Pastor: Father Larry Morrison Office Manager: Sue Marschner [email protected] [email protected]

Saturday: 5:00 pm | Sunday: 8:00 am & 11:30 am Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday: 11:30 am Confession: Wednesday at 11:00 am or by appointment Baptisms and Marriages: Contact the parish office during business hours, M-F, 9:00am 3:00pm or visit our website: www.ourladyoftahoe.org 1 Elks Point Rd. | P.O. Box 115 | Zephyr Cove, NV 89448 Phone: 775-588-2080 | Fax: 775-588-0211 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ourladyoftahoe Martha was “anxious about many things” but she properly welcomed Jesus into her home. She brought Him food and drink. She probably had His feet washed as He entered or did it herself—unlike a certain Pharisee who was once most inhospita- ble when Jesus had visited him (Luke 7:44-46). After Jesus told Martha to relax and be with Him instead of running around worrying, she probably did sit at His feet to listen along with Mary and Si- mon. She must have listened carefully because later on, when Jesus asks her if she believes He is “the resurrection and the life,” she says yes. We who tend to be anxious can learn a lot from this. Even as we are running around being anxious, we can welcome Jesus into our lives. We can do that by remembering that Jesus is in the work and in the people we serve. We can also stop a minute when we become aware that our anxiety is begin- ning to get the better of us and take that slow deep inhale imagining the love of Christ pouring inside us. Then we can exhale our worries to Him. We can say a short prayer thanking Him for being with and in us in the midst of our busy day and ask His blessings upon our work. St. Martha, pray for us.

A reminder that I will be out of the office on Friday July 30. Please make Thank you to all our incredible your reservation by Thursday parking lot volunteers! ♥ July 29, no later than 3:00.

Dear Lord, I thank You for the Grace of being alive this morning. I thank You for the sleep that has refreshed me. I thank You for the chance to make a new beginning.

Last weekend’s collection came to $7,643.00. Thank you so much for your support! We are beyond grateful that God has blessed this church with generous people in the area of finances, time, and talents! We are also now at 62% of our CSA pledges . . . all because of you!

As disciples of Jesus Christ, and in the name of Mary, Our Lady of Tahoe Catholic com- munity welcomes and embraces all those who come to us. With guidance of the Holy Spirit, through worship, the sacraments, and loving service, we provide for one an- other’s spiritual and material needs. In being so nourished, we reach out in faith to serve the larger community. Mass Intentions

Saturday 24 5:00 † Nicole Francis Jurzenski Colette Karpan Sunday 25 8:00 Continued Healing for Benton Gallum Music Ministries Sunday 25 11:30 Intentions of OLT Parishioners Pro Populo Wednesday 28 11:30 Happy Birthday Bob & Curt! Thursday 29 11:30 The Dumbra Family Dorothy Dumbra Friday 30 11:30 † Billy Knobloch Family A Message From Bishop Calvo:

Welcome Bishop Elect Daniel Mueggenborg!

Lifting my heart in thanks to God from whom all blessings flow, it is my joy to announce that Francis has appointed Bishop Daniel Mueggenborg as the eighth Bishop of Re- no. I am also grateful to the Holy Father for his acceptance of my request to retire from my responsibilities as diocesan bishop for reasons of health. The Holy Spirit continually renews the Church. Now is a moment of renewal as we welcome a new for the Church in northern Nevada. Bishop Mueggenborg comes to us from the Archdiocese of Seattle where he has served as Auxiliary Bishop. Prior to that assignment, he served as a priest of the Diocese of Tulsa. In those two dioceses he experienced diversity in commu- nities—urban, rural, suburban, cultures and landscape. He brings to his ministry many personal gifts and a variety of pastoral experiences. We are fortunate that he has been sent to us. For the past fifteen years of my tenure here, I have been the recipient of many blessings, especially in meeting, praying with, working with and serving you the people of northern Nevada. These blessings give me confidence that you will open your hearts and minds to welcome Bishop Mueggenborg. This is his new home and you are his new family in the Lord. May our hospitality inspire him to make his own the words of our state song, Home Means Nevada. Bishop Mueggenborg will be installed on September 24 in a liturgy with the Metropolitan, of San Francisco, presid- ing and in the presence of Archbishop Christophe Pierre, the Apostolic ’ representative to the . Until the installation, I will assume the duty of caretaker, having been appointed Apostolic Administrator by Pope Francis. Natural Family Planning Awareness Week : July 25-31 To Have, To Hold, To Honor Natural Family Planning methods help husband and wife honor God's plan for their marriage. Learning how to live in harmony with God's design is the mission of NFP education. For more infor- mation, visit ccli.org. 2021 CSA

Getting THERE!

Plan a Gift that Works for You

Charitable Appreciated IRA Bequest Securities QCD

Leave a portion of your Donating stock is a simple, If you are 70 1/2 or older, estate such as cash or smart way to give. Email us at ask your professional advi- stock to Our Lady of Ta- [email protected] for sor if giving directly from hoe in your will. account transfer information. your IRA is a tax-wise way for you to give.

Please be sure we have your updated contact info and if you would like to receive our weekly e-bulletin and other parish news, kindly contact Susan at 775-588-2080 to be add- ed to our email list. Thank you and God Bless!