Official Gazette

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Official Gazette I REG». OOA - 5 Panaji, 31st October, 1.985 (Kartika9, 1907) SERrES III No. 3l OFFICIAL GAZETTE GOVERNMENT OF GOA J DAMA~ 'AND DIU .... is an offence punishable l.lllder section _:t24-A. _cf the.Indian GOVERNMENT· OF GOA, DAMAN Penal Code, 1860. AND DIU 2•. NOW~ therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred -by sub-section (1) of section 95 of the Code of Crim.iIial Pr0- Home Department cedure, 1973 read with Government of India, _Ministry of Home Affairs notification No. U-11011(2174-UTL(i) dated Genera! Branch/Division the 20th M;arch, 1974, the Administrator. of the Union Terri­ tory o.f Delhi hereby declares every copy of the aforesaid book "Report to the Nation: OPPRESSION IN PUNJAB" Notification and docwnents containing the said matter, reprint, translatio.n or any' extract therefrom forfeited to t.."'1e Government. No. 2(16(81·HD(G) By order and in the name of the Administrator of the The following notification received from Delhi Administra'" Union territory of Delhi. tion, Delhi is hereby republished for general infonnation of the public. • SeII- panaji, 17th October, 1985. - The Under Secretary (Home), (A. s. KHULLAR) K. N. 8. Nal:r. 10-9-1985 Deputy Secretary (Home). "DELHI ADMINISTRATION: DELHI Delhi A~stration, Delhi.'~ (PRESS DEPARTMENT) ... Dated: the 10th September, 1985 Forest and Agriculture Department Notification No. F.12(55(85·P.O.: WHEREAS it appears to the Adminis­ Office of the Collector of Goa trator of the Union Territory of Delhi that the book entitled "Report to the Nation: OPPRESSION IN PUNJAB" brought out by Sarvshri Amiya Rao, Aurbindo Ghose, Sunil Bhatta­ Notification charya, Tejinder Singh -Ahuja and N. D. Pancholl, members No.2-4-85/VPT/ELN of the, so-called investigation team with- a foreword by Shri V. M. Taikunde, published by Citizens for Democracy, 223 . Iri pursuance of the proV'isions of Section 15 -of the Go.a~ Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Marg, New Delhi - 110002 and printed Daman and Diu Village.Panchayats Regulation 1962 (No.9 of 1962) read with sub-rule (2) of Rule 53 of the Goa, Daman by Ashok Printing Press. Delhi-6 contains objectionable matters specially at pages xiv, xv, xvi, xvii, xviii Part.-I­ lUld Diu Village Panchayat (Election Procedure) Rules, 1967, it is hereby not1f1ed for public. infonnation that Shli ?undaJik ~~ •• ~ ••••• ~a~.~~a; Govind Gaonkar of. Mauxi-Satari, Goa has beeu elected to Part-II-67, 71, 73, 75, 77, 87. 88, 89; Part·III-92, 93, 94, fill the unreserved seat in Ward No.. 5 of Mauxi-ViUage W, 96, 97, 105, 107, 1Q8, 114 arid 125 which tends to bring Panchayat :In Satari Taluka. into hatred, contempt or excite disaffection towards the Government established by law in India~ publication of which... Panaji, ?..3l'd October, 1985. - The Collector, So Sinha. Public Viorh and Urban Development Department Public Works Department Works Division II {R & B}. Panaji . Tender Notice No. WDII(R&B)(ASW/6(85-86 The Executive Engineer, Works Division n (R&B), P.W.D., panaji invites on behalf of the President of India, Ite.m Rate Tenders frcm approved and eligible Contractors upto 2.30 p. m. on 15.-11-85 for the following works:- Estimated Sr. No. Name of works cost Time limit Class of Ro. contractors 1. Improvement and providing 20mm premix carpet :01' 14,28,807.70 570 days State Highway No.1 from km. 5.50 to km. 10.00 (Sec­ tion Between Tivim Cansa to. Assnora and 1.00 km in Bichollrn To"WIl). 2. Improvement and BIT. cf Padribhat to Danadi in 8,10,020.96 450 days II & above Agassalm V (P. In a length of 3.10 km. (Retendered). 3. Improvement cf· road leading_ from santana Ta]aulim 3,88,090.76 3S0 days III & above (Ilhas) Old Goa In a length of 2.60 km. 4. Improvement and BIT. of road frcm Batim to. 3,76,118.34 360 days m & above 318 SERIES III No. 31 Tenders will be opened. immediately after 2.30 p. m. on Right to reject any or all the tenders ·without assigning the same day, Conditions and tender forms can be had :..'rom any reason thereof is reserved with the authority competent the Office during Office hours on all working days upto 1.00 p. m. on 13-11-85. to accept the tender. Tenders of the contractors who do not deposit Earnest Money and produce valid Income-tax Clearance Certifi%.te in Panaji, 10th October, 1985. - The Executive Engineer, T. the prescribed form are llable to be rejected. K. MohandaB. Corrigendum Corrigendum Ref: -1. Tender Notice No. WDII(R&B)/ASW/6/85-86· Ref:_ Tender Notice No. WDII(R&B)/ASW/5/85-86 dated 10th October, 85.' Please read the date of opening of tl:1e Tender and the last 2. Corrigendum dated 21st October, -1985, to Tender NotiCe No.· WDII(R&B)/ASW/5/85-86 dated date for receipt of applications for Tender as 15-11-1985 and 21-9-85. ja:11·85 respectively instead of 25-10-1985 and 21-10-1985 of Please add the extra condition for the above works as Tender at serial No.2 for the work of "Improvement of Old follows: - in Gem to Pillar road a length of 2,21Omts. For works iinvolving asphalting, ·tenders will be issued only to those whO posSess asph.alt bollers. All other conditions remain unchanged. All other conditions remain unchanged. Pa.naj~ 21st October, 1985. - The Executive Engineer, T. Panaj~ 23rd October, 1985. The Executive Engineer, T. K. K. Molw,ndaB. MohandaB. Works Divi$ion.IH (PHE). Panaji.Goa Tender Notice No. PWD/WDill/pHE/ADM/26/85-86 The ExecutiVe Engineer, Works Division ill (PHE), FWD, Panaji-Goa, invites on behalf of the President of India, sealed percentage rate/item rate tender from approved Blld eligible contractors of C.P.W.D., and those on appropriate list of Union Tenitories/State P.W.D./MES/RaUways, for the "WOrks mentioned below:- Estimated Earnest Cost ot Sr. No. Name of works cost money Time limit tender Rs. deposit documents Rs. Rs. 1. Rural Water Supply Scheme to village Marcaim (Pa~ 38,117.18 953/- 180 days 30/- rampoiw.ada and KarnaZol 'Wada in Ponda Taluka- (including Construction of Intake well). monsoon period) 2. Construction of drinking water open well at VolVoi tin 79,922.14 1998/- -do- 30/- Ponda Taluk.a. Tenders will be received upto 3.00 p. m. on 19-11-1985 whose· application for tender form received in this office not .and wiU be opened at 3.30 p. m. on the same day.. Earnest later than 16-11-85 and subject to production of valid Money should be deposited in the State Bank of India or IIWome-tax Clearance Certificate with the application for any Scheduled Bank in form of Deposit at Call ReCeipt tender form. in favour of Executive Engineer, Works Division m (PHE), P.W.D·, Panaji~Goa and be enclosed with tenders, Cheques will not be accepted. Right to reject any or all the tenders without assigning. any ·reason thereof is reserVed. Tender form will be issued on all working days upto 4.00 p. m. on :(8-11-85 to the appropriate class Of. contractors Panaji, 10th October, 1985. - The Executive .Engineer,. Sd/~. 'render Notice No. PWD/WDill/PHE/ADM/28/85-86 The Executive I!~ngineer, Works Division ill (PHE), PWD, Panaji--Goa, invites on behalf of the President of India, sea1ed percentage rate/item rate tender from approved and eUgible contractors· of C.P.W.o., & those on· approprtate list of Union Territories/state P.W.D./.MES/Railways, for the works· mentioned below:- Estimated E. M. D. Cost of tender Sr. No. Name·ot works cost Time limit tender R,. Rs. documents 1. Rewinding and testing of Qrompton Greaves make 600 74,900/- 1873/- 60 days (lnclud- 30/- H.P. induction motor of 12 MGD Pumphouse. ipg monsoon period) 2 .. Overhauling of 3.3 K.V. 'Crompton Greaves' make 39,750/- 994/- -do- 30/- induction motor of Goa -Water Works. Tenders will be received upto 3.00 p. rn. on 19--11-1985 and whose application for·tender form received in this office not Win be opened at 3.30 p. rn. on the same day. Earnest Money later than 16~11-1985 and subject to producti~n of valid should be deposited In the State Bank of India or any Scheduled Bank. in form of Deposit at Call Receipt in favour Income-tax Clearance Certificate with the application for of Executive Engineer, Works Division ill (PRE), FWD, tender fonn. Panaji·Goa and be enclosed with tenders. Cheque will not be accepted. Right to reject any or aU the tenders without assigning. any'reason thereof is reserved. Tender form will be issued on all working days upto 4.00 p. m. on 18-11~1985 to the appropriate class of contractors Panaji, 14th October, 1985. - The Executive Engineer, Sd/-. 31ST OCTOBER, 1985 (KARTIKA --------------------------------------------------9, 1907) 319 Works Division V (Bldgs.) Ponaji - Goa Tender Notice No.. PWD/WDV/Bldgs/ ASW /F.2/106/85'86 The Executive Engmeer, Works Division V. (Bldgs)· P.W.D. invites on behalf of -. the President of -India, sealed' percentage/item rate tenders from the approved and eligible contractors of Goa, CPWD, MES, Railways for the -folIo,,,,-' ing upto 3.00 p. m. on 8th November, 1985: Estimated Earnest Cost ot N:lmc of cost money Time for Class 01 Sr. No. ''larks completion tender Rs.
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