Billboard, October 6, 1900
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THE BILLBOARD PRICE 10 CENT*. Vol. XII, No. 23. CINCINNATI, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1900. PER YEAR, $4.00 H I i^t ehattanooga, Tenn,, President of the South'Eastern Bill Posters' association, THE BILLBOARD ject to it, so bad1 to pass him aside. You see, have been put up at different times during Mr. Editor, I have to be careful, as Toledo, Gainesville, Tex,, Gleams, tile season, and in all parts of the city, with- O., is such a "good" town to sell posters in, out the formality of securing permits. One that should I not pat Al. and Charlie on the member of the bill board fraternity even back they won't allow me in their city. But To the Editor of "The Billboard:" w en i so lar as to assume that he did not |Ri ill th'ati is the simial-lest part of it. Why, Al. Dear (Sir—I never enjoyed a paper so much have to secure permits, and has erected sev- would never drink witb me again! for he d.d in my life as 1 do "The Billboard." 1 always eral boards in accordance with his idea of refuse in Detroit. Ha.! leave it in the reading room of our lodge the law. The City Council has made its at- D Department Leaven<wortb, Kan.—Brooks & Co. are city (B. P. O. E.), as the wliolc gang are anxious titude apparent by requesting a report on bill posters and distributors. Population, 22,- to see what the "show world" is doing, so the Dill Doards in ihe cay, and in the action, 000; town has 2,000 feet of boards. Is that plea&e continue to send it to me. On October of the board of aldermen ordering the re- enough said? No; for listen to this: Although 10 I will have 1,000 running feet of choice bill- moval of an obnoxious board on university established twenty-five years ago, Brooks will boards, ten and eleven feet high>, on which. avenue. Apparently the private citizens are sell out, cheap. Then, by the Lord Harry! to post commercial paper, and as our big beginning to lose patience. Recently, two let some one come in here quick. He ajso tree street fair comes Oct. Hi to 20, a thirty largo boards on University avenue, near The Howard Fund. has an opposition. Can you wonder? This days' showing would be seen by at least (50,000 Ham 1 in avenue, were cut down. The sup- will be a good town for some hustler. If people, and the price fcr posting will be the ports were sawed from under them, and the any one wants1 to get pointers, write me, in same as before. PAUL GALLIA. boards were found the next flat on The following is a list of contributors, with care of the Donaldson Litho Company, New- the ground. One large board was recently the amount given, to "Th'e Billboard" fund, port, Ky. put up along the sidewalk on Sixth street be- tween Wabasha and Cedar streets. On the established for the reliel of J. E. Howard, Kansas; City, Mo.—"Lou" and "Mell" Hud- plot of ground hidden by that board about the bill poster, who was rendered1 homeless son just showed me a list of locations (not " Chinese Question Settled/ complete), with 281 boards, any one of which fifty others of varying sizes were manufac- and helpless by the Galveston disaster. will take a 28-sheet. Buffalo Bill posted this tured, evidently for use in other parts of the town, and I was surprised to see to what ex- This is the title of an extremely offlcial- city, and will be put up unless positive ac- The John "Chapman Co., Cincinnati, O..$10.00 tent. But Mr. Cooke, general agent for Buf- loO'king document, designed as an advertis- t.on is taken by the city "The Billboard" Pub. Co 10.00 falo Bill, told me that his agentsi could not ing foider by the Gunning system of Chicago, O. P. Fairchild', Covington, Ky 10.00 resist the temptation, and that is just what which is causing considerable comment be- this plant is—"Temptation'." No other city .cause of the unique and daring treatment of G. H. Otting & Son, Newport, Ky 10.00 in the United tSates has the amount of center a strictly up-to-date subject, which is also. Emporia, Kan., Events. Walker & Co., Detroit, Mich 10.00 locations as this Kansas City. Population, clevtrly and tastily arranged typograghi- The Donaldson Litho. Co., Newport, Ky. 15.00 250,000, witb 30,000 running feet of boards. cally. According to 'Gunning's Chief cf Pro- To the Editor of "The Billboard:" Miell told me if the opposition h-e had last motion and Publicity the booklet is being Dear Sir—Buffalo Bill's Advertising Car W. H. Donaldson 10.00 winter, and as- it is an "old chestnut," 1 shall mailed to all general advertisers, and also to N'o. 2, in charge1 of Mr. Rill, with Mr. Fra- A. M. Donaldson 1.00 not re-peat it. But Hudson: bought out the the prominent statesmen cf the country, from z:er boss bil1 l poster, wa1 s bore Wednesday, E. 11. Endly, Mansfield, 0 1.00 Doctor's plant in February, and is no-w wish- the President down, on account of its possi- and finished posting and bannering the town. ing for another sucker to come in, as it is ble pacific and diplomatic value, as he says. JVLr. Rill is another of the royal good fellows cheaper to buy out oppositions than to build, The names given the different envoys, ho one meets1 with in this business, and has a so he says. These people are still sere at explains, were not intended as cariatures fund cf gocdi stories, and reminiscences always Eames, W. T. Morgan's salesman, who work- upon anyone prominent in public life in those at hand. This has been a banner month with Hood in Havana. ed with the opposition, and I would advise countries. An attempt was made to hit cff me; my toards are clear full and several good Mr. Eames to steer clear of Kansas C.ty in some national peculiarity, but this is some- orders held over. I h'ave on the boards now the future. Not that I want it. Oh, no! for what far-fetched in many in stances. No in- 900 sheets, Buffalo Bill; 240 sheets, Star To- To the Editor of "The Billboard:" I find tire merchants a million years behind troduction to these characters is necessary, banco, Continental Tobacco Co., N. Y.; 1BO Dear Sir—I have been intending to write time. A!. Bryan will please note- this. for every one interested in advertising knows sheets, Bull Durham, American Tobacco Co., you for a long time, but kept putting it off I visited Buffalo Bill's Wild West one night, them, well; yet the following dramatis per- N. Y.; 25 u-sheets Prickly As* Bitters, and from day to 'day. 1 felt a little bit "off" to- but as every one was busy counting money, scnae may assist: ever 500 sheets fcr my Iccal merchants, who day and stayed at home, or possibly 1 would are advertising mere than usual on account not be writing you now. I am getting along cf tha big street fair. 1 have (i.OOO booklets to pretty well down he-re. Bus'.nessi is fairly put out during the fair for Will. A. Molton good, but 1 expect it will be much better as and 5,COO for Boston Medical Institute, so I things get more settled. I have had a world am as busy as 1 wish to be. of changes since' I last sa.w you, but one thing 1 am glad cf is, that 1 am married. FHED. R. C'ORBETT. We get along line, and get all the pleasure there is in l.fe down here. I would like to have ain hour or two's ehiat witb you over a cold bottle and a small bird. I could tell you Johnstown, Pa.,Jots. lots of funny things that happened while you we-re in the Philippines, and 1 know you To the.. Editor cf "The Billboard;" would enjoy some cf th«m very much. Dear S;r—Have joined' the' [. A. cf O., and I have got bill plants in six cities think it a very good th1 ng. We have the and if the country ever does come to the front Centennial Celebration centract for bill post- —which; I am sure it must—1 think 1 will ing, of 2,000 o-sheets, six counties-, have valuable property. I expect we will 100 4-sheets of Drawing Room Tea: 20 :!- have a Cntan government here shortly, but sheets, Physical Culture,1, from $am W. Moke; 1 don't believe' it will last long. Uncle Sam 20 ?>-sheets, Dr. Bruess' Liniment, cf Chi- will to come back agaiin eventually. We cago; 1,000 sheets local wcrk; 100 1-sheels, are having considerable yellow fever here this "Mag c Yeast." Put out 42,000 booklets for summer. I lost the foreman of my carpenter the Boston MJed'cal Inst'tute at four county gang about a month ago with the fever. It is fairs; 45,000 booklets for Paul & Gurlitt, cf a lovely disease, and don't give you the hcr- Pittsburg, Pa., advertising Mother's Oats and rors to think about it.