T<» lAlAX—A|>|4)r at T«k .\bw« Milo l*my afiaat Moadwy in l.a»naiaiK. attiaMliBic oirmit coart thin waak. and | A tall haa b»«n intmdanail ia thw H inmw I Lawlt F«»wirr aMt Mui*da)r rrialag.. ►•h. 30. i •*** ’^**ff Pant n»w. ijae iw tae deaJem la artiaic a« oaa of the aoart offhwm. ‘ “• tHamaataiirra for th** emaUoa ol a »« 7:30 ••'ciork. | fiviair chanife to a hayer arcidwitally WiUani Lyoa w«a ia (irt4 Maadny urn Hint# hoard nf roNiiiiiaatoiHTa to amar# Hmt. !«. Hf*iH»«a. ot thr M K. <-h imh. 1 dmppMl a dime. h»mI briforc hr had tiam t'KliAli 1*4 WtTH—dwtrlaa imwIa I»- baatawH. Mm. C. Morrow, of PwnaMm iaapaad* . tha oa# in ail thv pahltc Mhuula ia th# will urrarh at in*r Hragal Umwa# Hall unt uMlrvuf (i«» l>. MmIIIi. ur at J. H. ( WuiMl-»y wtH'.AOp. ». I to pick It ap Ms htother daoler qaickly •araalnr. tar tha weak with bar d anghtem. Mm.\. ; #iaia of .\|i<*hiipMi a uail.imi a»*ri#w of W. A. No Him aitMtulad I'uart in Ionia, atooped down aad icrabhad It. Then «i .\iNimwa and Mm. F. Va«aa. Mba apaat ll»'*Awf tagt-^iha, wM. if it haeoiaa a The M K ladta * aid auetetjr, olliraaatiaah. WANTKU—To |»atrtiaa» a ■wnail haad wlU wrei wIili Mm. M. JuUx F kewary M, aoed an anminent in a way whieh only yalirday. _ , __...... I law, will inauaurata mry malarial wt 10 o’rlork n ■ All am rardmlly lavli«d. mm$m. ('itah hir uar wHtek raa ln> auMrlMafrfjr. Tonaday with a ilaachlerla rid. - jq |||^ ataia’a rdamlioMai ay»- C. P. lloBaJ.AKa. Mra. W. N. rttoelMT ia viaitiuic harntatar Tb* VoHMf Pawple’s Bwirtkii I'nlifH and “franlrfnrtor nMB* ’ can anpae. oaoh K. (J. .tliiaua aad Mr. aad Mm. J. C. | tana. It pnivipra that tba atata boani of : Youna INnmie'a HwMeljr lYutaiiHu Kndawvor 'laiminic that he had dropped thedimo. KtiK MAlJi—Parai IToaatra witli two aata la loaia, thia waak. . will kukl HHlnii aaevt m with tkr Ktiwurtn It ia very likely they wiwild he armiiac •>l iMtMlas* l^iratwl two Mlba aorihraai IlMbaMMi Mr. aad Mm. R. L. Dinilia* «*■*«•*«“ •*»•*'• 'Hiaatiuila a iam^ of ' Lwwawa HI Ike M. EL rbwrrk wt 5 p. m. moi ul HI JoliBa Aa4rpw Wrlwtar. C. A. I'ner, of Itiuww. waa in At. Johaa left fiw Mt Horn, k'lorida y^inlar ‘*r** ‘r'* ’'“^» ** I HwiMMiy, yei bad not a yonaff fellow at the Bow- Ml lor .wi. ifora. rwwwia. wu-wiraj . ^ araanna tha noiu|iilatioo ol a uai- last waak oa baaiiwaa. Tb* H*wa*' UnkNi AM aie*i**y will im**! wy type who had choared to witaeoa mK ha I.K—Kt«tiiy-arfT lam ita iwrUon wuraiBr. The fimitatnrn will.iipwid a!f«,rin ttmdad wriaw «A taii.lwHiha. Imt ' wilk Mm I'bM# IIm pvr WeamanlHt E’etim* 3, itiMMl orrhani. t.aa4l ail IwMroira the tnmble interfered. Walkinx np to Mr». Tyraa rtaiith ia ▼iaitiac bar pat* ooupla of waaks ia ('aba. i iahiMta iMtriiaau or aartariaa rharartar- : nrjr 3:1. at In •• rt* atid At. l-ouia. Tha dor «n*rNnoii wtiM* himI limw n bread. ••Well. acy. how ainch will yer gim- nnanfactared by seientiflo prot-enaM J. W. PltaarrrtM al flw Atttair Hank ti4 Ht. day with At. Johmi fHaada. paar. of luaia. He ia in iraad itapida , n«r#ir# Mw«i)ad iwopoaal# •toMCbaola, on*ki-a. pnt *t«* rbl|M. pnloit* Jithna. ■wloit. bokol two a#, rokr ho*I leoMm frily. nn* if 1 geta it hock fer yerT** known to the Caufoiuiia Fio Hruvr Mm. Widlrr Fiah baa braa «ioiti*ill tha today attaadinit a inaatliMt of tha uh * tha fumiahiaic of Much a #arira id last* nickel.” wna the aaawer. Co. ooi.y, and we wish to impreui upon HilKMP Foil HAl.Kolt KXI'IIAMIK—Por Il*v. II. Mnotanoiery will pmorh lo tbr WTrt,...... ip-l |«.l •-* With ,M«ima«i.. Manoai# lloma lioard. of whieh ha ia a ' iiooka fur all of th# imblk* aeboida iH th# Froe Meibnalai rkoirh nf ki. Jubn- *nt Mno- Th*ii.addr#i«iin}Ctheothrr cvMiteotaat Ml the importance of purchasing the Had aonahl. lUxiuirr of Jokn UlehuoMitl. mrrobrr Mtatafnr III yaam. oida to ha aemHii* do.v. Fell uarjr 30. at 7:fm p. nt. the liowerr boy Miid: true and original remedy. As Urn II. M. Iluwmwr Mid lb. Uirhmuad wtw# paaiaii hy a #Ml,tNNt ImmmI aad an aMila- VaaronMinl, mrr^l Hi John*, tllrh Tbe WoiHHO'a ABMe-tHtbra nf tbr I*• »whre- ‘‘Say. yer got dat feller’adlnie. 'caaae in IlorMMl (Ml liiMiiMwii MiHwhiy. Hanatur llmm mnairad wonl iroai K. I rii of Ih** bklitar that h# ia in no wi##. imiii'NHl iirrh wilt inrel Ml lie* rhtt'eh 1 genuine i^rrap of FigK fa manufaetarod U'A.N’TKP. Hi ourr. Wn». I'rirh |mjrw <-H«h I*. Waldron at Alum, vmtarday, aayiiiK dimetiy or imlirarily, roan#«*i# ItH.r* rmpi. r«>|*|wr. itac. Ira in avoiding the wortblem M*r#a, mora or laa#, to la* iiaad 111 miaitiff #rudl«ili* whatarar. It aiao pn*- THE PEACE CONGRESS. j lint iViMWi. of l*aia«whurv, im a|a*ndinie “Six ivwita. " wraa the qnick reply. imitoiiooa maanfact unil by other pur- F<>|( ma I.L oil KXt'llA.Mil';—An Hakt Munar baata. Mr. WahiriHi will ii»a#t tha riiim for litila ^fMiu tiuuiaaanpta ami “Ail right: haml over.” Thehorgnin tiea. rhe high atonding of the Cau- arrr iHriii «l>« lutbw imoii Imhui I o I Hi. Johaa. It law day# with hi# unrh*. fhaa. t’niaa. b Propbotle lltot*Wi*ot aa in Wbwi It fnrmam at A|iauidiuK A Comimny ’M .Sal- ciprriirht in HatTof laMika. and ••tniHiwam roajiiA Fio Stuff Co . with tlie medF Two nrrwa of ■mall (mlla I'omltirtahW Mill Aeowoiallwb* waa cont-Inded jnat aaa |a>lic#maii enuH* hailtlln^ " III rtrhanawlor rlllnar |»r«»pmj:. Mm. I'haa. WVlhw an«i h«hy #|a*nt Sun- HitM*....*.*. *•'** •**>anl. in ii*## thay aball not #amr# mahiug np Mml Knibla-d th«* one who oui prufeasion. ami U*r aatiafactkm I'aUal Th». \l.w«t»airr. .lay and Monday with rHntirra in Fow> liiila to fumndi iHHik# at a (iria# which Preeent—Th# c*aar, in tbe vhnir. a«td liad dropiaal the dim# and tiadc him to which the genuine Syrup of Kiga haa \ Aanday Arhoul I'rimary riiiou liaa apimam to tli**ni to Ih* jiMt, to appoint the repr#wenUitivea of tb# pnwem tb*- atation honae fur dia* tla* latok# a*iopt* ’il or •'«»tn|iila*i A 't-rtain Mr. Sixitt of Exeter whoae aa it acta on the kidneys, liver and Htcod Don ’t move, and I’ll tnk# the Mm, F. Hurk, of Vlrtor, ia viaitinir har farv and traaaur* r. Mimm MInni# llarriiiK* **Hrni *»f tmi >«*nm ahali fortait hnaiiieMi r*x|nired him to travel —Frowplly anawrrwl ijnlrk >ppartnnity of apeokinp to nil roucem* anti rrllnldr arrvkr. i»nr .tr lwt» |i#r«M.na35r aiat«*r. Mm. It, .1. Woodruff, for a faw . ' -r___ . ... thair riahl to a ahan* of tfn* iirimarx- -tantiy waa otie of the Di*a*t faintina ing them, ami it ioea not gripe nor four .M*r to 4ir from intlna Kti-rWrnl tlrwy • fiiiMt and all Hp|*ro|iiiatninM mad# by th# 5d No. I will not he wilenceil What 1 chnr;o-1*-ni for pnin-tnality in Ih*- king- nauseate. In order to get its beneficial ■rri *«- rratir al all llairw. Trlwitbonr Th# day#. hvaryiMi# ahouid att**fnl th# ll♦1l#Ht Mriii..f,.|* ili#ir #ii|i|Mirt durinir tha ••on- Strwl lll.ntlllt«Uv. iMve to way Ih that I am aahameil uf my iLiiii Ily hia inethialii'ai habita. <'om- effects, please rem**roher the name of (l#o. M. fimhain. of f>wnib..i. waa 10 Fmt#rtiiiiini#nl to Im* halil al t*i# lliicn tiniiHii<>*forHiH*li n#icl#)‘t or ratnaai. bat the ('ompany — jwu countrymen: they won ’t diiuirtn. bineil with niiw**arieil indn«trx. h# ac- Hchiad rfNiiiia Tiiradny aranniK. n#vt. A a*..iiMi»- di-tri**ta limnuic Hli.*mly .hmi hnt I know that yon will all a* t them a " AVTKII—llrllaltia ni#ii to I'MI In all or j tiiwfi tin* for** |MirT Ilf tbo iriwk nil Iniai- cnmnlaleil n large fnrtnii# F*ir a great CAUPORlfU RG SYRUP Ca iiari of timr taklna tintroi ttnr l.uhrlrat- • , , ____ . ,___ _ , tniri*xl with piililiaham for Moin# Naria# of food czoinple. Now, «*sar, y(*ii apeok Inn ‘dla and Urrnaaa I.llwral. .iininiwilttn n«wn. #i4andid pnarram ha# lia*Mi it i*Hr**if. ( . *, 1 • .j . .l many rear# the landlonl of everx- inn ’ I *** II ' tMNika durinv th# i*oiilinuaiMH* of th#ax Sret ...... I Kattwrin.- l artawl .|wal tlw lal- Th# nioiiay will ito townni# th# Sdiyllin# mniyj «*,intra**t. in ('ornwjill or I>*v*»n that he viaited ‘oriavium. saw raoK. a. *- iNMik. whiHi ia to lie mihf (or a Hniail Cxor —I oirree. knew the etact day ami boar be wonld I'" i«« Stood — Ileor. beort (Mirtion of it# i-oat. •rrivi* A -hurt time liefon* h# died, at CWoraa. HIfka’ ■l«>n* ami l*r liillnii. ’w oltli-#. * on (’omntlfl. .SIKH I.I) I5E KKTI K.VEl). C>or After the other natinnu. T wrill ialnr«l Hr# or alt iltillara In inttu#*. -- the advani'eil age of Hii, a gentleman * Tla* niiniii**m irir**ii hy Ili** ('•«*!.in .Mn*i- tnm my nmiy into peoi'efnl police, and Thr K*p|> MKHT lilVIO K. who waa makiag a jonmey through la niarrHlIoH al 1 hr T*i «nahl|> IIm'i ,,ii HhI- aal I'lull at th# ('oiiKrairariiniHl i-hiiri-h th# noTT into cnatom bonae c’miaenL urdsx , E’rl*. IN, iNim. al 3*i*l**'k {* •ii..( #r#r |>la**a| on llw luarkrl, laat wtwk. laaac for hia dinner. He liaiked over •ra«i thr roanlv '-oarraH**ii hri*l at .Hi, M|H|dr artlrl#antl r#a.|> •< ll#r. alfttnlliuc a Of tlH*Moio«, tlial leivaii by ll**i#n lAiiiiM# war jnat th# #am«. the hill Ilf fan* and fonnd iKithtng to John- on F#h. 34. IHHI i. larn# |>rolH Tli#r.- !• tt • ami lurivaa- I’. M. KnickiTlMipkrT wh# l■nll#«l fn .it 11 H#*m<*ii III 1 II#.Sorth* ’nHt«*riiTeach* llitl.MI# T. ('t.«as. litK tlrmaml for II In all a^ llttna. X«* rain. TriHo*V. violin aolokit, wii# aviil**tftly #rM* .\#-«M'iriiion. h*'ld iit Ki-i# Inat w****k. Caar Exactly; that i* my idea of hi# liking He bad. however. ##en a fine rhalrinaa of Town I'omialtlrr ItiiHrH. Antlirdiiy, iiv th«* arriom* illiima peoc# lint I tmht the 'ith^ natinoa itl#« rr«|Ulr# \| tMTArTI'IIKIi. Thr Ann ArtMirOH- •'«* bar ln*-rrn**#«l Ma I larrlaiid. Ohio of Ilia fitlh*T. to il# iit'iioat •*«|wirily. iiimiy hnviiiit to Mmi'h- Mora# umi (l#o. 1*. ('nrter w»t# will warrender all weo|iona. and I will that. '* aaid he. •tore them free of charffo •'Sltllsl atork frttni #OO. imh» i** $t*Ni **«#•, «it*l “TTiIIHAI.I: or..t.hauH# for farm nrar Ht. I fh.* Mirhiam. .\rfrn ill #i«n«ll*l n nrw -ioiM*r It. M. VViu#ion in th# followinic Omnea—('-ertainly. mtrnttlnir i*lsni north of H it Mlrlitaan #riy rtirarr lllahani and , tiirnl ('oll#K*‘. afieiil th# Inttwr jairt of IIm* Mr. mwi Mm. 1.'. ('. Vi*iiiihHii and Mm lord. “It ia fur Mr. Scott of Exeter.” tral rMliroa*!. Hiirmn "irrwia. l•toll•l•lln« «d h.ip 11 ami 1-. | word#: Stead —Hear, heart “I know Mr. Arott very well,” n# tdork ,. ha* Inn a froiilalir t»l lOHLyIrrIoU W##k III Ht. J ohlia. .1.0 l(il#y w#r# «*nll#ii to loniiiMondiiv ••|<#*«olv*#l. thnl.froiii Ih# refiort of our (Jmnew—When Rtuwia and EnKlond IllShani ■lr#i-l. runnlnx latrk Hfi trrf l«> I." plieil the traveler. “He ia not in yonr nssueti in# utwso. to iit’**iu, fore. (Stead fainta. Cnrtain. )—Plok • •nr .ttldrrw J M. H oimik . \lont|M>ll#r Iml. w# f***l tnut iind#r fh# -iiiaTYiainn of oar “ViTy Marr.'* aaid the landlord, CMiver, u( I'niladelphiu. was the subject, irmirtitionHl (’hnrrh. #udd#nlr ill W.#in#adfiT mid di#*l Antur- r„„„|y r.mimi.nion. r. II. M. Winatou. Me Up ______“hat #iz iiiontha ago. when he waa laat is iiarratMi hy him as follows: **I was in u miMt firmdtnl eonditioo. My skin Awriiwn HHi# Mm. -ition in tie* Ionia Itafiirnia mak mnoiiK th# #«*ho«il# of th# *#Teml wiiM ulniuat yellow, eyes sunken, tongn# I \vil|a#llat pulilk* auction on th#f.mfi»- i niaant tin* for# |Mirt of Ih# tt **#!* with r#ln- for him this day exactly at ’J o’clock. ” ^ p, \Viilk**r willi#* in At. .l•.hnB|||th*• aif". lli'laHVm I**#***!## in# wif**, inoth**r. tliat ('ommiaaion#r Wiii#toii ii# mtiirti#d Rl»**are day by day. Thr#** physicians had given dow. the old gentleman waa at that iiinl oii-huif inilKw ii.irthofSlmiMiniavill**. j Sntunlfiy Mun h 11. hid I #iai*T. two nmaii *011# to iiioiim l«i th** iMiaillon thiU II# line ■HI «-ff**rtiv#iv tTS m# up. Fortouttt**iy,nfriendadvia*xl try­ tlll#.l." moment entering the inn yard abont ing'Klerfric Bitter#HDittumy grxxit j**v TuomUv. Krlinnirv •_»!. b#ttmiiiiiK t**n ,,,, ^ ,, hi# lo-H. |{•*fallutionM w*Tx aUopae«#tiiplov of •••I improvement. I continue*! tb#ir ti-** Miaa Maii\ at hi# • tft#i«>iit work. f* r thr*#* sreek#. und am now u w*m insu. Moinlav inorninif. wh**r**ali# will tak«- ii|* III** -tatioii ll•>l*• ‘, ami i>it«*r r>*movi*«i to Y n Yereeiaklr ('Iwek. 1 know they save*! my life, and nil*!* *1 l:/.'*o. on** irrny iiinn* •* y**ar** oUl. th# gmv# of aiMilher x*iclini." No **•••• w**i|fht 1 1«M(, **n<*)*ti**!.tniit niiiro |.'ly**Mt> a f»*w atn«li#a at th** iinivaraity. A Well known pnifensor wimetimei K**nt*ni liH# a*'i'#pt»**f a |Mi-ilioii with U'lIJ. IIKAK m.\s, ah .S'i|Md#*Mi. iiiv fwitir** h**nl ol Tlmr- the cla## tiv** *ir ten mitiutee over the Aurnin.v iit h**r li*iin** in St. .lohii# III *11 •Old *1 #pl*-n*li'l a'X'oiiatmit . ••O.NTI.if *»uuhl»r**«l .l**r*wy fait!**. lU h**a«l anr**ma- bonr. ('i-rtotn r«1*1 iKhI H.irk lu th*- Inuilirr *-hiu |>- hail t*> Ih* «iia|*#titl#*l -tat# w#i«lit IIKMi. on# .-.ov h t#rr#ohl. | •» Im all.M. lor tlnur filtur** hotn#. l.ioli#-' Library riHim# Moiidnv #v*‘aniu. Minnhiy m**f attend r m##inm <*f tin* deck. #et it to go «iff precisely at noon .l*-fT* r#**n (Tub, at wiii*di tun** William *in#i*ow tiv**\**nm ohl, da** 111 Man ’h, ••m-■ \lrw. <1 L. \Vil» Im# la***n #f#*n.l th#i f**#l Inirhlv Kratitt*ai at lb••^• # **> ••- ('oleniiiit. win* luie I'liHtir* *»l lit** arraiiir# < iv**r d-l'i w a# tnk**n in. ll••*nl#. If** liii# ixa«*TV«#i ##x***ral ##m'# nuticx* it hull. ..11# hull .-alf..Ml** y.wr ..Id iira.l# |,..r l..>in.-ii. .A# til# noon iionr struck th# alarm ii#il*-i .1(1.* Ill .Ian.-, limn lllll.•hln• rt an.l . , . . * . »• i • or in**.S|. .|**hii# |>arty. **f whii-b il la i-x- t....U. and ..u.n. r..u. ,.rn. 1##. All 1 •'<»* r#t..rn.-.l f.i Ih-fn.ii Mou.lav i:irruli < «*Nri. l«***i*xl tb# lolIttwiiiK «#iill#ni#*t will le* went off with a crasli. au*l thisM* of tbe rii** l^•opl# V#. lA*w-f**n*'# Kairnn. I^ir* iii* ‘mlM*r#. l(•M|||#y lt#*S»#. .\rihnr Wil- “Mirier Jeweler, di# la de engagement claoH Inti ill th** secret Htarhxl and took -uni# .il k* ’’. or iiii.|.*r .•aali. ov.*r that Mr#. <5 1. I^•t#r#, .if Flint. wh.» hii- •on. Mi-iirx 'Vii-hinirn, \. ' lii**k, -1. 11 auiomil. T m..nih#- ti.n# ..ii if...#! #n ,^#-.1 vihiiiik In-r -.-l#r, Mr#, f A M.wk, •***iiv. l'U*a..t. Ttl** l‘••lpl•■ V#. E'r***! (Talk. Itai»*. .loeeph **hllldon, <1 I’ llelVitt mill (i th# alarm aiul tb** apfilan## xx#re over "iill«*r Fill moll- .•out .lilt.*. I |#*r .*#111 ..ff f..r .*a-li. , iinla.v. X#M *-!*■•«• to I#* lri*-*l Thoeelil It* l>*a*rx#«i n Heal. and then #ai*l. “Young gentlemen. 1 .N.i ({.hmI- r#in.iv*<*l until *#-tfl#.l lor Tb* l***opl** V# I'ha# Tlnima- \-**milt l**>pnlar Hair |(eaniM#*l A tramp, with hia arm in a aling. thank you for thi# little gift I tuwl for ­ Mr#. II. 1# ##rioii#i.i ill with in with 1111*111 to *-*111111111 ni|H* Not uipiti Luii.'h will la* ****rv.#l al ii.miii. Mr. .1. It liii\*pp#r, alleg- gotten it was my birthday. An aiarni II. K. Ti;kti:«. llainnialion .d th.- hiiitf#. Il#r .iaiiitht#r. Tb*- l••■*i|ll*• V#. .Ii»-*‘i*li Holl. l.;iri**-a\ "avii** lloi#l, |h*tr*.it. hn# <»ih#* mor** ing that hi# nnn Itad lieeti injured in a O l*oN\i« \ii.*ti..n.'#r. Mr#. I.. .1. flrov*'. fui.l. •# .'(iriiiu 'or * hi I rial. clock IS something uir wife hs# neerin»*rlv .d St • '*»iitt WiivH# iniiioti-. "a# th** le—1 b**t**l f*ir arm in a ding. ” replieil OillFMily Tin* (iroftxator th**ii w.-nt on to finish a You may have heard < ^ It*-*.. H. \lioii. mol TImhiim- Mann.wh.i , , , . * *• * . * I ft** III* in#,v III • h# w* —I,” nam*l\, 'Ml , , I i, .1 I *. 11...... Milin#. ii.iw .»f Kalaniiiro.i, 1-»|#*n (i*ii.-*-. V#. .1 I'. Holm* — Hiu'i* “Well Nii|.|amin I bail* Don ’t yon hav* la—n **ntr>nf ’^l In*' .l•••oHl on#ni»-#- ' l<#r «|.»y amt * ”»•• •'♦ail# #ni'ii foi **iiinl# deinountratioti interrupted by th** about SCOTTS EMULSION J [ ..v#r Sfaiiil.liin.* «V < .*ni|.m.\*# h*tr.fWiir»-. "nf " '•*" .lnv# tlii-* w»#*k wilhlu-i>i..lli*-r, w jtvi <111 lll--•ll•ll-r I’ rtioriiM In 1 tttii think a ft-IU-r # arm get# tir*#l of teia alarm.—L#iud*-ti|*'*l itiii ol I oip'l l•l•*f 1l# Nitiwiihnt iintinit til** him* haviiin «,*iil*-.l tioir l.ll■lll.•«« iiff*or#. f-’, || Slt**rfnHn. tieil lip all day? Il«-#ldei«. I’v*- got con- and have a vague notion (i ' ii*Ti.- It* M>iau*-r V- Will. IS lt**ii*.iii,i*'* iiiiioiiiit •** lH••lH•y •*x|H*nd* ’*l *11101111 It*** Tli.iniN# Ml.nil r**tir## from ilo* l.ii-iii.*#* ciifiaiiin of th# brain ami can t remem- .4 Itaat llreww). U A. Norton nf f••ll.^»•i#t ..» ltiiii<*r |i v**r**# I**-*ri *• irr i*ii*-*| pa-t \**Mr la r#ni*id**llinn H#* hotel nil** that it is cod'lfver oil with f ^ whirh will I# h.*r#aM**r < on.lii.'t.-.l l.v l>#r liaif th# time which arm waa bro ­ |.*n-\ —.-ri-r V#, E'r#*! .1 l|•••(• \ . I'l III all ••iillrflv ni*i*|#rn -iru#tiir#, **ri--tiiui It is not likely tha. any English \ its bad taste and smell and j | fi»#.rir* II Mann at tlo* «am* l.a-afi.*ii. I.ii.'oln f'tiili lit KMlHiiiaroo. llo-i*** 1* 11*1 Murv \ ?»ov**rvill >»*iii**| th«* lH*iiii(tnil |Miiili«in, and bnnmiii; Ih** ken. ” Strax Stories speaking )wople nn»wnf -till*- **i |-*rf**** [inuctilioas a devotion to th*> niceties of I i all its other repulsive lea* (i ar.- t.* I# )*aoi l.i .«*#irtt.' il. Muiiii. “Miriiiii.m l.ifi.-olii ” Lii«*.\ >**v**r V#. E're*l .1. M*i«l**> mid I am, tla* addilioii ol th#hiM#r mi**ior IH Aew York. language as that which characteriies the < ^ tures. It is cod'lwer oil, the < ^ Mr. mill Mm M il(r>-i| t#hl#,* and 'll l.ydiii A .l•*•■kmllll Hill ol ( omphiinf a*'*-om)NlMii«m# will in no way iletmci Retnmed Traveler -When I left, tbe Frcm-h gnunmanau# W# may help II purest and the best in the | [ liny h.iiir «h.#*«-.i Won ium ki *k Tkoui * irmn Hi# v**ry lilwnii maim* r inwhi**h mi.i .Mr# M. M U*-*#l of Mnllik.-n w*-r# .H#til***i **111 of I'oiirt. city wa# all excitement iiUmt a horri- ourselves to nudi'Tstand it perhaps by th#hol**l I- #oiMlii«*t#il. it -iiiiply r#t#r- bb* innnler. hut 1 have heani nothing (i world, but made so palata- (i irii**#t# OI Mr. an.I Mr# Win. K l..\.>ti Il<*n*l Knl#rlaOi*»*#nl I ••(•itiia. to tfa* «*hoM*** ol riMiiii#. Th** |Mipulnr resiling a story tohl of .M Imtnany. Kin##l in#fiillin#iif n**w lai* **« ni-f r**- MIlC# .HHtnr.iaT mol .Ainoiny Th*- Wiirnirriiph ('om|Hin\ tiial 1# to *''tiiiila\ dinner- from (Ito h, forwfia-h < m# night lately h«* awok** and -prang ^ ^ ble that almost everybody < ^ <•#|V•■.I at Till. III H. \\TII.l < .1 Keeident —(>h. that waa all over long out of Isxl xvlth a wild cry. His wife Nlm ' . K.» nil.I .la.iifhfrr It* —#.*-, •'xbibil Ilf lh**'#. .*ill I#- o' ifr*>*it inl**o*#l mid a ran* tf***it on. rest dra|Ktir. children like it and ask foro of M..iith a.*#1 PiinrhHni. f.»r tw.i .\»—k# to th** ••oiiimiiiiitV. #«m»iMliinr *11 movinu ll*M-h an IKr I nm*. ”Ah. imleeilt Was tbe man foaad “Why. what is the matterT" she ^ more. (> gnilty and **x#cnteil?” Sta--i il jinm# .III**#’ ll**>****-*l arafi- r#fiirn**.l h.itn** .ANluninv. pH*inr**# «*f th# SiMiniali \iii**ri«iiii Wm, Tniman Hiffonl ha# i* —lum-i hi- |m»#i* Ka#|HxL |a*r# at .\. iii.k Ml iinktt '#. f l|.-nn .H**v#\. w h.i ha# l#'#ii ionio* lr.nii i-t*pr*Mtiii*niu th«* land and iiiivn I liHltl*'#. lain at Hi** **l#«*trii* buht and WHt#r work# “Um n-o. tint I iwlieTe he waa in ­ “I 'Ireameil.” satd th# professor, -h'lwiiiir r#rv*-ra# lb#*i a- if wn# •I**- plant, at 111 III and will work in# moth* dicted. ”—New York Weekly. I SGorrs ii th* 'I. .V, I' III* |ai#t fwo w*<#k#. on M.- #lroi*#l 'oa ### III** .H|*Hmah v**e#**l# “(fii. I had a horrible, a beartr«*nditig TIh* ann.nil Ml••>•to•K for th# •4*#li.i.i .if tlo* dim*## of hi# |•Nr#«lt-. r#- •*r'# lartn imar .sfi* |tanlMVill#. driinui l*#****h*#l, -auk and liiira#*l, you *«-• th** A KntHir*. .»th«>*r# .if tlo* l,!t.lo-»* l.ilirar\ .\-#.#*ta- . , . . : ... 1. _ \i ... 1. .. “What wa# it!* ’ I EMULSmH * ,1 . i. J 1 .... II turn#il to hi- -tn.liKw .Mnndav. w *iiid#ri a I tfii luiery ol I a<*i# Sam '# I au bn I TH£ MARKKTB. lion will la* h#i.| al th# lilirarv rtoiin on . n Mr. Sniggling#- Here. Marta. I want “I dreniiieii I was talking, and f dis- W-.ln.-.lav nff. rn.M.n, Marrh l-i Ih'.hi. Mr# it. A. M....r.* I.ft lor .s#vill.*. f »hi.i ti# *hi|i#, MhoaiiiK (h«* Indiniin, low-ii, < ^ looks like cream; it nour- < N«‘W York, llriMiklyii. Ti'xii# ami (ir#t{on HI. Jalina, Xllrh.. Fet> tC. t hM* ynn ti* either smash thu alarm clock ur tinrtiy lieanl myself utter 11 ssntencs at two o td.x ’k A mil alt.*11.11110-*- 1-ih*- SaliirtiiiT in..min»r. wli**r»* #lo* wa-.•allr.l I! ishes the waited body of ! III full action. t*lbai; filniidy whr our an "■heHire*!...... **T give it away which liad a gnuninatical error in it." W Kiail white...... or wtr**.!. Ilv orii#r .d fh# l‘tt*#oh*nt ,h,. ,,f hrr ni.ithrr. SIi.*#ii#*#t- tion I’lin wia|* lit# woriii. .\*lmi*M*ioii, Maria- What’s the matter with itf ^Youth’s (Jomtwnioa. i the bffhy, child or adutt ( Mh#. K Ii. I,>..N. .H*#*. «‘*irii ...... :to«aHN frt roti.Hiii thr*#- ..r f.»iir w**#k#. (••iiilt# I.V*. #*hlU|it*n lih* lt#**#rv*#|-#fit«. o«iii ...... «o Dissm't it Work right! ^ better than cream or an' :f'k* b»r-hI# al Knii|*#*L lh*'\itt ’#. riotrr Nr«**t .«n .*>oagr4.* o Mr. Sniggling*--I shonid say not riMiilhx -r* •I.... *i ao Tx«n to-eliaats. Tbe blamed thing has wok# roe np right I other food in existence. I A llarnM-HV t'Inl* K.TS ...... :•* Eilitor ’s Wife (from seoind story Iturk whest ...... »o in th** middle at my lieat alee|> every Th# I. n. T. M. m#i with |.N Editor > ap|s*alingly Hut, my dear. { cream docs to mdk. If you | <'pop «mcohad n# il# h#lrr R* ...... H Of 3A fisgs shown in a “flags of sll BMl CIT IN MttICHS ON ALL KINOS OF A»r*l...... two —“uf hia mother " to K hfriiiii hail linilingtinH* Innsiirer. I,adx |,ouih # A|•|>>rs lirr h« .... ------.*HI4t7.Y , onttons ” sappleroent tii s Isimlsn xreek* Ibuih'V, witrk ixtinniMt*#*. Iwtila-s Mr* I*rlr-I ai*l>(r« |«rr tt* ...... rt4r4 Akaolwt* IwdlWee*****. ly in IHftM 11 have disappeanxl. among wp Ite 9VMn fyttnn (’ra«-k**ii. M**rritt and laiihnip. pres# j>r4^t i—srhr- nrrinl...... #•« to A woman who has ts«ea a victim at them th*M# of th«‘ East India (xunfsuiy. to the Yfkob i conimlH*-**. I.adr Kdnn llolierta. l'olal*>ra...... ;if. Winter Rnhbers, Hiiisr IIm# err bt»l ...... Nf indiir*stion mihI is kept to dyspeptics ’ of th** hinian •slands. of Tuscany, Na­ IlnasM* •**m#fit per hhl. ..»t to diet roost of the time was m-fnitiy in ­ TrnwHrhkl* l.ywa. Fitrilasd ** ...... aa .vi ples. the .States of the (’hnreh. of the a. alISfsmtna. It**x, W F. .%Hen. th»* Ha|di-ta|iaet*ir, Hlwrro |i*r hhl...... 0—3 3ft vited to a dinner, which she was sax- Kussian-American company dRd of Har- , ChaaiW. Hra Yatli. IlHVllNMithr...... AAiMrafft INI Felt Rubbers. *fe Sock Rubbers. ^ <0 thia i'lty, anifi lii# wonl# thnt mnd# Ha> mli*#l ...... a4 iM> ions to attcml. dinia. Mr. iVm.’TroMThmlge iiihI Mr# .Hamh .' straw iMiled ...... IN* ■ Hh** Went to her telephoa** and. trust I.von. hualNin«i amt wif# Inal ThitriMlav HUM HI i.*xr* Jm In gsnansn? Trowbridge 1# a resilient oi Fayel*#,, ThUiTw paTw* ..... Wh#n th# cxionection had heen made, cloae thetn owt wr will xtve price# that will Intfucr you to hwy Herbi# WelL I don ’t Just know a Hupply for nest iiaaaow. la ad di tion to what you (ihni. ami was lonneriv h rea«d>tit ol .At. •'•ii-kiHa orreti ...... she began her plaintive qnerr. witknnt Compound need for preaeat aoe. Aohiie aiMi laterly o4 fildorndi*. KHUsa# ...... any prefatory, “Is tiiat yon. iloctort'* whst they wre. bnt they must bs aw- Th# new ron|4e willl lemaiti with fhrir ..'icm'if^pirr. “1 want very mach to go hi a little fnilr sickly creatures Ymi nersr h«ar Tbe Lcadiof Notbioi: Reserved. VOl WILL NRVRR RRORET Itteoil# her# (nr a mouth iiihI then go to Href *trra»» « ewi' .Z...... 3ft oof 71 m> dlaaer tomorrow night.” the began of ’em bnt they’re dying. ^Brooklyn IT IF YIH COME. thwr (ntare home in (thio. Fora itreeBiIrwl. »4 3J(jAaafA/ Ufa w**od hani end *tfy •ft -ftntfki 7r. rapidly, “and do yon think it sroak* Blnod Pnrlflcr .%i>Vrr44a*»l kaStwra. Fatreeinm ...... hart me if I ate Jaal a tasle at soap, Calrae Idreeaadl .... and perhaps a little AMi nr tbe leoU The (oHowing are th# adveetiaed let Clssa blosd sissss a risaa skin. No tem (nr thia week: I'noper dnee ant eell Sewing Maekiaee. IrtRe at game ami a bit of salad or loef haaniy withoat it. C.'assarsU. Candy Cathor A Reliable Stomach, Liver .illea. Mm. Iniki A., .iekiey. Mrs Hki repoim ate wareoated. See? I roolly think my stomach"— tic riiwin >-oar blosd aad kvm it cisaa, b> and Kidney Cme. , JoIhi: Hoker. Mm. Fliaaheth, HMmp. Bar# she was ialo rrapto d by a walm attmag ap the Isay lixrsr aad ormoo ail on WOODRUFF & TRONP, psritMs frooi ths body. Htgin to-day to Mm. Velma: Fnrhm. W.* Lawena, John, WMvmm MormL. bonvorr from the other eswl of the srtm 1118 SIfOe DSAUHIft. ; Moffwor, Mm. Alloa; Met'mo, W. (L; ■WMMOPgWf MfMIk ''Madam. " H oaM oahMy, “oat whn»* •ad tbntnSdybi hsos caototasasa br takiof • l»Bwkfll, J. F.. Itoyanida. Mm Aaok*: (%ststa. bmaty far tan tsnto. AH dm Pleasant lo ibc lasic. WriSTw. H Tooff, Lola R. MahhoT—■■■I** ‘ hir tea BuaiNaHi DniBCTOKY. Doctors Can't duck HOUSES. ATTtmMaYH. PlaAa a»a LJasatoraaBto. WNto I Doctors B. S. & Co. Laiw—r—urm At$t»rm»fr. rummmtor atatotama WBaSawa*. MmI Itelldlor. MciwHMilaUv* t$t tkm At- FOR ULLQtS OF TK SOIL Hoama fe* dtmbs mm Uaapla iaaa Madlaal aad daegto al lasSItals Mtnwjr'a .>i»UuMl —■ AU klaAa at laaal; so B pntiMl for yoan on Umir STm. lOTEL, St Jobns HcL, __ M^MaplIjr at------»—* a*.tu. • AMr at. J<»Aa« Mlek. iRmnwifinl aad posaab lanu dlm, bas ba Pautssr ta*w towel Ke*w t'u With Mwd» will nofOT bo rid of Umdioaaaa: oa Uw •ew toetBaga mt Ll*la«. Friday, FdMiary 24, 1898. rAUbWtMM. MUMVt»« 0 IMHUUmit i nr —nditoto iDaa tiom the daak. A dook I OAfwuvar MaXaaal Baak, oUmr hand, his o oad lUo n will pow Our modem matboda at llviag ara doaa aot miad thaoold If atm emm haop maadily worm. 8. 8. 8. is Um only oosa cboogiDg our farmiug In many portlon- bar feel warm. Gold tml will aflaol a IDBWA » WALmmoam. tUarmmy for this tarrlblr aAietioo, boeaaoa ib is lar*, oeea Jamaa 8 8mitb in tba Boatoa daoh as a froaaa onmb doaa m haa. ra- at Ukw. tlMMoTarlkyraar DraaMtora Um only rsamdy wbieb fooB diraes to ('altlvator. Tbe damaod la now fw Um oaase of Um diaaaaa and loana tt KILLING HOGS. lardliig layiag and ladnoiag allmaaia LL M. «mOIMUM.AUoraa> at Ijaw, fromUmsy siswi. oarly epriug lamb aod ohtckaoa ia Fab- The faatbaaa of a daoh ara aloKMt tea- rtt.Jokas. IM roary aod March Fioa, leader bioilwa paailrable aod will witlatoBod aloaoat W 1 tms 11 Mad vtth Blaad Pnlsaa. and IBs Baas* awasIBto CwatrL*aa*ss Pa* Pa. H.^.i*BaBiM. i\ K. Pbbmib. a . J. BakaariB sms dssmsi did am so pood. tkoagB 1 Last sdllSaSlaa tls* aaslases. at tbia •aasoo are naturally bigh priead. any dagra* at oold. Apdn. a duok oan- nBMMIMa B MAI.UWIM, Atturavr*at tkrlr traataMBl tat IB* la aplt* of tba fact that ba doaa not aod it la tbta wbieb laduoaa poultry Dol atouid the omoant of conflnamit in iLaw aa4 HaltflUtra la CkanBary. rMU am- tally. In laal, 1 asMMd ralmra to prupare tbe feaat for tboa* a boBoa that a ban oon. She to more tataaaaata.ruBrayaacwraaatl BtuBBjr UiaBan to art woraa all lha appear to bellaae In ktlliag hoga oo tba wbu cau affitrd to pay for it Early raotlaos in disposition and la gUren to BBBMlBr titiM. |>ar t«B«a. axarata |(»aatoa wklla. I tuak alaioat farm, a oorraapondent of the Iowa aaaani. aad laakv wUaetioaa. All UbiIb*** arrry ao-«allad blood apting cbickcos have to be raised to Ibe axaroiaa in 4 greater dagraa than is a p -(MButlT aa«t ' "w ''V' prom. I enotlanad tka In tba aemmpanying illiivtrattan to Jukaa. •adtotaa. and ft earad ma coaiplawiy. balld feed ooobar. Tbia I uae to heat tba wa­ taslueaa. Baaldea, It gives Ibe poultry shown a simple bouse Uml may ba ballt E laa up Biy bralth nml inrmaalaa my appMlla grower work lo do at wbot ia generally AliluMutk tkto waa ten yaara a«N>. 1 kara aoaat K. HMITH, All«>rar.v at laia. At. Juka* ouiMldervd a laxy swaoii of the year. In • Mirk. t*art> orar IIHWra'Itaaaar. ■aihaaaalaBol tka tllaaaaa to ratarn. S W. K. SawMA^ loot, there la more mouey today in raia- Hiaanioa. Ta. iug spring chit ken* and winter eggs MUSK' TE.VI’HKItH. It Is like aplf«dratrtirt{on to oontinua to take |M»taah and inemiry; beaidm than in any other braoeb of this bosi- KA. l»lt. mtlMlK. Trarkar ttl Plaau. Or. nesa. Those who stick to the iwaton Kan. Vural Mualr aad llariauajr. toully deatroying the digestioo, Umy Uual<'M rai» iirrr .Hpauldlaa'a Hardware dry up the nutrmw in the bones, pro- tracks are tbe ones who never make a ducing a atiffneaa and swelling of the great deal out of their enlerprtae. Rat PHYSHi.Y.Nrt. Joints. I'luiaing the liair tti fall out, and every noe will not raooeed iu raising H. H. U. tHII'AIK. 1‘hralrlau and Mar eompletely wrecking the aystem. spring cbickeiia and it Is well that this arun. OMrr aat uiMl f1R urriM. a iiou . mndate lUO ebiokens, hot it most be ■tripa Tbe roof sbooid be made water ^ A^kKIttMT, PkyairlauaandHar* tight uud covered with tarred paper, If ttauna ilikrr and raaklattca want alda ol TOWN TOPICS. ter with. The next thing is a tank, aod warm, well ventilated and nvao iu tem­ t'ourt Il’tuaa m|uarr. Oflrr kunra I to A I made one like this: I took a plank 30 perature Tbia ia tbe first reqoiaile sbinglea or tin. The untside should be arary aftamuuu . The bouae aboold be located oo that it well drained around tbe bottom, that it if New Yiark la not worth more than all feet king. 30 inches wide and 1inches ConsolUitiao andfixaminationsFree and Strictly Conlldential K. J. W. P4IL.L.AKU. M. 1».. Pkyalrlaa the other cities In* the land. It is not bar thick. 'Tbia, ent to pieces, makes a tank will raoeive Ibe wu tbroogb tbe glaos may not lie damp Homeativocata board and '»ur«a«>n. Ht. Jiiktia, Mirk. tllBar floors, raised from six to eight inches Doaar Htata flank. real ««taie asaasMirs* fault.—l*hllad*lphla 51^ feet wide by 30 ioebea high. I moat of tba day. Tba sitters mast be One Otoy Only liacli Montn. unice nonrap a. m. to 7:30 p. m. Ledger. ose a commno cream thermometer to selected fnr their wcoesa in hatching from tbe ground and covered from four St. l.iMiis Is to luive the largest shoe fac­ lo six inches with dry earth, straw or r.\l)KltT.\KEILS. aid IU getting the water to the right egga and tboeethat show an inelinatioo tory in the world iind will endeasor to laavea The writer favors the using of I. MULL, Undartakar. .N'u. IH t’llatoa temperatore. It should he aboot lAO to neglect tba eggs sbonlii be discardetl market Its output in (Thliwgo —Omaha Tbe sitters most be fed sejiarately when board floors in all honsas for obickaos, K net tfTER OTIHB FML Ara. Kraldaarr :;tMl Mtata Ht. Waal. E. World Herald. degree*. If the hogs are heavy, I o«a a The and Sclaallllc Treatiwant of Alt Dl« device for raiaiag them, which is illos- off tbe ueat so they will not be botbared bnt thinks it not essential for dooks. If Chicago talks of annexing more terri­ tha house ia well drained on tbe outoide SOS ol Maakind Poasiblo to OMala. JHKtM.INTtt.V IHIIT.NTY HAVINOH UA.NK trated bera. aod worried by toie otbera tory, anti the Iowa anti Wisronstn people and tbe earth floor is covered with bay, are naturally fiwllng rather nervous. >•. The l)ody of the rtool la 14 inobaa Tbe sitting house sbonld be darker Tba meat widely aod______to vfftvbiy known__ Wpeetollst ____ tn tha ITntted Wtalea HtoHis tong aepmi- .HT. JtiHSH. MlfTI,. than tbe main room, and the naoia straw or leeveo, it will be perfectly sat­ tuea. ramarbabto'salll sit til andaad universal auauceeasceaaa tnIn tlwUw lar-*rrttor'-ert iKwpimUiKwuimU In the wnrMunsgMS Cleveland LsiMler. square, the legs ft feat long, and the Mmto treataUi’llibi.VIG IfRUlVtlUU. :tKIN aad ODHtO lu-raas* upon tbe laiass Chicago's Ice cream trust will put oat swivel cn the stool N iuebea square, with sbonld be arranged in rowa Each beo isfactory. Thera most not be dampneoa .Uto prinelptoa and entittas lUm to tba bill eonflttonaa of tbe afBtctad averywbare. PAVH ;« PKIt fK.VT I.VTKIIBHT t».S DK in tbe hoooe. aa tbe birds will not do so Otseaa** antlda- dOh.uOU gallons of ire cream tbo first year. a liolt in the bottom that sbonld go will learn to know bar own nest. Wa­ basnoauportor In dtaanaatnit !uul treatlm ------POHITHA.N’D UIA.NH MttSKV t»> A**. well. While thay ar<« given to water IMK* w I I Jvl Alg formittoa. Medtoal and Hurgleal fltosasr* \ r-ita and rhfuute ____ Chicago, you know. Is the platv where part way tbroogh tba stool. A groove ter as well as food most be provided the rxtarrb. Dtosaase of tbr Kyaw Sar. Noaa, Throat aad Lunjt*. !:re. Many people m**i death every year vrbo inirbt liava Iwao rertored to psrSMibaallb When they wanted a surreasnr to Henry oolnoies free from cold winds and or "dry oot. " lac: they plnera tbstr oasat. u tbr buodi of axpsna ALHKItT J. IIAI.DWI.N. Praaldant. Ward Beecher anti Lyman Abbott, th^ it to hold it iu place. When tbe pole is storma Tbey most be kept growing all nUPORTAlfT TO ItAJnMt--'UU. OTTMAN, aftst yaait of topartaare.baadlscnTerad <1. PKN.NKI.I.. Vlra-Praaldant. bad to tail up Chicagt. on the long dls- oil. one mau can pick tbe stool np and Bvleaee mf FeeMlaar. fbs rreataat cate kaowa for all diaaaasajwcelisr to tbaaea. Fvsaa.'A diseases jxwitlvety csred P B. W tl.HWOUTII. Traaanrar tattee telephone. Thtto continue to he a carry It auywhen*. When tbe hog is tbe time, aiid good food, water and With proper cere and feed, says Farm by tbs aew leaisdy. OUVS WtOggOM. Tbs cere Is sflcctsa by home treat meet. Letlrely clean surrouDdings will accomplisb this baralsssms andaiM sssitysssily applied CanoultaUea Fnci aad BtrlctlyBtrtctiy CouBdrctlal. few direetlons In which Greater New York raised. It rail be swnng aliviand any and Home, one con incraaae the nnmber DM. OTTlIAJf uperatss saccsssfally... sac ------DMAFNSail.J : curs r'f r Is not so great.—Clevaland Loader. place and taken off and placed no an- Warm mosb, bread, oatmeal and ocr&ps of eggs to a great extent. Hens cannot falolsMly for sqaiat eyes, piervriem. iridec caar^. '‘sr^ (ssefc rsrul li* » rr tn rtf-rat. Philadelphia, Chicago aod Omaha gave from the table tbooid bn tbetr chief temy, teminr in or oet of rye iashes or ltds. DZSCBAJtOlNG SANG certd ic every THE ntlur support while tbe next one is lay or produce eggs nulees their food efossreof tsar dect aad all elber rye opera- vary crvdltalile Intimations of the immsI- raised. If tbe water is at tbe right tern- daily diet. New batebings sbonld be contains tbe elements of which the egg tiOSR- CATAHNB or TNR NOBS, brrrehltis billtlea of a world'a fair in this country. perainre it is an easy matter to get tbe made all of tbe time, an that ymiiigcr is composed —that ia a large share of canoinc boas vrsa aad rraaa- aad leer troables caussd freoi catarth, pMl- In IMIS 8t. Louis will reveal the full )ina chicks will take tbe place of tbuoe sent toted lidsqeicklr cored. __ lively cared. State Bank of SL Jolios, albilltles liy tltrlr concrete materlullzatlon bair otr tbe hug* Alter they are dre ssed albuminoDs or egg pmdocing elementa A cbbtaz N and potnrmi erms they should be ent to pieoea and salted to market in addition to tbe quantity of albumen ter tkr arrfal sflecta of early vice aau tkr TO YOUNQ AND MIDDLE- of St. Johns. Michiran. Into the gmntiest exposition known to his­ Bsntrrnot srlls that follow la its tram. tory.—St. Isiuis Itcpubllc. before freexiug, the lean meal made Rm caaOllau. required lu tbe orgauisni of tbe fowl, nirvATS mvoov and bktn AGED MEN. into sauf-age. tbe hams and sbouldars DlSBAaBB aaaadily. comptouly aad psr- COMMERCIAL AND 3AVINa5. Egg candling ia a very profltabln bn»l- the laying lien ref]oires an extra amonnt wxarntlr caree. POINTED PARAGRAPHS. trimmed and put into one lairrel and Dess if tbe jndgnientof tbe operator ewn for tbe whiteof an egg. it being about NSMTODB VmmtX^JTT AND 8BX. A SURE CURE. the pork into another. The hams and VAX. DISOitDNMa yield rapidly to lus *aeic xrrsfcsrse. drsiroyis* liotb niind aed be relied upon by tbe dealer employing 18 per cent albumen, and this mast be skitllal trsatmsnt. body, wiib all iu droadlal ills, pe'Mstwatly The aoti in-lAw la often the child of sor­ shouldera sbonld be taken oat of tbe him. Mistakea are galling hacanae nu famished in her feed, ('hemioal anal ­ riDtoa. noTTTXJi and nsctax , < row. brine ID about six we< ks and smoked, where does good faith play such an im­ yses of different grains show wheat to DTrCms pasrsntced csred withoat psta or I OD OTTAUZklkl sddressrs tboaa Capital paid in $50,000.00 The Unger of deatiny is undoiibCedly on detsatiem front bssissss. | Iwi^s I I IWIFnlu hava im- then by tbe IM of March they will ba portant part aa with egg dealera. At contain a larger amonnt of albumen ffTPaXGia. OONONNKBA, OX.nT. paired tbereaelvea by improper Indalseace the barti of fate. ready for the ubia. than any other gram. Therefore it ia Hpmnxterrlira. Seminal MleakBrsa, eakBrsa,^I.osi 'I.osi aad aotilary habits, which■ tn rsla Imte mil the beat tbe examination with tbe naked Maaboed. Ntrbt Rmlasioe*, Dscayrd racel- aad body, aaatiiex them ter hosiaesa, stady. The man who forgeta a faror seldom the grain to make the baoe for egg pro- forglrea an injury. eye is diffionlt and doubtful, and tbere Uea Feeiale Weabeees aad all driicata dis­ socwiy or marriage. PtRTER R. PERRIN. President. A I'oMlklr New ladastry. dnciog food. Another impirtaut item— orders pacsliar to eiUwr aos. posiiivrly cared, MARRIED MEN. or thnoe eeterla* oa It’s a wise iiedagogoa that pnura whale as well as faariioeal disorders tbal ressit that happy life, aware uf phyaicat debtlUy. 0. W. NUNGER. Vice President. oil on the troubled waters. Recent reports to tbe aecretarv of when tbe fowls do not have a large liald Iroei yoetbfal follieo or tbe exceea of BMtare qaicblv aasitird. to rangt* in—is to give them oncea day, years Wll ODANANTBN TO CYTSMNervosa J. W. FITZGERALD. Cashier. A oloao rtudent of human nature nerar agricnitnre indicate that tbe climate of BPBClADTZMat CstorrbJHila DIooaaes. Debility, Failiag Mastaond. Hyphllla. Varico- R. A. BEEBE. Teller. lends money to his fiirnds. Washington state lawell adapted to tbe if poasible, a feed of chopped clover Heroa. I'lmplea. Scrofola. Blood Taints, rrle, Sirictare. (11* 01. TTsnataral I>l*chars*a growing of (wallflower seed, which is bay. Tbey need this, not alone for tbe l.ctems. Cascer, PI lea aad bisoaaea of Woatea Weak Parts aad ail Kidaey aad bladder Thsre is no iwrthly Tore so true and In- (faichly aed Psrmaaeatly Cared by tbetke latest ! Disease*, expenslre as mother’s lore. always rappuaed to be impnaaible of balk, bnt it is rich iu nitrogen, wbiob approved irsatmeat as pa rased by leadlsrleadlag | AN’Caae* aad eerrecpoedeocrceaddoatlal. Thr*a» jiar cant intf*tvMt |wuil on •'»>rttfl- Tba war of the tranagrrsaor la ofttlmaa prodnctino iu tbe United Statea If this eaters largely into the fortnatina of tba epeciSiisi* of Amvrira as<; F.aropr. bat personal coasaltation preferred. rSBR NXAMTNATXON OF TVS ITRINB. '-Each persea applyier for medical irsai- CAtaa Ilf i|a|HNiit hihI oii nMriiiirit ImmiIc w the aborteat mute to Canada. is so. a good market awaits Washing- egg. Tbey alao need meat at laaat three laeai ahoald seed or briar frooi 2 to 4 oaaces of artee that passed first in ibv moreiar pre- (xiunta. Dmfta inntiail (TfMMl m Hiiy |Mirt A baobelor may hate no real happlaesa, too growers. At preaeot all rarb seed is times a week. We like tbe cut raw bone frrrodi. which win receive ararefal chemical aed microacoercal saamieaiioe, aad if rrqeeared of tli«‘ I’uitiMi or t'MDtiiia itnd iu but be eerapea a lot of real mlaery. a-writtec aeeirsis will be rteea. Peranaa raieed In boallh 1^ ealeariied preieeders. who imported from Enrope, moatly from and meat together beat. 8oma green keep triflisc with them moath after SKteita. riviag poisoaeae aad iajarioascoarpoaads, sbeeld fha |intin|Mtl ntiaa of Kiiroim. .ViMHiiinta Afternsuapicion Isonce dIrraSed toward Denmark. Ibe American vice conaol at TMTEB mn KOOA food is also needed every day. Chickens ■aMy iatotediaiciy. Delays are daareroos. of ftimnTH, inarrhaota anti tti*>rhiUii< ‘H rv- a man it Is dllMcult to side traok It. (^peubagen writes to tbe slate depart ­ fore a new little apparatus patented in are like tbe bnman family in that tney HHlMCDCMI nilOCx Perfected is old cases which have twee aerlected nr aaahiltfally iHHratl oil faviimlrla tarma, hikI nan^y »«• wMIUCnrtoL UUIICO trearad. NeexperiaMsts or failare*. Parties tivaied by oui Milton and Homer were luUi hllnd. ment that canliflower seed there bas (iemuuiy quite recently will be very like a change of food. If fowls that SVauar***, bat xrbor* paaaible. peraaasi ooaaaltatiea ia preferrsd. Carabls caaas raaraetssd roniiNlHtioii l•xt«H1d•Hl r«»iiaiatHnl witli This Isoonelusiva etidenoe that out of welcome. It consisls of a tobc for the gRfftoaaaaad oorreapaadesc* coaBdeattol. TraatoMst asat C. O. D. to aay pan of V. M. imUi* iMiiikitiK. .Sufiarior farilitiaa for gaiusd importance as an article of ex­ have lieeu fed on one kind of grain for Ught Isn't always out of mind —-Chioaao inspection, with spring* to bold tbe egg < some time do utit liave tbe appetite tbay mtikiOK •'oll«a‘tioiiH of all kiiidM. News. port in recent years on aoooont of soil List of I no quest loaa free. .\rlrlal Par t'aMerlaa lee. feeding and (wreleos attention. It is water in a pound of eggs as in a pint of A man who never makes a kick sbonld May Is-sewtiiit MI'IUNN*K'.8evr>r bmught tu 8t. .luhns. (iff theuther iWvttor'a Und(,i.t.iedly sawdost is ttie lieat nM- learnrti tliat a neighbor bas hail twice milk not get tlie Worst of it, but healwaysdoes. tbe number of eggs from a flock the tritsm then (time iiiitl MS* htiw much you citii save l»y biiyintr ol iiu*. I’riree ami terial tu cmer ire with, bat in the port iVorkmaiiship (tunninttstl. Some (Kople ref uae to work tislay be­ of the country where I live but little same siae that received a leas onstly ra­ Ilea* TtM> Kat In Ims*. cause they cxiHH-t to draw a prlM In a lot At this time of yiwr farmers who al­ teiy lonmiTow. sawdust can be bad because It is a long tion, the tendency is to blame tbe lireed distance to any place where it ta matte and get tbe next Mwsnn's siltinga from low bens tu ran with the futteniug bogs FRED F. MURDOCK, St. Johns. Michigan. iffinig i SM. A young man Is never so much sor- will tliid that they will steal an muob prlsed as when he learns that «>ther young in large quaiititlea Marali hay la used tbe neighbor. Tbe trouble may be tbe Xi-iit F*(mbxokkioi £. meti think his sister is guod looking.— instead of sawdust, and by many it - breerl. bnt It is more likely to reeult corn that they will eat thair heads uff. Atchlsuu Globe. considered jnst as good. Clover straw front improper feeding or bod tnanage- Tbe worst of it is that anob feeding or oat straw will do very well. Of the menl. It is not an easy matter to make makes the bcos too fat to prorince any The Name Kar It. two, clover straw with the ohaff frotn a Jodtoiona aelectinn at tbe start, and eggs all tbe winter. If bans are **My new dug rrfneea tu make friwida bnlliug is tbe better inatarial. saya * time shnold be taken in doing it There uoopad and their wings clipped so that DSDERTAKERS with me." writer iu Prairie Parmer. are breeds for variotM porpoaea, and ooe tbay nan be confined in a yard, tbe mat­ "Dogged indiffereaoe, I stippoaa * ’— •hoold decide what is desired of the ter of feeding non ba mitircly ragnlatari Try News Liners. ClereUnd Plain Dealer. A Karas t'wnrralea**. fowl before stookiag np. and after hav­ by the ponltry owner. Feed more whole A handy noottivanoe that tbould ba ing selected a breed it is poor policy to wheat than any other grain, giving for Tlie Mwtker-la-law Apala. oo eeary farm wbere more or leas bnt change to some other without giving tba variety a loom oabbaga that baa not COIIER STITE in SPNflHi STREETS Bacon —Did your wifa erer take I water ia Deeded for mixing food or other flrat a fair trial. Ubooging from one coma to bead and is good for nothing ma In elocution T porpoaee is illnttrated by the Pittoboi 4 bread In anotber or adding breed after elaa. 8ama floely ohoppori olovar ia alao AND SEE THE RESULTS. Bgbert —No: abe inberlted it.—Yc Ditpalob. 8aoh an arrangenieat ia In- bread to tba one originally oalacted is exoallant after the grain is fad. Too RTB Htataaman sure to roonlt in general diaaatiofaotion mnofa clover is injurious. —Boston Oul- aad prove (•ventnaliy a lootng invest ttvator. OPPOSITE M. E. CHURCH. meat.—Maine Farmer. lusparSaa** ef OBaarvatiaa. ITCHING FeaU Fawla BlawR*. The importance of olom and ooookant Uaa of the difBaalUaa in winter faad- ohasrvatlaa In tha poultry yard is not Ht. MM iag is that gram ia givan in a maoa, aa fully appreoialod aa it ohouM ba Tba many lurking dangvra that auob a VICKSEED8Balfas and Plants have goae to thousands of ratisttod castowtm for half pei^ps becauaa the faadar doos out oars PILES... a century, aibl lo celchrate tbe Mkh year in huaiaess, w* hava lo ala^ amuad in the oold, while the matbtxl will nip In tbe bud aboold ba iasacri a special Uoldcn Wedding Edittoo of /owls are equally in a harry loflii thom- fully ondarstond. Tba dto no varim of a WIOMNIA Politivtiy and pcrmansntl y y/^ mlvao, so that thay may again go on tba new order soob a oourae darelopa ooca- curtd by Dr. A. W. Chaac's slanally opoat tbeories well established Vick’s Carden and Floral Guide A —-----k rnoot aod covor their chiliad feet with vifiiimciii. PUN HBATiao WATKH thair faathara No matter how oold the and will often prove tbe error of trust- which is a work art. 34 page* Htbugr aphfl in color*. 4 |«g** aouvrair, nearly ibg solirely to appaarance and balng inu page* filled with handacanc h -If-toue illustraiiorM of Flower., Vegetable*. Plkau, Dr. A. W. ckasa a Ointnwm n an shsniait valoable oo a large poultry farm or on weather uiay ba. fowls oa the roool al­ too sure that certain oonditlona are al­ Fmiu, etc,, elegantly Itsunrl in white sad gold. A marvel tn caUkvrw making; an care tor p%*- mmI has neerr been known lo a diary farm wbere mixed grains are ways oontriva to keep thair feat warm aethonty on all -^ilnoct* ,, to the gsiden, with care for the wuae, ami a ••Iluiaa baa« mmtmm LUBC'JSmmw tor fail to care tka wars* fonas of ih<« tonarag fed warm in cold weather. A Are box ia if they get food enough to furnish the ways to^araliad opon. —Baltimore Bun laanatala. with wkiah I kava baan aflllatad far dascriprtve catdl«wni« of aJl that u destrahle. It u tor» expensive lo give away India* fiisaaie. which has Isdaed medical skill for sgas. built of brinks Are bricks are tbe beet ioierDal beat. The natnral way for a arar twaaty yaara. aad t raa aay tkat Uaaaaratii ThM sisiement may snatwl rather strong to tleese tovnlatlwa. eritninstelv. hot we w»,.f^ -‘'^^.eie inirrrtrd in a gfc^l gsiden ^.xve a copy, kara atraa bm aptra ra liaf tkanaayotkar iMar If obtain able laid In mortar in tbe fowl to take its food to a moroal or a tberefarr we will--«d VlgH_ ’R Qmrxtmr and Floral Quidn dy I Kara arar triad. I akall rartalnlr raraat* persons who do not know the superior laariu of Ik-. A W ( hase s thniment, tssi it is par- uaual way, the Aral layer of brioks be­ grain at a time aad to get that by Many gaaee are kept which arc of no with a PUKtaiLL for 28 oontu' irTtHh Ilf Wlf "Cl COfltS Baamt thaai to aiy friaada aa kata* ail ika* ara particular braad, having rtaacaodrd frnm rapraaaniad Taua uiLAAPO. ttmim,“frta.lU fectly iruB, sad heartily redorsed by tka graee ing placed below the lt«*al of the anil. acratobing for it. Tbia will pravoot tba Tails how (xadlt to girMi for foil aaoant of irarchaai to bii7 other goodg fal teatimnwy of thaaaaadi of taen sad wraasn the impnrtatinas made hy tbe early sa«- T^ fraaaa muat ba mode atmog and food from goiiig in a maos into tba crop, who hare hem turwi by it slier years of sugkr. llato. Tbay have prntiably baao mora nr Viok ’s Little Com Catalof^ue. perfect iktie gem of a CAMOV ohould baof oak or hickory, wall braced and the exerciae will keep tba fowl's ce Iisi. It i» suepto the -ondetocl. firwiy iUoMniied. aad in P MFF lag aad sftcr trvtag many pr^pwaliaas aad lam croassr i with th* Improved breade CBCTHASmC CBaaalnag ike hast dectota. Two bora of iron are rivatad to tba feat warm even in the ooldaal weather C»«ly ^hape, making it •'navaiiienl and valaafti* for latoreuc*. floase ramedias aBrsd teasporary reUaf. nroaahar of the frame with hooka at tbe This ia maoh batter than allnwtag the daring tbe last 80 your*, but praoanC ao They give a false hope, iwt tk^ newr qaUa Vfok*s Illustrated Monttily Managlnto, eutoigw l. iaqxrwad. lower flwd k alip through tbe baadito fowl to fill itoalf to repletion aad than fixed oolora aoida from wblla. graj or cure. HoBMIMass a wagiral operslwn wtHcare parttcolurad. aad ap to date nu ail ^abyccts relsuiig t«> (iaolaoing, liortirahar*, etc. Reg* pdcs. bM that M Ike okl way tkecfual. sapaa- of the battla. llmre Is trow oo the raoaain without exaroioa for bouru opon alar jwiee 'tit rentx a veer. Spaeial 1M9 odhr the tgw^etw^ tor ana year awe aad dsagrrnas way. markat a ataol battle with covor, wbiab Ha roaat. —Boatno UulMealor. Tn Car* a OwHI la «M»e Day. viak'a Oardaa aad Floral Ouide for only M caata. Dr. A W. CluMS s O St M a ta aot moro agpaaaiea than tbe old fbob- it Take Idkxative HromnQainiaeTabtota. Our How Flan of moOtag ▼■ffotahli li gtow yoa BMia for foar i kmod IfUB battle aad wbiab ta to ha All druggiet* rtoaod tb* moaey if It tail* htoartiag or laotiiiilau It la noDcada d by cibaarviag poultry ana In ' awsa*Bw^ CSm.Nt'sakaTse pksauon aMaiAt rakaf. and I piHimad brmam It lomaob Itgbtor awd to ear*. 8Ae. Tli* g nauiar hsik L. B. Q. tkat mas* ikaa ana baa Is ret to I finawtiwantl any ka baadlad maw ■OB that lha baff variatto s of §mam •a oimh tablet. Tbatw A BAgaa. aaMly. a datidod adeaalaGa wbow thaw •MoaaUy oaa ato|ayiaff a baaoh t0mm a». A w hoiOM a MOMttoalda tialaltotolas a< talw- Jama* Vicks Sons •sitVa labalagao wwaalw af bagdewdo m la Kmb aU alM iMa Mbb N. r. THB ST. JOHNS NEWS, THUSSDAT APTBUNOON. FEBBL'ARY 1«. 1899.

pMd aw to Mtow aaaw at tba IbalHgP ovy; bnl, Mr. Oryuu. iu Um miuuto 1 ■ay bAddiag. wittunt atoppAi^ to Ibink. that 1 have held ia *dwt*k all tbaaa took to look about tlm raam from which ** Maknto, yon bnva got it Thni oar* pour child, that It waa way attaaga 1 yoan." Aad witboat waiting for reply, lha viotim hud bmn ao luialy oarriod 1 riagr wna tbauld roneblo ba fonad now did not go to my uam mam and oonanll witbont waiting even to aaa wbat effect ■mr Btoadlug tu uus ontua r a pair of in Um* Knollya atoble. and ita phantom IN OLiN TIMES mj oam Bible as aay gta-Mi f^aabylarian nppenmnee wna dne to ila noiaaleaanaaa, j tbaaa alvange w«wda bad bad upon me, ■boas chut could uawr have bsan worn wonld ba expaeted to da As sbe waa I wbcNu aba maat iweaamii to hava baon by auy boy trump 1 have ever aseu or which ycio have now in a manonre an- Maar Ttilaa* Wee* DMOseeat- tamiug toward tbe large front nami I antirely unpreparad for tbam, aba daabed kuuumuf. Neitharcnuld they have bsan plninad; bnt. Mim Uattarworth. If tbay wbt re I kto-w tbe owe Bible I wantod m* FakUr Freat kjr want to tbe Itaglth of winding mga down tba otaim and pnllad opan tbe tbs pruparty at any ons 1 had evor mat eonlil not be 1 atoppad bar with tbe front door. I ia tbs Kmillyu htmas. Lurmu and Lu nroond tba enmage wbat la to make qaiet injnartitai: Wn had follrmed rapidly, too rapidly I When the stripwl |Mde or aign alueh oattu both hava tnm feat, hut thsss wars them uuiaalam. twren tying nptbabuaae ’a "fiet aae une with good print . Lnret- for opeerh tiaraelvaa, and were tbarefom I aow indieatiai a liarber akuf* aae »vu- tbs ahoas of a child at 10. vary dainty faat fur tbe onnie imipum parbnpa, tbay pl<*yt*d to M the pabMr know aliere rui»- ta. My eyes wiai't bear marhatrainiug." lu the liall when tbe doiv awimg taw-k. and of a out and make worn by wcaneo. moat have bad a muttve dark lamagh to ' Htot IdtMMj-lettiag wae pndssNuoually At wbi(*li abe tamed and to my gtvat revealing tbe tw«i paraons I had be* n hd /KCM> BIUOOC cr rather, 1 ahould my. by girls. Now, warrant ynnr daapaac oaapiciana And I petformed, eliMe* ftbavea tsere «*f ilaily or- relief hurried down tbe onrrldcr to ­ to «fxpact. Mr. Tndmi spoke flrst. «vi* )earrea«*e, out the •mmy rsniuvai nt the wbat do you iiiak«« of that?'' William waa mil tbe tally taw involved. ward William's room, from which »be M1K UR or ATCUA drnlly iu answer to tbe deflaure to tia I himaU* (»r hairy Md*»miiMv*i uf tbeb«a*l He did not oeem Co kmiw what to Bimabary, at lenat, bad a hand in it. oar preerotly returned, bringing the vary daaa it lo^ as if the girls were entirely seen in Luoetta ’a faev*. j amt faee. hut idoee ehav*** (ruBi euteriaK BY ANNA WWMPWI GBCEIMr' make of It. Tap. tap wtait hia flugrr «ai I voltune 1 was auxiuoa tu ooiMnlt. bia asaeo n wl ^m. and as 1 watched innuoaat of a ffwokaowledge uf wbat "Mias Kuullya, a tbouaami panbais. I eteraitv. More thou *M*e iiiifurtuiMilet>o- Meanwhile I had laid aoiile my hot. 1 kmiw 1 am tnmagrrssiiig. but the ic- I tered th** barter sunreuii’* dtMirway to —?oX- ’*itfS8a®. gs& the olowoeos with which it fall I said waa likely to oornr. " I 1 fait flurried and unhappy and showed ft.noNUtf: — (otsiiat vvamuji* it. 1 aaaun- yon. 1 am I leave it a •-«irfaie or mu wtmn that weshe to mymlf. "I have propused a pniblem "1 uauDuC (oaaidrr tbe girls, " 1 de ­ ; It. Locetta'a pitiful face bad a strange onn- you will ookmmlvdge that wheat I a (Ts re* IIII red tu get th*- vieiim uf ami- to him now that will taz evau Mr clared. "1 can no longrr onnaidar tbe • aweetnem in it this morning, and 1 felt you bear what my **muHl ia " jpraetice*Mi hki ieet. KUmmI Mlitig woa **A tntor to (xaDplUMttt*, ” 1 crtod. "In Mothar Jano ‘a ooatagn with Mr. Ciryre's powers of dednoticm. " girls." I used lur ever.v tiling from a liearia**lM* to ' sore aa 1 took th«* sacred biaik frrau her " Y*iur *-1X00*1 —what u . aaray uudrr Um> llowrr imrlor wbm crape? Tell me " "They were Lucettu ’a oboes. The from tbe little atatKai at i'., five miles th* very deepest iuteriiat| itf her life, if anything in a wtgld which is half de- |>r*qirietnr of the leading shaving imriur thru. wa« it? No i«m» for wboui toaia em- (Nudanable emuctons. luadaui. cou- "And" — 1 nrgeil. aseiug that be bad over in Imt ihu-kened ami resigned mind. "Lor IM hear yoor crnuMl," put in Heurg*'HI, uf KiiKtHml, in |4m*e uf tak­ pnblu- wknowlndgmsot could be maili*. -ntiriJCM. ui T NOT TMirtjxd. anleriug the cirrnuiataiicea and the otlll something tu my. ing the euurse be tibl 11 sburt tins* ago As 1 realiaed thia 1 heave*! an iuvolnii- I,oreeu. with that gentle empbaais (sr wc would nut be sittuiK brre tslkiUM Hto I ion iiN-thudical even at the moat hour"— "We lunat make sore wbn lies buried with his iMM’k, blmid-lettiag woiibl liave tary sigh, which seemed ti> imulle her. which is no sign of weakii**ss. away at croaa purpuaaa the inomuig aft­ rriti>..i iiisuuit. aa ihtss- wim tiave read "Excuse me." aaid I. "We do not nndiT tbe ftour of tbe naan ynn twll tbe been r*-*Mirted t*i. Itenil ln»w be i rented for she tamed ami gave im- i*|Uii*k l*sdi "I will let this geutb-niau say," re­ er hut liufial.’* "I'bal Affair Next Ikair" have bail am­ want to waste a m«iment. 1 was I'xcit* d. flower parlor. Yon may expert me at his trvMilde. Mr. WiliMia save oa ahe was slipping away to jaiu her turned Mr. Trohm. "Y4ia have se*u "Vir iH-riiiMiitoii ||M« rery liliHi, murh to ’’Tiwm are not abed iw public ac- ple opisirtunity to kimw. Having heanl BUitatly ami duly ezcited. or I would tbe Knollya bums* staue time today. 1 sister, who waa boay at the other ««m1 of him before —a N**vs- Y(Tk d*i**-tlTn *>f silb tbe rates-* md to kutiw me bead under excitement uur uiy seuoe of Tb«- Bible I held waa an old one of be Ignorant. " I bosrs la iiartt ita He- Iwel of leirl*,,. h«it srkeii Tcstinatian. It waa a dog yon aaw puiut till I knew-a little more about hia. proportiun. Tlie ahuea were ii«>l Lucet- ami uuleaa you deain* it uetsd nut appear y*iu hare a iwln arr«MS He* lolae. sritn iMiar- medinni aixe ami ima>t excellent print "He prof**ssed," ft]] from Locetta'a rnmmm mmti Mireaemi. evtT.r'tis*- r«>Misoretl»e boned, niadani —a faroritn ilug which "Excium * me iSie munieut." mid L ta'a iibe never w«ir«* auy appruacbiug iu the matter." . 1 bail no difficulty iu flndiug the text lip* iu I itld auil alistiurt baies, "to liave ' mass-leu of Ike arm. loua. losa ls4or«-rttur Mr. Knollya lored. bat which for all “If you twil the hamlliug uf une uf tbetii iu smallness aim'e h«-r tcntli year." "1 di> not desire it. " ami settling tb*- <|ueati(Jti wbn-b had aallyr leak la over yoa oHen srlsli toiirtialil that could not naewpo that lialf tnuoater'a thisM- rupee, you were uean-r the heurt visit<-d thia lone for the purpisie of seek- I ro lo sleefi. I trleil evervtbInK fo tel ter lay '' Has dtuialmry a ilaughier? Has l b<‘n- "Tb*-u gtaal niuming, Mim Bntter- been my tsuenaible nwoon for wanting lug out a oJew to the many disappear- ! e4iM*lltloM Itai wae uneie-reesriil umi M I immI paaaiiiu for Tiviaertion. of this littaiueoa than 1. la that why not Is-vu a (-bild about the Iioum * some wurth My respect for your abilities has three iMistw of letan's KItleey I'llk Tbe re­ the iMKik, but it look me longer to dia- aners* which have unfortamiit-ly taken i ** Yim am playing with inr." 1 cned. you decidtsl it waa uu human bring you lime to usatac theuuuk in i-rrands ami so ;ia*ij cveu higher than before. We part lief they itroiurhl teei the ibris- "oatrageooalr and ineixcnaaMy |daying were huryiug?" uu?" lu a like miml f*ir «ai«*e." ID ntM* of ita pag*-H; bnt when 1 diil you aroie en*l ten Is ntiieh eaal«»r to s|iprerlafe "in a measure, yea. Havitig some "V**s, ” Mr. TmhnTs msl Mviued to I then lo t told I l*Mjk a cup of tea with the lamllady .change*! muitTliAilK HAI.K —l*e-i-*-, till* aht oflhereglBi r of iler -wtisfy all y*iar 'lemamls («11 en ettornev fer of Iwentv-flvr Ne ! thet Ob .*vtilirtter. the ts--at*-l half of that. It will bn tune enough for mn to wiinl. 1 found hanl to eat, tiiougti 1 hail liave taken pla*-*-. to mak*- an official I he wrel lielf of th" Minlh- blue, i.ut I eaniiot swear to that jMiiiit. rest iiiinrier of sei-tloii isent* risbt. In talk when your auppiwjliou la proved aaveil my ap|s>tlte for the isvwaloU. Ue- I felt very hurriMl ami tiaik th* lirief- search of thes** |T<‘mist*s oa I already | township six north, of rausr tsoerst.ln uuteiiahle. *' fon* she left me ahi- tmle me alt ill thc hav*- those of Mother Jane an i-mi. Is- I»ei»-*l. .Innuerr "JM isuu "Miulam"—he waa not angry; fel­ lugle iKMtk till she wuuttsl m<*. adding trnaieil. ^Ir (iryre. Tliat, I think, you •vm .atiwor. " ■ VVII.l.AfHi VI TfiTTKl; low ff>eliug for the diMippoiutmeut h« aa she went out to Hauuali. who tliat an- l( * 'linton wuBte my time holileli nl the I’rolie Ir I tffire. in the \illNgeof folV**t it )s-fon* alle li-av««tt thi- house "I do imt know it. hani.iii liriiiK and tliat that human Is* Ian** will Is* visit***! alike, non** of us ' Ht, Johns, on Momle*. ihr .lutli deyof.Innii- She could not undi-rstund my hr<>thi-r'a ing Was .1 girl child w ho came into that need i-*iinplaiii or feel ourgtssl name at err. In the rear one thoiiaend eight hundt-e-l “V« rr well. then. I will tell you why sn-ci|. Now w ill le ilid that 1 think my »up|ioBitiou true Mr. Kiiol- tack*-*l. " Tri'isnt. «‘hes VI. Merrill.JnileeofTiotiete. h It. .''o attempt nothing. Huiinah girl Cl III* irom- Th* town, mi fur a» w*- Tliis was <-<*rtuinly th*)ughtful. bnt : In the mnlter of 1 lie eelnie •,( Mery Kosel, Iva. .ta you prt>lK»ldy luive already dia- 'lo, and that gave you no idea?" ing iiiede epplb-nllon for the sHurr nnre oflils for viviaeetiuu. lal* ly " l>>r***-u or Lm-etta to show any gnat < "It gave me the idiw 1 ti.ivt> imparted final errouni eeilbir blsdlerherge. "Yna." naid 1. "I liave diacovcmil "That yi ii sliouht know," sanl I. sense either of his kimlii**ss or Mr. Tliereiipoii It Isoi-ilereil. that rhtirsdey. the "A visitor — Hut uovisitor ixmhl **ii (*ryi-**'s (-oiisideration. They w**n* in no i -.'.’irii day of Kebruerr .V, |i.. lat*'.*, at on*.- that. *' In you. or. rather, addeil to th** id»a o ‘ lock III the sftrr*iiHin. lie na> Ignnl for the "It la known to hia family, and it ia 'ihirh luwl Is-en itiaillltsl in me liy oth- ter Ihi*- houM- without It Is-ing known {MNiitioii to liave tt s**urrli made of their exnnilnellon of said erroiint et the Tndtele known to a very fe>?othera. tmt it u era.'' far Olid w-|ih- Wliv. I heani of your ar­ {iretiiiaes. and, aerem* om w-aa LsireeiTs Olllre. in the rtllsge id St. Johns AnnHd* m-** tu th*- pn-ju- ahaudtai it. but uuauci'iiwfully mo far. .Misa iiuttertvorth ogam lu her naan. "Bnt m>* to Mr. Tnibm," quoth Lu- for he la not only entimly uiuameuahle If all*- ai-i-nsea mi* of tiaviug done ao. 1 dice of (-ountry isi.ple. Th*- nh-a th*-y cetta <|nickly. "< >ur |Miv*-rty should be to perauaauai. hut luu> a iiatnn- hm has no wish to intrude," Time Table. In Ktarrl Peh. .1. 'IHt. II A Vt fill Islet*. in thia dnwry houatv All they cwu do. which we ar*- utterly iuca)wble.' without th*- lest*if nasoiis. H*-rhaps w*- said Mr. (iryre, but Mr. Trohm said then, la to (vmctwl these cruelties from "Well," I cried, "you in-anl that?" have ti'Uiid ihiNw- n-asMiUh, yet I atlll f*-e] "DUS T ui\’t: iiEii Tilt: itHiui:sT rmsr uotbtug. He probably undembsMi wby *rt.sT not rn I son sr. joh .vs the even of tbi- {leiiple who alnsuly exe­ "Yea. miulaui, 1 liiwrd that, aud I do like asking when- iliil this girl (vun*- Lncetta wished to curtail his stay in No it Morning Kxpress t«i *1*1, Heren ..... crate him for hia many nuighiii'isa n and not think die knew sbe was dnTpping frotii ;ai u hav* lent oil* I iia*l i-om-eiv**! su(-li a horror linreti -‘Ml* p tn llTra. Time wae when 1 thought thia bia(> which hail Is* II laid away andi-r N«i. 17 (bl lisptils Pxpress to (1*1 Itepsks shadow hail a Mulwtanci- worth our ui- "I am Hot n-aily to my ao yi t," 1 n- m*f -Mr Trohm';" of til*- ii.aii l«-sMle me that talking (tT the flow-er lairlor was in k**-ping with Ot«e «>l T«*«»le‘s Jttkes. Til* «|u* *>tioii WHS so smith II 1 had not end *• ft. A I.. 7 .M* p tu ▼eatlgatiisi liut a further kuowleilge of pliisl. " Wliat i-lae did then- girla let talk s 'Mk*- Was lUi|sisaihl«', whil*- he tb* knot of crap** <*ii th*- wimiow- shut­ Dne of T*a»le sgrertt**st practical jokes Vo II* Western Kxpress to lirnnil lleriit r*i hta n«l fault and a completer knowl- fall III your hearing';" ttiii*- ctille* t inyM If Hut |<* rliafi** it Was III a tiiiaii whlcli It would Is* char­ ter ami argn**! stHiit-tl^.- more rhxu re­ was as follttws H** uno- gave a snpfier s -J.'i a ni . was not II* (-*-ssury-. for the sttiiph-alllr- .Vos. II. l.’tA 17 —dally eti-rpt .Sunday edgi- of hia alatera' VirtUen tunieil ItlT "Not mnt-ii. It waa Hanuali wIm* lisl ity !<• (-all uoii*'*itiiii.unii«live. It may mora*- )4i th* parr ot muim * on** of the to HO of Ills friends ttiiil wrot** » not*- t*> me into the upper liall and Iloliuali tiiation I nse«i M-eiii**l t«) mtisfy Mr. em-li of them privab-ly lieforehaml. ask­ .Vti It* dally inquiries in a m-w din-ctiuu. when- 1 be tliat my own r*-ti 1 have tolil you, actual laittnni of this, hut I rather think uot why, with sui h f**-liiigs in the lireast of .Vo 1*1 Heirtill Kxpress to lletrolt end Oest Wonia aliow-tsl me what waa eXpiM-te«l of "It Is he who first snuim*in*-«t us lien*, as to say gra*-**. as no clergyman would CMMou for am»tiug .Mother Jane Have The n*mark he mad*- in isMsitig Deacno any of the thr**-, had th** d«*ceit ami s -J.*, M. m me. However, when, after the laix waa ind it IS he who has th** gn-wtest iiiter- be present It is sai«l that the facts* of TOO aiiythiug to aay agaiiiat it'- i*aniu>t Speiir's house show**l iliat sonietliing crime to which I hatl lieeii wiin«*ss sn**- No. JO Mnll to Heindt I*.' ui* p in. you see that all your auapn ioiia i-ati he Inwensl into the (s-llar. llaunali waa • st 111 lia-ating th*-soun-t-of these tlis c*-eilt*l to such a |s>int as to demami the thu«e NO men as they nsie a Issly Vo 2** Kvening Kxpress to Itetrolt mad Eset 3ior**lliaii spite was working in bissl«>w H 'J'J p m. esplaitml Iw the bmther'a cruel I'u- drawing me away Du(-«*tta slepptd up apfiearaiici s, yet he has se«-ii ii*i ohihl attention of th«- |silice? An impossible when Tisde tapi***! on the table ns a rom* ’ h*-n-." bni viiMlictive liraiu. ,Vo. IS Kastem I'.xpress to I*nrsnrliaps. fi-ll he cnetl. "Youw'ai't timi him doing I thought a luomeut; then I <-rieil out anything out of lli*- way; oh. no. Pity ly mms-etil girls. .Vo. IS dally. aerm-v. 1 wouldn ’t Ilk«* even a ftad to nnh*-MI.Ki. laddly: "No, 1 cannot. .Mr. iiryi'*'. The vour visit wasn’t jwiid then-. You ’*l liave Wbat plan Mr. (Iryce intended to (t«> that, even for th«* mnnieiit it would "N***»iie lias," he tM>gnii "TV** muat Y in *, it was the first time she luul ever A.ti.T AT Agt-nt .Vgrnt, anxiety, the fear, which I xaw depn-teil rot « l»etter impn***sioii (tf the lam*." pursue 1 w-as of i*)urs«- in u** pieitioci to I'hb-ag** III Ht, Johns on those slaters' facea for ilaya might iv-maiti lidgi-xclaiiiied. indicating the ahutter, tb«> open Hihli* in tin* naan of rrohin liad th** lny**l in this houM- as their lUsxth (William's nsimi, Mr. «trrn«. ilirtory not only of the *uapi(-ious 1 en- his fu4-e iiii|uiniigly. ls*-aim* fixt^i. At foiei-astle with a pretty gretnre. "u THE IM IRBOfl ROID ci'tiH and th«‘ rest of us. I don't know visitor ami fnt-ml. It was th**refon* ua tertaiiifd. Idit of the facts which bad tbe sum** nioiiieiit uml iii much the Mam** that 111** -T cent deck or the It) cent priM'laim tiiat it waa a liuinau Is-iug fia* why. hut ti^whol** ll•■lKhUtrh*Bsl s**eiiis such Isith IU iM'urt ami miuin*T tliat I —Kua-- whom Lueattu’a sobs went up. ami so aet-mingly <-oiiie to my attention. tone of voice w*- taith spoke. h<* saying. hasieu**l from my nsim lat«* iii the aft- M*. Hut it isn't going to he ermsdi to imiuin- tin* intsuiiug of th«* tiuu has imiveil niy mistake." ing my far-*' mon* cloio-ly thui tb«*moM- a similar "1 have fnnml It." cry I bail just heanl issue fn>m Lucet- all Southern Points. "Th** iihaiitoiii i-arriag*'. " explaiue*! 1. Ml long- M'c liHV** play**l |sairuml pim-h- "I do not follow- you." he said, menta of th«< cane w itli whiss- niove- ta's lips. It hail «*>nM- fmni the fnait of DIrert f'onnertlons at tlwosao Jnartlon aad nietita he was appar* ntly eugnsss'4l. "Whnli n>ll*-4l sti (|ui«'tly into laist **1 and stiirv**! all I'm going to. I'm I linrand with I*, li. II. A M. It y Trains movnl for the first tune fniro liia ivun- going to have a ii«*w b*TM*. ami Lucetta the house, ami os 1 liast*'ued thithir I poaun-. "What do you mean liy a knot atopisd to give u caressing nth to the Man's lam* the evening pr«-<-ediug T*>nr met th<- two .Miss Knollya, hsikiiig imm* ALL arrival." sliall luive a dr* ss. ami that mighty I ‘Time* T'alxlt*. of f-ra|s>. and w hen w-jss it yon obtaiuial knob of that same <-aue >s«f* ia "It was no ]ihantoni. " 1 went on. i|ni*-k t*Ni. Till tir**l of all this slmbhi- In effect Voremlier .Xrd. |s^t.^. MitraiK-e into Willutn's nsim?" auy foniier tiin*of anxiety ami tmnbl**. UUINft .VIi»HTH~l.v. Iluraetl. "Tw*i saw it. ami I"—Imt** I could not Hess ami mean to hav** a cliaiige. " "1 lluve |art, “aa interesting aa anything wriiiig aide of the curtain. 1 let you Lor**-ti puusela> w-oiilfl Is* the worst thing |aa«iilil(* for IIUIM4I •WfltTM—k*. Msraad. at Mother Jam '*i-itttag<*. l>id you think du*-. Now if you f*-«-l willing to ex- rvstraiiMdl. rati<4i *if this m-w theory-." T*iu ull." hut I felt that this would la* ■ tSA A. M. ______anre once lefiTe. ami trrmimvl that he sli*>uld awant im* iny "Ln**-tttt needs a new dress. Tliat m» far PiMflifI ol the Uvo^ "I liave piefTNil. a* 1 think, deeper mw bis fan- |* ngtlien ami doubt take tb** though he was kiml enough th*-u be fnll iiie*u an* pndiahlr laie <-an ^* ny. Hut y*m hiwl letter let than I'vra yourw lf into Willtam's ritar- plan- of the iiuii-t asauraiin- with whi«*h ranm>t have i*an** the sr**4Ml time, ami Kidacr* Aad BUAfar li not iifraiil of ihto* You «-*>uld visit tb** tm* g«*t tt fi'r her, or piriiaiM that is \a /ells- arter. 1 think him iwfiahle—hut do sat­ he IimI rrceiv*-*! tiiv various intimationa with this man. except t*i" — up to this time. The 1*00*- was laid stables." what yf Lnrren'a hamI kAXHiari itryi-e. How- r a minute silent: much Is'ttrr Imrml in (ibllvion Mim having ih«* <:a«*. t*^ would not Is* apt to ter**! my wh*il** luaiimT uml (-ri**l out what it was she tmik part in?" then he mid: I)ntt«Tworth. will you gi> down with set- wliat givt*s thia winds thing away. lu qnerulous tntM*s; paired by Kimball The tip of hia cwoe waa up. ami he "Thanks. Miss Bntterworth: you ua? Your pr*-seme may art as a n*- 1 would never have th*>ught of it again "Mt> Carter ami I liav** had a *lifT*T- frowned at it. Then the handle ttsde its have inige than fnlflll*-*! my hopes. straint. .Mr. Tn>iim seeamt to bavn some if w** liad md ImmI this talk. Is Mr. sac*-." I This w ns Irm*. \V*-*li*l Iim\»* n & Love, successor |»1m-«-, and he gave it a gwal naturi'ri What w*< liani-f t*w 1 di«i not nm ■aile "A ueal man? Mwlaiii. what do vfMi think it iM* ( asary t«i say this *lifT* r> ii*** j "Mr. Tnihm?" to F. C. Younff. "Mias Hutterwnrth." said be. "I bare was oml of what death *lid this perwai j "Ye*. It ia hia craning which baa oo I mean?" was a force*! (die. t^otiM* things we are not suoreeiUsI in maktilg .Mother Jane die. You think it was silly Kufua." AddrcM C. L. KimiMill, I did not answer. There was a weak "f^omething important. Mr. ffryee perfectly jnstlMefl in keeping to *iar- agitate*! lAUPHtm fie and a man named at any time go Iwynnd her numerical aalves i "Hhe remenihrrs a certain verse BALM. If Mr. .*4imaliarT is a neat man. be will tiryc** an* jaat ('oming up tbe walk Riley. 44WIN monologue. But you have been mofe point in thaposition 1 hml taken in this hav*- thrown away the oM rags whtf*h. in the New Teatamswt law* way ami 1 tu , Tb^ goes tbe kiMM'ker. Larstta. yoa anoremtful " Ami with a anddeu tnarrel- matter, ami I knew it. 1 dare promise you, rumbered bis atable another. We hnd mit time to orttle it maat matml y*iar«*lf or leave me to ons rtaangeof expreoanm, pnae and man ­ He did not try to huirr dm *. iCsaenTl 1 appreciatad thia ami took my time. fltaw tbe RMiratug after tbe riding in by a t'onaaltatkai with tbe aamal wottl. ' face tbeae unwe lco me viottov* alone. " ner he threw ovur hia hand my shawl, bare uf the phantom ('•rrtage If be is bat I (voaaot mat till it ia aattled. ao I Lacatta. with a so d d an. flaaea affort. whloh had fallen to the fkmr in my ae- Piaasatly 1 ouad: ■ai, yon amy atlll Had Ibam tbave. (toe will yaa tartag yoar Bible to me. my satadaed bar ttaaabling. toothhMBt, and. ranking himealf to and "I havanoonfauiion to mube. Up to a aartoin ■Mtoant 1 navur hud a thotight , of tbM. 1 know, yon will not And Ha 4aar. that 1 aay look that verse ap? " I "If be maat be amt," aatd Mw, "aiy flN> baiaan ana. gmtteaud I grimly pnllag M atf of bia wbaal wlik bia whip Wa waaa la tba appar hall, wbare 1 I aagtr aad dtadata awy gXw amnewaAgb* "•afeaagfl Tieanty alghtl Iknl No km Bma U unm allly Bnfas thuy bald in WUllHB*Ai«Miga«iiho to fonr qalat aoeaplawae at Mw MHail]r*s Ff>R M.kLK BT


EUREKA. MAPLE RAPIDS. EAGLE. BATH. I HKALTHT lATEBHITY. I Itom t«i KneirbrTt MniiUi ium I wIIp a Hat vary law uaam of giifi ars imiw rm Mrs. Itavid Monas is iiuite sink with Tbe osar drogMist ia now raawly for Iglri, Kiidav, KpIj Id. |iu*|p*d lu oar va.*iaity. (tnp. busimss. Ms is m mgi atarwi pbarnm- Tan or ttm Help Tbar Miap Mary Fot, •»' i‘!k. laud, at Knetda last Tuesday. this {liwBP wrste aaoitiag buntzi laai ifun- ■ IMS Mrs. lltaarvnp' fibsop this atwh. Mr. and Mn. Klaier Lswfa. lata of IMt- W’u«4 oa tbasbsds at the M. K. chamb dny uiurmag. * TIm eliaMg of Ula fotaa In wmna Mrw. RorptMs* Pmll, ol M-tpk* lta|ii«ls. aauii. have «hm* tu .\mtiagtoj, Mod - baa Imsu saspeaded oa aoaouut of Un * Joaaph Hnlfmiui nad wMs luiva hirsd ' The flrat reqniaite for n good aeitber is gand hanHh. viptl**il at (Irant Hnatka' Mua^y. taaa. tu rndds. spvi I'll cold wniNMii'r. xMit to I. M. I>ry«*r for a year, aud will i Banlth of body bmmm hanlth of the genamtive iiagnua move in with him nazt wc*^. K. J. itinuigfr bap laiuicbt If. M. f'or- Jack Fmst bss msiatljr |ila.Tsd barfir T. K. ('«Hapton has hnsn (|iiite sick Rand whnt Mm O. A WonJOUmam. rvU ’a larui, twn nil «p snuih ul tbip xvith water |a|ssi. potaiuva and oeiiani with gnp at the tNime of his son llt'afy. M'ashington (igrty at Fnigrassive Hall Rlnffuin. <3hio. anjrs about Lydia E Pink- in this vieiaity. at l*aiu, where he went a lew wtsdutago If H wm om»f bMMb, «• |ilar»*. Fsti. A ge israi invitation is extend. ham's Vegetable Compouad. and bow asall oil a vaut. He was improviag at tbe eti to all gewtli ’meu aatj thstr ladties. It prepared her for OMilemity: iMt let It cllag. Mrw. Ii. \. Maynard and ilnughtrr. last rsfiort. But it Is a noMgh. One cold Mxril**, nf KIpw*, viMliai at .iilaiii Hup - Mm. H Hacliai'isr, who, alter livr ’’IJnAM Maa. PivgMAMi —I nnat snjr a word no sooner pssso e off before mirp Mf.iMiay. I \ viilage iM Nshiug piiaoliw* has lieen Ilrwry leak, of W’lwtitbalin, wim ttxe liuotMMHi's ileath. went to Jackson to rm ' praiav of yonr Vegetable Uimponad. 1 gamt of he* bnilhsr, .\df^. overKumtay. •noibcr comes. But it's tbe Mr. ami Mrp. Will. Miintli viailt**! tbrir loealeil on the Maple north of town diir* sole tvitli her daughter, wmi buried Ixvn d three bot tles of It whea 1 was preg ­ ssmc old coufb sU tbc nme. Miu ai d dauiihl**r. Mr. and Mrp. N«*iafMi j lug tile imst wxs*s| by bre Wm. H. Jompound.' ’ TIlPlI. ing. fWoml degree work saJisI church next Tiienday ev*-tiiug. remains w**m takrai to IgungsiHirg. Wi Fell ai. ___ cannot give anv hisiorx' of laa-. Tlie mxMkt anreeaefnl tonic knxixm to Mr. ami Mn». .M>r*ai Tiimpr, imp* t'airir South Fulton Farmers* t'liili meet at mrxlicine for wianen approaching ma­ thehoiiieof Mr. aaxl .Mrs Frank I’xinisy I'asssd friMii this life into the next, I liillpna, aim havp Iwpni living on Mra. EAST DEWITT ternity IS Lydia £. Piniihaiu'a Vege- 'ftpvt'iip' lilafn* III iVaphiiigtnU thr |mpI this (Thursalax) afiemiMin. Himm L. Tia»k**r. Thnmday evening. , tpw iiHiiiths, innvafl III tlm iifMise wilii F*di. Pill. He was Isim in Hath in ' tanlc ('ompxmnd. It ia a safeiruard Mr. ami MiMWilfoni \sliley. of Mulli* .Mr. .'4|irtngsieeo bus ttnintied pawing iHHi; w*ml to .North lousing with his HtPtdif*ii (iiilpoii last w'ppk. ken. an* visifmg at the hone* of Mrw. .%.'s fur every xxoman who ueaa it, aad (or Mm. .1. Holy. (mnaitp xa Ihhi a small laiy. His (utlM*r Mrs. Marv lliukl«*,v w»nt to U»a- up »«*’p, )tarents. Mr. iiiid Mrs. .lohii Lvmi. the tulleat benefit xvanee from its Mr. Itiggp, ill Uratiol raHiiit.v, s|ient xxasit llaplisi luiuistsr, and **nd*id bis Mfp. .ViIiIIp I'aiiaadgi*. in St. .InhiiP. liiPi A r»vs*pfion for Ml.and Mrs. Hr. Shaght use with Mm. Finkliam ’s advice riumlay with .Miss .\iiiim NVillixdiii. of this lalHirs tiler*, .\lioiil one year alter his frrx-ly offt-retl to all wunaan. liar Thunalay. NVill vialt lirr pipt«*r, .Mrp will Is* uiv**ti at ths M. K. imrwoiuup* iti ib-ath, Mrs. TiMik'-r iniirn**d itawson : placi*. bm. address is Lynn. Mass I'hrtui .'iniith. nt linmmi. and timthrr, this village toiiiomiw (Friday) •wtaiiiig. IIo Imiiimmi. of HrH|s* Like, Jackson Fo. Fd. I'all•*nMlll. at (iaiiHw. Imiun* h«*r r««> The lH*d p4xcial ami **iit»*rtainmetil Here is a xHtnvinciiig statement, Miw* Ivab H libbed has again resumed given at the l.4iv** ttrliiNil laet I'liesdux iiimiii wiHit with Ins motiier anti niath* turn tn Kiireka. laa- lalNirs in the iiitermedinu* ilefiart* his home with tinaii iiutil iHlil. wlisti lie heanng directly on this subjeet. i lipi-x* wr«*r»* Jd iP’riMiiiP pr«wiil at tb«* ex'«*ning wap a P*H*raxss. Ini Hi **«H*Mn,v hikI from .Mrs K. Uisroi*. ol IMS Faxafic iiiciit of our M(*h4Kil, after a short illm-ss. ttimneiady. The exi*fc«sep and pup|H»r ptilisteii HI Ha* x**iluiileer ssrvHv. 11. L. hdd with Miv. .l••ppp• I'**rry wiis dns'liargeil in Imig (or disability: 8t.. Hnsiklyn. N. Y.: IhpI wif-k W«iln»*pday. Th** ■*iaiiliim*fl Isaac llVoiHirk. iilie of th** old |Hou****rM xven* %’i^y giHMl, while Hi** x*ai«*ntin*w was iiiHrrte* iii**nfiof . I'ni- liariiiysip at hishoiiieiiiSoulhw*v*l Kf 4*vrr agaUi being loosens tbe grssp of yonrcough. all<*r diiiimr. Of enurp** it x%niild liavf oxvii*-*! at Hie Him- of liis ■i**ntli. .Hix I^e congestion o' the throst lpx.n pHVcriil |M>iinfip t^M* hail limy Ippui .\lrs. WyiiiHli. iiiotiier of Mrs. H. .M. childreti w**r»* born iiinl rapp-l. Th** old- .x» ll. as I was a great sufferer, and haxi l».-c*n for y**ars. 1 suffered fr*;m womb snd lungs is removed; sll in* Flic**, who was penonsly iiiiured a short SOUTH OLIVE. w«*ignftx'n saixl tliat I should like to haveits snd tbe cough drops awsy. It nil Mill Mhi-i-Ii I. m-ariy a x»****k. \V<*IIp and i*ip1Mitiun as triiv**i. the F’irst Itaptist church in l.ansiiig bccunrinced that thert* lisa rx»nie*lx* for their sulferiugs.' ’ which to hsng. iiiiiiii-*- |pitalipp*, I’tiniP’fl Irnit ami nilp-r ing salcpiiian lor a briipii iiiiinuiactuniig Mrs H It \Vil***kp-nld <*iilf hail, toniorroxx (Friday) evening, iindt-r cogs ol a cutting Imix lapt w****k and |t;i-lor. imme*iiHt»*fV following (h** In fr-ffo-In divilh III hiP tiarn and anaihcr rte* aiiMpp-«*p ni tile 1'nm|N*iiioiiM of For* Cherry Pectoral cnisti***! it p«i Imiil.x* ttial it lm«i t«> le* neral of Mr. Tipiker, tip* r*‘ mainsof Mrs. It is said to be adaptxsl to almuet any oiP- had iiH pnrp fi-nzm ep|*-rp. .Infill Ka**gi«' wtin hup lM*>*n <-nnl)iP*d In ani|Hiiat*si. Hr. Kliip |H•no^m*•)i th** o|e •'xarali A Fnaikiti* xv«*r* ‘ brought iiit/i tin* soil from li’rht samly to heavy clay or Raster tip* liniip-ftp* |Mip| two w<«>*kp xvitli in- M*Hiiorial pprvic*

. |{ Liticnin, and soil oivit on huule which are nn- I S«>|ihiii T»p*i»*p, .Mn». X»rx’a lliirniwp, The Lidiep' Sisaety nl till* I'hrisliiin Mi-' KatP* ln*r i- -n-k xx itii tie* gnp, linratiaMi. Site «*am** to liatli xviHi in-r Mn*. .Iaia*p*.'tt lia|inmii i- niacli im- znited to the vetches ami thecrimson Brm isr r W# hAV#A (ininl ItriMikp and iitth* Inix .\lva. »Hiv»-r church met at tip* iimii** nl Mr. and .Mrs. liiislininl. Jam**- Froiikit**, in (h-toiisr, If yoM h«v« MT • (MBBtelnl whal- proved III iHviitii ItxtR, from (iliio. and s**tH**«i on Hi** dovxu*. It rtxqnirxxs only moderat*- arar aixt <{«alraitb* t bMl iBvdIral navt** liigf-rpoU and maiiv iimn* an* riiiiiplain* Wm. Herman, ol .*dtulh Kiiltmi, on Fn- THE IDAHO PEA. aipotints xtf inoistnre and ia aaid to be jmm ran noMlblT aiy Tiw will raraiva t«*r. .Mrs .lolin ('<*ffiiiaii in llil**x iiii***lay ’ Sh*- was the moHier of -ix <’hiidreti, four injansi by prolonged cloudy weathar or SSMSPt It pit. wltboal raac very pmk wilfT laiirl tnuiiih*, ip |p*ttf-r at Tile iiHUP* of th»* Indv xvliise* d**filh wii- Its Serxis %r«* SsiU ts PxBssess fllnli JUSl^Oli J. O. AVK thi- wnling. lap I xv* |il«*nly ih** the S*mi«* c«*im*t**ry.mi .Momlay last, that Its IB CttMlISK I onltivation haa been highlyrreonunend- A SIxle Hill l>nxiMrr HnnM. (tapl w«p*k. tiNik plm*** III IMsnsaiit Hill <'*ansl4>rx . tip* ground was frozen solid to tlmiiepili Hr. Mclhaiatd, the **iniiP*tit -iPBialist. jUBt as the Piin was sinking III tin* west. sd in the west on ax-cxiant of the valne If the land alofim Ui the xxaat, dig in ­ CIJNTON COUNTY. Jnhn Knitnin ip mi I Ip- HH*k IipI. of lour i*s*|. of (imiid Uapidp. xvill Is* in .*4t. .lolineat at its exxxxxls for hxms* feed and aa a sub- to the bank so as to make a level floor. Ilewwre <$f IlHIs—lur-! Mn* .Infill itiill)igiN*r Sr., ip rriMirtifl Tip* ip*xt lll•*et^llg m the K“sex Farm­ Hotel '*t**el on Th urn lay F'-biuar.v ’J.'!. •titnte for coffxxe Kmm the forage Dig a trenrii ami fill with loose stoaae ills i-»*timrkai»t*> curep of prominent OVID. \(*rv Inw xviih |im*uiiinnm. at iIiIp xvnt ers' ('lull xxill Is- h**id at tli*- ho*m* ol .Mr. Hr. .Mclhmahl, the well known sfaxcial- plant iuTmtigatinns of the department for a foundation. On this build a oe- |»pi|»ie tliroughoiit .Micliigaii liaxc iimde ist iiiiisl not Is* iiiisiakeii for on** of tnn IDg. and Mrs. .1. T. Hauled-, nf .Northeast at agricnltnre It is leamral that gram. ment wall nf rongh stones as shown Mr*' I ri-ittf ii* 'iinaniij; irinn iittiiri IIps**x , March 1. him xx-id«4y known ami famous. Hr. .Me laiiiiy iginmiiit pwt**inler- who liar** If iiildn-th and xvih* viPit**!! in Fnwi<*r Idaho pea *»r chick pea fClcer arleti* 1 nnililt TiiHPfliiy. at I . Ifaim'p. deimiilicaii cituciiM at IVrry’s had, .'tat- Hoiiald IS a miia of dsefi thought ami **x- tliNMie*i .Michignii Mimxe tin* |Mi*HMiig of IxMipivi* knowlx**old rnl, lie k'-ei-* progn**wiiig ami ohi IIiiiv**r-ilX ’*if Kdinlpairgh, Si*«ithtmi nxinuoa crop. It iaestimateil that there III |l••(^>>it vir.itiiiu r<*liitiM*!> niaininu )Ptrt nf xvintf-r. I(. H Hewitt IP fitting up tlip stor»* mlVHiu-iiig, ll♦*^H%* hip xAoiid**rful suci '**pp He lias hail largx* li**«pital practH**- in liiiiMiiigr*- eiitly iH*i*upiedliv .L H. I'ark**r Mim. Sinlif rilliiiirci m vi'.itiiiK Imt Tlp*n* Ip talk riirnHit that th«*n* ip IhIp* if y«iii ar*» -ick in* will cur** .vou. * III Michig.iii for Hp* last dflerai l.iftl.t 1 iiiirl*~« lUfixt' )i.i> lxx*ii ijiiiif striiineiits and i>H'yri**s. MirW tip }>axi f«>\N tla> x \\ itii Itroiii liitii%. linn and WI* Piiit-«*n*ly tniPt that it xxill y**ars. Hr. M<’Honald is a classical »s-htiiar. , lint 1*1111 in talk \ phort time ago. .lacoii l aialit.v. Mr A WARM roL'LTKT HOt'ZX. N I >. .''until, xvlm liit? ixi'n a .'Moitii hlp'p-x, hNxt It two-y«vir-old 1*011. lb* xvill Is* in St. Johns at Hotel .Steel on til 1 It! tip- unp («>r tliPp:ixt t WiiWifki., Tip* infant i-luld nt (i I' •Mtmar ip I'linloii l'<*iiBty i'omoim Itmng*- xvill Then remeot the flour This will give Iip ihvilti xxnpcaiMssI tiy an **nlargemeiit iii**et xvill m**et xvitli >'4oUlh Hiley (irange rhiirs*hi.v F**hriiar> 2«'f. i>!.|\iiiu. x-#*rx pii-k XX nil piiiall hn|p*p nf n-cnx-crx of tip* liver, whicli xvetulasl titty.**tghl We«|ii***eln,v. .March 1, IMPH. (ininu*- an exjce<*dinglT warm px*n The ottt Mt aiiti Ml- 'V ill Hatlnt'xax an- n*- Hciir' Ihptp and wif«- x'l-ilnf in Wal«*r- iNiumip iiml iii**iasur**r tlir*s* its*! lu ' (*ade HouHi lliiey tiraag* ’. W»4«-*mu ** aildrep-, Juhiip un HsJunlsyerrnliig Msrrh -4. st seven er dotted Iin«« thx* stxinr fonndation and Mi-'tiiuaii. •'hill iiitiiiiiiiii iiini l*i-inp«v|. Ilrnry W \\ »*lton xvill in >v«- mi Krwin lx ill at th* ‘ iioine of ins son, S«*id**n, xvlio Frank laix-**. tv-fsiiip**, H*-iirv X. M**lib, *>'rl*M-kBisnn.kur. iV,- xx inh fli»*in -Uit»x«- in Hill-, innin, .'**>uth l{il**.v (irangt-. “T**xt now kiioxvn ae H*- ild x'nnlt. whii'h iz Tip* llmiuhtnii prhiMil ip Hihm-x I an ni** NaxI t* Qalt. ii|p|! iipxx tifiii • it lalior Tip* n*pidetiii* of (Silep T. Fraudall, sif. ItiKik L**gislrition" —ilmciission (l|•en* ’«l li.x* -IMI f**, t iixvAjr from his prrnaat rmint nf till-pickiipva* nl Up ti*aohrr. .Mipp ual*si on his farm atwrut Hx*** mll•*smlrtll• t ommi —ioner ll. M. NVin-loii, •wbvtion. rest.tig place Ib-fnrc his death lin had Retnmrxl TraveieT—What haa be­ Mil— Miiinii* inniumu*. nf •'^t. .iuiiii- Lnve w**pt of tills vilhige, wap iiunied to th** -ppiit .'xinnlnx lipn* aiiil favuml tin- ( mi- .Mips FI-r**ila Hills. reqnt*-ti lab? Fnday last. Loss ab«iiit eight huiidn**! coostnirtisl after his deceas e, and tbs Moli— iMith iiKirtiinu mill pvptiiiiu. Maiikcy Ilf |U*ngHl, ami will iiinvi* aimiit FifHi *l**gr»*** -es-ioii ch1I**<1 if any Inisin****- reason given for this is that the earth Resident —It haa disbanded. \finl Ipt •fodarp, witii no insumm-**. Th*- hunts* I- to 1-* imiisact*'*] alliT **l**-** of all**r. rip -••x*-n*mill xxiiitiier ami tlia unp nfMiii tin* side of tiie hill when* the old ••What happened?” wap old and cliimney defectix‘**. IlIHltl SI’P-IOII. iin-tlp- pimiiiiiPiit Hulipi li> <•( till* ilax The liipf xvi<»*k hiiM Ih-**!! tin* cnlihwt vault wns placed was likely to slip away ••The president, treaznrer. secretary p»p*n h«*ri- in inany yi-an* i’cilan* m*r»*r dolirrf ."ktitt ami (lemalin (ir*Mim Mhs. F. L. l’i;.\iM i.. Lv*! ’. W«* ,in ulH«li*frnp| •iriiiik xvliiit th**y siip|sipxsl at lirst xvap in[iyright law is all hoeh. ” mid Mn* .**l<-l|ji I iiriipp ami Iitth Imy ni lalM'itsI “Oxalp* \i*iil" Iriie iiasl** was dischargts) from the >*stat** broke into votsid to its mltivatiau either aloao or IxTiitiin* liuiiiitr tip* rohl xxaxi \ nn*at Treated Free 1 tbe exniN*rant yonng writer ’•Jnat a >i\ Lake-, xxini hax** Ip***ii viPitinu h**'' made to file *fnig ston*. wh*T** an nnfi* the old toiuh ns an act of rnvengi* and aa a bycroi* with wheat Next to the nniii.x vxpn- triiuli|t*ii liv x •-.p-tiilil*- scheme to make money. ” inx-mii^ iii lii-ir it*lliin* hIimi Up- xxt-ll.* aunt. Mt> .\ U linyi-n, r»'Hinpp| hmip* •lotc WIIP sei’iirxsl, xxiitli the result that Tbc Cclehraicxf nyslciao and Spcclallil, stole a sknll which he suppiaxed to he cereals gram forms tbe largest part of ’•I thought it an excellent law.” fni-rinc Ip All xx ill appn-uit* a - liaiitfi .'faiunlax th**ir otiitiiariep will not Ip (•iitilipii*s| m Franklin NIItt, n. D., LL. B.. ofCbi- that of (*c<*nr»* Washington This he thiH xxeek's I-Pile of file .Nkxxs . can, will send t2.S0 Worth of His the food nsxvi in India and in portions ••Bah. it's a fraud. 1 m-x-er cupyiight Pir?i *-M. . Ih-ri I |f*xptiiml |»l**apantl.r ciit*-rtiiiipp| took to Alexnndnu. and. as nsoal in New Treatment Free to Each of northern Africa, ."p.iiii .md othx-r my stories, and no one ntcnls tham.”— .iIxMil l\v*-iitx-Hx-*- Ilf hip x’fxiiiiu fri»*ii«l- Irp-*). lit lii- liom** in .''•nith i‘Isp**\. ,*4111. sQch casm. ’’got drunk. ” ami so hiz I riilay ••XN.uitm of (>nr Afflicted Readers. conntTies luirxleniig on Hi<* .Mxvliter- i Detr< ’It Frxx* Prisa RtW. unlay ••v**tiinK, Fetmiary ll. .lacol* stHTct was di:*cxix*.*r*sl. and the sknll. • iiir iiftlM’ic*! waders will I'pjtatnlv rau«wn rip-Lpxx .irtli l.(>f TIp-r* xxili t» p«*rx-|ii-. at tia* M. L. tnwiipliip ii**iirix txveiity Mv** years. Fn- ”II«iw long did it take youT' iiiiiii:! Ip limiar.-- ainl -liiinl in ■ iiliani-x- Hr. Mil**- .S/M-'-iO' ’/‘r**i.'m< nf i- th** r* The tomb which is hi- pr*--**iit resting the vetch, h iviiig -• v u p , - . i - * 1 • Inif*"xtimlav ••\i-iuiiu Tlp |iul|tit Ip-.iu ; n**ral p*-rx-i*-ep xxert* h**l*i at III** M. F ”()idy lour daya And. actually, they I Pf tx iirk - it I m- tol. -all ol t w* III.X-IiV*' xcar- of hib.irpnip in* Ixvxflets. Til*- **Mr*-*>li| ■- t ;.!• ftlji I iix II -ii|i|ilx niiiiipt*-r fmni •'hiir*-li. in tills .illiiir** 'in M,lii» thx- -toresi ”—Clx-velaud I’lniu Dealer >X'p..' xxiip*n Ip- had lps*n an honor*-*! in*-iii Ion N* ’xx .*4x-t*-iii n Hi- m • n Th* n Ip-l iiintlM-r. linxxani ttm!* le-r ?****rvK**«p vxetf* i-**nilm*i*sl by ll**x . \. lx —-p-nllftr-. mipI thre** fiiii**-a- «ipi**-**p • IppI >aiunl.ix i''aip*ral and liiinal a' decay, and *>nly a f**w year* ago it was flowers an* L ru- -m =-;x ■? lii -ix'U* * W’asia Hare fa Raa. tp- III r. Liith*-i. and Hi** r«*iiiainp inn-rns| m ml tin Hp* iisaii' in**th*i*tn '1 • liiitin-n IIp' I.«*iaia «li«lric-l IniVi- I'nplaiii Tu*-p*lax afti-npinn. restorral by the aid of drawings fonnd the lenvx-H x>n -hori lU.Mt i.ti. ippii xili iir*ii In xlax ai limiip iiM»!*t nt tta- H i*- S**iiI*' •■♦*inp|**r,v. Ins-.-ins*! Ieax*>p a Manx hiindr***l« <•) promop*nl |s*op|e Tramp—I xvas Irrought up to srork in the congressional lilirnry. An iron half inx-h lung. Th** iuh L- !;r** )i|a«i<|t-rx tllllPnli nieen built around it, and ft Honeeholder--Uh. no. 3ron weren ’t; I'irpi M. L I hiirrii, nf Nnrtli Liiipiiiu, hll- for y**tirp lsp*n xx'eil and favombix DOW rect-ivee the Min** care as the new of an inch long and finely pubescent, Vniiirn- .*-niitii lina Innl In pull hip yon were brought up to work hard with hdt for tfiai fli-|il of lalpir Tiicpdiix tnorti* known as a leading s|i*«i*iali-l m Hpw* tomh —Exchange with gLxndnlar Itairs. EmIi pod oon- your feet, and you'd better do so. or my {lump tip Nuaiii lit- mat pnw nl <-arr.\ • iiiu. UNION HUME. diiwns* —. and his of(t-r siiould c**rtainl,x ing lAHtpr tn hi« ntiK*k, Mi* talcptt i-mii. taina om*. or very rarely two. large dog will make yon I—Nnggeta is* a(*c**pl*i| liv our iill1ict*-*l rraid**rs. A nreeb In Cispslfm. seeds, which sre wrinkled and bear a tort III tin- ilinughi that hr p> imi* Up SOUTH RILEY. Mrs Hiram i'osi has lH*rti ill xxith th** Fn.ifi The Hll nils T Hrh*p*l Cnlon — The rdl. iiuiv niH* wini Imp tni|n thppMiiH-. grip tip- |*Hst x%'*s*k. .She Is ls*tler at this lor wrli— *■ XV p «|p**lrr to bIsip ihsi tros* At Gargm** we Imve the retnakahle foncifnl reseiiiMancx* to a ram s bom. He’s Nat Raath ■Ifkar. iirraossl m -(luslslnsre we know Ur. SIIIpb to gpactarle of a Greek population with wheoxx* the Latin name ahotinnm. The .Many (if ih«- farrnrrp in I hip vn-iniiy \Vi an* haviug pnmewhat iiiildcr wntiiig. lien most akiitni BinsxrlsIiBi. s msii who bsa Bill—How many languages dose your think that whpiit Ip badly injuml lix tia* wrathcr. rile tlHU’moiiiet'T iim* regist*T*vi fniiii B|*si>-tl nellher Isisir or iwonex t«i kcef* httn* ite own chnrrh eettled down on the •eeiis ore a little largOT than those of Crieud Hen{M*ck speak? B^t sl>r**SB| nt the gwsl s'IxsiM-riwBSl Is **»in*fiM* ttihl xA(k, III night, and not rising to leni Kr**m The I'hk-sg** Pslly ltpr«»r*1,—*• \\e Greek from Forfn. ae his name. Cor- to speak any.—Yonkers Htateanien NwiMi tiae nv*r tm iipeniig th^ tan i»^t dtiniig th** day. .\(i|>tes. |Mitiito*s< and Iw-lterr Ihst sew this sew bx Bien. wa |>erfcrle«l fiotti, telle ns and as the loquacity of T^* Iibsho pen was oultivated in IRM mark. Errryniip ip thankful tn IppI th«* Mrs SpfitimiiM Milirr luid family nsited hy Ur. Slltes, grsrrslly s*iople,| |i wosM sn* at I'rrry \lill«*r’M lawt Sunday. <'nune*1 Imit hav** frozen in thei'edarw. sole phx*>trissB to trest thHr psttentB mueh hie wife wonld lixad ns to infer; for at ami I'thP at the Colormlo experiment Na Cassnnnr. Hir a litH«*lt*as rutting. M'lillan- Jody's house caught fin* last iM«*w p»*rersB M'hiMtl i*nnvpatHiii nfOlivi*. , Fniiav, and had it not Imswi (or tin* lim** ••has xlemonstrateil its ability to make firaiigx* Hall, .March I«t. p'insrttls* ol lhe«r imIIssIb' rmmm.“ given plac4‘ to the Uellenic love of talk. thoughts iiHii at tip* IlhpulKtttnin pchnnl f the Bo.estM* larsrsMe illiMassSB he. .loll.v was iilotie in th** hotts*-, ami iienr* insgi* to Krnsklis Ullw, M, ll., I.l. II., nf Men imder tbe anzpioea of ttHx Genoese supply* ” It Iwlougs to the {lea family, w»*atli*a-. Tip- n***t ('nnvpiitinii x»i1l Ip* a niiinlirr anatml hsn- say thry will hare mg II |*eruliHr sound as if something IhiB i-ii.r ." hrifi at thf* M. K. Wilapy rhurrh. Tli** fmzru iHitatoHS to »*«t tlm ivwt of thr republic, to which the izUuHl at that ami iz grow n in rows 80 inches apart, drop|H*d on the flour up stairs, sb** went Hr. Miles lias hail twentydoor yearn ’ ami the plants <10 to 13 inches apo^ in 'iaip will Ip* xp I la tar. wmtsr. to -ee. and ilisi'overed a Inrg** hole in th** «»xpw»emB*, and is well aad faroratd.r Um9 belongad. and when the French STOM.ACH IMSE.VSFX .Siuitli liilsy Hrnuer lias n-vived and nwil and ram's Iviiig t-ssmaaioo of the country they the rows. Im growth indioatea that it can he rajsed fnr about I x-ent a {xmad. Ip holdiiig nicpliogs. Tliry confrrrrd 1st name dll. piile. ran ont as <|uickl.v as |p Msdde ami FaiiaiWi and Msxiou. He rairdiaily in- aaxi bnllt them tbe charch which they it is sown in drills tir broadoaet. All Thx* mannfartimnixif Drake’s DvtpcptlA saw then-wits mon* Itn* than sh**noulfl: vittp* th«* nlttictf*d to wntc to him. snthoritlee agree that it is better suited I'omona (imugr will Ih hsid at Sxiutli have evtw sinoe idieriabexL Care agd Itervc Rctlartr offer tloa for No» a Symptom of ttio Affliction Ititry lirnngi- hall. March Ist. t'oim* manag**. She immediately rang tbe din You max* marer linv** aiiotiier such an Intermarriages between theixxloniele to arid aad eemisrid regions than to n*w lied, which attractral the ntt(*nti(Hi op|Mirtiinity. Ho not fail to writ*- for Sinoa Cured by Mood ’s. om-. mm*' all and the nattvexs. at first rare, have now humid naea. tha xaup apparently re- anx •-aa*- xif Htomach Trx>nlii*-*--Igd|g8S- of the ii**ighlNirs. They s*h»ii ther*-, $}t. .'ip worth *if fre»* tteattmmt. .Iddrsm bacooM freqnf-ut, and it is to lie feared qnirlag a great many sunny days dur ­ “ Wbpu rnir lutu : -Ipraaptfom ytmn old HUBBARD8TON. ami sacreraied ill extinguishing ths Hamss. > Hr. Fha <IMttreM. SMr.Suunacb. Ilcr- •hr hrep-mil II -r f»t=r tpcp and head H* T**fupt<*, t lis*ng(i. that tbe Qrfxek langnage will soon be- ing its esaeon of growth Better rmnlts oouM as extinct thete ae tbe fnetanelln. ara obtained in growing it with Irriga- with -i(, V< * h'-$2 that wr did th*nrg»* Tract'y was at hof»e iwit wrsk. llsIf.Mstes Mi Itstriitl. MeSSt*ile*BW ('xxsrWBea vugs Dyspepsia, Irregular-Dowels, Scad for bpr ! I«» f’=- any gr*>Hl. We hp* Bat with that wonderfol tenneity tioa than without, although it makes a Virfinip of ihr grip in this vicinity nw* Th* ’Hriuid Trunk Hailway Hystem will \iitlre 1b herel. '.pi opp dax saw ImproTtnK ipsa*-exearsbai ttrfcsts from ad its sta- l(et*sl*ip*ss* of the iow»Bhl|i of llingluus. which it shows in modem Greece, in will Its hsM st the Ksgtns llosae Is the vU. If continned egper imeats with thts llnod'i .-’*^1 ' I Mi h'^niy rrmm- tioiMi in Miciiigoii to Iretrott and return qiite of centurisB of berbarian inrosile that <*1111 iHit be rermaueutly Cured with Fay t iMi|H*r. of FishTilh- is visiting lags ol HI Johiia si U o ’rlori atni**lsra;K X I ff tar* was ....Kwth sad ww TiPiting fn**ndp iH*ar Inwn |M*.H 1 ss*t to trssssrt aseh other hwstwssa sa the traveler 'if lU eternal yontb and Itaj ttorer. No exxxeptinns imidx* to age or Tickets will be s«ild for ail traimi on Fete issy |iri>|*sv1v --oaM* hsdiiw sski rsitena. unfailing xharactariatlia* Weetwina dition to the list forage pianm euit- ’ barr f»at a»**- -igna f*t armfala ra- nio f’htirphill hap lnp*« x'ipiting his |iar mnrvyist.and (or tbe imiming tmias FHXNK aw AIN, tsr Beview. aMe to eeouarid vegixms. finet tfvatment. Full inetmetinits with soming." ntuui Vwa«nnT, Waal lAsrk, p«ts hvr** danng ths fiast wswk. of Ftdiriinry ’J^*!, ami valid t*i retam on • IKti U l•l:TnlK, Y« npt oalr flnod ’a IlfIRAf'K I* ilAtlK. Tbe gram plant ie vary amaittve to Mr. ami Mrs llennrtt. »»♦ I’pory. ar»- the all tmim* up to and InHndiag February t'xMsiattiee In Riunla when coAnz are covete d cold. Tbe aaad ebonM be anwn net ear treatmxait, inquire nf Travis A llakxr gawsis (g Mr. and Mrs. F. K. Bswastt. SH*), iHttU. This gives a good Of«|*ortun­ with alpth the onlor at theonvsting is ■m than May IA. ok, at tha higher alti- Sarsa- ity tu visit Hetroit nt a cheap mt** this Hmg g ists. A vabinble book on mnnineh Mr. Hnydsa tMnith has hssn vMtiag Oswasl nsgaMIsaa SXsasxw In n cartnin f*xtent (UsMnetivn. pink bn- \ tqfaa. about tha lal at Jnaa, ami if parilla ssannn of the ysar. ami the faibUr sboald S’otire »B hstsby gtven that tbsvv wUI hs Hood's friswds in I ansing dniiag tbs (aurt wsab. ing naari when the d ze—isii la n ohllA •ml Nsrve troa hhn. their vario us ej wp- IstbPbaai- mrsatthatiasTraaMsad fwtepr. avail themselves