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Cabinets of Curiosities Free FREE CABINETS OF CURIOSITIES PDF Patrick Mauries | 256 pages | 30 Dec 2011 | Thames & Hudson Ltd | 9780500515945 | English | London, United Kingdom The Cabinet of Curiosities — Google Arts & Culture From the creator of the hit podcast Lore comes a new, bite-sized storytelling experience. Each twice-weekly episode features two short tales that take listeners on a guided tour of the unbelievable, the unsettling, and the bizarre. Listen on Apple Podcasts. New ideas can be life-changing, but how the public reacts to them can make or break an invention's future. Let's explore two such items today. Real life can be a bit confusing, even leaving us scratching our heads. But the stories boud up in those mysteries are very fun to hear. Some folks manage to be right there when the important stuff happens, Cabinets of Curiosities others miss it due to bad timing. We'll let you be the judge as to which path is more entertaining. Some things take a while to get right, whether it's a device or a proper natural observation. The stories of that journey, though, can be curious Cabinets of Curiosities. When the Cabinets of Curiosities happens, it often leaves curious stories in its wake. Today's tour has that in spades. We people put their plans in motion, the results are usually exactly what they were aiming for. But on today's tour, you'll learn about two situations where that certainty was far from reality. Loved the episode bud everytime you say Tunisia I cringe Tuh-neesh-iah is the pronunciation. Hi, Aaron. Love the short length of this podcast and the quick Cabinets of Curiosities into interesting historical events! It Cabinets of Curiosities a bit reminiscent of the old Paul Harvey stories, which I thoroughly enjoy. Knowing when to add a pun and when to leave it alone Thanks for these great podcasts! Fido lived a normal life in the south of France, rolling in mud with the other boys, going to school and even occasionally eating chicken but that all stopped when he mysteriously fell ill at the age of nine and passed away, you see Fido after all, was a dog. Apple Podcasts Preview. OCT 20, By the Book By the Book New ideas can be life-changing, but how the public reacts to them can make or break an invention's future. OCT 13, War at Home War at Home Some folks manage to be right there when the important stuff happens, while others Cabinets of Curiosities it due to bad timing. OCT 1, Shifting Sands Shifting Sands We people put their plans in motion, the Cabinets of Curiosities are usually exactly what they were aiming for. Customer Reviews See All. You're Wrong About. Stuff You Missed in History Class. American Scandal. Dan Carlin's Hardcore History. Dan Carlin. Ridiculous History. Parcast Network. This Day in History Class. Haunted Places. More by iHeartRadio See All. Stuff You Should Know. Stuff To Blow Your Mind. Atlanta Monster. Stuff Mom Never Told You. Aaron Mahnke’s Cabinet of Curiosities | Aaron Mahnke Do you know where museums came from? The popularity of the cabinet of curiosities waned during the nineteenth century, as it was replaced by official institutions and Cabinets of Curiosities collections. A cabinet of curiosities - or wunderkammer - stored and exhibited a wide variety of objects and artifacts, with a particular leaning towards the rare, eclectic and esoteric. Through the selection of objects, they told a particular story about the world and its history. The cabinets commonly featured antiques, objects of natural history such as stuffed animals, dried insects, shells, skeletons, shells, herbarium, fossils and even works of art. In cabinets of curiosities, collections were often organized into about four categories called in Latin :. Artificialiawhich groups the objects created or modified by human antiques, works of art. Naturaliawhich includes creatures and natural objects with a particular interest in monsters. Here are some weird and wonderful gems that typify the kind of artifacts that would be found in a Cabinets of Curiosities of curiosities…. Artificialia, which contained objects created or modified by human antiques, works of art, etc. By this time, Natural History museums already existed. The careful representation and harmonious style make the 29,year-old figure one of the most expressive works of art from the Paleolithic Age. Naturalia, which includes creatures and natural Cabinets of Curiosities, with a particular interest in monsters. Animals with multiple heads polycephalous have the same origin as Siamese twins, their malformation derives in fact from an incomplete separation of monozygotic twins. These individuals are often destined to a tragically short life span due to problems with eating, breathing and moving. But polycephaly, though rare in Cabinets of Curiosities, is widely Cabinets of Curiosities and represented in culture, especially as it occurs in reptiles and amphibians, but also in mammals such as humans. Polycephalous creatures are traditionally attributed supernatural powers of clairvoyance; in fact, many deities belonging to polytheistic religions are depicted as multi-headed beings. People have believed in basilisks since ancient times. It was not until the Middle Ages that the basilisk became a mythical creature that was a hybrid of a cockerel, a toad, and a serpent. It supposedly lurked in cellars, wells, and shafts, and both its stinking breath and its ghoulish gaze were lethal. Cabinets of Curiosities the 17th century, the existence of the most Cabinets of Curiosities of all beasts was seldom doubted; Cabinets of Curiosities were the topic of dissertations and were never missing from a royal cabinet of curiosities in the Renaissance era. Standing over six-feet- tall and containing over of the tiny, shiny little birds, the case is typical of the Victorian-era exotic displays sought by curiosity collectors. Unfortunately, the origin of this magnificent case is not clear. Our best guess is that it came from collector William Cabinets of Curiosities personal museum, the contents of which was sold at auction in In the document, 'A companion to Mr. Bullock's London Museum and Pantherion,' his hummingbird case is listed as 'the finest collection in Europe', and of the birds it is said that 'precious stones, polished by art, cannot be compared to these jewels of nature'. Medical science in the Edo period was a skillful blend of traditional Japanese and Western medicines. Precursors to contemporary medical instruments, the Cabinets of Curiosities shown here combine technical use and aesthetic beauty. Today they are more often considered as works of art and design, showing craftsmanship that piques both our curiosity and our emotions. Digitized in super high-resolution gigapixel, zoom in here to Cabinets of Curiosities its treasures close up. Or continue your voyage into Cabinets of Curiosities Natural History project here. What is a cabinet of curiosities? In cabinets of curiosities, collections were often organized into about four categories called in Latin : Artificialiawhich groups the objects created or modified by human Cabinets of Curiosities, works of art ; Naturaliawhich includes creatures and natural objects with a particular interest in monsters ; Exoticawhich includes exotic plants and animals; and Scientificawhich brings together scientific instruments. Animalia, and fantastic creatures People have believed in basilisks since ancient times. Cabinets of Curiosities, which brings together scientific instruments Medical science in the Edo period was a skillful blend of traditional Japanese and Western medicines. The Natural History Museum. Translate with Google. Cabinet of curiosities - Wikipedia Cabinets of curiosities also known in German loanwords as Cabinets of CuriositiesKunstkammer or Wunderkammer ; also Cabinets of Wonderand wonder-rooms were collections of notable objects. The term cabinet originally described Cabinets of Curiosities room rather than a piece of furniture. Modern terminology would categorize the objects included Cabinets of Curiosities belonging to natural history sometimes fakedgeologyethnographyarchaeologyreligious or historical relicsworks of art including cabinet paintingsand antiquities. The classic cabinet of curiosities emerged in the sixteenth century, although more rudimentary collections had existed earlier. In addition to the most famous and best documented cabinets of rulers and aristocrats, members of the merchant class and early practitioners of science in Europe formed collections that were precursors to museums. Cabinets of curiosities served not only as collections to reflect the particular curiosities of their curators but as social devices to establish and uphold rank in society. There are said to be two main types of cabinets. Evans notes, there could be "the princely cabinet, serving a largely representational function, and dominated by aesthetic concerns and a marked predilection for the exotic," or the less grandiose, "the more modest collection of the humanist scholar or virtuoso, which served more practical and scientific purposes. In Cabinets of Curiosities to cabinets of curiosity serving as an establisher of socioeconomic status for its curator, these cabinets served as entertainment, as particularly illustrated by the proceedings of the Royal Societywhose early meetings were often a sort of open floor to any Fellow to exhibit the findings his curiosities led him to. However purely educational or investigative these exhibitions may sound, it is important Cabinets of Curiosities note that the Fellows in this period supported the idea of "learned entertainment, [2] " or the alignment of learning with entertainment. This was not unusual, as the Royal Society had an earlier history of a love of the marvellous. This love was often exploited Cabinets of Curiosities eighteenth-century natural philosophers to secure the attention of their audience during their exhibitions. Places of exhibitions of and places of new societies that promoted natural knowledge also seemed to culture the idea of perfect civility. Some Cabinets of Curiosities propose that this was "a reaction against the dogmatism and enthusiasm of the English Civil War and Interregum [sic].

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    16th INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF SPELEOLOGY Proceedings VOLUME 1 Edited by Michal Filippi Pavel Bosák 16th INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF SPELEOLOGY Czech Republic, Brno July 21 –28, 2013 Proceedings VOLUME 1 Edited by Michal Filippi Pavel Bosák 2013 16th INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF SPELEOLOGY Czech Republic, Brno July 21 –28, 2013 Proceedings VOLUME 1 Produced by the Organizing Committee of the 16th International Congress of Speleology. Published by the Czech Speleological Society and the SPELEO2013 and in the co-operation with the International Union of Speleology. Design by M. Filippi and SAVIO, s.r.o. Layout by SAVIO, s.r.o. Printed in the Czech Republic by H.R.G. spol. s r.o. The contributions were not corrected from language point of view. Contributions express author(s) opinion. Recommended form of citation for this volume: Filippi M., Bosák P. (Eds), 2013. Proceedings of the 16th International Congress of Speleology, July 21–28, Brno. Volume 1, p. 453. Czech Speleological Society. Praha. ISBN 978-80-87857-07-6 KATALOGIZACE V KNIZE - NÁRODNÍ KNIHOVNA ČR © 2013 Czech Speleological Society, Praha, Czech Republic. International Congress of Speleology (16. : Brno, Česko) 16th International Congress of Speleology : Czech Republic, Individual authors retain their copyrights. All rights reserved. Brno July 21–28,2013 : proceedings. Volume 1 / edited by Michal Filippi, Pavel Bosák. -- [Prague] : Czech Speleological Society and No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any the SPELEO2013 and in the co-operation with the International form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including Union of Speleology, 2013 photocopying, recording, or any data storage or retrieval ISBN 978-80-87857-07-6 (brož.) system without the express written permission of the 551.44 * 551.435.8 * 902.035 * 551.44:592/599 * 502.171:574.4/.5 copyright owner.
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