Mobile: 021 500 963 Email: [email protected]

146 West Wanaka Road, RD2, Wanaka. Matukituki Natives Catalogue March 2021 Page 1 of 7

Wholesale Prices (exclusive of GST) Wholesale prices will apply where the total value of the order in over $300 excluding GST. This is equal to 70 or more 35F or 37 1.5L or 28 x 2.5L. The order may be made up of any combination of grades.

Pot Size Regular price Speciality plant price A 10% discount will be applied for: 35F (0.25L) $3.30 $4.00 Orders of 1000 or more PB3 (2L) / 1.5L $6.75 $8.75 Orders of 700 plants or more PB5 (3L) / 2.5L $8.75 $11.35 Orders of 500 plants or more PB8 (4.5L) $15.95 $21.75 PB12 (8L) $25.95 $35.75 PB18 (10L) $35.00 $47.25 25L $69.95

35F Poa cita, Carex $2.85 secta, Carex testacea

The following plants are classified as speciality plants Dacrycarpus dacrydioides Kahikatea Metrosideros umbellata Rata halli Thin barked totara Podocarpus totara nivalis Pseudopanax crassifolius Lancewood Pseudopanax ferox Toothed lancewood Prumnopitys taxifolia Matai

Retail Prices (exclusive of GST) Retail prices will apply where the total value of the order less than $300 excluding GST. This allows the general public to purchase plants from us in smaller quantities.

Pot Size Regular price Speciality plant price 35F (0.25L) $4.00 N/A PB3 (2L) / 1.5L $8.00 $10.00 PB5 (3L) / 2.5L $12.50 $15.00

Mobile: 021 500 963 Email: [email protected]

146 West Wanaka Road, RD2, Wanaka. Matukituki Natives Plant Catalogue March 2021 Page 2 of 7

Terms and Conditions

All retail prices exclude GST.


First time customers are expected to pay for plants prior to pick up or delivery.

Accounts due by 20th of the month following date of the invoice unless prior arrangements are made. All plants shall remain the property of Matukituki Natives Ltd until payment for the entire order is made in full (including GST, any freight charges and collection costs).


Following confirmation in writing of an order a deposit of 30% may be requested to secure the order.

Freight and delivery

Plants can either be picked up at our nursery, or we can deliver to the Wanaka/ Albert town area for a set fee of $25. Outside of Wanaka, freight can be organised, and charges passed onto the customer at cost.

Where the Consumers Guarantees Act 1993 applies to any goods, nothing in these Terms and Conditions affects the Customers rights and remedies under that Act.

Matukituki Natives Ltd reserves the right to alter prices as necessary without prior notice.

Mobile: 021 500 963 Email: [email protected]

146 West Wanaka Road, RD2, Wanaka. Matukituki Natives Plant Catalogue March 2021 Page 3 of 7

Plant Name Size

35F PB3/1.5L PB5/2.5L Large Grades

Acaena inermis ‘Purpurea’ 1.5L

Anamanthele lessonia Gossamer grass 35F 1.5L

Aristotelia fruticosa Mountain Wineberry 35F 1.5L 2.5L

Aristotelia serrata Wineberry, makomako 35F 2.5L Astelia chathamica 35F 1.5L

Astelia nervosa Mountain astelia 35F 2.5L

Austroderia richardii toi toi 35F 2.5L Carex buchananii 35F Carex buchananii ‘bannockburn’ * Carex comans bronze Sedge 35F 1.5L

Carex comans frosted curls Sedge 35F 1.5L Carex maorica 35F

Carex secta Purei, Pukio 35F

Carex testacea Speckled sedge 35F 1.5L Carex virgata 35F

Carmichaelia compacta Cromwell broom 35F * Carmichaelia petreii Desert broom 35F 1.5L Carmichaelia stevensonii 35F 1.5L 2.5L

Carpodetus serratus Marble * 2.5L Celmisia densiflora 35F 1.5L Chionochloa conspicua 35F 1.5L 2.5L

Chionochloa flavicans Snow tussock 35F 1.5L

Chionochloa rigida Narrow leaved Snow tussock 35F 1.5L Chionochloa rubra Red tussock 35F 1.5L

Clematis afoliata 35F 2.5L

Coprosma brunnea 35F 2.5L

Coprosma crassifolia 35F 1.5L 2.5L Coprosma linariifolia 35F 1.5L

Coprosma lucida Karamu 35F 2.5L

Coprosma propinqua 35F 2.5L Coprosma rhamnoides 35F 1.5L

Coprosma rotundifolia 35F 2.5L

Coprosma rugosa 35F 1.5L PB5

Coprosma tayloriae 35F 2.5L

Coprosma virescens 35F 2.5L

Cordyline australis Cabbage 35F 2.5L

Corokia cotoneaster Wire netting scrub 35F 1.5L 2.5L *More available spring 2021

Mobile: 021 500 963 Email: [email protected]

146 West Wanaka Road, RD2, Wanaka. Matukituki Natives Plant Catalogue March 2021 Page 4 of 7

Plant Name Size 35F PB3/1.5L PB5/2.5L Large Grades Dianella nigra 1.5L Discaria toumatou Matagouri * 1.5L Dacrycarpus dacrydioides Kahikatea 35F 1.5L 2.5L PB8

Fuschia excorticata Tree fuschia 35F 1.5L 2.5L

Fuscospora cliffortioides Mountain * * PB8 / 25L

Fuscospora fusca Red beech 35F 2.5L

Gaultheria crassa Snow berry * Gaultheria depressa Snow berry 1.5L

Gaultheria antipoda Snow berry 1.5L

Griselinia littoralis Broadleaf 35F 1.5L 2.5L

Hebe decumbens 1.5L Hebe ‘emerald green’ 35F 1.5L Hebe evenosa 2.5L

Hebe hectorii 1.5L

Hebe MacEwanii 2.5L

Hebe odora 1.5L 2.5L Hebe pauciramosa 1.5L

Hebe rakaiensis 2.5L

Hebe Red Edge 2.5L

Hebe salicifolia Kirimiko * Hebe topiaria 1.5L 2.5L

Hebe Wiri Cloud 2.5L

Hebe Wiri Mist 2.5L Helichysum intermedium 1.5L Helichrysum lanceolatum 1.5L Hoheria augustifolia 35F 2.5L

Hoheria lyallii Lacebark 35F 1.5L 2.5L

Juncus edgariae Bull rush 35F

Kunzea ericoides Kanuka 35F 1.5L 2.5L

Leonhebe cuppressoides 1.5L * Leptecophylla juniperina Mingimingi

Leptospermum scoparium Manuka 35F 2.5L Libertia cranwelliae 35F * Libertia ixiodes NZ iris 1.5L 2.5L

Lophomyrtus obcordata Myrtle 35F 1.5L

Lophozonia menziesii Silver beech 35F 1.5L 2.5L

Melicytus alpinus Porcupine bush 35F 1.5L 2.5L *More available spring 2021

Mobile: 021 500 963 Email: [email protected]

146 West Wanaka Road, RD2, Wanaka. Matukituki Natives Plant Catalogue March 2021 Page 5 of 7

Plant Name Size 35F PB3/1.5L PB5/2.5L Large Grades Melicytus lanceolatus Long leaf Mahoe 35F 2.5L Melicytus ramiflorus Mahoe 35F 1.5L 2.5L Metrosiseros umbellata Southern Rata 35F 1.5L 2.5L PB8 Muehlenbeckia astonii 35F 1.5L 2.5L Muehlenbeckia axillaris 35F Myrsine divaricata Weeping Matipo 35F 1.5L 2.5L Neomrytus pendunculata Rohutu 35F 2.5L

Olearia avicenniifolia Tree daisy 35F 1.5L 2.5L

Olearia bullata 35F 1.5L

Olearia dartonii 1.5L 2.5L

Olearia fragrantissima Fragrant tree daisy 35F 1.5L 2.5L

Olearia fimbriata Olearia hectorii Hector's tree daisy 35F 1.5L 2.5L PB8 Olearia lineata Twiggy tree daisy 35F 1.5L 2.5L PB18

Olearia nummularifolia 35F 1.5L Olearia odorata Scented tree daisy * 1.5L 2.5L Ozothamnus leptophylla 35F Ozothamnus vauvilliersii Cottonwood 35F

Pachystegia insignis Malborough rock daisy 1.5L 2.5L

Pennantia corymbosa PB5

Phormium cookianum Mountain Flax 35F 1.5L 2.5L

Phormium cookianum Purpurea Mountain Flax * Phormium tenax Swamp Flax * * Phormium tenax Purpurea Purple Swamp Flax 2.5L

Phyllocladus alpinus Celery 1.5L

Pimelea prostrata NZ Daphne * Pittosporum tenuifolium Black Matipo 2.5L * Plagianthus regius Ribbonwood 35F 2.5L PB8

Poa cita Silver tussock 35F

Poa colensoi Blue tussock 35F

Podocarpus totara Hallii Thin barked totara * * Podocarpus totara nivalis Mountain totara 1.5L

Prumnopitys ferruginea Miro

Prumnopitys taxifolia Matai / Black Pine 2.5L PB8 Pseudopanax crassifolius Lancewood 35F OP / 1.5L 2.5L PB8

Pseudopanax col. var ternatus Three finger 35F *More available spring 2021 Mobile: 021 500 963 Email: [email protected]

146 West Wanaka Road, RD2, Wanaka. Matukituki Natives Plant Catalogue March 2021 Page 6 of 7

Plant Name Size 35F PB3/1.5L PB5/2.5L Large Grades

Pseudopanax ferox Toothed lancewood 35F OP / 1.5L * Sophora Dragon's Gold * Sophora microphylla Weeping Kowhai 1.5L 2.5L * Sophora prostrata Prostrate Kowhai * Sophora tetraptera 35F 2.5L

*More available spring 2021

Mobile: 021 500 963 Email: [email protected]

146 West Wanaka Road, RD2, Wanaka. Matukituki Natives Plant Catalogue March 2021 Page 7 of 7