Fortunate Marriage, OR, the Golden Glove. Tom Starboard. the Bold
X A i Ji Farmer’s^ <, m fortunate Marriage, O R, THE Golden Glove. Tom Starboard. : The Bold Hairy Capy / The Begg;‘P^ar Girl. ' ' Falkirk) Frinieo by j , Jobnstori' 1814. THE, GUI DEE CX OVi:. f A wealthy ypupip’S^u'yc uf Tanworth w'e hearj He counted a Nobiewan’s tisu^hcar moft fair, A d (or to marry her, n was his intern. All fuemls and rdaiipnshadg ven tbcirconfer::.. The time \va$ 'pnointed fer the wedding-day ; A young f.r jner vras choUn the father to be, Ai f on a^ the L.sdy the f rmer did (py, It i flmed her heart-—O mt heart flic did ay ! She turn’d from the’Squ re Sc nothing fhe faiJ, InUeafl-of being riiarned, fhr went to her bed. The thoughts of the farmer thf tun in her mind, -jPhe Vfay ter to have himilie (bon then did find. ■ , ■ ■ ' ’ Yt Coat, waiftcoa. 8s breeches, fhe then’did pu' on, And a-HunUngfli- v.’ent with her do; A irgiin She huntedail round where-flltefaru'ifei d d dwell, Be'caufe in her heart (he lov’d him fo.wtll. She oftec-times fi ecfl but nothing flie hiVi’d; At lerfgtiuhe yc urg farmer came in the field 'Then tor to djfcourie with him was her inter t; With herdogt: her g.yu for to meet him fhe went I thought you h d hren’aVi'.e wediii' g ftieayM 'fo ’wiirt on the f q iue. to give iann-nis nride. Ng, Su , fays the farmer, if the truth I may i’; give hsr «w»y, tor I love Iter orylel'.
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