THE JOHNS NEWS. VoLI^MR X.—No. 26. ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY AFTERNOON. FEBRUARY Hi, 1899. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR kept a nooiplate iwaanldaviBK Jmmmmrr A PRETTY WEDIU.NU. " tHN6. TW ouMeat iiwiat WITH DYNAMITE 211 hatoo. TWiwWatkMm net. a«.«NiMT TAKan A wr. j«»Mna ot 7 th Bh, Aod the aver ­ BEGAN IfESTBUr «kBAVas TO BB Bl 10—I OST SPEAKraSEI MUUM AWAY. age lor the two aiootW ok that hour wa* UAIfB or OOLO. -. NEGLECEED OUm .I 1-5 ♦taffrawM haiow atoo. For Hm Swier Claw Oratet- Thr nwidrnm of H. J. l*AttrtwNi, on Wm Fhrialy FmImmI m St. Lest ScMM Nffw O h aad Bdai .Vo tiaae uf iienple Imve baen nay murw j Jwhe DHUI NoUi TIM deo. A. Uoldwin Mtraat. wan thr wnun ol a umtty A COHI'lCTE Sl^KISE diwmaimotied or ioronreoien. ed hy tlw* Slaa| Did mx Exerciics. wrddluc hiat rTTuiuK. vrheo Mr. iSittrr- JalMH aad VicMty. Ohaerved. Nua'a daoithirr .Yinhi-a, waa oniitaf in WAm mmv. w. u ■os.Maa Ai*miirr- "mmrm weather than the irrave dlBffere. | inarriaar to |>r. K. H. SIriicht, tS Ma|ilr ■Birr Tu MiM. Fnim nuuo Uiwue in the county (vhimm Hufadu. Thehouar wue taatil.v triiainrd Over Tiro Weeks of ContUinet Bx- ProflMiXBtiffHs tor Orarcht Wliere The Wyc Havinc Hlchest Stand- !■ pink and white. Tha bridr wurr whitr rwporta to Tmk .\kw e of the diffli-ulty Wtaeo He Sffld N«tes ta Ittaca Sav>- HatcardiBK the appoiatiaoat of Her. It Is Obsenred. tars Were Selected. ailk mmI lookwi rrrry wrh a qumu mm ahr treme Cold llolaMw to tha Matoodiat choreh here. encountered by the aextoue who Imrej tars Baak. **otarrd th*- room whar** thr oaraaiouy ^ IVeeidiBK KUkr W. M. I*ufler la qaated been obiiKNi to lihr irravew dnrtiiK Hu* waa lawtomiml. .t. E WIImiii ortrd mm aeaayiafc: ” rbiachaaffe iaoiadelwoauer hairt man and Miaa Nora Hall aa hridaa- le Make tkc liar. lA)ve)u.v,iifrlkLJohBa, haarenenllyai> Pimm R«v . Otvif lo paat week. The KrTMtiid ie froieii Ui a FaiiAd to Over a Scare at DlUteat Sladeau ia maid. Miaa Thunm Judd |ilayr<| thr aff Thai H b leqited the luMtorate ol a(’oti|rrv||alioual , defith of four feet at Mupl** llapHle tuni Katar the Claae. w-rddiiiv matrh from laihaaicnii by YVaa* irhiirch ill .Mount Veraoo. New York.: .. urr. 'Phr I'rrrmony waa prrformrd li.v The rhurrh ia Ss. Juliae ie a wtroitK otlwr iiimm aiMl at I'nion lloiue from | -...................... f(n\*. A. T. Lutbrr. of Maph* Itafdda. ia chunSi with over 44H) roaoiberw and hae four to eix men wem rcpiired to dbt n Coacerotof IBe UsMlItJ of |Be SlfBCrekT thr pri*ia*ae> of aliuat aizty irev*!*** AH Prevta a* Rccoris Broken hjr Old Bo­ one of the tioeat ranrah haildiiiKa and Bates for Hemhers ttf St. Jfwcpa*s CharcB n«rai paptls Carry off tlK HIchesi Boa* M*ran u'Hoak. Tha yoauii ooapir drovr irorwonaBew in thia part of the wtate. Kraveiii tla* imiiatery tliere. Tlie Nrwt i tBe Paper. ore TMt Tear. to Mafih* Kapida. laat rtreaina, wlirrr reas oa His Barepacc. to Poilaw. The afqwanf aat ianlvati to Mr. liolmee day two men eitnweded by hard work i ______ t hay had a hoiia* all prrjmrrd, but did without aa.v wuliaitatHHi on hie |iart, not leave thefr ((ueata without a verj* uud uawe ae a (niia|itale earfirhe* to him. ill KcttiiiK tiown nix inrlMn*. The Mw-Tind St. JobuM exienda her iNimiiiimraia to The rtuKiuK of thr Indie at Hi. John’e JudKe I inboil tiMik the caae of J, C. pnmer ahowrrtiiK of riee, aiieh aa thr Il waa laadr tienauae of tW ability aud HH.\ YH \v«Te HiMia:ti' day four men were pnt pt w*>rk and Ilieke iMtaiiint Hen. A.Hteel from the jury. .yonuK iieoiilr of St. .lohiai know- wHI ilia KioKahip. Jack Knait, and will hr chriwtiaii epirit which be haa laaoitwated aud St. Jiiae|di’e rhumhew .veeterdoj' pro- ruwedA.v. and liirected a verdict luraiaat •*<1 thi« wwk how to aiifil.v. Hoth tin* bridr and pieuee rhaar hitnadf tmek up to thr iu hia woHt. The rwlatloue exietiUK la*. cfaiUMvl th«* o|N*«iUK day uf leal, tkrrtir- tber lowered it twefre inclae farther. anioni aiw well known here where lha\ •Steel. The lutee hae attracted a terrat Lnn> tmvinir tween Mr. Hu Iomi aud hie <*horeh lin«’e inir oil the l.'ith, ae it did. it will briuK linrr hoatM of fhendn wImi wiah tbrni all Klondike ami ata.v whm* hr lirloaiiM. It then Imvaiue iiNeNMir>’ tneni|i|oy two daal of al.«rotion fiy rmeun of StiwPa til** ln«t HhI«* HtMIMl- The town liaa had rnouKh. Hlir hae been the iiiowt deiiftbtful, aud .Mr. Holm«*e Keeler uu .4 pnl M*roud. The morecere- thr **wratM ol die. Tin* Ihietor ia build- had made no rrqaewt to leave hie pre- iiilO*. r«iv«*riiiK tin* ioK up a apji*udid iiraetaw in and aniuiid froiMi thr tip of onr of her aliHUlikr rara mouiar chiirrhm Iw-iiiK thoee of tin* ....... eent (Mtetomte for Ht. John* or an.v froxati earth aud blunt it out with •*»«•••• that Mr. Steel wold a note u> ImtiimI oI lli**ir f*iur Ma|il* ‘ Itapidn, aiiii ia aun* to lieroiiir on** nail anpiirad a arrerr raa** of i*hilblatna. other place. He hue Krwatl.v enjoyrd lim Nterurr rltuale. have tiieir rulee luid out .v**MrK «mrk in th** Ilf thr lend I iiK pli.VMirinnM of tSr (*«iuiit.v. (ateiornteat the Kirwi MetlKNliet E|t*e- (roet*>ine (lertaiaiuK thr lenten |ieno«l, d.\naniite, tin tin* thini (lav tin* KTiive the Ithaca .SatiiiKw Hank, of which he Miaa Halleraon ia a favorite in Si. Johna’ .She liaa done lirr lirat to <*«Mik thrar wa*i prmid*rot, nml (lie Intnk wan iiaabie St. .Idhiix Hiirli inrala a da.v in a nMUii w-lim* the tea- 4*u|Nil cHiiirrh and would rheerfull.v have which to tlir luihrrriite of th**er i‘hurciiew mauf-t.v and her fnetnla an* Kind that ahr rmiaiiird tJirrr if hie ap|Niintm*Htl had ie a *e*a»»on of lemamw* aiui for tl.e rr- wae dowii to the leqiiiied de|ith ami tin* to collect the amount (In**. The I'iatoi Sr h mil illl«l tlir latolirhiit foiirteni iDileaawa.v. .Y iiioiik wan njMMtf m-d to J. f. Hicke. whobroiMcht kettle ai ell PI Haw*! lobiiiii merril.vbut hae iavHi rout ill tied. The riiurrh urea 11,v re- awnkt'iimu of riJiKioue xeal. Tin* forty reniaiiin wen* iliterrerl. ■‘M««*rt jciH arndii thiawfmiii out of town whow*w»*prr*** ‘iit lieefi <‘hokrd up with lee and wiim- the Kl-ete thr de|»artiirr of .Mr lioliiirH. Ilcv. | «Ja.ve prior to Kueirr are <*harart<*rti**d out tO((illect, claiiiiiuK that Steel Urnwr nt the time he M.ld lla* tmper that it waw 'ntr ' if thill* im»M\ w«*re Mr. and Miv. \V. II. Uruy, of Ih*. fryiiiK puna and KHddiea rHnaeit to ••fry,” ■ J. II. WiMilm. ol .*Mirtinniaviile, who lute b.v tlir olieervam*** of thr reKUiatioiie Iniit, .Mr. and .Mra. .\ J. Strwter, of not eolbetabU*. or rattier that be failad iiMiir»<«i to milk* lirr aiiiiuiil «i>|i*'Hmin'r wild** the l•‘m|•rmlun* rrfiiHin«*ii ‘JTt la*- ti****ii aplMiiiitrd to eurceed Mr. H«ilm*-e, and a-iiKee <*om*rrninK fnetiiia and thr VAriillAN (’(IXFIK.MKI) ilmiid l.•‘♦iK•‘, l(o•M*«lr SiriKht. of .\lliioii, low- the K'Mjer rior Hiark. She bar atruK- lea well ••darMir«i man. aod a loniirr moral i*<Nidact of tin* ♦'ommuuiraiile to dincliNie what In* did know, and that, ill tbii* lomlity ih*i« Miimnrr E«uir of Mr. <i*-«i. Y'oiinK. ot .Ylaph* lbi|iida. and Kird with a biirat wiiirr pile*, rriiirniuK etndeiil at .\llmi«i I’ollrio*. He le an till .vretrrda.v, .Yell VY’*iln*mlay, Imik VKMAT«»H** J|l«iT2KKI.T (.INK WOHIIV. ariiiiK an pr****id*rot. he wan holdiuK ff»r thr lurky oiH*i* who rarrv off riiwn* honor** Miaa Ivah 1‘attrraou, of MiutaliiSd. I'a. innii tin* fmy with ira*lnt on lirr Kowti. ••arneet ami eiithiieiaelir etmlent. He' I'laiv* th** dietniiiitiou of awhm. in tlie tin* amount which he receiver] from the INO •MlMCriNK. pror-mdn of (hie nab*. K. H. I.Von il|e nrr Toiiiiir Ih«)i*^. and lait on** yoiintt ^Ih* hae hail tlir wind makr tin* tip of hue le*en very etifv*tMelul in hie fornirr nnirniiiK ut St. Jietrpli'e f'atholir ohiirch. AUK MIT FltlCIITENElt her Hoar liMik a** if ahi* wen* in tin* iniliit lieared for Mr. Hb*kn.aml F**dewa A YY'ai- man U iiirln«l***l in ilr* li-t Th** >*id*-r- iwtelorat**), liaviliK eurcredtel in *«*rurinK ainl throiiKhoiil thr |iernMl (WTriom will TIm* neiiHle liHd an cxM'Utive neMuon firidin* for Mr. .Stc«H It n, undemtood of takiiiK atiniulanie. Sin* haa had to thr buildiiiK tJ two diiin-lHM within tin* In* <vimlm*t* ‘d Krnlav eveniuKW at 7:.*Ui riiiirednv in whb*li the ^innctpal ttuniiie>e« the cum * will lie apierolerl. tlon*> tin ina<l** in llrl•o^lMnlt• with a INIIKfK.NIlKNT TKI.KI'HONK M.ASAO- Ket up lUid look iifl**r thr liali.v on tin* laet Him* ytvire ami added maii.v tneni. o'(rlork, with fre«pient iiia**ere duriiiK trniiearltni wae tlie coiittrmation of the Judm* Ilalioll naid in bin charip* to the mliiitf of tin* Ihwinl oi IMuration »«rv*Tfil oniv niKht wIkii the toriuM*** tin* wetit KK.a ll.%VI-: lilHIII .WKKVIL Imre to tin* Hiun*h.
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