WWSWWS Window Washing Systems Certified ISO 9001 - ia G. Botteri 3/67 16149 Genova (Italy) – tel. 0039 010 7237256 / fax 7237206 - mob 348 2283706 email:
[email protected] Cofri Srl – V 2017 Cofri Srl is a private company established in Genova (Italy) in 1980 and is part of the Navim Group www.navim.com. It is specialised in the design and construction of WINDOW WASHING SYSTEMS for passengers-ships and ferries. The cleaning of windows and glasses of modern passengers-ship and ferries has become extremely important, since today modern ships are designed and built with many more glasses and windows areas than in the past, therefore it is necessary to have safely and easily operating windows washing systems installed on board. Combining the experience, the expertise and the professionalism built throughout the years Cofri guarantees its clients the best products tailored on their requests, assuring assistance through the operational years of the window washing system. Cofri window washing systems are today successfully operating on many modern passengers-ships and ferries. 2 WINDOW WASHING SYSTEMS in detail The windows washing systems can be manually operated or electrically motorized; they are equipped with all the safety mechanical electrical devices, according with classifications societies requests. The selection of certified materials assures trouble-free operations and a minimal Cofri Window Washing Machines use maintenance. technical water, meaning water recycled by other services therefore it is a green-friendly Window washing machines are operated system. either manually or electrically and they can In case the ship cannot provide water at high also be operated radio-command, controlled pressure, portable pumps can be supplied.